#The best way that I can like describe Avian's type is like
c1tyhaunts · 7 months
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MY MUSE IN A RELATIONSHIP | ↪ @fairestjuliet: 🎶🏷️♦️ (avian)
🎶Do they have a type?
kinda? it's hard to really say. anyone who Avian is romantically interested in normally have a foundation of friendship with her prior to her developing a crush/feelings for them. those Avian keep close to her, she may have had an aspect of sharp wit or sarcasm that matches Avian's. Avian only goes for people with good hearts & intentions, because those morals are fundamental to her and she refuses to be with someone that doesn't match that. for Avian, i think it's a lot of personality-based type than looks.
if we do have to talk about looks, Avian has only seem to show interested in brunettes & redheads in particular. she prefers a partner taller than her (which is easy since she's only like ... 5'2" lmao), and bonus points if her partner has a latin heritage like she does, as she likes someone she can share a similar culture with. she enjoys more rebellious individuals, more outgoing ones. but again, it varies depending on the situation.
🏷️ Do they give their partners cute nicknames?
somewhat; Avian has a habit of making cutesy version of her partner's names, shortening them to some degree if it's possible. (i.e. Gia -> Gigi, Lilith -> Lili for a couple of people that come to mind); but she doesn't normally do pet names.
if anything, Avian is often the recipient of nicknames herself. with the name like 'Avian', she has gotten "Birdy" before, or Avi, normally.
♦️ Are they concerned with the social status of their partner?
absolutely not, and i think that's influenced by who she has around her now. when her father was still alive, James' perspective on others often warped Avian's perspective on them. and because James did not want his children to affiliate with anyone that could lower their children's status, Avian, being the golden child, often took her father's word as law. if her dad said not to affiliate with someone, Avian is going to do it.
now that Avian has to make her own decision, the only factor she considers is another person's kindness & intentions before all else. she doesn't care what background they come from, she only cares about who they are and what they stand for.
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wyverian-lady525 · 2 years
Long time no see(?) Talk(?) Idk.
I have an idea, I recently read a fic from another fandom about Avians....
And so, I was wondering how would the waifus respond to their s/o having wings akin to a flying wyvern's?
(I just figured out how to do colored text in asks I'm so happy abt it lol)
Indeed! I hope you are doing well! Sorry for the wait, but I hope this is acceptable! Also, I absolutely adore the colored texts❤️ makes my brain happy
The Waifus (Kyle, Reverto, Cheval, Alwin, Lilia, Ena, Kayna, and Avinia) React to their S/O Having Wyvern-Like Wings
-Kyle would be shocked for like a nanosecond until he realizes that he shouldn’t be surprised by much anymore. He only feels a twinge of hurt that you didn’t tell him sooner about this, leading you to confess that you didn’t want to freak him out and loose him. After this, Kyle showing his comfort and support around you, you would feel comfortable enough to be yourself around him. Even if that leaves the hunter in irritation as he rides Ratha and you just simply fly beside him.
-Let’s be real, Reverto thinks it would be wicked and he would jokingly ask where he could get a pair. Again, you hid this from him because you were nervous not just of his reaction but also of what would happen if the Hunter’s Guild found out. What if they hurt you? Reverto swears to protect you on this front while also adding that you have nothing to worry about. In fact, he adores seeing you fly about and watching you stun every hunter that walks into the vicinity. 
-Cheval finds this to be a stunning find, but also is secretly swooning over the fact that this just makes you even more special. I mean, nothing you could change the way he feels about you. He vows to keep you safe even though you are more than capable of handling yourself. Finds himself eager to touch them, which you allow and he marvels even more. Cheval can never keep his eyes off you when you are flying about, especially when Rathi and Ratha join you in this beautiful display. 
-Alwin is absolutely shocked and that’s about the best way to describe his reaction. He’s lived a long life and has never heard or seen anything like this before. However, you are a wonder of a human, so he can’t allow himself to be shocked too much. Still, the wyverian finds himself too stunned to talk whenever he sees you flying about. But he can’t also help himself when he gets giddy, knowing that this special person is his. Shaulk will happily bring him up in the air with you.
-She would absolutely want to know more about this. Were you born with wings? Did you acquire them? Questions like that. However, Lilia respects you and cares about you, so she’s not going to do anything without your permission. But you are just as inquisitive as she is, so you allow her to do as she pleases. This leads to her getting all excited as she delves into a whole new type of research. Plus, she gets to spend more time with you, so that’s a plus.
-Ena finds you to be even more beautiful with your wings. There’s just something about them that makes you ten times more majestic. In fact, she wishes she had wings of her own so she could join you in the skies without having to bring Ratha along. Seeing her downtrodden because of this, you would bring her little bird feathers as gifts, saying how she doesn’t need any wings to make her more special because she already is. That makes Ena feel better, even more so if you carry her while in the air.
-Kayna would be shocked for about five seconds before absolutely fangirling over your wings. Then she gets into a pouty fit because she’s upset that you kept it a secret for so long. Again, that lasts for about five seconds and then she’s all gleeful again. Does every little thing she can to get you to fly about because she loves watching it. Would she want wings of her own? For everyone’s safety, Kayna says it’s a bad idea.
-Avinia isn’t as surprised as you thought, stating she knew you were hiding something. Still, she wants you to keep those wings hidden because she doesn’t need anyone in her village or otherwise freaking out over it. But that doesn’t last long. However, fortunately for the both of you, Kuan adores your wings because of how much you are able to help out with them. Avinia is relieved and can finally enjoy your specialness. Catch her flying with you on Frostfang with a big grin on her face.
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filipinoizukuu · 3 years
class 1-a hcs based on science and shit: part 1
u cant tell me any of these characters smell completely normal. or good in a way u can make candles out of them. this is my hc list and i am RUNNING with it. @emogaeness this 1's for u, my dude
Aoyama: one of the only 'normal' smelling ones. he defs uses french parfum but also he probably smells like heated metal and cheese all the time. Energy doesnt really have a smell til it interacts with gas so i think he probably just smells like however he wants to.
Mina: IM SORRY TO SAY BUT MISS MAAM IS STINKY AS HECK. mina is an acid producer and therefore smells acidic--and going by what we know of acid, she smells PUNGENT. dairy-like but also sour. BUT her body is probably evolved to be antacidic and she's a gymnast. after reading like, 2 research papers, gymansts chalk (magnesium carbonate) neutralizes acids (caus its 10.5 ph) and so i think while she does kinda smell, it wouldnt be AS bad even if she's training. its possible for her to wear perfume if she wanted, since usually they're around the 7 pH range.
Tsuyu: Oh. wet grass. and just. damp. she probably smells like marshlands or just nature in general, because thats part of camouflage. she probably also has an underlying sweet scent from venom? idk. on the normal she'd probably just smell neutral if a little musty.
Iida: ok i had to wiki this but i dont think he smells like much? he faintly smells like exhaust--but when he overuses his quirk and inevitably combusts whatever engines he uses, the chemical reaction creates sulfur which would make him smell like rotten eggs. otherwise he smells like orange juice (his choice of 'fuel'), sweat, and cologne.
Uraraka: I think she just smells like mochi lol. gravity doesnt really alter her body so i think ochako's normal--if a bit sweet bc she generally seems to like sweet stuff in canon
Ojiro: OK HES JUST GOT A WEIRD LUMP OF FLESH ON HIS BACK FOR A TAIL THO LIKE?? IDK HE SMELLS NORMAL?? maybe a bit like spray-on shampoo and deodorant, but that's it. does a third limb of pure muscle smell like anything? no? godspeed, mashirao, godspeed.
Kaminari: he smells like ozone. He's probably crazy static since he generates the electricity inside of him constantly and is canonically a terrific electricity conduit, so unlike aoyama he'd definitely smell like frying electricity. also. (minor manga spoilers) he bathes enough to be able to call midoriya stinky, so he definitely has basic hygiene. other than that i think he smells like sweaty leather bc of his hero costume and candy.
Kirishima: not quirk related but he probably just smells like sweat. and like, meat. maybe dirt. i love this boy but i'm also a sheeple bc i believe in the hc that he smells like axe body spray. and really good conditioner bc of how fucked up his hair would be by now if he wasn't taking very good care of it.
Kouda: smells like animals. like. bunnies and hamsters and birds and stuff. its not bad per se, but he definitely smells like he's constantly hanging out with the city's local rodent and avian population. other than that he probably just smells neutral/like nothing, since that's more approachable to the prey animals that he seems to favor.
Satou: baked goods and candy.
Shouji: I think Shouji is probably the most hygiene-conscious of all the kids in 1-A. Because of the amount of open/accessible body parts like eyes, nose, ears on his limbs--he probably takes very good care in showering and all that stuff to prevent random infections or just generally damaging any of his senses. Dude's chill--smells like mild soap and laundry detergent.
Jirou: Ah, not gonna lie she probably smells a bit like burnt electrical wires. She's a bit like Kaminari in terms of smell, except her's have that more 'metallic' and burning sharpness whenever she uses the stunning part of her quirk. Other than that... probably also leather because of her hero costume, or just like the inside of an instrument shop (wood, ivory, brass, etc.)
Sero: Packaging type. you know when you pull like, a large strip of tape and--? yeah? that. smells like tack. other than that, excellent hygiene! bergamot and pine or whatever.
Tokoyami: he smells like bird, but only faintly. dude mostly smells a little musty caus he probably never airs out his room. Dark shadow is described like "dark energy" which, similar to aoyama, kaminari, and jirou, probably makes the air around him smell different bc thats gas interacting with energy. Aside from that, he most likely smells neutral. (... maybe with a bit of leather and metal because thats just how his fashion probably works)
Todoroki: Sweat, but not like, a lot. He definitely doesn't smell bad after battles because steam kills bacteria like, fairly effectively, and would eliminate most foul odors. I think he'd smell like Expensive herbal soap or whatever most of the time. He doesn't seem like the type to be unhygienic.
Hagakure: ????? fuck dude she probably tries her best to smell like nothing, caus if her whole schtick is being invisible then its probably best if she just smelt like nothing. imagine being a villain and then promptly getting kicked in the nuts by a gust of wind that smells like strawberry peach.
Mineta: i cant explain it but just... warm grape juice. his... orbs. have oily/sticky like substances to act as adhesive and ill be damned before u tell me he doesn't smell like anything even remotely artificial-grape-flavoring adjacent. he also smells of like,, axe body spray but stronger.
Yaoyorozu: herbal tea on a normal day. most likely the digestive kind just because i think thats the most practical tea to have with a quirk like hers thats reliant on eating large quantities of food. other than that, i think she smells like basic weaponry-grade materials like iron, polished wood, copper, and gunpowder.
Bakugou: stinky boy. canonically, his hygiene's great but that's likely for a reason. he sweats a lot and excessively, and while his sweat is described as 'nitroglycerine-like' it doesn't mean it smells like caramel. the common description for nitroglycerine according to the brittanica encyclopedia is that it's toxic and has a 'sweet, burning taste'. the sweet scent is described as sharp at best--so while its totally okay if you wanna think of his sweat as caramel-like, i just wanted to clear up the misconception that thats what it factually is. ASSUMING his sweat still has a similar molecular makeup to nitroglycerine and has nitric dioxide, it would smell sickly sweet, if slightly neutral due to the nature of sweat itself being odorless when clean. other than that? bkg is definitely just a smelly, smelly boy. smells like sun and smoke and teenage body odor and burnt plastic.
Midoriya: SMELLY STINKY. deku sweats like, a lot. not only does ofa expend a ridiculous amount of energy and probably strains his muscles like crazy (forcing him to expel all that lactic acid in the form of sweat), but he also spends a lot of time just outside in general. science slightly aside, deku smells a lot like grass and dirt and just,,, the outdoors in general. he, like kaminari, smells very strongly of ozone (clean, chlorine-like) because of the sheer amount of energy output OfA has. Not expounding past the manga, Black Whip is described as a quirk that produces tendrils of pure black energy. This probably creates the same effect/smell as an area struck by lightning.
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dabiboy · 4 years
S/O needs to reassure Hawks because i can see him having trust issues toward women (i mean... spoiler. Mom betrayed him and left)...
And... Spoiler again. She sold him twice. TWICE. Anyways, let’s try to forget this pain with this fluff. Hope you like it!
Author’s note: There is a cameo of a character from another universe, let’s see if you guys catch it👀
Until the Hurting is Gone
The evening went well. All of your friends gathered at your shared apartment with Hawks, and thank God you didn't have any friend that was too much into social media, and just one of them asked to take a picture with your boyfriend. Truth be told, you couldn't blame her, meeting the Winged Hero was not a daily thing to do.
Laughs were shared, memories, jokes, just a normal gathering with good old friends. Maybe too good friends. Or so Keigo thought.
Yes, he was a jealous man but not the possessive kind, at least not when he was not near his rut. But that friend of yours? He was way too close, too nice, too cool. The bastard was even good looking. And Keigo was starting to feel unsure. And couldn't say anything because he was your life best friend.
Despite his feelings almost raging inside of him, it was better to get distracted and not ruin your night because of jealousy, so the best answer was to get along with your other friends, the ones that he did like him. However, his avians traits were not helping. At all. And he could hear your laughter loud and clear, and thanks to the tingle in his feathers he turned around, praying not to break the glass on his hand.
''Oh my god, yes! Do you remember when we were in high school and had to get in the closet because of that seven minutes in heaven game?'' 
''And we clapped and screamed like idiots, the whole class thought we were dating afterward'' You and your friend laughed again. 
''Man, that getaway was the best, I swear! The whole class on a cabin on the beach? I had never been more proud of a punishment''
''You were grounded like a month, but hey, if it hadn't been for me you would still be grounded'' Jean laughed.
''Oh shut up you idiot. That was because my parents love you, because they don't know you're crazier than a cow''
''You know I'm right and the best, you just can't face it'' He shrugged his shoulders and used his hand to pull his hair back. The bastard had an undercut? Damn he was fine, Keigo said to himself. ''We should have a getaway like that one again, for the good old times'' 
''Yes! That'd be so cool! We have to make the plans for this one, you know that as long as a plan includes us, drink and something reckless, I'm in'' 
The way you winked at him killed Keigo. All of his insecurities got together, his chest suddenly felt tighter and he did a whole tour on all of his flaws as a breathing being. He even thought about his looks, his messy hair, how he wasn't so muscular as other heroes, the bird marks on his eyes, his other bird traits. Yes, he was feeling like hell. Why could he be with someone like you when you matched so well with Jean? Were you going to leave him too? Damn, he could even hear the awful words his parents once told him.
Keigo kept quiet during the rest of the night, and just smiled and wave when all of your friends finally left, his hurt aching at the tight hug you gave Jean. He was far better than him.
You went to the shower before bed, and when you got out you couldn't help but smile at the cute picture in front of you; Keigo was sitting leg-crossed on his side of the bed, looking down and seeming distracted while he played with his fingers. The way the skin of his tummy folded a bit over his abs making him look even cuter. And hotter at the same time. But something was off. He seemed... Sad.
''Kei? You good?'' You asked as you sat on your side, trying to look at him.
''Yeah, I'm fine'' He was known for bottle up his emotions. And the way he had answered told you he was not fine.
''You don't sound fine, love'' You pouted your lips as you rested your chin on his bare shoulder. 
He didn't reply for long seconds, and he kept playing with his fingers without looking at you. Keigo was good at pretending he was good when he wasn't, but this time it seemed his emotions were stronger. And they were. Usually, he didn't have time to overthink everything, he could just carry on and feel like shit later, and now? After all of that emotion and memories tour he felt bad. Scared, like shit. All of his fears came back to him. 
''y/n?'' He called your name ''Do you... Do you think I'm good enough?'' it caught you off guard.
''What do you mean with that, of course you are. You are better than good, baby'' You said gaining distance so you could look at him better ''You're the number two hero-'' He cut you off.
''Not as a hero. As a man, as... Your boyfriend'' His voice was filled with pain and vulnerability, and your heart ached about it.
''Yes, Keigo. You're the best man I've ever meet. You're kind, you're funny, you're brave, you're caring'' The list of things you could keep saying about him was endless ''I love you with my whole life, love. I couldn't ask for anyone better than you'' You whispered, caressing his cheek. But then it hit you.
You remembered that late night talk in which he had spilled his whole life to you, telling you everything about his childhood and his parents, and how his mother, the woman that supposed to be there for him no matter what sold him as a piece of meat, changed him for something better for her own benefit.
''Is it because of Jean?'' This time, you ran your hand on his golden locks. God, you loved his hair so much.
''He was... Cool. And tall, and funny, and had interesting stories to tell. He was also very good looking, and you seemed to get along with him very well'' You wished you could've avoided it, but a small smile was on your face at his naiveness. 
''Jean is my best friend since I was like five, he's like an older brother to me'' You said as you kept playing with his hair. ''We went to kindergarten together, and then graduated together, and did a lot of stupid things together. I've known every single one of his girlfriends,'' You did the 'e' sound in the word 'every' longer to emphasize ''And let me tell you I'm not his type'' You laughed ''And he'd seen and known all of my boyfriends too, and guess what'' The way you whispered, make Keigo looked at you ''The only one that liked him was you. Not because you're a hero, because he thought you were cool and good to me. And good looking? Please, Kei. He has a horse face.'' You smiled at him, loving to see that glimpse of a smile on his face ''I love you, and only you, ok?'' You whispered again and he nodded. After some more seconds, he took a deep breath and talked again. Just one sentence. One that described his biggest fear.
''You're not... You're not going to leave me too, right?'' 
His face was like a child's. Eyes full of hope but fear at the same time, they were screaming at you, telling you 'please hold me and don't let me go' but before letting his vulnerable side show, he needed to hear it from you. He needed the reassurance only the love of his life could give him.
''I will never, Keigo, never going to leave you. Is that clear? I'm going to be with you until you're old, because there is no one I'd rather to spend my life with. Now come here, my bird boy.''
You thanked his wings were not his usual size, and that they were rather small so you could fit him in your arms. He held to your arm, resting his head on your chest and curling up his body between your legs. He didn't want to be away from you, never. You played with his hair again, but switching among his back, nape, arms, anywhere your hands could reach. 
''I'm sorry for being an insecure little shit'' He said.
''Don't be. It is important to let your feelings out, I will always listen to you'' A kiss on his temple. 
''I love you. So, so much'' He whispered and snuggled even closer to you, which was a big hard because he was not a five year old, he was a grown up man cuddling and clinging to you like a child ''I love you'' He said again.
''I love you too, my Keigo'' You said one more time before continuing with your ministrations. A thing was for sure, you were going to hug him until his hurting was gone. Even if that meant held him forever. Because you knew he was going to do the same
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indigobackfire · 3 years
HPHM OC Profile ✧
Phoenix Nobleworth
" You're like a poisonous flower, Phoenix. Beautiful and inviting with all your colors and aromas and deadly force. "
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Full Name: Phoenix Lazar Nobleworth Silverwood
Nicknames: Pheny. Birdy (by some of his Hufflepuff friends). Nobleworth. Silverwood (by Snape out of spite).
Gender: Male.
Birthday: 12th of May, 1973.
Born: Deva, Transylvania, Romania.
Mother: Biological: Antonia Lazar, full Veela. Adoptive: Clarin (née Tramer) Silverwood.
Father: Biological: Emilian Nobleworth, Scottish, Half-Veela, Gryffindor. Adoptive: Palmer Silverwood.
Siblings: Jacob Silverwood (b. 1968), Indigo Silverwood (b. 1973).
Ethnicity: Romanian, Scottish.
Species: Veela.
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
MBTI Type: IN(TorF)P-T (I can't decide, so he's both).
Blood Status: Half-blood (I think.)
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff.
Eyes: His eyes are a shade between green and blue with very light tones of lilac depending on the light. But due to his Veela powers he can change them into an shape or color he likes.
Hair: A light shade of golden blonde, wavy, usually grown below his chin. (At some point, he dyed a strand turquoise to impress his crush, I know, wild.)
Height: He's reasonably tall usually towering by little other boys, with long legs.
• He's got those handsome looks expected from a full Veela, structural face but round features give him a soft look. He's very strong despite his slim figure. His skin is pretty fair but he has a myriad of scars from past transformations.
• He's told he's a perfect mixture of his parents which gives him a friendly and suave look that easily turns authoritative and seductive when he uses his Veela powers of seduction.
Veela Form: Different from what's described in canon, I like to imagine Veelas having feathers that differ from people to people. Phoenix's feathers are fair golden with the inner side of his wing in shades of red, the feathers go up to the knees and elbows while hands and feet become bird-like with long black talons. His features and ears become sharper, and his teeth, fangs. His eyes turn silver-white when he turns by his will and bright yellow when forced to turn.
Transformation is hardly ever painless and he often hurts himself and takes longer to heal because of the Veela blood. Both spells and potions don't work as effectively, which is why he fights to control his temper, beyond the fact he can end up hurting somebody else.
Transformation occurs when he's either angry, instigated or when someone pulls out a string of his hair. Unless for the latter, he has partial control over his transformation/consciousness (nevertheless requiring practice and focus).
Magical Aspects
Wand: Pearwood with Veela hair core and an amber stone for stability, 14'' and flexibility. "Pearwood produces wands of splendid magical powers, which give of their best in the hands of the warm-hearted, the generous, and the wise, also among the most resilient." Veela's hair core is known to be temperamental — which is why Olivander had trouble making Phoenix's wand, having to insert molten amber to the torn wand for stability. The hair came from one shed by his mother which they used to keep stored for such use.
Patronus: Thunderbird. The Thunderbird is a large, magical avian beast native to North America. A close relative of the Phoenix. They can create storms as it flies and is highly sensitive to danger. They possess three pairs of powerful wings and have feathers that shimmer with cloud-like patterns.
Patronus memory: The day his wizard powers started presenting themselves — he stopped a sculpture from falling on his dad's head within a beat of his heart — and they had a real feast that night.
Veela Abilities: Beyond the popular ability to seduce - which really began when he turned 14 -, Veelas can also dwell and create fire from their hands in human form but requires training to control.
Penny (in specific because he hates to see her cry) holding his dead sister, hurt and bleeding, and hearing Penny say how could he have done that, because he's terribly afraid of losing his control and hurting Indigo.
Riddikulus: Penny tuns into Tonks and Indigo wakes up saying it was ketchup and makeup all along.
Amortentia: Regular burning candles, purple passionfruit, the smell of the house/apartment he lives in with his family, Peppermint tea, and the smell of fresh clay.
Once he gets over the fear of losing control somewhere around the end of his 4th year, his boggart in year 5 turns into Inferius versions of his parents after he learns about them in DADA, but even worse than described in the textbooks, with bugs crawling out of their mouths, a half-rotten dragon head on their lap and clothes stained with nearly black blood.
He has a hard time using Riddikulus on that one.
Pets: A Flama Squirrel (I made up from a real one), a magical squirrel that sets itself on fire when threatened, mostly predated by smaller breeds of dragons and Chimeras. The Flama's liver is commonly used in Erumpent potion with the intention of increasing its property but its lack doesn't spoil the potion, and their glands used to be common in perfumes for aphrodisiac fragrances until they started going extinct from excessive hunting.
Things he always carries with him: His wand, a chocolate bar, his favorite quill, a flask of water, and his class schedule cause he forgets them very often.
Lucky Amulets: A feather from his mom and another from his dad that he can wear on his hair and does on special occasions.
Best Friends
His sister, but as I did for her, I want to write their relationship in another post.
Aspen: Not only his cousin but also one of his best friends. Their personalities clash, her being outspoken and feral, and him being softer and more collected, yet they can't live without each other. He considers himself her protector, but from how savvy she is, it's her who ends up protecting him most times.
Boy!Rowan: His first Hufflepuff friend having met at the Hogwarts Express on their first ride. Rowan is his best friend and partner in crime. They usually spend time reading, walking open fields, and helping his sister with her plans of finding the cursed vault. Rowan supports him with tests and homework when his personal life gets overwhelming.
Chiara: They easily bond after he finds out her secret about being a werewolf, and they share support and help in times of instability. They like going out on picnics and to watch the creatures in the reserve. They actually enjoy dueling each other for fun, it's cute.
Penny: His first crush while still a boy in Hogwarts, he enjoys her company from her confidence and overall bright personality. Despite growing out of his affection for her, they're still good friends and enjoy each other's company. He offers a comforting shoulder when her relationship with her sister gets tricky.
Diego: He and Diego take a long time until they officially hit it off. Diego's personality being too grandiose and extroverted for Phoenix's taste. But as soon as he discovers that Aspen has a mad crush on him, goes out of his way to find out more about him, not trusting him to be a proper suitor for her. Despite his opinions, with time, their relationship evolves into a sincere friendship from Diego's good humor and adventurous heart.
Badeea: The one person he never thought he'd be friends with considering her intellectual (Ravenclaw-like) demeanor and collected attitude. But one day, when she gathers the courage to call him to pose for one of her paintings, he finds out she shared the exact same thoughts about him. Their friendship is quiet-like and profound, they share their thoughts about recent reads and go stargazing.
Orion: He first interacts with Orion when his sister joins the Gryffindor quidditch team and never he would've guessed how much Orion would mean to him. But with time he learns that Orion's presence is a suave and soothing one, and when he confronts Orion about how he can be that way, he decides to guide him into spiritual and mental balance. They meditate, chill and bond over shared experiences -- both being orphans, cool-headed, and deeply compassionate people.
Dormmates: It's him, Rowan, Diego, and two muggle-born boys, Lance and Edward, through which they learn a lot from the muggle world.
Favorite Classes:
History of Magic (when his friends are teaching)
Ancient Runes*
Least Favorite:
Favorite Professor: Minerva McGonagall. She's just so thoughtful and poise, the coolest animagus and the most powerful witch he knows.
Least Favorite: Snape for obvious reasons. He doesn't hate Snape but he also rather not be in his presence in potions class.
Quidditch: He cheers for Gryffindor when his sister is playing against the other houses, but his allegiance is to Hufflepuff. Imagine his excitement when Cedric Diggory joined the team and came down slaying with his abilities.
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Yum,yum my Hufflepuffy boy, I love him. Can't wait to get into more detail about his past and romantic relationships.
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judediangelo75 · 4 years
How Talbott Dropped the Question
Hello everyone~ 
I have another fanfic featuring our resident bird boy at Hogwarts, Talbott. Ugh, I love him to death (and I would protect him at all costs). As most of you can guess by the title, this is how Talbott asked Judith to marry him. But of course there’s backstory, hope you don’t mind ^_^”.
Side note: This is kinda playing on the idea that the MC did run away.
Alright enough of my blabbering. Enjoy!
After the death of Talbott's parents, the young boy didn't want to let anyone else in his heart, fearing that he'll lose them too. Only other person who made him happy was a little girl that he never saw again after just one day together... 
Coming to Hogwarts, he was sorted into Ravenclaw. He listened to Professor Flitwick give a welcome speech from the corner he resided in, watching everyone with cautious eyes.
Time seem to pass slowly. During that time, he befriended the most popular girl in his year, a Hufflepuff by the name of Penny Haywood. She was kind girl, a bit too preppy for his taste but he like the girl nonetheless. She was his only friend until his third year, where he met one of the Cursed Children, Judith Harris.
Anybody who read The Daily Prophet knows of what happened to best friends Jamal Harris and Jonah Brown.
How ironic that their sisters are best friends as well. 
So they already had an infamous reputation preceding them. 
Brooke ended up being sorted into his house. Judith had potential to become an Eagle as well, seeing how she experienced a Hat Stall between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. But she opted to become a Hufflepuff instead. Talbott was secretly glad for this development for awhile, seeing how her best friend was, he didn't believe that Ravenclaw could handle both of them at the same time.
At least, that's what he thought at first. 
Hearing her voice for the very first time, Talbott was almost taken aback at how soft and almost shy it sounded. He had to look up from his book to make sure he was speaking to the right person. Sure enough, gold eyes bore into his own. Looking into her eyes, Talbott felt an unexplainable warmth inside his heart. He didn't understand it and pushed away as he interacted with the Hufflepuff witch.
As he slowly learns more about her, he realized that she was definitely more quieter and calmer than her scheming best friend. Though, he could tell she possess a sneaky side to her, judging by the smirks she would give him. As well as the mischievous spark that danced in those gold orbs.
During their time together helping her become an Animagus, Talbott watched her closely. 
An old memory would come up to his mind where the little boy version of himself was watching the sunset in one of the trees the surrounded his home with a girl. He remembered promising her that he'll teach her to be just like him, hopefully that she would become an avian Animagus and they could go flying together. But they never got the chance to meet again, so Talbott thought he may never fulfill his promise...
Or so he thought.
It wasn't until after he got closer to Judith, after losing the necklace his mother gifted him, and following her to a graveyard is when he realized it.
That little girl was Judith. 
Talbott couldn't believe that after all this time he was reunited with his little bird. He felt the feelings that he had as a child come back full force like a wrecking ball. To the point he found himself admiring the girl secretly from afar.
Words couldn’t describe his disappointment when Judith took down her locs. He loved them because it made her unique. It suited her. But he loved her hair in general, secretly yearning to tend to those dark brown curls...
His breath would catch in his throat whenever he sees her in top that reveals more of her skin and upper body. He noticed the scars that scatter on her chocolate skin. He would sometimes unconsciously curl his hands into fists whenever he feels the desire to touch and study her skin.
Sometimes when she's next to him or passing by, he finds himself taking in deeper breathes to take in the scent that seem to cling onto her hair and skin. She told him about her homeland and how the scent was mainly coconut and cocoa butter and he found himself secretly yearning for more of it. Where he wants to just to bury his face into her hair or her neck and just relax with her in his arms with that intoxicating scent wrapping around him.
He loved to look at her face. He could tell how she felt by her expression, some of them were just too funny not to chuckle at. Though one expression that gets him the most is when she pouts. He always does his best to look away or focus on some other part of her face, and not her tempting, full, soft lips...
There were times he found himself to be acutely aware of the sound of her voice. Especially when she sings, he would feel himself unconsciously relaxing to the sound of her voice then. If he didn't pay attention or hear her the one time that she was cursing Merula to hell and back, he could've sworn she was born and raised in Britain. But the foreign accent he remembers hearing as a child would slip on occasion. He liked how different it sounded, to him it was cute.
It wasn't until one day he finally realized what the hell was going on and why he feels like he gets butterflies every time she smiles at him-
He had a crush on her. A major crush on her...
And to his joy (and minor fear), she felt the same way about him too. Although he was happy about this development, he was also deeply confused. He was nothing like the other wizards at Hogwarts. Especially not like Andre, her Celestial Ball date.
 He was loner and preferred it that way. 
Plus... he wouldn't admit out loud that he was insecure about how he looked. With such sharp features for a 15 year old, a lot of people would give him strange looks. It didn't help that he hung out with the owls that the Owlery, people would whisper he was their long lost cousin.
To have a beautiful witch like Judith crush on the likes of him? He would've suspected some kind of prank.
But sure enough, when Judith shyly asked him out on a date, he sound himself at loss for words. And at the wrong time, since Madam Pince had them shelving books for being too loud. But when he spotted an opportunity, he called the girl over and said he accepted to go on a date with her. Her smile made him feel secretly excited for their date.
It was going to be a double date with Brooke and Penny. He was fine with that. He actually sought out the his friend's help, completely unsure of what to wear for his first date with his crush. They settled for a dark blue tux, a bronze tie and dress shoes to match. As the two waited outside Hogsmeade for their respective dates, Talbott couldn't help but to feel nervous. As he readjusted his tie, he couldn't help but to wonder what kind of outfit Judith would show up in and if he did too much showing up in a tuxedo to a tea shop.
When Brooke and Judith did arrive, while Penny was gushing over Brooke and her outfit, Talbott was blushing to the tips of his ears as he took in the Hufflepuff standing before him. Judith's face was just as flushed as she looked at Talbott who was openly staring at her. She wanted to clobber her best friend for putting her in an short off the shoulder dress, revealing a lot of skin-
"You look smart, Talbott." the girl blurted out, unable to handle the silence anymore. Talbott finally came back to reality after realizing that he was staring at his crush.
"Y-you look lovely, Judith..." That didn't sound as confident as he would like and he felt stupid when he realized that he didn't get to compliment her first. 
He wanted to smack his forehead. 
He was already messing up their first date and they haven't even gotten to the place yet!
The two pairs made it to there date spot and that's where things went downhill. 
Talbott wasn't the social type whatsoever. 
He had no idea what to talk about and he wanted to kick himself when Judith would glance at the entryway where Madam Puddifoot disappeared through to make their order, the discomfort obvious on her face. 
It didn't help how beautiful his crush looked and he couldn't stop staring.
The retreating sunlight washed over her in a gentle glow. Her hair was pushed to one side, curls falling over her right shoulder while a red rose was tucked behind her left ear. Her eyelids were dusted with a dark shadow, enhancing those gold eyes. Her neck was free from any necklaces. Her bare shoulders and fully exposed neck was rather distracting...
To top everything off, Tonks and Charlie came to watch their date. Even though this encouraged conversation, it still felt a little awkward. They didn't remain so for long, seeing how Tonks knocked over a display of teacups that closed the shop. 
The walk back to Hogwarts felt like the walk of shame. 
This was suppose to Talbott's first date with the girl from his childhood. He felt like he ruined it for her. Which is why he went to the Courtyard to wallow in his shame. 
Until Judith showed up...
He felt like his heart was suddenly in his throat as he watch the Hufflepuff take a seat next to him. When she said she wanted to talk about their first date, he had to distract her. He didn't want to hear the girl's inevitable rejection. His heart wasn't ready for that sort of blow...
But he couldn't keep up with the "shooting star" gist for long. 
He knew he had to tell her the truth. He just silently prayed that she would quickly rip the bandage off...
He came clean to the girl, a little surprised to see that she was surprised when he hinted at her rejection.
They had a much needed "heart to heart" conversation, dispelling any fears and doubts that lingered between them. Ending it with the promise of a possible second date in their future...
As the two gazed up at the starry night sky, he heard Judith shuffle closer and the light touch of her fingertips against his. He glanced at her quickly to find her looking in the other direction. Taking a chance, he inched closer, laying his fingers on top of hers. He felt his heart race at the fond look that Judith graced him before their fingers intertwined. They looked up at the night sky to find a shooting star.
Talbott felt like he could never feel more complete outside of that very moment. Under the starry night sky, with Judith's warm hand intertwined with his own.
He was proven wrong.
It would be some time until their next date happened. It was February, which meant Valentines' Day was approaching and fast. Talbott never cared for the frivolous holiday. 
He had no interested in anyone... until his little bird. 
Their first date never left his mind. On more than one occasion, he finds his heart sighing after the young Hufflepuff whenever he saw her. He could still remember the feeling of her hand in his...
If he ever wanted to have a Valentine, he'd want it to be her.
Hell, his Valentine Howler made it bloody obvious. He felt quick to follow Brooke's example and light the Howler on fire as it spoke. Luckily no one was truly paying attention to him so he didn't need to take such drastic measures.
"Oh how my heart longs for you, pretty gold eyes..." Talbott turned red and immediately glanced at the Hufflepuff, silently relieved to know she didn't hear that. 
So much for being innocent. 
His feelings were definitely more intense than he expected...
As the day went on, Talbott felt like he could've gone without Gilderoy Lockhart and his party. But he was secretly glad to be working alongside his little bird.
As he was on a fruitless hunt for doves, Judith came to check on him. He tried to focus at the task at hand and not how on a night like this he was holding her hand.
Even with her help in their Animagus forms, they couldn't find any doves. Talbott felt annoyed that he was dragged into this party planning situation and that he was being forced to dress up in pink. But he couldn't lie that it would an opportunity to ask Judith out on another date with him. Especially if Lockhart's party was gonna be a complete mess, he could give her the Valentines' Day she deserved...
"You want to be my date too?!" Talbott caught onto her wording and felt his heart plummet to his feet.
"Too?" The girl blushed at her error.
"Er... I mean, again..." Talbott wanted to fly away but he knew that he had to ask to be sure.
"So, you've been asked to the party already?" The girl bit her lower lip.
"Yes but I didn't give him an answer..." 
A twisted feeling settled inside his chest.
'Is this what jealousy feels like?'
"Oh... I can give you time to decide then..." The Ravenclaw wizard didn't give the girl a chance to reply as he flew off.
When they finally decorating the tea shop, Talbott couldn't help but to feel slightly bitter at the idea that Andre and Judith will being having a date here after they came here on their first date. He meant what he said, there was only one person that he would want to go with, and that was her. Judging by Andre's words, she hasn't picked yet. But he wouldn't be surprised if she did pick the style wizard.
He was a nobody after all...
He would admit he was surprised when the girl requested to have a word with him for a moment. He wasn't sure what she had planned to say so he stuck to a party related topic. She giggled when he misread her answer and said she would love to be his date to the party. Talbott was surprised that she chose him over Andre.
But it didn't make him less happy to know that he's gonna have a second date with the girl that he couldn't stop thinking about.
Though he wasn't too keen on his outfit. He felt ridiculous. And felt it even more when Judith and Brooke walked in the tea shop for the party. The Hufflepuff was a similar dress to the one she wore on their first date but the sleeves were long and the dress gradients from pink to white. A black chain that had a blue and sliver ring on it resided around her neck.
One look in Talbott's direction, Judith stifled a giggle before walking towards him. Talbott felt a blush rush to his face.
"I know, I know. I look ridiculous." Gold eyes widen and Judith shook her head. Her high ponytail swaying behind her.
"No! I think you look rather cute, like a Muggle cowboy." She reassured the tall wizard, fiddling with the pink pendant around his neck. The young wizard looked down at her, skeptical.
"Are you sure you're not saying that to make me feel better?" Judith rolled her eyes and got her toes, placing a light kiss on the tip of his nose. 
This was enough to set the boy's face ablaze.
"Of course I'm not just saying that, you silly goose. I like how you look..." Despite feeling like his face was melting off, Talbott smiled down at her.
Just Talbott expected, the party was a whole sham. 
It pissed him off that Gilderoy Lockhart casted a misfired Memory Charm on everyone before apperating. He felt scared that Judith may have forgetting all about their date because of this.
Even when he patiently waited in the Transfiguration classroom holding a red rose with yellow tips, he felt the dread building in his system. He was scared that the girl forget about being his date to the party. Though it was too late to cancel as he heard the doorknob turn.
Judith was in awe of the grand display, reassuring her crush that she didn't forget about being his date. She was sincerely touched that the stoic Ravenclaw would plan such a romantic evening for the two of them. 
Treasured items were exchanged that night, a symbol of the boy's heart and a ring that spoke who the girl's heart belonged to.
Talbott couldn't have felt more complete when he leaned over a pressed a chaste kiss on his little bird's cheek. The adoring look that she have him was cemented into his memory forever. 
He felt like nothing could top this moment.
He was proven wrong yet again.
After Valentines Day, Talbott was strongly aware of his feelings for the girl. He knew what he wanted.
He wanted to be her's and for her to be his.
He wanted to be her boyfriend. 
He knew that he wasn't like most wizards who would openly shower a girl with affection and such, but he knew he had deep feelings for the girl. Just like she did for him, she gave him a ring gifted to her by her grandmother for Gods' sake!
He'd figured it would be best to be direct about it. Seeing how it helped saved their two precious dates.
He asked her to accompany him on a walk through the forest, which she readily accepted. As they walked through the trees, he couldn't help but to notice how at peace she looked.
"So, Judith... T-there's something I... want to ask you..." The wizard stumbled and silently cursed his awkwardness. Gold eyes trained on him, paired with an adorable owl like head tilt.
"Yes?" Talbott took in a deep breath and reached out for her hand.
"Will... will you..." Talbott felt his face heat up as he tried to get the question out.
'OUT WITH IT!' His mind screamed, but his throat seem to close up. Caught up in his emotional turmoil, he missed the girl's smile or even noticed that she got closer. A soft kiss to his cheek finally brought him back to reality.
"Yes. I'll be your girlfriend, Talbott..." The Ravenclaw blushed but smiled nonetheless, hugging his now girlfriend close to his chest.
On top of their new found relationship, they had a small surprise. Talbott was in the witch's room, where she was sharing some of her memories that she kept in her little safe. She was showing an old Muggle romance novel when a white clover appear underneath one of the pages. Both seem to having a recurring memory of each other from their childhood, where Talbott gifted a white clover to Judith before never seeing each other again. As Judith touch the flower, both found themselves standing before their deceased parents.
It was then they realized that the other knew of their identity, remembering each other from childhood. Words couldn’t describe the relief and bliss they’ve felt in that very moment.
Until Talbott's mother starting talking about marriage. The two were flustered at this but they wouldn't oppose to the idea. 
Judith thought about marriage, but as a mere fantasy. She thought no one would truly love her enough to even considering bonding to her for life. 
Seeing her dead father for the first time in seven years brought tears to her eyes. 
He would never be able to walk her down the aisle, which broke her heart.
Talbott has considered it as a passing thought. He knew what he felt for the girl, even when he never truly understood it as a child. It would be a dream come true to see her walk down the aisle to him in a wedding dress and have her proclaimed Judith Winger. 
His wife. 
He unconsciously rubbed her left ring finger, imagining what it would be like to feel a cool metal band around her finger.
His mother did make herself clear the next time she sees them, he better have "wifed her" or she'd box his ears...
As embarrassing the situation was, it became a lingering thought in the back of his mind. 
A life with Judith, his little bird. 
Living together. 
Her becoming pregnant. 
Them holding their baby. 
Building a family.
He wanted that. All of it. She was everything to him, he wants to be with her forever.
But not everything seems to go according to plan.
Stress landed Judith in the Hospital Wing and Talbott fussed over his girlfriend, doing what he can to keep her calm. What meant to be an innocent massage lead to a passionate embrace, which was nothing new to the pair. They've been intimate before on a few occasions, Judith made sure to drink her potion that kept her from becoming pregnant.
Except Judith hasn't been keeping up with her potions. It wasn't until she went to tell Madam Pomfrey about her sudden sickness is when she realized what happened.
She was pregnant with Talbott's child.
The girl didn't know what to think, nearly becoming an emotional wreck when Madam Pomfrey informed her that she would have to tell her mother about this.
Whatever relationship that existed behind mother and daughter was destroyed when Sade disowned her daughter in front of the school's Headmaster and never looked back. Judith was left with a stinging cheek and a broken heart.
She had no real family left.
Her father was dead.
Her brother disappeared again after she freed him.
Her mother disowned her.
She was alone.
Then she remembered the father of the baby living inside her. Talbott was one of the brightest students of their year and they were so close to graduating, with just one more year and they would go into their respective careers.
He wanted to be an Auror. But now he was a father. They didn't plan for this.
Judith didn't know how to tell him. 
So... she didn't. 
Time passed and Judith didn't speak a word about their child. After finally cracking under the pressure of everything, Brooke and her decided to leave.
Judith could resign to the idea of not really having a future becoming a professional Healer like her father. 
She made peace with that. 
But she refused to bring Talbott down with her. He had a chance.
With a tearful letter leaving out any mention of their unborn child, Judith left Hogwarts. Helping train her best friend during the months she was still light enough before taking a plane back to her homeland.
During that time, Talbott felt like he regressed back to the time when he first came to Hogwarts. 
This time, it was the loss of the girl he loves. 
She was all he had left, he would follow her to the ends of the Earth if it meant staying by her side. Her ring nearly never left his finger. Bill seemed to be the only one who understood what the young man was going through, considering he felt like he was going through the same. The two men became close during this time period.
It would be months before the two crossed paths again. After finding out the whole truth, Talbott left Hogwarts and Britain to head to Barbados, the land Judith was born and raised. Where he stayed to be with his girlfriend and son, Bakari. He was surprised to see how the little boy came out to be the perfect mix of the two. He had Talbott's skin color and red eyes but the facial features of his mother. Most of his hair was dark brown like Judith's but he had a tuft of hair that hung over his forehead that resembles Talbott's.
He was their little miracle.
After months of tension, Judith and Talbott had a necessary heart to heart which lead them to being in each other's loving embrace.
As much Judith felt happy to be with him again, she still want Talbott to achieve his dream. But he made himself clear that he wasn't going anywhere if she wasn't with him. Judith relented and offered a deal. If he agreed to go back to Hogwarts, she'll return with him to stay in Hogsmeade. But she will not be attending the school since she still needs to be there for their son. Talbott agreed, as well stating he'll be keeping her up on their studies. Judith grumbled at this but agreed nonetheless.
The two flew back to Scotland. With Brooke's and Dumbledore's help, they were able to get a small house in Hogsmeade. Some of the group that associated themselves with Brooke and Judith were curious to where Talbott could've gone for nearly a whole year, but Talbott never answered them. 
Not even Penny, who was his first friend at Hogwarts. 
Penny was suspicious to where Talbott would go every few days. She would normally respect her friend's space but eventually she cracked.
She followed Talbott out one day in Hogsmeade. She was surprised to see him enter a house. Doing her best to stay quiet, she peeked through a window to find a surprise. Judith holding a young babe in her arms, but the child looked like both of them. Putting two and two together as she watched the couple share a kiss, Penny stared on wide eyed.
Judith was pregnant with Talbott's baby.
She nearly squeaked when the little boy suddenly stared out of the window and directly at her. She quickly left before Judith and Talbott realized she was there. But she didn't hesitate to tell Jamal and Jonah about Judith.
Who later that night, paid the young witch and her little family a visit. Jonah nearly got thrown out of a window when he started demanding on his sister's whereabouts, but a simple hug and kiss from Talbott helped calm her down. As Judith continued to converse with her brother and Jonah from Talbott's lap, his mind was occupied with something else.
He felt a bit angry that Penny found about this, but he wasn't ashamed. 
He loved Judith. 
He loved Bakari. 
And he loved their little family. 
Watching Judith interact with their son filled him with a sense of warmth that he could never truly describe. She was such a wonderful mother and loving partner. Everything nearly felt complete. The only thing missing was a ring on her finger...
Fast forward nearly a year and half after graduation and becoming an Auror, and thanks to his prodding Judith was able to "graduate" and become a Healer, he sat in front of Jamal Harris as the older man processed his words.
"So let me get this straight, you want my blessing so you can marry my baby sister," he recounted. Talbott gave him a single nod. Jamal grew to respect Talbott a bit more, seeing how he takes care of his sister and little nephew. But he was still her big brother at the end of the day, he'll always be protective of Judith. 
Especially after missing out on so many years of her life.
"Why do you think I should give you my blessing, huh," Jamal stubbornly asked. Talbott sighed, predicting this.
"Your father seems to be happy with the idea of me marrying your sister. He sees something in me deeming me worthy of her." Jamal stiffen and glared.
"Watch your words, Winger. You don't even know my father." Talbott knew that bringing up Kendrick would be a sensitive topic for the man before him. From what he remember, Judith told him that Jamal ran away just several weeks before their father's death. To suddenly to come back to hear about his father's death, struck a cord in Jamal. And Talbott is more than happy to give him the closure he needs.
"Jamal, do you trust me?" Gold eyes narrowed at him.
"Why are you asking me this," Jamal asked instead. Talbott ignored his question and asked again. Seeing how he's not going anywhere, Jamal let out a simple "I guess". This was good enough for Talbott. Going into the bedroom he and Judith shared, went under the bed to retrieve the safe Judith showed him. Whispering the password, the safe unlocked, revealing the contents inside. He quickly grabbed what he needed and moved the safe back to it's original place before returning to where Jamal sat.
Before Jamal could ask what Talbott was doing, the Auror grabbed his hand with the shark tooth enclosed in between.
"What the f- Where the hell are we, Winger," Jamal growled as he looked around, bewildered.
"Aye, don't be disrespecting my resting place with all that noise, young man." Jamal stiffen at the voice he hasn't heard in years. Turning in the direction which it came from, Jamal stared in shock at who he saw. Talbott felt like it was just yesterday whereas he had the same reaction as Jamal.
Kendrick was sitting in the exact same position as the time Talbott met the man, in the same white clothes and all.
"D-Dad... is... is it really you," Jamal asked, his voice much softer. Tears sprang in the young man's eyes, blurring the image of his father. Jamal gasped when he felt a pair of strong, familiar arms wrap around him in a tight hug.
"It's good to see you too, son," Kendrick whispered, hugging his boy close. The dam broke and Jamal outright bawled into his father's shoulder, not caring if it wasn't really manly.
He missed his dad.
Talbott watched the scene silently. It reminded him where Judith and her father were in that same exact position. The Harris siblings were truly close with their father and it showed tremendously. It was also kinda interesting to see that Jamal didn't resemble his father too much other than eyes and hair color...
"H-How is this p-possible. Judith showed me..." Jamal trailed off as he remember the time his sister brought him to their father's grave. 
November 27th, 1981. 
Their dad's birthday and deathday. 
The same damn year he ran away. 
His dad been dead for years and he nearly truly known until he wanted to check in with how his family was doing. Only to watch from a distance to find his mother home but his father was nowhere around. It wasn't until he read an old article of the Daily Prophet when he learned of his father's passing. He felt guilty about it ever since. To see his father for the first time in years... he could've sworn he was dreaming.
"I am dead. Make no mistake son," Kendrick said as Jamal winced at his bluntness. Definitively a trait his sister got from him.
"But when I died, I left my magic imprint on my old necklace and gave it to your sister. That's how I met Talbott again many years ago." Jamal's brows furrowed.
"What do you mean by again," he asked. The older Harris smirked.
"Do you remember Ava and Trent?" Jamal still looked lost until his father motioned to a mirror. Which was replaying a memory from when he was a little boy. A couple walked up to him and his father while they were at Honeydukes. The woman had Talbott's hair and skin color and the man looked like an older version him. Jamal's eyes went wide.
"Those are..."
"My parents," Talbott finally spoke up. Jamal looked at him and back at the memory.
"They were my old friends back in my Hogwarts days. We stayed in touch over the years, even after Talbott and your sister were born. We managed to arranged for them to meet twice before our deaths," Kendrick summarized as he watched his son look at the memory of Talbott and Judith as toddlers and then as little kids.
"Ava always wanted to bring these two together but we couldn't make it make before we died. Luckily, they found each other again on their own," Kendrick said with a fond smile in Talbott's direction. Jamal turned to his father.
"But Dad, how can you trust him after he-OW!" Kendrick smack Jamal upside his head. Kendrick's eyes were steely.
"I know of their son, Bakari. Things happen Jamal. I don't hold against Talbott for getting Judith pregnant. It was her choice to keep Bakari. Just like it was his choice to willingly abandon Hogwarts to be with her and their son. You will not fault him on a situation that happened years ago and he's done his best to make the most of it," Kendrick said coldly. Jamal rubbed the back of his head, he felt like he was a child being chided for doing something stupid...
"Bloody hell, you hit like Judith," he grumbled. Kendrick let out a dark chuckle.
"Good. I expect nothing less from my little girl. If I can't be around to strike fear into the hearts of the men around her, I want her to do it herself." Talbott and Jamal both shuddered, seeing a variations of her rage and strength.
"But I trust Talbott here with Judith’s heart. Which is why he already has my blessing," Kendrick said. Talbott gave the older Harris a grateful smile, fiddling with the ring Judith gave him years ago. 
Kendrick saw this and smirked.
"And I'm sure my mother would've said the same thing..." Jamal's eyes went wide, recognizing the ring.
"I always wondered why that ring looked so familiar. That's the same ring that Judith always wore around her neck..." Talbott blushed and nodded.
"Mercy gifted it to her before she died. That ring is only able to fit the person Judith loves wholeheartedly. If not, the ring will immediately reject the person. I'd like to think my mother would've loved you Talbott..." Talbot felt his blush grew worse. 
Now he didn't know that part...
Jamal studied the Auror in silence before cracking a small smile.
"If my grandmother and dad are able to trust you, Wi- Talbott... then I have no reason to stand your way. Especially since you help me after I've been such a hardass... you have my blessing to marry my sister." Talbott gave the Harris men a smile.
"Thank you, both of you. I'll take good care of her, I promise..."
"This is lovely," Judith breathed out a gentle sigh as she leaned against Talbott's chest. They were able to moved into an apartment, slightly bigger than the previous home they resided in their 7th year.
It was New Year's Eve. Bakari was sound asleep and the couple were watching the night time sky from the couch outside on the balcony, awaiting the fireworks. Talbott gave a small nod, willing his heart not to pound out of his chest. He had the small black box in his pocket and as the moment grew closer, he felt himself grow more nervous.
"Something wrong, love?" He heard Judith ask before she planted those soft lips against his cheek. The young man bit lip as he glanced at his watch to check the time. 11:55 PM.
"There's nothing wrong, darling. But there is something I would like to say," he said softly. Judith leaned off his chest and turned to face him properly.
"What is it?" Talbott took a deep breath.
Now or never...
"I honestly would've never thought I would see myself in this the position. I never thought I would feel a bond so indescribable as the one we share ever since we were children. I never thought I would lose my parents at such a young age. I never thought I would ever find the same happiness I felt from we met when we were 7 years old. Until I met you again. Neither of us fully realized who the other was until we met the others’ parents again. It was hard to express how I felt when I saw you through your father's memories. You looked so happy and carefree before you came to Britain. Even more so when we met again... But your smile dimmed when your brother disappeared... and you lost the same glow when Kendrick died. And I wanted nothing more but to bring that back. To make you feel like you were never alone. Like you never lost your smile. To make you feel loved. You're precious and dear to me, Judith. I've loved you for a long time, even before I could truly realize the depth of my feelings. You gave me something worth living for. You gave me you and Bakari... and I'll be damned if I let anything happen to either of you..." Talbott watched as a cute blush colored his beloved's adorable confused face.
"W-Why are you telling me all this," she asked softly. She watched as her boyfriend slid off the couch to kneel before her on one knee. Those who were out enjoying the holiday began chanting the countdown.
"I'm telling you this because I love you, Judith Harris. And I wish to spend the rest of my life with you..." Judith gasped as she watched Talbott reach into his pocket to pull out a small box. Her vision grew misty and she rapidly blinked away any tears, wanting to make sure this was real.
That she wasn't dreaming.
That Talbott was-
"Judith Harris, my sweet little bird and queen of my heart, will you marry me," Talbott softly asked as he displayed the ring he picked out.
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Judith smiled at Talbott, a single tear sliding down her face. In the distance, they could hear the people approaching the T minus 10 countdown.
"Yes... yes I will marry you," Judith whispered. Talbott smiled at her, the brilliance of his smile rivaled the stars twinkling above them. He held her left hand and slipped the ring onto her finger. Judith leaned in and kissed him just as the fireworks went off.
"I love you, Talbott," she whispered against her fiancé's lips. Talbott chuckled, looking at her with an adoring gaze.
"I love you too, my future wife..."
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celticfeather · 5 years
Akatsuki Fic: Campfires
A brooding clan-killer and a man who prefers to see himself more shark than human are not the most likely, or friendly, of new partners. But hunted and hated, their backs on are the wall, and the Akatsuki starts to form a complex refuge for its members. Their missions blur the lines between men, beasts, and gods, and Itachi must either accept his complicity in evil, or contemplate revolt.
-Chapter 1: Dawn
The tongues of flames danced against the stars like heathens frenzied before a war, springing into the night with a fibrous crackling. The one called Pain stood like a preacher, tall and black,  his shadow painted by the leaping blaze onto the rockface behind him. His voice was low and commanding, yet vibrant, like velvet over steel. From everywhere and nowhere it echoed around the chasm like the voice of a god. “And if you join us, Uchiha Itachi, make clear your mark.” Itachi raised his arm and the thick kunai glinted black and orange. The metal fang plunged down, and with a jumping spark, the knife slit a ragged slash across his headband’s gentle leaf. “You are damned to the world, Itachi. May you find refuge in our Dawn, and together we shall light the world in the rays of a new peace.” No devilish cheering welcomed their new member. There stood a half dozen of his new comrades in black robes with red clouds, their dark eyes peeking out from high collars. Among them he noted the bandages of a Mist swordsman, and he recognized the grinning snake eyes of Orochimaru.
Now at least, damned by his nation as he was, Itachi had no orders to follow but his own. He would protect the Leaf from the shadows. And from this Akatsuki, whatever it was. He was washed with a strange sense of peace. It was not relief. What was done was done. Compared to yours, our pain will be over in an instant, his father’s last words echoed through his mind. He was unsure if they were sympathetic or the curse of a dying man. But it mattered not. The deed was done.
He wondered what had happened to Sasuke. The Hokage himself must be consoling him now. Maybe the boy would be sent to live with another family, or an orphanage. No, probably not, unsavory types would be waiting to adopt the boy. “Hey, you.” Itachi looked over, his thoughts of family broken. A man older and taller than he had prodded him on the shoulder. “Name’s Kakuzu. Follow the rules, don’t be brash, and I won’t kill you.” He gave Itachi a small leather pouch. “What is this?” “Ten thousand yen.” An unexpected gift. But since his days in Anbu, Itachi was reticent to show surprise around people he wasn’t sure he liked. “That’s for the month. If you need food or an inn, buy it. Petty theft is beneath us, and attention costs money.” Ten thousand yen was hardly generous for a month’s travels. In fact, an ordinary human would die of exposure. The inflation rate had been such that fifty years ago one could travel a few weeks on 10,000 yen. Now it would suffice for only a few bowls of ramen. “Hey now, Kakuzu! Let him live a little bit! No one lives forever! Oh wait, you do, heheHAHA!”
Kakuzu narrowed his eyes hatefully at the interruption. The high pitched voice sounded like it belonged to a teenager. Itachi looked in its direction, and giggles simmered from the orange mask. Kakuzu growled, and ‘Tobi’ yelped and wilted. Finding the boy sufficiently scared, he did not press his advantage. Itachi suppressed his unease: the disguised, giggling, Madara was also alive far beyond a human lifespan. It unnerved him to see him manifest this boyish farce after they had worked together only hours prior to massacre their clan. But Itachi‘s face was an aloof, slightly irritated mask. “Rumor has it,” a woman’s cool voice uttered to him, “Kakuzu fought the first Hokage.” “Is that so,” Itachi echoed. If true, this Kakuzu would be eighty-five years old at minimum. He only looked forty. It seemed that Orochimaru and Madara were not unique among those who experimented with eternal youth. He would have to tread carefully here.
Itachi studied the woman. She was older than him, early twenties maybe. Her hair was bluish. He had only now seen her leave Pain’s side, and she was the only female member of the group. He wondered if she and pain were romantically involved. It was strangely like an academy clique: the one woman had chosen the highest ranking man of the group. “Konan is my name,” she told him. “I hope you can find a home here.” “Uchiha Itachi. A pleasure.” She did not seem terrible. The mist ninja with the executioner’s sword and red face paint stepped forward to Itachi. He smiled his mangled, filed, teeth at Itachi, and extended his bandaged hand. “Looks like you’re the only other shoe without a mate, kid. Biwa Juzo.”
“Now,” the gravelly voice of Pain claimed order. “Our organization needs to gather funds if we are to achieve our goals. You have your partners and your missions-- you are dismissed.” (keep reading)
A long time later, Juzo was dead.
Itachi did not know if the swordsman understood he would die when he jumped to shield Itachi from the Misukage’s strike, or if it had been an impulse he did not live to regret. The Kage’s blast had shattered his sword, and sated its iron-hungry blade in its owner’s abdomen. Not risking a burial, Itachi had returned the hilt to Juzo’s hand and fled the Land of Water for his life.
He wondered if he was still there— if the crows found him. He hoped they had. If it were him, he would prefer crows to the Mist intelligence corp-- and especially Zetsu.
Itachi’s newest partner introduced himself a few hours ago. The eyes that now walked beside his were white and devoid of mammalian emotion, and Itachi had not yet noticed Hoshigaki Kisame blink. The ex-mist ninja was of hulking stature, maybe two meters, which brought Itachi’s highest hairs up only to his jaw. He might have been thirty, but he had a strange face and it was hard to tell. His skin carried a faint bluish sheen, and his cheekbones were slashed with what could best be described as partial gills. Itachi had once pondered a similar thought with Orochimaru: Were you born looking like an animal?
Itachi found the Mist ninja’s desire to be partnered with him ignoble. By the end of the bizarre introduction speech involving live shark births, this Kisame seemed to advocate fratricidal cannibalism. Respecting Itachi because he killed his family was a poor way to gain his admiration.
“Isn’t this a mission for state ninja?” Kisame’s voice broke his thoughts. “A jounin could handle this.”
“The Land of Iron has no ninja village,” Itachi said. “The Ishikawa tiger, too, is an endangered species, and I do not think the neighboring waterfall ninja would agree to hunt it.”
Earlier, the pair had debriefed each other on their strengths and strategies. Kisame, as far as he had trusted to self-report, had massive stamina, lethal dexterity with water style, and was skilled with the chakra absorbing sword he carried. Itachi had listed fire style, shuriken, and genjutsu as his advantages. It seemed a profitable marriage of skills. 
“Hm. Now, how to find the poor sap?”
“My tracking skills are… above average,” Itachi said. Red gleamed out from under his high collar. 
“Right. I’ll let you lead.”
His world flared in the expanded spectrum of colors and avian detail of the sharingan. Itachi looked at the tree limbs above them, where a bird’s nest balanced lithely on a swaying branch. In the nest’s carefully woven lining was a tiny tuft of orange fibers: a mixture of orange guard hairs and slightly lighter whitish underfur. Among the orange was a single black hair of the same length.
A few minutes later he saw some twigs broken by a large quadruped. Then he saw a smeared paw print with retracted claws. They continued into a shallow ravine. Kisame followed quietly, but a crackle came from his direction: his living sword was excited.
Itachi peered from the bushes and signaled to Kisame. Through a leafy window they spied a massive cat, far larger than an ordinary animal, nearing the size of a horse carriage. Bunches of muscles rippled on its haunches as it lapped a sandpaper tongue at the creek. Facing profile to them, it yawned, and fangs longer than kunai flashed in the light. Itachi reached into his robe to draw a single knife. A strike to the brain would be sufficient. 
“Allow me,” Kisame said, unshouldering the huge, blunt, Samehada from his back. “Pity to let such nice chakra soak the sand.”
Itachi tipped his knife back into his robe in consent. More than he would like to see this over, he would like to observe how this Hoshigaki Kisame operated.
Kisame alighted before the beast in the clearing. Surely the tiger was unaccustomed to being approached by anything living, especially not something smaller than it. It sprang with coiled fury at the man that dared, but its front claws met only earth. Shiny brown river pebbles sprayed loudly into the air and clattered back down to the ground.
Brandishing the thirty-kilo sword, a grinning Kisame landed spritely five meters from the tiger’s impact. With the darting grace of a tropical fish, he danced away from the cat’s frustrated strikes, his sword carving the air around it, but never cutting it, until the cat grew weak. At last it stared at the two men, panting, black lips curled back over yellow teeth.  
Kisame had to turn his whole head to look at Itachi. For, perhaps like a shark, he was incapable of moving his eyes much in their sockets. “Can you sedate it, Itachi?”
The cat’s pupils, black slashes on yellow disks, dilated to wide spheres as Itachi set the animal under a genjutsu. It was always a strange procedure with beasts. Genjutsu involved manipulating chakra flow to the brain, and in a brain that was not human, it was a coarse process. Itachi could not communicate complex images like he could with humans, so instead he instilled it with feelings of darkness and warmth. 
Kisame approached the sleeping tiger and drew the broadside of Samehada along its jugular. The sword’s scales rippled, and Itachi knew the cat was dead. Itachi revealed his kunai. 
“Could probably get some gold for the pelt, too,” Kisame said, slinging the purring Samehada to his back.
Probably they could. But Itachi was not Kakuzu, and he did not desire to carry a bloody tiger pelt around for a few extra yen. Itachi crouched over the carcass, and with careful incisions he removed its teeth. They clattered against each other in his leather pouch. Whatever some royal leech would do with them to cure his presumed impotency, Itachi did not know. 
“Someone’s coming,” Kisame warned him.
“Just merchants,” Itachi said. The rogues sprang into the trees. They heard the surprise of the men to find the freshly killed tiger. They’d feed the village! Get drunk! They invoked the gods for their luck. Kisame smiled devilishly but Itachi was unamused. Soon enough, the two rouge ninja were over the border of the Land of Rice.
Obtain the teeth, the scroll, the real or metaphorical scalp-- the object was the only variable. Then he brought them to a collection office. He gave the reward to Kakuzu and awaited further orders. The string of missions seemed to be the only constant in Itachi's life since the Uchiha massacre.
The sun yellowed and sank as they traveled. Juzo, his senior, was usually the one to suggest respite. But now that Juzo was dead, Itachi supposed this responsibility fell to him now. He slowed, halted, and sprang down from the tree to the clayish earth. A shaded wood surrounded them, and willow boughs trailed gently on a narrow, clear river with a sandy bank. The sinking sun painted dappled golden strokes on the surface of the water, and fish tail slapped from the waves. Kisame alighted after him. 
“What do you say, Itachi? Fancy a fish dinner? We’ll see who can catch the most.” Kisame’s gently rough voice was surprisingly only baritone for a man his size. As many fish as two elite ninja could catch? “What a wanton slaughter.” “I can eat a lot of fish,” Kisame said. “We’ll do first to catch five,” Itachi decided. “Fine.” Kisame strode to the bank. With a blur of signs and motion of his arm, a sphere of water rose, and a wriggling green bass shimmered inside. He released it from the water prison jutsu and the first thrashing fish tumbled to the earth, and he removed its gills with a stomp. Kisame raised his hand to snare his next victim. Itachi slid kunai between his knuckles like bear claws, three in his right, two in his left. He ignited his sharingan, and like an osprey he saw through the water like glass. He pinpointed the motion of five adult fish, observed the current, and noted the water’s angle of refraction. He jumped high, extended his arms, and let the kunai fly. Easily as wooden targets, each knife struck its living mark. “Impressive,” Kisame said with restrained mirth, dispelling a ball of water and depositing a fish on the bank. “But in my book, fish don’t count as caught when they’re pinned to the bottom of a creek.” There may have been a flicker of perturbance on Itachi’s face. But it must have been a trick of the light. Itachi was not annoyed.
Itachi shed his robe and with a few launching steps he pierced the chilled water in a shallow dive. The fish were weighted by the knives to the riverbed, their eyes wide and mouths open. He snatched the knives by the handles and kicked hard towards the surface. When Itachi breached, he looked to the bank to see Kisame perched on a tree root, one elbow on his knee, grinning widely. His five fish were lined up in size-order at his feet, each about the length of a sandal. “A bit too slow, unfortunately,” Kisame grinned. “I knew I lost the moment I had to dive in,” Itachi said, stepping drenched to the bank. Having to retrieve the fish was a technicality— losing gracefully was not a skill Itachi had to often practice. “No, Itachi. You lost the moment you humored a shark to a fishing match.“ Doubtful, Itachi thought. But he said nothing as he removed the knives and placed his five fish on the bank. “Would you go find some sticks to spit them on?” the victor asked with a gesture to the forest. Itachi did so. Upon returning, Kisame had gathered kindling and larger branches, and arranged them into a conical shape
 “Be a pal and light us up?” Itachi wove a sign and blew a thin jet of flame at the base of the cone. Which, aerating nicely, set the tiny pyre ablaze. “We both have our fields Itachi. You’re not terrible... for a leaf ninja.” Kisame said. The two rogues speared their ten fish in a radial pattern around the flames. Perhaps a bit too soon, Kisame selected a fish and sank his huge teeth into its head. A wretched, wet, splintery sound crunched across the flames as Kisame ate his catch skull, spine, organs and all. Maybe he was doing it to see if it would bother Itachi. Kisame grinned. Or maybe that was just his face. Either way the mist ninja’s huge triangular teeth made quick work of the food. Itachi bit into the side of his fish, now especially careful not to eat its needle thin ribs. Its flesh was moist, hot and salty, and he felt strength flowing back into his body. He allowed his spine to sink against the tree trunk he leaned against. He was cold and tired, and it felt good to have a hot meal around a fire… Even with company as reptilian as Kisame.
At that moment, a sudden jab of pain split behind Itachi‘s eyes and he coughed into his hand. He discreetly curled his fingers into a fist to conceal the blood on his palm.
“Eat a bone?” Itachi cleared his throat and swallowed the blood. “No.” Kisame grunted, his eyes flashing from his soaked partner to the icy stream. “Do you drink, Itachi?” 
“Not alone.”
“You might as well start the fun kind of sinning. It’ll warm you up.” Kisame tossed the greasy stick into the forest and reached for the next largest fish. As he bit a steaming, flaky hunk out of it, he reached for a waterskin on his body. He removed the cap, and passed it to the young man. “Kakuzu would not be pleased to hear what you spend your allowance on,”  Itachi said. “That stinge gave me his speech. He can try to punish me.”
  “Kakuzu has already killed two members of the Akatsuki.” Kisame laughed. “You’re kidding!” “Afraid not.” “Did Pain punish him?”
“No. Our leader has many killers, but only one bookkeeper.”
“Hm. Better hope we develop new talents then, eh?”
Itachi took a few swallows of the sharp but sweet rice wine and returned it to Kisame. Kisame sniffed the lip of the waterskin: he closed his eyes but made no remark. 
The fire flickered lower. Itachi had gathered a little pile of fish bones at his feet. Fish were pretty animals, not frivolous, with graceful spines and streamlined skulls. He counted three heads in his pile. He was comfortably full. Kisame had eaten seven of them, bones and all.
“I learned something today. I wasn’t sure you could use genjutsu on a tiger,” Kisame said. He picked his huge teeth with a shard of rib, then chewed on it as if it were a stem of wheat. He did this until it was pliable, and then swallowed it.
“Men and beasts are very different,” Itachi said.
“Are they?” It was a challenge rather than a simple reaction. Kisame’s contracted eyes studied him.
“Unquestionably.” Itachi held his gaze.
Kisame grunted but said nothing. Instead of glancing down in defeat, his hard eyes swept deliberately and coolly to the side. Thus, Kisame postponed a conclusion to their discussion, at least until he was certain he could win it.  The mist ninja sat with his hands clasped over his stomach. They rested by the fire until it elapsed into smoke and the spirited flames sobered into glowing black and red coals. 
“So Itachi, how does this work? Do we sleep on the ground? Take watches?” “In peaceful conditions, I don’t watch. But I do sleep in a tree for concealment,” Itachi said. “Leaf ninja,” Kisame muttered. “Sleeping in trees like a bunch of monkeys.“ In a flicker, Itachi had climbed the oak above them to its lowest fork. Kisame covered the ashes with a kick and leapt to the limb opposite him. They faced each other for a moment, chins down, listening in the silence for possible observers. Sensing no one, Kisame turned his back and fastened Samehada to the underside of the branch. The weave of his robe was tight and warm, and Itachi tipped his chin inside its high collar. His breath filled the cavity with warm air, and it was not uncomfortable. Crickets chirped. Neither of them said good night. 
Day 2----
Dawn corded its cold light through the pine needles and onto Itachi’s eyelids. As he parted their red curtains, he saw a young crow. It stared for a moment, curious at the oddly placed human, then shuffled its wings and darted off. Rising gently, Itachi stepped to the other side of the trunk to rouse his new partner.
Round fish eyes opened on his approach. “Did you know, sharks never fully sleep?”
“Let’s get these teeth to the collection point,” Itachi said.
He led the way until the building became visible from the forest. As was often the case, the underground bounty office had its cover as a mortician’s practice. Morticians had plenty of space for storing bodies, and arriving there from the country with a corpse on one’s shoulder was considered only slightly rude. 
“Who goes in?” Kisame asked.
“I’ll go. You watch.”
Itachi entered the building: he tipped his chin under his collar until only his coal black eyes peered out. Itachi was not an immediately intimidating man. He was of average height, average build, perhaps even thin. There was nothing special about his coloration. But the representative at the counter knew the red-clouded robes, and rising from his collar, Itachi’s eyes gleamed garnet.
The collection man’s knuckles tensed a tendinous white as he stared at the approaching Akatsuki. Itachi halted, and hailed him as stipulated:
 “What rings the Dawn, and shall bring Man to his haven?”
“Our world glimpses Death’s yawn: the hoarse call of the raven.”
Good. Itachi placed his pouch with the teeth on the counter. The man inspected the smooth oranged teeth and accepted them. He set a case of cash on the counter and displayed it to the Uchiha. Itachi did not count the money: no contractor had been foolish enough to short change the organization since a recent incident involving Kakuzu.  
One million yen. Not bad for a glorified pet hunt. Now they just had to deliver the money to the Akatsuki’s ancient master of coin or one of his henchmen. The zombie pair were conducting a mission some forty kilometers away; they could meet them in just a few hours.
“I’ll carry that,” Kisame said when Itachi emerged with the large briefcase. Itachi gave it to him and they set off north. They traveled a quiet hour before Kisame spoke.
“I smell blood.”
Itachi had sensed nothing unusual. Kisame’s strengths were complementary to his indeed. With a gesture of his hand, Itachi instructed Kisame to lead. The shark-ninja’s sense of smell was better than his, but not at the level of a ninja hound’s, because in just another few long leaps, Kisame had grounded himself on a dirt cart path.
Hung upside down on a tree was a human body. The victim’s feet were tied together with a strip of cloth and jabbed through with a stake into the trunk. Itachi thought the man was less than thirty minutes dead. Blood dripped down from his death wound, down his sternum, his throat, to collect on the jut of his jaw and dye maroon swirls in the muddy water of the cart treds. 
“Huh,” Kisame surmised, wrinkling his wide nose. He looked at Itachi.
“This is the Akatsuki’s doing. One of us makes such displays,” Itachi said. 
Itachi cut down the corpse. He strode powerfully, urgently, along the path. Between the trees appeared a traditional inn with the peaked roof of mountain tribes, dark wood paneling, and pale stucco walls. An inn of the piquant sort, judging by the oiran fan and floral carvings on the upper balconies. A familiar black robe with red clouds lay discarded on a bench outside. “Do Akatsuki go to brothels?” Kisame asked. Itachi didn’t answer. On the ground outside the brothel was a circle drawn in blood. “He’s going to kill those women.” “So?”
Itachi rushed forward. 
At the instance of his arrival, an individual strode out of the building’s door. He was young, zealous, handsome, and walked with his smooth chest bared bared. His muscled arm was wrapped around the thin waist of a pale woman with long black hair. Mid sentence, he recognized Itachi. 
“Hey hey, Itachi! Wouldn’t think I’d find you at a place like this. Where’s your new partner?” Hidan greeted.
Itachi’s voice was low. “You paid these people for a service. Their deaths were not part of that.” Like a friendly dog Hidan smiled. A friendly dog, who just in case the friend was a foe, smiled to remind him he had teeth. “Well! I haven’t paid anyone yet, and I think Lord Jashin will appreciate their talent!”
The woman’s smile faltered. No sooner had she realized the danger, Hidan threw her against the wall and held her by the throat. He drew his pike. 
That damn Kakuzu. Maybe if he wasn’t squeezing Hidan’s purse, the cultist would not have extra incentive settle his debts with death. Or maybe Hidan would just kill anyone weaker than him regardless. Itachi’s patience for negotiation had elapsed. Flickering, he grabbed the girl and deposited her next to Kisame in the yard. “What am I supposed to do with this?” Kisame said, but Itachi had already flickered back to Hidan some ten meters away. Now Hidan’s teeth flashed impatiently when he spoke. “You’re annoyingly noble for a member of an evil organization, you know that?”
“Where is Kakuzu,” Itachi asked, though as customary for his questions, his voice lacked a submissive rise pitch at the end. The bothersomely rational waterfall ninja would surely restrain his partner from this idiocy if he were around.
“Think I need him, huh?” 
“Idiots require supervision.”
Shrieking, Hidan raised his scythe and sprang at Itachi. 
Sharingan! Hidan froze. Inside the fictional realm, Hidan was tied to a tree trunk. Itachi created a replica of the retractable pike he tried to use on the prostitute, and with its sharp point, Itachi punctured the man’s intestines. Drawing it out, Hidan flexed his fingers in convulsing pain and howled like a jackal. Itachi felt a presence in his realm he did not invite. A hulking black monster lumbered out from behind the trunk, humanoid in shape with flesh of black fire revealing a white skeleton. It had a skull like a goat and its glowing pink eyes regarded Itachi hungrily. Hidan’s trembling lips parted in rapture as he beheld it. With a bony talon the monster pressed Hidan on his sweating forehead. The brothel, the forest, the yard had returned. The genjutsu was broken. Itachi seized a reactionary few steps back. Hidan was not skilled enough to break out of that on his own. What was that skeletal monster? Did he just witness his god? “You,” Hidan said breathily. Trembling and weakened, he leant on his scythe as he stood. "You'll pay for that!" he swore, swinging the blade at Itachi's throat Itachi would have to fight Hidan without genjutsu. His ninjutsu wouldn’t kill him. And close quarters taijutsu was risky, since one graze could make that blood ritual of his troublesome. He would have to incapacitate Hidan. Chop off a limb. That was how he would win.
Hidan swung at Itachi with the graceless zeal of a chunin, and each time, his weapon only met the air. Itachi drew his tanto blade. Hidan smashed his scythe into the earth on another missed strike, which grounded him. Placing all of his strength in the blow, Itachi cleaved through Hidan’s tibia, crushed his fibula, and Hidan was gracelessly grounded, separated from the bottom half of his leg. Bleeding heavily, Hidan’s severed shin spun to a halt a few meters away. 
In the corner of his vision Itachi was aware of Kisame standing tense: he had been ready to act, but must have decided it unwise. Itachi paced forward, shortsword swinging, and when he swung it through the air, the blood leapt off in a fine spray to speckle a tree in red. The blade had cracked beyond repair: he had been reckless to cleave the two bones in Hidan’s shin in one strike. To the music of Hidan’s curses, Itachi began to wipe the soiled blade in the grass. He would have to bury the thing, better children did not find it.
The toothed crown of a plant, like a venus fly trap, emerged from the grass nearby. Zetsu’s head had materialized from the dirt and Itachi’s hands stilled in surprise.
“Hello, Zetsu,“ Itachi greeted the head.  
“Hello.“ Then, “They’re here, Pain,” the strange plant ninja said.
Pain appeared. Robe billowing, he stood between Hidan and Itachi. His presence was magnetic and every head turned to him. “What,” Pain growled, “is the meaning of this infighting?” “I was just... behind on my sacrifices...” Hidan breathed from the ground, and struggled to prop himself up. “When this prick insulted me, gutted me in a genjutsu, and then. Lobbed. Off. My. Fucking. Leg.” “Hidan. Killing civilians and leaving witnesses awards you with the bounty of the five nations. We can not afford this attention.”
“Sorry about that, sir,” Hidan muttered, looking diffusively at the ground.
Pain’s attention swiveled to the next unruly young adult. “Itachi, we are no heroes. Never compromise our goals by attacking our members.”
Itachi dipped his chin in an acknowledgement that was not quite submission. Pain strolled forward to the wooden building. The brothel’s matron, three prostitutes, and a few men stared out at the colorful flock of S ranked ninja from the porch and balcony. Pain extended his right arm. “What are you doing?” Itachi demanded. Pain unfurled his fingers. “Shinra Tensei.” The wooden house exploded in a rain of splinters and structure. Wooden beams and ceramic roof tiles hailed down around them. Itachi searched Pain’s expression for a reason. Instead, Pain’s ringed eyes fixated at the surviving girl who stood shivering next to Kisame. “Kisame,” Pain ordered. Massive Kisame took the girl, placed either hand on the side of her face, framing it in a gesture that seemed almost intimate. But a ligament in Kisame’s forearms twitched, and she was dead before her corpse hit the ground. 
Fire erupted from the uprooted gas pipes and ravenous flames quickly devoured the wooden house. The black beams stood like a skeleton among a roaring, moaning fire that devoured the wood and paper structure. The intense dry heat prickled against the moisture of Itachi’s scleras, but despite it, he could not blink. Pain rounded on Itachi. Backlit by the flames, he saw his own face reflected in the rippling fog-colored eyes that locked him.
 “Our enemies hunt us as we speak. Because of you, Itachi, too many saw too much. If I decide that anyone is disloyal to the Akatsuki, I will kill him.” Itachi stared into eyes more ancient, more evolved, and more knowing than his own. He learned then he was not free in his outlawry. Even he must tread the line between light and dark as closely as he dared. Should his steps toward the light be too obvious, he would find his own neck on the rope, and dead men can protect no one. 
Author’s Note:
暁 Akatsuki = Dawn
A step away from my usual work, but I recently fell in love with Naruto Shippuden. I have chapter two, Cannibals, about finished and will post it soon.
*Special thanks to myochiikurin for her hard work beta reading this chapter and the next!
I thought the life of Itachi and the others members settling into their lives in the Akatsuki was the most compelling and underexplored aspect in the Naruto universe, and thought I’d give filling the gap of this organization my try.
Feedback is greatly appreciated,
Next Chapter on Tumblr: https://celticfeather.tumblr.com/post/188589156066/akatsuki-fic-campfires-ch-2-cannibals
(Follow on FF or Ao3:
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21019778/chapters/49992863  )
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edelgoth · 5 years
hello! could i have a dragon age 2/inquisition matchup? i'm bi and nonbinary. i'm a 6w5 ennea and an infp last i checked. i've had a lot of different hobbies over the years (long story) but opera singing and boxing were the biggest aside from video games. i'm extremely devoted to my friends and happiest and safest when i'm with them. i'm not very smart, so i try to be helpful, and i'm told i give pretty good advice. i Could win a fight, but i'd rather just defuse it. thank you so much!!
yay, another dragon age matchup!! also, can i just say, the line “i Could win a fight, but i’d rather just defuse it” is Powerful 
so for dragon age 2, i match you with…
a precious angel,,, must protect,,, 
merrill is curious by nature, and i think she’d really enjoy getting involved with your hobbies. boxing? sounds interesting!! maybe it’ll give her a good melee trick or two. opera singing? oh wonderful!! she was wondering what it might be like to give singing a proper go 
you say you’re not very smart, and merrill can be delightfully naive, and i think that’d make a precious (and hilarious) combination 
varric has a particular fondness for your relationship bc the two of you just come out with the best (and unintentionally funny) comments, which he often plans to put in one of his novels 
i think merrill would really value your advice, and would often check in with you and ask you what you thought; she might be someone who sticks to her own convictions, but she’d genuinely appreciate and consider your counsel 
i feel like you two would always find little ways to help each other, as well as the people around you? whether it’s you tidying up her bedroom, or her organizing your music sheets, or the two of you picking up rubbish from around the alienage… 
i don’t know if you like animals or not, but i can easily imagine the two of you having like,,, a large number of avian friends that popped by from time to time, expecting a little treat? the two of you just accidentally befriend the Entire Bird Population of kirkwall hhhhhh
i think merrill would really appreciate how you’d stick up for her. you say you could win a fight, and i think merrill is worth fighting for. she gets picked on a lot, and treated like a child far too often, but i can’t see you standing by and letting that happen 
you two are always hosting your friends!! i can see merrill enjoying planning little parties and get-togethers, and everyone comments on how you two just glow when you get to be amongst your those you hold dearest, sharing chats and having light conversation
you’re both ixfps (not totally sure on merrill’s exact type, but,,,) which means the two of you probably have similar ways of handling and expressing your emotions, which would help communication flow easily between the two of you!!
it also mean that chances are, you have similar worldviews, and i think that’d be pretty invaluable to merrill; she’d love that you were able to understand her and how she saw things, and that you made it so easy
you guys would just be so cute? please look after my darling daughter? 
 alternative matchups
varric: understandably, this relationship would be quite different from the one described above. there’d be much more teasing with varric, and he’s less likely to say his feelings outright. but, i think you share a devotion to your friends, and a curiosity for the world around you that’d really bond the two of you together. think of all the situations the two of you would get into together. he’d consider writing them down in his books, but he eventually figures that nobody would think it was real. it may figure as more of a friendship than a relationship for a while (and it would take a long time for either of you to realize that your feelings were romantic), but… you’d get there.
anders: i think anders would be a very different relationship again, one which is more somber overall, but punctuated with moments of levity. anders is more likely than the other two to seek your counsel, wanting to talk through his thoughts and ideas with you. i can see you helping out around his clinic, something he’d be very thankful for. and honestly, i think the line “i could win a fight but i’d rather just defuse it” describes anders’ ideal partner lmao
inquisition under the cut! 
and for dragon age inquisition, i match you with… 
josephine montilyet!!
another perfect angel,,, you are,,, so lucky,,, also another bi-conic pair that was awful i’ll take myself out
ANYWAY, the first thing i want to touch on is: opera singing!! josephine would love it when you sung for her, and every so often, she might like to join in
she might not get as involved with the boxing, but i think she’s the type who’d end up getting super into it? she’s being The Most Supportive Partner ever on the sidelines, cheering for you at the top of her lungs 
i think she’d just find your variety of hobbies and your adventurousness quite charming, and she’d enjoy coming up with fun dates the two of you to go on; usually based around a new hobby she’d think you’d like to try
i feel like you and josephine would have quite a wide social circle (seeing as she knows everyone), so you guys would also be constantly hosting your friends; whether it be symposiums or afternoon tea or an intimate dinner
i feel like josephine would also give pretty good advice, so you two would have an excellent back-and-forth with each other; you’d always be able to come to each other and ask for advice, knowing that you’l be heard 
please look after her when she’s having to deal with Obnoxious Nobles and an endless stack of paperwork… bringing her tea or snacks, or even just giving her a lil kiss on the cheek and reminding her to take breaks!
i can also imagine her sending you on like... little errands? nothing huge, but just little jobs that you can do around skyhold or wherever you happen to be that’ll help out everyone else. it’s a bit like she’s giving you little side-quests, just because she knows you like helping out
i feel like you’d be something of a power couple, tbh… that’s just the Vibe i get, you know? you’re both more interested in defusing conflict, and you’d be this great diplomatic tag-team 
i just think you’d have really nice chats. can’t really justify why, but you strike me as a fairly laid-back person (correct me if i’m wrong), and that’d help you both relax and just... air off all your thoughts and feelings after a long day. and that’s probably something josephine desperately needs 
leliana is pretty quick to accept you (by her standards), simply because there’s no possible way you could be harbouring ill intent,,, just look at the two of you together,,, it’s too Pure,,,
I Love Her, what a woman,,, and she’d love YOU (pls cherish her)
alternative matchups
iron bull: idk i just feel like you’d click really well. he’s an incredibly different person to josephine, and i think he’d bring out a different side to you. first of all? boxing. he loves it. he keeps trying to get you to box with him. the chargers are already betting on it. bull, despite how he talks sometimes, is quite devoted to the chargers, so you better be ready to adopt All Of Them. i feel like bull would tease you a lot, but i you’re more than capable of standing up for yourself. the main reason i didn’t choose him over josephine is that he’s not as emotionally open as she is. otherwise, i think it’s a pretty good match! 
blackwall: i’m love him,,, he’s a bit more somber than the other two, but i think there’s a spark in him that’d help the two of you connect. like josephine, he’d find the berth of your hobbies charming (he’d always be asking you how you stumbled into them), and i think he’d be very supportive of them. while most people think he’s gruff and broody, blackwall actually goes out of his way to help others (such as making toys for the local children), and he cares a lot for those close to him. i just think he’d be a good fit, tbh. 
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norcumii · 6 years
Reblogging a post from the prior blog, typos and all, because while I like the meta I am not comfortable sticking this on AO3.
Originally posted on 06/08/2018
I was kindly directed towards this post about the Mind Trick (it’s not a Jedi specific ability, so I’m not going to refer to it as the Jedi Mind Trick), because it’s one of my areas of interest and I can think of at least 3 of our stories where we’ve already planned on addressing the topic.
There is…rather a lot of this post that I take issue with. I’m making my own post because it’s a big fandom, everyone gets to view things how they want, don’t harsh the squee, etc etc.
Stuff under the cut, TRIGGER WARNINGS for: mind fuckery, gaslighting, victim blaming, and mention of various mental illnesses.
To start: mind fuckery is bad. I have a lot of personal experience with gaslighting, so I get twitchy about the notion of someone messing with my head. When I say gaslighting here, I mean both the vernacular (someone lying to fuck with a target) and the technical sense (from Wikipedia: “a form of manipulation that seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or in members of a targeted group, hoping to make them question their own memory, perception, and sanity. Using persistent denial, misdirection, contradiction, and lying, it attempts to destabilize the target and delegitimize the target’s belief”). So the possibility of someone coming in and forcibly changing my perceptions and memories is Very Not Cool. I think it’s an ability that canon does use a bit too casually for my own preferences, but the same could be said about how quick everyone is to pull out blasters.
Calling it ‘evil,’ though, goes way too far. As with many things, it’s neither good nor bad, it’s about how it’s used. So what good uses are there, you might ask?
Well, just off the cuff, we’ve got:
Breaking gaslighting
assisting with hallucinations and compulsive behavior
assisting with phobias
basically all the things cognitive behavioral therapy is useful for, now with a Force-assisted oomph
treating addictions
treating trauma, including PTSD
assisting with meditation and mindfulness
aiding memorization and learning
non-violent means to defuse potentially violent situations
Now, that last one in particular is questionable, and would vary as appropriate from situation to situation. Which is a greater evil, a security guard shooting and presumably killing a bank robber that could kill lots of people, or a Jedi using the Mind Trick to get them to surrender to authorities? People will probably give you different answers, but that’s the point about how this is tricky. It also doesn’t even get into ‘who decides how ethical a thing is’ and fears of authoritarian regimes, which I’m just not in the mood to tackle right now.
Moving on, we’ve got the OP’s interpretation of sources.
I. Well. Look, EU stuff is of questionable quality and level of canon in the first place. Secondly, there’s that weird split in both fandom and creators of canon where Jedi and Sith tend to be viewed as all good or all bad, not organizations what are fucked up and in need of reform. Third, I don’t have the texts they’re quoting so I can’t give you context, meanwhile it’s first person which is often used as an authorial mechanism to give unreliable narration and so immediately makes me hesitate to accept them whole-heartedly.
With all that in mind, I have a REALLY different interpretation than OP.
Jedi Order does not disclose their power, people don’t know how the Force works. All they know is that Jedi are good. That’s it.
Totally false. Both Jabba and Watto knew about the Mind Trick when it was being used on them. These are folks from Outer Rim areas – the boonies, where Republic education would not be standardized and taught – neither of them seems to be the type to either have extensive knowledge of fairy tales about Jedi abilities, nor a background in historical trivia. When Jabba declares he’s immune to Jedi mind tricks, no one around him acts confused or surprised – there’s no question what this is. Watto – a former soldier who now owns a junk shop – also knew the handwave was meant to indicate something, like he knew exactly what it would convey. So I’m pretty sure this means it’s common knowledge.
No, wait, it’s demonstrated in the next quote as to be known:
referred to by Jedi as affect mind and alter mind, but popularly known as Jedi mind tricks
JEDI refer to this ability as Affect Mind. OTHERS call it Jedi mind tricks. That doesn’t mean Sith, that means the general populace.
there are rumors but the victims are usually dismissed (or end up with brain damage) because they didn’t understand what happened to them and because this power was usually performed on “less influential” members of the Republic
Not backed up by their own data. The quote mentions “a relatively innocent subject” but there’s nothing that extrapolates to mean it’s more often used on the poor/disadvantaged. It IS typical Jedi sanctimoniousness, but it’s not about targeting more vulnerable beings.
The brain damage comment is also inaccurate for reasons I personally find frustrating. The quote is “the power can easily cause permanent damage”.
That doesn’t mean brain damage. There are plenty of ways to fuck with someone and ruin them without brain damage. IF the Mind Trick is extreme and unlimited in power, then you can make someone: perpetually anxious/depressed; so self-effacing as to never stand up for themselves; vulnerable to specific commands; all sorts of other nasty things.
That goes back to the whole ‘personal experience with gaslighting,’ and I need to point out that any of this can be done with time, patience, and willingness to fuck with someone. You don’t need the Force to do it. The Force is basically a shortcut, but vilifying the Mind Trick right off the bat because it messes with someone’s head and that’s something we norms can’t do is erroneous.
And the Jedi don’t see to care because they see their victims as weak-minded (like they had it coming).
That’s a deliberate spin on the text. Looks like I’m quoting the whole thing because I can’t pick out just one bit:
A Jedi can use the Force to manipulate the behavior and perceptions of weak-minded beings. Essentially, this power—referred to by Jedi as affect mind and alter mind, but popularly known as Jedi mind tricks—utilizes a combination of receptive empathy, projective empathy, and hypnosis. Jedi mind tricks can stop the understanding of what’s really happening by blocking the senses, and can also obliterate memories altogether or even replace them with false ones. [Star Wars Jedi vs Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force by Ryder Windham]
As a Jedi, you should be able to sense immediately whether the guard is prone to violence or susceptible to fear. This knowledge can be used to your advantage, and may direct your use of affect mind. Also, you must determine whether it is best to divert or subdue your target. Such decisions must often be made instantly, without hesitation. What would I have done in such a situation, you ask? I really can’t say. A Jedi is not proud or boastful, and I trust you will understand I am sincere when I say that it is hard for me to imagine that the guard might have spied me in the first place, had I not wished to be seen. But if a guard had seen me, I might make him believe I was nothing but a gust of wind, or the shadow of a soaring indigenous avian. A Jedi can do such things, for it is the will of the Force. [Star Wars Jedi vs Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force by Ryder Windham]
“Weak-minded” isn’t victim bashing, it’s back to sanctimoniousness. The narrator is describing who it can affect. It’s the exact same phrasing that was used in the Original Trilogy when we first encountered it. It’s not “those who are affected by the Mind Trick are weak willed and deserve it,” it’s “the Mind Trick only works on those with weak wills, and if someone isn’t weak willed then we’re just standing there waving a hand and talking like an idiot.” Which ALSO ignores that there are entire species who are resistant/immune to the Mind Trick and mental influences, and they can’t all be ‘strong-willed’ so that means the comment is bullshit anyways. It’s shorthand for “so this works on some people, but if they’re already on alert or tend to be stubborn you’re shit out of luck when it comes to making friends and influencing people even with your space magic.”
The “will of the Force” bullshit is more of the same. It’s a sanctimonious way of saying “I got lucky on the genetic lottery,” not “It’s the will of the Force I have this power and it’s the will of the Force this weak-minded being is here therefore it’s the will of the I remove their agency and do what I want to their mind.” Yes, some assholes are going to use that as an excuse for their behavior. Assholes are always going to find some excuse for their behavior, be it religion, substances, background, or whatever else might be in reach.
On top of all this, the Mind Trick is hardly a Jedi specific tool. In Rebels the Inquisitors use it. I want to say that Palpatine used it too but I can’t find anything convenient on Wookieepedia and I’m sorry, I’m not rewatching six movies and Clone Wars just to prove a point. Meanwhile, Mother Talzin DID visibly use it to manipulate both Asajj Ventress and Savage, so Nightsisters are obviously familiar with it. There’s no reason other Force users couldn’t do the same, it’s just that Jedi are the predominant group of such in the Republic.
In sum, the Mind Trick is a dick move, that post presumes a lot of incorrect things, and it really shouldn’t be called the JEDI Mind trick.
Finally, in criticism of the Jedi Order: Qui-Gon is so casual about his use in TPM, it makes me twitch. I love the guy, massive faults and all, but it often feels like this is the first tool he reaches for, not the last one. I get that this is a time-critical mission with an entire city going into prison camps, and those peoples’ fates rest on him getting shit done fast. I get that he has to weigh the Chancellor’s request vs planetary needs vs individual autonomy vs the lives of those he’s responsible for. (It’s still most often a dick move.) Meanwhile Obi-Wan’s…THING in Attack of the Clones with the deathstick dealer – I will never understand it, and I usually headcanon it as something other than what we literally see because WHAT EVEN you do not fuck with someone’s head like that. The casual “let’s raid Cad Bane’s mind!” thing in TCW is several massive types of awful. Given these charming examples (and there are others, but those are the ones I immediately think of), it’s no wonder that the Order has a reputation.
There was also a follow-up post the same day:
oft-goes-awry replied to your post:I was kindly directed towards this post about the…
   RE: Obi-Wan and the Death-Sticks Guy - Without going too deeply into the Mind Trick as a whole, I think we can break this moment into two parts, neither of which are GREAT, or good, even, but are mostly pragmatism and Jedi sanctimoniousness.  1) “You don’t want to sell me death-sticks” = “I am trying to remain undercover in this bar, without causing a fuss or getting people shot, and I have neither the time nor the patience to argue with you or risk a scene. …so please, GO AWAY.“ 2) "You want to go home and rethink you life.” = Jedi Sanctimoniousness, I know what’s good for you better than you do, and I don’t think anyone should be selling death sticks, so see, I’m HELPING you?  Because Jedi know better and I am a Jedi, peon!
Yes, thank you! Well said! And credit where (what little) credit is due: he tells the guy to rethink his life, not actually change it. If dude goes home, thinks on things, and decides nope, he’s already living the life he wants, then he can keep at it –
which still sounds awful and sanctimonious, but it’s not quite as skin-crawlingly horrible.
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dancing-deacon · 6 years
Rules: Answer 21 questions then tag 21 people you want to get to know better
I got tagged by @intheyear-39 thanks love!
Nickname: Becca, or Beck from my dad, peanut from my best friends dad who’s known me since I was 3
Zodiac: aquarius
Height: 5’6”
Last movie I saw: in theaters the BoRhap singalong and at home The Kingsman bc um hello Taron Egerton!!
Last thing I googled: A North American bird field guide book for my avian biology class starting tomorrow, I’d like to think Roger would be proud
Favorite Musician: Queen, Lady GaGa, Britney Spears, Electric Light Orchestra, Huey Lewis and the News Ariana Grande(?) idk I don’t branch out much in my music this question was rough so I put people I enjoy lol
Song stuck in my head: Stone Cold Crazy by Queen (the fast singing part)
Other blogs: I don’t have any other ones I’m lame
Do I get asks: neverrrr, it’s sad literally y’all can talk to me whenever I love making new friends
Blogs following: 299, a lot of different fandoms but I need more Queen blogs to follow!!
Amount of sleep: usually around 7-8, probably less with university starting up again tomorrow
Lucky number: I don’t really have one, but I like even numbers
What am I wearing: leggings and a black long sleeve T-shirt to be comfortable as heck
Dream job: I want to work in the Australia zoo with the Irwin’s, I’m a zoology major and their family is my goals and I want to be bffs with Bindi ngl
Dream trip: probably Australia so I can see all the different ecosystems, my other one is NYC but I’m doing that with my mom later this year!!
Favorite food: pasta of any type, give me them carbs. Also chick fil a because I work there and Im obligated have that as an answer
Play any instruments: I played clarinet for about 9 years, I really want to learn piano or guitar but I feel my hands are way to small for it
Languages: English and a tiny tiny bit of German (I gotta refresh it before I go there in May to study abroad for a few weeks)
Favorite songs: ‘39-Queen, Somebody to Love-Queen, I’m in Love with my Car-Queen....literally any Queen song lol, Santa Fe-Newsies, Words Fail, For Forever-Dear Evan Hansen, there’s a ton more that I can’t think of right now
Random fact: I signed up for an adult beginner tap dance class and I’m super pumped, I’ll get to live out my Newsies tap fantasies
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: movie nights with m&ms and popcorn, being the only one in a movie theater, your cat sleeping next to you on a rainy day, hour long talks in an idling car, black glasses, beanies, messy half-do’s
Tagging: tagging some people I want to get to know better! (Sorry if you’ve already done it) or if you wanna do it and I didn’t tag you, tag me so I can get to know you!
@rogerinatrash @roger-taylor-stole-my-heart @sunnnymercury @itsquietinsantafe @joey-mazzello
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System introduction.
Greetings, we are the Club of Homies, also known as the Homies’ club. We are currently a system of 26 and this will be a brief introduction of the ones of us that are comfortable with writing something. 
( n ) = nicknames.
Benji ( n ) : They / Them, Main host, Middle ground of system, Teen alter.
assuh dudes. im benji, the main host of the homie’s club. i enjoy art, baseball, memes and listening to trap music. im taken by axel, the main host from @fragmentedcollectors. theyre my best friend of many years, whos also the most adorable ginger in the world and i always want to spend time to with them because theyre fucking precious. a random fact about me is that i have a shit ton of water bottles because i have an unquenchable thirst.
Benevolence : She / Her, Insider / connected to Benji, Teen alter.
Hello, I’m Benevolence but you can call me Bene for short! I like watching makeup tutorials, kinky stuff, and dramatic love movies! I’m a bit of a talkative person and definitely am not able to keep my mouth shut when I’m interested in a topic discussion. I love the 90s fashion style and have a bit of a mixed music taste. I have a twin and two sort of brother figures in my life, one of them being Benji; We’re a very tightly interwoven family of sorts and I adore them all very much. Feel free to talk to me, I’m not very mean!
Vincent : He / Him, Protector, System manager, Leader.
Greetings, everyone, My name is Vincent. I am the main system manager of the Homies’ Club, working with many others to make sure that my system is stable and that all the alters in my system are always in a good state. I am one of the most flexible alters when it comes to jobs around my system and I am often seen working many jobs. Though despite me always being busy, I am currently in a happy and content companionship with James (@ceruleansaturdays). Some facts about me are that I enjoy songs from the 60s to the 90s and also have a leaning preference to always wearing suits.  Thank you for reading. 
Ace : They / Them, Main rationalist, System manager, Second in command.
My name is Ace, I’m the main rationalist of my system and the second in command, working under Vincent and his counterpart. I’m happily fucking taken by Al, the main rationalist of the Fragmented Collectors (@rationalisticsinner), so if you direct any flirty shit at me, expect to get quickly shut down. I’m in charge of how most of the system runs and am the one that usually takes charge in making plans. I generally don’t type in perfect grammar but for the sake of this introduction, I will. Just don’t fuck with my system and we’ll be on a good note. ♠️
Sky ( n ) : She / Her, Main caretaker of H, Emotional alter.
Hello! My name is Sky, I am the main caretaker of the child alter in my system, H. I love the colour yellow, flowers, spending time with children, reading on sunny afternoons, hot chocolate and having soft lights in rooms. I’ve been told that I’m a very friendly person and that I am a little too nice but caring for everyone is just part of my personal values. I love spending time during special days of the year, such as Halloween and Easter as that’s when I’m able to spoil H and see him have fun! : )
Jonathan : He / Him, Second unconsciousness.
what’s up? name’s jonathan. i’m an alter that’s usually responsible for the vessel falling asleep, not the main one as that’s usually my girlfriend, monet but.. as she’s not able to do the role right now, i’ve taken over. i like sleeping on couches and in the car while music is playing in the background. i’m interested in poetry, photography and am always a sucker for astrology because I just love looking up at the night sky and identifying constellations. i’m not much of a fronter as i generally only come out when it’s time to sleep but i am hoping to sometimes spend some time writing here. 
Evan : He / Him, Insider, Connected to unconsciousness.
Hey Tumblr, my name is Evan. I’m part of the small group of alters who play the role as unconsciousness ( Monet, Jon, Leo and myself ). We all used to be merged together until recently this year when we all decided to fully split and become our own people, though it’s unfortunate that by doing that, the numbers of alters increased but we all really did want to live individual lives instead of being one all the time. I like bands such as Panic!AtTheDisco, Falling in Reverse and Set It Off and prefer to nap during the late afternoons on beds. My best friend is Leo and there’s no one I’d rather ever be with than him because of how nice and caring he always is. 
Leonard : He / Him, Insider, Connected to unconsciousness, Fragmented.
Heeeeeey everyone, my name is Leonard but Leo for short. I’m part of the unconsciousness crew and am a pretty down to earth guy. I’m like the type of guy that sends you wholesome appreciation memes at 3am when you’re not having a good night so I guess you can consider me as a pretty good friend lol. Despite me always being tired and sleepy, I really do like spending time outside and sleeping in the sun or under a shady tree is always like the best thing ever. I also am very huggy and am a bit of a foodie. Will be honest though, my cooking skills aren’t like Gordon Ramsey quality, kinda just chucking stuff into a pot until it tastes good lmfao. Anyways, that’s me, just a random guy. ;)
- Leo
Ikere : They / Them, Insider, Emotional protector, Slider alter.
Heya~ <3 uwu My name is Ikere, I am an emotional protector of the system and is an alter that specializes in the love department, in the aspect of relationships and crushes. I adore people, love songs, walking in the park during spring and writing love letters and poetry. I like watching fashion shows, makeup videos, and anime in my free time. I’ve been told that I’m a good person to chat to and that I’m very nice so, if anyone would ever like to talk to me about interest or just about life in general, I’m always happy to meet someone new! uvu <3 
Avian : He / Him, Rationalist, Teen alter.
Hello, my name is Avian. I am much like the teenage version of Ace and we both are obviously very close and share many of the same things, such as similar signatures, food choices and music tastes. I am the backup rationalist in this system and work with Ace most of the time as well as with my own friend group whenever errands need to be run. I am taken to BZ in the Fragmented Collectors so like Ace said in their introduction, please do not try anything with me, I’m simply not interested in anyone else. Thank you for reading. Avian ♠️ .
Bradley : They / Them, Insider, Teen alter.
What’s up, Tumblr? I’m Brad, a teenager stuck between a punk and normal sense of style. I’m the younger sibling of Siobhan and have always wanted to grow up to be like her because she’s honestly pretty cool, despite her weird ways of eating takeaway at 2 in the morning and watching rock band interviews on Youtube. I like drawing and doodling on my hands and arms and I’m really into sci-fi stuff. I love my friends and I couldn’t ever live without them because they generally really complete my life and make me happy. In the future, we all plan to get matching tattoos. ^^’ Bradley
Siobhan : She / Her, Internal self helper, Slider alter.
Hey party animals, I’m Siobhan, leader of a group in the Homies’ Club and kinda always just co-leading with Vincent.. or at least just supporting the system. I’d describe myself as a pretty gay, punk, rebellious lover of technology and rock who also likes eating junk food and burgers instead of salads because who the fuck wants to eat kale and lettuce?? But yeah, I love rock music, leather jackets, tattoos, and burgers. My favourite band is Hollywood Undead and you best believe I jam out to their songs whenever I’m fronting. Not much else about me honestly, I’m just a simple chick. 
Marien : He / Him, Internal self helper, Slider alter.
what’s up my dudes and dudettes? i’m just a promiscuous nerdy blond punkster you can call Marien. i’m chill, relatively loud sometimes and love being with my friends or people I just genuinely like. i love video games, cyberpunk shit, loud music and watching people fail, gives me joy. i enjoy being reckless and a little too energetic sometimes and am usually the one at parties who jumps onto the table and chugs two bottles of beer before raiding the person’s fridge for food and passing out in a bush the next morning, so i guess you can call me the life of the party haha. anyways hmu whenever, totally free to chat
Marien Ⓐ
Nathaniel : He / Him, Internal self helper, Slider alter.
Hello, I’m Nathaniel. :D I really like pop music, the colour green, birds and coding. My wardrobe is always filled with green sweaters, hoodies and my favourite beanies. All the people in my friend group are my best friends and I always treasure my laptop and phone because they’re my most precious belongings. A lot of the times I make spelling mistakes but thankfully a lot of my friends point it out to me and I sometimes use an app to correct everything! Technology, ducks, and cereal are honestly my favourite things! Nathaniel :D
Oli ( n ) : She / Her, Emotional alter, Teen alter
Hi, my name is Oli. I love everything pastel, comfortable sweaters, and blankets. I have a little bit of trust issues and I’ll be honest, I’m not the strongest alter out there so I am very dependent on others sometimes. I like making cheesecakes, taking care of plants and sketching up fictional characters. I do promise that I’m nice and very approachable! :o <3 
Mallory : He / Him, Persecutor / Perpetrator, Slider alter. 
Hello. My name is Mallory but do feel free to call me Mal. I’m not an alter that usually fronts but I am a very important alter in this system, just preferring to spend time in my own place. I like to spend most of my time in the dark and with the people I like. Other than that, I also do like laughing. Always helps lift up the mood. 
Anyways, that is a short introduction from most of us. We’ll be posting and reblogging whenever we have time. Do feel free to chat if you’d all like, we’re always happy to make new friends.
- TheClubOfHomies
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astral-glass · 7 years
Hey! With the Volcurins (Is that the plural?) Is there any descriptions about the species itself- like history, species info, habits, etc? I've looked through the volcurin tag and I can only see a little bit of info. Thanks!
Hello! Volcurins is the correct plural. I thought I had that somewhere on this blog, but I talk about them so much outside of tumblr that I must’ve just mixed it up. I think I’m going to take my volcurin reference base link away and make it a volcurin link bc they haven’t been used as much as I thought they would.ANYWAY that’s a lot of info so I’ll do my best to still sum it up some. Feel free to ask specifics after this!ALSO UNDER THE CUT BC IT’S LONG
Volcurins (Homo Avium) are a race of winged humanoids, associated heavily with avians. Residing in the grassy and mountainous lands of Caelumis, these beings are often described as being high energy, expressive, excitable, and rather colorful.APPEARANCE:Volcurins are the most diverse race on Aliquamis when it comes to phenotype, sporting an exceptional variety of colors, shapes, and other physical attributes. Such a massive genepool lessens genetic diseases due to the variety but does give way to a larger expanse of social categorization and battling genetics.Volcurins come in a variety of body shapes, but a lean, non-curvy, form is most common and most aerodynamic. They are sometimes rather androgynous both in form and in dress.The most general form of categorization for the volcurin kind is their wing-shape, something that is very distinguishable and set from birth. The wing-types consist of Eagle-wings, Owl-wings, Hawk-wings, Moon-wings, Falcon-wings, Humming-wings, and Raven-wings.http://astral-glass.tumblr.com/post/153612558663/volcurin-wing-types^ descriptions of each wing-type can be found in this post, just to avoid making this too long. Basically, each Volcurin has a specific shape of their wings that determines how they fly, and in some cases, their body types. The only type that does not follow this description is Raven-wing which describes color and not shape (and therefore can apply to any actual shape). Volcurins have a large variety of colors and patterns on their wings, which always fully, or partially match the color of their hair. Natural colors, such as browns, tans, blacks, and even white, are more rare within their society because colorful wings are preferred and overtime have become more prevalent. The feathers of their wings are proportionate to the wing size and follows the same layering structure that earth avian wings do. The feathers not only cover the wings, but also stretch across the volcurins shoulder blades to connect the two wings. Feathers can even be found upon the body elsewhere.Volcurins also have specialized eyes in comparison to humans. Their eyes have an extra layer that provides protection when they fly, and their tears are made of a different substance that evaporates slower and keeps their eyes from drying out in flight. The extra eye layer alters the color of their iris and therefore gives them yet another large variety of colors. Another physical difference from humans is that their back is always rather muscular to accompany their wings and they have sharpened canine teeth to assist in the preening process.SEXUAL DIMORHISM:Volcurins differ less between the sexes than humans do, but not by a large margin. Male volcurins are usually taller and hairier, sometimes having small feathers mixed into their bodily hair. Females, although also haired on the body, do not have feathers grow anywhere besides the wings and occasionally the head hair. 
The average height for Males is 6′4″ ft (1.93 m) and for Females is 6 ft (1.83 m). Females usually have longer wingspans in comparison to those of their wing-type.Males have higher muscular potential, like human males, but Females are not far from. The differences between physical strength and even form is not as strong as it is with humans. Males are brighter and more complexly colored, much like male birds are to attract mates. Females are not necessarily dull colored, but Males are considered to be more attractive when it comes to feather.CULTURE:
Volcurins’ culture revolves heavily around colors, art, and biggest of all, music. Instruments of all kinds are used in their festivals and pop culture, most notably drums, string-instruments, and those that flow like bird song. 
Singing, or the ability to sing, is also very significant. Most volcurins have some level of vocal ability, meaning that the best of the best for them is beyond exceptional for us. Music socially and biologically brings volcurins better moods and states of being. In fact, sound is so important to volcurins that silence is rare within their society. It causes discomfort and anxiety to most volcs. Background noise or music is rarely absent in any building, public place, or home.
Volcurins also have a relatively elaborate cuisine, usually strong in taste and ranging from sweet to very bitter or spicy. AKA, they know how to season. Volcurins are omnivorous and rely on a heavy portion of proteins to support the keratin of their feathers. Instead of three meals a day at relatively set times, Volcurins have 6 meals a day, each about half an average human portion. This helps support their strong metabolism and helps avoid gaining too much weight for their wings to support them.
They value expressing emotion, daily activity, diligence, fun, compassion to family and neighbors, and standing up for their nation.Volcurins also have a few religions, with the main one being Helaclian, or a worshipper of Hela, the God of the Sky.HISTORY:Volcurins believe themselves to have evolved from wingless humanoids. As a nation, power has fallen from Monarch to Monarch, commonly family based like a dynasty. Queens in control have occurred but Men were preferred rulers (therefore sexism did occur but presently is much less prevalent and lawfully non-existant). The monarchs, recently, have been accompanied by a council to assist in making decisions.The olden days experienced famines and sicknesses before such revolutions as our own had taken place, such as the Hunger plague that struck and killed many volcs and included the figure Icara, known for carrying ill across one of the rivers to a new supply of food before dropping to his death in the water.One major point of history was the exclusive rule and power or Eagle-wings, physically the strongest flyers and largest volcs. Such volcs became the elites and other wing-types, especially raven-wings and moon-wings, experienced discrimination. After some suffrage movements and revolts, power became fair game for any wing-type (except for raven-wings usually). Gender equality came at this time as well. Present history includes a rise in pop-culture, technological innovation, and war with another race (the Tempastians) and their allies. HABITS
Volcurins are very active people who always want to move and experience. They are often twitchy, motivated, and needy of open space. Volcurins are commonly claustrophobic and prefer wide, tall, open spaces that give them plenty of room to spread their wings. Flight is, as you can imagine, extremely important to them physically and mentally. It keeps their bodies and wings strong and healthy while also causing a release of endorphins and a feeling of freedom and control.
There we go! Hope this gave you the info you wanted! Feel free to inquire further : D!
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itbeajen · 7 years
Tsukishima Kei | More Than [2/4]
I have no idea why, but I think tumblr ate this post.  More Than - Hybrid!AU - Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Sweets | Feather Light | Not Choosing | Crows
"Hey, who is that?" "He came in with Iwaizumi-san." "A transfer? At this time?" "Look, he's a hybrid.." "He's a really pretty hybrid though." "He's an avian hybrid too!" "Aren't those rare?!" "What if he's a..." "Oy oy, don't say those stuff in front of Iwaizumi-san, she'll get upset you know." You ignored the whispers as Tsukishima trailed behind you lazily. He looked good in the school uniform, but what caught everyone's attention was his wings. How was it that such a rare type of hybrid was found in a school like this? "Oh! [F/N]-chan!" a small petite blonde girl and a freckled boy waved at you. You waved back, before glancing back to Tsukishima to make sure he was following you. Tsukishima's eyes narrowed at the freckled boy before his eyes widened in surprise, "Yamaguchi?" Yamaguchi's bunny ears perked up momentarily, before his eyes widened and a bright smile was on his face, "Tsukki?!"
You glanced between the two, clearly obvious to see that the bunny and the crow knew each other and you asked, "Tadashi-kun, you know Tsukishima?" Yamaguchi nodded eagerly, his bunny ears flopping along, and he smiled, "We were in the same adoption center. It's been six years though. Woah, Tsukki you grew so tall!" Tsukishima nodded and he asked, "You've been here this whole time?" "Yup! I haven't left Miyagi, and well," Yamaguchi let out a small laugh before glancing at Yachi, "She's my ma-" "F-f-f-f-friend. I'm Y-Yachi. Yachi Hitoka, and you?" Yachi nervously butt in. Although the shorter girl was clearly a nervous wreck to be meeting someone new, and that someone had to be as intimidating as Tsukishima the shorter girl was more for the idea of sounding like a nervous wreck than to hear what Yamaguchi was about to say. It was obvious what Yamaguchi wanted to say, but it seemed as though Yachi was like you, absolutely against the idea of someone "owning" a hybrid. Tsukishima blinked at the petite blonde and he mumbled, "Nice to meet you. I'm Tsukishima Kei, a De-" Tsukishima never got to finish that sentence as a hand covered his mouth. He glared down to see you on your tippy-toes, blocking him from saying the last syllable and Yamaguchi and Yachi looked at the two of you in confusion. You glared at Tsukishima and he glared back and you hissed, "Can not call yourself thatfor once?!" Tsukishima glared and growled, "I am a defect." His golden orbs pierced through yours and you were close to flinching before looking away. You quickly mutter out an apology to Yachi and Yamaguchi before dragging him away from the duo and you mumbled, "Do not ever call yourself a defect." Tsukishima raised an eyebrow and asked, "Why? It's a fact." The moment you looked up and made eye contact with him, Tsukishima flinched. Your normally bright [e/c] orbs were now filled with dislike and slight irritation, and you repeated, "You. Are. Not." Tsukishima swallowed his words, and nodded before he looked away. Your gaze lingered on his for a bit longer before you sighed, and quickly mumbled an apology. You back away from him and run a hand through your black locks of hair. The tall blonde noticed the change in the atmosphere around you, but before he could say anything, you push the taller male towards your friends before you walked the opposite direction, claiming to have something to do. Yamaguchi exchanges a glance with Tsukishima. He gives his old friend a small smile, "Don't say things like that Tsukki." Yachi nodded in agreement, and Yamaguchi continued, "Or you'll end up making her cry."
Tsukishima sat next to Yamaguchi and listened to the latter catch him up to date about what happened during the time period they were separated. Yamaguchi has been living in peace with Yachi. Yachi wasn't actually the one who adopted him, but she was the one who ultimately saved him from the adoption center, since he was too shy, too timid, too much of not what they expected; a disappointment basically. At those words, Tsukishima looked at his friend and asked, "But you look a lot happier now." Yamaguchi was slightly shocked and he laughed, "Yup! Yachi-san and Iwaizumi-san are really nice to me and," Yamaguchi paused, a wistful look in his eyes, "they make me feel alive." Tsukishima's eyes widened at the term. It wasn't something he could relate to, and the unfamiliarity of it made him curious. As though testing it on his tongue, he slowly asked, "Alive?" Yamaguchi nodded, his eyes now closed, a fond smile on his face, "Yup. Alive." Yamaguchi lazily opened his eyes and asked, "What about you Tsukki?" "Me?" Yamaguchi nodded and Tsukishima sighed, "I've been fine." "Are you staying with Iwaizumi-san?" "Mm," Tsukishima nodded, "More or less." "She didn't... Did she... She didn't adopt you, right?" Yamaguchi hesitantly asked, and Tsukishima's eyes widened, "No." Yamaguchi laughed out of relief, his bunny ears flopping around, "That sounds like Iwaizumi-san." "Does it?" Yamaguchi nodded, "Yeah," he had a fond smile on his face, and for some reason Tsukishima was increasingly more intrigued by you as his old friend continued talking, "Iwaizumi-san doesn't treat us like we're hybrids. She sees us as equals. You see, she's the one who keeps pushing for all the equality in this high school, that's why so many of us are here." The freckled boy tilted his head, indicating the other hybrids that were attending school normally. Tsukishima looked around, and he softly mumbled, "I see." You're nothing that I'm used to. Why are you so different? 
"Iwa-chan," a male voice rang out, and Iwaizumi flinched, "What do you want, Shittykawa?" "Ne, ne," Oikawa continued, "Is it true [F/N]-chi adopted a hybrid? What kind is he?" "Not adopted. She found him. And he looks like a crow," Iwaizumi responded dully, still wondering about how long that hybrid was going to stay with them. It's been several weeks now and although Tsukishima has shown signs of warming up to you, he's only been polite and distant to the rest of the family, nothing like that Iwaizumi was used to when it came to hybrids. Oikawa's eyes narrowed, "A crow?" "Yeah." "With blonde hair?" Iwaizumi's eyes widened, and he softly mumbled, "Yeah, why?" "He was abandoned right?" "Not sure, [F/N] found him at the bus stop." Iwaizumi and Oikawa exchanged a look and Oikawa sighed, "You know, I only know this because of social media, but he's really popular, that hybrid. He's one of the few avians that came out like expected. The only con is his personality. He has nothing that he's supposed to have when it comes to full obedience to their master." "Yeah, kind of noticed that," Iwaizumi mumbled, "He only listens to [F/N]." Oikawa smirks, and Iwaizumi scowls, "He only listens to her half the time." The scowl on the older Iwaizumi lightened up though, and he softly mumbled, "It's only been a couple of weeks and she's already so comfortable around him though." "[F/N]-chi is?" Iwaizumi nodded as he continued cleaning up the gym with his best friend and Oikawa paused, a soft smile on his face, "Isn't that a good thing then?" "Not if he leaves," Iwaizumi curses underneath his breath. Oikawa sees the look of anguish that briefly flickered across his friend's face, and softly mumbled, "Iwa-chan."
"Why am I here again?" Tsukishima asked as he watched two idiotic duos, not one pair, but two, scream across the court about a receive that had a weird name.Something along the lines of, ROLLING THUNDER, but that wasn't any of his business, now was it His eyes narrowed at the short orange haired wolf-child who was literally like a piece of the sun bouncing around. Too bright, don't want to deal with this. He scoffed before sitting down on the bench beside Yachi, who immediately flinched. Yachi was definitely not used to Tsukishima's brashness, or his cold demeanor, but she couldn't do much but smile as he saw how intently he watched over you and Yamaguchi. Especially you. If Yachi were to describe it, Tsukishima's vision of you was a student to a teacher, he was mildly interested in the way that would be considered, "learning", but at the same time, was slightly irritated with the way you were. Tsukishima couldn't help it though, in all his years, he has never been treated as anything more than a defect, so why was it that someone like you was so kind to him? It made no sense to him. "Ne, [F/N]-chan!" The short orange hair 1st year called out. His tail was wagging at the speed of light, catching your attention as you were addressing the volleyball manager, Kiyoko. You looked over, giving Kiyoko an apologetic nod and replied, "What's up Shoyo-kun?" "Who's the tall guy?" Tsukishima's scowl deepened and you glanced over at him, stifling a giggle at the blonde's unwilling nature to meet others and smiled sweetly at Hinata, "He's Tsukishima Kei. A friend of mine." This time Tsukishima's eyes widened and an eyebrow was raised in even more confusion. Since when were we friends? I'm a Defect, and to top it off, I'm not even human. "Ooh," Hinata's eyes glimmered with interest before he casually asked, "Is he going to join the volleyball club?" "Hah?" / "I didn't think of that." Both of you responded at the same time, and you turned to him, "You don't want to Tsukishima?" "Tch." I don't belong here. You pouted at the taller male's scowl, but it was quickly wiped off your face and you said, "It's his choice. I make no decisions for him." Tsukishima looks at you from the corner of his eyes, clearly curious about how indirectly direct you were about your standing to him. So we're friends, and not in an owner-pet relationship? His scowl lightened subtly and he was about to say something, but was cut off by that orange ball of sunshine. "Eh, but last time you brought in a hy-" Hinata's mouth was clamped shut by Tanaka and Nishinoya as they saw you flinch and you subconsciously took a step back. You give them a weak smile and a bow before quickly grabbing your bag. You slung it across your shoulder and announced, "Have a nice day." Hinata broke free and cried, "Wait! [F/N]-chan!" But you paid no mind to him as you exited the gym, the door shutting close not-too-gently and the atmosphere inside the gym dropped below zero. "Hi-na-ta," a low voice growled out. The short boy flinched and cowered behind his setter. The volleyball captain, Daichi was making his way towards the short first year, but only to be stopped from going into full on lecture mode by the vice captain, Sugawara. The silver haired fox smiled warmly at him before turning to Hinata and he said, "Hinata, you know how [F/N]-chan is when you call us that." Hinata pouted, "I didn't mean to. I just..." His ears drooped and his tail went slack as it swished back and forth to show how guilty he felt, and he mumbled, "I'm still not used to how nice everyone is." Tsukishima silently agreed. He could relate to that. He was also not yet adjusted to the kindness you had shown him. After all, in the past, it was always the same treatment. Bare minimum amount of food, water, and occasional new clothes. But whenever it was showcase time, he was given the best treatment. Any other time, he was literally hung in a cage above the lobby rooms. Unknowingly his fists were clenched to the point his knuckles were white, and Yamaguchi noticed, gently placing a hand on Tsukishima's shoulder. "Tsukki," Yamaguchi called out, pulling him out of his dark thoughts, and he hesitantly said, "I think... you need to find [F/N]-san, before you get left behind here." It hit Tsukishima immediately that you were the only one with the keys to the house, and the tall male bowed and bid his farewells to the volleyball club as he rushed out, looking for you. But he didn't have to look too far, you were waiting against the railing, your eyes downcast, a sad glimmer in them. No longer were they the bright [e/c] orbs that normally shined with life, they were dull, as though plagued by thoughts that swallowed all the life in you. "Oy." You looked up, and the life came back, a bit duller than normal, but it was better than what Tsukishima just saw. That was a part of you that the tall blonde was not quite ready to confront. Although he was curious as to what it was that was haunting your thoughts, he wasn't quite sure on how to approach that, and avoided the matter. "Let's go home." The way back home was silent, not an uncomfortable or awkward one, but one that was shared between the two of you comfortably. Neither of you complaining about it at all. But at the bus stop where you first met, an unpleasant sight awaited Tsukishima and the taller male stopped in his tracks, his eyes narrowed as his fist clenched. You noticed your taller companion stop, as you look between him and the male at the bus stop. "Kei." "Nii-san." Your eyes widened, but the moment Tsukishima's 'older brother' glanced at you, Tsukishima grabbed your wrist, pulling you behind him. And you don't make a single noise as you felt the pressure on your wrist. There was something about the male that put the normally indifferent blonde into agitation. "You need to stop running away from home and just come back." "I was abandoned again, you call that running away from home, Nii-san?" "That's not what Master told us.." The older Tsukishima responded. His eyes narrowed at you and he asked, "Did you get a new Master, Kei? Is she the reason you ran away?" "She's not my master," Tsukishima pauses when he feels you grab the hem of his shirt and he continues, "Besides, I'm a defect, unlike you Akiteru." No one wants me, not like you. Everyone takes good care of you cause you're so devoted to your owners. But I was never like that. Akiteru sighed and he asked, "I see. So? What are you going to do now? Live with her? Master got rid of his proof that you were ever his, so you could." He paused, and in a sad tone, "If you wanted to." Tsukishima's eyes widened. It was one thing knowing about it, but hearing the fact from his own brother's mouth was a lot to take in. Tsukishima truly was abandoned with no where to go. He didn't belong anywhere, and- What's the fucking point of living if one flaw in me means that I'm not worth anything anymore?! That one flaw, my personality, for f*ck's sake, is all they need to deem me a defect. Something useless. I'm still alive aren't I? Just because I'm not everything they had expected me to be. Because I am a disappointment. He clenches his fists even tighter, but a smaller hand that was once on his back gently took a hold of his. Unknowingly, he relaxes slightly as he glances back at you and he freezes. Why? Why are you looking at me like that? It's not pity, or sadness. Why do you look like you're upset for me? We haven't even known each other for so long, yet why? Why are you looking at me as though you care? Tsukishima's hands relaxed and you slipped yours into his, before standing beside him and you softly state, "Please leave." Tsukishima and Akiteru look at you in shock and you repeat, "Please leave. You're agitating Tsukishima-kun, and as his friend I don't appreciate that." You frown and softly mumble, "And if you really are his brother, wouldn't you want him to be happier? If he's happier here, then let him stay." If he really wanted to leave, he would, but he didn't. He hasn't. A small part of you whispered to yourself, He won't. Both of their eyes widened and Akiteru sends you a small smile before fondly turning to his younger brother, "You found a good Master." "I'm not his Master," you corrected him. And Akiteru's eyes raised, you reassuringly squeeze Tsukishima's hand before letting go and you smiled brightly, "I'm his friend." Akiteru mimicked a fish before he smiled, "I see." He laughed, before asking, "May I ask for your name?" "Iwaizumi [F/N]." "Iwa-chan, then," Akiteru smiled, and you pouted slightly cause that nickname belonged to your brother, not you, and he bowed, "Thank you for taking care of Kei. I'll come back to visit every now and then." Akiteru left just as suddenly as he came, but as you watched him walk away you softly asked, "Are you okay?" "Tch, mind your own business." Tsukishima looked away from you. He still felt the warmth from your hands and it bothered him. It bothered him how much that simple gesture had effected him. But what bothered him most was the fact that he was truly abandoned. Something within him told him that it wasn't okay, that he had to find a new owner. However, that part wasn't him, it was what those scientists had programmed into his DNA. But a very small part was cheering for joy. The part that indicated that Tsukishima was a defect. I'm free. The idea of being free was so much that he stood there in a daze, before realizing that he was zoned out while staring straight at you. Your [e/c] eyes still holding his gaze, and you cutely tilted your head to the side, confused as to why Tsukishima was so silent, yet looked so peaceful. "I don't have an owner." "No, you don't." you easily responded. Still confused as to why Tsukishima's demeanor was so strange, almost as though there was both conflict and peace raging within him. And then you softly added, "You don't need one Tsukishima-kun." His eyes widened as he heard your last sentence, and a small smile graced your features and you continued, "You are your own person, Tsukishima. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise."
Upon arriving home, you noticed the second pair of shoes and you unconsciously let out a groan, causing the blonde male to look at you weirdly and before you could respond you hear a familiar, "[F/N]-CHII!!" Oikawa peeked his fluffy brown head into the doorway and you lazily greet, "Hi Tooru-nii." "Don't call him that [F/N]." "Oh ho!" Oikawa's eyes narrowed as he examined Tsukishima. Both of you visibly stiffen before you toss your schoolbag at his face. Oikawa doesn't dodge it, as he was too engrossed with Tsukishima's wings, and gets hit straight on his face with your bag, causing Iwaizumi to laugh and Tsukishima to smirk while you glowered at the taller male. "Can you stop staring at him like that Tooru-nii," You slowly ask. You were obviously unhappy with the tall brunette and Oikawa holds his hands out as an apology, and you sigh, "I'll be in my room." You gave him a strained smile before going up the stairs towards your room. Tsukishima hesitated to follow you upstairs to seek his own little safety in the bedroom he was given, but Iwaizumi shakes his head and he asks, "She seems more irritable.. what happened?" Tsukishima didn't respond right away. Do I tell them... do I not tell them? But before Tsukishima could say anything, Oikawa asked, "Did someone come for you?" Tsukishima narrowed his eyes and Iwaizumi muttered a quick and harsh, "Oikawa!" And the former nodded his head, and Oikawa whined, "I don't want [F/N] to get hurt Iwa-chan! What if he leaves her?!" Why would I...? I have no where else to go. Tsukishima tilted his head in confusion and Oikawa sighs, "Sorry, I get protective of [F/N] too. She's like my younger sister too." Oikawa gives Iwaizumi and Tsukishima a weak smile and Iwaizumi let's out a breath of relief and mumbles, "Don't worry about that, Tsukishima."
Tsukishima laid sprawled out on the guest bed, wondering if he truly was allowed to stay. They seemed okay with him being here, but... What if they got sick of him? What if they want me to leave? That I'm being a burden. He stared blankly at the ceiling before he closed his eyes. Why is this such a pain? Should I not stay longer? I have no where else to go. And I feel so empty, as though all purpose in my life is gone because I was abandoned. But am I really alone, I'm with the Iwaizumis and- "Tsukishima?" You softly called out from the other side of the door. The male sat up, and mumbled an almost inaudible 'come in' and you slowly opened the door. You were wearing one of Hajime's old sweaters and short shorts, and Tsukishima had to fight the urge to stare at your legs as you came in, closing the door behind you. Before the tall blonde could say anything to you, he held it all back as he saw the way you were leaning against the door. You lowered your head, and he saw your lips move but he didn't hear exactly what it was you said. "What did you say?" "I'm sorry." "For what?" "I... I basically forced you into adjusting to a new life and I didn't even ask for your opinion or consent. I didn't ask if you wanted to go to school, I just kind of strung you along. And even if I give you so many of your own choices, I'm limiting you to what I do and-" "You have nothing to apologize for." You lifted your head as you noticed how the distance between the two of you had shrunk. And that small part of him tells him to stay with you. Protect you. Hold you close. And he immediately looked away from you. A small 'tch' leaving his mouth and you flinched, "Sorry for troubling you Tsukishima." Once you closed the door, you mentally berated yourself. What was I thinking? I got so invested in trying to make his life better, yet all I did was make him even more confused. I'm not supposed to hold him back. What am I doing?... saying I want all hybrids to be capable of making their own choices and yet here I am, forcing one to follow my pace. I'm such a hypocrite... I'm doing nothing more than repeating the same mistakes as before.
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sage-nebula · 7 years
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These are Trainer Cards I made up for a Pokémon AU a little while ago, but I’ve updated some of them a tad based on information we received in the guidebook. Explanations for the team choices go under the cut.
Pyroar — Specifically a female pyroar (as shown), to represent the Red Lion. Not only is pyroar the only actual lion the Pokémon series has to date, but it’s a fire-type, which is perfect for the Red Lion, who is considered the Guardian Spirit of Fire. Additionally, pyroar are said to “viciously threaten any challenger”, which fits with how Keith never backs down from a challenge and how the Red Lion is the most difficult to handle, and females are said to protect the pride’s cubs, which fits with the Red Lion constantly chasing after Keith whenever he’s in extreme danger.
Aegislash — Keith has an affinity for blades, which means that giving him a honedge (which he would eventually evolve into aegislash) is perfect. I chose a shiny aegislash specifically because I figure this could represent his special knife / sword—you know, the one with the mark of Marmora on it. Since shiny aegislash has a black blade, which is close to the dark steel of the Marmora blade, I felt it aesthetically fitting. Finally, aegislash’s pokédex entries state that aegislash can detect innate qualities of leadership within a person, and that “according to legend, whoever it recognizes is destined to become king”. Given that Keith is going to step up as the next co-leader of Voltron (alongside Allura), I feel it appropriate.
Charizard — Charizard is fire/flying, which I feel represents both the element Keith is most often associated with (fire), as well as the fact that he is the best pilot of his generation (and proves it on the daily). As a species, charizard are known to seek strong opponents, but they’re also known to not (willingly) turn their flames on those weaker than themselves (according to the pokédex, at least). This fits Keith, who is always up for a challenge, yet is not violent or prone to hurting those who can’t defend themselves. Finally, I imagine that Keith could mega evolve his charizard, and if he did, I see him mega evolving him into the fire/dragon type ‘Zard X, particularly since ‘Zard X is more powerful than ‘Zard Y. (Also serves as a bit of a tribute to my favorite character of all time, whom Keith has quite a bit in common with, heh.)
Hippowdon — According to the guidebook, Keith’s favorite animals are hippos, and therefore it’s necessary that he have a hippowdon on his team. Otherwise? There’s no reason for this. He just likes hippos. That said, he did spend a year living in a desert, and hippodown are ground-types; it’s possible that he captured hippowdon during that time.
Talonflame — Another fire/flying, like charizard, though this one can’t mega evolve. Talonflame is a bird of prey, and more accurately is based on the peregrine falcon, which is one of the (if not the) fastest fliers in the avian kingdom, at least when it comes to diving. I’ve seen some headcanons around fandom of Keith with birds, and I agree that it’s a nice image—but only if those birds are raptors, and specifically one similar to talonflame. Thus, I could see him with a talonflame, perhaps also acquired once he left the Garrison, and this guy started hanging around.
Houndoom — Lastly, I do still think Keith would like dogs, even if they’re not his favorites (albeit I think he would prefer bigger dogs, like shepherds and/or huskies—or maybe not even domesticated dogs at all, maybe wolves), and I think that houndoom would be a good fit therefore. Another fire-type (thus fitting with the elemental theme), but also with a dark-typing, which makes houndoom seem highly intimidating regardless of how sweet the individual is (rather like Keith himself, I feel). I also feel that houndoom could be a point to the fact that Keith is biologically part Galra, in that the fact that houndoom is a dog makes it seem approachable, but that dark-type nature makes it frightening. (As well, everyone trusted Keith, but once his heritage was revealed, certain people were suddenly wary.)
Absol — Absol is not technically a cat, per se (I think that absol has both feline and canine features), but it’s the closest thing to a representative of the Black Lion that I could think of. (Well, I was at first thinking of luxray, but …) It fits in terms of both color scheme and features, even if it doesn’t fit in type. That said, when absol mega evolves it gains wings, so even though it’s not a flying-type, that aspect is still fitting, considering the Black Lion’s special power. (And hence why I chose Mega Absol as the image on the trainer card.) Finally, there’s something about the lore surrounding absol (that it is said to bring about natural disasters, when in fact it warns of them, but that people hate it for this and it has developed a reclusive and shy nature as a result) that reminds me of Shiro. I just feel it fitting.
Luxray — The original idea I had for the Black Lion’s representation due to color scheme (it has some black in its fur), and type (electricity = lightning = sky = Guardian Spirit of the Sky). As an electric-type, luxray is fitting, but I also feel that luxray is a good fit due to the fact that it is protective and sharp. Luxray, according to the pokédex, are known to track down prey and their lost young, which I feel fits with how Shiro is willing to tackle any danger if it means protecting the rest of his team, both now and in his backstory. As an added bonus, luxray is a feline, and according to the guidebook, Shiro is a cat person.
(Midday) Lycanroc — Perhaps a bit odd, due to the fact that lycanroc is a rock-type, but I chose lycanroc because of the quiz on the Voltron site. When asked which animal he would transform into if he was transformed into an animal, Shiro’s answer was “wolf”. And since lycanroc is a wolf pokémon, I felt it appropriate. I specifically went with the midday form because the midnight form is known for being more uncontrollable and violent, whereas the midday form has unflinching loyalty, which I felt fit Shiro better. As for the coloring, I went with the shiny form because I felt it was more aesthetically accurate.
Altaria — Altaria fits the type theme (which is supposed to be flying), while at the same time being dragon-type, which adds an extra bit of oomph to its power. More than that, though, altaria are known for being fluffy cloud dragons, and the pokédex entries state that if an altaria bonds with a human, then sometimes it will wrap the human in a soft hug and hum. I feel like Shiro deserves a pokémon that will give him fluffy cloud hugs, especially one that can sing in a beautiful voice while doing so. He deserves an altaria, tbh.
Braviary — Another flying-type / majestic bird of prey, braviary are known to fight endlessly in order to protect those important to them. The pokédex entries state that, regardless of injuries braviary sustain, braviary will not stop fighting if it is for the sake of their friends / those they care about. The pokédex entries also state that the more scars a braviary has, the more respect it gains from its peers, and that the people of Alola used to revere braviary as “the hero of the sky”. All of these things are fitting for Shiro. I could imagine him having an old, battle-scarred braviary that he bonds with, especially now that he has some scars of his own (and was known as the Champion in the Galra gladiator ring).
Bisharp — Finally, bisharp, to represent the arm the Galra gave him. I feel that bisharp is one he might have picked up when escaping the Galra base. Perhaps all of his pokémon had been left on Earth (in Keith’s care?), and so Ulaz gave him a bisharp so that he would be able to protect himself. Something like that. I feel like bisharp is a fitting pokémon for that, and one that it would take time for Shiro to fully bond with, but that he would eventually come to trust with anything.
Sylveon — Allura doesn’t have a Lion (though she’ll be piloting Blue in short order ;D), but I feel that sylveon is a good stand-in for a Lion she would have, or at least will fit the “pink Paladin” theme she’ll have going on once she steps up to piloting Blue and still has her pink armor. As a fairy-type, sylveon seems kind of mystical, and its pokédex entries all state that it can release a soothing aura, which I feel would be appropriate for Allura.
(Alolan) Ninetales — Ninetales themselves are shrouded in lore and legend, particularly since they’re based on the mythical kitsune, but Alolan ninetales in specific has such a mystical beauty that, according to the pokédex, it was once “revered as a deity incarnate”. I feel that this is fitting for Allura, who was seen as a goddess by the Arusians (and still may be, to an extent?). Additionally, Alolan ninetales is beautiful (just like Allura is beautiful), and I feel that the ice/fairy typing would be a good fit for her, particularly since she can be downright frosty when she’s upset with someone (as we saw by the way she froze Keith out after learning of his true heritage).
Gardevoir — Gardevoir are powerful, graceful, and beautiful, and all three of those words are words that can be used to describe Allura. Their powers of being able to see into the future are useful, and they’re said to fight fiercely in defense of their trainers, which is the type of pokémon I feel the crown princess of Altea would most certainly have by her side. Lastly, she can mega evolve gardevoir to really bring hurt down on her enemies.
Mienshao — Mienshao are graceful, beautiful fighters. I chose this one in tribute to the fact that Allura has some kickass close combat skills, and I feel that those skills—plus how graceful and fluid Allura is when fighting—translate well in this pokémon.
Cinccino — Technically cincinno are based on chinchillas, not mice, but I still feel that cinccino is an adorable little representative of Allura’s pet mice regardless, so. I went with it.
Sigilyph — Lastly, sigilyph are said to be leftovers from an ancient civilization, there to patrol and protect. I imagine that a sigilyph might have still been alive in the castle after 10,000 years, and that Allura could have decided to train it thereafter. It felt fitting, anyway.
Leafeon — The stand-in for the Green Lion, given that leafeon is feline-esque, is a grass-type, and is therefore fitting (since the Green Lion is the Guardian Spirit of the Forest).
Rotom — It’s Rover! I felt that rotom was a fitting substitute for Rover given that it’s an electric-type, and its dual-typing of ghost means that it can also possess various electronics and gadgets, which would be useful in helping Pidge hack things. Plus, I can easily see a little rotom following her around, can’t you?
Sceptile — I admit, I did waffle for a bit over whether this position should go to pidgeot instead given her (nick)name, but ultimately I felt that sceptile—and, specifically, Mega Sceptile—was a much better fit. On top of having the right typing of grass, sceptile are known for being able to grow and nurture forests, which fits with the Green Lion’s ability to grow roots and plants (even though leafeon is the stand-in for the Green Lion, I still feel this is important). Additionally, Mega Sceptile has the ability Lightningrod, which attracts electricity to it. This is a good representation of the fusion of nature and tech, as demonstrated in the episode with the Olkari. I find it really fitting, therefore, that Pidge have a (mega) sceptile.
Emolga — I wanted Pidge to have at least one more electric-type, and dual-type electric/flying emolga fit the bill, particularly since the pokédex states that emolga live in treetops, which once again brings the nature/tech fusion to mind.
Breloom — Breloom are poisonous fighters who can and will rough you up, which I feel is very fitting for Pidge, since she is tiny, but fierce. Additionally, while Pidge clearly uses her tech and gadgetry to fight from a distance sometimes, her Bayard has her doing a lot of up-close-and-personal fighting as well, which I feel suits breloom’s style rather nicely.
Decidueye — According to the guidebook, Pidge’s favorite animals are owls, and therefore it’s fitting that she has an owl on her team. Decidueye is a grass-type besides, so it fits with the theme and everything. Perfect.
Vaporeon — The stand-in for the Blue Lion, of course, given that vaporeon is a feline-esque, water-type pokémon.
Sharpedo — According to the guidebook, Lance’s favorite animals are sharks, so it’s necessary that he have a sharpedo on his team, particularly considering that it’s a water-type and everything. Sharpedo are capable of mega evolution and I considered changing Lance’s mega evolving pokémon to sharpedo, but I still like how blastoise has the water cannons (since Lance is the sharpshooter), so Lance’s sharpedo can stay a regular sharpedo and still be awesome that way.
Blastoise — Similarly, blastoise is a water-type with huge guns/cannons coming out of its shell, allowing it to shoot, rather than spray, its opponents. Blastoise is also capable of mega evolution, so I figure that this is the one that Lance would mega evolve.
Milotic — Milotic is a water-type that evolves once its beauty is maxed out, which I feel is fitting for Lance, who cares about his appearance. Even more fitting is the fact that milotic evolves from feebas, who is known for being ugly and useless by those around it. Not that Lance is ugly or useless, of course, before anyone gets upset, but rather, Lance has insecurities and issues that make him feel as though he might be useless at times. Therefore, feebas evolving into milotic can be representative of Lance growing past his insecurities and seeing himself as a truly useful member of the team.
Swanna — Swanna is a water/flying, giving Lance a flier on his team, and is known for being elegant and graceful. Again, this is something that I feel Lance would really want on his team.
Primarina — I feel that primarina would be an excellent choice for Lance because it’s based on mythical mermaids or sirens, so on top of being beautiful, perhaps he picked up a popplio on the mermaid adventure he had at the beginning of season two, and eventually evolved it all the way to primarina. It could happen.
Persian — Unfortunately, there are no ground-type feline pokémon (or at least, none that I can think of off-hand, and I’m going to be ashamed of myself if there’s one I’m forgetting). The closest that we get is leafeon, but leafeon is already standing in for the Green Lion. Therefore, I chose persian to stand in for the Yellow Lion, given that persian is a big, yellow cat. Maybe we’ll get a ground-type feline in Gen VIII, but until then, we have persian.
Donphan — Donphan are said to have such thick armor that they can barely be scratched, according to the pokédex, and I feel that this is fitting considering the fact that the Yellow Lion has the strongest armor of all the Lions. Although persian is standing in as the Yellow Lion, I still find it fitting for Hunk to have such a tank on his team.
Garchomp — Garchomp have a dual-typing of ground/dragon, and are extremely tough and formidable. They can also mega evolve, and as such, garchomp is a fitting member of Hunk’s team. (Since, in case it wasn’t obvious, I want every member to have a pokémon capable of mega evolution, heh.)
Excadrill — Excadrill are ground/steel, and I felt that fitting for Hunk, given that Hunk is an engineer (as well as being the Paladin who pilots the Guardian Spirit of Land). Excadrill could certainly help Hunk work on various ships and other mechanical things, and I think the two could bond quite nicely over that.
Golurk — Golurk are ground/ghost, but more importantly, they were created by an ancient civilization in order to protect people and pokémon. Once again, the Yellow Lion is the Lion that is most ready to defend the others; its Paladin is one who supports the rest of the team, and will sacrifice himself for the sake of his teammates. Golurk was no doubt based on the Iron Giant (Golurk was designed by an American, so yes, this is very possible), and the Iron Giant sacrifices itself to save the planet in the climax of the film. (This movie has been out for years, I’m not spoiler tagging that.) I feel that golurk is a fitting member for Hunk’s team, therefore, particularly given how protective he is over the rest of the team / those he cares about.
Stoutland — Hunk is a dog person according to the guidebook, and so it makes sense that he would have a big ol’ doggo on his team. I considered going with either rockruff or lycanroc due to the rock-typing, but Shiro already has a lycanroc and I felt lycanroc was too fitting for him to change. Additionally, something about stoutland just seems appropriate for Hunk. I feel like he would like a stoutland, since they’re big and floofy and great for cuddles. I really like the image of Hunk cuddling with his big pupper, so stoutland it is.
Ursaring — Coran has a tendency to go Papa Bear over Allura, and he’s also protective of the rest of the Paladins as well. For this reason, I felt that giving him a big bear pokémon was appropriate, and ursaring fit the bill.
Claydol — Claydol is said to be from an ancient civilization, which I felt fits with the fact that Altea is long gone. Claydol is also a psychic-type, which fits with the Alteans’ ability to manipulate quintessence and the like.
Alakazam — Alakazam is highly intelligent and has a fantastic mustache, both traits of which fit Coran rather nicely. Alakazam can also mega evolve, so there’s the mega evolver of Coran’s team.
Bronzong — Once again, bronzong is from an ancient civilization. Bronzong can also, according to its pokédex entries, open portals—and while it’s usually Allura who opens wormholes in the castle, Coran is the one who knows how to repair the castle so that it can create those wormholes, so I figured this still fit rather nicely.
Oranguru — Oranguru is another highly intelligent pokémon who only respects experienced trainers, and is thus best suited for veterans, which Coran would be. I figured this was a nice fit, therefore.
Klefki — And lastly, I figure that Coran might have a klefki that keeps various keys around the castle. If not that, then I figured that having a mischievous klefki on his team could be rather amusing. Either way, I feel it works.
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[FN] The Flesh Cube
Part 1
Arthur was tired of school. As the day passed by he felt dreariness slowly pull him further and further from consciousness. He was “awake” in the most general sense, with the only thing keeping him from slumber being the occasions when a teacher would call on him. All he wanted was to be home and in bed. As the school day was closing Arthur nearly fell asleep amidst the monotonous lesson. His vision grew hazy and dark as he sat in one of the classroom’s window side seats, bathed in the fading light of a sun soon to be fully enshadowed by storm clouds. The window was open, and from it a breeze passed through and over him , cooling his skin. He was completely content and from the outside world, Arthur could hear a symphony of sounds , , everything from the leaves shaking in the wind to the obtuse yet soothing din of a nearby lawnmower. Each sound rested and soothed his mind. There was so much going on in the world, yet it seemed like nothing could disturb this young man’s rest. That was, until he heard it. It did not impart a disturbance immediately, it never did start as a major presence after all. It seemed to loom within the distant sea of sounds. Amidst shrills and wind, Arthur could hear it though. . .far off in the nearby field. It was indistinguishable from the subtle cacophony, but it was growing nonetheless. Louder and louder the sound grew, never creating a full form of direction or magnitude. Soon It overtook the lulling noises and became intense to the ear. Arthur knew what it was. “A Crow” he dreamed.
Arthur quickly shot up in his seat and looked out the window. He saw no form of avian amongst the expansive field. Perhaps it was a lucid nightmare he thought. Before he had time to contemplate further the school bell rung. The class was dismissed and it was time for him to head home. As Arthur prepared to leave the classroom though, he stared back at the windows for a moment . “Nothing is there” he said,before departing from the room. Arthur proceeded down the hallway and towards the line of buses in front of the school. He got on one and quickly sat down. Nobody sat next to him, as Arthur much preferred to keep to himself and only occasionally delve into conversation with peers. He rested his head between the window and seat as he laid back. He noticed droplets start to fall against the glass before becoming a downpour of rain. Quite an unfortunate day to forget an umbrella. As the bus approached his stop Arthur surprisingly enough decided to get up before the bus stopped. He was an odd chap that sometimes did minute but peculiar things for no other reason than to possibly provide some form of stimulus. He almost seemed to enjoy the rush of force caused by the immediate bus stop. When he exited the bus doors he sprinted all the way home. It was only around two-hundred feet away, but it might as well have been a mile in this rain. Arthur’s house was rather large, yet mundane, compared to most nearby homes and It was located on the outer edge of the neighborhood near a deep forest. When he got to the door he attempted to turn the handle only to be met with resistance. Must be locked. He quickly removed a key from his backpack and enters. Nobody’s here. He looks around a bit before making his way up his stairs. As he climbed up the steps, he felt some odd surge of energy telling him to run up the stairs. For all he knew there was no possible reason for him to do so, but he felt some type of “pressure” from the bottom of the staircase. In the end the exertion really only accounted for a few extra seconds for Arthur to do absolutely nothing. Upon entering his room Arthur once again was overtaken by the intense dreariness that plagued him before. He quickly jumped into bed and felt the warm comfort of sleep fall over him. There is no sound. He then proceeded to fall to sleep.
Arthur was in the middle of a forest. It was. . . beautiful to say the least. He was within a clearing sitting atop a rock protruding from the grass below him. He had a steel recorder flute that he played simple tunes on. Nothing advanced of any degree, but pleasant nonetheless. Arthur was not alone though. Strewn about the field were a variety of fantastical fairies. None had definite shape and appeared almost as beings of pure light. Near arthur was a box shaped stone with a noticeable eye drawn on it. It faced the darkest part of the woods. Arthur however, simply enjoyed dancing and following the fairies as he played and sang. Beautiful harmony came from his songs, but there was something. . . inside the tune. Something mixed within that was never intended to be there. As Arthur began to realize this the box shaped rock began to emit a faintly human sound. As Arthur turned from the box and towards where it's eye pointed, he saw what had disturbed it as so. Atop the fog ridden trees he saw it, A crow. As he stared at it it became larger in his vision, as if seeing it through binoculars. It didn't look like a bird as his eyes focused. The sound did not come from the bird either. It was deeper than the sound of this one crow. It sounded ancient. It was farther into the woods.
Arthur lazily woke up from this odd vision. It was not a quick immediate transition of consciousness. While the contents of the dream might have been slightly unsettling it was nowhere near the strangest or even most surprising thing he had ever seen. As Arthur’s eyes parted he noticed a familiar shape besides his bed. It did not move and made no noise that particularly caught his attention. The sight might be considered quite grotesque to the average individual, but Arthur had grown up knowing the form of the familiar thing beside. It was just Flesh Cube. For all intents and purposes it was a simple meter by meter box made of human skin with thick protruding arms and legs. The arms and legs seemed human-like yet exaggerated proportionally to support the thick mass of meat. Despite it’s almost human like arms and legs it’s hands and feet appeared to be a more of a mitten shaped design, with a slightly longer segment sticking out where the index finger would go. It’s skin also had the distinctive texture of a human forearm near the faces of the box, and something similar to the skin on elbows near its corners and along its appendages. Despite being made of living tissue the creature had no form of orifice that would be needed to sustain life like most other organisms. It was just a hairless skin box with protruding arms and legs.
The epidermis of the creature may have appeared to be similar to that of a human, but that couldn’t be farther from the case. Flesh Cube had an extremely tough and thick layer of skin beneath it’s outer epidermis that functioned similarly to exponentially hardened calluses. This creature’s anatomy was quite a departure from that of a human being’s, Arthur however had come to know it’s shape since he was a young child, and he had come to regard it as an old friend. “Oh hey Flesh Cube” Arthur stated. The flesh cube waved and used vague (due to its lack of fingers) sign language to great it’s companion. Arthur had originally intended to tell the Flesh Cube about his day, but he suddenly wondered how it had gotten here. “Wait, what are you doing here? I thought that ‘Father’ had left you back at his laboratory.” Flesh cube indicated that their father had taken it in some form of vehicle. It also described how unbelievably dark it had to be to make sure nobody would be able to see it. Arthur replied with “Oh, that’s really sucks, though I can understand why he might be worried about you. . .ya know. . .being seen. Not like there is anything wrong with you, it just might scare people seeing something they don't normally perceive.” Flesh cube gave a sad nod to this statement. Seeing this Arthur decided to change the subject to hopefully lighten his friends’ spirits. “Well… hey, why don’t I go make something for us to eat” arthur said. Flesh cube seemed to actually lighten up after hearing this; Arthur always made the best snacks.
Flesh Cube was sitting in the living room on it’s computer as Arthur was making their snacks. Arthur began first by making himself a nice sandwich; for Flesh Cube Arthur mixed two eggs, two cups of flours, one cup of milk, and a tablespoon of yeast to make a sticky yet firm mass of dough. After he finished Arthur brought both items to the living room and sat themt between himself and Flesh Cube. The boy handed flesh cube the dough and took a bite of his sandwich. The most interesting part of this was watching flesh cube eat. It’s process for absorbing nutrients was unlike any other organism in history. Flesh cube had no external orifice to intake nutrients. When given the dough, Flesh Cube’s skin appears to rip itself open to allow for the sustenance to enter its being. After Flesh Cube placed the dough inside what appeared to be a wound it’s skin circled back around and returned to it’s normal box shape. Arthur had always been curious as to how exactly this process worked, but he felt that it would be rude to ask Flesh Cube about it. There were many things Arthur wanted to ask Flesh Cube. He wanted to ask how it could see and how it could hear unfortunately though, Flesh cube becomes rather somber if asked about it’s condition. Flesh Cube knew that it was different and knew it would always be seen as such, it is for this reason that Arthur attempted to refrain from questions like that.
After the two of them had finished their snack Arthur ended the silence by asking “Sooooo….. How has the ‘cottage’ been?” Flesh cube looked up and began typing on it’s computer. After 20 seconds it turned the computer around showing “It’s been good. It’s kind of been lonely since boy with a million eyes and the girl with eternally burning skin were transferred to somewhere else, but hopefully there should be some new subjects coming by.” Arthur was really happy to hear this. He knew that Flesh Cube got really sad when all alone and was excited to meet some new people the next time he visited the Laboratory. Arthur has known Flesh Cube ever since he was born. His father used to say they were nearly inseparable; Arthur only remembered bits and pieces of his early childhood. Flesh Cube and the other odd children were primarily the only things he could remember from “The Cottage”. He did always wonder what happened to Toad boy, Lava lamp head, and kid with lysol for blood. “I can’t wait to meet some of the new friends you make!” Arthur said. After saying this Arthur considered how much he missed the cottage sometimes. He had always made friends so easily growing up, and cherished every person he met. This all changed when Father told him that he would be leaving “The Cottage” and be moving to a home in the outside.. It scared Arthur at first, for he had never been outside the walls of his home, but when he finally went outside for the first time in his life it was simply breathtaking. Arthur couldn’t help himself but attempt to try and climb the first tree he found. He had only ever seen them on tv and was so flabbergasted by how big they were. Arthur always wished that flesh cube could have came with him outside, but he knew that that was strictly prohibited by his father’s bosses. Arthur was always allowed to visit Flesh Cube every other week or so and loved every minute he got to spend with his dearest friend. Even though Arthur had moved to a house in a nearby upper suburb he found his new home very similar to his old one; All the doors were designed to be unopenable from the inside without a keycode. He also thought that the lighting in the house was similar, but different to a certain degree. “The Cottage” always had bright overhead lights everywhere and had no windows. While Arthur’s new home did not have windows either, it did at least have several glass skylights. Arthur was content with the locked doors and windowless rooms though. He had never grown up with them and found no problem in continuing the lifestyle he grew up on. One thing that Arthur could never get used to was the overall boringness of the people he met in the outside world. When growing up he had met so many interesting people with odd abilities or characteristics, but out here everyone was just so...normal. There were no interesting people like Flesh Cube; everyone was so painfully average. The worst part was that Arthur wasn’t even allowed to talk about all of his friends or the things he had seen at “The Cottage.” When he was growing up his father would just tell people that the boy had an active imagination. When the boy continued to do so later on, his father was forced to take more harshly punitive measures.
Flesh Cube sat giddily as Arthur said he would love to meet their new friends. Flesh Cube loved whenever they were able to see Arthur. They have practically been best friends since childhood. Flesh Cube had always wished that they could live with Arthur and Father in this house instead of just visiting. The light from the skylights felt so much better on it’s skin than the sharp piercing lightbulbs in “The Cottage.” Flesh Cube knew not to ask why they could not live there with them though. When they first asked Father they were shut down harshly with words explaining how dangerous it would be. When they asked Father a second time, they learned to never again ask a third time. Flesh Cube will never forget the second time. Flesh Cube tried not to think about this though, It knew that Father loved them, and only ever hurt them in order to keep it safe. Flesh Cube knew deep down that Father cared about Flesh Cube, maybe not the same way that he cared about Arthur, but he cared nonetheless. Flesh Cube has wanted so many things and found disappointment at each wish they had expressed. It is for this reason that Flesh Cube keeps their deepest wish to themself. The only thing Flesh Cube truly wanted from Father is for him to call them “son.” Flesh Cube has never expressed this in fear that by saying it to the world would just further strengthen its inability to occur.
Flesh Cube did not have to worry about corporal punishment though. They were safe with Arthur. Perhaps it might even make a request to their friend. Flesh Cube then quickly began typing upon it’s computer. In total it took flesh cube an entire minute to amass the courage to ask “Could we...please go outside?” Arthur was quite surprised to see this question. All his life he had never considered that Flesh Cube could feel the opposite to Arthur. Arthur missed the solitary closeness in “The Cottage”, but Flesh Cube…..Flesh Cube wanted to see everything. “Well uh. I don’t think that would be a good idea. People would probably get pretty freaked out by you right?” Arthur asked. The next minute was taken up by Flesh Cube writing and rewriting their next statement to best get their point across without sounding foolish. “No no. We don’t have to talk to anybody. I just...I want to see what the world looks like outside of a screen. I want to feel the breeze pass over my hide as I bask in the beauty of the world. If you want we can just go out into the woods. I’m sure nobody would be able to see us there.” Flesh Cube typed. Arthur seemed conflicted. He could see that Flesh Cube desperately wanted this (Despite not having any actual facial features), but knew that if they were caught something terribly bad might happen to them, especially Flesh Cube. He considered how Flesh Cube may be taken away from “The Cottage” too one of the inhumane facilities. Arthur feared that Flesh cube might be mistaken for some form of monster by some other organization. Flesh Cube noticed the indecision upon Arthur’s face and began typing. “You know it really is fine if you don’t want to. I know you are worried about getting in trouble and I wouldn’t want you to ever worry about that. Its just…I don't know. Sometimes I have these strange dreams and I feel drawn to the outside. It may be something big or it may be something small. One thing that really messes me up is that I haven’t ever seen the outside world for what it is. The stuff I see on tv is just a two dimensional image being projected. I can’t actually know what it’s like to be in front of grass, hills, or trees.” Flesh cubed typed. Arthur really thought about that last statement for a few seconds. “Trees” he thought. “He has never actually seen a real tree before....” After a few seconds later Arthur ceased his silence and declared. “You know what Flesh Cube, I will take you outside. I am gonna show you what the grass, hills, and trees truly look like!”
Flesh Cube couldn’t believe their sound sensitive epidermis. They were finally going to see the world. It’s skin vibrated and stretched erratically with excitement. It took Flesh Cube a few seconds to return back to its stable cube form. Flesh Cube would finally see the world. They quickly grabbed their backpack from off the floor and stood up prepared to see what lies ahead. Arthur was determined to let his friend see the world. He knew they would need to be back in the span of 3 hours, but for now he had to focus on finding a way outside the house. Father had designed the house to be unopenable from the inside without a certain keycode. Unfortunately for Arthur, Father preferred to keep this information to himself. He did however know of another way to get outside. Father was an odd man that never said much. The house that he and Arthur inhabited had many interesting qualities, the most interesting of these beings the inner tunnels. Arthur’s house had a network of passageways that could be used to move throughout the house without being seen. One of these tunnel pathways appears to lead to a dead end, but if you rip off the planks on the floor you would notice a cellar. Arthur had discovered this three years before and used it to explore the wilderness that he was not always allowed out into. It always confused Arthur as to why Father had taken such extreme measures to lock him within the house once he is inside. If arthur wished he could simply explore the outside world after school before coming home, but for some reason Father wanted to make sure that if Arthur was in the house he would stay in the house.
Arthur and Flesh Cube entered the passageways and went throughout the disorienting tunnels towards the cellar. Once in the cellar the fellows walked about thirty meters before they eventually reached the surface. By the time they had exited the tunnel they found themselves within a dense forest. Upon looking behind themselves they were able to see the faint image of their house in the distance. Arthur breathed in deeply at the sight of the rich flora. Flesh cube did no such thing on account of its lack of lungs. Flesh cube stood in the rays of pure sunshine peeking through the branches. It relaxed its shoulders and almost seemed to lean up. As if it could see the world with eyes that did not exist upon its face. It stared up at the immense trees before them. They had always known they were big but actually being before one was an entirely different matter. Flesh cube simply stared up at slight cracks of sun through the leaves. At this moment a sparrow swooped down and perched atop the front ledge of Flesh Cube's body. Flesh Cube slowly put their hand out and the avian hopped upon. Flesh Cube held the creature in its hand. They had never seen a creature so fragile. Flesh Cube for a moment . . . Considered how easily it could crush the creature. This thought only passed a moment as they felt immediate regret for even having the thought. “How could I possibly think of such a horrendous action? Perhaps I truly am some wretch of flesh. An abhorrent accumulation of mass. A monst-” Before they could finish thinking. The bird chirped to flesh cube. Flesh Cube felt such unabashed joy at this sound. They had never been a form of natural origin. They were that of human manipulation, yet this innocent creature saw no difference though. The sheer beauty of this creature and its life hit their core. Flesh Cube couldn't help but find the little sparrow adorable. Flesh cube scratched it's head and let it fly off. Flesh cube was excited to meet all of the wonderful creatures in the world.
Flesh Cube let the bird fly off and excitedly ran over to Arthur right after. They pulled a notepad from their backpack and began writing. On the notepad wrote “Where do you want to go first?” Arthur smiled and simply said “It’s up to you.” Flesh cube stood aloof for a second before looking around and choosing the path away from the house. Arthur was surprised to see the energy Flesh Cube displayed here. All his life Flesh Cube was reserved and restrained. Here flesh cube pranced and sprinted with an absurd lack of inhibition. They could run nearly ten meters and back in merely a second. It was surprising to say the least. As Flesh Cube happily pranced about Arthur decided to make a more relaxed journey along the path. He simply looked along their path; Arthur admired every insect, rock, and flower around him. Arthur in particular noticed two bees flying about in a row of daisies. They lulled about and buzzed around each other, going from flower to flower. He found it quite amusing to watch the actions of these fascinating creatures. That was until he saw a small object dart towards the two insects. It clung itself to the two in mid air and this allowed for Arthur to see what it was. It was a noticeably large wasp. At this realization Arthur decided to cut focus from this small scale conflict; Arthur found that the resulting scene would have just been surprisingly morbid to watch.
Arthur's mind instead turned to internal contemplation. He considered his strange dreams and how they all seem to align together. Arthur was never much of a superstitious lad, but even he had to acknowledge the strange coincidences before him. Arthur's mind was clouded and worried, he had never really had any physical capabilities near that of the other subjects at “the cottage.” For all Arthur knew he was just an average fellow in a strange scenario. Arthur used to think that he may have had some form of psychic ability as a reason for his containment, but hurting himself by jumping off the top bunk of his bed a few times told him otherwise. Arthur knew that if anything was to attack him or Flesh Cube, he would be completely ineffectual at securing their safety. This made Arthur shudder with fear and so he decided shift his attention elsewhere.
The forest which the two walked through was unimaginably dense. So much was happening behind every tree and every boulder. They would never notice the moss growing on the side of a rock merely a meter away, the quick movements of a squirrel atop a tree, . . . Or the figure that walked behind them. They would not notice it yet. It was far too quick and moved within shadows. It merely poked its head outside to glimpse the two. It surveyed their movements, followed their gestures and intricacies, it would know everything about the two. The two had little to no worry passing through their mind as they passed by delicate flowers. Unbeknownst to them this stranger considered their plans.
End of part 1.
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jakehglover · 6 years
Flu Vaccine Grown in Dog Kidney Cells Another Failure
By Dr. Mercola
Most flu vaccines in the U.S. are grown in chicken eggs, but during the 2017 to 2018 flu season, a cell-based flu vaccine, Flucelvax, grown in dog kidney cells became available. This vaccine was licensed in 2012 and is approved for individuals aged 4 years and over. As the effectiveness of conventional flu shots continues to leave much to be desired, the new Flucelvax vaccine was touted as a new-and-improved version that would protect more people once flu season hit.
In reality, a study by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) revealed the shot worked only a little bit better than the conventional flu shot in protecting seniors — which isn’t saying much. While flu vaccines overall had only 24 percent effectiveness in preventing flu-related hospitalizations in people aged 65 and older, the Flucelvax vaccine had an effectiveness rate of only 26.5 percent in that population.1
Flu Shot Grown in Kidney Cells No Better Than Flu Shot Grown in Eggs
Flucelvax, made by Seqirus, was supposed to offer advantages over egg-based flu vaccines, which are notoriously problematic. Because the egg-based vaccines must adapt while grown in eggs, they often acquire mutations that can hamper their effectiveness.2 In addition, according to Seqirus, the cell-cultured vaccine is superior because it doesn’t rely on egg availability, which could be affected by avian flu, and is grown in closed sterile bioreactors instead of in an open system.
Further, the manufacturing technology eliminates the need for antibiotics, which are sometimes used in egg-based vaccines manufacturing, and could potentially be rapidly produced during an outbreak or pandemic (whereas egg-based vaccines have only limited ability to respond to such demands).3 However, the end product failed to deliver where it matters most: effectiveness.
In March 2018, FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb announced that preliminary FDA data suggested Flucelvax worked about 20 percent better than the conventional egg-based vaccine. However, the final data suggested an even smaller benefit.
FDA analysts looked at medical records from 16 million people aged 65 and older covered by Medicare, including flu shots received and whether they ended up in the hospital due to the flu. As mentioned, the effectiveness of both vaccines was similar: 24 percent for the egg-based flu vaccine and 26.5 percent for the cell-based Flucelvax.
Why Egg-Based Vaccines Failed, and Cell-Based Vaccines May Be No Better
It’s been known for some time that growing flu vaccines in eggs may lead to problematic mutations that make them less effective against circulating flu viruses. Such was the case during the 2016 to 2017 flu season, when H3N2 viruses were prevalent. Writing in PNAS, researchers noted, “Human vaccine strains grown in eggs often possess adaptive mutations that increase viral attachment to chicken cells.”
They identified a mutation in the flu vaccine strain that produced antibodies that didn’t work well to neutralize the H3N2 viruses circulating that year.4 “These studies highlight the challenges associated with producing influenza vaccine antigens in eggs, while offering a potential explanation of why there was only moderate vaccine effectiveness during the 2016–2017 influenza season,” they noted. Likewise, according to a NEJM report:
“During the egg-based production process, the vaccine virus acquires amino acid changes that facilitate replication in eggs, notably changes in the hemagglutinin (HA) protein that mediates receptor binding. Since the influenza HA is the primary target of neutralizing antibodies, small modifications in this protein can cause antigenic changes in the virus and decrease vaccine effectiveness.
Egg adaptation has been postulated to contribute to low vaccine effectiveness, particularly with influenza A (H3N2) viruses [the type predicted to be most widely circulating this year].”5
Studies have repeatedly shown that flu shots have been from zero to less than 50 percent effective in preventing type A or B influenza over the past decade.6 Again during the 2017 to 2018 flu season, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated the flu vaccine’s effectiveness to be only 25 percent against the H3N2 virus.7 The idea that cell-based vaccines would provide an answer to this problem, particularly among H3N2 strains, now appears to be overly optimistic.
Dr. John Treanor, a flu vaccine expert at the University of Rochester Medical Center, told STAT News in 2017, “There wasn’t convincing evidence that it [cell culture flu vaccine] was better so why would anyone spend extra money to buy that? … The business case was tough, and I think a lot of these enterprises did not make it partially because of that.”8 This was before the FDA data came in on the 2017 to 2018 season, which offered proof that the effectiveness was virtually identical to the conventional egg-based version.
Your Immune System’s Response to Flu Vaccine Can Make You More Susceptible to the Flu
The flu vaccine is described as the best tool to stay healthy during flu season despite years of dismal failure. There are many reasons why flu vaccines are often ineffective, starting with vaccine mismatches. Each year, health officials make educated guesses as to which influenza strains will be circulating in order to include them in that year’s vaccine. Often, the vaccines are not well matched to circulating viruses.
However, there’s more to it than this, in large part due to the complexity of your immune system and how it works. A term known as heterologous immunity describes the memory your immune system has of previous infections, which it allow it to respond to similar infections later. Sometimes this is a good thing, giving you protection from circulating diseases — but not always. As noted in the Journal of Leukocyte Biology, heterologous immunity has two faces: protection and immunopathology:9
“Immunity to previously encountered viruses can alter responses to unrelated pathogens. This phenomenon, which is known as heterologous immunity, has been well established in animal model systems. Heterologous immunity appears to be relatively common and may be beneficial by boosting protective responses. However, heterologous reactivity can also result in severe immunopathology.”
This may help explain why flu vaccine may offer some level of protection against the viral strains included in the vaccine while simultaneously diminishing your ability to ward off infection by other influenza strains and other types of viral or bacterial infections. The reality is that vaccines may “have nonspecific effects on the ability of the immune system to handle other pathogens,” and these effects have not been evaluated, in large part, according to Trends in Immunology, because “current perception excludes such effects.”10
The strategy of annual flu vaccination may, in fact, be backfiring, leaving those who have been vaccinated annually less protected than those with no prior flu vaccination history.11
Research presented at the 105th International Conference of the American Thoracic Society in San Diego even revealed that children who get seasonal flu shots are more at risk of hospitalization than children who do not. Children who had received the flu vaccine had three times the risk of hospitalization as children who had not. Among children with asthma, the risk was even higher.12
Is Vitamin D a Better Option?
Despite its questionable effectiveness, we’re likely to see more cell-based flu vaccines rolled out. Already, there’s also a flu vaccine produced using genetically modified insect cells and one on the horizon manufactured in Nicotiana benthamiana, a type of tobacco plant known for its ability to make proteins at a high rate of speed.13 Yet, no one knows what the long-term effects of such vaccinations will be, or whether their purported benefits are truly worth the risk.
The Cochrane Collaboration concluded in 2014 that the NNT (number needed to treat) for the flu vaccine is 71.14 In other words, 71 people have to be vaccinated in order for a single case of influenza to be avoided. In a 2017 scientific review, on the other hand, the NNT for vitamin D was 33, meaning one person would be spared from acute respiratory infection such as the flu for every 33 people taking a vitamin D supplement.15
If health and safety were really the chief aim of public health officials, why not promote vitamin D testing and optimization, since vitamin D supplementation has been shown to cut your risk of respiratory infections, including colds and flu, in half if you are vitamin D deficient?16,17
I believe sensible sun exposure is the ideal way to optimize your vitamin D. Taking a vitamin D3 supplement is only recommended in cases when you simply cannot obtain sufficient amounts of sensible sun exposure.
In the latter case, you may need 8,000 IUs of vitamin D3 per day (or more) in order to reach and maintain a clinically relevant level of 40 to 60 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL). Both vitamin D and sun exposure, by the way, stimulate your immune system,18 which is a key to fighting off all sorts of infections, including the flu.
Focus on Boosting Your Immune System (Especially NK Cells) to Ward Off Flu
Natural killer (NK) cells are a specific type of white blood cell. They’re an important component of your cell-mediated (innate) immune system and are involved in both viral diseases and cancer. Researchers recently discovered that with enough NK cells in your system, you will not contract influenza.19 KLRD1 is a receptor gene found on the surface of NK cells, and the level of KLRD1 found in a person’s blood prior to exposure to the influenza virus was able to predict with 86 percent accuracy whether that individual would contract the flu.
Generally speaking, people whose immune cells consisted of 10 to 13 percent NK cells did not get the flu while those whose levels fell below 10 percent did. NK cells tend to lose functionality as you age, which explains why you may become more susceptible to the flu and other illnesses as you get older. However, you can absolutely counteract this decline and boost your NK cells (no matter what you age), by doing the following — none of which involves getting a flu vaccine:
Get regular exercise
In one study, moderate exercise improved NK cell function in cancer patients.20
Quit smoking
Quitting smoking will also help, as smoking impairs NK cell function.21
Enzymatically modified rice bran (EMRB)
EMRB is produced by exposing rice bran fiber to enzymes isolated from the shiitake mushroom. In one 2013 study, a rice bran product called MGN-322 increased NK cell activity by as much as 84 percent in patients with multiple myeloma after three months of treatment.23 In an earlier study, old mice injected with EMRB had a fivefold increase in NK cell activity within two days.24
A relative of turmeric, known for its potent immune-boosting benefits, cardamom increases NK cell activity.25
Black pepper
Like cardamom, black pepper has also been shown to enhance the cytotoxic activity of NK cells and promote healthy immune function.26
Colostrum is milk produced within the first 24 to 48 hours of giving birth. Colostrum from cows is very similar to human colostrum, and colostrum products are typically derived from cows. The colostrum contains an array of immune and growth factors required by the offspring.
In a 2012 study on mice, oral administration of skimmed and concentrated bovine late colostrum was shown to activate the immune system and protect against influenza infection by boosting NK cell activity.27
Another 2014 animal study concluded that, "Colostrum supplementation enhanced NK cell cytotoxicity and improved the immune response to primary influenza virus infection in mice." Colostrum-supplemented mice that did contract the flu also had less severe infection and a lower viral burden in the lungs compared to controls.28
An earlier study, published in 2007, found treatment with oral colostrum for two months prevented influenza infection three times more effectively than influenza vaccination.29 According to the authors, "Colostrum, both in healthy subjects and high-risk cardiovascular patients, is at least three times more effective than vaccination to prevent flu and is very cost-effective …"
Mushrooms such as shiitake, maitake and oyster mushrooms, also boost NK cell activity courtesy of beta-glucans, a polysaccharide known for its immune-boosting and cancer-fighting activities.30
Active hexose correlated compound (AHCC)
AHCC is a commercially available fermented mushroom extract that supports healthy immune function, primarily by enhancing NK cell activity. As noted in a paper published in the Natural Medicine Journal:31
“Supplementation studies with AHCC have demonstrated positive effects on immune function in humans and animal models, including decreased tumor formation, increased resistance to viral and bacterial infection; enhanced NK cell activity ...
… increased T-cell proliferation, including altered T-cell activity; altered cytokine production … increased nitric oxide release by peritoneal cells; and antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects …
Overall, AHCC has been suggested to enhance prognosis and quality of life in a variety of cancers, as well as to elicit potentially positive changes in cytokine production and lymphocyte populations — most notably increased NK cell activity.”
Beneficial bacteria found in traditionally fermented foods also boosts NK cell activity,32 and those with low NK cell levels tend to experience greater benefits from probiotic supplementation than those with healthy levels of NK cells.
Panax ginseng augments NK cell activity and boosts cytokine production that lowers inflammation via a polysaccharide called ginsan.33
Melatonin, a neurohormone produced by your pineal gland, is a well-recognized modulator of cancer risk that may also boost NK production. A 2005 paper discussed the immunoregulatory action of melatonin on your innate immune system, and that exogenous melatonin (melatonin supplementation) "augments NK cells and monocytes in both the bone marrow and the spleen with a latency of 7 to 14 days."34
from HealthyLife via Jake Glover on Inoreader http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/07/03/flu-shot-flucelvax.aspx
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