#The circle
gamechangershow 8 hours
Brennan Lee Mulligan is A Bug With A Big Ass 馃崙
Watch 'Ratfish (Part 1)' of the Game Changer two-part season finale streaming now on Dropout!
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malinkymax 1 day
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shout out to the real life people who got paid to make this shit
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moondraah 2 days
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he is NOT happy with the circle
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emptyjunior 10 days
Feel a bit like I'm in the twilight zone at people guessing the gamechanger teaser馃槶 I feel extremely one thousand per cent confident that we Do know what it is, but also maybe it shows I am watching a Lot of trash reality show tv馃槀
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(last shot is from OG trailer and I am now certain it unmistakably a circle apartment)
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quotespile 8 months
We all know the world is too big for us to be significant. So all we have is the hope of being seen, or heard, even for a moment.
Dave Eggers, The Circle
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hanelizabeth 2 months
Wisteria ~ Regret 馃┓
- a recreation of Celine Montclaire鈥檚 flower card -
characters by @cassandraclare 馃
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world-of-celebs 15 days
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Emma Watson attends "The Circle" Premiere at Cinema UGC Normandie on June 21, 2017 in Paris, France
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knightscanfeeltoo 2 months
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Pretty much Bedman in Guilty Gear Strive...
(Except there is No Covid Quarantine in Guilty Gear Strive, I think...)
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aleswiftgron 11 months
The fact that Robert Lightwood was in the circle and his parabatai was in love with him, and he thought he was disgusting for it
And THEN the universe gives him a gay son in love with the most flamboyant and known downworlder ever, THAT was karma at it's finest
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feydayarts 10 days
Current fave theories on the finale of Game Changer and who I think will win if so:
- rat race/maze: this is my favourite theory so far because how funny would it be if they were just fucking. get in the maze. run for sams entertainment.
Ally and Rekha are my top contenders for the maze. They both have the speed and the cunning to win, because god knows if it鈥檚 a physical challenge Sam is absolutely adding some stupid shit.
- the circle (everyone is locked in hotel rooms and has to pretend to be someone else OR themselves? Idk I haven鈥檛 seen the show). Probably the most plausible. Trailer shows Jess in a tropical style room with a bathrobe on which would connect to the circle, as well as the neon loop de loop at the end. If someone isn鈥檛 Sam I鈥檒l be so upset.
Katie and Grant are my top picks. NO one does social subterfuge like Katie, and I think Grant will caricature himself so well everyone thinks it鈥檚 someone else.
- taskmaster: a LONG SHOT but I fucking WISH. It鈥檚 probably for next season tho. Sadly.
If it鈥檚 taskmaster Brennan wins hands down. But it won鈥檛 be so I鈥檓 not gonna cry about it more
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gamechangershow 1 day
Jess Ross is The Landlord 馃ぜ
Watch 'Ratfish (Part 1)' of the Game Changer two-part season finale streaming now on Dropout!
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silentagecinema 14 days
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oh to cry
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layla-carstairs 12 days
Hodge is actually such interesting character because on one hand you do feel really bad for him and how harsh and cruel his punishment was compared to the Lightwoods. Then on the other hand you possess the knowledge that the worse punishment was actually kinda deserved given he was, in fact, far more complicit in things than the Lightwoods 馃槶
like was the irony lost on him all those years as he festered in his rage over the unfairness of it all while simultaneously knowing Valentine was alive out there. the Lightwoods couldn't have betrayed the Clave even if they wanted to because they thought that man was bones!! Hodge meanwhile is wondering which Jonathan child experiment Jace like they are not the same
and yeah obviously the Clave did not know that at the time (lucky for him tbh) but given how Hodge was THE PERSON in Valentine's confidence, moreso than even Luke and Stephen, there was probably stuff that they did know about. Valentine wouldn't have given Jace to Hodge out of the blue, it stands to reason he was directly involved in the experimentation itself given his skill & knowledge with tonics & whatnot and that there was probably more minor stuff he helped Valentine with that was known about. enough that it proved he was more directly involved with Valentine's plans than either of the Lightwoods ever were
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elderscrollsconceptart 2 months
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Circle Initiate
Art for The Elder Scrolls: Legends
Art by Nuare Studio
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ringotheman 7 days
my prediction for the game changer s6 finale is it's gonna be inspired by the reality show The Circle. the iconic slow walk down the halls, clearly in a different building (hotel, maybe?), the number of contestants, the neon light loop-de-loop? its *gotta* be that. im also copium bc i love The Circle its my favorite reality show its so goofy I'd be soso hyped if im right
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emmawatsonupdates 2 months
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7 years ago today, two new TV spots of 'The Circle', starring Emma Watson, were released
Watch them at the source
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