#The Wonderful 101
aadrawings · 4 months
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"I was just wondering if you wanted to HANG out with me and smoke weed and fill our bellies with DIET soda and play The Wonderful 101 for the Wii U"
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fioras-resolve · 10 months
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wonder-doughnut · 3 months
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A small collection of my favorite Reds from the official comic. I erased anything that could be kinda spoilery because the comic came out today (kinda, it depends on where you live. I got the email at around 8pm, 6-24-24. It was probably during the day in Japan). They clearly had too many artists working on it and the art styles are very inconsistent. I liked the art of the last chapter the most.
Some things we learn as well as some special highlights that occur in the comic, mild spoilers:
There are doughnuts, and it's funny as hell.
Blue gets strangled in a "kinky" kinda way and it's adorable. I use "kinky" very loosely here.
Meanwhile, the doughnut scenario is incredibly kinky if you're into the same stuff I'm into (if only Red was in that scene).
Blue is rude to a dog, surprisingly and also unsurprisingly.
A dog also gets strangled. It's disgusting and disturbing.
Blue flirts with some random woman during a high speed chase.
Apparently the Wonder-Liner works on animals. It's a shame that never happened in the game.
Luka definitely has a crush on Sue. That was pretty clear in his spin-off title, too.
Red does not decorate his classroom at all. It's very sterile.
White and Yellow just hang out sometimes? They appear to enjoy training together.
Wonder-Black gives a thumbs-up, specifically to a dog, and it's adorable.
Commander Nelson's eyes are only seen in the game once, and in shadow. They appear clearly in the comic in the first panel you see him in and it kinda diminishes the weight of their exposure.
Vorkken eats a cherry, and makes a cute full-cheeks face that is absolutely precious.
The accuracy of characterization in their body language is very good in the epilogue.
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berardbro · 1 year
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10 years ago...
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m0th-punk · 2 months
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Listen I'm sure Nelson took good care of Will and loved that boy like his own son but you can't tell me this didn't happen at least once
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everydaydg · 2 months
Important Concept Art
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demifiendrsa · 1 year
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PlatinumGames has announced that co-founder, vice president, and game director Hideki Kamiya will be leaving the company on October 12, 2023.
We regret to announce that Hideki Kamiya will be leaving PlatinumGames on October 12, 2023. We are truly grateful for his creative ideas, leadership, and contribution to the growth of PlatinumGames from our start-up to this very day. We believe that he will continue to succeed in his future endeavors as a game creator. We are looking forward to seeing the game industry grow into a better place with him in it. We wish him all the best for the future!
Hideki Kamiya:
As announced on the official PlatinumGames X account, I will be leaving PlatinumGames on October 12, 2023. This came after a lot of consideration based on my own beliefs. and was by no means an easy decision to make. However, I feel this outcome is for the best. I will continue to create in my Hideki Kamiya way. I hope you’ll keep your eyes peeled.
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sentai-cafe · 2 months
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The Wonderful Ones from The Wonderful 101
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fwoglett · 9 months
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wala-ala-nano · 1 year
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My updated video game shrine as of today, July 26 2023 :] These are some of my most prized video games
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kiwi-kamikaze · 2 years
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Squares... again!
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macchiato-nana · 3 months
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I hate saying this, but please take you clothes off, minus the loincloth, if you're gonna be in the waterfall like this.
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wonder-doughnut · 5 months
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Everyone! The cover of the official The Wonderful 101 comic has been "leaked"!!! This photo was taken by the gentleman who backed the "Studio Tour" tier of the Kickstarter. He recently went on the tour and was able to read the comic.
You may have read the Kickstarter Backer update email sent on May 9th. As of right now (May 10th 2024), there is no release date. I have been told it is 16 pages, organized in vignettes of each of the characters in pairs. I'm not sure if the physical copies will be available for purchase or if they're only being sent to people who backed a certain tier. I have also been told it is "more of the same" and nothing especially ground-breaking is revealed. However, this could be misleading to avoid spoilers or over-hype.
I suspect with a title like "Operation Woof", we might be getting more Dog Blue? Maybe dogs of the other characters? Either way, there's probably dogs.
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jazzmandd · 1 year
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Team, Unite up!
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thatchezguy · 2 months
I want whatever Jergingha has. I have envy over a machine rn
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broken-clover · 1 year
I’m amused by the fact that the prologue of The Wonderful 101 goes out of its way to mention the protagonists undergo strict training and have to be certified as both physically and mentally fit for life-or-death operations that put the fate of the world at risk and the main characters we are introduced to include:
-A man who has incredibly frequent flashbacks to witnessing the graphic murder of his father and has convinced himself that said horrible murder was entirely his fault despite the fact that he was literally in kindergarten at the time
-A loose cannon that struggles to work as a team player despite being on a unit that requires teamwork at all times, who has little hesitation in physically assaulting his teammates over petty interpersonal drama, and also has unaddressed issues that nearly both get himself and his teammates killed multiple times
-A middle schooler who gleefully provokes his teammates as a form of amusement and at times seems more preoccupied with flirting and being a snarky little shit than the alien invasion that could kill everyone
-A man who lacks directional skills so thoroughly that upon being tasked with guarding an important individual immediately got so absurdly lost that the man he was tasked with guarding outright didn’t realize he was ever there
-A teenage girl with anger issues who also has no hesitation in attacking her teammates with a spiked whip
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