#The Rub Rabbits!
mevil · 20 days
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g4zdtechtv · 8 months
AOTS Classic - First 50: The Rub Rabbits! (DS)
Oh, you’ll love the bunnies.
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blueookashi · 2 months
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She’s so goofy
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infernothechaosgod · 1 month
I love you "four eared trouble" oswald
Hell yeah a ghost brother trying to help you break into a ritch guy's house because he fucking stole your "kinda magic mirror" my beloved
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I love how the jokes with oswald being an older character arent just him using 1920's slang and that being his entire personality but him being unaware of so many things We found out during the decades Like yeah uhhhh i dont know i dont think you can land on the sun oswald
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Wes playing bass with 'From First To Last'
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clown-paws · 7 months
[ID below caption.]
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> hai i like these sibling robots a little bit um. these are all almost a month old and i never got around to posting them here.
[Image Description: 5 traditional pencil drawings of the robot from Steam Powered Giraffe.
Image 1: Upgrade and The Jon are standing together. Upgrade is taller, and has an arm around The Jon's shoulders, rubbing his head with her fist with her leg popped up. The Jon is annoyed, holding his top hat above his head to make room for Upgrade's fist.
Image 2: Upgrade and Rabbit are hugging before the 10th anniversary show, Rabbit lifting her slightly off the ground. Upgrade is very happy, while Rabbit looks up at her with a fond smile. Both of their wigs are removed.
Image 3: Rabbit is sitting and looking into a mirror, with Upgrade behind her, leaning her head against Rabbits. Upgrade has a hand on her shoulder, which Rabbit is holding. Upgrade says "You've always been the pretty one, Hon'." Rabbit is smiling, crying oil.
Image 4: The Spine shirtless, showing his "noodle arm" which has the same design as his neck. One arm is removed with circuit wires coming from the socket. There's an arrow pointing to it, saying "Him and Rabbit got too sillay :3"
Image 5: The Jon and The Spine together. The Jon has wrapped The Spine's arms all around his body, trapping him. The Spine looks unimpressed, and The Jon is smiling up at him, doing jazz hands. The is a small heart above his hat. End ID.]
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viveela · 2 years
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I had some people want them to kiss except I looove the way animals show love a lot more so here's them "kissing" in the way their respective species's do
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vullen · 2 years
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mutual cosplaying
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dedtoot · 6 months
they would be good friends i think
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tanunigans · 10 months
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Fluffy isn't too sure about this other little blue one....
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But she smells nice.
@your-local-uwu-artist couldn't resist doodling-
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tsailatte · 3 months
WHERE: rabbit creek, just outside dracula's coffin club WHEN: 18th june, late morning WHO: anyone! ( @anchoragestarters ) CAP: none for now
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Somehow, Yuchen Tsai had slept through a fire. He'd woken up in the living space above the shop, completely none the wiser until he'd opened his bedroom window and caught sight of the scorched exterior of the building next door. Now that he was stood outside, staring hopelessly up at the Coffin Club's façade, he could see that it had faced the very same fate. Slumping his shoulders, Yuchen whistled and said, 'Oof, Bà's not gonna like this." The Coffin Club had, after all, been his father's passion project, forced into Yuchen's less than willing hands when his parents up and moved back home. "At least it's only the outside...? And maybe insurance will cover it?" It wasn't clear whose reassurance he wanted; Yuchen was very much in the habit of talking to himself.
But when a passer-by did happen to float past, Yuchen was quick to move, side-stepping into their path so suddenly that they'd have no choice but to stop directly in front of him or crash right into him. That wasn't by design, he just really hadn't thought this one through. "Hey, you heard about the fire, right?" he asked, a sheepish grin tugging at his lips. "Because I kinda got a problem on my hands." Yuchen lifted his arm, a finger pointed at a plastic statue of a man, dressed in a black coat with red lining, whose face and one half of his body had been horribly disfigured in some sort of...melting incident. "I need to do something with ol' Dracula here." He stepped up to the statue and gave it a good smack for emphasis, before immediately snatching hand away. Kinda sticky. Ew. "Think you could help?"
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tamaharu · 9 months
so we suspect one of our dogs grew up abused which is. a terrible way to start this. but we've had her for five or six years now and she still retains a lot of her habits but its very cute to see how our love for her has changed her. youll see her all curled up tail tucked in ears flat as you approach but shes making these tiny little tail wags anyway.
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g4zdtechtv · 8 months
THE PILE PRESENTS: AOTS! - Making Its Own Rich Gravy| 2/6/06
Rub that Rabbit, baby. Pet that bunny.
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thedevilinmybrain · 1 year
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infernothechaosgod · 1 month
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🧌'lil gremlin cutie🧌
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