#The comic’s ending is just auugh
djsherriff-responses · 7 months
No one understands what it’s like to be a Jane Crocker fan , they god damn annihilated her and used her corpse to make trump jokes
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amazing-spiderling · 1 year
would you rather: be friends with Peter Parker or Foggy?
make me choose: greek or italian food? and what would be your favorite meal of these (including dessert.)
ask me anything: top ships at the moment? three ships in previous fandoms? what is an art idea you've been pondering over but haven't attempted yet?
Peter Parker or Foggy Nelson:
AUugh. This is a tough one?! I think for either, we'd be able to bond over nerdy things, so as far as common ground goes, I think they're both on the same level. BUttttttttttttttttt, I can get pretty annoyed when people make a habit of flaking out on me. I know it's not Peter's fault, and like, I an be sympathetic, but if I was to imagine a scenario where I was friends with both, in the end, Foggy would be the one I'd hang out with more/call first. I bet he'd be keen to try weird new restaurants and good trucks with me.
Greek or Italian food:
Damn you really have to come for me like this??? On the one hand, I have been exploring more Mediterranean cuisine lately (and making things at home). I have been consuming frightening amounts of Labneh and recently learned how to make a pretty passable version of this dip from a restaurant in a town I used to live in, which makes for a great sharable dish. BUTttTTt I think I'd probably still have to go with Italian food. There are some dishes I rely on (risotto, braised shortribs, MEATBALLS) that I love too much. I've got to love my classic love over my hot new crush. XD
Top Ships?
I am a serial monoshipper. Not that I ever say goodbye to a ship- I'm always happy to see it crop up on my timeline, but it's hard for me to split my energy between two or more. So at the moment I have to say my brain is pretty much running on pure, unleaded Mattfoggy, but I do give a big smile to the Aziracrow and Spideypool that comes across my dash these days. And once in a while someone will share some Snake/Otacon and it's just too good and makes me feel feelings all over again.
Three Ships in Previous Fandoms:
I guess to make this a little more different, I dabbled in TF2 fandom for a hot minute- this falls squarely in the "love to see it on my dash" category. I did a little bit of art just for funsies and read a lot of fic, including struggling with auto translate on a never completed one originally written in Russian. I was happy to consume basically any combination of Spy, Scout and Sniper, especially after reading the iconic comic, "Cuanta Vida". I also had a soft spot for Tentaspy, particularly with Sniper. Kinda miss those days. That was a lovely fandom that seemed to be there for good times and good vibes.
Art Idea I haven't attempted yet:
I think I've low-key promised that I will one day write a Mattfoggy doujinshi but I'm going to have to develop about 700% more guts first, lol. I also really really want to do this Murderdock animatic to a JazzEmu short but who has the TIME?
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taldigi · 3 years
Okay so I was reading Mads/Fav's notes, and I LOVE the implication that eventually Bridgette will be paired with Plagg (screaming, she's mental and he's gonna love it), BUT I'm here to ask about the timeline of Felix/Marinette dating:
Did they kiss on the first night because art implies they got very drunk or was it just feelings and then hanging out and Felix constantly like, "Oh well she kisses me on the cheek but as a FRIEND!" Pining for more and Bridgette trying to help him whoo Marinette because who else is gonna let her climb them like a playground attraction?
Meanwhile Marinette was just like, "Me and my boyfriend are taking it slow, but we share a bed and stuff-" to Luka and Nino who are just exchanging glances of, "Who is this guy, and does he even know they're dating?"
Or am I totally wrong? I would like to know for fanfic reasons because I would love to write a oneshot in verse-
I love the idea of Brie and Plagg!!! But unfortunately, it can't happen due to the way the magic system is built. (I really wanted to though i spent a while trying to justify it but auugh the whole point of the story is that the cat and ladybug miraculous are GONE) She may get the bee, but by the time that would happen, the story is over. She and the other Kwami get along well. Tea parties galore.
I'm still working out finer details. But the idea is that they pretty much hop right into a relationship- I really want to chase this idea that a romantic relationship is not an end goal, but a beginning. So while still in that friendship stage, they absolutely have some back and forth.
But .. uh, I would put it like.... they get together midway thru season 1. Dating, kisses, gifts. Felix is less "unaware" of their status, but sometimes it hits him that "wow, i have a girlfriend... wowie." Its that same energy of those comics where they are literally standing at the altar and one is like "so.. u like me or..?"
Luka is unaware of them dating because it's like.. Marinette's business isn't Luka's problem, but when it comes up it is kinda like a shock because they DO move pretty fast in the relationship- but it's the life or death situations that help speed it up a bit. Especially since he's known Marinette for a long time and she's not the type to go quickly like that.
BUT.... Story's fluid. I was REALLY set on this idea that they met because Marinette accidentally knocked him out, but I think i ended up forming a better approach; An ozen attacks the market he was browsing and Orikko eggs him into trying to fight it, and he absolutely gets whacked saving a little girl- Brie. Which, in turn, causes Marinette to step up and finally become Madamouselle. It still has that end event of her taking him home to nurse his concussion and jumpstarting their relationship, but it outs them both to eachother as heroes in basically episode...2?
But.. fanfic reasons? W-will you share?
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lily-frog-trash · 3 years
Talking about interpretations is funny how the fandom portrays Mono as either a soft cinnamon roll too good for this roll or a lonely person who doesn’t know how to interact with others and only wants friends and Six as a chaotic evil gremlin
when in the game we see that Mono although he may not have made the best first impression with six, he is actually very gentle and knows how to approach her, (I sometimes wonder if Mono was part of a larger group of kids before meeting six because it seems he knows how to approach people in general) like in the hospital he is actually very understanding and caring and he acts accordingly, yet he is also much more active than six and we saw in the game how he grabbed axes and destroyed the porcelain bullies head’s, burned the doctor alive etc.
Now with six she also has a soft side of her, she was the one who first held Mono hand in the game and thus introductions us to the holding hands mechanic, even in the hospital she is the first to reach out for Mono’s hand, after the awakening of the thin man she was also shown to be worried about Mono and attempting to get a hold of his attention, she also has a lot of childish idle animations which helps convey her personality.
I wish the fandom could explore more aspects of their personalities, they seem almost contradictory in a way (six having a ruthless side to her when angry but also having a lot of wholesome and childish moments and Mono being shown as mysterious and lonely at first glance yet by the way he interacts with Six make it seems like he has done it before)
YES YES YES THANK YOU!!! for the ask and also for putting these observations in writing i love reading about these
and auugh i can't count the number of times i rewatch different people's playthrough of the game just to see if i can spot any of their idle animations
funny that you mentioned mono seemed like he's done this before bcs i recently read a theory that he's used to being a part of a group of children, as hinted in the comic chapter 6, when he was trapped in a burning building alongside other kids.
and six has many moments of her just enjoying playful things, like holding out the duck during the xray part. there is also this part in the comic series where she found a music box in roger's room and bring it to the other kids to listen to together (they SMILED here, including six!!! i'm not kidding you when i say this moment made me cry)
yeah i guess what i'm getting here is that at the end of the day they're children! who are learning and adapting to their surroundings and other children they meet. these are complex characters that can't just be reduced to a few "personality" labels. although i should note that fan content would usually be snippets of short fic/art/comic, so i'm making a general guess that they don't have the length to explore the depth of each of their own interpretations.
but yea i second what you said :D exploration sounds nice!
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feluciasynthezoid · 5 years
001, Shakarian or Scarletvision, I’ll let you choose!!
Aww man I don't know which to choose. I kinda wanna do both. I'll do both. Both is good.
When I started shipping it:
Pretty soon after I was introduced to mass effect. Garrus was petty much my favorite squad mate from the start and that's the relationship I followed on my first play through.
My thoughts:
I just think these two work really work together. Their personalities are just perfect for each other and I just love them so much!!!
What makes me happy:
Auugh I love them they are cute I love the dance scene in the citadel dlc. I just love it all
What makes me sad:
Well mass effect 3 doesn't have a very ideal ending for Shepard and any ongoing relationships. Unless that secret ending is unlocked with the breath which I failed to do on my first play through.
Things done in fanfic that annoy me:
I don't think I've seen much yet that annoys me but I haven't read as much of their fabric yet either since I only started playing mass effect earlier this year.
Things I look for in fanfic:
Well similarly to the previous question, I am not sure yet.
Who I'd be comfortable them ending up with if not each other:
Maybe Garrus and Tali or Shepard and Thane.
Happily ever after:
They both live and adopt some little Krogen kids.
Big spoon, little spoon:
Favorite non- sexual activity:
I think maybe I'd say just sending time together.
Ok one done now for scarlet vision
When I started shipping them:
Really soon after I saw age of ultron. I wanted to know about their comic book version and found out they were married in the comics and I was like yes this I like this I will ship this now.
My thoughts:
I think this is one the fastest times I've fallen in love with a ship. Like it went from oh that's interesting to this is now the only thing I'm taking about very quickly. The only thing that I don't like about this ship is certain comic book storylines like avengers disassembled where writers have kinda torn apart the characters and ship.
What makes me happy:
I like how their aspects of their personalities kinda balance each other. They are similar in some ways and different in other ways. Order and chaos. I could say much more but is need a different post.
What makes me sad:
Well mcu vision is dead so that sucks. In the comics they aren't together currently. Avengers disassemble is awful, Tom King wrote Wanda yelling at Vision and calling him "not real" and a "toaster", And anything John Byrne wrote is terrible!!!!!
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
I hate it when people write Vision only as there to please Wanda and don't give him personality, needs, or story of his own. Like they are both people and one does not exist only to please the other.
Things I look for in fanfic:
Both being treated as people. Other than that I'm not really picky as far as genre. Although I do love sci fi stuff so off the fic has a cool sci fi theme then I really love it.
Who I'd be comfortable them begging with if not each other:
This one's hard. I dislike most of the other ships with Wanda and I don't see many other ships with Vision. I guess with Wanda I'm ok with her and Jericho, the guy she is currently with in the comics, and for Vision it'd probably be Virginia from the Tom King Vision series.
My happily ever after for them:
They are alive and happy. They get married and raise kids. They live a happy life without any more tragedy ruining things.
Big spoon and little spoon:
I'd say they switch but I've also a bunch people say Vision is a little spoon and I think that's cute.
Favorite activity:
I'm going to say gardening. Why? Well there is this one issue of marvel what if and in it Wanda gives Vision a rose and I thought that really cute and so that became the headcannon of Wanda occasionally giving Vision flowers which became the headcannon of oh maybe they could do gardening stuff.
And there we were two ships looks of thoughts!! Boom!!
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dndfuckhouse · 4 years
session 20 - new allies and suspicious basements
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> 🎵  The Great Court ~ Lobby / The Great Ace Attorney OST
Picking up again off the tails of courtroom drama, the group find themselves ushered back out of the main doors of the grand court hall into one of the tall castle hallways by a few of the royal guardsmen. Their names now cleared for the moment they ponder their next course of action. 
As they step out, Vorde gives a quiet sigh as his shoulders drop slightly 
Vorde: That went about as well as it could, good work Orin: his mouth wobbles before he speaks “auugh, i was so nervous and i wasn't even asked to talk…you did amazing wrapping that all up Master Finn! and Keva, I'm shocked you could even get a word out under that pressure..” he definitely seems to have been sweating slightly. Keva: @ orin's comment keva just gives him a weary look, that took a lot out of her Finn: finn is just side eyes because he doesnt know how he wrapped it up to begin with Orin: he gently pats your shoulder Keva before turning to Vorde almost expectantly afterwards “what next?” Vorde: he folds his arms in response “I think it would be best for our newly dubbed Vengaboys to head off after supplying themselves. I however am going to finally allow myself some sleep for a few hours” staring at him you notice Vorde seems a tad pale and waifish, but he almost always seems to look like that so you hadn't noticed. 
Cimmorro: i misread vengaboys to vagabonds and waifish as waifuish i'm sure this session will go smoothly for me Psalm: vorde has been dubbed --> waifu Han: vorde is waifu
Orin: he pipes up “ill stick around with you then boss, best not to be by yourself right… actually you think they’ll let you sleep in one of the rooms in the castle…” he seems shocked by his own statement, his face comically serious Vorde: he blinks blankly in response “hmm, that’d be reassuring wouldn't it” 
The two’s conversation is cut short however as a group of guardsmen make their way down the hall over towards their group. There they spot the guard captain that ordered their searches, again leading a group of guardsmen, she finally stops before them all at attention 
Guard Captain: “Hello again, we're here to return your items to your persons, apologies for the treatment earlier but its standard procedure, weapons aren't allowed within the palace walls unless you're a merc” she sighs “i’d hand these to you at the gates, though it seems today the kings are eager to get this going” she waves her hand to the guards standing behind her “go on then quit standing around then with you mugs staring off into the sky”
Quickly the guardsmen behind her step forward and hand the party all back their confiscated weapons and items, the group is reassured by the familiar weights on their bodies again
Guard Captain: “That is all then, good luck on your missive, Shorewater thanks you for your aid” she gives a quick salute before heading off the way she came followed by her gaggle of guardsmen.
The group find themselves alone (aside from the guardsmen stationed in the hallway of course) again. Thinking on what to do next they remember Shelly Carter’s store still requires investigation, and it seems the king consort and princess have dispatched a few guardsmen to help the group with said task, while the rest of the city is put under lockdown immediately. They are to meet them at the Arcana District gates, but they can also check around the palace for supplies if they desire as well.
Rokka: rokka at his returned swords -> 🥺 Han: han glares at the guy who returns her weapons to the very end
Finn: finn puppy eyes at vorde "if you could stay here thatd be reassuring. do you have any other instructions for us before we part ways?" Vorde: he nods "itd be better than back at our base, much more secure. I'll ask around i suppose and we'll see" he looks around the castle idly "nothing yet, investigate carter's abode to the best of your abilities then return. Im sure the kings have some sort of plans cooked up now that the who city is on the move" 
Psalm: “Do we need more supplies than these? I guess it wouldn't hurt to check 🤔” Han: “still think blowing up the hide out is good idea, think these guys have explosions?” Keva: "if they're offering for free then why not” Rokka: “what would we take...?” Han: han hollers at the nearest one "HEY. what free stuff u offering" Royal Guardsman: you yodel at one of the guardsman standing at front of the courthall who jumps to attention "I-I assume the kings were referring to the barracks inside the castle, you can find food and requisitions there i suppose. Im not sure the extent of the offerings. You'd have to ask the requisitions officer" Han: she stares at him like is that all ure giving me to work with  "well point us to your guy" Cimmorro: chop chop Psalm: kinda in a rush here city bout to explode in 2 days homie Royal Guardsman: He points you down the corridor and gives you directions through the castle and out into the courtyard, not too far of a trek from here Han: han walks off n calls back "if anyone want see supplies, chop chop" Rokka: marches towards han Cimm: cimm will follow han Plum: plum follows han Han: little duckilngs after han 🥺
Finn: “we shouldn't part until we know, right? itll be harder to regroup if we dont know where you're staying.” Vorde: "true enough, most likely be able to ask around this barracks i suppose. If you all chose to head there" Finn: "i suppose so. ... uncle, please do let me know next time you are going to make me talk to important nobility." he sighs wearily Vorde: "its important to get practice finnian. I did tell you all of you would all be giving testimony, you must always be ready to respond to a king in court" he walks off after Han as he speaks, Orin shuffles after Finn: finn mumbling to himself "you didnt even plan for me to be there originally" and waddles after han too
Finn: even finn can be dissatisfied with vordes choices...........once Cimmorro: teen rebellion phase Psalm: finn now level 6 Plum: achievement +1 Finn: UNCLE I DONT WANT TO TALK TO THE KINGS!!! SLAMS DOOR
The group all shuffle off towards the barracks within the castle walls. Wandering inside the building they spy what looks like a great hall and cafeteria of sorts at its far end, they spy guardsmen at the various wooden tables eating and idling with each other, no doubt on break or off their active hours. A tall half orc woman appears to be currently managing the kitchens and counter with a staff of cooks around her. Branching off from the hall are the dorms and rooms for sleep and respite the guards share.
There also appears to be a small part of the hall reserved for lounging, with used plush lounges and chairs pulled around low tables and books, nothing too fancy but strangely it appears well kept and clean for what is assumed to be a place where a great number of people mingle. It seems one of the branching hallways also leads to the requisitions room, a pale haired woman in armour seems to manage to counter. The party assume if they wanted supplies she’d be the one to ask.
Once they make their way into the great hall Vorde excuses himself along with Orin and assumingly heads off to ask someone in charge where he might pass out for the time being. Before heading off, Vorde reminds Finn, not to spend too much time outside again with a serious face while Orin gives him and Keva jovial farewell slaps across the back.
Finn: finn nods and bids his uncle farewell with a "rest well uncle". also saying bye bye to orin Cimmorro: farewell sexy slaps your ass hard
The group move to go shop from the requisitions officer, it appears they’re being sold the items at half their usual price.
Han: IM FLAT BROKE Chip: paying respects Cimmorro: quick han to the stripper pole Han: on it
Han: han remembers shes broke and sulks Cimmorro: "cranky cause you're outta money aren't ya?" Han: han glares at cimm >:( “so maybe i gave away all my gold to ferrie chris..whatever" Rokka: "i can pay for u han!" Han: "bro..." Cimmorro: rn i'm just imagining cimm tiny between rokka and han about to bro hug here Rokka: "i got u.." Han: "you should spend money for yourself bro...... t-t" Rokka: "i just want the ropes! go on, take your pick!" Han: "i also only needed rope... (mutters) i can probably wash out the blood on the bedroll..." Rokka: "2 ropes then?"
Cimmorro: im going to give the extra bedroll (i bought) to han assuming either i heard her muttering just now or i know abt that bloody bedroll Chip: wow...love blooms on the b Cimmorro: cimm just extends it to you "here take it" Han: "wha. oh. bro " Cimmorro: "shhh " Han: "cimm if u want to be bros u could just say”
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Cimmorro: iIMGFLIKGJFLDKG "don't make me take it back dude" Han: han just ruffles cimms carefully put together hair Cimmorro: 
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Han: "thanks dude ^_^" Cimmorro: "cheers" he goes to the cafeteria to find something to eat now 
Rokka: what is half of 5cp....................... Chip: break one copper in half Rokka: rokka hands in the half amount and breaks a copper in half Chip: GHJERHJKGKLJERG Psalm: ??????????????????????????????????????????????????? Requisitions Officer: she looks at your broken copper and just hands it back it to you Rokka: :^9 Cimmorro: GFDHJGJCKVBKDJF ROKAK Rokka: "oh sweet another discount!" Han: "didnt u say its half off?" Requisitions Officer: she just stares at u like wtf are u going on about Han: AKSDHKFLKSFD han just shrugs Rokka: "look han i scored another discount!" proceeds to show my broken copper Han: "hell yea" Psalm: psalm is watching from afar like what the fuck Han: it finally sinks into psalm that hes stuck with absolute morons Finn:
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Post shopping spree the group then move on to the cafeteria to get some food in them before heading out of the palace. Keva also eyeballs what they're serving in the cafeteria, looks like salad and oatmeal, yummy. Everyone moves to grab a plate of something and a table to sit at.
Cimmorro: "you eat salad rokka???" Rokka: “whats a salad” Cimmorro: “not meat” Rokka: “what do you mean” Psalm: C’MON MAN Cimmorro: “plants bro. PLANTS” Rokka: “u eat flowers?” Psalm: guess psalm will also go eat actually just, not near those guys Cimmorro: i cracked up so hard at that i bit my tongue
Cimmorro: "have you ever seen a vegetable?" Rokka: "oh i know that yeah" Cimmorro: "there. plant. it is salad" Rokka: "oHHHHHHH should've started with that!" laughs and smacks cimm on the back Cimmorro:
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Han: we need to add that to the fucking emoji list
Keva: keva's gonna try some oatmeal  she does not like it but she continues to eat Finn: im gonna watch everyone eat. Cimmorro: cimm will eat his salad and with the intention to move away from rokka Rokka: rokka follows cimm closely n also gets a salad Cimmorro: NO ROKKA SHOO BAD BOY Rokka: xdcfgvhbjnk Cimmorro: cimm gives up moving away from rokka and just sits on the nearest table like this
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Rokka: title of my yt video: i try "salad" for the first time in my life Chip: JHKLSEHJKSHKJEL Psalm: yknow that vid of that lady that can't eat broccoli and starts crying Cimmorro:  oh my god
Rokka: "i feel like im eating trees" Cimmorro: "you... ate a tree before?" Rokka: "don't ask" Cimmorro: "??????????????????????????????????????" Rokka: "it was a dark time......" Han: "i mean some tree has juice inside it but if it not tasty why eat it" Cimmorro: rokka's war and famine backstory Plum: "how did it fit in your mouth???" Rokka:  "i-" Han: "u cut it into smaller pieces" Rokka: points at han and nods Plum: 🤔
Plum: is there something i can flick at a guardsman without them noticing, whats in the salad Chip: greens and carrots Plum: how big are the carrots Chip: ??? carrot sized???? Cimmorro: ^ important dnd questions
Psalm: we just escaped being locked away by the royal guard and you want to harass the soldiers bro really Plum: what kind of fucked up society gets you in jail because of a little joshing Guest Appearance By Celebrity Aqua: joshing like joshing around or acting like some guy named josh Plum: the former Han: the second Chip: identity theft is a serious crime Psalm: MILLIONS SUFFER EVERY YEAR
The group finish their meal and at the urging of Keva, who doesn't like the curious looks some of the royal guardsmen are giving their group, they get up and make to exit the palace. They make their way trying to not get confused by its multitude of tall grand hallways and halls. 
Eventually they reach the grand entrance foyer they were first led into, spotting the tall open doors. The party make their way outside again through the main gardens, the guardsmen seem to watch them but give them free passage as they head to the main gates. Arriving, they’re slowly pulled open once more, the guardsman at the top of the wall giving the party a quick salute as they exit the walls. Stepping out they feel the familiar sensation of something magic washing over themselves, though this time it seems to leave their persons. As Psalm steps through the gate he hears a relieved sigh echo in his ears.
Psalm: "oh welcome back, have a nice nap? :- )?" Ghester: you hear him almost pout and say "no, but time marches on and all that. Ill be in to top shape after a few minutes" Psalm: the force of this mans(?) pout producing sound rn
> 🎵  Old War Machines / Into the Breach OST
> 🎵  D&D Ambience | Angry Crowd | People Yelling, Guards, Noise, Tension, Riot / Michael Ghelfi
The group make their way through the city, true to their word the guards don't seem to bother them at all as they walk once more through the streets in broad daylight, they also look extremely busy however enacting the city wide lockdown and ignore the party almost entirely while they bark orders and direct cityfolk. The city seems to be filled with conversation and movement, serious and loud, vendors arguing about having to shut down their stalls and people idling on the sidewalk being ushered inside inns and gathering halls.
Eventually they reach the gates to the Arcana district after passing through the government ward, making good time. At the gates they're are told to halt, after a moment's time the gate is opened however. Slowly as it is reeled up on the other side they spot a yellow tiefling in a cap bracketed by a tall half orc man. After peering at them for a spell they recognise them, having seen stationed at the palace on the night of the ball, though they don't know their names.As they approach the tiefling looks the group over and speaks 
Vera: “Ah this is then them, Guard Captain Vera Ordun at your service and my second Ollie, i'm guessing you lot are the ones were to investigate Shelly Carter’s abode with, Vengaboys i've been told” Ollie: next to her Ollie responds “Er- pleased to meet ya, hope we can give you guys a hand getting about, must’a been hard travelling around as fugitives” he looks about the now busy and hectic streets idly as he speaks. Plum: "it absolutely fucking was, yeah" Vera: vera folds her arms "good thing and a bad thing i suppose" Psalm: "Just bad, I think." Plum: "pfft" Rokka: "agreed" Vera: she gives a quick laugh "well good to know the boys do their job well enough in the other districts"
Han: "did one of you kill the me look like" Ollie: "ah no, it was one of the royal guardsmen stationed near the stairs that took care of the one of the assassins i hear. we were mainly doing crowd control at that point.." Vera: "we arent royal guardsmen in the first place, stationed that as extra help for the night" Han: "youre not guards?" Ollie: "no no were guards, but city guards. not guards that function in the royal palace, aka royal guardsman hah.."  Han: [hmms]
Vera: she continues on “anyhow I can lead the way, know this side of the Arcana District well since I'm guard captain of the area” She gestures with one of her hands at you all before starting to walk ahead, Ollie following. she continues speaking while walking “Far as i know Shelly Carter and her mentor Carlyn returned to their store once being questioned as witnesses after the assassination attempts.” Ollie: he hums in response “He’s the one who runs the clinic right? Don't think they've had many visitors lately. I never really see anyone heading out of there on my patrols.” Vera: She tilts her head up in her direction “Yes, it's a small one he runs personally, Carter’s store is in the same building next to it, she mainly deals in healing magic and tomes so i can see how the partnership could be beneficial regarding supplies and customers. Almost like she's a pharmacist…” Ollie: he makes a thoughtful face in response before turning to your group as you walk “Maybe this cult wants to raid their supplies? Not sure what else they'd want from them” as he properly regards your group again he eyes you finn curiously “you... not too hot under all that pal?” Finn: finn looks at ollie and shakes his head. "im all good. i do not find it all that warm today.”  pulls his scarf up even more Ollie: he nods "oh well if you're sure, i have a friend like that uhh says she has low circulation with her blood? so her body feels cold all the time or something'" Finn: finn nods. "yeah you could say its something like that for me as well."
Plum: "any connection between shelly carter and vinny" Han: "arent carter and vinny friends. they talking at the ball together" Vera: "Ol' Vildristin and Carter go way back, they were both apprentices of Carlyn for about 5 years, before the wizard decided to open up his own place in a different district"
Keva: “have you found out anything about him? (vinny)” Vera: "no not yet, i heard there was perhaps a sighting of him earlier aboveground but we didn't find any traces when investigating" Keva: "where about aboveground?" Vera: "somewhere along the walls separating the arcana and main business districts" Han: han also looks concerned about the vinny news "has his assistant been seen?" Vera:  she shakes her head "hes the only one we’ve seen tail of, until you all piled up in front of the palace i hear anyhow" Han: i fucking knew we shouldn't have let vinny out of sight goddamit Rokka: failed vinny once again Chip: pic of him superimposed over the sky smiling Han: and bleeding out the mouth Psalm: maybe he got kidnapped lol we're absolutely gonna see him fighting for the other side tmmrw lmfao Cimmorro: vinny final boss Psalm: just nerf him from now please JUST NERF VINNY THAT'S ALL I'M ASKING
Han: "how much do you two know about the letterheads?" Vera: "we've been relayed pretty much all the information you gave to the kings themselves. told it was important for us to know if were accompanying you so no need to catch me or this big lug up" as that ollie turns his head confused as if he thinks he was being called Finn: finn just like in his mind "who the hell is this vinny guy" Han: ollie cute ill eat him nyam nyam Chip: serving ollie 4 dinner Han: no i would prefer being served to miss vera 😔 Chip: two needs....
> 🎵  Lost Lanterns / Below OST
The group continue briskly walking down the district streets for a time, eventually finding finding themselves before the store titled ‘Fey Luxuries’ a long one story wooden building. It appears to have two entrances judging by the signs out front. One that leads directly to the clinic and one that leads directly into Carter’s ‘Fey Luxuries’. Vera and Ollie do a quick patrol of the streets while the group eyes the building, the windows appear closed and shuttered.
Han moves around the building and its alleys to keep an eye out for anything, she spots a backdoor on the building in the alley behind it, seeing the rest of the group head to knock on the front door she decides to take point and keep watch at the back of the building. 
Han: should've brought rokka with me maybe Cimmorro: ROKKA PSPSPPSPSPSPSPPS
Seeing her go Finn decides to follow and keep an additional eye out with her. 
Finn: finn stands in front of han like a danganronpa character Han: hans thinking abt how cool it would be to teleport inside Cimmorro: han doing pizza levitation meme rn
In the meantime the group knock on the door to Fey Luxuries, they dont get a response however. They scuttle over to the door of the clinic instead, this time they hear sounds of a person shuffling behind the door afterwards, before coming face to face with a flustered looking Caryln.
Carlyn: he speaks up “Oh hello hello, didn't know i'd be getting visitors right now. But if you need someplace to stay during the lockdown feel free to-” he then seems to notice Vera and Ollie “Ah- a visit from the guardsmen is it? something specific you require from my clinic? I thought I'd given enough testimony regarding the uh… Ball” he fiddles with the long green leaves tucked behind his ear for a moment while giving a strained courteous smile. 
Giving him a long stare cimmorro gets the feeling he was perhaps in the middle of something before he came to answer the door, he definitely seems strangely nervous at the groups sudden presence, especially the guards. In contrast Psalms feels like he understands why a man would be nervous looking at all these assholes in front of his door rn
Cimmorro: "sorry for the intrusion but we've come to check on you and miss shelly. do you know where she is?" Carlyn: he turns his head towards you “ahh she stepped out just before they declared the city lockdown, i assume she’s stuck shuffling off to stay indoors in whatever store she went to go peruse..” Carlyn appears somewhat nervous as he speaks, his hands clasped together. “Im somewhat worried but im sure she can handle herself” Vera: “we’ve reason to suspect the current threat hailing the city has targeted your clinic and miss Carter’s storefront for the time being. Would it be alright for us to have a quick look around? I’d also like to have a small chat with you” Carlyn: he raises his eyebrows alarmed “Here? Why on earth would they want to… after Vildistrin’s disappearance too what more hell could they want to raise right now on my peace of mind” Vera: “that is exactly what we’d like to figure out, do you mind?” Carlyn: He furrows his brows troubled “i suppose i...cannot refuse envoys of the kings now can i? Please just be sure not to disturb the resting patients in their beds.” Vera: she nods her head of course and follows him inside to go speak with him, as she does she does a motion with her head towards Ollie while she walks ahead. Ollie: he nods and turns to the rest of you in a hushed tone “she wants us to look about while she distracts him with a chat” he looks about “dont be too shy about digging through things i guess, she’s eager today huh” you see him grow slightly nervous before heading off inside to investigate. 
The group head inside the clinic and watch carlyn lead vera off to a side room where she no doubt will attempt to keep him. They begin investigating the clinic and its rooms, as well as look for a way to get into the fey luxuries store.
Looking about the clinic it appears to be filled with curtains they assume hide beds, as well as wooden chairs for waiting patients to sit in to await their consultation. Carlyn appears to have a desk in the general area for said consultations, piled upon it are simple papers and notes and what appear to be small vials and potions. Charts litter the wall above said desk. It seems the clinic leads directly into the shop, an open door frame separating the two with a green curtain settled within, they see some shelves past the curtains.
They also see four separate doorways along the bottom  as well as one near the top of the room, the one Vera took Carlyn aside to speak in and another near Caryln’s desk. The group split to begin investigating.
Keva heads off to investigate the door near the desk, finding inside a storeroom of sorts. Barrels and crates piled high, they appear to contain ingredients for simple medical treatments or small vials of medicinal mixtures. Most of it appears to be more herbology geared than arcane, nothing really sticks out much about it. She heads back out, noticing Plum struggle with a locked door along the bottom of the clinic, and busts it open for them before moving to check out the Fey luxuries store floor.
Keva: "you're welcome" before leavin to the hallway Plum: ignores keva
Cimmorro moves to inspect the vials piled on Caryln’s desk, he identifies the green ones as a sort of medicine for for colds and fevers. he seems to have a good number piled high on the desk. The red ones appear to be painkillers of a sort, something to help with a person getting to sleep
Psalm moves to crack open the rightmost door along the bottom of the clinic, inside appears to be a small kitchen of sorts, accompanied by a dining table and stone made furnace. He assumes this is for personal use or for guests. Nothing about the room seems to draw any interest.
Rokka in the meantime stands guard at the door Vera and Caryln walked into, listening close to see if he can hear anything.
Vera: inside you hear the two chatter “-you said miss carter was out yes” Carlyn: “yes thats right” Vera: “and youre treating patients here right now on your own yes?” Caryln: “yes that is correct, a high number recently came down with a sort of fever, ive uh been administering aid, im almost clean out of supplies haha, was about to head out to buy some more but well yknow..” Vera: you hear her hmm as the convo idles on… Rokka: rokka thinks 2 himself "damn....flu season huh"  
Cimmorro shuffles away from the desk and pops open one of the doors along the bottom of the clinic to investigate, inside he sees what appears to be a small sized bedroom. The bed appears to be cleanly made, green blankets covering it as a small green plush chair. Near the bed he spots a few potted plants on the side table and a few large chests scattered about, no doubt containing personal belongings, he assumes this is Carlyn’s room, he moves inside to investigate further.
At the same time Psalm moves onto investigating where the doors in the storeroom lead to, walking through the rightmost door he finds himself behind the Fey Luxuries counter, the store floor in front of him. It appears quite spacious, the shelves are piled high with tomes and books. The counter has a few herbs displayed for purchase on top of it as well. Most of the tomes appear to be medical in nature from what he can tell with a glance from across the room. 
Keva sees him pop out behind the counter while she looks about the shelves, though he soon heads back through the storeroom to check where the left door leads instead. He opens the door and immediately walks in on vera and carlyn as they're having their conversation. they both turn to him, carlyn looking nervous
Vera: "hmm? found something?" Psalm: "Not really, no." >closes door and leaves Chip: JKHSEJHSKLEHKJ  you cant see it but vera does this 🤨
In the meanwhile Plum looks inside the room Keva opened for them. Inside they see what looks to be a small bedroom, similar size to Cimmorro’s. Its littered with pillows, the bed appearing unmade. Next to it is a tall wood desk and a small vanity, as well as a long locked chest and tall mirror. They assume this is Carter’s room, they get about to investigating it more thoroughly.
Plum: can i make the bed Cimmorro: omg, plum is carter's neko maid Plum: what a thing to say jez what a thing to say
Plum takes the time to make her bed before moving on investigate the room further. Rifling through the desk they find remains of tobacco cigarettes from Carter’s pipe and notes on various herbology mixtures she seems to be experimenting with, her notes seem somewhat strained and rushed however, as if she were becoming impatient or frustrated as she wrote. One of the drawers on the desk weirdly also doesn't seem to budge no matter how hard plum seems to pull on it.
In the room over Cimmorro sets about picking Carlyn’s room, though he doesnt find anything all that suspicious, his chests are mainly filled with clothing and everyday items and knickknacks.
Inside one of them he spies what seems to be a memento from Vinny, a small aged arcane tome with his name written on the bottom of the cover. Looks like the book contains his first arcane scrawlings after he came to Shorewater. Next to it however he finds a larger looking tome, it seems it's a personal journal Carlyn keeps on his patients that he speaks with each day. Cimmorro takes the tome with the patient notes and leaves the room to go check on the patients behind the curtained beds.
Inside he finds notes about a human man, halfling, dwarf and elf with feverish symptoms, though strangely it appears his last entry within the book was over a week ago, while the days before it are meticulously written out up to that point.
Meanwhile on the floor of Fey Luxuries, keva keeps messing about with items in the room, as she meddles with some of the books underneath the counter though she suddenly hears a clicking sound. In her hands she holds a smallish blue book, as she places it back into original position she hears the click again. Pulling it out, a click again. She quickly whispers for Psalm to come over, Rokka hears and also wanders over to investigate with the two.
Psalm: “it could be a secret door, or something along those lines” Keva: "look around the room while i mess with this, see if you notice anything" Rokka: "aye"
> Rokka and Psalm and Keva Perception Check 
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Psalm: GOOD THING WE'RE NOT FIGHTING.. Chip: Psalm you suddenly become distracted by an interesting looking tome on local theatre culture, how’d that get in here.... Psalm: psalm like ooh shiny
Rokka and Keva look around the room with intent while keva clicks the book in and out, as they do they spot similar looking small blue books actually, one in the first bookcase, one in the second and two in the third, on the top and bottom shelves. They pull them out at random but you don't hear the same clicking sounds. They get the feeling they're going to have to figure out some sort of order to this while Psalm stands reading in one of the ailes. Cracking open the small blue tome and flipping it open Keva realises it doesnt actually have anything written within its blank pages or emblazoned on its cover.
As they tinker about Finn and Han in the alley keep a watch, though see nothing of note as of yet. Grasping for topics to fill the air Finn asks Han a question
Finn: "do you mind if i ask you something?" Han: "go ahead" Finn: "if it is not too personal, how did you end up travelling with this group?" Han: "huh? travelling? we know each other for like 6 days" Finn: "then let me correct myself. how did you end up working together? i cannot quite picture any of you approaching the other." Han: [laughs] "ye, it was accident. ended on same job together, and then ball happened, now kind of stick together" Finn: "huh. i see. well, you are stuck for a while longer." he lets out something like a small laugh himself. "what do you see yourself doing after you wrap up business in Antessa? nothing will keep you together from then onward, will it ?" Han: [thinks a second and shrugs] "guess not, we dont know what our business is in Antessa, so cannot speak to that" Finn: "i suppose not. but a job is a job, nothing more." Finn stretches in his heavy clothes. "i hope we can get things moving soon." Han: [hmms] "...sometimes job can become friend or family. sometimes family worse than job. lots of different thing." Finn: "mm." finn thinks back of how han acted in the hideout. "are you hoping for something like that?" Han: han looks a little zoned out "im hoping for something, for sure" Finn: finn looks at her for a long time before adjusting his hat. "me as well. im also hoping for something." Han: han lifts an imaginary beer glass "here is to something" Finn: finn all confused before lifting an imaginary glass slowly as well ".. to something."
Back inside Cimmorro glances past the drawn curtains of the patient beds, behind the first one he sees a human man slumbering away beneath the sheets, his face seems slightly contorted in pain, face reddish with a fever. As he peers past the others he sees similar sights, a halfling, an eleven woman, a dwarf, each of them seem to be exhibiting similar feverish symptoms, all asleep. He supposes a cold must have flown through the area recently. 
As he comes closer to one of the patients to observe them, his hand accidentally brushes the person lying in the bed. He feels a brief sensation like his hand just briefly... gone through them. Spooked he moves to inspect them for anything arcane, he examines and test out the patients in the other beds, his hand seemingly goes through all of them. appears theyre all but illusions upon empty beds.... but on the one in the last bed his hand bumps something. It appears there's something underneath one of the illusions.
Back in Carter’s room Plum decides to cast Identify upon the desk, suspecting the drawer is kept shut with magic, after a time the spell takes effect. The desk itself doesn't seem enchanted but the drawer is. It appears to affected by the same sort of magic the letterheads base was, they get the same intense feeling of heat coming off it in waves, they assume they’ll need the token to get this open like the entrance did.
Plum: "??????"
Meanwhile on the Fey Luxuries floor Keva attempts to figure out the order the books need to be pulled from their shelves with Rokka’s assistance. Plum briefly wanders over while they go about this to ask for the Letterheads token Psalm still has to use it on the desk, he hands it over and they head back into Carter’s room.
Keva: i ask rokka to pull the counter book again Rokka: PULL THE LEVER KRONK
Psalm: psalm like i'll help in a sec did u know they called stage trapdoor's hellmouths? crazy stuff in here Keva: keva throws a book unrelated to the puzzle at him Psalm: can i roll to dodge
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After a few attempts of trial and error Keva manages to find the order the books need to be pulled from the shelves. After moving the final book the three in the store hear the sound of something clicking in the room and sliding somewhere in the building. 
Psalm: "ok ok i'll help what do you nee- oh. you got it congrats” Keva: keva does a teeny, tiny fist pump, then just silently goes from her fist bump to a middle finger @ psalm Psalm: he claps
Down the hall in the clinic they all hear a small "whoa" come from where Ollie’s standing in the hallway followed by an "uhh..." 
At the same time Plum uses the token in Carter’s room and taps it on the front of the drawer, it doesn't seem to do anything. However as they look underneath the desk, they see carved into the drawer the letterheads mark. They tap the token onto the carving and the desk seems to shudder before the drawer slowly slides open.
As they rifle about inside they find a small brown leather journal of sorts, accompanied by a series of letters thrown haphazardly inside, wax seals on their covers. Next to them are small samples of plants and herbs within vials, tied together. Examining the letters they find out that Carter seems to have had correspondence with the letterheads directly. Reading it they find that she seems to have allowed the letterheads at some point in the past month to make use of her storefront and building in the arcana district for some purpose.
The letters from the letterheads speak of needing a base of operations to make do on their plan to displace the current reigning monarchs, they dont find any talk of a plan to release something upon the city of Shorewater however. In exchange it appears they offered her “a means to continue her research, stunted as it is currently” giving the locations of nearby herbology ingredients in the country, some outlawed due to their toxicity, it seems she agreed to the exchange.
Reading through the small leather journal, Plum finds her records on the herbs and plants she has collected while outside of the city, no doubt the ones in the drawer, they don't seem to recognise their names. They continue to read detailed records on her experimentation and her pressing need to keep this from Caryln until she's sure of the various mixtures’ potency. Her last entry appears to be dated to earlier this morning.
Plum: okay i am going to close the drawer back, horrified, and go and find keva and psalm right now, right now Cimmorro: uhhhh i'm highly sus of it but uhh im going to look for psalm bc i recall him having magic hand??
The group all bump into each other in the hallway between the clinic and the store as they go looking for each other at the same time, in front of them they all see Ollie staring at a gap in the wall that seems to have opened up, revealing a set of stairs leading down below into darkness.
They relay to each other the info they've learned on this individual snooping, Plum thinks its important they get Vera out of the room with Carlyn to tell her whats going on ASAP. Meanwhile Cimmorro drags Psalm over to the bed with the illusion he thinks is hiding something. Psalm goes to cast mage hand to lift whatever is under there, in the meanwhile Cimmorro jets off through the last unexplored room, a restroom it turns out, to bust out the backdoor and call Han and Finn inside.
Keva: she rubs her face "how are we going to tell the captain" Plum: "we need to get her away from carlyn or something, one of us needs to go barrage him with a bunch of stupid questions " Psalm: damn if i wasn't busy w/ mage hand rn Plum: “rokka” Rokka: "what?" Plum: "go distract carlyn" Rokka: "yes boss" Plum: "thank you, keva go get vera, just drag her or something" Keva: "yeah, right, drag the captain of the city guard" but she follows after rokka
Cimmorro: if i see them immediately i just go hand signs for them to get tf in without noise Han: hans up immediately n looking worried  "what happened??" whispering Cimmorro: through gritted teeth "here. come. INSIDE"  😬 Han: come. here. now. Chip: you. come. now.
Plum, Keva and Rokka decide to use Rokka to distract Caryln while Keva at the other door calls subtly for Vera to leave the room, after Cimmorro jets out of the clinic Psalm gets about to casting mage hand to pull whatever it is out of the illusion. As the hand rises he finds that he is now gripping onto the shirt of a person, pulling them into a sitting position out of the illusion, in his hand he is holding what looks to be an unconscious Carlyn. 
Shocked he quickly examines him carefully, he seems to be alive but not waking up anytime soon, he gets the feeling he's been laying in this bed for a while now underneath this illusion. He wears simpler looking clothes than what he saw him in at the ball, a green jacket and white shirt over green pants, he looks thinner than the carlyn he saw earlier, as if he was slowly wasting away. Meanwhile the others enact their distraction plan.
Psalm: WOW CIMM R EALLY LEFT ME ALONE TO DEAL WITH THIS? REALLY MAN Cimmorro: SORRY PSALM WAIT FOR ME SEXY Psalm: lightly tapping his face like "can u wake up plz"
Plum: * just standing there waiting arms crossed stressed *
Cimmorro quickly walks back inside with Finn and Han in tow and waddles over to where Psalm is still holding a suspended Caryln. Cimmorro waddles over to do a proper medicine check on the man while Psalm explains to Han and Finn what’s happened so far, the two stare on a little shocked. Giving him a check over, Cimmorro gets the feeling hes been slipped something, a concoction of sorts that put him under this strange slumber. It seems like hes been here for a weeks time at most, laying in the bed.
Han: https://tenor.com/view/troy-community-room-fire-pizza-gif-5612111 Cimmorro: han and finn being infodumped rn
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Han: A;LKDSF;KLAKWLEFDS psalm info dumping on han and finn Psalm: imagine him saying it in the most dead pan matter of fact way possible Han: can he be a little bit stressed sari, please, for me Cimmorro: u see little tears at the side of his eyes Han: yesss Psalm: HE'S NOT CRYING Han: im writing fanfic here
Psalm: i've despawned mage hand we don't need it anymore Cimmorro: i nod at psalm with gratitude 🥺
Plum: i'm gonna walk over to the group like "can yall hurry the fuck up in here, what are y'all doing ????????" Han: "catching up" Finn: "catching up" Han: we've bonded sm we're talking in sync now
Rokka: rokka gabs a vile from the general consultation desk before walking in the room "hey! mr. carlyn sir! whats this thing? what does it do? How do u use it? whats it made of? why is the color like that oh where did u get the bottle? what about the ingredients? how much is too much?" Cimmorro: rokka: WHERE DO BABIES COME FROM Keva: rokka's like "AND THEN SHE SAID WHY DON'T YOU JUST MAKE HIM A TUNA SANDWICH. do you know what tuna is? IT'S FISH!!!!"
Rokka excels at his job of being the most confusing dog possible, asking carlyn a barrage of questions, vera gives him the most confused look before she notices keva calling her out of the room from the other door.
Vera: she slowly stands "ill be back in a moment carlyn i remembered i needed to relay an order to my associate" she stands and leaves the room when shes sure rokka can keep the man distracted. 
Once they bring her out into the clinic they quickly bring her up to speed on the situation. Cimmorro also conveys to the group that how long he thinks hes been under the sleep effect for. Psalm ascertains from this fact that the Carlyn at the ball was also most likely a doppelganger. As they chat Han keeps an eye on the dark staircase while Keva moves to keep an ear on the door Rokka and Carlyn are behind.
Vera: she puts her hand to her chin gravely "dopplegangers here too is bad business, even worse to know Carter has been in this cults pocket for a while now" she turns her head to the carlyn in the bed "we oughta get him out of here, but we need to deal with the copy first, and investigate where the hell that staircase leads, it could contain more evidence. Im not keen to leave it right now" Ollie: he stands nearby staring down at it with you Han "feels ominous down there huh" Han: han hmms at ollie and keeps staring at stairs
Cimmorro: i dont suppose i have anything here that can wake this guy up, do i chip? Chip: no king 😔 Cimmorro: 😔 Psalm: a good slap to the face should : D Cimmorro: NO SLAPPING KJHEJKHE Psalm: THAT WAS NOT SAID IN CANONHGG
Psalm: "i think it'd be best to just leave him alone for now..." Finn: "maybe if we tried with more force..?" he looks at psalm and cimm questioningly Cimmorro: cimm looks at finn like🤨 "dude he's all skin and bones and you wanna do WHAT with him?" Finn: "my. apologies. he did not look that frail to me." Cimmorro: cimm just looks at finn like tails.jpg now Psalm: "i mean if you compare him to the guy outside he's definitely kind of frail" Finn: "i did not see the guy outside." Psalm: “oh, right right”
Plum theorises that the staircase leads to the hideout again, Vera ascertains that they need confirm it then. As the group discuss what they should do next Rokka continues attempting to distract Carlyn, though he notices that his eyes seem a bit twitchy ever since vera left. As he prattles on, Rokka notices him knock the underside of his desk three times before sitting still again. 
Rokka: rokka's chatter falters a moment before he goes "oh hey did u know i can sing rly loud" he lets out a high pitched scream Keva: JEFSRJGNMGETNMRETHY Psalm: HGHURURHHAA Plum: GAJFJFHHFGFG Psalm: 
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Rokka watches the fake Carlyn jump out of his skin, slamming a hand on the desk in reaction, quickly he hears a parade of footfalls stampede down the hallway outside as everyone pees themselves smashing the door open to find him going AAAAAAAAA in the middle of the room.
Keva: and now we piledrive fake carlyn Psalm: quick what's something only carlyn would know, hey carlyn where were you on th- * pummels him* Finn: you know carlyn? name three of his books Cimmorro: we are going to beat you to death.jpg
Carlyn stares open eyed at the group as they all stumble into the room then whips his head at Rokka whose still screaming for some reason, like a rabbit about to die from a heart attack.
Plum: "hey you!" [pointing at carlyn] "the fuck did you do to him?!" Fake Carlyn: he quickly whips his gaze in your direction plum, then after a beat passes, he whips a dagger out of his jacket, aiming it straight for his own chest Plum: “WHOA”
> 🎵  Terminus / Distance OST
The mans dagger sinks into his chest but doesn't appear to kill him, he grits his teeth pulling it out to go for another stab into himself. Keva and Rokka, the two closest to him quickly rush in to grapple and attempt to restrain him before he has the chance.
Keva: nat 1 Cimmorro: yalls roll making me cry help Plum: you grab the dagger by the knife end Psalm: you push the dagger further in
In her run forward towards him, Keva slips, slapping herself against the arm hes holding the knife with and slamming back towards his chest, Rokka rushing at the same time intercepts the arm just before it hits his chest, prying it back fighting against his grip. He seems to have him at stalemate strengthwise holding both his arms in his hands as he tries to wrestle against him frantically, you hear him shout 
Fake Carlyn: "Leave it! i will be more useful this way, Step away from me!"
Psalm quickly moves to cast Charm Person on him, calming him slightly, soon after Keva whips the dagger hes holding out of his hands. His pressure against rokka lessens, though he doesnt attempt to restrain in just yet as to not break Psalm’s charm. Seeing the commotion Plum quickly runs back to Carter’s room and dumps all the stuff they found in the drawer into their bag of holding. 
Soon after Han quickly dashes through the clinic towards the dark staircase intending to descend it, dropping a rope behind her to indicate where shes going to the party in the room. As she notes that it seems to spiral downwards a ways, and that there are no lights brightening the way. As she does, the group in the room with Fake Carlyn hear Vera bellow something to Ollie 
Vera: "check the perimeter, there has to be a reason hes trying to kill himself" 
Ollie nods and rushes past the group down towards the bathroom leading to the back door, but he spots Han on her run towards and down the staircase raising a brow at the rope stopping mid dash. 
Ollie: "ahh a-alone is probably not the best idea!!" and he rushes after you down the stairs instead of checking the perimeter.
Plum in the room adjacent to the stairs leading down hears Ollie yell after Han and moves to follow running after her down the staircase in the dark, intending to cuss the both of them out.
In the meantime the group in the room with Fake Carlyn, Cimmorro quickly surges forward to use his Healer’s Kit to stop the man’s wound from bleeding out, though he works awkwardly underneath Rokka holding the man’s arms up still. 
Keva examines the knife he stabbed himself with noticing that it looks similar in design to the ones the assassins used during the ball, with the infernal runes engraved upon it. She doesn't see a well for poison in this one however, she assumes it has the same function the previous knives with runes on them had.
Keva quickly aks Rokka why he screamed, he responds that he panicked because he knocked the desk, Keva gets about to investigating it while Psalm questions the charmed stranger. She whips open the drawers to give it a good snooping, all she seems to find inside it though seems to just be paper and medical notes caryln has been keeping. 
She ducks her head underneath it and gives it a glance, on the underside, very small she sees a small sigil carved...it seems similar to the runes they saw the letterheads using before, about the side of a fingertip this one is though. must have been meticulously carved.
In the meantime Han stops descending the stairs, leading to Plum and Ollie crashing into her, though they luckily all do not fall face first down the stairs. 
Plum: "i'm not staying down here i'm just here to telly ou that i think this is a really fucking stupid idea and you ollie what the fuck are you doing down here also why did you follow h-" Han: grabs plums face to shut them up Plum: [is shut up] Han: wait thats cute Ollie: he seems to be catching his breath "do you- f-frequently run off b-by yourself" he looks at you clasp plums face like hes grateful u stopped them from rambling endlessly
Psalm: "so how long have you been impersonating carlyn?" Fake Carlyn: he turns his head to you and responds "hmm...i suppose about a week now.. is this really the time to be asking such questions. The reckoning is very soon" Psalm: "that's why I'm making sure everything is going as planned, which includes checking in on what you've been doing. surely you know that by now?" Fake Carlyn: "hmm i suppose but theres no need, they know now they have to speed up the process posthate. his lord is probably angry about that i failed my mission, as soon as i can take my life i will... it is only fair" Psalm: "And what makes your mission important enough to piss off...his lord?" Fake Carlyn: "i was to keep anyone from snooping ahead of time but oh well. im sure theyre moving ahead with the plan as we speak"  
Han cranes her ears to see if she can spot any traps or hear anything, though she comes up empty on both. As Psalm continues his questioning, worried, Cimmorro and Finn also make to descend the staircase after Cimmorro ascertains that Fake Carlyn’s condition has stabilised. 
Plum: i'm not staying down there i have no interest in dying i'm gonna move han's hand from my face and climb back up the stairs Cimmorro: "hey guys whats going on in this thread"
As Plum makes to run back up the stairs they bump into Cimmorro and Finn blind in the dark and tumble backwards, falling down the stairs back towards Han and Ollie lower down. 
Han: im fucking crazy Cimmorro: U DONT HAVE DARK VISION AND UR RUNNING DOWN THIS DARK STAIRCASE BRO? Plum: not only are you running into die you wont even see what kills you
Han manages to catch them via pure luck on their tumble back down the stairs, allowing them to get away relatively un-bruised and unscathed, they are briefly held in her meaty embrace before being set back on the floor. Quickly Cimmorro and Finn rush down to join them, taking point in front of Han as the two with darkvision. (lol)
Plum: THEY'RE MAD AS HELL but they're not going to try stalking up the stairs anymore they've learned that god does not want them to right now Finn: cimm and finn: our job here is done
Back in the room with Carlyn, after finding the sigil Keva informs the three others in the room with her that the Fake Carlyn has most likely signalled others. She then makes to slash it with her dagger. There is a  loud SCREECH sound as the sigil bursts with a red glow before it stops, now looking charred underneath the desk. Vera comes over to inspect her handiwork.
Vera: "they were definitely communicating, we need to incapacitate this man and move fast investigating the rest of this place." she stands dusting her hands a stern look on her face "knock him out, im going to run and call a patrol to lock down this buildings perimeter, we should follow the others as soon as possible." she quickly dashes out of the room and out the main door of the clinic, distantly you hear her barking orders to someone outside.
Keva: keva looks to rokka and psalm expectantly waiting for them to punch carlyn's lights out Psalm: "that's great to hear! fuck shorewater am i right? by the way , his lord wanted me to get a hold of shelly carter's whereabouts. you wouldn't happen to know where she is right?" Fake Carlyn: "oh down there of course where else would she be right now?" Psalm: "wow you sure are rude for someone that's just like what. a low level cult member?" k rokka do your thing Rokka: rokka smacks him with his head, smoke coming off his forehead
Chip: needed to get that last burn in  Psalm: yeah otherwise he wouldn't sleep at night i mean that with 100% seriousness Keva: he would replay it over and over again  thinking abt what he could have said Psalm: IN THE SHOWER,  HOW COULD I HAVE DONE THAT BETTER Chip: ghester voice HE DONT MISS. Psalm: HURGHHAHAA Han: AS;LJFDAW;LESF Psalm:
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Rokka successfully knocks out the Fake Carlyn, taking care of that issue for the moment. The party quickly think on what to do next as the tension rises in the building ever higher.
🐺 Rokka buys - 2 hempen ropes (gives one to 🏹 Han), signal whistle 🔮 Psalm buys - 1 hempen rope , 2 healing post, 10 pcs of parchment,  💎 Cimmorro buys -   1 hempen rope , 2 bedrolls, traveller's clothes, 2 vials and 2 rations (gives 1 bedroll to Han) 🍺Plum buys - 1 component pouch and a jug, they have also pocketed Carter’s belongings 🗡 Keva buys - 40 arrows, 2 days of rations, blanket 🦇 Finn buys - 1 potion of healing
- ITS 2PM - ?? HOURS UNTIL - 📜🩸 The Reckoning 🩸📜 -
0 notes