#The Case of the Parolee
kwebtv · 1 month
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From the Golden Age of Television
Series Premiere
Public Defender - The Case of the Parolee - CBS - March 11, 1954
Crime Drama
Running Time: 30 minutes
Written by Howard J. Green
Produced by
Directed by Erle C. Kenton
Reed Hadley as Bart Matthew
Chris Drake as Mark Collins
Mary Ellen Kay as Alice Parker
Douglas Fowley as Fred Davis
Fay Roope as Mr. Marshall
John Close as Hamlon
George Lloyd as Bartender
Snub Pollard as Barfly
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vampirologist · 1 year
this passage from the textbook in my deviance soc class….. I used the concept of the replacement self in my angel essay as I feel like it really elaborates part of the relationship between angel and angelus
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crybaby-bkg · 3 months
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Getou Suguru x f!reader Warnings: smut, ex con getou, cult leader getou, parole officer reader, abuse of authority, unprotected sex, riding, gum swapping, spit as lube, a couple gentle face slaps, mention of drugs. please let me know if I missed anything!! Word Count: 4.1k Minors/blank/ageless blogs DNI! Also available on Ao3!
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Getou Suguru was an odd case for you, different compared to the other ex-cons you’re usually in charge of. You would get the occasional murderer, or arsonist, or drug addict who did stupid shit and landed themselves behind bars. But you had never been in charge of such an…infamous parolee. 
He was a cult leader, though he never actually claimed that his organization was a cult itself. He always used this roundabout type of language when he was in court being questioned for his charges—money laundering through his organization. You use the term lightly, because if judging by the way his workers acted during the trial, with such admiration and devotion in their eyes, it couldn’t be labeled as anything but cultish. 
Somehow, the attractive felon was only sentenced to sixteen months in prison. His workers and supporters fussed and hollered at the sound of that, earning a few of them their own charges for disorderly conduct in the courtroom. But he—he was cool faced the entire time. Only nodded his head once when delivered his sentencing, put his hands behind his back without a fight, an easy smile on his face as he was walked out, a wink sent to the supporters who sobbed at the sight of him. 
He did his time well, you heard through the grapevine from your CO friends. Said he received tons of mail everyday, always had money on his books, and anyone who tried stepping to him always ended up in the infirmary just days later. (Though, he never had a trace of blood on him; never had scarred knuckles or bruises or anything. You had theorized with the CO’s that he somehow kickstarted another cult in the prison, too.) 
When he was released, you heard that there was this whole shebang about the ordeal. That his workers showed up, deep in numbers, with signs and cries of his name. They argued over who would be taking him to his new home, but you heard they all sobbed when he told them that he’d be driving himself and would stay there at the new house—alone. 
The house looks a bit like shit though, you think to yourself as you stand outside of it. Getou had visited you the day after he got out to get his paperwork sorted, what his parole consisted of for the next four years, acquainted himself with you, and the like. He looked the same as when he was in court, that was broadcasted on the news, the same as when he was publicly arrested, the same as when his followers would post videos of him and his infamous speeches. (For the greater good, was his motto. It sounded more like; do whatever is necessary for my satisfaction.)
You think they’re all shit. A scam meant to prey on the little people who have no direction in life. It doesn’t help that he’s attractive; has a tall build, seemingly lanky until he unfurls his shoulders, can find muscle peeking from under his usually baggy clothes, kind eyes that draw an innocent in, midnight black hair that has only grown longer since his time in prison. You can admit that he’s pretty, and you believe that that’s some of the allure that brings so many vulnerable, easy to manipulate people to damn near bowing down to the man. 
Well, not you. You weren’t that fuckin’ stupid nor desperate nor weak willed. If anything, you’d have the once powerful man eating from the palm of your hands. Besides, he has to listen to everything you say and command him to do, lest he want to go back to his cell for the rest of his probation time. 
You think you’re gonna have some fun with him. 
You bang your fist on the door far too hard for it to be so early in the morning. You assumed one of his lackeys would come running, greeting you with a huff and their nose stuck in the air, even though he promised it would only be him living in the house. But you’re surprised by the presence of Getou Suguru himself. 
He opens the door fully, his eyes closed as he smiles softly at you, breathing your name out quietly. He towers over you, feels like he looms over your head, and you can’t tell if its intentional. When you first met him, you were both sitting, but now—unless its all in your head—it feels like he’s trying to assert himself in some way. Like he’s trying to placate you with his disarming smile, but his posture tells you everything but. He notices the same time you do, and relaxes against the openness of the door, folding his arms across his chest, body adorned in a matching dull gray sweater and sweatpants. You try not to look down. 
“Good morning, officer,” he greets you, head tilting to the side, and you notice his hair is loose from the usual bun he adorned. “Can I ask the reason for your visit this fine Tuesday morning?” 
His voice is like silk, must have some kind of charm imbued into it, you think to yourself. You twist your mouth this way and that, eyebrows furrowed as you take all of him in. (Yes, even between his legs, but you make the glance quick. He seems to notice, anyway, and smiles a little wider at you.) 
“Just doing a house check.” You nod your head to the humble abode he stands in, looks more like some dull shack that you would’ve never expected him to stay in. He was known for liking the finer things in life. “Since it’s a new property that was brought while you were incarcerated by one of your followers, I need to do a thorough inspection.” 
Well, you didn’t have to. But you figured that it wouldn’t hurt, and he didn’t seem like the type of guy who would cry about you not following the rules exactly how you should. You just wanted to drop in and make sure that he wouldn’t be running another scam in the house, nor supplied any kind of weaponry. 
“Also gonna need you to piss in a cup for me.” You expect for him to argue, as he should. That wasn’t a special condition for him, as he never had any kind of charges brought up on drugs, despite there being an inkling that he kept them supplied for his followers. But he only huffs a little laugh at you, head tilting this way and that until locks of his hair cover his dark eyes. 
“That’s no problem at all, officer.” Getou says easily, another smile gracing his face as he swings the door open wider for you to come in. It makes you give pause, but you don’t let him stump you. After all, you were the one in charge here. 
So you strut inside like you own the place, the gum you had pushed to the corner of your mouth finding its place between your molars again as you chew loudly. You cross your arms over your chest, eyes narrowing when you turn to watch Getou shut the door behind you, his gaze dropping down for a second before they meet your own again. 
“Parole officers don’t wear uniforms?” He inquires, hands shoved in his pockets as he slouches slightly in front of you. You roll your eyes at him, motioning for him to show you around the house with a grunt. 
“Did you see me in a uniform while in my office?” You snark at him, not giving him anytime to answer before you speak again. “Show me where you sleep, parolee.” You spit the term out, a reminder of his place; beneath you. He only looks at you with eyes so dark you fear they may be blacker than night, before they’re shaded by another lock of his hair. He doesn’t say anything, just strolls on casually away from you, heading down a long hallway with a few doors on each side. 
“No followers live here like they do at the other compound?” You ask him, hand on your weapon in case anybody tried any magic tricks while you strolled behind him. Getou huffs a chuckle under his breath, looking at you from over his shoulder as he stops at the last door at the end of the hallway. 
“Compound?” He questions, as if the very thought of that word makes absolutely no sense. “You mean the group home I brought for my workers, as most of them were unhoused?” You roll your eyes at him, waving a dismissive hand as you push past him to open the door. 
“Cult, not cult. House, compound for said cult. Same thing.” You mutter under your breath, peaking your head in before you fully enter. You glance over your shoulder when you feel Getou’s presence entirely too close behind you, but he only sends you another one of those calm smiles. It feels everything but calm though, with that glint in his eyes that tells you everything you need to know about the man. 
Gods, you can’t wait to fuckin’ break him. 
You walk slowly around the room, placing your feet in front of the other with unhurried steps. Your chin is held high, as if the place disgusts you, even though he keeps his space notably clean. The only strewn thing in the room are the covers, barely ruffled, as if he had roused them when he got up to meet you at the door. 
You peak in his closet, under his mattress, behind a few things on the dresser. You don’t find anything until you open the little black nightstand beside his bed, a sudden throb making your thighs clench at the sight of a pocket pussy, and a box of extra large condoms sitting beside them. 
“You aren’t hiding any drugs in this thing, are ya?” You mumble to him, picking up the toy with the tip of your index finger and thumb, though the weight of it almost makes you drop it. It even feels ghastly warm, as if he had just been holding the thing…close to him, before you made him open the door. 
Getou only laughs at you, placing a hand on the middle of his stomach, his eyes closed in mirth. He seems to be mocking you though, with the low gaze he sends you when his little fit ends, how his fist curls into the soft fabric of his sweatshirt. He tilts his head at you, eyes sliding between your own and the toy that you hold, a clear, sticky substance still oozing from the hole. 
“Not to my knowledge, no.” Getou shakes his head, as he leans against the dresser closest to you. “No drugs, officer. Just the usual stuff that goes inside that kinda thing.” He’s sly, with his mouth pulled tight and his gaze locked on you like a predator. But you’ve never been prey, and you wouldn’t start that shit now. 
You drop the toy on the middle of his bed, sending him a faux shrug when you watch the thing dribble out whatever he must’ve left inside of it. You try not to act bothered, try not to size up just how deep he got into the toy, because based on how low you saw it hang through his sweats earlier, there was no way that toy was taking every inch. 
You plop down on the bed, ignore the toy rolling toward you from the added weight, sitting your bag down beside you. You rummage through it for a few seconds before you pull out a clear cup with a white top, leaning back on one hand as you offer the cup to Getou. 
“Well, now that my inspection is done, its time for the next step: piss in this cup for me, parolee.” You tell him with a sarcastic grin, one that he only faintly smiles at. He stands on the other side of the room, taking all of you in for a moment; the cup dangling from your fingers, your crossed thighs that you keep trying to subtly clench, the pocket pussy oozing precum on the hip of your jeans, your eyes trying to stay above his neck. 
Getou smiles at you. Crossing the room in only a few short strides, he goes to pluck the cup out of your hand, willing to play your little game, but you don’t let go. He pauses, one of his eyebrows raising in question, his cold fingers grazing your own as you both hold the plastic. You quirk your own eyebrow at him, before a sly smirk crosses your face. 
“You gotta do it right here, while I hold the cup.” You whisper to him, grin growing Cheshire when his eyebrows twitch only a hair. “Precautionary measures, and all.” You shrug, head resting back on your shoulder, your position entirely too relaxed for what you’re trying to make him do. But Getou composes himself quickly, his grip loosening on the cup as he cocks his head ever so slightly. 
“Is that so?”
“I fear it is.” You hum, twisting your mouth a little to the side, as if your made up rules disappoint you. Getou plays into it though, as he finally releases the cup, shoving his hands into his pockets as takes a single step away from you. 
“Well, it looks like you’ll have to come back later to retrieve your sample.” He says, looking down his nose at you, lips twitching at the corner. It makes your own mouth pull down slightly, trying to gauge what game he’s playing at, keep the control solely in your corner. You slit your eyes at him, clear cup still held out in between the two of you. 
“And why is that, parolee?” You lower your voice, eyes narrowing at the now grinning man, his shoulders hiked up to his ears in an over exaggerated shrug. 
“Well, most people can’t piss when they’re hard.” He says softly. Your eyes instantly shoot down to between his legs, at the now very obvious erection tenting the fabric. You’re not sure how you hadn’t noticed beforehand, but its kind of hard to miss now, with how he takes a step forward again. The thickness of it twitches at your wide eyed stare, and you can even see a little spot beading with precum through the gray fabric. 
The silence between the both of you is thick, heavy with tension, unsure of the other’s next moves. But you smile at him, throwing the cup to the other side of the room, as you splay your hands on his bed, leaning back on them, body open and inviting. 
“It looks like I’ll just have to get a sample of something else instead, then.” You shrug, still trying to hold on to being carefree and in charge. But Getou can see the want in your eyes, and practically pounces on top of you when you crook a single finger at him. 
He hovers over you, touching you and not all at once. He lingers, his mouth skimming yours, his erection just barely resting against where you need him most. He smiles, his palms splayed beside your head, his eyes teasing you. 
“Take what you want, officer. I’m in no place to refuse you.” Getou whispers, gaze as charming as his cock that spills precum through the thick fabric onto your jeans. He doesn’t have to tell you twice, as you hook a leg over his thigh and flip him until you’re on top without any complaints from him. 
If anything, the fucker just grins at you, hands squeezing your waist as you settle on top of him like it’s your gods given right. He runs his palms up under your shirt until his cold touch sends chills down your spine, mouth twitching when you settle heavily on his throbbing cock. 
“You couldn’t refuse me if you tried, parolee.” You snark at him, guiding his hands to your chest to squeeze. His lids lower, his head tilted back, hands warming up from your fiery skin as he kneads your chest in his palms. 
“Why on earth would I ever try that?” Getou says breathily, reaching around to unclip your bra effortlessly, makes you wonder how many times he’s been able to do that with some unsuspecting girl. 
“You’re a smart boy; you know better than that.” You smile at him, peeling your shirt from over your head the same time he undoes your bra, everything going at once. Getou admires you for a few seconds, his lips just barely parted as he palms your nipples in his hands, rolling them around until you sigh out of pleasure. 
His hands are surprisingly soft, a little clammy, cold enough to make your nipples stiffen up under his touch. He rolls them between his forefinger and thumb, plucking at them to hear your voice hitch just the slightest bit. Your hips roll against his own, earning you a soft hiss that makes you grin wickedly at him. 
You lean down to peel his shirt off of his own body, finding yourself nose to nose, chest to chest, with him. Only a beat passes before you both surge forward, lips meeting in a rough kiss. His teeth knock against yours, his tongue pushing and pushing, yours doing the same. They tangle together in a messy kiss, spit sliding from your mouth into his, and when you pull back, breathless, Getou is chewing with a suspicious grin. 
“You nasty fucker,” you moan to him, diving in to steal your gum back, but he puts up a fight. Grinds you down against his cock, feels for the dip between your lips, rubs the thick shaft between them until your body goes limp on top of his. He does everything he’s wanted with your mouth since the moment he first laid eyes on you, sucking your tongue into his mouth as he palms both cheeks of your ass. 
Few words are exchanged as you unzip your jeans, shimmying out of them with the desperation only someone thirsty for the cult leader could possess. He lays back with his hands behind his head as you yank his sweats down, mouth suddenly salivating when you see that he wasn’t wearing underwear this whole time. 
“Pretty,” you murmur, holding him at the base as you lean over his cock, your lips pursing as you spit on the pink head of it. “See why all your little cult followers would go to war for you.”
You look up from under your lashes at Getou, who only grins at you, never confirming or denying this cult you keep speaking of. He only flexes his biceps once, twice, as he watches you pull your panties to the side and hover over top of him. He doesn’t even try to help you out, figures you’d want to stay in control, even though he’s really the one with all the power right now. But he lets you believe whatever you want, as long as you sit on his dick for the time being. 
Without much thought, do you finally sink down on Getou’s thick cock. It’s bigger than you would’ve imagined, fat and heavy as it fills you up so delectably, you think you might split in two. You can feel every vein that twitches when you swallow him up, your eyes fluttering as you work yourself down, down, down until your lips meet his curly base. 
“Tell anybody about this, parolee, and I’ll send your ass back to your cell for the next ten years.” You threaten him, but its hard for Getou to take you seriously with how breathy your voice is. How your eyes start to roll back when he ever so slightly cants his hips up inside of you. How you palm your lower stomach, groaning in pleasure when you feel his tip just barely beneath the surface of your skin. How your cunt wraps around him so deliciously, leaking all over his pubes, dribbles down in thick rolls around his waist onto the bed. 
“Wouldn’t dream of it, officer.” Getou smiles at you, giving you another false sense of control before he stops resting back on his hands to grip your hips. Without warning, Getou plants his feet on the bed, and begins snapping his hips up into you. You yelp, falling forward onto his chest, eyes clenched in pleasure as you can only hold on for the ride. 
But you won’t let the fucker take control that easily. You push up on shaky arms as much as you can, back arching from the force of his thrusts, your eyes narrowing at his own cocky smile. You meet his thrusts halfheartedly as much as you can, fucking your hips back on his, the clap of your ass meeting his pelvis loud and echoing throughout the silent house. Getou only grins wider at you, makes you reach down to fist his hair in your hands. 
At that, he moans, to your surprise. His eyes fluttering closed, his rhythm momentarily thrown off from the pleasure. But he regains his footing, staring up at you hazily with a shit eating grin, his nails digging into your skin as he fucks his cock inside of you, holding it there for a few seconds to hear you cry out his name. 
He circles his hips, looking for that spot inside of you that makes you see stars. When he finds it, you mewl, your head thrown back, your nails digging into his scalp and the skin of his chest. Getou hisses through his teeth, but picks up his pace until it becomes brutal, his thrusts harsh and fast and dizzying enough that you collapse against him with a little cry of pleasure. 
“Fuck, right there, right there!” You moan to him, searching for his mouth as you lean up the tiniest bit. He catches you, one hand still holding your cheeks open, the other gripping your face between big hands. He shakes your head at him, mocking, laughing under his breath at the dumb little look on your face—and to think you have so much power over him. 
“Right there? Yeah?” He teases you, letting you go just to smack your cheeks lightly a few times before gripping you once more. You pout to him, nodding, reaching your hand down to start swiping at your clit, feeling your climax start to build with quickness you can barely prepare for. 
“What a dumb look on such a cute face.” Getou grins at you, finally pulling you in for a kiss when you start to fuss at him. He quiets you with his lips, your gum swapping between your mouths again, sloppy. But you love it, can’t help but start to feel addicted to it, wonder if its worth it to give up your job and become one of his followers if he could fuck you like this every night. No wonder people became so addicted to him. 
“Make me cum, parolee.” You whimper to him, your fingers rubbing at your clit, your other hand holding his face close to yours by his jaw. Getou opens his mouth in a moan, eyes heavily lidded as he looks at you, leans forward to lick at your teeth quickly. 
He scans your face as he holds you down, his hips snapping up to fuck into you, your voice high and staccato as you can only hold on for the ride. Without much preamble, do you tumble over the edge of your climax, moaning out his name as you ride out your orgasm, clit throbbing with every pound of his hips inside of you. You both curse under your breaths, your eyes clenched shut as you try to meet his hips, although your lower body trembles with exhaustion when he continues to pound inside of you. 
Suddenly, Getou pulls himself out of you, barely managing to slide his tip out before he’s coming all over your stomach. It drips back down onto his own clammy skin, but he doesn’t seem to mind, his eyes closed in bliss as he empties his load all over your tummy, your pubes, aims for the little gaping hole that he, sadly, had to pull out of. 
When he finishes, do you reach between your bodies, swiping a finger through the mess he’s made on you. You pop it into your mouth, humming in delight at the slightly salty taste of him, hearing his groan, feeling his still hard cock twitch against your lower back as you sit on his pelvis. 
“Nice job, parolee.” You grin to him, to which he chuckles under his breath at you. “I’ll make sure to get this sample in the system.” 
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thank you so much for reading! kind comments/likes/reblogs are all appreciated <3
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offender42085 · 1 year
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Post 835
Dylan M Lahr, Pennsylvania inmate MD9266, subsequently paroled to parolee 868IX, born 1996, incarceration intake in 2016 at age 20, released from custody to parole supervision on 03/16/2019, subject to full release in 2035
Aggravated Assault, Conspiracy
In September 2015, three teenagers involved in a rock throwing incident that severely injured a woman from Ohio were sentenced.
The victim Sharon Budd and her family were in court as well.
The case was closed as the remaining three teenagers were sentenced. All three were led away in handcuffs.
Inside the Union County Courthouse Keefer McGee, Dylan Lahr, and Tyler Porter apologized to Sharon Budd for their roles in the July 2014 rock throwing incident that left her with a severe brain injury.
"One of the boys -- I forget which one it was -- I actually felt goose bumps going up and down my arms. All four of our children are in their twenties so I can't imagine saying, 'Good luck, I'll see you in four and a half years,'" Sharon Budd said.
All three teenagers were sentenced for their roles in the crime.
Dylan Lahr was sentenced first. The judge says Lahr must spend four and a half to 20 years in state prison. He gets credit for close to one year's time served in jail.
Next Tyler Porter faced the judge. He was sentenced to 22 months to 10 years in state prison.
The Budd family says the biggest shock was Keefer McGee's sentence. His plea agreement called for 11 and a half to 23 months in the county jail, which is what he got, but he also was granted work release -- something the Budds did not expect.
"That privilege has been taken from Sharon and my comment was that he will have 11 and a half months, that's under a year and then he can work for the rest of his life," said Sharon's husband Randy Budd.
The Budd family says with the sentencings come closure.
"It's been 14 months and it's finally completed so we can kind of put this one behind us," Randy Budd said.
Brett Lahr previously pleaded no contest to criminal conspiracy to commit aggravated assault. He was sentenced earlier to one and a half to 20 years in prison for that offense.
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naturalrights-retard · 3 months
by Steve Watson via Modernity.news,
The so called ‘Newcomer Rental Subsidy‘ would provide the payment for up to a year for any homeowner willing to take part, equating to a total of $6000.
The state those says those eligible for the program include refugees, asylees, special immigration visa holders, victims of human trafficking, Cuban and Haitian entrants, Afghan nationals, and Ukrainian humanitarian parolees.
The program also states that illegals who have been processed as part of the ‘Family Reunification Parole Process’ from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Colombia, individuals with a pending asylum application, and other immigrant individuals on a case-by-case basis are also eligible.
Basically anyone who crosses the border then.
The program is being funded to the tune of $4 million from the Michigan Housing and Community Development Fund.
In other words, paid for by taxpayers.
Michigan’s State Housing Development Authority has claimed that the program is designed to help immigrants “build a new life here.”
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the-wanted-man · 6 days
𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℕ𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝔹𝕖𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕖…
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It was the night before Starlight, and a certain Desperado had a deadline to make before dawn. He sprinted with long, bold strides through the icy streets of Ishgard, surefooted as a bounding deer and equally as graceful jumping from the unfinished foundations that littered the Brume to make it down to street level.
Being out this late was not his first choice. Even for Coerthas it was damn cold but he somehow managed to break a sweat despite the bitter chill that nipped his cheeks into a crimson as deep as the checkered cloth at his throat. He was making good time, arriving at the end of an unlit street before the first pale beams of light started stretching across the dark and starry night. Illuminated by the ethereal glow of the sky he could make out the old, rickety manor.
He’d been casing it for the better part of a week. It clearly stemmed from old money but had fallen into a creeping state of disrepair with the ticking of Althyk’s clock. Lawrence was diligent, and in his time surveying he’d learned the general lay out of the building. He knew who came and went. He knew how many heads resided within and where they slept. When they went to bed and when they woke up. Where the important things would be kept. He even knew where they put the milk and cookies.
The outlaw Parolee had been keeping his head low since his arrest, avoiding his usual crimes (if one did not count his brief overture liberating over a half dozen, under-loved dogs from their unappreciative owners, or the occasional break-ins to several churches in the area as particularly criminal). He couldn’t let this one slide though, and so he’d donned his leathers and went to work.
These old buildings rarely withstood the test of time without sufficient upkeep, he knew the owners likely hadn’t fixed the window latch on the second floor leading into what might have been an office. Thus, Roman shouldered the large knapsack and made his way up the gutter pipe before slipping into the manor. A flurry of snow blew in behind his lanky figure, ushering him in bag and all. He made his way downstairs slowly to avoid any creaky steps or floorboards, eventually creeping into the living space where a rather sad looking fir tree held silent vigil for a Starlight that seemed unlikely to come.
It’s branches were sparse, devoid of any real ornaments, and the floor beneath it was a barren, lacking any gifts to greet the little ones come dawn. It seemed to be the only expense of any note for the holidays which only made him more determined. He got to work in quiet haste, beginning to empty the sack of its contents. The first few items were some bundled lights, and coiled ribbons he’d pulled from…well, the important thing was that they wouldn’t be missed where he’d got them, but they’d be appreciated here. They were spun around the tree, making for a more pleasant sight.
He was half way through removing the gifts he’d collected for the orphans, a selection of boxes full of plushies, blankets, and toys when the subtle creak of wood betrayed a spy somewhere behind him. When he turned to look, he just barely caught sight of a small head of dark, curly hair disappearing behind the couch they’d been peering from. The Cowboy lofted a brow, but hunkered down to a squat that made him of equal height immediately.
“Well, now, don’t I know a rebel when I see one! Ain’t you s’posed t’be in bed?” He lowered his mask to appear less intimidating, and removed his hat for much the same reason. “Ain’t much fer it now. Why don’t ya come outta hidin’, an’ I’ll let ya choose yer gift first. What’s got ya outta bed?” He whispered, loud enough to be heard by the kid but not by the rest of the orphanage.
The small child slowly shuffled around the couch, likely no older than eight and looking a little bashful to have been caught. She quickly overcame her shyness when she took in the soft glow of the tree lights and the colorful ornaments upon its branches. “I wanted to see the Saint! Are you him?” She squinted a little suspiciously. “You don't seem like a saint. And you talk odd…”
He couldn’t help but snicker, shaking his head. “Naw. I ain’t him. Just’ One’ve his helpers is all. What’s yer name?" he asked in a soft whisper.
“…R-Rosamund. But my friends call me ‘Rose’.” Rosamund stated matter-of-factly. She looked from him, to the tree, and all it’s piles of gifts before looking back at the cowboy. The fixation was not lost on him, and he tipped his head back towards the bounty lingering beneath the sparkling tree. "Well, Rose. Go on n'help yerself then. I reckon you'll like that long one there, tho' yer free t'choose any two you'd like." He pointed to a longer, flat box nestled amongst others of various shape and size.
"Two??" She exclaimed before slapping a hand over her mouth for the outburst. He chuckled, nodding his head. "Got enough fer everybody. Now go on." The young girl scampered over to the tree, deliberating on her choices. She went with the one he pointed out, and a squat, square box. Clutching both to her chest, she ran back to him with wide eyes. "I can open them, then?" She clarified, as if not wanting to risk losing his permission. The Desperado simply dipped his head, and before he could even utter the full "Sh--" of 'sure', she was already ripping open the wrapper and delighting in the prizes buried beneath. Upon opening, she found herself with a new blanket of soft, warm fabric and a fuzzy teddy bear, both of which she clutched tight to her chest.
The cowboy beamed, happy to be the cause of such a bright smile in the youth. "Alright, Buckerette. I got a job fer ya's. Can ya count?" In whispers, he quietly gave her the task and once done, she nodded emphatically before covering her face with the blanket. She began to count, a tiny voice counting down from ten. By eight, had gifted new life to the tree with a touch, letting the branches grow thick and heavy with their own needle-like leaves. By six, he was heading for the door. By three he was at the threshold, twisting open the knob. By one, there was a soft click as the door latched behind him. A loud, childlike scream erupted from the interior. "GIFTS! GUYS LOOK!"
Lawrence chuckled, hearing the commotion from outside as windows illuminated themselves by the light of candles and lamps being turned on in a hurry. Thundering footsteps pounded down the stairs until presumably stumbling across the decorated tree and the many gifts beneath. There was laughter, screams, and enthusiastic shouting upon which Lawrence turned back to the biting wind and slipped away into the dim, morning light.
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This was supposed to be around Christmas but I never finished it. So I finally did and am opting to post it late instead for more cowboy activities.
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callivich · 2 years
Gallavich Enemies to Lovers Prompts 🤬…🥰
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Prompts for fics, headcanons, or discussion, art, etc. Interpret these however you like and feel free to use them as just a jumping off point, you don’t have to stick to the exact prompt! If any fics like any of these have already been written, please feel free to recommend them to me!
A murder, years ago, now a cold case is the one case that Detective Ian Gallagher has never been able to solve. When the family hire a private detective, Mickey Milkovich, to look into the case, Ian is shocked and upset - after all, if he can’t solve the case there’s no way some random PI will be able to. Mickey criticises Ian’s work and although they both want the same thing - to find the killer - they find it impossible to work together. That is until Ian crashes Mickey’s nighttime stakeout of the suspect and they spend an evening together.
It’s stressful enough being a parolee starting a new job but the added pressure of competing with another parolee for the permanent position fucking sucks. After a one month probationary period, their boss will choose either Ian or Mickey. It’s competitive from the start - Ian is desperate to be chosen to put his criminal past behind him and help support his family, Mickey is determined to make a fresh start with a legal job and leave his family and his past behind him. They both see the other one as standing in the way of a better future, but perhaps what they need is not the job but each other….
Ian hates his shitty janitor job, especially since someone has been drawing graffiti murals on the university walls which creates even more work for him. His boss makes him take overtime to remove them. Mickey is pissed someone keeps destroying his work. What happens when Mickey runs into Ian getting rid of his latest piece?
It’s a bad idea, Ian knows this….but money is tight (as always) and when he figures out that Mickey and Iggy are running a successful scam he can’t help but steal the idea. Lip thinks it’s great and goes along with it until he figures out Ian stole the idea from the Milkovichs. Does he have a death wish?! They just hope that Mickey and Iggy don’t realise but, of course, they do…..
Mickey is drafted into fight for his Kingdom’s army. Well fuck that, he’s not going to get killed because some dumbass king wants to invade another land. So at the first chance he gets, he sneaks off into the wild and dangerous forest, determined to take his chances in there. Meanwhile, Ian signs up to defend his Kingdom from the incoming knights but when he is surrounded and outnumbered by the enemy, he makes a tactical retreat into the nearby forest. What happens when two knights from opposing sides meet in the deep, dark depths of the forest? Will they learn to work together to survive?
Ian has earned the quarterly sales bonus twice in a row at the sex shop where he works. He’s friendly, knowledgable and non-judgemental and the customers love him. Then a new guy joins - he’s brash, judgemental but seemingly knowledgable about most things they sell (even though Ian can’t believe that Mickey has really tried all those big dildos he says he has…). And he’s taking customers away from Ian and he can’t figure out why people seem to think Mickey is funny rather than rude. They both want the next bonus for sales and are going to do everything they can to get it….
Mickey is being transported across state lines by an FBI agent, Ian. He’s been arrested for something he didn’t do. He’s innocent but no one seems to believe him. And there’s no way this guy will either so what’s the point in even telling him his story? Ian should be accompanied by another agent but when a big storm hits and the airports are closed, he’s forced to drive with this criminal alone. He assumes this guy is guilty, so he doesn’t think anything of being blunt and dismissive with him. But as they travel and bicker…Mickey’s story starts to come out and Ian can’t help thinking that there’s something in Mickey’s case that doesn’t add up….Maybe he is innocent?
Mickey has been held back a year so now he’s in the same class as his sister. It’s sucks but Terry’s forcing him to go to school to keep the CPS happy. He’s stuck sitting behind Mandy and her brand new boyfriend, Ian. And there’s definitely something weird going on there - she comes home crying one day and telling Mickey to get Ian but then a couple of hours later, before he and his brothers can even find this guy, she’s calling them off and telling him that she and Ian are together. Whatever. At least Ian seems to be good at school so Mickey can cheat off him. When one teacher notices, Ian blames Mickey and gets him into trouble. Well fuck that, if Mickey’s getting detention then so is Ian - so he tells the teacher that Ian’s been letting him cheat. And now they’re stuck with a months worth of detention together.
When Ian’s roommate, Mandy, drops the news out of the blue that she’s moving in with her boyfriend, he’s shocked. He can’t afford the rent by himself but Mandy promises to sort it. Ian spends the whole day at work worrying about finding a new roommate or getting kicked out. When he gets home, he finds that Mandy has moved in her brother, Mickey. Meanwhile, Mickey is pissed because Mandy said it was a one bedroom apartment but it’s not and now he has to share with some guy. They’re both annoyed and perhaps they should be annoyed at Mandy, but they’re taking out their frustrations on each other. Things are not off to a good start….
Mandy sets her brother and her friend up on a blind date. But it turns out to be the date from hell - they are both in bad moods after having shitty days, it rains on the way to the bar so they get soaked, they get propositioned for a threesome by a creep, and both of them keep accidentally insulting each other. They end up having a full blown argument before they go their separate ways. But what happens when they keep running in to each other - at their workplaces, at the grocery store, on dates with other people - it seems like the universe wants them to be together….
Mickey has never heard a more terrifying phrase than “mandatory team building scavenger hunt”. Why the fuck does he have to do team building for his shitty job as a security guard at Old Army? He’d just not turn up but his manager hates him and he’s pretty sure they’d tell his parole officer. Ian on the other hand, while not being very excited is hopeful he’ll get partnered with the new gay guy. He’s not bright so the conversation will be lacking but he’s very hot. However, his hopes are dashed when he’s partnered with the grumpy, rude security guard, Mickey. Ian thinks Mickey hates him and Mickey thinks Ian is judging him for being a parolee. But when they’re stuck together for a whole weekend….things begin to change….
What if things happened in a different order in s1? What if before Mickey and his brothers can even find Ian to beat him up, Mickey is taken into juvie? What if Ian also ends up in juvie because of the stolen car? So Mickey and Ian end up sharing the same cell. Things are tense to say the least. Mandy has warned Mickey that Ian is now her boyfriend and he better be nice to him. Doesn’t stop Ian and Mickey arguing though - constantly. They both can’t wait to get out and away from each other….but as time goes on, things start to change between them.
Ian is the author of a YA book about growing up gay and poor on the South Side. He mixes true details from his teenage years with fictional events to create a bestseller. The antagonist is based on the local thug, Mickey, who used to steal from the Kash and Grab and threaten to beat up Lip. Ian didn’t have much interaction with him apart from this but he felt like a character based on him would make a great villain. So he makes up the character ‘Mikey’ complete with knuckle tatts and a lack of personal hygiene. He doesn’t feel too bad about using a real person as a basis because, after all, what are the chances Mickey would ever read this? Well, he’s right the chances are low to zero. But Mandy, who always had a crush on Ian, does and can’t help noticing the similarities between Mikey and her brother. When Mickey hears about this from her and reads the book, he makes it his mission to track down Ian and tell him exactly how he feels about being portrayed like this.
Mickey is the reigning champion of the local South Side fight club. No one can beat him and as the potential cash prize rises higher and higher, Ian decides to take a chance and join the fight club. He’ll have to work his way up through fights to get the chance to beat Mickey but he’s fairly sure he can do it. Mickey meanwhile is using his visits to the Kash and Grab to not only steal but make fun of Ian for even trying in the first place. As Ian wins more fights and gets closer to his chance to fight Mickey, the tension between them begins to grow….
Ian wants to know who keeps destroying his perfectly set up ROTC training course in the abandoned building. So he keeps leaving notes, each getting more and more threatening. Mickey wants to know who the dork is who keeps setting up a stupid-ass assault course in his private space and leaving hilariously unthreatening notes. So, one day, he hangs around until he sees that dumbass Gallagher kid with the red hair. Oh, this’ll be fun. Mickey doesn’t know exactly what he’s going to do, but he knows he’s gotta fuck with Gallagher and his precious setup.
Light magic users and dark magic users are natural enemies. Everyone knows this. It explains why the Gallaghers and the Milkovichs have always stayed away from each other and why Ian hates when he sees any of them, especially Mickey, around the neighbourhood. But when Ian catches Mickey using magic to steal from the Kash and Grab, he’s surprised to realise that Mickey’s magic isn’t as dark as he thought….in fact, it seems like Mickey is secretly using light magic.
It’s not something he should be doing, but Ian is exhausted after his EMT shift so he takes a nap in the back of his ambulance, falling into a deep sleep. Mickey, after the worst fight he’s ever had with Terry, is on the run from his father. Panicked and not thinking clearly, he steals an ambulance and drives, not knowing where he’s going but determined to get as far away from Chicago as possible. When Ian wakes he thinks he’s been kidnapped, while Mickey gets angry that Ian was ‘hiding’ in the back. Soon they find themselves in a stolen ambulance that breaks down in a tiny town in the middle of nowhere.
Ian and Mickey’s security business is going well. It’s successful and legitimate and they even have a brand new van to do their pickups in. No more stolen ambulances for them! But when they get in a head on collision with a drunk driver, they both end up in hospital with amnesia. The last thing both of them remember is Mandy sending Mickey to beat up Ian. How will they deal with ten years of missing memories and the fact that they are married to each other, living in an apartment on the West Side and running their own business when the only thing they clearly remember is being teenage enemies?
All the Gallaghers have worked in the diner since they’ve been able to, it’s their family business and the siblings have kept it going despite all the chaos Frank and Monica have caused. But when Frank goes too far and gets into serious debt with Terry Milkovich, the only way out is to give him the business. Uninterested in doing anything but get the profits, Terry sends his son, Mickey, into manage everything on a day to day basis. Much to the anger of all of the Gallagher siblings but especially Ian who instantly clashes with Mickey.
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futureofthemasses · 3 months
Hello friends,
If you aren't aware, I have been volunteering with a local refugee group for almost two years now. We have welcomed a total of ten families so far (with another one on the way) which is frickin amazing but they are all here on something called humanitarian parole. While humanitarian parole is great for getting refugees to safety quickly from areas with war, natural disasters, and political disruption, it isn't great at helping keep them here. It only allows parolees to stay in the US for two years, which is coming up as soon as this December for our first few families. Since they are all from either Haiti or Ukraine, where things have gotten way worse since they arrived rather than better, it really isn't an option for any of them to go home. Our most recent family made it out of Haiti only two days before the airport was closed and the one before that was directly in the middle of attacks from Russia before getting to NY.
That being said, we made this petition to hopefully get lawmakers to at least extend the parole option, if not also give a path to citizenship. These families have become more than our responsibility - they are our friends, and in my case several of them are now well loved neighbors. Extending humanitarian parole has been suggested for Ukrainians, but there is currently no legislation for Haitians. I know compassion fatigue is real, but this is something anyone can do to hopefully make things better for my friends. If you are willing, please consider signing and/or sharing. We all would be so grateful
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skyekilaen · 1 year
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💛 Butch with a heart of gold
💜 Pan gal who loves makeup & hates injustice
💋 Star-crossed the first time, now reunited
Kindle, KU, paperback
And here's the full blurb in case your interest is piqued...
A butch lesbian parolee. The pretty pansexual nurse who got away. Is this their second chance at a happily ever after?
Finn is finally out of prison, which is great. Having no job, no car, and no place to sleep except her cousin’s couch? Not so great. Plus, her felony theft conviction isn’t doing wonders for her employment prospects, so she can’t afford her migraine meds without the public clinic.
The last thing she ever expected was for the gal who stole her heart to come walking down that clinic’s hallway: Vivi, the manicure-loving nurse who spent two years fighting the prison system to get proper medical care for her patients, including Finn.
Finn could never believe she imagined the attraction and affection between them. But acting on that in prison, especially as nurse and patient, had been a serious No Way. She’s had eight months to get over Vivi, who abruptly left her job without saying goodbye. Finn is over it. Honest! It’s totally and completely fine.
Except Vivi, here and now, doesn’t seem fine. And Finn couldn’t live with herself if she didn’t try to help.
Is fate offering Finn a second chance? Or is finding love as likely as finding a job with health insurance?
A high heat contemporary sapphic romance novella with a guaranteed HEA.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
Syracuse, N.Y. — A Syracuse man who spent nearly two years in state prison had his conviction for an illegal, loaded gun tossed because troopers didn’t have the right to frisk him in the first place, a state appellate court has ruled.
The case highlights competing interests of confiscating illegal guns and protecting someone’s constitutional rights.
Montra Hodge Jr., 59, was the passenger in a 2005 Chevrolet Silverado that was hauling an unregistered trailer south on Interstate 81 in January 2020 in Cicero.
State troopers stopped the pickup truck and tried to confirm the identity of the driver and the passenger. They asked Hodge, the passenger, to get out. Troopers were going to frisk him.
That’s the point the appellate court ruled they had gone too far.
The troopers didn’t have “reasonable suspicion” that Hodge had committed a crime at that point in the stop, the court ruled. That suspicion is needed to allow officers to frisk someone during a stop, the court ruled.
Instead of complying with the troopers’ commands, Hodge threw a coat onto one of the officers and ran away to a grassy area on the side of the highway.
After a short chase, troopers caught Hodge and found a loaded .22 caliber handgun in his waistband.
Hodge later pleaded guilty to illegal gun possession and was sentenced to 3.5 years in state prison. He would serve 19 months before his conviction was overturned in June by the 3-2 court decision.
Two dissenting judges argued that troopers acted lawfully and that Hodge had committed a crime by running away. That crime, obstructing governmental administration, gave troopers the right to frisk him,the judges said.
Prosecutors told Onondaga County Court Judge Thomas Miller, who presided over Hodge’s criminal case, they would not be appealing the justices’ ruling.
Hodge is a parolee in Alabama, convicted in 1991 for robbery. He was released on parole in 2015.
Because Alabama did not seek to extradite Hodge, he was released after his conviction was reversed, prosecutors said Thursday.
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power-chords · 1 year
@coolwitchaunt to belatedly address your reply re: Wardell/Waingro/the "golem" interpretation, this raises a loaded question, right? Did Vincent and Neil actively create them? Or are they more like twisted embodiments of karmic obligations, emergent collateral for an unintentionally incurred but no less destructive debt?
To me the latter is more compelling. The most ingenious and ballsy thing Mann has done with Heat is to implant this totally deliberate allegorical sub-reading in which Neil and Vincent represent two generational Ashkenazi immigrant bargaining strategies with American modernity and whiteness.
In Neil’s case, it’s the standard issue “hedge” of material growth and gain, the promise of prosperity minted by our capitalist democracy. And once he gets enough, he’s getting out. Vincent, by contrast, pursues total assimilation through the organizations that establish and perpetuate the norms of American social life. Family, law and order, the machines of pop and intellectual culture. He’s going all the way in. And if you revisit their conversation in the diner, you'll notice that Neil talks like someone who’s playing a game to win and cash out, making moves on a timer, trying to avoid getting boxed in. Vincent can’t shake the vernacular of the regular-type life he’s desperate to maintain, even as it crumbles around him for the third consecutive time. The first time he cracks a smile is when Neil speaks to him in language that identifies this preoccupation and their mutual alienation from it. ("What the fuck is that, barbecues and ballgames?")
This would be striking enough if all we got were the horrific consequences depicted in the film, which are not limited to white supremacist (!) serial killers. Neil's recruitment of Donald Breeden, a working class Black parolee, while dressed in a suit, resulting in Breeden's death, takes on a new layer of moral indictment. Neil dies in the uniform of a class traitor (private security! Just like those guys he robbed in the opening heist!) at the hands of the only person who understood him. A cop. Who just abandoned his family, including a stepdaughter who just attempted suicide, because he can't quit the rush of state-sanctioned predation. Whew.
BUT THAT'S NOT ALL! In the book, Neil’s romantic frontier fantasy leads to the displacement and destruction of an indigenous family who has lived on the Mexicali border for 400 years. Vincent’s desperate longing for safety, order, and community — maybe even a repressed, unspeakable longing for something or someone else entirely — results only in his further alienation, a downward spiral into substance abuse and yet more authoritarian violence. (Including explicit Nazi imagery! LMAO.) What he can’t confront, or refuses to remember, is what Justine rightly identifies as "self-incineration." Not hard to read between the lines here!!!
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agentcable · 4 months
Law & Order Special Victims Unit Season 22 Episode 10 "Welcome to the Pedo Motel"
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The Special Victims Unit initially suspects Lonnie Liston, a parolee living in the halfway house for sex offenders, of the murder of Victoria Lily Robertson, a teenage girl found dead nearby. However, Lonnie is lynched by vigilantes who took the law into their own hands, unaware that he was set up by someone else. Meanwhile, Rollins' father suffers a stroke.
If you want to watch the series for yourself, stop reading! This post contains spoilers to the storyline.
A young woman informs her mother that she will be home later tonight.
A person in a hurry refuses to assist a neighbour in a wheelchair up the steps. The individual is warned about potential legal consequences and losing pay for being late to work. Additionally, the boss reprimands the individual for flirting with the woman from the previous scene. A group of motorcyclists yell at some individuals on a stoop before quickly departing.
The girl from the previous scene punches someone out. The boy offers to walk her to the bus, but she declines. The boy leaves, appearing uneasy.
An old man is shown praying to resist his sinful urges before watching a pornographic video.
As the girl walks down the street, she is grabbed from behind.
SVU is called in. The girl did not return home, and her wallet and cell phone were found. Fin suspects that one of the pedophiles living down the street is responsible. The police talk to the parents and the girl's boss. The boss claims that Loni, the boy from before, is on parole and lives in the "pedo motel". The police question him, and Fin is tough on him.
Carisi talks to Benson about the case and asks about Stabler. The brass wants to know why Stabler interfered with Benson's interrogation. Benson should be careful.
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There is evidence that Loni did not return to his room during his break as he claimed. Unfortunately, Saranda has been found dead. Saranda was hit in the head with a brick or a rock, according to the ME. Hasim, who is now working for homicide, arrives and brings Rollins her preferred coffee. Homicide has assigned him to work with SVU because he is Muslim.
Outside the sex offenders' halfway home, there are several protesters. One man admitted to praying to St. Anthony and also mentioned his attraction to young boys. Another man, Frank, expressed his preference for older women who are plus-sized. He also expressed frustration with being checked.
Loni insists he was at the park during his break when Saranda was assaulted. Fin questions his alibi, asking where he was during the time of the assault. Loni maintains that he did not do anything to Saranda. He denies any involvement and claims he is not a rapist. He also mentions that he had a 15-year-old girlfriend when he was 18.
Fin and Benson discuss the case in front of the protestors. Carisi identifies the leader of the group causing trouble as Elvis. Benson urges that they remove the perpetrator before the vigilantes take matters into their own hands. A bloody rock has been discovered, which may lead to an arrest.
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Carisi, Fin and Benson discuss the issue of the halfway house. There is no physical evidence, but there is a circumstantial case against Loni. Security footage shows Loni at the junkyard. The police were going to arrest him, but they received a call that the halfway house had been set on fire. Loni was found murdered; he was strangled and then set on fire. Arson investigators have confirmed that the fire originated in Loni's room. News outlets have already reported on Loni's torture. The other residents are currently receiving medical treatment at the hospital. Kat believes that this is an act of racist vigilantism.
Rollins speaks with an elderly man who has difficulty hearing and cannot provide any information. Frank informs them that Loni resided directly above him and he overheard loud voices and screams. Despite hearing someone refer to one of them as Eduardo, he did not contact the police as he did not believe they would be interested. The man in the wheelchair heard motorcycle engines. He stated that the vigilantes have been attempting to intimidate them. The area was quiet at 10 pm last night.
Fin and Benson went to speak with Elvis, who sexually harassed Benson and claimed to have an alibi. The individual stated that the fire was karma and refused to provide any information. Security footage revealed that the bikers were present in the house until after the fire. Additional footage showed another group of bikers, one of whom may be Eduardo Alvarez.
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Eduardo was found to have a picture of Loni's body on his phone. He claims he only placed Loni in the chair. However, evidence reveals that Loni was not the one who committed the murder of Saranda. All three perpetrators are accusing each other of being the mastermind behind the crime. Fin comes to the realization that Loni did not confide in him about his alibi due to a lack of trust. He feels remorseful, knowing that Black youths are frequently subjected to unjust treatment by law enforcement. Fin and Benson speak with Loni's parents, who confirm his story. He was in love with his girlfriend, but her father, a parole officer, disapproved.
Rollins receives a call from her father while on her way to see Eastman. Eastman sends his daughter inside, and she appears to have been abused. She tells them that Loni was violent toward her. Rollins believes that all of Eastman's parolees' DNA should be run, as he won't allow them to speak with McKenna.
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During their investigation, the police interviewed a man named Antonio, who was afraid of them contacting Eastman. The DNA evidence led them to Antonio, who denied that it was his DNA and claimed that it belonged to a relative.
During a stakeout with Kat, Antonio hesitates to identify the perpetrator, but eventually does so. Fin and Rollins arrest Sam Johnson, who also has a jacket like Loni's. Sami claims that he was only supposed to kidnap the girl and frame Loni. He hit her with a brick and accidentally killed her because she wouldn't stop screaming. Antonio, his half-brother, said he had to do this, or his parole would be violated. It's enough to pick up Eastman. Eastman is arrested and insists he won't go down for this.
Rollins has a lot of evidence implicating Eastman. Carisi is in a hurry because he has a prior engagement. Rollins receives a call from Atlanta and promises to do what she can. Carisi inquires about the situation. Rollins reveals that her father has suffered a stroke. Carisi insists that she leave. She is unable to stay. Carisi assures the girls that everything will be okay.
Benson and Fin speak with Loni's parents, who reveal that McKenna snuck out to see Loni the night he died and feels guilty about it. Saranda's parents arrive, and they offer each other condolences. Fin notes that both of their children were killed due to hate.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 7 months
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"PRISON TRAINING VALUABLE ASSET FOR MANY JOBS," Toronto Star. November 19, 1943. Page 19. --- Nearly 800 prisoners have been paroled from Ontario and federal institutions in the past six months to engage in agriculture or war work, and with few exceptions they are setting an enviable record. This was reported today by C. F. Neelands, deputy provincial secretary.
Additional scores of men and women whose lives have been warped by crime, and who are still In institutions, have turned whole- heartedly to the patriotic tasks of bond buying, blood donations and other volunteer work for the armed forces.
"Many paroled men have risen to executive positions in war industries, have become useful and admirable citizens, and are living up to all the conditions on which they were released," Mr. Neelands said. "Parole revocations have dropped to an all-time low."
One paroled prisoner worked industriously in a war industry, saved his money, and a few weeks ago bought a farm.
"He has stocked it well, is doing fine, and making a valuable contribution to the food supply of the nation," said C. F. Swayze, secretary to the chief officer of the board of parole.
Many young men have been paroled to enter the army, Mr. Swayze told of one transferred from the army to the R.C.A.F., trained as a pilot, and is now overseas where he has already made a name for himself as a gallant and successful airman.
"I know of many others who have done splendidly in industry and in the army, but I hesitate to cite their cases because they could be so easily identified," Mr. Swayze said.
Big Aid to Industry The reformatory at Guelph in particular has made a large contribution to industry, the training the men receive in the institution's shops being valuable assets in war work.
Prisoners at Burwash reformatory are being used to get out a large cut of lumber which is being used by war industries. A considerable number of men have been paroled from Burwash to work in the Northern Ontario lumber camps this winter, putting to practical use the experience they gained while prisoners.
Many ticket-of-leave men from Portsmouth penitentiary, with the trades they have learned in the institution, are going directly into well paid war jobs. One of the largest industries making tanks will take every man the penitentiary's shops can graduate in welding, and the record of successful parolees in this trade is unusually high.
Prisoners in the various institutions are among the large donors of blood, and at Portsmouth penitentiary more than two-thirds of the inmates regularly contribute their quota to the Kingston Red Cross blood clinic. Most of the remaining third have volunteered but are prevented from donating blood for medical or other reasons beyond their control
A comprehensive plan to use paroled prisoners in war work and agriculture, and thus directly to assist them in becoming rehabilitated and worthy citizens in peace time, has been worked out between the federal department of justice and the Ontario attorney-general's department, Mr. Neelands said.
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jjlawidaho · 6 months
Criminal Attorney in Boise Idaho Defends Parole Violation Cases
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Criminal attorney can help defend parole violation cases A criminal attorney in Boise Idaho can help defend you in parole violation hearings. Parole violation refers to the act of breaking the terms and conditions set by the parole board for an individual who has been released from prison before completing their full sentence. Parole is a conditional release granted to inmates, allowing them to serve the remainder of their sentence in the community under supervision. While parole itself is not a criminal offense, violating the conditions of parole can lead to serious consequences, including potential criminal charges.
When an individual is granted parole, they are required to adhere to specific rules and guidelines established by the parole board. These conditions often include regular check-ins with a parole officer, maintaining steady employment, abstaining from drug and alcohol use, and avoiding contact with certain individuals. Failure to comply with any of these conditions can result in a parole violation.
Parole violations are typically categorized as technical or substantive. Technical violations involve a breach of the non-criminal conditions of parole, such as missing a meeting with a parole officer, failing a drug test, or changing residence without notifying the parole officer. On the other hand, substantive violations involve criminal behavior, such as committing a new crime while on parole.
It's essential to note that while parole violation itself is not considered a criminal offense, the actions leading to the violation may result in criminal charges. For example, if a parolee is found to be in possession of illegal substances, they could face charges related to drug possession. Similarly, engaging in criminal activities such as theft or assault during the parole period may lead to separate criminal charges.
When a parole violation occurs, the parolee is typically subject to a hearing before the parole board. During this hearing, evidence related to the violation is presented, and the parolee has the opportunity to provide their side of the story. The parole board then determines the appropriate course of action, which may include continued supervision, modification of parole conditions, or, in more severe cases, revocation of parole.
If parole is revoked, the individual may be required to return to prison to complete the remainder of their original sentence. In some cases, the parole board may impose additional penalties, such as an extended period of supervision or participation in rehabilitation programs.
While parole violation itself is not a criminal offense, the actions leading to the violation can result in criminal charges. Parolees must adhere to the conditions set by the parole board to avoid serious consequences, including potential return to prison. The legal implications of parole violations underscore the importance of individuals on parole complying with the terms of their release to successfully reintegrate into society.
Some defenses that a criminal lawyer can use in parole violation hearings
In parole violation hearings, a criminal lawyer plays a crucial role in defending the parolee and presenting arguments that may mitigate the consequences of the alleged violation. Here are some common defenses that a criminal lawyer may employ during parole violation hearings:
1. Lack of Intent or Knowledge:
A defense strategy may involve demonstrating that the parolee was not aware of the actions or conditions leading to the alleged violation. If the violation was unintentional and the parolee had no knowledge of the violation, it can be argued that they should not be held fully responsible.
2. False Accusations or Misinformation:
The defense may challenge the accuracy of the evidence presented by the parole officer or the prosecution. This could involve proving that the information leading to the alleged violation is false, misleading, or based on a misunderstanding. In some cases, the parolee might be wrongly accused due to errors in reporting or communication.
3. Procedural Errors:
A criminal lawyer may examine whether proper procedures were followed during the parole violation process. Any failure to adhere to established procedures or violations of the parolee's rights could be grounds for challenging the validity of the alleged violation.
4. Substantial Compliance:
The defense may argue that, despite technical violations, the parolee has substantially complied with the overall conditions of parole. This involves demonstrating that the parolee has made reasonable efforts to fulfill the requirements and has not engaged in behavior that poses a significant risk to the community.
5. Changed Circumstances:
Lawyers may present evidence showing that the circumstances leading to the parole violation have changed or improved. For instance, if a parolee struggled to find employment initially but has since secured stable employment, this positive change might be presented as a reason to reconsider the violation.
6. Rehabilitation Efforts:
Demonstrating a commitment to rehabilitation can be a powerful defense. If the parolee has actively participated in counseling, therapy, or educational programs, it can be argued that they are making genuine efforts to reintegrate into society successfully.
7. Witness Testimony:
The lawyer may call witnesses, such as employers, family members, or counselors, to testify on behalf of the parolee. Witness statements can provide valuable perspectives on the parolee's character, progress, and efforts to comply with parole conditions.
8. External Factors:
A defense strategy may involve highlighting external factors that contributed to the parole violation, such as unforeseen events or circumstances beyond the parolee's control. This could include health issues, family emergencies, or other situations that impacted the parolee's ability to adhere to the conditions.
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thxnews · 7 months
USCIS: Revolutionizing Family Reunification Parole Ecuador
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  Promoting Safe and Orderly Migration
In a significant stride toward realizing the Biden-Harris Administration's commitment to comprehensive immigration reform, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced today the implementation of a new Family Reunification Parole (FRP) process for Ecuador. This pioneering initiative marks a strategic blend of expanded legal pathways and reinforced enforcement measures, closely aligning with the administration's goals as outlined in the Los Angeles Declaration on Migration and Protection.   An Invitation-Only Solution The newly introduced FRP process, available exclusively to selected nationals of Ecuador, offers an innovative approach to family reunification. Eligible beneficiaries, awaiting approval for their family-based immigrant visa, now have the opportunity to be considered for parole into the United States on a case-by-case basis. This not only expedites the family reunification process but also provides a safer alternative to precarious irregular migration.  
Eligibility Criteria and Application Process
Certain nationals of Ecuador, beneficiaries of an approved Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative, may qualify for consideration under the new FRP processes. To be eligible, beneficiaries must meet specific criteria, including being outside the United States, passing screening and vetting processes, fulfilling medical requirements, and not having received an immigrant visa previously. The process commences with the Department of State extending invitations to U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents who have successfully filed a Form I-130 on behalf of an Ecuadorian principal beneficiary. This may include children and siblings of U.S. citizens, as well as spouses and children of permanent residents. The invited petitioner can then initiate the process by filing a request to support the beneficiary and eligible family members, paving the way for potential advance travel authorization and parole.  
USCIS Adopts New Form for FRP Process
Starting November 17, 2023, USCIS will employ Form I-134A, and Online Request to be a Supporter and Declaration of Financial Support, for managing requests under this new FRP process. This streamlined form aims to facilitate a more efficient and user-friendly experience for petitioners and beneficiaries alike.   Case-by-Case Authorization and Temporary Basis As with all parole requests, the FRP process for certain nationals of Ecuador ensures that parole is granted only on a case-by-case and temporary basis. This authorization hinges on the determination of urgent humanitarian or significant public benefit reasons, coupled with a favorable exercise of discretion regarding the beneficiary. Noncitizens granted parole under this process can typically be paroled for up to three years and may seek employment authorization while awaiting their immigrant visa. Upon the availability of their immigrant visa, parolees can apply to become lawful permanent residents, securing a more stable and long-term status in the United States.  
Historical Context and Secretary's Discretion
This new FRP process for Ecuador aligns seamlessly with Section 212(d)(5)(A) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, thereby granting Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas the discretionary authority to temporarily parole applicants on a case-by-case basis, especially for urgent humanitarian or significant public benefit reasons.  
Previous secretaries have exercised the parole authority to establish other family reunification parole processes administered by USCIS, including the Cuban Family Reunification Parole Program in 2007 and the Haitian Family Reunification Parole Program in 2014. DHS announced new FRP processes for Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras in July and the modernization of FRP processes for Cuba and Haiti in August. The Federal Register notice explains the application process and eligibility criteria.   Sources: THX News & US Citizen and Immigration Services. Read the full article
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Legal Transformations in Illinois
By Anika Ponni, Rutgers University–New Brunswick Class of 2026
August 10, 2023
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In late July, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker signed over 150 bills into law. However, one new law in particular is garnering a lot of attention from all across the country. Starting January of 2024, HB 3751 will allow non-citizens to become police officers. After receiving backlash from conservatives, Pritzker defended the bill by clarifying eligibility. According to Pritzker, only individuals legally allowed to work in the U.S. and also legally own a firearm could qualify to become police officers.
During a press conference, the Illinois Governor explained the new bill, stating that “We have the ability for people who are legally here in this country, and permanent residents and DACA residents, to apply for jobs as police officers” [1].
However, Republicans—such as Congresswomen Mary Miller and Lauren Boebert—were among those to condemn the bill, arguing that the legislation would allow individuals who entered the U.S. illegally to apply for positions as police officers.
Illinois Representative Mary Miller—a Republican—tweeted that “No sane state would allow foreign nationals to arrest their citizens, this is madness!” [2]
An exasperated Pritzker fired back at critics with: “I am tired of the right wing twisting things,” he said. “They put it on Facebook, they tell lies. There are people out there that think we’re just allowing anybody to become a police officer. That’s just not accurate” [1].
Republican Senator Chapin Rose attacked the bill by calling it a “fundamentally bad idea.”
Currently, federal laws prohibit non-U.S. citizens from becoming law enforcement officers.
Groups like the The Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) have also expressed their outrage with Pritzker’s new law. In a statement, FOP said: “What message does this legislation send when it allows people who do not have legal status to become the enforcers of our laws?" It was called “...a potential crisis of confidence in law enforcement at a time when…officers need all the public confidence they can get.”
On the other hand, Democratic lawmaker Barbara Hernandez argues that the bill merely stems from already existing norms. For instance, a 2021 federal ruling allowed certain undocumented individuals to work as health care and military service members [2].
The bill was passed in Illinois as a result of statewide police shortages. Thus, in hopes of recruiting more law enforcement personnel, lawmakers have relaxed eligibility requirements.
Former Chicago mayoral candidate Dr. Willie Wilson has also threatened to take any action necessary in order to have the new law repealed. Having already spoken to his attorneys, Wilson is ready for a showdown in court come January 2024, if the bill is still in place [3].
In addition to expanding candidate pools for law enforcement, Governor J.B. Pritzker has also made headlines for recent prison reform measures that are simultaneously taking effect in January 2024. The new law seeks to change Illinois’s current supervised release system. Specifically, it will address the issue of how over 25% of individuals released from prison in Illinois will find themselves incarcerated within three years of their release. Primarily, this is not because of repeat offenses. Rather, it is often due to non-criminal technical infractions, such as failing to check-in with a probation officer. 
The new bill will also require that drug tests for parolees can only be ordered if there is “reasonable suspicion of illicit drug use and the basis of that suspicion is documented in the Department of Corrections' case management system.” Additionally, if the offender adheres to all other terms of their release, such as abstaining from drug use and  refraining from possessing a firearm, “the Prisoner Review Board ‘shall,’ rather than ‘may,’ reduce the length of the supervision by 90 days if the offender earns a high school diploma, bachelor's degree, career certificate or vocational technical certificate while on supervised release” [4]. Thus, the new measure effectively allows parolees to regain control over their lives by allowing the state supervised release system to function like it was initially intended—as a support system for formerly incarcerated individuals transitioning back into society.
In contrast to HB 3751, the supervised release reform bill has received much more favorable attention. Pritzker’ received activist and rapper Meek Mill’s seal of approval, who stood alongside the Governor during the bill signing. Meek Mill—a former prison inmate and parolee—has become a beacon for criminal justice reform through the REFORM Alliance, a foundation he helped co-found [5].
The true ramifications of these bills on the lives of Illinois residents still remains uncertain, further insights will only be known in January 2024—when these laws are slated to go into effect.
[1] Pritzker defends Illinois bill that allows non-citizens to become police officers. (2023, July
31). NBC Chicago.
[2] Halon, Y. (2023, August 1). Illinois Gov. Pritzker allows non-US citizens to become police officers with new law: “Fundamentally bad idea.” New York Post. https://nypost.com/2023/08/01/illinois-gov-pritzker-allows-non-us-citizens-to-become-police-officers-with-new-law-fundamentally-bad-idea/
[3] Schneider, S. (2023, July 31). New Illinois law allows non-citizens to become police officers.
FOX 32 Chicago.
[4] Hancock, P. (2023, July 28). Gov. Pritzker signs bill overhauling mandatory supervised release. ABC7 Chicago. https://abc7chicago.com/illinois-new-laws-jb-pritzker-supervised-release-bill/13564563/
[5] Clark, J. (2023, July 28). Pritzker signs law reforming Illinois parole, mandatory supervised release. MyStateline.com. https://www.mystateline.com/news/local-news/pritzker-signs-law-reforming-illinois-parole-mandatory-supervised-release/
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