#The bowers gang
sematarygirls · 7 months
Living Dead Girl Pt. II — Patrick Hockstetter.
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part one
pairing : patrick hockstetter x ghost!reader
summary : patrick gave into his urges and finally tested his morbid curiosities on prey much larger than just a cat or dog. little did he know his actions would come back to haunt him... literally.
warnings : patrick being a psychopath , animal cruelty , male masturbation , graphic descriptions of murder and suicide , reader being manipulative , degradation , sexual themes ,
word count : 4.5k words !
a/n : can't believe i'm finally posting this after a year and a half. also this is my first attempt at smut-ish so i'm sorry if it's ass. im not gonna say this is 18+ bc I myself am not 18+ (im turning 18 this year tho) also im not your mom and idgaf what you read.
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"Finally," a voice sounded, causing him to drop both his can and his plate. The sharp sound of glass breaking followed by a loud thud echoed through the room as the plate and soda can collided with the floor.
"No, no, no," Patrick shook his head, shutting his eyes. "This isn't real. I killed you. You're not here. You're not real."
"Sorry, babe," the voice, your voice, whispered into his ear. Your warm breath fanned his ear, and he felt his whole body tense. "I'm very much real."
"That's not possible," he said through gritted teeth. "I watched you die. I buried you!" He opened his eyes, convinced that this was all some terrible drug trip. Maybe the weed he'd just got from Henry was laced, or maybe he was suffering from a temporary psychosis. Either way, there had to be some rational and logical reason that he was seeing you.
However, when he saw you there, sitting there with a smug look on your face, your presence as solid as any living person, he felt his heart skip a beat.
You tilted your head, eyebrows furrowing as you pouted. "What's wrong, Patrick?" You asked condescendingly. "Don't act so scared now." You walked toward him slowly, watching him scramble backward in a panic. A smile spread across your lips as you saw the pure fear in his eyes when he hit the wall behind him, having nowhere else to go. "You weren't scared when you stabbed me. You weren't scared when you watched me bleed out in your arms. You weren't scared when you buried my body like some animal you found on the side of the road." Your voice was seeping with anger as you stepped closer and closer, cornering him. "So you don't get to be scared now."
Patrick Hockstetter was not someone who was frightened easily. In fact, up until this very moment, he didn't think he had the ability to be frightened at all. His unique ability to remain calm and collected in situations that would often stress others out was one he was prideful of. However, at that moment, he felt all composure and level-headedness dissolve. For the first time in his life, he was scared. Not just scared—terrified.
"What- What do you want?" He asked, his voice shaky as he looked into your eyes. You no longer looked at him like he hung the moon. There were no remnants of your innocence and naivety—willing to trust that people have the best intentions. There was nothing behind your cold, lifeless eyes. It was like staring at a corpse.
"Now, what's the fun in that?" You grinned, leaning forward so your face was inches away from his. Your gaze flickered to his lips. The same lips you thought he'd planned to kiss you with, but instead, he'd stabbed you in the stomach and mocked your intelligence. "You should really watch your back, Patrick," you whispered with a devious smirk, your breath fanning over his face. "I heard the search for me is really picking up after they found my blood in the woods."
Your words snapped him back to the reality of the situation at hand. He had killed you. What you were saying was impossible though. Right? He was meticulous in every stage of his plan. There was no way they found any trace of you. "What are you talking about?" He asked, his eyes searching you for any sign of deception, but you were impossible to read like this. He was no longer able to detect everything from a single glance. He only knew what you wanted him to know.
Without another word, you disappeared, leaving the boy spiraling as he went through all the events of that night over and over again. "Come back!" He screamed, his voice echoing through the empty house. "You can't just leave like that you bitch!"
Patrick let out a frustrated yell as he grabbed the nearest thing—which happened to be a porno mag—and threw it across the room in a fit of rage. Who did you think you were to haunt him? To come into his room, make him feel that horrible emotion, and tease him just to leave abruptly?
He sat on the edge of his bed, trying to control his heavy breathing as his anger took over. You had to have been lying, trying to get into his head. He hated to admit that it was working. He was supposed to be the one in your head. This was his world. He controlled everyone and everything. You shouldn't be here. You should be dead and buried like he had intended.
He fell back in his bed and took a deep breath, letting his mind settle as he chased sleep. He told himself you would be gone tomorrow and that would be that. Your appearance to him, like something out of a Charles Dickens novel, was just a fluke. Tomorrow you would be dead and all would be right with the world.
He drifted off to sleep, having convinced himself that he would never see you again. He was able to get a few hours of sleep, but you weren't going to let him be at peace for long
At around 4 am, Patrick had a very vivid dream that he was choking. He was gasping for air, clawing at his neck as he looked around frantically. His surroundings dissolved into a pitch-black room. He felt his lungs burning, his brain growing fuzzy as the oxygen left him. It felt so vivid, so real.
He awoke in a panic, sitting up straight as he gasped for air. His lungs felt like they were on fire. Like he had truly been deprived of air like he'd dreamed about. He panted, catching his breath as he looked around at his room, thankfully finding no signs of you. However, when he finally felt secure, able to draw a breath without feeling like a thirsty man drinking water, he realized the pillow that had been behind his head was now sat on his lap.
The realization dawned on him that he may have been actually suffocating, and you were the culprit. He shook his head, trying to expel the thought as he laid back down, throwing the pillow off into the black depths of his room, so he wouldn't have to worry about it anymore. It was just a dream. Just as you were just a vision.
Patrick wasn't stupid, though many would argue to the contrary. Just because he didn't give a shit about school and didn't try didn't mean he wasn't smart. He just saved his intelligence for things that actually mattered—like planning and executing a murder.
That in mind, his refusal to accept the things he deep down knew to be true was not, as some would think, him being stupid. On the contrary, he believed himself smarter than to believe in silly things like ghosts. Dead things stay dead. He'd learned that at a very young age. He knew when he killed his brother that he would not be coming back. Just as he knew when he killed you that you would not be coming back.
Ghosts don't exist. He wasn't dumb enough to believe that.
As he laid in bed, trying to rationalize himself into a calm enough state to fall asleep again, he found himself more on edge with every creak of the old house around him. He stared up at the ceiling, his eyes conspiring with the moonlight to play tricks on him. His breath hitched at every shadow dancing around the dark.
You were proud of your work, and you had barely done anything yet. You watched from the shadows, pleased as he seemed to run himself in circles trying to cope with everything going on. The mere thought of you was torture enough.
You grinned, biting your lip as a thought washed over you. As a ghost, not bound by the physical realm, you had the ability to do a lot of things. One of those so happened to be raising and lowering the temperature in a room.
You focused hard, raising the temperature several degrees, making Patrick swear at the sudden sweat washing over him. You watched with a satisfied smirk as he pulled his shirt over his head, trying to cool himself off.
He didn't have a six pack or anything, but you didn't expect him to. He had a lean, toned torso with a very sexy v-line peeking out from his jeans. A small tattoo sat on his stomach just above his v-line on the right side. You couldn't make it out in the darkness, but you didn't care much. The sight of it alone was enough.
After all, who said you couldn't mix a little bit of business with pleasure.
He had taken away the rest of your life, all the possibilities of experiencing having your first kiss, losing your virginity, falling in love. It was only fair he made up for that in one way or another before your time together came to an end.
The time passed agonizingly slowly with Patrick staring at the ceiling and you watching him, studying him like he was some foreign thing. It was so interesting to watch someone when they don't know they're being watched. Of course, he felt the hairs on his neck stand on end, his body detecting the unseen eyes on him, but he chalked it up to paranoia—as he did every other unexplainable thing that seemed to be happening to him.
His mind drifted off, the heat making him restless as his brain filled with gruesome images of his previous kills. He sifted through his memory for the most interesting ones—dismembering birds, beheading cats, snapping a squirrel or two's neck—but none of them seemed to get him off anymore.
The image of your face right after he stabbed you made it's way into his mind. Your eyes, so wide and filled with fear. He could practically hear your sweet voice crying out, asking why he would do this to you. The thought made his cock tighten in his jeans.
He reached down, palming himself through his jeans with a groan. Reliving the sounds of you choking and coughing up your own blood had his fingers working quickly to undo his belt. He tossed it to the side, practically ripping the button off his jeans as he pulled them down along with his underwear, allowing his dick to finally be free from the restrictive fabric.
He spat in his hand, gripping his cock and lubricating it. He caught his chapped lower lip between his teeth as swept his thumb over his pink head, smearing his precum across it. He let out a low moan, letting his hand travel up and down his dick at a slow, agonizing pace. He kept his eyes screwed shut, immersing himself in the memory of your murder as he stroked himself.
Patrick was not a moral man by any means but this was a new low. Getting himself off to you, in his mind, was no better than if he was imagining one of his dead animal playthings. You were nothing to him. You were roadkill.
But, for some reason, the fresh sight of you, wearing the clothes he killed you in with that dark blood stain right where he'd stabbed you, your hair all matted, and the cold, lifeless look in your eyes, made it so easy to relive that night in great detail.
It was the greatest night of his life. The biggest release of pressure he'd ever felt since he began getting those homicidal urges—those itches. He didn't think he'd ever get to feel that euphoria again, but fucking himself to the thought of it would get him pretty damn close.
He let out a strangled moan, his hips pushing into his hand as he came, and he was right, it was the second-best feeling he'd ever felt. It didn't compare to killing you, but it was enough to satiate his urges once again.
He laid there, panting for what felt like hours. The time moved by so slowly until finally, the sound of the alarm block beside his bed blaring pulled him from his thoughts.
The red numbers reading 7:30 blinked slowly, reminding him that he had to get up and get ready for school. He leaned over, smacking the top of the clock roughly to silence it before falling back flat on his bed, preparing himself to get up.
He groaned, pushing himself up and grabbing a random pair of jeans and a shirt that smelled clean enough. He quickly got dressed before making his way back downstairs. He knew Belch would be here any second to pick him up—he always woke up later than he was realistically supposed to.
He slipped his boots on, and a few moments later, he heard Belch laying on his car horn. Rolling his eyes, he opened the door, heading outside and letting it slam just behind him.
"Calm your tits," he shouted in annoyance. Patrick always had a short fuse, but after the particularly restless night in which he'd been visited by some fucking ghost of Christmas Past, he found himself particularly irritable.
"Dude what happened yesterday?" Victor asked as Patrick climbed into the blue Trans Am.
"You were totally tripping the fuck out," Belch chimed in, starting the car and peeling out of Patrick's neighborhood.
"Dumb fuck can't handle his liquor," Henry scoffed from his spot in the passenger's seat.
"Shut the fuck up, Bowers," Patrick bit back, gazing out the window. "At least some of us don't piss our pants when we drink."
"It was one fucking time you dickhead!" Henry defended quickly, his cheeks turning red from the embarrassment.
At the feeling of someone's hand on his thigh, Patrick quickly looked over at Vic. "Don't fucking touch me you-" he paused just short of spitting some derogatory remark about Victor being gay and a freak when he saw you sitting between him and Victor, grinning at him darkly.
"What the fuck are you talking about, dude?" Victor asked, bewildered by Patrick's behavior. Patrick was always an odd one, but he never acted this weird.
"He probably smoked himself fucking dumb," Henry grumbled, still annoyed about the pants pissing remark.
You held a finger to your lips as climbed over onto his lap, holding onto his shoulders to steady yourself. You just wanted to rile him up a little, make him feel suffocated by you, like he could never escape. And truly, he couldn't. You were never going anywhere until you believed justice had properly been served, and you would take that in any form.
He glared at you, but you paid him no mind, leaning to whisper into his ear: "How cute," you condescended him. "You thought I would just go away." You dug your nails into his shoulders making him sharply inhale, trying not to tip off his friends to the seemingly unwarranted pain he was feeling. "You will never be rid of me," you whispered menacingly, looking deep into his eyes with a sickening grin that made nausea pool in his stomach.
In any other situation, having someone on his lap, digging their nails into his shoulders would probably have been a pleasurable experience, but this was not any other situation. This was a nightmare he couldn't seem to wake up from.
When Belch finally pulled into the school parking lot, Patrick couldn't get out of the car fast enough. You disappeared as he scrambled to unlock the door and get out, finally feeling like he could breathe. He pulled his shirt collar to the side, looking down at the angry red marks where your nails had been. They served as a disturbing reminder that you were really there, and you could do anything to him.
"You get laid last night, Hockstetter?" Belch asked, grinning as he saw the red marks.
"That why you ran off yesterday?" Henry snickered. "You pussy whipped?"
"At least, I actually get pussy," he sneered, paling as he heard your laugh echoing around him the moment the words slipped from his lips. It was a deafening sound. Like a mix between a cackle and a scream that seemed to permeate his surroundings.
His jaw clenched, eye twitching as he resisted the urge to cover his ears. Apart from not wanting to look insane, he also didn't think it would help much. You weren't around him. You were in him, in his head.
The bell could faintly be heard going off inside the school, making Victor curse under his breath. They had two minutes to get to class or they were late.
"Mrs. Denton's gonna throw a bitch fit if I'm late again," he groaned, watching as Henry lit a cigarette.
"Kiss ass," he remarked, taking a long drag before exhaling the puff of smoke into Belch's face as Victor walked away.
"You asshole," Belch coughed, shoving Henry.
"Oh, shit." Henry's eyes widened as he tossed his cigarette on the ground, quickly stomping it out. "Let's go," he ordered, making his way up the stairs to the front doors of the school, looking behind him frantically.
Patrick's eyebrows furrowed at the sudden shift in Henry's demeanor. He followed the brunette's gaze, his eyes locking with those of Butch Bowers, the sheriff.
"Wonder if they're here for you," your voice taunted him, breath tickling the back of his right ear. He turned, preparing to come face to face with that condescending smile you always seemed to be wearing, but you weren't there.
He looked back, finding Sheriff Bowers still staring at him, seemingly ignoring whatever the deputy was leaning into his ear to say. Patrick wasn't one to back down easily, but your presence, your warnings, had him on edge. He quickly advanced forward, his lengthy legs providing long strides as he followed suit in heading inside Derry Highschool.
The sounds of his heavy boots hitting the linoleum floor echoed through the empty hall as he made his way to his math class. Victor was right; Mrs. Densen was going to throw a bitch fit that he was late, but he didn't care. He wouldn't have cared on a normal day, but on this day, with the police sniffing around and you practically breathing down his neck, he cared even less—which he didn't even know was possible.
He pulled open the door to the classroom, a hush falling over the students as he entered. Most stared at him wide-eyed, some avoided looking at him altogether, and he briefly caught Vic looking at him with sympathy. The teacher, however, was glaring at him, her arms crossed over her chest.
"Mr. Hockstetter, late again I see," she said pointedly. "You've earned yourself a detention after school today." Patrick stifled a laugh as he made his way to his seat at the very back of the classroom. "Is something funny?" She asked, her tone displaying clear annoyance.
"Yeah, that you think I care," he rolled his eyes, slipping into his desk. He tuned out whatever lecture the teacher decided to give him after that. His gaze drifted to the empty desk in the front row— the one you used to sit at.
"Don't go feeling remorseful now," you said into his ear. He felt your arm around his shoulders as you leaned down, your face positioned next to his. He turned to look at you, and you turned to look at him, your faces almost touching.
your breath fanned across his face, the moment oddly intimate until you grinned at him, opening your mouth and emitting an ear piercing scream.
"Ah," he grunted in pain, his eyes screwing shut, and his hands gripping his ears. It felt like his eardrums were seconds away from bursting and causing blood to pour out of his ears. "Shut the fuck up!" He yelled, the room, and you, falling dead silent immediately after the words left him.
He peeled his eyes open, his hands falling as he looked around. "Excuse me, Mr. Hockstetter," the teacher gasped, clearly taken aback by his outburst. "Take yourself to the principal's office right this instant!" She ordered him.
His blood began to boil as he stood up abruptly, storming out of the classroom and slamming the door behind him. He was getting very very sick and tired of your little games. He headed toward the back door of the school, not wanting to cross paths with Henry's dad.
"This doesn't look like the way to the principal's office," you mused, appearing beside him. He stopped, turning to shove you against the locker. He groaned when his arms made contact with the locker instead of your body, and your laugh echoed behind him. "You think you can hurt me, how cute."
He let out a frustrated groan, smashing his fists against the locker. He couldn't stand you. He couldn't stand having someone that he couldn't manipulate or hurt but that could manipulate and hurt him. "What do you want with me?" He asked, refusing to look at you.
"To break you," you grinned. "To have you begging for it to stop."
Yeah, right he thought.
He was Patrick fucking Hockstetter; he didn't beg. He didn't bend to the will of others, especially not some dead bitch. He was determined not to let you win. You would eventually get tired of tormenting him and go back to wherever the fuck you came from. He was sure of it.
Oh, how he underestimated your patience and overestimated his resilience.
He lasted exactly a week. A week of you screaming and poking and scratching and fucking with his head. A week of people staring at him like he was insane with his random outbursts and talking to the air. A week of torment before you finally had him right where you wanted him.
"Just leave me alone!" He begged, standing in the middle of his room with his head in his hands. You had finally drove him to the brink of insanity, and he didn't know how much longer he could live like this. You, being everywhere all the time, taunting and touching and teasing, it was too much for him. He couldn't take it anymore. "Go away!"
You tsked, grinning at him, that condescending grin that filled him with indescribable rage. How could you look at him like that? Like he was stupid? You were the stupid one. You were killed by him not the other way around!
"I'm afraid that's not how this works," you told him, shaking your head slightly. "I get to stay until you give me what I want." You took a step, punctuating the next words you said with a pause between each one and another step forward. "However. Long. It. Takes."
"What the fuck do you want from me?" He yelled, desperate to get you away from him forever.
"Well," you drawled, running your index finger along his chest, making him flinch. You smiled at the effect you had on him. He talked a big game, getting mad when you left—cursing, throwing things, even—having the audacity to fuck himself to the thought of your murder— but when it came to being face to face with you, he cowered away.
Ain't nothing like a little fear to make a paper man crumble as Henry Bowers' father once said.
"I'll be nice and give you a choice," you said darkly. "You can turn yourself in," you almost laughed at the way his demeanor hardened. "Which we both know you're too proud and stubborn to do," you continued. The intrigue behind Patrick's eyes was undeniable as he eagerly awaited his second choice. "Or," you trailed off, grabbing a razor from his dresser and holding it in front of his face. "You can die."
"You're a crazy bitch!" He shouted, though his inability to mask the tremble in his voice made him sound less than threatening.
"Maybe," you shrugged, admiring the sharp piece of metal. "Hmm," you hummed. "I wonder how you'll feel about me in another week," you asked thoughtfully. "I bet you'll be wishing you took the chance while you had it."
His jaw clenched at your words. He'd already lost a considerable amount of sleep because of you, and the thought of you tormenting him any longer was a fate worse than death. "Why don't you just kill me?" He asked defeatedly. You'd backed him into a corner that he was positive he couldn't get out of without doing things your way.
"I'm not you, Patrick," you spat hatefully. "I don't kill people or things."
"What? Like driving me to suicide is any better?" He scoffed, challenging your sense of superiority over him.
"You have an informed choice," you told him, trying to regain your calm. You didn't like losing your temper, especially not to the likes of Patrick Hockstetter, scum of the earth. "That's a luxury you didn't extend to me."
He eyed the blade in your hand warily. He didn't like accepting defeat. He would never admit to killing you. Being confined to a tiny room, unable to satiate that burning itch deep inside him whenever he needed; it would drive him mad.
"Go on," you urged him softly, holding the razor out for him to take. "Put yourself out of your misery. End it all and be free."
He looked between you and the blade hesitantly, a million thoughts running through his mind as he tried to make a decision. Glaring at you, he took the blade. A scowl formed on his face as he observed the triumphant expression that you seemed to wear immediately after he made his choice.
"Two deep cuts, and you'll never have to see me again," you assured him. That all but sealed the deal. Patrick didn't believe in heaven or hell and death didn't scare him. Being caged like one of the many animals he's so cruelly killed scared him more than dying. He walked over to his bed, sitting on the edge.
He sucked in a breath, pressing the blade into his wrist and dragging it upward toward his inner elbow. He clenched his teeth, deeply inhaling through them. A groan of pain fell from his lips as he felt the warm blood begin seeping from his wound, running down his arms and onto his jeans. He continued the action on the other arm, feeling nauseous and lightheaded.
The blade fell from his trembling fingers, clattering to the floor as he fell back onto the bed. His head felt foggy, and the pain began to melt away into numbness. His eyes began to droop, and he faintly saw your outline standing above him.
He just barely felt you lean down, pressing a kiss to his forehead. His ears began to ring as his eyes fell shut. The words you spoke next were the last he would hear before his heart slowed to an eventual stop. He almost couldn't make them out, the sound muffled, as if he was underwater, but his mind used its last bit of energy to process them before giving out.
"Goodbye, Patrick Hockstetter," you said softly. "May you burn in hell."
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tags! : @fatfagsj , @mysticalhills , @simpingforthe80s , @slasherho , @pinkpanther-44 , @slaggylemon , @kyranisnotdead , @ladydragiiss ,
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knyontop · 28 days
bowers gang hcs?
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Ft: Henry bowers, Patrick hocksetter, Victor criss, Belch huggins.
Tw: dark stuff remember its the bowers gang!!!
・Henry is the most aggressive and just mean😭
・you give him one wrong look and your already a target for him.
・depending on how much he hates you is how far he will go.
・He deff has some doggys!!!!
・hes a dog person confirmed ^_^
・he has two dogs, both are German shepherds (cant think of any names so just make them up..)
・hes had sex with like five girls, maybe even more. But they dont mean anything to him he just needs a good fuck every once in a while.
・he mostly goes for nasty bitches (thats all there is in darry) but if hes lucky there will be one sweet, innocent girl he can corrupt. (He has a thing for the innocent ones)
・Henrys favorite color is red im confirming it :3
・he stays out late so he doesn’t have to go home to his shit dad, he hangs with his friends but he also likes his alone time.
・when he was younger i just know he loved trucks😭
・a truck is definitely his dream car💪🏻💪🏻
・Henry doesn’t like loud children and he doesn’t like crowds because its so annoying trying to get through and its loud as hell.
・he is not scared to get into a little kids face and tell them to shut up and if they really push it he might slap em’ on the head.
・i feel like when he was younger he definitely wanted a sibling he wanted a younger sibling to hang out with and make into like a mini him just someone he could protect and hang with. (He still kinda does)
・anger issues, daddy issues, asshole issues, what do you expect?
・henry bowers getting therapy when??
・bro looks at himself in the mirror and just admires himself bc he knows hes hot😭
・i would like to say hes pretty good at skateboarding like i just have an image of him when he was younger with his little crew and there just skating☹️☹️
・but he thinks he doesn’t have time for it anymore, only on rare occasions he does it. (Vic still skates often tho)
・but yeah henry bowers is pretty fire🔥🔥
・the most sadistic and cruel like we all know that.
・bro is just born this way no sad backstory nothing😭
・I imagine that its just him and his mom, and his mom is a sweet angel while hes just the devil.
・his dad left after he killed his little brother, and Patricks okay with that. Never like his old man anyways.
・he has some type of caring for his mom I mean like deep deep inside somewhere you will find a little care.
・he does not care about your race or sexuality at all like the only thing he will care about is if your a girl because he believes that men are better than woman.
・little patrick was like, “MOM GET BACK IN THE KITCHEN!”
・complete menace smh.
・but yeah he doesn’t care he just calls you slurs and stuff because he loves humiliating people😭 the rush he feels it gives him a feeling of what its like to even feel something.
・he doesn’t have a favorite color, he thinks thats stupid and childish. Like who gives a fuck? (I DO☹️)
・no filter. Speaks his mind.
・”Fucking whore.”
・evilest laugh EVER.
・”if i laugh during a fight run” ah💀
・deep deep down he has a soft spot for his little gang and his mom, deep, deep, deeeeeep down.
・he wants to feel things he just doesn’t, so, feeling that rush of excitement or sexual energy or desire helps him feel emotions and he doesn’t care if its bad at least hes feeling it!
・hes the smartest like he got those straight A’s in elementary🙏🏻🙏🏻
・i just know hes a cat person like he holds in a coo when hes those little furballs☹️
・has two siblings >3< a little brother and a little sister!!!
・and hes a pretty decent big bro to.
・took them to the park, helps his little sister tie her shoes, but just bc there his little siblings doesn’t mean hes not afraid to get rough with them. Hes in the bowers gang for a reason.
・hes like the stereotypical bully, pinning people down shoving them a little bit maybe a little beat dowm mocking and teasing his victims.
・never to far ig…
・Victor’s favorite color is green, yeah pretty obvious ik ik☹️☹️
・he cuts his own hair!!! Hes pretty smart when hes not being a asshole.
・i feel like if he wasn’t a bully he would have so much potential.
・buttt anywho he has old note books that he used to journal in when he was younger he thinks its stupid now that hes older. (I promise its not)
・he likes making Henry proud because i mean hes his leader why wouldn’t he want to please him?
・he grew up in a srict household, when he was 8 he realized rules are stupid.
・they are all little shits omds.
・he used to want to be a cop but look where he is nowwww..
・funfact: hes pretty good with kids sense he has little siblings, he just doesn’t have a lot of patience.
・most empathetic, his actor even said he was more human than the others he was not as evil as the others.
・i feel like hes a 100% mamas boy he hates his dad, his parents split up so he takes care of his mom behind the scenes.
・he has one little sister which she is the exact opposite of him like literally shes just a sweet little bundle of joy with her taller and bigger intimidating older brother next to her with his arms crossed.
・might be a better older brother than vic ngl😪
・now im not saying hes gentle or nice hes still an asshole hes not a good person im just saying hes nicer than the others.
・he intimates kids, shoves them around, never anything as bad as henry gets with his strength.
・Belch likes to make people intimidated, he feels strong. He feels good.
・belch is a dog person but he thinks cats are okay, but definitely a dog person.
・hes got a little pug <\3
・which he keeps his pug ten yards away from patrick because that pug is his baby.
・to any of patricks fat jokes hes like “Im big boned asshole!”
・close enough welcome back eric cartman.
・I feel like his favorite color would be blue or orange.
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princess-glassred · 1 month
I think it's funny that back when it chapter 2 came out there were people complaining about richie and eddie being gay and shipping reddie (*cough cough* James Ransome *couch cough*), because like... did they just forget they were watching IT? Everybody in IT is just by default a little faggy, even the homophobic bully and sociopathic baby killer jerk it together. Even Butch Bowers in the book got his katana through exchanging a pack of beer and some "joy sticks". Everybody in IT is a little homo. The only thing that out does all the queer undertones is the racist overtones.
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yandere-toons · 1 year
Yandere Henry Bowers (Platonic & Romantic Headcanons)
Warnings: child abuse and neglect (physical and emotional), intense violence, death, bullying, implied alcoholism, reference to divorce, emotional abuse, toxic mindset.
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As soon as his father drinks himself into unconsciousness or throws him out the door, Henry stalks down the street to where he thinks his friend might be. Explaining nothing of his sullen demeanour, he places himself in the middle of whatever they are doing, dragging them into a more private area if their current activity is too public or not to his liking. From there, the hope is that his friend will act in a way that comforts him without him having to ask for it and risk further humiliation.
There are two possible outcomes here, depending on how his friend treats him and who else gets involved. If they accept his presence without prying, Henry will shut down and remain silent for a while, riding out the emotional storm around someone he now has a reasonable chance of trusting. If they stonewall him or others interrupt, Henry will revert to his hostile bully persona and never mention the event again, as it has become a new source of shame for him.
Henry reveals a watered-down version of the truth when pressed for answers, but even then, he refuses to tell the whole story out of a desire not to relive it, not to be seen as a whiner, and not to show how profoundly it has affected him. After all, a history of cruel reactions from his father and the small-town mentality of Derry have taught him that emotional vulnerability is a dangerous mistake of the stupid and weak.
Despite this, it becomes increasingly clear that Henry is stalling for time when the subject of going home creeps up on him. He would much rather stay out all day and night with his friend and the gang, cruising town with Belch at the wheel, forgetting what awaits him when he sets foot on the family farm. But Henry knows only too well that Butch's wrath will double if he has to go looking for him.
Henry will threaten and, if sufficiently provoked, maim anyone who shows an interest in his friend. His worldview is more than a little misanthropic, as his good memories are few and far between, and his father and the community at large have taught him to hate anyone who challenges his idea of the norm. As such, he sees this as a favour to his friend, ridding them of all the scumbags who would inevitably trap them in an unwanted relationship.
But deeper down, in the places that have never quite healed, the places he never talks about, Henry is afraid of powerlessness. He despises the thought that his friend would abandon him because of someone else, as his mother did, so he does not give them that option. Anyone who tries to plant the idea in their head that they should cut ties with him, or worse, leave town, he beats as if it might save his life.
As far as Henry is concerned, no one offers a better source of companionship than he. He is fond of yelling this supposed fact and more at his friend when they refuse to drop everything and join him at a moment's notice. Seeing this as an affront to his authority as well as a personal insult, Henry cannot take it, especially when it happens in front of people, and tries to hector them into submission.
If any of Henry's accomplices disagree with his methods, none will be too honest about it. Henry displays an unabashed willingness to hurt anyone and everyone who comes between him and his friend. Other bullies have required stitches courtesy of Henry and learned to turn tail at the sight of him or them, and the last concerned citizen to intervene was left with a concussion.
Although Henry is a little more lenient with his gang, he still has rules about what kind of interactions are acceptable. Some of these rules go unspoken until one of the other boys crosses a line he did not know had been drawn. On the first day, Patrick Hockstetter lost his right to be alone with Henry's friend and incurred a death threat from Henry after Patrick made advances towards them and asked if they would like to share Henry with him.
Spending time with other people sounds like a waste of energy to Henry, but spending time with the Losers is so inexcusable that he expresses it in the only language he knows: violence. His need to anticipate his father's unstable emotions has made him sensitive to any sign of displeasure in others, which Henry receives in abundance from one of the Losers, Richie Tozier. Tozier calls him an obsessive freak when he cuts one of the kids for staring at his friend.
His only frame of reference is his parents' disastrous marriage, now separated, and the couples at school he enjoys breaking up with shoves and jibes. Henry can be demanding in everything he asks of his partner, putting them in the untenable position of bearing the brunt of his emotional hunger. It is an overwhelming and confused mess of mixed signals and frustration that has built up over years.
Much of Henry's attention-seeking behaviour and unpredictable aggression stems from the fact that he is both ashamed of his struggles and less and less successful at repressing them. When he still tries, it manifests itself in violent outbursts and, in the context of this relationship, defensive anger when his partner does not immediately and completely fulfil his needs.
There are few things Henry would hate more than being compared to his father, so he refrains from using this level of violence with his partner. However, he retains a distinct bullheadedness in the many arguments that do break out, usually over Henry's desire for them to give up any part of their life that distracts from him.
Under no circumstances is Butch to know that Henry has a partner, let alone meet them. He would rather die than have them see what a so-called coward he becomes around his father, and the thought of them being caught in the crossfire of one of his father's explosions makes him want to stick the knife in Butch's throat a little sooner.
At the first sign of Butch's approach, Henry pulls away from his partner and tells them that if things get heated, they should go with Victor and wait for him at a distance. Victor is disturbed by Henry's extreme view of the relationship but is wise enough not to say so to his face.
Watching his partner suffer abuse at the hands of a family member ignites a rage in Henry that stems from his unfulfilled desire to take revenge on his father. He flashes back to when Butch similarly hurt him, reopening the last wound he tried to numb by avoiding his home and seeking out his partner. Every punch Henry lands, every slash with the knife, is almost like getting back at his father for all the scars he gave him.
Henry refuses to feel remorse for those he attacks, as Butch would never apologise for the damage he inflicts and once even rewarded Henry for his violent actions. After making his partner drop a science project in the hallway, the child he forced to eat dirt had it coming. The classmate who sat next to his partner at lunch - a seat reserved for Henry, regardless of whether anyone else knows it or whether he feels like taking it that day - deserved to be thrown to the floor and humiliated in a way that will haunt them forever.
Competition, real or imagined, is unforgivable and will be met with swift, if not disproportionate, retaliation. The first line of defence is a barrage of verbal abuse, escalating to physical assault unless the pest flees the scene and swears an oath never to speak to his partner again. From there, Henry will order his cohorts to hold the person still while he carves, stones, drowns and breaks whatever he finds most offensive.
Part of a community that frowns upon physical closeness between friends, Henry seeks in this relationship the emotional intimacy and affection that his father never provided. He denies having such needs when anyone suggests otherwise, insisting that he only stays with his partner for superficial reasons and would not miss them if they were to disappear one day.
Despite his claims of indifference, Henry displays a violent resentment towards those who befriend his partner, perceiving these individuals as a threat to his importance in their life. This fear speaks to his underlying insecurity of not being in control, the same insecurity that drives him to suspect the worst in people and defend or assert himself accordingly.
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incorrect-losers · 2 months
Henry: Hockstetter!
Patrick: Yes?
Henry: Let me get to the point. You are a demented, sick, degenerate, barbaric, naughty...freako!
Patrick *flattered*: Why, thank you
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bitches-who-write · 1 year
hey could you write a head cannon that the bowers gang find out that their little siblings have made their own little gang with the other bowers gang little siblings and the only reason they found out was that someone who messed with them come up to them asking for them to keep their crazy siblings on a leash because they beat the crap out of them.
Hi there!  We’ve combined this ask with your other ask similar to it.  Hope you enjoy!
(Below is character refrence from your request): 
Siblings are called the Mini Bowers Gang
Mia Bowers (Henry little sister)
Maddie Hockstetter (Patrick little sister)
Olivia Criss (Vic little sister)
Sam Huggins (Belchs little brother)
Warnings: Swearing, mild violence implied.
The Bower’s gang had no idea that their younger siblings formed their own little gang.
It wasn’t until Chad O’keif, Derry’s popular, asshole jock approached Henry, Patrick, Belch and Vic. 
Chad rushes up to the guys furiously with a busted lip.
“Hey!  Bowers!  You better keep a leash on those brats of yours or else next time-“. 
Before Chad dares to finish his sentence, he catches himself.  For once the dumb jock uses his brains.
Everyone in town knows you don’t  threaten the Bowers gang.
Especially a threat directed towards their little siblings.
It’s not that the guys are sweet and over-protective of their siblings.  Quite the opposite though
But there’s still an unspoken vow that only they can mess with their little siblings.
The guys circle in on Chad, glaring to the point that he’s so uncomfortable, he can’t maintain eye contact anymore.
Visibly nervous, Chad clears his throat. “They’re down at the barrens.  They attacked me for no damn reason.” His voice trails off.
Everyone but Henry laugh hearing the news.
Henry shoves Chad to the ground, flipping his switch blade out.
“If I find out you messed with them, I’ll fuckin' end you.  Watch yourself.”  Henry threatens, stopping his blade into the ground before lifting Chad to his feet and pushing him forward.
“Now get the fuck out of my face.” 
And with that, Chad went running. 
The guys make their way down to the barrens to see what their little sibling are up to/ what all the commotion is about.
Before their siblings are even in sight, you can hear Maddie Hocksetter yelling, clearly instigating a fight.
As the guys approach, they see Mia Bowers straddling Beverly with both Sam Huggins and Olivia Criss holding her down.
Maddie was kneeling beside them, egging Mia on.
“Come on Mia, she deserves it, look what she did to Olivia!!”
As the guys get closer, they notice Olivia Criss’s nose was bloody. 
“HEY!  FUCKERS!” Henry shouts, causing them all to flinch and stop in their tracks.
Taking advantage of the distraction, Beverly kicks and twists, breaking free from Sam and Olivia, and knocking Mia off of her.
Maddie goes to grab her again but Patrick eyes her, slowly walking toward his sister with a creepy, sinister look on his face.
Maddie knows despite Patrick being her older brother, that it wouldn't stop him from doing something bad.
I mean look at what Patrick did to his little brother, RIP.
“Maddie… I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” He says, voice dripping with malice.
Normally Maddie isn’t intimidated by anyone but when it comes to Patrick (and hell, even Henry), she’s terrified.  She listens to her older brother and takes a step back.
Patrick grabs Beverly’s arms as she was slowly trying to back away into the woods.
Vic grabs this sisters face, examining her bloody nose. “Lucky isn’t not broken, kid.” 
Belch shoves his younger brother, Sam, blaming him for letting this happen since he’s in charge of looking out for the girls. 
“Someone want to explain what the actual fuck is going on here?”  Henry glare at each of them, especially his own kid sister, Mia.
Maddie was the first to speak up, nodding towards Beverly.  “This bitch hit Olivia!”
Patrick is holding Beverly in place by keeping her arms behind her back and trapped against his chest.
“Is that so?”  He smirks, getting close to Beverly’s ear and chuckling when she flinches. God he loves to make people squirm.
“Th-that’s not what happened!”  She retorts, clearly anxious as she’s surrounded. Her eyes tearing up until she begins to cry.
Vic approaches Beverly with a pissed off expression.
“Ya know Beverly, we don’t give a fuck if you’re a girl or not.  Hit my sister and I end you.”
Belch tries to diffuse the situation now, feeling somewhat sorry for Beverly as he sees the terror in her eyes.
Between being surrounded by both Bower’s gang, the Mini Bowers Gang, Vic threatening her, and Patrick giving her an unwanted embrace (cuddle with a struggle), it was enough to make even the toughest person break.
Hell even the jock, Chad, got beat up by the Mini Bowers so that’s saying something.
After some convincing, the others agree to let her go but not without another threat.
Once Beverly takes off running for her life, the Mini Bowers laugh hysterically feeling accomplished.
“So how did we do?!”  They ask the guys, looking for approval.
Henry scoffs.  “You got some work to do considering”. He says as he checks Olivia’s face.
Vic interjects. “But we’ll admit you’ll did a good job on fuckin’ Chad."
Belch nudges his little brother with approval as they laugh.
The other swing their arms over their little sister's shoulders as they walk off teaching them new fighting techniques. 
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babyybuggaboo · 10 months
henry bowers:
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suekeyyyyy2 · 3 months
[It's not a chapter, just a remake of my old one.] Headcanons
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🎈IT [2017] X oc's🎈 [Warnings: smut some what, language, Sexual Assault, crazy people, missing kids, rape, fluff, clowns,]
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.HENRY BOWERS. - The leader- Bad mouth, 🇺🇸/🇺🇸
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HENRY BOWERS is sixteen years old and known for... bullying racism, sexual offensive, alcoholism, and abuse.
PATRICK HOCKSETTER -"co" leader- Crazy guy, 🇺🇸/🇰🇷
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PATRICK HOCKSETTER is fifteen years old and known for... bully, rapist, racist, animal abuser, alcoholism, and sexual offender.
VICTOR CRISS - kindest member- Victim player, 🇺🇸/🇺🇸
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VICTOR CRISS is a fifteen year old and known for... Bullying, drinking, smoking, racist, and "good" students.
REGINALD 'BELCH' HUGGINS -member- getaway driver, 🇺🇸/🇺🇸
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BELCH HUGGINS is sixteen years old and a known for... Bullying, Racism, recless driving, theft, and asalt.
STEVE 'MOOSE' SADLER - smartist member- Meat Heat, 🇺🇸/🇰🇷
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MOOSE SADLER is a sixteen year old and known for... Bullying, racism, sexual assault, smoking, and alcohlic.
GARD JAGERMEYER -dumbist member - Dumb ass, 🇺🇸/🇩🇪
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GARD JAGERMEYER is fifteen years old and known for... Bullying, racism, sexual assault,and smoking.
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lostboyswife · 1 month
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Owen Teague the man that you are 🛐
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zapalimesvet · 26 days
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School on hot sunny days is the worst. Jane knows them very well and hates them like all the other kids who are returning home all sweaty for only holding a pen in their hand. The route home felt so long she thought she’ll slowly fry over time in the sun
When she was standing in front of her house, loud music was coming back from her shed “not again” Jane growled. She thought Stanley is playing with her Motley Crue vinyls again, Everybody knows no one is allowed to come into her shed. no one. Just her little private space she needs. Coming in the doors surprised to see who is sitting on the chair next to the big bass. All the stuff Jane has with the bass belongs to her fav uncle and she hated when somebody would touch the stuff. Jane acts like it's a very fragile thing to her.
“Girls girls girls” Patrick sings and smiles at Jane in the door. He turned down the speaker.
“What are you doing here? Who let you in there.” Jane crosses her hands.
“Your mom..you've been waiting for some boy named Tyler. I’m Tyler, nice to meet you” Jane approached him when he bend to tap the “on” button, she smacked his hand off
“Stop, and leave now please”
“You’re not happy to see me?”
Jane shocks her head “who is happy to see you Patrick?..” she says very calmly, too calmly for her liking.
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countrycrackheads · 2 months
Hii! I have a ship request for my character Marilyn Fenix! She’s a bit older than the losers club, though so if you stray away from them I’d appreciate it!
I have a rough bio and information about her over at
https://fauxfinale.carrd.co if that makes it easier ♡
Thank you!
I had a lot of fun making this! Marilyn is a beautifully written OC and I can’t wait to hear more about her <3
This is my first OC ship request, so let’s hope it goes well
!Warnings!: Henry being Henry. A bit angsty. Possessive Henry </3
Marilyn Fenix ☀️
I ship you with…
Henry Bowers 🌒
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Henry didn’t really know how to feel after Marilyn helped him with his rock fight injuries
He didn’t get the chance to say thank you, nor did he want to thank you because it’s embarrassing for him
It wasn’t until school started up again that Henry remembered Marilyn’s kindness when he saw her in 2nd period
He, of course, sat in the way back of the class during 2nd and 4th period, but his eyes always seemed to be set on that blonde vixen
Henry had started to subconsciously stare at Marilyn during school, especially in class or lunch
It wasn’t until Patrick Hockstetter made a joke about Henry always “eye banging” Marilyn that he even realized what he had been doing
This flustered the fuck out of Henry and he nearly gave Patrick a black eye for what he said, but Henry couldn’t deny what he’d been doing when they caught him
Let’s get one thing straight, Henry Bowers is a whore for affection and care
A mother’s love if you will
Marilyn offered that to him the day she helped him
That little gesture was enough to kickstart Henry’s subconscious crush on Marilyn
Once it became apparent to Henry, he would sometimes stalk Marilyn around school (with or without the gang. Just never with Patrick)
He began to attend football games and pep rallies just to see Marilyn cheer (He hates sports but he loves seeing girls in tiny skirts. What can I say? Motherless behavior)
Henry didn’t want the relationship to be public at first, mostly because he knew it would tarnish both of their reputations
Dates were at night and only at odd locations i.e. the barrens, quarry, woods, junkyard
He did however tell the gang and boy were those boys shocked
Belch and Vic were already on good terms with Marilyn, so they were rather happy about Henry’s girlfriend
But Patrick, the devious little whore, was more keen on making Marilyn as uncomfortable as possible whenever she intruded on their little gang outings
Henry made it a point to never let Marilyn around Patrick alone, even appointing Belch to be around Marilyn if Henry wasn’t around to guard her
He’s a bit overprotective as a boyfriend
In public he’s just so stoic and “manly”
But in private he’s a bit more relaxed, letting his walls down whenever it’s just him and his little ball of sunshine
He isn’t into getting sappy and venting to Marilyn, but he will often let her patch him up after fights, or go to her when he and his dad get into it
Cuddle bug.
Henry’s love language is physical touch, but he will only ever touch Marilyn with innocent intentions
He’s scared of sexual intimacy with Marilyn because she’s so pure and he’s worried about ruining her 🌻
He found out she likes to get drunk at parties, so he started to attend parties to keep an eye on her from a distance
Gets violently angry when Patrick calls her Marsy
Henry makes Victor sit in the middle of the trans am to block Patrick’s wandering hands from Marilyn
“I’m gonna rip your fucking hands clean off your pathetic body” -Henry to Patrick
Very possessive over Marilyn, so her friendly personality makes it even harder for him
In mental anguish whenever he sees her sitting with the jocks during lunch
This jealousy and possessiveness is what convinced him to make the relationship public
Unfortunately, his feelings only grew stronger at the attention she garnered when their relationship was announced
He began to pick fights with guys who paid attention to his dear Marilyn, sometimes gripping her wrist to usher her away whenever the stares were driving him insane
What was at first a sweet puppy love crush became Henry doing everything he possibly could to guard his Marilyn from the world and all its negativity, unaware that he was part of the problem.
Little bonus moodboard for them <3
(I am not great at moodboards but here it is!!)
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sematarygirls · 2 years
Living Dead Girl — Patrick Hockstetter.
part two
pairing : patrick hockstetter x ghost!reader (descriptors such as beautiful and nicknames such as dollface, darling, ect, but no described features— ie. long hair, brown eyes)
summary : patrick gave into his urges and finally tested his morbid curiosities on prey much larger than just a cat or dog. little did he know his actions would come back to haunt him... literally.
warnings : patrick being a psychopath , animal abuse , graphic depictions of murder/gore , you being murdered (in third person) 🤗 , self image issues
word count : 5.5k (part one)
a/n : i don't know how accurate this is to patrick, but i tried to make him lack empathy and remorse and he can't exactly feel love— just obsession and fascination. also, i hc patrick as a lefty so do with that what you will.
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Patrick had once again been feeling that familiar itch. It started subtlety this time, like a tickle from a weightless feather that blew lightly across his skin every so often, and it began to gradually grow.
He tried his best to satiate the hunger of the beast within, to scratch that itch in the same way he had so many times before— by killing the neighborhood pets.
But, it appeared this craving was a different kind altogether, for when he lit his lighter, allowing the aerosol to spray through the flame and fry the kitten until it was unrecognizable and it's shrill screams had died out, he felt nothing. There was no sense of relief, no satisfaction or even the small semblance of happiness— because Patrick truly couldn't feel such uplifting emotions.
There was just nothing.
Well, there was still that nagging itch.
It took some contemplation. Long nights staring up at the empty ceiling of his room, his right arm propped under his head while his left laid passively across his torso. How could he rid himself of this feeling?
He pondered that perhaps burning just didn't do it for him anymore. To test his theory, he tried many other options— drowning, suffocation, mutilation— he even, regrettably, attempted tasting the vile little creatures.
So, definitely not the method of torture because he was sure that if he hadn't even feeling so empty, those, with the exception of the last one, would have been a world of fun for him. Well then, maybe it was the animal!
Squirrels, cats, dogs, raccoons, lizards, frogs, birds— anything he could get his hands on became helpless victims in Patrick's reign of terror, but none of it helped.
That feeling began to grow until it took up every inch of his body. All he could think about was the kill. Even when he and his friends were torturing their pre-pubescent victims, images of blood and agonizing screams plagued his mind.
And that's when it hit him— he needed a human victim. One that brought real stakes to the equation, one that would get his adrenaline rushing at the idea of being caught.
Initially, it had been an idea. He hadn't planned to act on it... but then you came along, and god, you were just so perfect.
You ran into him, through no fault of your own. He had been walking down the wrong side of the hallway, and you were just coming around a corner, so he was in your blind spot.
"Oh, god. I'm so sorry. I'm such a klutz," you chuckled lightly after you collided into his hard chest. You looked up at him with wide, apologetic eyes.
As he stared down at you, he just knew that you were the one. You were so perfect. So beautiful. And it made him furious. He couldn't quite discern why, but the way your eyes sparkled with genuity and naivety caused a pit of red hot rage to build in his stomach.
But he couldn't act yet. He had to gain your trust. He had to ensure that he could get you into the woods by yourself so he could enact his plan and finally scratch that fucking itch.
"My fault, dollface," he spoke with a wide smile, attempting to be somewhat gentlemanly. "I wasn't paying attention." He gently clenched and released his fist as he watched you smile brightly. "I'm Patrick, Hockstetter," he introduced, leaning forward to tower over you in an attempt to be intimidating but in a way that could also come off as flirtatious.
"Ah, yes, the infamous Patrick Hockstetter, I presume?" You asked, your eyebrow arching slightly. There it was again. That anger. It had to have been your subtle cockiness, the way you weren't the least bit fearful of him even though his reputation clearly proceeded him.
"The very same," he smirked, leaning close to your ear. His breath lightly fanned the shell of your ear. "Why? Does my reputation scare you? Do I scare you?"
You let out a light chuckle. "No." It was a simple answer, and yet Patrick still found himself having to cling to that feeling on his skin, the one he desperately wanted to be rid of, to ensure that he didn't snap right at that second.
For some bizarre reason, in your presence, Patrick felt utterly powerless, which was a very foreign feeling to him. He had always been calm and calculated, except for when he was alone with his projects, so to be so out of control of his emotions just added to his resentment toward you.
"You should be," he replied ominously before turning and walking away from you in long, precise strides. He let his smirk fall and his lip curl up in disgust as he felt your eyes on his back the whole way down the hallway.
It had been such a simple interaction, and yet it had left you completely and utterly captivated. You should have been afraid of him. You'd known of his tendency for him and his friends to terrorize younger kids, and of course, you had heard the whispers of what he did when he thought no one was around, but those were just rumors... right?
Either way, you were intrigued by Patrick and wanted to see him again.
The next time you two had met, you were walking home. You lived above your parent's old record store in the town square, which was extremely convenient for you because it meant all the stores, the arcade, and school were just a short walk away. The record shop had been your grandfather's before it became your mother's, and soon it would be yours.
You were coming up on the arcade, and as you approached, you hesitated. Should you go inside? Your parents were expecting you home, but it was Friday, so they'd be okay with you going out for a bit, right?
As you contemplated, a blue Trans Am pulled up next to you, and a voice called out to you. "Y/N!"
Your eyebrows furrowed as your mind registered the familiarity of the voice. It sounded like Patrick, but it couldn't be because you had never told him your name. You turned, eyes widening slightly in surprise as your gaze met Patrick, who was hanging with half his body out the window of the car. In the passenger's seat, Henry was staring forward, a bored and slightly irritated look on his face.
"Hockstetter?" You asked with a grin. "I don't remember telling you my name."
"You didn't," he replied, sending a grin of his own your way.
"Did you ask around about me?" You teased, your eyebrows raising slightly as you gave him a playful look.
"Maybe," he shrugged. "Still not scared of me?" He asked, placing the palms of his hands on the door to push his upper half out the window toward you.
"Hmm," you looked up and to the side, pretending to think for a moment. "Nah," you shook your head, a small smile playing on your lips.
"Well, in that case," he drawled out. "You wanna go out with me tomorrow night?"
"You bringing your posse?" You asked, nodding your head to the three other teens in the car that had undoubtedly been listening in on your conversation.
"Why? Do you want them to come?" He asked suggestively. "I mean, I didn't know you were into that, but if you insi-"
"Stop! Stop!" You laughed, clamping your hand over his mouth. He looked you dead in the eye, and for a moment, you were so hypnotized by his eyes that you didn't realize the wet sensation of his tongue flicking across your palm. "Ugh!" You shrieked in disgust with a small laugh. "Gross."
"So?" He asked, his eyebrows raising. "Whatdya say?" He grinned his Cheshire cat grin, and you couldn't help but relent.
"Okay," you said softly with a little nod. "Yeah, I'll go out with you."
"Great," he smirked, doing a little drum solo on the door in, what appeared to be excitement. "I'll pick you up at 8." You nodded, not able to contain your huge smile as he tried to awkwardly pull himself back into the car. "Oh," he said, sticking his head out the window a bit. "And wear white." Before you could question him, he sent you a wink, and then, the car was off speeding down the street.
You began to absent-mindedly walk the rest of the way home, all plans of going to the arcade having fled your mind, replaced with the thought of going on a date with Patrick. Your first date!
You really didn't know what he saw in you. He was so charming and handsome, and you were just... you. You weren't exceptionally attractive like Shelly Benson and Daniel Klein or outrageously popular like Greta Bowie and Jackson Pines. You were smart in subjects you enjoyed and not as smart in one's you weren't, and you had average social skills but never really made friends, just acquaintances.
You were just normal.
And so you stood, staring at yourself in the mirror as you examined every inch of your outfit, desperately trying to look less like yourself. You sighed in frustration, running a hand through your hair with a huff as you turned around, refusing to look at yourself any longer.
Your room was your safe space. The walls were covered in posters of your favorite bands, celebrities, and movies. You wondered what it felt like to be so effortlessly flawless as you stared around at all the beautiful people littering your walls.
Aside from the posters, your room was quite cohesive. You had chosen an excellent set of neutrals to pair with your accent color (which was your favorite color, of course), and it created a very attractive and appealing color pallet.
The sound of a knock on the apartment door made you snap out of your admiration of your room. Leave it to you to critique your artistic excellence when you're on a time crunch.
You took one last look in the mirror before taking a breath and exiting your room. You proceeded down the hall and through the living room. With one last mental reassurance, you turned the knob and opened the door.
Patrick had been practicing and planning his moves precisely. He had to shower you with compliments and be completely polite. It would let your guard down, and that's when he could strike.
The door opened, and Patrick's gaze fell on you. Even he had to admit, you were undoubtedly attractive, but it wasn't companionship he was after. It was relief.
So, putting on his best show, he opened his mouth as if he was going to speak before closing it and giving you a once over, trying his best to seem in awe of you.
"Wow," he breathed with an awkward chuckle. "You look," he let out a puff of air, motioning to you as if he couldn't find the words. "I mean- you look perfect."
He watched in satisfaction as you smiled sheepishly, gaze averting to the ground. "Thank you," you replied. You looked back up and playfully said: "And you don't look too bad yourself," in an attempt to play it cool, but Patrick could see right through you. You were falling for his charm, and how could you not?
He was a God, after all.
"So," you asked, stepping out of your apartment and shutting the door behind you. "Where are we going this fine evening?"
"Well," Patrick started, placing his hand flat on your lower back as you two walked down to the record shop on the first floor. "I know this perfect spot in the woods away from town-" You gave him a concerned look, and he chuckled lightly at your fear. "I know how it sounds, but there's a firepit me and the boys set up out there, and it has a great view of the stars because there's no light pollution out there."
You bit the inside of your cheek, and Patrick felt his pulse begin to quicken. It seemed like you were going to back out. Should he have told you? Or just let you panic when they got there?
"Okay," you nodded, turning to him with a smile as you made up your mind. "I don't love the idea of a first date in the woods, but I'm like 99% sure you're not an axe murderer or anything, so," you trailed off.
Patrick gave you a wolfish grin. Oh, if only you knew that he was a predator and you were his prey— so innocent and oblivious to the things that the night had in store for you.
The two of you walked out of the store, and Patrick read the shocked look on your face as you saw Belch's Trans Am, which was then followed by discomfort and then relief when you noticed his friends hadn't accompanied him.
"Took some convincing, but I got Belch to let me borrow Amy," Patrick said proudly as he took one long stride forward and opened the car door for you.
"He named his car?" You asked with a little giggle as you climbed into the passenger's seat. "That's cute."
"Yup, although cute isn't the word I'd use," Patrick replied before shutting the door and walking around to the driver's side.
"And what word would you use?" You asked, amusement coating your tongue and dancing in your eyes.
"Demented," he said, giving you a look as he started the car. It was ironic coming from him, and he knew it. If anyone was demented, it was the pyromaniac freak who killed animals and was tricking a girl into thinking he liked her when really he was taking her to the woods to kill her.
"That's interesting coming from someone with such a," you paused, for a moment, thinking for the right word. "Colorful reputation."
"Touché," he shrugged, pulling out of the spot he was parked in and continuing down the road to the woods. The car settled in an awkward silence as neither of you really knew what to say. Patrick knew he should ask you questions and engage with you, but to be honest, he didn't really care about what you had to say.
"Let's see what Belch has in his glove compartment," you said with a grin. Patrick's blood began to boil again. Not because you were invading Belch's privacy— he quite liked that part, actually. No one was ever allowed to look in the glove compartment. In fact, he had specifically told Patrick not to and that he would know if he did, and now Patrick could satisfy his curiosity while blaming it on his date.
No, his blood was boiling because of how casual you were. Most people would ask a stupid question to fill the silence or just sit in it, but you found a way to light heartedly and nonchalantly attempt to start a conversation. It was Infuriating to him how different you were.
Patrick considered himself an expert on human behavior. After all, it was his world, and everyone else were pawns, so growing up, he had to learn about people. He had to pick up on their little habits and understand why people did certain things so he could manipulate them and use them as playthings.
But you were different, and that's what infuriated him so much. You were still plenty easy to manipulate, but you had little quirks and ways of doing things that he'd picked up on that went against his understanding of the human condition.
You were defective, and that's why he had to get rid of you. You weren't normal. You weren't a plaything or a pawn.
You were a threat.
Patrick glanced over at you, watching for a moment as you rummaged through the glove compartment.
"Eyes on the road, pretty boy," you said absent-mindedly. "I don't plan to die tonight, and especially not at the hands of you." This made him internally smile. That was the second reference you'd made tonight of him hurting you and each time you had been wrong. You were going to die tonight— a very painful death— and the blood would be on his hands.
"He has got a lot of tapes in here," you observed aloud, pushing things around a bit more before a gasp left your lips. Patrick looked over again as you pulled out a pink piece of paper with a red lipstick stain in the shape of lips and a message in a hot pink sparkly pen that read: I really enjoyed tonight. We should do it again sometime =).
"No fucking way," Patrick said in shock, a laugh leaving his lips as he registered what he was seeing. "I can't believe that fat fuck actually gets bitches."
"Hey," you scolded, smacking him lightly on the arm. "Don't be mean," you defended. "I think it's really sweet, and clearly, he knew you'd be an ass about it," you rolled your eyes. "He really tried to hide it in there."
Patrick turned the car into a little dirt road and parked. He knew no one would be out there that late, so the car wouldn't be seen. "Here we are," he announced before climbing out and making his way to the passenger's side to open your door.
"Don't take this the wrong way," you started as you got out of the car. "But I did not expect you to be such a gentleman." Your eyes followed Patrick as he grabbed a blanket out of the backseat and tucked it underneath his right arm before approaching you.
"Well," he said, linking your arm in his left one. "I don't usually care what people think," he confessed, one of the few true things he'd actually said to you, but of course, he was about to follow it up with a lie. "But with you, it's different." He looked over at you, only to find you staring. If he wasn't making an attempt at faking vulnerability right now, he would have smirked at how enamored you were by his words.
"And why is that?" You asked quietly, hypnotized by the way the darkness created shadows on his face that seemed to define it so well. Almost as if the darkness suited him better, which was odd considering usually the light was more well-defining to people.
"You're unlike anyone I've ever met, and I don't want to scare you away," he professed, his voice seeming genuinely sincere, but obviously, that wasn't the case.
"That's quite possibly the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me," you said sheepishly, a soft smile falling upon your lips. You both walked in silence for a moment, the cruching of leaves and the chirping of crickets ringing through the vast area. "Wow," you breathed out, eyes glued to the sky. "You were right. The stars look amazing out here."
"Told you," Patrick grinned before unlocking your arms and advancing forward. You two had reached a clearing, and he was approaching the firepit in the middle. Surrounding the firepit, which was clearly homemade as the stones surrounding it were just stacked on top of each other haphazardly, were various random chairs and a long bench that looked surprisingly comfortable.
"This place looks cozy," you said, eyes sweeping over the area. A chill ran down your spine as a breeze blew through the clearing. The air seemed to grow thick, and something in your gut told you to run— leave now and never look back.
You would soon wish you listened to that feeling.
Instead, you walked forward, taking a seat on the bench as Patrick doused the wood inside the firepit with lighter fluid before grabbing a lighter from his pocket and setting it ablaze.
A wave of warmth fell over you as the clearing lit up gold. Patrick straightened up and came to sit beside you on the bench. You were so focused on examining your surroundings that you didn't notice Patrick carefully grab the knife that he'd hidden inside the folded blanket and tuck it under his leg before unfolding the blanket and placing it across you both.
"So," you grinned, finally looking over at him. "Do you bring all your conquests here?"
"Just the hot ones," he smirked. You rolled your eyes, laughing at his remark. "No, but seriously," he let his smirk fall into a soft smile. "You're the only one."
You looked into his eyes and couldn't sense any deception. God, those beautiful eyes. You didn't didn't think they were capable of telling a lie.
They say eyes are the windows to the soul, but Patrick didn't have a soul, so his eyes were more like mirrors, reflections of what he knew people wanted to see when they sought out answers to questions that were better left unsaid.
You stared at each other, the air growing thick with tension as the urge to kiss him overwhelmed you. Your faces slowly inched closer together. "Patrick," you whispered, a wanting evident in your voice.
He reached up to cup your face with his right hand as his left carefully, discretely retrieved the knife from under his leg. He moved his face in, and you were sure he was going to kiss you.
But instead, he moved to the right, his mouth next to your ear as he plunged the knife he had deep into your stomach. You let out a choked cry of surprise and pain as your mind raced with a million thoughts at once, all of them so loud that you couldn't think rationally at all.
"Aw, Y/N," Patrick said darkly, feigning disappointment as he clicked his tongue to the roof of his mouth. "I told you that you should've been afraid of me."
He pulled away, twisting the knife to create irreparable damage before pulling it out. He watched as you cried out in pain, hand clutching your stomach in a futile attempt to stop the bleeding.
"But you were too pathetic," he spat. He ran the bloodied knife across your cheek, slicing it open before pushing a strand of hair away from your face. "Just a desperate little whore."
"Why?" You sobbed, tears streaming down your face from the burning pain. Blood began pouring out of your mouth due to the damage to your internal organs, and you knew you were going to die.
"Because I wanted to," he replied with a crazed grin, his tone of voice indicating that he believed it was the most obvious thing in the world. You had never been more fearful than you were now. Not just because you were dying, bleeding out in front of a boy you thought liked you, but because of the look in Patrick's eyes.
They were devoid of any emotion, as if killing someone didn't matter to him at all. You would have even preferred for him to look like he enjoyed it; that's how disturbing his absence of emotion was to you.
Patrick sat there and watched as you bled out before him. The glossed over, far away look in your eyes made his whole body ignite. It just felt so good.
Finally, the itching was gone, and he could live in peace for a little while more. He sat on the bench beside your lifeless body for awhile more, relishing in the feeling of freedom; it had been so long since he had felt that. When he was fully satisfied, he began cleaning up. He threw the blanket in the still burning fire before running back to Belch's car to grab the shovel he'd brought.
Sweat clung to him, sticking his shirt to his chest as he dug the hole where your body would lie. It seemed to take hours, and the feeling of sweating but also being cold was very unpleasant, but finally, he got the hole dug.
He threw the bloody knife inside and grabbed your body, picking you up bridal style and hauling you over to the hole. He dropped your corpse carelessly into your makeshift grave and didn't give you a second thought before he began shoveling the dirt back into the hole.
When he was finished, he walked back to the Trans Am, wrapping the dirty shovel in the other blanket he had brought so no dirt would get into the trunk of Belch's car. And, no one would question dirt in the driver's seat of a teen boy's car, so he wasn't overly worried about his dirtied hands and jeans.
For weeks, Patrick felt amazing. It was the longest Patrick had ever gone without feeling the compulsion to kill. Of course, he still tortured small animals, but that was for fun rather than necessity.
But then he started to see you.
At first, it was just glimpses. Like, when he was brushing his teeth, he'd lean down to spit out his toothpaste, but when he straightened himself out, there you were— standing beside him, blood staining your clothes and the cut on your cheek that he had gave you still fresh. But then, once he blinked, your figure was gone.
He would see you around like that sometimes, not frequent enough to cause concern that he was gaining a conscience. Just enough for him to think he was suffering from a bit of sleep deprivation.
He wasn't worried about being caught. The police hadn't found your body, and when he was questioned as to what happened that night on your date, he said that the two of you had planned to go out to the woods, but on the way there, you two got into an argument because you had been snooping through Belch's things and you got so furious that you demanded to be let out of the car right then and there. Belch, of course, backed this story up because he could tell someone had disturbed his glove compartment.
Soon enough, however, you began to haunt his dreams as well. He would have terrible nightmares of you coming back from the dead and murdering him in cold blood, just as he had done to you, and then, when he awoke, you were standing in the corner of his room.
It wasn't just his brain making shapes out of things to scare him. It was you. He could see clear as day; the moonlight illuminated your face, your once innocent and naive eyes now staring at him with hate and malice.
Patrick Hockstetter didn't believe in ghosts, but he believed in you.
"Dude, what's your fuckin deal?" Henry asked, snapping Patrick out of his thoughts. Patrick looked over at Henry from his spot, splayed out on the hood of Belch's car, which he had objected to until Patrick threatened him. The four boys were hanging around at the quarry, drinking beer as music blasted through Amy.
"What?" Patrick questioned, hostility lacing his voice. Who did Henry think he is speaking to him like that?
"You're not even listening, man," Henry complained, attempting to throw a crumpled up beer can at him but missing.
"Maybe because you fuckers don't have anything interesting to say," Patrick shrugged, looking to his left at the water and tuning their conversation out again.
You had been on his mind non-stop. All he could think about was your eyes. They were so real. That look of hate— he had seen it before in his mother and father after he killed his little brother Avery. He couldn't have imagined that so vividly.
"Do I scare you?" A familiar voice asked, voice a mere whisper as a breeze tickled his ear. He quickly turned and saw you. You were sitting right next to him on the hood of Belch's car, and this time, he was sure he wasn't imagining it. You were there in broad daylight. He had heard you. He had felt your breath across his ear.
But how was this even possible.
"What the fuck!" He shouted, genuine fear in his voice. He felt something he had never felt before as he tried to shuffle away from you, but there was nowhere left to go, so he ended up falling off the car and onto the ground.
"What the fuck is wrong with you, man?" Victor asked, his eyebrows furrowing in pure confusion as he registered the panic and fear— he had never seen Patrick exhibit such emotions, and he could tell by the look in Patrick's eye that they were not fake.
Patrick couldn't hear Vic over the sound of your laugh. It was so loud, deafening even, and it made his ears ring. You hopped off the car and walked toward him slowly with a sickening grin.
"Why are you doing this to me?" He asked, scrambling backward, pebbles and rocks digging into his palms as he tried to escape you.
"Because," she stepped forward, leaning down and grabbing his faded yellow Tom and Jerry t-shirt by the collar. He felt her grab him. It was all real. "I can," she spat viciously. And just as quickly as she appeared, she was gone.
"Are you alright, man?" Belch asked, genuine concern lacing his voice as his brows knitted together. Why had his friend been acting so strange?
"I-I need to get out of here," Patrick spoke quickly as he rushed to his feet, dusting off his clothes and looking around frantically.
"You look like you've seen a ghost," Henry cackled, taking a long sip of his beer. Patrick gave him a hard, warning glare that confused Henry. What did he do?
Patrick took off running into the forest, driven by a pure, unbridled fear as he tried to escape you, but the faster he ran, the louder your laugh became. It echoed all around him. It was everywhere and nowhere all at once. He clamped his hands over his ears and screwed his eyes shut.
It's not real. It's not real. It's not real.
And then, just like that, it stopped. He slowly opened his eyes and removed his hands from his ears, peering around the woods. He heaved a sigh of relief as he realized it was over.
It wasn't real.
You weren't real.
He took his time walking back home, stopping and tormenting a few animals on his way to relieve some of the stress that had built up from the games his mind had played on him.
By the time he arrived home, the sun had long disappeared below the horizon, replaced by the luminous glow of the full moon. He pushed the front door open, kicking his muddy boots off by the front door before shrugging his leather jacket off and tossing it onto the floor.
"Ma!" He called into the oddly silent house. He advanced forward, his eyebrow arching as he didn't get a response. "Ma, I'm home!" He tried again, still no answer. He continued through the house into the kitchen, hoping to find something to eat.
As his eyes scanned the kitchen, a tiny post-it note stuck to the fridge caught his attention. He took two long strides and ended up in front of it. Grabbing it off the fridge, his eyes scanned it.
Gone to see your father. Be back in a few days. I left some lasagna in the fridge for you to heat up and some money on the table for pizza or something in case you eat all of it.
Love, Mom
Patrick scoffed, crumpling the post-it into a ball and tossing it into the trash. Patrick's father was arrested for attempted murder when Patrick was young.
After Patrick killed his brother Avery, his father went mad and tried to kill Patrick. He claimed that Patrick was evil, and the world needed to be rid of him. Fortunately for Patrick, his mother still loved him (he had no idea why she still did after what he had done), and she called the police.
The paramedics arrived in time, and Patrick was saved. Though the attack did leave a raised scar on his stomach that never went away.
Patrick pulled a plate out of the top cupboard and a fork out of the drawer before opening up the fridge. He grabbed a can of Coke and the large glass dish with lasagna out. Deciding he didn't feel like waiting for it to heat up, he just used his fork to pick the pre-portioned slice of lasagna out of the dish and drop it onto his plate before sliding the rest back into the fridge for later.
Grabbing his beverage and dinner, he began making his way up the creaky steps that led to the second floor.
The carpet that had previously adorned it had been ripped up when his mom was having one of her overly energized and productive moments, so staples and other sharp objects stuck up from the dirty wood. He was careful to avoid them.
He reached the door at the end of the hall with a yellow sign that read DO NOT ENTER and swung the door open.
"Finally," a voice sounded, causing him to drop both his can and his plate. The sharp sound of glass breaking followed by a loud thud echoed through the room as the plate and soda can collided with the floor.
"No, no, no," Patrick shook his head, shutting his eyes. "This isn't real. I killed you. You're not here. You're not real."
"Sorry, babe," the voice, your voice, whispered into his ear. Your warm breath fanned his ear, and he felt his whole body tense. "I'm very much real."
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Tags : @fatfagsj @brokenloverr24
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erickmatsuno · 2 months
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Hola, dado que el fandom de IT revive creo que es buen momento de hablar de mi Oc, Ernesto "Ennie" Tozier, primo mayor de Richie, tiene una conección familiar de origen extraño e inexacto. Ennie ha estado pasando de familia en familia durante un parte años y termina llegando con los Tozier, quienes no solo le brindan un apellido, también un hogar.
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Ennie tiene dificultad para confiar en la gente pero si hubo alguien que gano su cariño y protección fue Richie, lo considera su hermano pequeño y durante sus primeros días en Derry se mete en peleas con tal de evitar que los matones se metan con él.
Ennie es de origen mexicano, cosa que hace más extraño su lazo con Richie.
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Por mucho que quiere estar para Richie termina aceptando que no puede estar con Los perdedores, como si simplemente no hubiera lugar para él. Termina irónicamente siendo parte del peor grupo, la pandilla Bowers aunque solo con la promesa de que nunca le pondrán una mano encima a Richie (Cosa que no pasa cuando él está viendo)
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Prácticamente no es buena persona, él, igual que la pandilla le hace daño a los demás para sentirse mejor consigo mismo ¿Que puedo decir? Me gusta ser exacto, la única razón por la que Henry lo acepto en la pandilla fue por que no sabia que era mexicano y creyó que era divertido como era cruel con los demás.
Todos los dibujos son viejos o garabatos:( no he tenido tiempo de dibujar pero si de crear más lore de su personaje ya que es de mis favoritos ✌️
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princess-glassred · 1 month
Not to be all "but what about (male character)'s trauma!!!" but it's pretty fucking disgusting how everybody is (rightfully) repulsed by Beverly's sewer scene and complains about how stephen king made this poor little girl fuck her friends, but everyone treats Henry's junkyard scene like it's just a big joke.
If the sewer scene is disgusting because Bev's just a little girl, then the junkyard scene is disgusting because Henry's just a little boy. It shouldn't matter if he's homophobic. He's just a little boy. It shouldn't matter if he' terrible. He's just a little boy. It shouldn't matter if Henry is in the closet. He's just a little boy.
Henry possibly being in the closet has as much baring on the dubious consent of the junkyard scene as Eddie being in the closet has on the dubious consent of the sewer scene. The fact Patrick jerked him off with out even telling him what it was is horrific and disgusting. I've been known to make a few junkyard jokes (and sewer jokes) and while i think those jokes are fine to make, i see so many people be repulsed by the sewer scene but i NEVER see anyone treat Henry's assault as an assault.
No relationship with Patrick Hockstetter could be healthy because he doesn't even see people as people, and Henry is definetly a victim of him even though he himself is an abuser. It's fine to make jokes about it and ship them, but as a henpat shipper, the fact i've seen people unironically use it to justify henpat as cannon or flat out glamorize it is disgusting. Patrick didn't ask if he wanted a hand job, he told him he wanted to show him something that felt nice and nothing else. Henry didn't consent to having a secret homesexual situationship, he was a little boy who THOUGHT he was in the presence of a friend and got roped into something sexual.
Obviously Bev's sexual abuse should be highlighted more sense King has problems sexualizing women all the time, and her's is more overt and part of her whole character arc, but my argument isn't "Poor Henry everyone focus on him instead". My argument is "If sexualizing one child is gross, the other is equally gross, and Henry deserves to be seen as a victim of CSA as much as any other character".
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nllick · 2 years
Mentally unstable homosexual man with trauma and solipsism <3
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incorrect-losers · 6 months
Mike: As a member of the Bowers Gang, is it a distraction being gay?
Eddie *terrified*: AGH
Bowers Gang:
The losers:
Vic: Thank you
Eddie: What??
Vic: I’ve been holding it in for so long
Vic *turning to the Bowers Gang*: Fellas, I’m gay
Henry: That’s okay Vic, so are we
Vic: Really?
Belch: Yeah
Eddie: ???
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