#Thanatos x Reader
h0ney-gl0ws · 1 year
Hades Boys! Kiss Headcanons!
Hello! Here are some headcanons about how/where the hades boys like to kiss/be kissed. Now including Dionysus and Ares! Hooray! Thanks for reading, and be mindful of the content warnings. CW: Mentions of PTSD and Panic attacks for Thanatos’, Intoxication for Dionysus (Obv), and mentions of blood with Ares’, oh and angst all around, read with caution!
Word Count (Approx): 1,765
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Thanatos Hand Kisses|Soft
After a long shift of reaping souls Thanatos’ hands can get tired of holding his scythe. He’s not one for showing his emotions outwardly, and because of that they can seep through in more subtle ways. For instance, when Zagreus says something ignorant, or when he has to deal with a mortal whose not ready to go, or even when he runs into an Olympian he often finds himself subconsciously gripping his scythe tighter.
He does not realize until the time when he returns to your arms and he can catch his breath, the strain it puts on his hands. Aching and tired after long hours at work. Which is why he appreciates your kisses so.
You delicately ghost your soft lips across his knuckles in a most soothing way. He thinks your kisses are reminiscent of that of a butterfly’s wings. How fitting.
He would cup your face with a tired smile as you press a kiss into the palm of his hand. “Gentle kisses for Gentle Death!” You would proclaim in an attempt to make him laugh.
“My, I often wonder what it is that I did to deserve someone as kind as you…” Thanatos would say in return.
He does so much for the house the least you can do is try to relieve some of the stress. You may not be able to make less work for him, but you can show your appreciation to him by giving him the love and affection he deserves.
On certain days when Thanatos’ mood is dampened due to memories of terror from Sisyphus dirty tricks, the nights he wakes panic stricken with the phantom sting of shackles against his wrists. Your delicate kisses to his wrists help to soothe the burn. Snapping him out of his own mind into reality where he is safe, and you’re there to comfort him.
Your kisses are not only comforting to him, but you are a genuine anchor to him. He does not know how he was able to exist before you came into his life. And he is forever grateful he has you now.
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Zagreus Cheek Kisses|Affectionate
For someone who so rarely sees the sunlight he certainly challenges Helios for being the embodiment of it, and his kisses reflect that.
Bright and happy is he as he presses kisses into your cheek at every chance he gets. When he passes you in the hall you bet he’s taking a detour to give you a peck before he has to continue on. When he greets you after coming back from a successful run a celebratory kiss on the cheek is practically mandatory haha.
He loves it when you celebrate with him, nuzzling your face into the side of his. It’s such a small but caring notion that makes Zagreus feel as if he’s falling in love with you all over again.
When he’s preparing to head out for another run you meet him in the courtyard to wish him luck and see him off. He smiles when he catches your figure out of the corner of his eye dashing up to you for a final embrace before he returns once again. You give him another fond kiss on the cheek there whispering in his ear to give it all he’s got and to kick Theseus’ butt once again. Earning a laugh out of Zagreus and the promise that he will dedicate his next victory against the pompous champions to you.
On nights when he has scuffles with his father, or when he’s missing his mother, and words are too much in the moment. He wants nothing more than to relish in your embrace with your kisses there to provide the comfort his parents could not.
He often doesn’t let his inner turmoil bother anyone else, and did not have anyone to confide in until you came along. There’s a lot of things left unsaid, but you will be there for Zagreus to love and support him until he is ready. Even if that day never comes, you’re glad you can a least help to alleviate his troubles for a short amount a time.
If what he needs from you is not words, but doting kisses. Then kisses he shall receive. And when Zagreus is ready to speak with you, you will listen for as long as he needs. Zagreus is so glad to have found you, and would trade anything to be able to be by your side for the rest of eternity.
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Hypnos Forehead kisses|Loving
Whenever you get excited to share some news with your lover and rush to go tell him only to find him fast asleep per usual, it’s hard to not let an adoring smile come across your face as you decide to let him rest and that the news can wait, but you can’t just leave after coming all this way to see him. This often results in you giving him a caring kiss on his forehead followed by whispers for him to have sweet dreams.
Unbeknownst to you sometimes those sneaky kisses of your actually wake the sleep incarnate. He does not mind though, in fact its quite the contrary. He is able to discern your footsteps from others, and sometimes he is actually awoken but hearing you approach. Occasionally, he would pretend to be asleep if not for a bit longer in order to gain one of your tender kisses.
He doesn’t do it out of malice of course, it’s simply the thought that even when he supposedly can’t hear your or react to what you have to say, you are still kind and devoted to him.
Yes, he hears the whispers of Zagreus and his brothers. Even his own mother talks about him with distain, but when you are given the option to say or do whatever you want to him without repercussion you choose to be caring and loving.
Perhaps that is why he is so drawn to you, and why he appreciates your kisses in secret. It’s nice to have someone who genuinely loves him for him. Not someone who talks to him so “no one else has too” Nor gives him constant sarcastic and petty remarks when he’s honestly just trying to help.
Another addition of why he loves your kisses so, is they remind him of a sort of motherly love that he did not get from his own. Why when he was younger she was kind to him, yes, but as he grew and her attention divided he noticed that she began to treat him more as if he were a burden on others. Your kisses bring him back to a time when his mother still saw him as her son. It’s a warm, fluffy feeling Hypnos is always chasing more of.
So for now, he will continue to let you believe that only you can hear your words of love and adoration for him as well as your caring gestures of your love, at least until he can return the favor tenfold.
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Dionysus Lip kisses|Sloppy
Where Dionysus goes jolly festivities and merriment follow, as well as you of course. And what are these festivities if not without a little bit of wine. It’d be absolutely preposterous after all to attend a feast without an offering you know.
And we all know how Dionysus is with wine. You see, when you attend a feast with Dionysus by the hands of the mortals, or any feast with Dionysus for that matter, he loves to show you off. Constantly gushing about what an amazing partner you are.
And with that showing off can come with a bit of possessiveness. So when Dionysus gets to be clingy, you remind him just how much you love him with some kisses.
Dionysus loves to kiss you as he swears he can get more drunk off of your lips than the wine. He reminds you constantly of how you taste better than the finest ambrosia.
You don’t mind his kisses yourself. Yes it can be messy, with Dionysus being constantly in a state of intoxication, but you can always taste the remnants of the contents of his everlasting goblet against his lips. Making the sweetness of his kisses worth all of the awkward nose bumps and accidental teeth clashes.
All in all if Dionysus were to have to choose between never drinking wine again and you, he’d choose you every time, as you provide all the happiness he could ever need in his lifetime.
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Ares Neck kisses|Passionate
When the fires of war are blazing so are the fires of passion.
Yes, Ares loves nothing more than to watch the bloodshed of a raging battlefield with you by his side. He caresses your waist as he presses fiery kisses into your shoulder, trailing them slowly up to your neck.
The clashing of swords satiating his hunger for blood in the most intense way, leading him to sometimes get a bit too rough with you.
There are times when the battle can get to his head and that can cause him to almost lose himself, if only for a short moment. A bite, too hard for your liking. The sting against your neck intensifying the raging action on the war zone below. You gasp and flinch away, causing him to realize what he’d done.
He’d apologize by kissing you much more softer, but finds it hard to restrain himself when he seeing the droplets of blood seeping through the wound from his bite mark against your neck.
He holds back to the best of his abilities as he cleans the wound with his lips. It causes you slight pain, but this time you feel as if it is more tolerable when he is caring for you rather than going feral.
You know he never intends to hurt you, and if push comes to shove he will always try to fix it and take care of you afterwards. All you can do is be there when he needs you, when the hunger becomes too much for him to handle, and he needs someone to pull him back to reality.
He’d be lost without you, a friend, a lover, and a lifeline. He would fight to the ends of the earth for you, and you would do the same. Truly, all is fair in love and war.
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shadowdaddies · 4 months
In Your Dreams
Apollion x Reader x Thanatos smut
A/N: after reading HOFAS, I couldn't resist writing about the Princes of Hel, aka the ultimate shadow daddies
warnings: smut, mmf, oral f! receiving, oral m!receiving, p in v sex, shadow play, sensory deprivation, rough sex, electro-stimulation, blood, is this monster fucking? they're kind of incubus-esque
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A weight at the end of your bed woke you, eyes fluttering open to see a familiar face studying you. Apollion’s black eyes flicked over your body, head tilting in an unsettlingly smooth motion that sent a shiver down your spine.
You dared an exasperated sigh, leveling your gaze with the prince’s. “Couldn’t let me sleep in peace for one night, could you? Are my dreams more interesting than whatever duties you have in Hel?” 
A ghost of a smile flashed across Apollion’s lips, his leathery wings flaring slightly behind him at your overt disrespect. “You are certainly of interest to me,” he retorted, stern expression giving nothing away. 
You opened your mouth to question what the prince meant by that, when another figure materialized at the foot of your bed. With a gasp, you tucked your knees to your chest as swirling darkness slowly transformed into another male, tall with black curly hair, his dark eyes matching Apollion’s as he watched you with a vague sense of interest.
Apollion showed neither surprise or bother at the male’s appearance, simply offering a nod of greeting before turning back to face you. Tugging your covers towards yourself, you made a feeble attempt at covering yourself from the stranger. “And who do you think you are, coming into my room, my dreams?” you demanded.
A flicker of amusement flashed in his eyes, your cheeks reddening in response as you felt his power ripple through the room, realization of how powerless you were in this situation hitting you like a shockwave.
He must have recognized your embarrassment, mouth ticking up slightly as he rumbled in a deep voice, “You may call me Thanatos. I am a Prince of Hel.” Lightning sparked down his toned arms as he spoke, stopping your heart as you tried to hide the fear from your face.
“Helfire,” he murmured, softer this time. At your look of confusion, the handsome male amended, “it is not lighting. It is Helfire,” he explained, holding up one hand to demonstrate the bright power. Apollion’s darkness swirled around him where he sat, creating a maelstrom of power, a dark storm that both stole the air from your lungs and charged the energy in the room.
As they drew in their powers, the air in the room settling, you had the frightening realization. Your wild gaze turned to Thanatos, the male fully smirking at you this time as he merely nodded in confirmation of your suspicions. “I didn’t say ‘lightning’,” you breathed. “Can you read my thoughts?”
Thanatos took two steps closer to you, his large form towering over where you sat on the bed. “Yes,” he drawled, gaze flicking to Apollion’s before he continued. “I have heard every dirty, sinful thought you’ve had about my brother.” He showed no mercy, no pity towards your mortified expression. “And every thought about myself since I arrived, for that matter. Not that I had to. We can smell your desire, it’s quite sweet. No wonder that my brother finds his way here so often.”
You looked to Apollion, your heart pounding as you suddenly became aware of your flush, the slick between your legs, your heavy breasts. His expression hadn’t changed, black eyes still watching you with that predatory stillness. Nervously biting your lip, you subtly rolled your hips against the mattress in an attempt at relief, your arousal building much more quickly now in the presence of both of them.
“But you... you are not an incubus?” you questioned, anxiously watching as Apollion’s wings twitched behind him.
Thanatos scoffed at your side. “No, we do not require your pleasure for our survival.”
“But all creatures of Hel - lesser, or most powerful - acquire... a strength, of sorts, from that pleasure,” Apollion murmured, his nostrils flared, chest heaving. It was the most expressive you had ever seen him, clearly overcome with his hunger. His desire, for you.
“Is that why you continue to show up in my dreams? You are drawn to my... pleasure?” you managed to ask. 
Apollion’s gaze raked down your form, as though he could sense how you were fighting not to reach out and touch him. “As I said before, I find you interesting. The potential of bringing you pleasure is one aspect of that.”
You turned to see Thanatos, who had somehow moved even closer to your side, less than an arm’s length away. He smiled down at you, pointed teeth bared in an expression that should have been frightening. “My interest in you is purely carnal. I’ve scented you on my brother, your arousal clinging to him even in Hel. It is tempting.” He clicked his tongue, sizing you up like a meal set before him.
Shaking off the thrill that sent down your spine, you looked between the two princes. “So, what do you want from me, then?”
Apollion’s eyes flickered, his dark aura growing as he leaned closer to you. “Permission. We need permission to touch you,” he breathed, his warm, rich voice like a balm to your fried nerves. Biting back a whimper at their desperate gazes, you nodded.
“You may touch me, please,” you agreed, sitting up and letting the covers drop. Neither prince spared a glance at the nightgown that clung to your body, Apollion instead reaching out a gentlemanly hand - an invitation for you to accept. 
The moment you set your hand in his, his darkness consumed the room, your surroundings disappearing as you were sucked into a dark void. You could see nothing, only feeling your lack of clothing, hearing the soft breathing of the two demons at your front and back.
Apollion’s hand released your own, sliding up your arm to rest above your heart. A dizzying sort of pleasure muddled your thoughts, bones feeling weak as Apollion groaned in front of you, the grip of his hand on your chest growing stronger.
“Good girl,” Thanatos whispered, and you felt his naked body press against yours from behind, his hands supporting your waist. Your hair was swept to the side, Thanatos raking his sharp teeth over your neck, small droplets of blood quickly lapped up with a groan. 
Apollion’s hand moved from your heart, joining his other as they toyed with your nipples, his mouth alternating sucking and licking on each sensitive bud. With a lewd moan, your legs gave out from the pleasure, but instead of falling to the ground, you found yourself lifted in the air. 
You were weightless, floating in this dark void with no eyesight, the brushing of the princes’ bodies against yours the only sign that you were levitating, suspended in the air as Apollion switched placed with Thanatos. Thanatos’s hands slid up your calves, spreading your legs as he moved in between them, the feeling of his warm breath on your inner thighs.
The princes moved in tandem, Apollion’s teeth moving to the same spot on your neck where Thanatos had marked you moments prior, as Thanatos dove into your slick cunt. A moan left your lips, back arching and eyes rolled back as Thanatos’s warm tongue flicked over your clit, sharp teeth nibbling softly as he sucked on the swollen bud. 
Warmth trickled down your neck where Apollion held your head, licking and sucking down to your shoulder. His hands twined around your chest, pinching and rolling your nipples between nimble fingers as Thanatos continued his assault on your pussy.
A finger rubbed gently along your folds, slipping into your aching cunt with ease. Obscene wet sounds echoed through the dark space, heat rising to your cheeks as Thanatos slipped in another finger, cooing to you, “don’t be embarrassed, little one.” He curled his fingers against your sensitive walls, your breaths shuddering as you mewled at his expert touch. “Good girl, let us hear those delicious sounds.”
Apollion chuckled from wherever he was behind you, and you could feel his eyes on your body as you clenched around Thanatos’s fingers. “She’s close,” he murmured, and Thanatos hummed as though he had been waiting for that signal.
You screamed at the sudden shock of pleasure that traveled from Thanatos’s tongue, straight to your clit as he sent you spiraling over the edge into your orgasm. Stars danced in your vision, the only source of light as you moaned, babbling incoherently as the prince worked you through your high.
“That is Helfire,” Thanatos murmured, smugness lacing his tone as you struggled to catch your breath. You heard the demons shifting again, and a small yelp escaped you as you were flipped over onto your hands and knees, completely disoriented in this suspended state of darkness.
Apollion’s familiar hands slid up the backs of your thighs, thumbs spreading your ass open before sliding a finger up your dripping slick. The prince groaned behind you, the sound of him sucking on your juices causing you to clench around nothing. 
A gentle but firm hand cupped your cheek, tilting your face forward. “Open up,” Thanatos spoke in a low rumble, and you obeyed without question, tongue out as you awaited, eager to please. Precum dripped onto your tongue as the head of his cock pressed into your lips, the demon groaning in pleasure as you sucked the tip, flicking your tongue along his slit. 
You leaned forward, hands searching for purchase on Thanatos’s hips as you aimed to take him deeper into your mouth. His cock pushed past your lips, hitting the back of your throat just as you felt Apollion’s hand spreading you further, rubbing his erection against your folds. 
Your moan turned to a gag around Thanatos’s thick length, tears pricking at your eyes as the demon prince’s hands guided your jaw to take him even further. “Relax,” he commanded, tapping your throat. Willing yourself to relax, the prince hummed his approval as he slid fully in your throat, your nose pressed against his lower abdomen. “Stay still. Let us do the work,” he murmured, withdrawing his hips slowly.
He thrust back into your mouth at the same time Apollion pushed into your hips, both princes seated fully inside of you. You practically melted, thankful for whatever dark forces held you up as the two of them began thrusting together inside of you, your wanton moans muffled by Thanatos’s cock down your throat. 
Silky tendrils like wisps of air circled soothing motions over your body, the cool breeze undulating over your peaked nipples, your swollen clit. You were sent over the edge again, overstimulation wracking through you as the demons continued to use you for their pleasure. 
Thanatos twitched in your mouth, tilting your chin up as he said, “swallow it” - your only warning before he spilled down your throat. You swallowed eagerly, tongue flicking out as you collected his remaining seed. The scene must have sent Apollion over the edge, his hips stuttering before he came behind you with a roar.
Your muscles were limp, hardly more than a rag doll as strong arms picked you up bridal style. You were vaguely aware of being back in your bedroom, Apollion pulling the covers over you as Thanatos watched with mild interest.
The demon princes stepped back, darkness beginning to envelop the both of them. “You’re leaving?” you managed to mumble, eyes straining to focus on the pair. 
The corner of Apollion’s mouth ticked up, Thanatos’s eyes shimmering with amusement. “Don’t worry, little one. We’ll be back soon.”
You awoke the next morning, breath catching in your lungs as you recalled last night’s dream - but it felt too real to be a dream. Kicking off your covers, you tumbled out of bed, still clad in your nightgown. You shook your head, taking a large sip of water from the glass next to your bed as you tried to erase the disappointment that it was in your head.
Sighing, you padded into the bathroom, turning on the water for your shower when you felt a soreness on your neck. Hissing at the dull pain, you turned to the bathroom mirror, recognizing the pain as from the same spot where Thanatos and Apollion had bitten you in your dream. But in that spot, etched into your skin like a healing scar, was an eight-pointed star.
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banners by saradika-graphics
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idyllcy · 12 days
你还爱我吗? 我还爱你。
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word count: 5.3k || Banner art by pimientosdulces
warnings: hurt no comfort
summary: death, you can not escape, yet Thanatos prays you will
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No one escapes death. No one cheats death. and no one never meets death more than necessary.
Most of the people around you fall again and again, death incarnate a long-familiar face to you as you watch him claim your family, leaving you all alone. You know the reason, your family worships someone long-fallen, someone that would result in the rage of Olympus up above. You have no feelings, tending to the temple as one after the other falls, until there is no one left but you. You find that the benefit is that you will never age. Forever alone in the small temple your family built, only death capable of claiming you. You have not cheated death. Death has cheated the underworld, perhaps. You find no reason to be treated as such.
Your sister is next, and as you sit next to her bed, eyes closed, humming a final song to her, listening to the way her breath slowed and her heart faded. When she passes, you continue sitting there, waiting for an old presence to return next to you.
"Fair maiden."
"Death." You nod. "Am I next?"
"I do not know. I am simply assigned people. I do not choose them." He nods at you as you let go of your sister's hand, eyes stuck on her body as Thanatos returns her to the dead, placing her into Charon's boat. "Do you have her fare?"
You rummage through your pockets, handing him the obon prepared for your sister.
"You are the final one. Is there a reason the gods wish for you all to be eradicated?"
"We are traitors." You smile, lips curled upwards as Thanatos stares down at you, unfamiliar warmth crawling up the back of his neck at your visage. Death does not fold nor wait for anyone. Death does not pardon the living. Death claims who it needs to with the embrace of eternity, soul laid to rest in the Underworld as the living continue.
Yet, he never brings you back when you are requested of by Hades.
"Do you wish to live?"
"It does not matter to me. The servants have died, and there is nothing left for me in this world. You are the only one who can come to claim me."
"Do you miss your family?" Thanatos notes the next assignment of his.
"It does not matter anymore."
"I will see you when it is your time."
Thanatos recalls the first time he had met you. When the ones on Olympus wished for the eradication of a family of Chronos worshippers, your father was claimed first — as once you claim the head of the family, the rest will crumble ever so quickly. Your father passed through the strike of lighting, a clear warning to stop what was happening in your abode, yet no one batted an eye. You had stayed by your father's side as his firstborn, the man bearing no sons, and you had looked at him — something that should not have been possible for a person of the realm of the living.
"This is his obol." You had mentioned. "May he be placed where he is deemed fit."
Thanatos had not talked to you — your age far too young for you to understand just what was happening, and he had left as quickly as he had arrived. It is not as though he had never seen a child by the body of the dead, but the sight of you alone was unnerving. Perhaps it is just a cruel thing of fate. It was cruel that someone as fair as you would be visited so many times by he.
The next, it is your mother. Once again, it had been you, and you had handed him the obol that was to be placed with the dead. You are in mourning clothes, still, and you hold the hand of your mother, even as her body is cold. Thanatos can not trace the grief that wracks your soul and body. You are weighed down by something, and perhaps, it is something that will kill you some day. Perhaps the weight of death has long become something you have grown used to, only in the people you tend to in the temple and not the people of your own home. Perhaps you know that committing a treason will get you nowhere.
"You can see me." He speaks this time, but he does not respond to you when you ask him if he knows why.
Your mother's body is passed along the River Styx, and you return to tending to the Temple of Time. Thanatos knows the end will arrive for you soon, but considering the ages of every worshipper there was in the temple, you would not change all that much the next couple times he meets you. You are blessed to stay forever young, cursed to meet death at the hands of all the Olympians. Your family is blessed to stay in their youth, but cursed to be unable to escape death. Thanatos will be meeting you many more times in the future, and he finds that perhaps he has no chance or right to complain. If you are not complaining, then how could he?
"My sister." You hand him the obol, nodding as he takes the first of your sisters.
"Do you mourn?"
"What is there to mourn when you are in the wrong?" You hum. "May they be blessed with their stay in Asphodel."
Thanatos finds that you do not age after that. Time is on your side, a titan long forgotten and locked away by the people, a world in which you would be struck down by the heavens as result of such. Yet, you continue tending to the temple, perhaps wishing that you would keep your youth, rosy complexion, and dazzling lashes, skin healthy and unblemished, forever in your youth as a result of such. Perhaps you have sold your soul to become the way you are. Perhaps, he is no better than mortals who wage wars to destroy each other over beauty. Perhaps, if it ever would come to it, Thanatos would have his hands stained with far more than what Ares could ever dream of being stained with — all over you.
Your aunt is claimed next, and at that point, the worshippers have learned to stop visiting the temple. He does not recall if he had ever seen your aunt in the temple when he passed by to claim your parents, but he does not think too much of it. You had been the only one to ever be by the dead, perhaps as an offering to calm Thanatos at the sight of you — or, perhaps you were simply placed there because you had been the fairest of your sisters. Perhaps it was meant to please Thanatos, and it would have been a lie for him to say it did not.
"My aunt has no children." You hand him the fare, fingers brushing his palm, bowing gently as he takes her.
His gaze lingers on you for longer than acceptable, and he leaves once more.
You do not learn. Your family does not learn, and before long, it is your uncle, your sister, your cousin, your elders. By the final time that Thanatos arrives, it is one of your final two sisters.
Thanatos has long grown used to the sight of you, youth on your skin, apple of your cheeks, from your hair to your feet, Thanatos could have imagined you with a close of his eyes, perhaps heart-racing at the thought of you. He has fallen for you, just through your knowing of death. Perhaps, he will never be loved back, death far too cold for the average person — perhaps his skin would freeze yours over, and you would be cursed with the grasp of death, and the thought was far more fearful than he would have believed it to be.
Yet, he arrives to bring one of your final sisters to the dead, holding his palm out for the obol in your hand, and he stares at your hair, the way you do not bat an eye at death himself, and it ruins his mind with thoughts of perhaps letting you live forever. Perhaps, your age will never catch up with you, and you would become someone he hides from the House of Hades — someone that he would adore to no end and let live for eternity. Though, not that he has the choice.
"You do not learn." He blinks at you.
"No, I do not." You smile, staring death in the eyes as your youngest sister peeks from the door, watching you speak to the air. "Death, I do not wish for my sister to bury me. If they request one of our souls, do assure me that the youngest will live to see Elysium."
"I can not make such exceptions."
"It was worth the attempt." He takes your sister, body reaped as you watch her disappear.
"Adelphḗ, who are you talking to?"
"I told you not to come inside." You turn around to shield her eyes, Thanatos's gaze lingering on the small of your back as your sister peeks past your fingers to stare at death himself. She can not see him. Only you are the exception.
"Who is next?"
"I do not know."
"I can not hear him." She mumbles. "Perhaps you possess the blessing of Hades himself."
"No. There is no such thing." You hum. "Shall we go?"
"And leave death alone?"
"He is gone." You turn to stare at him again, and he nods.
"Until my assignment brings my return."
"Will you be next?"
"No." You promise. "I will not let anyone force you to bury your sister alive."
"Then I am next?"
"You will find mother and father before I do." You hum. "Though, I can not promise it will happen."
"You have buried us all. Must you bury me too?"
"I can not protect you against the gods." You close your eyes. "You may refrain from your duties tonight. Perhaps they will be less angered if you do so."
Your servants are the ones taken next. No matter how far they ventured from the temple, had they worked for your family, they are returned to death. You send them their fare to the underworld, and Thanatos learns to visit you for the fare instead of returning to the body eventually. The servants do not have the fare for the underworld, and you, their ever-loving master, do. So, you pay their obol, coins in your hand as Thanatos arrives at your place, resting in the corner of the room until your sister has left and it is you alone.
"Another one?" There is a sense of exhaustion that wracks deep in your soul that only Thanatos can feel.
"I can not go against it, fair maiden." He takes the obol from you, and you take note of the coldness of his skin.
"May I pay in advance?"
"You may not."
"Very well." You hum. "There are four left. If I am not in our home at the time, please pull open the drawer to take the obol."
"Do you not worry that death will cheat you?"
"What is there for death to cheat me of?"
Thanatos finds that you are right. When he is free of assignments, he lingers around your abode, watching your youngest sister learn to cook from you, noting down the way you ignored his presence no matter how close he was to you. He is respectful, yet he watches, eyes glued to the way your fingers have grown rougher from the housework, smile on your face, still, as your sister asks you to help her out. The indomitable human spirit exists, he finds. It is the same as the warrior who fights after a limb is hacked off on the battlefield, and the mother who uses the last of her dying energy to nurse her child. You do not waver even with the death of your family, responsibility long shrouded on your shoulders and no longer something you pay attention to.
"Rest well, Agape." You brush her hair to the side, making sure the young one is rested before you get up to return to your own quarters.
"She is next." Thanatos tells you.
"It is decided?"
"You must be the one to kill her." Thanatos hums. "Will you?"
"No." You laugh. "Once she is gone, I may return to my family as well."
Thanatos stares at you, watching as you lean against the wall, moon pale against your skin as you laugh. Perhaps in a sense of desperation, but the white coat of the moon is enough for him to quietly pray that you would become someone of his sort. Perhaps, you would gain the eternity that so many mortals longed for — that you would become a god as Heracles had. Yet, his thoughts are fleeting, for there was no way that Hades himself would grant death to leave you to stay in your youth for eternity.
"How are they?"
"They are in Asphodel."
"I know." You close your eyes, brows furrowed slightly as you calm yourself down. "Eternal damnation is slightly better when with family, no?"
"And if you do not end up in Asphodel?"
You raise a brow. "My bloodline and ancestry is cursed to Asphodel. What would make me different?"
"Death's favor?"
"That is preposterous." You laugh. "Though, I appreciate it, death."
"Thanatos. Refer to me by name, maiden."
You stare at him, shaking your head.
It would be rude.
Your sister passes just as quickly as the rest of your family, her body placed on the bed for death as Thanatos comes to collect the Obon.
"Death." You are much more stricken with a grief and exhaustion — of equal amounts with the men of age who had fought in wars and found that it was all in vain when they are sent to Asphodel. It is something disturbing, even to death, but he does not have the luxury to consider such when he claims each soul. He is not to be moved during his assignments, no matter how often he met you or others. You should not be special to him.
"Do you wish to live for eternity?"
"Of what use is it if I do not age?" You hum.
"Change the temple."
"I can not." You shake your head. "Death, I will be struck down by one more, one far more powerful than the rest."
"Time can not destroy you."
"Time can." You stare him in the eye. "Time can wither me or return me to the form I was before birth. It is terrifying... something far more horrific than death."
"Then die." He offers you his hand, and you stare at it.
"When my assignment is sent in, will you grant me a wish?"
"You long for a wish?"
"Perhaps I do." You smile coyly, and Thanatos wonders just if he was the one being kind or you were the one being cruel.
Perhaps you are simply taking advantage of him. So, when death returns to take you, you are gone. He follows your soul, and it remains forever stored in the Temple of Time, unable to track you down by flesh alone. You have cheated death. You are cruel, yet he finds that it does not matter. You did not long for something that others would have. Your human spirit was not indomitable, and it was nowhere near as strong as the men of war. You have lost all that chains you to the earth, so it would only be so long until you returned to retrieve your soul and return to the dead.
"You failed to retrieve the soul?"
"It is chained in the Temple of Time that you had wished for to be eradicated. I can not claim the soul without the body." Thanatos reports. "Let me retrieve the person."
"You can not do such a thing." Hades bellows. "If death chases a single individual, what will become of the others who need to pass?"
"Keres." Thanatos speaks.
"No." Hades turns him down. "Rather, I will send someone else."
It is proved to be futile when your soul is never retrieved, and Thanatos finds that you are gone.
"Let me do it." He argues again. "Moros can only do so much as the doom incarnate. To that soul, their doom is not death."
Hades lets Thanatos do the job, though begrudgingly. He has a couple of hours in between assignments to locate your body to retrieve you back to where you belong. You are not found for a long time, and he finds that at one point, the gods fade, their influence over the mortal realm dwindling as they do. Thanatos remains with the rest of the family, finding that there are others who deal with the dead alongside him in regions not limited to Greece. He will not find you, he believes. So, he jars your leftover soul, embedding it into his scythe, perhaps as a last attempt as a form of desperation to keep you close to him. He should not have fallen for you, yet he did, and it would have been the end of his life had it happened.
His companion, Zagreus takes notice the quickest.
"Thanatos, don't you believe... that you have changed? Who is this fair maiden? Perhaps I will find her at the surface."
"Don't say such nonsensical things, Zagreus. She is no longer in Greece."
"That is only what you believe, no? Surely she is out there."
"That is not possible."
"Oh, you wouldn't know until you get there yourself."
While searching for a satyr sack, Zagreus encounters a new chamber, blinking quickly as he enters, lack of rats and satyrs apparent as he continues walking through each door, the final one leading to a cloaked figure, lack of visible features, a gentle laugh on their lips as they blink at the godling. They take two steps back, a satyr sack in hand, stepping onto the red plate, and Zagreus follows suit, watching as they move Cerberus to the side for Zagreus to leave. It is a sight, the guardian of the underworld enjoying the smaller sack as Zagreus passes without issue.
"Lovely shade, who might you be?!" Zagreus calls, time short before Cerberus would remember that the prince isn't allowed to pass.
They do not answer, waving their hand at the prince instead.
The second time, Zagreus leaves them a bottle of nectar, a smile on his face as he thanks them, ruffling Cerberus' fur along the way, grinning.
"Shade, will you tell me your name?"
They shake their head, waving goodbye to the prince.
The shade is not present in the next handful of runs, and instead, only tens later does Zagreus find his way back through the gates of Charon's obol with no satyrs and rodents, standing before the hooded shade as they hand him the satyr sack this time, obol dropped in his hand as he nods. They would not be going with him this time, and perhaps, it was simply out of some sort of desperation.
"Dear shade, won't you tell me your name? Has death claimed you?"
The shade shakes its head, and Zagreus sighs.
"May this bottle of nectar keep you company." He hands it to the shade, bottle held as Zagreus runs off.
The prince of the underworld drops off bottles of nectar each time he runs into them, nectar turning to ambrosia before he starts bringing plush companions. He shows them the small mouse, death on it as the hooded figure reaches to brush the cheek of the plush, and Zagreus trusts that if they could talk, they would have called it cute. There is a sense of tenderness that only someone who knows would be able to feel for it. It is beautiful, Zagreus thinks. Perhaps Thanatos should know of them.
"There is this shade up by the Temple of Styx," Zagreus tries, introducing them to Thanatos slowly. "Are they claimed?"
"A shade? Or a real person?"
"I do not know." Zagreus hands him a bottle of ambrosia. "They do not speak."
"I do not see how that is of my concern." Thanatos raises a brow, accepting the drink.
"Call it reincarnation's instinct." Zagreus hums. "Or, call it a prince's fleeting thoughts."
Thanatos pays Zagreus no mind, sending the dead on their way to each region of the Underworld as instructed, too busy for such fleeting thoughts of the prince's words. Zagreus may have a point, but without a voice and characteristics, there is no way to determine whether or not it was truly you. Besides, with your soul chained to his scythe, there was no way you would have been able to enter the temple without notifying him in some way. Hades would have noted if the intruder had there been a disturbance. It is not death's job to clean up such things.
Yet, the prince does not stop, bottle after bottle handed to him, always nudging death to take a peek at the "dear shade," refusing to let Thanatos erase such a shade from his presence.
"Zagreus." Thanatos warns. "I will not do such a thing."
Zagreus shrugs. "It would not hurt, Thanatos."
Thanatos finds it childish.
Yet, Zagreus returns to the shade when he can, bottle of nectar replaced with Ambrosia as he laughs, grinning as the shade thanks him with their hands, words never coming out.
"Oh, dear shade, won't you tell me who you are?" He hums, smiling as the shade does not move its head, tracing gentle patterns on Zagreus' skin instead, letters spelling out gratitude and none else.
"Perhaps you are bound?"
The shade shakes its head, and Zagreus is sent on his way again.
Surely, the shade was who Thanatos was looking for.
"Than, I really think you should see them." Zagreus insists. "You must trust me."
"Zagreus, I have work to attend to."
"I know, but it is not so." Zagreus shakes his head. "During a break when you seek the soul that you have been for so long, visit the chamber of coins in the Temple of Styx."
Thanatos truly does not wish to, too focused on retrieving your soul, but he makes the time for his dear friend. He enters the temple and flutters through the walls and doors, staring at the shade as they move their head to listen to the sound of the air changing. Thanatos does not understand how the shade would be you, but he understands how Zagreus could have mistaken it to be so. After all, the prince had only heard about you, never to meet you. You are two different people in his mind, the shade holding your physique but not your body. It is a strange sight to behold.
"Shade." He speaks. "Are you lost?"
The shade does not answer, simply shaking its head instead.
"Do you not speak?"
They shake their head.
Death does not linger, choosing to leave quickly instead.
It is strange for a shade to be misplaced, but it would be a report from his end rather than a whole ordeal done by him to return the shade. The shade is not special enough for him to tend to, yet Zagreus insists that he continue to return to the shade, even if the shade does not return an answer to him. Zagreus insists that this is the shade, and that Thanatos must be the one to discover and recall that on his own. Yet, Thanatos refuses to accept the reality that you are perhaps the shade, stuck in a circle of denial as he returns again and again to the shade's silence to his questions, only a nod and shake of a head available to death himself.
Perhaps, he is longing for something that he can not have.
And as all things are, Thanatos grows increasingly agitated at the shade's lack of response to some questions, bottle tipping over as it spills and cracks all over the floor, stuck as he raises his voice at a shade that has done no wrong to him. He is stuck, pondering, wondering, longing and craving the feeling of your fingers against his palm when you handed him the obol, eyes wide in frustration at a shade that does not speak and chatter as the other shades do. He is cursed to be unable to see you again, and even if he does, he knows he can not delay the inevitable that he will have to kill you.
"TALK TO ME." Thanatos raises his voice, reaching for their hood, throwing it off as he stares down at you in horror, tears in his eyes at the lack of features. Your face does instinctually tilts up, but you can not see the face of the death that you have grown so used to. Instead, there is nothing. You lack a face, and Thanatos understands just why you had chosen to remain silent around him all the times before. It was not a choice. Your skin is unblemished and smooth, eyes and nose missing, as though you were a body lacking a soul — a blank canvas that would hurt someone to look at for too long.
"You are faceless. My fair maiden, you are faceless." He brushes his thumb over what would have been your cheek, eyes weary and soul tired as he rests his forehead onto where yours should have been. His fingers are cold against the lukewarm skin on your face, his soul weighed down by the reality he had chosen to ignore, tired and refusing to accept that the end of your tale would be here in the Temple of Styx. "Here, this belongs to you."
Thanatos returns your soul, your face returning, a smile on your face that Thanatos had engrained into his mind, burned into the depths of his memories, fearing that the years he reaped souls would catch up to him and erase all of your presence in his mind. Your visage is returned, complexion never changing, youth forever engrained in the gentleness of your skin. Your eyes open first, staring up at death as he is floating, exhausted smile on his face as you look up at him with a fondness that perhaps only you could have felt for something so many despised in the world.
"I am sorry, death." You smile sadly, heart sour in your chest as he stares at you. You reach for the bottles of nectar and ambrosia next to you, handing them to death himself as he grimaces. There is no happy ending fated for the two of you. Death can not love the living, as all things will pass through his hands, only to end up in the underworld in a place that he will not have the time to visit. It will kill him and eat him alive, hurting him until there was nothing left, and he would have become the cold and senseless death that so many people feared.
Yet, yet, yet, Thanatos wondered if you could be the one to save and help him. Perhaps, in your hands, death would be a little warmer, a blanket thrown over a child when they are young, the embrace of a parent that has long left the earth, or the tranquility that one would feel in a field of emptiness with just the night sky. Perhaps, with your hands in his, he could be a death that people learn to accept and not fear, and that he would become a symbol of a restful death, rather than as a sentence to eternal damnation. He longs to be what you have learned to see him as, but neither of you have a choice in the matter.
Death will be feared regardless of who it is accompanied by.
"Do not apologize." He whispers, staring at you as his hands freeze in place and he is unable to move. He wants to comfort you, but the touch of death will forever be cold no matter how warm and loving he wishes to come off as. You will only feel the piercing ice of death, not the warmth and sweetness of life that he so wanted you to feel. He can not be the comfort he longs to give you. He will hurt you more than heal, and your soul will break even with the gentlest of moments together. You will not live as long as you are by his side.
"I believe it is time for my soul to be reaped." You smile. "It was a pleasure being acquainted with death himself. If there is a next life, may I be someone immortal so that I would be able to hold death in my embrace, my skin warm against yours."
"Do not say that." Thanatos' grip tightens on his scythe, hands shaking as you look at him again.
"I am sorry, Thanatos." You smile sadly, eyes closed as he reaps your soul.
"No," He whispers gently, kneeling by your side as he holds your leftover body. "I am sorry, for even death himself can not bear to live without your beauty"
And you return to the Styx, eyes closed as Charon carries you off to be registered with Hypnos.
He stares at your face, and Thanatos sighs.
"I can not save her."
Charon response with a groan.
"Is that so? She will not get her body back."
A rumble.
"And what do you suppose I do?"
Charon lifts your body from the boat, handing you to Thanatos as he takes you, eyes glued to your empty chest as Thanatos understands.
"Really? Master Hades will not like that."
"If you insist."
Death has no chambers, as they are only a formality, yet Thanatos wonders if this was simply what the fates had wished for as he lays your body in his bed. You are peaceful, eyes closed, empty hole in your chest as he stares, regret wracking his body as he stares at you for as long as he can without growing nauseous. He should not have reaped you. He should have brought you to death and chained a sentence to his heart to let you live, to beg and kneel to stay beside you — yet he can not do so any longer. You are nothing more than dead now. Not even death himself can return you to life.
Your body is safe, and only your soul remains to be saved.
Thanatos leads your dead soul through Hypnos and then seals it away again into his scythe, waiting for the chance to return it to your dead body, waiting for the day you would be seen again, for a day that he would have the time.
And when he gets the chance, he returns your soul, fingers brushing your hair as he waits an eternity for you to wake back up, death a long thing of the past, as rumored that the cold death that gave a warm embrace was replaced by Hades himself, swift snap of fingers, brought in by the boatman, yet death nowhere in sight, longing for the warm fingers of the person he had found he could not live without. Death remains by her bedside, eyes closed for the eternity that his love would have her eyes closed, two resting side by side in a blessing of sleep by his brother.
And there is a rumor, that the swift death of the past is replaced by the slow death of doom and sleep, by the violent death of Keres, for the death that our ancestors felt is waiting for the return of his lover from himself. That his soul would lead her out of the eternity of darkness, and her eyes would open and he would cry, warmth of her fingertips on his skin as he closes his eyes to thank Olympus above.
But, until then, the doom of mankind is inevitable.
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pix3lplays · 6 months
Found an old, unfinished Thanatos fanfiction for you~
cw! Than has a nightmare, based on that one piece of mythology of him being chained up
-Thanatos: Night Terror-
Cold steel, wrapped round his neck. Choking, pulling, tugging, his fingers work at the metal hopelessly. They slip, making contact with his dripping sweat, and the smell of musk and rusting metal is unbearable. Choking.
Thanatos sits up in bed with a violent jolt, his fingers from one hand on his neck, where the phantom chain of his nightmare was a moment ago.
He struggles to catch his breath, checks his wrists, his neck again, his ankles. No chains. He was free.
He swings his legs over the side of the bed, rests his elbows on his knees, and buries his sweaty face into his hands. Breathing, breathing. His chest rises and falls in an uneven rhythm.
There are no chains. No dungeon.
The warm body that was at his side just a moment ago stirs, and he glances over his shoulder.
“My apologies for waking you…”
“No, it’s okay, are you alright?”
Delicate, gentle fingers reach and touch the flesh of his bare back. You can tell he’s been sweating just from your small touch.
“Nightmare again?”
He nods. You can barely see it through the darkness.
“But I’m fine.”
You sit up in bed. Pat your lap, spread your arms.
“I said I’m fine.”
“Just come here, Than.”
He sighs, leans into the white sheets, resting on your thighs.
You run your fingers through his bangs, stroking his scalp, before focusing on massaging his shoulders.
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xjulixred45x · 8 days
I was making some drawings with the story of the Trojan War in the background, when I just got to the part of the sacrifice of Iphigenia (Agamemnon's daughter) so that the ships would march towards Troy.
and it gave me a little idea for this little drabble.
Imagine that the reader is a lover of one of the 3 main members of the house of Hades (Zagreus, Thanatos, Megaera) and one day their family tells them to go to a specific place for a matter of EXTREME importance.
Without knowing it, the reader goes to where they plan to sacrifice them to the gods (you decide the reason).
What the family does not take into account when this happens is that using the Aid of the gods, reader calls their lover to help them (could it be possible? I would be upset if it were).
Can you imagine the reactions of each person when they see that mortals want to sacrifice their partner?
Thanatos is definitely against this sacrifice being made with his partner obviously, and he protects them, but he is the most aware of the situation, that if there is a sacrifice, some god asked for it, and he knows that something that would be worse (especially for his partner) than dealing with mortals, would be dealing with a GOD/GODDESS.
Therefore, Thanatos would try to use diplomacy as much as possible, although he would use force if necessary to defend his partner (if they needs it) and would try to fix the situation without bothering any higher entity.
He is the clumsiest when it comes to comforting his partner, but he doesn't want them to feel bad in the long run, so even after the situation is under control, he takes them somewhere nice to make them feel better.
Zagreus is definitely LIVID with anger when he finds out what is happening, I think he would try at first to say that it makes no sense for them to ask for a sacrifice because the gods usually DON'T LIKE THEM (like what happened with Pelops) but as soon as he sees that that It doesn't work, he goes directly to violence.
Do they want a sacrifice to the gods? Well, let them be it themselves. Besides he gets to show off a little with His partner lol.
although he definitely tries to comfort them emotionally after that kind of betrayal while he can be on the surface (or even offer them some time in the house of Hades, if they want). Good and unusual Badass/angry Zagreus.
Megaera....OF...she jumps right into violence. They don't even have to tell her what's happening, she sees her partner in trouble and distressed and she sees RED. brings out her most violent side.
When it's all over she goes to check on her partner and asks what happened and it only makes her even angrier. Of course it was deadly stupid. But he's glad they're okay. she's not as emotionally good as Zagreus, but at least she comforts her partner because she knows what it's like to feel so disconnected from your "family."
She is definitely going to take the time in Tartarus to torment her partner's family or at least she leaves it to her sisters :)
POLY THAN/ZAG/MEG is a weird mix of all of the above. probably having Thanatos trying to make things "right" Megaera and Zagreus try not to go straight to violence. THEY WOULD TREAT.
although as soon as they see that there is not going to be a real negotiation, that they ignore them or, gods forbid, they try to kill their partner EVEN WITH THEM IN FRONT OF THEM Zagreus and Megaera will no longer hold back and will go for BLOOD.
Thanatos, seeing that diplomacy failed, would only dedicate himself to checking on his partner to see if they were hurt or if they are feeling well in general. The man wants ANSWERS of how this happened.
When it's all over, probably the three of them (especially Zagreus and Meg) would be much more vigilant with their partner, it was just a big scare. Besides, lots of hugs and cuddles. I don't make the rules.
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
This was fun to write:D
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aristia-pjoheadcanons · 8 months
YOOO WHATS UP??? HOW ARE YOU??? I was wonderinggg if you could do Thanatos dating hcs?? (If you can could you do daughter of hades? It’s totally good if you don’t too!!)
God Thanatos x Dating Daughter of Hades.
Dating death itself comes with its perks, for one; he´s hot asf. But also, let’s not forget death does not have a proper gender, so it can be whatever you want. (Ill be using he pronouns for this mainly)
Thanatos is willing to change his appearance to make you happy and to fit your preferences, he’s not directly a God but he is an immortal being and he can tell what type of things you like.
 Every single thing he does it goddamm attractive, – I wouldn’t be surprised if you fainted.
He is not experiences with love completely, but he understands it because, “Death and love are similar in a lot of ways.”
Let’s say you are a daughter of Hades, this would be a plus! Going Underground with him to check things out, “romantic” (more like scary) boat rides across each river (he’s willing to give a tour). He might even let you slip into Paradise and see what it’s like there.
He likes saying things telepathically to you and he enjoys making you jump in surprise when he comes out of nowhere.
Whispering in your ear makes you feel funny and flustered.
If you flirt, he will give you the most dashing smile ever that lights up the darkest room.
He has no shame in saying things as it is and can tell what you are feeling.
Unfortunately, he can also see into your past – you know when life flashes before your eyes, – Thanatos controls that and can see it.
Another downside is that he is super busy. Luckily enough, he can split himself into many copies. So technically he’s there, but also not there.
He knows your dirties secrets and will smile and pretends he doesn’t.
Loves being seen as a mystery.
He does dress up for dates, wearing a nice suit to go with his whatever atmosphere or vibe he wants.
Hades knows about the relationship, not only because Thanatos is one of his workers but also being a daughter of Hades would mean that he would force skeleton soldiers to watch the two of you at all times.
Shadow-travelling can have its perks, you can follow him anywhere. But you feel weak and exhausted after circling the whole entire globe, and Thanatos will tease you and say that “your time isn’t here yet”.
In public, mortals would stare at him a lot, but if it bothers you, he will snap his fingers and turn himself invisible.
Let’s not forget he has wings and is willing to carry you and let you touch the feathers.
His love for you is very passionate and deep. Cupid really did his job here – but you most likely fell for Thanatos on your own, so Cupid didn’t do anything.
He would help his lover understand the way of the world, showing you secrets. He would keep you safe and almost hold your hand – guiding you throw the dark.
He wouldn’t let his lover die, completely. If you wish to be reborn, he will meet you in another life. If you went the fields of punishment, he would make your sins less painful. If you went somewhere safe, he would visit. If you wish for it, he might even be able to find a way to make you immortal.
His demeanor is somewhat distant and almost cold – but being obsessed with work does that. He guides people down to the afterlife.
His love would be eternal, but in Greek Mythology we know most immortal beings never stay true –
Having a crush on the daughter of hades, would make things interesting. Popping up out of nowhere after watching you, giving you red flowers and say something cheesy and outdates. He clearly hasn’t kept up during these centuries. But he is charming.
A sense of understanding and closeness would be a given since both are associated with the Underworld.
Both of you would be aware that life doesn’t last forever, valuing the present is important.
If you’re scared of death, he would comfort you and explain that it is peaceful. He would make sure your death is the most peaceful – since he is the son of Nyx and Hypnos.
Both being powerful forces, would make the underworld shape in fear if either got angry.
Boatrides across rivers and oceans, like that scene in Tangled.
He would associate you with either life or light.
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thefoxtherapist · 1 year
Tucked away in a corner of Elysium, the slight mist, the greens and blues, the surprisingly lush foliage. With the river Lethe flowing beside you, it was almost picturesque. If not for the distant sounds of combat. But those were easily ignored. It was here in the Elysian Fields did you find time to break from your duties with the House of Hades.
You and Thanatos.
He was always busier than you, but he still tried to find the time to meet you here. If only for a passing moment. And oftentimes, it was just a moment. A brush of cold lips against yours as you stood on tiptoes to reach his floating form. His fingers would brush through your hair with a ghost-like touch and then he'd apologise before going.
Still, no matter how fleeting, to have the kiss of death was still remarkable.
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written-with-blue-ink · 3 months
New Rules for Requests
Fandoms willing to write for
Pokemon (human characters only)
Dimension 20
Hades and Hades 2 Game
Genshin Impact
Studio Ghibli
CR Campaigns 1&2
Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Suggestive
XReaders, Headcanons, Drabbles, Oneshots, Ships (as long as no one is hateful about any ships)
Any Gender X Any Gender, this is a queer-friendly space
Polyamorous ships
Not OKs:
Anything romantic involving kids unless it's already canon ships (like Fig and Ayda from FHSY or Marin and Gojo from My Dress Up Darling, no smut tho)
Anything Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, or anything bigoted. I am queer and try my best to be educated and support other minority groups
Dead Dove Do Not Eat (for me this is really graphic kinks, extreme violence, etc
Hurt No Comfort
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dervampireprince · 2 years
ASMR | Hades - Thanatos Confesses His Feelings To You [M4A] [Romantic] [Tsundere]
Another Hades character because I love Hades and even though they're the least popular audios I do I cannot stop I love Hades too much.
If you enjoy listening to my audios please considering dropping me a small donation on Ko-Fi or supporting me on Patreon (where at the moment you get optional access to my Discord and HD downloadable MP3s of all my audios). I improv/write, record, and edit all of these myself, as well as doing artwork for any original character roleplays. It takes a while to put everything together so any support is appreciated. Audio commissions are currently open, information is in my pinned post.  As always, I also post my audios to Youtube, and have Youtube, soundg-asm, Twitter, AO3, Ko-Fi and Patreon.
(Full spicy audios on soundgasm and Patreon. Downloadable versions, bonus N-SFW audios and Discord on Patreon) [minors + ageless blogs dni. this blog is for 18+ only.] [do not repost/reupload/edit my audios]
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writing-fanics · 2 years
Will the morpheus x hades daughter fic be a one-shot or a series?
[greek god versions used from the game Hades]
it honestly depends maybe a series have Dream visit the underworld and Hades being pissed that Morpheus has come back after what happened with Dream and y/n and how he treated her
then to have Dream find out about his daughter and him slowly entering her life
dream and y/n arguing once more and morpheus realizing his mistakes a little too late he tries to win her back but
she realizes fast and tells him she’s already in a relationship with Thanatos and are going really strong. he treats Atë as if she was his own.
cue jealous dream watching as Thanatos and Atë play with Cerberus. he gets really jealous when Thanatos kisses her.
I’m figuring out if I should end it with Dream and y/n back together or her and Thanatos together.
Or maybe even her just giving up on relationships entirely
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h0ney-gl0ws · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if I could request Hades boys (Zag, Than, and Hypnos) x reader hcs where the reader loves to bake? ^^ Thank you!
Yes you can! Awww this is such a cute request! Thank you for the request, and your patience lol.
Word Count (Approx): 1,080
Hades Boys! With an s/o who loves to bake!
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Zagreus Zagreus first found out you loved to bake when you got hired to be an assistant to the head chef.
Your services to the lounge made it much more livelier than usual. Many of the shades who had no interest in food before, just had to see what the fuss was about with your baked goods. They were the talk of the house for quite some time after all.
And Zagreus doesnt let you forget that fact, reminding you constantly about how good your treats are, emphasizing how popular they are, as well as relaying the compliments he’s heard in whispers amongst the shades.
One day (or night) he asks that you teach him your ways. He knows how much baking means to you and wants to be able to share in that special little hobby of yours.
Of course Zagreus’ attempts end up with a fire, a horribly charred lump of something that was meant to be bread, and another hefty work load for Dusa in order to clean up the lounge…again. (You offer your best cupcakes as an apology to her afterwards haha)
The fire fiasco also got Zagreus banned from stepping foot into the kitchen again at the insistence of the head chef.
Zagreus would miss being able to steal tastes of your baked treats (and seeing you at work ofc) so much, that he commissioned the house contractor to start selling your treats in Charon’s shops. That way when he’s on his runs he can have a little reminder, and assist from you along the way.
He even took one of your recipes all the way to Eurydice, in return she gave him one of hers for you to try out. You were so impressed by her recipe, the goods made from it tasted like nothing you’ve ever had before! From then on Zagreus became a bit of a messenger between you two, he’d gift you one of Eurydice’s recipes when she gave them to him and you send her one back. You formed a cherished friendship over the shared love of creating food even without having met face to face.
You made sure to express your gratitude to Zagreus for taking interest in your hobby, connecting you to new friends in the afterlife, as well as being a great partner by giving him all the treats he could ever ask for, but the only treat he really needs in the end is you :)
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Thanatos Thanatos was never one for sweets. The taste was too intense and the pure sugary monstrosities reminded him way too much of the surface. Bright, euphoric in the moment, but also very bad for you. All in all he can’t stand the stuff.
So when you first told him about your hobby he admits he had some concern. He’s seen what treats do to mortals first hand and does not understand the appeal.
Until, one day or night he returned to his usual spot in the house, and upon the polished round table that Zagreus got him was a basket of freshly baked bread rolls. In his hasty opposition to sweet foods he forgot that not all baked goods were of the sweet variety. Your baking opened a new door for him that day.
He praised your baking skills the next day. Expressing his gratitude of you accommodating his culinary preferences. You told him that’s what partners are for! That you want to be able to share this part of you with him and are overjoyed that he liked them. He laughs at your enthusiasm telling you he would happily accept any more treats you decided to make him.
And make him things you did, from breads to pastries to savory pies you made him all sorts of amazing goodies. Thanatos thanked you profusely after each gift, pressing tender kisses to your temple.
One evening, he admitted that he didn’t always hate sweets. When he was younger he actually liked a few of them, but after seeing greedy mortals, stuffing their faces and throwing away much excess while others starved and perished. Sweets never quite tasted the same, becoming a suffocating syrupy substance that he cant handle, but he was willing to try again if you made it.
You told him he doesn’t have to try your sweets and you wouldn’t be offended if he didn’t, but he assured you he wanted to, that anything important to you was important to him. And besides if he likes someone as sweet as you then he can handle any sweet treat you make.
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Hypnos Alright, Hypnos sleeps a lot so there not a lot of time for him to eat the goods you make. He claims that the sugar would have him awake for weeks and he’d hate to have that happen. So he appreciates your hobby in a different way.
For instance he loves just watching you bake. The way your hands move so gracefully as well as confidently is super soothing. Your so precise in everything you do its very impressive to watch. You often catch him leaning against the edge of the counter your working on, fast asleep after a few minutes of watching you bake. You find it really cute how much he admires you ^-^
Not even to mention the smell! When Hypnos cuddles with you after you’ve been working a long shift with sweets and freshly baked goods, he practically feels as if he was in Olympus! Nuzzling his nose into your hair he can just fall asleep relishing in your sweet scent as he holds you close.
Well, eventually you are able to catch him at a time where you can convince him to actually enjoy your baked goods. And he was right… He talked faster than usual that day, and was way more clingy than you were used too. Why he rivaled Hermes in how fast he completed his work. His sugar rush antics made quite the entertaining feat. I don’t think he nodded off once for quite a while after that.
But when he did crash, he crashed It caused quite the backup in his work, and he wasn’t allowed to have your treats over a certain sugar level after that. Ordered by Lord Hades himself XD.
But Hypnos doesn’t mind, you’re the only sugar he needs in his life :P
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hiraethhh-h · 1 year
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hades (supergiant games) - 0/10
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xjulixred45x · 8 days
estaba haciendo unos dibujos con la historia de la guerra de Troya de fondo, cuando justamente llego a la parte del sacrificio de Ifigenia(la hija de Agamenón) para que los barcos marcharan hacia troya.
y me dio una pequeña idea para este pequeño drabble.
imagínate que lector es amante de alguno de los 3 miembros principales de la casa de Hades(Zagreus, Thanatos, Megaera) y un dia justamente su familia les dice que vayan a un lugar específico por un asunto de SUMA importancia.
sin saberlo lector va hacia donde planean sacrificarlos a los dioses(tu decides la razon).
lo que la familia no tiene en cuenta cuando esto ocurre es que utilizando el Aid de los dioses, lector llama a su amante para que los ayude(¿podria ser posible? estaria cheto si asi fuera).
¿se imaginan las reacciones de cada uno al ver que los mortales quieren sacrificar a su pareja?
Thanatos definitivamente esta en contra de que se haga dicho sacrificio con su pareja obviamente, y los proteje, pero es el mas conciente de la situación, de que si hay un sacrificio, algun dios lo pidio, y sabe que algo que seria peor(sobretodo para su pareja) que lidiar con mortales, seria lidiar con un DIOS/DIOSA.
por lo que Thanatos trataria de usar mas la diplomacia en lo posible, aunque usara fuerza si es necesario para defender a su pareja(si lo necesita) y tratara de arreglar la situación sin molestar a ninguna entidad superior.
es el mas torpe a la hora de consolar a su pareja, pero no quiere que se sientan mal a largo plazo, por lo que aunque sea después de que la situación esta bajo control, los lleva a algun lugar lindo.
Zagreus definitivamente esta LIVIDO de ira al enterarse de lo que esta pasando, creo que trataria al principio de decir que no tiene sentido que pidan un sacrificio porque los dioses usualmente NO LES GUSTAN (como lo que paso con Pelops) pero en cuanto vea que eso no funciona, pasaea directamente a la violencia.
¿ellos quieren un sacrificio a los dioses? bien, que lo sean ellos mismos. aparte de que tiene la oportunidad de presumir un poco con su pareja lol.
aunque definitivamente trata de consolarlos emocionalmente despues de ese tipo de traición mientras pueda estar en la superficie (o incluso ofrecerles un rato en la casa de Hades, si quieren).buen e inusual Badass/enojado Zagreus.
Megaera....OF...ella salta directamente a la violencia. nisiquiera tienen que decirle que esta pasando, ve a su pareja en apuros y angustiada y ella ve ROJO. saca su lado mas violento.
cuando todo termina va a checar a su pareja y pregunta que fue lo que paso y solo la pone aun mas furiosa. por supuesto que era una estupidez mortal. pero se alegra de que ellos esten bien. no es tan buena en lo emocional como Zagreus, pero al menos consuela a su pareja porque sabe lo que es sentirse tan desconectado de tu "familia".
definitivamente va a tomarse el tiempo en el tartaro para atormentar a la familia de su pareja o minimo se los deja a su hermanas :)
POLY THAN/ZAG/MEG es una mezcla rara de todo lo anterior. probablemente teniendo a Thanatos tratando de hacer las cosas "bien" Megaera y Zagreus traten de no ir directamente a la violencia. TRATARIAN.
aunque en cuanto ven que no va a haber una negociación real, que los ignoran o, dioses no lo quieran, tratan de matar a su pareja AÚN CON ELLOS DELANTE Zagreus y Megaera ya no se contendrán e iran por SANGRE.
Thanatos viendo que la diplomacia fallo solo se dedicaria a checar en su pareja para ver si se lastimaron o si se encuentran bien en general. el hombre quiere RESPUESTAS de como esto paso.
cuando todo acabe, probablemente los tres(sobretodo Zagreus y Meg) estarian bastante mas vigilantes con su pareja, simplemente fue un gran susto. aparte, pilas de abrazos. yo no hago las reglas.
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levmada · 1 year
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"The king of the scythe scrapes the sky and scars the earth. He comes down heavy and hard on them. But even the hardest of hearts unhardened suddenly when he saw her there."
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| main masterlist | updated 01/08/23
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ma1dita · 2 months
Luke x Thanatos!daughter reader? like maybe she was wings and Luke finally sees them. (headcanons, fluff, or smut. your choice.)
luke castellan x thanatos!reader
i think this is such a cool concept! luke is not the type of guy to shy away from darkness so let’s dive into it: some about you, some about the relationship yall would have
about you
you’re not scared of death at all, since it would mean being with your father—you’re very headstrong and daring
i think people would think the worst of demigods associated with death, but in reality there’s a softer side to you, one that holds a dying squirrel until it passes safely, or sings an injured camper to sleep on the battlefield so that your dad can carry them to the afterlife; i feel like you’d be able to take away their pain as well
you’d probably be able to have the same transportation powers your dad has, flickering into a shadow to travel or something cool like that
maybe on an actual scarier level, you’d have control over someone’s lifeforce through shadows like in peter pan
you’re a bit of a lurker, but not in a creepy sense—you have a calming presence to you that helps people feel at ease no matter the situation
you can sense when someone’s about to die like it’s a bad taste in your mouth or goosebumps on your skin
if you were trying to hide your wings to try not to stand out (because teens are teens and its easier to try to fit in) i wonder if wings would feel like growing pains, or like they’re trying to escape from under your skin; i would hope they’re more comfortable to have out though! gorgeous and huge like that of an angel
you and luke:
yall are literally ride or dies. literally where one goes the other follows because death is not the end for the two of you
i think he’d think your wings are sick (and sexy but hey…) you flying around with him trying to follow you in his shoes he got from his dad could create some crazy situations if you know what i mean
you two would race across the sky at camp and meet at the top of half-blood hill <3
you can tame luke’s anger well since you’re a true chaotic neutral, by just holding his hand his rage is contained
he always encourages you to be your truest self and spread your wings (literally) who cares if someone tries to pick on you for how big they are or how scary you look they should be more scared of him because he’ll start a fight for it (luke is your scary dog privilege)
luke has very fidgety hands as a son of hermes so i think you’d always catch him stroking the feathers of your wings absentmindedly
everything is attainable when you two are together, you make him understand the balance of life and death as your father did to you—this may or may not sway his decision to become a human vessel, but you’d be with him through it all
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captainremmington-13 · 2 months
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖆𝖚𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖋 𝖉𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍
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show!luke castellan x daughter of thanatos! reader
⚠️Warnings⚠️: cursing, mature themes, violence, death, parental neglect, some angst
Summary: You and Luke Castellan have been best friends ever since he arrived at Camp Half-Blood. You were eternally loyal to him, and he’d do anything for you. But when Luke decides to join a certain Titan Lord, you run the risk of losing him forever, or losing the only home you’ve ever known…
Origin Story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
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