#Thank you for creating this template Orion
aceghosts · 1 year
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"I know your soul is not tainted/Even though you've been told so/Can you hear the rumble?/Can you hear the rumble that's calling?/I can feel the thunder that's breaking in your heart/I can see through the scars inside you"-Cirice by Ghost
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autumnmist101 · 14 days
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And here we are! End of Hermit-a-day-May! I figured that since I'd be drawing all the hermits during this month that I could go ahead and fill this out.
Thank you @hermitadaymay for creating this event, as well as putting up with my favorite font for the whole month.
This template was inspired by the Life Series in your Style template by @xmaruu11. However, I have also seen a template by @call-of-the-ocean being used by @orions-brush. So definitely go check it out.
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monriatitans · 25 days
Ta-Da! List: Sunday, May 19th
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The image was made in Canva; check it out at the [referral] link here!
I share my “Ta-Da! List” every day so everyone gets a daily update and I have a reminder of what I’ve accomplished.
To learn more about “Ta-Da! Lists”, and other ADHD life hacks, check out @adhdjesse’s book Extra Focus: The Quick Start Guide to Adult ADHD.
- O&T: Opinions & Truth Blog - WGS: The Weekend Game Show - ASO: Artist Shout-Out - LPSS: Let’s Play Some $#!7 - IG: Instagram - BMAC: Buy Me a Coffee - TDL: Ta-Da! List
Ta-Da! List
✧ throughout the day: - kept emails manageable - loaded the dishwasher - filled out today’s TDL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧ on the mobile phone: - IG/Hive: shared today’s ASO and VOD Announcement ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧ on the bedroom setup: - Movies: watched “The Nightmare Before Christmas” repeatedly - O&T: shared today’s TDL to various social media ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧ on the office setup: - WGS: gave a human artist, Lucas Zauner, a shout-out on O&T, Tumblr, and other social media; did a LPSS Stream, exported it to YouTube, then shared it on O&T, Tumblr, and other social media, then uploaded it to Rumble; shared a VOD Announcement to The Titans’ Discord, IG, and other social media; prepared the ASO for tomorrow, May 20th - O&T: updated the site’s YouTube widgets - O&T/Tumblr/Medium: added a link to Rumble to the closing of all of May’s TDLs; added a “LATEST VIDEO” section to their SITE MAPs, and BMAC’s - Branding: in Canva, created the “LPSS Wesnoth” IG Template and updated their WordPress Feature Image Template - YouTube: watched: 1. I’m Autistic, Now What?’s video “Arielle Scarcella is Dangerously Wrong about Autism” 2. Prophet of Zod’s video “When Christians Try to Trick You Using Wordplay” 3. Orion Kelly — That Autistic Guy’s video “20 Tips for Managing Demand Avoidance in Autistic Kids” 4. I am MindBlind’s video “How to Talk to Your PDA Kid, Tips for Adults too! | Pathological Demand Avoidance profile of Autism” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧ chores and miscellaneous: - Food: had coffee for breakfast; had leftover pizza and family dinner for dinner - Chores: washed the bedspread
Well, these are all the updates I had for today! Thank you for reading!
May every decision you make be *in the spirit of fairness* and may the rest of your day *NOT go to $#!7*!
Enjoy what I do? Please consider supporting via Buy Me a Coffee (BMAC)! Like what you see and want to know when there’s more? Click here to subscribe for updates and/or hit the Follow button! This post contains affiliate links.
Watch MonriaTitans on Twitch, YouTube, and Rumble! For more about MonriaTitans, click here!
View On O&T!
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juliandev0rak · 3 years
Cadmus Durand ⚔️
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the charming assassin on the run
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Full name: Comte Cadmus Orion François Durand
Meaning: the title Comte is the same as a count or an earl (Cadmus is specifically an earl) his first name comes from Greek mythology:
In Greek mythology Cadmus was the son of the Phoenician king Agenor. He was sent by his father to rescue his sister Europa, who had been abducted by Zeus, although he did not succeed in retrieving her. According to legend, Cadmus founded the city of Thebes and introduced the alphabet to Greece. He also famously slayed a dragon. 
source 1 source 2
Cadmus also translates to “one who excels” 
Gender: male, he/ him
Birthday: April 10th
Age (start of story): 29
Orientation: bisexual
Magic: illusions, light
Occupation: assassin
Familiar: Agatha the black mamba snake, named after Agathodaemon, a mythological personal companion spirit often pictured as a snake
Love interest: Julian Devorak, no canon route
Shippable?: very!
Theme song: Take Me Out- Franz Ferdinand
(the perfect song for him, lyrically and because the band is named after the famously assassinated Archduke)
full playlist
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Zodiac signs: 
Sun: aries
Moon: aquarius
Rising: capricorn
MBTI: entj
Element: fire
Major Arcana: The Chariot
UPRIGHT: Control, willpower, success, action, determination
REVERSED: Self-discipline, opposition, lack of direction
Minor Arcana: 9 of Wands
UPRIGHT:  Resilience, courage, persistence, test of faith, boundaries
REVERSED: Inner resources, struggle, overwhelm, defensive, paranoia
— Illusions: Can create minor illusions such as fake walls to hide behind or temporarily changing his appearance  (hair color, facial features etc)
— Light: Can create a ball of golden light, for flashlight or distraction purposes usually 
Other abilities: espionage, speaks multiple languages, skilled in various types of weapons including swords of all kinds and archery, skilled dancer
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Personality: Cadmus is direct, confident, and decisive. He’s quick thinking and resourceful and always has a plan. He’s outwardly very charming, though he uses the information he learns from others to figure out the best way to take them down. Always vigilant and observant, Cadmus tends to see people in terms of how they can be of use to him.
He’s got a talent for making people feel like they know him, even though they don’t. He makes friends easily, though whether he would consider them friends is another matter. He also makes enemies easily, both through his job and family affiliation and through his boastful attitude. He has a bad temper and his pride is easily hurt. He likes to be the best at everything he does, and he usually is. Cadmus will rise to any challenge and has to hold himself back from fighting every battle. 
When he does genuinely care for someone he is loyal, protective, and can be kind. The only people to earn this treatment so far are his younger sister Daphne, and occasionally his best friend and Captain of the Guard, Alexander Garreau.
Mental health: Cadmus is very emotionally closed off, he deals with PTSD from his childhood and vocation but generally does a great job of never letting anyone know he’s upset. His attention ranges from hyperfocus to being completely unfocused with little in between. He also has very bad coping mechanisms and tends to be self destructive in his relationships 
Likes: dancing, sunny days, playing games (of any kind), sleeping in
Dislikes: indecision, lack of control, travelling by boat
Fears: small spaces (he’s claustrophobic), losing his sister
Quirks: walks with a bit of a limp from previous injuries
Favorite food: crème brûlée
Favorite drink: gin
Favorite flower: larkspur
Favorite color: black and gold
Most likely to: consider sword fighting first base
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Height: 6’, 183 cm
Eyes: blue grey
Hair: honey blonde, curly, he often lets it grow to his shoulders
Other: has freckles everywhere, and a multitude of battle scars ranging from tiny ones on his arms to a large one on his torso, his left shoulder has a tattoo of a dragon that stretches onto his arm, he also has pierced ears
Color theme: black, gold, silver, royal blue
Fashion sense: described as “fancy goth prince / part time pirate”, his clothing is expensive, detailed, and always impeccably tailored, he comes from money and his wardrobe shows it. Cadmus wears mostly black, especially on missions, but at special events will branch into colors, usually blue or gold. He’s a fan of a classic puffy sleeve and tight pants combo. 
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The Durand Family Motto is “ex gladio vita” from the sword, life
Augustin Durand - father- alive | relationship: bad
Helene Durand - mother - alive | relationship: nearly nonexistent
Alastor Durand - younger brother - alive | relationship: bad, pretty much mortal enemies
Daphne Durand - younger sister - alive | relationship: best friends, slightly paternal 
Born and raised in the city of Avronne, Cadmus was trained as an assassin from a young age to protect his family’s political and business ventures. He’s used as a weapon, a pawn to his father the Comte d'Avronne, and sent across the world on missions to take out anyone who could threaten the family. Cadmus never questioned the things he was asked to do, simply doing as he was told to protect his life and out of a sense of duty and loyalty to his family and city. 
He grew up in the luxury of the castle, going on missions as commanded until he was forced to reconsider his morals and family loyalty. He’s sent to assassinate the princess of a neighboring city to allow his family to control the line of succession in their favor. When he arrives, he finds that the princess is only 16 years old and reminds him too much of his own younger sister Daphne. When the time comes to kill, he chooses to spare her instead and faces his family’s wrath. 
On the run from his family and their army of trained assassins (some of them Cadmus’ own friends and relatives) he flees to Vesuvia, a city big enough to hide in. He plans to stay for a few weeks at most, but plans change when he meets an old friend (or enemy depending on who you ask) His stay in Vesuvia is cut short when he receives word that his sister is in terrible danger. 
Now Cadmus must choose whether to walk into his father’s trap to save his sister, perhaps at the cost of his own life. With the help of a certain red haired doctor he might just be able to pull it off- but sacrifices must be made.
Five facts:
he’s allergic to nuts which has nearly killed him on at least 2 occasions
he loves his horse, he’s the male equivalent of a horse girl but he’d never admit to it
he has a chipped front tooth and it gives him a slightly crooked looking smile
his familiar Agatha has deadly venom and has assisted him with taking down targets before
he fights with a sword left handed for the tactical advantage, even though he’s right handed
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note: Hi hello here is my newest child, I’m very excited to share him! Special thanks to @leila-of-ravens​ because I stole her oc bio template lol, and thank you to all of my lovely mutuals who have listened to me gush about him  💗
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monkeyandelf · 4 years
The secret of the numbers of Nikola Tesla - 3, 6 and 9 is finally revealed
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Throughout his career, Nikola Tesla has performed a lot of controversial and mysterious experiments. Nikola Tesla was a very strange and mysterious personality. He did many things that the world did not understand. One of the weird details about Nikola Tesla is the fact that he was walking around a building 3 times before actually entering it. He was living in a hotel and his room number was 3 or any other number divisible by 3. The great scholar was obsessed with number 3. However, it seems that Nikola Tesla had an obsession with the combination of numbers 3-6-9. “The key to unraveling the secrets of the universe lies in the study of the numbers 3, 6 and 9. They are extremely important, they contain the true splendor of the world! “- claimed Nikola. The idea of ​​nature The inventor understood that not a single scientist invented anything, he only discovered what was created by higher forces. Not people came up with mathematics, the rule of the golden ratio, geometric formulas, they only described the universal laws of nature. The Universe speaks to us in the language of numbers. At any point 2 + 1 = 3, and 2 + 2 = 4. All patterns apply to any point in our galaxy and millions of others. Surprisingly, all life on earth obeys mathematical laws. Life originates in a cell that divides into 2, those into 4, then go 8, 16, 32 and beyond. It is nothing but a binary system of calculus or God's plan, as the enlightened ones call it.
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Amazing pattern Vortex mathematics (the law of knowledge and thinking) deduces the pattern 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5, 1, 2, 4 ... Have you noticed that there are no 3, 6, 9? Modern scientists suggest that these are vectors of the fourth dimension, the existence of which Tesla tried to prove all his life (the theory of the ether, studying the motion of electromagnetic pulses in an invisible field). Here lies the key to the secret energy of high dimension, the access to which the scientist found. Tesla said then that these numbers 3-6-9 are very important and that on our planet there are some energy points related to these numbers. Beyond the Patterns We give an example: 1 × 2 = 2; 2 × 2 = 4; 4 × 2 = 8; 8 × 2 = 16, which means 1 + 7 = 8; 8 × 2 = 16; 16 × 2 = 32. It turns out that 3 + 2 = 5. The model 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5, 1, 2 looms ... Here again, there is no mention of 3, 6 and 9. They go beyond simple templates! Even the ancient Egyptians knew that 9 is a symbol of enlightenment. Going to the pyramid complex in Giza, we find that there are exactly 3 large structures, they clearly display the position of the stars in the Orion belt, then we see 3 small pyramids.
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And to be able to find out the secrets of the universe, you should think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. The magic of number 3 The power of the number 3, which is divided by 6 and 9, has been known at all times. Even the exploits of the mythical Hercules were 12, which is also divided by 3. The ancient Jews chose the six-pointed star of David as their sign - two triangles. Christians worship the number 3: Jesus Christ rose on the third day, 3 crosses at Calvary, 3 magicians brought gifts to Jesus, 3 years to serve Jesus, the apostle Peter three times renounced Jesus Christ. After the prayer, they are baptized three times, during three days they celebrate Christmas, the feast of Holy Easter lasts three days. The power of number 9 The great power of the number 9 can be described thanks to the following scheme: as in nature there are two opposites (North and South poles), so among people there is Yin and Yang, or, for example, heaven and hell. On one side - 1, 2 and 4, on the other - 8, 7 and 5. In the same way as electricity, everything in the Universe is a stream between these two polar sides, so the pendulum sways: 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5, 1, 2 ... Parties obey numbers 3 and 6; 3 controls 1, 2 and 4, while 6 controls 8, 7 and 5. Carefully look at the figure, it becomes clear that: 1 and 2 = 3; 2 and 4 = 6; 4 and 8 = 3; 8 and 7 = 6; 7 and 5 = 3; 5 and 1 = 6; 1 and 2 = 3 ... The universe itself However, even these two sides, 3 and 6 are controlled by 9! Take another look at the drawing. 3 and 6 = 9, 6 and 3 = 9, all numbers together are equal to 9, in both cases excluding and including 3 and 6. It turns out that the number 9 is nothing but the Universe itself! Some claim that 9 is the number of Jesus, 6 is the number of the Antichrist, and 3 is the Holy Trinity. There is nothing contradictory in this, because our Universe consists of both good and evil. Only balance helps achieve harmony. In the video below you can understand why Nikola Tesla had this obsession with numbers 3, 6 and 9. Watch the following video and see for yourself: Read the full article
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prevajconsultants · 6 years
YN Big Bundle (GWD) - Google Web Designer Animated HTML5 Banner Ad Bundle (Ad Templates)
YN Big Bundle (GWD) – Premium Google Web Designer Animated HTML5 Banner Ad Templates. Easy to use and customize with Google Web Designer free software.
Ad Templates Features:
Created and fully editable with Google Web Designer
Google Web Fonts used
Banners with Awesome Hover Effect Included
Vibrant and Eye Catching Color Schemes
Animation duration – 30 seconds
Compatible with Adwords, Doubleclick, AdRoll and more…
The package includes 21 Ad banner sets:
Multipurpose Google Ad
Multipurpose Google Ad 2
Multipurpose Business Ads
Digital Marketing Display Ads
Sport Shop
Retail | Product Sale
Sunny – Multipurpose Travel Agency
Swiss Design – Minimal Multipurpose HTML5 Ad
SEO Genius Digital Agency
Multipurpose Corporate Business Banners
Fashion Sale
Orion – Cryptocurrency
Corporate Business Banners
Polyclinic – Medical Services
Responsive – Multipurpose
Abstract – Multipurpose Product Sale
Four Seasons Sale
Four Seasons Shopping
Thank You!
Thank you so much for your interests. Your comments and ratings would be much appreciated.
from CodeCanyon new items http://ift.tt/2C9B6tD via IFTTT https://goo.gl/zxKHwc
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suzanneshannon · 5 years
Popular Web Tools and Services Among Designers & Developers (Sponsored)
Today we will present you the most popular 30 web tools and services among designers and developers. We handpicked solutions that are offering the best functionalities, support, and pricing on the market.
You will find probably the best logo design creating software, the very well-known Hotjar, Landigi that can be used by non-programmers to build brilliant landing pages that quickly convert, a huge icon library and many other different solutions.
Check them and let us know which solution you will start using.
Tailor Social – The Smarter Social Media Management Tool
If you need to quickly build a social media presence for your most recent web project without expending too much effort, the Tailor Social, social media management tool is a good solution, it helps you quickly create a full social media campaign that covers Facebook and Twitter in minutes thanks to AI and a variety of templates.
When you first register, you’ll answer a few questions about your industry, as well as choose the types of posts you’re more interested in seeing on your feeds. Once complete, the Content Guru AI will get to work populating your initial social media calendar with ready-to-post content that is slotted for uploading. All you must do is approve the posts and add a unique message or twist.
Furthermore, you can track how effective your campaigns are, and which content is resonating the most with your audience with the built in social analytics feature. For a more hands-off approach, you can also set your social media management on Autopilot and continue focusing on improving your websites.
If you’re working with only two accounts, you can choose the Basic plan for $10 a month. If you need to handle more accounts, or have other team members who require access to your campaigns, you can select the Professional plan ($15 a month and up to 7 accounts) or the Corporate plan ($50 a month and up to 30 accounts).
Hotjar – See how your visitors are really using your site
Hotjar is the most popular solution on the market to understand how people interact with your website. There are more than 210,000 companies using with great success this solution that is affordable for any kind of company, from startups to Fortune 500 corporations.
Heatmaps will show you where your visitors click, tap, and scroll. Check what users want, care about and do on your site, it is mandatory for every website. Recordings will help you see videos of their behavior and discuss it with your team.
You can also easily find out where is the dropping off point for your customers, on which page they leave or at which step. Forms on your website will be analyzed so you can make improvements.
Pricing plans are adapted for any kind of needs and budgets. There are a free forever plan and different packages for startups, companies, and agencies.
Register for the free plan, it takes less than 1 minute and you don’t need a credit card.
Landingi – A Powerful Landing Page Builder
Landingi is a popular choice among marketers and designers who want to build highly converting landing pages within their team, quickly, with a budget-friendly solution, and without having any coding skills. The process takes hours or days and it is straightforward.
You can start from one of the 200 gorgeous included templates and fully customized them with a video background from YouTube or Vimeo, with the 5,000 free images and 800 Google fonts. Integrate with MailChimp, SalesForce, Hubspot and many others.
Start a free 14-day trial and check how easy to use it is and how the landing pages look like.
Orion – 6014 Free SVG Vector Icons
Orion is one of the best icon libraries on the web, which is offering 6,014 free to use, gorgeous icons and another 2,599 premium icons in the pro plan which starts at $5 per month and at $7 per month for teams. The plans can be upgraded, downgraded and canceled at any time. Check their powerful web app that is packed with tens of advanced functionalities that will help you customize and organize the icons. They also have a fall deal with an exclusive 68% discount for the forever Pro version: https://orioniconlibrary.com/falldeal
WP Page Builder
Do you want to build a gorgeous website without spending even $1? WP Page Builder is one of the fastest and powerful WordPress page builder on the market that is super simple to use, you don’t need to have any coding skills or previous experience.
Design a stunning new website with WP Page Builder, it works with all WordPress themes.
Format – Free Website Template Using Bootstrap For Portfolio
Format is a gorgeous free portfolio website theme that you can use for your next project. It is packed with excellent features and the latest technologies, being a perfect a perfect fit for a gorgeous portfolio for web designers, agencies and web studios. Download it for free.
AppBeat Monitoring
AppBeat is one of the best monitoring services on the market. You will notified via SMS, Email and 10 other ways if something happens with your website, domain, ping, email and much more. The system is reliable, fast and very easy to use. Check it.
Every web designer and developer needs a reliable and powerful cross-browser testing service. This is what BrowseEmAll will do for you, it supports both manual and automated testing and it is the easiest and most professional service on the market. Try it once and you will never let it go.
Another great cross-browser testing service is MultiBrowser. It supports manual and automated testing, you will find powerful mobile browser emulators that you can use from the same computer, real sandboxed browsers, responsive design screenshots and the excellent built-in screen and mobile recorder.
Try it.
Codester is a huge marketplace that is quickly growing every month. It is packed with tens of thousands of products for web designers and developers. There are scripts, codes, graphics, themes and much more. Everything is structured very well and they even have a flash sale section where hugely discounted items are being sold.
Regardless of the type of visual content you’re trying to create, Visme has you covered. Whether you’re looking for a Venn diagram maker, a presentation design tool, something to create compelling Infographics or all of the above – you’ll find everything you need right here.
Whenever you need a gorgeous logo design and you want to spend as minimum as possible, 48HoursLogo is an excellent option. Let web designers compete for your design and you can choose the one you like most. It is a very fast service and the results are remarkable.
Designhooks is probably the best free resources website for designers and developers where they can find handpicked items with an outstanding quality. There are thousands of products, very well structured into several categories: PSD Mockups, Sketch, HTML templates, WordPress themes and others.
MailMunch is the most powerful landing page builder on the market, is packed with everything you need to grow your business, including hugely increasing conversions. You will find an excellent drag and drop builder and gorgeous themes that will help you build your landing pages and forms.
What is even great with MailMunch is that you can build dedicated squeeze pages that will help you convert website visitors into email subscribers. It is super simple to build the lead magnet and start heavily converting.
Userfeel is the best web app that will let you have real-life persons test your website. It is super simple to use and the process is straightforward. Find out what they think about your website and how they feel it. For $49 you will get a video with the tester voiceover that is explaining his or her opinion about your website. This is the best way to test a website and make improvements.
Unlayer – Email Editor
Unlayer is the perfect email editor and page builder for SaaS, it is packed with lots of powerful features and the latest technologies. This is probably the best embeddable editor that your customers will love, let your customers create beautiful mobile-ready emails or landing pages right from your app.
Signup for free and see how it works.
PingPong is a powerful user research that you can do remotely and fast. Everything can be done in one place, from the interview phase to payouts. You start by choosing from ten of thousands of testers, you schedule the discussions, have the video interview with their built-in function and end by selecting the ones you want to work with and pay them. It is as easy as it sound and the process is straightforward.
Racks is an excellent free software website theme that is packed with premium features that you normally find on expensive templates. It is super simple to fully customize, it is SEO friendly and pixel-perfect.
Start a new project with Racks.
Controlio can be used to monitor employee PC activity from anywhere you are. It is packed with powerful features and functions: real-time surveillance, continuous screen recording, keylogging and many others. Increase productivity over your team and the security level.
Track active and idle time per app and website and get rid of bottlenecks in your workflow.
Brizy is a top website builder that you can work for 100% free. It comes loaded with a powerful drag-and-drop builder and more than 150 gorgeous premade blocks that will help you build a stunning design in less than 30 minutes.
MeridianThemes is a powerful WordPress developer that is quickly growing every month. On their website, you will find beautiful and functional WordPress themes that are pixel-perfect and are very easy to fully customize to fit your project.
Browse their portfolio and pick what you need.
Feelance Logo Design can build a gorgeous logo for you in 60 minutes or less. Let 3 logo designers compete and you can choose from 6 custom logos. The results are outstanding and the service is fast. Give it a try any time you need a beautiful logo without spending a fortune.
actiTIME is a time tracking software that provides rich functionality covering almost any management and accounting needs. actiTIME facilitates the business process and helps its users organize their work better, increase company performance and collect critical billing and payroll information. More than 9000 companies in 70 countries are choosing actiTIME.
Medialoot is a huge marketplace where designers and developers with find thousands of high-quality graphics, fonts, icons, templates and much more. Everything is handpicked and the website is very well structured.
Logoshi – Logo Maker
Logoshi’s no-nonsense logo maker creates knockout logos instantly. The pricing starts at $5 per logo and the results are impressive. Buy confidently. If you notice a mistake in your logo, send Logoshi an email. The guy who runs it will send you a fixed logo absolutely free.
Pixpa is one of the best portfolio builders on the market for creatives. Photographers, artists and designers can create their stunning portfolio website easily on Pixpa with integrated e-commerce, client galleries, and blogging tools – all in one place..
Try it for free for 15 days, credit card is not required.
WordPress SEO Plugin – Rank Math
Rank Math is the fastest and the most powerful SEO WordPress plugin. It is packed with great features and functionalities, practically Rank Math configures itself and bring traffic to your website. Soon more interesting features will be added.
Goodie is a professional and friendly development service that is most used by web designers looking to have a reliable developer on their side and by companies looking to amplify their online presence. Pricing per website starts at $999.
Discuss with Goodie your next project details.
Have you ever wondered what are visitors doing on your website, and even more important, why? Inspectlet will let you record and playback their actions in seconds like you were over their shoulders. Understand what you need to improve and let your website convert better.
Try the demo and signup for the free forever plan that can be upgraded it anytime you need.
Freelance Invoice
Freelancers need a dedicated invoicing platform and Bonsai is recognized in the market as the most powerful, complete and easy to use solution. There are more than 100,000 happy designers, developers, photographers and many others using it with great success.
Create and fully customize a smart invoice in seconds with Bonsai.
Start a free trial.
The post Popular Web Tools and Services Among Designers & Developers (Sponsored) appeared first on David Walsh Blog.
Popular Web Tools and Services Among Designers & Developers (Sponsored) published first on https://deskbysnafu.tumblr.com/
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A Great New Product Coming Out December 11th - Bonusify - You Have To Check It Out!!
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 Thanks for watching my Bonusify Full Product Review
Bonusify + Bonuses:
LAUNCH DATE: 11th  December 2018 at 11:00am EST
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Software Creator: #MarianRusu
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You can assume that I will receive compensation for anything I recommend.
Any earnings or income representation are ONLY of your possible earning potential.
There is no guarantee that you'll receive these same results or any results at all.
Your results will depend entirely on your work ethic, drive, experience etc...
There is ALWAYS a risk to any business.  I am not a financial advisor, nor a lawyer and nothing in this video should be considered legal advice.
You should do your own due diligence and research. Always research all opportunities before taking action.
Bonusify + Bonuses:
Launch: December 11th, 2018 - 11AM EST
CREATOR: Marian Rusu
Bonusify + Bonuses:
LAUNCH DATE: 11th  December 2018 at 11:00am EST
CREATOR: Marian Rusu
Product: #Bonusify
Software Creator: #MarianRusu
Launch Date: 11 December 2018
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Price: $47.00
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iyarpage · 6 years
30 Tools and Services That Boost Productivity
The market is overcrowded with web tools and services, today it’s easy to launch your own product and everybody is playing the game. It’s good to have competition but some of these solutions are far from being excellent in terms of functionality, safety, and support, but the pricing is the same as premium solutions, so it’s hard to judge which to use. Testing them all, and picking the best takes time and money.
That’s why we’ve handpicked a collection of excellent web tools and services from different fields: logo and website builders, analytics and feedback, landing page creators, and much more. Check these 30 tools and services that will boost productivity.
1. Tailor Social – The Smarter Social Media Management Tool
Tailor Social, gives you the tools to take your social media to the next level. The social media management platform offers several features designed to find and create high-quality content that’s tailored for your audience and automate your content schedule. Perhaps the most impressive aspect of the social media tool is that it lets you be creative and hone your efforts to produce content that connects with readers.
Once you link your social media accounts to Tailor Social, it will populate your posting calendar with a mix of content found online that is relevant for your company’s market, as well as posts that you can create using the company’s straightforward design tools. You can choose between producing a standard social post, a Twitter or Facebook cover, and even a useful Facebook ad format that makes cross-posting easy.
More importantly, you can modify the text, style, and background of every post to generate something fun and unique that is always on message. These posts can then be easily fitted into your scheduled and automated for posting at the right time. Thanks to in-depth analytics tools, you can see just how effective your strategy is and constantly optimize it for even better results.
You can choose between managing 2 accounts with the $10 a month Basic plan, 7 accounts with the Professional plan at $15 a month, or up to 30 with the Corporate account for $50 a month.
2. Hotjar – See How Your Visitors are Really Using Your Site
With more than 210,000 companies using this solution, Hotjar is a new and easy way to truly understand your web and mobile site visitors. It is a perfect fit for any kind of company, from startups to Fortune 500. Understand what users want, care about and do on your site by visually representing their clicks, taps and scrolling behavior – which are the strongest indicators of visitor motivation and desire.
With the Recordings feature, you will see what your users see – Eliminate guesswork with Recordings of real visitor behavior on your site. By seeing your visitor’s clicks, taps and mouse movements you can identify usability issues on the fly and the issues they encounter.
Where are your visitors dropping off? Find the biggest opportunities for improvement and testing by identifying on which page and at which step most visitors are leaving your site.
The pricing is flexible meaning that there is a free forever plan for personal use 2,000 page views per day, a 29 euro plan per month for low traffic sites & early stage Startups, but also dedicated price for all kind of businesses and agencies.
Start with the free version.
3. Landingi – A Powerful Landing Page Builder
Landingi is a great landing page builder that can be used by anyone, you don’t need to have any coding skills or special knowledge. There are over 4,000 companies using it with great success, including the huge corporations PayPal and SonyMusic.

You will find a powerful drag and drop builder, over 200 excellent templates, 5,000 free images to pick from and 800 Google Fonts. You want to have a YouTube or Video background, is possible with Landingi.
Landingi landing pages look great on any device and can be integrated with MailChimp, HubSpot, SalesForce and many others.

Start the 14-day free trial, you don’t need a credit card and registration takes less than 1 minute.
4. Orion – 6014 Free SVG Vector Icons
Orion Icon Library is a great place where designers and developers can find gorgeous icons that are a perfect fit for any project. You get access for free to 6,014 custom crafted vector icons with a powerful and advanced Web App that you can use to modify and download icons in SVG or PNG format, find and save icons in different collections, change icon colors and much more.

They also have a fall deal with an exclusive 68% discount for the forever Pro version:
5. WP Page Builder
WP Page Builder is a feature-rich drag and drop WordPress page builder plugin to create websites easily. Whether you’re an experienced developer or just a beginner, you can build stunning websites independently with this tool. Create beautiful web pages effortlessly using the intuitive live page composer without coding in minutes. No design experience needed.
6. Format – Free Website Template Using Bootstrap For Portfolio
Format is a creative, clean and modern, free website template that you can use for your next portfolio project. If you need a template as a designer, freelancer, agency, web studio, Format is perfect for you! It features pop up video, smooth overlay for portfolio, and animation upon scrolling. Check it now! Download and Share!
7. AppBeat Monitoring
AppBeat is an excellent and complete uptime, service health, and performance monitoring solution. The highly available monitoring system periodically checks your online services and sends you an immediate notification when a problem is detected. Catch issues before they become incidents!
8. BrowseEmAll
BrowseEmAll is a powerful cross-browser testing solution which is packed with useful features. There is the manual browser testing which enables your developers and testers to locate and fix browser specific problems right on their machine and the automated browser testing where you start the test automation with the Record & Play technology or run your existing test suite using the configuration less Selenium integration.
9. MultiBrowser
MultiBrowser is a responsive, mobile and automated cross-browser testing solution that works great and can be easily used by anybody, without having any special experience or special knowledge. This solution is using real browsers where the testing is real, forget emulators, shimmied user agents and VMs.
Start a free trial and see it working.
10. Codester
Codester is a huge marketplace where designers and developers can buy and sell premium PHP scripts, app templates, themes, plugins, website templates and much more. There are thousands of premium products to choose from, browse the website and pick what you need.
11. Visme
Visme is more than just another content creation tool – it’s a first of its kind, “no tech or design skills required” solution that lets you effortlessly build everything from Infographics to eBooks and more. It’s a graph maker, a visual communication tool and a powerful design application all rolled into one — finally, everything you need to strike a chord with your audience is here.
12. 48HoursLogo
With 48HoursLogo, anyone can have a great and affordable design very fast. A professional logo design starts at $128 and you will have multiple designers competing for your logo and dozens of logo concepts.
13. Designhooks
Designhooks is one of the best free resources websites for web designers and developers where they can easily find hand-picked products made by amazing designers around the world. There are PSD Mockups, Sketches, HTML templates, WordPress templates and much more.
14. MailMunch
With MailMunch everybody can quickly create beautiful landing pages to capture leads. Grow your email list by sharing the page on social networks and ad campaigns. It is the fastest growing lead capture and email marketing platform which will help you convert visitors into subscribers and customers with a zero-code form building.
Using the powerful MailMunch, anyone can create a professional squeeze page, a landing page created with the main purpose of converting visitors into email subscribers. If you want to build your email list, you need to be using squeeze pages as they are the most effective way to do so.
Build your lead magnet.
15. Userfeel.com
Userfeel is the usability testing tool that gives you videos of real users speaking their thoughts as they use your website or app. Userfeel.com is Designed and developed by Usability Researchers for Usability Researchers but also for newcomers to UX Research and anyone who wants to optimize his website or app.
16. Unlayer – Email Editor
Unlayer is the perfect email editor and page builder for SaaS and CRMs. It seamlessly embeds in your web applications and lets your customers create beautiful mobile-ready emails or landing pages right from your app. Unlayer has combined many pre-designed tools which your users will be using to create awesome content from inside your application. HTML code produced by Unlayer editor has been tested on tools like Litmus, and Email on Acid. Your content will look great on all devices, and all clients.
17. PingPong
With PingPong you can conduct effortless user research, remotely. With the instant panel, there are tens of thousands of testers recruited from all over the world. Most of them are working professionals. 76% of them are 5 rated after their first interview. Smart-screening: our algorithms automatically select the most appropriate testers for you. Custom screeners: add filters to your research criteria to ensure you’re speaking to the right people.
18. Racks
Racks is an impressive and curiosity sparking free software company website template. The web design of the page skin is clean, contemporary and high performing. Moreover, Racks follows all the latest tech and web regulations to make sure your final internet space stays intact regardless of the device and browsing platform they use. In other words, whether it is iOS or Android, as well as Safari, Chrome or Firefox, Racks guarantees an always smooth and stable experience.
19. Controlio
Monitor employees PC activity from anywhere with Controlio, it is perfect for any kind of company, from small businesses to large corporations. It is packed with great features. You can have real-time surveillance, continuous screen recording and much more. Track active and idle time per app and website and get rid of bottlenecks in your workflow
Start a free 7-day trial.
20. Brizy
Brizy is the most user-friendly Page Builder in town! No designer or developer skills required because the only tools you’ll need to master are click and drag. Forging a gorgeous website takes less than 1 hour and the result will be impressive. Try it.
21. MeridianThemes
MeridanThemes has lots of gorgeous and professionally made WordPress themes. You will find fully responsive, SEO friendly and fast themes that look great for any kind of projects. Browse their portfolio and pick what you need.
22. FreelanceLogoDesign
In 60 minutes or less, Freelance Logo Design will help you have 3 logo professional designers compete and send you 6 custom logos for you to choose from. The results are excellent and the solution is budget-friendly. Start the contest from $19.
23. actiTIME
actiTIME is a powerful time tracking and scope management system to spark your business with intelligent data. Track time, monitor project progress, analyze team performance. Get valuable insights on any aspect of your business. Try all features of actiTIME Online timesheet for free.
24. MediaLoot
At MediaLoot, designers and developers will find thousands of fonts, icons, graphics, templates, interfaces, and more. Sign up for an account and start downloading free & premium design resources in minutes. Whatever graphics you’re looking for: premium themes or free designs, Medialoot has you covered.
25. Logoshi – Logo Maker
Logoshi is one of our favorite ways to create a professional logo. Logoshi’s simple logo maker spawns sizzling logos in seconds. Pricing starts at only $5. Get the right logo files for social media, websites, business cards, invoices, t-shirts, and signs. Boost your brand with a logo from Logoshi.
26. Pixpa
With Pixpa, everybody can create a gorgeous and fully functional online portfolio website with integrated e-commerce, client galleries, and blogging tools. Pixpa’s easy drag-and-drop website builder lets you build your professional website in minutes without any coding knowledge.
Try free for 15 days. No risk, and No credit card required.
27. WordPress SEO Plugin – Rank Math
RankMath is the best All in One WordPress Solution for all your SEO needs. Rank Math gives you a competitive edge with its powerful and easy-to-use features. Whether you are a novice or an SEO veteran, Rank Math can take your SEO game to the next level. It practically configures itself. Rank Math features a step-by-step installation and configuration wizard that sets up SEO for WordPress perfectly. Upon installation, Rank Math verifies your site’s settings and recommends the ideal settings for best performance. The step-by-step wizard then sets up your site’s SEO, social profiles, webmaster profiles and other SEO settings.
28. Goodie
Goodie is a different web development solution on the market. Get your website designed and coded by professionals from only $999. It is a great fit for small and local businesses, designers looking to have a reliable web development partner, simple WordPress websites and more.
Get in touch with Goodie and discuss your new project.
29. Inspectlet
Record and playback everything visitors do on your site with session recording, visualize mouse movements with eye-tracking heatmaps. Test different versions of your site designs with A/B Testing. Inspectlet is a whole suite of powerful user experience analytics tools that helps you understand what visitors are doing on your site.
30. Freelance Invoice
100,000 freelancers get paid faster with Bonsai invoicing. This solution is packed with lots powerful features and useful functionalities, making it very flexible and easy to use. Create and fully customize invoices in seconds or generate them automatically from any proposal, contract or time sheet.
  [– This is a sponsored post on behalf of Mekanism –]
Add Realistic Chalk and Sketch Lettering Effects with Sketch’it – only $5!
Source p img {display:inline-block; margin-right:10px;} .alignleft {float:left;} p.showcase {clear:both;} body#browserfriendly p, body#podcast p, div#emailbody p{margin:0;} 30 Tools and Services That Boost Productivity published first on https://medium.com/@koresol
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webbygraphic001 · 6 years
30 Tools and Services That Boost Productivity
The market is overcrowded with web tools and services, today it’s easy to launch your own product and everybody is playing the game. It’s good to have competition but some of these solutions are far from being excellent in terms of functionality, safety, and support, but the pricing is the same as premium solutions, so it’s hard to judge which to use. Testing them all, and picking the best takes time and money.
That’s why we’ve handpicked a collection of excellent web tools and services from different fields: logo and website builders, analytics and feedback, landing page creators, and much more. Check these 30 tools and services that will boost productivity.
1. Tailor Social – The Smarter Social Media Management Tool
Tailor Social, gives you the tools to take your social media to the next level. The social media management platform offers several features designed to find and create high-quality content that’s tailored for your audience and automate your content schedule. Perhaps the most impressive aspect of the social media tool is that it lets you be creative and hone your efforts to produce content that connects with readers.
Once you link your social media accounts to Tailor Social, it will populate your posting calendar with a mix of content found online that is relevant for your company’s market, as well as posts that you can create using the company’s straightforward design tools. You can choose between producing a standard social post, a Twitter or Facebook cover, and even a useful Facebook ad format that makes cross-posting easy.
More importantly, you can modify the text, style, and background of every post to generate something fun and unique that is always on message. These posts can then be easily fitted into your scheduled and automated for posting at the right time. Thanks to in-depth analytics tools, you can see just how effective your strategy is and constantly optimize it for even better results.
You can choose between managing 2 accounts with the $10 a month Basic plan, 7 accounts with the Professional plan at $15 a month, or up to 30 with the Corporate account for $50 a month.
2. Hotjar – See How Your Visitors are Really Using Your Site
With more than 210,000 companies using this solution, Hotjar is a new and easy way to truly understand your web and mobile site visitors. It is a perfect fit for any kind of company, from startups to Fortune 500. Understand what users want, care about and do on your site by visually representing their clicks, taps and scrolling behavior – which are the strongest indicators of visitor motivation and desire.
With the Recordings feature, you will see what your users see – Eliminate guesswork with Recordings of real visitor behavior on your site. By seeing your visitor’s clicks, taps and mouse movements you can identify usability issues on the fly and the issues they encounter.
Where are your visitors dropping off? Find the biggest opportunities for improvement and testing by identifying on which page and at which step most visitors are leaving your site.
The pricing is flexible meaning that there is a free forever plan for personal use 2,000 page views per day, a 29 euro plan per month for low traffic sites & early stage Startups, but also dedicated price for all kind of businesses and agencies.
Start with the free version.
3. Landingi – A Powerful Landing Page Builder
Landingi is a great landing page builder that can be used by anyone, you don’t need to have any coding skills or special knowledge. There are over 4,000 companies using it with great success, including the huge corporations PayPal and SonyMusic.

You will find a powerful drag and drop builder, over 200 excellent templates, 5,000 free images to pick from and 800 Google Fonts. You want to have a YouTube or Video background, is possible with Landingi.
Landingi landing pages look great on any device and can be integrated with MailChimp, HubSpot, SalesForce and many others.

Start the 14-day free trial, you don’t need a credit card and registration takes less than 1 minute.
4. Orion – 6014 Free SVG Vector Icons
Orion Icon Library is a great place where designers and developers can find gorgeous icons that are a perfect fit for any project. You get access for free to 6,014 custom crafted vector icons with a powerful and advanced Web App that you can use to modify and download icons in SVG or PNG format, find and save icons in different collections, change icon colors and much more.

They also have a fall deal with an exclusive 68% discount for the forever Pro version:
5. WP Page Builder
WP Page Builder is a feature-rich drag and drop WordPress page builder plugin to create websites easily. Whether you’re an experienced developer or just a beginner, you can build stunning websites independently with this tool. Create beautiful web pages effortlessly using the intuitive live page composer without coding in minutes. No design experience needed.
6. Format – Free Website Template Using Bootstrap For Portfolio
Format is a creative, clean and modern, free website template that you can use for your next portfolio project. If you need a template as a designer, freelancer, agency, web studio, Format is perfect for you! It features pop up video, smooth overlay for portfolio, and animation upon scrolling. Check it now! Download and Share!
7. AppBeat Monitoring
AppBeat is an excellent and complete uptime, service health, and performance monitoring solution. The highly available monitoring system periodically checks your online services and sends you an immediate notification when a problem is detected. Catch issues before they become incidents!
8. BrowseEmAll
BrowseEmAll is a powerful cross-browser testing solution which is packed with useful features. There is the manual browser testing which enables your developers and testers to locate and fix browser specific problems right on their machine and the automated browser testing where you start the test automation with the Record & Play technology or run your existing test suite using the configuration less Selenium integration.
9. MultiBrowser
MultiBrowser is a responsive, mobile and automated cross-browser testing solution that works great and can be easily used by anybody, without having any special experience or special knowledge. This solution is using real browsers where the testing is real, forget emulators, shimmied user agents and VMs.
Start a free trial and see it working.
10. Codester
Codester is a huge marketplace where designers and developers can buy and sell premium PHP scripts, app templates, themes, plugins, website templates and much more. There are thousands of premium products to choose from, browse the website and pick what you need.
11. Visme
Visme is more than just another content creation tool – it’s a first of its kind, “no tech or design skills required” solution that lets you effortlessly build everything from Infographics to eBooks and more. It’s a graph maker, a visual communication tool and a powerful design application all rolled into one — finally, everything you need to strike a chord with your audience is here.
12. 48HoursLogo
With 48HoursLogo, anyone can have a great and affordable design very fast. A professional logo design starts at $128 and you will have multiple designers competing for your logo and dozens of logo concepts.
13. Designhooks
Designhooks is one of the best free resources websites for web designers and developers where they can easily find hand-picked products made by amazing designers around the world. There are PSD Mockups, Sketches, HTML templates, WordPress templates and much more.
14. MailMunch
With MailMunch everybody can quickly create beautiful landing pages to capture leads. Grow your email list by sharing the page on social networks and ad campaigns. It is the fastest growing lead capture and email marketing platform which will help you convert visitors into subscribers and customers with a zero-code form building.
Using the powerful MailMunch, anyone can create a professional squeeze page, a landing page created with the main purpose of converting visitors into email subscribers. If you want to build your email list, you need to be using squeeze pages as they are the most effective way to do so.
Build your lead magnet.
15. Userfeel.com
Userfeel is the usability testing tool that gives you videos of real users speaking their thoughts as they use your website or app. Userfeel.com is Designed and developed by Usability Researchers for Usability Researchers but also for newcomers to UX Research and anyone who wants to optimize his website or app.
16. Unlayer – Email Editor
Unlayer is the perfect email editor and page builder for SaaS and CRMs. It seamlessly embeds in your web applications and lets your customers create beautiful mobile-ready emails or landing pages right from your app. Unlayer has combined many pre-designed tools which your users will be using to create awesome content from inside your application. HTML code produced by Unlayer editor has been tested on tools like Litmus, and Email on Acid. Your content will look great on all devices, and all clients.
17. PingPong
With PingPong you can conduct effortless user research, remotely. With the instant panel, there are tens of thousands of testers recruited from all over the world. Most of them are working professionals. 76% of them are 5 rated after their first interview. Smart-screening: our algorithms automatically select the most appropriate testers for you. Custom screeners: add filters to your research criteria to ensure you’re speaking to the right people.
18. Racks
Racks is an impressive and curiosity sparking free software company website template. The web design of the page skin is clean, contemporary and high performing. Moreover, Racks follows all the latest tech and web regulations to make sure your final internet space stays intact regardless of the device and browsing platform they use. In other words, whether it is iOS or Android, as well as Safari, Chrome or Firefox, Racks guarantees an always smooth and stable experience.
19. Controlio
Monitor employees PC activity from anywhere with Controlio, it is perfect for any kind of company, from small businesses to large corporations. It is packed with great features. You can have real-time surveillance, continuous screen recording and much more. Track active and idle time per app and website and get rid of bottlenecks in your workflow
Start a free 7-day trial.
20. Brizy
Brizy is the most user-friendly Page Builder in town! No designer or developer skills required because the only tools you’ll need to master are click and drag. Forging a gorgeous website takes less than 1 hour and the result will be impressive. Try it.
21. MeridianThemes
MeridanThemes has lots of gorgeous and professionally made WordPress themes. You will find fully responsive, SEO friendly and fast themes that look great for any kind of projects. Browse their portfolio and pick what you need.
22. FreelanceLogoDesign
In 60 minutes or less, Freelance Logo Design will help you have 3 logo professional designers compete and send you 6 custom logos for you to choose from. The results are excellent and the solution is budget-friendly. Start the contest from $19.
23. actiTIME
actiTIME is a powerful time tracking and scope management system to spark your business with intelligent data. Track time, monitor project progress, analyze team performance. Get valuable insights on any aspect of your business. Try all features of actiTIME Online timesheet for free.
24. MediaLoot
At MediaLoot, designers and developers will find thousands of fonts, icons, graphics, templates, interfaces, and more. Sign up for an account and start downloading free & premium design resources in minutes. Whatever graphics you’re looking for: premium themes or free designs, Medialoot has you covered.
25. Logoshi – Logo Maker
Logoshi is one of our favorite ways to create a professional logo. Logoshi’s simple logo maker spawns sizzling logos in seconds. Pricing starts at only $5. Get the right logo files for social media, websites, business cards, invoices, t-shirts, and signs. Boost your brand with a logo from Logoshi.
26. Pixpa
With Pixpa, everybody can create a gorgeous and fully functional online portfolio website with integrated e-commerce, client galleries, and blogging tools. Pixpa’s easy drag-and-drop website builder lets you build your professional website in minutes without any coding knowledge.
Try free for 15 days. No risk, and No credit card required.
27. WordPress SEO Plugin – Rank Math
RankMath is the best All in One WordPress Solution for all your SEO needs. Rank Math gives you a competitive edge with its powerful and easy-to-use features. Whether you are a novice or an SEO veteran, Rank Math can take your SEO game to the next level. It practically configures itself. Rank Math features a step-by-step installation and configuration wizard that sets up SEO for WordPress perfectly. Upon installation, Rank Math verifies your site’s settings and recommends the ideal settings for best performance. The step-by-step wizard then sets up your site’s SEO, social profiles, webmaster profiles and other SEO settings.
28. Goodie
Goodie is a different web development solution on the market. Get your website designed and coded by professionals from only $999. It is a great fit for small and local businesses, designers looking to have a reliable web development partner, simple WordPress websites and more.
Get in touch with Goodie and discuss your new project.
29. Inspectlet
Record and playback everything visitors do on your site with session recording, visualize mouse movements with eye-tracking heatmaps. Test different versions of your site designs with A/B Testing. Inspectlet is a whole suite of powerful user experience analytics tools that helps you understand what visitors are doing on your site.
30. Freelance Invoice
100,000 freelancers get paid faster with Bonsai invoicing. This solution is packed with lots powerful features and useful functionalities, making it very flexible and easy to use. Create and fully customize invoices in seconds or generate them automatically from any proposal, contract or time sheet.
  [– This is a sponsored post on behalf of Mekanism –]
Add Realistic Chalk and Sketch Lettering Effects with Sketch’it – only $5!
Source from Webdesigner Depot https://ift.tt/2NHBO6r from Blogger https://ift.tt/2NDF82q
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monriatitans · 1 month
Ta-Da! List: Sunday, May 5th
Tumblr media
The image was made in Canva; check it out at the [referral] link here!
I share my “Ta-Da! List” every day so everyone gets a daily update and I have a reminder of what I’ve accomplished.
To learn more about “Ta-Da! Lists”, and other ADHD life hacks, check out @adhdjesse’s book Extra Focus: The Quick Start Guide to Adult ADHD.
- O&T: Opinions & Truth Blog - LDSS: Let’s Discuss Some $#!7 - WGS: The Weekend Game Show - ASO: Artist Shout-Out - WFI: WordPress Feature Image - IG: Instagram - BMAC: Buy Me a Coffee - TDL: Ta-Da! List
Ta-Da! List
✧ throughout the day: - kept emails manageable - loaded the dishwasher - filled out today’s TDL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧ on the mobile phone: - Hive/IG: shared today’s ASO; Hive: shared today’s TDL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧ on the bedroom setup: - O&T: shared today’s TDL, making it post number 1,147 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧ on the office setup: - WGS: gave a human artist, Sansagua, a shout-out on O&T, Tumblr, and other social media; did an LDSS Stream, exported it to YouTube, then shared it on O&T, Tumblr, and other social media; updated O&T’s YouTube widgets; shared a VOD Announcement to The Titans’ Discord, IG, and other social media; prepared the ASO for tomorrow, May 6th - Branding: in Canva, created the “LDSS” IG Template, found an “LDSS Symbol”, and created a “Sunday LDSS Ta-Da List!” IG Template, and updated the color scheme of the WFI Template; updated the colors of the “ASO Symbol”; updated the font size of the [DATE] section in the IG Templates ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧ chores and miscellaneous: - Gaming: played “Final Fantasy XIV” - Food: had coffee and a bowl of cereal for breakfast; had enchiladas, ribs, and leftover Rudy’s for dinner - Chores: cleaned the crockpot; washed the bedspread; checked the mail - YouTube: watched Rowan Ellis’ videos “Indoctrination: A History of Homophobia in Schools”, “The Tragic Potential of Queer Zombies”, “The Rise (and Rise) of the Omegaverse | Video Essay”, “Disney and The AIDS Crisis”, “The Rise of Heartstopper | Video Essay”, “Why Is D&D So Popular With LGBT Nerds?”, and “Is LGBT History “Fake”? #ad”; watched I’m Autistic, Now What?’s video “The 4 Types of Autistic Meltdown”; watched Orion Kelly — That Autistic Guy’s video “Unravelling Autistic Shutdowns”; watched NeurodiverJENNt’s video “Can autistics understand sarcasm?”; watched special edd’s video “She Reacts to What I Say! — Supernormal”
Well, these are all the updates I had for today! Thank you for reading!
May every decision you make be *in the spirit of fairness* and may the rest of your day *NOT go to $#!7*!
Enjoy what I do? Please consider supporting via Buy Me a Coffee (BMAC)! Like what you see and want to know when there’s more? Click here to subscribe for updates and/or hit the Follow button! This post contains affiliate links.
Watch MonriaTitans on Twitch, YouTube, and Rumble! For more about MonriaTitans, click here!
View On WordPress
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unixcommerce · 6 years
30 Tools and Services That Boost Productivity
The market is overcrowded with web tools and services, today it’s easy to launch your own product and everybody is playing the game. It’s good to have competition but some of these solutions are far from being excellent in terms of functionality, safety, and support, but the pricing is the same as premium solutions, so it’s hard to judge which to use. Testing them all, and picking the best takes time and money.
That’s why we’ve handpicked a collection of excellent web tools and services from different fields: logo and website builders, analytics and feedback, landing page creators, and much more. Check these 30 tools and services that will boost productivity.
1. Tailor Social – The Smarter Social Media Management Tool
Tailor Social, gives you the tools to take your social media to the next level. The social media management platform offers several features designed to find and create high-quality content that’s tailored for your audience and automate your content schedule. Perhaps the most impressive aspect of the social media tool is that it lets you be creative and hone your efforts to produce content that connects with readers.
Once you link your social media accounts to Tailor Social, it will populate your posting calendar with a mix of content found online that is relevant for your company’s market, as well as posts that you can create using the company’s straightforward design tools. You can choose between producing a standard social post, a Twitter or Facebook cover, and even a useful Facebook ad format that makes cross-posting easy.
More importantly, you can modify the text, style, and background of every post to generate something fun and unique that is always on message. These posts can then be easily fitted into your scheduled and automated for posting at the right time. Thanks to in-depth analytics tools, you can see just how effective your strategy is and constantly optimize it for even better results.
You can choose between managing 2 accounts with the $10 a month Basic plan, 7 accounts with the Professional plan at $15 a month, or up to 30 with the Corporate account for $50 a month.
2. Hotjar – See How Your Visitors are Really Using Your Site
With more than 210,000 companies using this solution, Hotjar is a new and easy way to truly understand your web and mobile site visitors. It is a perfect fit for any kind of company, from startups to Fortune 500. Understand what users want, care about and do on your site by visually representing their clicks, taps and scrolling behavior – which are the strongest indicators of visitor motivation and desire.
With the Recordings feature, you will see what your users see – Eliminate guesswork with Recordings of real visitor behavior on your site. By seeing your visitor’s clicks, taps and mouse movements you can identify usability issues on the fly and the issues they encounter.
Where are your visitors dropping off? Find the biggest opportunities for improvement and testing by identifying on which page and at which step most visitors are leaving your site.
The pricing is flexible meaning that there is a free forever plan for personal use 2,000 page views per day, a 29 euro plan per month for low traffic sites & early stage Startups, but also dedicated price for all kind of businesses and agencies.
Start with the free version.
3. Landingi – A Powerful Landing Page Builder
Landingi is a great landing page builder that can be used by anyone, you don’t need to have any coding skills or special knowledge. There are over 4,000 companies using it with great success, including the huge corporations PayPal and SonyMusic.

You will find a powerful drag and drop builder, over 200 excellent templates, 5,000 free images to pick from and 800 Google Fonts. You want to have a YouTube or Video background, is possible with Landingi.
Landingi landing pages look great on any device and can be integrated with MailChimp, HubSpot, SalesForce and many others.

Start the 14-day free trial, you don’t need a credit card and registration takes less than 1 minute.
4. Orion – 6014 Free SVG Vector Icons
Orion Icon Library is a great place where designers and developers can find gorgeous icons that are a perfect fit for any project. You get access for free to 6,014 custom crafted vector icons with a powerful and advanced Web App that you can use to modify and download icons in SVG or PNG format, find and save icons in different collections, change icon colors and much more.

They also have a fall deal with an exclusive 68% discount for the forever Pro version:
5. WP Page Builder
WP Page Builder is a feature-rich drag and drop WordPress page builder plugin to create websites easily. Whether you’re an experienced developer or just a beginner, you can build stunning websites independently with this tool. Create beautiful web pages effortlessly using the intuitive live page composer without coding in minutes. No design experience needed.
6. Format – Free Website Template Using Bootstrap For Portfolio
Format is a creative, clean and modern, free website template that you can use for your next portfolio project. If you need a template as a designer, freelancer, agency, web studio, Format is perfect for you! It features pop up video, smooth overlay for portfolio, and animation upon scrolling. Check it now! Download and Share!
7. AppBeat Monitoring
AppBeat is an excellent and complete uptime, service health, and performance monitoring solution. The highly available monitoring system periodically checks your online services and sends you an immediate notification when a problem is detected. Catch issues before they become incidents!
8. BrowseEmAll
BrowseEmAll is a powerful cross-browser testing solution which is packed with useful features. There is the manual browser testing which enables your developers and testers to locate and fix browser specific problems right on their machine and the automated browser testing where you start the test automation with the Record & Play technology or run your existing test suite using the configuration less Selenium integration.
9. MultiBrowser
MultiBrowser is a responsive, mobile and automated cross-browser testing solution that works great and can be easily used by anybody, without having any special experience or special knowledge. This solution is using real browsers where the testing is real, forget emulators, shimmied user agents and VMs.
Start a free trial and see it working.
10. Codester
Codester is a huge marketplace where designers and developers can buy and sell premium PHP scripts, app templates, themes, plugins, website templates and much more. There are thousands of premium products to choose from, browse the website and pick what you need.
11. Visme
Visme is more than just another content creation tool – it’s a first of its kind, “no tech or design skills required” solution that lets you effortlessly build everything from Infographics to eBooks and more. It’s a graph maker, a visual communication tool and a powerful design application all rolled into one — finally, everything you need to strike a chord with your audience is here.
12. 48HoursLogo
With 48HoursLogo, anyone can have a great and affordable design very fast. A professional logo design starts at $128 and you will have multiple designers competing for your logo and dozens of logo concepts.
13. Designhooks
Designhooks is one of the best free resources websites for web designers and developers where they can easily find hand-picked products made by amazing designers around the world. There are PSD Mockups, Sketches, HTML templates, WordPress templates and much more.
14. MailMunch
With MailMunch everybody can quickly create beautiful landing pages to capture leads. Grow your email list by sharing the page on social networks and ad campaigns. It is the fastest growing lead capture and email marketing platform which will help you convert visitors into subscribers and customers with a zero-code form building.
Using the powerful MailMunch, anyone can create a professional squeeze page, a landing page created with the main purpose of converting visitors into email subscribers. If you want to build your email list, you need to be using squeeze pages as they are the most effective way to do so.
Build your lead magnet.
15. Userfeel.com
Userfeel is the usability testing tool that gives you videos of real users speaking their thoughts as they use your website or app. Userfeel.com is Designed and developed by Usability Researchers for Usability Researchers but also for newcomers to UX Research and anyone who wants to optimize his website or app.
16. Unlayer – Email Editor
Unlayer is the perfect email editor and page builder for SaaS and CRMs. It seamlessly embeds in your web applications and lets your customers create beautiful mobile-ready emails or landing pages right from your app. Unlayer has combined many pre-designed tools which your users will be using to create awesome content from inside your application. HTML code produced by Unlayer editor has been tested on tools like Litmus, and Email on Acid. Your content will look great on all devices, and all clients.
17. PingPong
With PingPong you can conduct effortless user research, remotely. With the instant panel, there are tens of thousands of testers recruited from all over the world. Most of them are working professionals. 76% of them are 5 rated after their first interview. Smart-screening: our algorithms automatically select the most appropriate testers for you. Custom screeners: add filters to your research criteria to ensure you’re speaking to the right people.
18. Racks
Racks is an impressive and curiosity sparking free software company website template. The web design of the page skin is clean, contemporary and high performing. Moreover, Racks follows all the latest tech and web regulations to make sure your final internet space stays intact regardless of the device and browsing platform they use. In other words, whether it is iOS or Android, as well as Safari, Chrome or Firefox, Racks guarantees an always smooth and stable experience.
19. Controlio
Monitor employees PC activity from anywhere with Controlio, it is perfect for any kind of company, from small businesses to large corporations. It is packed with great features. You can have real-time surveillance, continuous screen recording and much more. Track active and idle time per app and website and get rid of bottlenecks in your workflow
Start a free 7-day trial.
20. Brizy
Brizy is the most user-friendly Page Builder in town! No designer or developer skills required because the only tools you’ll need to master are click and drag. Forging a gorgeous website takes less than 1 hour and the result will be impressive. Try it.
21. MeridianThemes
MeridanThemes has lots of gorgeous and professionally made WordPress themes. You will find fully responsive, SEO friendly and fast themes that look great for any kind of projects. Browse their portfolio and pick what you need.
22. FreelanceLogoDesign
In 60 minutes or less, Freelance Logo Design will help you have 3 logo professional designers compete and send you 6 custom logos for you to choose from. The results are excellent and the solution is budget-friendly. Start the contest from $19.
23. actiTIME
actiTIME is a powerful time tracking and scope management system to spark your business with intelligent data. Track time, monitor project progress, analyze team performance. Get valuable insights on any aspect of your business. Try all features of actiTIME Online timesheet for free.
24. MediaLoot
At MediaLoot, designers and developers will find thousands of fonts, icons, graphics, templates, interfaces, and more. Sign up for an account and start downloading free & premium design resources in minutes. Whatever graphics you’re looking for: premium themes or free designs, Medialoot has you covered.
25. Logoshi – Logo Maker
Logoshi is one of our favorite ways to create a professional logo. Logoshi’s simple logo maker spawns sizzling logos in seconds. Pricing starts at only $5. Get the right logo files for social media, websites, business cards, invoices, t-shirts, and signs. Boost your brand with a logo from Logoshi.
26. Pixpa
With Pixpa, everybody can create a gorgeous and fully functional online portfolio website with integrated e-commerce, client galleries, and blogging tools. Pixpa’s easy drag-and-drop website builder lets you build your professional website in minutes without any coding knowledge.
Try free for 15 days. No risk, and No credit card required.
27. WordPress SEO Plugin – Rank Math
RankMath is the best All in One WordPress Solution for all your SEO needs. Rank Math gives you a competitive edge with its powerful and easy-to-use features. Whether you are a novice or an SEO veteran, Rank Math can take your SEO game to the next level. It practically configures itself. Rank Math features a step-by-step installation and configuration wizard that sets up SEO for WordPress perfectly. Upon installation, Rank Math verifies your site’s settings and recommends the ideal settings for best performance. The step-by-step wizard then sets up your site’s SEO, social profiles, webmaster profiles and other SEO settings.
28. Goodie
Goodie is a different web development solution on the market. Get your website designed and coded by professionals from only $999. It is a great fit for small and local businesses, designers looking to have a reliable web development partner, simple WordPress websites and more.
Get in touch with Goodie and discuss your new project.
29. Inspectlet
Record and playback everything visitors do on your site with session recording, visualize mouse movements with eye-tracking heatmaps. Test different versions of your site designs with A/B Testing. Inspectlet is a whole suite of powerful user experience analytics tools that helps you understand what visitors are doing on your site.
30. Freelance Invoice
100,000 freelancers get paid faster with Bonsai invoicing. This solution is packed with lots powerful features and useful functionalities, making it very flexible and easy to use. Create and fully customize invoices in seconds or generate them automatically from any proposal, contract or time sheet.
  [– This is a sponsored post on behalf of Mekanism –]
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The post 30 Tools and Services That Boost Productivity appeared first on Unix Commerce.
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lovebooksgroup · 7 years
In the gloriously hot summer of 1936, a group of people meet at a country house party. Within three years, England will be at war, but for now, time stands still.
Dan Ranscombe is clever and good-looking, but he resents the wealth and easy savoir-faire of a fellow guest, Paul Latimer. Surely a shrewd girl like Meg Slater would see through that, wouldn’t she? And what about Diana, Paul’s beautiful sister, Charles Asher, the Jewish outsider, Madeleine, restless and dissatisfied with her role as children’s nanny? And artist Henry Haddon, their host, no longer young, but secure in his power as a practiced seducer.
As these guests gather, none has any inkling the choices they make will have fateful consequences, lasting through the war and beyond. Or that the first unforeseen event will be a shocking death.
My Q&A with Caro Fraser 
Please tell my readers a little bit about yourself and your publishing journey.
I’m 64-year-old retired lawyer, I live in South East London, and I’ve been an author for almost twenty-five years, although I’ve been writing all my life. My first novel, The Pupil, was published in 1993 and was the beginning of a very successful series of legal novels (the Caper Court series). There are seven books in the series, all featuring the brilliant, charming, but amoral barrister Leo Davies, and I’m hoping to start number eight next year. In between, I’ve published a number of stand-alone novels. My new book, The Summer House Party, opens in the summer of 1936, three years before the war, at the country home of Henry Haddon, a famous society painter, and his wife Sonia. A group of friends – some young, some old, some wealthy, some less so – have been brought together for a week to enjoy the country house pleasures of tennis parties, picnics, and tea on the lawn. As the warm, lazy days unfold, intrigues and rivalries develop among the younger guests, and then a sudden death, like a foretaste of the war to come, puts and end to the party. In the years that follow the events of that week continue to haunt their lives, and as the country heads into war they must try to reconcile the choices and mistakes they have made….
This latest novel is something of a departure for me, as all my other books are set in the present day. I hugely enjoyed doing the historical research and trying to catch the tone and feel of that pre-war world. I like to think this is the kind of big book you could take on holiday for a long, lazy read!
The Summer House Party is published by Head Of Zeus, and what is especially delightful for me is that reunites me with Rosie de Courcy, the wonderful editor who published my first novel when she was with Orion Publishing.
  Describe yourself using three words?
Mother, child, writer  
  What inspired you to write your first novel?
The Pupil was the first novel I wrote, and it became the first in the Caper Court series of legal novels. It was inspired by my experiences in pupillage (which is a sort of apprenticeship on the road to becoming a barrister), and its hero, Anthony Cross, is a brilliant but hard-up pupil barrister who has to struggle against heavy odds to gain a tenancy in a prestigious set of barristers’ chambers. Halfway through the novel I introduced a character called Leo Davies, who becomes a kind of mentor to Anthony, but is also bisexual and has ulterior motives for befriending him… He was such a successful character that he became very much the ‘star’ of the novels that followed.  
  What time of day do you like to write?
I have a pretty regular routine – start at 9, break for coffee at 11, lunch at 1, gym or swim around 3 – but oddly enough, I find the most productive time of day to write is early evening.  Things just flow then, for some reason.
  What is your favourite book and why?
That’s a difficult one. I suppose my favourite from childhood is The Rose And The Ring, by William Thackeray, because it’s the book that first opened my eyes to wonderful writing. But for a desert island I would take Martin Chuzzlewit, by Dickens. I never get tired of it.
  How did you pick the title of your book?
Actually, it was my agent who came up with the title for The Summer House Party. I suppose it’s quite an obvious one because the book opens with guests gathering for a week-long house party in the summer of 1936, and that house party is the catalyst for all the events that follow.   
  Are the characters in your book based on real people?
No. Real people are far too complex to put on a page. That said, I occasionally take aspects of someone I know – mannerisms, tricks of speech, and so on – and use them in creating a character. And because I think very visually when I write, and see events as though they’re unfolding on film, I might pick an actor who could portray the character I’m creating and use them as a physical template. I did that with Leo Davies in the Caper Court books – in my mind’s eye he was the young (and at that time very dishy) Anthony Hopkins.  
  What’s your favourite word?
Not sure I have one. But I quite like the word ‘ludicrous’.
  If you were a colour what would it be?  
If she wants to wind me up, my daughter will occasionally tell me I’m in danger of becoming ‘beige’. But I like to think I’m more a soft, yet vibrant shade of yellow!
  Do you plan your story beforehand or go with the flow?
I generally have a rough idea of the story, but I never plot too tightly. I like to be true to my characters and allow them to shape things. There will be times in a story when I’m about to have a character do or say something, and I’ll think – hold on, she wouldn’t do or say that, she’d do or say this instead. Characters really take a hold of you in that way.  They become like real people, and you can’t let them act in a way that’s literally out of character. So that can take the story in an unexpected direction. I suppose the answer is that I tend to go with the flow, though there is always a point in a book, about two-thirds of the way through, where you have to start weaving plotlines together to bring it all to a satisfactory conclusion.
  Who is your favourite Author?
Bit of a chestnut, but I suppose Charles Dickens. He never lets you down, he is a genius of a storyteller, he can command humour and pathos with equal brilliance, and has created some of the most memorable characters in fiction. Mind you, I could say much the same of Stephen King, who is a master of his craft.
  You are attending a dinner party with four fictitious book characters who would they be and why?
Top of the invitation list would be Flashman, the anti-hero of my father George MacDonald Fraser’s wonderful historical novels. He’s sexy, amusing, and would have some great stories to tell. I reckon he’d probably get on pretty well with Scarlett O’Hara – I love her independent spirit and her determination to look after number one – so I’d have her there, too. And as I’ve always had a huge weak spot for him, please could I sit next to Bertie Wooster?  Maybe to inject some elegance, mystery and the possibility of intrigue among the guests, I’d like to invite the Marquise de Merteuil from Les Liaisons Dangereuses. How she and Scarlett would get along is anyone’s guess, so maybe they should be seated at opposite ends of the table.
  What book are you reading at the moment?
At the moment I’m reading Three Sisters, Three Queens by Philippa Gregory, as it’s my book club’s choice. Apart from that, I’m reading Quentin Crisp’s The Naked Civil Servant. Most people have seen the film starring John Hurt, but the book itself is well worth a read – it’s a brilliantly witty, elegantly written gem, and an astonishing insight into what it was like to be gay in the unforgiving era when homosexuality was illegal. Also on my bedside table is London Fog, The Biography, by Christine L. Corton. It examines the history of air pollution in London and the depiction and influence of London fogs in English literature, and is ideal for dipping in and out of.
  Where in the world is your happy place?
We have a cottage in the Isle of Man, where my parents used to live and where I went to school for a couple of years. The cottage stands on a remote headland overlooking a bay with a little beach, and has a wildflower meadow. The views are stunning, the air is wonderful, and lying in the meadow on a summer’s day it’s so quiet you can hear the swish of a gull’s wing as it flies overhead, and the buzz of insects in the grass. That’s my happy place.
  If you had one superpower what would it be?
Invisibility. I suppose I should say something like superhuman strength so that I could go around doing heroic deeds and rescuing people, but I’d much rather be able to slip unseen in and out of places and find out what’s going on….
  If you could give any literary villain a happy ending who would you chose?
I think it would be rather nice if Satan from Paradise Lost (who is, after all, a fallen angel) could see the error of his ways and get back together with God and become a force for good, rather than evil. It would save the world a lot of grief! 
  Are you working on a new project?  
I’m happy to say I’m working on the sequel to The Summer House Party. Everyone knows that feeling of getting to the end of a book and wanting to know more. That’s the way I want my readers to feel, so that they need to find out what happens next with the characters. I’m often quite curious myself! I’m already halfway through it, and I’m even hoping it may lead to a third novel.  
  Do you have any upcoming events our members can attend?  
Yes, I’ll be at Romance In The Court, hosted by Goldsboro Books in the delightful Cecil Court just off Leicester Square on May 25th from 6 – 9pm. I would love to meet readers – yours and mine! – so I do hope people will come along. https://www.goldsborobooks.com/event/romance-court-2017/
  Thank you to Caro Fraser and Suzanne @HoZ_Books for this wonderful Q&A, come back soon.
Amazon UK | Click to order!
        Check out Caro Fraser’s other titles too ~ Caro Fraser Author Page Amazon
  Find Love Books Group here too:
  The Summer House @carofraser @HoZ_Books #QA In the gloriously hot summer of 1936, a group of people meet at a country house party.
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monriatitans · 2 months
Ta-Da! List: Sunday, April 21st
Tumblr media
I share my “Ta-Da! List” every day so everyone gets a daily update and I have a reminder of what I’ve accomplished.
To learn more about “Ta-Da! Lists”, and other ADHD life hacks, check out @adhdjesse’s book Extra Focus: The Quick Start Guide to Adult ADHD.
- O&T: Opinions & Truth Blog - WGS: The Weekend Game Show - ASO: Artist Shout-Out - IG: Instagram - TDL: Ta-Da! List - BMAC: Buy Me a Coffee
Ta-Da! List
✧ throughout the day: - kept emails manageable - loaded the dishwasher ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧ on the bedroom setup: - O&T: shared today’s TDL, making it post number 1,102 on O&T ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧ on the office setup: - WGS: gave a human artist, Clara Martín, a shout-out on O&T, Tumblr, and other social media; shared a Stream Announcement to The Titans’ Discord, O&T, Tumblr, and other social media; prepared the ASO for tomorrow, Apr. 22nd - Branding: in Canva, created the “Stream Announcement” and the “‘Ta-Da!’ List” IG Opening templates and updated their WordPress Feature Image templates - O&T: prepared the TDL IG posts for next week ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ✧ chores and miscellaneous: - Gaming: played “Final Fantasy XIV” - Food: had coffee and two chocolate chip milk rolls for breakfast; had water and two donuts for lunch; had leftover family dinner for dinner - Chores: started, then unloaded the dishwasher; washed the bedspread - YouTube: watched gabi belle’s videos “How Greed Ruined Gaming” and “The Problem With Female Stand-Up Comedy”; watched Orion Kelly — That Autistic Guy’s video “STOP Bullying Autistic People! Unmasked, Unedited, Unwatchable”; watched I’m Autistic, Now What?’s video “The Influencers Glamorizing Autism”; watched Rowan Ellis’ videos “queer villains and the death of media literacy”, “AI Capitalism: The New Industrial Revolution”, “The Surprisingly Radical Politics of The Purge”, “WOKE: The Problem with Activist Characters”, “The Insidious Erasure of Straightwashing”, and “The Problem With Queer Representation”
Well, these are all the updates I had for today! Thank you for reading!
May every decision you make be *in the spirit of fairness* and may the rest of your day *NOT go to $#!7*!
Enjoy what I do? Please consider supporting via Buy Me a Coffee (BMAC)! Like what you see and want to know when there’s more? Click here to subscribe for updates and/or hit the Follow button! This post contains affiliate links.
Watch MonriaTitans on Twitch and YouTube! For more about MonriaTitans, click here! The image was made in Canva!
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unixcommerce · 6 years
30 Tools and Services That Boost Productivity
The market is overcrowded with web tools and services, today it’s easy to launch your own product and everybody is playing the game. It’s good to have competition but some of these solutions are far from being excellent in terms of functionality, safety, and support, but the pricing is the same as premium solutions, so it’s hard to judge which to use. Testing them all, and picking the best takes time and money.
That’s why we’ve handpicked a collection of excellent web tools and services from different fields: logo and website builders, analytics and feedback, landing page creators, and much more. Check these 30 tools and services that will boost productivity.
1. Tailor Social – The Smarter Social Media Management Tool
Tailor Social, gives you the tools to take your social media to the next level. The social media management platform offers several features designed to find and create high-quality content that’s tailored for your audience and automate your content schedule. Perhaps the most impressive aspect of the social media tool is that it lets you be creative and hone your efforts to produce content that connects with readers.
Once you link your social media accounts to Tailor Social, it will populate your posting calendar with a mix of content found online that is relevant for your company’s market, as well as posts that you can create using the company’s straightforward design tools. You can choose between producing a standard social post, a Twitter or Facebook cover, and even a useful Facebook ad format that makes cross-posting easy.
More importantly, you can modify the text, style, and background of every post to generate something fun and unique that is always on message. These posts can then be easily fitted into your scheduled and automated for posting at the right time. Thanks to in-depth analytics tools, you can see just how effective your strategy is and constantly optimize it for even better results.
You can choose between managing 2 accounts with the $10 a month Basic plan, 7 accounts with the Professional plan at $15 a month, or up to 30 with the Corporate account for $50 a month.
2. Hotjar – See How Your Visitors are Really Using Your Site
With more than 210,000 companies using this solution, Hotjar is a new and easy way to truly understand your web and mobile site visitors. It is a perfect fit for any kind of company, from startups to Fortune 500. Understand what users want, care about and do on your site by visually representing their clicks, taps and scrolling behavior – which are the strongest indicators of visitor motivation and desire.
With the Recordings feature, you will see what your users see – Eliminate guesswork with Recordings of real visitor behavior on your site. By seeing your visitor’s clicks, taps and mouse movements you can identify usability issues on the fly and the issues they encounter.
Where are your visitors dropping off? Find the biggest opportunities for improvement and testing by identifying on which page and at which step most visitors are leaving your site.
The pricing is flexible meaning that there is a free forever plan for personal use 2,000 page views per day, a 29 euro plan per month for low traffic sites & early stage Startups, but also dedicated price for all kind of businesses and agencies.
Start with the free version.
3. Landingi – A Powerful Landing Page Builder
Landingi is a great landing page builder that can be used by anyone, you don’t need to have any coding skills or special knowledge. There are over 4,000 companies using it with great success, including the huge corporations PayPal and SonyMusic.

You will find a powerful drag and drop builder, over 200 excellent templates, 5,000 free images to pick from and 800 Google Fonts. You want to have a YouTube or Video background, is possible with Landingi.
Landingi landing pages look great on any device and can be integrated with MailChimp, HubSpot, SalesForce and many others.

Start the 14-day free trial, you don’t need a credit card and registration takes less than 1 minute.
4. Orion – 6014 Free SVG Vector Icons
Orion Icon Library is a great place where designers and developers can find gorgeous icons that are a perfect fit for any project. You get access for free to 6,014 custom crafted vector icons with a powerful and advanced Web App that you can use to modify and download icons in SVG or PNG format, find and save icons in different collections, change icon colors and much more.

They also have a fall deal with an exclusive 68% discount for the forever Pro version:
5. WP Page Builder
WP Page Builder is a feature-rich drag and drop WordPress page builder plugin to create websites easily. Whether you’re an experienced developer or just a beginner, you can build stunning websites independently with this tool. Create beautiful web pages effortlessly using the intuitive live page composer without coding in minutes. No design experience needed.
6. Format – Free Website Template Using Bootstrap For Portfolio
Format is a creative, clean and modern, free website template that you can use for your next portfolio project. If you need a template as a designer, freelancer, agency, web studio, Format is perfect for you! It features pop up video, smooth overlay for portfolio, and animation upon scrolling. Check it now! Download and Share!
7. AppBeat Monitoring
AppBeat is an excellent and complete uptime, service health, and performance monitoring solution. The highly available monitoring system periodically checks your online services and sends you an immediate notification when a problem is detected. Catch issues before they become incidents!
8. BrowseEmAll
BrowseEmAll is a powerful cross-browser testing solution which is packed with useful features. There is the manual browser testing which enables your developers and testers to locate and fix browser specific problems right on their machine and the automated browser testing where you start the test automation with the Record & Play technology or run your existing test suite using the configuration less Selenium integration.
9. MultiBrowser
MultiBrowser is a responsive, mobile and automated cross-browser testing solution that works great and can be easily used by anybody, without having any special experience or special knowledge. This solution is using real browsers where the testing is real, forget emulators, shimmied user agents and VMs.
Start a free trial and see it working.
10. Codester
Codester is a huge marketplace where designers and developers can buy and sell premium PHP scripts, app templates, themes, plugins, website templates and much more. There are thousands of premium products to choose from, browse the website and pick what you need.
11. Visme
Visme is more than just another content creation tool – it’s a first of its kind, “no tech or design skills required” solution that lets you effortlessly build everything from Infographics to eBooks and more. It’s a graph maker, a visual communication tool and a powerful design application all rolled into one — finally, everything you need to strike a chord with your audience is here.
12. 48HoursLogo
With 48HoursLogo, anyone can have a great and affordable design very fast. A professional logo design starts at $128 and you will have multiple designers competing for your logo and dozens of logo concepts.
13. Designhooks
Designhooks is one of the best free resources websites for web designers and developers where they can easily find hand-picked products made by amazing designers around the world. There are PSD Mockups, Sketches, HTML templates, WordPress templates and much more.
14. MailMunch
With MailMunch everybody can quickly create beautiful landing pages to capture leads. Grow your email list by sharing the page on social networks and ad campaigns. It is the fastest growing lead capture and email marketing platform which will help you convert visitors into subscribers and customers with a zero-code form building.
Using the powerful MailMunch, anyone can create a professional squeeze page, a landing page created with the main purpose of converting visitors into email subscribers. If you want to build your email list, you need to be using squeeze pages as they are the most effective way to do so.
Build your lead magnet.
15. Userfeel.com
Userfeel is the usability testing tool that gives you videos of real users speaking their thoughts as they use your website or app. Userfeel.com is Designed and developed by Usability Researchers for Usability Researchers but also for newcomers to UX Research and anyone who wants to optimize his website or app.
16. Unlayer – Email Editor
Unlayer is the perfect email editor and page builder for SaaS and CRMs. It seamlessly embeds in your web applications and lets your customers create beautiful mobile-ready emails or landing pages right from your app. Unlayer has combined many pre-designed tools which your users will be using to create awesome content from inside your application. HTML code produced by Unlayer editor has been tested on tools like Litmus, and Email on Acid. Your content will look great on all devices, and all clients.
17. PingPong
With PingPong you can conduct effortless user research, remotely. With the instant panel, there are tens of thousands of testers recruited from all over the world. Most of them are working professionals. 76% of them are 5 rated after their first interview. Smart-screening: our algorithms automatically select the most appropriate testers for you. Custom screeners: add filters to your research criteria to ensure you’re speaking to the right people.
18. Racks
Racks is an impressive and curiosity sparking free software company website template. The web design of the page skin is clean, contemporary and high performing. Moreover, Racks follows all the latest tech and web regulations to make sure your final internet space stays intact regardless of the device and browsing platform they use. In other words, whether it is iOS or Android, as well as Safari, Chrome or Firefox, Racks guarantees an always smooth and stable experience.
19. Controlio
Monitor employees PC activity from anywhere with Controlio, it is perfect for any kind of company, from small businesses to large corporations. It is packed with great features. You can have real-time surveillance, continuous screen recording and much more. Track active and idle time per app and website and get rid of bottlenecks in your workflow
Start a free 7-day trial.
20. Brizy
Brizy is the most user-friendly Page Builder in town! No designer or developer skills required because the only tools you’ll need to master are click and drag. Forging a gorgeous website takes less than 1 hour and the result will be impressive. Try it.
21. MeridianThemes
MeridanThemes has lots of gorgeous and professionally made WordPress themes. You will find fully responsive, SEO friendly and fast themes that look great for any kind of projects. Browse their portfolio and pick what you need.
22. FreelanceLogoDesign
In 60 minutes or less, Freelance Logo Design will help you have 3 logo professional designers compete and send you 6 custom logos for you to choose from. The results are excellent and the solution is budget-friendly. Start the contest from $19.
23. actiTIME
actiTIME is a powerful time tracking and scope management system to spark your business with intelligent data. Track time, monitor project progress, analyze team performance. Get valuable insights on any aspect of your business. Try all features of actiTIME Online timesheet for free.
24. MediaLoot
At MediaLoot, designers and developers will find thousands of fonts, icons, graphics, templates, interfaces, and more. Sign up for an account and start downloading free & premium design resources in minutes. Whatever graphics you’re looking for: premium themes or free designs, Medialoot has you covered.
25. Logoshi – Logo Maker
Logoshi is one of our favorite ways to create a professional logo. Logoshi’s simple logo maker spawns sizzling logos in seconds. Pricing starts at only $5. Get the right logo files for social media, websites, business cards, invoices, t-shirts, and signs. Boost your brand with a logo from Logoshi.
26. Pixpa
With Pixpa, everybody can create a gorgeous and fully functional online portfolio website with integrated e-commerce, client galleries, and blogging tools. Pixpa’s easy drag-and-drop website builder lets you build your professional website in minutes without any coding knowledge.
Try free for 15 days. No risk, and No credit card required.
27. WordPress SEO Plugin – Rank Math
RankMath is the best All in One WordPress Solution for all your SEO needs. Rank Math gives you a competitive edge with its powerful and easy-to-use features. Whether you are a novice or an SEO veteran, Rank Math can take your SEO game to the next level. It practically configures itself. Rank Math features a step-by-step installation and configuration wizard that sets up SEO for WordPress perfectly. Upon installation, Rank Math verifies your site’s settings and recommends the ideal settings for best performance. The step-by-step wizard then sets up your site’s SEO, social profiles, webmaster profiles and other SEO settings.
28. Goodie
Goodie is a different web development solution on the market. Get your website designed and coded by professionals from only $999. It is a great fit for small and local businesses, designers looking to have a reliable web development partner, simple WordPress websites and more.
Get in touch with Goodie and discuss your new project.
29. Inspectlet
Record and playback everything visitors do on your site with session recording, visualize mouse movements with eye-tracking heatmaps. Test different versions of your site designs with A/B Testing. Inspectlet is a whole suite of powerful user experience analytics tools that helps you understand what visitors are doing on your site.
30. Freelance Invoice
100,000 freelancers get paid faster with Bonsai invoicing. This solution is packed with lots powerful features and useful functionalities, making it very flexible and easy to use. Create and fully customize invoices in seconds or generate them automatically from any proposal, contract or time sheet.
  [– This is a sponsored post on behalf of Mekanism –]
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