#That was like what. During/late into Dressrosa? GOD
moongothic · 8 months
You know it was kinda funny going through my main to delete some old posts, and I noticed backI had reblogged some Crocodile post and been like "oh jeez, Crocodile is such an interesting character, I hope he comes back soon so we can learn more about him :)" in the tags
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portagas-chan · 4 months
Platonic Yandere Doflamingo and teen daughter reader
Overprotective Dad
Platonic Yandere Doflamingo x Daughter Reader
I tried my best. I hope you like it!
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Doflamingo adored you and spoiled you rotten because you were his only child. His only daughter. To him, you were the most important person in his life and no one could prove him wrong. He will kill anyone who hurt you physically and mentally.
There was a time when you were a child and a maid accidentally spilled hot tea on you. You cried because the tea felt so hot on your skin and he quickly called a doctor and soothe you. After that incident, you noticed one thing. You never saw that maid again.
You were too young to understand back then but now you do. You turned 18 a few months ago. You were happy because you thought Doflamingo would finally let you leave the castle and explore the outside world. You thought you could finally travel the seas. That was your dream.
However, during your 18th birthday, you asked him if you could become a pirate like him and travel the seas but before you could even finish your sentence, he cut you off.
"No," just that simple one word was able to crush your dreams in an instant.
"Why?" You argued.
"The outside world is very dangerous, [Y/n]. How many times do I have to tell you that? There is no way you can become a pirate. This castle is the only safe place for you."
You furrowed your eyebrows, "But dad, I wanted to become a pirate like you. I just-"
He raised his voice, "[Y/n]! I don't want you to become a pirate like me. You know, I hate repeating myself. I don't want to hear about this topic again! Do you understand me?"
"Yes," You muttered.
"Now go to your room!"
That was the first time your dad had ever raised his voice at you. You left crying and feeling dejected.
But you were determined to leave. You loved your dad but sometimes he is just too much. You heard that he had to attend the Warlord meeting and will be back in a few days. You took this opportuinity to sneak out and it seems like luck was on your side because it was successful.
"Where is [Y/n]? Where did she go?!" Diamante panicked.
"I think she left. I checked every room in this castle and she is nowhere to be found," Baby 5 sighed.
"Fuck!" Diamante cursed.
"Doffy is going to be so mad," Trebol said.
"We have to tell him."
And they did. They told him about the terrible news through the den den mushi. He was flying in the sky heading towards Marineford but the news made him paused and he was thankful that he was still near dressrosa.
Doflamingo did not take it well. His frown deepened, his veins popped out on his forehead and he looked like he will kill anyone who gets in his way. Abandoning his meeting, he wasted no time and flew at the fastest speed back to Dressrosa.
An hour later, he arrived at his castle to see you tied up in your room. He glanced at Diamante, "Where did you find her?"
"Green bit. Thank god she didn't go too far. If we were a little late, she would have been gone for good."
He narrowed his eyes at Diamante's words, "Untie her."
Diamante nodded, obeying his orders.
"Fufufu~ You are very persistent, my daughter," He walked towards you with a grin. You could tell that even though he was grinning, he was very angry inside.
You were scared of what was going to happen next. You were born isolated from the world and now you sneaked out but got caught. There was no way he was going to continue let you live like you used to.
"I'm sorry, dad but I won't do it again! I promise!" You apologized hoping he would let it slide this time.
"Sure but can I trust you? I don't think I can. Last time, you asked me about this and I told you to never bring it up again. You said you won't but now look at what you did. You crossed the line, [Y/n]," He was no longer smiling. He looked upset, mad and most of all, disappointed in you.
You stayed silent because he was right. You lied to him but how could you not? You were getting tired of being restricted from leaving the castle.
When he saw that you have given up on going against him, his signature grin returned to his face.
"Starting from now on, you will be locked up in your room. And for extra precautions, I will have to put these bracelets on you" He took them out of his pocket.
"What?" You were confused. Bracelets for extra precautions?
Doflamingo took your hand and put on the bracelets on both of your wrists, "They will explode if you leave this castle."
You froze in place. Your eyes widened as you looked at your dad in fear and despair.
Doflamingo grinned and hugged you.
"Don't worry, [Y/n]. In this world, I will be the only one who loves you and care for you. I am the only one that will always be by your side. And that is why you can never leave your dad. Fufufu~"
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disneydeb1928 · 4 years
One Piece Theories: The Truth of the D. Clan
                                                       - The Void Century Theories, Part 3
This is the third part of my Void Century Theories Series. This one is a long one (I apologize).
The D. Clan
So, first I think we should review, what exactly has been mentioned, in canon, on this topic:
1) It is first brought up by Kureha, on Drum Island, when she revealed that the true name of the late Pirate King was “Gol D. Roger” and told Dolton that Chopper had joined up with a very “dangerous man” (Ch. 154)
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After stating Chopper has joined up with a “dangerous man”, she then smiles and says, “D’s will is still alive?”
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2) In chapter 594, which takes place after Marineford, the Gorosei are discussing the possible connection between Rayleigh and Luffy when one of them says, “The ‘D.’s are always the troublemakers… especially Portgas… it seems his name has been a little too visible lately.”
3) Law actually talks about the D. Clan twice. The first time, is right before the timeskip, in chapter 729. After leaving Amazon Lily with Luffy in Rayleigh’s care he says “Still, I wonder what the Dark King’s [Rayleigh] is up to… the ‘D.’ will always bring a storm without fail… heheh…”. Later, during the Dressrosa arc, Doflamingo questions Law about why he would trust the Straw Hat Pirates as much as he does.  Law replies “Because I know the ‘D.’ will blow up a storm again!”. However, both of these statements are merely echoing what Rosinante told him as a child.
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Rosinante refers to where “I come from”, which must be referring to Mary Goise, the home of the Celestial Dragons. He says that will someone “with the name of ‘D.’ begins to make a name for themselves in the world… all the elders all groan and mutter… that ‘D.’ will surely bring with them another storm…”. We know that this is true based off the comments the Gorosei made (see above). He also says that it is a name that people have “secretly” been inheriting throughout history. This is highlighted by the fact that, just a chapter prior, when Law revealed his true name to Baby 5, he said “the ‘D.’ is a secret’ (Ch. 763). Rosinante then states that, in Mary Goise, the “’Family of D.’” is know as “God’s Natural Enemy”. Of course, many have taken this to mean ‘the Celestial Dragons natural enemy’ since the Celestial Dragons see themselves as gods.
When Law demands to know if that makes him a monster, Rosinante admits that “no one knows the actual truth”. However, we know that’s not true. This sentence is important because of a connection it has to the conversation between Law and Sengoku in Episode 743. Sengoku says,
“At least, I know Rosinante had no idea [about the meaning of that ‘D’]. So that wasn’t the reason he saved you.”
While it was a beautiful moment, it should be noted that Sengoku seems to be implying that had Rosinante have known about the true meaning behind the ‘D.’, it might have played a role in why he saved Law (even though we all know Rosinante was a big softy). Sengoku almost seems relieved to hear Rosinante didn’t know the truth. Then, he thinks,
“So he is one, too. The people with the name “D.” always lead a checkered life.”
The dictionary defines ‘checkered’ as: marked by periods of varied fortune or discreditable incidents. It at least implies that Sengoku knows something about the D. Clan.
Now, let’s review the people who appear to know something about the ‘D.’ (at least part of it) and the implications that could have:
1.) Dr. Kureha – (See Explanation Above)
Implications: Kureha aas born on September 8th, 1383. To put this into perspective, that makes her older than every known ‘D.’-bearer we’ve been introduced to in the story so far. In fact, that makes her 141 years old. As mentioned before, she is one of the people who knows Gold Roger’s real name. We know that Roger began to complain about the papers calling him that when he met with Whitebeard (around August) in 1500, so it is very plausible that she simply remembers what he used to be called before the propaganda began. However, her last comment, “D’s will is still alive?” is something of interest.
Grammatically, structuring the sentence as “D’s will” would give the same meaning as “Will of D.”. Both are describing a possessive condition. So we know that she is specifically referring to the Will of D. in this sentence. When she says this, she is smiling, implying that she is pleased with this fact. My question is, why would she have reason to believe that it wasn’t alive. I understand that some families with the ‘D.’ in their name have gone about hiding it, but there is still Monkey D. Garp, who is very public with his name. It’s possible that she’s been living a secluded life for a long time, but if she knew about Roger how had she not known of Garp? Also, I would stipulate, that her reaction makes me believe that there is an emotional connection to the “Will of D.”. It is absolutely possible, that her sentiment could more general, in that she’s happy to see that the World Government wasn’t able to extinguish another token of the past. Or it could imply something else. I think a lot of people wouldn’t be surprised if Kureha had met Roger in the past. He was a sick man and she was a genius doctor, capable of amazing advances in medicine. I think it is also possible that she knew others bearing that initial.  
2.) Roger and some of the Roger Pirates – (As mentioned during my discussion on Joy Boy’s treasure, they discovered the true meaning at Laugh Tale)
Implications: While Roger appeared put out by the idea that the newspaper was covering up his name, he didn’t seem too beat up about it. In fact, we honestly can’t garner much from Roger’s reactions to anything. He, much like Luffy, didn’t seem to let things bother him.
However, I would like to take a look at his last words before his execution. There are two main versions I have seen floating around, but I am sure, due to translations, that there are many more. They are:
·         “Inherited will, the swelling of the changing times, and the dreams of people. These are things that cannot be stopped. As long as people seek the answer to freedom, these will never cease to be!”
·         “Inherited Will, The Destiny of the Age, The Dreams of its People. As long as people continue to pursue the meaning of Freedom, these things will never cease!”
Of course, the first person who springs to mind when I read this, is Luffy, who talks about freedom being a large reason in why he wanted to become a pirate. What I believe Roger is saying, is that as long as people are not content with oppression, and instead chose freedom (which can taken many forms), then people’s dreams and will (Joy Boy’s, Roger’s, Ace’s) can never fully be extinguished (which parallels to what Whitebeard said during Marineford).
Now, freedom mean many things, to different people. Luffy sees freedom as becoming a pirate; Zoro sees it as becoming the world’s greatest swordsman; Koby sees it as becoming a Marine. If you notice, despite having a dislike at the idea of becoming a Marine, Luffy never does anything but encourage Koby (in his own way). Because ‘freedom’ in this sense, is more about following your ambitions – your heart’s desires – reaching for the stars.  
3.) Whitebeard – Roger informs Whitebeard the true meaning of the “D.” during their last meeting before turning himself in. In fact, Whitebeard has enough understanding on the subject that he can confidently say that Blackbeard is not the man that Roger is waiting for [to find the One Piece]
Implications: After Roger complains about his name change, WB asked him this,
“Now and then I come across some people with the name “D.”. Even in my own crew, there’s Teach. Just what is ‘D.’?”
So, Whitebeard is admitting that “now and then” he comes across ‘D.’-bearers. He doesn’t specify how often or even how many bearers he’s come across during his time (at this point WB is 50). However, we know that by 1500, the only ‘D.’-bearers that we know (currently) existed were:
·         Jaguar D. Saul (born March 6, 1397)
·         Monkey D. Garp (born May 2, 1446)
·         Rocks D. Xebec
·         Gol D. Roger (born December 31, 1447)
·         Monkey D. Dragon (born 1469)
·         Portrgas D. Rouge
·         Marshall D. Teach (born August 3, 1484)
We know that Whitebeard was a part of a infamous pirate crew known as the Rocks Pirates and that his captain, Rocks D. Xebec was a ‘D.’-bearer. Now, we have no idea what went down during the crew before they separated – or even when they separated. We don’t even know if the entire crew participated in the God’s Valley Incident. But what we do know, is that the Rocks Pirates were involved in a lot of the taboo subjects of the world. I go into this a lot deeper in one of my previous theories specifically on the Rocks Pirates, but it is very telling that two of the previous crew members end up with a Road Poneglyph. We also know that he is including Roger in his statement, but I also think it is likely he knows Garp as well. I think it is obvious that we have not discovered all of the current or past ‘D.’-bearers, so all we can do, beyond this list, is speculate.
Whatever it was that Roger ended up telling him, Whitebeard appears to keep to himself for the next 24 years. Not that I’m surprised, that man really didn’t care about pursuing any power other then keeping his family safe. However, at Marineford, he says,
“It’s not you [Blackbeard]… The man Roger is waiting for… is definitely not you, Teach. There are those who inherited Roger’s will… and one day, someone will appear who will inherit Ace’s will… As long as that ‘bloodline’ survives, their flames will never die… that will has been passed down from long ago…!!!”
4.) The Marines – They seem to have some awareness of the significance – or at least Sengoku does (as shown by his conversation with Law during episode 743)
5.) Doflamingo – After Law makes the comment about blowing the D. clan being able to blow up a “storm”, Doffy becomes enraged. This sees to indicate that he knows what Law is referencing. This wouldn’t be surprising since he knows the truth about the Treasure in Mary Geoise.
Implications: However, it could simply be that he, much like his brother, was reacting to the fear that the Celestial Dragons instilled in their children about the ‘D.’ clan and was angry that Law knew.
6.) Im-Sama – I think it is clear that if anyone in this story holds all the answers, it’s Im-Sama. They are clearly deeply rooted in the one piece mythology
7.) The Gorosei – Being second to Im-Sama and who the rest of the world view as the most powerful group in the world, it can be concluded that they, at least, know what Im wants them to know on the subject
Commonalities Between “D.”-bearers: All of the members who have passed, have all died with a smile on their face, in what appears to be, acceptance of their fate. This is, of course, with the exception of Teach, who feared death during Marineford.
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kbstories · 4 years
What are some of your favorite one piece moments and why?
WHOO BOY thanks for asking and buckle up ‘cause this is gonna be a long one
(A note before I start: I read OP up to volume 63 in German and the rest in English, so I apologize if I get some pre-ts names wrong! Also these are in somewhat of a chronological order and based solely on the manga.)
Luffy giving the dog (Shushu?) the last box of food: This is the moment that made me love Luffy, it’s such a simple but effective way of showing his core philosophy that people’s treasures and dreams have inherent value and that everyone deserves to have someone by their side who will fight for them when they can’t do it themselves.
Bellmere: Just. Everything about her and that flashback. “They are my kids”, just... It made me emo back then, still makes me emo today. Love it, love her, love her design and what she’s all about. Yes.
Luffy going “I’m nothing without my crew!” in Arlong Park: Bear with me here ‘cause I was like 12 when I read this arc the first time, and back then I didn’t get why Nami wouldn’t just ask for help (so the “Help me!” moment only became a tear-jerker during my many, many re-reads). Something that did make immediate sense to me was Luffy straight-up admitting his skillset is limited to punching things very good, and I was like hell yeah go Luffy because I was 12. (I also love that this sentiment was echoed by Luffy going “I can’t be Pirate King without you” in Whole Cake Island two years later, so that’s another favorite right there.)
Skipping ahead otherwise we’ll be here all day but Luffy carrying Sanji and Nami in Drumm. Seeing him climb up that mountain with his bare hands and feet fucked me up even as a kid, the way Oda paced it really made you feel what an absolutely harrowing experience that must’ve been and I still think about it a lot.
Zoro fighting Mr. 1 in Alabasta: That fight was just mindblowingly cool and I love Zoro. That panel of him kneeling in his own blood after winning the fight hrgghhgh and oh hey THE STRAWHATS SHOWING THE X ON THEIR ARMS FOR VIVI 🥺🥺🥺  how are those not permanent tattoos Oda FIGHT ME
The entirety of Noland & Kargara, how they died without seeing each other and fully mending the argument they had and how Luffy ringing the bell hundreds of years later redeemed it all. Oda went incredibly hard on Skypia’s backstory and I’m not entirely sure what possessed him to tell a story that tragic but I, for one, am grateful. (Fun fact I was extremely late to this whole shipping thing and thus One Piece is very much about the platonic nakamaship of it all for me but even as a clueless baby fan I shipped THE FUCK out of Noland & Kargara oh my)
“I want to live!” + Sogeking shooting the WG flag + Usopp’s speech to Luffy + Luffy almost fighting to the death to keep his crew safe + MERRY’S GOODBYE: I bawl my eyes out every time I read Water 7, it’s my favorite arc to this very day because it’s just so complex and nuanced and the crew’s limits being tested in every way is just a very rewarding (if incredibly emotional) thing to witness. It put both Robin and Usopp on the map as two of my absolute favs and I’m so grateful for that.
The Strawhats teaming up against Oz (?) was something I didn’t know I needed until I saw it and I’ve been gunning for another Strawhat group fight ever since. The team work, the absolute trust, just everything about it was a delight and made all the stuff that followed (Zoro & Sanji laying down their lives for their captain, the entirety of Sabaody) so much more painful. Also Bink’s Sake because Brook deserves to have friends to sing it with him every single day of his life!!!
Luffy refusing to ask if the One Piece is real or not on Sabaody: I just adore that moment. Rayleigh was so soft and indulgent with these baby pirates carrying along the legacy of Roger’s old hat... My heart...
Mr. 2/Bon Curry (?) in Impel Down. ‘Nuff said.
Ace saying “Thank you” after you-know-what but let’s not linger on that because I was reading One Piece weekly back then and it traumatized me to the point I didn’t keep up with it for 10 years haha!
The post-timeskip era is a bit of a blur to me because I binged it all just a few months ago and my memory is McFreaking Terrible but I’ll start with Law being warned on two separate occasions that he might not like an alliance with Luffy, making the alliance anyways and proceeding to burn in “Strawhat-ya is a fucking moron” purgatory ever since. I don’t care if it’s overdone, every year Law loses to Luffy’s idiocy is one added to my lifespan. Godspeed, king of emo pirates. You dug your grave now lie in it.
Sabo coming back: I know there’s discourse about that doing bad things to the plot and the stakes of character deaths in One Piece, bla bla bla, I truly do not care. Luffy getting one (1) big brother back and Sabo stepping up to Ace’s legacy was so monumental when it happened that it briefly brought me back from my One Piece hiatus and I immediately bought volume 75 when it came out in German. (Now if Oda will only let him live and let Luffy actually hang out with his brother I would very much appreciate that, huff huff.)
Corazon holding onto life until Law was safe + Corazon’s smile: Corazon in general, actually. Law harboring that little bit of kindness he was shown as a kid and plastering it all over his ship and his crew and his own fucking skin. Mmmm love me a big sip from that good ol’ heartbreak.
Still in Dressrosa, Zoro going “I wonder what he’s dreaming about” when Luffy smiles in his sleep. It’s this little line and kinda insignificant because they’re talking to Sabo in that moment (and that’s clearly like woah), but it’s so fucking soft and it made my heart grow three sizes so there.
Jack getting one-shotted by Zunesha: Get rekt you insufferable asshole oh my god
Whole Cake Island is practically 78 chapters of favorite moments but Nami saying goodbye to Sanji + Luffy almost ripping his arms out to warn Sanji about Pudding + Sanji making a Strawhat lunchbox by accident + “That’s just how you are” + Luffy muffling his pain in front of the mirror so his crew doesn’t worry (Oda turn on your location I just want to talk) + Sanji carrying Luffy back to the ship + “I’m your captain now! Don’t die even if it kills you!” so yeah, the entire thing. Also Katakuri??? What a loser I love him
[Spoilers for Wano]
And if I went into all the things I like about Wano we’d truly be here all day. Gun to my head I’d probably pick Zoro & Luffy reuniting, Kidd & Killer in Udon (of course) and “At sea you fight pirates!” as my favorite moments so far. Also Jinbei joining the crew after a million years holy shit FINALLY and Luffy getting angry over spilled bean soup and KIDD BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF APOO FUCK YES and don’t get me started on the new characters especially Kiku and Yamato and---
[End of Wano spoilers]
Anyhow. My answer to “What’s your favorite One Piece moment?” is basically “YES” to all of it, thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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Some Hot Takes on One Piece arcs (mostly for my own record, but, y’know, y’all might find it amusing too)
Romance Dawn arc: It’s too late now. You’ve made friends with Luffy. You can never go back. 
Orange Town arc: WELCOME TO BUGGY! Also, my name is Zoro and I’m here for two things: swords and memories of my dead girlfriend. 
Syrup Village arc: Welcome to Usopp. It’s all fun and games until you make my boy cry.
Baratie arc: Because we needed more hot dudes on this boat.
Arlong Park arc: Not the GREATEST introduction to fishmen, frankly. Not the greatest. Also welcome to siblings who aren’t blood related! I’m sure THAT won’t come up again.
Loguetown arc: WELCOME TO SMOKER! Also his lieutenant Tashigi who looks startlingly like Zoro’s dead girlfriend. Huh.
Drum Island arc: Quick detour to pick up the cutest doctor in the world!
Alabasta arc: Fuck Crocodile. Welcome to the Grand Line, there’s 7 Warlords, 4 Yonko, 3 Admirals, and 20 Vice Admirals, try not to piss off ANY of them.
Skypeia arc: FUCK Logia users! Also the overplot seems horrifying, holy shit how did we make it this far before Heinous Government Conspiracies? Oh, right, because we didn’t have Robin, riiiiight... I’m sure SHE’S not important.
Water 7 arc: So long. So very very long.
Pre-Enies Lobby: THE GOING MERRYYYYYYY! And Nothing Else Bad Happened Ever. Nope. I Don’t Know What Else You Could Be Referring To. Nothing. Happened.
Enies Lobby: WHAT THE FUCK IS HAKI?! Also, fuck CP9. Also also, FUCK SPANDAM HOLY CHRIST YOU SACK OF SHIT, BURN IN HELL. But mostly fuck Buster Calls.
Post-Enies Lobby: Welp. We sure got the government’s attention now, don’t we? Also, hi Frankie. I’m sure CYBORGS won’t be a thing now.
Thriller Bark arc: Well, that was a pretty straightforward fight, had fun retrieving Brook, thank god it’s over tho, let’s all go home and- WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU THE SIZE OF A MOUNTAIN?!
Sabaody Archipelago arc: Your name is Bartholomew Kuma and we will never see you again.
Amazon Lily arc: Welp, now that everything is hell, at least Luffy is making friends with shichibukai. That probably won’t be important later.
War of the Greats arc: Remember feeling happy during Impel Down? Savor it. You never get to be happy again. 
Fishman Island arc: Time for another rousing adventure! Zoro’s missing an eye, Luffy has two dead brothers it turns out, and Kuma’s last wish was to protect our boat. I’m sure NONE OF THAT will ever come up again Ever. So let’s just be on our merry way and oh god he’s already started a war with Big Mom hasn’t he? ...yep.
Punk Hazard arc: Welcome to The Rest Of The Plot. Nothing will ever happen again that wasn’t somehow introduced on Punk Hazard.
Dressrosa arc: 100 straight episodes of hell. It is exactly what you think it is. I sincerely hope that you’re not allergic to feathers. Although that is the least of your worries.
Zou arc: WHY THE FUCK DOES WANO MATTER?! Oh my god, you fuckers invented poneglyphs. Now we can never be free of you. Also, Sanji’s in an arranged marriage, I’m sure that won’t be important later.
Whole Cake Island arc: Sometimes Blood Family is worse than No Family At All.
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megashadowdragon · 7 years
green bull will kill ussop which will lead to sanji fighting green bull and possibly killing him
ussops death  its been foreshadowied here:
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usopp is the fourth person to be a part of the crew(this includes luffy ) and in japan the number four is associated with death for the Japanese word for “four” sounds like the word for “death”(shi)(pronunciation)
en . wikipedia . org/wiki/Japanese_numerals#Basic_numbering_in_Japanese “The 4th division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates, Thatch, was the only commander who met an unfortunate end before the present story. He was murdered by Marshall D. Teach because Thatch had found the one Devil Fruit Teach desired most- the Dark-Dark Fruit. PX-4 was the first of the Pacifista to be destroyed.” tvtropes . org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FourIsDeath en . wikipedia . org/wiki/Japanese_superstitions
more reasoning on ussop being the straw hat who dies
He's considered by Oda to be "the weakest" member of the crew at every point of the story. Only Chopper dying instead would match the feeling of needless cruelty that Usopp dying would bring.
He's one of the original members of the crew from East Blue, at this point basically counts as a day one.
He's split from the crew once before and had to reestablish his loyalty, making his connection to the crew rather deep compared to the other members.
His bounty has surpassed Sanji's and has the title of "God" on his wanted poster. His reputation has been increasing constantly.
He's the ONLY Straw Hat that can die and still achieve his dream. Becoming a brave warrior of the sea doesn't require that he be alive to enjoy his new reputation, only that people remember him as such. Every single other Straw Hat requires them to live to accomplish their goals.
also who will kill him  well ussops  inspiration (besides pinnochio and aesop ) is  tengu  
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about Tengu Legend in Japan. Tengu is expressed as a shooting star/comet. The shooting star came from East. there are some ranks of Tengu. White Wolf Tengu is the lowest. when wolf spends many years, it will get a god power and become a white wolf tengu. the white wolf tengu’s job is carrying people to climb a mountain.
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represents the white wolf
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god power etc
en . wikipedia .  org/wiki/Tengu
tengu is a shinto god that  long nose and crow like features the tengu is known for playing tricks and deceiving people they also only help those they find worthy and hate people who use knowledge or authority to gain status or fame this fits ussop the tengu uses star attacks too. tengus are at their stronget when theyre made whenver ussop gets angry in a fight he has shown to have amazing strength they also use magic associated with trickery (good at tricking people  and the forest just like ussop I mean after ussops time on that island during the timeskip ussop got alot of of plants to use in his attacks. and ussop is good at trickery like the trick he did on mr.4 in baroqu works and miss merry chirstmas during their fight or him
star attacks by ussop  along with attacks that relate to celestial objects which shooting stars are
Ketchup Boshi (ケチャップ星 Kechappu Boshi?, literally meaning “Ketchup Star”)
Hokaku Boshi (捕獲星 Hokaku Boshi?, literally meaning “Capture Star”):,
Zombie Shoten Salt Ball (ゾンビ昇天塩玉(ソルトボール) Zonbi Shōten Soruto Bōru?, literally meaning “Zombie-Purifying Salt Ball”):
Namari Boshi (鉛星 Namari Boshi?, literally meaning “Lead Star”):
Kayaku Boshi (火薬星 Kayaku Boshi?, literally meaning “Gunpowder Star”)
Sanren Kayaku Boshi (三連火薬星 Sanren Kyaku Boshi?, literally meaning “Triple Gunpowder Star”):
Kayaku Hoshi Boshi (火薬星星 Kyaku Hoshi Boshi?, literally meaning “Gunpowder Star Star”)
Rolling Kayaku Boshi (回転(ローリング)火薬星 Rōringu Kyaku Boshi?, literally meaning “Rolling Gunpowder Star”)
Tamago Boshi (卵星 Tamago Boshi?, literally meaning “Egg Star)
Kemuri Boshi (煙星 Kemuri Boshi?, literally meaning “Smoke Star”)
Kaen Boshi (火炎星 Kaen Boshi?, literally meaning “Flame Star”)
Shinsen Tamago Boshi (新鮮卵星 Shinsen Tamago Boshi?, literally meaning “Fresh Egg Star”) Tokusei Tabasco Boshi (特製タバスコ星 Tokusei Tobasuko Boshi?, literally meaning “Deluxe Tabasco Star”)  
Akahebi Boshi (赤蛇星 Akahebi Boshi?, literally meaning “Red Snake Star”)
Sakuretsu Saboten Boshi (炸裂サボテン星 Sakuretsu Saboten Boshi?, literally meaning “Exploding Cactus Star”):
Hi no Tori Boshi/Fire Bird Star ,  Himawari Boshi (向日葵星 Himawari Boshi?, literally meaning “Sunflower Star”)  , Cho Kemuri Boshi (超煙星 Chō Kemuri Boshi?, literally meaning “Super Smoke Star”):   Kamakiri Ryūsei (カマキリ流星 Kamakiri Ryūsei?, literally meaning “Praying Mantis Meteor”)Atlas Suisei (アトラス彗星 Atlas Suisei?, literally meaning “Atlas Comet”)    (post time skip Totsugeki Ryuseigun (突撃流星群 Totsugeki Ryūseigun?, literally meaning “Charging Meteor Shower”) ,   Bagworm (蓑虫星(バグワーム) Baguwāmu?, literally meaning “Bagworm Star”) Midori Boshi: Sargasso (緑星・サルガッソ Midori Boshi: Sarugasso?, literally meaning “Green Star: Sargasso”) )
onepiece . wikia . com/wiki/Usopp%27s_Arsenal/Kabuto check out the list of all sections and you will see how many star based/celestial based  attacks he has
Kinemon once called Usopp “ a Tengu”
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so as we know that ussops associated withthe tengu (which goes down to the names of alot of his attacks being associated with stars/celestial objects and him using plants  for a tengu is a forest being. nad its quite likely that green bulls powers revolve around nature for so far each of the named admirals have nicknames where the color is associated with their element. akainu( red dog) uses magma which is associated with color red. aokjii ( blue pheasant ) uses ice associated with blue, kizaru ( yellowpheasant  )uses light which is associated with  the color yellow . and fujitora ( purple tiger)  has a gravity-based ability which is a force of nature. Gravity is associated with the color purple in Japanese media. Mega Man's gravity suit is purple for example. so it only fits for green bulls power to be associated with the color green
In Japan, green signifies eternal life. Green is the colour of fertility and growth in traditional Japanese culture. As the colour of nature, the Japanese word for green, midori, is also the word for vegetation. In addition, the colour green represents youth and vitality, and the energy of growth. Green can also represent eternity, since evergreen trees never lose their leaves or stop growing.
 and exist in/be related to the natural world like the others. I mean light, magma, ice, and gravity are all things that exist in the world and are involved in making it which fits since they work for the WORLD government. so it fits for green bulls ability to fit that trend while relating to the color green like have a paramecia plant manipulating power (
. or a zoan mythical zoan DF  like the yokai . wikia . com/wiki/Jubokko  or some other plant yokai
yokai . wikia . com/wiki/Category:Plant
to have powers relating plants  
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there was a coverpage where akainu shown taking care of a plant so it fits for the new admiral chosent by akainu to have plant abilitys plants can be very dangerous look at popgreens for example  and green bull could utilize popgreens with his plant df               
and ussops currently utilizing plants  and is inspired by  a forest spirit so it fits for ussops final opponent the person who kills him be someone with a plant related ability that would be green bull and this will lead to the sanji vs. green bull 
I mean there had been 2times where sanji specifically came in to rescue ussopp from death/fought someone who did something specifically to ussopp (specifically fought for ussopp bon clay where he took back the goggles from bon clay who had taken it  after beating bon clay up some more and second with jabra where jabra was nearly killed (each got worse damage for usopp) as time went onso it would be fitting if the third time sanji fought a guy for usopps sake was to avenge his death after sanji failed to get to usopp in time to keep usopp from dying   like if sanj iwent to usoppp and  walked in to green bull standing  over usopps corpse or green bull hitting ussop with the finishing blow and killing ussop infront of sanji with sanji getting there too late since sanji has a number motifs of 3  
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“Bonus: 2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 9 / 3 = 3″
porche-chan . tumblr . com/post/138515824861/porche-chan-bonus-2-0-1-6-9-3-3#notes
His name (三時 san-ji? ) can mean “three o'clock” or “three o'clock snack”. This points to a wider theme in Sanji’s character, revolving around the number 3:Sanji is  the third-strongest member of the Straw Hat Pirates.Sanji usually fights the third strongest member of the villain group the Straw Hats face during the story arcs. The exceptions to this rule are in Punk Hazard and Dressrosa as Sanji fought Vergo and Donquixote Doflamingo, opponents far stronger than the ones Zoro fought. It’s fair to note in Zou, Sanji also defeated Sheepshead the strongest Beasts Pirates member left on Zou after Jack left to rescue Doflamingo. sanji is the third strongest of the monster trio. and the third man to join luffys crew and usopp is a member of the weakling trio in fact he is the third strongest of the weakling trio ( the weakest) like how sanji is the third strongest of the monster trio )
and sanji specializes in observational haki and its likely that ussop will specialize in observational haki given thats the haki ussop first awakened and is most fitting for ussop since he’s the sniper
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and sanji has a close relationship to ussop
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“You know what’s more amazing here than the fact that Sanji seriously kicked his captain’s rubbery ass? He almost hurt Nami by kicking Luffy right toward her direction. Nami was threatened enough to actually scream, not just dodge out of Luffy’s way. Sanji doesn’t apologize to Nami - hell, I bet he didn’t even realize that he almost hurt her. This really shows the heat of the moment, as well as how much Sanji was upset over Luffy’s words to Usopp”. “sunnyul. tumblr . com/post/145669021863/you-know-whats-more-amazing-here-than-the-fact#notes it would fitting  for he ended up going  go against people who have harmed usopp two times before but each time the damage to usopp grown and the motivation for  the fight relating to ussop  increased with the first time with bon clay bon clay had beaten up and stole his goggles and sanji wanted to get them back for ussop   with the second time usopp almost died  and sanji interfered to save ussop so the third time  usopp will die by green bulls hands  and sanji will fight green bull his killer to avenge him. (it doesn’t have to be immediate it can be at end of story) heck ussop could die because he sacrificed himself for sanji and
it fits for sanji to fight green bull since sanjis nickname is black leg which is the name of a disease thats fatal to bull
www . merckvetmanual .com/mvm/generalized_conditions/clostridial_diseases/blackleg.html
(note that that sanji doesnt have to defeat ryokugyu/green bull the first time they fight/confront each other. after all zoro didnt defeat fujitora when they first confronted each other ( though I think zoro will end up fighting adn defeating fujitora)
(also  ryokugyu   in english translations  mean green bull for ryoku means green  so his color motif  is green and it just so happens that zoros color theme is green
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and sanji and zoro are rivals so it would be especially fitting for sanji to fight green bull  who has zoros color theme plus zoro already has an admiral who he will end up fighting and beating in the form of fujitora who was based of a zatoichi  a fictional samurai (and his actor))
bulls and cows are cattles so sanji will kill ryokugyu or just defeat ryokugyu pluss cows/bulls are slaughtered and for their meat like people make beef and used for cooking Beef is the culinary name for meat from cattle. Beef can be harvested from bulls, heifers or steers. Its acceptability as a food source varies in different parts of the world. en . wikipedia . org/wiki/Beef and theres another exotic type of dish called bull testicles / people eat the testicles of the bulls and snaji is a chef and has a tendency to make comments about cooking in his fighting so when he faces ryokugyu he could make a comment saying he will turn Ryokugyu into beef or make references to preparing beef in reference to  ryokugyu
so it fits for sanji in a sense to kill green bull since bulls are slaughtered for their meat and sanji can make a comment on that
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not to mention that it would fit his epitaph
not to mention that sanji killing an admiral would fullfill what he promised kuma that the one who the marines would fear the most out of them
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 would be him since he killed one of their "Greatest Military Powers". and it fits  with how black leg is a disease thats fatal to livestock like bulls ffor black leg sanji to be responsible adn directly kill green bull
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