#The World of Techno
paleon-todd-ogy · 3 months
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Part 2 of my genre ancestors au, and it only took me over a week to do! :)
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turontot · 4 months
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this is for the starfish fans all three of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this goes out to u!!!!!!!!!!
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5577v · 4 months
your favorite spto brotp??
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it will forever and always be them
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hairupintheair · 6 months
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So much love for the little details in these movies.
Shout out to the little Troll kids who, hearing different music for the first time, are excited while all the adults are wary and disgusted.
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ohposhers · 3 days
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give me your credit card number rn (sorry the canvas is really small i didnt realize i was so zoomed in when i was drawing euaggg)
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cartoon-brainrot · 6 months
I was drawing the Techno King and his (headcanon) younger sister and I thought this would be a nice way to introduce one of my first Trolls OCs!
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The royal family! Trollex, Bliss and Laika Marina!
Laika is Trollex and Bliss’s baby brother!
(I got the name idea while watching Box Trolls…a movie made by Laika studios <3)
He’s green to stick with the RGB theme (Donald-Gladstone-Fethry/Lyney-Lynette-Freminet/Huey-Dewey-Louie) because I’m a sucker for RGB siblings!
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These are the color combinations I tried before sticking to the final one! I really liked the teal eyes and warm accents, and also tried both the double striped armies and triple striped arms before settling on the triple option!
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So here’s the final option and some sketches!
Hope you like him :)
I’ll post some more stuff real soon!
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amethyst-halo · 2 days
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hey bruce? the mermaid is back
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airrec · 1 month
DSMP x Manhunt crossover where M!Sam gets yeeted into the DSMP and meets c!Sam during the prison arc before he meets anyone else.
Cool! He thinks. Instead of a running game they did an escape room thing!
Then he actually sees the prisoner and uh-oh, there has been a Miscommunication somewhere here. c!Sam is one nasty piece of work, apparently. M!Sam should... solve that.
(POV you're c!Dream and a much friendlier and more understanding version of your captor and Warden appears with him, they disappear off together, and then he returns bloodstained and he hauls you up and over his shoulder kidnapping-a-bride style and takes a leisurely jaunt straight into another dimension, thoroughly ruining all of your plans but also rescuing you from torture. What a day.)
(POV you're c!Techno and you arrive to an empty prison bar the Warden screaming that his evil alternate self just took The Prisoner and that they've both escaped with no trace. What the hell.)
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djmurphy · 2 months
I hope you Brynth shippers are hungry!!
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1uvm4hh · 2 months
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vacayisland · 6 months
I would love to see your take on Trollex or Synth I love them so much. Maybe relationship hcs with reader? Thank youu~
@!; Starfish Wishes Trollex / Reader Synth / Reader
"Summary"! Unstructured headcannons on how Trollex and Synth would be in a relationship with the reader! "Tags"! Fluff and the two being literal dorks I love them sm. I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR A REQUEST ABOUT THEM FOR AGES PLEASE ILY SM (/p)
@storydays @chamille-trash @valvalentine69
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@!; Being the lover of the Techno tribe leader is an experience like no other. I'm being serious, Trollex is a big doofus at heart and he knows it, and while he's more tame in public when he's alone with you it all comes out. And while Trollex has the biggest heart you've ever seen, it's a blessing and a curse.
Standing at the bottom of the ocean was defiantly something new for you, and something you didn't exactly expect to experience - like ever. Nevertheless, you never thought you would experience standing under the ocean in the middle of a Techno rave. Trollex always gushed about them, speaking with such energy you were sure half the time he was going to explode. Yet, whenever he spoke with you about the raves there was always a common denominator that made him pause and cause him to stand still. You both knew that it was harder said than done, seeing as you were neither a Techno troll or that you could breath under water. And yet, after months of talking (and a lot of trust building as Trollex tried to find some way to make this happened) he finally did it! "You alright Starfish?" Trollex shouted over the blasting music towards you, taking off an earphone as he did so. You nearly missed his voice, despite standing right next to him as you still felt a little uneasy to join the rest of the Techno tribe on their dance floor. "Huh?" You shouted back, taking a moment to process what he said, "Yeah! It's just- it's weird!" A chuckled followed after your words, "Standing at the bottom of the ocean, listening to unmuffled music, dancing?" Trollex beamed towards you, dropping his headphones around his neck, "Yeah! You have to get used to it, but if you ever need a break let me now. I'll get Synth to take over for a moment so we can go to a quieter area."
@!; Honestly he has the biggest heart, loves you to death and will do anything to make sure you're happy and well. Furthermore, he will do anything to protect you. Other than his tribe, you're his number one priority and he won't ever let you forget that and will remind you constantly. Mostly shows his love through spontaneous actions! Such as grabbing your waist and hugging you tightly while twirling around, making a CD that is a mash-up of all your favorite songs (or your own songs), or just deciding that today was going to be you and him day. I feel like he shows a lot of his affection through physical contact and quality: hugs, cuddles, kisses, swimming together, listening to music, spinning disks, having you next to him during raves so he can steal kisses from you. Loves to also make you flustered. It's the cheekiness instead of him.
@!; Defiantly a family guy! Expect him to be home with you, and the children, when he isn't doing his leadership gigs. Also, expect there to be kids and at least 3-4 of them, and expect him to love and spoil them to death. Those are his babies and he will not let anyone harm them and he will make sure they're raised not only right but also with everything he could possibly give them. Though is defiantly the type to understand if you want fewer or more kids, or if you need time between each egg catching. he knows it's difficult to raise kids without him there all the time. And while he tries to be there all he can, running the Techno tribe is a lot of work and he can't always be there. But you'll be damned if he misses something important for his kids. Never, ever, will this man miss something for you or his kids. First dj session? There and he's their biggest fan. First steps? There. First glitter ball game? You know he's rocking their colors. Birthdays? His schedule his cleared on that day for decades. Somehow finds a balance between life and work to keep the tribe happy and safe while also being the best dad he can be.
@!; Big prankster and goofball. The type who, when he sees your sad, cheer you up either through cuddles or a well meaning prank. He loves you to death, and I will say this time and time again because it's true, and he doesn't want to see you upset or sad. It makes him sad! So he'll cheer you up with his second best medicine, laughter and smiles! The first is obviously raving.
"Hey starfish, can you come here?" Trollex called you from the kitchen of your shared home, causing you to lean your head back on the couch. You tried looking at him, or tried to get a hint of what he was doing. It was one of those days were all you felt like doing was nothing. You just wanted to lay on the couch and completely space you, looking at the wall for any sort of inspiration that would never come. It made your nose scrunch and your head hurt to think that your boyfriend could possibly think beckoning you from your current place of hibernation was a good idea. Though seconds later, after not seeing you budge, he called again, "I promise, it'll be good!" So reluctantly, you mustered the strength to push yourself off the couch and onto your feet. Despite how heavy your body felt, you pushed through it to enter the kitchen where Trollex stood all too suspiciously; His hands were behind his back and this big grin was spread across his face. You knew he was up to something but you couldn't guess what it was. "So.. I know that you're having a bad day." He started, trying to contain his excitement. "So I decided to get you a gift!"
Did the gift happen to be something you absolutely loved, and had been ranting to Trollex about anytime it had crossed your mind? Yes. But was it also a bitch to get out because Trollex used every box and paper bag and gift wrap you two had laying around to wrap it? Also yes. You were so sure that the gift wrap and the boxes and the bag would never end, but it got you laughing and smiling at how ridiculous the whole thing was. Trollex and you literally spent 15 minutes on the kitchen floor unwrapping it all, then another 5 minutes laughing your asses off about it.
@!; Overall, he's an amazing lover and I love him so much. He will give you up, he'll never let you down, he'll never run around and desert you. He'll never make you cry, he'll never say goodbye, he'll never tell a lie and hurt you. But he will rickroll you as a prank while playing around with his turntables, giving you your own private concert. And this man will absolutely cackle at your expression like the gremlin he is and apologize later.
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@!; Being Synth’s lover is getting to know the Synth behind “Synth”; which is much more complex than the outward, rave-loving and happy-go-lucky person Synth is always described and known as. And sure, while you fell in love with that version of Synth, you couldn’t help but fall deeper for him the more you got to know him, and in turn he fell harder the more he realized you accepted him and the more he got to know you.
@!; You first met Synth at a rave, which you had been invited to by Poppy as an olive branch to get to know some Techno trolls. At first, you weren’t sure why she would invite you to such a loud event, knowing you were rather sensitive about noise and iffy about meeting new people, especially people from different tribes. Yet, you also knew it would be rather rude to decline the invitation. Not only because Poppy had asked you personally, but also because it was a party for another tribe and you weren’t sure how they reacted to declined invitations. You had feared they took it horribly, like if you declined it would mean you hated them or something along those lines. So, to not make anyone upset you decided to go.
And, as you had expected earlier, you kept close to the edges of the party and watched everyone else; Having even taken a seat upon the disco floor out of tiredness of standing for too long. Yet, you didn’t want to leave encase Poppy wanted to introduce you to someone, or if it would count as rude to leave before a rave had finished. So you stayed, despite the overwhelming feeling you got from being in such a crowded and loud environment. “Yo, Bro!” Someone shouted, and you had thought it was towards someone else. Seeing as you didn’t know who the voice was coming from and you were just sitting in a corner doing nothing interesting, you had little reason to think someone was calling to you. Yet the voice shouted, this time closer, “Yo! Hello!” and then you saw someone waving their hands in the background, which caught your attention rather quickly. It was a Techno troll you had seen before around Poppy, and a few other Trolls. While you never spoke to him personally, you knew a few things about him. Such as, his name was Synth and he was quite loud. At times, you were able to hear his voice from across Trollstopia, and it always caused a slight fright in you at the sudden noise. “Bro you okay?” Synth swam over to you, hanging upside down with glow sticks in hand and some hanging around his neck. You hadn’t known at the time how much this first interaction would change your life, how much Synth would affect you. All you knew is that you wanted to run and hide. You were glad you didn’t.
@!; Synth wasn’t the most emotionally aware troll there is, while you were exactly the opposite and were way too emotionally aware for your own well being. As such, you two were able to balance each other out. Synth helps you calm down from the stress and emotional pressure of carrying everyone’s troubles on your back and you help Synth by pointing out social cues and things he was overlooking in his fun-seeking ways. You both helped each other get more in touch with your friends and with each other. Synth usually helps you calm down, not by raving with a large group of Techno trolls (though he used to before you exploded to Poppy, not wanting to hurt Synth’s feelings and she told Synth) yet by having dance parties at your pod. Dance parties meaning it was only you and Synth with your feel-good songs and you two would either dance together or do something else like scrapbooking, cooking, baking, etc. Something he tries to sit down and help you through your emotions. At first he tried giving you suggestions, but they weren’t the best and he learnt to just let you get it all out. Something you didn’t even need him to listen to, you just needed him there.
@!; Cuddling with Synth means there’s always a nightlight nearby! Poor Synth is terrified of the dark, and it really troubled him to be in a room without any sort of lighting (which is how you figured out why he always carries glow sticks with him). At first, Synth tried to be strong for you and cuddle at night… but he didn’t even last 2 minutes before he yelled out in pure terror.
“What? What?!” You exclaimed, jumping up from your place in bed as Synth was just freaking out. You were just about to doze off when he had begun to do so, and you were sure he didn’t have a nightmare because he hadn’t even fallen asleep… or closed his eyes for that matter. You could see the purple glow of his eyes through your shut ones. Though Synth didn’t seem too keen on answering you straightly, as he just blubbered out, “What what? What who? What where? And sometimes-” “Synth.” But you cut him off, cupping his cheeks to make him look at you. To which he drew back a little, his eyes widening in shock for a split second before he became a ball of nerves. He laughed, nervous laughter. And you seemed to realize instantly what was happening with how frequently his eyes darted around the room, trying to look for something. You didn’t know he was afraid of the dark! “Synth you should have told me.” You would mumble before scrambling to turn on your bedside lamp, much to Synth’s relief.
From that day on you had a nightlight in your room for Synth.
@!; Synth gave you a rave name the first 3 hours he knew you and now that’s the only thing he decides to call you. You weren’t sure why he did so and when you asked Trollex or Laguna they just said that’s how he is. Trollex even shrugged. You’re stuck with it, so get used to it because he means that rave name with the up most endearment!! <3
@!; He’s a little hard in the head. Didn’t know you liked him until you told him out right and even then he didn’t understand and said he liked you too. You gave up and Trollex had to explain to him what you meant, to which he paused and shouted to you as you walked away, “I LOVE YOU!” To which Trollex stared at him with the most bewildered look and you got absolutely terrified.
@!; Has taken you water surfing and urchin acupuncturing if you’re cool with it! And if you need he’s here to hold your hand and help you through it. Has also shot water at you with his water powers. Was his hands in the shape of little guns? Yes. did he also say “pew pew” as well? Yes. Did you then also purchase a water gun to be able to do it back? Yup. And was Synth so shocked the first time he got pew-pew’ed with water back? Mhmm. But then did it dissolve into a huge water fight anytime you guys pew-pew’ed each other with water? Of course!
@!; Other than being scared of the water and being an avid raver, Synth sometimes struggles with self esteem issues; mostly, he fears that he’ll let people down and disappoint them. Which, when you first heard him explain, you were shocked to hear! You always thought Synth didn’t really care what other people thought of him, despite caring about people and their well being. You don’t know why you thought that way, but you just did.
“So that’s why I’ve been acting so off the past few days, yo.” Synth explained to you the whole fiasco about his cheerleading side-gig, which he did more for fun than anything else. Though Synth expected a slightly more emotional reaction out of you than other trolls, he didn’t expect to see you almost crying. “Yo, are you crying?!” “No! No, I’m fine!” Yet you only sniffled. “Bro… don’t cry because then I’ll cry!”
You and Synth connected on a deeper level that day, as you explained you also tended to feel that way around people. You both decided to make a pinkie-promise to be able to tell each other anything since that day. @!; I love Synth so much, 10/10 lover. 
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.ᐟ this work is published and owned by @vacayisland. please do not plagiarize, copy, or steal this work; like, reblogs, and saves are appreciated :D
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foolsocracy · 1 year
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icedb1ackcoffee · 3 months
Corrupted by Design CH 1 | Feyd-Rautha x Reader
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After generations of pillaging and destroying their ecosystem, you are assigned by the Emperor to work on with the Harkonnens to improve their planet’s agriculture as Imperial Ecologist. However, Giedi Prime is far from welcoming, and you must fight to survive the horrors you endure at the hands of the Harkonnens. When you catch the eye of the Baron’s youngest nephew, and most prized possession, you step into a world complicated by politics and revenge.
Tags: Unbeta'd, AFAB Reader, multiple OCs, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, enemy to friends to lovers/enemy lovers, slow burn, fake science, blood, violence, gore, body horror, cannibalism, uncle/nephew incest (implied), eventual smut, etc.
A/N: I’ve never read the books, so this is a combination of the Villeneuve films, the Dune Wiki, and a heavy dose of just making shit up lol. I try my best to make Reader as nondescript as possible, but there are mentions of having periods and body hair in later chapters. As a warning up front, this will not have a Happily Ever After ending, but maybe more like Happy For Now?
Please mind the tags; this is very dark, but that comes with the territory.
Chapter One: Like Meat (Spoiled)
Previous Chapter ⦾ Next Chapter
When you first arrived at Giedi Prime, nothing could have adequately prepared you for the shock the harsh environment brought. 
Approaching the planet, dark, heavy clouds of pollution choked its atmosphere, seen even from your descent into the atmosphere. Any hope you’d had on your mission here began to wither as you saw the goliath manufacturing plants and landfills that scarred the horizon on all sides. Even the advanced Sardakaur technology on this ship couldn’t soften the harsh winds. Could this be the reason why they accepted you— a last-ditch effort to salvage whatever was left of this godforsaken planet…?
When you landed, you rose unsteadily to your feet and grabbed your luggage. Two large bags and one satchel tied at your waist. The rest unloaded off the ship, full of your tools and plants. Your entire life packed away, always ready for the next move. An escort accompanied you off ship, the rest staying inside. Not that you would blame them; if it was not required of you, you would not leave, either.
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tantei-chan01 · 5 months
Okay okay, but imagine.
In your mute Branch au, Branch can't sing right? So, he wouldn't be able to do pop music, at least as well as the other pop trolls. But you know what doesn't require singing? Classical music. (And techno, but I like classical better)
So, I'm imagining Branch, some time after world tour, playing base or some other classical string instrument. Or maybe even DJing. Idk, I just like the idea of Branch getting into genres where singing isn't as required.
(I also have this headcannon that he's a symphonic metal troll (classical/rock hybrid), and that doesn't really need lyrics either, but that's just my headcannon so ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯)
Physically, Branch can still sing/talk as his vocal cords aren't damaged, but the trauma of what happened keeps him quiet.
In the movies, they always say he doesn't sing or dance, but they make no comments on him playing an instrument. So I always headcannoned he played an instrument in his free time, no one does that many amazing riffs without constant practice.
In the beginning, Branch only played a few instruments, one of Floyd's old guitars, leaf whistles, wooden flutes and ocarina. Once their world got bigger, he learned the other tribes instruments. He greatly enjoys the piano and has fun playing with the beats the Techno trolls taught him.
The Classical trolls give him a gorgeous grand piano as thanks for rescuing their curious trollings from predators.
Also, I love your headcannon! Makes me wonder how his parents met or if his brothers are hybrids too.
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andysgallerys · 1 year
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Antartic Empire
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cosmic-d1ce · 10 months
Thinking about c!emduo
Thinking about how even though Techno was beytayed over and over by everyone, he never doubted Phil. Not even for a second did he believe Phil would turn his back on him. Despite everything, they put 100% of their trust in one another.
Thinking about how when Techno was being dragged to his execution, he cared not about himself but about Phil. Despite his fear and uncertainty, he called out to Phil. Risked everything to make sure he was okay. How Phil did the same and snuck out, risked his one and only canon life to make sure Techno would be okay.
Thinking about how Phil was always Techno's top priority. As they prepared for doomsday, Techno gave Phil his totem of undying. He gave him as many potions as he could hold. He gave him everything he could ever need in a fight because he cared about Phil more than anything. How he checked Phil would be okay the entire time they were preparing.
Thinking about how Techno risked his life to save Phil time and time again because he loves him more than anything. How Techno trusted Phil with everything, his secrets and his weaknesses, something he wouldn't give anyone else. How Phil did the same because they love each other.
Thinking about how emduo was the most healthy and stable relationship in the entire smp because despite all odds they trusted each other. Everyone else had problems but they never doubted each other. Even Tommy and Tubbo who went through everything together went through a period of mistrust and betrayal. Not Phil and Techno. They never considered being without each other as an option.
Thinking about how Techno said "for you, the world, Phil" and he meant it.
Thinking about them.
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