#The chariot ride scene kicked my ass
daboyau · 5 months
And another rise hunger games chapter! Wow, just training and interviews to get through, and then the real fun begins. First person to correctly guess who the president is gets a prize or something idk
tag list! as always, let me know if you’d like to be added or removed. 💚 thank you to everyone who reads and interacts with my stories. I definitely wouldn’t be updating as often or as eagerly without you guys.
@boots-with-the-fur-club @theonlybrightowl @dandywonderous @dandylovesturtles @elijah-doodle @fredquinn @sady-is-secretly-an-alchemist @heckitall @beannary @brightandfullofglory @purplepixel @pomelined @imagionationstation @daughterofskylark @eb177 @lilysplash @burritello3000 @midwesternvibes @justchillininthebackground-06
The roar of the crowd is deafening as they emerge into the City Circle. Donnie doesn’t drop to his knees and cover his ears, no matter how much he may want to. Kendra presses herself subtly closer to his side, making his skin crawl as she tests her weight slightly against his arm, and once she’s confident that he isn’t going to let her fall, she lifts both arms high in the air in a dramatic flourish that has the crowd going wild. 
Well, that just won’t do. The competition for attention (and for their lives, though he’s trying not to think about that right at the moment) has begun, and Donnie has been a middle child for far too long to let someone else win. With a hand still bracing her, he lifts his free hand high to call attention to himself, then sweeps into a graceful bow as he uses that hand to flip the train of his costume and show off the way the scales shift and change with his movements. The excitement that gets him makes Kendra elbow him hard, digging into the leftover bruises from when Kendra had tackled him. Despite the slight sting, he turns to smirk down at her, smug as she glares back. He’s grateful for the distraction. It makes it feel a little easier to ignorr the ever increasing urge to start screaming.
White and yellow chrysanthemums rain down all around them, carpeting the streets and getting crushed beneath the wheels of the chariots. Donnie sputters as one nails him in the face, and when Kendra tilts her head back and laughs, he forces himself to do the same, all too aware of the eyes and the cameras trained on them. Kendra plucks it from where it had fallen to his shoulder and tucks it behind her ear, grinning at him with a gleam in her eyes before turning a bright smile towards the cameras. More cheers, and suddenly the flowers raining down around them feel a lot more intentional. Oh, she is good. 
There’s not much room in the chariot for them to do much more than wave or bow, or make a few subtle gestures at one another as they try to disguise jostling and thrown elbows as incidental closeness. Every time either one of them does a little half-twist or bows, the crowd goes crazy as their costumes ripple and change in a complimentary dance of beautiful colors. For one stupid moment, Donnie can almost forget what’s at stake; this just feels like hassling April or his brothers over the last piece of a birthday cake or for their dad’s attention. It is stupid and childish and all the meanness without any of the malice. It’s almost nice. 
And then the feeling of a new set of eyes on him sends a prickling up his spine. This gaze is different. It is not the attention of the thousands of cheering fans, or even the grave watchfulness he can almost imagine he feels from the District people settled in their homes, watching the proceedings on their holoscreens. It is cold and dangerous and close. 
Donnie snaps upright from his latest sweeping bow, careful to maintain his facsimile of a smile as sharp eyes sweep the crowd for the source of the gaze. He knows that it is foolish to actually believe that he can pick out or even feel a single glare amongst a crowd of over one hundred thousand, but he doesn’t know how else to classify the sudden creeping, choking sensation that has crawled up his spine and circled his neck like a noose. Alarm bells are ringing inside his head, drowning out all other sounds.
He scans the crowd, taking in the gleeful smiles and hungry excitement, before his eyes finally settle on the massive raised platform that they are barreling towards. The presidential mansion looms above them, bright and beautiful and utterly sterile. Lights are projected onto its side, fake fireworks exploding over the bone white surface in a colorful facsimile of true celebration. Standing high above them all, the president stares out with an expression that Donnie can only think of as regnant. He is impassive as he watches the proceedings, and indifferent to the fact that he holds so many lives in the palms of his hands. He is completely confident in his control of the situation and the people as he stares down at 24 soon-to-be killers. The distance between the procession and the presidential manor is still far too great for Donnie to delude himself into thinking that their eyes can meet, but he still shudders when that cold gaze passes carelessly over him. He knows where that sense of danger is stemming from now. 
Though his features are wizened and long greyed with age, the president still cuts an imposing figure. He has not let power make him soft. The cushion of Capitol living hasn’t done anything to dull his sharp edges. 
Not that Donnie is surprised, really. The man has been in power since before papa was born; an impressive feat, considering the immense power struggle that had occurred after the first rebellion failed. From what papa has told him - and what the cobbled together and highly sanitized history lessons have conveniently left out - there were an impressive number of assassinations during that time. He would have had to be sharp to survive. Unless, of course, he was the one ordering said assassinations in the first place.
Donnie narrows his eyes as they draw closer to the man who has created an age of prosperity for Panem, and has kept the Districts crushed thoroughly beneath his heel. He’s always looked minatorial during every holoscreen appearance he’s made, and papa used to warn them all of his propensity towards cruelty in hushed, fearful whispers. Donnie had never questioned his father’s words, but he hadn’t realized before now just how accurate those statements had been.
He keeps the smile in place, even as the lump in his throat grows and threatens to stop his breathing. He can’t tear his eyes away from the platform, or the figure standing atop it, flanked by his counsel. They watch the procession with a detached interest, like the children they are sending to their deaths are nothing more than pawns to be moved across the board.
Those cold eyes settle upon their chariot, raking over the beautiful costumes and sparkling gems, assessing the Tributes encased within. The president doesn’t seem impressed. He turns his attention on to the next set quickly, and Donnie feels tension prickle across his muscles as their chariots begin to slow, raising goosebumps across his bare skin as each one settles upon its predetermined spot before the presidential mansion. 
The crowd falls silent as the president steps closer to the podium, the slight electronic feedback of his microphone enough to have the entirety of the Capitol holding its breath. Donnie does his best not to wince at the sound as it needles at his skin and scratches uncomfortably inside his brain. The president’s eyes sweep over the gathered tributes again, slow and thoughtful. He does not smile, but he does incline his head at each chariot, as if acknowledging each individual District. 
“We gather today, to welcome our tributes,” he says, his deep voice soft but commanding the attention of the crowd with enviable ease. Donnie can almost feel each onlooker sit up a little straighter. “We salute each of you for your courage and your strength.”
The crowd erupts into applause, more subdued now than the previous raucous cheers and screams, but no less enthusiastic. The president smiles, just the slightest tick of his lips, and his gaze moves slowly over the crowd before snapping back towards the gathered tributes once again.
“We honor our tributes,” he says slowly, as his eyes come to rest directly upon Donnie. “—and their families. We recognize the sacrifices made for the sake of peace and prosperity. We thank you.” 
His gaze moves on, but the feeling of it lingers. Donnie stays frozen, fingers digging hard enough into the handrail that he can almost feel the flimsy metal warp beneath his grip. His heart is pounding. The lights are too bright. Everything is so loud.
He just wants to curl up in the familiar comfort of his own bed, tucked beneath the weight of his blankets. He wants Mikey to sit on his thighs to to provide much needed pressure while he hides away in the darkness of his covers. He wants Raph to hum and rub careful, comforting circles on his back. He wants Leo—
Well. He just wants to be home. He wants his family. 
“We wish you all a happy Hunger Games,” the president says serenely. “And may the odds be ever in your favor.”
The crowd cheers. Fanfare plays. The fake fireworks pop and explode all across the walls of the mansion, painting it bloody red and fire orange. Donnie stares at the bursts of color, wishing the fires were real. The president stares back, eyes narrowed like he knows the thoughts inside his head. 
The chariots begin to move with a lurch that nearly sends Digi and Gizmo stumbling off the back of theirs, and has Kendra clutching at his arm to keep her balance. He can almost feel that chilling gaze lingering as they ride away. Kendra bumps him gently with her shoulder, and when he turns to look at her, she gestures for him to lean down. He obliges, mostly out of the desire for a distraction from the creeping unease.
Her lips brush the shell of his ear as she whispers, “That speech was total bullshit, huh?” 
His smile feels a little more real all of a sudden. 
There is a stranger waiting for them when the elevator doors slide open to reveal their fourth floor apartment. He is seated primly upon the pristinely clean and stupidly shaped sofa, ankle crossed over his knee, hands folded in his lap, head held high. He is invading the only marginally safe or private space afforded to them within the Capitol, and it rankles how much he looks like he belongs within this stupid fancy apartment.
He assesses them as they pile off the elevator, Donnie and Kendra both shuffling awkwardly forward as they clutch at the trailing fabric of their costumes to keep it from getting caught in the elevator door. They each keep a wary eye on him, suspicious of the interloper in their apartment. Atomo goes silent when she sees their visitor, her excited chattering about their Chariot Ride and the burgeoning sponsor interest cutting off with a sharp gasp. Donnie glares at the stranger, who surveys him with an expression that he has no idea the meaning of in return. He looks…excited, maybe? But that doesn’t quite fit. Certainly not upset, but not happy either. There’s a strange shininess to his eyes as they focus on Donnie’s face. He wishes Mikey or Leo were here to tell him what that expression means.
The stranger doesn’t stand until papa steps out from behind the cover of their small crowd. His eyes light up, yet his lips pulls down into a frown. He smoothes the fabric of his skirt and crosses his arms, muscles bulging in a way that even Donnie can tell must be purposeful. Yikes and gross. Talk about desperate. 
“Draxum,” Yoshi says, his voice low and full of a quiet rage that Donnie rarely gets to hear. His hands flex at his sides before curling into tight fists. Donnie steps to the side, train dragging in his wake and shimmering even in the dim apartment lights, intent on keeping both of them in his sights. As if sensing the brewing danger, Kendra and Atomo both hurry to join him, standing a few feet back like they hope he’ll act as a buffer.
“Yoshi,” the man returns, sounding more amused than angry, which tells Donnie all he needs to know about who holds the power between the two of them. The stranger’s eyes narrow as they move slowly up and down Yoshi’s body. It’s something that he’s seen done to his father before, but it makes Donnie’s skin crawl worse than usual this time. “I see you are as pathetic as ever. Maybe even moreso than usual, considering the…special guest this year.” 
Donnie stiffens as those sharp golden eyes drift towards him once again. Draxum’s lip curls, and if he didn’t know any better Donnie might have said that it almost looks like a smile. He stares back, too exhausted to bother trying to force even the barest hint of emotion into his expression. His papa hisses between his teeth, sharp and deliberate, and Draxum’s attention snaps back towards him immediately. 
“What do you want?” he snaps, and though Draxum has a significant height advantage, he somehow manages to look down his nose at him in the way only someone who knows their own strength can. This time, the twisting of Draxum’s lips can only be a smile, small and cruel as it is.
“There has been a report that your son requires medical intervention,” Draxum says, slow and soft, and Donnie feels his stomach drop at the way those words make his father’s face go all twisted and pale. He really doesn’t want to deal with this right now. 
So he won’t. 
“I’m going to shower,” he announces, refusing to meet any of the eyes that snap towards him. “If you’re still hanging around when I’m done you can look at my back then.” 
And then he turns and stomps away, ignoring the voices that call after him as he goes. It feels good to slam the bedroom door behind him, and as silence falls over the room he finally feels like he has a chance to catch his breath. Leaning against the door just in case anyone decides to follow him, he takes a moment to just try to breathe. His eyeballs feel hot and his chest feels tight. He can hear the blood rushing in his ears as his heart pounds, echoing the dull throbbing at the base of his skull. There is an uncomfortable tingling in his fingertips. 
Thankfully, no one tries to follow him. There is no pounding at the door or jiggling of the knob. He’s not sure what he would have done if someone did try to get in, but he’s sure there would have been blood. Exhaling slowly, Donnie steps towards the bathroom, mindful to stay close to the wall and out of the range of the camera’s ever watchful eye. Glittering gems trail in his wake, silent as they fall to the carpet. The sting as they’re pulled from his skin feels good. It feels real in a way very little else has today. 
He leaves the beautiful, glittering gown in a heap on the bathroom floor. His hands are steady as he turns the faucet, water gushing forth and filling the air with steam almost immediately. For a long while, he sits on the side of the tub and just watches the water as it circles the drain, breathing in the steam and the lingering smell of the shampoo he used when he last showered.
The water burns when he finally steps beneath its strong spray. His back tingles at the heat and the pressure, but it does not hurt. He thinks about the stranger in the living room, and wonders what he plans to do during the so-called medical intervention. His hands do not shake even though his lungs feel too small inside his chest. He takes his time. Thankfully the Capitol never runs out of hot water.
When he leaves the quiet sanctity of the bathroom, he’s not surprised to find Draxum in his room. The man is standing by the floor to ceiling window, which has been made clear again, and is staring at the city beyond. There’s something thoughtful and fond in his gaze, though Donnie couldn’t begin to guess at what he might be thinking as he looks out at the glittering expanse of white and silver. He clears his throat, impatient to get this over with, and Draxum turns slowly to face him.
“I’d rather this be fast,” he says simply, arms crossed tight over his chest, refusing to look Draxum in the face. 
“It should be a simple matter, as long as you haven’t caused any undue damage to yourself,” Draxum concedes with a tip of his head. Dark pink hair cascades over his shoulders with the movement, silky and long. Teal lines his eyes and lips, a strangely vibrant pop of color against his dark skin and dull grey clothes.
“Close the window.” 
Draxum arches an eyebrow at being ordered around but thankfully complies, and the late evening sunlight is dampened as the window goes opaque again. Donnie grits his teeth and stands by the foot of the oversized bed, wishing there was a chair or a desk or something besides a bed in this stupid room. He feels vulnerable. He hates it. 
“Shirt off,” orders Draxum, and the cold clinical tone he uses is actually almost enough to soothe some of the nerves sparking inside Donnie’s chest, screaming that this situation holds the hallmarks of both stupid and dangerous. Donnie shrugs his shirt off, but keeps it clutched tightly in his hands. Draxum slips on a pair of gloves, not looking at him. “Turn so I can examine your back.”
There is no gasp of shock as he takes in the scarred expanse of flesh and the metal exo-spine. He doesn’t even hum with interest or ask how a boy from the Districts could have come into possession of such a piece of technology. All he does is press forward, far too close for Donnie’s comfort. He can feel each of the man’s cool breaths on his back and feel the press of latex covered fingers as he examines the seam where skin and metal meet. Donnie grits his teeth and tries not to snap. 
“You don’t seem surprised by it,” he says instead, eyes trained on the ceiling, trying to take deep breaths to calm himself. Draxum scoffs, and his fingers press a little harder, almost to the point of pain. His gloved hands trace the metal spine, and Donnie feels his legs tingle. He hates it he hates it he—
“Why would I be surprised?” Draxum demands as he prods at one of the keloid scars on his shoulder. “I made it, after all.”
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cynthiaandsamus · 3 years
Custom Toonami Block Week 69 (Nice) Rundown
Code Geass: So this episode is kind of a ride, like fuck. We kinda yadda yadda how Lelouch fucking escaped from Nunally’s sinking airship and just have Rolo sitting over him in bed kind of conflicted that he’s still stuck on his old little sister, so therefore he programs the tvs in Lelouch’s train to blast Nunally’s appointment but it’s funny because he probably didn’t even have to do that because directly after that Lelouch runs into the station and Nunally shit is just everywhere, like I get it’s a metaphor but it’s just funny that Rolo had to plan for him to run into something Nunally-related only for him to run out of the plan and run into ten times more Nunally shit. Then we get Kaguya claiming herself, Kallen and CC as Zero’s harem directly followed by a depressed Lelouch hypnotizing a bunch of street punks to exercise, about to do drugs and asking to fuck Kallen, like this episode is fucking ridiculous and parts are hilariously contrived, thankfully Kallen slaps the shit out of him and Rolo’s like “yo bro we don’t need that bitch, come on and live it up in this ridiculously racist system and the one place where it’s slightly less racist with me” and then they go back to school and have the “Happiness is Like Glass” scene which is genuinely amazing and moving, like for all the weird zany stuff that happens in the first part of this episode, this is a little oasis of pure sincerity and quality where Lelouch makes a promise he knows he won’t be able to keep. Inspired by this amazing moment, Lelouch returns to the Black Knights with the thought of “Maybe there are other reasons to destroy an oppressive dictatorship aside from my one ridiculously crippled sister” which he probably should’ve thought of before. And then he defeats Suzaku’s navy with the power of FUCKING BUBBLES, like yeah, this episode is right back to being crazy ridiculous but Lelouch is back and wants in on Nunally’s special zones… okay, phrasing.
Inuyasha: So we open with a scene of Kagome playing cards with Miroku which is genuinely adorable if pointless, but it just makes me laugh that Miroku and Sango seem to know all the rules of the game but are still stumped when Kagome tells them they’re Playing Cards, probably a culture thing. Anyway, Inuyasha has to kill a Barrier Demon to get the power to break barriers, which is a bit of a conundrum because Barrier Demons have, you know, barriers, which Inuyasha currently cannot break. Worse still said demon is a little girl and a half-demon like Inuyasha which understandably puts him in quite a quandary. Inuyasha does his usual thing of “Let’s just go in swinging and figure out the rest later but Shiori’s grandfather deflects the admittedly cool-looking Water Wind Scar Inuyasha throws at them with Shiori’s barrier. Shiori’s mom is all “Gimme back my daughter you said you’d stop attacking us if I let you have her” and he’s all like “Well make me, I have a fucking barrier and can hold you hostage” so everyone’s generally pissed off about the situation and Shiori’s granddad with the long name sends all the bat demons to go destroy the village which makes no fucking sense because the only reason she’s still cooperating is so they won’t hurt her mom, without her she has no reason to keep doing it but I guess he’s hoping having nothing to live for will make her do what he says out of nihilism or some shit.
Yu Yu Hakusho: Yusuke gets to face off against Suzaku, the final boss of the Saint Beasts and the gang get to demonstrate the teamwork lessons from this arc by doing a reenactment of the jumping Bahamut scene from Advent Children so Yusuke can get up the tower to fight him. It’s really pretty cool how they splice in Keiko’s Day of the Dead montage with Yusuke fighting Suzaku, tying things together thematically and culiminating in Yusuke and Keiko both fucking decking their opponents. I also really like how Yusuke’s so confident Keiko won’t go down to a zombie hoard so easily, like she’s not a fighter but she’s smart and has got guts so he’s pretty sure she can last a while while he pretends to punch Suzaku with his shoes. Overall a really good start to the fight that means Yusuke still has to wiggle his way out after using his Spirit Gun already and Suzaku still has a lot of shit to pull.
Fate Zero: So Saber and Lancer do their fight and there’s a bunch of fightnobabble talk that someone who’s actually held a weapon in their life would probably enjoy but to me is just “Oooh cool jabbies, flashing lights” which is still fun. Basically everyone’s watching though, Kirei has his ninja squad on the job, Kiritsugu’s Black Ops is monitoring things and Iskander is watching from the Radical Highway Bridge from Sonic Adventure 2. Eventually Iskander is like “Well damn they might kill each other if this keeps up” and Waver’s like “yeah duh.” And Iskander shows who wears the booty shorts in this relationship by storming into the fight against Waver’s wishes cause he wants to fight everyone anyway. So yeah, giant lightning chariot in the middle of this First Boss battle.
Konosuba: Now that the party’s all formed the group settle into a daily routine of Kazuma being Megumin’s wheels for her Explosion training, Aqua being a waitress and Darkness doing… probably better not to think about what Darkness is doing. Anyway, Megumin bombs the shit out of a Dullahan’s castle and before the Dullahan can call his friend Celty to come kick her ass, Darkness gets hit with a death spell and he issues a challenge to Megumin to come to the tower of the Four Saint Beasts and (wait wrong anime again) but Aqua just breaks the curse on her own and they just don’t bother showing up. In the manga this is really funny because Aqua’s in a maid outfit from her waitress job and just does it like it’s nothing and then they show a panel later of the Dullahan waiting for them like “The fuck when are they getting here…”.
Sailor Moon Crystal: So for some reason even though we only have three of the five Sailor Guardians, Luna decides this is the time to give a recap and reintroduce our protagonists for the first part of this episode. Anyway there’s a big party to celebrate a dated princess Di reference that’s kind of in poor taste at this point and Usagi and friends get in based solely on having fancy dresses and being hot, man I had no idea getting in with rich people was that easy. Anyway, Usagi gets a new tiara because of love and shit and gets an upgraded Ancient Egyptian Laser Beam from the moon. The Four Kings show up to be all “Ha-ha! You defeated my demon but now there’s all four of us and even though we still think you have the crystal and outnumber you and there will never be a moment when you’re weaker than this we will now… LEAVE FOR NO REASON!” like the logic of people in this show oh my fucking god. But of course the dated princess reference’s treasure isn’t the crystal they’re looking for and Tuxedo Mask kisses Sailor Moon while she’s asleep which is definitely sexual assault there was no fucking consent there, I don’t care if they’re moon soul mates or whatever she barely knows who he is and wasn’t conscious. But yeah Luna calls him out on his shit and despite clearly being an ally he has to be all edgy and be like “Well maybe I’m a friend, maybe I’ an enemy, who knows~” because I think he gets his power from how mysterious he is, like he’s going to be utterly useless if anyone figures out who he is, not to mention Luna already knows his identity but for some reason doesn’t tell Usagi. Idk man I just have a hard time following the logic of this fucking show…
Durarara!!: So yeah, this is the “The Yagiri Family is fucked” episode Namie has a weird fucked up brocon yandere thing going on, Seiji’s an asshole that because of having two stalker yanderes going after him has become a fractured manchild that thinks love is everything and pretends he knows shit but knows less shit than pretty much everyone around him and has his sister do all the shit for him. But yeah, Celty sees Seiji with the girl with her head and freaks out, and Shinra A DOCTOR if you remember says “Hey maybe your head just attached itself to a corpse Parasyte style” like either he’s a terrible doctor and really thinks that or this is a smokescreen to make Celty think her head has moved on and she should too which is a fucked up level of gaslighting. But yeah, Mikado takes Head Girl, Seiji keeps stabbing people with pens for some reason, luckily it’s mostly Shizuo so it doesn’t do anything, and Izaya’s just like “oh shit, chaos, I’m down”. Basically everyone is awful in this episode except for Mikado who just wants to help and doesn’t know shit, Celty who’s doing her best, and Shizuo who’s just awesome as usual.
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myonechicagoworld · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
                                                 [door slams]
Joe Cruz: [breathing heavily]
                  Where is he? 
                  Where’s Leon?
Flaco: Where’s my money?
Joe Cruz: Okay, look… I have a grand, but…
                                                 [door opens]
Joe Cruz: Leon. 
                                                 [door shuts]
Joe Cruz: Listen, man… I
Flaco: The deal was for ten grand, Joe.
Joe Cruz: I… I can make payments
Flaco: You know how this works. I give you a break, word gets out, 
            and everybody else wants a break. And I spend half my day
            explaining to people why they ain’t gonna get one. 
            So no breaks.
            Do you have the money or not?
Joe Cruz: No, I don’t.
                                                 [gun clocking]
Joe Cruz: No!
                                                  [door slams]
Joe Cruz: [panting]
Kelly Severide: Hey, yeah… is, uh, Renee Royce there? 
                           [chuckling] Leave…uh, leave what?
                           Word? Uh, yeah, sure.
                            Yeah, go for it. Leave word. Thanks.
Peter Mills: Good morning, ladies.
Leslie Shay: Peter Mills, it’s the saddest thing. Christmas lights at
                      the north gate got blown down.
Peter Mills: What? We are gonna have to do something about that.
Leslie Shay: The fireman that saved Christmas.
Peter Mills: Mm.
Gabby Dawson: [laughs]
                            You think if I asked him to my cousin’s Christmas
                             party, he might take it the wrong way? 
Leslie Shay: Family functions are usually reserved for serious
                      suitors, so shouldn’t you be asking Casey?
Gabby Dawson: [clears throat] I just need a date so that my cousin
                            doesn’t make any more comments about how I’m 
                            gonna die alone.
Leslie Shay: So you afraid Casey will say no?
Gabby Dawson: Bitch, please.
Peter Mills: Hey, hey, Cruz, you give me a hand here?
Joe Cruz: In a minute.
Peter Mills: Okay.
Joe Cruz: You said ten minutes.
Leon Cruz: Yo, I don’t even want to be here. Why you calling me?
Joe Cruz: Come on inside.
Leon Cruz: What? So a bunch of fat firemen can make jokes about 
                    my face?
Joe Cruz: Look, this is a daily police bulletin. We get one of these 
                  every day.
Leon Cruz: That’s what ‘daily’ usually means.
Joe Cruz: “Expect increased violence in neighbourhood of
                   Humboldt Park due to an escalating gang conflict.” 
                   Leon, this is some serious business you’re getting
                   wrapped up in. I don’t know how else to say it, man, 
                   I’m worried about you.
Leon Cruz: Then pay Flaco his buyout and be done with it. Oh, but
                    you don’t got ten grand, right? So why are we still 
                    Look, just keep your nose out of my business before
                    you get my ass kicked again.
Joe Cruz: Leon, man. 
                                  [station alarm buzzes and blares]
(Over PA): Shift 51, Truck 81, Ambulance 61.
                                       [indistinct radio chatter]
Lady 1: I was deep-frying eggplant. I turned my back for a minute
              and there were flames everywhere. I… I tried to beat it out
               with a towel, I just…[continues indistinctly]
Matt Casey: Let these two take care of that hand.
Chief Boden: (into radio) Truck 81 is on the scene.
                                       [smoke alarm beeping]
Christopher Herrmann: Aah… turn off that smoke detector.
                                     [fire extinguisher spraying]
Matt Casey: All right, let’s do a quick walk-through, open some
                     windows, get this place vented.
                                             [beeping stops]
Mouch: Holy moly. These folks must be the 1% I keep hearing 
Otis Zvonecek: Oh, you guys! This priceless piece of artwork has
                           been destroyed. 
                           Oh, wait. Nevermind. It’s supposed to look like that.
Mouch: [chuckles]
Gabby Dawson: All right?
Lady 1: Thank you.
Matt Casey: Probably need a new countertop, but everything else is
Lady 1: Oh my God, thank you. 
                                                [kissing sound]
Lady 1: Thank you so much.
(Over radio): Truck 81, are you available to assist at a pin-in 
Matt Casey: (into radio) Truck 81 responding.
                      Pack her up. We got another call.
                                                [siren blares]
                                                [horn honks]
Lady 1: Come back! Somebody stop them!
Chief Boden: Ma’am, what’s the problem?
Lady 1: My diamond necklace was sitting right there on my dresser, 
              and now it’s gone. And one of those firemen took it.
                                              [siren fading]
                                                  - Title -
Christopher Herrmann: [groans]
Matt Casey: What’s the matter, Herrmann?
                                           [truck door shuts]
Man 1: Matthew Casey. How about that?
Matt Casey: What are you doing here, Griffin?
Man 1 (Ted Griffin): I’m with Internal Affairs Division now.
Christopher Herrmann: What’s the IAD doing here? 
Otis Zvonecek: CPD too. 
Matt Casey: What the hell’s going on?
Man 1 (Ted Griffin): A woman on Green Street said somebody
                                 walked off with her diamond necklace.
Mouch: What? 
Otis Zvonecek: [grunts]
Matt Casey: This is a joke, right?
Man 2 (Detective): No joke, Lieutenant.
Matt Casey: My men aren’t thieves.
Man 2 (Detective): All the same. We’re talking about a 50,000 dollar
                                piece of jewellery. 
Man 1 (Ted Griffin): That’s a class 2 felony.
Chief Boden: Casey, the police need to take statements from you
                        and the men. 
Man 1 (Ted Griffin): And I’m gonna need you to fill out a form too. 
                                 Basic stuff… where you worked in the fire,
                                 who you worked with, if you saw the missing 
                                 item or anything else at all suspicious.
Matt Casey: Can I have a minute?
Truck Firefighter: Man…
Chief Boden: I know what you’re gonna say.
Matt Casey: On my best day, I’d have to fight the urge to choke that
                      guy out. Today’s not my best day.
Chief Boden: The possible theft of a 50,000 dollar necklace
                        supersedes any concerns about your personal 
                        feelings toward Ted Griffin.
Matt Casey: Chief, you know as well as I do, none of my men took
                      that necklace.
Chief Boden: I hope not, ‘cause I don’t want to see any of them
                       lose their job and face criminal charges. And I don’t
                       want to see their Lieutenant get a black mark on his
                       record, so let’s just play this one by the book.
Matt Casey: [exhales]
Chief Boden: Good.
Kelly Severide: Yeah, stop right here.
Squad Firefighters: Go ahead, lover boy.
                                  Yeah, go break her heart, huh?
                                            [squad door shuts]
Squad Firefighter: Never thought I’d see the day.
                                            [knocks on door]
Kelly Severide: Uh, hey. Um, does Renee Royce live here?
Man 3 (Renee’s Assistant): [scoffs] Renee, there’s a fireman here 
                                               for you.
Renee Royce: Excuse me, gentlemen.
                         Thanks, Ray. 
Kelly Severide: Uh, don’t mean to interrupt. Um, I know you said
                           you worked from home on Fridays, and uh…
Renee Royce: And you just pictured me all alone answering emails
                         in my underwear?
Kelly Severide: Well, I am now.
Renee Royce: Mmhmm.
                         Wow, these are, um, gorgeous. Thank you.
Kelly Severide: How about dinner tomorrow night? No interruptions
                          this time, I promise.
Renee Royce: Okay. All right.
Kelly Severide: Okay.
Renee Royce: Okay. 
Kelly Severide: I’ll see you then, Royce.
Renee Royce: Okay, Severide.
Gabby Dawson: [chuckles] Wait, so what exactly do you have 
                            against Mills?
Leslie Shay: Not a thing. He’s adorable. He’s like a harmless little 
                      puppy dog.
Gabby Dawson: Yeah, a puppy dog with a little wolf blood in him.
Gabby Dawson: Hey, what’s up, Chief?
Leslie Shay: Hey, Chief [clears throat]
Chief Boden: Sit.
Leslie Shay: Uh, Chief, is this about the diamond necklace Dawson
                      stole at the residence…
Gabby Dawson: Hey.
Chief Boden: Someone from another shift apparently just told your
                        field chief that sometime in November, four units of
                        Toradol went missing from your rig during your shift.
Gabby Dawson: What? 
Leslie Shay: Hm?
Gabby Dawson: Who’s saying this? I bet you it was Lowell.
Chief Boden: Don’t you worry about who said it.
Gabby Dawson: And why are they waiting till now to say anything?
Chief Boden: That’s probably because they heard IAD is sniffing
                        around our house. They want to cast the blame if
                        any more narcotics turned up missing.
Gabby Dawson: You know some junkie probably stole it off the rig
                             when we were busy saving his friend.
Chief Boden: That may be so. But it’s on you, Dawson.
                       So the two of you knock your heads together,
                       get back to me with your official version about what
                        happened by the end of the shift.
Gabby Dawson: Yeah, we’ll figure it out, Chief.
Chief Boden: You better. 
Leslie Shay: [exhales] Thanks.
Chief Boden: You’re welcome. 
Peter Mills: We saved this lady’s house. Where does she come off
                     accusing us of stealing…
Mouch: It’s not like it’s without precedent. Back in the day, I worked
              with Pat “The Pinch” Osbourne. Had fingers like flypaper.
              The roof could be caving in on us, and Pat would take a 
               moment to rescue the silverware.
Peter Mills: So… what’s the deal with the Lieutenant and the guy 
                     from IAD?
Christopher Herrmann: Uh, eh, bad history. They went through the
                                         academy together. 
                                         And… there was an incident.
Peter Mills: What kind of incident? 
Mouch: The kind that ends with Griffin getting his face punched in.
Peter Mills: Wait, why… why did the Lieutenant hit him?
Mouch: He was talking trash about Casey’s family.
              Um, but, see… we don’t talk about that.
Otis Zvonecek: Whoa, whoa, whoa, guys, here we go. Here we go.
                           Hey, Lieutenant. Lieutenant, check this out.
                           The people with all the artwork… Sandra and uh,
                            Richard Vaughn… they’re selling their entire art 
                            collection at auction.
Matt Casey: I already finished my Christmas shopping.
Otis Zvonecek: No, no, no, no. Think about it. You don’t sell your
                           art collection. Your children sell your art collection
                           after you die, or… you sell it if you need the 
Matt Casey: Otis, I have things to do.
Otis Zvonecek: The… the diamond necklace, it’s an insurance 
Matt Casey: So this woman nearly burned down her home in some
                      elaborate scheme to get firefighters in there so she 
                      could accuse…
Otis Zvonecek: No. 
Matt Casey: ‘em of stealing a necklace?
Otis Zvonecek: She didn’t set the fire. But when it happened,
                           she saw an opportunity to cash in.
Matt Casey: Yeah. You should write that down.
Otis Zvonecek: [sighs] Okay, I will.
Christopher Herrmann: All right.
Gabby Dawson: Shay, your ride’s here.
Christopher Herrmann: There you go. Thanks.
Otis Zvonecek: Great.
Christopher Herrmann: Yeah.
Gabby Dawson: [chuckles] You going to the prom, Herrmann?
Christopher Herrmann: Hey, this is the flagship for Caesar 
                                        Your chariot awaits, ma’am.
Gabby Dawson: Ooh.
Christopher Herrmann: This guy, he’s liquidating his company.
                                         I can only afford one vehicle to start,
                                         but I figure I roll the profits of this one
                                         into the next, and then the next, 
                                         and before you know it, I have a 
                                         whole fleet.
                                         Airport runs, weddings, prom season.
Otis Zvonecek: Really, Herrmann?
Christopher Herrmann: Hey… I was smart enough to bring my own
                                         mechanic to the negotiations. Severide got
                                         the guy to knock 1,500 dollars off
                                         the price.
Kelly Severide: You’re gonna have to spend some of that money to
                           fix this charging issue. And you definitely need to
                           replace the timing belt.
Leslie Shay: And I thought I replaced every vial I gave you, but I
                      must have lost count.
Kelly Severide: Hey. How can they bust you for something that
                           somebody said happened a month ago? 
                           It’s their word against yours.
Leslie Shay: If it were my ass on the line, I’d put up a fight.
                      But Dawson’s the PIC. It’s her ass on the line.
Kelly Severide: Well, I don’t know what to tell you.
Leslie Shay: No, you’re right. 
                      It’s not your problem. You got what you needed.
Kelly Severide: That… Shay. 
                                            [station alarm buzzes]
Kelly Severide: Shay.
                                             [station alarm blares]
(Over PA): Ambulance 61, Truck 81. Gunshot victim, 
                  67 North Avenue.
Matt Casey: Capp, move this thing, will you?
Capp: You got it.
                                              [engine sputtering]
Christopher Herrmann: Oh, please, please start.
                                                 [engine starts]
Christopher Herrmann: Yes!
(Over PA): Be advised. Reports of multiple gunshot victims, 
                  Humboldt Park. 
Matt Casey: Humboldt Park. As predicted.
                                              [truck engine starts]
                                                   [door shuts]
                                                   [siren wails]
                                             [truck door shuts]
Matt Casey: Everybody back up. Give ‘em some room.
Gabby Dawson: Hey, Shay, let’s get a “C” collar on her. Get her in
                            the back of the ambo and start an IV.
Matt Casey: Is this the one?
Police Officer: The other two are DOA. It was a drive-by vehicle to
                          vehicle. Girl was hit by a stray. Shooters are long 
Matt Casey: Check these two, just in case.
Joe Cruz: I’m on it, Lieutenant.
Gang Unit Detective: What colour was it? The car, what colour?
                                     Was it an  SUV, a Sedan… what? Hey,
                                     come on, man, my partner heard you say 
                                     you saw the other car.
Man 4 (Eyewitness): Not really. I mean, it all happened so fast, man.
                                        [music playing from car]
Leon Cruz: Yo.
Joe Cruz: Yo? Leon, I left you like four messages.
Leon Cruz: Busy day.
Joe Cruz: Yeah, no kidding. We just got a call on a drive by on
                  Augusta and Pulaski, and your boy Flaco was 
                  behind it.
Leon Cruz: Yo, can I call you later?
Joe Cruz: Are you with him right now?
Leon Cruz: Mmhmm. 
Joe Cruz: It don’t matter. I’m gonna do the talking.
                  There’s gonna be retaliation, Leon, and I know you know
                  that. You gotta put some daylight between you and 
                                                [locker door shuts]
Joe Cruz: Listen, Leon… I know you think you don’t got a way out
                  of this life, but you do. I can help you. Not… not right
                   this minute, but I can help you get out. Just say the 
                   word. You want my help, just say so.
Leon Cruz: So.
Leslie Shay: There you go, sweetie. Get in there. Have a seat. 
                      You’re gonna catch a cold out here.
Gabby Dawson: [sighs] Okay, James, I’m gonna take your blood
                            pressure. Is that okay?
Man 5 (James): Will it hurt?
Gabby Dawson: I do it every time, and you always ask me if it’s 
                            gonna hurt.
Man 5 (James): You never know.
Gabby Dawson: I don’t know, it’s just too soon to ask Casey.
                            This isn’t the first time his relationship with
                            Hallie flatlined. And if it somehow gets revived
                            again, and she finds out that I asked him on a 
Leslie Shay: Won’t you regret it if you don’t ask him, though?
Gabby Dawson: [sighs] It’s gotta be Mills. He’s just the more
                            appropriate choice.
Leslie Shay: I guess you’re right.
                     Oh, for your dress, there’s this new shop on Damen.
Gabby Dawson: No way. I sprained my credit card Christmas
                            shopping. I’ll just recycle something.
                            Oh, 110 over 60! James… you’re like a triathlete.
Leslie Shay: You’re good to go, sweetie. We’ll take you in and get
                      you your meds, okay?
Gabby Dawson: Oh, James, that reminds me. Did you steal any
                            Toradol from us last month?
                             I’m totally kidding [laughs]
Gabby Dawson: Hey, give me a minute.
                            Quick question [clears throat]
                            Saturday… what are you doing?
Matt Casey: Depends. What do you got?
Gabby Dawson: Um, my cousin, the poster child for better homes &
                            gardens, throws this really super fancy Christmas
                            party every year. There’s a string quartet, plum
                            pudding, nutmeg sprinkled on the eggnog. It’s so 
                            perfect you want to vomit.
Matt Casey: Sounds awesome. And you need a date?
Gabby Dawson: Yeah. I mean, I just need a friend to bring along, 
Matt Casey: Oh. Then maybe you should ask Mouch.
                      If you’re up for a date, tell me what time to pick you 
Gabby Dawson: 7 o’clock?
Matt Casey: Great.
Gabby Dawson: [whispers] Yeah, I need a new dress.
Christopher Herrmann: Chief, are you just gonna let these pretend
                                         cops violate our civil rights?
Otis Zvonecek: Yeah, don’t they need to show us a warrant or 
Chief Boden: They are well within their authority to search firehouse
Peter Mills: Even our personal lockers?
Man 1 (Ted Griffin): You mean the department’s lockers?  
                                  Besides, it shouldn’t bother you if you’re not 
                                   hiding something.
Matt Casey: Griffin, can I have a moment with you?
Chief Boden: Locker room, guys. Come on.
Man 1 (Ted Griffin): What? You want to punch me again?
Matt Casey: When’s the last time IAD searched an entire house?
Man 1 (Ted Griffin): A firefighter stole a 50,000 dollar necklace,
                                 and it’s my job to find out who. But don’t
                                 blame me if you suddenly regret assaulting 
                                  a fellow classmate.
Matt Casey: Regret it? I’m glad I did it. You weren’t the first idiot to
                      make a crack about my family. You’re the last. 
                       No one’s brought it up again since I laid your ass out.
Man 1 (Ted Griffin): Sucker punched.
Matt Casey: You saw it coming.
Man 1 (Ted Griffin): The only ones who saw it were your buddies. 
                                  None of whom had the integrity to say what
                                  really happened.
                                  By the way… how is your mom?
Chief Boden: Hey! Hey!
Man 1 (Ted Griffin): Whoa, whoa, whoa. Casey blood sure runs hot,
                                  don’t it?
Chief Boden: Do your job.
Leslie Shay: Remember that one call we went on at D and 
Gabby Dawson: Which one?
Leslie Shay: We got a block away, and we realised the jump bag
                      was sitting on the curb. I think that’s when the vials 
                      went missing.
                      Damn girl, you wear that dress, I’ll be your date.
Gabby Dawson: I don’t know. I feel kind of naked.
Leslie Shay: It’s perfect.
                     Excuse me. Ring this up. 
Gabby Dawson: Oh, no, um, I need to think about this one for a
                             minute. Thank you.
                              Is everything okay?
Leslie Shay: Yeah. Why?
Gabby Dawson: You seem more worked up over this Toradol thing 
                             than I am.
Leslie Shay: No, I’m not worried.
(Over radio): Ambo 61, what is your location?
Leslie Shay: (into radio) Ambulance 61. We’re at Armitage and 
(Over radio): Take in a working fire. 1100 block North Hamlin.
Gabby Dawson: Okay, I’ll take the other one.
                                    [station alarm buzzes & blares]
(Over PA): Engine 51, Truck 81…
Matt Casey: Let’s go.
(Over PA): Squad 3, Battalion 25, Ambulance 61. House fire, 
                  1100 block…
Man 1 (Ted Griffin): This house was supposed to be taken out of 
Chief Boden: You never made that request. So now you guys are
                        gonna have to sit tight… 
                                            [locker door shuts]
Chief Boden: Until these men get back.
                                                [engine starts]
Otis Zvonecek: That address is Humboldt Park again, isn’t it?
                                                [sirens blaring]
Chief Boden: This is Battalion Chief Boden at 1140 of North Hamlin.
Police Officer: We responded to a call of a gang shooting into the
                          building. They torched it and fled before we got 
Chief Boden: Who’s inside? Another gang? Any civilians? 
Police Officer: You know as much as I do. 
Chief Boden: Could be gang members inside. I count six
                        mailboxes. That fire has reached the structure.
Victim 1: Help me!
Matt Casey: Mouch, Otis, on the aerial. Get ready to vent the roof. 
                      Herrmann, Mills, Cruz, with me.
Chief Boden: Be careful.
                                [siren wailing and comes to a stop]
Firefighter: Get clear! Get clear!
Matt Casey: I got you, Herrmann.
Christopher Herrmann: [grunts] 
Chief Boden: (into radio) This is the Chicago Fire Department.
                        Lay down your weapons. We are trying to help you!
Chief Boden: Cruz!
Joe Cruz: [speaking Spanish]
                  We’re not police. You’re gonna die if you stay in there. 
                  Let us help you!
                  I’m coming in.
Matt Casey: Cruz!
Joe Cruz: Don’t shoot!
                                               [door breaking]
Joe Cruz: [speaking Spanish]
Chief Boden: Cruz! 
Joe Cruz: [speaking Spanish] Don’t shoot!
                  You the Kings?
                   Insane Kings. I’m Leon’s brother. Where is he?
                   Where is he? Where is he?
Christopher Herrmann: That’s the shooter. Get over here,
                                         you punk. Take a look at him.
Joe Cruz: Hey, we’re in! Let’s go!
Matt Casey: Take the infrared. Mills, catch up with Cruz.
                      Herrmann… you okay?
Christopher Herrmann: I’m gonna crack one of those punks upside
                                        their head.
Matt Casey: No. You’re gonna sit this one out.
Kelly Severide: Let’s go. 
                                         [ladder raising]
Joe Cruz: Here you go. Put your arm around me.
                  You’re doing fine. Keep going.
                  Come on, just take it easy. You’re almost there.
                   All right, here we go.
                   Hey, somebody take this guy.
Christopher Herrmann: We got him.
                                         We got you.
Gabby Dawson: We got you, sir. Here you go.
                                  [chatter on police radio]
Victim 3: [coughing] Help us! [coughing] Help up!
Chief Boden: (into radio) We got a woman and a kid on the second
                        floor. Front, center.
Matt Casey: (into radio) We’ll get ‘em.
Victim 3: Help us. 
Kelly Severide: Fire department! Call out!
Victim 3: Help!
                [coughing] Help us!
Matt Casey: Let’s go.
Victim 3: [coughs] My little one. I don’t know where he is.
Matt Casey: Severide’ll find him, but we need to go.
Victim 3: You don’t understand, I need to find him.
Matt Casey: Ma’am, we need to go right now.
Victim 3: Marco!
                                       [doors breaking]
Peter Mills: Hello! Anybody in here?
Joe Cruz: Anybody in here?
                 All clear.
Peter Mills: Clear! 
Matt Casey: Come on. Come on, buddy.
Victim 3: Please.
Matt Casey: We’re gonna find him.
Victim 3: [coughing] Marco! Marco!
Matt Casey: Ma’am!
Kelly Severide: I got him!
Joe Cruz: Get this guy out of here!
Peter Mills: Cruz, hold up. I’ll be back!
                    Come on, buddy. Up. I got you.
                                         [knocks on door]
Joe Cruz: Fire department! Clear the door!
                  Anybody in here? Call out!
Victim 4: [coughing]
Peter Mills: Come on.
Victim 3: [coughing]
Chief Boden: Got two minors, smoke inhalation. Get ‘em to the 
Christopher Herrmann: Let’s go.
Chief Boden: What do we got?
Kelly Severide: First and second floor are clear.
Victim 5: My leg!
Peter Mills: Watch your step here.
Victim 5: [groaning and grunting]
Matt Casey: Mills.
Peter Mills: Yeah?
Matt Casey: Where’s Cruz? 
Peter Mills: He’s still up there.
Joe Cruz: (over radio) This is Cruz on (into radio) three. All clear. 
                  Headed up to four now.
Matt Casey: (into radio) Cruz, wait for me. I’m coming up.
                                     [infrared beeping]
                                      [bangs on door]
Joe Cruz: Move away from the door.
                  Fire department! Call out! 
Victim 6: [coughing]
Joe Cruz: Leon!
Victim 6: [coughing]
Joe Cruz: Leon!
Victim 6 (Flaco): [coughing]
                            Thank God. Joe… help me…
                             [coughing & wheezing] Help me!
                             [coughing] Please!
                             [coughing] Please! Help… 
                             [wheezing] Joe!
                                                [door shuts]
Joe Cruz: (into radio) This is Cruz up top. All clear.
Chief Boden: [exhales] Hell of a job you did out there, Joe.
                       Hey… we missed one.
                       Don’t beat yourself up about it. If you hadn’t gotten us
                        through that gauntlet, we might have missed them all.
Otis Zvonecek: Casey. Hey, you’re not gonna believe this.
                           So I ordered a background check on Sandra and 
                           Richard Vaughn…
Matt Casey: Otis I don’t…
Otis Zvonecek: And they are leveraged up to their eyeballs. It’s one
                           judgement after the next. They… They’re staving
                           off bankruptcy. They’re in financial ruin. And
                            Mr. Vaughn… investigated twice for wire fraud.
                             236 subscribers are gonna hear about this on my
                             next podcast.
Man 1 (Ted Griffin): Well, Lieutenant Casey. Four hour call, huh?
                                 That was… pretty convenient.
Matt Casey: It’s insurance fraud. The woman with the diamonds? 
                     They’re broke.
Man 1 (Ted Griffin): What do you do off-shift, drive around in a van
                                  solving mysteries?
                                                [door shuts]
Matt Casey: Ugh.
                                            [knocks on door]
Man 1 (Ted Griffin): Lieutenant Casey. You’re up.
Matt Casey: What is it you’re hoping for, Griffin?
Man 1 (Ted Griffin): Toss the room. Search him.
Matt Casey: Seriously? Come on.
                      It’s all yours.
Leslie Shay: It was extremely careless on our part. You leave a bag
                      of full medication on a curb at a college campus,
                      you’re asking for trouble.
Chief Boden: And you are gonna be so much more careful in the 
                       future, right?
Leslie Shay: Yes, sir.
Gabby Dawson: Absolutely, Chief.
Chief Boden: Hmm. Okay. 
                        Just write down what you told me. Don’t sign
                        anywhere until you bring these back, because I
                        have to witness your signatures. If you would
                        like Mouch to go over it with you as your union 
                         representative, you do have that right.
Gabby Dawson: You want us to sign it in blood, or will blue ink 
Chief Boden: Don’t you drag your heels now.
Gabby Dawson: No, we’ll get it right back to you, Chief.
Chief Boden: Shay… one moment.
Leslie Shay: What is it, Chief?
Chief Boden: Nothing. Go on.
                                          [R&B music playing]
                               [panting, kissing sounds & moaning]
Renee Royce: Skinny margaritas.
Kelly Severide: What?
Renee Royce: Skinny on the calories, not the alcohol. 
Kelly Severide: Ah! Ahh.
                          You have a really nice place.
Renee Royce: Mmm, thank you.
Kelly Severide: Guess it pays to work in… foreign financial…
Renee Royce: International finance law. Yes, it does. But I want to
                         hear about you and how you fight fires every day.
Kelly Severide: It’s not every day. On 24, off 48.
Renee Royce: Oh yeah?
Kelly Severide: Yeah.
Renee Royce: I didn’t know that.
Kelly Severide: Uh, huh.
Renee Royce: And then what do you like to do on your off days?
Kelly Severide: I repair boats up near Monroe Harbour. 
Renee Royce: Um, do you go out to the lake much?
Kelly Severide: Yeah, more in the summers, but…
Renee Royce: Mmm. I haven’t been out in a while
Kelly Severide: I’ll take you some time.
Renee Royce: Oh, will you now?
Kelly Severide: Any time you want, Royce. Just say the word.
Renee Royce: Hmm.
Kelly Severide: What?
Renee Royce: Who was she?
Kelly Severide: What do you mean?
Renee Royce: The Renee that ruined my name.
Kelly Severide: She was my fiancée.
                                             [car door shuts]
                                            [knocks on door]
Matt Casey: Evening, ma’am.
Lady 1 (Sandra Vaughn): Can I help you?
Matt Casey: I just wanted to apologise on behalf of Truck 81 for
                      your missing item, and to let you know we’re going 
                      to get to the bottom of it.
Lady 1 (Sandra Vaughn): Well, I should hope so. 
Matt Casey: This is a thermal imaging camera. It’s a really great
                      piece of technology. It helps us see through the 
                      thickest smoke. 
Lady 1 (Sandra Vaughn): Okay.
Matt Casey: We all carry them, and we leave them recording the
                      whole time we’re on a call. And actually I’m on my
                      way to drop all our cameras off with the police so
                      they can review the footage, and see exactly what
                      happened the entire time my men and I were inside
                      your home. 
                      So don’t worry.
Lady 1 (Sandra Vaughn): Okay. Is that it?
Matt Casey: Yeah.
Lady 1 (Sandra Vaughn): Great. So maybe you should leave now.
                                               [door shuts]
                         [locker opening and things falling out]
Man 1 (Ted Griffin): Son, you’re a slob.
Man 6 (Man in uniform): Got something.
Man 1 (Ted Griffin): Oh yeah. Oh boy. Gimme that. Gimme that.
                                 Oh, false alarm. Just an adorable pair of kitty 
                                  cat cufflinks.
Mouch: It’s the maneki-neko, a Japanese good luck charm.
              And those were a Christmas gift if you don’t mind.
Man 1 (Ted Griffin): Hey, domo arigato, Mr. Roboto.
Mouch: That doesn’t even make sense.
Man 1 (Ted Griffin): Chief Boden, have you been able to locate
                                 Lieutenant Casey?
Matt Casey: I’m right here.
                                             [cell phone rings]
Man 1 (Ted Griffin): Griffin.
                                  Is that a fact?
                                  That’s very interesting.
                                   No, thank you.
                                   The diamonds slipped down into a heat
                                    register, apparently. Mrs. Vaughn just 
                                    found ‘em.
Mouch: You gotta be kidding me. 
Christopher Herrmann: What a surprise.
Man 1 (Ted Griffin): Less paperwork for me. Hallelujah. Let’s go.
                                 Do say hi to your mom for me.
Matt Casey: Door’s that way.
                                              [door shuts]
Christopher Herrmann: All right… so what’d you do?
Matt Casey: Nothing. I just told her we recorded the whole thing on
                      our thermal cameras, you know. 
Christopher Herrmann: Yeaahhh…
Peter Mills: Wait, thermal cameras don’t record. 
Christopher Herrmann: [gasps]
Peter Mills: Oh. That’s good.
Christopher Herrmann: Ooh.
Capp: Casey, you have a visitor in the briefing room.
Matt Casey: Chris. This is a nice surprise. Merry Christmas.
                                             [kissing sound]
Christie: Yeah, Matt. Merry Christmas.
                Almost done shopping [chuckles]
                I couldn’t remember if you’re a large or extra large,
                but there’s a gift receipt in there.
Matt Casey: Oh. That’s really sweet. Thank you.
Christie: Since we saw you at the cemetery… Violet’s been pretty
                flipped out. “Why doesn’t Uncle Matt ever come to see
                 us? And does he not like us? Do you not like him?”
                  And she shouldn’t have to be asking those questions. 
                  And… that’s on you and me. 
Matt Casey: Absolutely it is, yeah. 
Christie: I feel like she’s been without her uncle, and… I’ve been
               without my brother for too long.
Matt Casey: Yeah, I want nothing more than for us to be in each
                      other’s lives. The last time we talked about it…
Christie: I know. I remember the conversation.
Matt Casey: [sighs] 
Christie: [exhales] So you’re still defending her?
Matt Casey: I’m not gonna turn my back on her.
Christie: Don’t you miss dad?
Matt Casey: Yeah, but there’s something.
Gabby Dawson: Excuse me one second. I need to steal him.
Matt Casey: Um, uh, bye.
Gabby Dawson: Oh, thank you.
                            Oh, I can’t wait to show you this room.
Matt Casey: Okay.
Gabby Dawson: It’s nice, right?
Matt Casey: Yeah.
Gabby Dawson: [clears throat] Oh, and hey, I promise I won’t let my
                            aunt corner you again [chuckles] like that. 
                            I’m sorry.
Matt Casey: [chuckles] It’s okay. She’s… she’s fun.
Gabby Dawson: Yeah, she’s better when you’re drunk.
                             Oh, better learn how to keep up, buddy boy.
Matt Casey: Yeah.
Both: [chuckles]
Gabby Dawson: I mean… are we just here as friends, or… is this a 
Matt Casey: I can’t. I mean…
Gabby Dawson: No, yeah. I get it.
Matt Casey: It’s not a good time. 
Gabby Dawson: [clears throat]
Matt Casey: Because it’s worth doing right. 
Lady 2: Oops sorry. Don’t mind us.
Gabby Dawson: [clears throat] Uh, you ready for dessert?  
                            I’m ready… for dessert?
Leon Cruz: This is crazy, bro. I was just up there, like, ten minutes
                    before it all went down. Flaco sent me to get Shorty.
                     Otherwise… I don’t know…[sighs] Somebody’s gotta
                     be up there looking out for me.
                     Joe, you okay?
Joe Cruz: I can’t. I can’t do this. I can’t do this. I… 
                  [breathing unsteadily]
Kelly Severide: You’re up early.
Leslie Shay: You know I love you, right?
Kelly Severide: Okay, what’s going on?
Leslie Shay: I love you because I know you’d stick your neck out for
                      me the way I have for you.
Kelly Severide: Of course I would.
Leslie Shay: And I did that to get you over the hump.
Kelly Severide: Which you totally did.
Leslie Shay: And then I found these in the trash.
Kelly Severide: Those are ol… they’re old.
Leslie Shay: I perjured myself for you, Kelly.
Kelly Severide: Shay…
Leslie Shay: I’m out.
Kelly Severide: Whoa, whoa, whoa. What do you mean?
Leslie Shay: I mean I’m out. We had a deal… we wouldn’t get in
                     each other’s business, but I can’t hold up my end. 
                      So I’m out.
Kelly Severide: Shay, it’s okay. I got it.
                          I got it. I got it.
Leslie Shay: No, you don’t got it!
                      I’m not gonna sit here and watch you… just fool 
                      I’ll get the rest of my stuff later.
Kelly Severide: Shay, hey, please don’t go.
                           Please don’t…please don’t do this.
                                        [door opens and shuts]
Kelly Severide: [sighs]
Joe Cruz: [breathing unsteadily]
                                        [cell phone vibrates]
Voicemail (Matt Casey): This is Matt Casey. Leave it here and I’ll 
                                          call you back.
Joe Cruz: Lieutenant, it’s Joe Cruz. Um… Casey, man, I need to talk
                  to you. Uh… It’s really important. I, uh… [sighs] I, um…
                                         [whistle blowing]
Gabby Dawson: Here we go. I’ll make my brother get the rest of
                            your stuff tomorrow. And you are totally welcome
                            to stay with me as long as you want.
Leslie Shay: Thanks.
Gabby Dawson: You gonna tell me what he did?
Leslie Shay: No. You gonna tell me how your date went?
Gabby Dawson: Nope. 
                            He’s good. 
Police Officer: Thank you.
                                    [dispatcher chatter over radio]
Leslie Shay: Come on, give me something.
Gabby Dawson: [chuckles] Well, I was right about Casey. He’s still
                            into Hallie. And I’m an idiot.
                                                [whistle blows]
                                                 [door buzzes]
Matt Casey: Hi, mom.
Leslie Shay: Tomorrow night, you and me are gonna have a few 
Gabby Dawson: Heh! A few pitchers, you mean.
Leslie Shay: Yeah, that was implied.
                                                 [horn blaring]
                                          [cars & truck skidding]
Shay & Dawson: [gasps]
                                          [truck and ambo crash]
                                                      - end -
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Buyout = Purchase of the target’s outstanding debt.
Internal Affairs Division = A division of a law enforcement agency which investigates cases of allegations of misconduct and complaints against any member of the fire department, and the necessary actions taken.
Toradol = Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug. It works by reducing hormones that cause inflammation and pain in the body. Toradol is used short-term (5 days or less) to treat moderate to severe pain.
PIC = Paramedic in charge
C-collar = Cervical collars (C collars) are used to support your spinal cord and head, and to limit the movement of your neck and head. They’re typically meant for short-term use while you recover from an injury, surgery, or pain.
DOA = Dead on arrival
Drive-by vehicle to vehicle = Shooting someone in a moving car from a moving car
Thermal imaging camera = Type of thermographic camera used in fire fighting. By rendering infrared radiation as visible light, such cameras allow firefighters to see areas of heat through smoke, darkness, or heat-permeable barriers.
Maneki-neko = Common Japanese figurine, which is often believed to bring good luck to the owner. The figurine depicts a cat, traditionally a calico Japanese Bobtail, with a paw raised in a Japanese beckoning gesture.
Domo arigato = Japanese phrase meaning “Thanks a lot”. The Japanese phrase said in this episode is part of a Japanese song.
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cvssndra · 5 years
peyton commandeers his dad's cadillac ct6 for the night: it's the vehicles first out-of-garage debut since last fall. the senior pellegrino has always preferred his official fire department dodge to the sleeker, luxurious cadi. but peyton knows his longboard just won't cut it for tonight, so he sifted through his father's desk until he found the proper keys. 
 he parks in the street by the pressman house and sits for several minutes. checks his hair in the mirror. straightens and re-straightens his bow tie. he'd been so nervous getting ready that monty had to do the honors for him. his outfit is simple and sleek: a black tux with a gold vest and tie ensemble. his fingers fumble with the corsage's plastic container as he exits the car and tries to calm his racing mind.
 soon, he reaches the front step ( and nearly trips over himself on the way ). breathe. then he's ringing the bell and rocking back and forth on his heels, deep eyes scanning the front façade of the house, its numbers, its siding, before landing on his feet. are his shoes too black? too leather? too plain? peyton gulps and resets his stance, holding the corsage behind his back and squaring his shoulders. that door will open soon. any second, it'll swing on its hinges –– and cassandra will be on the other side. his date. peyton holds his breath and waits.
cassandra was having a fight with the mirror, attempting to justify this dress. it was not a dress she would normally even look at but when she’d bought it in the first place, she also hadn’t really been expecting to go. things tended to go wrong for cassandra whenever she looked forward to things. her twelfth birthday party, her middle school graduation, the midnight premiere of harry potter and the deathly hallows part two, and of course her favorite, the school trip into the mountains that landed them here. but here she is, in the dress she bought to make her mother feel better, that she hadn’t really looked at before buying. she was just thrilled it fit. “fine, i’ll wear it. but i hope you feel really dumb if he doesn’t show,” she argued to the mirror. as if the mirror were arguing back, the doorbell rang. she squinted at the mirror angrily.
 “allie! allie, can you get that?” she got a loud and angry ‘i’m busy’ in response. with a huff she practically jumped down the steps and ran to the door throwing it open and grabbing it to keep it from hitting the wall. her eyes moved from the door to him, a beaming grin replacing whatever negative energy she’d previously been exuding. “hi,” she practically cooed.
the door whips open and peyton feels all the wind knock out of his chest in one fell swoop. cassandra stands in front of him and he has to blink a few times to ensure he isn't dreaming. when she speaks, his mind finally snaps back into gear –– his lips, which had previously fallen agape, warmed into a bright smile. 
 " hi, "  he greets back, breathlessly. peyton drinks it all in: she practically puts the sun out of business. " you look... "  he trails off, searching for a word that can possibly do her justice. " you look amazing. "  stunning, he thinks, after it's too late. breathtaking. beautiful.  it takes nearly dropping the corsage behind his back for peyton to remember he's holding it. he brings it out into view, casting cassandra a hopeful grin.
 " i... i got you this. "  white flowers. gold ribbon. the corsage is simple, understated –– he spent half a day mulling over different combinations to find the proper size and arrangement. the result? a subtle piece strung together onto a white pearl bracelet. it wouldn't take away from cassandra's ensemble: not that anything ever could. " it's... uh, white roses, "  he says, and kicks himself for it. as if she can't already see that. he recalls what kelly said about the flowers' meaning and peppers it in with a timid smile and a gentle nod toward the arrangement. 
 " they symbolize um... dignity. nobility. beauty. "  honey-hazel eyes lift. his next thought goes unsaid, but it's written all over his face. all things i see in you.
her lips pressed themselves under her teeth when he looked at her.  it was too much, it wasn't her. she should change. but then he said she looked amazing and she felt her cheeks warm, betraying her once again. "thanks. so do you! and look-" she gestures between them, "we match." her brain was doing that thing where it forgot how to work in his presence. 
her eyes dropped to the corsage and widened. "oh- you didn't have to-" she took it, admiring it in it's original glory before it inevitably got destroyed. "it's beautiful." she ran her finger along the bottom to pop it open and gently removed it from the box. "it's supposed to go on the left hand but i'm left handed so i'm going to put it on the right. hopefully it'll be less damaged that way," she rambled, slipping it on. she admired some more, before looking up. she sucked up all of her courage, leaned forward, and pressed her lips to his cheek. "thank you."
" thank you! i... yeah, we do." peyton dips his head with a light laugh as she points out their matching. without monty and tess's help, he would've surely botched that bit. he's always had a knack for smart dressing, but something about gold had him stumped. tess convinced him to go for this bolder black-and-gold print instead of a standard prom ensemble, and the way cassandra smiles at him? confirms this was the right move. 
he watches as cassandra gingerly dons the corsage and it's like the breath gets knocked out of him for the second time. you're beautiful, he thinks in response, and doesn't even realize he's also managed to say it, too. and then she's leaning up and kissing his cheeks and holy shit, it's like... it's like his heart's about to leap out into her hands. peyton's lips pull into a bright smile and his cheeks warm. " i –– of course, thank you, i–– "  he allows himself to drink her in again, eyes alight with admiration.  someone pinch him. this is real.  " should we... "  he gestures over his shoulder, toward the car. " should we head over ? "
cassandra looks past him at the car. part of her wants to say screw it and ask him if he wants to just stay here and hang out, not that she would use those specific words of course. she doesn't want to share him tonight, as selfish as that sounds, but she also knows their friends are there, expecting them. she nods, reaching over to grab her bag off the table where she'd left it before changing. she doesn't even bother to lock the door as she pulls it shut behind herself, closing the space between them far more than she's used to. but she is definitely not disappointed at it. "i really dig this bow tie," she grins, as she moves toward the car. "when i was little, i used to put all of the bow ties on the dog. my dad did not appreciate that." it's when they get to the car that she realizes she's not sure she's ever seen peyton drive. "no board tonight?" she teases.
she is... everything. and honestly? if prom wasn’t such a big deal? peyton might suggest they just chill out here, or at his, or just... anywhere, alone. the thought of her being whisked off by friends and other townspeople — it’s part of their reality now, but peyton can’t help but want to resist that social responsibility. as they make their way to the car, he relishes in their proximity. 
 “ yeah? “ well i dig you, he thinks, and lets it remain unspoken. “ thanks. “  at her story, he can’t help but laugh. “ you’re kidding. that dog must’ve been the best looking in all of town. “ he doesn’t know why, but that little anecdote finds a home in his heart and nests there. it’s a piece of cassandra pressman not many get to see. 
 “ no, i... i figured you might want to roll up in something a little more stylin’. “ he gestures to his dad’s car with a shrug. “ but hey, if you— if you ever want to hitch a ride sometime, you— you know who to call. “  an easy smile takes hold of his features but his heart hammers fast. peyton reaches out to open the passenger side door for his date — his date! — and steps aside. 
 “ your chariot awaits, “ he teases. “ a close second to the good old arbor zeppelin, but it’ll do. “  cue a playful wink as he meets cassandra’s gaze. slowly, slowly, he can feel the nerves melt away and roll off his shoulders.
this night was already better than anything she could dream up and she’d spent a lot of time dreaming about it. he was better than a dream as cliche as that sounded. in all the time she’d known him, she’d had a crush on him and there had never been the question of why. to her, it was obvious. and to force herself to keep him at arms length all this time had proved to be far more work than she’d planned. even now, there was a tinge of remorse. she wasn’t permanent, far from it in fact. and he deserved better. but she could have tonight. and for all she knew, he didn’t feel the same way she did. that would make this all a lot easier. her cheeks already hurt from smiling and they haven’t even left yet. 
“yes, the bow tie is definitely an a+. definitely ties the look together.” as if she knows anything about fashion. “he was the snazziest dog around, if i say so myself.” as cool as he looked on his board, she was glad he’d gone with car instead. “i don’t know if my first board experience would be very successful in these shoes,” she chuckles.
she places a hand to her chest with a, “why thank you kind sir,” and then slips into the car.
she's a dreamboat. and she doesn't even know it. as they walk to peyton's car, cassandra glows beneath the setting sun, and all peyton can do is stare and hope, hope, hope she doesn't notice. he laughs at her pun: she's clever, and it's one of the many reasons he's coveted this crush for so long.
 " you'd be surprised. i bet you'd look bad ass boarding in those heels. the x games wouldn't even know what hit 'em. "  peyton bows like an eighteenth century butler meets concierge, and the move's a bit goofy on him–– but it fits their hollywood throwback car scene. once she's inside, he gingerly shuts the passenger door and crosses over to let himself in. ( he's not blushing. he's not blushing. he's not–– )  nimble fingers turn the key in the ignition and he glances over before putting the car into gear, hand hovering over the console. 
 " all buckled up ? "  his face is going to split apart, he's grinning so hard. never mind the fact that he just sounded like an overprotective mom: he's too overjoyed to care.
was it hot or was it just him? her cheeks were in a permanent state of blush and it wouldn't go away. "you'll have to teach me one of these days." she was so distracted by him that she hadn't put her seatbelt on. it reminded her of the only time she didn't put a seatbelt on. it had been after a stint in the hospital and it had put her in a bit of a depression. her mother had told her to put her seat belt on and she'd mumbled ‘what's the point?’ she thought about that now as he checked on her. he was the point. 
her hand reached up and pulled her seat belt down. "yup." she got quiet for a minute or two. she'd managed to get this far without saying something completely ridiculous and hoped to keep it up. can't say something stupid if you don't speak, right? but she wanted him to speak, she loved hearing him speak. so she leaned her elbow on the middle armrest and leaned her chin in her palm. "tell me something."
at her confirmation, they begin the drive: and oh jeez, does peyton have to fight not to tear his eyes off the road to look at her instead. it's stupid, but he wants to make sure she thinks he's a good driver–– that he's a good, well, everything. he wants to make her feel comfortable. safe. and part of that is, like... not totaling his dad's nice car. so he uses his blinkers like he's taking the license test again, and abides by the speed limit, even though no one's around to be the wiser. 
 peyton spares cassandra a glance as they roll up to a stop sign and wishes retina-cameras weren't just things talked about in sci-fi movies. because if he could snap a picture of this moment... he'd cherish it forever. with her arm on the console and her chin propped in her hand, cassandra looks like... cassandra. for peyton, there's... there's no suitable comparison. he's no poet. but he knows when beauty defies description. 
 " something, "  he calls back with a playful wink, lips already forming a wide, cheesy grin as he returns his eyes to the road. a beat passes before he actually latches on to something remotely interesting to talk about: maybe some boarding stats? a cool history fact? 
" you've got a beautiful smile, "  he murmurs. he doesn't even register the slip-up for a moment, but then he's opening his mouth and clamping it shut like he's just... like he's just divulged federal secrets, and she might kick him out of his own car. but monty schooled him on this before. if you say something stupid, just commit to it. don't do your stupid fish out of water thing. so he doesn't. he just... runs with it. 
 " like... even right there. right now. that's... that's awesome. " eloquently done. nice. idiot. peyton times his breathing and re-situates his grip on the wheel. now is not the time to start spinning out.
she nearly chokes at the statement and starts to cough instead. she covers her mouth and mumbles a "thank you" from behind it. when she finally stops choking, she uncovers her mouth and is grinning again. "that's not what i meant but i'll take it." they were very close to prom and soon she was going to have to share him. there were a lot of things she wanted to say to him but all that came out was, "so do you." 
 she bites her cheek. it wasn't a compliment, and after that comment, he deserved one. it was a bold statement and he deserved as much. "i- like you.... a lot." she covered her face. "i'm sorry."
peyton stops breathing. " oh. "  so do you. he's thankful nobody else is on the road, because his vision nearly shorts for a second. cassandra... thinks his smile is... beautiful ?  jesus. it takes absolute will-power to keep from pulling over and asking if they can just... skip the dance and throw their own prom themselves.
he takes the final right turn onto the venue's street. he's about to say thank you, when the compliment finally processes, but then–– oh!  peyton's cheeks flush bright, only rivaled by his grin. " holy shit, "  he breathes, barely audible.  " no, don't, i–– "  they finally reach the parking lot, and peyton's never done a speedier parking job in his life. once the car's tossed into the correct gear, he turns to cassandra, only to find her face covered.
" hey, "  he prods, unclicking his seatbelt and leaning against the center armrest. " don't be sorry. "  a beat. he's saying this.  " i really like you, too. "
cassandra uncovers her face very slowly when he tells her not to be sorry. and then he says he likes her too. the thought... the idea... it's baffling.  she can feel her mouth hanging open like a goldfish and quickly closes it. she fears he wouldn't if he knew the truth but she decides she can't think like that, she likes him too much to worry about that right now. she needs to push the thought out of her head, she needs to focus on him. so she takes a deep breath and leans forward, pressing her lips against his for a moment before pulling away.
her lips meet his and peyton might as well have been stuck by a stun gun. his eyes widen and before he can even internalize the moment she's pulling away, and he's following, chasing her lips again once he finally gets it. the secondary kiss is quick, too, and light, and after a few seconds he pulls back. his eyebrows lift and he's about to apologize for taking more than what he's given, but what comes out is a breathless chuckle. " i... " 
 thisisreallife. this. is. REAL. LIFE. 
 " i–– " he gushes, face alight with wonder. " i had no idea. "
he comes in for another kiss and she's ecstatic. it means he wanted it too and she is relieved to say the least. "no idea?! and here i thought i was extremely obvious." now that she's done it once, it feels like a drug. she wants, no needs to do it again. this time she puts her hands on his cheeks first and adds a little more umpf into the next kiss.
" wh- extremely obvious? " before peyton can launch into an explanation of how extremely not obvious she's been, she swoops in for another kiss and boy, he's not about to complain. his eyes close and he meets her force with equal enthusiasm. his hands migrate to her shoulders, and one trails up to rest just below her jawline. he wants the world to stop. their lips only part when his lungs can't stretch longer without air –– but they scream to breathe her in, instead.  peyton rests his forehead against cassandra's, speechless. " ...holy crap, "  he breathes. dark lashes flutter open and deep brown eyes drink her in: he couldn't look away if he tried. feather light fingertips brush a strand of blonde out of her eyes. and then his lips bloom into a dazed smile. " hi. "
she is beaming. there is no other word for it. she has been waiting years for this. “hi,” she hums back. time feels like it’s crawling and she is one hundred percent okay with that. “we should really... go inside,” but she makes no effort whatsoever to move from this spot. as if moving would ruin it, as if they weren’t about to spend the night together at prom. and after too if she had any say in it. “we can... pick this up after? maybe? if you want.”
peyton nods. yeah. they should.  is she even aware of how beautiful she is?  peyton's hand finds cassandra's jaw and a tender smile warms his lips. " yeah, " he murmurs. " i'd like that. "  he dips his head to snatch another gentle kiss, just because he can. his middle school self is singing.
all cassandra can think about is how much better this is in real life than what she'd imagined and how she spent years assuming this feeling was unrequited. she still hasn't moved, as if leaving his touch might cause a natural disaster. as if her life depended on it. if this feeling could fix her heart, she'd be set for life just from these few minutes. "me too." only after he's pulled away again does she take a deep sigh.
 "okay, we should probably go in." it's then that she realizes his mouth is now the same shade as hers and she bites her lip to stifle the laugh. "do you- do you have a napkin or something?"
peyton's cheeks ache from smiling but he keeps on grinning, because he can't help it. all of this? it's better than he could have ever dreamed. it makes all those years spent pining totally more than worth it. and to see her feel the same? it's crazy. it's wild. he's gonna need someone to pinch him, hard. 
 " napkin? "  peyton's brow furrows a bit but he pays the item some thought. his dad's always prepared for everything –– disaster kit in the back, some kind of fire retardant in every possible place. " uh... "  peyton sifts around the center console before coming up empty. " maybe try that glove compartment ? "  it doesn't even dawn on him to ask what it's for. it doesn't matter. if a napkin's what cassandra wants, he'll give her twenty. she's got him wrapped around her finger. then he notices the look she's giving him, and he can't help but smile wider. " what ? "
she opens the glove compartment and finds a stack of paper towels. she only takes the one and closes  it back up, turning back to him. "i think you're-" she takes his chin between her fingers, "wearing more lipstick than i am now." she wipes his lips gently with the paper towel. "in a smeared, demented clown kind of way." she manages to get most of it off before turning the paper towel inside out. she reaches up to pull down the sun flap and uses the mirror to remove the remainder of her own smeared mess. "there we go."
peyton's eyebrows lift as cassandra holds his chin, and then he can't help but laugh. " demented clown. how'd you know that's always been my dream? " he's shocked by how easy this is. being with her. after years of nearly panicking just meeting her eye, it... feels amazing. like they didn't just link up. like they've been doing this for a while.  " thanks, "  he adds as he pockets the car keys and watches her perfect the lipstick they both had a hand in smudging. it brings forth a sense of giddy pride.  " so we know we're really good at making messes, huh ? "  cue a lopsided smile.
cassandra chucklees when he says that's been his dream, making sure the thought that he's her dream stays in her head. her cheeks warm at the comment about messes. she wasn't very good at those. she wasn't supposed to make messes. but she would rather make messes with him than continue living her boring, non-messy life. you need to tell him her head insisted, but she fought it away. they could have one nice night before she dropped the bombshell that was her fate. she'd only held off this long because she never thought he could like her back but now he did, and it was too late to tell him before that happened. yeah, she'd tell him after prom. or maybe tomorrow. but not now. she grinned over at him. "the faster we go in, the faster we can leave, right?"
she looks amazing, with or without lipstick smudges. and peyton wants so badly to tell her that, but... he's too busy throwing her not-so-subtle heart eyes to compose the message. he beams and nods at her question. " i think that's how it works. or... we dip our toe in and go make a blanket fort instead. "  he chuckles but... he's semi-serious. with a definitive nod, he exits his side of the vehicle and crosses over to open cassandra's door for her. " ready for some space travel ? "  stupid theme-related joke.  moron. peyton extends his hand and a charming smile anyway.
all she wants is to tell him to turn the car around so they can go make that blanket fort. but if she doesn't show up, people will talk, and they were doing that enough already. instead she pulls herself out of the car. "it's gonna be out of this world," she teased back. his hand comes out toward her and her breath hitches . this was happening. she was going to prom... with the boy she'd had a crush on for years and there were feelings. real, whole, mutual feelings. with all of these wonderful thoughts bouncing around in her head, she took his hand with a grin.
it's gonna be out of this world. peyton lets out one of those exhale laughs, through his nose. he shouldn't find that funny but he really, really does. she takes his hand and he gives hers a gentle squeeze. " oh, for sure. think aliens like to party ? "  they begin the walk to the venue's front door, but every bone in his body aches to get back in that car and just... go for a ride. chill somewhere quiet. talk and talk and talk until the sun rises. but they've got tomorrow; they've got plenty more days for that. now, he reaches forward with his free hand and pulls open the door to new ham's prom with a hopeful smile. he takes a moment to revel in it, her smile, just for him. as they step through the threshold though, arm in arm, it's time for the whole town to see cassandra pressman shine.
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