#The DC homies know what I'm talking about
clanofjones · 9 months
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element-house · 1 month
Noble Gases Meeting
Argon: You're late.
Neon: Sorry homies. We had work to do, you know?
Xenon: I had work. You had parties.
Neon: Exactly, dude! Work!
Radon: Aren't you literally the person here who does the least work?
Radon: Well, aside from Helium. No offense, Helium.
Helium: None taken. I don't care ^_^
Radon: I spend all my time busting my butt on the radioactive decay grind, and you all do... what, exactly? You sit and dink around and talk about how much better you are than all of us.
Argon: Now hold on, that's uncalled for!
Radon: Is it though? And you're honestly the worst offended Argon. Like seriously, what do you even do?
Krypton: Whoa, Radon, you okay?
Radon: I'm fine.
Helium: Getting the popcorn ready to watch Radon go off
Helium: Oops! Set the microwave for too long lol. Let's see whether Argon or the popcorn is more burnt by the end of this :D
Radon: Well alright then!
Radon: Let's go down the list, shall we? First, there's me. Objectively the hardest worker here.
Radon: Then there's Xenon. He may sit around in his room like the rest of you but at least he actually goes out and BONDS once in a while.
Xenon: Thanks.
Argon: I bond!
Radon: You bonded ONCE. Under absurdly supercooled conditions. That doesn't count.
Argon: That's not-
Radon: Krypton has bonded more than you. KRYPTON. Our resident himbo is barely aware of the checks he gets from DC each year, and he STILL bonds more often than you do.
Krypton: What's a himbo?
Xenon: Don't worry about it. Seriously, don't.
Argon: Wasn't this about Neon? He and Helium don't bond at all!
Neon: 'Cause we're way too awesome for it. AYO, UP TOP!
Helium: No =)
Neon: That's cool too, whatever floats your boat.
Radon: Neon doesn't bond, but at least he's good for PR. Everyone knows him, and as a result everyone knows US. His constant partying may be annoying but I won't deny it has SOME uses.
Neon: Ha! Take that!
Radon: And as for Helium.
Radon: We all know why Helium doesn't do anything.
Helium: You all owe me your lives forever XD
Radon: Thanks SO much for reminding us, Helium.
Helium: You're welcome! ;)
Helium: Oh, popcorn's done, gtg byeeee
Krypton: Bye, Helium!
Radon: So yeah. They don't bond, but they do other stuff. What is it YOU do, Argon?
Argon: You forgot Oganesson.
*everyone turns to look at Oganesson*
Neon: Dude, you need some water?
Neon: Ah, something stronger. No worries man, I gotchu.
Radon: Oganesson is... trying. Really hard. As opposed to you, Argon, who put in zero effort and amount to basically nothing.
Argon: That's not true!
Radon: Oh, really? Then what is you do, Argon? What makes you so important? What makes you deserving of the title of Noble?
Argon: I- well- um-
Radon: That's what I thought. We're done here. You're all the worst. I'm leaving.
Neon: Annnd there she goes.
Krypton: Bye, Radon!
Xenon: So... are we done? I have a blog to run.
Neon: Think so, dude. Oggy and I are gonna go clubbing, you want in?
Xenon: Pass.
Neon: No worries, man. Seeya Xenon. Cousins.
Neon: What he said. Neon is out. Peace.
Krypton: Um, hey babe?
Argon: ...
Krypton: Argon?
Argon: ...yes, Krypton?
Krypton: I know I'm not the best at math but... aren't you like. The cheapest noble gas? Which means people are more likely to pay you to do stuff than the other Nobles? And your liquid form is pretty useful too.
Argon: Wait. WAIT. YOU'RE RIGHT. WHY DIDN'T I REMEMBER THAT! RADON, YOU STUPID- ...ugh. What's even the point.
Krypton: Well, I think you're useful, Argon.
Argon: ...Thanks, Krypton. I think you're useful too.
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masschase · 1 year
I know it'd be spoilers but I don't mind so- what role Ben King will have in your fanfic if he has any if I may ask?
Thanks for the question!
Most of Ben's role in the fic is already done so to speak; it's already in my posted chapters.
So I'm going to phrase this as:
Major spoilers for chapters 1-19 of Out Of Time. Boss's name spoiler but again... that's kind of everywhere on here. One line from chapter 35 out of context.
Ben is not a major character in my fanfic. I do focus on some aspects of his character. Because he lost his sister when she followed him into the gang life, he had a very similar outlook to romantic relationships as Casey now has of not wanting people to get hurt because of him. He didn't close himself off quite as much as she has; he did get into relationships and even fall in love but he always kept it a secret and this tended to lead to the end of these relationships.
Now I've talked about the age dynamic on the ship before but it's very key to Ben's character. By 2022 Casey, Pierce and Shaundi are in their early 30s, Matt, Asha and Kinzie are in various stages of their 20s, Johnny is early 40s but being Johnny Gat and being trapped in a simulation for 6 years he doesn't necessarily read that way. Ben is in his mid-60s by this point based on seeing him as a young adult in that 1970s photo with Julius. The only other person of around the same age is Keith. Ben therefore has a very keen sense of "I'm babysitting and I'm not even the one in charge.". He doesn't desperately want off the ship in the same way that Keith does. But I think he does miss Earth, and I think he does regret not settling down while he had the chance, hence why he suggested Shaundi do so in their homie conversation.
Ben is part of the team of 4 that goes back in time to save the Boss's life. As he was not in DC at the time, there is no risk of erasure from him accidentally coming into contact with his past self. When future Matt takes 2016 Boss to hide out at his apartment in Steelport and future Johnny and Asha have to jump back to 2022, future Ben is left with 2016 Shaundi, Pierce and Kinzie. They end up laying low in a hotel in Colombus for a few days.
Now we only really see the Boss's side of these few days. But I imagine this team up causes some clashes behind the scenes. You've got Kinzie who normally does a lot of the on-paper planning, Pierce who is Casey's official second in command, Shaundi who has only just found out Johnny's alive and therefore not had time to heal from it, and Benjamin who considers himself the most capable of leading. I can see some battles for dominance.
Some of my favourite Ben moments in my fic:
Running through the plan when Kinzie is too hungover to explain
Disagreeing with Matt about telling the Boss who they both suspect the future traitor is
One of my favourite parts involving Ben, informing the Boss about she and Matt's friendship in future but also showing he is still not over her rescuing Matt first:
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It's clear he finds Casey a little immature, particularly her 2016 iteration, but also has some level of respect for her.
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Unlike the 2006 era Saints, he doesn't know Casey's name because he always called her "son".
He almost runs into his future self after all, and has to jump back to 2022. But before he leaves he has this exchange with Casey:
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Which sets up 2016-Casey's 3am phone call to him a couple of months later as mentioned in SRIV.
Although it was never really a viable option, King still wonders what would have happened if Casey had joined the Vice Kings, and Casey starts to wonder if she picked the wrong father figure in Julius.
This sets up the possibility of a more familial bond between them post-fanfic. And she has a line in the final chapter "I am Casey FUCKING Clark." which is obviously intended as a nod to Benjamin MF King.
Again, thanks for asking!
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Blood, Flesh, and Tears // Assassin with a Heart of Gold
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Name: Torment (He/Him)
Race: Zariel Tiefling
Class: Paladin (Oath of Vengence)
Background: Haunted One
Name: Admaer Daeneiros (He/Him)
Race: High Elf
Class: Rogue (Assassin)
Background: Criminal
Ayo, it's been a minute. Due to work, life, and other stuff, I've taken a long while break from the game due to the exhaustion. So I haven't gotten far with my bbys. So much so that for Torment, I didn't have enough, I feel to make a stand alone post with just him. So, we're gonna combine my two playthroughs with both Admaer and Torment together into one post!
Starting with Torment. Last we left off, we found Balthazar and secretly agreed to help him reach the Nightsong. You know, until I decided "naw, that's wack" and killed him early on anyways. After completing the trials of Shar and gaining access to the Shadowfell, I was very tempted to have Torment stand in Shadowheart's way so that he would have to make the ultimate decision to kill her...But I fucked that up lol. I ended up activating a dialogue tree where I was able to fucking succeed a goddamn DC 30 PERSUASION CHECK on her ass and got her to stay in the party anyways and save the Nightsong. Laughing my fucking ass off on that one homie.
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After freeing the Nightsong, since Last Light Inn was still standing, I got to see a cool cutscene where it looks like Jaheira is about to rally the forces to go against Ketheric Thorm and help us in the fight. Torment was able to kinda comfort Shadowheart and while at camp, Torment talked with Lae'zel about the whole "not going to the Githyanki creche thing." Which, she did threaten to leave, but Torment threatened back that she should stay...Which she approved of apparent...Girl you a freak, I can't wait to finally romance her someday lmao.
As Torment was settling in to rest, homeboy, Sceleritas Fel, came to visit again. This time, bearing some very unfortunate news. Presented in front of us was Wyll, the one companion that I have the highest approval ratings with (funnily enough lmao). Because we didn't go after Isobel and kill her, our urge requires blood. It will not wait any longer and it will take what it can get. Despite Torment saying that he won't hurt Wyll, a lot of the choices that I experimented with led to Wyll getting bodied, and unless I lie about the cause of Wyll's death, the whole camp will be against Torment and kill him.
So, with a successful will save to not @ Wyll, Torment hurriedly warns Wyll that he's next on the chopping board and came forward about what happened to Alfira. Torment ended up blacking out, but instead of waking up in a pool of Wyll's blood, he awakens tied up. At this point, Torment is absolutely berserk, not even able to formulate proper and sane sentences (depending on the choice of dialogue you choose, of course). Wyll encourages Torment to fight against the urge and to regain his senses. And with a howl and a snarl, the urge eventually subsides.
Because Torment came forward about killing Alfira, Wyll asks why Torment didn't say something sooner. RP-wise and based on the dialogue option I chose, Torment became overwhelmed with emotions, mainly fear and despair, and simply cried. And honestly, I don't know why my simp ass was overlooking Wyll for Torment's playthrough, because I was immediately smitten by Wyll's promise to work with Torment through his dark urges. I'm honestly pulled in so many different directions with this character XD. First Astarion, then Halsin, and now Wyll!
After getting some encouraging comments from everyone...Except from Astarion, funnily enough. But this is where we will end with Torment and transition over to Admaer.
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Moving over to Admaer, I was able to find He Who Was (HWW for short) and accepted the quest to find the guilty ones' confession of their transgression. Now, I already dealt with 2 of the Thorm family and decided to take a quick trip over to Malus and tell him to kill himself. After doing so and picking up the item to continue Halsin's quest, I picked up the book and went running back to HWW. This time around, I wanted to instead verbally call the guilty one so that I didn't harm HWW. This apparently got us onto good terms with him and maybe slightly insinuating that homeboy gets aroused when punishing sinners. HWW leaves us, but with the promise that we'll see him again.
As for Halsin, I was able to more successfully keep his ass out of the Shadowfell and went on a trip to find Thaniel's missing half, Oliver. This time around, Admaer didn't both playing games with the kid, letting them know right away that the crew knew that they were Thaniel's other half. This initiated combat over at Riethwin and this time around, due to positioning, Lae'zel got caught up in the cutscene. I decided to pick the option that best sounded like Lae'zel, which was harshly telling Oliver to get in the fucking kid.
Once again, we're informed that we gotta get rid of Thorm to fully restore the land. This time around, I'm gonna try to get into the upper levels of Moonrise Towers before going after the Nightsong with Admaer and Nalanthar to see what would happen.
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sansxfuckyou · 2 years
Oh wow, an intro
Look, I'm here, your here, let's vibe
Please, hang around and have a drink, some food and a place to rest your head
My preferred alias is Ace, but you know, if that's not your style, or you want some paprika in the mix of you label me, I'm also chill with Harley, Sam, Ryker, Izzy and Samantha
Or you can straight up call me Paprika, that shits also cool
Please use she, he or it, along with a side of neo, zap or xem
No formal DNI in use, but do know that the block button is used liberally, so if I see you being jerk then you're getting blocked
Please don't talk to me about starving yourself or actively depriving yourself of other needs you have access to, it squicks me the fuck out
I reblog about The Owl House or DC and that sorta wicked shit for my homies, I don't know fucking shit on it
I have like, three-six interchangeable OCs and I would simply die if you asked me about them
pro-[BLANK] as in fuck harassment, fuck censorship and fuck everyone who messes you up one way or another
There are very few things that I can recognize send off red alerts in my head, and I don't know what does for you, so, if you're reading my newer fics do my mind the warnings, both in the tags and at the beginning
I'm queer, not LGBT+, and you can go fuck yourself with that fancy car of yours if you're gonna come after me for it
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dathemyscira · 7 years
I'm not really into comic books or anything so I don't know much of what the DC fandom is like, but i do understand what you're talking about to a point due to other fandoms. I'm sorry that your ship's tags are so full of hate like that, hopefully someday you'll be able to find some good people who ship it that'll make shipping it a bit more worth it to you, and i hope that your next day will be better than this one
thanks, homie!! i can take it most days but when you search ur ship & half the results are so negative u just. screamsanyways thanks 4 the support
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