#The Pineys
thefixisin · 25 days
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piney-45 · 5 months
my love language is listening to people talk about things they love for as long as they want
i like seeing people happy
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trinitywc · 5 months
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"-you look like you've seen a ghost"
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pie-knee · 4 months
that sure was the world's longest month of february
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johnslittlespoon · 3 months
"he could've stayed in london"
"cleven, up until he died, talked about egan"
"he said something like, 'it should've been me & you getting married'"
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frenchcurious · 6 months
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Maison située sur une falaise surplombant Buffalo Bayou à Piney Point au Texas, conçue par l'architecte Jack Stehling en 1970, et rénovée sur une période de 2 ans par Robert Shane. Photo: 11100wickdale. - source MCM Daily.
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filipfuckingtelford · 10 months
The Forbidden Fruit. Remastered. Part 2
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Chibs x Reader fanfiction. Obviously.
I wrote the previous version long ago, now it seemes too short and flat to me. So I decided to write the new version.
Y/N is Clay and Gemma's daughter. Club's princess. Everyone in the club loves her and she treats everyone nice and caring as well. Chibs was seeing her growing up and never noticed what a beautiful yound woman she became. Untill one night.
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4 In Flames bonus
Y/N was gone. Chibs truly felt it in couple of days when he came back from Tacoma. Clubhouse was the same but felt different. Now that he knew his heart was still alive, when he finally felt something knowing that she was gone, taken, it was too much for him. But there was nothing he could do. Chibs had to learn to live without her. And he couldn't let anyone know about what he felt.
So he just got back to how it was before her. Taking care of his brothers, dealing with club's issues. Chibs was all the same for everyone and only at lonely nights when he was again spending time with a bottle of scotch he could let his emotions take control. He was now even more lonely than before. And the only thought of Y/N meeting someone out there made his heart break.
His past was catching up with him though and it wasn't helping. Fiona coming to Charming, Ireland, IRA, it was all too overwhelming, too stressfull and yet Chibs had no one to talk to. If only Y/N was here to talk to him, sooth his pain, make it all just go. But she wasn't there. And he had to deal with his past alone.
And Chibs did. He finally repayed Jimmy O', finally let go of his past. He could've been ready for something new, but he knew now who was the special one for him. And he knew he couldn't have her.
Club issues were his only way to distract himself. And there were a lot of issues since almost everyone was behind the bars and Chibs, Ope and Kozik had to deal with guns, trying to to keep the club afloat, earn money.
They succeeded though, pretty good. By the time the rest of the club was out they had pretty much good earnings. Chibs was glad to see his brothers. He missed every one of them. But it meant he had more free time now and it was killing him. Thoughts he kept under control were now consuming him. And his lonely nights became even darker.
The fact that club was now having business with cartel wasn't making Chibs' life easier. He didn't like the idea, voted against it, but this deal was accepted and he could only hope it won't end bad, taking care of his brothers, supporting Jakson as he always did.
It was in couple of days after guys were out. Sons had to go to the motorbike show to have a meeting with the cartel. It didn't go exactly the way they planned, had to deal with some club problems as well, but mostly everything was good. As good as dealing with the cartel might've been.
Chibs unmounted from his bike and headed inside. He stopped by the bar and got himself a beer and then he froze, cigarette in his lips, lighter in his hand. He heard a voice from the kitchen. The voice he was hearing in his dreams every night. Voice that made his heart sink as he heard it in reality after three years of missing it.
It was Y/N. Chibs couldn't believe it but it was her. She was talking to Gemma in the kitchen as if she never even left. It took him couple of minutes to get himself together, put his mask back on. All he really needed now was to see her. But he couldn't let anyone know how he felt. His brothers came in and it was when Chibs finally lit his cigarette and leaned against the bar counter as if nothing was going on.
Clay was the next one to hear it. He stopped, didn't even finish his sentence as he heard his daughter speaking in the kitchen. A glimpse of surprise and excitement lightened old man's features. Chibs could hardly remember the last time he saw the President smiling like this.
"Y/N?" Clay called, it was clear he could not believe what was going on.
"Daddy!" Y/N entered the room as soon as she heard him and ran towards him, wrapping her arms around Clay's neck as she hugged him tight and he lifted her, laughing.
"What are you doing here, baby?" Clay frowned when she finally pulled away and he looked down at her.
Chibs swallowed trying to act as normal as possible. Christ she was a pure perfection. Even more beautiful than he remembered. He missed her so fucking bad and all he could do now was just looking from afar. She didn't even look at him. Chibs didn't know why he expected anything different. He was just one of the Sons. Only a part of the family for her. Nothing more.
"I came back home, dad. I've graduated as you wanted me to. But that's it. I'm not staying away from this club" Y/N said, looking at Clay. She was stubborn and she was used to get what she wanted.
"Okay, baby, if that's what you want" Clay smiled, but Chibs could see the worry in old man's eyes. He didn't want his daughter to be around right when he started business with the cartel. It was too dangerous and probably Y/N was the only person Clay wanted safe.
Y/N finally looked at the rest of the club. Everyone was excited to see her. She hugged Juice, who blushed immediately and turned to Jax.
"Hey, sis" Teller kissed her cheek and petted her shoulder slightly. He was worried as well. Having his little sister around when things were complicated was not what Jax wanted. He already had Tara and boys to worry about.
"Our little princess is back to town, making uncle Tig happy again" Trager laughed as Y/N gave him a hug. Chibs knew that he was her favorite uncle, the girl adored this man and he was giving her the same.
Y/N was greeting Sons, met Kozik who seemed to be amazed by her immediately and Chibs could't blame him. He was still watching her from the bar and his heart was breaking with every hug she got from his brothers. He needed her right now, as close to him as possible and it was exacrly what he couldn't have.
"We're having a party tonight. Gem, tell Chucky to get everything ready" Clay announced. He was worried but still was so glad to have his little princess back.
Y/N turned to Chibs finally. He couldn't stop watching her even for a moment and when their eyes met he felt shivers all over his body. God she was so beautiful. She grown up, became a gorgeous young woman. He couldn't help it, Y/N was making him feel the certain way. She gave him a smile, so soft, so gentle. He needed it so bad to ease his nerves. Chibs was watching her as Y/N made her way towards him.
"Hey, lass" He said, his voice raspy with emotions. Filip didn't dare to touch her, to hug her even though it was fine for him to do it.
"Hello, Filip" Y/N looked up at him and the sound of his name escaping her lips made him almost whimper.
Next moment she hugged him. Wrapping her arms around his waste, pressing herself against him so tight. Chibs gasped, holding Y/N in his arms. It was so good, too good. His body's reaction for her presence was inevitable so he pulled away before it was too late.
"I missed you" Y/N smiled. She didn't notice anything unusual in his behavour, at least it was what he hoped.
"Missed ye too. I'm glad ye're back" Chibs gave her a smile, dimples on his cheeks.
"Found yourself someone else to talk to after a long day?" Y/N asked and Chibs didn't know what this question meant. Did she want to know if he had someone? Or was he just seeing what he wanted to see?
"Nah... figured out no one is better than ye. For that" Chibs hoped he didn't say too much, but Y/N seemed amused so he relaxed a bit.
"That's a shame, Filip. But now I'm here to keep your company" Y/N chuckled and left him, confused, to join her mother in the kitchen again.
The party was loud. Everyone was happy to have Y/N back. And everyone needed something good after what they've been through for last several days. Y/N was having fun, she was dancing and talking to everyone, she was glad to be back home. Wearing skinny jeans and tank top, her hair up in a ponytail she was perfect. Chibs was watching her from the couch brushing croweaters off. He noticed it was some challenge they had, trying to get his attention. But he wasn't interested. Nor when he was alone, neither now when his heart was taken.
"Are you bored?" Y/N asked as she came up to Chibs and sat on the couch next to him.
"I'm not, lass. But I'm not really a party man. ye know" He smirked and reached to take a strand of hair from her face. The touch was electrifying. He sighed and looked away.
"I know, Filip. But would you like to play pool with me?" She asked and took his hand as she stood up.
Chibs looked up at Y/N and raised his brows "I don't have a choice I guess"
He followed her to the pool table, wondering why she ever wanted to spend time with him. Chibs didn't mind it at all, but he saw no reasons for Y/N to waste her time with someone like him.
They were playing pool, chatting about nothing. She was so close, she was teasing him slightly as he allowed her to win. It was all so intimate for Chibs even though for Y/N and the rest of the people in the clubhouse it was just a pool game, nothing more. Chibs couldn't stop looking at her, admiring her.
Y/N was back to his life so unexpecteddly right when he needed her so much. But it was also so hard for him to stay away from this girl. For three years he was learning to live without her and now he had a new challenge, even more complicated. To learn how to live with her being all around and hiding his feelings.
Several days passed after Y/N was back home. Chibs didn't have any chance to spend some time with her, even though she was around the clubhouse all the time, helping Gemma in the office but there were too many thing going on around the club.
Then Tara was threatened, Mayans were attacked. And finally so was the clubhouse. Attack held by Lobo sonora, threat from the new sheriff, the clubhouse being a mess. It was all to much, too overwhelming and as if it was not enough Clay came up to Chibs in the middle of the chaos.
"Do me a favor, Chibs. Gem will stay here today, but I want Y/N away from here. She's at home. Take her to the cabin and stay there with her and Piney. It's probably the safest place for now and I want to make sure my baby is safe" He said, looking at Chibs with a heavy look.
"We could send Ratboy there" Chibs frowned. The thought of spending a night with Y/N in the cabin away from everyone was too tempting but it made him nervous as well.
"No. I want someone I can trust completely, Chibs" Clay knew what he wanted so there could be no argument.
"Aye. I'll take care of her" Chibs nodded and headed outside.
He parked his bike next to Clay's house and approached the front door when it opened. Y/N was obviously going somewhere. She looked at Chibs confused.
"Sorry, lass. Ye pa told me to get ye to the cabin and stay there with ye for the night" Chibs explained his sudden appearance.
"Oh... Something happened?" Y/N frowned. She knew family was taken away from the trouble but it was usually a lockdown in the clubhouse. Being sent to the cabin was new.
"Aye... Some people attacked the clubhouse so it's safer away" Chibs nodded as she was locking the door and following him towards his harley.
"And what about mom? And Tara and boys?" Y/N looked at him worried.
"They are safe, lass, I promise. It's just everyone staying at the same place is no good right now" Chibs sighed. He knew Clay was only caring about his daughter but he had to make sure Y/N had no worries about the rest of the family.
Y/N nodded and after Chibs mounted on his bike she made herself comfortable behind his back. He had to take a moment to get himself together when he felt her arms wrapped around his waist and the warmth of her body against his back. His heart was fluttering. His body was tensed as he was trying to get rid of this feeling. Y/N being so close made him defensless for what he felt for her.
As Chibs finally made himself to start the engine, he headed right to the cabin. The ride seemed so long and so short at the same time. He could've ride like this forever, having her right behind his back, holding him, gripping his cut with her small fingers. And at the same time Chibs knew there won't ever be anything more than this for him and it was breaking his heart.
They've arrived to the cabin when Piney was already there. He greeted them and let them inside.
"I think we, being two gentlemen, have to let a lady take the room. We can sleep on those couches" He said, small smile on his face. This old man was so glad to see Y/N again.
"You're too good to me, Piney" Y/N kissed his cheek and headed to the kitchen "First I'll cook dinner for you two. I can bet you both can't remember the last time you were eating"
"Just like her mother" Piney laughed and sat in his armchair havily.
"Ye need any help, lass?" Chibs asked. He was watching her, never taking his eyes of her. He just couldn't help it.
"No, I'm good. Relax and have rest, Filip" Y/N was already busy in the kitchen.
Soon enough the dinner was ready. It was an awkward evening with Y/N and Piney. Her being the love of his life he had to stay away from and him being a man Chibs was never close to. They barely spoke for the whole evening, the conversation mostly held between Y/N and Piney as Filip was silent, watching her and never having enough of it.
"I think I'll have some sleep. And you two should also have rest" Y/N finally said as she took the empty plates away from the table "Good night"
"Sleep well, sweetheart" Piney smiled.
"Good night, lass" Chibs whisperes as he was watching her leave. He hoped they could've had some time to talk, but there was no chance.
Laying on the couch, half asleep and dreaming about Y/N as he usually did he heard Piney's voice.
"What's going on here, Chibs?" The old man asked. He wasn't mad or anything, probably just curious.
"What do ye mean?" Filip felt nervous and tried to pretend he didn't understand.
"Don't make a fool outta me, son" Piney smirked. He knew what was going on, he did. But he wanted Chibs to explain.
"Is that so obvious?" He sighed and closed his eyes. If the old man noticed than probably others did as well no matter how much Chibs was trying to hide it.
"For me. Yes. Not for the girl if you worry about it" Chibs heard the voice and it made him tense.
"I can't help it" Filip finally confessed after a moment of silence.
"Yeah, son. I know you can't. Just be carefull. Her dad won't ever allow it to happen" Piney knew exactly how Clay was.
"Aye. I won't ever do anything about it, don't worry" Chibs stated bitter smile on his face. He was used to not getting what he wanted. But it did hurt so bad.
There was no answer. The old man fell asleep leaving Chibs restless with his thoughts. There was no option for him. He couldn't stop loving her no matter how much he tried. He couldn't confess his feelings, no matter how much he wanted it. All he could have was staying around and admiring Y/N from the distance.
Several days passed and life was coming back to normal. Chibs knew something bad was coming, it was in the air, it was inevitable. And it happened. Tara was attacked on their trip with Jax. It was all so bad, Chibs knew it was something to do with cartels, but he also felt something was wrong inside the family.
That night he was staying late at the clubhouse with Bobby and Tig when Clay came. He had some cuts on his face and obviously didn't want to talk to anyone. Chibs soon left to his dorm to have some rest, but restless he was, trying to find an answer to what had happened.
He heard a knock on the door and frowned. Wearing only jeans and white shirt he stood up from his bed and opened the door. And froze. Y/N hugged him, as tight as she could, hiding her face on his chest. She was crying, tears made his shirt wet instantly as Chibs pulled her closer to himself and closed the door.
"What happened, lass?" He asked with a raspy low voise. For a moment her was afraid Clay might've hurt her.
"It's mom and dad. Thay had a fight" Y/N whispered, sobbing on his chest "He hurt her, bad"
"Christ, lass" Chibs whisperes, his lips pressed to the top of her head. He didn't know why she came here, why didn't she go to Jax's place, but he was holding her in his arms and it was enough for him.
"Can I stay with you tonight?" Y/N asked queitly and Chibs only nodded.
"Aye, lass. I'm ere for ye" His accent was thick with emotions as she leaned closer into his arms.
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plantswithme · 7 months
someone should write a fic where sam and bucky get interviewed by buzzfeed as they play with kittens
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pyu · 2 years
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clairauswolfus · 5 months
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FINALLY I've made OC x Sun/Moon artwork YIPPEE!
This comic came to me in a vision. Piney really likes to push Sun's buttons.. But also she loves having a dance partner that can keep up with her! This girl can tear it up on the dance floor!!
Sometime soon I wanna make a comic of Piney's interactions with Moon just to show off the relationship dynamic these three have. Sunny is confident with performing with Piney, but shyer about being honest with his feelings.
Moon is totally the opposite lol. He's incredibly forward and sometimes even crude with it in a joking manner. He is a prankster after all! But his confidence in making jokes and making Piney laugh falters whenever it comes to being in the spotlight.
I'd love to make a thing that involves all three but I gotta figure out how I want to go about it. But for now have some short comics!!
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dollsome-does-tumblr · 8 months
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💕the lovers💕 in flight of the conchords 1.07
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thefixisin · 5 months
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piney-45 · 1 year
i have discovered a new emotion!
it’s that fear of your mother coming home from and ruining your day because hers was bad ‼️
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oocmadagascar · 7 months
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pineyw00dsshesquatch · 7 months
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When I heard about "shojo superman" I was intrigued, but skeptical. Now, I am a believer.
The fan discourse was right about its shojo sensibilities, but I keep finding dipshit articles people were paid to write calling it "Shonen inspired". This is why we can't have nice things!!!! If they just used the general "anime" it'd be less annoying, but they keep using "Shonen" specifically which is just LAME. It has a magical girl Transformation sequence come ONNNNN.
Yeah, there's a lot of overlap, especially in a hybrid East to West show like this, but GDI it's lame when something cranks up so many well loved features of shojo for a mainstream audience only to be misunderstood as shonen. I guess it's the action misleading people, but the pacing, character moments, and themes distinctly lean shojo. It feels like an episode of Sailor Moon before Yu Yu Hakusho. I'm keeping it retro for the comarisons cuz I think that was clearly the goal in production. The way it showcases tropes usually reserved for femmes characters and consumers, especially for western shows, for a legacy male character is part of what makes it feel so fresh and appealing. It all adds up to a nostalgic, romance hazed, optimistic take on Superman that works brilliantly.
Just on an "aesthetic level" the same way the 90's animated Superman and Batman banked on Art Deco futurism in its environments and settings, this show uses hazy lighting and a warm inviting city reminiscent of classic shojo.
Sorry, I'm not an expert in DC or Superman by any means, and with a character that's been around for almost 100 years, an "ideal adaptation" is kind of a fallacy in its own right. I have zero ill will towards Shonen on its own, only the way the industry prioritizes it at the expense of shojo cuz "stuff 'for girls' isn't profitable" and the cultural fallout from that. My Adventures With Superman flies in the face of that broke brain thinking with its unabashedly romantic, pink tinged success. I just adore shojo, so seeing something really hit a gender flaunting homer with its sensibilities getting mislabeled as shonen is lame.
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caesarh3ll · 4 months
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Finally drew my boy Piney after almost 1 and a half years of neglection
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