#The Temple
cat-boulder · 9 months
“The Temple” book is published
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Meditating on horror - the horror of abandonment. We look around at the world (ourselves) and it's temples (ourselves): hidden, desolate, broken down. A wasteland. Clearly it has been abandoned. Why would God make us only to abandon us? We are his temple - his dwelling place - so why would he leave?
So we - the children of the children of the children of exiles - keep looking. All our life we are looking for God (knowingly or not). Instead we see a mosaic of violence: spouse and spouse, sibling and sibling, parent and child. We almost die just entering this place. Humans are cruel to their own flesh and blood, to themselves - why would God make us only to abandon us?
We keep looking. We get past the horrors of suffering and finally see glory: our God of Glory becomes human. A Conquering King - and also a Suffering Servant: feeding the hungry, riding donkeys, washing feet. He is a humble God, but a God nonetheless: goodness and holiness and love. But where is he? Why would God make us only to abandon us?
We look deeper, approach his throne, and we find that he died. Bloody and bruised and dead. A slave's death. Evil had it's way with him, exhausted it's weapon - Death - against him. So even still we have been abandoned. We mourn the loss of our God. Dead and in the grave. God did not abandon us, he died. And yet we are still abandoned. And so we mourn.
But we are also comforted, for a sacrifice has been made. By mechanism, temples demand a sacrifice. The sacrifice is inevitable. Two go in a temple; one returns. One goes in; they don't come out whole. We are his temple. Someone is destined to die. We have been abandoned by God, but now we don't have to die.
But he's not dead. He's alive again. He is God: Life, Being, Reality itself. He is everything beautiful and good and just. He is Love. God is not just alive he is Life and Resurrection. He is here.
And we are terrified. The living God is more horrifying than the dead God. The presence of God, more horrifying than his absence. If he is absent, we free. If he is present, we are condemned.
And so we run. We, his temples, hid dwelling places, flee from him, abandoned him.
Why would God make us?
I'm meditating on the horror of abandonment. On how our world has become hidden and desolate and broken down. A Wasteland Temple. But it is not that God abandoned us, but that we abandoned God. We violently abandoned him, and our temple was destroyed. Now a wasteland is in its place.
God forbid God be God.
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heinous-desiree · 2 months
aubrey- whatever your friend went through, it was bad. i don't know if there's anything you can do to help them.
i'm sorry. i wish i had something more comforting to say.
-yara (@seraphgirls)
Aubrey the Seraphic
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"Ah... ah... I... I see..." Aubrey's face fell, just... distressed.
She swallowed and shook, hands fidgeting.
"I... How... How bad... I... My friend... She... She looks so far away sometimes. Why... Why would- The temple looks after us... Right? They... Why would they do something bad to us? Why would they..." Aubrey shook her head and hugged herself, "I... I wish I could believe it wasn't the temple... But you seem to be sure the temple did something... Should I worry for myself, too?"
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lostspiration · 3 days
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The Eyes of the Lord
For who has despised the small days? surely they shall rejoice, and shall see the plummet of tin in the hand of Zorobabel: these are the seven eyes that look upon all the earth. — Zechariah 4:10 | Brenton Septuagint Translation (BST) Brenton Septuagint Translation of the Holy Bible, 1884. Cross References: 2 Chronicles 16:9; Nehemiah 4:2; Proverbs 15:3; Jeremiah 16:17; Ezekiel 1:14; Revelation 5:6; Revelation 8:2
Read full chapter
Zechariah 4:10 - Bible Verse Meaning and Commentary
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piandaoist · 11 months
Roku's Temple is a place of mystery and intrigue. For some, it is the stuff of legends and stories, a place that fires the imagination. For others, it is the stuff of nightmares, a place of lost ships and of lost minds. For the Firelord's family, it is a constant reminder of the Avatar's awesome power.
Characters: Sozin, Azulon, Roku, Piandao, Ursa, Shyu, and Aang (and original characters).
Three chapters in three days!
Chapter 1 is titled "The Avatar and the Firelord". XD
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void-acolyte · 3 months
Gloon- the basics.
For primary sources consult The Temple by HPL.
General Correspondences (stars are best guesses):
Epithets: none?, ⛥The Laureled One⛥
direction: South
Time of day: ⛥night, dawn, the afternoon⛥ (based on events from the stories)
colors: silver, sea blue, ivory/white, possibly green and black
Materia: ivory, ⛥sea-stone. any gemstones from the sea, perhaps obsidian (but that seems to be a theme with a lot of eldritches...)⛥
Symbols/themes: sunken ships, underground cities, false light, Hellenism, art (stonework), curses, communication, violence, condemnation, paranoia and delusion, [TW] suicide
⛥power over the dead/resurrection, embodiment, reality bending, the depths of the unconscious⛥
Genealogy: I do not know in all honesty. i think the idea of him being a child of Umr-At-Tawil might hold some merit considering the laurel in the ivory image and the false light created by his... underwater temple. as well as the "purity" and "condemnation" talked about by the sailors. Nyarlathotep could perhaps be equal in this regard considering he more easily effects people with more spiritual persuasions or more percepetive/inuitive people, and how easily Gloon interrupts the ship's communications and function of the ship itself.
I think Gloon works by... bending perceptions and causing madness, and possibly having power over the dead. I think he is very powerful in this regard. He could be regarded as a psychopompic deity as well, somewhat.
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rmoonstoner · 1 year
New poll!
Which one should I post next?
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❤️ 💙
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burningmanau · 1 year
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The Temple is a community shared space that is an important part of Black Rock City. It is not a temple in recognition of any religion; it’s a neutral, non-denominational spiritual space where everyone can gather to share in the experience of remembering the past, honoring or cursing the present, and pondering the future to come. The Temple is not fixed around one concept, belief or theme. It is an inclusive safe space for all Burners. Some will gather in pairs or groups, others will sit alone in silence. And yet, in the Temple, no one is ever alone. [x]
[Photos by Alex Medina]
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raplele · 1 year
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saw the mormons out in Utah. pretty chill guys. might go again.
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shatinn · 1 year
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Starfield 16/?
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hplovecraftmuseum · 9 months
The Lovecraft tale, THE TEMPLE, was remarkable for its depiction of an outwardly, powerful, elitist, practical minded, white man descending into madness. Despite the story's technically absurd depiction of World War One era submarine advances, the narrative is a facinating exploration of mankind's arrogance and helplessness in the face of personal madness and cosmic horror. Below is depicted the U-Boat captain responsible for the sinking of the cruise ship, Lusitania, one of the most tragic and deplorable events of the war. (Exhibit 452)
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smallgraygames · 2 years
I don't know why people keep filming Dreams in the Witch House adaptations. That's the wrong kind of Lovecraft, in my opinion. Anybody can write a story that's like, "oh no, there's a spooky thing coming for me," and then you see the spooky thing. Come on.
I want a filmed version of something like The Transition of Juan Romero or The Temple. Give me something where the whole story is some guy saying, "man, what is in that hole?"
Don't show me what's in the hole. I don't want to know.
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gayboly · 11 months
i just love how in “The Temple” Jesus had his first female rage attack
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kaiju-wolfdragon · 2 years
This is the universe temple where the universe eater demon goddess lives from now on
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(Yep traffic got her own temple now)
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quotesfromscripture · 2 years
Two prayers
“He also told this parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous and regarded others with contempt: 
‘Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax-collector. The Pharisee, standing by himself, was praying thus, “God, I thank you that I am not like other people: thieves, rogues, adulterers, or even like this tax-collector. I fast twice a week; I give a tenth of all my income.” 
But the tax-collector, standing far off, would not even look up to heaven, but was beating his breast and saying: “God, be merciful to me, a sinner!” 
I tell you, this man went down to his home justified rather than the other; for all who exalt themselves will be humbled, but all who humble themselves will be exalted.’ ” 
- Luke 18:9-14 NRSVA (1995)
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