#The Washington Metropolitan Gamer Symphony Orchestra
artfulusername · 2 years
I have the privilege to be a member of an amazing community orchestra: The Washington Metropolitan Gamer Symphony Orchestra.
That’s right, folks. We’re an orchestra and we’re gamers.
We’re a non-profit that’s in our tenth year of existence. (10 years! That’s a not-insignificant amount of time!) You can listen to us on major streaming platforms like Spotify. Here's a track from our first album:
As of the typing if this, we’re heading into the homestretch of our crowdfunding campaign to fund the recording of our second studio album, Crystals in Time. It's our love letter to the Final Fantasy games featuring some pretty fantastic tracks including at least one song you've probably heard before. This is a huge deal and we’ve got a ways to go.
So I’m turning to you, Hellsite of my heart. Donate if you’re able, spread the word around if that’s more your speed. We all do what we can when we can.
There are some fantastic perks in our Indiegogo campaign including a chance to give these cozy critters a home:
A Hoedown Chicken
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Hoedown Chicken Dumplins
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These plushes are handmade by Brana Rose Co and will only be available to backers of our Indiegogo campaign.
There's also some other amazing perks and WMGSO branded merch available as a thank you for supporting us.
And now, the big ask:
Anyway! Thanks for getting this far! I'm looking forward to recording some terrific tunes for y'all this summer!
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gean-grey-blog · 5 months
Christopher Tin leading the Washington Metropolitan Gamer Symphony Orchestra and ~1,200 audience members singing along, in his music from Civ 5 at the Kennedy Center
I'm from the DC area, I've seen a lot of shows at the KC. This one was special. It felt like magic we made together
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magfest · 7 years
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FYI, last Wednesday's music announcement was the only one for Super MAG 2018. We're spending the rest of this event's music budget on donuts from around the entire world. Mmm international donut delights....
Which is....
The Baltimore Beauties aka Rare Candy!
The Washington Metropolitan Gamer Symphony Orchestra!
Full info here: super.magfest.org/announcement/super-mag-2018-music-announcement-2/
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maxikha-ffxiv · 5 years
Look, I don’t like advertising for shit, I’ll be the first to tell you that. But this is something my orchestra’s spent 18+ months on to get to this point.
Check us out
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artfulusername · 9 months
Hail the Nightmare | Bloodborne | WMGSO's Fall 2023 Concert
Need a little spooky this holiday season? The Washington Metropolitan Gamer Symphony Orchestra can help! Check out our latest video release on YouTube. Enjoy!
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artfulusername · 7 years
Oh hey! I know I’ve mentioned this before, but I’m a member of the Washington Metropolitan Gamer Symphony Orchestra. I’m in the choir. We’re pretty awesome. We’re going to be playing MAGFest in January and we’re definitely stoked.
Do you want to know what we’re also excited about? Our upcoming album! We’ve just launched an Indiegogo campaign to fund our first album. It’d be so awesome if you could contribute. If you can’t contribute, that’s cool too. Just spread the word!
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artfulusername · 3 years
Are you going to be at DisCon III (aka the 79th World Science Fiction Convention aka Worldcon) in Washington, DC on December 15-19?
Need something to do at 8:00 pm on Thursday, December 16th?
I’ve got excellent news for you! There will be an actual, honest-to-goodness orchestra playing at 8:00 pm in the Regency Ballroom! Now that we’re Program Official, I can excitedly tell everyone about it! See?
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That’s us! I’m in the choir (have been since the beginning). We’re awesome and if you’re at DisCon, you should come give us a listen. That’s 8:00 pm EST on December 16th! Tell your friends.
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artfulusername · 7 years
The orchestra I’m in (the Washington Metropolitan Gamer Symphony Orchestra) performed at MAGFest for the very first time.
We sounded AMAZING.
I had zero voice and zero chill.*
* My voice was metaphorical toast (not literal toast as it was not crunchy warm bread), but they let me on stage to lip sync since I’d worked so hard and rehearsed and everything. The binder in my hands does not contain the music we were performing. It all worked out.
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artfulusername · 5 years
Do you live in the DC Metro Area?
Are you a musician?
Do you love video game music?
Join the Washington Metropolitan Gamer Symphony Orchestra!
We’re currently looking for the following: 
 - cello (as many as possible) - contrabass (as many as possible) - violin (many) - viola (a few) - trumpet (one or two) - french horn (three or four) - vocalists (all voice parts)
I’ve been a member of the group from the beginning and it’s brought so much awesome to my life. Check us out at wmgso (dot) org (slash) join!
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