#So like at least that sorta makes sense in a “someone was probably wondering about that” way
djsherriff-responses · 4 months
No one understands what it’s like to be a Jane Crocker fan , they god damn annihilated her and used her corpse to make trump jokes
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pomefioredove · 2 months
i just noticed on your 'yuu gets sold' sorta series that there was a good ending, by chance could you do a bad ending one? if not that's totally ok! keep safe and stay healthy ❤️
oh god. I have a very evil idea for this.
parts 1 | 2 | 3 | kalim
summary: a bad (or good, depending on your stance) ending type of post: short fic characters: surprise :) additional info: yuu is gender neutral, this is short, HELP
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Everyone waits.
The chatter and banter which once occupied the courtyard dies down to dull whispers and foot tapping.
Everyone waits, and there's no Crowley.
"Wonderful," Jamil sighs. "He's probably taken all the money and run off. I told you all that-"
"Maybe he's late!" Kalim shouts. A few in the crowd murmur in hopeful agreement.
Silver coughs. "Maybe he realized this whole thing is ridiculous and is processing everyone's refunds,"
They don't like that option as much.
The sun hangs lower and lower in the sky, threatening to shroud everyone in darkness as the minutes tick on.
"Well, I've had enough of this," Vil says, turning towards the exit. "I've put off my afternoon long enough."
"For once, we can agree on something," Leona murmurs, dragging Ruggie along with him.
No one is exactly surprised with this turn of events- but there's a definite sense of disappointment that everyone is sharing.
"He probably just forgot or 'somethin," Epel says, walking alongside Ace, Deuce, and Jack back to Ramshackle to update you on the happenings.
Jack shrugs. "He's definitely not the most organized, but there's no way someone could just "forget" about this. I think Jamil is right, he probably ran off with the money while he could. The swindler..."
Deuce is the next to add something to the pity party. "And yet, we should've known this was a possibility,"
"Shoulda seen it coming..." Epel murmurs. "I shoulda listened to Vil and pulled out while I still had the chance. Dang it..."
The lights are on in Ramshackle as the four approach, a warm and welcome sight after their disappointing afternoon. And the front door is open- were you expecting them?
"Hm. Well, think of it this way," Ace pushes the door the rest of the way open. "We may have been scammed, but at least nothing changes. I mean, it could've been worse."
"A lot worse," Deuce murmurs, following him inside.
The four make it into the foyer and stop dead in their tracks.
There are many things to expect walking into Ramshackle- cobwebs, dust, ghosts, you- Crowley is usually not one of them.
"You- you've been here this whole time?!" Epel shouts, throwing his arms out. "We were all 'waitin for 'ya like a bunch of idjits!"
Deuce and Ace wince. "Dude, chill... but seriously, where were you?"
Crowley doesn't have the chance to answer before something else steals away their attention.
You walk into the room, suitcase in hand. "Guys?"
The four turn to greet you, eyes wide at the luggage you're carrying. "What's that... Crowley?"
The man himself just stands there, pretending to ponder something. "I could have sworn I sent someone to break the news... how peculiar,"
Epel's brow knots. "What news?"
"A third party somehow got wind of our little... venture and donated a very high sum at the last minute. Along with a very passionately worded letter about our dear prefect's safety here at school," he pauses. "Or lack thereof."
Crowley sighs. "The name rung a bell, but... I couldn't imagine how or why anyone outside of NRC would be following the prefect's moves so closely,"
Deuce's eyes narrow. "Crowley. What are you trying to say?"
"Well, I..." he says, seemingly at a loss for words. "I'm afraid to say that our prefect is being transferred to Noble Bell College,"
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corvidae-00 · 27 days
Please some jealous (kind of toxic ) joost but with a happy ending 🙏🙏🙏🙏
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A/N: **fiddles fingers maliciously** this- I love this- He would so be sorta toxic and totally let his ego get ahead of him- this is gonna be fun to write! I hope you like it!!!!- GN!Reader x Joost :> CW: Toxic mannerisms, Marko is being used as the reason Joost gets worked up- (I love Marko I swear-), swearing, Angry Joost, tinny witty bitty bit of angst, Joost overthinking, smoking. (Let me know if I missed anything!! Word count: 1,747
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The after party for eurovisions semi final was packed with the singers and the energy in the room was for sure through the roof. Joost your good friend and his group invited you to come with, Joost wanting to share this moment with you more than anything- the excitement and hype of everyone putting their hearts out there and competing only to come together to talk about how much happened, having you there would make it even better, if that would be even possible.
You agreed to come along, not that you had much choice, the Dutchman having begged and nagged and spammed you until you agreed. Not that you didn't want to come! But you knew you would stand out like a sore thumb, probably hang out by a corner waiting for the delicious food to be available or not so crowded. Looking over your outfit and the time you smile pleased with how you look and wonder slightly if Joost would too. You have had the biggest crush on him since a few months after you got to know him, the feelings having appeared and clung onto you with every ounce of power possible, and honestly? You were fine with that. Smoothing out your clothes you look at the time and decided if you want to make it in time you absolutely had to leave.
Grabbing your bag you left your hotel you had booked for the event and quickly drove over to the Venue like Joost told you it would be, not leaving the Malmo Arena, I guess the hosts didn't want to spend more money renting another place out for the singers, at least it was well know and easy to find. Stepping out of your car you hurry inside showing the security your invite from Joost and entering the main lobby reading your friends text to find the way glaring at the device unsure of what Joost was even trying to explain
"Are you looking for someone?" A strong accented and shy voice came from behind you causing you to turn around and blink a few times at the man in a very midevil looking outfit and gentle eyes holding a cup of what you assumed was water, but could be vodka- maybe he was crazy like that "Sorry- Im Marko.." He quickly introduces himself before continuing "You look extremely lost- Im sorry for spooking you" He says with a genuine tone leading to a smile pulling its way onto your lips. After introducing yourself you look back down at your texts "Im actually here for the after party? my friend- one of the performers invited me and he is quite the character when it comes to instructions..." You rub the back of your neck trying to explain the situation to the stranger who was just as bashful as you "Oh! I was just heading back! I'm not very talkative so I got some air but I can take you to the area they have for us" He offers running his hand through his hair that is surprisingly still in good shape like he had maybe applied hairspray not too long ago "Oh would you??" You put away your phone letting Marko nod and wave his hand indicating you to follow
"So who is your- eh- friend?" Marko looks over at you trying to make small talk. "Oh! His names Joost, he is representing the Netherlands." You explain and Marko's face brightens a little "Oh yes! I enjoy his company!" Marko nods with a smile "Makes sense you two are friends! it seems he can befriend almost everyone" He explains putting a finger to his jaw in what seems to be thought "Do you like cats?" Marko questions as you two get closer to the room, music can be heard from inside. nothing too crazy or club like but maybe just background ambiance "Oh yeah! They are so cute! I don't have any of my own but I like visiting my friends kitty's" You smile watching Marko excitedly pull out his phone "Oh let me show you mine!" He says as you two enter the room Marko going through his camera roll leaning into you to get closer so you can see better
Joost Turns to look at the door, hearing the squeak of the hinges that whines under the weight of it being even cracked open and furrows his brows seeing you walk in with Marko...What was he doing out there? Realizing he must have left the party Joost grows even more confused as to why you two were together- wasn't his directions perfectly understandable? His large blue coat long since shedded, Joost rolls up the sleeves of his white button up and crosses his arms leaning on a table watching the two of you interact. 'he is very close to you' he thinks to himself, a sour taste in his mouth watching you laugh at something he had said 'why is he, the shyer one of the bunch all buddy buddy with you? I mean you always have been so approachable- but that's not fair.' Joost clicks his tongue growing more and more impatient 'what if you are leaving me for him? what if you even forget who invited you here?' Joost can feel his patience thinning and the party getting quieter the more he focuses in on you two. Marko with a big grin on his face and you laughing at a photo he had shown you.
"Hey there you are!" Joost doesn't even recall when he had took strides over- or when he was so close to you he could feel the warm body heat emitting off of you "Marko! How nice of you to find my nieuwsgierig hertje". he purrs looking down at the man who is staring up at him "Oh uh-" Marko looks over at you and then slowly puts his phone away and wraps both hands around his drink "Yeah no issues" Marko nods. "No issues." Joost repeats grinding his molars together forcing a grin. he had never any issues with the Croatian- until he was basically in your arms "Bye-" Marko waves at you with a small smile wanting to escape the current situation and looking at Joost before entering the party again "Joost- You spooked him away" You sigh wrapping your arm around your friend leaning into him and Joost can feel his mind calming "He was too close to you" Joost huffs taking his glasses out of his chest pocket putting them on and pushing them up his nose
"He was showing me his cats-" You raise a brow and Joost looks down at you "that close? I think he just wanted to be up on you" Joost rubs his arms and looks away with annoyance lacing his voice "Whats got you in a mood?" you tug on his shirt and Joost grumbles "Nothing." He reply's and you frown "Nothing my ass, what's wrong" You stand your ground not expecting the tall blonde to drag you out into the hall not caring about his grand exit.
"Nothing is wrong." He snaps once you both get out into the hall "You were all emojis and smiles before you saw me walk in with Marko! he was very sweet." you huff and Joost crosses his arms "Sweet huh? sounds like you have a crush." He fixes his glasses that are slipping off his nose "I just met him Joost, what's up with you?" you frown walking towards him "This is a new side of you" You observe and Joost shakes his head "Im always like this okay?" he throws his hands up and you shake your head
"What- is wrong." you demand and Joost glares "Maybe I don't want to see someone I think highly of with some other guy." He says sarcastically "Highly of?" You push and Joost shakes his head "What are you talking about." You reach for him and Joost grabs your wrist, not hard- you could actually pull away if you wanted too "Someone I have wanted as mine forever, walks in with a guy who clearly was hanging off your every word." Joost pushes through his teeth.
you both stand there still as a wall and Joost observes your face, his pupils scanning you over and avoiding eye contact " you- want me?" You repeat and Joost sighs "onoplettend" he mutters and you shake your head "You cant use your mother tongue to get out of this Joost-" you say and take a shaky breath "Do you like me? like- like like-" You mutter and Joost swallows hard "Ja." He responds and you can feel your face grow hot "Really?" you mutter and Joost drops your wrist "Really. and it really- shook me I guess seeing you come in with him.." Joost grumbles and you shake your head "Your directions were ass" You laugh a little upon noticing Joost's offended face "They were eligible-" He defends and you sigh "I- feel the same- I have for such a long time-" You admit with a small smile "I never thought it was possible-" You shrug and Joost blinks at you like you are speaking in a whole other language
"Not possible-??" he repeats in pure shock "You are the most funniest, smartest, good looking, talented, and so much more of a person that I have ever met." Joost says his eyes going soft and you cant help the silence that comes after your brain still playing catch up with the new information "I wanted to tell you properly- a way you would see me as the same ways I see you..." He rubs his forearms nervously tracing his scattered tattoos. "but I guess-" He smiles "This might do?" he chuckles and you rub your mouth slightly with your hand "It does more than might do- I'm so happy-" You mutter and close your eyes taking a deep breath before walking towards him and embracing him in a big bear hug "You don't know how happy I am that you feel the same way" Joost says exasperated "Next time just tell me you goof than getting all jealous" You tease and Joost shakes his head "I was NOT jealous lets get that straight right now" He states playfully "Okay Mr.Not jealous" You chuckle as Joost wraps his arms around you "how does dinner sound tomorrow night-" He smiles and you nod slightly into his chest "consider it a date." you hum
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Dutch translation: Curious deer: "nieuwsgierig hertje". Yes: Ja Oblivious: onoplettend A/N: heheheh I'm just cranking these out!!! I hope you liked it Anon and I hope it was what you were wanting! if not feel free to request again and I'm more than happy to keep writing!!! Thank you all for the love and the requests and everything! it makes my day seeing how many of you like my stuff....thank you! i love you all!!!!!
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bvidzsoo · 3 months
Cherry Blossoms
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TW: nothing, just a lot of crack imo, and mentions of murder sorta lol
Word count: 1.9k
Genre: university!au, stranger to lovers!au
A/N: Wellll, hi? hehe, idk either what this is other than a super random drabble that I had to write or else it would've haunted me for the rest of my life LOL (it also might be another excuse to not write my thesis *dies*) Apologies if the humor is not humoring, I usually don't write in this style (at least imo). I hope you enjoy, and let me know your thoughts about it! (divider)
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            Have you ever had a moment of clear confusion? So profound that no matter how hard you tried making sense of it…it just started making even less sense? That the longer you moved your mind around it, the stronger the headache became. Well, that’s how I felt staring up at the scarily tall guy looking down at me with the softest eyes, which were slightly shaking if I looked close enough. His plush and red lips pulled into the sheepiest grin I’ve ever seen and nose tall and straight, probably sculpted by some God the second he was born. I knew his face, I mean, it would’ve been hard not to when I’ve spent half a year staring back sometimes as I have caught him looking at me numerous times. This guy standing in front of me right now, placing his weight from one leg to another, hands behind himself, and cheeks very slowly flushing, was a predicament I would’ve never even thought I could’ve dreamed of.
“Come again?” I found my voice at last, eyebrows threatening to go past my hairline.
“Are you free right now?” The question sounded innocent enough, but I couldn’t put myself past the graveness of his voice. I would’ve never imagined it could go so low and hold so much rasp, but again, I have barely heard his voice before as he rarely conversed with people around himself.
“Depends why you want to know.” I answered, pushing my hands inside the pockets of my striped spring jacket. The weather was finally warm enough to allow us to wear our lighter fabrics without freezing to death at any given point of the day. The guy standing in front of me hesitated for a second, and then ran his fingers decorated with heavy rings through his silver-blonde hair. The change to it was new, and I would be a liar if I said I wasn’t taken aback by it when I saw it. But it fit him, in a very handsome way, If I must admit that.
“I was just wondering if you’d like to hang out with me…” Oh, well, that was another twist to the plot I had not been expecting. I chuckled, not because I found him funny, just because I knew my two best friends would be hollering on the sidelines hearing this guy’s words. Half a year spent staring at me from the shadows, avoiding eye contact and aggressively watching me when I wasn’t looking, now stood in front of me, looking just as nervous as I felt on the inside, asking me to hang out with him. What sort of alternate universe have I accidentally entered this morning?
“Okay, sure.” He didn’t need to know I actually had one more class. He had finally approached me, was talking to me, looking at me, and acknowledging my existence as one should normally do. That sounded like a good enough reason for me to skip my last class, I’m sure anyone would understand.
“Oh, that’s…” The flush on his cheeks became more prominent now, and he bit his plump bottom lip to stop his lips from spreading into a huge smile, “nice.”
I hummed and offered him a small smile, actually feeling excited about how things were turning out. Even five minutes ago if someone would’ve come up to me to tell me that he’d finally approach me and even ask to hang out, I would’ve laughed in their face.
“Oh, I’m Song Mingi, by the way.” He clumsily reached his hand out, staring at me expectantly. I was so used to his sharp gaze on me that I found myself holding his gaze with a wider smile now, grabbing his hand, and giving it a firm shake. Song Mingi didn’t have to know that I already knew more about him than I should’ve, considering the fact that we were strangers until now. Really, before you start calling me creepy and a stalker, social media exists these days. And let’s be honest, if a mildly attractive guy keeps staring at you every chance he gets, wouldn’t you also be even just a little bit curious about who he is? Call me a magician or simply skillful when it comes to finding people on social media, but it’s been over three months now that I have known his name, and, well, birthday. I might be one of those crazy astrology girls, huge emphasis on being sarcastic right now, astrology girls are awesome when they aren’t fighting demons and regretting every life choice upon one glance at one’s birth chart.
“Lovely finally knowing your name, Song Mingi,” I chuckled, releasing his hand, watching as his eyes widened a little bit, “Oh, you certainly can’t think I haven’t noticed you staring—”
“Oh, I’m sure you have!” Mingi cut me off, chuckling awkwardly, “I didn’t make it very subtle, to be fair.”
“Not at all.” I chuckled amused, flashbacks of his other three friends huddled around, as if we were in kindergarten or something, staring me down while I walked by with, of course, with Mingi in the middle, watching me with a blank face, fierce eyes boring into the back of my head, “I’m Y/N.”
“You have a beautiful name.” Well, perhaps that would’ve made me choke if I had been drinking something, but to my luck I wasn’t, and so I straightened my back, trying to fight off the shyness threatening to cage me in. So far, at least the very little I knew about Mingi by observing him back when he, miraculously, wasn’t paying attention to me, was that he was quiet. Withdrawn and a little even shy, perhaps, but mostly just content in his own world, unbothered by those around him. He rarely spoke, but when he did, I have noticed his friends fighting demons to not die from laughter. And if he turns out to be a funny guy, bingo, isn’t that what every girl wants?
“Thank you,” You have a beautiful face, but I can’t go saying that to him right away, right? “What do you have in mind? I mean, where do you want to hang out?”
And now let’s hope he’s not some dodgy psychopath who hates my loud laugh and made an elaborate plan to slaughter me the second he gets me alone.
“Would you like to go to a coffee shop or would you prefer walking?” Mingi proposed with a gentle smile, his rather sharp features looking dangerously soft and warm as another blush threatened to flush over his cheeks. If he kept on blushing, I might just die from cuteness aggression, “The weather is really nice today…”
It is, but not nicer than you, Song Mingi, “It is, let’s go for a walk, maybe?”
“A walk it is, then.” Mingi sealed the deal with a firm nod of his head, and I couldn’t help but giggle, trying to remind myself that this was really happening and I wasn’t in some alternate universe, or even in dreamland. Wouldn’t be too surprising if this interaction was just a fraction of my imagination; my mind is a scary place when it becomes delusional.
“Would you like to go to the park up on the hill?” That was the nicest park in our city, and well, at this time of hour it was littered with just the perfect amount of people to not become bothersome, but neither scarce. Not that I have trust issues—I do—but this is a complete stranger I just accepted to hang out with, and quite shockingly, I do not wish to become the next true crime topic of some youtuber.
“It’s a lovely spot, but…” Mingi suddenly looked slightly embarrassed as he ruffled his silver-blonde hair, rings glinting deliciously under the sunlight, “it’s a bit far from our university and…I don’t have a car.”
I quickly waved the ridiculous words away as I watched Mingi become more embarrassed, “Don’t worry about it, I have one. We can still go.”
“But…I don’t want you to use fuel just for us to—” I reached out as I grabbed his arm, the sudden physical contact stunning Mingi into silence. Oh, did he also feel the charged spark and instant butterflies taking off in my stomach? Or was I starting to like this guy without actually getting to know him first…
“While fuel is expensive, I love to drive.” I smiled sweetly at him as Mingi licked his tasty looking lips; I can’t seriously think they are tasty when it’s our first time talking, “So don’t worry about it.”
“Are you sure?” His eyebrows furrowed just slightly as he nervously chewed on his lower lip. I nodded and grinned at him, probably doing something no sane person would’ve done. But I have stopped caring a long time ago about what others consider sane or not. Rising on my tiptoes, I slung an arm around Mingi’s shoulders and yanked his head down, just a little closer to my face as I nodded enthusiastically. The way his face became red shouldn’t have made me feel so giddy.
“Extra super-duper sure, Mingi.” He chuckled and poked my cheek, I guess it was my turn being taken by surprise. We stood like two idiots grinning at each other as I released him and he took a step back, running his fingers through his silver-blonde hair again, drawing my attention to it once again. Oh, how could I have forgotten? He was a Leo, was he waiting for my compliment? But before that, I was curious about one thing, “Hey, why do you always stare at me?”
Mingi’s face went blank for a second and it made me think that perhaps now is when his psychotic side comes to light, meaning I would dodge a bullet quite early on, but no, he rubbed his lips with two fingers nervously and averted his eyes, “Uh, well…obviously I’m into you. I mean, you know, why else would I stare at you so much?”
Oh, and he’s blunt. Don’t you just love a man who gets straight to the point?
“Because you’re a psycho who hates my guts and imagines how to kill me any time he sees me?” I offered another option, and watched as Mingi’s eyes widened to the point they would pop.
“No!” He exclaimed, almost looking scared himself, “God, no! You’re pretty, and attractive, and you caught my eye a long time ago, I was just too much of a chicken to approach you before.”
“Well, what changed?” I raised an eyebrow, and Mingi scratched his nape awkwardly.
“Uh, my friends threatened to tell you if I didn’t do it myself.” I chuckled and motioned for him to follow me as I started walking towards the parking lot of our university.
“Took them long enough,” I muttered under my breath, but Mingi’s eyes fixated on me as he heard me, “Well, Mingi, I also must admit you’ve caught my eye. Mainly because you staring so much made me feel uncomfortable until I got used to it, but…you’re quite handsome yourself upon a closer look, I must admit.”
Mingi chuckled, shooting me an amused lopsided smirk, “Means I’ve got a chance.”
“Means you’ve got a chance.” I looked at him with a grin, our gazes locking for a few seconds.
To date or not to date a Leo, is today’s question.
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↳ Perm. taglist: @jjoongstar @tinyelfperson @thestarskiller
❀ complete the forms if you're interested! ^^
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yaksha-lover · 1 year
Yo yo sorry if this ask is odd I have experienced hell in the past few days as per the monthly schedule and since I'm fixated upon your vampire AU I was wondering if you'd be cool with me sending in an ask about what it'd be like to deal with having a period when surrounded by vampires.
(gonna refer to the reader as 'the resident human' using they/them pronouns sorry if it gets a bit muddled idk how to word this ask haha)
Content warning: I'm gonna mention periods / shark week / the blood moon / womb blender hours / scheduled monthly hell, etc.
From 1-10 how would you rate how sucky it'd be to have a period in a house full of vampires? Like, on one hand, some of them are probably either avoiding (Riddle) or even stalking (Rook perhaps) their resident human...
But on the other hand, if the human in cramp hell - I'm under the impression that the vampire bites could potentially counteract that to some degree right? Like they'd get rid of some of the pain (rip my anemic ass tho lmao)
Also there's the fact that Lilia's been around long enough to know what's going on and, as per the vampire sense of smell and whatnot, I'd like to imagine he knows before it starts and necessary supplies just sorta show up wherever the resident human will find them when they need them. Plus he's making sure they eat plenty of spinach or similar foods they might need and whatnot.
Uhhh I can't think of anything else lol. Sorry if this was an odd ask, it's kinda been on my mind a while so I figured I might as well share my thoughts. Have a nice day and stay hydrated ( ・⁠∀⁠・⁠) 👍
Lmao you’re all good, I’ve actually answered a couple of asks about periods before: x x
tw: periods, slightly gross (??)
I would say though, because period blood isn’t the same as regular blood, it’s not going to make them act so differently like they would if you had a wound. However, it’s kinda similar so (this might be gross) but I feel like vampires might like the smell of the pheromones cause heightened sense of smell. In that sense, it’s more like a perfume than a food, yk?
Some more shy would definitely blush and avoid MC during this time (Riddle like you mentioned, Adeuce, Jack, Epel, Idia, Sebek).
The more bold vampires would probably act more clingy than usual (Leona, Floyd, Rook) - They are also volunteering their bite to help you out. Despite their unashamed behaviour, they will make sure to keep you comfortable and not take too much blood.
The rest are pretty normal I think, they can control themselves and have the decency to ignore it.
Lilia’s dad energy comes out. You ask him to buy you pads one time and suddenly there’s an entire closet full of a million different supplies, literally anything you could need. Him and the others would be pretty sympathetic to your plights and would be happy to take care of anything you need.
Also you don’t need to track your cycle, Lilia would just be like, hey btw you’re menstruating next week. He knows before you do lol.
So if 1 is hell and 10 is a normal day, I feel like it’s a solid 7/10 at least. You might have to deal with some clingy and awkward guys, but even someone like Leona would take care of you, even if he grumbled while doing it lol.
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jackrabbit-fandom · 2 months
Hi hi hi!!! I saw you write for one piece and was wondering if I could request something for luffy thats probably a little too specific..????
I headcannon luffy is somewhere on the aro/ace or gray spectrum and would just be so interested in reading about reader having feelings for him because hes like just you know luffy our boy😭 and luffy considers reader as practically oul mate type thsts how close they are.
Maybe like he feels just a tiny bit of something but decides to leave that until after he becomes king of the pirates but if its too hard you dont have to do this😭😭
Like doesnt have to be anything long or too grand and its okay if you dont want to write it🙏but thank you so much in advanve if you make it! ^^ (also hopefully no events that happen after sabaody because thats where i am right now im sorry but you dont have to if yoh dont want!😭💔)
AroAce Luffy headcanons (sorta)
So I'm not super versed on the aro part of the spectrum, but i am on the ace side, so i know more given that. Ether way, luffy is one of my favorites, and this is one of my own headcanons for him. More so, headcannon style then "story" cause im still trying to figure that part out, lol
Firstly, I'll say that to make this work, im going more so in the demi-romantic/sexual side. I am of the opinion that while he is slightly oblivious, and let's be honest, kinda dumb at times, luffy isn't completely clueless to these things.
Nothing too big here, gender neutral pronouns, fluff/tiny bit of angst, It's a tiny suggestive, but it's not really anything bad, Mabye, a bit of crack cause luffy
Sorry if this wasn't exactly what you were looking for. Like i said, I've never done this before, but hopefully, you liked it anyway
Having feelings for this guy would be kinda hard, mainly because he's very obvious when people do like him. Hed likely just assumed your best buds for a while unless you get the courage to just tell him. This can get frustrating when he's constantly hugging you and hanging around you.
If we do go fully on aroace luffy, it'd probably hurt a bit. He'd probably fully ignore your feelings for him or just not notice. It would be more so a one-sided pinning. If you're part of his crew, he likely clings onto you like he does with the others, which could also make things worse
If you confess to him now, he'd just straight up tell you he's not interested, or he doesn't care about that kinda thing
However, if we go more of a demi route and you confess, theres a few outcomes:
The first one is that he just bluntly says he's not interested, just like in the aroace one, which is kinda harsh but not fully unexpected. I don't think he'd mean it to actually hurt you, but he does mainly seem to tell the truth with these things
The second would be where he misunderstands your confession somehow? And it ends up as a kind of "i love you." "i love you too, buddy!" Thing which just gets awkward....
The third is where he's known you for quite some time and has been able to get close enough to develop some feelings. With him, he's a very loyal friend, but in terms of relationships, he's not used to feeling that kind of love, i guess? So it'd likely take him a bit of time to get used to the feeling and figure out what to do with it. It likely does come with confusion and a few questions, but as i said, he's not COMPLETELY clueless. He knows what a relationship is, at least. You'd have to essentially be his soulmate, which in his mind is likely someone who has his sense of humor and can cook. Obviously, he has a bit more to that, such as he'd prefer someone who doesn't manipulate or hurt ithers for their own personal gain
If he were to start a relationship, i do think it would have to be after he became king of the pirates. He doesn't really want many distractions in his adventure when it comes to that kind of relationship. Plus, like i said, he'd have to be very close to you, so assuming you a strawhat as well, I'd give him plenty of time to grow attached. So once his goal was reached, he may be willing to try a relationship. I still see him as a very goofy person even then, so he'd probably still just treat you like his best buddy but with a new title.
Like i said, i dont think much would change when it comes to how he treats you. He's already very affectionate with his crew, so he likely acts the same with you. If you asked, though, i think he'd try to give you a bit more than the others, but it still wouldn't be a big difference. Though if you asked for a kiss... you might end up with the sloppiest wettest smooch in the world right on your cheek.
Given that he's inexperienced, he might ask the others for some advice which likely wouldn't end well, its ether zoro giving him the dumbest awnsers sense they share a brain cell, sanji attempting to give luffy 'gentleman lessons" and getting frustrated, usopp acting like a expert just to not be that, or him finally getting to nami and robin and getting actual advice. That would somehow backfire anyway.
On the side of Ace, i don't think he'd be very interested in that kind of stuff. It's been confirmed that he reacts towards the bath scenes and such due to usopp being there. He just doesn't strike me as the type to be overly active in that area, again i dont think hes clueless,i doubt makima never gave him and his brother 'the talk' he just doesnt care for it. It's just never been something he's been interested in. He likely overheard Shanks talking about it at some point but didn't really care.
One piece and luffy are not my own characters, though the headcannons themselves are mine
Sorry for any grammer or spelling errors.
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stinkylittleanon · 1 year
hello! i saw pokemon s/m your request list.,,
i was wondering if you could maybe do guzma x reader fluff scenarios?
not like full stories or anything, but just like moments and traits and things like that (if that makes sense ^^;)
sorta like a grumpy x sunshine type thing, if ykwim,,
thank u !!!
Guzma x sunshine!reader fluff!
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So first of all, I'd like to imagine that ya'll meet when you move to Alola (or you move from one island to another)
Like immediately you somehow have Team Grunt members as younger siblings? Your energy just drags the younger members right in and now you got a few lil' guys that you see as family.
This is how Guzma hears of you, and he's actually quite mean at first!
He's just "What're you doin' around my grunts, punk?"
And you're like "Hiii! :D Nice to meet youuuu!"
That's honestly just how it spiraled to your relationship starting, the guy just couldn't get you away and he just... Enjoyed your presence. Having someone so bright clashing with his 'dark and brooding' personality just made him see things more positively!
Your first date was probably a walk along the beach. Nothing fancy, something simple that Guzma liked to do.
He'd take you to a spot where you can see Wimpod, and his heart melts when you gush about how cute they are!!
Though that scares them away... You're still happy that you saw them!
Walking along the beach, hand in hand... As you start running and he's dragged along-
You have so much energy!!
If you tire yourself out, you've at least got a strong guy to carry you!
When you say this to him he silently freaks the fuck out- He does end up carrying you
When you guys finally told some of the grunts that you were together, word spreads fast and now EVERYONE knows
You've got them congratulating you, some are yelling "FINAL-FUCKING-LY!", and then there's the small group of feminine grunts asking if you guys have kissed yet-
It's quite overwhelming! For Guzma, at least, you seem to be enjoying the attention!
When things calm down, everyone is just happy for ya'll! Plumeria approves, 10/10!
I'd imagine that playing with Guzma's hair is a thing that happens often! It's so fluffy... Not exactly soft, it's actually kinda scruffy, but still! So fluffy!
Funfact, Guzma's actually mixed (his mom is has darker skin)
So his hair is probably thick
Very fun! 10/10
Nicknames include: Sunshine Doll Babe Goof
10/10 nicknames!
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esterzach · 7 months
So there goes nothing. “I like her, you know. The Wisdom.” In answer to @poohsticksbridge
To me, the whole scene was a manipulation. Now that I know why, it makes sense. It's just I don't know if this line is true, as in if it's a genuine admiration and warm feelings towards her, or if she means something more. Or, she somehow managed to twist herself in order for this to pass as truth. Because... the previous experience suggests a not-so-great relationship between the two. And I don't think Moiraine is at fault here, although she had started with the left foot with her, albeit on purpose. Also, Moiraine regrets doing that to Lan. It's evident on her face. Before she says that and after Lan leaves. She looks like she feels guilty for doing this. Why do I doubt it was genuine?
I mean here comes this young woman, who is far greater than her in her power, who saved their life, more so - Lan's life, also she managed to take over Lan's attention even before that. Moiraine is human after all. No matter how much the logic says Moiraine has to be grateful, that she understands where Nynaeve's fear comes from, the attitude of the young Wisdom doesn't help a lot. 
She tried to test Moiraine's patience even with that first conversation in Tar Valon. The whole episode Moiraine is down, depressed, sort of defeated. I understand she is at home. But there is so much that she has to worry about. She found the DR and managed to lose him. She comes back to a place where everyone is suspicious of her and looks as if she is a stranger. Or, like Stepin, they probably think she is the odd one. Linadrin has that attitude toward her, and you wonder, is she in love with her or hates her guts or both... I don't know - I don't understand humans. She also senses Lan's worry. After Kerene’s death implications are clear as day - one day this will happen to them.  
On top of that, some feisty young girl threatens her! She tries to speak with her. She tries to explain. And Nynaeve threatens her. Then she goes with Liandrin's advice, Moiraine probably knows that they met, because why else would Liandrin gloat in her face like that. And The next day, not only is the fiasco in the Hall, not only they still mourn Stepin, the Wisdom, in her wisdom, has fucked up again. 
And dares to snarl at Moiraine "Of course". Kid, can we NoT!?
Moiraine has just healed Mat, who by the way, tried to kill her, she is exhausted so much that she stumbles after whatever was crawling over her face ... (properly disgusting, great work!), and Nynaeve is like You again!
I mean, no matter how zen you are... just...
I don't know, I understand I am not neither as mature nor as calm and composed a person as I have to be, considering... but keeping a good demeanor and good attitude after that... It would be hard for anyone. Moiraine is a bigger person than most of us I guess. 
Then there is more. Things are piling up. And as hilarious as it is for us... and no matter how Moiraine would see through her, Nynaeve insults The Amyrlin throne. Twice. Now... if it was anyone else, it would have been sorta kinda “whatever” for Moiraine... But just imagine a random woman, a stranger comes into your home and insults someone you love. A partner, or a relative... She is supposed to be an adult, I get she is young and defensive, but ... Plus the famous line: "Siuan Sanche waits for only one woman. And it's not you!" Yet again it was a reaction to Nynaeve casually insulting Siuan, dismissing her as she is not that important "Let her wait!" It shows at least two things, that most people caught. That is Moiraine being absolutely confident in her relationship with Siuan. She puts Nynaeve in her place - she can not talk about The Amyrlin this way in front of her. But in order to get from Moiraine being nice, all smiles, expecting both girls to be grateful and happy with the surprise, to her being so irritated that she loses control and lets that slip in front of two people who have NO CLUE about her relationships with Siuan, this has to strike a nerve. She is mad! Not that Nynaeve gets that not-so-subtle hint. Because only minutes later, she does it again! This time, thankfully for Nynaeve, Moiraine follows Siuan's reactions and just smiles.
At the Waygate "Why should we trust you?" I mean this was within reason I guess... But still, it adds up to the pile of what Moiraine takes from her. And this is maybe a few hours after the Oath Rod event.
And then there is Fal Dara. 
So finally I am getting to the “I like her, you know!” My initial reaction: “You do? Since when?". Because it comes right after "You forget, girl, that I can not lie!" Her tone so obviously says she is done with her behaviour, that it almost doesn’t allow other interpretation. She turns to her with "girl". OUCH! That was on purpose. Nynaeve craves for people to take her seriously, and Moiraine knows it since the village and their conversation. People commented on her previous line about the wisdom being a sick burn. I think this one is actually worse.
Moiraine just said to her you are nothing but a little girl, a child who thinks that she can play in the world of the adults. And that was in front of Lan.
So I don’t know if have a good enough explanation for her next line, MINUTES later. If it was phrased in another way, maybe... But it takes quite the jump from her previous behaviour, to be taken as clean truth. Now, I understand why Moiraine had to say that she likes Nynaeve and possibly it has to be true. It was part of her plan. She had to push Lan to her, to have him out, she needed him to be distracted that night, so she could release the Bond. Moiraine needed a reason to mask the Bond. And I think the masking before in Tar Valon was done with the same purpose - to have the excuse to make Lan ( and us) NOT question her or run to her when she does it again. Lan is outraged the first time she does it- he immediately goes to her. This is not something she usually does. She says It’s been two years. I thought you would appreciate the break. The thing is we all assumed Moiraine and Siuan hadn't seen each other in two years. That might not been the case at all. Maybe it's been two years since she masked the Bond. They may even share … the fun times. But she needs a reason now for Lan to think this is something she does. "Hey, I am letting you have privacy tonight."
Plus, Lan already sensed something was wrong. He asks her and Moiraine tells him. She practically leads him to get to the answer himself later on, just not right now. She does the same thing before she sends him away in S2. She explains to him her motives for her next actions, so when he thinks over it later on, he has all the answers. "Nostalgia. The air reminds me of the night we met. (that statement is a bit shaky, I think she was trying to lie here) I feel like I’ve taken everything from you. There is more to life than me, than this mission. (There is absolutely no hesitation in those, so this is her telling her absolute truth and regret).  And the last push - “I like her, you know. (a pause) The Wisdom." A push toward Nynaeve. She has given him approval. This is her saying goodbye. It doesn’t matter who is the Dragon at this point. That is before Rand reveals what he knew.
That pause though is slightly suspicious. Maybe I just started to read too much in every word, but her speech patterns matter, and what she says often can be interpreted in more than one way. She makes connected statements, they look like a flowing monologue, but the connection between them is placed there to create a suggestion, that this is what she means. It sounds like one thing leads to another, and separately they are truths, but sometimes there is more hidden in them, and they actually stand alone as separate information. The person who listens hears what she says but receives an overall message or conclusion from her last words, that may not be the actual meaning of her words. (Right before the scene with Lan, Rand argues with Agwene. She says: "Moiraine can not lie" and he answers: "That doesn't mean she cannot mislead." It feels like they make a point with this, a hint to prepare the audience that something will happen in this direction). They did that in S2 E2 with her, but because we already heard other Aes Sedai using elusive language to hide or obscure truth, we started searching for it in their speech and it became more obvious. The writers use that trick, like the magician's hand - look here, not there. It shouldn’t work, but it does, because like Lan, we are not used to it, we are not expecting it. And we are focused on something else. On the one that doesn't matter that much. It's why most people thought the Bond was masked even after S2E8.
Lan doesn’t expect Moiraine to actively manipulate him. In his mind their relationships are clear. He knows Moiraine can do that. He is perfectly aware that he has an intelligent woman trained on two fronts to be very precise with her words and is able to play with them. He knows she is capable. But using it on him? She has no reason to do that. So she uses manipulation to make him go outside and spend some time with his people. Counting on Nynaeve she will somehow follow - she is curious, she tends to go around and she is interested in Lan. The rest is maybe sheer luck.
The music in the background is the same as when she was saying goodbye to Tar Valon and Siuan. Even the setting is similar- she watches from a high place. If Tar Valon represents her connection to Siuan, Fal Dara is Lan. And she is saying goodbye to Fal Dara and to Lan. The other option is that Moiraine actually really thinks that. There are after all two big moments, where Nynaeve saves everyone. Both times Moiraine turns toward her and gives her a look. She has seen exactly how Nynaeve reacts when the people who she cares about are in danger. She also knows that Nynaeve's behaviour is dictated by fear and jealousy, by insecurities, but this is only a surface level. If one manages to ignore her big mouth and the constant jabs toward Moiraine, the core of her personality is the instinct and the desire to protect. She saves everyone the first time by pure instinct, in her rage and desperation, refusing to accept the reality of the situation. Moiraine even says it to Liandrin - The healer who saved the dying with her first channeling, choosing Red? Get outa here.
The second time though, in the Ways, Nynaeve hears her own fears in the words of The Black Wind. That she will watch them all die and do nothing. And is like "Fuck that". She is the one who steps in front of everyone and creates a sort of shield. She is pissed, but she is choosing it. She actively steps ahead and seeks for her power. It is not a surprise to her this time. Two people refuse to give up on The black wind. Everyone else is paralyzed on the ground trying to survive. There is a moment, while Moiraine is channeling to open the gate when she turns around and sees what Nynaeve is doing. Lan is there, trying to pull her back so they can leave. Moiraine awaits until everyone is out.
Once outside, the group is trying to process what happened. Everyone is crying. Even Moiraine has red eyes from whatever she had heard in there. Nynaeve looks quite composed though. Angry, but overall she seems fine. Moiraine turns to her and says "Well done." Then she adds "Everyone". Nynaeve is the first to speak. So Moiraine already saw her saving everyone, standing up to a magical power that took over your mind and was enough composed to think clearly after the whole mess. That probably wins her quite the respect of the Aes Sedai. So from Moiraine's perspective, if she is to leave Lan, if he ends up with a powerful, overprotective stubborn woman, whose first instinct when they are in danger is to get over herself - every fear, every insecurity, even barriers built up for years, who on top of it has feeling for him - that might not be that bad.
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callofender · 1 year
Small Talk - Favored Topics(?) of the Characters
Apparently, in addition to character Stats and Attributes (graph not made by me) there's a third "stat", that only effects.... how likely a character will join in or stop a Small Talk topic. Possibly. I'm not 100% sure, but let's use Setsu as an example:
(Food, 0.79) "Oh yeah, I've got some rations - want some? They're military rations, so I can't promise they'll be tasty."
(Love, 0.37) "I don't have any romance stories to tell. But the feeling of wanting to open your heart to someone… I get that."
(Scary Stories, 0.3) "Ghost stories, huh? Hehe… This whole situation is basically a ghost story. Sorry, that was stupid. Forget I said it."
Their favored topic is Food, with a stat of 0.79, so they're more likely to join in if someone talks about Food. However, Love/Scary Stories are sorta low, meaning Setsu might shut those down more if they're the topic. Keep in mind though that this isn't 100% set in stone either, as these also work in tandem with the Attributes. It seems semi-accurate from my own game experiences, but I'd like to hear what others think. Full Crew under the cut:
(Food, 0.34) "Dumplings…?! Just now… Did someone say something about dumplings?"
(Scary Stories, 0.33) "A scary story… I'm afraid of… being alone, I guess."
(Love, 0.25) "Love… love. I… don't have anything to talk about…"
Gina's attributes are low across the board, but it sorta makes sense. Especially with the theme of Scary Stories and Love, where she seemingly has a hard time discussing about either. Also, somewhat unrelated, but the "Dumplings" here refer to Mitarashi Dango, at least based off the JP version of the text. Gina really loves Japanese food.
(Food, 0.83) "OMG food? I like, literally love food… I wish the Gnosia could like, just get rid of my fat… right?"
(Scary Stories, 0.08) "You know that black bottle in the cafeteria spice rack? Yeeaah, turns out it's actually like, hair tonic…?"
(Love, 0.006) "OMG you guys! Are we talking about like, love?! Um, yes please!"
Yes, SQ's "stat" for the Love topic is that low. She really loves food, but the other two topics she seems to not want to talk about. This seemed super strange to me initially, but then I remembered that SQ prefers to initiate way more than participate. I wonder if the low frequency for Scary Stories is dependent on how likely SQ would find out about the bottle (I doubt she would want to share her actual scary stories, either...) Also, SQ and Kukrushka's "stats" are the same, but you've probably noticed that Kukrushka shuts down Small Talk more, and that's due to the character attributes.
(Love, 0.87) "The mental function of the mating instinct has long been understood. IS there something about it you don't understand?"
(Food, 0.68) "So, you're a foodie, are you? Supplements are sufficient for both essential nutrients and appetite control, aren't they?"
(Scary Stories, 0.51) "Recently, I feel as though someone is watching me in the shower. It's more creepy than scary, really."
Everyone's favorite Bird loves to talk. I wonder if Love is their preferred topic since they get to explain a topic, with Food being lower since it's implied they don't really eat food. Scary Stories makes sense to be the lowest since it's not really a "Logical" topic.
(Love, 0.85) "Yes… Everyone on this ship is so wonderful. Hehe, how embarrassing!"
(Scary Stories, 0.76) "Have you ever heard… singing on this ship? I sometimes hear it… from the empty cargo bay…"
(Food, 0.16) "Would you like me to bring some vegetables later? Hehe, I've been growing them in the lab. They're fresh!"
Shocker: D.Q.O.'s Straightest Woman Loves the Love Topic.
Jokes aside, another localization thing: I believe she says the ship is filled with wonderful men instead of saying everyone on the ship is wonderful. Food being low makes me wonder if it's either because she doesn't really eat either, or if maybe because the vegetables aren't always ready.
(Food, 0.98) "Food, huh? I love me some good ol' food! Let's have LeVi order us up some munchies! I want an omelette!"
(Scary Stories, 0.59) "Ya know, recently, I have these little accidents… I think I'm done goin', but nope! It keeps tricklin' out!"
(Love, 0.29) "Ah, my stories of unrequited love… I could go on for days!"
Shigemichi has the second highest overall favored topic at 0.98, Food (though in JP, instead of an omelet, it's omurice). Love being low makes sense, since I imagine it's quite a sore spot for him. Poor Shiggy.
(Food, 0.83) "Food, eh? Want me to whip somethin' up? I'm actually a pretty good cook."
(Scary Stories, 0.65) "Nothin' is scarier than a big mob of humans, ya know?"
(Love, 0.17) "For me, well, she's got this beautiful black hair... Haha, I guess I'll never see her again, but still..."
I love that Chipie's highest is his offer to make food, followed by his own fear of people. Wish i had a bigger brain to explain why Chipie's my second favorite character with little moments like this.
Love being lowest also makes sense, since it seems like a personal story Chipie would rather not talk about too much.
(Love, 0.87) "Huh? Whose baby would I wanna have? C'mon, I can't talk about that in front of everyone!"
(Scary Stories, 0.36) "A scary story from back home? How about the armbug? When they bite you, you grow an extra arm from that spot."
(Food, 0.02) "You know, there's no food from back home on this ship. They said all the ingredients and spices and stuff were illegal."
Man. I don't feel like talking about the highest one so I won't. Anyways, Food being her sore subject makes sense, given that she can't eat her own home cuisine. She also doesn't really talk about her home planet that much either, so I can understand why Scary Stories is kinda low.
(Love, 0.73) "Should the opportunity present itself, I, too, may fall in love. Like, immediately…"
(Scary Stories, 0.18) "In the synthetic plant lab, I laid eyes upon it… A plant, combined with glistening, white flesh… In shape, it was almost… human…"
(Food, 0.04) "The discovery of new cuisine trumps that of a new star… I mean, you can't munch on a star, so… yeah."
Jonas Letting the Crew Members he is Down To Fuck. Honestly I'm not really that good at analyzing Jonas so I don't have much to comment about...
(Food, 0.83) "(Somehow, you can picture the food Kukrushka is imagining. It's… borscht, definitely borscht.)"
(Scary Stories, 0.08) "(Kukrushka seems frightened. She seems to dislike scary stories.)"
(Love, 0.006) "(You can feel love in Kukrushka's eyes. However, you can't tell towards whom it is felt…)"
Some things never change, huh?
(Love, 0.99) "Um, we're talking about people we like? I'd… really like to see the professor who created me again…"
(Scary Stories, 0.79) "When I request food, LeVi always suggests mammal steak… That's… kind of creepy to me…"
(Food, 0.78) "Food… I really want to eat some raw fish…"
The crown for the highest preferences overall goes to Otome, who not only has a 0.99 preference for love, the other two topics are still pretty high. Otome just wants to talk to others! I do also wonder if love is so high because she misses her professor, or maybe she likes the topic in love in general?
(Love, 0.9) "Anybody wanna profess their love for me? Go for it! No, really… Anybody? I'm open to any takers…"
(Scary Stories, 0.73) "You guys ever heard of the face pox? Tiny faces, popping up all over you. It's a real thing, seriously. I got them on my belly. I'll show ya if you wanna see…"
(Food, 0.44) "Ya know, the food on this ship is like, too healthy. I wanna eat something BAD for me for once! Some chili cheese fries or something!"
Shocker: D.Q.O.'s Straightest Man Loves the Love Topic.
Another localization thing: His Scary Stories line is supposed to be him flirting, as he notes that he'll show you if you want to see it... in bed. So Scary Stories being high sorta also makes sense.
(Food, 0.6) "The cooking plant here is just… amazing. I mean, it just spits out edible foods!"
(Scary Stories, 0.58) "People who take pleasure… in seeing others' pain… Are… are there really people like that out there? That… that scares me…!"
(Love, 0.18) "I, uh, I wonder… Love… without any dirty ulterior motives… Does it… really exist…?"
Food being Remnan's highest makes sense, considering the other two lines, but I'm sorta surprised to see his Scary Stories line be sorta high. I wonder if he wants to warn the other crew members about those sort of people existing...?
(Scary Stories, 0.26) "Do you know of the cursed pig-people of the Shia-Meng system? They spend their entire lives counting their own fingers…"
(Love, 0.18) "I am a miko, a shrine maiden. I have been defiled by none. However, I know more about fun and pleasure than all of you combined."
(Food, 0.14) "I wonder which of us will become tonight's dinner?"
And we finish it off with Yuriko, the only character who has Scary Stories as her preferred topic. Aside from SQ's/Kukrushka astronomically low Love/Scary Stories preference, Yuriko takes the cake for not wanting to participate in Small Talk. I do find her Scary Story line the most interesting, but only because I wonder if there's any sort of reference or maybe represents a fear of her own?
That's all i have, though people are free to reblog and add their own thoughts/opinions!
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jess-the-vampire · 2 years
If I may ask, what are your honest thoughts on the ship Alador X Darius?
ok so i surprisingly have quite a bit of thoughts on this ship despite their relationship being more implied and not as delved into.
i think for one, it's def a ship with some potential to actually go somewhere, def not without a timeskip involved for the series itself, but still.
They sorta have this fun dynamic where they clearly had some tension in the past, ending their friendship, but it's become this fun rivarly between them and despite everything they still seem to care about the other and you can def imply a lot of their small implied reactions are a bit flirty if you choose there.
it's kinda funny how these two have not really talked onscreen towards the other, at least not as adults, and you can kinda pick up a lot about their dynamic.
since they used to be a trio with odalia it does make you wonder....it's not confirmed obviously, but with how they wrote odalia and how it seems almost implied alador became more of a prop to her over time it does make you wonder if darius and alador's relationship being severed had anything to do with her.
it's not something out of character for her, she was adment on amity and willow's own friendship being severed because of her own goals, so the idea she may of pulled something as a kid to kick darius out is not completely out of the question.
the show sorta implies in COTH almost like, even if maybe at one point they did love each other, at this point alador is more of a pawn in constructing her perfect life then anything and i don't see the likelihood of them repairing this so easily unless she goes through MASSIVE growth offscreen....which is probably not likely.
so if he did find someone else....darius makes the most sense given everything we know at this point, and hey look, if they set it up well i don't mind. Some people think the show put too much on odalia and not enough on alador and tbh i think they were fair in mostly how they addressed alador tho i agree there were probably some rewrites involved somewhere because we couldn't get more episodes with them. They were clearly trying to imply alador was emotionally manipulated into doing things her way and he was guilty of following along but that it wasn't always what he wanted to do either, and i can't say too much goes against that idea.
Even EE, looking back on that episode now gives more of a light to his behavior knowing things now.
Not a perfect person but he's not meant to be.
Point being i don't really see it as breaking up one ship for another personally, i wish we had more time for the blight parents but i think to an extent we were always meant to pick up on the idea that odalia wasn't exactly great towards alador either....it was just way more noticeable in COT.
we'll see how things go.
on some other points, i see the criticism a lot about hunter having a thing for willow because people just REALLY wanted gay rep, and i assume willow's dads's weren't on the table because they wanted it to be with a more mainstream character.
But i never personally understood why it had to be HUNTER, every time this complaint gets brought up about no primary m/m rep it's always about hunter, even though he was ALWAYS the most unlikely male character to ever get that. It's a female dominated show, he was introduced in s2, so any romance he had was gonna be developed later, and the only way it's gonna be a guy is if you dig someone up and force them into the main cast...which....is gonna feel weird if their only purpose of being in the main cast is JUST to date hunter/ or are only established just for that purpose.
(Like gus is a main male character and his relationship with matty was set up in s1, why don't more people care about that, why does it gotta be hunter when this exists- ?)
Whether people like it or not, willow has been around since s1, she already has an arc outside of hunter, and because she's a main character that gives her ample reason to be around hunter frequently to set something up or develop it, she was always the best option for them to do this with. Like sometimes you have to think about about this from a technical perspective and there was no way in heck you'd be able to set him up with a guy without the character either feeling like he existed just to date hunter and nothing else, or being dragged into the main character group oddly....just to date hunter.
but that's something nice about alador and darius, because they already have an established history you can get right into, and are both characters with larger roles and lots of great set up and characterization. If they started building something it would not feel out of left field at all, or like either character was there just to date, they have their own drama and issues, but they also happen to have a history and a LOT of implications between them.
And i also like seeing adult queer characters have this kinda thing, like it's great seeing it with kids but it's always just as important to see it with adults. It's not like the gay parents who are in episodes but don't usually have bigger roles either, like these two may be supporting characters but they actually are in frequent episodes and are given quite a bit of development and attention.
i think they have real potential and i'm glad to see a potential "gay dads" ship but we'd actually see the dads more individually first as people and see them come together, i find that nice.
like i like willow's dad's fine enough, but i can't deny we don't know them much as people, we met them together and there isn't too much i can say about either of them tho there is a lot of fun details in the bgs of episodes that imply some stuff.
The idea of hunter and the blight siblings being his new step siblings is....also kinda funny , i mean it'll make all the ship fanart of him with the blight twins REALLY awkward, but it would be funny to rewatch the show knowing that might actually happen.
like can you imagine watching amity and hunter in EL knowing they'd end up as siblings?
i kinda like the potential of this ship i gotta be honest, i'm kinda intrigued by their mysterious drama and there's ample reason to assume it's possibly being set up.
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thehollowone16 · 2 months
Heyy! 9, 14, 15, 16, 22 and 23 for the fanfic writer ask! That's a lot but I'm curious about your routine :p
Thank you so much for the ask!! This is wonderful, so many fun things to answer.
I'm wordy so under the cut u go
9: Do you write every day? If so, share a sentence of what you've written.
I try to do at least a chapter a day! A chapter for me is about 3-4k words or 10 pages double spaces 12 pt font. Work and life sometimes keep me from it though.
About a chapter a day helps me draft, its my least favorite part of wriring but if I'm like, well this has to be done today, it can help take pressure off it being good and to just get the events down.
Here's a passage from resonance, my Naruto and Soul Eater crossover.
" "Oh?” Kabuto adjusted his grip, smile untouched. “I figured Konoha would send someone a little more. Hm, how do I put it? Graceful.”
Ok, Naruto was going to murder this guy. Kabuto laughed, and Naruto could almost believe he was actually amused.
His glasses slid down his nose, letting Naruto see his eyes. Kabuto's smile grew. “Looking at me like that, you must really think you’re scary.” "
14: If I could have any fic adapted to a visual medium, which would it be?
This one was tough. Uhm. I wanna say LP; Eternity because it's probably the most visually interesting of my fics? I actually played with my descriptions a bit there. It's so long though, 101k.
Maybe "under the skin", I feel like it could make a cute comic or short film.
15: How do I come up with fic or chapter titles?
Usually I don't use chapter titles. Fic titles, it varies. A lot of my shorter fics I try to pick an unusual word, like "Misconstruction". Sometimes I try to go for what's generally happening like "Happy New Years". An idea of the theme or overall arc, "Learning to Care" and my "Loyalty's Price" series too. I want to go for more song lyrics so I can throw song reccs in my authors notes.
Despite not generally using chapter titles I plan on using a portal reference chapter title in late LP.
16: At what point in the process do I come up with titles?
The very end usually. Sometimes after I tagged and wrote the summary for the thing. LP was "Kabuto fanfic" in my drafts until the last second. Sometimes something comes to me sooner like "Resonance" but it's rare.
22: Do I know how fics will end before I start them?
A lot of the time yes. I'd say a good majority of my fics are very short so I have an ending image in mind at least.
Loyalty's Price is my first super long series and I've known the ending I want since I started writing it. Just didn't know if I wanted to write the middle.
Resonance stands out a bit, I immediately knew the beginning and the middle but I'm still a bit stuck on the ending. I could go bittersweet to straight up downer. I wonder how people will react to it.
23: How do you chose where to end a chapter?
This made me think because I'm not really sure. Usually I suppose I have a good sense of ending points? More an instinctual, "this event has gone on long enough" I try to write chapters to focus on a sorta main idea like "how does Kabuto adapt to xyz" so once that's run its course, I suppose.
If anyone else wants to send me asks!!!
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wonder-doughnut · 5 months
Over Analyzing Wonder-Red's Stutter
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I have had people question me before about why I think Will's behavior in the prologue of The Wonderful 101 before he's separated from his students is an act and not true to his actual personality. First of all, it's a very common trope that a superhero will pretend to be someone else or unlike their superhero self to protect their secret identity. The way he dramatically takes off his glasses and stops stuttering is very reminiscent of a typical superhero changing their personality on the fly. He's blatantly supposed to elicit a sort of Clark Kent vibe where he's got the big glasses and looks like a suspiciously buff nerd. Secondly, he for the most part never acts like that again for the rest of the game.
But, I need you to think about something for a moment.
Alright, so, Red has only been a Wonderful-One for a month, right? Now, the implication there is that he's also only had either alter-ego for a month, so the stuttering, timid, jittery Will Wedgewood we see has only existed for a month as Red's civilian form he takes on, but may have always been his "true" self for years up until the point he took on the title of Wonder-Red (It may be worth mentioning that his child self very clearly resembles his adult civilian self, so he's probably at least looked like his civilian self his entire life). Has he always been anxious and prone to stammering, or did he think to himself, "I need to protect my secret identity and behave nothing like Red so people don't suspect I'm Red," and develop this fake meek persona to protect his alter-ego?
I think that's what the devs intended us to think (I could just say Kamiya, he wrote the game so I could pin it on him, but that feels weird). But, does that really make any sense? It's been established that Will has been a resident of Blossom City for some time now, to the point Commander Nelson is confident in Will's knowledge of the area. He likely has a lot of connections there, including coworkers he's known for a long time, as well as students that he's had for however long. They know Will and his personality, so would it really make sense for Will to change his personality to mislead people when everyone he knows already knows what he's truly like? Don't you suppose it would be suspicious or perhaps concerning if a guy who acts like Red was suddenly so shy and anxious? Even Luka in the epilogue didn't change his civilian personality after becoming a Wonderful-One because everyone already knows what he's like, other than becoming a better person and better behaved. Or, perhaps Luka just isn't as careful about protecting his secret identity.
Will knows his students, coworkers, and friends know what he's like. If his personality just changed like that one day, I'm sure they'd be worried about him. He can't reasonably do that, so it's actually pretty likely that the jumpy, stuttering Mr. Wedgewood we see in the prologue is actually the true him and it's not an act, and his Red personality is a sort of personification of all the things he wishes he could be or wants to be, like the CENTINEL-Suit evokes all his strengths and makes him feel capable. Although he could have planned to become a Wonderful-One years ago and decided on what his civilian form would be like well in advance and started acting that way in anticipation of its necessity once he became a Wonderful-One. But, then why didn't he become a Wonderful-One sooner if he had planned on it for that long? There was nothing stopping him, except for perhaps his own low confidence.
It's pretty apparent that CENTINEL-Suits not only grant the wearer super strength, but it also appears they can mask ailments and injuries, sorta maximizing the wearer's adrenaline and make them feel like they're not even hurt. I get this idea because when Red and Nelson are knocked out of their CENTINEL-Suits in the respective scenes where that happens, they drag themselves on the ground like they're completely out of energy or even in immense pain until they're able to put their suits back on and bounce right back up. All the Wonderful-Ones do this when they're knocked out during gameplay. How much is the CENTINEL-Suit masking? Are the Wonderful-Ones running around with a bunch of broken bones that they don't feel while they're wearing their suits? As soon as they take off their suits, does the pain come smacking into them like a truck? Not to imply they don't feel pain at all while in suit, they can still get bonked around pretty hard, as is apparent by their little screams of agony when they're hit, as well as Blue's comment about his arms aching after his fight with Red. I'm pointing this out because I like to think that the suit can sort of temporarily mask all sorts of afflictions, including flare-ups of pre-existing conditions, such as a neurological disorder, in other words, a stutter. I believe that Red's stutter is significantly reduced by wearing his CENTINEL-Suit in combination with the massive confidence boost he gets from wearing it. He only appears to stutter as Red when he's embarrassed or surprised. Although, these instances strike me as the kinda stutter that anyone would have in these situations given the context.
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Additionally, if Will is faking having a stutter to make himself appear less heroic so people don't suspect he's a Wonderful-One, technically that would be ableist because not only is he implying that people with stutters are nonthreatening and unheroic, he'd be appropriating a disability. I don't think Will would do something like that, although it has been shown that Red isn't above lying to protect his secret identity. You could say the same thing about him supposedly not needing glasses, but I've got a whole headcanon for his glasses I can talk about another time.
Now, to prove the authenticity of Will's stutter, it would help to prove the authenticity of the anxiety he exhibits during the prologue as well, as proving the sincerity of one effectively will prove the other.
It may be of interest that Red is genuinely more jumpy than the other Wonderful-Ones. One example I like to think about is the instance where Diejeah is introduced (it would be easier to explain if I had a gif of this, but I don't).
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Pink appears to notice it first and is vocal about it. Blue, Red, and Luka are the only other characters animated to have a reaction to it. Blue just looks at it, and Luka just goes wide-eyed. Meanwhile, Red has this jerky reaction where he quickly looks over his shoulder at Pink, then back up with a surprised expression, then poses ready to face the threat. It's a significantly more animated reaction than the others. Red has this ongoing gag of being extra in his body language, which can be attributed to the sentai parody theme the game has. The in-universe explanation for this could be attributed to his anxiety, which would make him hyper vigilant and jumpy. This anxiety, of course, being very evident in his behavior as Will in the prologue. Although, he isn't exclusively excessive with his exaggerated body language in events that would warrant anxiety, sometimes he just flails his arms more than the other characters when posing.
As I have discussed in the past, a very clear expression of unnecessary worry shown by Red is seen in Operation 004-B. Red and Blue are separated from the team, and after Blue emotionally opens up to Red, Red also expresses some openness with Blue when sharing his concern for the rest of the team, who he cannot confirm the safety of.
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However, just mere moments later, Red exhibits a feigned confidence that the team is okay in front of Vijounne after she finds them separated from the team. He doesn't know whether or not they're okay, but pretends to as to not show weakness to the enemy.
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Keep in mind, separated, Red and Blue cannot Unite Morph and are at a significant disadvantage without the team. The team, however, still can. Realistically, they're totally fine without Red and Blue for the time being. But, Red still worries about them anyway because he is responsible for them, and also genuinely loves and cares for them. This worry is misplaced however, and it would be more reasonable for the team to be worried about him, really. But, this could also stand to represent Red's humility in the way he doesn't assume they're worried about him and Blue like they should be or that the team would fall apart without him, but rather he is uncomfortable with not being sure they're safe.
It might be worth mentioning that Blue, before learning Red's backstory, described Red as "some wuss teacher playing dress-up." Now, does Blue just hate teachers and think they're cowardly, or did he see Red outside of his CENTINEL-Suit during downtime on the Virgin Victory being his timid civilian self? I can see Blue as the type of person who would hate teachers and think it's the type of cushy job for the weak. But, he really has no reason to think Red is a wuss outside of being a teacher. Red did become a Wonderful-One and passed the exams with impressive scores after all. It's hard to tell if Blue has actually witnessed Red in his civilian form and seen him being an anxious wreck, or if it's just typical Blue being an arrogant prick and assuming Red is a coward not to be respected just because he's inexperienced and is an elementary school teacher.
Additional evidence of Will's behavior in the early prologue not being an act would be the fact that Wonder-Masks have a facial recognition scrambling technology that, even if someone could easily recognize a Wonderful-One, they couldn't because of this technology.
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It's basically fool-proof that a Wonderful-One's identity is protected. Given Will's extensive knowledge of all things CENTINEL, he very likely knows this. So, even knowing he absolutely cannot be recognized in his CENTINEL-Suit, would he really still be putting up an act? Is he that paranoid? Meanwhile he just announces everyone else's secret identities right in front of civilians. How rude.
Regardless of the dev's intentions, it makes absolutely no sense for Will to be pretending to be a frightened little nerd in the prologue. His anxiety is expressed in different ways as Red and as Will, but is evident regardless. I like to believe his ostensible confidence is actually just his steadfastness, where in actuality he's fully anticipating failure, but knows he needs to try and give his all regardless, even if it means sacrificing his life. He learned that lesson the hard way when he was 5. He's probably gotten really good at taking a deep breath and collecting himself with the knowledge that he can don his CENTINEL-Suit to become indestructible if he really needs to, which probably is a massive weight off his shoulders and makes it easier for him to calm down in the face of danger. I personally think this makes him a more compelling character, he would be less interesting if he was just a generic fearless hero. It also makes him come across as more brave, knowing he's constantly fighting off this anxiety. He even does things that he probably knows will trigger flashbacks, such as when he had the team ride Immorta's missile into Diejeah. As Fice T. from Paper Mario once said, although I don't have the exact quote, but it went something like, "Bravery is not the absence of fear, but rather the strength to face your fears and overcome them."
In other words, yes, Red has a stutter, regardless of whether or not the devs intended it to be canon.
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(Keep in mind I could be missing some critical pieces of lore. I've never actually 100%ed the game before and haven't seen all the collectable files.)
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refriedrambles · 5 months
I figured Miyuki out! (For the Being Fired plot, she's likely gonna be very different in Cloning) It has ripples and implications on almost everything!
Also two Sporks. One goes by Spore and the other Pork, but both their pak IDs say Spork (and Pork eventually goes by it solely). I haven't figured out what happened to Spore yet maybe he went into hiding, maybe he's dead. I actually hadn't thought about it at all but there are so many possibilities.
Dude all of this makes my recurring shit for Miyuki and Spork make sense and it had absolutely no connection to those ideas. Like what??? This might actually work for Cloning's plot too
Okay so what happens with Spore has a huge impact on a lot a shit too
Going back to his other half, I'm gonna go with the angle that Spork and the Tallest knew each other. While he liked them, maybe saw them as his favorites, they didn't like him all that much. Likely bordering on hatred at times. He's just too much of an ass. I love it
Now I need to figure out where Announcer's allegiances lay. They're probably the same. I think? Maybe? I guess I just never wonder why he and Zee have beef. Did they used to be on good terms?
Miyuki dies out of nowhere and it fucks almost everyone's shit up dude. She gotta this presence looming over everything
I had another idea! Can't even touch on this here though it's too important. This brings everything into the fold!
Mostly I've got like two big strings of events going on at this point. I need to tie them together still and make sure it ties into everyone's arcs. But I do like that they are almost all caused directly by someone's actions with in the story
I think this is making Spore my favorite aside from the main three
Need to strengthen Skoodge's role tho. Like the Tallest (all four) and Lords have huge effects because of their positions. And Zim has huge effects cause his a walking natural disaster. But the other characters need a similar sorta sway. They need to matter
What's Tenn's effect on the plot? It's not the war with Meekrob, that's the Tallest.
What's Zee's affect? I've got at least one solid idea, but aside from that? Her standing up for Red doesn't help his confidence or undo the trauma.
Collectively all six of them help Purple out of his situation, but he wouldn't have been in it at all if it wasn't for Zim and Red.
Skoodge is one of the main three. What's he do aside from conquer Blorch?
I refuse to demote him
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coffinsister · 1 year
Eeee so I can't pick a favorite between Ashley and Andrew but when I was playing it I definitely saw Ashley as sorta yandere vibes? Like yknow with the girl dying in the box was the primary example, Andrew going along with it too was like 👀 because why would he go along with killing someone unless he was either The Biggest Doormat (which i definitely understand seeing the creator's notes) or he was also vaguely yandere but not acknowledging it. There's a lot of toxicity between them obviously and a lot of trauma (not sure where from aside from whole being locked in the apartment for Hecc knows how long and maybe neglectful parents) but they seem to be reading the same book but they're not the same page if that makes sense. Andrew probably also has some Older Sibling syndrome going on there because he cares about Ashley if reluctantly sometimes and takes responsibility for things, while Ashley makes sense as the younger sibling (as an older sister myself it at least was recognizable with how Andrew was telling Ashley she had to realize what they'd done at the end of the chapter) and with the whole demon thing it made me wonder what the talisman will show Ashley or if there will be more complicated horror with the two of them encountering more cultists or if their parents had something to do with the issue because I definitely agree on the whole sus mom thing
All in all I love how the game gives us enough information to see kind of where it could go but doesn't spoil the plot and the Coffin part of the title definitely gave me 4th wall thoughts similar to Homestuck. The apartment/demon occult based horror is similar to Sally Face too so it just took the gremlins and made me super interested in the story. If i ever write anything i'll definitely send it to you!! I work as a writer off of tumblr for a larp company currently though so my brain is a bit fried but I love this game a lot and it was super interesting to see what was going on in the story 👀
Thank you !!! Don't overheat your brain anymore than necessary to survive in the techno capitalist hellscape singularity we are currently in but if you do find the time to write anything that would be amazing :D
And now to answer everything else:
I love both siblings for their own reasons I really do but I fell in love with Andrew the moment I saw him because brocon tendencies defeat all sorts of common sense immediately for me
Yeah Ashley totally fits into the yandere archetype except she's more real I would say and she's definitely more western than full on anime like
I say she's more real because she's actually shown to struggle a lot with socialization and with her parents and just seems to be rejected by the world around her because of her personality instead of just being a random girl who somehow exists with that behavior and it's okay
Yeah I actually don't really understand Andrew's motivations for going along with stuff all that deeply I always feel like there's something I'm missing with him but mostly I just see it as well he genuinely really cares for his sister and doesn't want to see her in distress and he's super codependent as well and cannot lose and he's a pushover too and finds it easier to go along and blame her for everything instead of standing up to her and risk losing her and then having to confront himself
As Ashley did say she's the only person he can be real with so he can't stand to lose her
I also totally think he's yandere on his own right like maybe yandere wouldn't be the right term for him because he definitely doesn't present himself at first as more approachable like Ashley does but he's still super overprotective of her
Like straight up one of the like 7 times the Rage sprite is used twice are just for the time where Ashley makes the comment about getting pregnant from their neighbor
So yeah they are both yanderes for each other and we love that for them
Personally I see the trauma from them steming from yeah killing that girl that's definitely not something you can just walk off but also from their parents seeming to be very detached and neglectful of them and also from Ashley specifically I see her as somebody who's never managed to have a long lasting relationship of any type with anybody other than Andrew
She expresses that just who she is and her personality makes people turn away from her and that over so much time and starting up from so young can really mess a person up
And then she starts isolating Andrew too and they wind up becoming dependant on each other and no matter what forcing one person to carry the weight that a whole entire social circle should is always going to end up turning toxic ah~ which is what I so love about them I'm just a natural sucker for toxic siblings dynamics
Actually your perspective saying that Ashley fits as a little sister is really interesting to me because I am a little sister I can't really understand how older siblings look at their younger siblings but I can see a lot of how me and my older sister are like in just how they banter and stuff
Like that bit where Andrew is like nope you go get the batteries It was like a Deja Vu for me swear to God
I definitely think the whole prophetic dreams stuff is gonna play a big role in the full game and I'm really looking forwards to the horror potential of it all
I also really enjoy the idea of Ashley being super paranoic all the time about everything she dreams because what if she interprets it wrong what if she doesn't see the right thing what if it ends up getting Andrew hurt and as much as he doesn't want him to be able to live on without her that stems from the fact that she definitely cannot live on without him
One thing I really enjoy about dystopian stories is that they tell you just enough they make you feel like the world was already here before you and you are just watching it at the moment and this game does that so well
I know nothing about Homestuck but everyday I learn something new about it as it seems
And sorry, as you can probably tell, I can talk a whole lot about my special interests jejeje (☍﹏⁰).
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oceanremnants · 1 year
black pearl, written by a traveling administrator. the newest data on it is the temperatures of each place described, which were hastily added on near the end of the pearl's creation.
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topography report
first cycle r.1 - generic jungle area, nothing out of the ordinary. i saw exactly one legless lizard - blueberry, i think. makes sense even they'd escape. its 23c r.2 - lot of lizards i've just been calling "vanilla" for now. some weird jumpy blue ones, too.. must be the cyan lizards ea mentioned? the cyan lizards are sticking pretty close to our regions... must like the cold. r.3 - these regions have a lot of creatures in them. also a lot of predators. saw some big noodly things which were fighting with a flying centipede, probably over territory? there's also a few fire-flingers or whatever theyre called, which is interesting considering the fact that they only live at the tops of trees in our regions. r.4 - there are also a lot of lizards here.
second cycle r.1 - have to move inland for the quickest actually walkable route and it's even warmer here... yuck. around 25-28c. r.2 - actually nevermind. it suddenly got a lot colder. looks like the trees that keep all the heat in are a lot thinner here... around 20c again. r.3 - there's more lizards. honestly considering how many lizards there are and the state of our retaining wall i can only assume they're actively avoiding our regions. wonder why. r.3.5 - that was a joke. r.4 - i should make a list of lizard tastes.... they all taste pretty different, especially for something that looks so similar. or maybe the stuff in our regions is just sorta plain.
third cycle r.1 - turns out some unknown cousin is in my way, which is why there are basically no trees here. their retaining wall's open for business, so i'm going through instead of around. r.2 - there's this weird cold white substance all around the area. it melts when i put my hand in it... i wonder where it came from r.3 - okay i absolutely know where the substance came from. cold. -32c
fourth cycle r.1 - gonna try to be a bit quicker with advancing this time. i don't want to get stuck in whatever that was again. really really sucked. also, there are a lot of torches around here, sort of like the ones some ancients used to put all around the place - especially those that lead to the void sea... r.2 - i gotta wonder if the cousin who lives here knows about this white cold stuff? it's probably pretty annoying to them. unless this is how they output rain... some sort of double coolant system, maybe. r.2.5 - actually i could see that working pretty well. it'd be devastating for most iterators now obviously, but if you could find a way to ensure the water vapor entered the upper atmosphere and cooled down enough it could theoretically doubly cool someone down. would be good for anyone who really wants to avpid overheating i guess.. r.3 - i've seen a few weird frilly pink lizards around, but only like.. three. they're probably the smallest legged lizard i've ever seen r.4 - turns out these pink lizards mainly eat batflies, so after my first scuffle with one i've managed to get the rest to leave me alone.. nice r.5 - this sort of reminds me, actually, of the pearls winter read to the group about his namesake. then that'd make all this white stuff the "snow" he mentioned i guess? it sounded a lot nicer in those pearls... r.6 - my fur isn't cutting it as much anymore. i should be around the other side of the retaining wall about now, at least... still no sign of any superstructure, though, which is pretty concerning. lots of buildings, bone ash factories and etc. but no iterators.
fifth cycle r.1 - managed to get out, although it took a bit of a climb which is pretty interesting. surrounding area's about as cold as inside, almost no trees here. i still don't miss how hot inland was, but i can sure pretend i did. not sure why i didn't see the cousin this place was presumably built for... maybe i'll ask around later. r.2 - this place has a ridiculous amount of weird blue yeeks. the food they like doesn't even grow here... they're cute though. r.3 - nevermind, found about ten billion throweends, which is where most of them ended up being... nature sure is beautiful. r.4 - decided to use my current elevation to get a better look around and aside from already being able to see ea from here i can also see what looks like a massive deadzone. i guess that must be glories? even that cold iterator's place was less barren than that. what a loser. r.5 - looks sort of foggy and gross. like everything in it's rotting...
sixth cycle r.1 - found some sort of relatively intact - if a bit hard to navigate - railway. anything of interest inside the cars is long since rotten but it's still pretty cool. r.2 - further i go on it the more it's messed up. seems like the roots of the trees around here are helping some of it stay intact, like the ones on winter's can. but thanks to the deadzone's influence i guess they're a bit thinner here. yeesh. r.3 - staying as far away from that deadzone as i can, managed to jump onto another track which'll make it take a bit longer to get to ea but is probably a bit safer. harder to see below on this one, but i don't really need to. maybe not the coolest thing to say in a topography report though. r.4 - went into one of the cars for shelter and it is so fucking pretty here... looks like it must've been used to transport decorative flowers and they just.. kept growing. there's a window specifically so that they wouldn't die or anything, which thankfully isn't broken enough to let the rain in. really nice. not sure why i've described this more in detail than anything else in this report.
seventh cycle r.1 - getting a lot warmer again, which makes sense since i'm practically at ea's already. not too warm though which is nice and probably means something about their regions... i'd say it's gotten to 20c at most. r.2 - following the railway lead me to a pretty big farm array. didn't realize that any of those could even survive outside of a retaining wall for that long but this one isn't in such bad shape. fruipt. r.3 - fruit hasn't killed me yet and didn't have anything poisonous in it either way. i should probably mention it in the plant report for quiet but i'm too lazy r.4 - surveying the area a bit, seems like several of the shelters closer to ea are locked. guess i'll have to find the closest one and force myself out during precycle. still got a ways to go... r.5 - think i'm at the closest shelter. it's a pretty big one, although not as pretty as the plant one i found earlier. gonna look around a bit more... r.6 - more vanilla lizards, which is cool. they don't seem super bothered by wormgrass... and they have this sticky glob attack i didn't see earlier cause i managed to catch most of them by surprise. saw them take down one of the big noodle things to eat. pretyy cool r.6.5 - turns out lizards are really good at communicating how much they hate people. Ow.
eighth cycle r.1 iim gonna sleep for 2billion sun cycles ok? okay. r.2 final report ea looks pretty. okay done.
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tallsc · 11 months
Alright, I'm probably going to watch this multiple times and focus on each character individually at some point but for my first watchthrough I pulled up this post while watching and will send my thoughts/reactions, warning this will be very long
They just chilling on the couch this is so nice, Orange getting snacks :D
Wait I wonder how the time skip during Blue's walk with the piglins is gonna work? (Also Orange are you supposed to eat the melon I mean ig nothing's wrong with that)
AWW THEY WATCHING YELLOW DO HIS THING AWW Orange wants his drink tho let them refill the drink
RED'S HERE I WONDERED WHAT HE WAS DOING wait were those zombie spawn eggs did i remember that right
Yes yes they were okay welp, they got golems to help at least
Oh I forgot to pay attention to Blue's screen neat they didn't timeskip the walk they just walked through some smallish sections of biome
I love the fact that this whole time Red's just been causing chaos in the background and we never saw in the main thing, they're spawning rabbits now
GREEN LOOKED UP AT THE SAME TIME BLUE STARTED GETTING ATTACKED PFFFT they just looked at Yellow's computer tho, where's Orange and Red gone off to?
Oh Orange just got another drink and Red's playing with their rabbit
RED GOT TO SIT DOWN FOR A BIT YAY hang out with Yellow yes they friends this is nice
Oh we merged with canon now, Orange found the portal :D They timed Orange running through well with the music
BLUE'S SO SAD ABOUT THE NETHERWART NOOO but ah yes we get to see two Oranges on screen at once this is even more suspicious than the actual episode
Okay I have reached The Witch and can you just? Put a person/block in your inventory??? Is that how this works? Blue just runnin tho
Yellow why did you just start?? Eating grass??? Also Green's freaking out atm
Oh now Green's experimenting and Yellow's just vibing with his friends and Red's going on a swim and Blue has now gotten incredibly bored
I'm getting the sense Green's probably doing the same thing Blue is rn and is just taking a break after finishing his experimenting
Oh ig the witch is still carrying Blue cause Blue got startled when the witch jumped and started making zombie noises, they just went back to chilling tho
They started fighting and Blue started freaking out rip, they tripped and just stopped moving oh no
Oh hey wait Pig sorta noticed Green ALSO PFFT BLUE GOT FLIPPED UPSIDE DOWN
Just watching Blue trying so hard to get the Netherwart also Pig gets their own POV :D
Someone's gotta keep track of what Blue used to make all these potions at some point
PFFT THE MAIN FIGHT'S HAPPENING AND PIG'S JUST IN THE CORNER WITH THEIR OWN POV I WILL NOT GET OVER THIS also there was a scene I'm looking forward to seeing if they do an extra POV I'll get to that in a minute
They did not POV it :( I will forever be wondering why the other four took so long to get Red back into themselves and why Yellow was trying to feed Red a splash potion during the Blue/Witch 1-on-1, on the plus side we get Pig stealing all the potions
The CG are just watching and cheering as dyes XDD
OH PURPLE POV oh no the blue orchids :(
This is not something I originally thought of how it would be POVed but it would be incredibly funny if they had a side screen with the entire group just standing there while Orange goes through their nether flashback, they did not do that however
I have reached Parkour, seems pretty much like the regular episode for a while so imma skip ahead hopefully I don't miss anything, skipped to about the end of the splitting paths
Alright I am going to need to rewatch this bit a few times later, also I need to check if they actually all did get the times it said they got and if not who won
NOO ORANGE DROPPED THE TROPHY OFF THE EDGE I THINK also Yellow got strangled for a second there
Mango was tryna draw and told Purple to go away I feel ya I don't like people watching me draw either, yooo they do have a security camera station - huh Purple told them to rewind Yellow's footage I think
Aww that one piglin's just tired I'm gonna get attached to them and then they're gonna die :( Oh and I look to the side and Yellow's just hanging off a wall, I'm very much gonna have to rewatch these segments individually
NOO THE PIGLINS ARE SCARED and yellow's still hanging off the side of a wall okay finally he stopped
BLUE'S ON THE WALL NOW NOOO y'know i always did like thinking of them and yellow as twins
I keep catching glimpses of what's going on and I really need to see more of this NO ORANGE IS ON THE WALL TOO that was such a sarcastic wave you did there
Nooo the piglins :C they were sweet and now one of them is dead :C
Oh looks like Orange has found out his tactic everyone else is still going tho OH RED ALMOST GOT KILLED THERE THAT WAS A MURDER ATTEMPT
Yellow found out his thing too neat also another neat transition with Orange's and Red's frames
Green just suffering off to the side while everyone's all happy and meeting each other
Oh wait it's Purple? No wait it's still Green
Ofc the cobwebs at the end of their inventories, also they're trying so hard with the beacons
Green's tryin their best, they look mad, but also that's gotta hurt
Purple what are you looking for??? You keep showing up???
They tried making entire beacons but that doesn't look the same as the other beam and they can't move it XDD
Pffft sideways/upside down beacon, also they had so much iron but no food welp
Green's POV is just sad
Orange looks so mad while they're walking
Oh Red looks tired now :( Orange still goin, I'm assuming it's gonna swap to the original episode soon now - yep here goes
Ah yes I do love the dramatic music notes as the camera pans to a pumpkin/melon farm
Did Green and Pig just like fall asleep? I haven't noticed any movement over there for a while
Ohhh the slow mo on the Lush Caves side when it slow mo-ed for Titan Ravager was interesting
OH PURPLE POV whatcha doin thereee ohhh the piglins to find the CG's nether portal
Neat we get to see a bit more of the castle through Green's perspective
Ohhh we're gonna get full fights for both of these imma have to watch this twice later
Huh it took a minute for the effect of the block being removed to reach the bastion
That is a speedy hoglin they goin
That is a speedier Orange
WAIT PURPLE'S SO UPSET AWWWWW also Blue's collecting so many arrows good on you Blue
Will definitely have to watch this part multiple times to focus on things individually
The animation on the icon block fight though is wonderful and how Mango legitimately does just go right back into battle after leaving Purple hurts me
They are just ignoring the note block animals to let the epic music finish XD Also this is gonna be so hard to watch oh nooooo another thing I'm gonna have to rewatch a ton
Okay they're letting the note block animals take over the sound for the most part now fair at least they let the epic music finish
Wait are we gonna get full versions of all of Red's classes? Also Blue's just here building
WAIT ORANGE IS OVER LAVA ONE SEC LEMME REWIND A BIT HOW DID THEY GET THERE okay guess that didn't go straight to the ancient city
Yellow's just here working on the staff this might take a second - oh we swapped to Monster School and Warden music that's an interesting mix
Oh gosh the note blocks in the background too and neat we do get to see all classes
Yellow's outside now ig? Dunno how or when that happened they just doing a lot of stealth stuff
Villager training arc now and Green climbing up a mountain WAIT THEY ADDED ANOTHER POV FOR HEROBRINE AND MONSTERS SO MANY POVS
Alright they joined POVs again and enchanting looks cool as ever WAIT MORE WARDEN BACKSTORY I'm rewinding again to watch the warden flashback although the music does not fit with this
Yellow went on a whole stealth mission though like wow, Blue's just crafting still tho
Oh it's a speedy flashback tho
I just speedran watching Gold's death what the heck
Purple having a quiet dramatic story moment while I hear Red just being murdered in the background
How many slow-mo shots did they just align there??? I swear at least two of them were actually supposed to slow motion right there and a third fit pretty easily as a slow motion too
They didn't slow motion Skeleton being smug though XD
Wait Blue's POV vanished a bit ago when did that happen idk but too long ago for me to rewind
Whatever's going on at least there are less POVs and the Purple music mixed with the other soundtracks occasionally is still cool, weird seeing multiple of some characters at times tho
Blue's back and now Yellow's gone, also they aligned two of the slow motion shots again, neat
Alright Blue and Yellow are together again so there's no one person missing nice, AND THEY'RE ABOUT TO JOIN THE MAIN GROUP
Alright we're at two POVs now and Green's gonna join soon, curious how POVs are gonna work in this upcoming fight
Even with these extra POVs I still don't know where Red went after Yellow force staffed them away
Scanning forward this actually looks relatively single-perspective so imma skip to the portions where there are multiple perspectives for ease of wanting to write this out
Hey wait in seeing all the destruction and stuff side by side, why didn't the village rift start in the sky? Everything else did
POVs merged again so gonna skip to where everyone is dying :DDDD
I do have to watch this whole thing as a whole at some point though bc it's so dramatic aaaAA
Nooo Purple and Mango just walking in their respective voids this is so sad wait
Purple looked up for a moment when Mango broke through but just went back to hiding noooo T-T
For some reason Green trying to catch themselves but their fishing rod breaking before they can always hits me that wasn't a new thing but it's always hit hard for some reason
Purple just getting to hug Mango by the time Orange gets to the portal awwwwww
Okay wait the overworld/nether shot of the beam of light is actually very cool
Only one music note for replacing the blocks heheheheh
That's pretty much it, whether I use this for theory or not this was fun and there are definitely parts I'm gonna rewatch later XD For anyone who read through all this uhhhh hope you enjoyed my rambling ig XD It was a lot but if you did read it all ty
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