#The future of influencer marketing
Beyond Sponsored Posts: How Influencer Marketing Will Evolve in 2023
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In recent years, influencer marketing has become one of the most popular – and effective – marketing tools. Companies of all sizes are turning to influencers to help them promote their products and services.
However, influencer marketing is constantly evolving, and companies must stay up-to-date on the latest trends if they want to continue to be successful. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the ways in which influencer marketing will evolve in 2023.
What Is Influencer Marketing?
Before discussing how influencer marketing will evolve, we must take a moment to consider what it actually is. Influencer marketing is the practice of leveraging influential people to help your company promote its products and services. These “influencers” are people who have amassed large followings of people on social media platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter.
These influencers have the potential to reach a large number of people, giving them the potential to have a major impact on the success or failure of a product or service. Companies can partner with influencers to create sponsored posts, videos, and other content in which the influencer promotes the company’s product or service. This content can then be shared with the influencer’s followers to reach a larger audience than the company could have without the influencer’s help.
Why is influencer marketing important?
Influencer marketing is a powerful tool that can help organizations increase their reach and visibility in ways traditional advertising can’t. Because influencers have built up a dedicated audience of followers who trust them and their recommendations, their endorsements have the potential to drive more sales and leads for companies.
Also, companies can secure high-quality content from these influencers that can be shared with their followers, making influencer marketing a cost-effective option for amplifying their marketing efforts. Furthermore, it allows companies to target specific audiences and tailor their message to different audiences with the help of different influencers.
Finally, through influencer marketing, brands can also increase engagement on their social media channels and build relationships with influential figures who can then become advocates for the brand.
What are the challenges of influencer marketing?
While influencer marketing appears to be the best way to reach potential customers and create brand awareness, it does come with a few challenges. The first one being that influencers may not always represent a brand in the best light. This is because influencers post content based on what they find entertaining and engaging and sometimes that is not in line with what the brand wants to convey. Therefore, companies should closely monitor the activities of the influencers and make sure that the content they are posting reflects the brand’s message.
The other challenge is the cost associated with influencer marketing. Finding the perfect influencer for your brand can be a time-consuming and costly process. Companies need to do their research and select an influencer that is the right fit for their brand and its message. Moreover, companies should also consider the cost of paying influencers, as some of them charge quite a lot for promoting your products.
Read More: https://ennobletechnologies.com/social-media/beyond-sponsored-posts-how-influencer-marketing-will-evolve-in-2023/
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theramenphase · 1 year
Question: How do I get started with affiliate marketing? Answer: Here are a few simple steps to get you started: 1. Decide what types of products or services you'd like to promote. 2. Set up a website, blog, or social media account where you can share your reviews or thoughts about those products or services and where you can include an affiliate link. 3. Sign up for those relevant affiliate programs and get approval if necessary. 4. Start creating content! As you write, produce videos, share photos, etc, you'll include your affiliate links. People who are interested in purchasing that product or service can click on the link, and you earn a commission! *Be sure to include any appropriate or necessary disclaimers, stating that your link earns you a commission. -> Best of luck!
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technewsbite · 1 year
Everything You Need to Know About NFT Influencer Marketing in Singapore
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Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have become increasingly popular in the digital world. With their unique attributes, NFTs have created a new form of digital ownership, allowing businesses to monetize their digital assets. In Singapore, NFTs have become a hot topic in the world of influencer marketing. As more and more businesses look to leverage NFTs to promote their brands, it is important for them to understand the basics of NFT influencer marketing.
In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the basics of NFTs and how businesses in Singapore can use them to promote their brands through influencer marketing.
What are NFTs?
NFTs are digital tokens that represent ownership of a unique digital asset. Unlike traditional cryptocurrencies, each NFT is unique and cannot be exchanged for another NFT of equal value. NFTs are stored on a blockchain, making them transparent and secure.
NFTs have become popular in the art world, where they are used to represent digital art and other digital assets. They have also been used in the music industry, where artists can sell NFTs representing their music.
How can NFTs be used in influencer marketing?
NFTs can be used in influencer marketing in a number of ways. One of the most common ways is through the creation of branded NFTs. These NFTs can represent a brand's products, services, or even their logo. By creating branded NFTs, businesses can create a new form of digital ownership and incentivize their customers to engage with their brand.
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Another way that NFTs can be used in influencer marketing is through collaborations with influencers. By working with influencers to create NFTs, businesses can tap into the influencer's audience and promote their brand to a wider audience.
One example of NFT influencer marketing in Singapore is the recent collaboration between influencer Xiaxue and digital art marketplace OpenSea. Xiaxue created a series of NFTs representing her digital art, which were then sold on OpenSea. The collaboration was a success, with Xiaxue's NFTs selling out within minutes of their release.
How can businesses in Singapore get started with NFT influencer marketing?
To get started with NFT influencer marketing, businesses in Singapore should first familiarize themselves with the basics of NFTs. They should understand how NFTs work, how they are created, and how they can be used to promote their brand.
Once businesses have a basic understanding of NFTs, they can begin to explore potential collaborations with influencers. They should look for influencers who have a strong following in their target audience and who have experience creating NFTs.
When collaborating with influencers, businesses should be clear about their goals and objectives. They should communicate their brand values and ensure that the influencer's content aligns with their brand.
Businesses should also be prepared to invest in the creation of NFTs. Creating NFTs can be expensive, so businesses should be prepared to budget accordingly.
NFTs have opened up a whole new world of digital ownership that businesses can use to promote their brands through influencer marketing in Singapore. By creating branded NFTs and collaborating with influencers who have a strong following in their target audience, businesses can harness the power of NFTs to expand their reach and engage with their customers in a new and innovative way. However, it is crucial for businesses to understand the fundamentals of NFTs and to carefully select their influencers to ensure the success of their NFT Influencer Marketing campaigns in Singapore. With the right strategy and approach, NFTs can be a powerful tool for businesses in Singapore to stay ahead of the competition and leave a lasting impression on their audience.
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intelisync · 2 months
Why Startups Should Embrace Crypto KOL Marketing Today
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Picture your startup’s crypto project gaining immense visibility and credibility in just weeks. This is the power of leveraging Crypto KOL marketing.
Crypto KOL marketing harnesses the influence of Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) within the cryptocurrency sector to promote startups. These KOLs, known for their expertise and influence, can significantly impact market sentiment and drive user engagement. Startups benefit from targeted reach, enhanced credibility, and increased visibility. For instance, Intelisync’s clients have experienced a 45% faster growth rate in user acquisition through effective KOL marketing strategies.
Successful KOL marketing involves several steps: identifying relevant KOLs, building strong relationships, and creating collaborative campaigns. Startups should define clear objectives, track performance metrics, and use feedback for continuous improvement. Despite challenges like finding genuine KOLs and managing expectations, integrating KOL marketing with broader strategies ensures a cohesive marketing approach. Compliance with regulations is also essential to maintain credibility and avoid potential issues.
As the crypto industry evolves, the significance of KOLs will increase. Future trends will focus on authenticity, transparency, and the integration of advanced technologies for precise targeting. Intelisync’s comprehensive services in web3 marketing and blockchain development position startups for success in this dynamic environment. Partner with Intelisync to harness the full potential of KOL marketing and achieve your business goals. Reach out now for Learn more...
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how-and-all · 3 months
The Power of AI in Social Media.
Artificial Intelligence encompasses a range of technologies designed to mimic human intelligence, including machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision. On social media, Artificial Intelligence’s primary role is to process and analyze massive amounts of data to deliver more personalized and efficient services.
By leveraging Artificial Intelligence, social media platforms can understand user preferences, predict behavior, and automate processes, making interactions smoother and more engaging.
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gsinfotechvispvtltd · 3 months
The Future of Digital Marketing: Trends You Can’t Afford to Ignore
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Digital marketing is always changing, and keeping up with the latest trends is super important for success. Here are some big trends in digital marketing that you really should keep an eye on in the future.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning AI and machine learning are revolutionizing how marketers understand and interact with their audiences. They help us create more personalized and efficient marketing strategies by using predictive analytics and automation.
Optimizing for Voice Search More and more people are using voice assistants like Siri and Alexa, so it's crucial to make sure your website is optimized for voice search. Focus on natural language queries and conversational keywords.
The Rise of Video Marketing Videos just keep getting more and more popular as a content format. Live videos, short-form videos, and interactive video content are all the rage right now and are really driving up engagement rates.
Augmented Reality (AR) Experiences AR lets you create immersive and interactive experiences that can make your products look even better and get your customers more engaged. Brands are starting to use AR in their marketing strategies a lot more.
Sustainability and Social Responsibility Consumers these days really care about companies that are environmentally friendly and socially responsible. Sharing stories about your brand's values in these areas can help you build stronger relationships with your customers and attract people who care about those things.
Case Study: Cool Marketing Idea A fashion brand made an app that uses AR to let customers virtually try on clothes. Not only did this make shopping more fun, but it also boosted online sales and reduced returns.
Conclusion The future of digital marketing will be shaped by AI, voice search, video marketing, AR, and sustainability. By staying on top of these trends, you can create engaging campaigns that really resonate with your audience and help your business grow in the ever-changing digital landscape.
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marketingprofitmedia · 9 months
Stay Ahead of the Curve - The Latest Trends in Internet Marketing You Need to Know
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The Evolution of Internet Marketing
Early Strategies and Their Effectiveness
During the early phases of internet marketing, enterprises concentrated predominantly on banner advertisements and rudimentary search engine tactics. Nevertheless, these strategies quickly became inadequate in the face of an ever-evolving digital environment.
Shift Towards Digital Platforms
The paradigm shift towards digital platforms marked a turning point. Companies began realizing the potential of reaching a global audience through websites and online presence, laying the foundation for modern internet marketing.
Emergence of Social Media
The rise of social media platforms revolutionized how businesses connect with their audience. From Facebook to Instagram and beyond, social media became a powerhouse for marketing, providing unprecedented opportunities for engagement.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Trends
Introduction to SEO
Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, remains a cornerstone of internet marketing. It involves optimizing websites to rank higher on search engine result pages (SERPs), increasing visibility and organic traffic.
Key SEO Trends in Recent Years
In recent years, SEO has witnessed significant changes. Mobile-first indexing, user experience optimization, and the emphasis on high-quality, relevant content have become crucial ranking factors.
Impact on Website Rankings
Staying abreast of SEO trends is essential for maintaining favorable website rankings. Google’s algorithms continually evolve, making it imperative for businesses to adapt their strategies to remain visible in search results.
Content Marketing Innovations
Role of Quality Content
Quality content serves as the backbone of successful internet marketing. Engaging, informative, and shareable content not only attracts but also retains the attention of the target audience.
Content Marketing Trends
The content marketing landscape is dynamic, with trends such as interactive content, long-form storytelling, and immersive experiences gaining prominence. Businesses must align their content strategies with these evolving trends to stay relevant.
Integration with SEO Practices
The integration of content marketing with SEO practices is a strategic approach. Creating content that aligns with target keywords and user intent enhances both the visibility of the website and the overall user experience.
Social Media Marketing Developments
Overview of Social Media Marketing
Social media marketing remains a dynamic and influential channel for businesses. Platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and LinkedIn offer unique opportunities for brands to connect with their audience on a personal level.
Latest Trends on Popular Platforms
Staying current with the latest trends on social media platforms is crucial for effective marketing. From ephemeral content to live videos, businesses must leverage these features to engage with their audience authentically.
Influencer Marketing Impact
Influencer marketing has become a powerhouse strategy, with influencers holding significant sway over their followers’ purchasing decisions. Collaborating with influencers aligning with brand values can yield substantial returns.
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Video Marketing Revolution
Rise of Video Content
Video content has experienced a meteoric rise in popularity. Short-form videos, live streams, and interactive video content have become integral to marketing strategies, capturing audience attention more effectively than traditional formats.
Platforms for Video Marketing
Platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram provide fertile ground for video marketing. Creating visually appealing and emotionally resonant videos can leave a lasting impression on the audience.
Incorporating Videos into Marketing Strategies
Businesses need to incorporate video content into their marketing strategies creatively. From product demonstrations to behind-the-scenes glimpses, videos offer a versatile and engaging medium for storytelling.
Email Marketing in 2024
Importance of Email Marketing
Despite the rise of newer marketing channels, email marketing continues to be a stalwart strategy. Personalized email campaigns tailored to the recipient’s preferences remain highly effective in nurturing leads and retaining customers.
Innovations and Personalization
In 2024, email marketing has evolved with advanced personalization features. Dynamic content, AI-driven recommendations, and interactive elements contribute to higher open and click-through rates.
Navigating Privacy Concerns
As privacy concerns gain prominence, businesses must navigate email marketing cautiously. Obtaining explicit consent, transparent data practices, and respecting user preferences are crucial for maintaining trust.
Mobile Marketing Strategies
Mobile-First Approach
A mobile-first approach is crucial in light of the fact that a significant proportion of internet consumers access content via mobile devices. It is imperative that websites and campaigns are optimised to ensure smooth mobile experiences in order to accommodate the expanding mobile audience.
App-Based Marketing Trends
Mobile apps provide a direct and personalized channel for reaching consumers. App-based marketing, including push notifications and in-app advertising, allows businesses to engage with users on a more intimate level.
Responsive Design Importance
Responsive design ensures a consistent user experience across devices. Google’s mobile-first indexing prioritizes mobile-friendly websites, making responsive design a critical aspect of mobile marketing strategies.
Data-Driven Decision Making
Utilizing Analytics Tools
Data-driven decision making involves leveraging analytics tools to extract valuable insights. From user behavior to campaign performance, businesses can refine their strategies based on data-driven insights.
Big Data’s Role in Marketing
The advent of big data has transformed how businesses understand and target their audience. Analyzing vast datasets allows for more accurate audience segmentation, personalized marketing campaigns, and predictive analysis.
Personalization Through Data
Consumers expect personalized experiences, and businesses can deliver by utilizing data effectively. Personalized recommendations, targeted advertising, and customized content contribute to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Ephemeral Content and Its Impact
Definition of Ephemeral Content
Ephemeral content refers to short-lived, temporary content that disappears after a brief period. This type of content, popularized by platforms like Snapchat and Instagram Stories, capitalizes on the fear of missing out (FOMO).
Popularity on Social Media
Ephemeral content’s popularity on social media is undeniable. Its temporary nature creates a sense of urgency, prompting users to engage promptly, making it an effective strategy for real-time marketing.
FOMO and Its Influence
The fear of missing out is a powerful psychological trigger. Ephemeral content capitalizes on FOMO, encouraging users to stay updated with the latest content and promotions before they vanish.
Voice Search Optimization
The Rise of Voice Search
Voice search has gained considerable traction due to the widespread adoption of voice-activated devices. To attract the expanding voice search demographic, organisations must ensure that their content is optimised to correspond with natural language queries.
Optimizing Content for Voice Queries
Voice search optimization involves tailoring content to answer conversational queries. Long-tail keywords, concise answers, and natural language integration are crucial for achieving prominence in voice search results.
Impact on SEO Strategies
The rise of voice search necessitates a shift in SEO strategies. Local optimization, conversational content, and featured snippets become vital elements for businesses aiming to optimize for voice search.
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Artificial Intelligence in Marketing
Applications of AI in Marketing
Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays a pivotal role in automating and enhancing various marketing processes. From chatbots to predictive analytics, AI contributes to efficiency, personalization, and data-driven decision-making.
Chatbots and Customer Engagement
Chatbots powered by AI provide instant and personalized responses to user queries. They enhance customer engagement, streamline communication, and contribute to a positive user experience.
Predictive Analytics
Predictive analytics, powered by AI algorithms, helps businesses forecast future trends, consumer behavior, and market dynamics. This proactive approach enables businesses to stay ahead of the competition.
Blockchain and Trust in Marketing
Blockchain’s Role in Transparency
Blockchain technology ensures transparency and trust in digital transactions. In marketing, blockchain can be applied to verify the authenticity of products, secure transactions, and build trust with consumers.
Building Trust with Consumers
Consumer trust is a cornerstone of successful marketing. Implementing blockchain technology to secure data, verify authenticity, and ensure fair practices can contribute to building and maintaining trust.
Applications in Digital Advertising
Blockchain’s decentralized nature can revolutionize digital advertising. Transparent ad exchanges, fraud prevention, and fair compensation for content creators are potential applications reshaping the digital advertising landscape.
Interactive Experiences and User Engagement
Gamification in Marketing
Gamification involves integrating game elements into non-game contexts. In marketing, gamification enhances user engagement, encouraging participation and interaction with the brand.
Augmented Reality Trends
Augmented reality (AR) has gained traction in marketing, providing immersive experiences. AR applications allow consumers to interact with products virtually, enhancing the overall shopping experience.
Enhancing User Experience
Interactive experiences, such as gamification and augmented reality, contribute to an enhanced user experience. Businesses that prioritize user engagement through innovative and interactive elements stand out in the crowded digital landscape.
The Future of Internet Marketing
Predictions for Upcoming Trends
The future of internet marketing holds exciting possibilities. Predictions include the continued growth of video content, advancements in AI-driven personalization, and the integration of emerging technologies like virtual reality into marketing strategies.
The Importance of Adaptability
Adaptability is essential in the ever-changing world of internet marketing. Businesses that embrace change, remain current on new trends, and alter their strategy appropriately will be better positioned for long-term success.
Staying Updated in the Dynamic Landscape
Continuous learning and staying updated with industry developments are crucial for marketers. Attend conferences, engage with industry publications, and leverage online resources to stay abreast of the ever-evolving internet marketing landscape.
In conclusion, staying ahead of the curve in internet marketing requires a proactive approach to adopting and implementing new trends. The possibilities range from SEO and content marketing to cutting-edge AI and blockchain applications. Businesses may effectively traverse the shifting world of internet marketing if they keep trained, adjust their methods, and prioritise user interaction.
Q. Are these trends applicable to all industries?
Yes, the outlined trends are applicable across various industries. However, the degree of relevance may vary based on the specific nature of each industry.
Q. How often should businesses update their internet marketing strategies?
Regular updates are essential, at least annually, to align strategies with evolving trends and technologies.
Q. Is influencer marketing only effective for certain demographics?
No, influencer marketing can be effective across diverse demographics, provided the chosen influencers resonate with the target audience.
Q. What role does user-generated content play in internet marketing?
User-generated content enhances authenticity and can significantly impact brand perception. Encouraging and leveraging user-generated content is a valuable strategy.
Q. How can businesses ensure data privacy in their marketing efforts?
Implementing transparent data practices, obtaining explicit consent, and adhering to privacy regulations are key measures to ensure data privacy in marketing.
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Affiliate Disclaimer :
This article Contain affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission at NO ADDITIONAL cost to you if you decide to purchase something. While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this article, we always offer honest opinions, users experiences and real views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help readers make the best purchasing decisions, however, the testimonies and opinions expressed are ours only. As always you should do your own thoughts to verify any claims, results and stats before making any kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended in this article may generate income for this product from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you make. We review products and services you might find interesting. If you purchase them, we might get a share of the commission from the sale from our partners. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended.
Source : Stay Ahead of the Curve — The Latest Trends in Internet Marketing You Need to Know
Thanks for reading my article on “Stay Ahead of the Curve — The Latest Trends in Internet Marketing You Need to Know“, hope it will help!
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humming-fly · 1 year
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aphonicsolutions · 1 year
Digital marketing has become a completely popular and successful form of marketing for businesses of different sizes and industries across the world. Here we share some digital marketing trends for the future like interactive content, virtual reality and augmented reality, video marketing, and many more. Check digital marketing company in Rajkot!
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kajmasterclass · 1 year
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In recent years, influencer marketing has become one of the most popular ��� and effective – marketing tools. Companies of all sizes are turning to influencers to help them promote their products and services.
However, influencer marketing is constantly evolving, and companies must stay up-to-date on the latest trends if they want to continue to be successful. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the ways in which influencer marketing will evolve in 2023.
Read More: https://ennobletechnologies.com/social-media/beyond-sponsored-posts-how-influencer-marketing-will-evolve-in-2023/
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refernew · 1 year
Unlocking Passive Income: Navigating the World of Affiliate Marketing
Unlocking Passive Income: Navigating the World of Affiliate Marketing
In today's fast-paced digital landscape, the quest for passive income has led many individuals and businesses to explore various opportunities. One such avenue gaining traction is affiliate marketing. It's a dynamic strategy that allows you to earn money by promoting products or services through your online presence. This blog post delves into the world of affiliate marketing, explaining its intricacies, benefits, and potential pitfalls.
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Unlocking Passive Income: Navigating the World of Affiliate Marketing
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Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing model where individuals, known as affiliates, promote products or services on behalf of companies. In return, affiliates earn a commission for every sale, lead, or action generated through their promotional efforts. This mutually beneficial relationship has transformed countless online platforms into virtual storefronts, paving the way for a new era of passive income.
Understanding Affiliate Marketing
At its core, affiliate marketing is about partnerships. Companies seek affiliates with influential online platforms, such as blogs, social media accounts, or websites, to tap into their audience and expand their reach. Affiliates, in turn, leverage their platform to showcase products or services that align with their niche and audience interests.
How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?
The process is straightforward: once an affiliate joins an affiliate program, they receive a unique tracking link. This link contains a code that identifies the affiliate as the source of the referral. When a user clicks on this link and makes a purchase or completes a desired action, the affiliate earns a commission. The tracking link ensures accurate attribution of sales to the respective affiliate.
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Key Players in Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing involves three main parties: the merchant (the company offering products or services), the affiliate (the promoter), and the consumer (the end-user). This triad forms the foundation of the affiliate marketing ecosystem.
Getting Started: The Basics of Affiliate Marketing
Getting started with affiliate marketing is exciting, and understanding the basics is crucial for a strong foundation. Here's a simple breakdown:
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1. Choose Your Niche: Pick a specific area that you're interested in or know a lot about. This will make it easier to create content and connect with the right audience.
2. Research Affiliate Programs: Look for companies or brands that offer affiliate programs related to your chosen niche. These programs provide the products or services you'll promote.
3. Join Affiliate Programs: Sign up for the affiliate programs you've chosen. Once approved, you'll gain access to affiliate links and marketing materials.
4. Get Affiliate Links: These are special links that track your referrals. When someone clicks on your link and makes a purchase, you earn a commission.
5. Create Valuable Content: Start creating content that's helpful, informative, or entertaining for your audience. This could be blog posts, videos, social media posts, or podcasts.
6. Incorporate Affiliate Links: Integrate your affiliate links naturally into your content. Share how the product or service benefits your audience and why you recommend it.
7. Focus on Audience Value: Always prioritize providing value to your audience. Your content should genuinely help them, and affiliate products should align with their needs.
8. Build an Audience: Grow your audience through consistent content creation, engagement on social media, and other relevant strategies.
9. Promote Authentically: Authenticity is key. Be honest about your affiliate relationships and only recommend products you truly believe in.
10. Track and Optimize: Use tracking tools provided by affiliate programs to monitor your clicks, conversions, and earnings. Adjust your strategies based on what's working.
11. Be Patient and Persistent: Success takes time. Don't get discouraged if you don't see instant results. Stay consistent and keep learning.
12. Ethical Approach: Always be ethical and transparent. Disclose your affiliate relationships, and prioritize your audience's trust.
Remember, starting small and gradually expanding as you learn is a great approach. With time and effort, you'll become more confident and skilled in the world of affiliate marketing.
Crafting Your Affiliate Marketing Strategy
A successful affiliate marketing strategy revolves around understanding your audience, offering relevant products, and employing effective promotional techniques. Personalized recommendations and genuine reviews can enhance your credibility and boost conversions.
Crafting a successful affiliate marketing strategy requires a thoughtful and well-rounded approach. It involves understanding your target audience, selecting the right products or services to promote, creating valuable content, and implementing effective promotional techniques. Here's a more in-depth look at each step:
1. Understand Your Audience:
Before you dive into affiliate marketing, it's essential to have a clear understanding of your target audience. Who are they? What are their interests, preferences, and pain points? The more you know about your audience, the better you can tailor your affiliate marketing efforts to resonate with them.
2. Select Relevant Products or Services:
Choose affiliate products or services that align with your niche and audience's interests. Avoid promoting products solely for the sake of high commissions. Instead, focus on items that genuinely provide value to your audience and solve their problems.
3. Create Valuable Content:
Content is at the heart of affiliate marketing. Develop high-quality content that educates, entertains, or informs your audience. This can include blog posts, videos, social media posts, podcasts, or even webinars. Your content should establish your expertise and build trust with your audience.
4. Integrate Affiliate Links Naturally:
When promoting affiliate products, seamlessly integrate your affiliate links into your content. Avoid aggressive or spammy promotion; instead, make your affiliate links a natural extension of your content. Subtle recommendations within contextually relevant content tend to yield better results.
5. Offer Genuine Recommendations:
Authenticity is crucial in affiliate marketing. Only promote products or services that you genuinely believe in and have personally tested. Provide honest and detailed reviews, highlighting both the pros and cons of the products to help your audience make informed decisions.
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6. Use Multiple Promotion Channels:
Don't rely on a single platform for your affiliate marketing efforts. Utilize a combination of channels, such as your blog, social media, email marketing, and YouTube, to reach a wider audience. Each channel has its unique strengths, so tailor your content accordingly.
7. Implement Tracking and Analytics:
Integrate tracking tools to monitor the performance of your affiliate links. Analyze metrics like click-through rates, conversion rates, and sales generated. This data will help you identify which strategies are working and where you can make improvements.
8. Experiment with Different Strategies:
Don't be afraid to experiment with different promotional techniques. A/B test different types of content, headlines, visuals, and calls-to-action to see what resonates best with your audience.
9. Provide Value First:
Focus on providing value to your audience before asking for the sale. Establish yourself as a reliable source of information and support. When your audience trusts your recommendations, they'll be more likely to purchase through your affiliate links.
10. Build Relationships with Affiliate Managers:
If you're part of an affiliate program, foster relationships with affiliate managers. They can provide insights, tips, and exclusive promotions that can enhance your affiliate marketing efforts.
11. Stay Updated on Industry Trends:
The affiliate marketing landscape is dynamic, with new trends and tools emerging regularly. Stay informed about industry developments, technological advancements, and changes in consumer behavior to adapt your strategy accordingly.
12. Evaluate and Refine:
Regularly review your affiliate marketing strategy to assess what's working and what's not. Be open to refining your approach based on your performance data and feedback from your audience.
Remember that success in affiliate marketing takes time and dedication. Consistency, transparency, and a genuine desire to help your audience are key components of a successful strategy. As you build relationships, provide value, and refine your approach, you'll increase your chances of unlocking the full potential of passive income through affiliate marketing.
What are the Affiliate marketing metrics
Affiliate marketing metrics are crucial for assessing the effectiveness of your affiliate campaigns and making informed decisions to optimize your strategy. These metrics provide insights into various aspects of your affiliate marketing efforts, helping you understand what's working, what needs improvement, and how you can maximize your earnings. Here are some important affiliate marketing metrics to monitor:
1. Click-Through Rate (CTR): CTR measures the percentage of people who click on your affiliate links out of the total number of people who saw them. A higher CTR indicates that your promotional content is compelling and relevant to your audience.
2. Conversion Rate: Conversion rate calculates the percentage of users who clicked on your affiliate link and completed the desired action, such as making a purchase. A higher conversion rate indicates effective targeting and persuasive content.
3. Earnings Per Click (EPC): EPC measures how much you earn on average for every click on your affiliate links. It helps you gauge the profitability of your campaigns and compare the performance of different affiliate programs.
4. Average Order Value (AOV): AOV represents the average amount spent by customers who make a purchase through your affiliate links. A higher AOV can contribute to higher earnings per commission.
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5. Return on Investment (ROI): ROI assesses the profitability of your affiliate marketing efforts by comparing the revenue generated from commissions to the costs incurred, such as advertising expenses and content creation.
6. Commission Earnings: This is the actual amount of money you earn from affiliate sales. It's a direct indicator of your financial performance in affiliate marketing.
7. Conversion Tracking: Conversion tracking helps you understand which specific affiliate links or campaigns are generating the most conversions. It allows you to allocate resources more effectively to the strategies that yield the best results.
8. Impressions: Impressions indicate how many times your affiliate link or content has been viewed by users. It's an important metric for measuring the visibility and reach of your promotional efforts.
9. Bounce Rate: Bounce rate refers to the percentage of users who land on your affiliate link or website but leave without taking any action. A high bounce rate may suggest that your content or landing page needs improvement.
10. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): CLV estimates the total value a customer brings over their entire engagement with a brand. This metric helps you understand the long-term impact of your affiliate marketing efforts.
11. Engagement Metrics: Engagement metrics such as likes, comments, shares, and social media interactions can indicate the level of interest and involvement your audience has with your affiliate content.
12. Geographic Performance: Understanding where your conversions are coming from geographically can help you tailor your content and promotions to specific regions or demographics.
13. Time-to-Conversion: This metric tells you how long it takes for a user to click on your affiliate link and make a purchase. It can help you refine your content delivery and promotional timing.
14. Affiliate Network Insights: If you're part of an affiliate network, the network might provide additional metrics and data on impressions, clicks, conversions, and more specific to the network's performance.
By regularly monitoring these affiliate marketing metrics, you can assess the effectiveness of your strategies, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your campaigns. Remember that no single metric tells the whole story, so it's essential to analyze a combination of metrics to get a comprehensive view of your affiliate marketing performance.
[caption id="attachment_309" align="aligncenter" width="1107"] What are the Affiliate marketing metrics[/caption]
Maximizing Your Earnings
To optimize your affiliate marketing earnings:
Diversify your partnerships: Collaborate with multiple companies to avoid dependence on a single income stream.
Monitor performance: Track your efforts and adjust strategies based on data insights.
Experiment with content formats: Explore various content types, such as blog posts, videos, or social media posts, to engage different audience segments.
The Pros and Cons of Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing offers several benefits, including low startup costs, flexible work hours, and the potential for substantial passive income. However, challenges like intense competition and the need for consistent effort can be daunting.
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Pros of Affiliate Marketing:
Passive Income Potential: Affiliate marketing offers the possibility of earning passive income. Once you've set up your content and affiliate links, you can continue to earn commissions without actively working on it.
Low Startup Costs: Getting started in affiliate marketing is relatively inexpensive. You don't need to create your own products or invest in inventory, making it a cost-effective way to start an online business.
Flexible Work Schedule: Affiliate marketing allows you to work on your own terms. You can choose when and where you work, giving you the flexibility to balance it with other commitments.
No Customer Support: As an affiliate, you're not responsible for customer support, product fulfillment, or dealing with returns. This frees up your time to focus on marketing and promotion.
Diverse Income Streams: You can promote a variety of products from different niches, diversifying your income sources and reducing dependency on a single product or brand.
Global Reach: The internet enables you to reach a global audience, expanding your potential customer base beyond geographic limitations.
Minimal Risk: Since you're not responsible for product creation or inventory, you're not exposed to the risks associated with traditional business models.
Cons of Affiliate Marketing:
Intense Competition: The affiliate marketing space is highly competitive, making it challenging to stand out and gain the attention of your target audience.
Dependent on Affiliate Programs: Your income relies on the success of the affiliate programs you're a part of. If a program changes its terms or shuts down, it can affect your earnings.
Income Variability: Affiliate marketing income can be inconsistent, especially in the beginning. Earnings may fluctuate based on factors such as seasonality and changes in consumer behavior.
Requires Patience and Time: Building a successful affiliate marketing business takes time and consistent effort. It's not a quick way to make money, and you need to invest time in creating quality content and growing your audience.
Limited Control over Products: You don't have control over the products or services you're promoting. If the quality or customer service of the products is subpar, it can negatively impact your reputation.
Risk of Shady Practices: Some affiliates resort to unethical practices like spamming, misleading claims, or using black-hat SEO techniques. Engaging in such practices can damage your credibility and harm your brand.
Dependence on Platform Changes: If you rely heavily on a specific platform (e.g., social media or search engines) for traffic, changes in algorithms or policies can affect your visibility and reach.
In conclusion, affiliate marketing offers an attractive opportunity for passive income and flexibility, but it also comes with its challenges. Success requires dedication, a solid strategy, ethical practices, and the willingness to adapt to the ever-changing online landscape. By understanding the pros and cons and taking a strategic approach, you can navigate the affiliate marketing world effectively and unlock its potential for long-term financial stability.
Ethical Practices in Affiliate Marketing
Transparency and authenticity are vital in affiliate marketing. Disclose your affiliate partnerships to your audience and provide honest recommendations. Trust is the cornerstone of long-term success.
Success Stories: Real-Life Examples
Certainly! Here are a few real-life success stories of individuals who have achieved significant success through affiliate marketing:
1. Pat Flynn - Smart Passive Income: Pat Flynn is a well-known affiliate marketer and entrepreneur who transformed his online presence into a thriving source of passive income. He started his blog, Smart Passive Income, to document his journey in creating passive income streams. Through his transparent and value-driven approach, Pat has earned substantial income through affiliate marketing, generating over $2 million in affiliate earnings annually.
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2. Michelle Schroeder-Gardner - Making Sense of Cents: Michelle Schroeder-Gardner is another inspiring figure in the affiliate marketing world. She created the personal finance blog "Making Sense of Cents" and turned it into a highly successful affiliate marketing platform. Michelle consistently earns over $100,000 per month in affiliate income by sharing her experiences, insights, and advice on personal finance topics.
3. John Lee Dumas - Entrepreneur On Fire: John Lee Dumas is the host of the "Entrepreneur On Fire" podcast, where he interviews successful entrepreneurs. He has monetized his podcast through affiliate marketing, promoting products and services he believes in. By providing value to his audience and leveraging the podcast's reach, John has created a substantial source of income from affiliate partnerships.
4. Rae Hoffman - Sugarrae: Rae Hoffman, known as Sugarrae in the online marketing world, is an affiliate marketing veteran. She built her blog into a resource hub for affiliate marketers and digital entrepreneurs. Through her expertise and dedication to ethical practices, Rae has generated substantial income from affiliate marketing over the years.
5. Kristie Chiles - Side Hustle Pro: Kristie Chiles, the creator of the "Side Hustle Pro" podcast, has successfully integrated affiliate marketing into her content strategy. By promoting products and services aligned with her podcast's theme of entrepreneurship and side hustles, Kristie has earned additional income while providing valuable insights to her audience.
6. Syed Balkhi - WPBeginner: Syed Balkhi is the founder of WPBeginner, a popular website dedicated to WordPress tutorials and resources. He has strategically incorporated affiliate marketing into his content, recommending tools, plugins, and hosting services to his audience. This approach has contributed to WPBeginner's growth and profitability.
These success stories highlight that affiliate marketing success is attainable through dedication, value-driven content, transparency, and a genuine desire to help your audience. By focusing on building trust and providing valuable recommendations, these individuals have transformed their online platforms into lucrative sources of passive income.
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Future Trends in Affiliate Marketing
More Influencers: Influencers will team up with affiliates to promote products.
Different Content: More types of content like videos and podcasts will be used.
Talking to Devices: People will use voice searches, so content should match.
Phones Matter: Websites and links need to work well on phones.
Smart Suggestions: Computers will help personalize suggestions using AI.
New Topics: More areas like health and tech will use affiliate marketing.
Adapting Ads: Ads will blend into content better for a smoother experience.
Tracking Better: Better tools will track sales from influencers.
Privacy Important: Following privacy rules is a must.
Subscriptions are In: Selling subscriptions will become more popular.
Quick Answers: Providing quick, helpful info will be key.
Shopping on Social Media: People can buy directly from social media posts.
Affiliate marketers who keep up with these changes will do well in the future.
Common Misconceptions about Affiliate Marketing
Certainly, here's a simplified explanation of common misconceptions about affiliate marketing:
Get Rich Quick: Some people think affiliate marketing makes you rich super fast, but it actually takes time and effort.
No Work Required: People might believe you can just set it up and forget it, but success needs consistent work.
Too Technical: It's not just for tech experts – anyone can learn and do it.
Spammy Ads: People might think it's all about annoying ads, but good affiliate marketing is about helping, not irritating.
Easy Money: While you can earn money, it's not as easy as it seems. It requires learning and strategy.
Products Not Needed: You need to genuinely like and know about products you promote, not just randomly pick anything.
Too Late to Start: It's never too late – new opportunities always come up.
Only for Big Influencers: Even small blogs or social media accounts can do well.
Passive from the Start: You need to put in active effort before it becomes more passive.
Customers Lost: People think they'll lose customers to the product's website, but good affiliate marketers keep their audience engaged.
Remember, understanding the real deal about affiliate marketing helps set realistic expectations and increases your chances of success.
Affiliate marketing presents a promising pathway to passive income, but it's not a get-rich-quick scheme. By understanding its mechanisms, adopting ethical practices, and crafting a well-thought-out strategy, you can tap into its potential and reap the rewards of long-term financial stability.
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Is affiliate marketing suitable for beginners? Absolutely! Many successful affiliates started with little to no experience.
How do I find affiliate programs? Research online or reach out to companies directly to inquire about their affiliate programs.
Do I need a blog to succeed in affiliate marketing? While a blog is beneficial, you can leverage various online platforms, such as social media or YouTube, to promote affiliate products.
Is it possible to earn a full-time income through affiliate marketing? Yes, but it takes time, effort, and the right strategies. Consistency is key.
Are there costs associated with affiliate marketing? While entry costs are generally low, investing in quality content creation and marketing tools can enhance your success.
Affiliate marketing offers a realm of opportunities for those willing to invest time and effort. Unlock the potential of passive income by navigating the intricacies of affiliate marketing with knowledge, strategy, and an ethical approach.
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influencerdatabase · 1 year
Embracing the Future: Exploring Futuristic Influencer Marketing Techniques
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Influencer marketing has become an integral part of modern-day advertising strategies, allowing brands to reach their target audience in a more authentic and relatable manner. As technology continues to evolve, so does the landscape of influencer marketing. In this blog post, we will delve into the realm of futuristic influencer marketing techniques that are poised to revolutionize the industry and reshape the way brands connect with their audiences. Read about The Future of Influencer Marketing: Trends to Watch.
1. Virtual Influencers: 
Welcome to the world of virtual influencers, where computer-generated characters take center stage. These digital personas, created using advanced CGI and machine learning technologies, are rapidly gaining popularity. Virtual influencers offer several advantages, such as complete control over their image, eliminating the risk of scandals or negative behavior. They also provide brands with a unique opportunity to tap into the digital realm and engage with tech-savvy consumers.
2. Augmented Reality (AR) Experiences:
Augmented Reality has the potential to revolutionize influencer marketing by creating immersive experiences. Brands can collaborate with influencers to develop AR filters, games, or experiences that allow users to engage with their products in virtual environments. These AR experiences provide a novel and interactive way for brands to showcase their offerings while boosting engagement and leaving a lasting impression on consumers.
3. AI-Powered Personalization:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the ability to analyze vast amounts of data and provide insights into consumer behavior and preferences. In the context of influencer marketing, AI can help brands identify the right influencers to partner with based on their target audience's interests, demographics, and online behavior. By leveraging AI algorithms, brands can personalize their influencer campaigns to resonate more effectively with their intended audience.
4. Micro-Influencers and Nano-Influencers:
While macro-influencers have traditionally been the go-to choice for brands, the rise of micro-influencers and nano-influencers is transforming the influencer marketing landscape. Micro-influencers, with their smaller but highly engaged follower base, offer a more niche and authentic connection with their audience. Nano-influencers, on the other hand, have an even smaller following but possess a high level of influence within their immediate circle. Brands are recognizing the value of these influencers and the genuine connections they foster with their audiences.
5. Live Streaming and Interactive Content:
The advent of live streaming platforms and interactive content has opened up new avenues for influencer marketing. Live streaming allows influencers to connect with their audience in real-time, fostering a sense of authenticity and immediacy. Brands can leverage these platforms to engage directly with their target audience, solicit feedback, and offer exclusive content or promotions. The interactive nature of these platforms facilitates two-way communication, creating a deeper level of engagement between brands, influencers, and consumers.
6. Sustainable and Socially Conscious Influencers:
In today's socially conscious world, consumers are increasingly gravitating towards influencers who promote sustainability, social responsibility, and ethical practices. Futuristic influencer marketing techniques will emphasize partnerships with influencers who align with the brand's values and communicate a sense of purpose. Brands will seek out influencers who can authentically advocate for sustainability and social causes, thus resonating with consumers who prioritize these values.
The future of influencer marketing is brimming with exciting possibilities. As technology advances and consumer preferences evolve, brands must adapt to stay relevant and establish meaningful connections with their target audience. Embracing futuristic influencer marketing techniques such as virtual influencers, augmented reality experiences, AI-powered personalization, micro-influencers, interactive content, and sustainability advocacy will allow brands to thrive in this ever-changing landscape. By staying ahead of the curve, brands can unlock new realms of creativity and engagement, fostering lasting connections with their audiences.
Must read: 5 Effective Strategies for Collaborating with Influencers to Boost Your Brand's Social Media Presence
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investoropia · 1 year
Federal Reserve Stress Test Sends Shock waves through Stock Market! JP MORGAN JUMPED 3.49%
Federal Reserve stress test results on U.S. bank stocks and their influence on the overall market. Gain insights into investor sentiment, regulatory concerns, and the future outlook.
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U.S. bank stocks surged in response to the results of the Federal Reserve’s annual stress tests, instilling renewed confidence among investors and traders. The comprehensive health checks provided insights into the resilience of major lenders, addressing concerns stemming from recent failures, including Silicon Valley Bank and other institutions. The impressive performance of bank stocks highlights their ability to weather an economic slump and underscores the importance of stress testing in ensuring a stable financial system.
While the stress test results boosted market sentiment, skeptics remain cautious regarding dividends and share buybacks. Heightened regulatory oversight and uncertainties surrounding the economic outlook contribute to concerns about the feasibility of larger payouts. Analysts at RBC Capital Markets caution that the recent banking crisis has driven banks to adopt a more conservative approach, potentially limiting share buyback activities for the remainder of 2023.
Continue Reading the Complete Article : Click Here
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rokostellotech · 1 year
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Digital marketing has revolutionized the way businesses connect with their target audience and promote their products or services. As technology continues to advance and consumer behavior evolves, digital marketing strategies must adapt to stay relevant and effective. In this blog post, we will explore the evolution of digital marketing and discuss the emerging trends and predictions for its future.
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mccromy · 2 months
The Shen Jiu & Shen Yuan dynamic I need to see more of is Shen Jiu coming to see Shen Yuan as a father figure, perhaps even a mother figure. And not in the way you think.
We are always talking about Shen Yuan's wife beam, but we don't talk about his mommy beam. I think Shen Jiu could resist the wife beam if subjected to it, but I don't believe he has any defense against the mommy beam. Now, I'm not talking about Shen Yuan transmigrating earlier than canon, meeting a child Shen Jiu and adopting him.
I'm talking about Shen Yuan transmigrating after Shen Jiu has already taken over Qing Jin peak. I'm talking about 21 year old Shen Yuan transmigrating into the body of a nameless rogue cultivator, meeting fully grown man already in his thirties Peak Lord Shen Qingqiu, and hitting him with his mommy/daddy-issuesinator and causing him a life threatening Qi deviation.
Shen Qingqiu can't help but trust him, and eventually looks up to him, sees him as a wise elder he seeks out for advice. He fucking hates it but he can't help himself. This homeless man he met in the forest is the closest thing he's ever had to a father. Also. He sort of wants Shen Yuan to breastfeed him in a, and he means this, non sexual way and he can't cope with that. He would just feel so safe!!
Shen Yuan, 21 years old, rogue cultivator, first time transmigrator and the father who stepped up, thinks he befriended the scum villain, and maybe? He can be a good influence on him? Be a good friend and guide him towards a fully limbed future. He's practically raising him but nobody tell him that.
Shen Jiu lost his childhood to slavery and his teenage years to violent madmen. and now he's behaving in ways he doesn't understand. He once lost sight of Shen Yuan in the town's market, ran towards a man who looked exactly like Shen Yuan from behind, and almost had a panic attack when the man turned out to be a stranger. It's all good because Shen Yuan found him before he started swinging Xiu Ya ("Have you seen my friend? He's this tall, clearly traumatized, but we haven't had the talk")
People think they're lovers at some point because Shen Jiu is quite possessive of Shen Yuan's attention, but everybody realizes that there's something way more innocent, and also weirder, and worse, going on between them when Shen Yuan drags Shen Qingqiu by the hand to apologize to the sect leader for being so rude when poor A-Yue is trying his best, and stands there with arms crossed, eyebrows raised, until Shen Qingqiu mumbles an apology, glances at Shen Yuan, and runs away.
"I'm sorry about that, Sect Leader Yue, he's had a bad day. I'm sure he didn't mean it."
Yue Qingyuan, someone who did actually sort of raise Shen Qingqiu, who's stood in Shen Yuan's shoes before, extracting reluctant apologies from a sullen Shen Jiu, to authority figures so he wouldn't get in trouble, is overcome by an intense, never before experienced wave of jealousy, so sudden it makes him spit vinegar flavored blood.
Then, a panicked Shen Yuan accidentally hits him with the mommy beam by accidentally adopting him (trying to befriend this guy who clearly needs a friend he can confide in!). And now he's placed himself in the young step-mom role who's desperately trying to bond with her new husband's teenage children but they're wired to not like her! (He used those exact words when explaining to Shang Qinghua where that new tension he has with the Sect Leader came from)
Liu Qingge is afraid of him. Maybe. He runs away when their eyes meet but he keeps leaving dead things at his feet so like, he's probably threatening him? He feels intimidated by him? Or something?
(Liu Qingge thinks Shen Qingqiu's older brother is so cool and really wants to hang out with him, but if Shen Yuan calls him Didi one more time Liu Qingge's barely held back "Yes, Gege?" Is going to jump out of his mouth and he WILL Qi deviate and EXPLODE)
When Binghe enters the equation shit gets a lot weirder.
First, he believes Shen Yuan to be Shen Qingqiu's neglected spouse (Shizun keeps leaving his poor wife alone when he goes out on night hunts and to visit brothels! Shen Yuan has needs!! He should be with someone who cherished him!! Someone who would treat him as he deserves to be treated, someone who'd wait hand and foot on him!!!) needless to say, Luo Binghe's teenage fantasies take on an even more illicit turn than in canon (it goes from "STERN TEACHER POUNDED BY STUDENT AT BAIZHAN TRAINING GROUNDS" to "NEGLECTED WIFE CHEATS WITH STUDENT ON HUSBAND'S BED!! IMPREGNATED WHILE HUSBAND IS AWAY")
Luo Binghe, of course, does his best to seduce him, but ends up being coddled and cuddled.
"it's like I'm his handmaiden, his shadow, the only witness to my lady's heartbreak at her husband's cold regard and indiscretions. Shizun won't spare him a moment if not to discuss cultivation or business! He won't allow Shen Yuan more than a head pat! and move away from any other touch! How ungrateful! They don't even share a bed! I brush his hair, I dress him every morning, I pour him tea and he lets me rest my weary head on his lap. The intimacy we share is not sexual, but Ning-Shijie, I wish it was! I saw the outline of his dick yesterday and I need it!"
"A-Luo please stop talking."
Then, he realizes he misunderstood. Shen Yuan is a cultivator so of course he looks so young! Shen Yuan is clearly Shen Qingqiu's father. He's constantly worried for his un-filial son and remains by his side!! That explains everything!!!(LONELY DILF RIDES YOUNG MAN ON QING JING'S LIBRARY!! HE WISHES YOUNG MAN WAS HIS SON!!!!)
He goes from trying to steal Shen Qingqiu's wife to steal his father. He could be Shen Yuan's friend, lover, and son. His student. His confidant. His silly rabbit.
Shen Qingqiu KNOWS this. But nobody will fucking believe him!! The jiejies at the pavilion giggle and tell him he must be exaggerating, and when he went to Yue Qingyuan so he could intervene and fix it, Yue Qi just looked at him dead eyed and said to "Let him." !!! Let him what?? Deflower our father Qi-Ge??? Shame on you!! That beast is trying to break this family apart!!
But wait!!! look!!! a crack opened in the fabric of space and reality, leading directly to hell. Wouldn't it be a shame if someone were to, accidentally, drop kick this homewrecker inside it?
Luo Binghe is gone when Shen Qingqiu realizes oh wait, that was a demon mark on his forehead wasn't it. Oh good, now he has an excuse. Baba will understand.
(Baba doesn't understand. Baba acts as if he's lost his soul and won't look him in the eye. He's also growing mushrooms bodies in the garden, and added a drop of Shen Qingqiu's blood in the seeds before planting? Which is odd. but at least if he's gardening then he's not staring at that swordmound for hours on end)
I don't even know where I'm going with this
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