#Thanks for answering!
kailysander · 2 years
I like these 2 a lot!
Oooo these would be interesting!!
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I have already sold the first one as a print about a year ago (maybe I could do mini prints this time??)
The second one would make a cool bookmark type print tho!
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summitclan-chronicles · 9 months
what’s the roleplay’s stance on lgbt kitties? i assume they’ll be allowed but are there and particular lore notes on them/cultural differences?
I want to make it cleaaar that LGBTQIA+ kitties are welcome!
As for cultural differences, for one LGBT+ cats are very common. And Summitclan regards them as perfectly normal and expected. Any combination of flirts will be teased, and all pairings are welcomed and celebrated!
LGBT+ flavored phobias do not exist in Summitclan - the mountains are harsh, and they lose enough up there as it is... it'd be all they had left to lose each other!
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columba1234 · 11 months
Maybe Ben and Holly would argue over who Gaston likes better
Good idea!
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an-theduckin · 8 months
I'M BACK IN EGYPT 🇪🇬 !!1!11!1!1!
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avastyetwats · 8 months
Continued from here. @thomashxmilton
James really hadn’t expected this. He can’t recall the last time he’s been called cute. If ever. One corner of his lips quirks upwards, grinning against his glass as he takes another drink. “Then I’d find myself wondering exactly what it is that you find… cute about me.” A pause. “If you’d be so inclined to share it with me, My Lord.”
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hellcheercaine · 8 months
I’m very intrigued by the WIP title: Shining Lights, Even in Death
Can you tell me more about this one? 👀
Thanks for the ask. That was fun!
Okay, here it goes: Billy and Steve become ghosts and have 48 hours to perform a good deed before they're deemed worthy to return to the mortal realm. Some hilarity will be thrown in sparsely, given the fact that Billy and Steve will struggle to meet their part of the deal since they're infamous pranksters during their high school days.
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nobodysdaydreams · 1 year
For the 💌 Ask Game! (Which I think is super fun and I love!!)
I think that you remind me of Number Two, because of your tenacity and determination. The way that you work through life and come at obstacles with a good work ethic, even when you might be struggling with some aspects of a task. You come up with outside of the box solutions, and your imagination makes me think of Miss Perumal. Your warmth and kindness also makes me think of Mr. Benedict and Milligan. (And maybe Pedalian, even though he’s not canon!) Your advice and guidance, as well as cleverly sophisticated ideas mostly bring adults to mind, but I think that out of the kids you remind me most of Reynie :) (I’m sorry that I’ve listed so many people, it’s just that you are a very multifaceted person!)
Thank you so much!! 🥰🥰🥰 These are all wonderful people and this means a lot to me. Miss Perumal and Number Two were not what I was expecting, but I like that you picked them! I’m especially glad you like the work and imagination I put into my ideas.
And if you would like, I’d be happy to answer this question for you as well!
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visionsofmagic · 10 months
a question 'cause I am curious little b*tch, ehe
would you like to read mk1 intro dialogues from me [I never did them but I got an idea and wrote one, so...}
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proxxinlmk · 1 year
Honestly kind of glad I'm not too intimidating hehe >:D Though I can't help but be a lil curious about what it is I do that IS intimidating in the first place X,D
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shinobicyrus · 1 year
My first impression of you remains "wrote Teen Titans fanfics that were very comforting to me." Current impression includes: "Cool facts about history," "insightful tag essays," "I should dive into your fandom tag archives and see what neat stuff I find," and "I imagine you looking exactly like your icon" ( + I still like your fanfics)
Oh God you remember the Teen Titans fanfics? I was in high school when I wrote those.
How neat to run into someone from those times. 😎
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elitheradguy · 1 year
The pencil eating anime is Cromartie High School. It's amazing- and you haven't even seen Freddie or Mechazawa yet.
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summitclan-chronicles · 9 months
Hi! Just curious on how many applicants you've received thus far, also curious on how many people you plan on accepting :00
Hii!! Currently we have 29 applications and we'll be accepting around 25 people!!
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cybercherryz · 2 years
7bD! (D in like. A masculine way)
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ohh pompompurin :D cute! my fave sanrio character is keroppi i think but i can definitely see the similar vibe. D is pretty similar to my clothing style i think,, i dress pretty emo/ sometimes grunge and mostly black. but you're right it would look more masc. the plush reminds me of an enderman from minecraft :] also i'm actually drinking a pink monster rn! (different flavor but both pink)
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commonpigeon · 2 years
american here ya we have savory pies. or in particular one kind lol chicken pot pie. it’s really good too. there’s probably other variations but that one is the most popular in terms of savory. though people generally think of dessert here when they hear “pie”, savory pie is sort of a separate entity
OH yes i have heard of chicken pot pie:-) it's so interesting because when i hear pie i always think savoury like if asked to name a pie i would probably say steak and kidney despite not having ate that in like 12 years
have to say strawberry and rhubbarb from the poll sounds really really good i might have to bake one... after i have made an apple and rhubbarb crumble which ive been speaking about for 3 years
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an-theduckin · 7 months
Okay so I keep singing Poisona nd Hell's Greatest Dad all the time (new audiostim lol) to the point where I randomly switch between then.
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lizarddiary · 2 years
✍️  Do you prefer discord, tumblr, google docs, or in-game RP? What makes it (or them) your preference?
Discord all the way down. I like how immediate it can be, and unlike in-game RP, doing it on Discord allows you be able to read the messages some time after. Re-reading old RP scenes is one of my favourite things to do when I don't have anything else to do in all honesty!
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