clanofjones · 1 year
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theerurishipper · 5 months
Tim Drake, for no reason at all:
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Dick Grayson, Tim's big brother in every conceivable way for the past several years:
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halohalona · 2 years
my depression was going away, now Henry ISN'T playing superman anymore?! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!
I. AM. BAWLING. my eyes out in the car right now.
No Witcher, No Superman, what is life anymore. Literally one of the only things keeping me going.
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
10 Anti LO Asks
1. if there was ever a short, chubby man in LO it would just be someone to creepy after Persephone and be the butt of the joke about how he's not "hot" compared to Manly™️ Hads. Rachel has the weirdest hard-on to mock anyone who isn't a conventionally attractive, straight rich person and it shows itself way too often.
2. are .. are LO characters supposed to look attractive? is that RS' intent? 😵‍💫 say sike right now because none of them look good
3. I would just be so pissed if I was an Original creator seeing what this WT does. These creators are busting their asses week in and out to make a weekly comic with a tight story and great art with little to no help (some even broke their hands and RELEARNED HOW TO DRAW WITH THEIR OTHER HAND to keep going) but WT continues to ignore them while giving Rachel as much help and promotion as she could ever want or need and she gets to rake in the money for what little she does. How is that ok?
4. I’m just gonna put it out there, but the fact that Eros was confirmed bi/pan in an earlier episode only for him to later be exclusively shown attraction to women is so gross. Especially when he’s the only mspec character which was revealed along with him being very promiscuous. It’s very “pick a side” and “all mspec people are very sexual. As a bi person it’s just way too gross.
From OP: Hera also seems to be mspec as there’s a thing (??) between her and Echo. It’s not 100% confirmed but, let’s face it, RS would face a lot of backlash if she goes back on Hera x Echo after that girlfriend comment Ares made.
That being said, I hate how she’s also mspec and (potentially) cheating, which is something a lot of mspec people get accused of just for liking more than one gender.
5. i feel like there's a big difference between stylization versus whatever rachel is doing. we know she can draw but the style she's chosen for LO is only getting worse even as rachel tries to "improve" it with lineart and attempts of anatomy (despite her being nearly 40? why is she only NOW trying to learn it??)
6. I mean yeah the art in LO isn't the worst thing ever, but the fact it markets itself off being the most unique, beautiful art on the whole app is just like ... really? Based off what? Often the bright colors and "painter" style, especially in the last few years, is a hindrance instead of a strength. I can browse the Canvas Top 30 and see miles ahead better art with only one person doing it, not a team of five or more people.
7. did ... did rachel just slap harpy aesthetics onto eris and call it a day? can she even try to keep any of these creatures straight. even daphne and the other nymphs loses their pointy ears  half the time and that's their only defining feature.
8. wait, so RS did a comic for DC and WT wasn't screaming about, even though they have a DC partnership??? Even RS wasn't?? Surely that's far more legitimate than anything else? I'll agree we can see with actual time and effort put into it she can actually draw, but are just going to ignore her depiction of WW and Superman are still the same exact buxom female and just Hades with dark hair now? Also PS, the Circe/hamster thing is directly ripped off from Percy Jackson, so that's not very original.
9. RS would make Wonder Woman be a tiny teenager huh. She's allergic to tall women with muscles. At least we should be glad she's not a repeat of Athena or making them highlighter yellow and blue.
10. RS making Helios be pro-global warming is damn near evil. He's one of the most loving gods ever?? He was one of the few Titans who was worshipped well beyond antiquity because of his love for humans?? I get DC's versions are also different from mythology but even they tend to be framed as good guys, wtf?? She literally can't write them correctly even with it's someone else's version. Talk about a negative team player.
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vecna-official · 3 years
absolute disaster of a boss fight last night <3
the party faced off against Rex the bard's sibling, Ash, who he hadn't seen in 25 years. in the intervening time, they'd been radicalized by a false god, and were leading the local chapter of paladins (the Solaric Order) determined to Light Yagami all crime out of existence (by killing anyone who commits a crime)
start blasting Ten Piedad from the Blasphemous soundtrack
Ash goes right for Rex, putting him on single digits HP with a single turn, and the rest of the weaker paladins rush the party
KAID, the hexblade warlock, dishes out 50 damage a round for a few turns before getting dropped by some of the mooks. it's a running joke that he goes down at least once a fight, and it's holding true here.
they kill off most of the minor enemies with Shatter, Spirit Guardians, and the dragonborn Fighter's cold breath.
Ash is desperate, bleeding, and cornered. So they call down a blast of heavenly light which closes all of their wounds and fixes the gashes in their armor. Begin stage 2.
sike, Rex casts Charm Person
the last few minor enemies are cleaned up by Kirsi, the fighter, and the warlock *instantly* starts a short rest, hoping to finish it before the Charm Person wears off (textbook warlock behavior)
Ash is now real friendly, happily gives away plenty of information about the Solaric Order, and gets into a theological argument with both Rex and Kura the cleric.
Ash says they should probably dispose of all of these bodies, and begins loading them into a wheelbarrow to take them to the city graveyard
the members of the party who aren't taking a short rest follow. leaving the warlock. whose player is something of a powergamer, and who is the party's main DPS character. Mistake.
about halfway to the graveyard, they realize that the spell will wear off at some point, and it might be better to start the fight now, so that they have the element of surprise.
so everyone preps their spells (Kura casts Spirit Guardians and activates Twilight Sanctuary for temp HP) and then Kirsi walks up to Ash and shish kebabs them. Begin stage 2 for real this time, but it's a 3v1 instead of a 4v1
and Ash, in a frenzy, is using smites now.
Crits the Cleric. 47 damage. He's at 1 HP. DC 23 Constitution save to maintain concentration of Spirit Guardians. Literally impossible. They flicker out.
Cleric casts Cure Wounds at 3rd level, going to an effective HP of somewhere around 30.
Fighter puts attack after attack into Ash, rolling better than she has in the entire rest of the campaign so far. Rex is out of spells so he's spamming Vicious Mockery.
Ash smites Kura again. Does exactly enough to down him.
Kirsi force-feeds him a healing potion before stabbing Ash another two times.
Kura disengages. He doesn't bother healing himself, just recasts Spiritual Weapon. 1d4+5 points of healing won't make much difference against an enemy outputting 30+ a turn.
Ash is on their last legs, at 2 hit points. Rex casts Vicious Mockery. They fail the save. Rex just says "I'm sorry," and catches them as they slump to the ground.
They're buried in an unmarked grave in the city graveyard.
End of session.
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