#Thai History Tour
Home Is Where I Want to Be (But I Guess I'm Already There)
The thing is, Buck didn't mean to move in with Tommy.
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The thing is, Buck didn't mean to move in with Tommy.
Those first few giddy weeks and months (like bubbly champagne buzzing through his veins every time he saw Tommy’s smile, kissed Tommy’s full lips, found himself tangled in Tommy’s bed sheets) of staying over in his boyfriend's cozy, Venice bungalow have him living almost exclusively out of his trusty duffle bag. Which isn't a big deal. He's used to lugging that ratty thing back and forth from the firehouse to his apartment. 
Can it be annoying sometimes? Sure. His clothes are constantly wrinkled (which majorly sucks when he's trying to dress to impress on date nights) and he's always forgetting or running out of one toiletry or another. If it’s not his deodorant then it’s his mouthwash. If it’s not his aftershave then it’s his moisturizer. Minor inconveniences, really, but worth it every time to wake up in Tommy's king-sized bed with Tommy's strong arms wrapped around him and Tommy's hot breath on the back of his neck.  
It doesn't take long for that to change. Like a seed beginning to take root, Tommy, as he’s done since the very beginning, makes room for Buck in his life. Just as he opened his helicopter to Buck and his friends and flew them headfirst into a raging hurricane on nothing more than an outlandish hunch. The same way he took time out of his busy schedule to grant Buck a private tour of Harbor Station and answered all his jumbled questions as Buck nipped at his heels like an overeager golden retriever, tail wagging a mile a minute, wanting nothing more than to be closerclosercloser to the cool guy with a megawatt grin, who called him ‘Evan’ and had his heart skipping a beat even if he couldn’t identify the why of it all at the time.  
So it’s not a surprise at all when he carves out precious space in his closet and lets Buck's colorful and patterned button-ups and polos blend in with Tommy's neutral henleys and shackets. They’re two big guys with a penchant for working out, so their wide array of tank tops, sweatpants, and basketball shorts become indistinguishable from each other. Their LAFD-issued shirts are so interwoven that they've given up trying to tell them apart and frequently go to work wearing the other's name branded on their backs, much to their coworkers’ loud and endless amusement. 
Buck’s grapefruit shampoo and citrus body wash relocate to the shower niche alongside Tommy's own sandalwood and frankincense-scented products. On the vanity, Buck's red toothbrush is a companion to Tommy's green one. 
All these minute modifications to Tommy’s home are simple and understandable ripple effects of Buck regularly spending a few nights a week there. 
The offshoots of that single seed deepen into winding vines without Buck even noticing. 
First, it's Buck's lucky set of boxing gloves hanging innocently alongside Tommy's Muay Thai gear in the garage. After a frustrating and tedious shift, he enjoys nothing more than a few vigorous rounds with Tommy’s punching bag. Then, Buck's large and varied assortment of books (ranging from biographies on famous figures such as Marie Curie to The Book of 10,000 Incredible Facts to the new YA fantasy series that is all the rage among Christopher and his friends) slowly but steadily find a home among Tommy's WWI & II aviation history collection on the shelves of the reclaimed redwood bookcase Tommy crafted by hand. 
His favorite cast iron skillet and Instant Pot take up permanent residence in Tommy's kitchen, alongside his garlic press and waffle maker. His 'Buck Off' coffee mug (a gag gift from the 118) is always ready to go for lavender and daffodil-colored mornings spent on Tommy's front porch overlooking the canal as kayaks and paddle boards drift by in the early morning light. The sinfully soft, ocean blue afghan Carla knitted for him during the pandemic is draped over the back of Tommy's unfairly comfortable sectional. Christopher’s US History textbook is lying open on the coffee table, left behind after a pizza and study session. The newest season of The Bachelor (the combined forces of Maddie, Chimney, and Josh got him hooked. What can he say? He loves love.) is TiVoed on Tommy's flatscreen TV. His Jeep has its own designated spot next to Tommy's ’71 Bronco. 
The roots of their budding relationship grow deeper and extend farther than the eye can see. 
Buck's most cherished brand of coffee is readily available in the kitchen cabinets. His all-time favorite blend just so happens to be named The Beast. A fun fact that never fails to stop him from leering at Tommy and waggling his eyebrows every time he brews a cup. His favorite cereal is stocked in the cupboards and his favorite yogurt is in the fridge. The same fridge that is currently plastered with Jee-Yun's vibrant crayon drawings alongside pictures of Tommy’s nieces and nephews in Chicago. A true collage of sparkly princesses and menacing dragons beside Polaroids of beaming faces on the sandy shore of Lake Michigan and sitting in the stands of Wrigley Field with messy hotdogs and giant foam fingers. 
Even food Tommy turns his perfect, aquiline nose up to but Buck loves (like quinoa and chirimoya) are now staples in his pantry. His most treasured cookbook, battered with stained, dog-eared pages with the margins filled in with his own corrections in his scratchy scrawl, holds a place of honor on Tommy's countertop on a wooden stand Tommy scrounged up at the local flea market. 
He has to rack his brain to remember the last time he spent a night at the loft. The last time he had been there, to pick up some clothes from his rapidly depleting wardrobe, it had looked even emptier and barer than usual with hardly any food in the fridge, the bed sheets stale and unloved, and a thin layer of dust on his kitchen island. The industrial, modern space had felt cold and clinical and nothing like a living, breathing home. 
It lacked the wooden floors Tommy had spent weeks refinishing as he lovingly sought out the perfect stain. It lacked the extra-long, extra-wide hammock hanging off Tommy’s back patio where Buck delighted in taking the occasional catnap on sunny afternoons. The loft hadn't inspired even a fraction of the warmth that Tommy's home did every time he walked through the door with the key Tommy had given him three months in, dangling from a helicopter keychain that made him grin like a dope whenever he pulled it free from his pocket. 
Buck doesn't realize any of these very important and essential truths until one morning when he nearly trips over his running shoe that was lying discarded by the front door. At the sound of his clumsy stumble, Baron, Tommy's five-year-old Shepkita ("That's not a word, Evan. He's an Akita Shepherd.”), raises his head from where he's lounging on his overstuffed dog bed, exhausted from their early morning run at the beach. 
At the sight of Buck being Buck, Baron lets out a jaw-cracking yawn and puts his head back down to resume his beauty sleep. Kicking the offending sneaker out of the way, Buck stops dead center in the living room, hands on his hips and wearing Tommy’s faded USC sweater that’s been worn soft from years of washings and smells tantalizingly of Tommy’s laundry detergent, and can't help but survey the terrain and take stock of how much of himself is residing in Tommy's space. He's visible in every nook and cranny. 
He has completely, and totally, infiltrated Tommy's home. 
The thought instantly fills him with indescribable joy that blossoms like radiant sunflowers inside his chest. For all of ten seconds. He then remembers the last time he unknowingly moved in with someone and the heartbreaking consequences of it.
She had been so terribly sad and broken in the wake of her mother's death. It had been as easy as breathing for Buck to step up, to prove himself, to try and do everything in his power to fix her with his love and devotion. So he stayed with her day and night, and his things had steadily trickled into her apartment. It had been easier back then to do, he had had so little to his name other than the Jeep and his clothes. And he can't lie, it was a relief to get out of that glorified frat house filled with Connor and the others. 
It had seemed natural to move in with Abby (even if she had been unaware of it). He thought they were building something special together, something made to last. He hadn't known at the time that while he saw a new beginning, she saw entrapment. For her, she would be trading one role of caretaker for another. Going from a sick mother to a young punk (at 26, he had still been a kid) who was stumbling like a newborn giraffe through his first serious relationship. Had she stayed, there would have been so much handholding on her part as he continued to figure out all the volatile nuances of life and commitment. And that hadn't been fair of him to ask that of her when she was so vulnerable, he understands that now with valuable time and distance. She had been so lost that the only thing she could do to find herself again was travel halfway across the world and leave him behind in the process. 
He had lived (however briefly) with Abby. He was living with Tommy, even if he hadn't clocked it until just now. 
And he wants it, he realizes with a jolt not unlike the bolt of lightning that had struck him. He wants to live with Tommy. He wants to wake up with him every morning and come home to him every night (demanding schedules permitting, of course). He wants their high-energy workout sessions that always turn into a different kind of workout and their sunset strolls through the canals with an enthusiastic Baron (complete with goofy selfies in front of David Hasselhoff’s house from Baywatch). He wants their weekends at the Venice Farmers' Market. He wants their monthly meetings of the LGBTIQA+ book club that Hen and Karen started and that Tommy and Buck have hosted twice now inside this very house. 
He wants Tommy. Plain and simple. He always wants Tommy. Tommy, who has the world’s worst fake mouth static, but jokingly brags all the same about winning a medal for it. Tommy, who acts big and tough on the job and up in the air, but he never fails to shed a tear whenever they watch the climax of a romantic comedy. Tommy, who always has a heating pad and massage waiting on standby for rainy days when the pain in Buck’s bum leg flares up like relentless flames. 
Tommy, who has no idea that they're living together. 
An icy sliver of fear sluices down his back at the terrifying thought that once Tommy learns they're essentially playing house with each other he might turn tail and run away, just like Abby did. Or, perhaps, even worse, he won't run, but he won't want Buck here anymore either. He can already see it in crystal clear HD: Tommy's handsome face shuttering to stone as it does when he's uncomfortable but doesn’t want to show it. His blue eyes darting away and his lips thinning into a brittle line as he tells Buck that this is all moving far too fast, that maybe they should take a step back and put some space between them, and then Buck will be banished back to his sad, pathetic loft that doesn't have Tommy waiting for him in it. 
He cuts the catastrophizing off at the knees before it can spiral into something far more treacherous. Tommy, for all his flaws — he drinks orange juice straight from the carton like a Neanderthal and he doggedly believes that his directions are better than the GPS ("I spend most of my time in the air, Evan. I know all the shortcuts throughout Los Angeles County.") — isn't the kind of man who runs away from a fight when the going gets tough. He's the kind of man who digs his heels in and comes out swinging the next round. And he's been nothing but kind to Buck the entire time they've known each other. He enforces tough love when he deems fit, but it always comes from a place of kindness and gentleness. 
They love each other. And they live together. It's time Tommy knows it. 
So, screwing his courage to the sticking place (Jee-Yun loves Beauty and the Beast), Buck shuffles his way into the kitchen where his boyfriend is manning the stove and making their breakfast. In the oven, a frittata bakes away in Buck’s cast iron skillet and on the stovetop, turkey bacon sizzles as it fries. Tommy, hair curly and wet from his earlier shower, flips crispy pieces while humming along to The National playing softly in the background on the radio. 
God, Buck adores this man with everything in him. 
Tommy catches him out of the corner of his eye hovering there like a massive dweeb and flashes a dazzling smile his way. 
“Hey, babe. What was that noise I heard?” 
He can feel an embarrassed blush rapidly bloom across his cheeks until his face is as pink and splotchy as his birthmark. “Oh. That was just me. I, uh, tripped over my running shoe,” he lamely explains. 
“They can be quite the menace,” Tommy says with his usual brand of wry humor. He chuckles quietly to himself as he turns his attention back to the mouthwatering bacon. For a tempting moment, Buck just wants to forget the stunning revelation he’s had and instead stay in this blissful, domestic bubble that seems to exist whenever the two of them are alone together. It doesn’t matter where they are or what they’re doing, there’s just an undeniable ease to the two of them existing in the same space, breathing the same air, hearts beating in tandem. 
But, alas, he’s a man on a mission. 
Reaching up and rubbing awkwardly at the back of his neck, Buck thinks through his options. He’s come to learn, through many a messy trial and error, that honestly truly is the best policy. The last time he had so thoroughly ignored the elephant in the room was when he had asked Taylor to move in with him for all the wrong reasons. 
That had been a train wreck of epic proportions, even for him. He had well and truly bucked that situation up beyond repair. 
But that was then and this was now. And the only things Tommy and Taylor had in common were their initials and their partiality to cruising around LA in helicopters. His feelings for them were night and day as well. He had loved Taylor, but by the exhausting end of their relationship, he hadn’t genuinely liked her anymore as a person. They were too different, their morals too misaligned to exist harmoniously together. It isn’t like that with Tommy. He both loves and likes practically everything about his fellow firefighter, even the traits and bad habits that annoy the ever-living shit out of him. 
“So, hey, I, uh, kinda just realized something…pretty important.” 
Smooth start. And to think, before he met Tommy he had honestly had game. But something about the self-assured pilot, from the moment they met on the tarmac at Harbor and he introduced himself as Evan instead of his standard Buck, had him tripping over his tongue in both the best and worst ways. His foot-in-mouth syndrome had ruined their first date and nearly all chances he had had with Tommy, but it was that same unfiltered nature of his that had Tommy granting him another shot and scoring him as his plus one to Maddie and Chimney’s wedding that never was. 
Which reminds him: he owes Tommy a dance. He files that tidbit into his mental to-do list for another day. 
Tommy looks at him with a quizzical raise of his brow as he lazily twirls the spatula in his hand. “What? Found some more facts about that jellyfish? What’s it called? The spotted—“
“Chriodectes maculatus,” Buck corrects automatically. “Or more commonly known as the spotted box jellyfish. Only the rarest jellyfish in the world, I might add.” 
The corner of Tommy’s lush lips curl up into a fond half-smile. “Yeah, that’s the one. I thought you exhausted all knowledge on it last night when we watched that documentary.” 
“In the words of Chinese philosopher Zhuang Zhou, ‘Life is finite, while knowledge is infinite.’ So, no, I’ll never know enough about jellyfish, rare or otherwise, to exhaust myself, Thomas.” 
Tommy mouths ‘Thomas’ to himself and looks to be gearing up a quippy retort of his own when Buck realizes with tightening dread that he’s on the road to derailing this potentially monumental conversation with talk of jellyfish, of all things. Honestly, he can’t even believe himself half the time. 
Time to pivot. 
“Forget about the jellyfish. They’re not important right now.” 
Swiveling his broad-shouldered body, Tommy gives him his full attention as his eagle-eyed gaze slowly sweeps over the entirety of Buck’s 6’2” frame. Buck, for his part, staunchly fights the urge to fidget as he knows it would give him away in an instant. There’s something almost surgical in the way that Tommy, without ever saying a word, can expertly peel back all the layers of bone and marrow of Buck’s psyche down to his bleeding center where his festering insecurities and crippling self-doubt reside. 
If it were anyone else it’d feel violently invasive. But Tommy has only ever treated these undesirable parts of him with the tenderest of care, delicately stitching up invisible wounds Buck hadn’t even known existed until the moment Tommy kissed him in his kitchen and completely shook the bedrock of all his pre-conceived notions about himself. 
“Sounds serious,” he says after a moment of contemplative silence. The only sound in the kitchen is the hiss of the bacon roasting away on the stove. Through the window over the sink, a beam of sunlight shines in and bathes Tommy in its golden rays. 
Buck heavily exhales a breath out between his teeth. “It is. Or, it could be. Maybe. It really depends on how you look at it, I guess.” 
“Look at what?” Tommy asks, even-keeled as ever. It’d be infuriating if it wasn’t such a damn turn-on. 
It’s now or never. 
“Look at the fact that… We kinda, almost…sorta, seem to be living with each other?” 
Tommy freezes to the spot, his eyes going wide as he blinks, coming off as a perturbed owl for a moment before he schools his features back into his usual calm facade. He looks back down at the bacon and quickly flips some pieces before they can turn into a charred mess of meat. 
Composure regained, he asks, “Was that a question or a statement?” 
He’s always lightning-quick to toss the proverbial ball back into Buck’s court. Always willing to let him take the lead in their relationship and set the parameters and boundaries. Without fail, where Buck goes Tommy follows. It had been a sweet relief in the early days of their relationship when Buck was stumbling around blind, but nine months in and Buck needs Tommy on equal footing with him. It’s the only way forward. 
“It’s, uh, a statement.” Damn. That didn’t sound convincing at all. Closing his eyes and centering himself the way Dr. Copeland taught him, he slowly takes a deep breath, and then another, and then one more for good measure, opens his eyes, and looks Tommy square in the eye. “It’s a statement. We’re, for all intents and purposes, living together. And I want, no, I need to know what you think about…that.” 
Tommy’s gaze slides away and catches sight of Buck’s mug already topped off with his second cup of coffee for the day as swirling mist rises off of it. He sees Buck’s LAFD hoodie hanging off the back of one of the stools situated at the island. He spots Jee-Yun’s drawings on the fridge, giving the stainless steel appliance so much color and joy. He spies the Fokker Dr. I triplane chew toy Buck specialty ordered for Baron lying on the floor near the dining table. 
Tommy’s home hasn’t just been Tommy’s home in quite some time. 
He spots every single change that Buck has brought into his house with his very presence, and he gathers them to him like they’re the most precious of jewels. He turns to Buck and smiles at him. 
It nearly stops Buck’s heart for a moment. 
He loves all of Tommy’s smiles. He loves his smirk when he’s said something particularly snarky or deadpan. He loves the closed-mouth grin he does when Buck is batting his eyes and pouting and Tommy is steadfastly pretending he isn’t endeared by the silliness. He loves the smug curve of his lips when Tommy moves just right inside of him, hitting that elusive, perfect spot that has him seeing stars and clutching Tommy tighter to him until he can’t tell one limb from another. 
But this, this is his favorite Tommy smile by a far-flung mile. 
It is simply radiant. His smile is wide and open, with his straight, white teeth brilliantly on display. It stretches broadly across his rugged face, exposing his deep-set dimples on either side of his ample mouth. His nose adorably scrunches and his eyes are squinty with unbridled happiness. At the corners of his eyes, his crow’s feet spread like tiny estuaries spooling into the grooves of his tan skin. 
He looks boyish and carefree. And so very in love. 
All because of Buck. He was the cause of such boundless euphoria. No one has ever loved him the way Tommy unashamedly does. 
“What I think is,” Tommy says clearly and concisely, “I think we should make it official. What do you say, Evan? Will you move in with me?” 
Buck feels like he was socked in the gut, but only in the very best of ways. His breath is stolen from his body and he doesn’t even know if his feet are still on the ground or if he’s simply floated away with how incandescently lighthearted he feels at this very moment. 
“Y-You really mean that? You want to live together?” 
It never hurts to double-check. He does that every time with his faithful clipboard. It is truly the only way to be efficient. 
Tommy’s smile only widens further. “Evan. You’re my favorite person in the world. Of course, I want to live with you.” 
The sunflowers inside Buck’s chest come to full bloom. 
He and Tommy live together.
155 notes · View notes
thatmexisaurusrex · 3 months
Summer BuckTommy. Going to the beach together. Maybe making the most structurally sound sandcastle as Buck infodumps about architecture. Hanging out on the peer. Buck teaching Tommy how to surf. Maybe going to Joshua Tree to camp. Hiking. Looking up at the stars. Buck talking about camping at parks in between jobs on his cross country road trip to find himself. Buck teaching Tommy the constellations. Maybe Tommy talking about looking up at the night sky while he was on tour. Tommy talking about his own made up constellations. Muay Thai lessons with the garage door open. Book club with only the two of them and the books are all about the history of cars and how to assemble and disassemble them. Flirting at harbor station before flying lessons. Lasagna nights. Helping Bobby during a barbecue at Bobby and Athena’s rebuilt home. Buck and Tommy playfully arguing about grilling methods before Bobby steps in and they watch and take notes on Bobby’s technique. Going to Disneyland with Eddie and Christopher. Arguing about the better Star Wars films. Taking Jee-Yun to the local YMCA for Chimney and Maddie to bring her to swimming lessons. Hanging out with Chimney and Maddie in their backyard, making s’mores with Jee and Chris and Eddie and Denny and Mara and Karen and Hen too. Double dates with Hen and Karen. Karaoke with Chimney and Maddie. Summer-Themed Trivia nights together. Kissing under the soft light a summer sunset. Summer BuckTommy.
131 notes · View notes
waitmyturtles · 1 year
Turtles Catches Up With Old GMMTV: 2gether and Still 2gether Edition
[What’s going on here? After joining Tumblr and discovering Thai BLs through KinnPorsche in 2022, I began watching GMMTV’s new offerings -- and realized that I had a lot of history to catch up on, to appreciate the more recent works that I was delving into. From tropes to BL frameworks, what we’re watching now hails from somewhere, and I’m learning about Thai BL's history through what I’m calling the Old GMMTV Challenge (OGMMTVC). Starting with recommendations from @absolutebl on their post regarding how GMMTV is correcting for its mistakes with its shows today, I’ve made an expansive list to get me through a condensed history of essential/classic/significant Thai BLs produced by GMMTV and many other BL studios. My watchlist, pasted below, lists what I’ve watched and what’s upcoming, along with the reviews I’ve written so far. Today, I tackle the impact of GMMTV’s biggest BL, 2gether, and its companion follow-up, Still 2gether.]
Alright! We have reached a major milestone in the Old GMMTV Challenge. This entire project started off on the backs of two now-seminal posts (for me! and I hope for you, too!). The first one was a dialogue I had with the ever-lovely @miscellar regarding how Bad Buddy had addressed BL tropes and turned those tropes around for a singular drama experience. At the time of my asking @miscellar about this, I hadn’t organized myself to do a chronological exploration of Thai BLs as a genre -- I was picking and choosing what to watch, and I knew that what I had watched in Bad Buddy was formative. I wanted to learn more.
@absolutebl had caught the scent of this discussion, as others were sending them asks of this historical nature as well, and they penned this post that listed out the three dramas that they thought best explained how GMMTV came to its current state of programming -- GMMTV’s apology tour, as we called it back then, with Love Sick, SOTUS, and 2gether listed as the three dramas one needed to watch to understand the state of GMMTV’s BL programming now.
So with that, I dove in, and publicly began building out the OGMMTVC, with major help from @absolutebl, @bengiyo, @shortpplfedup, @lurkingshan, @miscellar, @nieves-de-sugui, @solitaryandwandering, and many, MANY others along the way (@manogirl singlehandedly introduced me to MaxTul, for which I say, FUCK YEAH, FRIEND, THANK YOU!). 
And the milestone that we’re celebrating today is that I’ve crossed the 2gether and Still 2gether threshold -- 2gether being the last drama on @absolutebl‘s original list. And, of course! I have thoughts on 2G and S2G.
(Before I dive in, I just want to say that I’m saving some juicy, juicy analysis of the pain/suffering/separation type for a separate meta that I’m hoping to publish later this week, offering a comparative analysis of Still 2gether to Bad Buddy and Until We Meet Again. I don’t want to unwind this here, because I want this post to focus in large part on 2gether’s media influence, but -- stay tuned, I’m headed for more pain meta shortly, tee hee!)
So, yeah, 2gether -- wow, right? Haha. 
No, not quite, I’m just sort of joking. I’ve had EXCELLENT dialogue with the fabulous @bengiyo and @so-much-yet-to-learn​ about there being some shining spots in 2gether, which I agree with them about. (For both 2G and S2G, @bengiyo​ and @so-much-yet-to-learn​ shared with me some incredibly moving reflections on what it meant that Bright Vachirawit, in particular, was so emphatic about Sarawat being identified as gay in the show -- and how that spoke to the queer community during 2G’s prime. Thanks to you both for those timely comments.)
I think those of us who watched this 2G installment of the franchise know inherently what its major issues are, including a lack of chemistry emanating from Win Metawin, and an overabundance of pure talent and eagerness from Bright Vachirawit that wasn’t met at his level, à la Krist and Singto in SOTUS.
Besides the 2gether series itself -- which I’ll get back to in a minute -- I just want to note the external landscape of the show’s airing. We now all know that this show premiered in the very early stages of the COVID pandemic emanating out of Asia. 2gether’s popularity has long been attributed to people being at home to watch shows, many of whom likely were watching Thai BLs for the very first time. According to 2gether’s wiki, the show reached 100 million views by April 2020 on LINE TV ALONE (thank you to @lurkingshan​ for dropping the data!). Both Bright and Win have MASSIVE social media followings now, FAR outnumbering the other stableholders at GMMTV (Tay, Off, Gun, Nanon, etc.). And, 2gether’s continued success in and out of Asia is mostly attributed to the nostalgia that first-time viewers may have about 2gether being their first BL. 
I thought this was all interesting to note in a recent Instagram post that Toptap Jirakit, who plays Type in 2gether/Still 2gether, posted. He hit the streets, interviewing Thai fans on their favorite BL series. I think it’s likely convenient for his own career that most of the interviewees listed 2G in their top three lists -- but it made me think. 
I know, especially from discussions with @bengiyo and @lurkingshan, that there was a LOT of BL fan dismay about the ending of 2G. To be UTTERLY honest, I TOTALLY MISSED the ending high-five, because I was looking for, like, something BIG at the end, and, lol, the high-five totally went over my head. I guess that’s a good description for my feeling of the entire series, which I’ll dive more into in a bit.
First, I want to offer another, but supporting, theory on 2G’s popularity. Taking into account that Toptap IG video (again, acknowledging the self-promotion within it), as well as Bright and Win’s massive popularity, I want to meditate on the wider fandom of BLs vs. non-BL dramas in Asia. BLs in Japan, for instance, are often relegated to midnight-or-later airing times on television. And much of GMMTV’s content is online-based first. I don’t know, as BL fans, if we’re routinely and globally aware that the fandom for BLs -- which is big, maybe even huge -- is dwarfed by, say, the fandom of a mid-sized K-drama. The BL industries in Thailand and Korea are still relatively young and nascent, while other non-BL drama machines are well-oiled across the continent.
In other words -- yes, because of COVID did 2G find a much bigger audience. But I also want to offer that 2G’s...chastity? chasteness?...may have also HELPED this particular series gain such wider appeal. In other words: Asian audiences of a larger mass, outside of established BL fandoms within and outside of Thailand, may have responded more favorably to 2G BECAUSE of 2G’s lack of sex, a lack of innuendo, a lack of insinuation. 
(Remember: in majority cishet society, sex is judged. And queer sex? Forget about it. I’ve established in this OGMMTVC that queer sex is even fodder for creating discriminatory material WITHIN the BL genre itself. Sex AND queer attraction give many people the jibbles. Audiences going to non-BL dramas may be doing so because they want to consume specifically het content. Same-sex romance just might not be their thing. And those non-BL drama genres are GIGANTIC -- from funding to viewership, etc.)
In that Toptap video, many fans list Bad Buddy, A Tale of Thousand Stars, and others as their other favorite BLs. Putting BBS aside for a second -- because there WAS intimacy in BBS, just not an overabundance of it -- we can consider ATOTS as another example of a BL that happens to be quite popular in Thailand, demonstratively, while also being subject to similar criticism by BL fandom as 2G in having a lack of intimacy. 
While us in the BL fandom will readily make fun of 2G for not having intimacy at all, I do think, for Asian audiences not accustomed to an abundance of sex and/or same-sex sex in media -- the way that us Western viewers have in our majority media -- that 2G was accessible. It wouldn’t have to make your non-BL fan, new to the genre, uncomfortable -- especially to see same-sex intimacy. 
(The wonderful @telomeke​ made a similar point last week in a conversation about queer acceptance vis à vis Thai politics. I wonder if our devoted BL fandoms lull us to think that an ENTIRE COUNTRY might be accepting of the queer community and queer politics and policies. It’s definitely not a reality in any single nation worldwide. There are always going to be complicated dichotomies of acceptance in every single society that humans exist in.)
When I got to the end of 2G, and saw that there wasn’t going to be any kissin’ or huggin’ -- it made TOTAL sense to me WHY this show was popular OUTSIDE of the already-established BL fandom, particularly in Asia. It ain’t my cup of tea, but it was a show that I could see, like, my Asian cousins watching, as an introduction to queer revelations and engagement. And then, if they stuck with the genre, I could see them going to, say, an ATOTS, before going to a BBS, a show that really addressed the development of queer intimacy between men. Numbers-wise -- yes, COVID explains 2G’s popularity. Content-wise? Content-wise, 2G stays in people’s hearts, partly because I believe it didn’t PUSH those hearts, as a same-sex starting gun to their first exposure to BL. 
I could get well into an analysis of how sex, generally, is perceived in Asia, and ALL of the cultural nuances and biases AGAINST sex in Asia (cc @neuroticbookworm​, as we have talked about potentially writing meta together on this topic from our shared South Asian lens). But I happen to think that some of our beloved BL filmmakers -- P’Aof Noppharnach, Jojo Tichakorn, New Siwaj, Cheewin Thanamin -- have actually addressed it, and beautifully so, and continue to do so. For instance, the ending quote placards in Dark Blue Kiss touch multiple times on Thailand needing more sex education. Just to offer a personal example -- I’ve had to talk to Asian relatives well into their thirties, as an American, about their first exposure to sex, to explain that sex is not... a bad thing. It’s the cultural and social judgments that accompany sex that colors a person’s worldview on sex. 
2G didn’t challenge ANY OF THAT. In fact, in casting Win, they chose a dude who was VERY CLEARLY not INTO that -- to me, à la the casting of Krist Perawat in SOTUS.
No sex? No moral challenges, no ethical quandaries, no uncomfortable moments with a same-sex acting partner. Just two dudes dating, cute cute, holding hands at the Scrubb concert (or whatever). 
Of course, for my tastes, as y’all know, I desire something more complicated. And I understand that GMMTV HEARD the feedback that many established BL fans had about that 2G ending. And P’Aof Noppharnach, at the time of 2G’s ending, clearly said something to the effect of, not on my watch, I’m actually going to take this franchise AND FIX IT, MY WAY, which, fuck, COULD I LOVE THIS MAN MORE? No -- but YES, I found a way to love him more.
And we got Still 2gether -- a show rooted in its QUEERNESS. QUEERNESS AND INTIMACY AND INDICATIONS OF SEX. I mean, look!
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Not just rainbow shirts! Rainbow shirts on multiple people. And rainbow TABLES. P’Aof was like, WE ARE NOT MISSING A MOMENT HERE, PEOPLE. We’re going to fix this. We’re going to claim BL for the queer community who actually serve at the mercy of the audience that consumes BLs.
Before I dig further into S2G, for which I have reams of notes, as opposed to 2G (obviously) -- some quick positive notes on 2G. Wat’s romantic confession in the shelter bus in the forest was seriously heart-warming. It was romantic as fuck. And we see a NUMBER of tropes that make their way into BBS -- bringing over a beverage to someone who is joined by another potential romantic partner; how everything needs to be a competition or a “deal”; all the singing and writing of songs; make-up remover/micellar water (hi @miscellar​, ha!); the keeping of a guitar for someone else. I loved seeing those tropes in 2G. I love when shows talk to each other.
Most of all, 2G established Sarawat as committed to his pursuit. Bright was UNABASHED in his role as Sarawat. It was Win/Tine who could not meet Bright’s level -- seemingly out of, what, disinterest? Repulsion? Maybe even a lack of acting talent? It wasn’t obnoxious, per se. It just seemed like Win didn’t know HOW to respond, or even what to respond TO -- all while Bright/Wat CLEARLY SIMMERED in his role. (Like I said earlier, @bengiyo​ has shared that Bright was emphatic in interviews that Sarawat was gay, while Win was less forward about Tine and who Tine was.)
And I think S2G absolutely grabbed Bright’s talent and spotlighted it. I am deeply glad that the ending of S2G had a such a STRONG sexual insinuation, à la AePete’s SIMMERING attraction in Love By Chance, and even in moments throughout the show as well, and I loved how S2G leveraged Bright’s fabulous acting as Sarawat IN those insinuations. Because -- contrary to how my Asian parents raised me, and how many Asians are TAUGHT to THINK about sex, which is to say, to try to ignore it or laugh at it -- PEOPLE HAVE SEX. And sex, and QUEER SEX, are things to be celebrated. Sex is beautiful, and BELONGS in stories of romance and love. To have had it essentially...deleted?...from 2G removed a huge sense of reality from that piece of drama art.
S2G also focused on a thing that many in the BL fandom actually pooh-pooh: it focused on a committed, ongoing relationship. My favorite BL in the world, Kinou Nani Tabeta?/What Did You Eat Yesterday? is focused on two middle-aged guys in the middle of their years-long relationship. I’m a married mom. I want to see the struggle. I love first love in BLs, don’t get me wrong -- my Cherry Magics, my BBSs, my Old Fashion Cupcakes. But I also don’t mind the struggles. Give me a Minato’s Laundromat, season 2, any day.
I think P’Aof was offering a subversion to Thai BL expectations by showing Tine and Wat in their settled relationship, a year in, where even Sarawat admits -- the sweetness of the relationship has worn off. The guys are working together, living together, working on their relationship together, eating instant noodles together, instead of the green curry and simmered pork and eggs that Tine lovingly made for Sarawat in their early days.
I feel like I’ve said this before, but let me say it again: I CANNOT EMPHASIZE HOW IMPORTANT IT IS FOR MEDIA TO SHOW QUEER COUPLES IN LONG-TERM RELATIONSHIPS. Queer partners are FAMILY, TOO. I had ongoing FABULOUS conversation with @chickenstrangers​​ (THANK YOU, FRIEND!) during my 2G and S2G conversations, and dear @chickenstrangers​​ pointed out to me the nature of a conversation that Sarawat and Earn (FILM FILM FILM!) had, in which Earn complemented Sarawat on his courage in being in a same-sex relationship. And Wat corrects her. (Sorry for the massively bad screenshots, it’s bumbling mom hour around here):
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Like I said earlier: 2G gave potentially sex-and-queer-love-averse audiences a BL they could chew on. Win Metawin gave them enough by way of the portrayal to allow audiences to feel like they could be at arm’s-length while observing a same-sex relationship.
S2G, and Sarawat himself, strike to the HEART of queer existence and queer love. Sarawat corrects Earn: I do not love Tine because I’m courageous. I love Tine because I love Tine, because I am a human who loves another human. It’s nothing special. It’s just love that myself and my partner have, that other couples have. 
I think what P’Aof did, by way of observing what was going down in 2G -- what was being NORMALIZED in 2G -- was to pull a switch and turn the tracks around, and say, I have got to normalize ANOTHER PATH for these fans that are paying extremely close attention to Bright and Win right now. And he did it, with rainbow tablecloths and shirts; with Tine’s homies, Fong and Ohm, holding Tine down; with Sarawat’s homies, Man and Boss, exploring their OWN loves simultaneously with Sarawat and holding Sarawat down with love and support. 
Oh, and, of course. What P’Aof did with Green. Green was arguably a worst-case scenario of a gay character being misused for comedy in any of the dramas I’ve seen on the OGMMTVC in 2G. I honestly do NOT know what GMMTV was thinking when they allowed that characterization to air.
And Green just becomes... SASSY, and EQUAL, and really fun and slightly conniving towards Dim in S2G, and it was FABULOUS to watch (OMG. Guy and Guy’s chemistry and comedy? HILARIOUS. P’Aof ABSOLUTELY knew what he was doing there!).
Watching S2G was another fabulous P’Aof moment. It was like putting on warm pajamas and snuggling in for the smart ride of a drama. Every bad drama should consider having P’Aof come in to save the day (except for The Promise and Step By Step -- let’s never utter those titles ever again, ever). 
But, I do need to give 2G credit. 2G opened the door for something: it served as a misstep for GMMTV to learn from. I don’t want to be SO summarizing like that -- again, because very important experts in @bengiyo​ and @so-much-yet-to-learn​, who analyze shows from a very important queer lens, have spoken on the bright spots of 2G. 2G allowed for S2G to exist, for Sarawat to exist as an openly-in-love man with a boyfriend who he doted on. 2G allowed for fans of 2G to then walk the road in S2G, to be exposed to P’Aof’s CRITICAL and EMPATHIC eye in developing queer content, and to be exposed to a Sarawat that was much more able to LOVE and to receive love. 
I’ll giggle and laugh at the foibles of 2G. But I saw how Bright, and even Win, improved in S2G. I saw how a director in P’Aof, and his screenwriting team in Pratchaya, Bee, and Au, took a thing that wasn’t representing the queer community healthily enough, and turned it into yet another gorgeous representation, not just of queer love -- but of GLOBAL LOVE, a kind of love, between Tine and Sarawat, that all of us humans who WANT to love another person, can strive for. I will always appreciate 2G and S2G for that journey.
[Alright, we keep truckin’! If you’ve been following my blog in the late-night space, well -- you know where I’m at, psychologically, at the moment. I was ALL KINDS OF MESSSEDDDDD UPPPPPPPPPP over I Told Sunset About You. GEEEEEEEEEEZZZZZ. I am really going to enjoy my ITSAY write-up, and will definitely serve up some comparative analysis between ITSAY and other shows, as per a request from the legendary @lurkingshan, I gotchu, gurl. I see some really important moments from the OGMMTVC journey in ITSAY and cannot wait to get my pen on them.
And speaking of wild and crazy mindsets, I have started YYY -- more on THAT in the liveblogs -- and then after YYY, a return to dear MaxTul. We’ll definitely honor the end of Tul Pakorn’s career as I watch Manner of Death for the first time. Tul’s been a real homey in the space for a while, and I can’t wait to celebrate him.
Here’s the status of the watchlist -- as always, I’ll take any feedback ya got!
1) Love Sick and Love Sick 2 (2014 and 2015) (review here) 2) Make It Right (2016) (review here) 3) SOTUS (2016-2017) (review here) 4) Make It Right 2 (2017) (review here) 5) Together With Me (2017) (review here) 6) SOTUS S/Our Skyy x SOTUS (2017-2018) (review here) 7) Love By Chance (2018) (review here) 8) Kiss Me Again: PeteKao cuts (2018) (no review) 9) He’s Coming To Me (2019) (review here) 10) Dark Blue Kiss (2019) and Our Skyy x Kiss Me Again (2018) (review here) 11) TharnType (2019-2020) (review here) 12) Senior Secret Love: Puppy Honey (BL cuts) (2016 and 2017) (I’m watching this out of order just to get familiar with OffGun before Theory of Love -- will likely not review) 13) Theory of Love (2019) (review here) 14) 3 Will Be Free (2019) (not a BL or an official part of the OGMMTVC watchlist, but an important harbinger of things to come in 2019 and beyond re: Jojo Tichakorn pushing queer content in non-BLs) (review here) 15) Dew the Movie (2019) (review here) 16) Until We Meet Again (2019-2020) (review here) 17) 2gether (2020) and Still 2gether (2020)  18) I Told Sunset About You (2020) (review coming) 19) YYY (2020, out of chronological order) (watching) 20) Manner of Death (2020-2021) (not a true BL, but a MaxTul queer/gay romance set within a genre-based show that likely influenced Not Me and KinnPorsche) 21) A Tale of Thousand Stars (2021) (review here) 22) A Tale of Thousand Stars (2021) OGMMTVC Fastest Rewatch Known To Humankind For The Sake Of Rewatching Our Skyy 2 x BBS x ATOTS 23) Lovely Writer (2021) 24) Last Twilight in Phuket (2021) (the mini-special before IPYTM) 25) I Promised You the Moon (2021) 26) Not Me (2021-2022) 27) Bad Buddy (2021-2022) (thesis here) 28) Bad Buddy (2021-2022) and Our Skyy 2 x BBS x ATOTS (2023) OGMMTVC Rewatch 29) Secret Crush On You (2022) [watching for Cheewin’s trajectory of studying queer joy from Make It Right (high school), to SCOY (college), to Bed Friend (working adults)] 30) KinnPorsche (2022) (tag here) 31) KinnPorsche (2022) OGMMTVC Fastest Rewatch Known To Humankind For The Sake of Re-Analyzing the KP Cultural Zeitgeist 32) The Eclipse (2022) (tag here) 33) GAP (2022-2023) (Thailand’s first GL) 34) My School President (2022-2023) and Our Skyy 2 x My School President (2023) 35) Moonlight Chicken (2023) (tag here) 36) Bed Friend (2023) (tag here) (Cheewin’s latest show, depicting a queer joy journey among working adults)]
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respectthepetty · 7 months
Saw your "Anti Reset" post, nice to see another Taiwanese BL enthusiast here. I mean, I love my Thai BLs (I don't think anything will top "Not Me" & "KinnPorsche" for me) but when Taiwanese BLs do it right, BOY OH BOY do they do it RIGHT! I def love mafia/action BLs, and "HIStory3 Trapped" was my first venture into that. I was kind of in a BL slump in 2023, and the only BL that I thoroughly enjoyed was "Kiseki: Dear to Me." I'm LOVING "Anti Reset" so far, though!
I LOVE Taiwanese BLs.
In fact, this post is link happy since I'm constantly writing about my love for Taiwanese BLs because I love them so much!
10 Reasons I Love Taiwanese BLs
Top 5 Taiwanese BLs
An appreciation post for Taiwanese BLs
Taiwanese BLs & Blinding Light of Love
Why I Love Taiwanese BLs
Fave and Least Fave HIStory Series
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But my absolute favorite BL (not just Taiwanese, but ALL TIME FAVORITE OF ALL BLS) is HIStory 4: Close to You.
I love all of HIStory 4
I love Li Cheng and Mu Ren's relationship
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Kiseki: Dear to Me was *this* close to taking over as number one in my heart, which is why it won my top Colors Award this year, and Oh No! Here Comes Trouble came in fighting without it even being labeled as a BL. Taiwan is competing against itself in my heart!
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Although Thailand's Dead Friend Forever might surpass HIStory 4: Close to You, which is very dependent on the last few episodes, I consistently enjoy Taiwanese BLs more than any other country's offerings. Even the HIStory-that-shall-not-be-named was a great experience until the second it wasn't, but now we get the apology tour in every other Taiwanese BL.
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I will love any BL Taiwan throws at me, so I was thrilled VBL/Vidol gave me four in the span of half a year, which includes our current favorite, Anti Reset!
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And I'm looking forward to the slate of upcoming Taiwanese BLs that appear to have some big names behind them, like Unknown WHICH STARTS TOMORROW, is based off the book from Priest who also wrote Guardian and Word of Honor, and will feature We Best Love's Sam Lin!
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And I'm also excited to see my HIStory 4: Close to You favorite Charles Tu back in this year's First Note of Love with the side from My Tooth, Your Love. It's about singing, yet I don't give an eff because that's how much I love Taiwanese BLs that even singing will not deter me!
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I will always support the girls, the gays, and the goths no matter the country of origin, but no other country is giving me this energy.
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And I fucking love it!
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margareturtle · 10 months
All the things Dru Blackthorn has done between QOAAD and TLKOF (an ongoing list)
1) She saw Frozen in theaters with Tavvy
2) She saw Avengers Age of Ultron with her siblings
3) She gets into makeup (she can do the coolest eye shadow now)
4) She takes up Portuguese (to oppose Jaime at first and then later for Thais)
5) She’s on Tumblr in 2014 and is part of the ya dystopian craze (she’s a big hunger games fan)
6) Speaking of she sees Catching Fire in theaters in 2013 and Johanna is her bi awakening
7) And bc of Johanna she decides she’s gonna specialize in Axe Wielding/Throwing (Lucie Herondale descendant that she is)
7) She had her Red Era. Red lipstick became her go to and she went to the Red tour in 2013
8) She makes Mark and Julian go viral on Vine bc she posts a video of him that’s smth like the strawberries at the diner scene
9) HAIR HIGHLIGHTS!! In 2015 she’s at turquoise, but she’s already gone through purple, red, pink, and platinum
10) She finds out about the First Heir — not that’s it’s Kit but she gets into Faerie history and it’s only a matter of time
11) She gets into Rainbow loom with Tavvy
12) When Helen and Aline go to New York to meet with Magnus and Alec (adopting kids, hangout, and running gov/institute meetup) Dru agrees to babysit for Rafe, Max, + Tavvy in exchange for tickets to Wicked on broadway
13) Tavvy gets into baking and Dru helps with decorating (Tavvy gets covered in sugar a few more times but Helen and Aline allow it as long as he bakes enough cookies to share and he eats Aline’s kale salad)
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sibylsleaves · 4 months
hello! <3 dunno if you ever wrote about it already, but do you have any headcanons on what they'd enjoy doing during their free time? some favourite pastimes?
Between work/raising a kid/seeing friends/regular adult life i don't think they don't have a TON of time to pursue hobbies. So it's basically what we've seen them do in canon--they definitely enjoy playing boardgames with Chris/occasionally with Madney and HenRen. Buck obviously loves to cook/bake and try out new recipes, and that's something he and Chris do together--pick a new recipe, go shopping for ingredients, and experiment in the kitchen. Eddie still sometimes attends his secret underground poker nights, practices Muay Thai/follows MMA/goes to basketball pick-up. And of course a lot of video games. Chris is A Gamer and while he probably prefers playing video-games with his friends, he does still allow Buck and Eddie to play with him on occasion. I've also read so many fics also where they start a garden at the Diaz house, so I think they probably spend some time gardening too.
They go to a handful of Dodgers games per season as a family. Someone at the 118 is a HUGE Dodgers fan and has season tickets with great seats and offers up those seats for cheap/as a thank you for when someone covers their shift. Eddie is a Rangers fan and Chris is a Dodgers fan and Buck doesn't really follow baseball that closely but he LOVES baseball history and is always spouting off fun facts like did you know that the high-five was invented by Glenn Burke, a gay baseball player who played for the Dodgers in the 1970s? Buck does, and he read his entire autobiography. They also always attend the Dodgers First Responders night and I wanna say that at some point after the 118 does something extremely heroic Bobby gets invited to throw the first pitch for First Responders Night and the entire 118 attends to cheer him on.
They also love family beach days on nice weekend days when they're off work. I imagine Chris is still taking surfing lessons and Buck and Eddie will go and take him to his lesson and walk around on the beach together/rough-house in the waves and then they'll have a picnic. Sometimes they'll also invite Madney/HenRen to join them.
Buck and Eddie go to the gym together relatively frequently on their days off. I think they also like taking long drives together when the weather's nice and traffic isn't bad (which is basically just from the hours of 10am to 1pm...). Buck will drive them up the coast to Malibu or even Ventura County or down to Huntington Beach.
And I think they generally like trying new activities as a family. I think Buck is very active on the Los Angeles specific subreddits and is always in search of fun, accessible activities and events for them to attend. Go Karting, the Renaissance Faire, food festivals, the Rose Bowl Flea Market, escape rooms, various museums and science centers, the windmill tour in Palm Springs...the list goes on.
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mileapo · 1 year
EXCLUSIVE: Dior Names Thai Stars Apo and Mile as New Ambassadors
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PARIS — With K-pop stars securing several high profile ambassadorships recently, Dior is looking farther afield in Asia for new faces to represent the brand’s menswear.
The luxury house has tapped Thai actors Nattawin Wattanagitiphat, better known as Apo, and Phakphum Romsaithong, nicknamed Mile, as its newest men’s ambassadors for the country.
“Apo and Mile are very cool guys. I really love their attitude and I think they are the perfect ambassadors to represent Dior,” menswear creative director Kim Jones told WWD.
“The duo has established a special friendship with the house, where both embody the Dior style and spirit locally and worldwide,” the company added.
“I am over the moon to join the Dior family as a house ambassador. Dior is such an iconic brand with rich history and timeless style, so I am excited to be a part of the family,” Mile said.
“Dior is a brand that I have always admired. I am honored to be a part of the Dior family,” added Apo.
The two costar in the mafia-set romantic drama “KinnPorsche.” The series has secured a global fan base for the young actors, and sparked a five-city Asia tour to Singapore; Seoul; Manila, Philippines; Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, and Taipei, Taiwan, based on its popularity.
Each has more than 3.5 million followers on Instagram.
Thailand is a key emerging market for luxury brands, projected to be worth $4.6 billion in 2023. It is forecast to grow 5.6 percent annually through 2028.
Jones will show his latest collection for Dior on Friday.
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discluded · 1 year
The latest standard pop article refers to Chat and Khem's relationship as a bromance at this rate by the end of this leg of the press tour they will be referred to as brothers 😂
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Hey, I'll coalesce these together then, if that's OK. For folks who want to, feel free to use this as a discussion post.
I've had a really long week, I've taken two different cats to the vet since Sunday so I'm not really in the mood to stir up more drama-- but... *makes grand gestures*
I think the initial reaction to Pond's comment might have been overblown in the sense that it should have been something, given Pond's history of saying shit, that could be ignored. I'm perplexed by Man Suang comms account's decision to double down on this by posting the image with "Man Suang is not a bad movie; Man Suang is not a BL". Since most of the account's followers are already MileApo/Man Suang fans, I'm not sure what they were hoping to accomplish with that statement that could easily be taken the wrong way. Pond needs to say less. But I've also given up on analyzing the state of their PR/comms.
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It is somewhat telling to me that many people who are upset about Pond's comment and the account's statement and general straight washing of the movie are queer, though specific reactions range from actively angry on social media, quietly angry in closed fannish settings (chat, circle, servers, etc), attempt to placate other fans with empathy, or just apathetic towards the point of disengaging [read: me, due to other stress in my life]
First to that--
Strawberry had shared this translation.
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I realized, watching it back, this is what the autocaptioning(?)/Mint translator subbed it with:
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I'm not sure if it's the lack of clarity in Thai that can be translated either way or the Mint team's translation is less specific while , but Apo also explicitly discussed that he played Khem as closeted, and it does a disservice to Apo's intentionality for the character to straight-wash the movie.
I think ultimately it depends on how one defines BL. From the classicist (ha!) perspective of the origination, BL has specific target demographic audience and definition.
Let's take these specific notes, with citations in the wikipedia entry itself:
Yaoi also known as boys' love and its abbreviation BL, is a genre of fictional media originating in Japan that features homoerotic relationships between male characters. It is typically created by women for women and is thus distinct from bara (gay manga), a genre of homoerotic media marketed to gay men. "BL" is the common term used to describe male-male romance media marketed to women in Japan and much of Asia, though its usage in the West is inconsistent.
Given these specific definitions, I would actually agree without criticism that Pond is correct that Man Suang is not a BL in the same way it takes me out when people call CMBYN a BL because that is not its genre/target demographic. I would agree Man Suang is more arthouse film like CMBYN or Carol or Moonlight, or if we're going back farther, more popluarist like LOTR or Memoirs of a Geisha or Crouching Tiger. Of course these might be different genres, but idea of a popularist film is mean to be watched by everyone, not pushed to a specific demographic (vs. for example, Marvel which is marketed towards boys and young men, but is watched by the general public.)
Similarly, back to the origins of the BL genre, queer romances and queer main characters are not solely limited by the genre of BL. Even aside from Bara, there is Josei as a genre where notable works include Sakura Gari by Yu Watase (author of Fushigi Yugi and Ceres Celestial Legend) and The Carp on the Chopping Block Jumps Twice / The Cornered Mouse Dreams of Cheese. In Seinen, there is My Brother's Husband (the mangaka is a very famous Bara author). If you haven't heard of these, that's fine, but I'm serious about how much extensive understanding I have about the delineation about the nuances of what is "technically" BL and what isn't.
There is a disconnect in the audience's definition and what BOC is trying to communicate, and that's why friction is occurring.
That being SAID, AND VERY IMPORTANTLY, let's again recognize that the definition is about the target audience being young women, and the insistence and tone of which the marketing is pushing how it's NOT for the BL audience (young women) but to everyone is quite boldly misogynist for a company that built its foundation on female consumers. Its tone is overtly that something which is made for young women is somehow inherently "not good", the same way that romcoms are somehow less valuable as art, or boy bands or handsome young singers like Justin Bieber are less talented musicians because of its target audience.
So yes, I do have a problem with the tone they're taking and I think the biting the hand that feeds it comment is spot on.
Finally, about Apo tweeting and deleting. I think he held and articulated himself well in interviews, and he's been insanely patient and tolerant these past few weeks (see: laris). I actually really relate to him in that sense because I can be calm and rational but sometimes I can't help but run my mouth. I held off on answering these because I've been so stressed and just couldn't handle whatever anger it might rile up.
Expecting someone to hold their temper 100% of the time is impossible even if they manage it 99% of the time. I've also tweeted angry things I've deleted in minutes later too. And I understand his perspective in not wanting to be limited to the genre or audience of the art he creates. So Apo's (valid and expected) reaction is understandable.
If it's okay, I'll probably not answer any more asks about this topic for probably a while. I have some other family stuff going on (not-cat family) and I just can't deal with people who don't have to be in my life causing this nonsense while I also have to deal with people (and cats) I can't get rid of attachments to also having stuff going on.
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sakuraswordly · 4 months
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Amy: Tour in Thailand with Anne Boonchuy! Yay! But........It's so HOT!!!
Punch: Why do you sound so happy, Amy? Several parts of India recorded maximum temperatures over 110 degrees Fahrenheit last month. On April 21, people in the eastern city of Bhagdora sweltered as the mercury touched 114.8 degrees. Summer heat hits Asia early, killing dozens as one expert calls it the "most extreme event" in climate history! So......Does anyone have any ice cream or ice shake?
Anne: This place is awesome! Why would you hate it?
Dec: Well....The highest temperature recorded in Asia was 61.36 °C in Multan, Punjab, Pakistan on July 26, 1992. West-central Asia experiences some of the largest diurnal temperature ranges on Earth.......
Punch: Because it is SUPER HOT like a desert!!
Amy: I agree with Punch. I hate this hot "dessert". 
Sonic: At least this place has an ocean. 
Jaq: Not really helping, Sonic.
Anne: Here's a list of the most popular street food dishes, Som tam (ส้มตำ) – Papaya salad, Khao pad (ข้าวผัด) – Fried Rice, Pad thai kung (ผัดไทยกุ้ง) – Noodles with shrimp, Khao mun gai (ข้าวมันไก่) - Steamed chicken on rice, Gai/Moo bing (ไก่/หมูปิ้ง) - Grilled chicken/pork skewers.
Ant: That looks delicious and looking at Gai/Moo bing!
Punch: I'm not interested in that stuff. I saw that every day until is boring.
Dec: How about Khao mun gai?
Punch: Boring.
Anne: What about Som tam? I really like it.
Punch: Passed
Sonic: Why are you so mean to this place anyway, Punch?
Amy: Are you having a bad memory in this place?
Punch: Yes. A lot of boring stuff.
Anne: Hey! Stop that! We must protect our old culture like Thailand's culture and traditionsThey will aim to project a smiling, positive air and avoid displays of emotion such as anger. Politeness and respect for others – particularly elders – is key. All this helps explain the air of calm self-effacement that makes the Thai people so welcoming to visitors!
Punch: I'm not interested.
Jaq: Why every time you need to ruin a mood?
Sonic: every time Punch...... every time.....
Anne: Then what about Hundreds of Thai traditional ice creams made simultaneously with a spinning bucket?
Sonic & Punch: Ice creams! Yay!
Anne: Hey! Are you two listening to me first?!
Ant & Dec: They gone.......
10 minutes later.....
Amy: Thank you......Sonic and Punch.....but.....why are you buying the same taste for me anyway.....? Just only one.....why two?
Punch: In Indonesia also have these like Thailand too. Es goyang is a traditional Indonesian street food usually sold by street vendors on the side of roads. It is usually prepared on the spot, dipped into melted chocolate when it freezes, toppings are also sometimes put onto the es goyang when the chocolate is still liquid.
Amy: Punch! You're very cool! Thanks!
Punch: Did she just say thanks to me???!!!! *Face turning red*
Jaq: Ho...ho....
Anne: Punch......don't tell me....are you two couple?
Sonic: WHAT?!
Punch: Me and Amy we are having nothing about it! We're just friends! Yeah...JUST FRIEND!!
Anne & Jaq: Are you sure about that?
Amy: You and Sonic sure shared the same enthusiasm.
Sonic & Punch: WE'RE NOT!! *Face Turing red with embarrassment*
Amy: Just like Ant and Dec.
Ant & Dec: WE'RE NOT DUMB!
Anne: When did Amy call you a dummy huh?
Tsofph Season 11(Chapter1 Secret Truth of the Past)
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Punch: One day like this, I love to share an umbrella with you, Amy.
Amy: And this wish finally be granted.
Punch: Amy...I'm sorry for taking too long to make up my mind.
Amy: It's okay, Punch. I'm so happy to date with you.
Punch: Yeah..... I wish I made up my mind sooner.
Amy: You gain so much courage....you usually run away for me because you're too much shy.
Punch: Wha?! How did you know that I was once a shy person?!
Amy: Just my sense I guess.
Punch: I like everyone, but I don't know....for some reason....I like Amy the most.
Amy: I know you like everyone.....but I love you the most, Sonic. Say....Punch....Can you say it now....that you love me again?
Punch: Of course.  俺は大好きだぜ、エミー.
Amy: I had to make a decision. I decided that I would wait for you forever, no matter how old I became, no matter how old you are. And then... you came back again just like I wish for. Please remember, Punch. We’re all in this together. And I’d really think you’d grow to love them as much as I do.
Source Character:
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Amy Rose, a girl who is in love with Sonic and chases Sonic wherever she wants. She calls herself Sonic's girlfriend. She is a lively and cheerful mood-maker and also has a winning spirit and great drive. In an emergency, she can pull out her favorite Piko Piko hammer out of nowhere and perform an action that rivals anyone even Sonic flinches at her sincere feelings. A single-minded girl in love with Sonic who believes that "When you set your heart on something, you go to the ends of the earth!". She continues to pursue her beloved Sonic during her travels and this time, they meet again. Daily, Amy longingly reminisces about the good old days when she would chase after Sonic. However, the sudden appearance of a gigantic flying fortress casts a shadow over her life...
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Explanation 16(Analysis)
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Amy tries to get shadow out of his usual comfort zone and invite's him to do stuff with her that he probably wouldn't do with other people. Or even when he was getting tickets for her to go to the hot honey concert in the murder of the sonic the hedgehog for her last second birthday present cause he forgot, she wants him to go with her too with her request.
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Amy Rose is a cheerful, optimistic go-getter and romantic who wears her heart on her sleeve. She is of pure heart and the strongest of will. This makes her formidable, but it can also leave her a little short-sighted or overbearing, like in her love for Sonic. Amy loves Sonic for who he is and how they resonate. Despite her antics, at the end of the day, her love is honest, true, and all-encompassing. She takes Sonic for better or worse, no matter the package. She wants to journey with him and be his support. She is a dear friend.
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Amy is always there waiting for Sonic, and the only thing she asks in return is to go with him. Funnily enough, Amy is not chasing after him like in previous games, instead, she respects Sonic’s decision to not take her with him. Amy is always looking at the brighter side of life. She’s one of the most consistently joyful characters in the series, and she’s always willing to see the good that she senses in others. She can be slightly kooky about matters pertaining to Sonic, she can be suspicious of anyone else who hints at falling for Sonic, she can even let her temper get the better of her now and then, but ultimately, she’s harmless.
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“I still can’t believe it’s you inside that… thing! But! No matter the package, you’re still my Sonic, Sonic!” Even as Punch or King Gilgamesh, Amy will treat them like how she treats Sonic. As Amy's pure heart for Sonic Amy can sense "Sonic" and knows he will do the right thing no matter how much appearance. As I mentioned in this hint, Amy considers Sonic's safety and care. In Tsubasa of Phantasia, Amy is like a second mother to Sonic. Amy loved Sonic from the beginning and she was the second character after Tails to teach Sonic and play a large role in his life. As for Shadow, Amy's loving and caring for Shadow still never changes since she's Maria." Shadow, I beg of you! Give them a chance to be happy!" "I Wanna Share That Love With The World, Even If It'll Take Us Far Apart." Amy or Maria was strong in spirit. Eternally cheerful, optimistic and positive despite her condition, Maria could see the good in almost anyone or anything. She was likewise a very kind, loving and generous soul who always put others before herself, supported her friends, and held an unconditional love for the people of the world, even showing compassion towards her enemies when they were distressed. Because she never got down to earth, Maria was very interested in the planet and wished to see it. She was also very encouraging as she could make others accept themselves and calm others down when in stressful situations, including Shadow.
In Tsofph Season 7 and Season 8(Story of Daily Life)
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In Tsubasa of Phantasia, Amy and Maria are the same person. Amy is like a second mother to Sonic. Ever since Amy had already made a decision, no matter how she is reborn again, she will be there for both Sonic and Shadow. In the past before being reborn again in an attempt to save Maria's life, Gerald, who was the greatest scientific mind of his time, agreed to work on Project Shadow and success, Maria finally lived a life where she never wanted to do for the first time as "Amy Rose". Without Laphicet helping with Gerald, Maria might never have been alive and reborn as "Amy Rose"; That connects to why Amy was very attarch to Sonic very much. Maria's last request for Shadow to protect the world and its people would be a driving force in the hedgehog's life, which Shadow made the promise to keep despite his loathing of humanity. Maria's most prominent relationship was with Shadow the Hedgehog, a creature created to help make a cure for her illness. Amy still loves Sonic. There's no mention of her loving someone else because Sonic won't get into a relationship with her.
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Maria, Laphicet and Shadow were raised alongside each other onboard the ARK and they formed a very close bond, with Maria considering Shadow a brother of sorts. Maria also shared the same dream with him which was to visit Earth, making them kindred spirits in a sense, and they tended to look at the earth from the ARK together and ponder about it. Sharing a mutual compassion for one another, Maria was always concerned for Shadow whenever he expressed confusion over his purpose. But when comes as Amy Rose, for Shadow to let go of his past 100%, Amy and Shadow make a new relationship for the future they can go together and protect Sonic as one of their like family.
Enkidu & Peter: Umm....so that means Amy was...*Smug Face*
Gilgamesh: Me and Amy we are having nothing about it! We're just friends! Yeah...JUST FRIEND!!
Enkidu: So she's not your type....?
Gilgamesh: SHE'S NOT!!! And don't let her see me I beg you!!
Peter: Huh? What about you said---OUCH!!
Gilgamesh: Shut up!!
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amazing-thailand · 2 months
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✨ For families interested in Thai history and heritage, there’s no better way to enjoy it all than by visiting the beautiful palaces and royal residences.
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Here are the 10 notable places in and around Bangkok that are rich with stories and architectural details to make your family outing more memorable.
✧ Phyathai Palace, Bangkok
✧ Bang Khun Phrom Palace, Bangkok
 ✧ Parutsakawan Palace, Bangkok
✧ The Grand Palace, Bangkok
✧ Bang Pa-In Palace, Ayutthaya
✧ Sanam Chandra Palace, Nakhon Pathom
✧ Phra Ram Ratchaniwet Palace, Phetchaburi
✧ Mrigadayavan Palace, Phetchaburi
✧ Khao Wang, Phra Nakhon Khiri Historical Park, Phetchaburi
✧ Phra Chudathut Ratchathan, Ko Sichang, Chon Buri
📣 Visit Klook for more family travel packages and special deals. Amazing Friend gets a special 10% discount for accommodation bookings, car rentals, and tour packages. Maximum discount: Bt300 for a minimum purchase of Bt2,000 from now until August 31, 2024.
To become an Amazing Friend, just register via LINE: @AmazingFriend at https://lin.ee/V1P9cIk.
#AmazingThailand #สุขทันทีที่เที่ยวไทย #YourStoriesNeverEnd
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financefatloss · 1 month
A watercraft tour in Bangkok supplies a picturesque adventure along the area's historical canals and the Chao Phraya River. Guests can take pleasure in sights of conventional Thai residences, bustling markets, and also iconic sites like the Grand Palace as well as Wat Arun. These tours offer a distinct standpoint on Bangkok's lively culture and abundant past history, often gone along with by informative comments.
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myvacationsbooking · 2 months
Amazing Thailand
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Explore the Magic of Thailand
Rich in culture, landscapes that will take your breath away, and colorful street life- Thailand truly deserves its nickname, the Land of Smiles. Whether you're a thrill-seeker, a history buff, or just an ordinary beach fanatic, there's something for everyone here. Here's an all-encompassing guide on how best to explore this destination
1.Bangkok: The Vibrant Capital
Must-see Attractions
The Grand Palace: This was the greatest piece of Thai architecture one should not fail to see. Situated within this royal palace complex is the finest temple, that of the Emerald Buddha.
At Run: a stunning riverside temple known for its intricate spires covered in porcelain, popularly called Temple of Dawn.
Chatuchak Weekend Market: This is one of the biggest markets all over the world, with over 15,000 stalls. From clothing to antiques, it got them all.
The Grand Palace:
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Wat Arun:
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Chatuchak Market:
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Local Tips:
Street Food: Bangkok is renowned for its street food. Try dishes like Pad Thai, Som Tum (papaya salad), and Mango Sticky Rice from local vendors.
Transportation: Use the BTS Skytrain or MRT subway to avoid traffic jams. For a scenic view, take a Chao Phraya River boat.
Street Food:
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2.Phuket: The Island Paradise
Must-see Attractions
Patong Beach: Known for its vigorous nightlife and lively bars, it's also a place for watersports.
Phang Nga Bay: With these amazing limestone karsts and emerald green waters, it's a place that warrants a boat tour to explore this beautiful bay.
Big Buddha: This giant statue offers great panoramic views over Phuket and is a tranquil place to reflect on life.
Patong Beach
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Phang Nga Bay
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Big Buddha
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Local Tips:
Island Hopping: You can visit nearby islands such as Phi Phi and James Bond Island for all kinds of water activities as well as beautiful scenery.
Local Markets: Some of the favorite local markets are the Phuket Weekend Market for local foods and goods.
Island Hopping:
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Local Markets:
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3.Chiang Mai: The Cultural Gem
Must-see Attractions
Doi Suthep Temple: A holy temple situated on a mountain, offering beautiful views of Chiang Mai and immersion into Thai Buddhism.
Elephant Nature Park: Spend time in this sanctuary of rescued elephants to learn about these majestic creatures; help in supporting a form of ethical tourism.
Old City Temples: Examine ancient temples like Wat Chedi Luang and Wat Phra Singh in the historic heart of Chiang Mai.
Doi Suthep Temple:
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Elephant Nature Park:
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Old City Temples:
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Local Tips:
Night Bazaar: Stroll through the Night Bazaar for unique souvenirs, handicrafts, and local delicacies.
Cooking Classes: Take a Thai cooking class to learn how to make traditional dishes and bring a taste of Thailand back home.
Night Bazaar:
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Cooking Classes:
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4. Krabi: Nature's Playground
Must-see Attractions
Railay Beach: This peninsula is spotted with gorgeous cliffs and clear waters, making it perfect for rock climbing, kayaking, and relaxation.
Koh Lanta: A much more relaxed island where you can simply chill on beaches or explore.
Emerald Pool and Hot Springs: A natural hot spring where you can soak and unwind in a picture-perfect setting.
Railay Beach:
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Koh Lanta:
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Emerald Pool and Hot Springs:
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Local Tips
Rent a Scooter: Good way to get around town at your own pace.
Sunset Views: Drive to any of the various lookout points.
Rent a Scooter:
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Sunset Views:
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Visa Requirements: Check the most current visa requirements, depending on your nationality, prior to travel.
Currency: Thai Baht (THB) Tommy. There are loads of ATMs around, though it's always a good idea to have some cash for markets.
Clothing: While visiting temples, dress modestly. Shoulders and knees should be covered out of respect.
BOOK NOW : +91 98187 81115 / Email: [email protected]
Thailand is a country of incredible diversity, offering a mix of modern cities, ancient temples, lush jungles, and stunning beaches. Whether you’re exploring bustling Bangkok or relaxing on the shores of Phuket, Thailand promises an unforgettable adventure. Embrace the warmth of the Thai people, savor the exquisite cuisine, and immerse yourself in the vibrant culture.
Pack your bags, get ready for an extraordinary journey, and let the magic of Thailand captivate your senses!
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southeastasianists · 1 year
From ancient Funan to the Siamese kingdom of the current Chakri dynasty, Thailand has had its huge share of diverse monies—a wide variety of oddities in the field of ethnographic numismatics.
At the Bangkok Coin Museum, an institution run by the Treasury Department, curious visitors can learn the fascinating history of Thai currencies. Despite its proximity to the National Museum and the Sanam Luang Park, it's a lesser-known and under-appreciated tourist attraction, making it a neat oasis from the tropical heat and sightseeing crowds outside.
At first glance, the museum seems quite small with only a single exhibit room on the first floor. There are educational panels on the general history of money, from the invention of coinage in ancient Lydia to the development of modern Thai baht. But join the regular guided tour and you'll be led into hidden chambers full of numismatic curiosities.
The tour starts in the "Beginning of Currency" room, a multimedia exhibit emulating a prehistoric cave. Played on its projection screens is a 4D-animated movie on the concept of money, from barter to the discovery of precious metals, which led to the dawn of coinage.
It is followed by a section exhibiting a variety of "primitive money," including the cross-shaped copper ingots of 19th-century Katanga, the rai stones of Yap Island, and the tin animal money of Malacca, to illustrate the diversity of the concept.
On the second floor, room after room of exhibits focuses on the history of Thai currencies, starting with the ancient kingdoms of Southeast Asia such as Funan and Srivijaya. In the late medieval Thai kingdom of Sukhothai, pod duang or "bullet money" came into common use. This was a kind of silver ingot in the form of a bar bent into a roundish shape, stamped with royal seals, and continued to be issued by the kings of Siam until modern machine-struck coinage took over in 1904.
Another oddity is the Chiang Mai tok, which was used in the Lanna kingdom in the 17th and 18th centuries. An oyster-shaped ingot of debased silver, it is often found with a blackened top with a yellowish-brown underside (or vice versa), giving it an unusual appearance. Bizarre legend has it that it was caused by the chemical reaction of the alloy mixing with egg yolk or chicken blood during the casting process.
There are also Lao silver ingots nicknamed by coin collectors as the "tiger tongue," flat coins with wrinkly flower-shaped patterns called pak chee, and porcelain gambling tokens of various shapes, from Chinese cash imitations to hexagons to cuttlefish.
The museum also showcases diverse usage of coins in folk beliefs, circulating coins from 174 countries across the world, minting processes (with a strong emphasis on coin rims), and an artistic representation of monetary evolution hung in one place like a meteoric shower, from cowries to E-banking systems all through the historical development of coins.
From ancient Funan to the Siamese kingdom of the current Chakri dynasty, Thailand has had its huge share of diverse monies—a wide variety of oddities in the field of ethnographic numismatics.At the Bangkok Coin Museum, an institution run by the Treasury Department, curious visitors can learn the fascinating history of Thai currencies. Despite its proximity to the National Museum and the Sanam Luang Park, it's a lesser-known and under-appreciated tourist attraction, making it a neat oasis from the tropical heat and sightseeing crowds outside.At first glance, the museum seems quite small with only a single exhibit room on the first floor. There are educational panels on the general history of money, from the invention of coinage in ancient Lydia to the development of modern Thai baht. But join the regular guided tour and you'll be led into hidden chambers full of numismatic curiosities.The tour starts in the "Beginning of Currency" room, a multimedia exhibit emulating a prehistoric cave. Played on its projection screens is a 4D-animated movie on the concept of money, from barter to the discovery of precious metals, which led to the dawn of coinage.It is followed by a section exhibiting a variety of "primitive money," including the cross-shaped copper ingots of 19th-century Katanga, the rai stones of Yap Island, and the tin animal money of Malacca, to illustrate the diversity of the concept.On the second floor, room after room of exhibits focuses on the history of Thai currencies, starting with the ancient kingdoms of Southeast Asia such as Funan and Srivijaya. In the late medieval Thai kingdom of Sukhothai, pod duang or "bullet money" came into common use. This was a kind of silver ingot in the form of a bar bent into a roundish shape, stamped with royal seals, and continued to be issued by the kings of Siam until modern machine-struck coinage took over in 1904.Another oddity is the Chiang Mai tok, which was used in the Lanna kingdom in the 17th and 18th centuries. An oyster-shaped ingot of debased silver, it is often found with a blackened top with a yellowish-brown underside (or vice versa), giving it an unusual appearance. Bizarre legend has it that it was caused by the chemical reaction of the alloy mixing with egg yolk or chicken blood during the casting process.There are also Lao silver ingots nicknamed by coin collectors as the "tiger tongue," flat coins with wrinkly flower-shaped patterns called pak chee, and porcelain gambling tokens of various shapes, from Chinese cash imitations to hexagons to cuttlefish.The museum also showcases diverse usage of coins in folk beliefs, circulating coins from 174 countries across the world, minting processes (with a strong emphasis on coin rims), and an artistic representation of monetary evolution hung in one place like a meteoric shower, from cowries to E-banking systems all through the historical development of coins.
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sophietv · 1 year
There is a question that keeps bugging me. Will Taylor ever reveal her relationship with KK and the kids? Or this will just stay forever the way it is now. The world will never know about the greatest loves of our time. This is not a random private relationship. It inspired art. Art of the Artist of the Decade. I can't explain how culturally significant this is in history, not just queer history. Of course museless queer interpretation is nice, but when you know the muse and the story it becomes more special. But it's sad that this will never be discussed among general people, in glorious pages of queer arts and history. It will stay within a minority group who are bullied to death everyday and called crazy invasive conspiracy theorists.
Ps. I know they want and deserve privacy. They do not owe us any revelation. Also privacy and secrecy are different things. I respect their decision and just want them to be happy.
I agree with you, this is definitly one of the greatest love story of all time and it would really be sad if they never get to tell their story.
Coming out with Karlie would be a very big deal. Because there's so much at stake now with Josh and the children and everything.
But at the same time. It would be THE call out of the century for Hollywood and their toxic, archaic, out dated ways of thinking.
I do hope that they get to do it. And the way tour is pretty loud about Taylor wanting to come out it makes me clown that this might be a possibility. (X)
Also, they've never been as loud as they are now.
But like you said, they don't owe us anything. And ultimately all I want for them is to be happy, however this means for them.
But at the same time, I really think thay Taylor would want to tell this beautiful story on her own term and in her own way and don't have it distorted by people.
Maybe if they don't come out together now, we'll have an Evelyn Hugo like tell all.
We'll see.
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sunleisureworld1 · 10 months
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The private city tour of the three temples is among the most sought-after tours for tourists who wish to explore Bangkok's top attractions. This tour provides a captivating insight into Thai culture, history, architecture, and local life. You will have the opportunity to visit Bangkok's most stunning temples, including Wat Pho, Wat Arun, and Wat Traimit.
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southeastasiadiary · 11 months
Day Twenty-Seven: Bonus
It’s late. I have packing to do, and I really need to get to bed. But since tomorrow is the last day of the trip, I feel I ought to start doing some “wrapping up.” I’ll save the larger philosophical issues for tomorrow. But here are a few random (and very minor) things I learned over the last four weeks.
As is common in Eastern countries, religious sites and many homes and businesses in Southeast Asia will have a raised threshold that you have to step over before entering. Almost always, you have to remove your shoes before doing so. A set of racks is helpfully placed nearby. If you ask someone why there's a raised threshold, these are among the answers you will receive:
1. To keep water out during heavy rainstorms.
2. To keep small animals out.
3. To keep evil spirits out.
4. To keep crawling babies in. (This reason is usually only given at private homes.)
5. Because, in order to step over the threshold, you have to look down. You are thus bowing and giving the place you are entering a sign of respect.
In most cases, I was given two of these reasons, typically one of them “practical” and the other one “spiritual.” But they were rarely the same two reasons as I moved from place to place. People tend to mix and match their explanations according to their personal beliefs or local custom and then to generalize those explanations.
Also, it is generally protocol to step over the raised threshold, not on it. Once, however, I was surprised to see one of my guides step directly on the threshold. I was (I must admit) a bit shocked, and I said, “I thought you weren’t supposed to do that."
He looked at me with some surprise and replied, “Meh. Old superstition. No one believes that anymore.”
I suppose I should've known this, but I also learned that Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos are considered Indochina, but Thailand isn’t. That division both makes sense, and it doesn’t. It doesn’t make sense because the borders of all four countries have been highly fluid throughout history. Territory that was part of one country for a certain number of years often became part of another country later. And just keeping track of all those shifts can be an intimidating task.
But it makes some sense, too. There’s a different “feel” when you move from Indochina to Thailand. One rather obvious shift: Because of French influence, people drive on the right in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. Because of British influence, they drive on the left in Thailand. It's a small change, but it's noticeable.
In addition, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos have had a major and lasting influence of the Communist Party. They’ve gotten rid of their kings, and they seem quite happy about that. Thailand still has its king, and the Thais seem pretty happy about that, too. Suum cuique.
As a result, Thailand was an ally of the US when the US was waging war in Indochina. That war has left deep scars in those countries, particularly in Vietnam and Laos. If the impact of what the French and Americans did in this region seems less of a daily presence in Cambodia, it’s only because (as the Cambodians will freely tell you) they did worse things to themselves … and they will tell you this with that haunting Cambodian smile. There are similarities but also important differences among the peoples of this region.
It has been a somewhat unreal experience “vacationing” in cities and regions with names that, when I was growing up, were daily mentioned on the news as war zones. Hanoi. Da Nang. Cambodia. Laos.
It was unreal but also, in a strange way, affirming. If those places that were once so associated with bombing and death are now places where we can go for culture and relaxation, who’s to say that other spots that today are associated with bombing and death may not also one day be places where future generations go on package tours “to get away from it all”?
Maybe someday someone will be writing a diary about a leisurely month they spent in Ukraine or Gaza and commenting on things so seemingly trivial as which side of the road people drive on.
We can only hope.
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