#Influencer marketing strategy in 2023
ennobletechnologies · 9 months
Beyond Sponsored Posts: How Influencer Marketing Will Evolve in 2023
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In recent years, influencer marketing has become one of the most popular – and effective – marketing tools. Companies of all sizes are turning to influencers to help them promote their products and services.
However, influencer marketing is constantly evolving, and companies must stay up-to-date on the latest trends if they want to continue to be successful. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the ways in which influencer marketing will evolve in 2023.
What Is Influencer Marketing?
Before discussing how influencer marketing will evolve, we must take a moment to consider what it actually is. Influencer marketing is the practice of leveraging influential people to help your company promote its products and services. These “influencers” are people who have amassed large followings of people on social media platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter.
These influencers have the potential to reach a large number of people, giving them the potential to have a major impact on the success or failure of a product or service. Companies can partner with influencers to create sponsored posts, videos, and other content in which the influencer promotes the company’s product or service. This content can then be shared with the influencer’s followers to reach a larger audience than the company could have without the influencer’s help.
Why is influencer marketing important?
Influencer marketing is a powerful tool that can help organizations increase their reach and visibility in ways traditional advertising can’t. Because influencers have built up a dedicated audience of followers who trust them and their recommendations, their endorsements have the potential to drive more sales and leads for companies.
Also, companies can secure high-quality content from these influencers that can be shared with their followers, making influencer marketing a cost-effective option for amplifying their marketing efforts. Furthermore, it allows companies to target specific audiences and tailor their message to different audiences with the help of different influencers.
Finally, through influencer marketing, brands can also increase engagement on their social media channels and build relationships with influential figures who can then become advocates for the brand.
What are the challenges of influencer marketing?
While influencer marketing appears to be the best way to reach potential customers and create brand awareness, it does come with a few challenges. The first one being that influencers may not always represent a brand in the best light. This is because influencers post content based on what they find entertaining and engaging and sometimes that is not in line with what the brand wants to convey. Therefore, companies should closely monitor the activities of the influencers and make sure that the content they are posting reflects the brand’s message.
The other challenge is the cost associated with influencer marketing. Finding the perfect influencer for your brand can be a time-consuming and costly process. Companies need to do their research and select an influencer that is the right fit for their brand and its message. Moreover, companies should also consider the cost of paying influencers, as some of them charge quite a lot for promoting your products.
Read More: https://ennobletechnologies.com/social-media/beyond-sponsored-posts-how-influencer-marketing-will-evolve-in-2023/
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open-era · 11 months
Top Social Media Trends in 2023: What to Watch For
Stay ahead of the game with top social media trends in 2023! From user-generated content to AI and privacy, unlock the keys to success in the ever-evolving digital landscape. #SocialMediaTrends #2023Trends
The social media landscape is a dynamic and ever-changing space, and as we enter 2023, it is crucial for brands to stay ahead of the curve. With new advancements and shifts in user behaviour, understanding the latest trends will empower brands to leverage social media effectively, connect with their target audiences, and achieve their business goals. In this article, we explore the top social…
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zylerkade · 1 year
The Top 7 Digital Marketing Trends to Watch in 2023
In today’s fast-paced digital world, staying ahead of the curve in digital marketing trends is essential for businesses of all sizes. With the ever-evolving landscape of technology and consumer behavior, businesses must constantly adapt and innovate to maintain a competitive edge. In this article, we will explore the top 7 digital marketing trends to watch in 2023, offering insights and…
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beastmarketing · 1 year
How to Create a Winning Social Media Strategy
New Post has been published on https://abnoubshenouda-digitalmarketer.com/how-to-create-a-winning-social-media-strategy/
How to Create a Winning Social Media Strategy
As social media continues to evolve, it is essential for businesses to have a well-planned and executed social media strategy. A winning social media strategy can lead to increased brand awareness, engagement, and ultimately, sales. In this article, we will explore how to create a winning social media strategy in 20 headings and subheadings.
Define Your Goals and Objectives
Identify what you want to achieve with your social media strategy
Ensure your goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART)
Understand Your Target Audience
Identify your ideal customer and their demographics, interests, and behaviors
Tailor your social media strategy to meet their needs and preferences
Conduct a Social Media Audit
Evaluate your current social media presence, including platforms, content, and engagement
Identify areas for improvement and opportunities for growth
Choose the Right Social Media Platforms
Select social media platforms that align with your goals and target audience
Consider factors such as platform demographics, content types, and features
Develop Your Brand Voice and Visuals
Establish a consistent brand voice and visual identity across all social media platforms
Consider your brand personality, values, and tone of voice when creating content
Create a Content Strategy
Develop a content calendar that aligns with your goals and target audience
Identify content themes, types, and formats that resonate with your audience
Optimize Your Content for Each Platform
Tailor your content to fit each social media platform’s unique features and audience
Use platform-specific best practices for hashtags, captions, and post frequency
Use Paid Social Advertising
Consider using paid social advertising to amplify your reach and engagement
Identify the right social media ad formats for your goals and target audience
Monitor and Respond to Social Media Conversations
Monitor social media conversations about your brand and industry
Respond promptly and professionally to customer inquiries, feedback, and complaints
Measure Your Social Media Performance
Use social media analytics to track your performance against your goals and objectives
Identify areas for improvement and optimize your strategy accordingly
Iterate and Improve Your Strategy
Continuously evaluate and iterate your social media strategy based on data and feedback
Test and experiment with new content formats, platforms, and tactics
Leverage Influencer Marketing
Consider partnering with social media influencers to reach a wider audience and increase engagement
Identify influencers who align with your brand and have a relevant following
Engage in Social Listening
Use social listening tools to monitor and analyze social media conversations about your brand and industry
Gain insights into customer sentiment, preferences, and behaviors
Develop a Crisis Management Plan
Plan for potential social media crises and develop a crisis management plan
Establish clear guidelines for how to respond to negative feedback and handle sensitive issues
Collaborate with Other Brands and Organizations
Consider collaborating with other brands and organizations to increase your reach and engagement
Identify partnerships that align with your brand values and target audience
Provide Value and Build Relationships
Focus on providing value to your audience through educational, informative, and entertaining content
Build relationships with your audience by engaging in conversations and responding to feedback
Use Social Media Listening to Identify Trends
Use social media listening tools to identify trends and stay up-to-date with industry news and events
Use this information to inform your content strategy and engage with your audience
Plan Your Budget and Resources
Allocate resources and budget to support your social media strategy
Consider factors such as staffing, content creation, advertising, and tools
Train Your Social Media Team
Ensure your social media team has the necessary skillsto execute your social media strategy effectively
Provide training and resources to keep your team up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices
Stay Up-to-Date with Social Media Trends
Continuously monitor and stay up-to-date with social media trends and best practices
Attend industry events, follow thought leaders, and read relevant publications
Creating a winning social media strategy takes time, effort, and dedication. By following these 20 headings and subheadings, you can develop a social media strategy that aligns with your goals, target audience, and brand identity. Remember to iterate and optimize your strategy based on data and feedback, stay up-to-date with industry trends, and focus on providing value and building relationships with your audience. With a well-planned and executed social media strategy, you can take your business to the next level and achieve your goals.
Social media marketing
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Digital Marketing Trends to Watch in 2023
As the world of digital marketing continues to evolve, staying up-to-date with the latest trends is essential for businesses looking to stay ahead of the curve. From emerging technologies to shifting consumer behaviour, here are some of the key digital marketing trends to watch in 2023.
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Augmented Reality As augmented reality (AR) technology continues to improve, we can expect to see more businesses using it to enhance their digital marketing efforts. AR allows users to experience a product or service in a more immersive way, leading to higher engagement and ultimately, increased sales.
Voice Search Optimization With the rise of voice-activated assistants like Alexa and Siri, optimizing content for voice search is becoming increasingly important. This means using natural language and long-tail keywords to better match the way people speak and ask questions.
Personalization Personalization has been a trend in digital marketing for several years, but in 2023 it will become even more important. Consumers expect a personalized experience that is tailored to their individual needs and preferences, and businesses that can deliver this will have a distinct advantage.
Video Marketing Video marketing is already a powerful tool for engaging audiences, but in 2023 it will become even more important. With more people consuming video content than ever before, businesses that can create compelling video content will be able to capture more attention and drive more conversions.
Interactive Content Interactive content such as quizzes, surveys, and polls can be a highly effective way to engage audiences and encourage them to take action. In 2023 we can expect to see more businesses using interactive content as part of their digital marketing strategies.
Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence (AI) is already being used in a variety of ways in digital marketing, from chatbots to personalized recommendations. In 2023, we can expect to see even more businesses using AI to enhance their marketing efforts and provide a better experience for customers.
Influencer Marketing Influencer marketing has been a trend for several years now, but it shows no signs of slowing down in 2023. With the rise of social media influencers and the increasing importance of authenticity, businesses that can effectively collaborate with the right influencers will be able to reach new audiences and build trust with their customers.
In conclusion, these are just a few of the digital marketing trends to watch in 2023. By keeping up with these trends and adapting their strategies accordingly, businesses can stay ahead of the curve and continue to drive growth and success in the years to come.
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twnenglish · 1 year
The Top Influencer Marketing Trends To Watch Out For In 2023
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As a marketer, it’s your responsibility to stay up to date on what’s happening with your brand and to anticipate what might come next. However, it’s impossible to know everything about the future with total certainty. That’s why you can base your conclusions on what’s happening now.
Influencer marketing is a type of marketing that uses famous people to influence others. Some people think that this type of marketing will be necessary for the future, and there are many trends that people are interested in. So, it is important to be aware of the different things that are happening with influencer marketing.
In the next year, there are many things that will influence the way influencers are used in marketing. One of these is the growth of social media networks like TikTok, which is currently the third-largest in the world. Additionally, there are many other trends that are likely to happen, including the rise of Generation Z and the continued dominance of TikTok.
If you want to stay ahead of the curve in influencer marketing in 2023, you need to be aware of the latest trends. Influencer marketing is a growing industry, and the best influencers are always on the lookout for new ways to help brands connect with their customers. As social media platforms change rapidly, the best influencers are quickly adapting to stay ahead of the curve. Brands can use these trends to their advantage by growing their customer base, attracting new leads, and increasing revenue.
Companies in the year 2023 are doing a lot of different things because of the pandemic. For example, they are using virtual reality to connect with customers, and they are also using influencers and content producers to create content that is reactive (meaning it is designed to respond to things that are happening in the world). This has made influencer marketing a lot more popular.
There are some regular marketing trends that will help your brand grow throughout the year.
The Top Influencer Marketing Trends To Watch Out For In 2023
Influencers on Social Media Will Continue to Influence
Influencer marketing is a big money maker. In the HubSpot report, it is said that nearly one-fourth of all marketers are using influencer marketing right now and it has a high return on investment. In fact, many people are planning to invest in influencer marketing in the near future. This means that influencer marketing will continue to grow in popularity.
According to Pierre-Loc Assayag, CEO and co-founder of Traackr, companies will spend more on influencer marketing in 2023 despite a possible recession. This is because influencer marketing is a more efficient way to reach consumers than typical digital media, and during a recession, companies will have less money to spend on other things.
2. Influencers Will Become Key to Many Affiliate Programs
Affiliate marketing is a way for businesses to earn money by selling products or services that they have not created themselves. They do this by working with other businesses to promote their products or services on their websites or social media pages. An influencer is someone who can help promote a product or service. They may do this by writing about it on their own blog or social media, or by using their influence to convince other people to buy it.
Both Refersion and another platform, which are called “influencers,” are helping their supporters buy products from other people. The difference between these two types of platforms is that Refersion is both an affiliate and an influencer platform, which means that it helps its supporters buy products from other people who are also affiliated with it and who have influence over the public.
An affiliate is someone who helps other people sell products. In the past, most affiliates were conventional bloggers or publishers. They would post product walkthroughs, reviews, and demonstrations on their websites. To increase the chance of getting referral fees from a wider range of readers, they frequently promoted numerous affiliate marketing programs.
3. The popularity of video content is growing
Many brands struggle to get their message out to a large audience on social media. This is because there are so many people using the platform, and they are using new technologies that make them more likely to watch or listen to things. This includes fast internet connections and lots of videos and audio content.
There has been a recent study that suggests that video-sharing platforms like YouTube and TikTok are the best tools for brands when it comes to using influencers. According to the study, over the first quarter of 2022, 107 million people liked sponsored creator content on video postings. All industries and levels of influencers are using short and long-form video content to drive their influencer marketing efforts. However, Instagram is still the most widely used social media platform, and over the coming year, expect to see a shift in content types towards audio or video. Podcasts are more popular than ever, while TikTok and YouTube are growing in popularity.
4. Local Marketing Remains the Most Effective
Over the past few years, searches for “near me” companies on mobile devices have skyrocketed. According to Google statistics, searches for “shopping near me” increased by almost 200% between 2016 and 2018. A SafariDigital analysis from 2022 states that 97% of users looked for local businesses online. Local marketing has never been more crucial, and in 2023, the emphasis will remain on local.
In 2023, there will still be a strong emphasis on local marketing, according to Linda Pophal, founder and owner of Strategic Communications, a company that offers marketing strategy solutions. According to Pophal, “Even the big brands are attempting to establish themselves in local markets and compete against local businesses that, perhaps surprisingly, have an advantage because their content can be more specialized and relevant to local geographies and, therefore, is rewarded by Google.” To “win” from a search perspective, brands with multiple locations must localize their content and make sure it is relevant and unique.
5. Live shopping will play a significant role in influencer marketing campaigns
Live shopping is a type of content where an influencer provides real-time feedback and reviews while also showing their followers how to buy products. This influence grows as more people use social media to find out about products. In 2018, 37% of marketers said they would increase their budgets for influencer marketing. This trend is expected to continue over time. For example, in March 2022, Walmart partnered with 10 TikTok creators for the second time.
Live shopping is a way for people to try on clothes and other items and see how they look in person. It’s especially helpful for fashion and beauty businesses because it allows people to see how the clothes and items behave and how they look on them. Live shopping will continue to grow in popularity as streaming services like Twitch and YouTube Gaming grow in popularity. This will allow influencers to reach a wider audience and make more money from their sponsors.
6. A Greater Emphasis on Diversity and Representation in Influencer Marketing
Recently, people have been paying more attention to diversity and representation in society. This is why you’ll often see influencer marketing where LGBTQ+ influencers have millions of followers.
Some agencies work to ensure that everyone in the media is represented fairly. One example is REFLECT, which focuses on helping underrepresented groups in the media. These agencies only work with companies that believe in diversity and inclusion in their marketing strategies, and they share this belief with their clients.
Shade and Black Girl Digital are both organizations that focus on representing black and brown creators. Black Girl Digital specifically chose to focus on black women, and their objective is to help brands create relationships with these influencers so they can succeed in their businesses.
Today, companies are taking measures to make sure that everyone has a voice and is being represented. They’ll have to change their corporate cultures in the future so that everyone feels welcome and not like they’re being shut out.
7. Micro and Nano Influencers Will Keep Gaining Popularity
There are different types of influencers, with some having a few thousand followers and others with millions. However, despite differences in follower count, engagement rates for all influencers studied were lower in 2022 than in previous years. However, the rate of conversion for micro and nano influencers was higher.
Brands can spend less money on influencers who have a large number of followers, and more money on those with a high engagement rate.
Also Read: 11 Top Tech Trends To Look For In 2023 And How They May Impact Your Life
8. Brands Will Look for Ongoing Partnerships Instead of One-Off Projects
In the future, you may see long-term partnerships between influencers and brands. This is because it takes time for sales to close, and when an influencer is engaged for just one sponsored post, they may not be able to provide much value. Instead, many brands are now interested in developing better partnerships with influencers, which can result in more successful marketing campaigns.
We think it’s a good idea to build packages that include a number of sponsored posts from you spread out over time, just like what brands would do when advertising on Facebook or elsewhere. Joining an influencer marketing network can help you build your credibility and make more money.
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mxstellatayte · 8 days
hiiii ! could you write a part 2 for the charles and the vibe fic?
i was gonna write it anyways but now i have an excuse to do it!
warnings: this is pure filth, threesome (mmf,) p in v sex, unprotected sex (DONT DO THAT,) mirror sex, carlos is an ass guy, charles is a boobs guy tho, kinda exhibitionism?, creampie, sex under the influence kinda?, it's all consensual though!
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all you wanted to do was tease charles. all you wanted to do was see how much you could tempt his resolve before it would crumble. you had no idea it would result in getting eaten out in the bathroom and then promptly realizing that carlos had heard the whole thing and had covered for you and charles.
in exchange, carlos wanted to make even on a bet that he and charles had made at the start of the 2023 season.
monaco. february 10th, 2023.
"what do you think the odds are that one of us wins a race this year?"
charles looked up from the chessboard, his eyebrows furrowing. "what do you mean?"
"i was looking at the red bull and mclaren numbers and our car splits them. we have a fighting chance this year, so do you think one of us will get a win this year?" charles moves a rook, taking one of carlos' pawns.
"it depends. if my entire radio just sounds like 'we are checking, we are checking' and i have to make my own strategy and tyre calls, maybe. if xavi learns basic engineering and communicative skills or gets replaced altogether, i'd say yeah, there's a chance."
"you wanna bet?"
"what are we betting?"
carlos hesitates, then looks up when he hears the door opening. something clatters in the closet before you can be heard cursing quietly, then rearranging the fallen shoes onto the rack. eventually, you come through the doorway to the living room, and, when you see carlos, your face lights up.
"carlos! cómo estás?" (how are you?) you walk over and lean down, kissing his cheek in greeting.
"bien. un poco nervioso para bahrain, pero el carro maneja fantástico este año. y vos?" (good. a bit nervous for bahrain, but the car drives amazing this year. what about you?) you walk over to the kitchen while he's talking and pull out ingredients to make yourself a bowl of yogurt and berries- your favorite snack to have after work before you take your pit bull out for a walk.
"i'm alright. the marketing team made a stupid mistake so i had to do some damage control that took way longer than it should have, but i know martin is going to give them absolute hell tomorrow for it, so at least it doesn't reflect badly on me." your bowl clinks on the countertop as you sit down at the island and take out your computer, your headphones that were previously resting around your neck being slipped over your ears. "i've got some emails to write for an upcoming content creator collab we're doing, so i'll be in my zone. you guys know the drill?"
charles nods. "hermit mode?"
you smile, slipping the second speaker over your ear. "hermit mode."
a few moments pass before carlos speaks again. "are you okay with betting her?"
charles' eyebrows raise. "what do you mean?"
carlos makes his move on the chessboard. "if i win more races than you this year, i get her for a night. if you win more races than me, you can use me for a night. however you want."
the thought of his teammate and closest friend getting to fuck you lights a fire inside of charles, and while he wants nothing more than to agree to the bet purely for the stakes of it, he needs to check in with you first. "can i run it by her and get back to you on that?"
carlos nods. "just get me an answer by bahrain so we can figure something else out if she doesn't want to do that."
italy. february 3rd, 2024.
you had forgotten about the bet. charles and carlos had not.
now, just minutes later, you find yourself with your back once again against the wall, but this time you're staring into carlos' eyes while he fingers you gently, your legs wrapped around his waist and charles leaning against the vanity facing both of you. your eyes unintentionally flick over carlos' shoulder to your boyfriend who is an absolute mess. he's palming himself over his slacks, and you can tell just from the flush in his face that creeps down to his neck and the way his eyebrows are pinched together that he likes what he sees. before you can eye-fuck him the way you know he likes, carlos pulls his fingers out of you and you whine, but he carries you over to the vanity and taps your ass to get you to let go. "spin around, amor. let me see that beautiful ass of yours."
this is a side of carlos that you've never seen before, and it would be a lie to say that it's not hot. without a second thought, you spin yourself around so that your back is resting against his chest and your ass rests against his crotch. "come on, hermosa. bend over." as slowly as you can, you lean forward, resting your hands on the vanity and grinding yourself against him and you swear you can feel his dick twitch inside of his own black slacks. as soon as your forearms are fully resting on the granite vanity, carlos runs his hands down your back and to the front of your legs where he pulls the scarlet fabric of your dress to gather on your left side, the slit opening so that your entire ass is exposed. "no panties?" oh. you forgot about that.
"i kept them for good measure," charles says, pulling them out of his pocket. "you want 'em? you might have to shut her up. she never stops moaning."
"i know. i heard everything. you two are lucky i was the one outside and not anyone else. now," carlos says, taking your panties from your boyfriend and shoving them in his pocket, "do you feel like returning the favor?"
the whiskey you'd downed earlier is taking its effect, and you can't help but bite your lip and nod. normally, you wouldn't be nearly as confident as you are now with someone other than your boyfriend having you in the position you're in right now, but you trust carlos and frankly, you're too turned on to care. charles is in the same room and you're both comfortable enough in your relationship that it's okay. "yes, carlos. i'll return the favor. whatever you want." as you're talking, you can hear carlos unbuckle his belt and unzip his slacks, and when there's finally one layer of fabric between the two of you, carlos reaches into his jacket packet and pulls out a condom. before he opens it, though, you pipe up, your voice embarrassingly breathy and high. "i'm clean and on the pill. don't waste it if getting me pregnant is your only concern."
"are you sure?" carlos says, glancing over at charles. your boyfriend only responds with a shrug and points his thumb at you.
"whatever she says. you're the one fucking her."
carlos doesn't waste a second setting the condom on the vanity, pulling his slacks and underwear down his thighs just enough so that it's comfortable, and pushing into you. you have to bite your lip and cover your own mouth to prevent yourself from moaning too loudly, the stretch from carlos being so different to the one you're accustomed to with charles.
when you look up, carlos' head is thrown back and his hands grip your hips so tight his knuckles are white. it might be the hottest sight you've ever seen. "carlos." your voice is whiny, and you're shocked you can even get his name out.
"fuck me, please."
"are you sure?" his voice lilts in the way you're used to hearing, but this time, there's something slightly different about it. maybe it's the fact that he's currently buried inside of you, his hips flush with your own, or maybe it's the fact that every time you move your head to look up at him, your cunt squeezes around him so perfectly he fears he might cum within three thrusts, but either way, you feel so, so perfect.
"positive. now please. fuck. me." slowly, carlos pulls his hips back before pushing into you, slowly increasing his pace until every time his body meets your ass, you're shoved forward slightly on the counter and your breasts bounce forward, almost falling out of the low neckline of your dress.
"mierda, amor, tienes un coño hecho para mi," (shit, love, you have a cunt made for me,) carlos groans out, pulling your arms back and holding them with one hand while the other goes to hold you up by your neck. the restriction to your windpipe makes your head spin and the new angle has carlos' entire cock running against your g-spot with every thrust. you're able to wiggle your hands free, your left hand reaching back to tug at carlos' hair and your right goes down to rub circles around your clit, making you tighten around carlos' dick, and the combination of the pain from his hair being pulled and your cunt spasming around him makes him tip over the edge.
the feeling of carlos filling you up in turn sends you into your own orgasm, and as you cum, you look to your left, where charles jerks himself off watching you. when you make eye contact with him, though, it's the last straw and he spills into his hand with a quiet groan and his head thrown back.
the three of you catch your breaths and carlos pulls out of you gently, then shoves his cum back inside of you. the forgotten egg vibrator in charles' coat pocket is reinserted into your cunt and you whine at the overstimulation, slightly anxious that charles might tease you again, but he whispers a quiet promise in your ear that you've been good tonight, he won't turn it on anymore.
eventually, carlos slips out of the bathroom and you follow shortly after, walking back down the large hallway to return to the event. later that night, after speeches have been made, hollow promises have been spoken, and many, many bottles of expensive champagne have been toasted with, you make your way back outside, your arm linked with charles' as he calls his car to be pulled with the valet service. carlos walks up and stands next to the two of you, his car already on its way up, and turns to you.
"i'd say the bet is settled, no?"
there you have it folks :D
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ennobletechnologies · 9 months
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In recent years, influencer marketing has become one of the most popular – and effective – marketing tools. Companies of all sizes are turning to influencers to help them promote their products and services.
However, influencer marketing is constantly evolving, and companies must stay up-to-date on the latest trends if they want to continue to be successful. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the ways in which influencer marketing will evolve in 2023.
Read More: https://ennobletechnologies.com/social-media/beyond-sponsored-posts-how-influencer-marketing-will-evolve-in-2023/
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tistaservices · 11 months
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naturalrights-retard · 7 months
Pfizer financed consumer, medical and civil rights organizations that lobbied for COVID jab mandates, thereby creating the false appearance of broad support
Moderna controls the vaccine debate and influences vaccine policy by working with a third party nongovernmental organization (NGO) called Public Good Projects (PGP), which monitors and censors online discussions about the COVID shots on Moderna’s behalf
Moderna has also retained an online monitoring company called Talkwalker that uses artificial intelligence to monitor and flag vaccine-related conversations across 150 million websites across the globe
Oftentimes the information flagged and/or censored as “misinformation” is factually accurate. It’s flagged/censored simply because it has the potential to create “vaccine hesitancy” or contradicts the “safe and effective” narrative
As vaccine resistance grows, Moderna is ratcheting up its surveillance operation, with a focus on coercive or forced vaccination policies. Documents show Moderna is tracking elected officials that object to vaccine mandates, as well as new laws that restrict vaccine mandates
In late April 2023, investigative journalist Lee Fang published evidence showing Pfizer had financed consumer, medical and civil rights organizations that lobbied for COVID jab mandates,1,2 thereby creating the false appearance of broad support.
Special interest groups paid by Pfizer to push for mandates and other coercive vaccine policies included the Chicago Urban league (which argued the jab mandate would benefit the Black community), the National Consumers League, the Immunization Partnership, the Advertising Council and a long list of universities and cancer, cardiology, rheumatology and medical science organizations.
The coercive measures and subsequent mandates — which have since been reversed by the courts — allowed Pfizer to become the first drug company in history to break $100 billion in annual sales.
Moderna Uses NGO to Censor Vaccine Discussions
In a November 20, 2023, Unherd article3 cowritten with journalist Jack Poulson, Fang turns his attention to Moderna, detailing what Moderna is doing to control the vaccine debate and influence vaccine policy.
Just like the federal government has been working with the Stanford Internet Observatory and NewsGuard to circumvent First Amendment free speech rights,4 Moderna has been secretly working with a third party nongovernmental organization (NGO) called Public Good Projects (PGP) to monitor and censor online discussions about the COVID shots — anything that might hurt Moderna’s bottom line.
According to documents seen by Fang and Poulson, PGP works closely with social media platforms, government agencies and news websites to identify and shut down "misinformation."
"With PGP, Moderna is monitoring a huge range of mainstream outlets, as well as unconventional ones, such as the Steam online gaming community and Medium," Fang and Poulson write.
PGP has had a particularly robust influence over Twitter. Before Elon Musk bought the company, PGP had backdoor access to Twitter’s data. It also helped Twitter formulate its pandemic-related speech policies. Internal Twitter emails show PGP’s misinformation team was in frequent contact with Todd O’Boyle,5 then-director of Twitter’s public policy team.
"Their intention, as we have gleaned from the emails exchanged, was not only to combat misinformation, but also to affect the content and tenor of public debate," Fang and Poulson write.
"While PGP identified some obvious falsehoods ... many tweets flagged as misinformation were simply critical of vaccine passports and other policies designed to coerce vaccination.
Moderna’s corporate intelligence and marketing team has worked closely with PGP again this year in its bid to shape the vaccine discourse as take-up drops off a cliff.
The partnership expanded again in October with an official training program, developed by Moderna and PGP, alongside the American Board of Internal Medicine, to help healthcare workers identify medical misinformation.
The online course, called the ‘Infodemic Training Program,’ represents an official partnership between biopharma and the NGO world. But none of PGP’s recent work with Moderna is disclosed on its website or in the Infodemic Training Program."
Moderna Uses AI to Flag and Erase Bad PR
Moderna has also retained an online monitoring company called Talkwalker that uses artificial intelligence to monitor and flag vaccine-related conversations across 150 million websites. And, as we’ve also seen with the federal government, the information flagged and/or censored on Moderna’s behalf is often factually accurate.
According to Fang and Poulson, none of the Moderna reports "makes any attempt to dispute the claims made. Rather the claims are automatically deemed ‘misinformation’ if they encourage vaccine hesitancy." They continue:6
"According to one report we have seen, Musk is deemed to be ‘high risk.’ Specifically, a Musk video that ridiculed media and government officials who claimed the Covid-19 vaccine was ‘100% effective’ against the virus.
The report did not identify any false statements, but warned that his video highlighted the fact that ‘deception by health authorities and health care providers during the pandemic’ would ‘lay the groundwork to sow distrust in credible sources on vaccine safety and effectiveness."
Basically, Moderna accurately points out that when health authorities lie and deceive, people stop trusting them. The answer Moderna comes up with, however, is not to quit lying and deceiving. Rather, it’s to bury those who point out that we’ve been lied to and deceived. That way, the liars can continue to deceive and still be held up as paragons of credibility.
What often flies under the banner of combating disinformation is ... nothing but corporate public relations, trying to spin public narratives in directions favorable to the corporation’s interests. ~ Aaron Kheriaty, fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center
What’s so particularly disturbing about this whole COVID jab debacle is that our government and health authorities deceived us in order to benefit Big Pharma. As Aaron Kheriaty, a bioethicist and fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, told Fang and Poulson:7
"What often flies under the banner of combating disinformation is ... nothing but corporate public relations, trying to spin public narratives in directions favorable to the corporation’s interests.
Does anyone really want to live under a regime where their social media feed is essentially curated by government or by multinational corporate interests that stand to profit, influencing opinion on these issues?"
Email correspondence also shows Moderna provided a network of 45,000 health care professionals with talking points and "advice on how to respond when vaccine misinformation goes mainstream."8 Meanwhile, no one has been keeping health care workers abreast on the latest data on COVID jab-related injuries and deaths, not even our public health agencies.
On the contrary, both the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have been caught hiding, manipulating and lying about those data, which when viewed with a clear eye show the COVID shots are the most dangerous medical products ever released to the public.
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Intelligence Agencies Now Work With and for Big Pharma
Moderna’s information control network also includes an internal "global intelligence" division, run by Nikki Rutman, whose CV9 includes 19 years as an intelligence analyst for the FBI and other intel agencies. She’s also served as an adviser on terrorism to the director of National Intelligence, and as a counterintelligence analyst for the Defense Intelligence Agency.
Rutman joined Moderna in March 2022. During Operation Warp Speed, she worked at the FBI’s Boston office, which held weekly "cybersecurity" meetings with Moderna. Other former law enforcement agents have also joined the vaccine maker in the wake of Operation Warp Speed. As noted by Fang and Poulson:10
"The involvement of former law enforcement reflects a wider trend in the misinformation-space, as the Department of Homeland Security and FBI have increasingly leaned on social media platforms to shape content decisions as a national security issue."
Indeed, factually stating that the COVID shots have serious side effects and are killing people now earns you the label of "domestic terrorist," simply because such statements might make someone else think twice about getting the jab, and getting everyone injected is a top "national security" concern.
The whole thing is ludicrous, considering COVID-19 has a lethality on par with or lower than the seasonal influenza. There’s no medically valid reason to inject every man, woman and child, nor are there any valid national security reasons to do so since COVID-19 doesn’t have the ability to decimate the American population. On the contrary, the shots are doing that and most people can now see it.
Moderna Ratchets Up Surveillance in Face of Growing Resistance
However, even though COVID booster uptake has dropped into the low single digits and childhood vaccine exceptions are at an all-time high,11 indicating there’s a growing resistance to the entire concept of vaccinations, Moderna is not letting up.
Instead, it’s "ratcheting up its surveillance operation," according to Fang and Poulson. Its primary interest now is "anything relating to policies designed to coerce vaccination." For example, documents show Moderna is tracking elected officials who object to vaccine mandates, as well as new laws that restrict vaccine mandates. Fang and Poulson write:12
"‘Politicians attempting to ban COVID-19 mandates — or at least claiming to — signals growing resistance to COVID-19 mitigations,’ reads one of the Moderna alerts. Given the company avoided publicly commenting on the mandate debate, this is revelatory ...
[D]espite the growing backlash against social media censorship, the network of fact-checking nonprofits has grown at an industrial pace, providing opaque opportunities for private and public interests to take subtle control over the public discourse.
Such sophistication in blending public-health messaging and corporate advertising should concern anyone with an interest in how government controls free speech. ‘This is an interesting peek behind the disinformation industry, what it actually does,’ said Kheriaty, the bioethicist.
‘It’s about controlling a narrative, controlling the flow of information, controlling how people think about public policy, like the vaccine mandate, and how people think about a particular product that a corporation is profiting from,’ he added. ‘It’s deeply disturbing.’"
Big Pharma PR Company Funds Biased Speech Police
Big Pharma is also manipulating and censoring public discourse via another third party — the PR firm Publicis. The Publicis Groupe is one of the world’s largest communications groups.13 It represents most major drug companies and tech firms. Publicis is a partner14 of and the largest corporate investor in NewsGuard,15 which rates websites on criteria of credibility and trustworthiness, ostensibly to guide viewers to the "most reliable" sources of news and information.
NewsGuard has influential connections to The Paley Center for Media, which is composed of every major media in the world.16 NewsGuard is also partnered with the U.S. State Department, the U.S. Department of Defense and the World Health Organization.17
Publicis, meanwhile, is partnered with Google,18,19 which allows it the ability to bury undesirable views that might hurt its clientele, and the World Economic Forum (WEF)20 that is leading the call for a "reset" of the global economy and a complete overhaul of our way of life.21
One of NewsGuard’s CEOs, Louis Gordon Crovitz, is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), yet another key player behind The Great Reset. Since its inception, the CFR’s goal has been to undermine U.S. sovereignty and national independence to usher in an all-powerful one-world government.
Over time, it’s become quite clear that NewsGuard’s role in The Great Reset is not only to barricade unpopular truth and differences of opinion behind closed gates, but also to force alternative media out of business. They do that by rating sites as "fake news" and drying up ad revenue by putting them on the BrandGuard exclusion list that Publicis shares with all its advertising clients.22,23
Publishers such as myself, who are critical of the drug industry, have a particularly large target on our backs, even when the information we share is backed up by published research and expert analyses.
The fact that NewsGuard is funded by Publicis makes its low ratings of alternative health sites highly suspect. Basically, Publicis is using NewsGuard to blacklist competitors to Big Pharma (its clients) with the intent to bankrupt them. Conversely, NewsGuard props up those willing to unquestioningly regurgitate drug industry PR.
WebMD is but one example. In February 2021, WebMD and Medscape (a division of WebMD Health Corp.) joined HealthGuard’s VaxFacts campaign "to identify and counter misleading vaccine information."24
HealthGuard is the health- and medicine-specific version of NewsGuard.25 It makes you wonder how much Publicis might be paying WebMD — one of the largest health websites in the world — to "guard you" from anyone with a differing opinion about how to get and stay healthy.
Transparency Is the Answer
The sad reality is that those who disagree with the mainstream narrative have now become "terrorists" that must be eradicated, lest the plan for the global technocracy’s control over the population — body, mind and soul — get pushed off-track by an unwilling public.
The answer to this situation is transparency. We must expose the machinations that allow this agenda to be pushed forward. Part of that exposure is looking at the role big PR companies like Publicis play in this scheme.
Another part is exposing how the censorship industry is being restructured into a "middleware model" where "content curation" (censorship) is simply outsourced to third-party organizations. This way, a "legal" disinformation compliance market is created while governments and big industries alike can claim they have nothing to do with the control of information.
As previously reported, what we’re looking at is the emergence of organized corporate censorship where artificial intelligence will scour the internet for undesirable views, down to the least-read blog.26 Soon, the internet will be completely homogenized, and you simply won’t be able to find information that conflicts with or provides any nuance to the official narrative on a given topic.
To have any chance of thwarting this plan, we must continue to push back against any and all efforts to legalize, standardize and normalize censorship. To vocally object, to refuse using middleware like NewsGuard, and to boycott any company or organization that uses middleware or engages in censorship of any kind.
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mariacallous · 5 days
Elon Musk is a man comfortable with risky bets. He pledged to send 1 million people to Mars (SpaceX), to fill factories with humanoid workers (Tesla Bot), and to create a network of highways deep underground (the Boring Company). All of these bets are yet to pay off. But six years ago, Musk took a leap of faith that would also affect him personally. He tied his own pay at Tesla to a series of financial targets over the next decade, including boosting the company’s market value from $59 billion to $650 billion. Such targets were decried by commentators at the time as “jaw-dropping” and “his most unlikely goal yet.” And Musk’s wage from the company if he didn’t pull them off? Nothing at all.
The board agreed to the plan in 2018. However, a heavy-metal drummer named Richard Tornetta, who owned just nine Tesla shares, did not. In June of that year, he decided to sue, claiming the pay package was unfair to investors like him. By the time the case reached court in Delaware in 2022, Musk had just one milestone left before the big payout. But the judge agreed with Tornetta in January, voiding what she called an unfathomably large pay package and describing the directors who negotiated it as beholden to Musk.
Musk succeeded in hitting those 12 jaw-dropping targets by the close of 2023, following Tesla’s brief spell as a trillion-dollar company. And now, despite what happened in Delaware, he’s demanding to be paid. At Tesla’s annual meeting on Thursday, shareholders are being asked to vote again on whether Musk should receive what has by now swollen to a nearly $50 billion pay package, the biggest in US corporate history. The $50 billion question for shareholders is: Is Musk worth it?
Posing the question of whether he deserves his pay packet at all marks a significant shift for the relationship between Musk and the electric automaker he has led since 2008. “The resistance shows that there is a ceiling to the influence that a single person has on the company,” says Mike Ramsey, an automotive analyst at the consultancy Gartner. “This is the the first time Tesla shareholders might be willing to say, ‘You can’t have unlimited power.’”
The vote comes at a difficult time for Tesla. For the first time in the company’s history, Tesla is facing intense competition in the electric car market—especially from cheaper Chinese competitors. Meanwhile, some observers have puzzled over Musk’s response and his pivot to robotaxis and artificial intelligence.
“The debate here really is about the future, not the past,” says John Colley, professor of practice in strategy and leadership at the UK’s Warwick Business School. “Tesla has become a mature business, and it’s got all the problems that mature carmakers have now.” Whether a visionary like Musk is the best man to lead a mature business is unclear, he adds.
The pay package is just one in a series of measures that shareholders have already been asked to vote on by proxy, ahead of Thursday’s meeting. Others include whether Tesla’s incorporation should move from Delaware to Texas, whether the company should soften its hardline stance on labor negotiations, and whether the company should preemptively impose a moratorium on using minerals mined from the seabed.
Yet none have been as divisive as Musk’s pay. Deep rifts among investors have been exposed in the lead-up to the vote. Tesla board chair Robyn Denholm has backed the pay package, as has billionaire investor Ron Baron. “Tesla is better with Elon,” Baron wrote in an open letter last week. “Tesla is Elon.” Yet the deal’s opponents include two influential proxy advisory groups, which guide institutional investors on votes, as well as shareholders from the Nordic countries, where Tesla has clashed with workers over labor rights.
Norway’s trillion-dollar sovereign wealth fund has said it will vote against the pay deal, as will the country’s largest pension fund, KLP. “While we acknowledge that the company has grown significantly and successfully during the performance period, we still note that the total award value remains excessive,” Kiran Aziz, KLP's head of responsible investments, told WIRED, adding the fund will vote in favor of the motion urging Tesla to engage in labor negotiations. “Recent [dispute] between Tesla and the company’s workers in Sweden as well as Tesla’s history of accusations of interference with workers’ rights is of great concern and shows that the company needs to do better work in the area.”
Behind the scenes of the vote, lobbying has been intense. Tesla has paid for ads on Google and X, which is owned by Musk, telling investors to “protect your investment” and support the proposal, according to a company filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. In April, Tesla also launched a website urging shareholders to vote against the Delaware court decision and support the pay package. “The Court’s decision, if implemented, means that Elon would not receive any compensation for the tremendous accomplishments that have generated significant stockholder returns in less than six years,” the website reads.
“This is the most advertising I can remember from any proxy solicitation,” says Robert Anderson, a professor at the University of Arkansas School of Law. He believes the Musk effect—the CEO’s ability to attract endless publicity—has contributed to this situation. But the pay package and the proposed Texas move are both unprecedented in the business world, he adds. “Either [of] those things by themselves would be pretty significant, even if he were not a public figure.”
The vote will be decided by a mix of institutional investors as well as an unusually large cohort of retail investors, who control around 44 percent of the business. Among shareholders, there are concerns that if Musk does not win his compensation, “his attention might drift to some of his other ventures a little bit more,” says Anderson. Musk managed to juggle multiple ventures for years, but he has been more publicly distracted since acquiring the social media service Twitter and renaming it X. There, his visible turn to right-wing politics has garnered new fans and left some old ones behind.
Whatever happens this week, Tesla and Musk may emerge looking a bit less superhuman. For years, the two have insisted that Tesla is a tech company, with a Silicon Valley–style startup scrappiness. “We should be thought of as an AI or robotics company,” Musk told investors—or voters—in April. “If you value Tesla as just an auto company … fundamentally, it’s just the wrong framework.”
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darkangel1791 · 12 days
Queer influencers are feeling the Pride marketing squeeze
By Allison Smith
For many queer influencers like Alysse Dalessandro, Pride is the biggest month of the year for brand sponsorships. Throughout the month of June, Dalessandro — a plus-size fashion and lifestyle blogger — posts videos on TikTok or Instagram featuring sponsored products that cater to her LGBTQ+ followers. 
In 2022 alone, Dalessandro worked with 35 different brands, and one-third of her annual income came from Pride sponsorships. 
But this year, those figures are looking a lot smaller, and Dalessandro says it’s because brands’ appetites for Pride marketing have weakened amid widespread pressure from anti-LGBTQ+ conservatives. 
“This year’s Pride will just be a regular month,” said Dalessandro in an interview. “Whereas I used to make one-third of my yearly income, I would say I’ll make one-twelfth of my income this year.”
The pullback comes just after Target announced earlier this month that it would be scaling back its Pride Month offerings. The retailer said its Pride products would only be available in about half of its nearly 2,000 stores in the U.S. and online, and it would no longer sell LGBTQIA-themed merchandise for children.
Protests against brands with Pride Month products and marketing campaigns reached a fever pitch last year. Target reported “gut-wrenching” attacks of violence in its stores against employees, prompting the retailer to pull some of its LGBTQIA-themed merchandise. Target’s earnings took a hit, which the retailer partially attributed to the controversy.
Meanwhile, Anheuser-Busch’s Bud Light faced boycotts last year after the brand worked with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney for a marketing promotion. The boycott was so severe that sales plunged, and Bud Light was dethroned as America’s best-selling beer by Mexican lager Modelo Especial.
While some say the protests have cast a pall across corporate America that is still being felt this Pride Month, others say brands are continuing to celebrate Pride with merchandise and promotions – but it’s being done more quietly and in moderation now. 
A majority of corporate executives and Fortune 500 leaders reported to Gravity Research that they are not planning changes to their Pride strategy for 2024. Thirteen percent were unsure, and only 9% said they were definitely planning changes.
Indeed, grocery store giant — and Target’s biggest rival — Walmart has plunged ahead with its LGBTQIA-themed merchandise for Pride this year. 
Still, Dalessandro isn’t alone in reporting a slowdown.
Matt Skallerud, president of Pink Media, expects more brands will sit on the sidelines this Pride as companies try to navigate an increasingly fraught socio-political landscape. 
“Typically, we have several Pride projects in the works that we would have had ready for a June 1 launch. But this year, there’s nothing. Zero,” said Skallerud. “When I talk to others in the industry, whether they’re smaller LGBT media companies or other marketing firms, they say they’re all suffering the same thing.”
In the U.K., a similar chilling effect is also being felt, according to Chris Dunne, co-CEO at Outvertising, a non-profit that helps marketers connect with LGBTQ+ audiences. 
Although Pride Month is officially underway as of June 1, “you’d be excused for not knowing that by walking the streets or walking through the mall, or any of the touch points where you usually see retail support for Pride,” said Dunne. “It’s suspiciously quiet, and I think all the indicators are that it will be a quieter Pride month from a commercial and brand point of view.”
Yet, total marketing budgets in the U.K. reached their highest levels in almost a decade in the fourth quarter of 2023, according to a report. In the U.S., ad spend is similarly resilient. Three major ad forecasters have predicted improved U.S. media spend totals for 2024, Digiday previously reported. Retail is especially robust, with a 9% uptick in spend expected, according to IPG’s Magna unit. 
Brands, however, risk missing out on crucial dollars if these healthy budgets aren’t directed toward LGBTQ+ communities. Queer-identifying Americans represent $1.4 trillion in U.S. spending power, according to investment advisor LGBT Capital. 
“With one in five Gen Z identifying as LGBTQ, companies are really recognizing that it’s more important to have a relationship with this consumer segment than to perhaps respond to a vocal percentage of the population that’s actually quite small,” said Matt Tumminello, founder and president of Target 10, an agency that specialize in LGBTQ+ consumers. 
Moreover, many consumers support a swath of LGBTQ+ issues. For example, an Outvertising report found that 60% of queer-identifying people and 41% of non-LGBTQ+ people in the U.K. believe that brands should express their views on political and social issues. Meanwhile, 74% of Americans are neutral or positively impacted by knowing a company offers Pride merchandise, according to GLAAD, which advocates for positive portrayal of LGBTQ+ people in media and culture.
Despite this, marketers’ investment in the LGBTQ+ community is minuscule at only 2.5% of all advertising spend, according to ANA’s Alliance for Inclusive and Multicultural Marketing.
“We know that there’s a fringe minority that is very loud, so brands’ messaging and tone has been modified because marketers don’t want to get caught in the middle,” said Carlos Santiago, co-founder of ANA AIMM. 
According to Meghan Bartley, senior director of agencies, brand and engagement at GLAAD, brands aren’t pulling back so much as they’re retooling how they engage with the LGBTQ+ community. 
“Brands are reconsidering how they show up for our community. That may look like a change to a Pride campaign rather than the complete removal of a Pride campaign,” said Bartley. For example, she said brands are increasingly looking at how to invest in queer-identifying communities all year round as opposed to just Pride month. That can translate to fewer rainbow logos on LinkedIn, to appear less opportunistic, and investing more in LGBTQ+ causes rather than merchandising, she said. 
Bartley cited iHeartMedia and Procter & Gamble’s fifth-annual “Can’t Cancel Pride,” an event celebrating the LGBTQ+ community, as an example of how brands are supporting the community in ways other than merchandising.
When Target said it would be selling less Pride merchandise this year, the retailer touted its year-round investments in the LGBTQ+ community, including donations to organizations such as Human Rights Campaign and Family Equality. Target also said it would participate in local Pride events across the nation and that it would continue to spotlight LGBTQ-owned brands throughout the year.
“There are some brands that are doing the work behind the scenes because they’re aware of a growing backlash,” said Outvertising’s Dunne. “But I don’t think that’s the majority. I think that’s the slim minority.”
Bob Witeck, a consultant who helps companies such as Walmart develop their LGBTQ-friendly policies, also hasn’t seen a pullback from his clients. In fact, he said some were doubling down on Pride Month in light of last year’s backlash. 
“In all of my conversations with the clients I work with, they have not shrunk at all,” said Witeck. “In fact, the conversations internally are more like, ‘We feel a deeper need to amplify what we say.’”
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