#The Hybrds
The story and editing are not done but I am. I cannot deal with this god forsaken thing anymore. It ain't that good but I wanted to post it anyways.
⚠️TW: Blood, injury, eating humans (that's probably it??)⚠️
O' Pale One
Henry ran as fast as his legs could handle. The bloodhounds stayed close behind in pursuit. The hunters knew about all the monsters they could get on Goat’s Peak. Plenty for bounties and food. Clearly they had figured he was some sort of common brown goat monster. Which, to be fair, was his technical scientific designation other than the whole part of being a reaper. You’d think they’d be able to tell by the fact his head is a skull with three eye sockets instead of two, being nine feet tall, and having four arms. The things that occur from being exposed to Stalal's magic do some fascinating things.
The hunters followed closely before Henry made a sharp turn to the path connecting Dragon’s Peak and Goat’s Peak. It wasn’t hard to tell they weren’t dragonborn-level hunters or even any sort of high class for that matter. They had low level weapons and didn’t use the same code words. Henry knew if they figured out where he was running to, they would probably scamper off. That is, if they’re smart.
His hooves hit the snow, crunching as he ran. The scenery changed from normal pine to splintered trees strewn across the cold landscape. In the distance the colossal wings of the great pale dragonborn beat as he hunted for something to eat. His scales shining in the sun. Henry was so close to safety but the hunters were still behind him shouting commands at each other.
The hunters began to split up and surround him. An attempt to corner him. Not the first time this tactic has been used on him but it was definitely a difficult one to get out of. Especially with the dogs. Henry crouched low and shifted down into his human form to make himself a smaller target. For a moment after the humans became hesitant yet merely thought it was some sort of trap to turn into one of them. He just needed them to focus their attention away from him for a moment so they would see the dragonborn in the sky.
Or maybe the dragonborn would see them first.
A mighty roar shook Henry. The hunters stopped in their tracks and the dogs whimpered, scampering away from the beast, and leaving their owners they had devoted their loyalty to. Now closer, the great pale one stared down with his black sclera and red pupils. That’s when the horror of realization struck the hunters. They stumbled as they tried to run from the building sized symbol of death. The dragon dove down from his place in the sky and his massive claws slammed into the snow in front of the fleeing people. Another deafening roar made Henry fall backwards to the ground as he stared up.
Then a booming voice spoke out in pure, unfiltered anger.
“Who dares enter my land? Identify yourselves now!” The thundering voice said.
The people all looked at each other in terror. Shivering from the cold and fear. Then one spoke out in a meek voice, “We are monster hunters from Silverkeep o’ pale one.”
Henry thought that the dragon couldn’t get any angrier than this but the growing flame of rage in his eyes would have burned the fallen wood around them if it was a physical thing. The dragonborn lunged at the men and women, pinning them down with his claws and roared once again, yet this time much louder and much closer.
“Silverkeep! A town of dread and manipulation!” He narrowed his eyes at the hunters and snarled, “Are you authorities or mere townspeople?”
“Authorities o’ pale one.” A young hunter wheezed out from under the blade like claws.
He growled at them, “All of you are weak and pathetic flesh bags undeserving of life.”
Henry slowly stood up as the shimmering creature shouted profanities at the group. Now was his chance to sneak away. He began to stride away, staying low and hiding behind the shattered pieces of wood. The shouting from the large reptile hurt his ears and made him more uneasy with every word.
Soon enough Henry started listening to what the dragon was saying once again, the voice said, “How dare you enter my lands and threaten my ally! He left your lands in hope of freedom and peace yet here you are bringing disruption to not only his life but to my land!”
Henry’s heart dropped as the hunter's faces went whiter than the dragon’s scales. Henry spun around and stared up at the dragon. Balling up his fists, he spun around, “Christopher. They are enforcers and will tell the higher ups about my location.” Henry spoke out angrily.
“To be fair they won’t be going anywhere, sweets.” Christopher’s mood suddenly changed like a light switch, with a smirk as he raised his head to look at Henry. Henry tilted his head while he looked into his eyes with a confused expression, “Oh please Henry. I haven’t tasted human in so long! Besides, I was already looking for a snack anyways.”
Henry looked up at Chris in terror as the jaws of the beast opened over the people. He backed away with a horror stricken face. Chris seemed to take notice.
“The fear in your eyes is only making me hungrier, sweets. Now, I wouldn’t suppose you would like to join them now, hm?” Chris said softly with a ravenous grin showing off his sword-like teeth and catching Henry off guard. Quickly, Henry turned his head away and squeezed his eyes shut.
“No.” Henry said under his quivering breath.
“That's what I thought.” Chris growled.
Once again the jaws parted and the sounds of screams soon were muffled by the slick sounds of gulping. A chill went down Henry’s spine when Chris let out a satisfied purr. His mind was begging him to run but alas it wouldn’t be much of a use anyway. Guilt took a tight grip on his chest making it hard to breathe. This was a bad idea that had worse consequences than he had imagined.
The thuds of footsteps and the crunching of the snow snapped Henry out of his trance. He looked up to see Chris towering over him with a sadistic grin. Silently, he crossed his arms, turned away, and began to walk back towards goat’s peak. He couldn’t look at Chris, even when he called out to him.
More footsteps, faster this time, in his direction made him stop, “What do you want Chris?”
“Yeesh. Giving me the cold shoulder eh? Come on, this is only the third time I’ve done this.” Chris responded smugly.
“That’s three times too many! You’re giving them tips to my location just so you can eat them. You are using me as bait Chris!” Henry said angrily, “What if they actually catch me? What then? Are you going to let yourself put your old friend at risk for your own gluttonous greed?”
Christopher’s face lit up in shock for a moment then scrunching up in thought. He was quiet for a moment before he spoke, “Henry— I…” His eyes darted around trying to search for the right words, “Look I know you're upset but can’t you do this for me? After all, you do owe me it.”
“Owe you? What more do you want? I’ve given you everything I have! My money, my devotion, my loyalty, my respect, my shelter, my kindness, and now you want my dignity?” Henry snapped back, “I’m done with you. Go find another plaything.”
Henry turned away once again and made his way down the mountain, ignoring any sort of plea or halfwitted apologies from Chris. He put doubt in his choice to not forgive Chris for his actions but reminded himself that it would probably be better for his own mental state. It wasn’t out of the question they would make up again and everything would go back to normal but that doesn’t mean Christopher’s actions didn’t hurt.
That was a mistake.
Henry was sitting at his house working on a few papers. Without warning the ground shook, making him jump. If it weren’t for the screeches outside he would have thought it was just some sort of giant passing through. When he looked around the room he caught a glimpse of his side. A large gash spilled warm crimson blood.
It wouldn’t affect him negatively because the only way to kill a reaper is to damage their skeletal structure. Chris on the other hand was the exact opposite, he could be killed by blood loss but his skeleton would regenerate within a few seconds and become stronger if it were broken. That’s one of the reasons dragonborn bones were used to make powerful weapons.
There was no way he got this gash just out of the blue. Something had happened to Chris. He needed to act fast if he wanted to make sure Chris was safe.
He burst out of his home and ran towards the ear piercing sounds. As he got closer he could hear a woman shouting out commands all too familiar to Henry. There was no doubt that they were dragonborn class hunters. Sliding down a snowy hill, Henry started to see the group surrounding Chris. They managed to get the large reptile pinned down and the lead hunter raised her sword above his neck. The hunter caught a glance of him in the trees running towards the group and smirked. She swung down with full force to land the final blow before Henry could get over.
She wasn’t fast enough.
Henry slammed his fist into a nearby tree. The nightmare realm bloomed as the world faded to black and white. Flora and fauna faded away into dark dust. Chris was sprawled on the ground, whining in pain. When he realized he was in a safer place he shifted down into his humanoid form and sighed.
Slowly he closed his red eyes and brushed back his blond hair. His breathing was ragged, his white clothes stained with blood, and his normally upbeat and snarky personality was replaced by silence.
Looking up at Henry weakly when he crouched down beside him, Chris spoke, “Admit it sweets, you enjoy seeing me in pain huh?”
“No, not really. It makes me pity you even more than I already do.” Henry responded, “Forgive me for lashing out at you earlier. I should have kept my composure better.”
“Nah. Don’t sweat it. Not going to lie, I kind of deserved it.” Chris groaned out as he rolled over onto his back, “You’re bleeding Henry.”
Henry looked back down at the gash. It had pretty much healed since he last looked at it. Christopher’s wound on the other hand was still going strong. Henry grabbed a piece of his overcoat and tore it off. Carefully, he wrapped the cloth around the cut. Until they got to a medical center this would have to do.
The Crow family jumped when the door flew open. Their eyes were met with an injured Chris and an exhausted Henry. Peony was quick to grab Chris, dragging him into her office. Her daughter, Spirit, followed behind in a panic. Fae stayed behind and tried to get Henry to spill what had happened
Weeks went by and still Chris hadn’t fully recovered. Word had gotten around about the incident and people kept trying to pry the reaper about it. Eventually it led to Henry staying locked up in his library’s office. Even the shades and shines started to get worried since his siblings weren’t able to contact him either.
People slowly got more and more worried about Henry. News got out that Chris finally recovered yet it wasn’t able to reach Henry. Fae told Chris about the situation and he just sighed before leaving for the library.
When he arrives at the office door inside the massive building he knocks, “Hey sweets? Guess who’s alive for once!”
Without a moment of hesitation the door swings open to reveal the shorter man. His hair is messy, the bags under his eyes hint at an extreme lack of sleep, his body shook with exhaustion, and his eyes looked so somber that Chris smiled out of pity. Christopher wrapped his arms around him and held him close in an embrace. After a few seconds Henry gave in, doing the same.
A sharp inhale escaped the reaper and made Chris open his eyes out of curiosity. Henry’s body now quaked with repressed sobs. He could feel his chest moving quicker and unsteadily trying to keep them low. Carefully Chris raised a hand up to Henry’s head, gently petting it while he cooed quietly.
“Let’s go to my house, yeah?” The blond asked.
“Yeah. Okay.” Henry said softly in response.
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penny00dreadful · 21 days
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From the penultimate chapter of Times Like These by @hbyrde36 🥰 Hope you like it. 🖤
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saintshigaraki · 4 months
i do think tiger hybrid!sukuna grooming me as a form of dominating caretaking would fix me btw
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ranvwoop · 4 months
it's been at least 3 years and I will never stop being petty about certain mc yt fandom tropes
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dwarvendiaries · 1 year
Appreciating how in the DFRoundtable Podcast when Willow said she was making a fortress to run in a ttrpg game they asked what it was.
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systemdm · 1 year
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Icepop Crown!! The Daily Hybrid HBN661-662 Seen first @thenounsquare Click and Swipe at hybridnouns.wtf and follow @hybridnouns for updates!!! #HYBRD #dailyhybrids #hybridnouns #nouns #nounish #systemdm https://www.instagram.com/p/Cqdc1S_OZwc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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featheredsnek · 2 months
I have a Question.
If there a hybrids between a wolf and cobra just curious ?
I mean if you want fluffy snakes there's always Mocha! But no hybrds between species, there's barely any interaction as it is.
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hybridnouns · 1 year
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#NewProfilePic A very New York Pizza Rabbit! Ready for #NFTNYC2023 The Daily Hybrid !!!HBN674-675 Click and Swipe at hybridnouns.wtf and follow @HybridNouns for updates!!! #HYBRD #dailyhybrids #hybridnouns #nouns #nounish #systemdm
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angrelysimpping · 2 years
Whore Alex newly demonic and Demon PC corrupting everyone together
PC after corrupting Alex realizes what a perfect place the farm is to spread their depravity and they enjoy it fucking everyone so they start to do the same thing they did with Alex to everyone else they can with Alex their lover and partner helping spread their sin.
It starts with just the people close to the farm the farm sentry growing demonic wings and horns along with dog ears as a consequence of his fall and his dabbling with dogs you and Alex find it fitting a new guard dog both of you think, it progresses towards Remy and Wren becoming demons, Remy growing a pair of horns more bullish than yours or Alex and lactating, Wren also becomes demonic, a sharp tail curled around his leg becoming more foxlike as you had played extensively with him and fox boys finding them similar to each other a fluffy tail swaying behind him ears swiveling around to catch any noise.
It progresses still even largely unimportant people on the farm changed your construction workers have been dragged down with you show the highest pleasures by you they to come to be demons, still, it's contained but it grows more the church becomes concerned when Sydney stops showing up and starts to consider the farm dangerous when they found out what you did to them, dragging them into depravity tam wings spread out behind him a perverse glint in his eyes walking naked around the farm blonde hair hanging loose. Still is spread more and more people from the end up coming to your farm and waved changed and more knowledgeable of the indecency around them more aware of the tentacles aware of the animal people aware of the ghosts and monsters that hang around the town.
hhhhhh yes, yes yes yes
all the demons, all the hybrds
i love
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virovac · 1 year
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Potential Arthropod kaiju for a Ultra Kaiju Monster Rancher sequel.
Possibly rejected due to potential skins being too similar to those of Baltan.
An ancient magnetic monster. While no Magneto, turns out having all the iron and some other minerals in your body magnetized is a very painful experience as the silvery Ultraman discovered. Antlar was the first kaiju that Ultraman could not defeat and could only buy time against for his human allies to figure out a way to stop the monster. In Ultra Kaiju Monster Rancher they currently have a cameo bread/cookie*/trait that grants bonuses in fights to gain/preserve your monsters territorial claims (which gives benefits when training in such areas), but that trait could be reassigned to another cameo Kaiju in a sequel as playable monsters don’t have Territorial-related starting traits.
Ultraman Max would give its magnetism beam the ability to disperse or steal energy from enemies charging up an attack which combined with not causing direct physical damage, points to most beam attacks being withering. (An exception would be a technique that pulls metallic objects from offscreen to strike an enemy from behind)
Base breed would definitely be tanky.
*localization differences on whether the item is a bread or a cookie
 Great name. Dustpan actually originated in the show Mirrorman another show from the same studio, but joined the Ultraman stable of  aiju from their appearance in the Tsuburaya Productions and Chaiyo Productions collab, The 6 Ultra Brothers and Hanuman vs. The Monster Army (though without flapping wings, antennae or the unused whiplike weapon on their left hand, drab and much and less colorful). There they showed chemistry and friendship with Gomora, Astromons and Tyrant as they rampaged and partied around a rocket base. Dustpan also reportedly appeared in Ultraman stage shows as a sidekick to the Ultraman monster Doragory, 
In their first appearance, they are formed from alien scientists who have been creating human sized insects (to spread disease and famine) fusing themselves together into a kaiju when their lab is discovered.
By flapping wings can take a page from Mothra and give hurricane winds carrying poisonous particles. A long and flexible tail constricting tail. Their movie appearance gave them simple eyebeam blasts as well which they proudly showed off to the other monsters by destroying fighter planes. In their original appearance they had innaccurate antennae lasers they used against Mirrorman.
 From the Australian Ultraman series Ultraman Towards The Future and possible homage to Kamacuras from Godzilla. Consisting of a pair of the largest of a group of giant insects mutated by generations of pesticides and illegal dumping of toxic waste, the creatures fight only to protect their territory eggs but they cannot be allowed to hatch more (though I feel the swarms of smaller ones got left unresolved due to not the tightest writing). One flew around attacking aircraft and gathering food while another flightless (but able to leap high and far enough to threaten aircraft) mostly guarded the eggs and had extra antennae in place of wings. As a creature that eats poison, they could have a fun trait of some beneficial effects when poisoned. 
A tragic monster though not given sympathy in-universe unlike other parent monsters, the last of the two Majaba perishes while trying to protect the eggs with their body as a chemical is released to kill them, with Ultraman’s finisher merely used to dispose of the biohazard the body represents.
I just want them in the game so can be happy for once.
An SNES game gave them eyebeams, and a later series in which they and several other obscure kaiju had their genetic material used to make a hybrid monster, the hybrd’s most powerful energy blast is channeled through the eyes of the Majaba face on their chest.  A confusing mess of a tie-in comic also gave a Majaba this great kangaroo-kick moment.. 
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A Nova with Majaba sub-breed could be really cool looking, with an organic looking scythe
Probably one of the few Space Beast from the adult-aimed Ultraman Nexus that could fit the vibes, Banpiar reappered in the more child-friendly Ultra Galaxy where they jobbed to Gomora (Gomora could win but the person controlling Banpira clearly did not understand its abilities)
Resembling in my opinion a spider halfway trying to be a flea or grasshopper, they cannot only spit webs but create concealing fog, has a sonic screech, can pound the ground to cause minor earthquakes, and possesses psychic powers that cause survivors of their attacks to forget its existence.
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Congrats you've been
✨shitposted once more✨
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spookyserenades · 11 months
Ok I just remembered in the beginning it talked about how joon being in his animal form for too long can be harmful for him. I assume because maybe he grow too dependent in that form, so does this mean that it works the same way vice versa. Like do they have to regularly shift into their animal forms as well in order to stay healthy or does that not matter? Will y/n see then in their animal forms again? Do hybrds often shift just for attack or defense purposes? Oh no I’m running out of space :’(
Hi hi darling! 🥰
Yes so I believe in Chapter Two Seokjin informed MC that it is uncomfortable for hybrids to remain in their animal shifted states for extended periods of time. I think that typically, hybrids are more used to being in their human forms, and that is what's most comfortable for them- they can communicate and use their human spatial skills, etc. In Trouvaille, however, this is a sliding scale. For instance: Yoongi, who spent his whole life working at a bar around humans, likely didn't spend so much time in his leopard form, so more than a couple of days in that state would probably start to become uncomfortable for him. On the other hand, perhaps a hybrid who had grown up in the wild, likely spent more time shifted into animal form out of convenience, so those particular hybrids have built up a tolerance over time to remain shifted in animal forms for longer periods (maybe even weeks).
There is an instance that shifting into animal form does serve a purpose for hybrids, which will come up in the next update, so I don't want to give too much away on that quite yet! 💓
MC will definitely get to see them in animal forms again, I think each hybrid has a certain way they feel about shifting from their human forms, but again-- that's something to be explored later down the line!
What I will say, though; hybrids keep all of their human mental facilities when they shift into animal form. Meaning, when Hoseok shifts into his fox form, he'll still know who he is, who MC is, etc... hybrids don't revert into their base species. (What I'm trying to say here is jaguar Seokjin wouldn't try to maul a human/another hybrid in his animal form, he'd still just be sweetpea Seokjin-- an overgrown kitty, pretty much).
I wasn't able to give too much away without spoiling later arcs, but I hope this answered a few of your questions! Thank you for sending in this lovely message! 💜
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i forgot a lot in my intro hehe! i’m also ok with being called bun or bunny :) after all, im a bunny hybrd :3🌻
Alright! I didn't have a pet bunny until now, hehe.
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nomarsfinery · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: The North Face Thermoball Hybrid Hoodie Jacket Womens Medium Pink.
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djchorlocontrolection · 6 months
Jeans - Aquatic Lifeforms (Alien Hybrd Evolvd) 2019
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systemdm · 1 year
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….and The Nounder Hybrid HBN660-661!!! Click and Swipe at hybridnouns.wtf and follow @hybridnounsfor updates !! #HYBRD #dailyhybrids #nounderhybrids #hybridnouns #nouns #nounish #systemdm https://www.instagram.com/p/Cqb2wf4MAL1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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