#The Soulition
radiophd · 1 month
george faith and the soulites -- give me love / ringcraft posse -- give me love (version) [7", 1981]
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wthelvetica21 · 1 year
Tombsona : Lifeform Codex
Multiverse [[fandom]]: The Living Tombstone
Prime [[Canon]] Examples: zero_one, Rust, Armstrong, Tesla, Doc, Geist
Outer dimensional entities transcend time and space and attach themselves to host lifeforms by fate. They are considered rare in and of themselves to every given universe they had first manifested and can span past multiple universes with varying methods of bonding to a host. Some actively profile their hosts while others happen to bond with their hosts in the right set of circumstances. A constant general profile they all share is a skull mask on their faces.
The body of the hosts are infused with mysterious substance called soulite that have a wide range of colors and tones. Some even have been said to master void and infinity but only within certain contexts.
They are not conventionally ‘alive’ and it’s still unclear their actual origins save for legends mentioning a ‘Progenitor’. This has become a double-edged sword because of those who seek their power and/or see tombsonas as an existential threat. Some have gone so far as to create synthetic ones such as Geist in the prime universe. It's unclear if they can find a host or if their existence is finite, at least the hostless ones.
- Full disclosure, there are indeed exceptions to whats layed out in this lifeform codex and it’s also more Fanon/headcanon and is subject to change once more canon information is to come out via TLT’s lore channel (or maybe even here) by Sam Haft himself.
● Common
■ Uncommon
▲ Rare
♦ Ultra Rare
- Anchored ■
Are anchored to object(s) for unclear reasons. They don't get much in the way of profiling their future host prior to being found.
- Elemental ●
Ones with an elemental affinity to them such as fire, ice, lightning, etc. Their emotional state effects the stability of their elements.
- Ethereal ▲
Those who are more supernaturally inclined. Most in this category tend to be more in the know about their hosts beforehand.
- Polymorphic ●
This type changes the very phycology of their host upon the bonding process being complete.
- Singularity ♦
Tombsonas are usually stronger than regular ones and only a handful of them are in a given universe. They are said to even be considered mere legends even amongst themselves.
Synthetic ▲
Man-made tombsonas usually have a set-in-stone objective programmed into them. Most don’t need a host while a sparse few do depending on their universe’s knowledge on tombsonas in general.
- Hosted ♦
- Non-hosted ●
Color Scheme Variations
- Monochrome ●
- Duo Toned ■
- Tri or Tetra Color ▲
Mask Variations
- Solid ●
- Bright ●
- Dark ■
- Negative Space ▲
- Masquerade ♦
- Mouthed ■
- Duo Toned/Multicolor♦
Mask Attachment Style
- Tied/Straped ●
- Fused ■
- Removable ▲
- Helm ●
Eyehole Variations
- Solid ●
- Asymmetrical ■
- Luminous ●
- Translucent ▲
- Pupiled ■
- Odd Eyed ♦
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oiroegbu · 10 months
Love Poem: Music to my Soul
Your words are music to my soulIt’s silent as the falling tree leaves,Yet loud like the currents of rapids Your songs are music to my heartThe bird songs and their trifle tweets,Squeaky sits, and dancing beats Your laughter is music to my soulI listen while it fades and lights outTo love again—laugh, songs, and all
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silveroceanlove · 1 month
AirPodsケースのトレンドを押さえるAirPodsケースの販売市場では、常に新しいトレンドが登場しています。最新のデザインや機能を取り入れたケースが続々と発売されており、選ぶ楽しみが広がっています。特に、カラフルで個性的なデザインや、耐久性に優れた素材を使用したケースが人気です。また、ワイヤレス充電に対応したケースも注目されています。オンラインショップや家電量販店で手軽に購入できるため、トレンドを押さえたケースを選んで、AirPodsをおしゃれに演出しましょう。最新のAirPodsケースで、日常に新しい風を吹き込んでみませんか。SOULITEのバングルは、Apple Watchをアクセサリー感覚で楽しむための新しい提案です。台湾のデザイナーQuincy Wong氏が手がけたこのブランドは、職人による手作業で仕上げられた高品質な製品を提供しています。日本ではSOULITE JAPANが公式販売店として、国内送料無料で提供し、日本語サポートも完備しています。
「AirPodsケース 高級」ならここ!
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purpleballloons · 1 month
AirPodsケースのトレンドを押さえるAirPodsケースの販売市場では、常に新しいトレンドが登場しています。最新のデザインや機能を取り入れたケースが続々と発売されており、選ぶ楽しみが広がっています。特に、カラフルで個性的なデザインや、耐久性に優れた素材を使用したケースが人気です。また、ワイヤレス充電に対応したケースも注目されています。オンラインショップや家電量販店で手軽に購入できるため、トレンドを押さえたケースを選んで、AirPodsをおしゃれに演出しましょう。最新のAirPodsケースで、日常に新しい風を吹き込んでみませんか。SOULITEは、Apple Watchユーザーに新たなスタイルを提案するバングルブランドです。インディアンジュエリーにインスパイアされたデザインが特徴で、316Lステンレススチールを使用しています。日本のSOULITE JAPANが公式販売店として、国内送料無料で提供しています。
「Apple Watchバンド 送料無料」ならここ!
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akleneth · 2 months
A bright star of wonderOr an harbinger of deathSo intense an eyeCan only signal despairA foreshadowing that we shareA red giant’s fateIt singes the soulIt ignites the heartBlinding yet alluringI’m a moth to the flameLetting warmth bless my skinAs the world burns, untamed 7/12/2024
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washwashgalaxy · 3 months
Barbara Gramza Poland 🇵🇱“LISTEN THIS IS MY POETRY,YOU CAME BECAUSE YOU WANTED TO…”I follow the seasons with my poetryI get the whiteness from winter in spring, branches in a faded sky I arrange the dryness of summer into bouquets of words and only autumn feeds the soulit throws up some rust and sadnessI only offer wasteful words I juggle them when I can’t sleepthen he finds safe routes for workto…
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444names · 3 months
Names generated from Laotian male forenames and Laotian surnames, excluding the letter "H"
Aisamsany Aisouk Aivana Aivong Aiyany Aiyarune Amgong Ampasong Amvilao Amwaeng Ananivon Anouvong Arakdy Asavong Asengsang Aseunxok Asilay Asommala Asong...
Banane Banivong Bansakdy Battang Battangdart Battikommai Bonangxay Boravone Bouang Bouaysai Boubangsaen Bouksada Boulivone Boulong Boumi Boumy Boune Bounek Bouneti Boung Boungsoumai Bounivonane Bounlano Bounlat Bounmalay Bounvien Bounxok Bouny Bourivong Bouriya Bouttan Bouttany Bouvang Bouvany Bouvone Bouvong Bouvongxay Daengxay Danayavong Danyangsay Darack Darasetann Daravang Daraxay Darivongra Davila Dommavong Domsa Douli Douling Doummaseng Doumy Doundarat Dounmy Dounna Ingdaravone Ingloun Ingsa Ingsong Ingsou Insay Insivong Insong Insysone Kaiyavany Kalagnavang Kalavon Kalavong Kalay Kaleom Kammang Kammany Kamnovong Kamounmy Kamtany Kangda Kansane Kasaeng Kasai Kasayasimmy Kaseng Kasisaysong Kasommang Kasouk Kayangxay Kaylayvane Kayloy Keoda Keodang Keombat Keommak Keommay Keopasa Keopaseng Keopasom Keopra Keoprasong Keosouan Keosoun Keovang Keovat Keovilamkeo Keovon Keovone Keovong Keovongsy Kesommavong Kesoun Kingdavong Kingmaleo Kitti Kitto Komsaravon Kongsaman Kongsavong Kongsy Lagna Lagnang Lavong Laysa Laysaen Laysom Leommavonek Leosongsa Lommany Longsa Longsavon Louavanouan Loune Louva Louvan Louvone Lovane Lovang Lovany Luammavong Luane Luanet Luang Luanikong Luannamgone Luano Luanora Luanoun Luansana Luansy Luany Luanya Maisanikot Makdy Malao Malay Maleunmy Mangsan Mangsao Manou Mansa Maravanet Masan Maseng Masengvilan Masivong Masong Massa Mavong Mayala Mayalada Maylavong Mounsak Mouvong Mouvoravong Nanlavora Nanoune Narasoun Navilapay Nouann Noueng Nounsavorn Osommaseng Osomsouan Osone Osong Osouvong Ouang Ouayali Oummy Ounsa Ounxok Ouvansing Pasaysavong Pasisa Payasisong Peleo Peleosavone Rakdy Rasay Rasivong Rasom Rattany Ratti Ravong Raxay Raxayavong Sadalavong Sadaloubong Saekesy Saisisong Sakdy Sakul Sammavonay Samsa Sanavone Sangsay Sanivila Sanna Sanovon Santai Santang Sanyart Savany Savila Savona Savone Savong Savongda Savongmalay Savongsay Savongsone Savongsy Savorn Saysouanek Senara Sengdaeng Sengmavan Sengsavong Sengvien Sengxai Sengxay Seuang Seuanit Seuannanit Seundao Sibouk Siboun Sibouny Siene Sieng Silangsaeng Silao Silat Silay Silaysavone Simalay Simmalovong Simmang Simmany Simmasong Simmavone Simou Sinsy Sipasavat Sisai Sisamouk Sisavana Sisavanou Sisavone Sisavong Sisay Sison Sisone Sisonesy Sisong Sisongdara Sisongsy Sisook Sisora Sisou Sisouanlao Sisouksa Sisoula Sisoulivat Sisoummang Sisoun Sisounna Sisouvana Sisouvany Sittie Sittsao Sivan Sivany Sivone Sivong Sivongsay Sixie Sixien Sixienavone Sixieng Somany Sommai Sommaiyala Sommalack Somman Sommasomay Sommavat Somsa Somsavong Somseng Somseuavone Somvanna Songda Songmai Songnavong Songsaeng Songsanoun Songsavong Songsy Songvieng Songxay Sopasenay Sopaseng Sopaylang Souane Souang Souano Souany Souayvat Souen Souksavane Soula Souli Soulit Soulittien Soulong Soumack Soumany Soumi Soumma Soummak Soummang Soummy Soumy Soune Sounmy Sounsixieng Sounsy Sounxok Souria Souriart Sourivat Souvone Souvong Souvongdara Sovan Sovane Sovany Sovone Sysaeng Sysom Tomseng Tomsomsara Uboudong Ubouk Uboun Uboune Vanavong Vanek Vanesysoun Vanivongsy Vannana Vanoui Vanouk Vansomsay Vieng Viengma Vilang Vilanivong Vilat Vilattam Vilaya Vilayang Vilayara Vilaylagno Vilaylay Vilaysavang Vilaysay Virack Virak Virasilay Vivan Vivong Vonekeo Vonemavong Vongalavone Vongdarak Vonglaylay Vongmangsy Vongmany Vongmaysone Vongpra Vongsak Vongsavany Vongsavon Vongsavong Vongsit Vongsomsam Vongsy Vongviena Voratxay Xaisook Xaisou Xaisoubou Xaivong Xaiyasounmy Xayack Xayalavong Xayalay Xayarack Xayaseuany Xaycocie Xaylouvone Xaysa Xaysavong Xaysomvong Xaysoung Xouvong
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poetyca · 8 months
Palpiti d'amore - Throbs of love
🌸Palpiti d’amore🌸Coraggio da non perderee luce da seguire per dare vita sempre a speranze nuoveUna melodia che dell’anima è sempre carezzamai si disperdema si alimenta tra palpiti d’amore07.05.2023 Poetyca 🌸🌿🌸#Poetycamente🌸Throbs of loveCouragenot to be missedand light to followto givealways lifeto new hopesA melodythat of the soulit is always caressit never dispersesbut it feedsbetween beats of…
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thealiferoussoul · 1 year
New Sun!!
A new sun rose today,Though in the same directionGiving my life a new vision The scary one is absent todayAnd jovial one is soothing my soulIt’s a different sun, for a different role Neither is pale nor covered by cloudsIt’s loving red and happiest yellowMaking my heart smile and glow The serene sky  and tranquil breezeAsking me, to thaw the frosty wingsRuffle the feathers and let them…
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sumareddysblog · 1 year
If I could be rich enough
If I could be rich enough to bearThe weight of all the pain you wearI would gladly give up all my wealthTo bring you happiness and health.No more tears, no more sorrowNo more fears to face tomorrowI would gift you a life that's freeFrom all the pain that you can't see.But wealth is not what heals the soulIt's love&kindness that make us whole,So here's my promise, true and realTo stand by you…
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musicpromotionclub · 2 years
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cxrsedsouls · 4 years
Souls hold an incredible amount of power but what someone can gain from its use varies greatly depending on the type of soul and what state it’s in. The soul of an immortal is far stronger than a normal human soul but a pure soul, no matter who it’s from is the most powerful of them all. It glows a radiant and blinding white, but it will feel warm and feather-light. Most beings can’t sense souls of any form but there are a select few who can, mostly those who have something to do with them such as angels or demons. While a soul tainted with the worst of sins is still incredibly powerful, it’s more limited to what it can be used for and can typically only be harvested by demons.
When a soul is devoured (harvested), it still retains parts of its like within it and can cause unfavorable side effects such as the one who took in the soul developing side personalities or traits that resemble the one they took the soul from. A good example of this is Xavier, the demon sin of greed that his lust for power had him consuming thousands of souls over the centuries and they were some of the darkest souls known to humanity. Because of this, he can become lost to a soul, essentially black out and take on the personality or completely become consumed by one of the one he harvested and put anyone in close proximity to him in danger. The darker the soul the harder it is to control. If he continues to take in such dark souls there may come a day he ends up consumed by one or many of them and never be able to come back from it.
Consuming a pure/light soul while incredibly rare and powerful, can be quite unpredictable as well. It’s impossible to know for sure just what a soul would do to the one taking it and if their body could even withstand such power let alone put it to use without destroying their body, mind, their own soul or even all of it at once. Souls were not meant to be touched by anyone outside of the ones directly responsible for creating/tending to them.
Many centuries ago there was once a race that could tap into their own souls power and use it though their numbers long since diminished and only two are left remaining. These people were called many things, mistaken for angels and deities by many as well but the name that stuck was Soulites. They were a strict and highly religious culture, firm on their beliefs to always keep their souls pure at all costs. Though they knew how to use the power of their souls, it was rarely ever done, if at all, because each attempt to harness power from it slowly degrades the soul. It grows weaker and weaker over time as the body, now unable to support itself without a strong soul, begins to deteriorate. The more they use their powers the quicker they their body begins to die. If they don’t use their powers or restrain from using it often, they can live for centuries and can even be considered immortal if they never use it. But even one use marks them for death though how long they have varies on the person, the state of their soul and body, as well as how much was used during that time and what exactly they used the power for.
No one truly knows where the Soulites came from and currently most don’t even know of their existence. To most supernatural beings who encounter them, they can only sense/smell/etc what they’d believe to be a normal human and they generally look like normal humans too without any physical defining features except when their soul begins to deteriorate. When that happens the color of their hair, skin, and eyes loses its color. It slowly begins to fade to pure white over time depending on how much of their soul they’ve used. As their eyes lose their color they begin to lose their sight as well. They’ll slowly lose their senses if the body doesn’t die before then but sight is one of the first to go.
It was centuries ago that it was discovered just how powerful the souls of the Soulites could be and they began a target. Because of their own strict morals, most of them refuses to use their powers to protect themselves and ended up dying at the hands of those who harvested them. Most who consumed them were unable to control and manage the new power and the power imploded within them. Those few who did fight back slowly died from using their abilities. The two remaining are only alive today due to the one having escaped most of the hunters back then and for so long the Soulites were forgotten about it seemed. The hunting seized perhaps due to the deaths of those hunting them or the fact that they believed the Soulites to be extinct, either way, for a long time they could live peacefully.
Recently, however, they were discovered once again especially with a new form of technology that allows the souls to be drained slowly over a period of time keeping the body alive for as long as possible. And once again, the last two remaining are on the run though one of them is so young it seems impossible for him to be a Soulite and doesn’t remember anything beyond the moment he met the other of his kind.
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bloodcxrsed · 3 years
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕯𝖞𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕾𝖔𝖚𝖑
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𝕹𝖆𝖒𝖊: Marcellus Leven 𝕬𝖌𝖊/𝕭𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖍𝖉𝖆𝖞: 1927 / April 27th 𝕾𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖊𝖘: Soulite 𝕲𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗/𝕻𝖗𝖔𝖓𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖘: Male / He, him 𝕺𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓: demisexual / demiromantic 𝕳𝖊𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙/𝕳𝖆𝖎𝖗/𝕰𝖞𝖊𝖘: 6′0 / White / Cloudy blue 𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖙𝖚𝖘/𝕬𝖛𝖆𝖎𝖑𝖆𝖇𝖎𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖞: single / available
𝕯𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖚𝖎𝖘𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕱𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖊𝖘: Lean frame. No piercings and no tattoos. Several scars. No glasses. White hair, cloudy blue eyes that get worse as he loses his vision and ghostly pale skin.
Marcellus is apart of a species that is, at least to those who actually know of their existence, practically extinct. Even among other supernatural beings, very few have ever even heard of what he is let alone have met one or know that they aren’t simply a myth. With no physical features to set them apart from humans or even a presence that can be detected as nonhuman, it’s easy to see why most wouldn’t know or believe in them. Nearly all of the Soulites died out long ago when they were hunted for the immense power that their souls carried and for the longest time, Marcellus was convinced he was the last of his species. Only other Soulites, angels, or demons can sense a Soulite. They are human-like creatures that have the ability to harness and use the power that their souls hold. While all living creatures have power within their souls, it’s the Soulites or pure souls that are the strongest and garner the largest rewards. Though they have such power, the Soulites were known for never using it. This mostly comes from the fact that the use of the power is a double edged sword. When they do use it, it weakens their soul and it begins to deteriorate. As the soul diminishes, so does the body until eventually they die. It went against their beliefs and strict morals to ever use this power and that is why most died. Marcellus wandered for centuries, figuring that most had even forgotten about his existence or at least those that did know had all died out by then. It was lonely to say the least but he made the best of what he had been dealt. It was only recently that he realized that he hadn’t been forgotten nor was he the only one left. Cornered by hunters, it was either use his powers to fight for his life or let them take him. He wasn’t about to be captured and used as a power source until eventually his own weakening soul killed him. The first time he used his powers was exhilarating, to the point that he yearned to use it again and again and he realized just why it was so taboo for his people. Because it was addicting. The feeling of so much power in the palm of your hand, it would be all too easy to be swallowed up by the lust until eventually it killed him. When he fled the scene, he stumbled upon other hunters but these weren’t after him. Cornered, just like he had been, stood a small boy only eight years old and he was so caught off guard by the immense light of the boys soul that all he could do was stand there stunned for a moment. Of course the hunters couldn’t see this light, only other Soulites could see a physical manifestation of it like this but it was clear that even without that they knew the boy was just like him. Another Soulite. It should have been impossible, especially considering his age and yet here he was, a Soulite child. The hopes that burned within him at that thought was nearly overwhelming and he put himself at risk once again in order to save the boy who he’d eventually come to name Austin. It turns out the boy has no memories prior to that very moment he found him. No idea where he came from or even his name so Marcellus gave him the name of Austin because that was the city he found him in. Ever since then, they’ve been hunted down steadily, one by one hunters come and Marcellus does all that he can to protect Austin but it’s difficult without using his powers. By this point, he’s used enough of his soul for the physical symptoms to begin to show. His once bright blond hair was now pure white, what had once been glowing sunkissed skin was now pale, almost sickly. And his eyes... they were such a deep and dark shade of blue, could almost have been considered black were now a light shade of blue and his was beginning to lose his eyesight. He wears glasses to help manage but his sight comes and goes, sometimes he can’t even see at all. He knows his hearing will be next, once he completely loses his sight though how long he has left, he couldn’t be sure. Each time he uses his powers his body and soul gets a little bit worse. He tried to avoid it where he can but for Austin’s sake, he’s willing to do anything to protect the boy, though he fears what will happen to him when his soul finally caves and he passes away.
Now, he takes little nine year old Austin everywhere with him, unwilling to risk leaving him alone unless certain precautions are taken. He barely manages to keep them going, it’s not easy finding jobs under the table when you have a kid with you everywhere that you go but he manages one way or another and he couldn’t get any legitimate job when he technically doesn’t exist and he knows that if he doesn’t figure out something for them soon, a safe place to settle down, he won’t have very much more time left in his life.
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ocrecording · 6 years
‘Asaf David Fulks - SOULIT | Yakira Shimoni Fulks Art’ is #np on #SoundCloud! 
#newmusic #soulit #kirasart #ocrecording #asaffulks #lit
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soulitesmag · 6 years
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Soulites Magazine issue 0
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