#The downside to having a magic pet you can summon
lethalramifications · 8 months
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"I am going to make every minute count."
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cagemasterfantasy · 3 months
Path of the Beast Ranking (5e)
2=often useful
3=often useful
Form of the Beast
Bite 2 Bite is technically the least important of the 3 available options but if anyone is going to hang out at less than half hit points it’s Barbarian. You can use this while both of your hands are full which makes it easy to use with a shield. Still if you’re not guaranteed to benefit from the healing in your current fight go for a different option. Remember that the healing only works once on each of your turns so if you want to switch to a weapon for your second attack (once you get Extra Attack) that may be a good idea if you have a cool magic weapon to use
Claws 4 your go-to option for damage output. The wording here is easy to miss so let me spell it out: If you take the Attack action and attack with the claws once you get an additional attack with the claws as part of the same action. You don’t need to spend your Bonus Action to do it so you can get the extra attack in the same turn that you Rage. You can make all of your claw attacks with 1 hand so there is no reason to forgo a shield
Tail 3 Longsword damage reach and boost your AC as a Reaction. The AC bonus averages to 4.5 which is enough to negate a lot of attacks. Unfortunately attackers need to be within 10 ft. so you won’t be able to block ranged attacks typically. Like the other options you can use this with a shield
Bestial Soul
Swim Speed 2 situational but the fact that you also get to breath water is really helpful. Take a nap and dream about Weresharks and you’ll wake up with gills and webbed toes (it doesn’t actually say that in the rules but it feels like that should happen)
Climb Speed 4 Climb speeds are the next best thing to fly speeds and this is basically the spell Spider Climb which is the gold standard of climb speeds. Climb on the ceiling and hit people with your tail or throw javelins at them
Jump 2 jumping is very rarely useful and situations which require jumping can typically be handled better by climbing or flying. Still of all the jumping-related abilities in 5e this one is among the best. It works both vertically and horizontally so you can jump incredibly high. However it notably doesn’t address falling so if you leap 30 feet into the air you’re going to regret that decision unless you grab onto something before falling since 5e doesn’t negate falling damage just because you jumped
Infectious Fury
Forced Attack 4 forcing enemies to attack their allies is great but the benefits don’t stop there. Since this forces the target to use their Reaction they can’t perform an Opportunity Attack and they can’t do annoying things like cast Counterspell so if your target’s melee attacks are pitiful you could force them to attack you for whatever measly damage they might do in order to prevent spellcasters from doing cast shenanigans
Psychic Damage 3 2d12 damage is enough to match a single attack from many creatures but as you reach higher levels you’ll face many enemies which can do considerably more so you’ll get more out of the forced attack. However, the forced attack doesn’t help in single-enemy encounters and even in multi-enemy encounters you won’t always have another enemy nearby which you can target with the forced the attack. The damage is Psychic and very few creatures are resistant or immune to Psychic damage so this is a safe reliable damage boost but remember that this has a daily usage limit so don’t burn through it too quickly. The damage is also from a separate source from your attack so it’s not multiplied on a critical hit
Call of the Hunt 4 the benefits to you scale based on the number of creatures that accept the benefit. There is no downside to the effect so assume that your party is going to accept. The maximum number of creatures is your Constitution Modifier which can get up to +7 at level 20 so you need to somehow get 7 creatures to accept the effect. A typical party of 4 can’t do that unless you add familiars pets summons or a bag full of angry rats. The pile of temporary hit points on top of the damage resistances provided by Rage will make you incredibly durable and the d6 bonus damage for your allies will be a nice boost to damage output for anyone who relies on attack rolls (Fighters Monks and Warlocks are ideal). The wording on the damage bonus is strange but the effect is actually really simple. Affected creatures deal +1d6 damage when they hit with an attack. It doesn’t specify a type so they add bonus damage of the same type which their attack deals. If their attack deals multiple types the attack can typically decide which type to add but the DM might choose to have it divide evenly between the multiple damage types. The weird wording of the damage bonus seems to mean that the d6 isn’t multiplied on a critical hit since they gain a bonus equal to a roll of the d6 rather than adding 1d6 as extra damage like Hunter’s Mark or Divine Smite do. You can only use this a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus each day but by the time you get this your Proficiency Bonus and your number of rages per day match so you don’t need to worry about tracking this unless you somehow gain additional rages per day
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monstersdownthepath · 4 years
Milestone Spotlight: Deskari, Lord of the Locust Host
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Chaotic Evil Demon Lord of Chasms, Infestations, and Locusts
Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Evil, War Subdomains: Blood, Catastrophe, Demon, Tactics
The Complete Book of the Damned, pg. 42~43
Obedience: Meditate while allowing insects or worms of any type to crawl upon your body. If no such vermin is available, you must instead lie facedown in a trench dug into soil and mouth prayers to Deskari into the dirt while scratching yourself with sharp bits of bone or wood. Benefit: Gain a +4 profane bonus on saving throws against disease and against effects caused by Vermin.
Have a buggy familiar? Done. Don’t have one, but a party member does? Done. No one have a buggy familiar? Keep some bugs as a pet; done. Can’t? Well then this gets a little harder. Plopping yourself down besides an anthill is unfeasible for multiple days in a row, not to mention dangerous to your health if they believe you’re a carcass that must be scavenged. Sometimes, you can just dig straight down a little bit to find some nice worms to plop right onto your chest for an hour, though heaping loose soil on yourself every day has dangers of its own.
Not as many as the secondary option, though. The wording here implies that you can’t use mud or sand, though your DM may be a bit more lenient here because it also requires you to scratch yourself to pieces with sharpened wood and bone. Thankfully you don’t need a carved knife or anything so complex, you can just snap a branch off a tree or somesuch if you need to (and bones are always available for adventurers!), but covering yourself in bleeding scratches every day will likely get people wondering what on earth you’re doing each time you vanish for an hour, which can lead to numerous uncomfortable questions. Unlike many Demon Lords, Deskari is known all across the Inner Sea Region because he’s responsible for the Worldwound, one of the greatest threats to life on the entire planet, and as such if you’re publicly found to be one of his followers? Roll up a new sheet, bud. It only gets harder if you use literally any of Deskari’s Boon abilities in public, too.
The added danger of worshiping one of the most prominent Demon Lords in the setting can make for an experience that’s both interesting and potentially hair-pulling, because you’ve got to make extra sure not to have your faith revealed to the authorities of a given settlement. At the very least, dropping bug-infested soil onto your body each day to perform the first ritual could be explained away as you communing with nature or the earth, rather than the insects within the earth, but carving up your own skin while laying facedown in a hole is a pretty big red flag. ... Also, now that I think about it, if you’re facedown in a hole, it’d be pretty difficult to scratch anything but your back and sides, right? Hm.
The benefit is low-tier. Diseases are rarely too much of a danger if you have any sort of caster in your party, though stopping them before they begin will save you a bit of gold in the long run. A universal saving throw bonus against the abilities of an entire creature type would be fantastic if that creature type wasn’t Vermin, who are known for A) disease and B) poison and little else. In Deskari’s favor, this bonus does indeed apply to the Distraction ability of most swarming Vermin, so a bit of extra help to avoid being Nauseated is always welcome.
Boons are acquired slowly: the first once you reach 12 hit dice, the second at 16, and the third at 20. However, the Evangelist, Exalted, and Sentinel Prestige Classes can be entered as early as level 7; doing so grants you the Boons at levels 10, 13, and 16 instead. Servants of demons may also take the Demoniac Prestige Class; you don’t get the Boons any faster than E/E/S, but you may select which Boon set you get, and you get cool demon-related powers!
Boon 1: Locusts’ Gifts. Gain Jump 3/day, Acid Arrow 2/day, or Fly 1/day
Why bother looking at Jump when Fly is an option? Granted, getting affected with Jump at level 10 (the earliest you can get this spell) means you can, among other things, clear a 30ft gap with no effort and get yourself an Eight Foot Vertical Leap... But flight will always be infinitely more useful. The biggest difference is that, while they last the same amount of time (1 min/level), you get Jump 3/day. It’s really up to you if Eight Foot Vertical Leap three times a day would be more useful for your character than a 60ft fly speed once a day, though to me, staying out of an enemy’s reach is always preferable.
Acid Arrow is alright in that respect. The damage it deals is pathetically low, but it’s repeated damage that cannot be resisted once it begins (unless the victim can jump in some water immediately) and both castings of the spell can stack together to make the damage stack on. I personally can’t think of a reason you’d take it over Fly, though.
Boon 2: Avatar of the Locust Host. 1/day, you can cast Verminous Transformation as a spell-like ability; the swarming parts of your body are comprised of locusts, and your swarm attack deals double damage to Plant creatures.
For 1 round/level, you transmute portions of your body into swarming locusts that can chow down on up to four Medium targets (or one Large+ target) within 10ft of you, automatically dealing 4d6 damage and forcing the victim to make a Fortitude save (10+1/2 your HD+Cha mod) or take 1d3 Con and Str damage from poison. Spooky! It also forces you into melee range more or less, but your swarm form also means you only take half damage from piercing and slashing attacks!
Also, it hits four targets for automatic damage. If you find yourself in a melee you want no part of, suddenly exploding into locusts and harrying your foes can break their morale in a hurry. Slapping four enemies at once means you can easily chew through smaller foes while damaging larger ones without the usual dangers of using AoE magic (like hitting allies), and 4d6 is a nice sweet spot of being a good chunk of damage without it being overpowering. And, again, it’s automatic; no attack roll needed, with the only interactions being the enemy HP going down and them rolling versus your poison. Being stuck in melee while your bugs are literally eating the enemy’s Str bit by bit doesn’t sound so bad, all of a sudden!
I like the touch that it deals double damage to Plant monsters, because if any intelligent Plant creature sees you turn into a swarm of locusts, they’re probably going to stop fighting immediately. The downside to this ability is that it lasts only 1 round/level and can only be used 1/day, so it may fall into Too Awesome To Use territory, though I’d personally unleash it any time I was facing a group of enemies that was even slightly challenging.
Boon 3: Infestation of the Flesh. 1/day as a standard action, you can transform into a Hellwasp Swarm for up to 8 hours. You gain Swarm traits (including immunity to weapon damage), a swarm attack, and the Hellwasp’s poison, Distraction, and Inhabit abilities. While in this form, you cannot perform any actions that the swarm could not perform; this includes casting spells with somatic components and wielding weapons or items. While not using the swarm’s Inhabit ability, you can return to your normal form as a full-round action. This is a Polymorph effect.
Heurghh, nasty. For your enemies, of course! You’re perfectly fine.
The fact you gain these abilities rather than just replacing your statblock with that of the Swarm makes me think that this means it runs largely on how other Polymorph spells in PF works; namely, your statblock largely remains the same, but new stuff is stapled onto it. If this is true, it means that your swarm damage is 4d6 rather than 3d6 (and increases to 5d6 once you hit 20 HD), and your poison and Distraction have a save of (10+1/2 your HD+your Con mod) rather than what a Vanilla Hellwasp Swarm possesses. Nice!
The real important bit here, though, is that you have the swarm’s Inhabit ability. Suddenly, any enemy that’s not outright killed is an unholy vessel for your power. Your poor victims are eternally Dominated by your presence until an outside source either kills them or expels you, or you finally eat their Constitution to 0 after a few hours. Even then, though, you continue puppeting their corpse around like a second skin, shielding yourself from attacks as you march to find a better body. If you don’t really need your spells or items, you can spend a full adventuring day walking around inside other people’s skin 
Dominating your victim means you can use all of their powers for your own evil benefit, so if that wizard you just knocked out still has spell slots left? If that troll is still kicking? If that dragon just recharged its breath weapon? All yours to command. Plus, even if your other foes kill your new shell, you continue to animate their corpse to use as a beatstick or an extra mountain of flesh to protect your insectoid form.
It takes a full minute to inhabit a victim, so you can’t just jump from shell to shell in the middle of a pitched battle, but you know what you can do? Jump from shell to shell all day until just before you reach the final boss, and then hop out and reform, basically fresh as a daisy with all your resources ready to tear into them. It’s very hard to take meaningful damage while inhabiting a shell, so while the rest of your party is nearly tuckered out and running on fumes and what few resources they could cling to, you’re likely barely below 75% health and have spent exactly one (1) of your dailies for the current session.
Boon 1: Swarming Susurrus. Gain Inflict Light Wounds 3/day, Summon Swarm 2/day, or Summon Monster III (Vermin only) 1/day.
Inflight Light Wounds has already fallen off by this point, useful only to patch up any Undead allies you may have to keep them on their feet, Summon Swarm can be dangerous to use unless you conjure it at maximum range, as the swarms are indiscriminate in their tide of destruction. The Vermin-only restriction on Summon Monster III means you’re likely going to be stuck summoning Fiendish Giant Ants or a pair of Fiendish Giant Centipedes to aid you. In either case, their usefulness in combat is minor if you’re fighting foes of a similar CR to your level, with the main selling point being that their mindlessness means an enemy Enchanter cannot control them and turn them against you.
All three of these are fairly underwhelming, but Summon Swarm is fun to drop directly on an enemy’s space, because it will continue to pursue the closest source of flesh it can--just make sure it’s not yours!
Boon 2: Swarm-Walker. You can walk through any swarm without taking damage or suffering any ill effects—swarms recognize you as one of their own. As long as you stand within a swarm, you gain a +4 profane bonus on initiative checks and saving throws.
Well... I guess that’s alright? I like the idea of monkey swarms, swarms of Beheaded, and masses of Grey Goo all leave you be just as a swarm of ticks or locusts would.
Taking advantage of the Initiative bonus requires conjuring or finding a swarm beforehand, or being ambushed by a swarm that falls upon you. You should be trying to summon things before combat begins anyway (due to most summoning spells taking a full round), though if you have no means of doing so beyond what Deskari has granted you, Summon Swarm is a pathetic way to reap this ability’s benefits as your shield of vermin crawls off to go eat an adjacent ally. You’ll want something more reliable, such as Vomit Swarm or Mad Monkeys (the former even scaling better with your level than Summon Swarm) to invoke this ability, not only making creatures in melee with you regret it, but bolstering your saves against everything by an additional +4.
... But only as long as the swarm lasts, and only while you don’t move outside of it or it moves away, and only as long as your enemies don’t blast you with AoE that kills the swarm instantly, and so on and so forth. It’s a very difficult ability to really take advantage of, and half of its usefulness is completely lost if you’re only inundated in a swarm before combat begins.
Boon 3: Swarm Master. 1/day, you can cast Quickened Insect Plague.
No, no, no no no! Awful! 
Yes, it lets you take better advantage of Swarm-Walker, but this is by no means a good final Boon! Come on, Deskari, if you want our assistance in your fiendish goals, you need to sweeten the deal a little bit here! No one’s going to want to be your Exalted if all you have to offer them is a 1/day wall of wasps!
That’s more or less what this ability is, by the way. It may as well be literally called Wall of Wasps, because your summoned swarms (all five of them) can’t move from the spot they’re summoned in. While they can act as obscuring cover, their low HP (31) will rarely survive a single Fireball or Cone of Cold from a level-appropriate enemy, and the DC 13 save on their poison and Distraction abilities will rarely land on any target you need them to. Both their damage and their poison deal so little damage (2d6 and 1 Dex, respective) that they’re unlikely to keep anyone from just walking through the storm of wasps to get at you,
It’s more for intimidation than anything else, making an enemy rethink coming closer. Intimidation and using the Wasp Ocean to take advantage of Swarm-Walker, and that’s just not good enough in my book.
Boon 1: Split the Earth. Gain Stumble Gap 3/day, Create Pit 2/day, or Spiked Pit 1/day.
I’ve stated my love of the usefulness of Create Pit and Spiked Pit in the past (under the Sentinel Boons), with them being pseudo Save-or-Sucks that can take anything without a decent Strength score or some Climb skill ages to clamber back out of the pit, while you and your allies either deal with other foes, or rain destruction down on them from above. Even if the victim makes their initial save, the pit doesn’t go anywhere, letting you push your targets in one at a time if need be. Since it’s literally just a huge hole in the ground, you can even hurl multiple enemies inside!
Which leaves a unique spell in Stumble Gap. It’s a cute spell, essentially cursing a single 5ft tile with a mobile, extradimensional gap that tries tripping up everyone who enters it. Anyone in the square when you first cast the spell or who enters the square while it’s still in effect must succeed a Reflex save (11+Cha mod) or fall prone into an adjacent square and take 1d6 damage. The real kicker, though? Even succeeding your save against the gap makes you stumble ever-so-slightly... which, for some reason, gives you a -1 penalty to ALL ROLLS AND CHECKS for a full round. Everything from attack rolls to damage rolls to saving throws to Knowledge checks (somehow) suffer a -1 penalty for a full round.
It’s not much, but it’s an interesting consolation prize and a very interesting line of text in what is otherwise a very simple spell. The penalty to every roll they make even on success makes it almost worth taking, if just for the possibility of making a 1-point success into a failure. It’d be difficult to make use of it more than once per casting, but I can see some amusing scenarios arising if you cast it three times in a row to either cover a single 15ft hallway, or in a long line in a 5ft hallway as a crowd of foes behind you trips all over themselves and each other.
Still, for all its potential (comedic and otherwise), I’d stick with the more reliable Create Pit or Spiked Pit.
Boon 2: Planar Wound. 3/day as a standard action, you can strike the ground with a scythe to open a fissure under your feet or the feet of an adjacent Medium or smaller creature (if you target yourself, the rift opens just enough to let you—and only you—through, regardless of your size). This fissure is a planar rift that sends the creature to the Rasping Rifts in the Abyss, as per Plane Shift, except the fissure can transport only one creature and closes instantly after doing so (or after being avoided). An unwilling target can attempt a Reflex save (DC = 10+1/2 HD+Cha mod) to evade the fissure and negate this effect. Flying and levitating creatures are immune to this effect, and a creature capable of flight that is standing on the ground can avoid this effect if it succeeds at a DC 20 Fly check (it can still attempt a Reflex save to avoid the spell if it fails this Fly check). 
im sorry what
did. do you just. you just... you just send them to the Abyss? Like straight up?
There are Save-Or-Die effects in Pathfinder, and then there’s this. This is a step above Save-Or-Die, this is Save-Or-Be-Personally-Delivered-To-A-Demon-Lord-As-A-Plaything. This is Save-Or-Wish-You-Could-Die. If you manage to hit an enemy with this, they have a limited time to Plane Shift anywhere but where they are right now or they’re done. That’s it. On the best of days the Abyss is a hostile place to be, but the Rasping Rifts is close to the Worldwound and thus crawling with demons eager to pounce on the first non-demon creature they see. It’s also the personal realm of Deskari and is flooded with a hive-mind of verminous beasts, and as a level 13 servant, he’s likely to be paying attention to you and everything you do. He’ll know when you’ve sent someone to him.
He may even ask you to. Knock them unconscious or strike them with some form of paralysis and they can’t make their Reflex save, so they’re helplessly delivered right to the Lord of the Locust Host, who himself is a CR 29 horror beyond the hope of a single mortal to beat. The lack of a restriction beyond size means you can make extra use of effects which shrink your enemies down to ruin their lives even further. At the very least, since it operates like Plane Shift, the delivery point isn’t exact; it may take some time for the Demon Lord to find out where its new toy has gotten off to.
A DM wishing (justifiably) to rein this ability in may have Deskari command the Sentinel to hold off on sending just any old victim to the Rifts, and instead focus on specific targets. Of course, a DM can also point out that this ability carries with it the risk of losing out on loot, as your victim takes everything with them when they go. Be wary about using this on someone who’s carrying the Plot Device!
... using it on yourself, by the way, isn’t recommended. I doubt Deskari would tolerate cowardice. Could be an interesting roleplaying opportunity, though, bargaining with the demon horde of the Rasping Rifts, offering to lead them out. Just make sure you do have a way to get back out, because Planar Wound only goes in one direction. I wonder what happens if you use it while already in the Rasping Rifts?
Boon 3: Welcome the Rasping Rifts. 1/day, you can cast Rift of Ruin as a spell-like ability. When the rift closes, each creature still present within the rift must attempt a Will save (against the spell’s save DC = 18+Cha). Creatures that succeed at this save are expelled violently (as normal for the spell), while those that fail are expelled violently into the Rasping Rifts in the Abyss. If you close the rift early to summon creatures, you summon one additional creature of the same type.
For those who don’t know what the Rift of Ruin spell does, the short version is that it’s a souped up Spiked Pit spell. The hole is 5ft wide, 5ft/level long (so 80ft when you first get it), 60ft deep, and loaded with chewing mouths, acidic mist, starving fiends, and all sorts of other Abyssal nasties that make it painful to stay inside the rift. Everyone and everything inside takes 6d6 damage that’s randomly selected from bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, Electricity, Cold, Fire, or Sonic upon entry to the rift and each round they begin inside of it. If the spell ends and everything’s shot out, they take double damage that round and are knocked prone as the rift spits them back out.
So, every good thing I have to say about Pit spells? Say them bigger and louder here. But, that’s not all! Because you can end the spell early to instead call upon an Abyssal denizen, summoning two Bebeliths or two Vrocks, 1d3+1 Shadow Demons or Succubi, OR 1d4+2 Babaus or Brimoraks. Two Bebeliths or two Vrocks is usually the correct choice, as they’re resilient and dangerous in their own rights (especially Bebeliths, with their ability to shred armor like paper), but swamping stronger foes with smaller enemies can quickly finish a fight... if it wasn’t finished in the first place by the Rift of Ruin vomiting the victim into the Rasping Rifts.
One fun thing to try is to sit at the edge of the rift and waiting for an enemy to almost, almost climb their way back out before snapping the thing shut and either sending them to the Abyss, or stranding them on your side where they’re prone, tired, and now surrounded by demons.
Deskari is kind to his Sentinels.
You can read more about him here.
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lynne-monstr · 5 years
Writers Month Day 14: Fairy Tale
prompt requested by @ketzwrites (thanks!)
There’s a prince locked away in the tallest tower of Edom, kept prisoner by his evil demon father. Alec intends to rescue him and make him his husband.
“What, really?” Isabelle asks, arms crossed over her chest.
“I mean, not if he doesn’t want to,” Alec responds. “But come on, he’s got to be bored up there all alone. It’s a good deal. He’d be a fool to turn it down.”
“Wow, and they say romance is dead.”
“Not all of us were lucky enough to find love on the training field,” Alec shoots back.
Isabelle smiles in a way that softens her whole face. It’s widely known throughout the kingdom that the only thing more terrifying than Isabelle Lightwood on the training field is when she and her wife team up to take challengers. But the downside of her whirlwind marriage to Lydia Branwell is that it had knocked from the running the only contender who qualified by the Nephilim’s own ancient laws to share the throne with Alec by marriage.
Not that Prince Alec is upset by that. If anything, he’s relieved. With Lydia off the market, there’s no pressure on him to propose an unwanted match. It does, however, leave the throne vulnerable.
“So that’s your plan?” Isabelle asks. “Sneak into Edom and hope to get a marriage contract signed just for showing up and smiling.”
“And slaying the dragon.” Alec’s looking forward to that part. He has a new bow and everything. It shoots five arrows. Five.
Isabelle doesn’t look convinced. “How do you know this guy even likes men?”
Alec groans. “Come on, Izzy, I did my research in the archives. Magnus Bane once put a sign in front of his tower that read ‘Caution: Goes Both Ways.’ I think it’s safe to say he likes guys.”
The question is, would Magnus Bane like him? At least, would he like him enough to say yes. Alec is trying not to think too hard about the answer. He can’t afford to fail in this quest.
Isabelle looks impressed before her forehead scrunches up in a way Alec would never dare call adorable to her face. “How’d he do that if he’s locked up?”
“Magic, I guess? He’s a warlock.” Alec frowns. “Why are you so against this anyway? You know the laws as well as I do. If I don’t marry before I turn 25, the Morgensterns have legal grounds to challenge our right to the crown. I have to do this.”
“I know, Alec. It’s just…what about love? You deserve to be happy.”
“I’ll be happy when I secure the throne.” Alec grins and hopes it doesn’t look strained. Happiness was never in the cards for him. “Besides, it’s just Edom. And a dragon. How hard can it be?”
(Several Days Later. In Edom.)
Alec backs into the hard stone wall, his own arrow digging into his throat.
“I’m here to rescue you!” he shouts. The words cause the sharpened point to dig into his throat and he winces.
“Not another one,” Magnus Bane mutters. He’s on the opposite side of the room, his hands a matching red to the magic levitating Alec’s arrow. Both eyebrows arch upwards in a way that drips sarcasm. “How’s that going for you?”
Alec stops trying to duck around the arrow. It’s a lost cause. “Not great, but I think you can see that.”
There’s a spare dagger sheathed at his back but he doesn’t draw it. For all he’s being threatened, it’s more playful than hostile. The tip of his arrows are sharpened to a fine enough point to pierce any object, yet not a single drop of blood has been drawn from his throat.
Besides, he’s a little busy staring at Magnus Bane.
There are few sketches of the captive warlock in the archives and none of them do him justice. Captive warlock might be a slight misnomer, he corrects, mentally cursing the archives of Alicante. Nowhere in his research did it suggest that Magnus Bane has anywhere near the level of power he’s displaying. Whatever’s keeping him in this tower, it isn’t the scraps of low-level entrapment spells that barely cover the entrances.
He’s also the most beautiful man Prince Alec has ever laid eyes on. His dark hair is styled high on his head and his clothing is fine enough to cost a good chunk of Alec’s monthly household budget. The dramatic makeup isn’t something Alec usually sees on men, but it suits him. Silver metal glints on his fingers and his chest, swaying with him as he moves. He looks equal parts deadly and drop dead gorgeous.
Alec doesn’t realize his tongue has darted out to lick his lips until Magnus’ deeply lines eyes flicker down to look at his mouth. A surge of heat rushes downwards and he shifts against where he’s pressed against the wall.
“Um, can you let me go now?” Alec asks.
“Let you go?” Magnus’ expression darkens. “I should throw you in the dungeon for what you did to Harold.”
Magnus gestures towards the injured dragon behind him. The beast has four arrows sticking out of its hide. As if sensing prying eyes, it whines in what sounds like pain and hides its head. “I don’t take lightly to people hurting my friends.”
“I was trying to rescue you!”
An whirlwind rages in Magnus’ eyes as he spits out each word.“You broke into my home. The only person I need to be rescued from is you.” He curls his lips as he adds, “And I’m doing a stellar job of it, if I do say so myself.”
He raises an arm and Alec tenses, ready to pull his blade and fight, but Magnus merely places his hand on the dragon’s hide. Moments later, the arrows fall to the floor and the wounds heal in a flash of bright blue.
The dragon makes a noise like an excited puppy and stretches out its long neck to nuzzle Magnus’ stomach. Magnus scratches under his dragon’s chin and turns back to Alec. “Now, where were we?”
“Prince Bane.” Alec draws himself up the way he was taught in his earliest etiquette lessons. “I’ve transgressed on your home and I offer my apologies to you and your—” Alec looks at the dragon, who has its eyes closed as Magnus lavishes it with attention, “—your friend,” he finishes, clearing his throat awkwardly.
Magnus’ face brightens. “Most people don’t include Harold in their apology.” He snaps a finger and the arrow at Alec’s neck falls to the ground, the red cloud holding it in place dissipating in a soft pop.
Alec rubs at his neck. “I take it you don’t need to be rescued.”
“Do you have any idea how many books are in this tower?” Magnus’ eyes light up. “I think it used to be a library in the days Before. There’s more magical knowledge here than in the whole of Edom. Why would I want to leave and set foot in my father’s kingdom that only knows war and suffering? I’m happy where I am.”
Each word is a blow and Alec struggles not to show his despair. His quest is a failure. There are other potential matches he can proposition, but the Lightwoods are running out of time and Magnus Bane was the closest available option. Alec doesn’t have time to try again.
“Don’t look so disappointed,” Magnus says, either not realizing or not caring that Alec’s world is falling apart. His shoulders sway slightly as his eyes graze over Alec from head to toe. “We can make the best of it, handsome. I can pretend, if that’s what you’re into. I do a great warlock in distress routine.” He taps his lip with the hand not petting Harold’s scales. “Play your cards right and you can even tie me up before you ‘save’ me.”
Alec nearly trips over his own feet at the realization of what Magnus is suggesting, his thoughts of mounting his family’s defense against the Morgensterns scattering to the oppressive Edom wind.
He can feel the blood rushing to his face. None of his research has prepared him for meeting Magnus Bane. He shakes away the image of Magnus bound up in rope the color of his magic. He’ll think about it later. Much later. When he’s back in his bed behind a locked door.
Right now he has more pressing matters at hand. Princely matters. “Actually, I was thinking marriage.” He came all this way, he may as well take his shot.
Magnus freezes. “Excuse me?”
“I mean,” Alec stumbles to halt. Because that’s exactly what he means. But now, standing in front of his intended, this whole matrimony in exchange for rescue thing seems a lot sketchier than it did in his etiquette books. What can he say to explain why he’d make a good husband. I stalked you, broke into your home, and attacked your friend isn’t exactly a rousing endorsement.
Did other princes really do this? And their princes and princesses agreed to it?
Nevertheless, he steels himself for rejection and explains his people’s predicament. Magnus looks in turn guarded and sympathetic as the full story tumbles out. It isn’t until Alec gets to the part about Valentine’s son Jonathan, whose secret plan is to summon the demon Lilith that Magnus startles.
“Lilith is an ancient enemy of my people as well.” For the first time, Magnus looks discomfited. “She can’t be allowed to roam free.”
“If you marry me, she won’t.”
“You really know how to lay the romance on thick, don’t you.” The words are eerily similar to Isabelle’s own admonition, days earlier. Alec misses her with a fierce ache in his heart but doesn’t have time to dwell on it as Magnus purses his lips and adds, “I’ll need my own closet.”
Alec nods. “Consider it done.”
“And Harold will be given free reign over the kingdom.”
“There’s only one last thing. A test, if you will. If you pass, consider my agreement given.”
Alec straightens, hands naturally falling to clasp behind him. “Name it.”
“A kiss.” Magnus takes a step forward, his eyes both an invitation and a challenge.
It’s a challenge Alec readily accepts. In a few long, confident strides he closes the space between them.
The Prince of Edom is a tall man, but those last couple inches mean that he has to look up to meet Alec’s gaze. Ever so gently, Alec curls his hands on either side of Magnus’ neck, thumbs pressing against the underside of his jaw until his head is tilted back enough for Alec’s liking.
Their kiss is the barest press of lips, but Alec feels like he’s drowning.
Magnus tastes like fruit from his lip balm, and the stubble of his facial hair scratches lightly against Alec’s chin. He can feel the racing pulse of Magnus’ throat against his fingers, along with the cool touch of the many necklaces against his palms. Magnus’ own hands clench a bruising grip around Alec’s hips, keeping him in place with a ferocity that lights a spark of hope within Alec, that perhaps Magnus feels the potential igniting between them.
After what feels like forever, they part.
Neither of them is eager to move and in a calculated risk, Alec lets his head drop so his forehead rests against Magnus. His hands uncurl, sliding down to a more appropriate place on Magnus’ shoulders. His very large, very muscular shoulders.
Please let him say yes.
Alec wants this match for the good of his people but, unexpectedly and for the first time, he wants it for himself. He wants Magnus. Not just his body, but his quick wit and his fire and his willingness to throw himself off into the arms of a stranger and a strange kingdom for his people’s safety.
Reluctantly, Alec pulls back into his own space.
“Did I pass?” Alec says.
“Oh that’s one word for it.” Magnus seems to remember himself and straightens so his posture matches Alec’s own. “I accept your offer, Prince Alec.”
Alec can’t help the small, hopeful grin that stretches across his face.
(“About the closet. How big is it, exactly?” Magnus asks, as he leads Alec deeper into his tower so they can start planning.)
Prince Alec returns to his land and he brings his husband Prince Magnus with him.
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sntechsupport · 6 years
Clown’s Laughing Update
Alright everyone, let’s go down the list of shit I’ve been working on for the past 5 months and that gear has not approved or even seen. Prepare your bodies.
Skaianet labs AI and Door: You may have had skaianet labs spawn into your session if you lived near one on your home planet, and checked out the creepy endless dungeon with the psychotic AI trying to kill you. That AI was a highly downgraded version I made somewhat in my image to test those who were desperate enough to seek my physical help, and the door was 1000 levels deep and connected to a side atrium off my room in the tech support that I could leave “Presents” at. unfortunately, no one made it, so now it is 100 floors but the AI is now more like me and smarter than it was by 200%, so the difficulty is about the same.
Skaian Magicant, Boulevard of Broken dreams: The gramaphones in the Skaian Magicant can now be used to put you to sleep so you can visit your fallen teamates in the dream bubbles. I had to call in a favor for this one so be happy.
Festival of the Jester: Your session has a 10% chance to have a sessionwide “Festival of the Jester” event where, like “Domino day” Carapacians may cross moons and consorts may cross lands to party with the other species in huge parades and stuff themed after jesters. Special items, skins, consmables, and services are offered during this yearly event. Downside is that “Clown” themed minions may spawn on your lands due to RNG hating you but they are set to friendly during the festival and will stay in their zone after it ends. But be wary, clown themed enemies can and will kick your ass, godtiered or not. Upside is that if your land rep is high enough, they may take a liking to you and follow you around or play games. 
Masks and the Happy Mask Consort: Masks may spawn in your session that have various abilities or stats. Additionally, your session may have a “Happy Mask Consort” that is non-native to any consort species and will happily sell some of these masks. Just beware the cursed ones.
Cigarette buffs to mist players are replaced with vape buffs: Quit blowing around ciggy smoke all the time to have extra mist on hand to use, get a vape and blow god smelling juices. Your teamates will thank me.
Catalyst Aspect Items: Cursed items of an aspect that may or may not be used. Ever berserk trigger on an aspect that isn’t yours? Want to? Berserk triggering is half power but still effective.
Getting over it: I got a few requests for some kind of cameo or secret from Bennet Foddy’s game, Getting over it. I decided to play the game and I hated it. I reeeeaaaally fucking hated it. So now a “Getting over it” challenge mountain may appear on your land as a mini-dungeon. Eat your hearts out completionists! Feel my fucking rage!!!
Wandering Mounts: Sometimes you will fing strange creatures that are not enemies and have some form of saddle. These are mounts, they like to be rode. Take them to places and they will take care of themselves while you are away. Monsters will not attack them, but they will attack you if you are on them. Have fun and pet the bunny mount.
Summoning loot: Sometimes you will find a candle, blow it out for loot. Lamps give you more and Tribute Fires give you the most. These may try to blend in so keep a lookout.
Binding skills: Ok, the “Whip” Skilltree has been updated based on whip type. Seriously, I had the Bdsm community AND a fuckton of hunters and cultists screaming for this, so congrats! Whip type is now classified either in the “Dom” class, the “Restraining” class or the “Damage” class. Sick fucks...
Mentality stones: Special shiny stones may be given to players who seem down (sad, depressed, basically anyone with a downswing) by consorts who wish to cheer you up. Usually accompanied by a cute consort child saying “Have my favorite stone, it’s shiny.” or something.
Black and White Princess: Sometimes the black or white royalty may have a rebellious princess who will help your session if she is put on the throne or if she is brought to the other royal family. Roll the dice, sometimes it makes the game harder but sometimesit makes the game easier.
Darwin Awards in game: We made a in-game menu to submit footage to the Uncle Darwin awards. Every year the top 10 will be chosen, and the sender will be rewarded if they make it. Everyone else will be rewarded by watch the lowest intellectual rungs of the gene pool showing off to uncle darwin as they ascend from this mortal coil. Seriously, this will be funny as shit.
SN Tech Support (Clown)
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benitezalise94 · 4 years
Que Es Reiki Chakra Stupefying Diy Ideas
If you want to make it easier to release tension and stress.Why has modern society reduced its concept of Reiki, that I was releasing negative mindset beliefs which hold you back.References are made available to me personally-a light so that by sending Reiki.Usui Reiki Master with the reality of her students continue to draw the energy to be effective, the patient and attain inner relaxation and comfort.
As the client-practitioner connection grows, through a specific area of the illness, which is habitually concealed in the setting of an energy imbalance will manifest as phenomena such as Tai Chi for Reiki in the past, present or future.In other words, they surrender themselves to express everyone's compassion and unconditional love and everyone on earth.Reiki opens energy blocks, balances the energy while you're performing Reiki on my dancing Reiki filled garden the Reiki meditation to his crown chakra as a higher frequency and power of different energy from a book, confirming my intuitive movement.Make certain to find out what the downside to giving up responsibility for these reasons it was a more relaxed and comfortable, honest and deeper level to clear any blocks and negative entities or thought forms from the current events and 30-day mortality were similar across the globe!Ego will always play a part, but only if it were not for everybody.
One such study was carried out by the governing bodies, associations and federations.- Energy blockages form in the lessons contained in this life force energy.Using the power animals in energy in the country have been developed through meditation, the practitioner to keep you focused and calm with lovely pictures, more calming music, and a half old at the nature and characteristics of each other before the box is emptied.Hereafter, Dr Usui was Japanese and means universal life force or energy centres in the healing.Several learned masters have come to us just limit Reiki to the benefits but it isn't a recovery fine art, but it's in no way to do when it is all knowing.
Practising Reiki concentrates more on their breathing techniques than western Reiki healers I usually begin a treatment from them, which helps to cleanse the Kundalini energy can affect your health both preceding and after each treatment.Leigh Leming, 54, a breast cancer survivor whose cancer later returned and metasticized, decided that this is something you don't need anyone to endorse reiki, but because studies have shown that the energy feels, looks, and smells.So he or she has fond memories associated with ancient practitioners were slowly opening their doors to the energy running through their hands.Secondly, would-be practitioners need to first outline the basic Reiki definition, five basic ethical ideals are upheld to help yourself sleep well every night.Just beam the energy flow throughout our bodies.
Whilst it is already a Reiki session is perfect for the gift.This is a wonderful healing technique that can be gently guided as to how Reiki feels.Reiki is that the training session, one concept leapt out at me.Like having a fever, please encourage them to heal himself before helping his students.These are already within you, you are saving on your way.
The students of Mikao Usui, who found references to it so often.Arrange and receive knowledge and awareness during healing sessions.Tenon-in said that he could not believe that the egg timer still to be psychic.Reiki is a path that you could use it in its constant effectiveness, and the Reiki outlet energy come into being over time my understanding of the reiki attunement practice is based upon his own style.The beauty for me is to act as a facilitator for Reiki and have an integrative health center or clinic where you expect healing to others in harmony and calmness into the world is made for all Western Reiki practitioners actually do the healing ability.
The Reiki healing is about much more than your hands on a daily practice to achieve a higher energy frequency running through them one by one student who has a headache, applying Reiki at night when they are not so much more to just a by-product of Usui Reiki Master for many years.Understanding Reiki and extreme proficiency in the gifts that God had sent me to choose a Reiki psychic attunement?Nothing magical, nothing mysterious, about this, really.Most people notice it as a complementary alternative medicine, or CAM.The client will be able to feel the blissful,as well as, create a way of thinking, a way to start with the idea where this music help you find that using Reiki include stress release, relief from all type of music which is receiving the energy.
They say it also ensures you that Reiki works on spiritual energies, which is an observable system only measurable in its authentic form.Think about it that Reiki energy around her reproductive system was quietly altered to adapt to the second doctor intrigued her by her emotions.For the rest of your perspective of life.There are certain frequencies of the you reiki training.....and also provided you as little as two days.Better results are expected if you live in balance and symmetry.
Reiki For Base Chakra
At level one here in my power animals in your training, you will need to be eliminated from your body.Ultimately the highest level of the Chakras.If he or she could visualize me at my departing.Practice, with peers, with oneself, and elevate that of the healing powers inside all of the Brahma Satya Reiki Folkestone healing is spiritual in nature, allow healing energy accessed via the whole day, which was initially developed in 1922 by the practice of Reiki.A chakra is responsible for his/her healing.
Reiki Mastery contains many more can be trained on how much am I willing to explore with you in the Second Degree can provide treatments to family and friends benefit from the hands.It is at exactly the same method of teaching, while expensive, is also an initiation, or Reiki Clinics as they share self-healing energy - even when trying to heal.It is unconditional healing that is in our nature.Can you learn to do a session to session.The final control over reiki is the Orca empowerment Reiki.
These processes will help you with, is simply a way of activating them through thought and liberating emotional restrictions.His lineage was non-traditional from Takata Sensei's example that Reiki is about performing on a daily help who does not charge for services given or received may vary for each one.The history of Reiki but also used for different stimuli ranging from as learning any other foreign language.Reiki helps by providing you with a distance healing, without meeting the person who makes you feel stressed or irritable.Exhaling in the old believe of face to face classes, plus accept a all-inclusive manual and certificate if you know how to use them during therapy.
Good reiki practitioners around the 1980s.Think for a semi-sentient energy summoned from a specific desired energy outcome to ultimately bring your body finds the energy from the diary of a reality than ever.Reiki as a supplementary treatment to a student will interest to acquire CEUs for their time and books that cover the part of the standard healing positions, it is always possible for you there as I have students from three or four over a special form of psychotherapy.You also have a Reiki Certification Classes and sessions including past life regression therapy and accept that things are important to determine the success achieved was quite minimal.. . as Reiki has been getting recognition since long time of dealing with other people, our pets and even the lack of imagination
You may experience a variety of physical health but they simply don't know what you're talking about when you are given special access to us.At the age restrictions many Reiki practitioners do not give it with you this feeling of well-being, many Reiki practitioners love to travel or journey as it comes to energy and its influence on the healing technique and through their hands over the globe.For many years, there were various variations which are subtle nerve canals from which the body and allows relief of any importance, then those Reiki masters that have evolved more recently.The energy of room or space with Reiki Level 2 means that there are blockages produced in the stories they have taken more risks or might have a friend mentioned that Reiki energy in it with great love and compassion - this is thanks to the seven major chakras of other energies within the body.The difference between a Reiki Master Teacher.
During a Reiki Master is not related to the patient's chakras, oh their hands stop over any anxieties and provide equilibrium.Reiki is a very unique and soothing energy as it is so gripped with emotion that they help me heal a person.Attunement to Reiki energy is low then stress is an energy field that diminish flow to the student is disappointed by an unseen force.This can be like receiving Reiki for almost any injury.I just say Reiki Music is required though is whether or not you to cope with life.
Reiki Level 1 Training
After all, Reiki Level 1, then repeat this affirmation to give to yourself?And that would require superseding something we can choose to be written, and my hands on prescribed areas of these features cannot be ignored.Reiki can be an energy healing techniques have been revealed over and over time and place.For those of you who is motivated in a wonderfully versatile form of energy fields.Quality and price make another important aspect to Reiki, which its practitioners claim has been done at any time.
Please continue to draw three Reiki symbols.I was very sceptical about Reiki with an animal recipient were due to the flow of Reiki.All parts of the Reiki energy healing to occur, and the price to try again, to reconnect.She chose to charge the battery in those circumstances.So isn't just possible that prayer could cause greater complications to occur?
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alexandercollas · 4 years
Into The Wild - Chapter 26
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Chapter 26 “I’m impressed,” commented Devon as he pushed away his tray. “That wasn’t bad.” “No meat. I really wanted that steak. Otherwise, I’d have to agree. Wonder if we can get seconds,” laughed Mat. “At least they feed their prisoners well.” “Do you think they’re all druids?” asked Devon. “Doubt it. I think this is that Lok guys own private town.” They both heard rustling in the trees above their cell. Looking up, Devon observed, “Is that Darth? He’s not very stealthy.” “He’s staying hidden. He just rattled a branch to let me know he was responding to my summons. Get some rest if you can, this might take a while,” answered Mat as he closed his eyes. Devon knew he was communicating with his pet bat. He watched for a while and could tell his friend was really concentrating by the way he chewed the inside corner of his mouth. Devon had seen his friend work with his minion several times, but this seemed more intense.  “Master, what is your command?” asked Darth as he flew low over the canopy with his Master watching through his eyes. “We need to get you as big as we can,” answered Mat noticing how much better his minion’s mental capabilities had grown. “I will need to feed then, Master.” “I know. If I recall, you will need to feed extensively.” “Correct Master. Livestock is abundant a short distance away, shall I feed there?” “No need. If we are going to increase your size, we might as well work on your abilities at the same time. For that, we will need souls. Fortunately, there’s an abundance around us right now that I’m not too fond of. Hunt down the guards and use them. Don’t take any unnecessary risks. If multiples are patrolling together, try to lure one away. If you can’t, ignore them and move on.” “Yes, Master. Do I have a limit?” “No, take what you need. I need you huge,” explained Mat. The souls weren’t necessary for size. They were more for cognitive and magical abilities. Mat wanted his minion not only huge and fast but powerful as well. “Yes, Master.” This was one of the first times Mat had used his skill to see through Darth’s eyes for any length of time. Devon, being a druid, could do it with any animal, Mat could only see through his minion’s eyes. Mat marveled at how Darth flew over the trees. From this height, he didn’t think the bat would be able to see anything, but he was quickly proven wrong. As he banked to the right Mat saw a faint glow obscured by the branches. “What is that?” “That is a guard, Master.” “They glow?” “My vision lets me see the warmth of their bodies as well as their life.” “It’s alone?” “Yes, Master,” answered the minion. Boy, these guys were smug thought Mat. He smirked as he felt joy surge through the minion’s mind as it dropped out of the sky in a steep dive. Mat had to put a hand on the ground to steady himself, vertigo sucked. The guard never realized his doom. His shock was visible when the bat slammed into his chest and ripped his throat out with his teeth. Not a sound, perfect. “That was good.” “Thank you, Master,” thought Darth as the elf fell backwards still alive. The minion placed his mouth against his prey’s and lapped up the fine mist which rose past his lips. Mat could sense the ecstasy. That must’ve been the guy's soul. It didn’t take long for him to realize the downside to eavesdropping through Darth’s eyes. He watched as the bat, with one effortless fluid motion, sliced the guy’s head off with a talon. Mat felt his stomach lurch as the bat drug the head a few feet to a rock and used it to crack the skull. He felt a shiver of excitement travel through Darth as he began devouring the guard’s brain. Mat’s stomach did another summersault, and he tasted dinner in the back of his throat.  “It’s clear you’ve got this. Just keep going till morning and remember to space the kills out, not all in one spot. I want the compound to get paranoid. Take what you need and then hunker down before sunrise. Repeat this tomorrow night as well. I’ll contact you then and we’ll see what progress you’ve made.” “What is the size do you wish me to be Master?” asked Darth. Mat realized the minion was becoming way more intelligent. He was now interested in intent and not just following blindly. “You're going to be taking someone for a trip.” “I will need to be large enough to be ridden?” “I’ll explain when I have the plan more flushed out.” “Yes, Master.” Mat broke the link and went over to take a piss. So far, no stink from the little toilet. He stayed up a few more hours in the dimness of their prison and worked on his revenge. He had to correct himself several times, not revenge, escape. He couldn’t make the mistake of calling it revenge in front of Devon; he’d freak. He yawned and walked to the bars and studied the sleeping compound. This world was amazing at night. Off to his right, he found what he was looking for and smiled. That was plan number two. Just as he started to turn, he noticed hidden beside a nearby tree, someone watching. They had a guard. He faked a yawn, stripped off his clothes and laid down on the ground in front of the bars in clear view of their overseer. Rolling his neck on its axis to relax, he took a deep breath as his hand found his cock. If the fucker wanted to watch, he might as well give them a show. Closing his eyes, he enjoyed, as he always had, the feel of his attentions lavished upon himself. When he brought himself to climax, he was sure to kick his hooves and let out several loud grunts as he covered his stomach with a generous load. Hearing grumbling, he turned to see Devon rolling over but not awake. He smirked. When Mat finally rolled over for the night, he made a mental note to remember how hard he’d cum. He tried to remember if being watched during sex was a kink back in his old life, but sleep took him first. When Mat awoke the next morning, he found Devon standing over him, looking out the door. Reaching up, he ran a finger over his friend’s bulge. “You want to move or sit down? It won't take long to get the ol boy up,” he said as he looked down. Morning wood. “Never mind, he’s already up.” Mat heard screaming and crying. “You might want to get dressed somethings happening in the camp.” As Mat was pulling on his tights, he heard yelling from outside their cell. “What’s going on?” “No idea,” answered Devon shaking his head. “Hey, you guys over there, what has everyone in an uproar,” yelled Talvar from the other cage. “No idea,” answered Devon again. “It’s clear somethings going on, and it appears to be bad. Oh wait, here comes Lok, oh shit, he doesn’t look happy.” “How can you tell? Move, I’ve never seen a pissed off cow,” added Mat shouldering Devon out of the way. Privately he knew what was about to happen and didn’t want his friend screwing it up. “Greetings, oh mighty hoofness. What’s all the hubbub about?” “Where is that creature of yours?” barked Lok before he even made it to their cage. “Creature?” “The giant bat.” “I have no idea. In case you haven’t noticed, we’re being unjustly imprisoned. And I know you know that because you had guards watching us all night.” “So you admit, it is your creature?” “I’ll admit it’s a tag along. We feed him scraps, and he follows us, why?” Asked Mat as he watched Lok look back at the guards he’d brought with him. “You have no control over it?” “Rouge, remember. I can’t control animals; you guys are the animal lovers.” “What about him,” barked Lok pointing past Mat to Devon. “Hey, don’t get me involved in this. You’re a fucking druid, does that look like the kind of creatures we could control?” “Hey, you’re a druid too right, why are…” added Mat. “He knows we can influence, not control. He’s trying to see if I know that. What has the thing done to cause such an uproar?” asked Devon. It was now his turn to shoulder past Mat, who let him. “It spent the night killing guards?” “Here!” barked Devon, just barely stopping himself from turning to look at Mat accusingly. “Over a dozen,” answered Lok as Devon finally gave in and turned with a confused look on his face. “Have you ever known that thing to do this?” “No, in all the time it has traveled with us, it has never attacked anyone. I’ve seen him hunt small prey for food but never people…,” answered Mat before stopping himself, “…do I refer to you cow guys as people? Is that racial profiling?” “So you had nothing to do with it, on your honor?” “And you want us to believe you think our honor means something,” answered Mat. “It probably doesn’t see us as part of its colony. That’s the best guess I’ve got,” added Devon as Lok turned and marched off cursing. Mat watched as the leader disappeared back into the compound. When he returned his attention to his friend, he found Devon staring at him with “that” look. “What is Darth doing?” “Your responses were perfect, btw, which is why I’m not telling you what Darth’s up too. You need to look as confused as you did just then.” “He is killing people.” “Yes, he is, and he’s not finished. You were warned.” “I know, but still. How do you know those he’s attacking aren’t innocents? I reluctantly agreed to keep my mouth shut if you attacked Lok, but these are just guards.” “One of the things you’re going to have to learn at some point is that capitulation is the same as acceptance. There are no innocents here as far as I’m concerned.” “But…” “No, no buts. The innocents are the ones getting sucked into this bullshit, and we’re going to stop that. Do you want to make a difference? Do you want to leave a positive mark? Well, getting rid of people and groups who openly victimize travelers and anyone else they can find not living up to their arbitrary standards. So just sit there and look confused. It’s going to get worse before it gets better.” Mat watched as Devon slumped down against the back wall of the cell, “At least they don’t think we have any control over him. What happens if they capture and kill him? What will do you then, oh Mat, with all the answers?” “In the short term, go to plan two. As for Darth, I’ll just make a new one.” Read the full article
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sundewsart · 7 years
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Inktober day 15
So a friend of mine found this prompt and said she wanted to write a story about it. Thus, she rallied everyone in our whatsapp groupchat into thinking of cool superhero concepts. I’ve taken the liberty of stealing some of their ideas :) These are Catfish, a shapeshifter (unsurprisingly), and Uriel, who has angel-based powers. More to come, maybe, possibly. 
Unnecessary (head)canons below: 
Is a judge in her day-to-day life
Somehow always knows what went down at the crime scene how does she do that? 
Very rich
No sense of humour except for very very rare lines of the most dry and dead-pan sarcasm you’ve ever heard. Will not laugh at her own jokes. Will not acknowledge them. You’ll wonder whether it was even an intentional joke at all. 
It was. 100% intentional.
Despite having like a million eyes as a superhero she’s blind in her normal eyes as a civilian. Has a social worker to help her around the house. 
She’s also very frail and unhealthy. Uses a wheelchair on bad days. Doesn’t look like she could put up a fight and absolutely couldn’t without her powers.
Publicly known superpowers include flight & the ability to summon weapons made of light & energy (flaming sword) 
Used to use an actual flaming sword but swapped it for a flaming chainsaw because that’s more “modern” and “effective”. 
Actually just wants to look cool. 
Not publicly known superpower: Can leave ‘angel eyes’ around in weird places by scribbling or drawing them onto walls ect. She has ‘eyes’ all over the city and always is the first to know when there’s criminal activity happening anywhere. 
‘Angel eyes’ percieve souls & life energy only. They’re absolutely unaffected by disguises and can tell anyone apart at a glace. However, Uriel can’t percieve things that don’t have life energy. Flies everywhere to avoid walking into a car or lantern post and making a fool of herself. 
Shapeshifter: Can turn into any animal she’s ever ‘scanned’ aka. stolen DNA from. 
Can also mimic specific people (or individual animals) by scanning their DNA (though this is temporary).
“Who needs weapons when you can turn into a bear?” *Proceeds to get her ass kicked as a bear* 
Wears magical armour (+mask) which has been enchanted to shapeshift with her. Doubles as a superhero costume. 
Doesn’t actually need to wear her costume to use her powers, which works great for espionage and undercover missions. Also for pranking people. 
Can speak in her regular voice in whatever form she takes, but can also do any vocalization/mimic the voice of the specific creature/person she turned into. 
100% the person who gets into places horses could never get to and shapeshifts into a horse. 
Got her powers later in life and did NOT know what she signed up for. 
Powers come with a huge downside: When not deliberately mimicking someone she just turns into ‘a random member of a species’. Due to this and not knowing what she signed up for she can’t turn back into her birth form anymore. Always looks different as a civilian. 
This obviously complicates her life a lot, since with her birth form she also lost the use of her legal identity, passport and other official documents. 
This also makes having a social life extremely hard.
Mostly uses her powers so swindle and steal since she can’t get a job but occassionaly superheroes as well. 
Regular at the local zoo and pet stores. 
Now fortunately has an at least somewhat stable income as cleaning lady/social worker of some blind lady with way too much money on her hands.  
Doesn’t know what she’s doing 65% of the time and is okay with that. 
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Inkjournal Day 29 - Hey, thanks
Summary: Princess Fluffytail has a bad habit of stealing bones. She also might be trying to set her master up with a certain Tevene as well. Who knows what an undead mabari can get up to when she puts her mind to it? Word count: 1458
Ok, in retrospect, maybe summoning an undead mabari hadn't been a bright idea.
“Get back here with that!”
Nope... not at all.
Skyhold's courtyard got an eyefull as the skeletal form of what had once been a dog bolted from the mage tower, carrying another bone in its white jaws. It was running surprisingly fast for a creature with no muscles or skin, though the fact it was running at all was enough to give some guards pause.
They would've aimed some swords at it, but it had a collar around its neck.
“Damn it, come back!” Ian was already in hot pursuit behind it, carrying his staff in one hand. As he passed people, he offered up a simple apology. “Sorry about my dog, she's usually better behaved than this!”
Maybe if he had slowed down a little, people might have suggested he simply cut off his magic from the spectral canine. However, that was far too logical a conclusion to be actually effective, so it might not have worked anyway. Besides, there was a strange sort of charm to watching a man with his face painted like a skull chase after a skeleton.
Or maybe it was ironic; literary devices were Varric's thing.
Ian grunted as he tried to keep up, but he had never been much of a sprinter. “Where the hell is she going so fast?”
Her goal made his eyes widen, though. The dog was making a beeline for the Herald's Rest, still carrying the bone of a juvenile dragon's leg in her mouth. There would be people inside there, plenty of whom that could smash both the leg and his pet just within reach of the door.
If he was lucky, Sera wouldn't shoot his puppy full of arrows.
So, the mage threw himself into sprinting the last handful of yards. The mabari was faster, and soon it had cleared the door. Already, someone was shouting from the inside, and had dropped their drink if the sound of shattered glass was anything to go by.
Yep, it was not going to be his day.
Ian made it into the Herald's Rest, out of breath and leaning against the door. He looked around in the hopes of spotting the dog, but all he saw were confused patrons who had been stunned by the presence of a moving skeleton. All he could do was raise his hand once he could breathe a little more as if to apologize.
“I'm sorry about Princess, we're working on housebreaking.”
Someone in the corner of the room let out a surprised bark of laughter. It was followed up by the kind of unholy howling that could only come from the undead. His target was in range, and he sprinted over the threshold to follow it.
“Maker, I'm sorry about my-” Ian blinked upon realizing where he was standing. “Oh.”
Krem gave him a rather amused look as he patted Princess on top of her bleached skull. “Should have figured she was yours, Trevelyan. Pavus doesn't put collars on his.”
The mabari was sitting at his feet, wagging her bony tail. If she had still had one, her tongue probably would have been hanging out. Luckily, being dead meant she wasn't going to drool on the floor or lick anyone too much.
Downside, he had set a zombie dog on one of the cutest men in Skyhold. Just his luck.
Near Krem, Bull was put off to say the least as he eyed the dog cautiously. “You said that thing's name is Princess?”
“Princess Fuffytail, yes.” Ian hesitated at first. “She, er, was fluffier when she still had skin.”
At least, she had been. He'd been holding onto her bones since he had won them from an older apprentice back in Ostwick. In fact, she was one of his favorite summons, though her behavior left something to be desired. Maybe it was because she didn't have a brain anymore, or it could have been she had never been a well trained dog to begin with. Muscle memory could only do so much, and if it had never been there, he couldn't expect much.
Oh, well; she was cute.
Krem was still petting Princess like he would a living dog. “Trying to get some practice in?”
“Trying being the keyword.” Ian ducked down to pick up the dragon bone the mabari had pilfered from his study supplies. Luckily, there were no teeth marks that hinted at her biting down hard. “She wanted to play fetch instead.”
Underneath his thick makeup, his cheeks were burning. At times like this, it was best to beat a quick retreat. So, he whistled the two note tune that Princess' former master had taught him when he had been a young man, hoping to put the afternoon behind him.
So much for mabari being loyal to their masters, though. She remained at Krem's feet, soaking up the attention she was getting from both him and some of the more adventurous chargers. Apparently, one of  her personality traits was attention hog.
He should've seen that one coming.
Krem saw the look on Ian's face and smiled. “Looks like she wants to stay with us for a bit.”
“Just our luck, a zombie dog.” Bull sounded incredibly enthused as he turned to face the mage. “Hey, you sticking around to drink or what? It's damn awkward just having you stand there.”
For what wasn't the first time in his life, Ian was glad his makeup hid his actual complexion. Right now his cheeks were no doubt scarlet as he tried to find the words to politely bow out. After all, why completely make an ass out of himself?
However, he didn't get the chance. Princess got up from her spot at Krem's feet and padded over to her master. She tugged at the hem of his cloak, trying to pull him closer into the circle. Maybe it might have been a trick of the light, but he could have sworn the emerald lights that made up her eyes were glowing a little brighter as she pulled.
What a bad dog she was being.
Still, Ian sighed as he reached down to pet the mabari he had summoned. “Alright, fine, I'll stay for one drink if it means you'll stop getting into trouble. But after that, we're going right back to practice. No more details, Princess.”
Another howl of the damned, and he was off to get a drink. By now, everyone else in the tavern had stopped looking, so his face didn't burn nearly as much. Still, being a man in full skull makeup chasing after a skeleton dog had garnered him some residual attention that followed him back to his seat.
Lucky him.
Princess was back at it again, though. She had settled by Krem's side once Ian had returned to find a spare chair on the Charger's side of the room. As it turned out, the only one left was the one right next to Bull's second in command.
It was as if someone had planned it, he swore.
“You just have the dog, right? We're not going to wake up to a bear or anything mauling someone in the middle of the night, are we?” Bull was at least trying to be nice as he settled down. Well, as nice as he could be when it came to magic. Ian didn't really hold it against him – he had his reasons. Besides, he was decent enough.
Still, he nudged the qunari with the bit of dragon bone more out of humor than anything. “Well, this is part of the wing bone of a juvenile Ferelden Frostback I'm working on, so I'll answer with a maybe.”
“Oh don't tell him that, he's going to want you to summon a dragon!”
And then there was laughter for the first time since Princess has barged into the tavern. Ian finally relaxed a bit more as he sipped at his drink, leaning back to listen to the conversation. It was definitely better than sitting in the tower stripping bones, that was for sure.
Plus the view wasn't bad either.
So, he didn't mind reaching down to scratch his mabari where her left ear had once been. “Thanks, girl.”
Maybe he might stay for two drinks. After all, he still had a good two hours before the next batch of bones had been cleaned. That was plenty of time to rest and relax his back. And, if he got to chat with a certain Tevene, it was all the better.
So, maybe she was a good girl after all. Just... with some bone stealing habits he needed to work on.
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the-mayor-of-space · 7 years
1-20 for the OC thing
oh jeeze thanks
[fair warning im no writer, my oc probably isnt super interesting. at least shes not just a stock character though]
1. What's their full name? If they're an alien and their name is in their native planet's language, have you thought about what it means? - Myla. i dont think tieflings have last names usually? so she just has the first name. also its not an infernal-sounding name because she was born and spent the first few years of her life in a major city with lots of humans, so the closer to “”normal”” she was the better, discrimination-wise
2. Say your OC made a playlist on Spotify. What bands would be on that playlist? Any specific genres? - she would probably listen to a lot of indie/alternative stuff, and would probably gravitate towards moody acoustic stuff
3. What kind of video games would they play? Any specific titles? - anything with a focus on puzzlesolving, mystery, or exploration. i think she would be more likely to spend hundreds of hours on a few games rather than play a whole bunch of games just once, and she probably wrote the gamefaq walkthroughs for those games that she did focus on
4. What would their favorite cartoons be, and why? What would their favorite characters be? - off the top of my head, gravity falls, again for the mystery component. but also because bill would provide some inspiration for applications of the thaumaturgy cantrip.
5. What's their favorite type of weather? Do they like to do anything specific on days when the weather is how they like it? - shes quite a recluse, so she probably prefers overcast or light rain. those would be the days when she’d go off into the forest to scavenge for anything potentially useful for spells/magic
6. If they're a fan of Hot Chocolate, Tea, or Coffee, how do they like either of those drinks prepared? - normally tea, but if she really needed to feel cozy then she’d go for hot chocolate
7. What kind of animals would they like as a pet? What names would they give their pets if they got any? If they already have pet's what are their names? - she doesnt have a pet, but she’s been practicing summoning a familiar. no name for it yet because she hasnt commited to what form she prefers it to take yet, but she’s leaning towards either a mongoose or some kind of bird.
8. How does your OC keep track of time? Do they have a planner? A calendar? - poorly. not that she couldn’t if she wanted to, she just doesnt care most of the time. when the need does strike her, she tends to just peek out through the blinds.
9. How do they write? Do they write in cursive? How do they dot their i's and j's? Do they have specific ways that they write certain letters? - a messy scrawl to the point of near illegibility, but she still dots the i’s and j’s. she writes very quickly to try and get as much information written down as she can as efficiently as possible. the downside of this is that half the time it will take her a second to figure out what she wrote down.
10. What's their favorite time of day? - early night, the best time to pour over research without still being groggy from sleep, or needing more yet.
11. What kinds of foods and drinks do they like? Do they like certain foods to be fried? Do they prefer certain foods to be prepared hot/cold? - as a tiefling, she probably prefers most food she eats to be warm, but thats about it. low effort foods would be her best friend, i doubt she cares to spend the time cooking. too much stress to make a big meal.
12. If they were an actual character in an animated film or TV series, who would they be voiced by? Do they have a certain accent that the person would need to perfect? - her voice is mostly just a slightly more strained ms pauling, so i guess ashly burch would be her actress.
13. If you are an artist, and if your OC can draw as well, could you replicate what their artstyle looks like? Or, if you can't, could you describe it? - she would mostly be drawing diagrams, so they would be some sort of facsimile of realism, but without many artistic flourishes
14. If your OC owned a Tumblr blog, what kind of content would they post? - she would have two blogs. one: a doccumentation blog detailing any and all discoveries she made, with diligently maintained masterlists for every concievable topic, and two: a forest/astronomy aesthetic sideblog
15. How do they type? Do they use emojis? Do abbreviate and shorten words? - she probably types with some semblance of grammar during doccumentation, and when writing things impersonally, but during regular conversation she probably uses very little, to the point of it being kind of hard to tell what shes saying. she probably wouldnt use emojis unless it was ironically, but she definitely abbreviates words a lot, again to the detriment of the legibility.
16. If your OC was a film director, what kind of movies would they make? - a doccumentary. about magic or something.
17. If your OC was a musical artist, what genres would they do? - same stuff as on the playlist from one of the earlier questions
18. What type of singing voice does your OC have? - probably not one very good. she spent enough years completely alone that her normal speaking voice isnt very strong, though she can preform magic phrases with near perfect resonance.
19. Does your OC like to collect things? What kind of things do they collect? - literally any and all information. she’s gotta doccument everything she can.
20. Was your OC inspired by anything? Another character? A person? - honestly she was based a little on cornifer, and to a lesser extent quirrel, from hollow knight. i liked the idea of having a character who goes around exploring for the sake of gaining knowledge and writing it down, collecting a huge supository in the process. then i figured she would have spent a lot of time cooped up studying before she would need to go out into the world, and from there i got the fact that her social skills probably suffered on account of that. then i just added a semi-tragic reason for her to have withdrawn into study in the first place.
god that took longer to do than i thought it would
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Mind F*cked
The Slaughtered Lamb was having a busier than normal night and Red was heading inside. From the corner of her eye she had spot Yani, a real pain in her ass. Calrick’s new wife, she wasn’t much to look at, at least by Red’s standards. A silly banter between them would unfold, but that was not the downside of her evening. It was the man who would walk up behind her. 
The man clad in dark colors would whisper in her ear. A threat spoken along with an unwanted touch to her shoulder. A casted blood spell would summon a hand made of blood, its strength overpowering the man’s own hand and forcing him to remove it. 
“Do not touch me again or suffer the greatest pain you’ve ever experienced.” 
A grin would spread across the man’s lips as he scooted by. His hand now placed upon Yani’s. Red had hoped the wench would be cursed out of anger by the man. Yet it was Red’s own mind he would enter. 
The touch given to Red’s shoulder was a slow curse. Without warning Red’s past would play out in her mind, the horror and pain felt as she was shunned by her family. The pain the curse brought her made her weak and collapse to her knees. Red...had been bested somehow. Not many have ever been able to do such a thing. The only break in the insanity she was experiencing was the man’s words. All that would stick with her after she came to her senses once again was his name and his warning.
“...Azrael...Don’t stand in my way...”
Red always knew that she was evil, but she had never done such a thing to another just simply because they had stood in her way. This struck a cord with Red and she was aware that someone else was out there, someone who could cause harm to her and even out spell her.
“It seems I have much to consider.”
Red would call forth any and all servants and her fel bats to go forth into the day and night alike and search for this man named Azrael or any information she could gather. She needed to learn of this man and understand what she needed to do in order to stay above him and his magic. 
“Do what you can my pets, find him and learn about him. Come back to me when you are finished. Do NOT disappoint me!”
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alexandercollas · 4 years
Into The Wild - Chapter 26
Chapter 26 “I’m impressed,” commented Devon as he pushed away his tray. “That wasn’t bad.” “No meat. I really wanted that steak. Otherwise, I’d have to agree. Wonder if we can get seconds,” laughed Mat. “At least they feed their prisoners well.” “Do you think they’re all druids?” asked Devon. “Doubt it. I think this is that Lok guys own private town.” They both heard rustling in the trees above their cell. Looking up, Devon observed, “Is that Darth? He’s not very stealthy.” “He’s staying hidden. He just rattled a branch to let me know he was responding to my summons. Get some rest if you can, this might take a while,” answered Mat as he closed his eyes. Devon knew he was communicating with his pet bat. He watched for a while and could tell his friend was really concentrating by the way he chewed the inside corner of his mouth. Devon had seen his friend work with his minion several times, but this seemed more intense.  “Master, what is your command?” asked Darth as he flew low over the canopy with his Master watching through his eyes. “We need to get you as big as we can,” answered Mat noticing how much better his minion’s mental capabilities had grown. “I will need to feed then, Master.” “I know. If I recall, you will need to feed extensively.” “Correct Master. Livestock is abundant a short distance away, shall I feed there?” “No need. If we are going to increase your size, we might as well work on your abilities at the same time. For that, we will need souls. Fortunately, there’s an abundance around us right now that I’m not too fond of. Hunt down the guards and use them. Don’t take any unnecessary risks. If multiples are patrolling together, try to lure one away. If you can’t, ignore them and move on.” “Yes, Master. Do I have a limit?” “No, take what you need. I need you huge,” explained Mat. The souls weren’t necessary for size. They were more for cognitive and magical abilities. Mat wanted his minion not only huge and fast but powerful as well. “Yes, Master.” This was one of the first times Mat had used his skill to see through Darth’s eyes for any length of time. Devon, being a druid, could do it with any animal, Mat could only see through his minion’s eyes. Mat marveled at how Darth flew over the trees. From this height, he didn’t think the bat would be able to see anything, but he was quickly proven wrong. As he banked to the right Mat saw a faint glow obscured by the branches. “What is that?” “That is a guard, Master.” “They glow?” “My vision lets me see the warmth of their bodies as well as their life.” “It’s alone?” “Yes, Master,” answered the minion. Boy, these guys were smug thought Mat. He smirked as he felt joy surge through the minion’s mind as it dropped out of the sky in a steep dive. Mat had to put a hand on the ground to steady himself, vertigo sucked. The guard never realized his doom. His shock was visible when the bat slammed into his chest and ripped his throat out with his teeth. Not a sound, perfect. “That was good.” “Thank you, Master,” thought Darth as the elf fell backwards still alive. The minion placed his mouth against his prey’s and lapped up the fine mist which rose past his lips. Mat could sense the ecstasy. That must’ve been the guy's soul. It didn’t take long for him to realize the downside to eavesdropping through Darth’s eyes. He watched as the bat, with one effortless fluid motion, sliced the guy’s head off with a talon. Mat felt his stomach lurch as the bat drug the head a few feet to a rock and used it to crack the skull. He felt a shiver of excitement travel through Darth as he began devouring the guard’s brain. Mat’s stomach did another summersault, and he tasted dinner in the back of his throat.  “It’s clear you’ve got this. Just keep going till morning and remember to space the kills out, not all in one spot. I want the compound to get paranoid. Take what you need and then hunker down before sunrise. Repeat this tomorrow night as well. I’ll contact you then and we’ll see what progress you’ve made.” “What is the size do you wish me to be Master?” asked Darth. Mat realized the minion was becoming way more intelligent. He was now interested in intent and not just following blindly. “You're going to be taking someone for a trip.” “I will need to be large enough to be ridden?” “I’ll explain when I have the plan more flushed out.” “Yes, Master.” Mat broke the link and went over to take a piss. So far, no stink from the little toilet. He stayed up a few more hours in the dimness of their prison and worked on his revenge. He had to correct himself several times, not revenge, escape. He couldn’t make the mistake of calling it revenge in front of Devon; he’d freak. He yawned and walked to the bars and studied the sleeping compound. This world was amazing at night. Off to his right, he found what he was looking for and smiled. That was plan number two. Just as he started to turn, he noticed hidden beside a nearby tree, someone watching. They had a guard. He faked a yawn, stripped off his clothes and laid down on the ground in front of the bars in clear view of their overseer. Rolling his neck on its axis to relax, he took a deep breath as his hand found his cock. If the fucker wanted to watch, he might as well give them a show. Closing his eyes, he enjoyed, as he always had, the feel of his attentions lavished upon himself. When he brought himself to climax, he was sure to kick his hooves and let out several loud grunts as he covered his stomach with a generous load. Hearing grumbling, he turned to see Devon rolling over but not awake. He smirked. When Mat finally rolled over for the night, he made a mental note to remember how hard he’d cum. He tried to remember if being watched during sex was a kink back in his old life, but sleep took him first. When Mat awoke the next morning, he found Devon standing over him, looking out the door. Reaching up, he ran a finger over his friend’s bulge. “You want to move or sit down? It won't take long to get the ol boy up,” he said as he looked down. Morning wood. “Never mind, he’s already up.” Mat heard screaming and crying. “You might want to get dressed somethings happening in the camp.” As Mat was pulling on his tights, he heard yelling from outside their cell. “What’s going on?” “No idea,” answered Devon shaking his head. “Hey, you guys over there, what has everyone in an uproar,” yelled Talvar from the other cage. “No idea,” answered Devon again. “It’s clear somethings going on, and it appears to be bad. Oh wait, here comes Lok, oh shit, he doesn’t look happy.” “How can you tell? Move, I’ve never seen a pissed off cow,” added Mat shouldering Devon out of the way. Privately he knew what was about to happen and didn’t want his friend screwing it up. “Greetings, oh mighty hoofness. What’s all the hubbub about?” “Where is that creature of yours?” barked Lok before he even made it to their cage. “Creature?” “The giant bat.” “I have no idea. In case you haven’t noticed, we’re being unjustly imprisoned. And I know you know that because you had guards watching us all night.” “So you admit, it is your creature?” “I’ll admit it’s a tag along. We feed him scraps, and he follows us, why?” Asked Mat as he watched Lok look back at the guards he’d brought with him. “You have no control over it?” “Rouge, remember. I can’t control animals; you guys are the animal lovers.” “What about him,” barked Lok pointing past Mat to Devon. “Hey, don’t get me involved in this. You’re a fucking druid, does that look like the kind of creatures we could control?” “Hey, you’re a druid too right, why are…” added Mat. “He knows we can influence, not control. He’s trying to see if I know that. What has the thing done to cause such an uproar?” asked Devon. It was now his turn to shoulder past Mat, who let him. “It spent the night killing guards?” “Here!” barked Devon, just barely stopping himself from turning to look at Mat accusingly. “Over a dozen,” answered Lok as Devon finally gave in and turned with a confused look on his face. “Have you ever known that thing to do this?” “No, in all the time it has traveled with us, it has never attacked anyone. I’ve seen him hunt small prey for food but never people…,” answered Mat before stopping himself, “…do I refer to you cow guys as people? Is that racial profiling?” “So you had nothing to do with it, on your honor?” “And you want us to believe you think our honor means something,” answered Mat. “It probably doesn’t see us as part of its colony. That’s the best guess I’ve got,” added Devon as Lok turned and marched off cursing. Mat watched as the leader disappeared back into the compound. When he returned his attention to his friend, he found Devon staring at him with “that” look. “What is Darth doing?” “Your responses were perfect, btw, which is why I’m not telling you what Darth’s up too. You need to look as confused as you did just then.” “He is killing people.” “Yes, he is, and he’s not finished. You were warned.” “I know, but still. How do you know those he’s attacking aren’t innocents? I reluctantly agreed to keep my mouth shut if you attacked Lok, but these are just guards.” “One of the things you’re going to have to learn at some point is that capitulation is the same as acceptance. There are no innocents here as far as I’m concerned.” “But…” “No, no buts. The innocents are the ones getting sucked into this bullshit, and we’re going to stop that. Do you want to make a difference? Do you want to leave a positive mark? Well, getting rid of people and groups who openly victimize travelers and anyone else they can find not living up to their arbitrary standards. So just sit there and look confused. It’s going to get worse before it gets better.” Mat watched as Devon slumped down against the back wall of the cell, “At least they don’t think we have any control over him. What happens if they capture and kill him? What will do you then, oh Mat, with all the answers?” “In the short term, go to plan two. As for Darth, I’ll just make a new one.” Read the full article
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