#Thadeus becile
amuseoffirebane · 5 months
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in july it'll be 10 years since I stole this joke from Jeff Goldblum. i stole it more faithfully this time
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brooklynisher · 2 months
If you have a friend who's curious about when the violence started in SPG, send this to them! It'll be sure to leave them more confused.
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Audio from Piemations
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saturday-byte · 3 months
Are there any becile fans in the chat rn. I really want to know what is going on with the becile family but I can't really take another niche info search bc the hyperfix isn't as intense as before .. anyone feel like having compassion and giving me a lil summary
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themirrormarches · 3 months
the spirallerrrrr
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+ unfiltered version under the cut
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i only hid this one bc it has eye contact and it is 😭
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ask-the-becile-boys · 8 months
[Video Description: An animatic to the song 'Mean Mean Man' by Blair Crimmins and the Hookers. In it, the fanbot Hare Becile mocks his rival, Rabbit, along with The Spine and Zer0 (Zero) before climbing onto a bridge. There is an imaginary sequence of Hare pickpocketing, then having his money taken by The Skull. Hare then notices a portrait of Thadeus Becile watching him and is disturbed. In the present action, Hare tears down a Steam Powered Giraffe poster, balls it up, and throws it at Rabbit before descending from the bridge. The Jack pops out of a trashcan, accompanied by several tiny copper elephants that begin to dance. Rabbit tries to eat one of them, despite The Spine trying to stop her. Hare dances the Charleston with the copper elephants before kicking them away and climbing a nearby building. He trips and disappears from the roof, then reappears in the doorway with a top hat (on top of his regular hat) and cane. He dances down the stairs, then throws the top hat at the viewer. The scene transitions to Hare lounging, implying the whole thing was a daydream. He grins smugly at the camera. End VD]
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c0tards--s0luti0n · 5 months
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You ever think about peter walter 1 nd thadeus becile . Cuz i totally dont [<- LIE]
brass goggles , steam powered giraffe // outliars and hyppocrates: a fun fact about apples , will wood // mercy down , shayfer james // one step ahead , spies are forever // no children , the mountain goats // https://www.google.com/amp/s/lotusmusings.tumblr.com/post/182579492438/stop-looking-at-me-like-that-with-pity-in-your/amp // for the departed , shayfer james // all the angels , mcr // catharsis , alicebanD // one step ahead , spies are forever // https://www.peachmgzn.com/june-gehringer // outliars and hyppocrates: a fun fact about apples , will wood // catharsis , alicebanD // one step ahead , spies are forever // when rome falls , yves olade
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owlhari · 1 year
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what's this? the book/movie that highly influenced my childhood combined with a silly robot band? it's more likely than you think!
i'm working on developing a coraline au, where six is coraline and thadeus is the beldam. more art and maybe a fic coming soon :0
[image description in alt text]
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thefroggypond · 11 months
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funguslesbian · 2 years
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✨Beciles✨ (derogatory)
My latest bout of brainrot is Becile flavoured apparently,cause I was possessed to just...draw all of them??? This was also kind of a fun exercise where i tried to make them all look related to each other while also giving each of them their own unique features!! Did i succeed??? Who's to say!!
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ghoulishjester · 1 year
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"Frankenstein's Monster"
Song Fic - POINT OF NO RETURN - Lana Lubany Pairing: Platonic! Peony Vectrum (OC) x Thadeus Becile Summary: Peony, Thadeus' close friend, died due to unforeseen circumstances. He couldn't stand that a woman he cared for had been murdered at a young age, and a mother no less, so he uses Peony as the beta experiment to bring back another woman he cared for, Delilah. Genre: Angst Word Count: 3,240 Warnings: Resurrection, talks of death, arguments, descriptions of corpses, sad mother stuff, crying, and iggy being slightly traumatized along with peony, bug mentions
Goosebumps had decorated the middle-aged man's skin like a popcorn ceiling. He was staring at his own creation before him. It looked like an abstract masterpiece with all of the machinery he had crafted with his bare hands. "Finally, it is finally finished..." He sounded exhausted, physically and emotionally within his own vessel. He looked over to the darker part of the room, eyeing the silhouette that lay still on the floor like a mournful statue. It was Peony's cadaver.
She had her hands crossed over her form. The very same form that was dressed in a vibrant yellow dress of her time. A crinolette type of dress that was mixed with a bustle. Her hair was symmetrical, her deep brown hair with the bangs long and twisted and tucked behind the ears, and the rest of her hair is parted and ordained with swirls and braids. Her once lively peach-colored skin had been dulled to that of a dusted bone. Her makeup is now almost gone and stained on her epidermis. A silent sob wanted to rack his body, but he pushed that feeling down. He had to focus, he had to do this! For her, for Delilah. He knew he was being selfish but, wouldn't his friend want to aid him in bringing someone he loved back to life?? Wouldn't Peony understand how dire this situation was??? Isn't that what friends were for?? He walked over to her, thankful that her eyes were closed at this time. He couldn't have bared to do this if she was staring at him with those dark eyes of hers, once they were filled with the joys of life, now possibly filled with maggots, eating their way around her skull. He lifted her up gingerly, wincing at how stiff she was, feeling as if he was carrying clay to an altar as if they were acting in parts. She was Galatea and he was Pygmalian. Except there was no love here, just the sense of greed and remorse hanging in the air and swirling in a sickly tornado of emotions. A metal thud rang in the air, as her body hit the metal table, making him cringe with worry. It didn't sound good, but it had been nothing. He went behind the placeholder and flipped some switches, causing a high-pitched humming to commence. Next was the most dangerous part of the process, dealing with the green matter. This sweet rock candy-like mineral glowed within its container. This would be the key to her revival. He placed on thick leather gloves and grasped the rock, his hands forming a prayer stance as he shut his eyes, quietly slipping silent prayers from his mind to his mouth, praying that this would work. He placed it in a cylinder metal container, the stone thumping gently against the floor of the tube before being closed off from the outside. His feet retraced back to the switches. His finger was idle around the final switch that would start this process. Wincing and his body movements placed him back away from the lever, before finally pulling it down. An orchestra of blaring noises erupted within this space, and the giant metal chandelier from above the table struck down lightning against the young woman's carcass. The bolts of electricity danced along the nerves that laid dormant in her body. Something was happening. Her once stiff hands soon became soft and even slid down to her sides. Her plain brows now adorning a worried expression. "I-It's working!" He exclaimed, watching as her body was seeming to fill with some sort of life! His hope-filled orbs were soon replaced with a look of confusion and fear. The more the lightning bore down on her, the more she changed. Her skin slowly turning into a shamrock green, a dark ink like substance oozed out from under her eyelids, and creaky groans left her mouth. No no no! This is not how it was supposed to go! Thadeus tried pulling up the lever again, but it wouldn't budge! He tried and tried again but halted, even jumped slightly when screams erupted from the area where she lay. He glanced back over and his brows stitched together as he saw her eyes fly open. The sclera of her eyes now bore an onyx color, and the iris of her eye
was now a bright neon green that seemed to glow from how vibrant they were against the darker color palette she now bore.
With one final push, he was able to finally throw up the lever, stopping this entire process. The only audible noises that were now heard were the power off of the machine, slight sizzling from possible fried hair, and the moans she let out. Her moans were filled to the brim with exhaustion, and topped with pain.
Soon, this failure of a phoenix tried sitting up, failing, and opting to just lay there. "Where..." She tried to ask something but trailed off as her eyes struggled to adjust to the room. Thadeus walked over to her, grasping her hand in his, his thumb gently grazing over the unnatural color of her knuckles. "You're in my lab, Peony, you're safe-"
"Thadeus...? Mm, I thought you were in Africa...?" He paused, the cogs in his brain spinning around this question. Was that the last memory she had? Was the last memory not her being murdered by a mystery man? He brushed aside his inner thoughts and focused on her.
"No, I-I came back- How do you feel??" He couldn't string his words together correctly, just stumbling over his own speech due to the abundance of tangled-up nerves that now took vacancy within himself. "I'm hurtin'....my body hurts....why am I here...?" Her southern drawl came to light as she got more conscious on the hardened state of her hopefully not-permanent bed.
"You-" He pursed his lips together, trying to think of an excuse to say to his friend. "You had an accident...I came over right away-" He wrapped her arm around his shoulder, earning himself a whine from the funeral participant. "Let's get you to bed, huh? How does that sound?" He walked with her out of the room, flicking off the light with his slightly free hand. She gave a lazy nod, her head lolling to the side like a broken bobblehead. "Sleep sounds nice....I wanna shower...." She added, Thadeus gave her another nod. "Yes, I will draw you a bath- later though... you need to sleep right now, ok? You've dealt with so much while I've been gone..." He cooed, gaining another nod from her. "M'okay..." Once they arrived at the guest room, he gently placed her down, her muscles relaxing as she practically melted within the nest of blankets and cushions. "Anything else?" He asked, rubbing her arm. "No...tea... can I have some sweet tea...I want something... warm..." With the last words of her sentence, she struggled, but successfully wrapped herself up within the puffy ivory coverings. "'nd pajamas..." "Pajamas? Alright, you would have to wear mine, they might be quite bigger than you but, they have adjustable string- Well the pants do but-" She shushed him and nodded. "S'fine...I don't want to be in this dress..." He gave a curt nod and quickly exited the room. He would be making the tea himself and gathering the new set of clothing himself since he decided at that moment he knew what was best for her. He soon found himself in his kitchen, placing the kettle on the stove. He grabbed his mix of Assam tea. While making himself preoccupied with preparing her beverage, he found himself muttering to himself. "What if she rots the next day...no no, that's not how it works...but- she's green- I need to make changes...I need to-" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!"
He dropped her flower-decorated fine china, the glass splayed out across the floor in a chaotic pattern of hazards. What he had just heard vibrating against his eardrums was Peony's screech. "PEONY?!" He shouted out, immediately rushing his body towards the stairs, practically launching himself upwards towards her resting area. Once he passed the threshold, he noticed she was no longer resting on the guest bed. Light, now shining out of the lavatory within the room, caught his attention. He walked in and saw the objects scattered and thrown around the place in a fit of panic from her. She was staring at herself in the mirror, looking as if she is face to face with a resident of the underworld. She might as well have been with the way her appearance radically changed. There's something in my mirror ~ And it lacks a soul ~
She kept touching her face, as if she was made from clay and that she can alter herself, her skin felt as stiff as clay anyhow, and yet, soft and cold like water washed over her. "What...what happened to me..." She paid no mind to the British man behind her. It whispers in my ear ~ "You're all alone" ~ "Peony- you're alright, okay?" He took some hesitant steps towards her, his hands reaching out. "Everything will be okay-" He flinched when she whipped around to stare at him, her undead eyes boring into him, making a shiver worm up his spine with her uncanny valley outward form. Ana maek, ana maek (I'm with you, I'm with you) ~ "Why aren't you freaking out about this?!" She shouted at him, her brows forming together to make an angry scowl. Stammering was the only way he could respond to her frustrated question. She began to sob, the black substance roaming down her cheeks and droplets fell from her chin and onto the surfaces of the sink. There's someone in my mirror, and they're not at home ~ "Well- I- the experiment does have some side effects I suppose that I didn't expect to come up-" "Experiment?" She interrupted him, her voice was as cold as ice, yet as monotone as a machine. Her eyes continued to stare into the mirror but were now locked onto him, like an eagle. Raising the stakes To fill a void ~ "Yes- well um- you see-" "Spit. It. Out." He slightly winced at the cold tone she continued to use. "You passed away while Peter and I had our ... 'disagreements'." Her once angry guise melted into that one of horror and confusion, her eyes landing down at her hands. Outstretched and in front of her, flexing her fingers before they began to tremble. Ran out of space And out of choice ~ "I'm ... dead ...?" She asked, her palms now placed down on the cool sink island. Her face pointed down, so he couldn't read her expression. "You were dead! I-I revived you! I brought you back-" "You desecrated my corpse by turning me into a monster!" She turned around and threw the bar of soap at him, it hitting his chest and forcing a grunt to come out. Now my memory’s gone So I traveled far to the point of no return ~ "I-I had to Peony- I just had to-" She walked up to him, her pointer finger repeatedly jabbing into his pudgy chest with each word she vocalized. "You had to?? You HAD to?? What made you huh?? Don't you know what REST in PEACE means?!" She yelled in his face, her inkblot tears now flying onto his clothing. I tried, I tried but nothing's caught on I believed the faces by me ~ "I- I-" She got angrier by the second. "You- You- You what huh?? Spi it out! Why did you have to bring me back?! I-" "I had to bring you back for Delilah!" He finally redirected the shouting at her, soon regretting it as he saw her evident shock. "Delilah...? I... You used me as a guinea pig...?" Her bottom lip trembled. 'Til I saw them bathing in blood In the point of no return ~ He held her close, while her body shook around with tears against him. "No- no- I ... Peony I cared about you so much I had to bring you back ... " He mumbled into her hair, swaying side to side with her. "If you cared about me ... you would have let me rest ..." She mumbled into him, her hands gripping at his vest. Aswat hilwe bidanek (Pretty voices in your ear) Min awal yom (From day 1) ~ "I... I don't know what to tell you Peony ... I really don't-" "I cannot show my face to anyone, I am a monster, I-" This time, she let out a hard cry, her grip getting tighter. "I cannot show my face to my son- my Lulu... you should have let me rest, so he can keep the image of his mother as pretty as a flower... instead of as rotten as some dangum weed!" She gently began to hit him now, but he didn't budge. Baatiki illi biddek (I'll give you what you want) Bs arbi hon (Just come close) ~
"Callum and his father moved away after your funeral- I... " He refused to call him her husband, not after the way he treated her. He sucked in a breath before continuing his thought. "He said he didn't want Callum to grow up around death-" With this news, she cried harder than earlier, slipping out of her grasp and onto the tiles below, sniffling hard. Thadeus knelt and continued to hold her sorrowful form.
I don't want it, I don't want it ~
"I've lost everything..." She mumbled, her sentence laced with years worth of aches. He let out another trembling sigh, rubbing her back in a circular motion. "Well, Peony-" "Daddy?" The man froze, that was not her voice. That young voice came from behind him. He slowly turned his head and locked eyes with his only child, Ignatius.
Min alb il mayye shuftek (I saw you through the water) And now I'm yours ~
"Ignatius- w-what are you doing up, son?" The young child just rubbed at his eyeball, his other hand grasping his elephant plush. "I heard noises, and Auntie Peony ... did she come back from heaven ...?" He yawned after speaking his turn, Thadeus frowned. "She did but- shes tired- and so are you- why don't you sleep?" Ignatius shook his head quickly. "No, I wanna see Auntie... "
Raising the stakes To fill a void ~
"Auntie isn't in the mood-" Before he could finish his sentence, Iggy ran around him to look at Peony, but her face was hidden, veiled away in shame of her appearance. "Auntie! It's me! It's Iggy! Why won't you look at me?" Thadeus huffed in his child's way. "Ignatius, listen to me-" Peony peeped an eye at him, she did want to see her nephew, she really did. They were in no way related by blood, but her and Thadeus were so close as friends that Ignatius saw her as if she was blood.
Ran out of space And out of choice ~
Ignatius dropped his beloved stuffed animal, it hitting the ground as he let out a yelp and ran out of the room. This hurt Peony badly. Tears kept pouring and pouring out like a broken dam. "I told you I am a monster!" Thadeus looked between the two rapidly before letting her go gingerly to go after his son. "Ignatius! Ignatius come back!" He went to his room and found his son hiding under his blanket, the child was clearly scared.
Now my memory’s gone So I traveled far to the point of no return ~
"That wasn't Auntie...." "Ignatius, it was Peony- she's just... sick.... in a way you will not be able to understand until you are older, okay?" He tried to plead with his child, but he wouldn't budge. He rubbed his face and sat on the bed, Iggy peeking his head out a little to look at his father. "Listen, remember how those medical books I used to have said people can look different when they're sick, like pale, or even spotted?" Ignatius nodded his head at the question. "Well, Peony is severely sick and, she is here to stay with us."
I tried, I tried but nothing's caught on I believed the faces by me ~
"She's going to live with us? But-" "She can't go back to Callum, I know she is his mother but, she is afraid of scaring him, but she knows that you're a big brave boy, and you can act fine around her. She loves you, Ignatius." Iggy took time to process this answer his parent has given him. "Do you think you can be brave? Your Auntie needs comfort and, I think you can comfort her." Ignatius gave a slow nod this time, worried.
'Til I saw them bathing in blood In the point of no return ~
Thadeus called her in, and she came quickly but was hesitant to enter. In her grasp was the stuffed animal that he dropped in the guest room bathroom. Ignatius slowly came out, but even at his young age, noticed she was more scared than he was. "T-Thank you for bringing Stumpy... " He shyly said to her, earning a sob mixed with a chuckle in a quiet tone. "Daddy told me you were sick and... I wanna help!" He walked over to her and hugged her legs, making her balance wobble a bit. "It seems you're already helping me feel better, doctor Ignatius." She joked and kneeled down, hugging him and wiping away her 'tears', not wanting to stain his light forest green pajamas. He parted from the hug and flexed his nonexistent muscles. "I'm strong! So is my healing!" Peony felt herself smile for the first time tonight before just laughing. "Yes, you are." It was an hour later, and Ignatius is now asleep in his bed after being read another story to wind down his energy, the toy in his grasp. Peony was in the resting room, the fireplace in front of her and Thadeus. They both sipped from tea, but Peony did not so much. "So, what now?" She asked him, and in return, he placed down the cup of tea he prepared earlier. "Well, I am hoping you will stay here, with us, so I can monitor you and... make sure you-" "I'm glad that you are not going to compost me." She tried to joke but it caused a sour look on his face. "I would never. I brought you back because I genuinely care about you... also even if I did compost you, Ignatius would be mad at me." "Yes, he would. I'm glad to be saying, I'll miss my Lulu but... your boy needs a mother figure." Thadeus nodded, staring up above the mantle at his late wife in the portrait of his entire family together. Ignatius was standing, and so was he. His wife was sitting down in a chair. His hands were on both of them and a stoic look on his face along with his wife, that contrasted with the goofy smile his son had plastered on. "He does indeed." He took one final sip before continuing a mindless conversation with his freshly resuscitated friend.
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a/n YEAHHHH ANGST, Peony Vectrum is an oc of mine that i've had for a while who is a master of yellow matter before her untimely death. I wrote so much for her, and ever since this song came out, I just had to write for her!
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amuseoffirebane · 10 months
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Hand me my shovel, I'm going in!
(with thanks to @funguslesbian for the inspiration!)
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brooklynisher · 5 months
Here's some SPG cosplays I found on TikTok bc I really like them
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This whole video
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my-sleepy-head · 2 years
I’m excited for the next comic update let me tell ya! (A specially after watching Isabella doing some of the progress for the weekend war portion of it! I’m putting my main thoughts about the stream under the cut because I know there’s people who didn’t have a chance to watch it.)
I absolutely LOVE the new colour for Delilah! Purple suits her very well and she looks adorable in that frame
(Screenshot my sister took on my phone at the end of stream)
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Peter has similar proportions to The Spine in her style and that’s kinda cute too.
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themirrormarches · 4 months
those weird scientists as TMA avatars
(delilah is The Buried, peter 1 is The Desolation, and thadeus is The Spiral)
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ask-the-becile-boys · 10 months
Story. Fury
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With special thanks to our guest artist, @phopollo !
[ID: Ten digitally drawn panels, inked and greyscaled with orange and green.]
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[Panel 1: Center of the panel is The Skull, walking forward with furious determination. In his right hand is a smoking revolver. Behind him, Scratch is exiting the storm doors of the burning Becile Manor. The Manor casts an orange light on everyone's side, while the rest of the color is greyscale. No text.]
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[Panel 2: The Jack looks back over his shoulder in surprise. In front of him, Locksmith hunches over, holding his left eye, his cane discarded on the ground at his feet. No text.]
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[Panel 3: Locksmith looks up. The lens over his left eye has been shattered, leaving only a little glass over darkness and a bright green pinpoint pupil. He grits his teeth. No text.]
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[Panel 4: Split panel. Top left: Locksmith grabs The Jack by the front of his vest, SFX: pull. Bottom right: Locksmith throws The Jack bodily out of the way, SFX: toss. The Jack lands a distance away, toward the tree line.]
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[Panel 5: The Skull approaches Locksmith, flipping the revolver around in his hand so the he's holding it backwards. Locksmith turns to face him, green smoke beginning to seap from his face and neck. No text.]
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[Panel 6: The Skull, expression hateful, movement lines trailing his white pupils, raises his revolver, moving to smash the butt of it into Locksmith's head. Locksmith lowers his head, venting more gas. No text.]
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[Panel 7: Locksmith's jaw almost unhinges as he spits a huge cloud of green smoke directly at The Skull, who flinches back. No text.]
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[Panel 8: The Skull is enveloped by the cloud, losing all greyscale coloring, replaced by a faint green tinge. He tries to wave the cloud away to no avail. No text]
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[Panel 9: The Skull stops, brows raising in shock as a familiar voice calls "The Skull (ellipses)"]
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[Panel 10: A larger-than-life figure of Thadeus "Pops" Becile appears before The Skull, towering over him. Thadeus has bright green Rock Candy crystals growing all over his body, particularly over the left side of his face, back of his head, and over his heart. There is a dark sludge dribbling out of his ears, staining his collar. He scowls down at The Skull and says, "Still a disappointment." End ID]
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