#The Peninsula Bangkok
waitmyturtles · 1 year
Turtles Catches Up With Old GMMTV: I Told Sunset About You (ITSAY) Edition
[What’s going on here? After joining Tumblr and discovering Thai BLs through KinnPorsche in 2022, I began watching GMMTV’s new offerings -- and realized that I had a lot of history to catch up on, to appreciate the more recent works that I was delving into. From tropes to BL frameworks, what we’re watching now hails from somewhere, and I’m learning about Thai BL's history through what I’m calling the Old GMMTV Challenge (OGMMTVC). Starting with recommendations from @absolutebl on their post regarding how GMMTV is correcting for its mistakes with its shows today, I’ve made an expansive list to get me through a condensed history of essential/classic/significant Thai BLs produced by GMMTV and many other BL studios. My watchlist, pasted below, lists what I’ve watched and what’s upcoming, along with the reviews I’ve written so far. Today, in a long post, I work my way through Nadao Bangkok’s cinematic motherlode: ITSAY. Thanks to everyone for your patience with this post: I did major due diligence with it, with the absolutely TREMENDOUS help of @telomeke, @lurkingshan​, @wen-kexing-apologist​, and @bengiyo​ to ensure I had facts and analysis correct. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, to these dear friends for holding me down and offering your sharp eyes.]
To dive into a topic as complicated, as beautiful, as reflective, as impactful as a macro-analysis of I Told Sunset About You is to take on...a lot. As I’ve discussed with @lurkingshan, from a filmmaking perspective, as so many of us who have watched ITSAY know -- it occupies the top spot of Thai BLs by way of pure cinematic quality. (If you follow my late-night liveblogs, you’ll know that this was the first show -- not even Bad Buddy did this to me -- where I needed to stop multitasking, to just sit and watch the episodes. No drama has done that for me in the years since I became a multitasking mom.)
As with 2gether and Still 2gether last week, this watch of ITSAY is a definite milestone on the OGMMTVC list, and I really thank @shortpplfedup, @bengiyo, @wen-kexing-apologist, @lurkingshan, @telomeke, and others in advance for what we’ve talked about in direct conversation regarding ITSAY, its many influential tentacles, and the influences that the show itself may have come from.
I’d like to touch upon a couple of frames to structure this piece, but the caveat here is that by no way will I consider myself an ITSAY expert, because there’s a tremendous fandom that knows much more about the Nadao Bangkok studio, about PP Krit and Billkin Putthipong, about the director and screenwriter, Boss Naruebet, and much more. I will have a substantial postscript to capture loose notes and learnings that didn’t make it into the main analysis. 
Inspired in part by direct conversations with @telomeke and @lurkingshan, I’d like to dive into the following: 
1) From a question that @lurkingshan posed to me: what shows from the start of the OGMMTVC watchlist -- and, more broadly, what art out there -- do I think spoke to ITSAY and its development, 2) The important story of Chinese migration to locations like Phuket, Penang (in Malaysia), and other locations on the Malay Peninsula, and how Chinese and Thai-Malay-Chinese-Peranakan cultures flavored ITSAY’s storytelling, 3) A discussion of internal and external homophobia on Teh’s experience, and how his conversation with Hoon encapsulated our understanding of homophobia, filial piety, and socioeconomic pressures in Teh’s particular life, timeline, and culture,
and more, I’m sure. Let’s boogie.
I warned some folks prior to this review that my thoughts on what may have spoken to ITSAY may turn some people off, so I offer this as a flare to y’all in advance. Acknowledging that episodes three and four of ITSAY were as emotional as anything I had ever seen in Asian BLs, Teh was just such a PERFECTLY written character. (The ITSAY supporting documentary episodes state that the show was in part inspired by Billkin’s and PP’s personal lives, and I know there’s fanon that the show was meant to deeply depict their personal stories with each other. I don’t have primary source material to point to regarding this, so I’ll leave it alone, with the understanding that there are interpretations of the show that read between the lines to bring that lens in. I acknowledge the existence of the theories, but will not dive into that here.)
So, in regards to Teh, as I chatted with @lurkingshan as I was watching the series, I just kept thinking to myself... hello, Fuse. 
CHAOS BOYS! (Fire Boys? No, no, chaos boys, ha.) 
This is where I think my analytical read might get a little controversial with folks, because to compare Make It Right to ITSAY -- from a LOOKS perspective, CERTAINLY from a storyline and narrative structure perspective -- no, it’s not there, not by a long shot.
But when I wonder about what ENERGIES and inspirations opened the door for Boss Narubet to WRITE the way that he wrote, and to DIRECT the way that he directed, Teh’s ENTIRE EMOTIONAL PROCESS AND BREAKDOWNS, his back-and-forth, his hesitations -- I saw chaos, and when I think of chaos, I think of Fuse.
I think of Fuse, and how Fuse was held back, particularly in Make It Right 2, regarding Fuse’s CULTURAL AND SOCIAL ASSUMPTION that he couldn’t break up with his girlfriend, all while being in a nascent give-and-take, back-and-forth relationship with Tee. And how that ASSUMPTION held BACK the full expression of commitment, honesty, and trust that Fuse and Tee ended up having at the end of MIR2. Fuse was being rather unsophisticated while he was struggling with this, and he was bringing Tee along, frustratingly, for that ride.  
Something that you said to me also really resonated, @bengiyo, in conversation with @lurkingshan, about comparing TeeFuse and TehOh, in that Fuse and Teh weren’t necessarily SPARKLING or GIFTED presences. As you two both pointed out to me: Teh had to work much, much harder than Oh-aew for the talents that Teh achieved, and somehow, chaotically, he managed to lose his grip on those talents and achievements as he gave up his hard-earned opportunities for the sake of the overall-better-off Oh-aew. MESSY, BRO.
Besides MIR/MIR2, there’s somewhere else where I saw chaos. @bengiyo, you pointed out to me that you felt that you saw more of Thai queer cinema in ITSAY than in BL. I don’t think ITSAY *doesn’t* speak to BL and vice versa (I don’t think there’s anyone who thinks that, considering what Nadao Bangkok achieved with this show), but when I think of chaos -- and of the structures of storytelling that allowed us to get such an in-depth experience of Teh -- I also think of 2019′s Dew the Movie, and to a different extent, the before-its-time show in 2019′s He’s Coming To Me. 
ITSAY, Dew, and HCTM have:
a) multiple chaotic leads (including actual ghosts and dudes who see ghosts),  b) overarching cultural backgrounds rooted in extremely specific Asian cultures and/or practices and/or time periods, and c) interplays of emotional revelations vis à vis those specific cultural backgrounds.
 - Fuse introduced to us, way back in 2016 and 2017, an internal holding back of an emotional engagement with Tee that was rooted in internal homophobia by way of his negotiation with what Fuse’s girlfriend expected of him, and what HE expected of HIMSELF regarding HAVING a girlfriend, while falling in love with a young man. 
- Dew featured two young men in chaos, in 1990s rural Thailand, one of whom (Dew) who had previously lived in a different city where, likely, his sexual orientation would not have been met with such dystopic scrutiny as it did in the movie. The movie made clear that Dew wanted a solid relationship with Phop, but with both Dew’s and Phop’s families and cultural expectations holding them back, they both met untimely and unfortunate ends that hammered, in extremes, the perils, in cinema, of being gay and out in an incredibly restrictive and old-fashioned Asian society.
- HCTM featured a young man (Thun) who could see ghosts, along with the ghost that he ends up falling in love with (Med). The revelation of Thun’s being able to see Med is deeply connected to Thun’s Thai-Chinese Buddhist practices, and how his family has engaged with spirituality over the course of his life. While the structure of the show has often been described as having a happy ending, I argue the opposite -- that the ending is left open-ended, as it so often is in some of P’Aof Noppharnach’s shows, with the assumed understanding on behalf of an Asian audience that Med will one day be reborn and will leave Thun’s side (unless he’s reborn into another person that knows Thun) (hello, Until We Meet Again). 
So what do all of these shows/movies -- ITSAY, Make It Right/MIR2, Dew, and HCTM -- have in common?
ITSAY, Dew, and HCTM have the common background of an old-fashioned culture serving as a MAJOR anchor to their stories. Their stories are leveraged by the micro-level, individual-level interplay between their main characters and old-fashioned worlds, complete with old-fashioned notions, assumptions, and expectations. ITSAY, Dew, and HCTM negotiate boundaries with these cultural guardrails, and we see -- Teh at the end of episode 4, Thun on the rooftop in episode 5, Dew talking to his mother -- what those expectations and boundaries have done internally to our dear young men. 
Make It Right’s Fuse, way back in 2016, internalized this slightly differently, without us seeing as deeply the WORLD in which he grew up. The directors and screenwriters New Siwaj and Cheewin Thanamin gave us a guy in school with a girlfriend. FUSE’S world, that we see, is a school world, so apropos for that time of Thai BLs, complete with very heterosexual expectations for a young man WITH a girlfriend. And Fuse struggles with his push-and-pull throughout the two seasons.
What I love about the OGMMTVC project is that by having watched these projects before ITSAY, I can somewhat predict what the journey of chaos, by way of internal revelation, will be for these characters. 
What ITSAY DESTROYED for me, as compared to these dramas and movies, was the high level of acting that Billkin leveraged to get Teh to the emotional levels that he reached. Teh, episode 4, and Thun, episode 5 = handshakes. 
This is where ITSAY’s structure just brings ITSAY to the top of the cinematic list and runs away from everything else. I posted in my liveblogging that the ending of episode 3 blew me away with a subversion of the four-act structure of screenwriting. @bengiyo corrected me to say that it was, instead, a rare example of Thai BLs achieving a successful five-act structure. 
Just -- fuck. 
But before I start that meal, there’s even more that ITSAY did to really hammer in what I’m referencing by way of the anchors of old-fashioned culture to this story, which, clearly, Boss and Nadao Bangkok value, in the show’s indirect commentary on Chinese culture and migration in Thailand, and what it meant for Teh and Oh-aew to grow up in Phuket and prepare to leave for Bangkok. (If you haven’t watched ITSAY, I highly recommend that you plan on watching the supplementary documentary material, because those docs give a ton of insight into the Thai-Malay-Chinese background of the show. As a SE Asian homey, those revelations gave me the wonderful warm and familiar vibes.)
Dear @telomeke (I don’t know what I’d do without you, friend!) helped me to understand, back in my HCTM days, that I inherently know more about Chinese migration, immigration, and culture into Southeast Asia than I previously gave myself credit for as a part-Malaysian, because many of the migratory patterns and cultural assimilations are similar between Thailand and Malaysia. I appreciated that confirmation, and had my inspector’s hat on during my watch and rewatch of ITSAY. 
I’ve spoken with @lurkingshan and @neuroticbookworm about the impact of migration and diasporic existence, in that, I think, oftentimes, immigrants to another country often hold a more conservative view of the cultures they bring with them -- in order to hold onto the tenets of those cultures, and to keep those tenets from getting influenced or maybe even watered down by the new environment in which immigrants are living. (My example to Shan and NBW was that I find that South Asian immigrants are often MORE conservative than my relatives in my homelands -- so as to keep a tight grip on assimilation, or, say, moral/ethical weakening by way of Western culture.)
I think the background of Phuket and EVERYTHING it lent to the show...
- Teh’s mom selling Hokkien mee at a stall storefront and the boys eating it in Teh’s old-fashioned house, - The old-fashioned o-aew dessert shop, selling a Hokkien Chinese dessert, which is often preceded by a shot of the “Phuket Old Town” sign, - Teh’s mom’s traditional Chinese-Peranakan outfits, particularly when she’s celebrating Teh and Hoon’s successes, - The tight streets and alleys,
...all of it, visually and culturally, reminded us that the boys live in a world that was DEEPLY INFLUENCED by the way back when. I posit that Teh’s mom is the encapsulation of this kind of old-fashioned culture, from the architectural style of her Hokkien mee stall, to the clothes she wears, to the heavy decorations and rugs and furniture of her old-fashioned house -- to her old-fashioned notions of filial piety that both her sons will be successful and will help to take care of her as she ages. I posit that this old-fashioned mindset also likely led Teh to believe that Teh’s mom would not accept him for liking men, which I will delve into more in a bit.
I mentioned cultural assimilation earlier: I brought up Penang, Malaysia, earlier, because I’ve spent time in Penang -- and Penang was referenced by Boss in the ITSAY documentaries as being similar to Phuket by way of cultural structure. @telomeke educated me on the tin-trade-influenced links from Phuket to the Malaysian towns of Penang and Kuala Lumpur, all towns that experienced heavy immigration from China and feature the strong presence of Chinese-Malay-Peranakan cultures in their social fabrics. The Peranakan population developed when the first Chinese immigrants to these regions began marrying the local ethnic Thai and Malay residents, creating a brand-new culture, complete with unique foods, clothing, architecture, and much more. 
Having not been to Phuket yet, I believe Boss. As well, I want to note -- very important to me as a part-Malaysian -- that Boss referenced Teh’s nickname as the Malay word for tea. @telomeke​ noted for me this distinction as one that’s notable for how ITSAY differentiates the culture within the show -- again, a culture that’s influenced by Chinese and Malay migratory history -- against the backdrop of Bangkok, where tea is not “teh,” but rather is called “cha,” the Thai word for tea. [The most famous “teh” drink of Malaysia is teh tarik, a sweet, creamy, and strong tea drink that you see everywhere in Malaysia. While o-aew is a distinctly Chinese-style dessert, teh tarik comes from Indian immigrants to Malaysia (and is usually drunk with roti canai, another Indian import to Malaysia)]. 
In other words: we are talking a TREMENDOUS, a TREMENDOUS amount of references to cultural mixing, development, and assimilation here, all INTENTIONALLY placed by Boss Narubet and his screenwriting team -- and all of this serving as a reflection against what Teh and Oh-aew will experience as being “different” in their futures in Bangkok, where this Thai-Chinese-Malay cultural differential will make them different when they get to college. (Not having seen I Promised You The Moon yet, I wonder if IPYTM sets up Teh and Oh-aew as potential country mice, à la Ji Hyun and Joon Pyo in The Eighth Sense.)
One more pertinent note of cultural intermixing by way of the historical Thai-Chinese-Malay linkages. @bengiyo was surprised that I didn’t initially exclaim at the presence of hijab- and songkok-clad Muslim women and men eating at Teh’s mom’s Hokkien mee stall; Teh and Oh-aew’s friend, Phillip, is also shown with his Muslim parents. It’s funny, @bengiyo, as I said to you: because I was watching ITSAY with such a trained eye towards spotting the Thai-Chinese-Malay cultural mixing, seeing Muslims on screen did NOT ring a bell of differentials because -- I expect to see them there, in those kinds of spaces, anyway. (In fact, seeing Muslims on Thai television is rare, which I will get into more in the postscript.)
So we have: MANY CULTURES MIXING OVER MANY GENERATIONS. Migratory patterns intertwining. Indications of physical and emotional movement. And even though, and even DESPITE, these cultures mixing, we ALSO HAVE an OVERARCHING message of old-fashioned customs and ways of living that dominate the lives of the children in the show -- ESPECIALLY Teh. Teh and Oh-aew -- literally, their NAMES reference places ELSEWHERE than Phuket and Thailand. Phuket’s old-fashioned roots. Teh’s mom SELLS a dish that comes from somewhere else (the Hokkien Chinese population mostly hails from Fujian, China, as its origin).  
What happens with migration and immigration? Cultures collide and combine -- social mores and expectations change -- one’s standards of HOW TO LIVE ONE’S LIFE changes. 
Teh and Oh-aew, during the entire series, are facing a moment in time where THEIR lives, THEIR cultures, THEIR micro-interactions WITH THEIR cultures, ARE GOING TO CHANGE, definitively, by way of their burgeoning same-sex relationship. Teh and Oh-aew are already different in Thailand by way of their cultural backgrounds, as I’ve established -- and now, with a potential public revelation of their relationship, will they be even more different. And their families -- especially Teh’s mom, but Oh-aew’s family as well -- are going to collide with the very PRESENT present vis à vis their boys and their love. 
As this happens with migration and immigration, CHANGE WILL HAPPEN vis à vis Teh and Oh-aew’s queer revelations as well. 
Boss focused on the aspects of Phuket that were anchors to the culture that Teh and Oh-aew were raised in -- an immigrant culture, a migrant culture from China, that has had a long hold over many, many towns and societies in Thailand. We didn’t see the modern 7-11s that we know are there in Phuket, serving the tourists of these towns. 
And, just like the physical dystopia of Dew, and even vis à vis the spiritual practices built into He’s Coming To Me, the slice of Old Town Phuket that we SAW as that anchor was a HEAVY PRESENCE in Teh’s life -- it was PERFECTLY matched with the old-fashioned, conservative ANGER and DISAPPOINTMENT that we saw in Teh’s mom in episode 4, when Teh shares that he dropped out of university for Oh-aew. That anchor, to me, was meant to SMASH into, FEED into Teh’s overwhelming emotionality at his queer revelation, and at the revelation that serving his mother via filial piety would be automatically made more difficult, thus maximizing the impact of his internalized homophobia and his fear of recognizing his love and attraction for Oh-aew.
COUPLE THAT with the previous hints -- and then the SMASHING WRECKING BALL -- of the visual depths of Oh-aew’s own realizations earlier in episode 4, his own internally different place, the way he reveals himself to the world vis à vis the fast Instagram post of him wearing the red bra. And how Teh reacts to it. And how it sets off such an unreal chain of emotional unraveling for Teh, the SECOND of that episode, even before he goes to Bangkok to drop out. 
and very important to me to see as a South/Southeast Asian. WHEW.
And, good lord. How Hoon comes in at the end for Teh. Hoon, the eldest son, the one who has very quietly borne the financial responsibility that his mom, Teh’s mom, too, has placed on Hoon’s shoulders, naturally, through generations of family custom. (Super duper thanks to @lurkingshan for talking me through this in detail with me.)
And Hoon gives his family, his little bro, Teh, comfort. How Hoon says, listen. Mom’s gonna be mad if and when you tell her about Oh-aew and your feelings for me. But guess what? She’s gonna come around. You’re a crybaby, Teh, but I’m here for you.
Hoon knows that Teh’s mom will come around -- because Hoon is also a part of the next generation of change, much like his Thai-Malay-Chinese-Peranakan community before him -- as he brings his Japanese girlfriend home to his mother and brother. (THANK YOU, @wen-kexing-apologist, for pointing this out!)
Teh’s mom, too, will move. She will move from her old-fashioned mindset, to migrate to a new mindset, where she will accept her son. Teh needed to hear that, to know that that movement would be possible.
Just like the movement of the many swirling cultures around Teh and Oh-aew, the hustle of Bangkok before them, nipping at their lives like the ocean to the beach. 
What ITSAY captured for me was a cinematic moment of movement on so many levels. It was a pulsating reflection of change. It was meant and designed to insidiously shock viewers out of complacency. Like a beanstalk climbing from the ground, the movement begot movement to these two young men beginning to address and empty themselves of the homophobia that kept them back, Teh especially. 
GAH, THEIR MOVING PHYSICALITY, IT NEVER STOPPED -- the end of episode 2 on the boat, the end of episode 3 in Teh’s room, GAWD -- Teh’s ABSOLUTE HORMONAL DRUNKENNESS, Oh-aew’s STARE AFTER STARE AFTER STARE, Oh-aew’s SILENT DEVASTATION AT THE END OF EPISODE 3, the way Teh would nod and FLOP his head uncontrollably in desire, the nuzzles, the sniffs, the uncontrolled reaches -- GAH. It gives me the shivers. 
It was a lot.
ITSAY was just -- y’all know it. It was fantastic. While HCTM was before its time, I feel that ITSAY was RIGHT ON TIME. It brought so many elements of this GORGEOUS, HISTORIC, culturally Southeast Asian experience into the intersection of the queer lens, as well as the *migratory* lens of the Southeast Asian region specifically. It showed us, from a micro-perspective, the very tremendous macro-level implications and pressures of filial piety, of internalized homophobia, of the huge socioeconomic expectations that families have on Asian students to succeed in education, and so much more. IT WAS *DEFINITIVELY INTERSECTIONAL*, MORE SO THAN ANY BL BEFORE ITS TIME.
Yet again, for me, just like Bad Buddy, just like Until We Meet Again, I have another show in my arsenal that makes me proud to be an Asian watching these shows -- and in ITSAY, I feel particularly proud that a slice of my own personal culture, as an Malaysian, made it in there, intentionally. I will FOREVER, and ever, be grateful to ITSAY for that.
I’d like to offer this postscript as a means of making some quick points that @telomeke, @bengiyo, @lurkingshan, and @wen-kexing-apologist shared with me as I was writing this review -- and I thank them all deeply for reading drafts of this post before publication. 
1) I was previously unaware of the history and current state of Islamic culture in Thailand until ITSAY and Be My Favorite included women wearing hijabs in their shows. This is an important slice of culture for me to know about, as I’m part-Malaysian, where Islam is the dominant religion. @telomeke shared with me that the majority Muslim population in Thailand is in southern Thailand (although, of course, Muslims live across Thailand), and that there have historically been separatist efforts in those southern provinces that have often led to violence. 
There are many reasons why discrimination of Muslims exist in Thailand, as it does around the world, including references to the separatist efforts in the southern provinces. As well, ethnic Thais can trace their heritage back to various towns and communities within China, thus possibly making northern Thailand, with its proximity to China, potentially more lauded in Thai culture, and contributing even more to a perception that southern Thailand, with its Muslim population, as potentially “less desirable.” (And I want to take a second to note @telomeke​‘s excellent point to me that “Chinese” as a catch-all word is often incomplete, as Han Chinese make up a sizable portion of Thailand’s population, but as we see in ITSAY, the Hokkien Chinese population also flourishes in certain parts of the country, and there are populations of Teochew and Hakka Chinese as well, as there are in Malaysia.)
All of this combined -- the geographic proximities to China, the places where various populations have settled, from the places that various populations of Thais track their heritages, plus global and/or popular misconceptions and stereotypes of “other” communities -- can contribute to discrimination of Muslims in Thailand. Of course, that is not a universal statement, as we do see Muslims beginning to show up in Thai drama art, which is heartening. To me, it strikes me as more realistic for the region to see Muslims on screen, but I don’t know Thailand well enough to say that for sure (that’s my Malaysian-side talking). I really want to thank @telomeke for taking me on SUCH a deep dive with insight into this part of Thai culture that I think is very necessary and fascinating. (Politics in Thailand is quite complicated at the moment, but at this very second, Thailand’s current Parliament speaker, from the Move Forward party, is Thai Muslim, with a Malay Muslim name -- Wan Muhamed Noor Matha. Very cool, but this is going to change soon, as Move Forward will make way for another political party to take control of the government.)
2) If you know me well enough, I cannot leave food well enough alone in our wonderful dramas (exhibit A: Moonlight Chicken and khao man gai, exhibit B: coffee/kopi in The Promise, lol), and I want to make sure that we were all aware back in 2020, and/or make you aware now, that Hokkien mee is a VERY regional dish, with styles unique to each town in which it is famous. @telomeke, I know you feel differently, but Hokkien mee from Kuala Lumpur (KL), Malaysia is my.... it’s my heaven, my soul, my heart, HA!
Here’s some linkies to get you educated. And also! Oh-aew prefers his Hokkien mee with rice vermicelli noodles, instead of the usual, thicker egg noodles. You know what I like to do if I see that a stall has the two styles of noodles available: I like to get them mixed together. Hokkien mee, Hokkien prawn mee noodle soup, curry laksa -- I like the best of both worlds of noodles in my bowl. YUM.
Phuket Hokkien mee KL Hokkien mee Penang Hokkien mee (this one is the prawn noodle soup, not the fried noodles -- omfg so good) Singapore Hokkien mee (note the lighter color -- and the m’fing mix of thick and thin noodles, hell yeah!)
(If you made it this far in the ITSAY review, I have an easter egg for you. Guess what the Malay name is for rice vermicelli noodles? Bee hoon or mee hoon. 
Hoon and Teh, two Malay names: thin noodles and tea. What Teh’s mom serves at her stall, and what Teh and Oh-aew represent, symbolically, by names and their noodle preferences, as a pairing. AND! @telomeke​ gave me one more easter egg! Teh O is a popular way to order tea in Malaysia and Singapore. It’s black tea with sugar, no milk. Another pairing reference. ITSAY never stopped with all the layered references!)
[WHEW! What a ride. Thanks to all y’all who held me down during my losing-it liveblogging of ITSAY. More to come when I get to Last Twilight in Phuket and I Promised You The Moon.
Next week, I’ll release my review of YYY into the wild -- listen, honestly. Yes, chaos, confusion, all of it. But I am not writing this show totally off. There was definitely stuff in it to chew on. And: POPPY RATCHAPONG. And Pee Peerawich. The acting was actually stacked on this show. There’s stuff! More soon.
And I also finished Manner of Death, so that review will drop in two weeks. I LOVE MAXTUL. UNABASHEDLY. Yes, I know I’m years late, yes, I know Tul is retired, sobs. Let me live my 2021 dreams! These guys are so good together, and MoD was fuckin’ great.
I have so much good stuff on the way: I’m fully in my ATOTS rewatch, and I’ve added 55:15 Never Too Late, very specifically its BL storyline. I may not give 55:15 a full review because I’ll fast-watch the rest of it, but: Khao, come to me, boo-boo! I have an INSANE August ahead of me as I’ll be moving in a month (GAH), but hopefully this schedule won’t fall back too much.
Status of the listy! Hit me up if you have feedback!
1) Love Sick and Love Sick 2 (2014 and 2015) (review here) 2) Make It Right (2016) (review here) 3) SOTUS (2016-2017) (review here) 4) Make It Right 2 (2017) (review here) 5) Together With Me (2017) (review here) 6) SOTUS S/Our Skyy x SOTUS (2017-2018) (review here) 7) Love By Chance (2018) (review here) 8) Kiss Me Again: PeteKao cuts (2018) (no review) 9) He’s Coming To Me (2019) (review here) 10) Dark Blue Kiss (2019) and Our Skyy x Kiss Me Again (2018) (review here) 11) TharnType (2019-2020) (review here) 12) Senior Secret Love: Puppy Honey (OffGun BL cuts) (2016 and 2017) (no review) 13) Theory of Love (2019) (review here) 14) 3 Will Be Free (2019) (not a BL or an official part of the OGMMTVC watchlist, but an important harbinger of things to come in 2019 and beyond re: Jojo Tichakorn pushing queer content in non-BLs) (review here) 15) Dew the Movie (2019) (review here) 16) Until We Meet Again (2019-2020) (review here) 17) 2gether (2020) and Still 2gether (2020) (review here) 18) I Told Sunset About You (2020)  19) YYY (2020, out of chronological order) (review coming) 20) Manner of Death (2020-2021) (not a true BL, but a MaxTul queer/gay romance set within a genre-based show that likely influenced Not Me and KinnPorsche) (review coming) 21) A Tale of Thousand Stars (2021) (review here) 22) A Tale of Thousand Stars (2021) OGMMTVC Fastest Rewatch Known To Humankind For The Sake Of Rewatching Our Skyy 2 x BBS x ATOTS (watching) 23) Lovely Writer (2021) 24) Last Twilight in Phuket (2021) (the mini-special before IPYTM) 25) I Promised You the Moon (2021) 26) Not Me (2021-2022) 27) Bad Buddy (2021-2022) (thesis here) 28) 55:15 Never Too Late (2021-2022) (not a BL, but a GMMTV drama that features a macro BL storyline about shipper culture and the BL industry) 29) Bad Buddy (2021-2022) and Our Skyy 2 x BBS x ATOTS (2023) OGMMTVC Rewatch 30) Secret Crush On You (2022) [watching for Cheewin’s trajectory of studying queer joy from Make It Right (high school), to SCOY (college), to Bed Friend (working adults)] 31) KinnPorsche (2022) (tag here) 32) KinnPorsche (2022) OGMMTVC Fastest Rewatch Known To Humankind For The Sake of Re-Analyzing the KP Cultural Zeitgeist 33) The Eclipse (2022) (tag here) 34) GAP (2022-2023) (Thailand’s first GL) 35) My School President (2022-2023) and Our Skyy 2 x My School President (2023) 36) Moonlight Chicken (2023) (tag here) 37) Bed Friend (2023) (tag here) (Cheewin’s latest show, depicting a queer joy journey among working adults)]
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The Many Faces of Ben Daniels
Before he's called Ben Daniels (regardless of which SAS man he is):
They were all in their mid-twenties, spread out over the bunks in companionable silence. Two of them were smoking. One was dismantling and reassembling his gun—a 9mm Browning High Power pistol. Each of them had been given a code name: Wolf, Fox, Eagle, and Snake. From now on, Alex would be known as Cub. The leader, Wolf, was the one with the gun. He was short and muscular with square shoulders and black, close-cropped hair. He had a handsome face, made slightly uneven by his nose, which had been broken at some time in the past. He was the first to speak. Putting the gun down, he examined Alex with cold dark brown eyes. “So who the hell do you think you are?” he demanded. “Cub,” Alex replied. “A bloody schoolboy!” Wolf spoke with a strange, slightly foreign accent.
Point Blank
The man was well built with black hair, square shoulders, and a dark, watchful face. He was in his late twenties.
Resistance to Interrogation
Fox, the youngest of the three, had been hurt. There was a trickle of blood coming out of the corner of his mouth. His fair hair was damp and untidy.
When he's Fox:
He was European, in his twenties, with dark hair cut short and watchful eyes. He had very square features with high cheekbones and narrow lips. .... This was the same square, hard-edged face that he had already seen at the airport and then again outside the Peninsula Hotel. .... He examined the cold blue eyes beneath the fringe of dark hair. A soldier? .... There had been four men in the unit to which Alex had been assigned: Wolf, Eagle, Snake, and Fox. None of them had been allowed to use their real names. While he was with them, Alex was Cub. And now that he thought about it, there had been one with a Liverpool accent. It seemed incredible that the two of them should have met up again in Bangkok, but there could be no doubt about it. Fox was standing in front of him now. ... Blue eyes. Short black hair. A handsome, slightly boyish face. It was Ben Daniels.
When he's Wolf
Never Say Die
The second agent was the youngest person in the room, in his late twenties, black, with very intelligent eyes and hair cut close to the scalp.
@foxchewer Like, there are some similarities, but definitely enough that Horowitz didn't do a great job fixing the references.
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myvacationsbooking · 2 months
Amazing Thailand
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Explore the Magic of Thailand
Rich in culture, landscapes that will take your breath away, and colorful street life- Thailand truly deserves its nickname, the Land of Smiles. Whether you're a thrill-seeker, a history buff, or just an ordinary beach fanatic, there's something for everyone here. Here's an all-encompassing guide on how best to explore this destination
1.Bangkok: The Vibrant Capital
Must-see Attractions
The Grand Palace: This was the greatest piece of Thai architecture one should not fail to see. Situated within this royal palace complex is the finest temple, that of the Emerald Buddha.
At Run: a stunning riverside temple known for its intricate spires covered in porcelain, popularly called Temple of Dawn.
Chatuchak Weekend Market: This is one of the biggest markets all over the world, with over 15,000 stalls. From clothing to antiques, it got them all.
The Grand Palace:
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Wat Arun:
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Chatuchak Market:
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Local Tips:
Street Food: Bangkok is renowned for its street food. Try dishes like Pad Thai, Som Tum (papaya salad), and Mango Sticky Rice from local vendors.
Transportation: Use the BTS Skytrain or MRT subway to avoid traffic jams. For a scenic view, take a Chao Phraya River boat.
Street Food:
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2.Phuket: The Island Paradise
Must-see Attractions
Patong Beach: Known for its vigorous nightlife and lively bars, it's also a place for watersports.
Phang Nga Bay: With these amazing limestone karsts and emerald green waters, it's a place that warrants a boat tour to explore this beautiful bay.
Big Buddha: This giant statue offers great panoramic views over Phuket and is a tranquil place to reflect on life.
Patong Beach
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Phang Nga Bay
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Big Buddha
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Local Tips:
Island Hopping: You can visit nearby islands such as Phi Phi and James Bond Island for all kinds of water activities as well as beautiful scenery.
Local Markets: Some of the favorite local markets are the Phuket Weekend Market for local foods and goods.
Island Hopping:
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Local Markets:
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3.Chiang Mai: The Cultural Gem
Must-see Attractions
Doi Suthep Temple: A holy temple situated on a mountain, offering beautiful views of Chiang Mai and immersion into Thai Buddhism.
Elephant Nature Park: Spend time in this sanctuary of rescued elephants to learn about these majestic creatures; help in supporting a form of ethical tourism.
Old City Temples: Examine ancient temples like Wat Chedi Luang and Wat Phra Singh in the historic heart of Chiang Mai.
Doi Suthep Temple:
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Elephant Nature Park:
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Old City Temples:
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Local Tips:
Night Bazaar: Stroll through the Night Bazaar for unique souvenirs, handicrafts, and local delicacies.
Cooking Classes: Take a Thai cooking class to learn how to make traditional dishes and bring a taste of Thailand back home.
Night Bazaar:
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Cooking Classes:
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4. Krabi: Nature's Playground
Must-see Attractions
Railay Beach: This peninsula is spotted with gorgeous cliffs and clear waters, making it perfect for rock climbing, kayaking, and relaxation.
Koh Lanta: A much more relaxed island where you can simply chill on beaches or explore.
Emerald Pool and Hot Springs: A natural hot spring where you can soak and unwind in a picture-perfect setting.
Railay Beach:
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Koh Lanta:
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Emerald Pool and Hot Springs:
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Local Tips
Rent a Scooter: Good way to get around town at your own pace.
Sunset Views: Drive to any of the various lookout points.
Rent a Scooter:
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Sunset Views:
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Visa Requirements: Check the most current visa requirements, depending on your nationality, prior to travel.
Currency: Thai Baht (THB) Tommy. There are loads of ATMs around, though it's always a good idea to have some cash for markets.
Clothing: While visiting temples, dress modestly. Shoulders and knees should be covered out of respect.
BOOK NOW : +91 98187 81115 / Email: [email protected]
Thailand is a country of incredible diversity, offering a mix of modern cities, ancient temples, lush jungles, and stunning beaches. Whether you’re exploring bustling Bangkok or relaxing on the shores of Phuket, Thailand promises an unforgettable adventure. Embrace the warmth of the Thai people, savor the exquisite cuisine, and immerse yourself in the vibrant culture.
Pack your bags, get ready for an extraordinary journey, and let the magic of Thailand captivate your senses!
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sad-scribble · 2 years
the true genders:
Male Female RAT Danish Venezuela K-Mart™️ Dick's Sporting Goods™️ Goggobite Hamburg Cheeseburg Borb Gorb Pay Less Shoes™️ Vampire Warewolf Thing™️ Clinically Insane but a Blorbo Clinically insane but Just Insane Kidney Donor 5 Gay Rats 7 and a Half Men Trans (Either) None Other Prefer Not to Say (Coward)
Other Genders Include: Home Owners Association of Vicksburg, Virginia Gaylord, Michigan Hell, Michigan Hell, Norway Wal-Mart Super Centers Ararcho-Anarchist 1800-588-2300 Empire Today™️ Bob Ross Chia Pet Red Beans and Rice Ikea Cafeteria Worker Indiana Resident Bermuda Triangle 5th Grader 6th grader High School Freshman High School Senior Mesothelioma Domino's App, Featuring, Hatsune Miku™️ Play-Doh Monstrosity Made of Origami Yucatan Peninsula Cuba Ancient Roman Norse Mythological Being It™️ Other Other.
Other Other Genders Include: Battle Cat 277 English Men named Gary 1 Child named Gerry 16 South African Children Home Owners Associations of Ottawa Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Louisiana Gumbo Mississippi North Texan Oklahoma Panhandle Native American God Cancer (Star Sign of Crab) Cancer (Disease) Lobster Shrimp Fried Rice Waddle Dee Amalgamation of the Fears of the Next Person you Meet Lusty Argonian Maid Köttbullar Chicken Noodle Soup Served Hot and Fresh on December 17th, 1942 Sheep Goat Goat Simulator Goat Simulation Skeleton Skeleton but Cooler David Shy Guy Secure Contain Protect Red Man™️ Omori Player Hard Boiled Egg Other Other Other
Other Other Other Genders Include: Me! :-) Green Man™️ Bangkok, Thailand Shay's Rebellion Alexander Hamilton's Husband Alexander Hamilton's Wife Scottish Dr. Pepper Dr. Bright Tumblr User Fly Swatter Pepsi Cola™️ Nestle™️ Swiss National Banks Federal Reserve Fallout 76 SCP-035 John Garfield (President of the United States) Garfield (Cat) Narrator from Stanley Parable™️ Every Kiss Begins with Kay™️ Everybody Wants to Rule the World Madagascar (Movie Series) Madagascar (Island) Elephant 2 Trucks Isle of Man Dos Islas Del Caribe French SCP-049 New South Wales Rochester, New York Swedish Meatballs Effects of Male Pattern Baldness on Italians 9Gag User Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Floridian South Texan Black Beans and Rice Other Other Other Other
Other Other Other Other Genders Include: Pepperoni Shakespeare's Play, Macbeth Beowulf Homer (Simpson) Homer (Author) Political Candidate German Polish Femboy 67 Children with Knives A Hamster Spinning a Wheel in Someone's Head FemMAN Dos Amigos Restaurant Chains North Sentinel Island Odin Ice Giant Skylander Disney Infinity™️ Guitar Hero Nintendo Wii Spaghetti Tacos Jerusalem Crème Brule Humunculous Spanish At Least 31 Years Old MIT Graduate BenreyBenreyBenreyBenreyBenreyBenreyBenreyBenreyBenreyBenreyBenreyBenreyBenreyBenreyBenrey Hey! Listen!
Celeste Flying Spaghetti Monster The Computer from Don't Hug Me I'm Scared Target™️ SCP-079 Oyster Pirate Ninja Robot from the Future Robot The Thing™️ Blob 1990's Rendered 3D Sphere Youtube Poop Mist Flying Chinchilla Gingi Robot Chicken
what you want more?
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fleet-off · 1 year
Five favorite things about your latest fic, GO!
Eep! Thanks for the lovely ask, anon. So my favorite thing post-posting is all the ways people are pairing “this is bizarre” with compliments in the comments--variations on “strangest kink, somehow wholesome,” “compellingly odd and stunning,” “super weird, I love it,” “didn’t think I’d like this concept as much as I did.” I am so happy to have created something strange that connected with people.
But I think you’re asking about the fic itself, so! Here are five things I got jazzed about while working on won't give up these ghosts. (This...may get long. I am an analytical dork.)
1. Favorite Love Motif: Handholding
Sandalwood smoke tickles his nose and snakes into his lungs. The world is a narrow peninsula--the island of Pete’s body on the table and the familiar hand anchoring him to lands beyond.
For all the consuming, transformative, codependent ways Vegas and Pete love each other--sometimes they’re not very good at it! Figuring it out is a piecemeal process, and one I paralleled with the holding of hands.
Vegas fails to hold Pete’s hand during the faux-funeral. Pete attributes the struggle to lack of practice, but…his own lack of response isn’t helping. He isn’t reading Vegas’s signals--likewise when Vegas practically strangles his hand during the flashback, and Pete accepts his own numb fingers without recognizing the depths of Vegas’s fear.
Of course, Pete does eventually notice. During the aftercare, their hands skim without catching as they check each other for damage. Pete wraps Vegas’s fingers around the water bottle and makes him drink, Vegas grabs Pete’s wrist to get him under the blanket. They’re trying to care for each other’s needs without facing up to their own.
The sex scene contains indirect progression--Vegas ties Pete’s hands together in a prayer pose. The bondage works for both of them and constitutes handholding by proxy, since Vegas is the worshipper here. Pete becomes the shared vessel of their mutual existence.
Pete takes hand-holding initiative in the aftermath--a reciprocation that precipitates Vegas admitting what Pete’s pseudo-deaths do to him. They talk towards a solution, and--with the Great Coffin Compromise--finally manage to tangle their fingers comfortably. Vegas and Pete are learning to make it work.
2. Favorite Too-Clever (Pejorative) Line: Faux-Corpse Repose
Two spots of red bloomed in the man’s chest and gut. The body staggered and fell, performing the twitching dance of a corpse that doesn’t know it’s dead yet. […] So Pete lay on the floor of his and Vegas’s bedroom, limbs askew in the repose of a corpse that has recently received and accepted the news of its passing, and let all thought and emotion leak from his body into the carpet under his head.
Sorry, this juxtaposition always gets me giggling. It’s the sort of device that thinks itself moderately clever, when really it’s modestly clever at best. But this is fanfiction, and it does serve the story, so I allowed myself the indulgence.
…Also the line about how a hole is a hole, Pete’s is full and the grave’s empty, please let’s fuck. I thought I was going to have to cut that and I was so sad about it. It’s crass, it’s very Pete-practical, and it has about three rhetorical devices attached that lend it just this slight poetic edge. It makes me laugh an awful lot. (Thanks to Lily @theflowergirl for encouraging me to keep thinking on this line instead of cutting it!)
3. Favorite Scene Transition: Void
“It’s like being the only stillness in the world,” he said at last. “The wet sand digs into your feet, and the sea is this massive moving thing you’re not a part of, and all you can see is water and sky and dark. And it sees you, but there’s nothing there to see of you. You’re safe. You’re--a void.” *** Death is a void. Death is the bumps and jolts on the road out of Bangkok with Pete strapped across the backseat. Death is the sunbeams slanting through the car window and warming his shroud, and Vegas behind the steering wheel taking care of his body after its intended use has run out.
It’s cheating when there are only two scene transitions in the fic, but what can I say? I've been thinking more on first lines since I read @giraffeter's gorgeous last ten on an ask meme, and I think I managed to start each scene fairly strong in this story! And I am chuffed by the repetition-as-transition here and by this new-scene para more broadly. There's the juxtaposition between dark and light, between being invisible before a limitless sea and being the center of Vegas’s world…and then there’s the throughline--the void, the physical rocking, the safety.
4. Favorite Glimpse of Vegas-POV: Building the Bier
Vegas who loves breaking things and hates to see him broken; Vegas who lives in fear and awe of his shattering. Vegas’s stoic face, hidden from him as he laid the blindfold over Pete’s eyes and made a funeral bier of their dining table. The apology Pete never got to hear.
I loved slipping hints of Vegas’s read for this scene into the story, because parts of it vary wildly from Pete’s interpretations and Pete has no idea. “Made a funeral bier of their dining table” is one of those throwaway lines a Vegas POV would have absolutely fixated on. The significance of transforming the place where they eat, removing its purpose for the sake of a scene where Vegas starves himself to provide for Pete’s needs? Vegas would chew the fuck out of that idea! (And you just know he’d make some contradictory unholy communion of having Pete’s body spread across that table. So many doomed savior metaphors there.)
And because I still can’t help myself with the hole-is-a-hole line--second place is Pete knowing that Vegas must get something from the symbolism of laying claim to him beside the hole he dug to lay him in the ground. Because of course he does. Vegas is absolutely thinking “his body is the crypt, let me be buried here, let me be reborn in him” and a host of similar weird-ass thoughts.
5. Favorite Life Motif: Heartbeat.
Pete is alive as small things are alive the moment before the kill.
Ending with another motif! I threaded Pete’s heartbeat throughout the fic as the physical manifestation of the “buzz” of life. The first portion of the story is disruptions of heartbeat (buried by the blast of his gun, interrupted by the clicker). As Pete fades during the drive, his heartbeat is replaced by facsimiles--the pulse of the engine, the rhythmic thud of the shovel. Not coincidentally, both of these sounds correspond to Vegas taking care of Pete in his afterlife mental space.
Pete’s heartbeat roars back following his safeword, paired with the panic of realizing that the scene hurt Vegas. Then the sex scene marks a sharing of heartbeat--Pete offers “the pounding rhythm that rocks his soul.” This is set up partially via predator/prey imagery (sans any fear from the supposed “prey”), with Vegas biting at Pete's chest and the pulse in his neck. Pete’s heartbeat is overwhelmed at the climax by Vegas’s presence.
And yet! As the death roleplay was a simulation of death without dying, the sex scene is a simulation of dying without death, and all the more life-affirming for it. Pete’s lays Vegas’s head against his pulse in the after, giving him the chance to hear it. And where Vegas’s experience of Pete’s “death” was as his own dying, Pete now feels Vegas’s heartbeat and takes his turn as the simulated predator vampire-style by biting down on the pulse in Vegas’s wrist.
Thanks again for the ask, anon! This is probably more than you asked for, but I had a very fun time thinking on it. ^^
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sofiahotelhuahin · 2 years
Thailand's top hotels || SofiaHotelHuahin
Thailand punches well above its weight when it comes to accommodations because it is home to some of the top hotels in Asia. The country's iconic addresses are saved for the beaches and islands; Chiva Som has frequently been named the best destination spa in the world, while Aman, Banyan Tree, and Six Senses are scattered throughout Thailand's top islands. In Bangkok, glitzy city hotels rival those found in New York and London.
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There are a lot of quaint and hidden hideaways to be discovered as well, where warm service and regional cuisine make you feel like you've had a taste of local life. The best hotels in Thailand are rounded together here for a rundown of our favorites.
Six Senses Yao Noi, Phang Nga
On the steep tiny island of Yao Noi, which is situated in Phang Nga Bay midway between Phuket and Krabi, Six Senses has mastered the castaway experience. On the speedboat trip to the resort, shoes are removed, and signs made of driftwood indicate to the white sand beach, the hilltop infinity pool, and a cluster of stilted homes with thatched roofs. Seeing the spa buried among the jungle's traditional long homes, getting to dinner by climbing through the multi-level bamboo and clapboard restaurants, and watching movies on the beach beneath the stars all feel like adventures. Use one of the hotel's bicycles to make a circuit of the island, passing through the fishing community and rubber plantations, and keep an eye out for pairs of sooty black hornbills.
Chiva Som, Hua Hin
Chiva Som is without a doubt the reigning queen of the Thai wellness industry; 27 years ago, when they first appeared on the scene, spa vacations in Thailand weren't even a thing. Since then, there have been many imitators, but none have been able to top the original's life-enriching blend of cutting-edge fitness (new equipment includes Iron Man-like Vision Bodysuits), medical diagnostics (blood work, gene testing), conventional Asian healing therapies, and hyper-intuitive staff. There are 16 distinct retreats to choose from, each of which will be meticulously customized to satisfy all of your mental, physical, and emotional needs. These retreats include stress and pain management, fitness boost, immune resilience, and elder wellness. This is where lifelong habits can be altered.
Banyan Tree Samui
The private pool in your home features a floating lotus flower and unparalleled panoramic views of Lamai Bay. Buggies transport visitors around the villas, private beach, spa, and elevated restaurant The Edge, which are connected by twisting steep walkways. Differently sized and shaped villas rise from the peninsula, but everyone has a view of the garden or the sea. The spacious bedrooms in the family and couple villas are open to expose private infinity pools, and the rainfall showers are large enough for two people. Beanbag chairs are set up on a wooden deck so that guests can relax and watch the sunrise over the water. Try renting a kayak or taking a private boat tour while spending the day at the private beach, or have afternoon tea at the beach café. If you go between April and May, you might get the chance to see local turtle hatchlings making their way into the water. It's imperative to visit the spa, particularly for the hydrotherapy massage. A steam room session precedes the ice-cold shower in the Rainforest treatment, which is followed by hard-powered water jets that target the back muscles.
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Standard: Two to three persons can fit in a room. The accommodation has a refrigerator, air conditioning, and a king-size bed. has a window that overlooks a garden, a table and two chairs, an emergency fire extinguisher, and a wall fan.
Deluxe: Two to three people can stay in each room. The accommodation has a refrigerator, air conditioning, and a king-size bed. has a window that overlooks a garden, a table and two chairs, an emergency fire extinguisher, and a wall fan.
Superior: Two to three people can stay in each room. The accommodation has a refrigerator, air conditioning, and a king-size bed. has a window that overlooks a garden, a table and two chairs, an emergency fire extinguisher, and a wall fan.
To reach us out in offline mode do not forget to visit
Sofia Hotel Huahin        
100 / 3 - 6 Poonsuk Road Hua Hin, Prachuap Khiri Khan, Thailand 77110
Visit Our website — https://sofiahotelhuahin.com/
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lsundarinfo · 1 day
Fly To Thailand
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Thailand serves as a significant hub for growth in Southeast Asia. The borders with Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, and Myanmar are nearby. It also represents the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) diplomatically, where Malaysia and Myanmar are closer to it. A memorable tour to Muang Thai, or the "Land of Smiles," will highlight the spectacular treasures of this Buddhist nation and quickly become your favourite vacation.
With this country's remarkable improvement in science and technology, engaging in a stylish journey is the most terrific decision to make. Using the extra effort and time to research the requirements for an international driving permit in Thailand can reward you with a plethora of privileges and rewards. Your daily concerns about the never-ending troubles would be easily alleviated by obtaining a unique authorization to drive overseas, which will be your IDP.
Located in the tropics, the Kingdom of Thailand is a significant hub in Southeast Asia. It demonstrates the ecosystem's remarkable variety. This country is full of exquisite treasures, from the magnificent mountainous forests in the north to the attractive, rich rice fields in the northeast and the charming, jagged coastline of the southern peninsula. According to the 2019 Population Census, the country has over 67 million people living there.
Thanks to its incredible array of religious treasures, sacred paradises, and magnificent landmarks, Thailand is a contemporary country. Please continue reading to learn more about this great nation, including its official geographic position on a map and tourist attractions.
Geographical area
Thailand, along with the other ASEAN nations of Laos, Cambodia, and Myanmar, is situated on the Indochina Peninsula. Also included in its territorial reach is Malaysia, a neighbouring country. It's interesting to note that the land's structure resembles an axe. Also, it is located around 15 degrees above the planet's equator. The nation's capital is Bangkok.
Area of land
Thailand has an area of 513,120 square kilometers. It is evident from its structure that this nation differs from Spain. Wyoming comes to mind as another parallel when thinking of its states. It is roughly twice as large. It is also now the 16th largest nation on the globe.
Renting a car in Thailand
Nothing is better than hopping on a four-wheeler and exploring Thailand's greatest locations. The comfort is perfect for many of us. You can turn left or right without hesitation and keep driving without stopping. In this country, a road trip experience might provide you with brand-new thrills and excitement.
Auto rental
Speaking about driving, there are many car rental agencies nationwide where you may choose to hire your ideal vehicle. Remarkable technological developments have made it possible to book a car with ease. You can browse many websites to see which have the greatest discounts.
Documents needed to Rent a car in Thailand
As the car rental agency requests, you must have all the necessary and specific documentation regards to booking a car before renting a car. In addition, the requirement that the consumer provide legitimate documentation demonstrating their fitness to drive is a contract requirement. The typical paperwork you'll need when hiring a car is listed below. Note that modifications are generic and are governed by agency policies.
Before confirming or completing the purchase, request the car rental agency's phone number. It will be instantly helpful if you experience an unexpected road emergency. You'll instantly know who to call.
International driving permit
One of the most important requirements for foreign visitors who want to enjoy a comfortable vacation style is to obtain a specific international driving licence to drive in another country, and e-itca.org makes it simple to get your IDP easily. Clarity and legal knowledge are often essential, but thanks to E-ITCA who have made it simple for people to procure an IDP in just a few steps. Nobody wants to incur significant fines and costs due to breaking the rules. Driving in Thailand requires an International Driving Permit (IDP) issued by E-ITCA
You shouldn't wholly disregard your native country's driver's license because you have an international driving permit Thailand. An IDP is an official translation of your foreign driver's licence. Your local licence and international driving license Thailand IDP should always be kept on hand.
Thailand driving laws
When entering the global world, or visiting a nation and going on the road, it is crucial to get familiar with the traffic laws and regulations that are in place. Remember that, particularly in Thailand, you must pass examinations before legally driving. You should know that breaking the law is against the country's laws. Know the various rules that each state has in place. Do not drive in Thailand without a license or while violating traffic laws.
Key guidelines
Foreign drivers should become familiar with the fundamental and necessary driving laws overseas. Remember that accepting responsibility for saving people's lives is no laughing matter. Most of Thailand's traffic rules are comparable to those in other Asian nations. So, adapting is not a significant concern for Asian people. Some could still be perplexed, though. It is simple to understand what it means. It keeps you safe from traffic collisions.
Drink and driving in Thailand
In Thailand, regulations against driving while intoxicated are strictly enforced. The legal limit for blood alcohol is 0.5 grammes per litre. If a driver has had their license for five years, they should not exceed 0.2 grammes unless they want the authorities to seize their license. In Thailand, drunk driving usually carries substantial fines and harsh punishments. The consequences for irresponsible drunk driving and driving without a Thai license are severe, especially during the holidays.
Mid-lane changes
To get where you're going, you frequently have to switch lanes. Moving in a different direction in Thailand has to be made clear. Set the traffic lights to "on" and heed any oblique warnings. Thai drivers typically contact other cars to advise them to change lanes while rolling down their windows. While changing lanes when self-driving in Thailand, exercise additional caution. This will guarantee a seamless transfer.
Horning is a signal, not a way of expressing annoyance
It is important to pay attention to beep signals from other motorists to move over so the driver can go first or vice versa. Another ethical approach is to request permission from other riders before making a margin. It frequently appears as one approaches dead ends and narrow roadways. Arriving at the junction zone is a second occurrence. When the motorist honks, you have to go around him first. You only come across as an alien if you honk rudely or own specific streets.
Parking Rules in Thailand
To find a dedicated parking area, search for it when you get there. Never leave your automobile unattended in risky areas. You definitely don't want to become the target of an abduction. Check if the location is secure and has a guard on duty. You should also be aware of the "no parking in even numbers or on days of the week" and "no parking between 7:00 and 9:00 in the morning" signs. If you don't, you'll get a penalty for illegal parking. This is a no-trespassing sign for all private cars, regardless of whether the car is red or white, primarily for cabs.
General traffic laws in Thailand
With a few tips, you can enjoy road trips in Thailand. The standard reminders for speed restrictions, seat belt use, maritime routes, road markers, and more are listed below. Before leaving, be sure to check your bag for valuables. Ensure that you have an IDP and the original driver's license. Losing either might be problematic, particularly when travelling between countries.
Speed restriction
What you need to drive or how to rent a car overseas are just some of the considerations for a road trip. You should be familiar with the fundamental regulations of the road. The speed limit is one of these regulations. The speed restrictions for foreigners who want to keep driving in Thailand are listed below.
Legislation governing the use of seatbelts
If there is a seat belt for people in the back seats, they can use it. However, children under 12 must use a child seat in Thailand.
Driving side
Let's say you want to know which side of the road is the left lane in Thailand. It is forbidden to pass automobiles behind unless there is a legitimate reason to do so. Refrain from breaking the law since there are suitable penalties for doing so.
Recreational activities in Thailand
Thailand is famous because of its rich history, culture, and religion. Most international visitors will find Thailand to be more adventurous. Whether it has to do with work or housing options, anyone with one is welcome to take it. Professional employment is not restricted within the nation. You can get your work permit and visa if you receive an official offer from a local agency in Thailand.
Driving as a visitor in Thailand
Non-Thai citizens must get an international driving permit Thailand (IDP). Applications for special permits are subject to exclusions. The national driver's license from a country that is part of the 1949 Geneva and Vienna Conventions on Road Traffic can be used there. Yet reserving a rental automobile might be challenging. Most car rental companies require the customer's IDP at the time of reservation, which is why it is critical to obtain your international driving permit Thailand. With the assistance and help of the E-Itca.org, getting an IDP is relatively simple. All you have to do is enter your information and upload a photo for instant verification. You will immediately get an online confirmation for your IDP in just a few moments.
0 notes
head-post · 26 days
US, China plan high-level talks amid rising regional tensions
Top US and Chinese officials have discussed the possibility of talks between US President Joe Biden and Chinese leader Xi Jinping in the coming months as the two countries seek to stabilise communication in their increasingly contentious relationship.
Xi and Biden talks
US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan is wrapping up three days of talks with counterparts in Beijing, where he met with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and General Zhang Youxia, vice chairman of the Central Military Commission – the first meeting between a US official and a Chinese military figure in that role since 2018. Zhang Youxia, the vice chairman of the Central Military Commission, told Sullivan in opening remarks:
“Your request to meet with me shows the value you attach to military security and the relationship between our militaries.” 
Sullivan noted that “we rarely have the opportunity to have such an exchange of views” and emphasised “the need for responsible management of the US-China relationship.”
Sullivan is on the final day of a three-day trip to China, his first trip as national security adviser, aimed at maintaining high-level contacts and stabilising bilateral relations to avoid conflict. Over the past day and a half, he held key talks with Wang Yi, foreign minister and the ruling Communist Party’s top foreign policy official.
The White House statement said the two sides would keep lines of communication open, including planning a “leaders-level call” in the coming weeks. There was no indication whether the two leaders might meet in person before Biden leaves the Oval Office.
Taiwan issue
Wang emphasised that Taiwan belongs to Beijing and that China “will definitely be united.” He told Sullivan that the US should “put into practice its commitment not to support Taiwan’s independence” and stop arming Taiwan.
The White House said Sullivan “emphasised the importance of maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.”
Sullivan, making his first such trip in his post since 2016, previously met with Chinese diplomat Wang Yi in Beijing, which was expected to smooth relations. But after their meeting, state media reported that Wang warned Washington against supporting the Philippines in the South China Sea. Wang told Sullivan:
“The United States must not use bilateral treaties as an excuse to undermine China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, nor should it support or condone the Philippines’ actions of infringement.” 
Sullivan doubled down on Washington’s pledge to protect its regional partners. A White House report on their meeting said:
“Mr. Sullivan reaffirmed the United States‘ commitment to protecting its Indo-Pacific allies.” 
Sullivan also “expressed concern over the PRC’s destabilising actions against the Philippines” legitimate maritime operations in the South China Sea,” the report said, which uses the acronym for the People’s Republic of China.
Wang emphasised to Sullivan that “China is firmly committed to defending its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights to islands in the South China Sea.”
Airspace violations and other subjects
Tokyo, meanwhile, accused Beijing of violating its airspace on Monday when a surveillance plane intruded for two minutes near the Danzho Islands in the East China Sea. Tokyo said the first confirmed incursion of a Chinese military aircraft into its airspace was a “serious violation” of its sovereignty and accused Beijing of “increasing activity.”
Sullivan and Wang have met five times in the past year and a half – in Washington, Vienna, Malta and Bangkok, and together with Biden and Xi at the November 2023 summit in California.
US and Chinese officials also discussed issues including Ukraine, the Middle East and the Korean Peninsula, according to both sides.
Read more HERE
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travelers-time · 2 months
Top 10 Budget-Friendly Destinations for 2024
Traveling doesn't have to break the bank. In 2024, there are plenty of amazing destinations where you can experience rich cultures, beautiful landscapes, and exciting adventures without spending a fortune. Here's a list of the top 10 budget-friendly destinations to consider for your next trip.
1. Vietnam
Vietnam offers a perfect blend of historical sites, stunning landscapes, and delicious street food—all at incredibly affordable prices. Explore the bustling streets of Hanoi, cruise through the breathtaking Halong Bay, or trek in the lush mountains of Sapa.
2. Portugal
From the vibrant city of Lisbon to the beautiful beaches of the Algarve, Portugal is a great destination for budget travelers. Enjoy world-class wine, explore charming historic towns, and savor delicious seafood without breaking the bank.
3. Indonesia
Indonesia, with its thousands of islands, offers something for every traveler. Bali, Lombok, and the Gili Islands are popular choices for affordable beach holidays. Beyond the beaches, explore ancient temples, vibrant markets, and stunning volcanic landscapes.
4. Mexico
Mexico is known for its rich culture, delicious cuisine, and beautiful beaches. Whether you're exploring the ancient ruins of the Yucatán Peninsula, enjoying the vibrant nightlife in Mexico City, or relaxing on the Pacific Coast, you'll find plenty of budget-friendly options.
5. Thailand
Thailand remains one of the most affordable destinations in Southeast Asia. From the bustling streets of Bangkok to the serene beaches of Krabi and Phuket, you can enjoy luxurious experiences without a hefty price tag. Don't miss the vibrant night markets and delicious street food.
6. Hungary
Budapest, the capital of Hungary, offers a unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty. Explore its stunning architecture, relax in thermal baths, and enjoy delicious Hungarian cuisine—all at reasonable prices.
7. Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka is a hidden gem with a diverse range of attractions. From pristine beaches and lush tea plantations to ancient temples and wildlife safaris, there's something for everyone. The country's affordable accommodation and transportation options make it a great choice for budget travelers.
8. Greece
While popular tourist destinations like Santorini and Mykonos can be pricey, Greece has many budget-friendly options. Explore the historic sites of Athens, relax on the beautiful beaches of Crete, or visit the lesser-known islands for a more affordable experience.
9. Morocco
Morocco offers a rich cultural experience with its bustling souks, stunning architecture, and delicious cuisine. Explore the vibrant city of Marrakech, wander through the blue streets of Chefchaouen, or camp in the Sahara Desert—all without spending a fortune.
10. Nepal
Nepal is a paradise for nature lovers and adventure seekers. Whether you're trekking in the Himalayas, exploring ancient temples in Kathmandu, or experiencing the local culture, you'll find Nepal to be incredibly budget-friendly.
For more budget travel tips and affordable holiday packages, visit Budget Holiday Tours. This platform offers great deals and insights into making your travel experiences unforgettable without breaking the bank.
Traveling on a budget doesn't mean you have to compromise on experiences. These destinations offer a wealth of opportunities to explore new cultures, enjoy natural beauty, and create unforgettable memories—all while staying within your budget. Happy travels in 2024!
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crystal-in-nagasaki · 3 months
crystal NOT in nagasaki, thailand: part one
Hello again! I hope you enjoyed reading about my adventures in Singapore! A few days into the new year, I said goodbye to my friend's incredibly kind and welcoming family in Singapore and hopped on another plane to Thailand, where I stayed for about three days.
This was my first time in Thailand and I only spent time in the city of Bangkok, so there was much of Thailand's nature and regional culture that I missed out on, and I would love to go back again someday to see more!
First, a little bit about Thailand. It's a South Asian country located on the Indochinese peninsula alongside other countries like Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and Myanmar, with Malaysia to the south. It's not quite as close to the equator as Malaysia, but still had a hot and tropical climate when I visited in January.
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People in Thailand speak the Thai language of course, which is a tonal language like Chinese, with its own script. Buddhism is a strong part of Thai culture, and they have many temples and images of Buddha around the country. It's a constitutional monarchy, with the royal family really only holding symbolic power but being beloved and accepted by the Thai people.
With that, I'll share some about my specific experience in Bangkok, with information that I learned about the culture along the way!
On my first day in Thailand, we spent most of the day travelling and making our way to our lodging, so I'll just talk about dinner that day.
We ate at an outdoor table outside of a small local restaurant and ordered several communal dishes to share.
To drink, I got butterfly pea tea, a very popular drink in Asia. It's a lovely purple/blue color tea made from the butterfly pea flower. Lemon and sugar is usually added to make a sweet and refreshing drink.
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I'll be completely honest that I don't really know what the other food was because it was ordered by our friend who lives in Thailand, but it was tasty. In the red and black bowl was chicken feet soup. I did not at all like the feeling of chicken feet skin and bones in my mouth, but the taste was good.
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After this, we went to a nearby bar that specialized in honey-infused drinks, which was really tasty. I was exhausted after a day of travel, so I then headed back to the lodging early to call it a night.
The next morning we met back up at a large mall called MBK center to do a little shopping. While waiting for my other friends to arrive, I got Thai iced tea flavored ice cream, and it was sooooo good.
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After this, we went across the street to the Bangkok Art and Culture Centre to see a few small exhibitions.
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The building itself was really pretty. An exhibition about womanhood had recently closed, and this one photo was left behind of some women laughing and swimming together. I thought it was beautiful and powerful, so I took a photo of it.
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Another exhibition we saw was photography taken by the queen of Thailand, which just consisted of random things the queen had taken pictures of. Our local friend told us that Thai people love their monarchs, so while we might be confused as to why the pictures warranted a whole exhibition, many Thai people were very interested in seeing the things the queen photographed in her daily life.
Next, we went to the Jim Thompson House. This was a house owned by an American merchant named Jim Thompson who relocated to Thailand in the 1940s to establish the Thai Silk Company. He was very interested in the culture and artwork of Thailand and other south Asian countries, and built the house as a place to show off his collection of south Asian art. It was interesting to see a house of Thai design filled with Asian artifacts, but that also had Western style rooms and furniture.
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Jim Thompson made many trips in his life around Thailand and neighboring Asian countries, but on a trip to Malaysia in 1967, he disappeared and was never heard from again. No one has ever discovered what happened to him, but his house now remains as a museum so that people can view and appreciate his collection of art.
After admiring Jim Thompson's house and art, we headed back to MBK center to have lunch, where we ate boat noodles, which are noodles seasoned with pig or cow's blood mixed with spices. At this restaurant, they had several different flavors, types of noodles, and spices, so you could order cheap small portions of noodles and try several kinds.
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For dessert, we got a pudding-like dessert made of coconut and pandan.
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After this, we spent some time in the huge mall souvenir shopping. One of the floors of the mall had many small stalls and shops selling local and traditional goods, so I was glad to find lots of cool souvenirs for my family and friends.
When we had sufficiently burned through our souvenir budgets, we headed to dinner at a nice restaurant which had various Thai dishes like pad Thai, Tom Yum Kung, and various curries. The food was pretty spicy, but delicious.
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After dinner, we decided it was a great idea to cram six people into a tuk tuk and head out for drinks. Tuk tuks are small three-wheeled street cabs symbolic of Thailand. They are usually cheaper than taxis, but some drivers will take advantage of foreign riders and charge them a higher fare, so tourists beware! Many of the tuk tuks in Bangkok had decorations like lights, speakers, or Buddhist images. The one we all crammed into had fun neon lights on the inside. They are definitely not built for six people, but the driver didn't seem to care as long as he was getting paid and we had a fun perilous ride to our next destination.
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That night we decided to get drinks in Bangkok's gay district and then see a drag show together. Compared to many other Asian countries, Thailand is a bit more open as far as LGBT visibility and rights, and it was nice to see an area for LGBT people to enjoy themselves openly.
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In traditional Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia, it was commonly known that there was a third gender, called kathoey. They are similar to transgender women or gay men in that they are commonly AMAB people expressing themselves in a more feminine way, but are considered to be neither woman nor man, but a third gender containing a body with two souls. It can also be used to refer to intersex people, who are not within the traditional grounds of a "male" or "female" body.
Kathoey and transgender women are visible and recognized in Thai popular culture today by the term "ladyboys." Although the term may not be the most PC, their status in society is admirable compared to many other societies where gender nonconforming people are often shunned and otherized.
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Anyway, we enjoyed some drinks at a bar in the gay quarter, then headed to a bar called The Stranger to enjoy a drag show by Thai drag queens (which are not synonymous with kathoeys or transgender women). The drag queens were beautiful, talented, and funny, and it was a really fun time being in a place celebrating queer people.
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With that, I'll leave this part here and continue my Thailand adventures in the next part. Stay tuned!
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hadeschan · 5 months
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item # N15B28
Rian Sema Luang Phu Tuad, Phor Than Chin, Wat Mueang Yala, Chup Ngern Satin, Longya Rachawadee, Si Tong Châat, Lang Pra Chiang Sean, Roon Si-sip-ha Pee Wat Mueang Yala. A mint copper coin in a shape of a temple boundary marker stone tablet with an effigy of a meditating Pra Bodhisattva Luang Phu Tuad. In the back is with an effigy of Pra Chaing Saen, the Principle Buddha Statue of the temple of Wat Mueang Yala. The amulet is with sandblast silver fill, and Thailand flag enamel colors. Made to commemorate 45th Anniversary of Wat Mueang Yala. Made by Phor Than Chin of Wat Mueang Yala, Yala Province in BE 2547 (CE 2004).
BEST FOR: Pra Bodhisattva Luang Phu Tuad brings safety, happiness, wealth & prosperity and longevity. It brings protection in all directions from all upcoming danger, injury, and misfortune. Luang Phu Tuad could change your life for the better, Klawklad Plodpai (it brings safety, and pushes you away from all danger), Kongkraphan (it makes you invulnerable to all weapon attack), Nang Nieow, a rock-hard skin that is completely impervious to damage with bludgeoning or piercing weapons. Maha-ut (it stops gun from shooting at you), Metta Maha Niyom (it helps bring loving, caring, and kindness, and compassion from people all around you to you), Maha Larp (it brings Lucky Wealth / wealth fetching), and Kaa Kaai Dee (it helps tempt your customers to buy whatever you are selling, and it helps attract new customers and then keep them coming back. Ponggan Poot-pee pee-saat Kunsai Mondam Sat Meepit (it helps ward off evil spirit, demon, bad ghost, bad omen, bad spell, curse, black magic, and poisonous animals). And this amulet helps protect you from manipulators, backstabbers, and toxic people.
In Thailand, Luang Phu Tuad amulet is believed to be a “Pra Nirantarai” means Luang Phu Tuad will push you away from all danger!
It was certified by Por Tek Tung Charitable Foundation who help the injured and to collect the dead bodies at the scenes of road accident in Bangkok that they NEVER find people who were killed by road accident have Luang Phu Tuad amulets.
The Astonishing Miracle Incident
The BE 2550 roadside bombing, a bomb exploded at a road side in the Muang District of Narathiwat Province while a van of a Lady who acted as Her Majesty's representative to participate in the ceremony there, and that Lady was safe, and she was wearing Pra Luang Phu Tuad amulet, Roon Si-sip-ha Pee Wat Mueang Yala of Phor Than Chîn…
Luang Pu Thuat (Thai: หลวงปู่ทวด; 1582-1682 CE, 2125-2225 BE) was a Buddhist monk, born in Dee Luang sub-district, Sathing Phra district, Songkhla, Thailand. He is a revered Buddhist monk who lived in Siam and is said to have performed miracles.
Luang Pu Thuat is mentioned in the early regional histories of southern Thailand, but his life is mainly preserved in oral traditions. Stories of the famous monk were passed on by word of mouth for centuries. As a result, it is a mixture of Buddhist elements: early signs, alleged magic, travel, study, meditation, and eventual “sainthood.”
His movements throughout the southern Thai peninsula constitute a path of pilgrimage for many of his followers.
Luang Pu Thuat has also been said to have saved countless lives of people be it on the battlefield, armed robbery, or more with his sacred amulets.
DIMENSION: 3.40 cm high / 2.20 cm wide / 0.20 cm thick
item # N15B28
Price: price upon request, pls PM and/or email us [email protected]
Item location: Bangkok, Thailand
Ships to: Worldwide
Delivery: Estimated 7 days handling time after receipt of cleared payment. Please allow additional time if international delivery is subject to customs processing.
Shipping: FREE Thailandpost International registered mail. International items may be subject to customs processing and additional charges.
Payments: PayPal / Western Union / MoneyGram /maybank2u.com / DBS iBanking / Alipay / Wechat Pay / PromptPay International / PAYNOW
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snaptaste · 6 months
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mysgprop-cstee · 8 months
Albar Peninsula @Pattaya, Thailand
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Albar Peninsula @Pattaya, Thailand
Invest in one of the most popular holiday destinations in Thailand and in Asia - Pattaya. Only about 1.5 hours drive/bus from Bangkok currently and even nearer with the upcoming High Speed Rail between Bangkok airport to the Pattaya airport.  Enjoy 60% Guaranteed Rental Returns over 10 Years with Free Stay Fully Furnished units (in accordance to hotel specification) From only SGD$9xK ✔ Freehold Waterfront Living ✔ Rental guarantee: 6% per year for a period of up to 10 years. ✔ Cash-back: 5% guaranteed per year during construction if payment of at least 50% at the signing of the contract. ✔ No maintenance fees during the rental guarantee period. (Free for 10years!) ✔ Buy-back option at the same price between the 3rd and 5th years. ✔ Free 15 days annual stay. ✔ Free Fully-furnished package. ✔ Free Renovation on return after 10 years. ✔ Managed by a world-class hotel operator - Radisson Group. ✔ Flexible payment terms allowing the purchase to be spread over 2 years. ✔ Nestled in scenic and peaceful Na Jomtien, Pattaya ✔ Minutes stroll (~300m) to nearby Ban Amphur Beach ✔ Close to Na Jomtien’s Beachfront Restaurants, Latest hip & instagrammable cafes & tourist attractions ✔ Easy drive to Pattaya City and shopping malls like Central Festival, Pattaya Beach, Terminal 21 Pattaya and more ✔ International renowned branded hotel professionally managed by Radisson Hotels Group ATTRACTIVE PRICE GUIDE Building A: Studio (23.81 – 31.31sqm) From THB 2,397,000 ~ SGD 89K Building C: Studio (24.91 – 25.17sqm) From THB 2,513,000 ~ SGD 94K 1 BR (33.90 – 34.29sqm) From THB 3,575,000 ~ SGD 134K Building D: Studio (24.26sqm) From THB 2,678,000 ~ SGD 100K 1 BR ( 24.58 – 34.04sqm) From THB 3,242,000 ~ SGD 121K
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"Your Way of Living" Albar Peninsula @Pattaya, ThailandFact Sheet Albar Peninsula Thailand Pattaya Developer Albar Peninsula Thailand Pattaya Hotel OperatorUnique Selling Points EXCLUSIVE PRIVILEGES FOR OWNERS LocationWhat's Nearby?  Site Plan & Unit Mixes Typical Floor Plan & Virtual Tours: Official Brochures/ Floor Plan Price Guide Booking Process & Payment Albar Peninsula Condo is a new condominium project located to the south of Pattaya city in Na Jomtien in a beachside project located directly on Sukhumvit Road in Na Jomtien and only a 15/20-minute drive from Pattaya city not too far from Ocean Marina Yacht Club, Cartoon Network and Nong Nooch Botanical Gardens. Albar Peninsula is also close to the new high-speed railway link coming to Pattaya in 2023, meaning the commute to Bangkok should take less than 1 hour. There are many room types at Albar Peninsula Condo, including studios, one bed, and two beds and all come fully furnished with an added bonus of a high ceiling at 2.8m. The Albar Peninsula Condo project consists of 4 x 8 storey buildings all surrounding a large, lagoon-style swimming pool in a French style.    Albar Peninsula is a condo project developed by Albar Peninsula Co.,Ltd., Albar Peninsula has 8 floors and contains 686 total units, Units range from studio to 2 bedroom. Albar Peninsula at Na Jomtien, Sattahip has the following facilities: cctv, fitness, garden, mountain view, parking, sea/ocean view, security and swimming pool.
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A Luxury Low-Rise Condominium in Na Jomtien with stunning sea view Albar Peninsula combines modern architecture with stylish and sleek French designs offering a highly desirable lifestyle in a beach resort environment. If you are yearning for a coastal paradise then Albar Peninsula is for you. Albar Peninsula is perfectly located in the ever-expanding Na Jomtien. The area itself has an abundance of idyllic coastline with many beachfront restaurants and cafes all serving an array of food for all tastes. The up and coming Na Jomtien is only a 15-minute drive from international shopping malls and the morer vibrant Pattaya and all its amenities and in the other direction you have the scenic Bang Saray and its many seafood eateries.
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Albar Peninsula Condominium is the project for investment. Ready for you to be a part of a world class hotel owner. Rental management by The 4-star hotel brand Park Inn, by the Radisson Hotel Group, Rental guarantee return of 6% for 10 years. The low-rise Condominium 8-storey and 4 buildings, decorated in a French style, Facilities focus on a large common area, resort style swimming pool, relaxation area, suitable for all residents. Fact Sheet TypeDescriptionsProject NameAlbar Peninsula @PattayaDeveloper NameAlbar Peninsula Co., LtdLocation150 moo 4 Sukhumvit Rd, Na Jomtien, Sattahip, Chonburi 20250, Pattaya, ThailandTenure of LandFREEHOLD (Foreigner eligible)Expected Date of Completion (T.O.P.)Dec 2023Site areaApprox 8,799 sqm / about 94,712 sqftTotal No. of Units686 units in 4 blocks of 8-storeys (Block A & B are hotel, and Block C&D are apartment), fully managed by Park Inn of RadissonCar Parks30% Updated Fact Sheet for Albar Peninsula
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Albar Peninsula Thailand Pattaya Developer
Mr Zeng Qiming, CEO & Designer Bachelor Degree – Guangdong Ocean University Master Degree in Architecture and Urban Planning – Shanghai Tongji University Mr Zeng Qiming started his business in the industry designing his own architecture until 2009. He then expanded his business in many cities in China such as Guangzhou City, Jiangmen City, Shenzhen City and Hainan City. Mr Zeng Qiming continued to advance in the field of architectural design over the past years. In 2016, he stepped into the path of international development and together with the promotion of China’s “One Belt One Road” project, he co – invested with highly influential entrepreuners to invest in fragmented industries in Cambodia and established the company “ Jushang Residential Industry Development Company”. In 2018, Mr Zeng Qiming started his business in Thailand, being the sole agent for the condominium – High Rise by the Sea in Pattaya, which was sold out in no time. He then turned to develop condominium projects and with the experience of his team, expand the business both in design and sales.
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Developer Track Records
Albar Peninsula Thailand Pattaya Hotel Operator
Albar Peninsula has signed a management contract with the Radisson Group, one of the largest hotel groups in the world, with a portfolio of more than 1,400 hotels around the world! Radisson Hotel Group has a long history of being a responsible business, with the ambitious and award-winning program.   They are passionate about caring for others, and that extends beyond the walls of our hotels. They believe in conducting business ethically in all we do and want to be a thriving, sustainable and responsible business for people, the community and our planet.  The team members live Responsible Business every day–at home, together with their hotel colleagues and in their local communities where we work on creating building better futures and a better planet for all.
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Radisson Group Unique Selling Points ✔ Freehold hotel and apartment for sale at low entry price of only S$9xK ✔ Professionally managed by renowned international Radisson Hotel Group under the Park Inn brand ✔ Ride on the rebound in tourism by investing in Pattaya, one of the most popular tourist destinations in Thailand and Asia ✔ 3 minute walk to Pattaya Beach with the new bridge ✔ Within 10 minutes from all the major attractions in Pattaya ✔ 60% Guaranteed Rental Returns over 10 Years ✔ Guaranteed Buyback Program after 3rd or 5th year (buyer decides as per contract) ✔ Free 15 Days Stay at the hotel per annum ✔ Free 10 Year Maintenance Fees under the Guaranteed Rental agreement ✔ Free Fully-Furnished Package under the Guaranteed Rental program ✔ Free Renovation by the Developer on Return to Buyer/Owner after 10 Years - applicable for Guaranteed Rental Program and if buyer opts out from the Buyback program ✔ Interest payment of 5% nett on deposits (NO withholding tax deduction) payable quarterly (Only for Payment Scheme B/C1/C2) EXCLUSIVE PRIVILEGES FOR OWNERS ✔ The owner enjoys a total of 15 days of free accommodation to the Albar Peninsula. ✔ The owner will be provided with free shuttle service to and from the Utapao Airport or the Pattaya High-Speed Railway Station. ✔ Owners will be checked into their room with an express check in and check out service and channels without any queuing. ✔ Free extra bed service during the owner's stay will be provided. ✔ The owner will be presented with a welcome fruit plate and a random gift during each stay. ✔ If the owner stays on their birthday, a 6-inch cake will be given for free. ✔ Enjoy the self-service washing machine during the owner's stay for free. ✔ If the stay is more than the 15-day free period, the owner can enjoy a 15% discount from the retail price. ✔ Right of final interpretation belongs to Albar Peninsula Co., Ltd. and Softly Holiday Co., Ltd.
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Furniture List
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One of the major strengths of this superb residence unmistakably reflects its extraordinary location, both conducive to providing an exceptional setting for its inhabitants but also strategic when it comes to renting out or reselling it. Indeed, the residence is only 300 meters from the beach, about 500 meters from the luxurious Ocean Marina proudly displaying the most beautiful yachts in the region, just a few minutes from the highway arriving directly from Bangkok and its international airport, just 500 meters from the next Icon Siam, one of the largest and most luxurious shopping centers in the country and finally in the immediate vicinity of the future high-speed train line which will link Bangkok to Pattaya in just 40 minutes! All while keeping a quiet and privileged environment, while being only 20 minutes from downtown Pattaya.
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Site Actual View What's Nearby?  Terminal 21 Pattaya was opened in Pattaya District in October 2018. It is located on the corner of the North Pattaya Road and Second Road, next to the Pla Lo Ma Roundabout. The retail area consists of 6 floors, including an SFX Cinema and Foodland supermarket. Terminal 21 Pattaya also houses 32-story Grande Centre Point Pattaya hotel & residence. The mall has a retail podium of 200,000 m2 on 7 floors. It houses more than 370 retail shops, 5 anchors including an entertainment complex, a 5-floor central department store and has direct access to a 302-room hotel, the Hilton Pattaya. The mall is situated at approximately Pattaya Beach Soi 9, and one side of the mall is next to Pattaya 2nd Road, while the other side is at Pattaya Beach Road. The complex also houses the Pattaya Hilton Hotel, which opened in 2010 Walking Street is located in the middle of the central area and Jomtien – the south area, at the end of Beach Road in Pattaya City. This walking street is one of the reasons why Pattaya has another interesting nickname – “devil city”. The pedestrian street is quite recognizable with large neon signs. This attraction includes infinite choices of entertaining service, from seafood restaurants, live music venues, bars, discos, sports bars and nightclubs. During the daytime, Walking Street is a bustling flea market located in the middle of Pattaya city. Here, you can find any jewelry, souvenirs or toys,… that you need. Street vendors pushing traditional Thai food carts across the sparkling jewelry stalls is an interesting moment that tourists can capture for memorable photos. Stopping by Walking Street during the day is enough to satisfy both the shopping pleasure and curiosity for Thai culture of tourists. Visitors can easily catch street artists singing famous traditional songs of their homeland or playing with pythons, snakes. Phoenix Gold Golf & Country Club is 27-hole golf course comprises three nines – Ocean, Lake and Mountain, and has magnificent views of the surrounding mountains and the Gulf of Thailand. In 2018, Pheonix Golf hosted both the Royal Cup (Asian Tour) and Ladies European Thailand Championship (LET). The European Tour returned in 2019. Established in 1995, Ocean Marina Yacht Club was founded under the love and passion for sailing and yachting. There was a vision in knowing that Thailand’s Gulf boasted some of the best sailing conditions, supported by the optimal winds, beautiful islands, crystal clear waters, and sunny weather…however there was no marina for yacht lovers to access these features. Ocean Marina Yacht Club filled this void, and today stands as one of Asia’s largest marinas, one of the few that offers full facilities for yachts. Nong Nooch Tropical Garden in Pattaya features over 200 hectares of landscaped spaces bursting with tropical colours. It has some of the most remarkable flowers, displays and landscaped gardens in Thailand, if not the world. The team behind the gardens have repeatedly won international awards for their designs, which include 17th-century French-style gardens, a recreation of Stonehenge, creative topiary displays and gardens created exclusively with cacti, bonsais and tropical palms. It is also the home of over 670 native and hybrid species of orchids. Silverlake Vineyard is located about 25km away from Walking Street in Pattaya, Thailand. Silverlake Vineyard is not just a vineyard, but more like a total entertainment spot to spend a day or two. This Tuscan style winery is equipped with latest Italian technology to produce wine and juice. Established in 2008, Pattaya Floating Market covers an area of up to 100,000 square meters. and is fully known as the Four Regions Floating Market. The market is uniquely designed and divided into 4 separate areas, symbolizing the four regions of Thailand including the North, Central, South and Northeast. Each area sells typical items, goods, and products representing the specialties of each region. Therefore, the market is metaphorically described as a “mini Thailand” as you can find almost every signature food, clothing items and culture show across the country here. Pattaya Dolphin World & Resort is home to two species of well trained dolphins, the Pink Bottlenose and the Irrawady. Other outdoor activities include a 13-metre jumping tower, ATV, a shooting range, a fishing park, horse riding, and cowboy town. Cartoon Network Amazone Pattaya is the world’s first Cartoon Network-themed waterpark, with 10 entertainment zones, 30 rides, and other attractions and shows. Based on the popular children’s channel, this family-friendly water park is sure to excite thrill-seekers and animation fanatics including Adventure Time’s Finn and Jake, The Powerpuff Girls, Johnny Bravo and many more. NEARBY ATTRACTIONS: • Only 300 meters from the beach in a quiet and privileged environment • About 500 meters from the luxurious Ocean Marina proudly displaying the most beautiful yachts in the region • A few minutes from the highway arriving directly from Bangkok and its international airport • Only 500 meters from the next Icon Siam, one of the largest and most luxurious shopping centers in the country and finally in the immediate vicinity of the future high-speed train line which will link Bangkok to Pattaya in just 40 minutes • Only 20 minutes from downtown Pattaya Read the full article
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natchitoches · 9 months
It must be awesome to be rich in SE Asia. I bet they call it “SEA” behinds everyone’s back and have special homemade trade maps between themselves whoever they are; taking long club drives from Kuala Lumpur to Bangkok to Yangon to Mandalay for a traditional “road to mandalay” fest! Oh my! Wells it’s something to make you feel popular with yourself if you can and you’re not for some reason.
But outdoor picnic dining restaurants are everywhere not just SEAsia. I think I just prefer them there… who couldn’t be more pretentious than me to say what I’m going to, trying to make the ambience about Ancient Rome when it’s not; but in the Tarquinian Age (about the time of King Hezekiah of Judea of the Bible, sort of in sane centuries — when outdoor picnic garden dining was huge in the Levante and Middle East as well as the high casted peninsula), the Western European tradition of the oriental gentile precursor of the same, I think took its exemplary height.
I won’t say more. It might be mistaken by anyone how I’m praising that it was persons who worked outside mostly all their lives, had the civility enough to gather to formal terms in this kind of dining arrangement.
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jaydeemedia · 9 months
[ad_1] Dust off your bucket list with our guide to the best places to visit in 2024. We cover the hottest trends, the newest openings, and some perennial favourites to help you decide where to go in 2024.   LAST UPDATE: 22 Dec 2023 Anywhere We Roam is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn a small affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support - Paul & Mark. In 2023 travel had a reawakening. In 2024, it promises to reignite our wanderlust like never before. Research shows that 27% of people plan to spend more on travel in 2024 than they did in 2023. The hottest travel trends for 2024 are all about incorporating a personal interest into your travel plans. Heading abroad to see your favourite artist, visiting a city based on a solid restaurant recommendation or traveling for a sports event are popular ways to decide where to go in 2024. We’ve put together our list of the best places to travel to in 2024. We cover the foodies, the adventure-lovers, the hikers, the budget-seekers, and many more. ESSAOUIRA, MOROCCO 1. PARIS France is blessed with iconic monuments, pretty villages, glorious countryside, and some of the best beaches in Europe. The capital remains an eternal favourite for people who love romance, art, and history. However, in 2024 Paris will shine even brighter. The Summer Olympics will be held from July 26 to August 11 and they’re sure to add further energy to an already vibrant city. In an Olympics first, the opening ceremony will take place on the Seine, meaning free admission for more spectators than in previous years. Find all the best things to do in Paris during your visit. PARIS, FRANCE 2. NAMIBIA The raw and unspoiled landscapes of Namibia offer an unparalleled experience for meaningful travel. From the otherworldly dunes of the Namib Desert to the wildlife-rich Etosha National Park, the country boasts an abundance of natural wonders. As sustainability becomes an increasingly important feature of our lives, Namibia is a great place to visit in 2024. Mix unique nature encounters with people who have changed their lives to tackle conservation issues. Our 2-week Namibia itinerary covers the best of this fascinating country. SOSSUSVLEI, NAMIBIA 3. BANGKOK Bangkok is a chaotic city with a romantic mix of old and new. Ancient temples and floating markets provide a glimpse into a bygone era; rooftop bars, bargain shopping, and a heady club scene indulge your hedonistic side. It’s the city’s dining prowess that makes it an excellent destination for 2024. There are 6 new Michelin-starred restaurants that are worth checking out. Unique to the high-end dining scene, Michelin restaurants in Bangkok can often represent great value for money. The new one Michelin star restaurants are: Indee Bangkok, Samrub Samrub Thai, Resonance Bangkok, Nawa, Mia and Wana Yook. We can help you put your trip together with our 3-day Bangkok itinerary. FLOATING MARKETS, BANGKOK 4. ICELAND Scarred by a thin crust, Iceland is a landscape dotted with geological weirdness. Rivers of boiling grey mud cut through golden tree-less valleys, sulphur vents sprout steam like a giant atmospheric smoke machine and colourful mountain ranges brighten up gloomy arctic days. We love Iceland and we’ve visited many times. But the recent volcano eruption on the Reykjanes Peninsula could provide a unique travel experience for 2024. There’s already great hiking opportunities around the old Fagradalsfjall volcano site, and when deemed safe to see, the current volcanic eruption could be an awesome thing to witness. Read more in our guide to the best places to visit in Iceland. SIGÖLDUGLJÚFUR CANYON, ICELAND 5. LAS VEGAS As the centre of hedonistic pleasures, Las Vegas is what you make of it. Party all weekend, enjoy mind-blowing architecture or visit off-the-strip, local attractions. Las Vegas is great to visit any year, but there are a few extra reasons to go in 2024. The Sphere is Sin City’s newest attraction.
Standing at over 360ft tall, this music and entertainment venue features a high-definition wraparound video wall creating a unique virtual environment.  Fontainebleau is the newest luxury hotel in Vegas. At 56 stories, it’s the tallest building in the city with a vibe reminiscent of the South Florida nightlight scene. Read more in our guide to the best things to do in Las Vegas. LAS VEGAS 6. ZERMATT Nestled in the Swiss Alps, Zermatt is a picturesque village located at the foot of the Matterhorn, one of the most iconic mountains in the world. It has some of the best hiking in Switzerland, with scenic cable car rides that whisk you to dramatic alpine landscapes. None are more spectacular than the Matterhorn Alpine Crossing which opened last year. This new high-tech cable car can take you from Zermatt all the way to Cervinia in Italy. Along the way, take in unparalleled views of the mountains and ski in a high-alpine wonderland, 365 days of the year. Read more in our guide to the best things to do in Zermatt. HIKING NEAR ZERMATT 7. MADRID As a major cultural capital of Europe, Madrid is always a great destination for a weekend break. The Prado, the Thyssen-Bornemisza, and the Reina Sofía, are 3 of the most renowned art galleries in Europe. Madrid continues to be an excellent place to visit in 2024. Gastro Festival celebrates the culinary diversity of the city, the Madrid Flamenco Festival in May will showcase singing and dance, and the Mad Cool Festival will feature some of the biggest artists from across the globe. Read what you can get up to in our guide to the best things to do in Madrid. ROYAL PALACE, MADRID 8. ANTALYA Located on an idyllic stretch of coastline on the Turkish Riviera, Antalya has been enticing visitors since the Pergamon kings bequeathed their empire to the Romans. Blessed with a well-preserved old town, evocative ancient ruins, golden beaches, and 300 days of sun a year, Antalya is fast becoming a sought-after holiday destination. It’s also a very cost-effective place to go in 2024, where you can find a high-quality resort with all the facilities at a very affordable price. In fact, prices in Antalya have dropped an estimated 12%.  Read about the cool things to do in Antalya. ANTALYA, TÜRKIYE 9. SINGAPORE In recent decades, few cities have seen as much change as Singapore. Transformed from a colonial outpost to a garden city at the heart of Asia, Singapore’s journey has been remarkable. It’s a fantastic city stopover with a diverse culture, a healthy obsession with food and the most green spaces of any other city. The recently opened Harry Potter: A Forbidden Forest Experience is a magical family-friendly attraction. The new Rainforest Park is also due to open in 2024. The 2 hectare park will feature a lush rainforest, a 25-meter suspension bridge and a canopy walk. Read more in our guide to the best things to do in Singapore. SINGAPORE 10. WALES Wales is famous for rugged coastlines, mountain regions, historic castles, rugby and sheep. But it’s also developing a sturdy reputation for single malt whisky. Five distilleries have now been awarded a geographical indication for single malt whisky. They are Penderyn, In The Welsh Wind, Da Mhile, Coles and the new addition in late 2023, Aber Falls.   Now is a great time to enjoy a bracing coastal walk in Pembrokeshire, or the charming colourful town of Tenby and finish the day with a quality tipple. CAREW CASTLE, WALES 11. ISTANBUL Istanbul is one of our favourite cities in Europe. Soak up the vibrancy of this important historical centre while admiring sublime art, cool neighbourhoods, local restaurants, and friendly Turkish culture. We’ve covered all our favourite things to do in Istanbul here, but there is one excellent reason to visit in 2024. Istanbul Modern opened in May 2023 after an 8-year refurbishment. The new location on the banks of the Bosporus is an architectural marvel and the perfect venue for the gallery’s incredible collection of modern art.
Put your trip together with our Istanbul itinerary. SÜLEYMANIYE MOSQUE, ISTANBUL 12. YUCATÁN The Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico is best known for its pristine beaches luring party-savvy visitors for a cocktail-infused break in the sun. But it’s also rich in cultural interest with amazing Aztec and Mayan Ruins showcasing the region’s historic significance. Witness the impressive Chichén Itzá or the jungle-clad Coba ruins. In 2024, you may be able to experience one of the region’s newest, yet oldest attractions. Ocomtún is a lost Mayan city that was only discovered in June 2023. It’s still being unearthed but has sparked a renewed interest in Mexico’s historical ruins. If you’d like to tackle more of the country, read our 2-week Mexico itinerary. CHICHÉN ITZÁ, YUCATÁN 13. FLORENCE As the birthplace of the Renaissance, Florence continues to enchant visitors with its artistic treasures and architectural marvels. But Florence is also a city of today. A thirst for culture exists in crafty cocktail bars and aging tavernas. In unassuming chapels with era-defining art and quiet streets with humble restaurants. In 2024, there are plenty of great reasons to go. Attend the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino Festival, the oldest in Italy. Dress up for the medieval fantasy event, Vinci Unicorn Festival, or shop at the BIAF Antiques Biennial. Read more here – best things to do in Florence. FLORENCE, ITALY 14. MOROCCO After their historic performance in the World Cup, there’s been a renewed interest in going to Morocco. But the devastating earthquake in 2023 is probably the most important reason to visit this fascinating country. Many of the areas impacted by the earthquake in the Atlas Mountains rely on tourism and visiting in 2024 is one of the best ways to support the recovery efforts. In addition to doing some good, you’ll enjoy the enchanting hospitality of the Moroccan people and visit some incredible places. Read about the best places to visit in Morocco to start planning your trip. OUARZAZATE, MOROCCO 15. JAPAN Japan has a harmonious blend of ancient traditions and modern technology. From the beautiful temples and gardens to the energy of Tokyo and Osaka, Japan is a cool place to visit. Over the last two years, the Japanese currency has weakened over 30% against the US dollar. Inflation remains low compared to other countries, so prices have barely risen.   Japan is a surprisingly great value destination for 2024. CHION-IN TEMPLE, KYOTO ANYWHERE WE ROAM ISREADER-SUPPORTED Booking your trip via the links on this page earns us a small commission at no extra cost to you. You can also buy us a coffee. Big thanks – Paul & Mark. INSTAGRAM | FACEBOOK [ad_2] Source link
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