#The Songs of Heimurinn
ratherdrawn · 1 year
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Lore day.
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hatari-translations · 4 years
Daði Freyr - Endurtaka mig (Repeat Myself) - transcript/translation
This song by Daði Freyr ft. Blær tackles how humans don't necessarily always want the same thing. Read the translation notes for some fun Icelandic slang imported from English that has acquired a completely different meaning.
Icelandic transcript
DAÐI: Stundum finnst mér alveg gaman Stundum finnst mér það bara ekki Stundum vil ég vera einn en stundum meika ég það ekki Þarf ég að vera consistent? Kannski langar mig það ekki Í dag líður mér svona en á morgun öðruvísi
Bara því ég gerði eitthvað gerir það ekki mig Gerður úr skinni og blóði en ekki augnabliki Ég vil ekki festast í sama horfi með sama viðhorfið
Það eru margar leiðir áfram ekki ein á mann ein á mann
Það eru margar leiðir áfram umfram
Mig langar ekki til að (endurtaka mig) Hef engan áhuga á að (endurtaka mig) Aftur og aftur að (endurtaka mig) Aftur og aftur (endurtaka mig)
Mig langar ekki til að (endurtaka mig) Hef engan áhuga á að (endurtaka mig) Aftur og aftur að (endurtaka mig) Aftur og aftur (endurtaka mig)
BLÆR: Stundum vil ég brjótast úr vananum Stundum gera mér dagamun Þó að lífið sé gaman er stundum heimurinn glataður Maður kemst ekki hjá því að finna ekki til neins þegar djammið er déjà vu og tónlistin eins
Nei, ég verð bara að gera eitthvað feitt ég verð bara að gera eitthvað great gera eitthvað heitt Leikkona en er ekki fake Minni mig á hverjum degi á reglurnar Ég vil ekki sama mat, sama sæti, sömu fötin, sömu lökin, sömu vini sem að manni er sama um, sömu hluti að tala um: þau tvö --
DAÐI: Eru þau saman eða hvað?
BLÆR: Sama dæmið dag eftir dag (Eitt) Tek ekki þátt í dramanu (Tvö) Breyti út af vananum (Þrjú) Ef þú fílar það ekki fenguð þið allavega eitthvað nýtt til að tala um (tala um) til að tala um til að tala um Nei, hef ekki tíma í það því að
DAÐI: Mig langar ekki til að (endurtaka mig) Hef engan áhuga á að (endurtaka mig) Aftur og aftur að (endurtaka mig) Aftur og aftur (endurtaka mig)
Mig langar ekki til að (endurtaka mig) Hef engan áhuga á að (endurtaka mig) Aftur og aftur að (endurtaka mig) Aftur og aftur (endurtaka mig)
English translation
DAÐI: Sometimes I'm feeling it Sometimes I just don't Sometimes I want to be alone but sometimes I can't handle it Do I have to be consistent? Maybe I don't want to Today I feel like this but tomorrow differently
Just because I did something it doesn't define me I'm made of flesh and blood and not a moment I don't want to get stuck in place with the same opinion
There are many ways to proceed not just one per person one per person
There are many ways to proceed additionally
I don't want to (repeat myself) Have no interest in (repeating myself) Again and again (repeating myself) Again and again (repeat myself)
I don't want to (repeat myself) Have no interest in (repeating myself) Again and again (repeating myself) Again and again (repeat myself)
BLÆR: Sometimes I want to break free of habit Sometimes make a day of it Even though life is fun sometimes the world sucks You can't help not feeling anything when the jam is déjà vu and the music's the same
No, I just have to do something cool I just have to do something great do something hot I'm an actress but not fake Remind myself of the rules every day I don't want the same food, the same seat, the same clothes, the same sheets, the same friends that you don't care about the same stuff to talk about: those two --
DAÐI: Are they together or what?
BLÆR: The same deal day after day (One) I'm not taking part in the drama (Two) Changing the routine (Three) If you don't like it at least you got something new to talk about (talk about) to talk about to talk about No, I don't have time for that because
DAÐI: I don't want to (repeat myself) Have no interest in (repeating myself) Again and again (repeating myself) Again and again (repeat myself)
I don't want to (repeat myself) Have no interest in (repeating myself) Again and again (repeating myself) Again and again (repeat myself)
Translation notes
"Stundum vil ég vera einn en stundum meika ég það ekki" is using one of those fun English words that have taken on their own unrelated meaning in Icelandic: "meika", which is a phonetic import of "to make", but somehow turned into slang for "to be able to deal with something". Thus, you can say something like "Ég meika ekki háværa tónlist", and it does not mean "I don't make loud music", as you might assume, but rather "I can't handle loud music." In meaning and connotation it's amusingly very close to "I can't with X" in English, but as much as I might have been tempted to use that as the translation, it doesn't scan well when the object is a single pronoun, as it would be here, and my feeling is it suggests a more permanent state of things, whereas you'd often use meika to talk about when you just can't deal with something at that moment, as Daði is in the song.
"Bara því ég gerði eitthvað gerir það ekki mig" uses the same verb gera twice, but I translated it as "Just because I did something it doesn't define me", because that's what the sentence is communicating, while "Just because I did something it didn't do me" in English just sounds like weird nonsense.
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heclingmuzik · 4 years
Send me ' ~♫' For my muse to sing to yours, with random lyrics from a song the mun heard recently.
@losingmyjustice​ sent  ~♫
“ Brosandi Hendumst í hringi Höldumst í hendur Allur heimurinn óskýr nema þú stendurRennblautur Allur rennvotur Engin gúmmístígvél Hlaupandi í okkur ? Vill springa út úr skel”
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Sigur Ros-Hoppipolla
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joneswilliam72 · 6 years
Review: dj. Flugvél og Geimskip invites you to let loose and live a little with her unpredictably fun Our Atlantis
It’s safe to say that Iceland is one of the most proactive music-export countries in the world. What the music industry does as a standard worldwide, Iceland does it the other way around; settling their expertise on innovative electronica and experimentation, there’s space for everything, for everyone and conventional rules cease to exist. Art is seen as an expression and unique to its creator.
dj. Flugvél og Geimskip is no exception, and remains firmly true to her origins. Described as electronic horror-music with a space twist, Steinunn Harðardóttir’s solo project translated to English becomes, word by word, Airplane & Spaceship and it’s, needless to say, more than the accurate description to what the Reykjavík-born musician channels in her music. She may be singing about cats in space, alien invasions, world domination and mythological creatures, but the deliberate naiveté and shining joy in her music are, in fact, a basis to understand who she is - the truest incarnation of a DIY artist.
On Our Atlantis, her fourth album, the trademark overabundant quirk-pop remains but, song after song, there’s an element of surprise. From drum‘n’bass inspired beats to samples that could have been extracted from a child’s toy, you name it, all these pointers combined open a gate into a hyperstimulated fantasy world that can be intriguing as well as overwhelmingly fun.
Songs like ‘Elsta lag í heimi’ and ‘Ryðgadi heimurinn’ show how comfortable Steinunn is in her own dreamscape, and among essential keyboards and drum machines compositions, her craft would not be the same without her immense talent for storytelling and an endless imagination to accompany it. While the opening track ‘The Sphinx’ tells the story of the most famous Egyptian mythological creature, she continues her adventure exploring her vision and hammering through imaginary realms and twisting musical conventions around. You can almost consider Our Atlantis as a videogame soundtrack, where each song is the next step towards a final mission.
dj. Flugvél og Geimskip may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but the warmth and honesty Harðardóttir places on each of these songs and highly performative live shows are undeniable. Regardless of which language she chooses to sing in, her message comes across loud and clear and is quite simple - life is not to be taken so seriously. So live a little….and have fun!
from The 405 http://bit.ly/2WnSpOa
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ratherdrawn · 6 years
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A Mortuus solider on a field.
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ratherdrawn · 6 years
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All right enough about the elves and fae creatures of #TheGreen.
Now it’s back to the Elves and fae creatures of Heimurinn!
-The enigmatic Horned elves of Tirambyth.
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ratherdrawn · 6 years
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Rannian sketches. Songs of Heimurinn.
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ratherdrawn · 7 years
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Goblins, Coblyns, bog elves, blackeyes... myriad are the disdainful names that the men of Heimur give to the Morin.
But the Morin care little for the opinions of men.
They are the beloved children of Alwen, the song of the earth, beautiful and terrible! The equal of any Orrin an the better of all dynion and dwarren filth!
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ratherdrawn · 7 years
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Dropping my faves from #inktober with a bit of clean up.
The Morin witch.
The Morin know all the secrets of the earth, all the property's of mushrooms and plants both fae and mundane, they have cures and poisons for all occasions.
The most knowledgeable of them spend their days cultivating ever more strange and terrible fungi.
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ratherdrawn · 2 years
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A bored mountain witch.
-Songs of Heimurinn.
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ratherdrawn · 7 years
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Inktober day 18
Centuries of alchemic research and cruel experimentation in the dark north brought forth Heimurrin’s youngest race, The Mortuus, men and women who spat in the face of death to become neither living nor dead, The Elves named them Farwaidd “the stale ones”.
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ratherdrawn · 7 years
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Inktober day 8
"The Morin Wych"
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ratherdrawn · 3 years
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ratherdrawn · 7 years
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Forest Wych.
In Heimurrin a witch is a rare mortal creature who has managed to trick or trade the powers of the fae without losing their humanity.
Being neither fully human nor entirely fae, consequently they are mistrusted by both men and elves.
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ratherdrawn · 3 years
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ratherdrawn · 7 years
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The Birth of a Changeling.
This is really just a sketch/colour exercise that got out of hand so it’s not great but I took it this far so might as well post it.
(Also lettering, not my strong suit, at all.)
Now for the lore bit!
In the Songs of Heimurinn a Changeling (or Drodd) is a person/creature that has been transformed into an elf, there are myriad ways in which the fae try to ensnare other life forms, some come willingly, other are tricked or forced, sometimes the process is slow and subtle… sometimes a weary traveler rest’s beneath the wrong tree and is quickly pulled under its roots to be rapidly ‘cured’ of their mortality, their former lives forgotten they begin a new existence as a child of the forest.
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