#The Overhead Compartment
yegas · 6 days
yooooo im back has gege killed anyone new in the meantime
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hartxstarr-art · 4 months
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the monster likes to reside in dark enclosed spaces. at first, it wanted to live in the closet but spike did not like that idea. under his bed was fine though.
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cactusflowerfemme · 8 months
I need to get actual carry-on luggage at the rate I've been flying recently.
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himbeaux-on-ice · 2 years
i don't care if they have to fold him up like a lawn chair to fit him in an economy class seat, nic hague get your ass on a plane to vegas pronto
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bbtin · 1 year
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Bears are ironically unable to bear the truth.
Finally finished my Father's Day comic. My father used to say this to me whenever he didn't feel like telling me where he was going, so of course, I ended up not asking after that. Do I sometimes instead of giving people the information they ask for, just give a ridiculous answer from time to time? Yes. Would it be healthier to just say "I'd prefer not to say?" Perhaps. But it is funny sometimes this way.
I hope anyone who found this day to be hard was doing okay and is doing even better today. Late shout out to the dads and father figures out there supporting people.
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harrykim · 1 year
lol this airport is so pathetic the boarding lines are set up so shit and you apparently HAVE to weigh ur carry on now? loser behaviour
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sapphic-saionji · 2 years
Got some stuff packed since I’m moving out Saturday :3
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estelle-speaks · 5 months
I hate trains. They have no business being as stressful as they are
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llycaons · 7 months
I have a suitcase and backpack so a two-seater can get cramped with another person, and I actually did have someone in the seat next to me on this first part of the trip, but if you're the only person in a THREE seater with like a backpack and a duffle bag...come on. come on you don't need three seats
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pursuitist · 1 year
The Overhead Compartment with Ivan Shaw
Shining a spotlight on celebrities and athletes who love to travel. From Taiwan to California, from the Soaps to the small screen, Ivan Shaw has been breaking ground while standing out with his talent. Shaw honed his skills at UCLA, where he started off studying math and computer science, but as his passion for acting grew so did the scope of the opportunities. Getting his first break in the…
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lvstrucks · 3 months
notes 💌
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lando norris x reader
Request: Imagine reader feels like she hasnt spent time with Lando in a couple days so she starts leaving fluffy and funny notes around their apartment for him thank youuuu
It felt like it had been days since you’d last properly spoken to your boyfriend.
Despite you both being in the same city, your shared apartment may as well have been a flatshare with strict agreements to never be in the apartment at the same time. Due to conflicting schedules, it seemed that as soon as Lando arrived home, you were rushing out the door to work. When you pulled into the driveway, Lando would be pulling out, giving you a cheeky beep of the horn and blowing you a kiss as he went. 
By the fifth day that went on like this with no end in sight, you’d had enough. A small stack of colourful sticky notes on the kitchen counter caught your eye and you hunted around for a pen, putting your plan into action. 
Lando arrived home with a sigh. The apartment was dark and quiet for 8pm, but with the hours you were currently working this wasn’t out of the ordinary. He kicked off his sneakers and padded into the kitchen, frowning as his stomach growled. He’d finished all his carefully prepped, diet-abiding meals for the day, but maybe a snack couldn’t hurt? As he flicked on the overhead light a small post it note in his favourite bright yellow colour stuck to the fridge caught his eye. It sat between a few fridge magnets and a strip of photobooth pictures of the two of you, you sitting on Lando’s lap and pulling a silly face as he grinned widely. He smiled softly at the memory, and then even wider as he read the note. 
Hope you had a good day! I got some of those puffed crisps you like, have a few. You’ve earned it :) 
He pulled open the pantry and sure enough, there they were. He tore open the packet, scoffing a few down before heading down the hallway to your bedroom. He changed into sweatpants quietly and curled up beside your sleeping frame before hearing a crinkling, crumpling sound as he lay his head down. Feeling around blindly, his hands came into contact with another small note and he flicked on the bedside lamp to read it. 
Rest up, I love you ♡
He pouted, turning off the light and snuggling into you, head tucked into the back of your neck. 
The next few days continued as before, but Lando found your notes around the house like small glimmers of love. 
Don’t work too hard! was laying on top of his workout gear one morning.
Drive safely please! stuck to the steering wheel of his car.
BEST BF EVRRRR was sitting on top of his shoes when he went to put them on. (He quietly tucked this one into the back of his phone case for later.)
When he looked into the mirror after stepping out the shower, he was met with: There’s that pretty smile!
Wanna spoon?  Stuck on the cutlery drawer. 
Let’s do cardio together tonight… was on the door to his home gym. 
You left the notes and noticed they’d disappeared by the day after, assuming Lando read them, smiled and threw them out. What you didn’t realise was that Lando was collecting them, making a neat pile in the glove compartment of his car. Over the next few days, whenever he felt lonely or needed assurance, he had a whole pile of your feelings to sift through and bask in. 
When you woke up a few days later, you sighed at the cold, empty bed. Opening your eyes you were met with a fluro yellow square covering your eyes. You giggled, pulling the note left on your forehead. 
Morning pretty girl, it said. I took the afternoon off and will pick you up from work. We have a LOT of catching up to do ;) 
tysm for requesting x
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lakecoded · 1 year
ugh!!! not sure if i'm checking my bag tomorrow or not ://
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anadiasmount · 3 months
airports and late night dates - jude bellingham x reader.
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quick sum: “hi babe! can you do a story when y/n it's not a celebrity or a famous person and she has her first appereance as jude’s girlfriend in public. they are at a airport and paparazzi are very curious taking photos and shit and jude is beeing very protective with her. love you.”
wc: 2k | masterlist | jude’s masterlist
psa 🗣️: HAIII ILYSM AS WELL!! jude being a literal body guard and so protective would so be him 😔🤞🏻 added another cute scene after because bf! jude is soooo 🫂🤍!! tiny insta au at the end 😚, like always hope you enjoy!! 🤍
almost a day of traveling had completely drained you. arguing with TSA about your bags in the overhead compartment, your headphones dying on the first flight, accidentally spilling your snacks before buying them, a baby in the plane with their nonstop crying. all you wanted and looked forward to was being with jude.
almost two months without seeing him, without getting to feel his hugs or kisses, hearing him speak in person or to even smell his masculine scent. studying still in germany, your time with him was very small due to having hectic careers. you in uni while he thrived in madrid.
what you most loved and appreciated was not letting that get in the way when making plans or when together. unless it wasn’t convenient or couldn’t work. besides that he made it a priory to fly out to you when he could or you when you had time off. when you were finally together it was to make up for lost time and to be around each other at all times.
to jude:
just landed! headache is killing me i need OUT this plane right now 😑
from jude:
sorry baby! almost here though to be with me! 😉 i’ll be waiting by the baggage claim for you 🤍
to jude:
winky face emoji? really jude? you can’t even properly wink 🙄😂
from jude:
i will book the first fly out before you can even get out the plane 😒
to jude:
no pls i’m sorry! i’m just being moody today has drained me and i’m in need for water and food 😔
from jude:
no cuddles from me?
to jude:
need those especially ☹️🤍
you smiled to yourself, shutting your phone and quietly playing your music, retrieving your carry on purse and putting away any snacks away. you grabbed your small luggage in the overhead compartment, waiting a couple of seconds before slowly walking out, saying thank you and goodbye to the flight attendants.
you practically were sprinting with anticipation out to the gate and then airport to pass customs quickly. not caring if you looked like a mad woman running around. the lady at customs was sweet and fast, asking your reason for your trip and declaring anything to which you denied.
you went through TSA again, kinda annoyed of having to take everything on for a few seconds to then putting it on again. you put your shoes on quickly, grabbing your purse and luggage and ensuring you had everything before leaving. your body ran with chills and excitement, telling jude you were maybe 20 minutes away, to which he replied saying he was here.
you walked around glancing at your phone then and there to check the time and any texts from him and the airline. it was super late almost midnight when you finally were down the escalator stairs looking around for jude. you put your hood up, feeling the cool air from outside into the building causing you to get cold.
you still look around, texting jude you were finally here, debating to call him or not. your finger cling onto your bag, feeling a body behind you and whispering to your level in your ear. “looking for me?” jude whispered, making you jump and turning around. you hugged him tight, almost tearing up due to the exhaustion and seeing him again.
jude picked you up, legs coming around his waist feeling as he dugged his head into your neck and chuckling. “you’re actually here with me? been waiting for so long, you have no idea,” he said making you giggle and pleading him to put you down so you could give him a proper kiss. “does that make it real for you?”
“nope need one more for confirmation,” he joked but actually leant down to capture you in a heated and messy kiss. “not here jude… what if there is cameras?” you say between the kiss, hands resting on his face as he shook his head, “i know i know, just missed you so much,” he frowned, placing one final kiss on your head.
everyone knew jude had a gf, but they didn’t know who you were as you wanted to be private as possible. the idea of being exposed to his world just wasn’t what you wanted right now. you wanted to finish school first, and start your career before fully having to question your every move. you didn’t want to let their comment or any words to your head.
jude respected that, even so wanted to keep you private not because he didn’t want to show you off but to protect your from the constant flash here and flash there in his life. he was barely getting used to it, and he knew you couldn’t quickly adapt or liked the idea, no matter where you were.
the two of you obviously still went out in public, luckily every time you did you didn’t run into people as often or got recognized. you didn’t let that stop you from having a relationship you loved and deserved together.
“these are for you darling,” he passed you a bouquet of your favorite flowers, “and these as well,” he then retrieved some of your favorite snacks from england. he could see the glint of happiness and appreciation in your eyes, as you poured your lip and thanked him. “i have some gifts for you too, they’re in my other bag. thank you baby,” you sealed the moment with a kiss.
you walked hand and hand together to where other people waited by the baggage claim, jude bringing his arm around your waist to protect you from people who passed by in a rush or with their bags. he wore an all black outfit, with a black baseball cap on his head, looking so boyfriend than ever.
you saw a flash from the corner of your eye, looking up to see where it came from, but jude was quick to pull and hide you away. “was that?” jude answer the question with a quickly nod, “yes… idk how they’re here… i’m sorry baby-”
“it’s okay, i doubt more of them more are here. i only saw one of them,” you reassured him following as you two hid behind a pilar. “let’s pray there’s only one. i don’t know how they found me? i’ve been under the radar since my injury,” jude said frustrated, feeling your hand squeeze his to sooth the anger down a bit and showing that you were here with him.
jude grabbed your single bag, putting his hood up like you had and walked out to the car that was parked by the entrance. the driver had the trunk open helping jude with the bags when a van full with cameras proceeded to pull over and quickly flash the scene. jude whispered a small “shit” to himself, going over to you, and pulling you to his chest hiding you away as you got into the car.
you could hear the commotion and pleads to jude, then asking questions who you were, what your name was, how he was doing, about his injury. the whole encounter was making your head spin and race with nervousness, not used to the flash to your face, or the amount of people around you. you knew it came when being with jude but not like this where you were barely with him for an hour.
jude urged the driver to pull away, quickly driving away through a secret path and letting you out quick from the paparazzi. you laughed loudly, throwing your head back as jude stared at you with a face of amusement yet also confusing. “what? what are you laughing at?” he asked laughing a bit himself.
“at the fact we only thought it would be only one of them, but they had their whole crew waiting outside!” you laughed louder clapping your hands and shaking your head. the whole encounter causing a wave of emotions, and it seemed like laughing is the only thing you could do. jude laughed himself, hearing you calm down a place a kiss on the back of his hand.
“can i be honest? for some reason i feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. we’re so used to being careful and having to change routes the times we go out in public together so we can’t be seen. it’s a relief because i feel like i don’t have to hide you or us away, making it real for everyone else including us, you know? at the same time it’s scary but i don’t care as king as i’m with you,” you say honestly, sighing with relief.
“only if you’re comfortable and okay with it, i only want what’s best for us and you especially, to protect you from what just happened there or for what they’ll say. once we come out you know there’s no going back,” jude reminds you. you knew this came when being with him. you shook your head and looked up at him, “i want it all with you. i’ll say it once and i’ll say it again.”
he leaned down and kissed you sweetly and softly, leaning your forehead together before he told another joke, “well that’s having a real madrid player as a boyfriend for you.” you rolled your eyes playfully, kissing his forehead and focused in front to the road.
“you hungry?”
“starving,” you moaned, hearing your stomach grumble at the thought of some food. “we can pass buy to get the street pizza and churros with chocolate you love dearly?" he offered making you shake your head yes quickly. "please! i will love you forever!"
he sided eyed you giving you a look, telling the driver who took a detour, arriving in less than ten minutes. he ordered for you, getting recognized immediately by the guy who almost jumped up and down happily. jude also asked the driver if they wanted anything since they were out for a while, to which they said yes.
"don't you dare," you warned, eyes widening at him reaching for your churros and chocolate, "excuse me? i literally got you these?" he defended not caring and dipping the warm churro into the chocolate sauce. "mhm so good, taste better when it's not yours," he attempted to wink which made you burst into fits of laughter. "leave me alone!" he wailed at you making fun of him.
jude thanked the worker, bringing your food to the table, which smelled like warm bread and pizza. you quickly opened the box, taking a sip from your drink and not wasting time to eat. jude watched with entertainment at how you enjoyed and devoured the street food. taking a picture to have for memories later on.
the two of you spoke quietly as you ate, talking about your eventful day, the lady at TSA who almost didn't let you on the flight, his successful training and photo shoot for the team, the story behind the flowers, the paparazzi and how you would maneuver once the headline was out.
once you were at his house, you wasted no time and got into the shower, unpacking some of your pj's but jude offered his clothes because he loved when you wore them. it didn't get any better than this. cuddled up in his bed, finally together after so long. he spoke quietly to you, knowing how his voiced soothed and made you go to sleep peacefully.
for the first time after many nights, jude slept safe and sound, knowing that if you were;t next to him, he wouldn't be able to sleep as well when with you. his fingertips raked along your skin, then slowly stopped as he fell asleep as well. "you have no idea how much i love you. wish you were with me always, goodnight my pretty girl, sweet dreams, only if I'm in them..."
"jude. i love you too. but, shut up or i swear i'll sleep in the next room..."
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liked by: user384, username091, judeyfannnnn, user2974, dailymail, popculture, thesun, username22, themadridtimes, 2,384,102 others.
spottedcelebrity: your goldenboy seen recently at the airport but with his apparent long lost lover. recent rumors and dms say that these two have been together since he was at Dortmund, that she has been also seen at games and the real Madrid new years party. any thoughts? stay tuned for our early 9am show for more details on this couple...
user273: this is what it took to see her? the paparazzi? really hope this won't affect them :(
thesun: 👀
username874: i've seen her at his award ceremony back last year... this isn't tea we've been knowing he has a gf.
popculture: those pics? 👀
username85: oh lord... this is just the start, hope they're okay, saw the video and she looked super scared, jude even more concerned but for her...
↪️ user09: the way he pulled her into his chest to protect her? he is so boyfriend!!!
ynusername added to their stories! 🔒
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judebellingham added to their stories!
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mrsbuckybarnes1917 · 3 months
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← Smutlet Masterlist
18+ Panty Dropping
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Stark parties were always extravagant affairs. Black ties and cocktail dresses. Everyone was decked out to the nines. Bucky couldn’t take his eyes off your sultry dress. The way it clung to your curves, accentuating every dip and swell. The shiny red material sparkled as you moved, swinging your hips to the beat of the tune that was playing. You had begged him to join you, fingers hooked into his belt loops as you urged him forwards. But Bucky was a soldier, trained to resist temptation. So, with determination, you stepped onto the dance floor, a solitary figure bathed in the soft glow of the overhead lights.
“You go ahead, I'll watch.”
Bucky’s gaze traced the delicate line of your collarbones, the gentle curve of your waist. The crimson hue of the dress set his loins on fire, igniting a longing he hadn’t felt in years. It wasn’t just the color, it was the way it whispered secrets against your skin. You were a vision. And oh, how you moved. Fluid, like water coursing through a hidden stream. As the music swirled around you, you moved with grace, lost in the rhythm. The halter neck of the dress revealed just enough - the elegant slope of your shoulders, the arch of your back, the skin of your thighs.
Bucky clenched his fists, torn between the desire to join you versus the desire to carry you out of the building over his shoulder. He shoved his hands in his pockets, to hide his agitation. The last thing he needed was for Steve or Sam to come over and fuss over him. But the action didn’t bring about the result he expected. There was something unexpected as he slipped his hand into the concealed compartment of his pants. Bucky’s fingers closed around the silky material and he pulled out a lacy black thong. 
He stroked his thumb over the skimpy piece of lingerie, noting that it felt slightly damp. In a swift movement, he closed the item into his fist and brought it up to his nose, taking a whiff of your unique scent. Bucky felt a heat rise inside him and he felt his cock twitch dangerously. How dare you tease him?
You could feel his eyes on you. Almost like a sixth sense. You knew he had discovered the little gift you had left him. He beckoned you with the smallest gesture. You smiled, sauntering over.
“What do you think you're doing? Anyone could have seen this! What do you have to say for yourself?”
Bucky hissed in your ear, your underwear now in his metal fist. Never had he met another person who knew how to push his buttons. Your pokes and prods were so aptly timed and precisely calculated. When he was feeling sad, mad, excited or turned on. It was you - you held all the answers he had been seeking. The warmth of companionship, the thrill of surrender to his carnal urges. Wherever you led, he would follow.
“Where you going, Doll? Do you have any idea what you do to me? Dressed in this scrap of a dress? Is this turning you on? Teasing me with this? Getting me hard? Denying me the pleasure of ripping these off your pretty little pussy?”
A plant. Multiple large pots filled with bamboo shoots. Dense enough to hide two people. That is where he found himself. His hands all over you, on your waist, behind your neck, under the hem of your short skirt, between your soaked and uncovered folds. The candles that adorned the walls flickered and threatened to reveal your hideaway.
“Your cunt feels so good. Dripping for me already, Doll? And I haven't even let you get a taste of my cock yet. Want me to rub your clit, darling?”
Your whines were getting louder and louder. They had the potential to attract attention, despite the thumping music. Bucky spun you around, clamping a vibranium hand over your sinful mouth, keeping his flesh one nestled comfortably over your sensitive nub.
“My my, such a needy little thing, aren't we? Trying to get me all worked up by leaving your panties in my pocket? Well, darling, it worked. I'm going to fuck you right here, behind this plant. And unless you want to get caught, you're going to take it without making a sound. Got that, Doll?”
Bucky unzipped his pants. The fear of being seen suppressed by the flame of desire that engulfed him. He didn't hesitate in thrusting into you, reveling in the way your walls hugged him in the perfect way. He could hear his name tumbling from your lips, the sound vibrating through the metal. It didn't take long for him to spill his hot seed into your clenching cunt, as it begged for its own release. Bucky pulled out his cock as soon as he was done, pressing your thighs together as you moaned with frustration at being denied your climax.
“Now, now, darling. What did I say about making noise, huh? You don't get to cum until I say you do. Getting me all good and riled up at this stupid party. You'll have to suffer the consequences.”
You held out your hand for him to return your panties. But instead you were met with a devilish grin as Bucky stuffed them back into his pocket.
“No, Doll. These are mine. You’re coming home with me and I had better not see any mess spilling down your legs, or you'll be sorry you ever gave me these.”
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beastlyanachronism · 3 months
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DOUGLAS: Could you, for instance, get a hundred otters on board Gerti?
MARTIN: Yes, I reckon you could.
DOUGLAS: And is it a jam-packed RSPCA-nightmare of a plane, or are the otters lounging in relative comfort?
MARTIN: Well, OK, there’s, er, there’s sixteen seats, so, say, two to a seat.
DOUGLAS: They’re good friends, these otters?
MARTIN: Let’s hope so. Then one in each overhead compartment ...
DOUGLAS: Always remembering to open them with care because otters may have shifted during the flight.
ARTHUR: And, er, one under each seat?
DOUGLAS: Yes! Good thinking.
MARTIN: But that’s where the lifejackets are.
DOUGLAS: That’s all right – otters can swim.
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ferrstappen · 1 year
Hello! So while I’m procrastinating and ignoring the book in front of me, I got this quick idea and I hope you like it! Remember you can send me ideas or prompts to write blurbs 💘
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x fem!reader
Warnings: maybe a swear word and nsfw mentioned if you squint.
AirPods and princess George (Charles Leclerc blurb)
Charles was playfully rolling his eyes at you and Joris the entire walk from the gate to the flight taking you to Miami, neither of you could contain the laughter of seeing your boyfriend trying to pick up his AirPods with a couple of tweezers like he was playing Operation.
Whenever your or Joris calmed down, images of Charles trying to pick up the dirty case between the tiny space was enough to bring the tears back to your face while clutching your stomach.
“It’s not that funny, it could’ve happened to any of you!” Charles playfully complained while placing his carry-on bag on the overhead compartment.
“Sweetheart, if it happened to me I would’ve cried, but kept my dignity and buy a new pair. I know you can afford them Mr. Ferrari,” you teased him as he accommodated your carry-on bag. “Window or aisle, babe?” You asked him, leaving the teasing aside.
“Aisle please, you know I like to pretend it’s my side of the bed,” he said accommodating his belongings on the big first class pod, carefully pulling down the partition separating both of your seats.
“I don’t think we’re going to sleep much, though. It’s pretty early,”
“I know, but I was thinking we could catch this new show I downloaded, Citadel I think?” He said and you smiled, leaving a shy peck on his lips, knowing that even if it was first class, people were watching and could easily snap pictures. Fans knew you were Charles’ girlfriend, but he was constantly protecting your privacy and keeping everything between the both of you.
And his jpg Instagram account, of course.
“Hey, i’m right behind you so don’t you dare on joining the mile high club or whatever,” Joris warned the both you as he adjusted his eye mask, ready to wake up when they already were in Miami.
“What makes you think we haven’t joined the club already?” You retorted, followed by a gagging sound from Joris, and a blushing Charles who placed his hand very low on your back.
A few hours passed and while the series that Charles downloaded was good, he failed to notice it only had two episodes, leaving you with only the in-flight catalogue and unstable wifi.
Charles noticed you yawning and eyes fighting to stay open, so he called the flight attendant to help him turn the seat into a very comfortable bed, doing the same on his seat as Charles placed his arm under your neck and your head found its natural place on his shoulder, with your hand draped on his waist.
Suddenly, your arm was moving and no, it wasn’t because of the plane, it was being moved by something shaking. As you came to your senses, noticing the cabin lights were turned off, you also became aware of your boyfriend trying to suppress his laugh while looking at his phone.
“What’s so funny?” You asked him nuzzling into his side, his arm instinctively tightening around your shoulders.
His green eyes were shining even under the dark lighting of the cabin, “sorry, bebe, did I wake you?” He asked leaving a kiss on your hair.
You stirred on his arms, “no, it’s fine. Now tell me what’s so funny”
This time Charles couldn’t hold back his giggles, but still careful not to disturb the other passengers, but his low giggles music to your ears. “Look, its a meme of me playing Operation with the tweezers” he put the phone in front of your face.
“Baby, I told you that’s exactly what it looked like when you were pulling them,” you joined him with the quiet laughter, but then he found something even funnier.
He snorted.
“Charles!” You laughed just by seeing the reaction of your boyfriend, who couldn’t contain his laughter while clutching his stomach, but still aware of the sleeping passengers close to you.
Even Joris who both of you were sure was snoring while wearing the most ridiculous eye mask and special compression socks.
“Babe, I mean look at this!” He again placed his phone in front of your eyes, and you had to admit it was pretty funny. “It’s Max and George! Ah, I think I’m crying”
And you quietly laughed, but saved the sound of his carefree giggles and disheveled hair, but with his arm never letting go of you.
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