#The Bell Family (TS2)
llama-simblr · 7 months
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The Bell Family (1/?)
(+ Baby Steve was born!)
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specter-dollhouse · 2 years
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ballet class in Desiderata Valley
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lurking-lilibeth · 1 year
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Free time and unusual cravings.
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riverblossom-valley · 7 months
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Desiderata Valley portion of Riverblossom Valley at the end of rounds 6 & 7 - updated family bios to come!
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gummilutt · 8 months
250 followers Custom Memory Bonanza
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It's finally time! To thank all you lovely people for your support, I have been working hard to get this ready for upload and here we are. Today I am sharing my custom memory object, and my library of a whopping 201 custom memories. Based on the wonderful Tattered Diary by DiLight over on MTS, and the tutorial she shared of how to make your own custom memories.
I've always cared a lot about memories, to me they tell the story of the Sims life. Some of you from MTS may recall when I did the whole several year rebuild of my hood, replicating every last detail of the original. I'm memory crazy, okay? And when DiLight gave me the power to make my own, I may have gone a tad overboard. Or just the right amount, you get to decide :P DiLight taught me most of what I know about making custom memories, and the base BHAVs are from her, but as I've learned more I've added some bells and whistles that I hope you will enjoy. It's a new clone and separate GUID from the original tutorial object set up by DiLight, so if you have your own you can have mine too without issues :) Found in misc/misc, costs 1 simoleon.
Download on simfileshare
Features - Brand new form, created by me. Resized BV photo album with new mapping and new texture (seen above, in game pictures at the end of this post). I wanted something that was uniquely mine, and that you don't necessarily have to hide away in the attic or under the foundation. If you don't like it, you also have some additional model forms you can switch between through the pie menu. - Adaptable dynamic menu. Thanks to a really neat trick from @picknmixsims the menu reflects the memories you put in your downloads. If no file with the correct guid is found, the option for it won't show. Which means that although I am crazy enough to have 201, you can go ahead and only pick your favorite ones and the object will automatically detect and adapt the menu to that selection. - Memories all have a custom icon, that's made from game icons from TS2 or TS3. Some I am quite proud of, some are admittedly not great. Not everything is easy to convey through game icons, but I've tried my best, I hope the effort shows. 5 memories have icons that are not from the game, but I tried to match them to the aesthetic as best I could. - Memory subject menu shows only relevant age groups. For example, if the memory is about having a baby, only baby/toddler Sims will show as options. Goal being to keep menu as concise as possible. If you wish to assign memories retroactively, please see jonasn's excellent Memory Commander object, which has support to add my custom memories without age limitations. As well as a whole lot of other useful memory-related stuff. - Extensive documentation detailing everything you may need to know about the memories (text, icon, background, who can get it, who they can get it about, repeatability, where to find it on the object) to help you select the ones you want for your game, and familiarize yourself with them. - English and Swedish translations of memories, and object menu. If someone wants to add their language, that would be great but it's a lot of work so I don't expect it. You are welcome to share your translated versions directly if you wish, or you can send them to me for me to update files shared here :) If you want to learn how to translate the files directly, Episims has a great tutorial found here.
Examples of types of custom memories included - Extended family members memories (got cousin, got aunt/uncle, got sibling, got twin sibling, got great grandchild, got stepparent, got stepchild) - Birth related memories (pregnancy, becoming parent, late in life parent, had multiples birth, premature baby) - Marriage related memories (divorce, parental divorce, custody things, alimony) - Relationship related memories (fighting, breakups, additional love memories) - Woohoo related (memories for specific woohoo locations, repeatable generic woohoo/public woohoo) - University degree related (declared major memories, got a minor degree memories, got a major degree memories, for remembering having studied multiple things and being able to see what major your Sim chose without looking at their diploma) - Loan related, for remembering taking and paying off loans of different types - Moving memories (first apartment, child moves out, various memories for sims moving in with others) - Kids related (child's first day in school, got their own pet, nursery rhyme, giving up for adoption, living at orphanage)
Mods automating delivery of my CC memories (more to come) Learned nursery rhyme from - Found here, by me Wrote restaurant guide - Found here, part of jonasn "Novel Writing Improvements" mod
Credits: DiLight, @picknmixsims, @morepopcorn, @latmosims, @joplayingthesims, maxon, @keoni-chan. For detailed info on how they all impacted the creation of this, see readme :) Policy: Give credit to DiLight, beyond that, totally open. Enjoy!
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guessimate · 15 days
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Hello everyone... We are starting round VIII today and Sims 2 is turning 20 this week. Happy birthday, TS2! I'm really glad we still have so many active mod creators who make my gameplay possible. Thank you everyone. I'm going to be honest, without mods I prefer TS3.
Sadly, the ROS for the Tia family was quite unfortunate and not a reason to celebrate at all. I even wanted to delay this scenario till next round, but decided against this idea in the end. I really don't want my sims to die in every post, but this death also led me to add new sims and a new 'region' to my game, so something good did come out of it...
I started the round by adding the Garas family to my town (you can see them in the previous post). It is quite funny, but when I rolled the ROS for the new family, the scenario I got was to add sims, so fate clearly wanted me to add some new blood too. The first part of this post describes me playing the Garas family. There really isn't much, but you can get to know them a little bit.
It turned out very quickly that Sosen's one true hobby was Cuisine and she was really obsessed with it. She wanted to skill up all the way to level 4 and she liked serving bread and grandma's comfort soup to everyone all the time. Also, for some reason Sosen really didn't like her little brother, even after she taught him the nursery rhyme.
Her father Phaesi wanted to work in the Business career (which I have default replaced now so it's more like a career for merchants). But the career didn't appear in the paper, and he really wasn't merchant class (probably yeoman at most?). He also rolled a want to get a robot station as well as a toy station, so he will probably end up becoming a blacksmith of sorts. I think having something to do with metal makes sense for people whose surname means bell ringer.
I am not taxing the Garases because they just moved in and they needed a dowry immediately. By MCC rules it would be 800$ for yeoman dowry, but since it's ToT it's going to be 1000$ dowry for a plebeian marrying into a patrician family.
Sosen and Zephaniah met at the bathhouse (they met through a 'changing screen' and I thought it looked hilarious, as if it was some blind date).
Peregrina, Tias' servant, was part of the welcome wagon, so I used it as a pretext to summon Zephaniah over to Sosen's temporary home. {Yes, I placed down the Garas family in a pyramid for now, even though I knew that it made no sense, but I liked using the pyramid as a decoration}.
Sosen's dad Phaesi met her beloved and his dad Zet and he made friends with both of them so that the young lovers' union would be blessed. I played the Garases for ~3 days, after which Sosen was moved in with the Tias. I know the time isn't perfectly synced for all of them, but at least it was Wednesday on both lots when I left 'Sim Egypt'.
Sosen got pregnant and her baby will be totally healthy. Hooray because Zephaniah doesn't have much time left... He was unwell last round, but this time a really deadly ROS got him. Zephaniah was originally supposed to live till his elderly years and I really wanted him to at least pass on his genes.
The baby is a girl, and unfortunately, Sosen dies due to complications really bad birth rolls. Because Zephaniah also dies, the newlyweds are dying together, and I'm going to say it's because their organisms couldn't stand the journey between the two 'countries' (or Sosen's body couldn't accommodate fast enough).
While I don't care it's a baby girl, and not a baby boy, what it means is there is noone left to pass on the Tia last name. Tane's surname is not Tia, but Siew. So technically this family (name) will 'die down'. It didn't survive the test of time. To be honest I don't really mind it, because I have another family with a very similar name (Tian), even if they are not related at all yet.
I named the baby Demiana. She's a Sagittarius: 4 Sloppy (like mom), 2 Shy (less outgoing than both parents), 7 Active (like dad), 9 Playful (like dad), and 6 Nice (like mom). She has blue eyes and blond hair like her grandfather Zet. I believe she inherited her mother's cheekbones and she's not going to be the most beautiful sim ever but that's fine.
Rana aged up and she's a Popularity sim. She aged up when she was already on her period, but I think something went wrong because she didn't get the memory, so I guess that didn't count, which is fine. She is in no rush to get married.
Tane is a Pleasure sim (like his mom was).
His younger sister Sen is a Knowledge sim. She aged up at the very end of the round. Sen has 9 Creativity points (she wants to max it out) and only 1 Charisma. She's supposed to max both these skills out before she is allowed to marry the emperor, so it might take a while...
Rana and Tane got a joint birthday party again, but Sen (and baby Demiana) didn't, partly because it was a workday and Zet was not home.
On the night when Rana and Tane aged up Jonah's ghost showed himself. He claimed 2 lives before I sent him to the graveyard (technically only Sosen died instantly, of fright, and Zephaniah died of starvation).
I really need to play the Siews again because the siblings have caught up to their aunt Yune's age...
I didn't mention it before, but I needed to move Peregrina and her baby out when I moved Sosen in so she could have her baby. After the newlyweds sadly passed away, I moved the servant back in, so that she would take care of the babies, and help the family take care of the mess Jonah's ghost left. Sims who died of drowning really are the worst.
Zet Tia got promoted and he wanted to learn a skill, so I had him work on what he needed for his last promotion (before I would give him the job stopinator). On the very next day he got promoted again, for the final time, and now he's Gentleman of the Bedchamber, earning 1008$ a day. I know by the rules 1000$ is the salary cap for them, but that's good enough for me.
Zet earned 861$ + 1722$, then 1008$ + 2016$ promotion bonus. And on the last day of the round he got a regular paycheck of 1008$, bringing him to the total of 6615$. This is definitely the most he will ever earn per season. From now on he will only be getting his daily pay of 1008$.
They are paying:
3000$ - rent
662$ - tax (10%)
662$ - tithe
= 4323$ total, rounded down to 4300$. There is 30,280$ in town's funds now. And I have actually already added a new community lot I really shouldn't have, but it's just a beach lot with a pier... I should really build a temple instead.
They also got a 1000$ dowry, but I don't tax that. I could maybe make them pay a wedding fee, but it's not like they had a ceremony on a community lot or anything. I will probably make them pay a big burial fee when I move Sosen and Zephaniah's graves to the cemetery, because I had to make the Tias' part of the graveyard bigger...
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gummifish · 1 year
I still have the same laptop as before, I just tweaked some things and freed up a lot of space, so hopefully TS3 will run better :). Honestly, I really tried with TS2 but it takes so much effort to get running and I just missed the Bells lmao. I have a bunch of screenshots to share but I lost my notes about the family’s developments (I think we have at least one more Baby Bell in Twinbrook, and a surprise added onto the main household ;)). I haven’t actually touched the game in about six months, so I’ll have to go in and see what the fuss is all about :). I hope you’ve all been doing well & I’m so excited to get back into playing and checking out all your blogs and stories ♥.
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aorticsims · 9 months
something random I’ve noticed within the TS2 neighbourhoods, especially the base game hoods, is that they seem to have the same couple townie tropes: e.g. the serial romancer, the loyal lovey dovey couple, the two kid premades who always get paired up romantically, etc.
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I made this table showcasing which townies i think would fit under each trope.
The bin families have been included in their respective worlds.
Goneril and Albany Capp could easily be replaced with Regan and Cornwall Capp
Alexandra Teatherton could easily replace Stella Roth, but also in the case where the player decides that Stella and Morty stay loyal to each other.
Samantha and Peter could also replace the Ramaswami’s if the player chooses not to play Peter as a serial romancer.
The Picasos could easily replace Edward and Opal Contrary.
Hannah Bell, Issac Bell, Elizabeth Aspir and Victor Aspir, could also replace the Contraries, but because of their previous romances, I didn’t include them.
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nerdyth · 3 years
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Here is my first Desiderata House make over! This is the Bell house.This one took me so long to do but I’m very happy with the finished result. Downstairs we have the kitchen, dining room, living room, Sharon’s bedroom (the red one) and Hannah’s dance studio. I want her to start a home business with this. I saw Dramatisim do it in her Desiderata LP and I absolutely loved the idea! Upstairs we have Hannah and Issac’s bedroom as well as their son Daniel’s room. There is also 3 bathrooms in the house with one downstairs, one upstairs and an en-suite (plus a tiny all in one bathroom in the dance studio)
Also I don’t know if I mentioned it, but all my Desiderata/Riverblossom hood posts will be tagged as Desiderata Hills if you want to keep track of them :) 
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beines · 3 years
Ringing a Bell
The Bell family:
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suratan-zir · 4 years
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1050 East Leisure Lane (Bell household) makeover
As always, all the budget was spent on flowers exterior, leaving virtually nothing for the actually important things. But who needs a shower or decent bed, when you can have bushes and rocks?  
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simlish-savvy · 4 years
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sixth up in the rotation is the Bell-Contrary household: ~ first picture is Donovan Bell ~ second row: Astrid (Aspir) Contrary, Sirius Bell, and Juliet Bell ~ third row: Celeste Bell and Grace and John Contrary (twins)
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lurking-lilibeth · 1 year
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William says they should get new stuff for themselves, and so off Nervous goes to a clothing store. He establishes new connections, some good, some not so much, and of course, can't resist a hex or two.
Nervous: What a nice six-pack you have there. It would be such a shame if something... were to happen to it.
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Seen in town: Newton Bell being hopelessly (literally) charmed by Zoe Ottomas. Sorry, Newt, she's already taken and likes girls.
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riverblossom-valley · 8 months
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family portraits at the end of Desiderata Valley's rotation
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beanstalk-sims · 3 years
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One household became two! Sharon & Thomas moved down to an apartment near the seafront. Despite the unexpected pregnancy, the family was rather chill and drama-free to play, which was nice <3
Next up: the Contrary family!
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Hannah spinning her son Daniel
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