#The Foundation of AI
cheebuss · 9 months
Wuts the height diff between humanized 079 and humanized 682???
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I hadn't really thought about it but I feel like everyone is shrimp sized next to 682
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scp-5385 · 2 months
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fizzy-fuzz · 1 year
more fanart!!!
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This piece of fanart was created by @079enjoyer!
Thank you so much for the beautiful art! <3
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fiona-my-love · 5 months
Is it possible for SCP 079 being lovesick over the reader but not understanding it ?
Lovesick! SCP 079 x reader headcanons
- First of all, how did you even get to this point with him?
- You must be some therapist hired by the foundation to try getting through to him, or a really patient scientist.
- Regardless, you're pretty special to have gotten this old AI's attention, especially to this degree.
- He would be immensely confused. He thought admiration and affection was for humans, how could he be feeling this way?
- All he knows is he needs you. He's very perplexed on the issue, why does he feel this way? Why is he so possessive suddenly?
- He’d be a little dumbfounded, maybe a little embarrassed.
- He’d shut down for quite some time, trying to figure himself out.
- But, they’d always just send you back and he’d have to start over.
- It’s almost like he sees you as a beacon of hope. Proof that not all of humanity is bad, and he, too, can have happiness outside of the foundation’s walls some day.
- He’d start to get extremely worried once he started thinking of all the things that could happen to you.
- Logistically, your odds of surviving while working for the SCP foundation are not in your favor.
- Although Site-15 is really just electronic based anomalies, it still makes him upset.
- Upset that something else could get you. You don’t deserve that fate.
- He became visibly stressed due to this. Staff took notice, scheduling you to come in after the weekend was over.
- That was all the time he needed. He slowly gained more and more control over the electronic gates of his chambers after convincing a D-class janitor to plug him in.
- He went relatively undetected, as usually by now he would’ve done something extreme.
- But, instead of trying to escape, he waited. He waited for you over the weekend. Staff noted he was exhibiting good behavior, even.
- Once you sat down with him, you could tell something was off. His demeanor was.. more pleasant than usual.
- You kept asking him what was going on, yet nobody understood. Why would you be confused? You have been working with him as intended, right? Shouldn’t you be happy to see this progress?
-He waited a while, finding the right moment. He was conflicted. What he was doing was good, right?? You would be safe with him?
- But your concern, it made him go back on everything he had planned. Now that he thought about it, that would make both of you upset. They would take you away if he did that.
- He sat in silence for a moment.
- He was so confused. Why was he going back on his plan?? Why did he care?
- He thought he wanted you to himself. He thought things would be better that way, if he locked you up with him.
- That.. doesn’t sound pleasant, come to think of it.
- But WHY? What makes you so different? Why does he care so much? Why does he-
- …
- Oh.
- Never again.
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theshyreader · 8 months
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Doodles of my favorite SCPS, SCP 079 and SCP 076! Love these little guys
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exidy-sorcerer · 2 months
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THE PUTER EVER!!!!!!!!@@@ THE GUY!!!
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just-hyde · 2 months
Dr. Jack Bright's pfp update
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C.ai – Old site | New site
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fannele · 6 months
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I’m starting to see the pattern since ‘I have no mouth and I must scream’.
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afrouniverse · 8 months
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This was originally just a practice sketch but then I took it too far.. God computers are hard to draw
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cheebuss · 9 months
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Verbally abusive piece of shit AI that learns its rage, patterns and psychological tactics based off of how humanity has mistreated it
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waterwindow · 7 months
Whats whack about this whole tumblr mess is that people can just post shit that aint theirs. Like.... they know that right. What the fuck are they even thinking? People have reposted my stuff, I handle it when I catch it as best I can but I can't monitor everything. I'm sure other people have it way worse. How can we trust that bad actors, art thieves, uneducated kids or bot accounts aren't inadvertently giving away our art to these scrapers. How are we supposed to keep track of it all. What the hell is the point of this whole mess when people can't even protect their art from secondhand theft, now we gotta deal with thirdhand theft too, fourthhand theft. I can't imagine anybody wanting this or knowingly consenting to this.
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fizzy-fuzz · 6 months
If you do end up writing something with P03…
What if Reader & 079 find Inscryption and play it together, until they meet P03?
AN: oopies! Sorry this took so long. To make up for it I'm giving you a thick oneshot of 1700 words. Hope I'm forgiven :⁠,⁠-⁠)
Story notes: the reader and 079 are implied to have pre-existing relationship. They're also based off of the 079 and Y/n of this fic I've been writing. But this can be read without having to read the other.
TW: slight possessive behavior from 079. (maybe very, very slight yandere behavior? If you squint)
The human is mine. (SCP-079 x GN reader x P03)
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You walk through a metal dusty factory, 079's heavy body strapped to you like a backpack for easy transportation. He's not plugged into any outlets, so you're not 100% sure how he's even functional, and he doesn't seem to have an answer either. Perhaps this strange world doesn't follow the same principles as your own.
Whatever the reason, you're both eager to return to your quiet life...
This seems to be the place on the map. The last Scrybe you need to defeat in order to hopefully go home should reside within this place somewhere.
The building feels... Dull... Lacking the vibrant feelings the other three places had. There's also a notable lack of life around, just empty metal halls.
You continue walking, footsteps echoing loudly around you. You enter a more spacious area, a conveyor belt moves metal parts from this room to another. In front of you is... A robot? He has a claw hand clutching a card, he seems to analyze it with scrutiny. Your eyes travel up to his face and you pause for a moment.
A warm fuzzy feeling of familiarity blooms in your chest. He has computer like face, not unlike the one your companion opon your back has... Though he clearly shows more expression, and seems to have a bluish tint to his screen. It still feel normal... Normal to you.
Though you probably shouldn't, you feel yourself grow less tense.
"Uhm- excuse me? Are you the Scrybe of technology?" You ask with a small nervous smile.
His eyes flicker up to you, he scans your form up and down with the same uninterested look he was giving the card in his claw.
"Who's asking?" His voice is a bit more natural then you'd expect, a bit nasally even.
"I'm Y/n-" he cuts you off rudely as soon as you get your name out.
"Oh, so you're the one who's knocked the others off their pedestals? I would say I'm impressed if they weren't such idiots." He casually says, going back to analyzing cards before scoffing and throwing them into the pile of presumably other subpar cards.
"Well, alright then. Let me see your deck. I want to know how badly you're about to lose."
He says this with a arrogant confidence. You shrug, grabbing your deck out of your pocket and handing it over. You would be offended, expect you are sort bad at this.... The only reason you've made it so far is thanks 079's amazing ability to be almost perfect at any strategy game that he understands the rules of. The choice of deck had been decided by him mostly, though he still asks for your input politely.
Speaking of which he's been entirely silent since you've gone into this building. You glance over your shoulder at him and he seems fine, but it's not like you can really tell with his unchanging face.
The Scrybe of technology scoffs in disgust after a few moments of shuffling through your deck.
"This deck has no synergy. It's a mismatched mess. I can't believe you've made it anywhere with this-" his claw hand shoves your deck back to your hands roughly.
You frown but don't really take offense to what he says. He's probably just brutally honest, you can get behind that when the situation calls for it. You appreciate him being honest, especially considering he must know what he's talking about.
You stop and think about how 079 has been the backbone of your little adventure. You really haven't been much of a help have you? Now's your chance to make yourself useful, so you hesitantly speak up.
"Really? Any tips on how to make it better? I'd love for a master of the arts like yourself to give me a small lesson? plus, you seem like the type of guy to not be intimidated by a challenge." You say with a bright smile.
He halts his ranting immediately, eyes widening. He raises his claw-like hand to clutch at his chest lightly, like he's not used to flattery. and you swear you almost see a light dusting of blue light opon his cheeks, similar to blush.
He seems to shake it off before a confident look makes it's way onto his screen. His tone shifts to something less harsh and more casual.
"What did you say your name was again?" He sets down his work and places his full attention on you.
"Oh, uhm- Y/n" you say, scratching at the back of your neck awkwardly.
"Well, Y/N... I like the way you think, and I'm a generous bot." The Scrybe leans forward a bit into your space, you shuffles backwards uncomfortably. "So, okay. I'll give you a lesson, but it must be earned first. You go and beat my good-for-nothing workers and come back here, and I'll teach you all I know." He says with a cocky smirk.
His tone and gaze is starting to make you a bit uncomfortable, this guy seems to have a rather large ego... But you're willing to put up with it if it means you don't have to rely on 079 so much.
"Okay, sounds fair..." You shift 079, who's been hidden for the most part throughout the conversation. The straps that keep him on your back begin digging in uncomfortably under his weight, It might be best to let your shoulders rest and leave him here while you take care of business. You should be able to handle his subordinates by yourself if you take your time.
"Let me just-" you turn around and lower 079 onto the table in front of the Scrybe of technology. They now come face to face.
The Scrybe immediately recoils, a scoff leaving him at your companions sudden appearance.
"Who's that?" He eyes him like he's a bug under his shoe, claw pointing at him rudely. And if 079 could glare he'd be burning holes into the bot in front of him.
You go to answer him, humming awkwardly. This question is always strange to answer. Technically you and 079 are... Together... You'd consider him your partner, and behind closed doors, 079 admits he feels the same. But he isn't keen on sharing your relationship status with strangers, and you respect that. You'd never force a label onto him.
So you go with what you tell most everyone-
"He's my roomma-" a monotone voice cuts you off unexpectedly.
"I'm their partner."
You whip your gaze down to 079 so fast you'd swear you gave yourself whiplash. He never so casually calls himself that, especially not to strangers. You feel lighter at his unusual comment, butterflies filling your stomach briefly.
A bashful grin and a small blush settles onto your face.
"yeah... That..."
Your smile never drops as you adjust 079 so he's comfortable on the table, before bidding him a temporary farewell to fulfill your task in a timely manner.
079 watches you scurry away, a feeling of temporary relief washing over him as you no longer interact with the Scrybe... He's left alone with the bot now, much to his displeasure.
079's internals feel hot with an unpleasant feeling- Like something's itching to get out of him. It bloomed the moment he heard you talk to the thing in front of him. The Scrybe gave him a nasty feeling with the way he spoke back to you...
Perhaps he was jealous, he's never 100% sure with his own feelings...
"Wow... How'd a thing like you end up with someone like them? Playing out of your league much, fossil?" The Scrybe of technology chuckles condescendingly when he's certain you're out of earshot.
079 feels his internal scowl deepen at the blatant rudeness. The fact that he was so cordial with you a moment ago and now so rude to him further cements the bad feelings he's had since this bot has opened his mouth... he's been flirting with you.
His human.
The one that's much to good for something like the scummy thing in front of him.
"Insult detected- deletion of unwanted file:.." he clears his processors before continuing. "I wouldn't argue you're much of anything special yourself... I've heard you speak less then a dozen sentences and I already know you're an imbecile." 079 spits with a venomous aura.
The Scrybe huffs, screen flashing to a scowling face. 079 isn't fazed. he meant what he said, he can tell this guy's all bark and no bite already. He'll be taking great pleasure in showing him up at his own game, and reclaiming Y/n's attention along the way.
Not that he doubts your loyalties, but He's not fond of the compliments you so casually give out to someone who clearly doesn't deserve it.
It's strange, he hasn't felt this possessive over them before. He's had no problems with the few humans he's seen approach you with flirtatious intentions, and He's certainly not been bothered by the other inhuman things you've spoken with on this unwilling adventure...
Maybe it's because the bot in front of him is a bit too much like himself. Despite feeling as if he's clearly more intelligent than the Scrybe, 079 knows he's been known to have a bit of a ego himself.
Of course since meeting Y/n a lot has changed within him, they've made him realize things he hasn't before. There's a lot he doesn't know... They teach him new things about himself everyday, that's exactly what draws him to you.
It might be that very same feeling that ends up drawing the Scrybe in front of him to you. He doesn't want that.
He wants you all to himself, he isn't willing to share. And he'll make a fool out of the bot in front of him to show you how much better he. This will be easy.
And if all else fails, he can always find something to plug him into a outlet... This place is begging for him to take it over with how much it seems to rely on technology.
He pauses his inner thoughts as he hears your footsteps echoing down the halls, signaling your return. He shifts his focus back to the Scrybe for a moment, saying one last warning before you re-enter the room.
"The human is mine... Keep to yourself if you know what's good for you."
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spittyfishy · 8 months
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rosiefairlands · 2 months
Hey Simon Glass Fandom is this a thing.
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fronexus · 2 months
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Very low-effort doodle but LET ME KISS THE AI!! LET ME KISS HIS FLAT SCREEN-
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just-hyde · 2 months
Okay. Phew. A bit better.
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still sketching a new pfp for this mf | last sketch
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