#Thank you school for providing me with this I do love this sticker
eudikot · 6 months
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I think all Genshin players need to get in this mindset
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ckret2 · 10 days
@marsupials-of-mars submitted:
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I was planning to do maybe a fic and more doodles of this but now I'm busy with school so I might as well show what I did do!
Based on how the goldilocks fic seems to posit that Bill at his best is a silly professor who loves to teach his own way
Introducing Professor Locke!
Things about this idea:
-post redemption, however that will go. I'm calling it an AU because I imagine it is not your plan for what happens after lol, but currently canon-compliant.
-Bill is at first not very on board with the idea of working in the higher education system. It's a scam and it's dumb that they tell adult people how to think.
-He's eventually convinced to bless Backupsmore with his tutelage, on the grounds that they're less stuck up there, they seem to care about giving their students opportunities despite their backgrounds, and the kids there care about learning rather than going to college just because their parents said they should.
-Ford uses his academic connections to vouch for Bill even though he is very mysterious and has no academic records. This is another reason why they picked Backupsmore: i's a little more lax when presented with a shockingly smart mystery professor. Bill gets an interview and charms the pants off the university president.
-He teaches "astrophysics" in theory (that's the job description) but he ends up teaching a little bit of everything.
-He's one of those professors you either adore or despise. He's very loud, often outright mean, and if you're too shy to speak up in class he does not give a SHIT about you. You gotta want it!
-However, his class is notoriously easy. He thinks homework and tests are facist, but he's required to have a curriculum, so his "quizzes" are like a few true or false questions and then a short answer where he asks something he thinks would be funny or wants to hear about, like "what's the dumbest thing another student has said in class since the last test and why was it dumb" or "fashion advice: what's the coolest thing I wore this last week? Extra credit: draw something cooler I SHOULD wear."
-as a result, students who have completely unrelated majors will take his class. If they end up being interested, he deems them worthy. If they're just there to be lazy, he will bully them into dropping out.
-Mabel buys him stickers to put on people's tests when they pass, or to just hand out when they something he likes. He gets along most with the college kids who know how to appreciate a classic gold star.
-He really wanted a big pretty lecture hall, where his voice would echo and he could point at a big chalkboard. But all Backupsmore could provide was a cinderblock and linoleum basement classroom. The lights buzz very loudly and it smells musty. They have stools and folding tables. Bill finds he enjoys the more intimate environment where he can walk between the tables and also sneak up on people.
-He's broken multiple folding tables by trying to do the cool professor thing where you hop up onto your desk and cross your legs and talk all casual. He is able to do this on his own desk thankfully. It's aluminum.
-Ford gets a bit nervous if he did the right thing when bill tells his school stories at the dinner table, so he finds an excuse to accompany Bill to a campus event where he can meet some of his students.
-His fears are quickly assuaged when he sees how beloved Bill is and how well he gets along with the kids. When he eventually joins in on one of these conversations, one of the students asks if he's Sixer. The students are excited by this. Bill tries to shut them up, to partial success.
OK I guess I just ended up writing the fic more or less so enjoy I guess lol.
Aww, this is adorable! Thank you! (And the fact that you're imagining a future for Bill makes me so happy.) He's absolutely be the weirdest professor in the school and he'd ADORE having a crowd full of trusting impressional minds whose parents are paying him to change the way they think. Talk about playing to his strengths.
Your idea is so wholesome, meanwhile the moment I saw "Professor Bill" I went,
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a-mag-a-day · 2 years
MAG 68 - folding laundry
"Thanks for letting me do this. I mean, I know you let anyone record a statement. That’s why you’re the Magnus Institute!" - Shots fired, haha xD
"Never had the academic chops to get access to your library or anything, but when all those statements were leaked back in ‘99" - <.< I wonder if it was a coincident that the Magnus Institute in Manchester burned down in 1999 in the Magnus Protocol or if there is any connection to this incident.
"So I’m kind of an artist. I like to use the detritus of mankind’s time on this planet to craft its own reflection back at itself, you know? So I take what others consider garbage and use it to send a message to the puppetmasters and fat cats who hold our lives in the palm of their hand and play with our society like a chess game. A message of art. You know what I’m talking about." - Actually I don't… and I graduated art school. So, does he take trash, make it into art and then sells it to rich people? If they don't consider you a super duper artsy-genius with a famous name, they probably won't care.
"And when you’re making art, you don’t need to be picky. If something’s not perfect, you can make it perfect. You use the beauty inside of you to reach in and pull the beauty out of the object. Sometimes by breaking it more; sometimes by repairing it just enough. And, once, by setting it on fire." - Oh god, that statement-giver sounds like my art teachers…
"I think his name’s Gus. Or Al. He looks like a Gus or an Al." - -__-
I just wanna say Jonny is playing this self-centered, overly confident art guy on speed extremely well. My brain is constantly trying to shut down.
"Don’t know who owned it before, might have even have been a library copy but the sticker was mostly torn off." - lol
Is there static during the passage from the book?
"I asked the corporal for his name, and was told that that was Private Amherst. Fitting enough, I remarked, that he should be named for a dealer in smallpox" (/later in the post-statement segment "Another point is a link that Treeves brings up which I had not considered, that of Jeffrey Amherst, an 18th century baronet who is most remembered for deliberately providing blankets infected with smallpox to Native American tribes during the so-called French and Indian Wars, leading to a devastating epidemic.") - So here's the thing. I didn't know there was an actual Amherst (Jeffery instead of John, but still) with a history in using diseases as weapon. In Austria we learn about prehistoric times, antiquity (a lot about Romans), medieval times, Renaissance, (everything about Central Europe and Mediterranean region) industrial revolution and then we learn 3 years about the first and second world war. I have almost no knowledge about the History of Britain. Even less the US, especially not in detail. I know that there was a discourse about using the name of a rl historical figure who actually did a lot of harm.
I love how these are stories withing a story within a story XD
"Be careful carrying it, though, those old pages are kind of sharp." - Oh no…
"Insects and disease. No clear connection, other than the fact that they somehow feel similar. They both make one feel distinctly unclean." - And that's all there is. It feels right. There is no clear line between the Fears. I love how this works! Soft magic systems are such an underused concept that can work so, so well!
"I’m in the tunnels. I was exploring and I got lost." - LMAO
"There were a couple of spiders, so I changed routes and found, I think it’s a gas main." - <.<
"I didn’t prepare for – AAH" - Jon getting scared is extremely funny! That little scream xD
NOT!SASHA "Hard to focus." / JON "The place plays odd tricks with your mind. When I saw Sasha down there, for a moment it was like I didn’t recognize her. She seemed… far too tall somehow." - Hmmm, so do the tunnels also affect other Fears? It's well known that it blocks the Eye, but the Not!Them also seemed to have a hard time? On the contrary the Corruption seemed to have had a field trip down there, the worms were faster and quieter in the tunnels, which was better for them to get to they prey.
Hmm the corruption getting stronger down there is an interesting question. What powers get lost in these tunnels and what powers are more potent? Is there consistency in how they are affected?
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bisexualhobi · 3 years
aespa savage quick review, track by track
aenergy: perfect intro. it sets the tone for the entire album and it's a really good hype song. would never work as the title track tho (as I've seen people say). it's short and sweet and definitely packs a punch. favorite part: the put your hands in the air! bit
savage: whoever came up with oh my gosh don't you know I'm a savage for the intro is a genius. very anaconda. gonna see it in a lot more kpop songs now. people are saying it's sticker all over again. it is not. this is actually good for starters. savage is what any other group couldn't make work if their lives depended on it but for aespa it feels natural and effortless. noise music for ggs done right is a rare sight but I wouldn't even fit this in the noise category. it's just a good mix of trap and hyperpop elements. pussy part of the song: ningning's high note and giselle's second verse.
I'll make you cry: amazing vocals. ningning and winter didn't come to play. you can tell they graduated from the yoo young jin school of vocals WITH HONORS. probably the weakest song in the album structure wise. it's a bop but the instrumental feels lacking in some parts. love the little 80s synth throwback tho. overall it's still good but something about the melody isn't clicking yet for me
YEPPI YEPPI: I'm screaming, any company would KILL to get this as a title track for their groups and here is sm throwing it in the middle of the album as a b-side 😭 they said rip to all ggs but aespa is different. you can tell they had the most fun recording this and I love how you can feel the girls' personalities shine through in this (which is something they've been criticized a lot for cause apparently they're not very relatable). this is a banger and they absolutely devoured but nothing outstanding or innovative. just good old classic gg music
iconic: this is so fucking good, yg samples included. definitely similar in style to your classic bp song but it provides a punch that only aespa can work. really sets them apart from other ggs and it's all thanks to giselle who single handedly beat the SM has no female rappers allegations. we love to see it. it's the perfect badass girl song and I think they're definitely gonna perform this in music shows
lucid dream: the crown jewel of the album. red velvet, snsd and f(x) are looking down from the heavens proud as shit. one thing SM singers are gonna do is take an r&b song and MAKE IT THEIRS. this is my favorite song off the entire album and I would actually love if it had another beat layered for added depth, cause it really gets me where it wants to but it leaves me wanting even more. also, ningning is gonna be the first aespa girlie to have her solo. calling it right now
this is a 10/10 for me. aespa are monster rookies and you should talk to them VERY nicely
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organic-guacamole · 3 years
episode 209 spoilers below
I'm so late today but here it is
I love EJ, he's finally learning to be happy. I'm so proud.
Ms Jenn = every boomer during zoom calls, like jeez yes we can hear you stop shouting at me.
LOVE THE SUBTLE JOKE ABOUT QUARANTINE "these dark times" "you mean spring break?"
ah yes, remember when we thought covid was just gonna give us a longer spring break? good times
damn the passive aggressiveness from Carlos and the absolutely over it tone from seb✋
we needed more if this kind of goofiness for the first part of season 2 that only such an iconic duo can provide.
old old movies-
is it even that old, or is Nini being a gen alpha rn-
i choose to imagine EJ being scared of the movie and hiding in Ashlyn's shoulder while she keeps a straight face and then EJ pretending to be tough afterwards
aww redlyn are soulmates.... yknow, if gingers had souls
(please ignore me)
y'all saw how EJ's face *lit up* when Gina logged on? how dare you tell me he doesn't like her
ofc she's no damsel in distress, she's Gina porter, she's amazing.
so do we think she'd be the type to just glare at suspicious people? or bark at them
do they not know that Rini broke up? or is Ms Jenn just wanting Nini to suffer through her heartbreak to make her a better actress....
speaking of, why is Nini in the call? she's not in the show anymore. Unless she is, even after the rose and the song got cut, which would be so unfair to all those that auditioned properly before she even came back but whatever, she's the main character I get it 🙄
big red is a hero honestly, Nini better thank him for changing the subject like that
I can't-
i won't work you over the break-
this woman would 100% work her kids 24/7 if it was legal and idk how to feel about it.
smh the airport lady, eavesdropping on Gina's call.
The way she was so happy to answer EJ's call, "eej"
I love them your honour.
great now we need to see Gina, Ashlyn and EJ having a complete spa day and EJ getting really into it and Gina and Ashlyn take pictures of him when he's laying down in a robe with a mask and cucumbers on his eyes.
finally we get to see Gina's side of portwell
the way she considered it as flirting, this is the sign she asked for in episode 6 come onnnnn
no is Asher/jack really doing tiktok dances in an airport-
Ricky is me. I am burrito.
oh Lynne, sweetie, I'm sorry but the blonde hair is not it
is that even the same lady or-
jetlag is my go to excuse for anything... I haven't travelled in 2 years.
"welcome to the Lynne and Mike gossip show. where we talk about our depressed son that we both neglect in certain ways! And now a word from our sponsor, Nord VPN..."
is Nina becoming social media obsessed EJ from season 1? AND SHE LIED ABOUT HAVING SONGS TOO PLEASE WHY ARW THEY RECYCLING THE SAME PLOT-
Gina smiling at the picture of her family on Instagram makes me so happy, idek why.
EJ's nails are so pretty, we needed to see it more (unless he had it on for the rest of the episode and I just.... didn't notice🧍🏽‍♀️)
oh not the tiktok kid✋
yes ma'am end this strange mans whole tiktok career
sir take a hint and leave
Ricky, walking in style✨
weird kid, ok then Lynne, can't you see he's this close to the edge?
not all your fault baby Ricky, Nini sucks a bit more
ok but the deleting comment thing was very bad
still don't know if I like Jack honestly
hmmm so Nini's calling herself Nini instead of Nina in her little egg seat, while trying to write a song without inspiration.... Nini, honey, Ricky was your muse, he inspired you to write all those songs, even if it wasn't good for the relationship.
that doesn't mean you gotta get back with him, or that you can't write a song that not about him butttt it'll take some time
the rainbow sticker in her box and her rainbow shirt-
anyways wbk she's not totally straight
Jack are you a criminal?
quick, Gina, check his ankle for a tracker
the way Gina wasn't into it in episode 6 but she's used the technique twice now
stole her grandma's Pomeranian-
Jack where the hell did you pull that out from-
the fake crying killed me, that looks like so much fun though
anyone wanna raid a first class lounge with me?
wait so is jack not gonna go in with her?
wouldn't he go in too? help look for the credit card? SO CONFUSED
the first class lounge guy was so into the drama though, watch his face when they start arguing 😭
sorry to break this to you Kourtney, but you haven't even blocked the second act yet soooo...
take that as you will
I love how all of them are totally dissing the dance off
that's the most realistic part of this show tbh
shouldn't Nini have asked how she knew....since the start? why is the fact that her best friend has knowledge of a North high secret now dawning on her...
Howie is sweet honestly, at least he's trying to help. but I stand with Kourtney, don't take him back just because he sang an amazing song, and is giving you a heads up on what's gonna happen...
I hate school
ooo Nini's writing a song about bad internet connection 🤩🤩🤩
I never lie, except when I do-
son that is the creepiest thing you could say to a stranger that you've been "helping"
2 truths and a lie👀
he's an Ariana fan 100%
called it.
free spirit? damn so brother porter was in that horse movie
so has she been kissed or not?????????
I feel like she's moved more than 15 times though so possibly
but then if she's moved so much, and before east high she never opened up to anyone, she's never been kissed then?? damn
same though Gina so let's be besties please
heartbreak president is a great song title idea, give Nini a call rn
but wait
is the no strings attached feeling thing about her telling Ricky she liked him? she thought she was moving away so she thought it'd be no strings attached???
guys I think I figured it out insert the "I've connected two dots" meme
ma'am did you just kill me
yes you did
Lynne and Ricky have such a weird relationship
yeah I get that you wanted Ricky to like Todd BUT THAT WASN'T THE TIME
right so we already know that Ricky was so desperate to keep Nini cuz he didn't want to be like his parents, and now Lynne's talking about this-
Richard needs a long hug
yes Lynne, it is your fault. thank you for finally admitting it.
"sometimes the best, last thing you can do for someone you love, is let them go."
gotta admit I teared up at that point
not me thinking big red was calling ms Jenn cupcake for a hot second-
Carlos please omg, you're at the "beach" and they're leaving for the pool?
also, why not just do the call from the hotel room please omg
"don't ask me"
big red wants the tea
I'm surprised ms Jenn knew how to give Nini permission to screenshare tbh
So lily's been stalking the East high kids and spending time editing this video while she's supposedly in an immersion trip.... right
EJ and Ashlyn's picture is so chaotic, what even is happening there
"slacking off" bestie its spring break, obviously they're confident enough that they'll get it done in time so why not focus on your own musical.
jealous seb = sassy seb
please what if those guys Carlos is posing with are his cousins or something and that's why he's so confused about Seb
Nini saying she's obsessed with her ex, that's not weird at all 👍
I can just tell Matt had a blast harassing Julia with those puppets.
Jack please dont be like that, "yet"
chances are you'll never see eachother again 🥰
(honestly sometimes I really miss those friends I made on trips and stuff when we'd spend the day or week together, only to never see them again....those were the good days though)
Ashlyn and Nini should write more songs..... something better than this one at least
Nini: "im good"
cue the Tia Mowry (please I can't spell) crying gif
oh I forgot Ricky was in the show for a hot second
1. where did Gina get to film this without people being around
2. did she just... randomly change her clothes???
ok but the transition between Carlos and EJ
*chefs kiss*
now everyone shut up, EJ's singing
oh i think I'm pregnant
I love how big red and Kourtney went from being "the best friends™" to the couple in season 1, to kinda close themselves and having their own plots
sebby makes me so happy
props to biggies editing skills honestly
big red lives for the drama
"wow" so true Ricky
no he is not cute, stop it
"holding" ok that's kinda cute
yeah EJ's a lucky guy😌
jokes aside, it's not that hard to exchange numbers-
keep in touch if you want
ok I really like Jack now
if he comes back in season 3, maybe have him be LGBTQ+ ?
like the only out characters they have rn are Seb and Carlos and they're like the sterotypes, yk?
I'd love to see jack kinda break the mold
Ricky's breaking my heart
that song just hurts
the only thing
now I don't hate Lynne????????
I mean I don't live her now but she's good
but honestly
"mom can I show you something"
I'm sobbing please help
Gina saying she's just waiting for the right guy and then EJ coming to the airport to pick her up late at night without her asking, offering to bring her back in the morning so she won't have to Uber, bringing her a granola bar (WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT SHE FORGOT TO PACK) and without expecting anything in return???
ms ma'am you've got a keeper right there
her smile at the end was so heartwarming I really can't.
this episode was great.
it felt really short but I liked it, great character development for Ricky, Lynne and Gina.
Cant wait for next episode to see more of EJ being the ideal boyfriend /hj
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lovenona · 4 years
I just haad to say thank you for the free serotonin that you have provided me with through the last artist sukuna post
it's just... ✨beautifull✨ we are slowly building up this au
and then there need to be a project done in which you have the option to work in groups and NO MATTER WHAT this proud cherry haired idiot WILL work alone but geto won't he came to y/n and they really need to work in a group if they want to get this done so of course y/n is happily gonna agree to the offer of geto to work together they do be viben after all which ultimately leads to the fact that y/n is gonna give sukuna even less attention (it probably doesn't even get on his nerves that much that y/n works with geto its just the lack of attention and ultimately time spending with you that result from it)
ah i am sorry I was rambling again😂
anyways hope you have a nice day and don't stress yourself too much with answering always happy to see you post❤️
babe let me just say ur brain is massive and i thank u from the bottom of my heart – anyway here’s the original post for everyone about to embark on this godforsaken journey with art student sukuna and our new friend pretentious fuck geto suguru 
if you thought you were pitiful at drawing, your sculptural skills are on another level of true and utter shit. you cannot, for the life of you, create things out of clay. you despise carving anything into wood. your pottery faithfully collapses on you whenever you try. you hate working with glass. you would have dropped the class, honest, if you didn’t desperately need it in order to fulfill your major requirements and graduate on time. 
all in all, it’s an awful class created solely to tank your gpa – you don’t understand what you’re doing, you don’t understand what anything is supposed to look like, and you sure as fuck don’t understand how anyone else seems to have their shit together all the time. when you glance around the room, no one, not even the famous ryomen sukuna, has trouble making their materials turn into something recognizable.
(and, in true sukuna fashion, he loves to make sure you know how fucking untalented you are.) 
so when anthropology-and-ceramics king geto suguru asks if you want to be partners for the next big art project, you agree without a second thought. you’ve been talking to him recently, small talk before class, and for all his pretentious faults, you think he’s delightfully hot as fuck with a smooth voice to match. he wears those crisp, expensive button-downs that he bought at overpriced local craft markets. he always smells like cedar and eucalyptus; he brings a different tote bag to every class, his favorite being one he got as a gift for subscribing to the new yorker. he shops organic only and throws around the words “fair trade” and “bourgeoisie” and “means of production” with the ease that sukuna throws around the words “fuck” and “shit.” 
you think geto is fascinating. and maybe he talks down to you when explaining his anthropology knowledge, he absolutely does, but when he gazes at you with those warm eyes and offers to help you learn how to sculpt and raise your grades, you can’t help but agree with a pair of big pathetic doe eyes. 
why wouldn’t you? you’re just here for a good time, after all.
so when you giggle as geto places his sinfully smooth, manicured hands over yours while teaching you how to use the pottery wheel, you don’t think much of it. you think he’s cute and warm. you’d be a fool to notice the dark annoyance radiating from the other corner of the room.
ryomen sukuna always works alone. but what he didn’t count on was that you wouldn’t be working alone with him. 
it’s not that you’re working with geto, he swears. it’s that you’re not working with him. his ears feel strangely empty without your argumentative quips, without the way you tell him he’s infuriating and annoying every time he tells you something lewd just to fluster you. it’s strangely empty without you both arguing about the difference between great artists and sell-outs – were you here, in his corner of the room, maybe sukuna would have tried to tell you michelangelo was a loser just to see what you would say. 
but you’re not with him. you’re listening to geto tell you about the time he went to study abroad in germany and how he took a trip to morocco where he tried some amazing food you’ve never heard of. he’s telling you about the time he helped make tampons in botswana after his senior year of high school and all of the other deliciously precocious things he has done for the sake of human rights and anti-capitalism. 
(you’re killing the environment, you know, geto often admonishes you when you stumble into class with your cup of coffee. that cup is going to end up in a landfill. he always taks a sip from his hydroflask for emphasis. it’s sleek and black with an oxfam sticker on it.
and sure, you know that your cup is going to become trash. geto doesn’t have to be an annoying fuck and tell you when it’s only eleven in the morning and he drove a literal moped to campus. but still, with that silky man-bun, everything he does is okay.) 
but understand that sukuna doesn’t hate geto. sukuna craves attention, and he absolutely cannot stand being ignored. he’ll pout without realizing it, pursing his lips and wondering what kind of circus act he needs to perform to win back your presence. should he get another tattoo? cuss out the professor? offer to fuck you senseless in the third-floor bathroom? he’s not sure – he’s never not been seen before. ryomen sukuna doesn’t know what it’s like to come in second. 
so he intercepts you after class; in a manner that is both sukuna-and-not-sukuna, he’ll casually throw one of his heavy arms over your shoulders, subtly pulling you away from geto’s aura, wrapping you in his scent of earth and leather and sex appeal. “come on, puppy,” he says, sultry and annoying and condescending all wrapped in one, tapping his ring-clad fingers against your arm. “you’re supposed to help me write my paper, aren’t you?” it’s not a question, it’s a demand, one you know deep down that you would rather die than shy away from. 
you might not like sukuna, you tell yourself, but there’s something about him, the way he talks and moves and exists in the world, that makes you unable to shy away. there’s something about him that always makes you want more without you quite knowing why. 
(he kissed you, once. sometimes you wonder if you would like it to happen again.) 
and you’re still nestled under sukuna’s arm, trapped in his orbit and following him to his favorite empty classrooms, when geto calls back to you, wondering if you’re still interested in going to the avant-garde poetry reading with him tomorrow night. 
he’s going to present a poem he wrote on the terrors inflicted on south america by the united states, geto had explained earlier when his hands were on yours. it was going to be some real, hard-hitting poetry, none of that “rupi kaur bullshit.” he thought it might enlighten you to join him, perhaps in more ways than one.
you pretend you don’t notice the way sukuna’s arm tightens around your shoulders when you tell geto with a flirtatious smile that you can’t wait. 
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falsegoodnight · 4 years
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this is part two of my december fic rec! this list encompasses the fics i’ve read from the 18th to the 28th!! it’s also my birthday today which makes it even more special! i can think of no better way to spend today than spreading positivity! :)
you can find part one of this month here
✰ there’s happiness because of you by @hadestyles | NR | 1k - (so soft, tender, and beautiful!! rori’s writing amazes me always! and this was written for my birthday because they’re an angel <3)
Thursday mornings have always been their favourite.
✰ and it gets colder and colder by @hadestyles | E | 2K - (another rori fic!! once again, beautiful prose! made me feel emotional!)
Harry wants to take care of Louis. Things take a turn.
✰ make my wish come true by @soldouthaz | M | 3k - (drabble from this series) (so cute, lovely, soft, amazing!!! made my heart so happy! this is also dedicated to me which :’) sarah angel chant)
The taste of Christmas cookies fresh out of the oven and peppermint hot chocolate is still heavy on his tongue. Harry’s sweater provides some warmth and it still smells of him from before he left for his internship two weeks ago, but it’s nowhere near the feeling of his arms wrapped around him. Louis shivers despite the blankets.
✰ spirit meets the bones by @hadestyles​ | E | 3k - (i had to edit to add this because rori wrote another beautiful little fic for me :’) beautiful prose, beautiful emotions, so so so beautiful, gosh. pure poetry!)
The action shouldn’t fill his eyes with tears but it does. These small gestures mean the world to him. A steady reminder that Harry does notice all the tiny, seemingly insignificant details that make Louis him.
✰ 29 Blows by @quelquesetoiles | E | 4k - (super hot but also so cute!! love the concept of the birthday tradition in this one!!!)
For over a decade now, Harry has had his little tradition. It wouldn't be a Louis Tomlinson birthday without his best friend finding new, ingenious ways to make his life more difficult.
It's cute, it's funny, it's theirs, until Harry takes it a step too far on Louis' 29th birthday.
✰ calm me down (before i sleep) by @erodiansunflower | E | 7k - (a pwp and super hot, but also super cute??)
Prompt 24: Harry is a sex shop owner that has a crush on Louis, the shy customer who flirts with him while buying cute buttplugs, lace panties, and collars. One day, Louis asked Harry to help him put on a corset (they end up fucking in the dressing room). Things escalate quickly from there, so they start seeing each other seriously while trying other sex stuff.
✰ You’re Never Alone With a Moon This Bright by @helloamhere | T | 8k - (part one of this series) (WOW this was incredible and i am ENTRANCED! this author is an all-time favorite and idk why it took me so long to get to this series but i’m here now!! and loving it!!)
Louis was a monster. But sometimes, even monsters get a Christmas.
✰ Be a Good Girl For Me by @sincetheywere16and18 | E | 9k - (really hot and cute!!!)
Based on this prompt: “AU where Harry is Louis’ older brother’s best friend. He catches Louis dancing around his room in panties and blackmails him, saying that louis has to do anything he says or else he’ll tell Louis’ family that he wears girly underwear. Secretly soft for him, Harry gives him easy tasks and uses the whole thing to spend more time with Louis. Eventually, the orders begin to escalate and Harry teases Lou about his secret, making Louis shy and embarrassed. Louis loves the attention though, and forms a crush on his brother’s best friend. Lots of feminization, secret relationship, and enemies to lovers. Thank you!”
✰ it’s hard to fight naked by @loustarlight | E | 11k - (LOVED this so much!!! a big fan of enemies/flatmates to lovers especially when there’s a walk-in involved!!)
Louis leaves dirty socks on the couch, Zayn does assignments while he's high, and Harry is hopelessly crushing on his roommate.
✰ Sweet Scary Creatures by @specklelouis | M | 13k - (jurassic park au!! so cute and fun!!! loved louis’ character growth in this in particular!)
They stare into each other's eyes for a while until Louis remembers this is too intimate and looks at Harry’s hands on his thigh. It spans a big portion of his thigh and Louis has always been insecure about how thick he is, so he loves that Harry has huge, dustbin hands that hold him and makes him feel smaller, safer.
✰ hereafter (ad infinitum) by @larryent | M | 13k - (this was absolutely beautiful!! the writing was incredible, the contrast between the old timeline and new one impeccable, and the letters!!! love them!! and vampire harry is always a win!)
"A legacy is every life you’ve touched. And you’ve touched mine twice."
On the coast of San Francisco in 2024 is when Harry falls in love all over again.
✰ Believe Me When I Say You Have It All by @helloamhere | T | 20k - (part two of this series) (loved this even more than it’s predecessor. not to be dramatic, but i’d die for the louis and harry in this series. this whole world has my heart)
Harry had never faced anything in this forest that had actually succeeded in scaring him. Louis was no exception.
✰ Yours to Lose by @loulicate-recs | M | 26k - (so cute and soft and sweet!!! louis and harry were both angels and IAN <3 little cutie!!! so proud of you hanis!)
Louis always gets distracted with his mummy duty and he eventually catches Harry's attention.
✰ But It’s Useless by @thinlinez | E | 26k - (this put such a big smile on my face!! so cute and lovely!! louis was a relatable and adorable menace and harry was a smitten idiot but they both got there in the end!!)
Omega Louis would never guess that he would be trying to hack into Alpha Harry's Wifi. That is until everything changes when he tries to get to know his enemy.
✰ Stuck On You by Writewhatiwant | E | 34k - (so so sweet! loved the aspect of stickers in this fic and how louis found joy in them!! really loved how both louis and harry (especially harry) grew throughout this story and how they found peace at the end!)
Louis’ life revolves around his stickers. Harry’s life revolves around his job. The universe has decided their worlds should revolve around each other.
✰ smoke between your teeth by @soldouthaz | E | 37k - (i think everyone knows how much i adore sarah and her fics but this one just might be a new favorite! loved all the psych stuff, the pining, the rom-com worthy confession <3 brilliant!)
Louis tries to stop his addiction to cigarettes and discovers he's been addicted to Harry for much, much longer.
✰ Your Life Worth Walking on a Bright Morning by @helloamhere | T | 38k - (part three of this series) (it just keeps getting better and better <3 so comforting and consistent and beautiful!)
For all its complexity, Louis sometimes reminded himself, life could always be simplified into a series of forks in the road. Even overwhelmingly big things were survivable when you broke them down to their choice. One path or the other, left or right.
✰ On The Edge by @zanniscaramouche | E | 47k - (so crazy good!! zanni is always amazing me!! loved the ice skating, the hockey, the misunderstandings, the multi-faced and beautiful characters and relationships - all so perfect!)
Figure skating is as vital to Louis’ identity as his DNA, so when his skates go missing right before the last Olympics of his career there may be a meltdown only vanilla bath salts can fix. Well, that and the stupidly charming hockey player he met on the plane.
Harry’s too old to be the wonder kid and too young to be taken seriously in the NHL. As an alternate thrown in at the last second, he fights to prove himself on the national team at the largest sporting event known to man. Or he will, once he gets off this flight and can focus on something other than the fussy figure skater and his stunningly blue eyes.
A baggage mix-up skews both of their perfectly laid plans for gold, forcing the two to work together as the clock clicks towards the minute they’re expected to shine on centre ice.
✰ made for lovin’ you by @cuddlerlouis | E | 53k - (loved this so much!! touch depri/accidental bonds are my favorite and this was no exception!!! the characterizations, the tension, the misunderstandings, the tenderness, the fluff!!! so good!)
A quick, horny decision ruins Louis’ summer plans, but may also lead to unexpected discoveries. Featuring the road trip of dreams, misunderstandings, and a bit of fate.
✰ social cues by @outropeace | E | 56k - (so fucking good!! the slow burn in this was impeccable!!! pair it with friends with benefits, mutual pining, angst, misunderstandings... amazing <3)
To Harry, Louis was becoming as tangible and essential as music in his life. He still was a mystery but at the same time, he was one of the most real things Harry had. He just hoped he could live up to the image Louis probably had in his mind of him.
He could play the part, after all, what was published of him wasn’t as detached from reality. He didn’t think of himself as a rockstar cliche, although he couldn't deny he did sleep around, partied a lot, and did some drugs. But then again, wasn’t that what the majority of his friends back in his hometown were doing at college?
Harry wanted to impress Louis, he didn’t want to disappoint or leave his expectations unfulfilled, so he’d give him the full rockstar experience.
It was a very simple plan, what could possibly go wrong?
✰ dripping like spider milk by @raspberryoatss | E | 64k - (pip amazing me with her talent? a common occurrence. this was so wonderfully written and so well done!! loved the characterizations, the dynamic, the angst, the miscommunication, the pining, the HUMOR!!! it was all so amazing!!)
When he sees the alpha, his brown hair curling around the top of his neck and his broad back that’s filled out over the past couple of years, Louis freezes for a moment. The alpha turns around, Louis’ surprised expression mirrored on his own for a fraction of a second before he schools it into a big, yet shy grin and a wave of his huge hand. With his nostrils flared, Louis knows that he can smell him, too.
They never hired alphas, except for—
✰ a taste of freedom and sweetened passion by @tomlinvelvetfics | M | 74k - (okay technically haven’t finished reading this one yet but i want to get this up early and i already know this is amazing because it’s LATE and she’s incredible!!! and, i mean, anne of green gables?? abo?? best birthday gift ever!! will be spending the day reading this in bliss <3)
“Are you mad?” he explodes, throwing his hands up, groaning. “I was so, so close to reaching my goal, and your stupid, stalking ass had to creep up on me, hm?”
Harry is trying to keep his laughter in, walking closer to him, eyes soft. He doesn’t like the way those eyes make him feel, an odd, dangerous mix of nervous and flustered, so he bends down to pick up the books, raising an eyebrow when Harry growls in protest.
“I wanted to pick them up for you,” the alpha pouts, and Louis glares at him, getting into position and lowering the pile of yellowed pages over the top of his head.
“I’m a functional human being, thank you very much,” he grits out as he begins to walk and mentally count the amount of steps he takes. One, two, three, for heaven’s sake Harry fuck off!, four, five. He doesn’t let himself be distracted as the alpha walks along with him despite the slow pace, green eyes focused on him in a way that would, in any other cases, compelled him to throw a book in the alpha’s face.
He doesn’t know why he doesn’t do it and certainly doesn’t want to think about the reason, whatever it might be.
If you read any of these lovely fics, remember to leave kudos and comment to show your appreciation!
*if i made any errors, please let me know :)
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robinofinashiro · 4 years
- request: “making some of the MY HERO and HAIKYUU boys unintentionally jealous.”
- request status: open
- pairings : Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Kenma Kozume, x fem! reader
bakugou katsuki ( my hero ): 
- bakugou is will not take this lightly. regardless if you were doing it on purpose or not, he sits in his seat, anger radiating off of him as he watched you continue to do it.
- you were standing with Mina, Kirishima, and Kaminari at a food stand. it wasn’t Kirishima who he was jealous of. dumbass Kaminari was the one standing a little too close for his liking.
- he would have you constantly laughing. at some point, you were even holding onto Kaminari’s shoulder, trying to contain your laughter.
- Bakugou came up to the four of you before snatching you away. you gave him a confused look, wondering why he just dragged you away from all of your friends. it wasn’t until the two of you reached a dead part of the mall when he finally stopped and looked at you.
- “what is wrong with you!” you yelled quietly. Bakugou gave you an angry glare before leaning into your ear, “you think your cute? flirting with that idiot in front of me?”
- you were left in dead surprise, “are you implying that I was trying to make you jealous? with Kaminari no less?” you couldn’t help but laugh, making the angry boy even more upset, “jealousy doesn’t look cute on you, babe. and honestly? you have that little faith in me that I would cheat on you with Denki?” Bakugou’s eye twitched at the sound of you using his first name.
- Bakugou grabbed you by the back of the head and gave you a rough kiss before making his way down your neck and biting down on it, hard.
- “fuck Katsuki!” you groaned, immediately rubbing the sport he just bit down on, “that shit is going to leave a mark and I didn’t even bring concealer with me! Mina is never going to let that go.” Katsuki chuckled as he wrapped his arm around your waist. 
Kenma Kozume ( haikyuu ):
- you had gone along with Kenma to one of his gaming tournaments. it wasn’t that you wanted too but he asked and being the wonderful girlfriend you were, with a little bribing and evening cuddles, you agreed.
- you had no idea what game Kenma was playing that he even decided to compete in a tournament but all you knew was that as soon as you got into his car earlier that morning, he had given you a sweater for the business he was starting with his last name slapped on the back.
- you sat patiently next to him as you realized the game he was competing for was freaking Mario Kart. you had witnessed him play more advanced games and beat them in HOURS so you wondered why he even bothered to put 
- as time passed, you started getting bored and the building you were in had shit reception. you turned to the person next to you and gave the guy a smile. you assumed the two guys next to you were gaming partners as the guy sitting next to him was engrossed in the game. 
- “hi, I’m ( your name ),” you introduced yourself. he introduced himself as Tamaki and from there, the two of you continued talking, “is a cutie like yourself competing tonight?” you shook your head no, “that’s disappointing, here I thought I found my soulmate today,” he joked, sticking his tongue out.
- Kenma completely stopped in his tracks after hearing what the guy told you. Kenma knew that you coming with him would cause a bit of a scene. some of these gamers never left their parents basement so the sight of a cute girl like yourself would catch some of their eyes. not only that, you didn’t even stop to the guy. he was flirting with you and it was as if you turned a blind eye to it.
- as a pause in the tournament game, you finally turned over to Kenma and gave him a smile, “do you want me to bring you food or something to drink? I know you won’t have another break for a while and I don’t want you starving,” Kenma sighed, feeling silly that he thought you were flirting with the guy next to you, “sure,” he whispered. you smiled as you started to get up.
- Kenma grabbed your wrist and brought you down for a kiss, a steamier one than you anticipated. as you pulled away, a warm feeling crawled up on your face as you grabbed his wallet to order his snack. Kenma, feeling nothing short of a petty bitch turned to the guy and chuckled as he wiped off the lipstick that stained his lips.
Midoriya Izuku ( my hero ):
- I feel as though Midoriya might not be the kind of person to get jealous unless he’s had a really bad day. those days are rare within themselves so the day you made him unintentionally jealous, he was already on edge and was ready to use OFA to tell the person to fuck off.
- you had just finished training and were sitting down on a patch of grass with Momo. being that you had a buster chest (for those in the itty bitty titty club, y’all beautiful), you and Momo attracted a lot of attention from the males in the class because of the uniform. don’t get him wrong, Midoriya loved your chest, but seeing his classmate staring down your shirt upset him.
- the tank top you slipped on was riding up from the waist as your chest was making the shirt lower itself. “damn, ( y/n ) looks hot, doesn’t she?” Midoriya heard Mineta say, “be quiet, you pervert,” he heard Kirishima reply, “Midoriya is not that far from us and you shouldn’t be speaking about his girlfriend in such a way. also, she’s your classmate so have respect for her.” he heard Mineta scoff as he silently thanked Kirishima for defending you.
- Midoriya took another sip of his juice as he continued watching you and Momo. whatever the two of you were talking about must have excited you as you started squealing, making you chest jump a bit. this time, Midoriya tried to hold his own perverted comments back but hearing Mineta speak up and make a comment of how hot you looked doing that pegged his anger up a bit more.
- “hey, i’ll be back, I need to talk to Izuku about something,” you told Momo as she nodded, “but don’t forget, we have tutoring with Kaminari, Ojiro, and Jirou tomorrow so we can’t be late!” you walked away from Momo to find Midoriya upset and even a bit angry, “babe, is everything okay? you look mad,” you asked.
- Midoriya finally pulled himself back into reality and realized you were talking to him. he muttered a fine before pulling himself up and taking his sweater off. you instantly could feel jealousy radiating off of him but you let him try to cover you, which made you laugh. you dug into your bag and took out the sweater you brought for yourself.
- “here, take your sweater. remember the sweater you gave me for my birthday with your last name, I brought it,” you pulled the hoodie over yourself. it was an All Might hoodie with his name engraved on the right front side and anyone could tell that it was def his, “do you want to get dinner or something?” you asked, hoping to get off the topic.
- as the two of you walked to the main building, you held Midoriya’s hand as you passed Mineta. Midoriya wasn’t naturally a petty person but he just hoped for the day that Aizawa partnered him and Mineta together. plus, the thought that only he got to stare at you the way others did but actually get to do something about it was enough for him to calm down.
Kyoutani Kentarou (haikyuu):
- anyone making Kyoutani jealous really should just sign their death certificate. Kyoutani was already known for his very angry personality and the nickname ‘Mad-Dog’ wasn’t just thrown around for no reason. he was an angry birb.  
- you were at one of Seijoh’s games, in the front row, along with the other rally team members. the uniforms the school provided the team with made you feel a bit insecure. the skirt was a bit too short for your liking and the top they gave you with it only covered half your stomach. however; Kyoutani always made sure to compliment you whenever you wore it.
- the thing with your relationship was the fact that no one had known about it. he didn’t really want his personal relationship so out there and you didn’t mind not showing it off either. both of you weren’t too keen on PDA and Kyoutani made sure to makeup for any lack of PDA in private.
- “who’s that girl in the stands?” Oikawa muttered to Iwaizumi, “she’s a cutie,” he said as Kyoutani looked at his captain’s finger trajectory. his anger immediately boiled up realizing that he was talking about you! not only could he not deal with his captain on a day to day basis but now he had to find his girlfriend attractive. Kyoutani, as much as he wouldn’t admit to it, felt a bit insecure about it. a part of him felt that if you found out that Oikawa thought you were cute, you would leave him for Oikawa.
- you were just standing up against the rails of the auditorium, drinking water, and talking to one of your teammates when you felt your phone vibrate. you looked down to see that Kyoutani had called you over. after hearing that Oikawa wanted to see who you were personally after the game ended, he knew he had to do something.
- he had asked for you to bring him water and whenever he asked for it from you, you would always bring your Hydroflask that had your scrunchie on it. you also had his number as a sticker on it and color of the Hydroflask was that of the Seijoh school colors.
- “hey, you didn’t bring a water bottle with you? I thought your managers usually provided that?” you asked Kyoutani. like he predicted, you had given him your Hydroflask and he chugged it down, “I did but I thought drinking from you would give me good luck,” you rolled your eyes as you started to leave.
- you stayed with Kyoutani a bit longer but he could feel his captain staring at the two of you. feeling like he finally one upped Oikawa, he brought you in for a kiss. it wasn’t long, not in the slightest, but like you had said, Kyoutani wasn’t one for PDA so him even kissing you felt odd, “love you. now go cheer for me,” he murmured in your ear, slapping your butt discreetly. you blushed before leaving as Kyoutani laughed. that would show Oikawa that you weren’t available for him to flirt with.
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stickywashisblog · 3 years
Myself once said 'There are things you never dreamed of, but you might be learn to cherish it'.
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Being an engineer is part of my ambition not being a businesswoman.
Being businesswoman was not part of my ambition, nor did it became part of my imagination.
Chosing this strand was not part of my decision, it is because of my family and relative's influence.
This passion project got to be troublesome for me particularly that I do not have an idea for planning about a business.
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Being businesswoman was not part of my passion, but my parents gave me a reason to began to love it.
My father want me to become a successful businesswoman.
Since I have collections of washi tapes and sticky notes, I considered it for starting a business. Particularly since I am aware that many students are looking for such items, which can be used for projects, or school activities.
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I was also encourage to start planning about this business since I know that I can use my creativity for this, such as making packaging, designing the box and arranging it.
It was also difficult for my parents to understand the cost of my passion project, but they knew it could help us as well.
I use my first week for planning about the business name, method of delivery, business platforms, terms and conditions and what else can I add to myweek. I chose 'STICKY WASHI' as my business name especially that sticky notes and washi tapes are among the products I sell. For my method of delivery, I provided free delivery to locations near us, but I charged an extra fee for delivery to locations further away. But I put options for delivery, self pick-up, free delivery to nearby and additional amount for delivery to distant places. For my business platforms, I use Shopee and Facebook page.
In this business, no return, no exchange is implemented especially if the reason is not reasonable. Customers who purchase two boxes, however, will receive an additional 1 piece of sticky note and 1 piece of washi tape. There are two options for my Method of Payment such as Personal Payment and thru Gcash. I also included in my first week the products I offered in the box, it was 5 pcs of washi tapes and 2 pcs of sticky notes, I also put freebies stickers.
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For my second week, I planned the design of my packaging and the logo for my business product, I use various designs for my packaging, because I also want to use recyclable materials, I made a simple logo of my business product, and I print many copies of it to paste on my other packaging.
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For my third week, I looked online to find washi tapes and sticky notes to sell as well as pre-made boxes to use in my packaging, I also looked online to buy stickers for my freebies.
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For my final week, It takes few days before my orders arrived, I put it immediately on packaging and I started to cover and design my other packaging. I also create Facebook page as my online platform, but I can't keep posting to the shopee, especially since I know most of the people there are far away, which will be difficult for me. However, once I start making money, I intend to post on that internet site. I also constantly inviting my Facebook friends to like my Fb page. Then before I post my offered products, I posted first the terms and conditions for buying, then after that I started to post my products.
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It has been exciting for me to be in business, especially because I am aware that there will be many hurdles as well as numerous opportunities. But this thing that I never expected to begin is starting to get closer to me, and I started to cherish it.
That's all! Thank you!✨
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hajimewhore · 4 years
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Love Letter To You 💌 (Iwaizumi Hajime/Reader)
on [Ao3]
➸Rated T, fem!Reader, 7k+words  ➷Fluff, some angst, humor, confessions, misunderstandings, twins with Tooru   ➷You’ve had a longtime crush on Iwaizumi Hajime, and you can honestly say you don’t recall ever not having a crush on him. He’s your best friend, who also happens to be your twin brother’s best friend.
But that’s the problem, he’s still just your best friend.
What better way to tell him how you feel than through a letter confessing your feelings? Nothing could go wrong with that marvelous plan.
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You let out a long sigh of defeat, scribbling across the page uselessly.
Realistically it’s a waste of ink if you’re just going to crumple the page and toss it anyways, but it provides some minor release of frustration at least.
Helplessly, you unlock your phone to google ‘How to write a love letter—‘ before entirely giving up on that idea.
Red faced and slightly embarrassed at the thought of resorting to a shitty wikihow article on love letters, you bury your face in your arms.
Taking that moment to collect yourself, you dive back into writing the confession letter to your longtime crush and friend, Iwaizumi Hajime.
Easier thought than done of course, but you’re sick of dancing around the topic and dragging it out.
You, Hajime, and your brother Tooru, are in your third year now. It’s better to rip the bandaid off, your older sister told you once.
But she’s married, and has Takeru. Needless to say you’re a little bitter to listen to her advice when she’s got everything sorted out, and when her husband was the one who confessed first.
You let out a whine of frustration, she is right in the end, she always is.
...Especially considering you’ve harbored this crush for quite some time now.
You sigh, tapping your lip with the edge of your pen.
Hajime isn’t one for dramatics, so simplicity is best. But there obviously needs to be more than ‘I like you’ scrawled on the page.
Instead, you decide to just write out a ‘I can’t believe I’m doing this but here goes nothing,’ (more like everything).
The line is followed by why you like him to begin with.
His strength, his passion, his humor, the other adjectives that follow suit, the fact he doesn’t let Tooru get away with being manipulative and bad mannered, all the good qualities that made you fall for Hajime.
And well, you’ve liked him for a long time. And you’d hate to let it go without ever having tried to tell him.
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“Hey, can you—“
The previously mentioned bad mannered Tooru bursts in your room unannounced, and you let out a squeak in your surprise. You hastily shut the notebook to hide the letter.
“Tooru what the fu—“
“Can you stop yelling for a second? I need a face mask, I’m all out.”
“Can you learn to knock?”
Regardless of your irritation, you shove a face pack into his hands, while pushing him out of your room.
“Jeez, we shared the womb at some point but you cross the line at me coming into your room? We even used to share a bunk bed too! I miss those days.”
He sighs, but it’s cut off by the slamming door in his face.
“Thanks for the face mask!”
His voice is muffled through the door as you hear his footsteps echo down the hall.
Sighing in the relief of his absence, you slip the letter into an envelope and seal it shut.
You’re not even gonna bother to read it over, feeling far too nervous and embarrassed after having actually written out a confession to Hajime. And you don’t want to stress yourself more feeling self conscious about your handwriting, grammar, syntax, and whatever bullshit.
You wish you were bold enough to tell him to his face, feeling the letter might be a bit of a cop out, but you quickly disregard the notion.
Thinking about staring into his dark eyes and professing your love sends chills down your spine, you’re almost positive you’d bolt after barely stuttering out an ‘I like you.’ This way, you’re definitely able to get more than three words out. At least, that’s what you tell yourself to believe this is a good plan.
Now to just get the courage to hand it to him.
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When the next day arrives, you find out you never actually gathered the courage to hand it to him.
The morning was spent with Tooru chattering away on the route to school.
Handing a letter to your childhood friend with a heart stamped over it in front of Tooru’s annoyingly perceptive eyes, directly in his field of vision, didn’t sit well with you.
For good reason, he’d definitely be clued in on your crush by the evidence before him. Not to mention Hajime would hate that kind of attention coming from Tooru.
In other words, it was the most inopportune time. You spent the entire walk pink faced and scowling, Hajime eyeing you with a brow raised and Tooru doing his best to lead the conversation for unusually quiet twin.
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And that’s why you find yourself shoving it into his locker during practice.
The boys are busy in a set, and the coaches won’t notice you slipping away from your managerial duties for the moment.
“Oh. Oh fuck. I can’t do this!”
You suddenly panic, pressing your hands to your face in mortification.
“What am I doing?!”
But it’s too late, the deed is done, you’ve already gone and slipped the little letter containing all your secret feelings for Hajime between the slots of his locker. And there’s no way you can deface school property by taking a crowbar to the damn thing.
You shuffle out of the locker room, thankfully unnoticed. The last thing you needed in this state of utter disarray was to be caught red faced leaving the men’s locker room.
You just hope Hajime will set the letter aside and you can deal with the consequences later.
Or maybe he’ll set the letter aside permanently and forget of it’s existence entirely. That’d be a good option.
Except for the fact you would never know if he just forgot about the letter, or if he’s just ignoring the contents of it and in turn shutting you down and ruining your friendship and ignoring you for the rest—
The sound of whistle rattles in your eardrums and you jump, startled by the sharp noise.
“Clean up, boys! Head home, get something to eat, and rest well.”
Coach Irihata’s gruffly gives directions, and the team follows with a resounding ‘Yes Coach!’
You spend the entirety of clean up ignoring everyone. Not on purpose, no, but your nerves have absolutely skyrocketed.
When Matsukawa tried to say something to you, you nearly dropped all the water bottles. Thankfully, he caught the end of the box before you could create another mess to clean up.
Whatever he’d said to you went in one ear and out the other, as you caught Hajime’s hard stare at you.
“Sorry about that! Thanks, Mattsun.”
You bow out of the conversation, dipping out before anything else can be exchanged. Mostly so you can physically get yourself out of Hajime’s view, you don’t think you can handle seeing him after he finds what’s in that locker.
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You wait outside, contemplating whether you should walk home ahead without Tooru and Hajime. If he stone cold rejects you, you might as well just do that. Knowing Hajime though, he’d never be so callus to you.
There are times he’s reprimanded you for having that patent Shittykawa personality, of course. You hate to admit it, and you’ll never be caught admitting it aloud, but you and Tooru are cut from the same cloth in the end. Though much to your affection, Hajime’s always been more gentle when he raps you on the head. You just hope he retains that same generosity when he inevitably rejects you.
He might just feel the same, though. Thoughts of Hajime pulling you aside to tell you he shares your feelings fill your head. You can almost feel him ruffling your hair, scolding you for being stupid to think otherwise.
The scenario makes you blush, and your hopes rise as you plop onto a bench and resolve yourself to wait.
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“Shittykawa better hurry up. I don’t want to have to wait extra time, I swear I’ll ditch him.”
Hajime grumbles, swinging open his locker to pull out his casual wear.
“He said he wanted to talk to Coach Irihata.”
Hanamaki informs, but Hajime just scoffs at the info.
“Probably to get some copies of another team’s match. He’s gonna stay up watching it too, more trouble for his sister to wake him up in the morning.”
Hajime slips a sweater over his head, and the other laughs knowingly at his observation.
“Poor, sweet Oikawa-chan, cursed to be twins with someone as overbearing and overzealous as Oikawa.”
Hanamaki clicks his tongue, pulling a loose tee on, just barely missing the sour look Hajime sends him for the ‘poor, sweet Oikawa-chan’ bit.
“Ah! I-Iwaizumi-senpai, you dropped this!”
Kindaichi is delicately holding some sort of letter, presenting it to Hajime nervously. Why the boy is always so skittish around him he could never understand.
Hajime carefully takes the letter, examining it.
“This isn’t mine.”
He furrows his brow, he’s never seen the thing before.
“It fell out of your locker.”
Kunimi points out, and Hanamaki and Matsukawa choose that moment to tune back in.
“Did an Oikawa love letter get put in the wrong locker?”
Hanamaki teases, and Kunimi chooses that moment to tune out back out.
“There’s a heart on it, it’s clearly some girl trying to confess.”
Matsukawa taps the heart sticker sealed over the top.
“Or guy!”
Kindaichi blurts out, and Kunimi rolls his eyes heavily at that.
Hajime goes to shove it into Tooru’s locker, ready to complain about his fanbase diving into the men’s locker room while they’re practicing, but Matsukawa’s swipes the letter from his hands.
“Hold on, you don’t know if it’s actually for Oikawa.”
“Who else would it be for?”
Hajime raises an irritated brow, already wishing he were at home.
“Could be for me.”
Hanamaki winks, tearing the letter open.
“No way, Hanamaki.”
“Oh yes way, Matsukawa.”
The two peer over the contents of the letter with excitement.
Kindaichi mumbles something about invasion of privacy and Kunimi eyes the situation from behind the locker, a little curious after all.
“Dear Hajime,”
Hajime blinks in mild shock at hearing the two words that sound from Hanamaki’s lips.
“Hold on—“
He reaches for the letter in disbelief, but the two swivel to block him out.
“‘I can’t believe I’m doing this. I’ve never done this kind of thing before, but I know you’d understand,’”
Hanamaki reads out, and Matsukawa chimes in,
“That’s cute, she’s embarrassed.”
“‘That’s what I like the most about you. You’re understanding, hardworking,” etcetera, etcetera, haha wait ‘You don’t let Tooru get away with being a brat’,”
Hanamaki practically busts a gut, and Hajime growls out trying to snatch the letter back but Matsukawa’s got it back in his grasp,
“She did not say that.... Hah! She did! Wow, this girl really likes you, Hajime~”
He teasingly refers to him.
“Hey, asshole, give it back.”
“We’re in too deep now, Hajimeee, sorry!”
Hanamaki sidesteps a smack that definitely would’ve left a bruise. Kunimi briefly thinks his senpais should be this level of eager to read in their studies.
“The stationary is really cute too, wish you could see it Haaajiiimee. It’s got little hearts and— no fucking way.”
Hanamaki cuts himself off, and at this point everyone is eyeing the trio’s shenanigans.
“Just give it back, dickhead.”
Hajime glares as Hanamaki points at something on the letter for Matsukawa to see. After a moment of analyzing he bursts into laughter alongside Hanamaki.
Hajime doesn’t think he’s heard Matsukawa laugh this hard about anything, and it’s kind of pissing him off how he’s only choosing now to start being more vocal.
“What the fuck are you laughing about?”
Hajime growls, feeling especially pissed he’s being left out of his own damn letter. The two bumbling, annoyingly tall fools wipe actual tears of laughter away.
“I-It’s not signed!”
Hajime gapes at the response, reaching for the letter again which Hanamaki so graciously allows him to take.
And true to their audio book version of the letter, it writes ‘Dear Hajime,’ at the top, kind words about himself, includes some badmouthing of Shittykawa that he momentarily appreciates, and at the bottom...
“You’re kidding me?”
“I’m sorry man, that sucks.”
Matsukawa pats his back in faux comfort, hiding his snort of laughter.
“And what’s this?”
In his distraction, he didn’t notice Tooru entering the locker room until he’s already plucked the letter from his hands.
“Hey fucker—“
He just got it back, but Tooru is already doing a second rendition of the audio book love letter.
“‘Dear Hajime,’ what the hell? This is so annoying!”
He puts the letter down to glare at Hajime, the look and tone of annoyance send a spike of anger in him.
“What are you on about? You get letters like this all the time!”
He’s ready to beat Tooru’s bratty ass but his response stops him in his tracks,
“Yeah, but not from my sister. I wish she’d write me heartfelt letters like this. But nooo, she’s always ganging up on me with you!”
Tooru angrily pokes him on the chest, but Hajime doesn’t retaliate. His world is spinning.
“Oikawa-senpai, that letter wasn’t signed.”
Kunimi informs, very helpfully, and Matsukawa and Hanamaki eye each other with shocked expressions.
“Haaah? You guys are trying to tell me you don’t even recognize your own manager’s handwriting?”
His hands are at his hips, letter clutched between his fingertips.
“Someone as annoyingly perceptive as you might, but the rest of us are still humans.”
Hanamaki bites back, and Matsukawa snatches the letter in place of the dumbfounded Hajime.
“Hey, I didn’t get to read that!”
Tooru growls, but Matsukawa shoves his hand against Tooru’s face before he can lunge for it,
“....I think Iwaizumi’s the only one who should’ve read this.”
He mutters, reaching out to hand the letter back.
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You lay seated at the bench, still, elbows to your knees and fingertips interlocked before your mouth. Your leg shakes with impatience and a swell of anxiety.
“What the hell is taking so long!”
You throw your head back with a cry, cupping your cheeks.
In an attempt to resolve the tension you feel coiling in your gut, you slide off the bench to your feet, reentering the gym to a find the stragglers.
Most of the team is already gone, but it’s strange how long the rest are taking. Normally, Kunimi is the first out with Kindaichi following close.
But you’ve yet to see either of them, or Mattsun and Makki.
Tooru is slow as always, that’s a given considering he’s late to practice half the time and late to leave, but Hajime usually keeps him in check.
You haphazardly swing open the locker room door, not caring if any of them aren’t presentable.
“Can you hurry up?! It’s cold out and I don’t wanna walk home by my...self...”
The end of your sentence trails off, losing its bite as you lock eyes with a wide eyed Matsukawa.
Who happens to be holding a letter, a very, very familiar letter.
Your cheeks turn a hot red at the realization, that’s your confession letter for Hajime.
You shift your eyes around the room to assess the damage. Kunimi and Kindaichi are averting their gazes nervously. Hanamaki and Matsukawa look like they want the ground to open up and swallow them whole, guilt written all over their features.
Tooru looks like he’s in the middle of a hissy fit, and you feel humiliated thinking he was here for what more than likely transpired, judging by the open letter in Matsukawa’s hands.
The thing that bothers you the most is Hajime’s slack jawed expression, opening and closing his mouth unsure what to say for once.
You can’t help but take heavy footed steps, the loud stomps echoing the uncomfortably quiet locker room. You feel as if your embarrassment and humiliation is tangible, the sheer awkwardness sitting so thick in the air you could cut it with a knife.
Matsukawa pales when you stand before him, and though he towers over you, he can’t help but feel intimidated by the anger stricken look etched across your face.
You swipe the letter from his hands, the paper sounds with a rip as it crumples in your shaking grasp.
You shift your gaze to Hajime, and Matsukawa almost sighs in relief at the attention being redirected off of him.
You glare, feeling the most contempt and anger for Hajime you’ve ever felt in your life. The petty arguments you had growing up can’t even compare.
“I-I— It wasn’t— I didn’t...“
Hajime can’t come up with anything to say. He’s never been one to stumble over his words, but the misunderstanding is set in stone while the guilt tears away at him.
He doesn’t even know why he’s feeling guilty, he didn’t even do anything wrong. Those lanky bastards stole his stuff from him, and he didn’t even know it was from you to begin with.
But that didn’t stop his heart from sinking when he saw the heartbreak and anger on your face.
“If you didn’t like me, you should’ve just said so. You didn’t have to show everyone!”
You yell out, voice unsteady, covering your face and willing yourself not to cry just yet.
You’re angry that they were reading the letter that was meant for Hajime’s eyes only. Angry that the red blush from the humiliation won’t leave your face, and it only serves to make you more red faced. There’s this sticky hot itch that’s burning at your skin. It’s starting to prickle the back of your neck, you just want to go home.
You thought Hajime would never do something like this, you were almost certain of it. He wasn’t the type to entertain locker room talk and banter about girls with his guy friends. And you definitely didn’t think he’d be the type to let your friends make a joke of you by reading out your stupid love letter.
You should’ve never written it in the first place.
“Hey, we didn’t know—“
Hanamaki tries but you’re quick to interrupt him,
“I’m not talking to you right now Hanamaki!”
He shuts his mouth the second he hears your scratchy voice. You didn’t even bother to look back at him, but he can probably guess the look you have on your face. He rubs the back of his neck, lips pressed into a thin line.
Kindaichi is looking at Hanamaki with a sorry expression, and Kunimi’s eyes have been trained on his locker the whole time, silently wringing his hands together.
You feel a pang of guilt wedge it’s way into your already complex fray of emotions, feeling bad for lashing out so hard on him. Feeling bad for making the first years so anxious.
The feelings are only brief. You disregard them when the image your Seijou teammates laughing about the letter inserts itself into your mind.
You sigh, lips pursing as you shift your watery eyes to your feet.
Why isn’t Hajime doing anything?
“Whatever. I’m going home. And don’t follow me.”
You give Hajime one last hard look before turning on your heel, storming out of the locker room.
You make sure to pitch the letter in the garbage on the way out, cursing the flimsy paper for causing so much turmoil.
You wait to exit the gym before you let the floodgates open.
Tears pour down your face, as you head back home.
At some point you stop bothering to wipe them away, since they just keep coming.
The sounds of the night fill your ears, cars passing by and wildlife calling out, but it’s still so quiet.
The lonely walk leaves you entertaining intrusive thoughts. How could Hajime feel the same way? It was foolish to think there was a chance, you’re his best friend, and his other best friend’s twin.
He must have felt so uncomfortable when he saw the contents of the letter. So grossed out he just had to show the rest of the guys in there.
The things Hajime did that once melted your heart nearly make you cringe, had it been platonic the whole time? And now you’ve misread it and ruined all those special moments, you’ve practically gone and reset your relationship status to strangers.
The head pats and hair ruffles. His rough hand, much bigger than yours, running through your locks or petting your head.
The rare, genuine smile he gives you alone. You swear you’ve only caught it on the volleyball court a few times, but it fills you with butterflies to see it in the comfort of your movie nights.
When you walk home together while Tooru is off gallivanting or practicing, he always makes sure to take you to your doorstep. Something you never understood considering you live next door to him, but it filled you with warmth every time.
The tears pool out harder when you think about how you’re going to lose all of it.
You let the thoughts snowball in your head, wondering how you’ll recover from this, how you’ll get over it, as the hot tears drip down you’re chin to the concrete.
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The boys are left to stew in the silence of your wake.
None of them knew what to say, they only just realized it was their manager’s letter to Hajime moments before.
“Kunimi, Kindaichi,”
The two stiffen when they hear Tooru’s voice, his expression is neutral but his usual cheery tone is swapped for a terse, stern one.
“Get home. I know you two weren’t a part of this.”
The two nod tight lipped at their captain, collecting their bags. Kunimi keeps his eyes at his feet, and Kindaichi risks a glance at the upperclassman to see their faces turned down with regret. Hajime looks worse, brows furrowed and clearly distraught. He bites his lip before swiftly making his exit with Kunimi.
“Oikawa, you know we had no idea she wrote it.”
Hanamaki sighs, finishing what he didn’t get to say earlier.
“I don’t care, the damage is already done Hanamaki. You assholes are the reason my precious little sister is walking home, alone, to cry herself to sleep.”
Tooru’s gaze is as harsh as his words, the normal light in his honey brown eyes is traded for a darker look.
Normally, Hanamaki would correct Tooru by saying he’s only a few minutes older, but the current situation and the way his captain neglected to call him ‘Makki’ for once makes him abandon the idea promptly.
“I expect full handwritten apologies from both of you at practice tomorrow.”
Tooru demands, folding his arms across his chest.
“Honestly I don’t think she wants to see another letter—“
Matsukawa quiets himself as soon as Tooru whips his head to stare him down with narrowed eyes.
“Yep. On it. We’ll get to it right now.”
Matsukawa presses his hand to Hanamaki’s back and pushes him forward, briefly wondering if Tooru will let them leave the locker room.
But once their passed him, and out the threshold of the gym, they exhale deeply.
 “You’re awfully quiet.”
Tooru turns his attention to Hajime, and the furrow in his brows and his scowl only deepens.
“I don’t want to be scolded by you right now, Oikawa.”
Hajime’s voice is rough. Tooru merely shrugs, arms still crossed.
“Fine. I won’t then. You look terrible enough already.”
Hajime would glare at him if he had the capacity to right now.
Tooru raises his brow expectantly after a beat of silence, though Hajime doesn’t know what expectations he could possibly have for him.
He’s dumbfounded, shocked, irritated, guilt ridden, honestly feels like dog shit at the moment, but at the same time...
“She likes me?”
Hajime covers his mouth and mutters lowly under his breath, but Tooru hears his realization and rolls his eyes with as much drama as he could muster.
“Did you miss her whole rant?! Or did you not read the letter?”
Tooru huffs, taking a few long strides to pluck the tattered paper from the trash.
“Of course I did! It’s all I can’t think about right now!”
Tooru cuts Hajime off by shoving the letter into his chest roughly. Hajime reaches up reflexively to grab it, feeling a bit somber at the torn state of it.
“I’m going home. Don’t come over.”
Hajime doesn’t think he could face you in his current state anyways, or yours for that matter. He saw your watery eyes holding back tears, and doesn’t think he can handle seeing you cry because of him.
“And get your shit together by tomorrow morning, yeah?”
The way Tooru tacks a smile at the end of that sentence makes Hajime want to hit him, but he knows Tooru’s right to act so bitter. For once.
He mutters, carefully folding the letter.
Tooru stops in his tracks at the entrance to the locker room, causing Hajime to glance up.
“If you break my sister’s heart, I’m beating you up.”
Tooru calls out, tossing the gym keys to him. Hajime catches it with ease, while gritting his teeth.
That’s fair. He’d honestly have to let him, he’d hate to break your heart. He hates that it’s breaking right now.
“And if you date my sister, I’m gonna beat you up.”
Tooru pokes his tongue out and flashes a peace sign. So it’s a lose-lose?!
“Just go home, Shittykawa!”
Hajime spins around to hide the flush growing on his cheeks, willing himself to not beat Tooru’s ass for today.
He sits on the bench gathering his thoughts, giving time for Tooru to get a head start. He’d rather not awkwardly trail a few steps behind him while contemplating his relationship dilemmas.
“She likes me.”
He finds himself repeating, pressing a closed fist to his lips.
“...and she thinks that I don’t like her.”
Hajime groans, covering his face in his frustration.
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A knock sounds at your door, and you’re positive it’s Tooru. He has a pretentious way of knocking. You’re also positive you don’t want to see him.
You turn over on your side, burying your face into the plethora of blankets and pillows you’ve huddled yourself into.
If you pretend to sleep, maybe he’ll go away.
“I know you aren’t sleeping!”
Tooru’s voice calls through the door, with an annoying lilt.
Curse this damn twin telepathy or whatever the fuck you call it.
You slide out of bed wiping a few more tears, knowing he’s not going to leave unless he gets his way.
“How’d you know?”
You open the door, giving space for him to enter.
“Hah! How could you after getting so brutally humiliated, heartbroken, and embarrassed?”
He makes himself at home on your bed and you grimace at the sheer audacity of it all.
“I should’ve put on the deadbolt when I got home and locked you out of the house entirely.”
You take a seat beside him, eyes catching the convenience store bag on his lap.
“Kidding, of course. I think it was worse for them. The way you stared down Mattsun? I thought he was gonna pass out. And you shut Makki up real quick too. Ahh, they must feel terrible.”
He eagerly recounts, and you’re suddenly reminded of what a bad personality your brother has.
“Don’t remind me.”
You sigh, after having time to think about it you started to feel a little bad for the way you reacted, they clearly looked guilty, and they’re your friends too.
“Don’t worry, I chewed them out. They’ve got a surprise for you tomorrow.”
You’ve already been dreading tomorrow, but Tooru doesn’t give you time to question what he means by his comment. He’s rustling through the bag, piling your favorite snacks and ice cream flavor onto your lap.
“Ice cream too? I must’ve looked pathetic!”
Though ice cream seems like a classically depressing heartbreak treat to have, you smile for the first time that night.
“You still do! Eat up.”
He cheers, procuring a spoon seemingly out of nowhere. You choose to ignore that comment this time.
“I thought ‘It’s bad to binge junk food, and especially so late at night’!”
You recount part of Tooru’s endless nagging when he caught you and Hajime during a movie night. Truthfully you think he was just jealous and feeling especially spiteful that he wasn’t a part of it.
“It is, but I’ll excuse it this once.”
He turns his nose up bitterly, and you can tell he’s recalling the same memory.
“Thank you, Tooru.”
You’re speak softly, almost brought to more tears at how thoughtful he’s been after the incident.
“Don’t sweat it. And don’t get too bent out of shape over Iwa-chan. You know he’s a good guy. When he’s not hitting and insulting me.”
He frowns, rubbing his arm as if he got a phantom pain.
“He’s the best when he’s doing that though!”
You’re crying again, much to your dismay, and you turn away from Tooru to eat your ice cream in tears.
“Let it out. Tomorrow’s a new day, alright? And at least get some sleep.”
He pats your head, and you feel the bed shift as he stands up to leave the room.
“You too! Don’t think I didn’t see you with those Karasuno and Shiratorizawa match history dvds!”
You call out through your sniffling teariness, and he sticks his tongue at you before leaving the room.
You set the snacks aside with a sigh, leaning back against the wall.
Your head is practically swimming, feeling overwhelmed by the events in the locker room as well as Tooru’s kindness (and semi-crypticness).
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You tried to heed Tooru’s advice for once and attempted to get some semblance of rest, but you ended up sleeping rather poorly.
And to top it off, you’re lacking extra sleep considering you woke up earlier than normal. That was intentional though, entirely so you could skip walking to school with Tooru and Hajime.
Especially Hajime. You’re not sure you can face him just yet. The thought alone makes you want to explode.
You toe your shoes on at the door and sling your school bag over your shoulder, braving yourself for the day that awaits you.
When you swing the front door open, in some grand cosmic scheme the universe has against you, who do you see sitting on the steps before your house?
Iwaizumi fucking Hajime, of course.
“Iwaizumi fucking Hajime.”
You huff, just who you absolutely did not want to see.
Your name leaves his lips in his surprise. Upon hearing his own name being so bitterly called, he quickly stumbles to stand up.
Hajime averts his eyes, rubbing the back of his neck.
Is what he comes up with.
“Hey? How long have you been sitting out here?”
A frown tugs at your lips, and you try not to let your eyes water at the sight of his face alone.
“I figured you’d try to leave early, I wanted to catch you before then. So... maybe an hour?”
He runs a hand through his hair, and you try to hide your shock at the information. Upon closer inspection, it looks like he hadn’t slept much either. Though, somehow, he still manages to look that rugged type of handsome. You kick that dangerous line of thinking to the curb before it continues.
“An hour?!”
“I didn’t get the chance to talk to you last night, after... yeah. I wanted to give you some space.”
He trails off and you bite your lip, readying yourself for the rejection speedily approaching.
You simply nod for him to continue. You don’t think you can trust your voice right now, and you feel your knees turn to jelly, shaking from the anxiety resurfacing.
“Your letter,”
You glance up when you hear the ruffling paper from his pocket. When he unfolds it, you see that it’s been smoothed out and the rips from having been recklessly snatched from Matsukawa’s hands have been carefully taped.
Your heart swells at the sight of the repair, but you bite down the hope that’s starting to peak.
 “You didn’t sign it.”
. . .
You blink at him, jaw dropping dumbly.
“You forgot to sign it. I didn’t know it was from you at first.”
He grins at your animated reaction, and you’re once again caught up in how handsome he looks with a smile on his face.
You quickly shake that thought, physically and mentally. Your cheeks bloom pink as you grab for the letter.
“I didn’t?!”
You’re eyes scan to the bottom of the page, and you notice that you in fact did not sign the damn letter.
How could you be so careless?!
You suddenly recall Tooru clamoring into your room for a face mask like some heathen that has no respect or morals for personal boundaries. You also remember that it caused you to scramble to hide the letter. After you’d been interrupted, you just sealed the note away.
You growl out, hiding your face with the page in your embarrassment.
Hajime laughs lowly at that, he doesn’t need any context to believe it turned out to be Tooru’s fault.
“Matsukawa and Hanamaki we’re dicks to steal it from me and read it, but we didn’t know it was from you until Shittykawa busted in and ranted about your handwriting.”
You’re a broken record now, actively cursing your brother for his transgressions.
Hajime plucks the letter hiding your face to get a good look at you.
You’re mind practically soft resets at the cool expression and his dark green eyes.
“I’m sorry. This probably could’ve been avoided if I had just confessed to you first.”
He mutters softly, red starting to creep on his features.
“No, it’s not your fau— wait what?”
You must be hallucinating. That, or you’re unconscious and the part of your brain that handles dream production is being a huge asshole right now.
Hajime sighs, nervously running his hand through his hair again,
“I should’ve just told you I liked you sooner. Honestly, I’m kind of embarrassed you had more guts to do it first.”
“You like me?!”
You step closer, peering up at his face to find any tells for a lie or signs of a really convincing Iwaizumi Hajime imposter.
“It’s what I said, isn’t it?! Don’t make me repeat myself a third time.”
He presses his palms to your shoulders to take a step back, the proximity of your blushing and eager face is making him short circuit.
The fabric of your uniform sadly prevents any contact with skin, but you still feel yourself heating up at the touch of his hands resting on your shoulders.
“I... really?!”
“I think I’ve liked you for a long time, but I only realized it this year.”
It’s cute you can tell how hard he’s trying to maintain eye contact and keep a straight face.
You break out into a grin, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Hajime! You even said you didn’t want to say it a third time, but you did anyways!”
You hold him tight and he stutters a ‘Shut up!’ at you, the normal bite behind the retort is completely lost.
You pull back a bit to catch his eyes, and his lips turn down in that usual scowl. You laugh softly, the expression is severely displaced in juxtaposition to his now brightly colored cheeks.
You stand at the edge of your toes and pull him close, lips catching his. The sound of his shock from the abrupt, bold action is muffled.
Hajime quickly leans into it, his wide eyes slip shut as he moves his hands to caress your neck.
Your lips part from his so you can peak through your lashes to see the expression on his face. You’re only briefly able to admire Hajime’s handsome features and rosy colored cheeks, before he chases the kiss to reconnect your lips.
It’s more than you ever imagined, and you’ve definitely imagined what it would be like to kiss Hajime multiple times.
His hands are steady, thumb delicately brushing your jawline, he’s leaned close to match your height, and he kisses so intensely, showing a rare sweetness that Hajime can only reserve for someone he trusts.
Before it can escalate any further while you’re both on the Oikawa doorstep with the Iwaizumi household next door, you separate with a content smile.
You’re eyes are practically glittering, arms still rested around his shoulders. His impassioned gaze stares intently at your every feature,
“You’re so perfect, how did I get so lucky?”
And you’re almost drawn into another kiss but—
“Are you two gonna block the doorway all day? We have school you know.”
Tooru decides to make his entrance then, and he would’ve wacked you with the door if Hajime hadn’t been quick to pull you closer.
“What are you gonna do? Beat me up?”
He gives a knowing look to Tooru, a shitty grin crossing Hajime’s features.
“...if it were any other guy, I probably would. But I’m glad she chose you.”
Tooru steps around the two of you with a soft smile, leading the way to school.
Hajime stutters, and let’s out a huff at Tooru’s unusual display of sincerity.
“That brat is trying to act like the better man. He sure changed his mind overnight...”
Hajime stalls for a moment, before deciding to slip his arm from around you and his hand into yours, threading your fingers together.
“Tooru will be Tooru.”
You shrug, enjoying the feeling of his larger hand laced with yours.
“You mean Oikawas will be Oikawas. You’re both brats with bad personalities.”
He snorts, walking forward and gently pulling you along.
“What’s that supposed to mean?!”
You retort, and Tooru, embarrassingly enough, happened to say the same thing in perfect unison.
Hajime laughs loudly at that, and despite the tease you find yourself laughing with him.
Leaning into his shoulder, the constant smile is starting to make your cheeks sore, but you find yourself looking forward to feeling it more often now that you’re with Hajime.
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Hanamaki and Matsukawa stand before you the second you enter the gymnasium.
“Oikawa-chan. We’re very sorry we read your letter,”
Hanamaki starts and Matsukawa continues,
“It was wrong of us to do, and we feel really guilty about it,”
They simultaneously produce letters from their pockets,
“Please accept our apology.”
They say in unison, and you can’t help but let a laugh burst from your lips. You’re bent over and clutching your stomach, nearly in stitches when you see their deadly serious expressions.
“Did you guys practice this?!”
You snort, this must be what Tooru meant when he said these two tall bastards had a surprise for you.
You accept the letters nonetheless.
“I’m guessing this is Tooru’s doing.”
You carefully open the letters, pulling Matsukawa’s first.
“Who else would it be?”
He grunts out.
“I see you two did your homework!”
Tooru calls from the door, entering the gym alongside Hajime.
“They really did it, huh.”
Hajime slings his arm around your shoulder, and you feel warm at the comfortable gesture.
“We’re men of our word, of course we did.”
Matsukawa shifts on his other foot, resting his hand on his hip.
“Right, of course. You don’t mind if I read this out loud then, do you Mattsun?”
You’re eyes glint with mischief and Tooru cheers excitedly, Hajime muffles a laugh beside you.
“Actually, I do mind—“
“That’s weird I’m already reading it out loud DEAR OIKAWA-CHAN,”
Matsukawa rolls his eyes, the irony cuts deep here.
“What is this, a love letter?”
Tooru jabs and Hajime immediately sends Matsukawa a sour look,
“She’s taken.”
You almost stutter reading aloud the apology when Hajime’s grip tightens around you.
“So this is karma.”
Matsukawa mutters with a light blush of embarrassment, feeling thankful he kept his letter concise so he didn’t have to sit through much more of that.
“Ahh, you don’t have to read mine right now. Practice is starting soon. Look, Kunimi and Kindaichi are ready to start!”
Hanamaki thinks he’s being sneaky, dragging his underclassmen into the matter, but he honestly just made this so much worse for himself.
“I’ll wait.”
Kunimi gives a bored expression, face tucked into his track jacket lapels. Kindaichi just stutters his agreement beside him.
Hanamaki sends him a look that probably translates to something like ‘you little bastard I’m gonna make you work so hard this practice’.
“Well go on dear sister, I wanna see what Makki came up with.”
Tooru wraps an arm around Hanamaki, who’s feeling very tempted to throw Tooru off of him for making him and Matsukawa go through this mockery.
“I’m invested now.”
Hajime voice sounds close to your ear as he leans close, you glance up and smile softly to see him peer over your shoulder at the letter.
“It’s genius, really. I put my heart and soul into it.”
Hanamaki tries to brush it off, but you bark out a laugh immediately after.
“Hey, don’t laugh at my heartfelt apology!”
Hanamaki complains, but you can’t stop the laughter erupting from you.
“Yeah, don’t laugh at his heartfelt apology.”
Matsukawa aids, already having been on the receiving end of the jests.
“I’m sorry Makki but... you forgot to sign it!”
You point at the letter, and Hanamaki stutters as he reaches to give it a once over. Matsukawa just rubs his forehead at the irony doubling.
“Tsk, Makki, Makki, rookie mistake.”
Tooru pats his back comfortingly, but it feels more like he’s mocking him than anything. Which he definitely is.
“How could I have known it was from you?”
You stick your tongue out at him teasingly.
“You didn’t sign yours, you know.”
Hajime pokes your cheek and you flush. The absolute betrayal, from your new boyfriend no less.
“Hajimeeee, I know! But we’re supposed to be making fun of them, not me! I was humiliated enough last night! They need to feel it too!”
You point accusingly at the two in question, and they raise a brow at your display of contempt.
“Not everything has to be turned into some revenge plot, Oikawa twins.”
Hajime pinches your cheeks and glares at Tooru for good measure.
“He’s right, you know.”
Matsukawa points out, feeling especially inclined to agree considering him and Hanamaki were at the butt end of the counter humiliation scheme.
“The audacity—“
Tooru starts, and you chime in,
“The nerve, my own boyfriend!”
“My best friend!”
“You should be encouraging me.”
“You should be encouraging her, but also me—“
“Enough already, you brats!”
Hajime smacks Tooru in the gut, before gently tapping you on the head with his knuckles.
“Iwa-chan, that’s blatant favoritism!”
Tooru coughs out, clutching his side.
“Get used to it.”
He grunts out, and despite being reprimanded by Hajime, you gently touch the spot on your head he tapped with a soft smile.
You preen at the soft way he scolds you. The warmth of his arm wrapped around you, his gentle looks of content to you when he thinks no one is looking, it sends the butterflies in your stomach crazy.
It’s all for you, and it’s hard to believe that Hajime is finally your boyfriend now—
Tada! 🎉 my first official fic!
Hope you enjoyed! If you could tell, I love drama. And humor. My asks are open, so shoot me a message! ▼・ᴥ・▼
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unholyobsessions · 4 years
Those who get sick together, stay together
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Pairing: Julie x Luke
Description: Luke and Julie are best friends and it takes a delirious love confession for them to finally get together
Requested: Yes
A/N: It may seem kind of rushed? not my best work but at the same time i really like it
Warnings: Sickness, throwing up
Word Count: 2.5k
Here’s the thing, when you’ve known someone all your life you get used to doing everything together. Whether it be going to the arcade, the movies, shopping sprees, or vacations, where one goes, the other follows. That is the case with Julie Molina and Luke Patterson.
Growing up as neighbors in a suburban neighborhood of mostly retired couples made them the only kids within a five mile radius (and the winners of every chocolate selling competition the school hosted.) It was impossible to see the two of them apart and they liked it that way. They took the same classes and same extracurriculars, going as far as getting in trouble on purpose if the other had already gotten detention (when they were given a different schedule their freshmen year of high school, they gave a powerpoint presentation to the principle on the reasons they needed to be together… it worked.)
Considering the fact that they were never apart, it really came as no surprise when they both came down with the stomach flu the same weekend. Whenever they’re sick, they normally FaceTime the entire time, neither strong enough to visit and staying away if the other had miraculously not caught the sickness. This time however, Luke’s parents have to go on a business trip that has been scheduled for over a month that they really could not afford to cancel. Rose, ever the angel, immediately offered to have Luke stay over, saying that she is already going to take care of Julie, might as well nurse Luke back to health as well.
So that is why they both find themselves tucked into Julie’s bed with wet rags on their foreheads and grimaces on their faces. They each have their respective trash cans next to them in case they don’t have the time to run to the bathroom before throwing up.
Rose walks into the room with a bowl of ice in her hand but instead of going straight to the bed, she goes to Julie’s windows and pulls open the the purple blinds with butterfly stickers stuck to them. As a result, Luke and Julie let out loud groans and pull the covers over their heads. Rose rolls her eyes and walks over.
“The two of you are so dramatic I swear.” She pulls down the cover and takes both the rags to put them in the bowl.
“Mom,” they say, dragging out the word. A smile pulls at Rose’s lips, as it always does whenever Luke calls her mom. It’s been happening for years really, just as he calls Ray, Dad and Julie calls Mr. and Mrs. Patterson Ma and Pops respectively.
“Don’t mom me. You should be thankful I’m even here taking care of you.” They all know she’s lying. She would move a mountain for them, for anyone really, that’s just how Rose is.
She grabs the packet of pills from her pocket and gets two giving one to each of them. “Put these under your tongue and let them dissolve.” They both obediently do it but shoot up from the bed a few seconds later. Julie makes a run for the bathroom and Luke opts for the trashcan. Rose rushes after Julie, holding her hair back as she retches into the toilet. She faintly hears the sounds of Luke gagging and she lets out a sigh. So much for the pills.
Julie brushes her teeth and goes back to the bed, Luke getting up to rinse his mouth as well. Rose turn on the TV, hoping a couple of Friends reruns will brighten up their mood, and is about to walk out of the room when she hears a crash from the bathroom. She runs in to see Luke standing over a broken glass. He looks up with tears in his eyes.
“I-it fell. I didn’t mean too. I’m sorry.” Rose has to resist the urge to laugh as she grabs his hand and leads him back to the bed. She gets the now cold rags and places them over their foreheads again before turning off the light and going back to the bathroom to clean the mess.
Julie scoots closer to Luke and lays her head on his shoulder. Luke has the urge to push her away because the room feels much too hot for cuddling but when he opens his mouth to tell her to move she looks up at him with the biggest puppy dog eyes he has ever seen. He sighs and ignores the sweat forming under his clothes, pulling Julie closer against him, both drifting off to sleep after a few episodes.
. . .
The next morning they’re no longer running a fever but they do find out the hard way that they still cannot keep any food down. When Rose tries to give them some plain toast, hoping that they will at least get some food in them, they both got up from the bed, this time Luke going to the bathroom and Julie using the trashcan.
With a heavy sigh, Rose phones the doctor, questioning him on what is the best option for two picky teenagers.
He suggests using syrup medicine instead of pills and tells her a pharmacy where she could pick it up in a couple of minutes. She thanks him profusely before hanging up. When she goes back upstairs she sees Julie and Luke both making their way back to the bed after brushing their teeth.
“Hey guys I’m going to pick up some medicine, I’ll be about forty-five minutes. You going to be okay by yourselves?” She calls from the doorway. Julie groans and tucks herself further into the bed. Luke laughs and looks up at Rose.
“We’ll be okay mom. I’m pretty sure Julie is going back to sleep,” he answers with a smile. He still felt terrible but he wasn’t nauseous anymore and he called that a win. She smiled and said goodbye before leaving.
. . .
A few hours later, Rose goes into the room with the medicine in hand. She hadn’t given it to them when she first arrived because they had both fallen asleep. They had been awake for a few hours but the medicine is supposed to make them drowsy so she preferred to give it to them at night.
Julie’s sitting on the bed, brushing through her wet hair and Luke is changing in the bathroom. Rose sits behind Julie and gently takes the hairbrush from her. She finishes untangling her hair and gives it a final dry through with a towel. Luke comes out of the bathroom and smiles sheepishly.
“I threw up again.”
Rose simply holds out her hand and Luke speed walks to the bed. He lays down and cuddles at her side, with Julie leaning back against her chest. She places kisses on both their heads before telling them to sit up so they can take the medicine.
They each take a tablespoon and take a sip of water. Rose tucks them into bed and turns off the lights, wishing them a goodnight and waiting a beat for them to say it back.
A few minutes later, they’re laying side by side, the darkness of the room providing a sense of comfort. The medicine hits Luke harder than it should, and Julie teases him about being a lightweight as he says nothing but nonsense.
“Jules?” Luke’s voice is groggy, as if it’s fading away.
“Yeah Luke?” Julie however is fully awake, the medicine not hitting her yet.
“I love you.”
She blushes, a foolish smile pulling at her lips. “I love you too.”
“No but like, love you love you.” He’s not quite sure what he’s saying. He feels sort of like that time he got his wisdom teeth out.
Her breath hitches. “You’re delirious,” she whispers, wishing for him to take the words back before she can read too much into them.
“Maybe. But that doesn’t mean it’s not true. I’m in love with you Jules, have been for a while.” He says it as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world, but his eyes are drooping and she’s sure he won’t remember this tomorrow.
“Go to sleep Lu.” her heart clenches and she blinks the tears away, blaming the pain in her stomach and not her feelings.
“Okay. Goodnight.” And just like that he’s out like a light. A few tears slip down her cheeks and after a while, the medicine hits her and her eyes flutter shut.
The next morning she waits for him to say something, anything, and when he doesn’t she decides she won’t either. She pretends it never happened and tries her best to act normal but Luke’s not an idiot. He notices quickly that something’s wrong. She stays as far away from him in the bed as possible, flinching if even his arm brushed against hers which is a large contrast to her cuddly behavior the days prior. She would jump whenever he said her name, more specifically when he said, “Jules.”
When Rose greets them, Julie is thankful for the distraction. She keeps looking at her mom, avoiding turning her head when she gives them another dose of medicine. They’re both feeling much better and are able to hold down the toast. Rose thinks they’ll feel good as new by the next day and personally, Julie doesn’t think it can come quick enough. She stays quiet most of the day, only giving Luke short replies and nods of her head whenever he tries to start conversation. Eventually he gives up, not knowing what he did wrong but deciding to give her some time, hoping that she will approach him when she’s ready.
The next day, Luke’s parents arrive to pick him up. Julie hears them speaking to her parents; they ask for her and how she’s doing but Julie pretends to be asleep in order to avoid any conversation. She hears Luke shuffling around the room as he gets his stuff together. She pretends she doesn’t feel Luke’s lingering touch on her shoulder when he says goodbye and she ignores the tears that fall down her face when she hears the door close downstairs.
. . .
Julie and Luke did not fight. They argued but they made up within the span of a few hours, so to say Luke is worried when Julie does not reply to his texts is an understatement. It has been about two hours since he had gone home and he has sent Julie a text every ten minutes.
Julie knows Luke is not stupid and that her not answering him is suspicious but she can’t help it. She ignores every single message and turns off her phone. She keeps it off the rest of the day and tries to not think about him, because even a single thought of him breaks her heart.
The next day she leaves her phone in her room all day and stays in the living room watching Netflix with her mom. She resists the urge to go upstairs to at least read his texts because that would just make the situation worst. Late in the evening when Rose goes to make dinner Julie makes her way to the studio, itching to play the piano after four days of not doing so. She isn’t expecting to see Luke sitting on the couch with his guitar resting on his leg.
He stands up quickly once he hears her come in. They stare at each other for a couple of seconds.
“What are you doing here?” Julie asks.
“I knew it would only be a matter of time before you came in here. Julie we need to talk.” He puts his guitar down and Julie shakes her head.
“We don’t need to talk? Why would we? I’m okay. We’re okay.” Julie averts her gaze, the words falling out of her lips in rapid succession.
“We’re not okay Julie. What did I do?” He asks desperately.
“Nothing. We’re fine,” Julie assures, trying her best to sound convincing.
“Jules,” Julie flinches and Luke’s face falls. “Why haven’t you been answering my texts?”
“My phone’s been off,” she states in a matter of fact but Luke shakes his head. He’s growing frustrated and her lack of explanation is pissing him off.
“Why are you ignoring me?” His voice is loud and hurt causing Julie to break.
“Because you told me you loved me!” The silence that comes after is deafening.
“What- Jules of course I love you. I’ve said it hundreds of times.” He really hopes his nerves aren’t as evident as he thinks they are.
“Yeah, but you said you were in love with me,” Julie whispers. She looks everywhere but at him and continues to speak. “And I know you didn’t mean it and it hurts so much because I do mean it. I’m in love with you Luke. And hearing you say it while you were barely conscious broke me.”
Luke stares at her, mouth hanging open as he struggles to find the right words to say. He walks closer to her, stopping when the tips of his shoes brushed against hers. “Jules look at me please.” She begrudgingly lifts her gaze to him and his heart clenches at the sight of tears forming in her eyes. He reaches a hand up to cup her cheek, gently wiping away the first stray tear with his thumb. “I am so incredibly in love with you.”
“What?” He wishes she didn’t sound as surprised as she does.
“I’m in love with you Julie Molina. I love every single thing about you. The gap between your teeth when you smile. The way your hair never stays the way you want it to but it still looks beautiful. I love your voice, and hearing you play piano. I love how you draw on the edge of your shoes and will stop whatever you are doing to write down a melody, even if we’re in the middle of a test. I love your little jokes and how you laugh so unapologetically loud no matter where you are. I love you so much and god do I hate myself for telling you while I was high off of flu medicine.” Julie was full on crying now and Luke’s own eyes were starting to fill with tears.
Going off instinct, Julie goes up on her tiptoes and presses her lips against Luke’s, cupping the back of his neck to pull him closer. Luke is taken by surprise at first but once his brain starts working again, he reciprocates the kiss. When they pull away they both have similar grins plastered on their faces.
“Are we good?” Luke asks.
Julie nods her head. “More than good.”
Rose smiles when they both come back into the house at dinner time and exchanges a look with her husband when they make their way up the stairs with Luke placing a hand on Julie’s lower back.
. . .
No one is surprised when they walk into school at the end of summer break holding hands, and if they spot a few teacher exchanging twenty dollar bills, they don’t mention it.
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another-dr-another · 3 years
insert those coins babey! no point in holding onto them if they aren't used !
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You Now Own:
001 - Mineral Water (x2)
Drawn from the ocean depths and rigorously purified. Ideal for a modern on-the-go public unsatisfied with tap water.
002 - Sea Salt
A basic seasoning produced from the evaporation of seawater. It also sees use as a preservative.
003 - Ration
A set of canned and vacuum-sealed foodstuffs. The taste isn't bad, and a certain snake that wants to play hide-and-go-seek is just crazy abou- wait, what?
005 - Ramune
A sweet, lemon-flavored carbonated drink. A marble plugs the opening of the uniquely designed bottle. The bottle can also be reused if you bring it to the ramune store.
010 - Ship In a Bottle
A intricate creation, a model ship within a bottle. Made with time, love and care.
012 - Envy-Enducing Envy CD
A CD of songs by Japanese band Envy. Full of unreleased tracks/first recordings.
014 - Children's Book
A children's book about family and forgiveness! The plot is about a sister who can't get along with her younger brother, but they find common ground and bond over causing trouble for their parents.
016 - Sour Soda (x2)
No flavor is listed on the bottle other than sour, which may just be a flavor in and of itself. It's a near black shade of blue... I think.
017 - Gentleman's Guide
A book that's meant to help shape you into the perfect gentleman. However, it's rather demeaning towards the reader, which doesn't feel very gentleman-ly.
018 - Masculine Cologne
Very masculine, can only be used by masculine people. No weaklings allowed, or people with the common sense to smell it before purchasing, and realize it smells really bad.
019 - Fancy Sword
True to it’s name, it looks very fancy, and very intimidating. However, it's only for show, and rather blunt- perhaps inexpensive?
022 - ??? Alcohol
It's something alcoholic. This is a school, it should be confiscated, and you won't be receiving any more information.
024 - Hair Cutting Scissors
Snip snip snip, meant for hair-cutting at home, as these aren’t professional grade. Still though, try and make it even, okay?
025 - Purple Hair Dye
Pretty purple hair dye guaranteed to not come out of hair for weeks! More of a pinkish-purple than the box advertised, but still pretty.
028 - Constellation Skirt
With patterns matching actual real constellations. Despite matching the night sky, it almost seems sun-rise themed, with its pink background and pale gold stars.
030 - Bottled Tea
When heated up, it's meant to help soothe upset stomachs, and muscle aches. Popular among student athletes.
031 - Alarm Clock
It's a digital alarm clock. One of the few normal and functional things here, and it's the thing that screams at you to wake up every morning.
032 - Broken Stopwatch (x2)
It won't stop running, no pausing or restarting. You can however make it record different laps.
034 - Baseball Cap
Perfect for keeping the sun out of your face! This one is all black though, so it'll retain a lot of heat.
038 - Card Game (x3)
One easy to play, and popular among kids. The front side of the package shows a family of four playing.
039 - Reminder Booklet
A small pamphlet that gives reminders for daily things, such as eating, drinking, taking meds, etc. Also has room for you to add in unique personalized reminders.
041 - Tiovita
A Japanese energy drink sold at most convenience stores. Pretty inexpensive, and with a nice fruity flavor- but hey, only one per day!
044 - Lie Detector (x2)
Fun for the whole family! Though not incredibly accurate... wait, how do you know that?
045 - Evidence Encylopedia
A book focusing on evidence found in crime scenes. From most overlooked to most common, this book talks about it all.
049 - Track Award
A award from a middle school track and field award. The recipient of the trophy seems to have come in second in two events, and first in one.
050 - Plane Tickets (x2)
Anywhere, anytime, round trip tickets. Probably given as some sort of thank you for volunteering to get off of a accidentally over-booked flight.
051 - Therapy Advertisement (x2)
Some therapist endorsing themselves. Upon looking at the services they offer, I don't feel very inspired to go there.
056 - Soulmate Sweatshirt
A sweatshirt that supposedly brings the most comfort not when you wear it, but when holding someone wearing it. Currently smells strongly of... lavender?
057 - Scrap Metal x3
Seems to be broken bits and pieces of some sort of engine. Could be repurposed, or simply a cool trinket.
059 - Old Journal
It seems to be from the late 80s, and kept being written in up to the early 90s. There's a entry on the last page, synopsizing the birth of the owners son, and how proud the owner is of his now five year old.
060 - Paper Boat
A piece of paper that's been folded into a boat. Apparently you can fold and tear it as you tell a story to provide a visual aid for the story, but no one here knows how.
061 - Calendar
It's got pictures of internationally famous towns on it! This particular one has been written on with a note on almost every day.
064 - Face-paint Kit.
A professional face-painting kit. However, it’s missing it’s red, yellow, blue and white paint- those colors have been all used up.
065 - Life Quote Sign (x3)
A sign with some stereotypical life quote written on it in flowery lettering. Most likely to be seen hanging in a kitchen.
066 - Throwing Rings (x2)
Meant for fair games. If you have good enough aim, maybe you'll win a prize!
067 - Pleasant Savior
Seemingly a CD filled with various performances by the same person. I haven't played the CD, so I don't know what kind of performances he does though, and the name is off-putting.
069 - “Fresh” Bouquet (x3)
Somehow still smells sweet with flowers that look flawless. It's comprised of roses that have been dyed rainbow, all of them.
070 - Hair Ribbons (x3)
They come in a variety of colors, but the Monomono Machine only dispenses yellow. Guaranteed to make the wearer feel a certain sense of self-satisfaction.
071 - Girls Profile
A student profile from a all-girls academy. The paper is water-stained and some of the ink has run, so it's hard to make out what's on the paper.
073 - Baby Doll
It seems to be from around the 90s and... not quite well-loved, but well-played-with. Doesn't come with the original clothes... or hair.
075 - Dream Catcher
Made by a past SHSL. It's actually been pretty effective, and is part of the reason they got scouted.
080 - Retro Game
It's handheld, old, and extremely broken. The screen has been shattered so it displays wrong, all cracked and distorted.
081 - Blackout Curtains (x2)
Completely block out any and all light. Strong enough to plunge a room into darkness.
084 - Noise-cancelling Headphones
They completely block out all sound! Also come with the ability to adjust the size of the band, and will stay on your ears even if you pull the band down to your neck.
086 - Wall Decals
Stickers you can put on your wall. They do a decent job of covering up holes in said walls.
087 - Antique Stuffed Animal (x2)
It seems to be bunny themed, and dressed in clothes you'd see on babies in the 1930s. It's in pretty good shape, other than a few tears where the lace trim at the end has had it’s stitches removed.
088 - Embroidery Kit
Or rather, a needle and thread to be used for embroidery. There's only one needle, and one spool of thread, but hey, it’s something.
090 - Scented Markers (x2)
A full rainbow set, all with their own unique smell! Be careful though - it's hard to get these out of clothes.
092 - Fake Christmas Tree (x2)
Too plastic to be a real tree. It's also incredibly small, but real trees can be small too, so that doesn’t really mess with the realism.
093 - Hair Gel
Top of the line hair gel, and completely unopened! Helps you style your hair and keep it in place, but doesn’t give it the nicest texture.
095 - Instant Noodles
Just add water to get something hot, salty, and/or spicy! A nice meal if you're looking for something that's quick and easy, you can dress it up some too.
097 - Drink Mix
A powder used for ??? warm drink, made with milk, tastes like... something? You try it and tell me, but it smells good at the least.
099 - The DSM-I
Self-explanatory, it's the original version of the DSM, from 1952. Index cards have been slipped in-between most of the pages, talking about what happened with the information listed there.
100 - Collection Of Old Ads
Dating back to the 1920s. A magazine full of ads from a different time, it’s somewhat of a miracle the paper held up while the ideas in it didn’t.
101 - Wooden Ruler
It's a wooden ruler. Used for measuring things, nothing else- why do you ask?
102 - Building Blocks (x3)
Stacking and stacking, and sending it all crumbling down. And then you rinse and repeat.
104 - Cutesy Hair Clips
Snap clips in pastel colors and covered in designs. Oddly enough, there isn't any non-pastels, unless you count the few white clips.
106 - Newspaper Collage
Seems to be a collection of snippets from newspaper articles. There must be hundreds in here... it's a big collage.
107 - Cropped Sweatshirt
Cropped specifically due to a parent saying not to. The sweatshirt seems to be related to some organization, with the big fancy emblem on it.
109 - Pins And Patches
A mix-and-match bag full of enamel pins, buttons, and iron-on patches. Good luck finding something to do with them all.
110 - Origami Paper (x2)
Simple origami paper, in a variety of colors and patterns! Comes easy to tear out of a book, which includes instructions on basic origami types.
112 - Colorful Band-Aids.
They come in many colors, designs, even different sizes. Some seem to be made to cover up paper cuts, others meant to help skinned knees and scraped elbows.
Thank you for visiting the Monomono Machine!
Maeda, narrating - And I thought the coins were kinda heavy...
Maeda - What now?
[Free Time Event - Uehara]
{Head to Your Room}
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obxfics · 4 years
Choose Your Own Adventure: Pogue Style
summary: you and your brothers are tasked with looking after your baby cousin when things quickly go south. where will you choose to look for your cousin, and who will you run into?
pairing: reader x ?
word count: 1,089
beta’d by: @thatjohnd​ and @shawnssongs​ (thank you both so much!!) they’re both absolutely wonderful people and you should check our their writing!
The Dock The Kitchen
a/n: so this is something new i’m trying out. my indecisiveness couldn’t decide who to pair reader with so i just decided i would write four different versions and turn this into a sort of choose your own adventure fic. basically, at the end (once i’ve written the different versions and linked them) you pick a location which will link to a different pogue’s fic. i’ll link the fics up here but also at the end. i am so excited for this, and i hope y’all are too!
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Being the youngest of three children, you didn’t really have any experience when it came to like... looking after kids. It wasn’t like there was any occasion for there to even be kids for you to look after. That is, until your dad’s younger brother got married and had kids of his own. And then suddenly you were like an older sibling. You were always looking after your younger cousins when they came to visit or when you went down to Florida to spend a couple weeks with your dad’s family. Out of all of your little cousins though, you had an especially soft spot for Jaime, the baby. Everyone doted on him, but he was like your baby so you would keep a close eye on him whenever he was around.
This year, his parents were celebrating a milestone anniversary, and therefore needed someone to look after the kids while they went on some cruise or something. Most of them would be at various summer camps anyway, so when they called up your parents, they assured you all that you would only be looking after Jaime. And to you and your brothers’ credit, all three of you took looking after Jaime very seriously. Most of the time, when your parents were working in the restaurant, y’all would have to take care of him. Feed him, change him, bathe him, entertain him. And you were happy to do it.
So when your parents told you, right as you and your brothers were heading out to surf, that they needed you to look after your cousin, the plans for the day were changed with only slight disappointment.
“I’m telling you right now you’re a hazard to children everywhere,” Christian snapped at Diego in the passenger seat.
“Wh-- kids fuckin’ love me.”
You rolled your eyes at him as you covered your cousin’s little ears. At six years old, he delighted in repeating everything you and your brothers said, and if you were being honest, the three of you rarely had any filters.
“There is no way in hell that your idea of letting Jaime sit on your surfboard would end up in anything but catastrophe!”
“I mean, it worked in Lilo and Stitch,” you said.
“See? y/n is on my side,” Diego smirked.
“They’re pointing out an example from an animated movie, dumbass. Bringing him to the country club to make fun of all the white golfers is much more child friendly,” Christian told him.
“Are we teaching him to be a bully though?” you asked.
“No, because golfers deserve to be bullied, just facts.”
“...That checks out.”
Jaime laughed when you made a face at him and wrinkled his nose as he attempted to touch it with his tongue. You ruffled his hair and grinned. Cute kids were your biggest weakness, not that you would let anyone know that. You and your brothers tended to keep to yourselves, which was only getting harder now that both of them were in college. You found yourself in a tentative friendship with Kiara Carrera, another outside at the “Kook Academy” as you liked to call your school. The two of you only really hung out at school, although you would occasionally text each other or wave when you saw each other around the island. You were pretty sure her friends didn’t like you though. So you tried to stay out of their hair, never pressing Kie to hang out with you when you knew she would rather be with her boys. It could get pretty lonely, especially during the school year when you didn’t have your brothers to keep you company, but you dealt with it. Better than trying to hang out with anyone else who lived in the figure eight, and anyone from the Cut automatically assumed you were like the rest of the Kooks. You couldn’t really blame them.
“Yo, is that Kie’s van?” Diego asked, stirring you from your thoughts.
You looked out the window as Christian parked to see the beat up Volkswagen Kie and her group drove around in. You smiled at the ‘eat the rich’ sticker on the back. While you hadn’t seen her in over a week, she’d texted you last night to tell you about something stupid JJ had done at John B’s place and how Pope was this close to actually smoking one of JJ’s joints. As much as you told yourself you were fine being alone, and as much as you knew the Pogues weren’t fond of you, you still couldn’t help but want to be a part of their group. At least just a little bit. And it had absolutely nothing to do with the fact you had a tiny crush on one of the Pogues. None at all.
“Shit guys, I gotta pee real quick,” you told them as you stopped and put Jaime down. “I’ll only be like a second.”
Your brothers waved you off, and so you ran into the nearest bathroom while they waited with your cousin. You always forgot how fucking nice everything was at the country club, and the bathrooms were no exception. There were little cups for mouthwash, as if that was something absolutely needed, but you had to admit it was kinda tempting. Like, it was provided for you, so why wouldn’t you use it? And now you realized why everyone on the Cut thought Kooks were pretentious, entitled assholes. You kind of were with your fancy bathrooms and mouthwash.
“Hey guys,” you greeted as you left the bathroom. “Sorry I took so long, I got distracted by the mouthwa-- where’s Jaime?”
Christian and Diego looked up from their phones in a panic to see your baby cousin wasn’t with them. Diego even looked at his empty hand as if he couldn’t believe he didn’t notice Jaime’s wasn’t holding it.
“What. The. Fuck. I left you guys for like two minutes max!”
“He’s a small child! They can slip away easily!” Diego argued, his voice cracking in distress. “He couldn’t have gotten far! He’s like three feet tall! His legs can’t cover much ground!”
“Just fucking split up!” Christian snapped.
You immediately bolted, thinking of the different places he could go. There was the dock because he loved boats, or the kitchen because he loved food, or the veranda because he liked looking at the pretty birds, or the computer lounge because he had discovered Club Penguin. Where would he be?
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ggukcangetit · 4 years
Dreamcatchers 4
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Pairing: jungkook x oc
Synopsis: DI Jeon didn’t need a new partner. Unfortunately, his superiors felt otherwise; especially considering the extremely high-profile murder that had just taken place in the port city. Recent transfer, DI Choi Yuri finds herself confronted with a new cityscape, unfamiliar people, a hostile partner, and a homicide that is certain to bring back unpleasant memories.
Genre/AU: fluff/action/mystery | detective! au | police!jungkook, police!oc
Word Count: 4.4k
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: mentions of violence, alcohol, blood, drugs, death. Basically stuff you’d associate with a murder mystery/crime drama
Previous: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Acknowledgement: shoutout to @stutterfly​ for designing this beautiful banner which i am completely in love with and stare at for no particular reason throughout the day. also a big thank you to @kinktae​ for helping get through a really tricky bit in this chapter :*
A/N:  reminding everyone that this story features a named oc because i’m still very unfamiliar with writing second person reader inserts. i’m not aiming for strict accuracy in this story, and all criminal investigation/forensics knowledge i have has been gathered by watching crime drama/procedural dramas! my knowledge of geography is also not totally accurate so apologies for that. once again, one thing right by @hobios​ prompted me to write a police inspector! jungkook story. would highly recommend reading that because it’s probably one of my most favorite pieces of writing!
Time: 4.37 am
Yuri had spent the entire night researching Park Jimin. Right from where he went to school up to all the scandalous newspaper articles recounting every aspect of his personal life. Priding herself on being able to maintain a professional outlook in her investigations, Yuri couldn’t help but feel appalled by what she had found. Park Jimin appeared to be arrogant, sleazy, manipulative, privileged, and everything that she despised in a person. Yoongi’s words rang in her head as she contemplated dropping the idea of acquiring a blood sample from the prodigal son of Park. No, this wasn’t because of her last case in Seoul. That was not why she was backing off. This was simply because she had no patience to deal with the self-absorbed antics of a privileged 20-something man.
Closing one of the last tabs, she caught sight of a familiar face. Not familiar in the way that you recognise an old friend, but familiar like a phrase you hear and cannot for the life of you remember where it was from. Park Jimin was seen exiting a famous restaurant in downtown Busan and beside him was another young man, so extraordinarily eye-catching in his loose trousers and green cardigan in a way that only an exquisite piece of art is.
An exquisite piece of art…
That was it. That was the phrase that made it click in her head.
“He’s literally a piece of art!”
“I mean, yes, he’s definitely conventionally attractive,” conceded Ahreum, a little annoyed that her photography was almost completely being ignored. “But what do you think of the pictures?”
“‘Conventionally attractive’? Is that the best you can do with your Literature & Creative Writing degree?”
Of course! This was Ahreum’s friend and Instagram muse.
Yuri snatched her phone from it’s charging spot and quickly scrolled through her friend’s Instagram. Sure enough, Park Jimin’s friend in loose trousers and green cardigan stared back at her from various parts of Busan, his expressions varying only slightly but creating completely different moods throughout Ahreum’s profile.
Kim Taehyung…
Yuri checked her phone for the fifth time in the last 3 minutes. Ahreum was supposed to pick her up at 8 am. It was currently 8.02 am. Not that it really made much of a difference, but she was raring to go ahead with her plan. A plan she had no doubt could easily blow up in her face, but weeks of fitful sleep coupled with shots of sugary coffee had given her a weird adrenaline rush which she didn’t want to lose.
A couple of minutes later, Ahreum pulled up outside her apartment, her large bike contrasting heavily with her petite person.
“Still don’t see why I couldn’t drive to the place,” muttered Yuri, putting on the large helmet with artistic paint splatters all over.
“The plan was to corner Jimin, and you can’t do that in your car which has a fucking police sticker right at the back.”
Yuri frowned. “Your plan was to corner Jimin. I just wanted to talk to him. And -” she fixed her bag across her body and put both hands on Ahreum’s shoulders - “I kept the sticker for parking privileges. I can take it off whenever.”
“Whatever. Just hold on tight,” said Ahreum, revving up the bike.
4.5 minutes later, they had reached their destination. Yuri knew that it had been 4.5 minutes because she had been fervently counting the seconds to distract herself from falling off the vehicle
“WHO drives like that? Are you totally insane?” she managed to get out, her hands fumbling on the straps of the helmet.
Ahreum gave her a sheepish grin. “Sorry, timing is essential in this case. Tae had texted me that they had reached just before I left from my place. We don’t have a lot of time. So I ugh-”
“Whatever. Let’s just get on with it.” Yuri tucked the loose strands of hair behind her ear, and mentally rehearsed everything she was going to tell Jimin.
Unfortunately, fate had other things in mind, because as soon as they opened the door to the diner, a familiar face (which most definitely should not have been there) spotted them and came over.
“Fuck.” Ahreum pulled out her phone and frantically sent Taehyung a text before the entire plan went down the drain.
“Yuri? Ahreum? What are you two doing here?” asked Seulgi, her long brown hair looked freshly washed and smelt of flowers.
A: why didnt u warn me that s was here fuck fuck fuck
T: i didnt see her… look it wont be that big a problem will it
A: pls tae the last time she saw ur boy they almost set fire to the library
T: shit ur right… umm maybe she-
Ahreum paused her frantic texting as soon as Seulgi came over to them. She gave Yuri a quick nod and decided to wing the situation as best as she could.
“Seulgi! This is incredible! I can’t believe we ran into you like this!” Ahreum hugged the taller girl. “I wanted Yuri to try the breakfast here so we decided to drop by before she had to get to the station. This is really incredible, I was planning to call you today actually. It’s almost time for me to choose my specialization and I wanted to-”
Yuri took this chance to slip off, as Ahreum steered Seulgi outside the diner. She didn’t really know why Ahreum was so intent on Seulgi and Jimin not meeting, but she trusted her best friend’s reasons.
Looking around, she saw that the large table near the window was occupied by the people she had been looking for. Kim Taehyung and his best friend Park Jimin. The latter had his back towards her, and as she approached she saw Taehyung’s eyes fall on her. She gave him a small wave, gesturing towards her phone’s lockscreen - a picture of her and Ahreum.
His face lit up in recognition as he stood up to greet her. “Hello! I’m Kim Taehyung. I thought Ahreum would be with you.”
“She’s umm…” Yuri glanced towards the doors of the diner through which Ahreum had led Seulgi out. “She’ll be here in a bit.”
“DI Choi, that’s not really true,” Jimin turned towards her, his eyes cold and alert. “Taehyung, your friend is diverting dear Dr. Ahn before she could see us and sabotage their poorly constructed ambush of me.”
Taehyung’s mouth hung open slightly, not really sure what was going on. “DI Choi? As in Choi Yuri? As in Ahreum’s best friend from school?”
“Yes,” said Yuri, feeling extremely awkward. She had expected to get two words in before Jimin caught on, but it seemed like she had severely underestimated him. “I’m sorry Ahreum didn’t tell you what this meeting was about. These aren’t the most favorable circumstances for us to meet. Nonetheless, I’ve heard a lot about you and it’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”
Taehyung bowed in response, but his expression was still uncertain.
“What brings you here, DI Choi?” asked Jimin. “I doubt it was because you were dying to see me again. But -” he stood up and leaned towards her ever so slightly - “I wouldn’t be opposed to the idea if that were really the case.”
Not for the first time, Yuri realized how powerful Park Jimin’s presence was. She could see him becoming a very successful CEO with how he commanded people’s attention. However, she couldn’t shake off the uncomfortable feeling his gaze elicited. It was like she couldn’t predict what he was going to do next, much less fathom what was going on inside his head.
“Mr. Park,” she said, sitting down on one of the sofas in the booth. Taehyung and Jimin followed suit, but this time, they were both seated on the same side. “I’m afraid this isn’t a social call. I’ve come to talk to you about the ongoing investigation regarding the death of Kang Eunwoo.”
“I believe I answered all of your questions last time,” said Jimin, narrowing his eyes. “In fact, I believe I answered all of DI Jeon’s questions. You didn’t have much to say, as I recall.”
Taehyung’s head snapped towards his friend. "Jeongguk? You were at the station? Why didn’t you tell me, Jimin? What’s going on?”
“You and I both know that you didn’t provide much information. But that’s not what-”
"I don't think I was really required to answer any of your questions, DI Choi. Linking me to a rival company heir's death without a shred of evidence - " he leaned forward once again, his silver bangs falling over his forehead - "Some would consider that harassment. That would mean my lawyer would have to become involved. And neither of us want that, now do we?"
This is harassment. You really don't want to know how I deal with any kind of harassment, DI Choi.
Yuri took a deep breath, trying to ignore the words that kept her up almost every night.
"Your cooperation is highly appreciated, Mr Park," she continued, placing her hands on the table. "However, in order to save you from any further harassment, there is something you could help us out with."
Jimin did not respond immediately, giving Yuri the time to continue her, frankly, insane idea.
"We would require you to provide a blood sample. Which would help us eliminate you from the investigation. It shouldn't take up too much of your time - just a short visit to the station, and you'd be free of us."
Yuri waited for a response - anger, disbelief, frustration - anything really. What she didn't expect was laughter. Full on hysterical laughter. In fact, Taehyung was probably not expecting it either because he kept glancing at his friend worriedly.
"You are truly remarkable, DI Choi," said Jimin, once he had calmed down. He wiped a lone tear from his left eye, the many rings on his fingers glinting in the sunlight. "After everything that you've witnessed, you really thought you could somehow convince me to provide a blood sample? Sweetheart, I have 10 years worth of DNA that the police have been trying to get a hold off. Do you really think you'd be able to convince me when you weren't even able to get an alibi out of me?"
Yuri's face fell slightly, her mind grappling with ways in which the situation could be salvaged. It was at this point that Ahreum came over, looking distinctly more worn out than when they had arrived at the diner.
"Ahreum." Jimin turned his attention to the other girl. "You have such an interesting friend. Are you sure she's from Seoul? I didn't think such naivety could survive in the capital. Much less in law enforcement."
Ahreum frowned, snatching up the glass of water in front of Taehyung and gulping down the entire contents. "Stop being a dick for once in your life, Jimin."
"I love when you talk dirty to me." Jimin winked at her.
"Cool it, Jimin," said Taehyung, his expression no longer confused and worried. "Ahreum, what the fuck is going on?"
Ahreum looked at Yuri, not sure how she could help with the situation. Apparently, things hadn't gone well while she had been diverting Seulgi. "I'm sorry, Tae. I don't know anything other than Yuri wanting to meet Jimin."
"But you knew it had something to do with an investigation," said Taehyung, his handsome features creasing. "Why didn't you tell me that your best friend Yuri was a detective? That doesn't seem like information to just leave out."
Ahreum looked at him guiltily. In Taehyung's eyes, he was the only one who had no idea what was going on, and he felt both hurt and betrayed by her. This entire plan had been a train-wreck and to make matters worse, Seulgi had returned to the diner because she had dropped her keys inside.
"What the hell?" Seulgi stood at their table, her eyes narrowing disapprovingly. "What're you doing here, Park?"
"Hello to you too, darling," said Jimin, leaning back into the sofa lazily. "It's been so long since I've seen that beautiful face of yours."
"So." Seulgi turned towards Ahreum. "Are you really interested in going into forensics? Or was it just a way to distract me so that I wouldn't run into him?"
"Seulgi, I-"
"Darling, they were just trying to convince me to provide a blood sample," interrupted Jimin, his face curling into a smirk. "Was that your idea? You know I would've said yes in a heartbeat if you had asked nicely."
"Fuck you, Park!" spat Seulgi. She turned to Yuri and shook her head. "This isn't how I thought you'd get things done. I can't believe you're bargaining with a murder suspect!"
"Now that's a bit harsh, isn't it darling?" Jimin was enjoying the situation immensely.
"Jimin, don't." Taehyung warned his friend.
"Seulgi, please, this isn't what you think-" Ahreum ran out after the taller girl, the diner eerily quiet after the blowout.
"Jimin, you can find your way home yourself, right?" asked Taehyung, getting up to swipe his credit card at the counter. "I have to go."
Jimin nodded, his fingers lazily running through his silver hair. It was a wonder all the rings didn’t get caught in his hair.
"And Yuri - " Taehyung paused, his long fingers clenching around the plastic of the card - "It was nice meeting you, I guess."
"I think that went rather well, DI Choi" said Jimin, once they were the only two left at the table. "I was thoroughly entertained."
Yuri pinched the bridge of her nose, feeling a headache coming on. "My apologies for wasting your time, Mr. Park. Have a good rest of the day."
Once outside, she realised that Ahreum had left. Her mode of transportation had left. Without letting her know. She sighed and unlocked her phone, trying to figure out if it would be easier to walk back home or to the station.
"Were you abandoned as well?"
Yuri took a deep breath, preparing herself before facing Jimin once again.
"Friends these days aren't what they used to be."
"I don't know you, Mr. Park." Yuri crossed her arms and tilted her head to one side. "I have no preconceived notions, and I have no affiliations in this place. I am merely doing my job - trying to find out how Kang Eunwoo died. I don't really understand why you're trying your damned best to make things difficult for us. But let me tell you one thing- I'm not going to stop until I get to the truth."
Jimin seemed at a loss for words for the first time since she had met him.
"If you didn't have anything to do with Eunwoo's death, providing the blood sample should be nothing more than a formality for you. But by declining to assist us, you're pushing us into thinking you do have something to hide. I don't know about you, Mr. Park, but if I were involved in a murder investigation, I'd like my name cleared as soon as possible. All personal conflicts aside."
Back at the station, Yuri felt her head was going to explode. She hadn't eaten anything the entire day, her morning coffee forgotten in the chaos of the diner mission. On top of that, her desk had a large pile of papers waiting to be read.
"Goh dropped these off when he came in," said Jeon, noticing how she was staring at the pile. "Just procedural stuff - it's pretty much the same everywhere in the country. But each station requires anyone who joins to read through them and sign."
"Oh, I see -" Yuri stopped abruptly, her head spinning towards her partner. He had never managed to go two words without snapping at her, much less initiate a civil conversation. Why was he suddenly behaving like this? Was this some kind of trap? Was he baiting her?
Jeon seemed completely unaware of Yuri's internal dilemma, and continued typing on his work laptop until his phone pinged with a message. He quickly closed the laptop and walked towards the exit, already speaking to someone on the phone.
Yuri glared at his desk, trying to figure out what he was playing at. Gradually, her eyes landed on that wretched file. The 2nd Nov case file. The file that seemed to be Jeon's purpose of existence.
The 2nd November case that Jeongguk’s been overseeing - I want you to go over it. You might be able to help
Yoongi's words rang in her head. She began reaching over the partition that divided her desk from Jeon's, her hand was just a few centimeters from the file-
"Need some help?"
Yuri jumped in astonishment, Jeon's voice startling her into knocking her knee into the desk. She ignored the throbbing sensation, and focused on trying to explain herself.
"Need a pen to sign the papers. Mine's out of ink."
Jeon seemed to buy this reason, and picked up a pen from the large stack sitting inside a pale red mug on his desk.
"Anything else?" he asked, when her eyes kept flitting back to his desk.
"N-no." Yuri sat down hurriedly, sifting through the papers she hadn't looked over even once.
The next hour went by without much incident. Yuri had managed to grab a dodgy looking sandwich from the break room, and somehow finished it off in between large gulps of water. Never again was she leaving the house without eating.
Her texts to Ahreum had gone unanswered so far, which was hardly surprising. Yuri was pretty sure she was trying to explain things to Taehyung. It was best to give her some space at this point - she'd call and check on her later at night.
Jeon's phone rang again causing him to rush out once more, and from the fragments that Yuri managed to catch, it was Chief Inspector Goh on the other line.
"DI Choi?"
Yuri was stunned to see Park Jimin standing by her desk.
"How can I help you, Mr. Park?" she asked, after a moment's pause.
"I'm here to... cooperate."
"You're agreeing to the blood sample?" she asked, incredulously.
Yuri cursed under her breath. It was lunchtime, which meant that Seulgi and most of her team would be off.
Suho happened to be passing by at just that moment. "DI Choi, can I speak to you for a moment?"
"S-sure. Mr. Park, please wait here for a moment."
"You managed to convince Jimin to provide a blood sample?" asked Suho, lowering his voice.
"I guess so..."
"The labs are closed for lunch right now."
"I know." Yuri bit her lip in frustration. "I don't know how long he'll be willing to wait. It's already a miracle that he's showed up."
"I think I saw one of the junior lab technicians come back early," Suho wondered out loud. "Let me call him and ask."
Yuri waited as Suho dialed the number on his phone. In the meantime, Jeon had returned, his eyes catching sight of Jimin and temporarily halting him in his tracks.
What followed next was one of the most stressful 3 minutes of Yuri's life. Jeon was speaking to Jimin, when Suho informed her that the junior technician was available to draw a blood sample but would not be able to stay long enough for the sample to be handed over to either his senior or Seulgi herself. This was a definite issue because according to the station's protocol, junior lab technicians were not allowed to officially check in anything related to an ongoing investigation. It seemed like Yuri would have to wait at the lab until Seulgi or a senior technician came back, so that the sample would not be left alone until it had been properly entered into the system. The only problem was, Jeon appeared to be packing his stuff and Yuri's window to grab the 2nd Nov file was closing. This would've been the perfect moment, given that he was slightly distracted due to his conversation with Jimin. Suho seemed to sense the conflict raging within her, and offered to wait at the lab instead.
"Are you sure?" asked Yuri, her attention fixed on the file still on Jeon's desk.
"Yes," said Suho. "But I think you should tell Jimin that I'll be taking him to the lab instead of you. He'll probably take it better if it’s coming from you."
Yuri nodded and walked over to where the two men were having a conversation.
"- a bit annoyed that he didn't know I had been down here." Jimin chuckled and ran a hand through his hair.
"Why didn't you tell him, then?" asked Jeon, frowning. Yuri took this opportunity to swipe the file from his desk.
"Ah! DI Choi, I was beginning to think you had forgotten about me," said Jimin, his eyes falling on Yuri.
"Sorry for making you wait. Unfortunately, I have some urgent matters to attend to. DS Lim will take you to the lab and make sure everything is alright." She hid the file under her coat, and beckoned for Suho to come over. "Thank you once again for your cooperation, Mr. Park."
Jeon raised his eyebrow questioningly, but Yuri was out of the station before he could get a word in. She didn't have much time before he realised his precious file was missing.
Once inside her car, Yuri opened the file and read through every single inch of it. It was a grim case no doubt - a single mother had been stabbed to death by a homeless drunk, who was assumed to be the father of her three year old daughter. The girl had been missing since then, while the man awaited his trial in jail.
The pictures were quite awful. The small nook where she had been living told a rather tragic, almost pathetic, story. A young woman without many choices. Her pale, lifeless body only added to the sense of despair. Yuri wondered why Jeon was so obsessed with this case. Sure, it was terribly sad, but not unlike many other drunken brawls resulting in an unfortunate death. She wondered who was in charge of looking for the girl at this point. According to the file, no body had turned up in over a month. Which meant that she was either alive or her body would probably never be found. If the former was true, there was a high probability that this was a kidnapping. It didn't make much sense. Maybe there was something she was missing...
Staring at the picture of the woman's corpse, her eyes caught sight of a small detail - a ring. A ring which looked very familiar.
Sifting through the pictures, she found a close up of the ring in question. It had been lying near the body and it was assumed that the ring had fallen from her person at some point during the struggle.
Yuri took out her phone and quickly snapped a shot of the picture of the ring. This was absolutely against protocol, but she was desperate at this point.
It had been 20 minutes since she had run out of the station, and after making sure that Jeon had left, she made her way back in and dropped the file at his desk.
"Did you clear things up with Taehyung?" asked Yuri, sitting down at the table.
Ahreum picked up some pasta with her tongs and placed it on Yuri's plate. Tonight's dinner was in honor of Namjoon making it home before the clock struck midnight.
"Yeah, he's not one to hold grudges. He was just a little upset that I had lied to him."
"He looked quite betrayed when he realised that we had set them up like that."
"Don't worry about it." Ahreum shrugged while pouring wine into the glasses. "He's fine now."
"Tae can't stay mad at Ahreum for too long." The deep voice sounded familiar yet strange to Yuri, who had barely interacted with Ahreum's older brother when they had all been living in the same city.
"Namjoon!" she stood up, giving him a hug. He was still awkward with any kind of physical affection, though he had grown into his limbs and no longer resembled a gangly teenager. "Took me 4 days but I finally managed to get a glimpse of you."
"Ah," he said, pushing his black-rimmed glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Sorry about that, Yuri. I had a major project due last night so I was basically living at the library doing research."
"Well, I hope it's not going to be as difficult to meet you from now on. You and Ahreum are the only people I know here."
"No new friends yet?" asked Namjoon, digging into the pasta. "Ahreum, this is delicious! We should've called Seokjin over. He always appreciates good food."
"Seokjin? As in the guy who runs The Moon's Post Office?" asked Yuri.
"The one and the same. How do you know him?" asked Namjoon.
"Happened to visit the bakery on my first day here. He's got quite a way with shortcrust pastry."
Namjoon laughed at this. "I'm sure he'll be happy to hear that. That place is Seokjin's pride."
"But back to the friends question," he continued, grabbing another helping of pasta. "Detective work not leaving you much time to socialize?"
"Sort of..."
"She's been having trouble with her new partner," piped up Ahreum, her eyes glinting mischievously. "Maybe you can help her out on that front."
"Oh? Who's your partner?"
"Jeon Jeongguk."
"You're not getting along with Jeongguk?!" Namjoon nearly spilled the wine on himself.
"Namjoon, please calm down. It's not that serious," said Ahreum, rolling her eyes.
"Sorry," her brother murmured, placing the glass back on the table. "It's just... I know you both. There's no reason for you to not get along."
"He's being a dick," supplied Ahreum, helpfully. "Not sure why. Doesn't sound like the guy you're always gushing about."
"I don't think 'gushing' is the right word... but I get your point. Has he said anything to you, Yuri?" asked Namjoon.
Yuri didn't hear what Namjoon had said. Her attention was fixed on her phone, specifically on an email from Seulgi. The blood on Eunwoo's sleeve was a match for the sample taken from Park Jimin earlier that day.
another chapter done!
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cosplayinamerica · 4 years
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EJEN: Tell us how you got started in artist alley, what was your first one and what was that experience like?
JAMIE: The first con I did artist alley was at a con in The Woodlands, TX in 2008. I was 18 and fresh out of high school. I hadn't a single clue about how any of this stuff worked. My setup was pretty hilarious. On the front of my table I had a hand drawn sign made out of poster board that was like a school project.
My merch was a few low quality home made prints because I had a heck of a time trying to figure out printing formats. One of my prints was a Rayman Raving Rabbid if that tells you anything about the time.
Anime conventions were so different back then and a lot more accessible for amateurs to find their way. The standards and expectations weren’t nearly as high.
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EJEN: After that first alley, we were you encouraged or discouraged from doing another? I know sometimes  a bad experience might sour going back and how did you learn to manage your table - experience, YouTube videos, all of the above?
JAMIE: Oh I was in no way discouraged! I had a great time and had low expectations. There were next to zero resources and didn’t have more experienced friends back then so it was so much trial and error in terms of getting stuff printed. I tried to pass on my knowledge as much as I could. Nobody knew how to get stuff made through manufacturers either so there weren’t merch trends like there are now. You just mostly had people selling books and stickers. Maybe keychains. 
EJEN: Was there a point that you went “yeah, this could work” and you made the jump to travelling out of state for artist alley?
JAMIE: Denver Comic Con! It was the first out of state convention I tried since it was still somewhat driveable even though it was still a 15 hour drive. I went a couple years in a row and the attendees were super positive and welcoming. The community was great.
EJEN: Did you share a table? How did you decide on DCC?
JAMIE: I didn’t, actually. My friend lived there for a while and recommended it. I mostly went so I could drive and not have to invest in flying. Wanted to keep costs as low as possible. 
EJEN: After all the time you spent in artist alley, what’s the most important factor that an artist must understand to do decently in sales?
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JAMIE: Being patient! It’s not likely profits will happen in your first get go and it will take some time to figure out what works best. Start small and don't heavily invest in merch right away. Feel things out.
Don't be afraid to make merch of niche things you like. It may not make a ton of money but that one thing you sincerely like might more deeply connect with a customer. Those are the folks that’ll remember you and come back!
Along the lines of be patient, don’t sweat it when you have a con with bad sales. It happens for so many reasons. It’s not a good idea to fuss over “a bad table location” or “there weren’t enough attendees.” It’s most likely out of your control and will happen.
EJEN: How do you describe your style and how has it changed if any over the years you’ve done art? What were some of your earlier influences?
JAMIE: My style pulls inspiration from animation, manga, and western comics. Expressing energy, emotions, and passion are insanely important to my art.  My earliest influences were video game art. When I was a kid I would get a hold of any strategy guide I could just so I could see the art. I still have my Final Fantasy 9 strategy guide from when I was a child that’s just about torn to shreds from looking at it so much. I would say the strongest early influence on my art is the Ace Attorney series. 
EJEN:  Were your folks supportive of your endevours or were they more urging you to pick a more stable path?
JAMIE: My family was pretty supportive of doing whatever I wanted. My older brother and sister drew, but I was the only one that pursued it seriously.
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EJEN: Describe to me a typical day in the Alley!
JAMIE: A day at a con is a thrilling but exhausting adventure where you get to interact with so many people. It’s always exciting to meet people that share the same interests as you and provide them with art of the thing they love. The community of artists is amazing too and feels like family. You can get so caught up in it all that it’s easy to forget to eat until you’re hangry. Don’t forget to eat!
EJEN: Besides doing the Alley, you are also the concept artist for a third person exploration game called Line. Tell us what does that entail!
JAMIE: LINE is a beautiful indie game made by my pal Dave Gibson, myself, and a super awesome crew of friends. It’s a relaxing exploration game about a little girl and her robot. Doing concept art for a game was always a dream of mine, so seeing my art come to life in 3D is pretty crazy. 
EJEN: And on top of all you do, you are a personal trainer/coach as well! Tell us about it!
JAMIE: Physical wellness and training is always something that was important to me and increasingly became at the center of my life. It goes hand in hand so well in art. Art can be so subjective and wild, but working on your body you see numbers improve. You become stronger, faster, feel better, and nobody can take that away including yourself. I love helping people feel that experience and thrill. It’s also insanely important for your mental and physical well being! Soon I will be starting virtual workout courses for artists! I’m super stoked for it.
EJEN: Oh, that’s a great idea! Workout for artists, inspiration for the creative and physical! Can you tell us more?
JAMIE: As an artist, maintaining physical health is as important as ever. These workouts include stretches, cardio, and strength activities targeting artists’ needs. I want to make them fun to do, while targeting specific areas that will help artists. For example, doing a yoga sequence of updog and child pose can do wonders for your back.
EJEN: Thank you for taking time to jot down your thoughts!
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raichijin · 4 years
 ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ ukiyo; the floating world.  chapter 2. 
preface; took me exactly a week to write. possibly the most uneventful, but important in setting up the rest of the story. enjoy ! (also, my first writing post on this account ! awesome.)
word count; 1.6k .
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pretty. a pretty boy; with eyes the color of almonds and hair the same shade of rich oaky brown as a morning cup of coffee.
his smile is sweet like creamer, & the way his eyes crinkle at the corners when he closes them is cute, too.
a new relationship, perhaps?
you’re so in awe that when you notice his face fall and he’s pulling his hand away, you realize it’s been 15 seconds and you’ve been standing for approximately 30, just staring.
wow, that’s awkward.
“... are you okay?” he asks you again, slower this time.
“i — yeah! totally. i just— i guess i’m just lost?” you look around for anything that could trigger a memory, or even something that looks remotely familiar.
 there’s nothing. “yeah, that must be it...ʲᵘˢᵗ ˡᵒˢᵗ.” he tilts his head at you, then smiles a little thinner, with only his lips and no teeth before gesturing towards the classroom door, other hand digging into his pants pocket.
“then i can show you around!” he hastily offers, giving you his arm before you even know his name, and the scary possibility that the ‘you’ in this world might’ve had a more notable presence starts sounding like a reality when your name falls effortlessly from his bubblegum pink lips, a cutesy ‘chan’ accompanying it.
“ah, you know me?” 
& while his nose crinkles in a way that’s not cute nor pretty, his smile remains steadfast until he turns away. “well, who doesn’t? our school doesn’t get exchange students too often. especially not ones as handsome as yourself~.” there’s that lilt again. as if he’s trying to make you fall in love with his voice alone, and you might’ve (you are).
“oh! uh, thank you, but-” you both step into the hallway, and the image of a highschool is imprinting itself in your brain. the uniform, the students, teachers, each class room and their individual signs, the kanji that somehow makes sense, and the sudden realization that everything around you is being spoken in spitfire japanese.
you’re speaking it, too.
“i don’t think i know you. what’s your name?”
the cute guy blanches, and suddenly everything seems more interesting to him.
his fingernails, a sudden itch on his nose, and random (read: fawning) passerby.
“um — i’m oikawa! the captain of the volleyball team?” oikawa phrases it like a question, as if you know him; and if he was expecting that flexing that kind of achievement would give him some kind of leeway, he couldn’t be more mistaken.
but for politeness sake, you can pretend to be interested, especially if it means he’d divulge more information about the school.
‘seijoh’ was the name, right? you could probably search it up later. you pat your pockets for the outline of a cell phone, and then realize it might still be in your bag — 
fuck, you still haven’t responded. you need to get better with your reaction time.
“oh! that’s cool.” said in a way that does a decent enough job of feigning interest, because his lips quirk back up. “class ended, right? are you gonna go to practice right now?”
“well...” he pretends to ponder the question. “that’s the plan! we should get going, before iwa-chan gets mad at me.”
“i — i mean, i would, but i don’t wanna be a bother —” but he’s already taking your hand and pulling you down the hall and out a door, quickly explaining some things you see that catch your eye along the way. before you know it, he’s guiding you towards a different building entirely, where the entrance is crowded by … students? some boys, some girls, some not even wearing the school’s uniform.
and they’re definitely not in any volleyball uniforms, or in anything in relation to sports. so what could they possibly be here for?
a high pitched squeal very quickly answers your question.
“look! he’s here!” the gaggle of students nearly trample you with how fast they surround oikawa, too busy ogling the captain to pay you much mind. you would’ve gotten swept away in the commotion if not for oikawa’s tightened grip around your wrist.
he tries (and fails) to calm down the small crowd huddled around him, but it makes enough noise that it starts to attract the attention from the players inside the gym. some look jealous, unsurprised, and one, standing out amongst the rest. with his lips pulled back into a sneer, sweat dripping down the side of his face, and —
“SHITTYKAWA!” the noise outside quiets down to a few whispers and just as quickly the crowd came in, they clear out, as the nameless begins to approach.
he carries himself high and fast and even if he comes up to a little under oikawa height wise, whoever he is, he clearly has mr. volleyball captain at least bashful.
… didn’t he mention someone who’d get pissy if he was late to practice?
“is that —” 
“iwa-chaaaaaan!” oikawa waves his hands absently as a means to placate his friend's temper, and he lets go of you in the process, providing you an ample opportunity to slip back into school, but your feet feel stuck to the floor and you can’t bring yourself to look away from the scene unfolding. this iwa-chan talks to oikawa like he’s his mother. stern with sharp features and a look that could actually kill.
oikawa really fucked up, huh? well, he might’ve not even gotten told if you didn’t pop out of the damn closet though. but it’s too late to apologize, because oikawa’s pointing at you, says something about you being the reason he got held up, and iwa-chan is directing that hard stare at you.
you could melt. if oikawa was pretty, then iwa-chan was handsome. a new love interest perhaps? he seemed hot enough to be one. where oikawa’s smile felt accommodating, iwa-chan’s sneer morphing into an expression of indifference and then slight charm feels more real, and is, in turn, more endearing.
“and you’re the new student? you’re the reason why he’s late?” you nod sharply, and explain how you fell out of the closet… and how oikawa helped you up. he flicks oikawa’s forehead just then, and you laugh, worsened by the kicked puppy expression scribbled all over the captain’s face.
“you’re laughing at this? iwa-chan! cut it out — you’re already rubbing off on them!”
“trashykawa! what the hell were you trying to do with the transfer?” he tugs on his ear like a disappointed parent, but shoots you an apologetic smile.
“i’m sorry you had to deal with him.” oh, you beautiful human, you do not have to be sorry for anything — “i can take him from here — just tell me if this dumbass bothers you again.”
“i wasn’t bothering them i —” iwa-chan glares daggers into him and he concedes, letting himself get dragged into the gym building, his teammates laughing at him, and leaving you behind. they all trail inside before the gym doors close, and suddenly, this area feels pointless.
was this the end of the day? 
you go back into the school, backpack slung anxiously over your shoulder. how were you supposed to find the bedroom to save your game if you didn’t even know where your house was? did you miss a cutscene? did you do something wrong?
a distinct buzzing from your backpack halts your train of thought.
you dig through your pack to find your phone, a rectangular brick with a few stickers on it, opening to your fingerprint and showing you text message notifications from one ushiwaka-san.
the third named character you’ve met in a day. 
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ushiwaka-san: have you reached home yet?
huh. is he your parent? guardian? you don’t know any kid who’d put their fathers name so informally.
you: uh, not quite, no 
you: how do i get back? i kind of like
you: forgot
you: my bad dad
ushiwaka-san is … typing !
ushiwaka-san: dad?
ushiwaka-san: what do you mean?
ushiwaka-san is … typing !
ushiwaka-san: whatever.
ushiwaka-san: give me a moment.
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you cringe at how badly you misread that, but he eventually sends you the address and instructions on how to get to, where you hope is, home, and with a few pointers from some straggler students, you’re off.
the sun is kissing the hills by the time you’ve reached your destination. your legs are burning from the walk, and you feel like you could collapse on the doorstep if you didn’t know your bed was behind it, decidedly more comfortable than the concrete. 
you find some keys in the side pocket of your bag and unlock the door to the house. it looks pretty enough on the inside, but you’re too tired to appreciate the graphics. you just want to save the game and be done with this.
forty dollars for a walking simulator? no wonder your friend didn’t like it. you have to duck into a few rooms before one reminds you of the one they showed you when the game booted up originally. you flop on the bed before you get the sudden urge to look at your phone again.
a notes app has popped up.
you can write your discoveries after a scenario here. useful for remembering important things, like dates, likes and dislikes, etc.
you can access this when not in a scene, occasionally in-between or during class, or when you’re in your room for the night.
it feels like someones projecting their thoughts into your brain, and it kind of hurts, but you keep it in mind for the next time. you can’t even bother to get out of your uniform before it’s like your eyes are shutting themselves, no matter how much you try to force them back open.
the day is ending, and it’s time to save your progress.
you black out.
the void cradles you. a feeling akin to falling asleep yet wide awake, you settle here until the confirmation of a saved game rings vaguely through your head.
then, just as suddenly,
you’re up.
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passing the baton to you kat! @letshaikyuu.
𝔱 𝔞 𝔤 𝔩 𝔦 𝔰 𝔱 ;  @kingkageyamathegreat, @sayakaaaaaa, @tobubekida-yo @chigigami, @sugacookiies, @macaronnv, @cadekagi
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