#The last million times this happened everyone leaves but this one little motherfucker stuck around and I don’t hndertaan
fucknugg3t · 5 months
sometimes you fuck up and people stay
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okayyy so i had something heavier/hurt-comforty in the works as a gapfiller about mickey processing (bc we all need that!!!) but this fluffy little 3+1 about ian and mickey singing to each other happened instead— i hope u enjoy💞
a 3+1 of 3 times ian sang to mickey, and one time mickey sang to ian (to give context to the absolutely wild 11x09 serenade)
also the biggest shoutout to @southside-forever’s 80s gallavich playlist which has SO many bops and inspired bits of this😌
Mickey didn’t really know when it all started— Ian was always fucking humming these days, always whistling or singing some tune under his breath when he came out of the shower. He was more buoyant recently, lighter— the security gig was going well, and these days it felt like something looming and heavy had lifted, releasing the crooked hunch out of Ian’s shoulders that had taken root the sour morning weeks before as he shoveled Fruit Loops and Jameson into his mouth. Since then, it felt like he and Ian were finally on the same goddamn page for once— like they had a purpose, like they were moving forward.
Or at least, moving forward on the weekdays— but today was a slow, lazy Saturday, and Mickey was still laying in bed in a tank top and boxers, sweaty and entangled in the crumpled sheets, laying back with his head on the pillow and playing some overly-gory sharpshooter game on his phone. He’d been trying to beat this fucking level a million times, but his thumb couldn’t move quickly enough at the pivotal moment when he had to shoot a bunch of enemy forces— he’d been at the game for a good half hour, since when Ian had sleepily stumbled off of the mattress sporting a full bedhead to go take a shower, and Mickey was starting to get a tinny, sharp headache from staring at his phone screen for too long. He was just starting to consider getting up, to peel off his sweaty tank top and head downstairs to grab some coffee— when Ian came into the room from his shower, a fraying towel wrapped around his lower half and his torso slick with excess water droplets. Mickey flickered his eyes up from his game for a moment, taking an… appreciative glance, and then quickly focused his attention back on his pixelated mission as Ian stood in front of the dresser in the cramped bedroom, and started to rustle through the drawers for a t-shirt.
Mickey maneuvered his buff video game avatar through a minefield, biting his lip in concentration— when his sharp focus was suddenly infiltrated by Ian, singing under his breath in an airy tone.
“Ooooooh we’re halfway there.”
Mickey gritted his teeth slightly and tried to pour all his attention into the pivotal moment of the level, but half of his mind was being pulled to listen to Ian’s gravelly voice, continuing to softly murmur to himself in a tone that was ridiculously off-key.
“She says we’ve gotta hoooold on, to what we’ve got—”
Mickey’s phone screen flickered. GAME OVER.
Mickey wanted to throw his phone at the fucking wall. He inhaled, then pressed “Start Game” again, one last time— and again, his focus was disrupted by Ian, singing under his breath as he pulled on his jeans and gently pattered his hands in a rhythm on the top of the dresser— which was endearing and sappy as fuck, sure, but it was not helping Mickey with the task at hand. Mickey puffed out a sharp, frustrated breath, keeping his eyes on his phone screen.
“The fuck are you singing for right now?”
Ian suddenly gave a sheepish smile over his shoulder as he rifled through their sock drawer, like he’d been caught in the middle of doing something wrong.
“Don’t know. Song was just stuck in my head I guess.”
Mickey glared at Ian, pressing his thumb to the screen to pause his game. “Cut that shit out.”
Ian rolled his eyes fondly, sitting on the edge of the mattress to pull on his socks. “You should be thanking me for serenading you with your fucking eighties dad music. I could be singing Carly Rae Jepson right now, or some other pop bullshit that you hate.”
Mickey felt an involuntary, amused smirk split onto his face, and he tried to turn it into a scowl. Fucking adorable motherfucker.
“Okay, tough guy. If anything you should be thanking me for cleansing your ears from the techno garbage that you used to listen to.”
Ian gave a soft smile, shoulders turning fully towards Mickey now that he’d finished pulling on his socks— and then he turned and clambered into the bed, hovering above Mickey and causing Mickey’s fingers to go slack around his phone case. Mickey could smell the warm, freshly-showered scent of him, all cheap bar soap and Old Spice deodorant, and felt the soft press of his t-shirt through Mickey’s thin tank top— an overly worn t-shirt, one of Mickey’s, that stretched just a little too tight over Ian’s torso.
Ian looked down at Mickey, fucking beaming for some reason, his eyes light. He swooped down, pressing a soft, quick kiss above Mickey’s eyebrow. And then—
“Take my haaaand, we’ll make it I sweeear”
Mickey felt an involuntary, uncomfortable chuckle bubble up out of his ribcage. Was Ian fucking… singing? To him? It definitely seemed like it. And as much as he didn’t want it to, because this was fucking sappy and ridiculous and… well, gay— Mickey couldn’t help the fact that his husband leaning over him, breathily singing the tune of one of their goddamn wedding songs in his husky tone-deaf voice, made Mickey’s blood run a little bit hotter; which was bullshit, because absolutely nothing about this should be hot, and it was probably the most disgustingly married thing that Mickey could think of— but apparently everything about Ian, every dorky and fucking god-awful cringey thing that he did, was a turn-on, or at least according to Mickey’s thudding heartbeat and sweaty palms right now.
Ian’s face was still hovering centimeters above his, his eyebrows raised triumphantly and sporting a sappy fucking grin, like he knew how affected Mickey was by this, no matter how much Mickey grumbled and complained and tried to hide it.
Mickey rolled his eyes. “You’re fucking soft, Gallagher.”
Ian just leaned down again, kissing up the slope of Mickey’s neck and biting at his earlobe—and, okay, maybe Mickey could get behind Ian’s singing after all.
Ian’s singing was starting to get fucking ridiculous— and as much as it made something deep inside Mickey feel a light pang of relief, to see Ian being his old bubbly self again in the rhythms of routine and held by the safety net of financial stability because of the security gig that made the air between them less stale, it also meant that they were also around each other pretty much 24/7, and Ian’s serenades were starting to get relentless.
While they pretty much had a common ground in liking nostalgic 80s music, they would still inevitably argue about what music to play in the ambulance every morning— and whatever shitty album they eventually chose to put on, whether it was Ian’s pop garbage of Mickey’s mellower 80s tunes, Ian’s brain would apparently absorb all the songs like a fucking sponge and he’d start singing them all day long—in the kitchen, in the shower, even when they were just laying in bed on their phones and Ian would constantly hum absentmindedly.
Today they were driving to some bougie dispensary in Glencoe, near a bunch of ridiculous mansions on the very outskirts of the city, and it was Ian’s turn to pick the music— Mickey usually elected one of the well-loved CDs that he’d jammed into the glove compartment as they were refurbishing the ambulance, CDs that he’d kept since he was a kid when he piled them high in the corner of his grimy room next to a half-broken boombox— but as much as they were Mickey’s comfort CDs, Ian could only listen to Bon Jovi so many times before he started to slander 80s music as a collective genre.
“Can we just listen to something by someone who isn’t older than us, just this once?”
“Easy for you to say, Gallagher. At least the music that I like has fucking words.”
When it was Ian’s turn to pick the music, he usually picked more modern stuff with heavy beats and a thrumming bass (though more often than not he also appeased Mickey’s tastes with some “80s throwback” playlist he’d found on Spotify that he’d noticed Mickey would bob his head along to)—but on longer drives, like this one, it was easy to butt heads about the soundtrack. Ian had allowed Mickey to play through one of his Queen CDs that morning, and then Ian had put on some whiny indie bullshit from a playlist on his phone for the other half of the drive— now they were heading home after a long day, with the stereo turned low to a local radio station.
They’d settled into a comfortable silence, as they often did at the end of the day when their energy faded— Ian had stopped pattering his hands on the steering wheel like he usually did when he was amped up and buzzing with energy in the mornings, and Mickey could tell they were both ready to collapse onto the couch the second they set foot in the door.
Mickey blew out a deflated breath and reached to turn up the radio, tuning in to some middle-aged host with a cheery voice chattering about the heat wave in Chicago that upcoming weekend—and then the airwaves went silent, and there was the overdramatic sound of a slamming door and a gospel choir.
Ian’s ears nearly fucking perked up at the sound as the opening chords began.
“Life is a mystery… Everyone must stand alone…”
Ian immediately raised his voice to join in, the tired slouch leaving his shoulders.
“I hear you call my naaaame”
He turned to Mickey and pointed overdramatically, causing Mickey to shove his arm away but unable to quell the overly fond grin that he knew was blooming on his face.
“And it feels like… home.”
The beat dropped, rolling into the chorus, and Ian energetically drummed his hands against the steering wheel once more.
“C’mon, Mick!” Ian laughed, throwing his head back dramatically as he sang while still trying to keep his eyes on the road.
“When you call my name, it’s like a little prayer, I’m down on my knees, I wanna take you there.” Ian’s pitchiness clashed with the melody, but he was too focused on singing and bopping side to side in this seat to really care.
Mickey rolled his eyes, his lips still turned upwards at the corners while he watched his absolute dork of a husband jamming to Madonna. “Isn’t this song about giving someone a blowjob or some shit?”
Ian gave an easygoing laugh. “Technically, yes. And it’s also definitionally a gay anthem, which means you have to sing with me.”
Mickey scoffed and flipped Ian off. “Fuck off.”
Ian raised a playful eyebrow, and continued to sing with relentless eye contact:
“It’s like a dreeeeam, no end and no beginning”
Mickey felt heat rise into his cheeks against his will. No fucking way was he going to sing a Madonna song about a blowjob stone-cold sober at 2pm on a Tuesday while driving home from work with his fucking husband—which, wow, that was probably the gayest sentence that had ever crossed Mickey’s mind in his 26 years of existence (which was definitely saying a lot).
This wasn’t ever a place Mickey thought he’d be in— sitting beside Ian so comfortably, singing fucking songs while they drove home from their daily commute; getting to soak up all the warmth, all the brightness that had always radiated out of Ian so intensely that it nearly blinded him, a warmth that he’d always wanted to lean in closer to even when they were just scrawny kids in a shitty neighborhood still figuring everything out.
Maybe, just maybe— it was okay to lean in a little more.
By the time the chorus rolled around the third time, Mickey was begrudgingly humming along, like he usually did whenever the songs that Ian was singing on and endless loop got stuck in his own head and popped up while he was brushing his teeth or making toast for breakfast— by the time the final rhythmic chorus faded to silence on the radio waves, Mickey glanced over at Ian, singing at the top of his lungs, face slightly flushed and grinning ear to ear.
“Just like a prayer, your voice can take me there.”
Ian and Mickey were walking down the moonlit sidewalk, veering back home after an evening at Lip’s— the night had honestly been weirdly enjoyable, which was definitely a welcome reprieve from all of Lip and Debbie’s intense back-and-forths about the house over the past few weeks. Tami and Lip had needed to go over to Brad and Cami’s for some bullshit crisis management about the stolen bikes, and Ian had readily agreed to watch Freddie— which meant that whether he liked it or not, Mickey had spent his Friday evening at Lip’s half-packed apartment watching Ian coo over a one-year-old, which was… not a totally unwelcome sight.
Trying to keep his shit together, Mickey had snapped a picture to send to the Gallagher family group chat, and everyone had immediately given them shit about being so eager to babysit and get their hands on a toddler like a couple of baby-crazed newlyweds—which had caused Mickey to start overzealously complaining in the groupchat to compensate while Ian occupied Freddie. Kev had noticed the texts and swung by Lip and Tami’s house after closing the Alibi to keep the two of them company, bringing by a pack of beers—and now he and Ian were warm and happily buzzed, relieved of their babysitting duties and walking the chilly city streets back towards the Gallagher house.
Halfway through the walk Ian had interlaced their fingers, and now their arms were swinging slightly as they turned the final corner to walk down the last stretch of pavement towards the chain-link fence—when suddenly, Ian stopped cold a few houses away from the Gallagher front porch. He looked down at Mickey, raising their entangled hands and pressing a kiss to the inside of Mickey’s wrist.
Mickey raised an eyebrow in confusion, and Ian just looked back at him—his cheeks glowing pink from the few beers, his eyes light and unguarded under the streetlamps.
“This spot reminded me of something.”
Mickey rolled his eyes. Of fucking course it did. Ian was a sappy motherfucker on the best of days, but with a couple of beers in him he was practically uncontrollable.
All of a sudden Ian let go of his hand, punching into the air dramatically.
“Cause love is a battlefiiiield”
Mickey laughed, feeling warm hot blood rush to his cheeks in delight—and fuck, he loved his husband so goddamn much. And just this once, mostly because of the own alcohol running thick in his bloodstream, Mickey made the lurching decision to join in, stepping closer towards Ian and raising his hands equally as dramatically.
“No promises, no demands”
Ian had practically doubled over with laughter, tears welling in the corner of his eyes—and Mickey let himself get lost in it, the warm feeling buzzing through his body, of love and joy and fuck knows what else, getting to sing on a fucking street corner with his husband a decade after everything had gone so gut-wrenchingly wrong, leaving him bleeding on this same pavement.
They stumbled over their own feet up the stairs, fumbling out of their clothes and collapsing into bed—and later, just as Mickey was on the brink of fading into unconsciousness, Ian mumbled the same refrain into the crook of Mickey’s neck in a sleepy voice, like the song was still stuck in his head and he just couldn’t help it.
“Love is a battlefield.”
It was late— it was one of those slow, tender nights when the past was hanging heavy over them, laying pressed together in bed as thin streams of moonlight poured in through the blinds, pressing whispers into each other’s skin about all of the hurt and the doubt that had been seeped up and healed with time.
Ian was sprawled back on the bed and Mickey was laying with his head resting on his chest, feeling his ribcage expand and contract each time he took a breath. They’d absorbed so much the past few weeks— the sick, twisted blows of a loss that felt all the more jagged and painful because of how muddled the grief for Terry was—but after a few days had passed they’d found a place to settle, in the comforting press of the silence in their bedroom.
Mickey was mindlessly playing with Ian’s fingers, listening to his steady breathing—and without thinking, he ran a finger over the cool silver of Ian’s wedding band, letting out a breathy chuckle.
“I still can’t believe we’re married sometimes, man.”
Mickey could feel Ian’s lips curve upward into a smile from where his mouth was pressed against the top of Mickey’s head.
“Yeah, me either.”
And Mickey felt something bubbling, something welling— and he didn’t ever fucking sing, not unless Ian made him, but Ian was always fucking dropping song lines into sappy moments like this.
So he took a breath, and, half-singing but mostly talking, in a way that sounded almost mocking if it wasn’t so soft around the edges, he let out into the dark silence of the room:
“At last….”
He wasn’t even singing, not really—he was just sort of… saying the words in a singsongy way, but he knew that Ian could tell what he was doing, what he was trying to do. He was trying to be as fucking sweet and soft and pliant as Ian was, as Ian always was in moments like this, in a way that sometimes made Mickey feel brittle and hard in comparison. This time, Mickey wanted to breathe out the love he had for him into this moment, the love that made his ribcage feel like it was going to fucking burst— a love that he felt erupting outwards when Ian had played this song for him for the first time a few weeks before the wedding, and had asked with a shy smile, “D’you think it’d be okay if you walked down the aisle to this song?”
Ian’s chest shook with laughter, and he carded a hand through Mickey’s hair. And then, in his gentle, sleep-soft voice, in a breathy tone that tickled the shell of Mickey’s ear:
“My looove has come along”
Mickey rolled his eyes fondly, just to prove something to himself, even though he knew Ian couldn’t see him—and then he reached a hand upward and leaned back, drawing Ian’s chin forward to press his lips to his for a brief, lingering moment.
Mickey settled back against Ian’s chest again, and felt Ian press a kiss to the top of his head. He smiled contentedly, closing his heavy eyelids.
Maybe being a couple of sappy motherfuckers wasn’t so bad.
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hansensgirl · 5 years
secret santa | b. barnes
“do i make you feel like christmas time? put me in a party dress one time.”
summary | at stark industries tony decides to brighten things up, hosting a secret santa contest. you get bucky, and bucky gets you. as if it was all planned out, he decides to give you the best gift of all time.
pairings | dark!bucky x fem!temp!reader
warnings | non/dubcon sex, blackmailing, violence, mean!bucky, bucky is one kinky, festive motherfucker but i love him, forced oral (m receiving), anal sex, choking, slapping, restraining, guilt tripping (kinda but not really), manipulation, degrading words/names, humiliation, slight corruption, + more i think! DARK!FIC
a/n | it’s that time of the year y’all! also, i read @darkficsyouneveraskedfor ‘s drabble called “all he wants for christmas” and got inspired :) go read all their fics cause they’re amazing!
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you walked down the decorated halls of the stark industries building as you headed to a meeting that tony urgently asked everyone to attend to. you thought that maybe someone is getting removed, or is getting a permanent spot to work for him. you truly hoped that the latter was you. you loved working here even though you were a temp. you fixed your santa hat on your head and stepping into the room. 
the meeting surely must be serious, given even the other avengers were here. steve rogers, bruce banner, natasha romanoff, even bucky barnes who joined the team not too recently. “there’s another” tony frustratedly groaned out, and soon more workers filed into the room. “alright, since it’s the holidays, pepper and i decided that you should all do secret santa, and please don’t hesitate to give me gifts as well” he explained, a few giggles echoing throughout the room at his last remark.
maybe you didn’t get the message that it wasn’t so serious. tony pulled out a santa hat and pepper gave out pieces of paper. it truly felt like you were little kids in elementary school. you took one from pepper and wrote your name on it. you placed it in the hat and once again adjusted yours. after, he once again went around the room and everyone stuck their hands in the hat, pulling out a piece of paper. finally he came to you and you pulled out the last name. whoever it was, you’d still have a difficult time finding a gift since you personally didn’t know anyone. you opened the horribly folded paper and in black ink wrote the one name you’d least expect; bucky. bucky barnes was intimidating for sure, but he was like a lost puppy. maybe you’ll just get him some records, but what if he doesn’t have a record player?
every gift you thought of had some defects. you didn’t want him to think your pitying him. you already had so much on your plate, and this secret santa thing was stressing you out already. you felt someone’s stare burning into you, making you squirm a bit in your chair. you looked up just to make eye contact with the same super soldier you needed to get a gift for. you quickly looked down, even his stare intimidated you. tony soon dismissed everyone and you walked off to your desk. you tried thinking of gifts that would suit him, but you didn’t even know him that well at all. all you knew was his past, that he’s from the 10’s and that he was really scary. you opened a new tab and searched up gifts for people from the 10’s. you didn’t know what you were expecting, but nothing useful came up. you then searched up vintage gifts but the same thing happened, nothing useful.
you decided to ditch google since it was no help whatsoever. you started brainstorming and wrote down a few ideas. most people that seem intimidating are probably really sweet, or are just actually intimidating. most gifts were either something you’d get a coworker, or someone’s grandmother. you also had to get gifts for your family members and friends too. you came up with a brilliant idea, just find something when you go gift shopping this weekend. you opened some new files on your computer and got back to work, your secret santa worries now gone.
❆ ❅ ❆
the last person bucky expected to get was you. in one way he felt lucky, you didnt throw yourself into him unlike the other girls. if he got laura from front desk then he would’ve thrown himself out a window; he really didn’t like her. usually, he’d probably get you candy or jewelry, but bucky had the perfect gift in mind for someone like you.
❆ ❅ ❆
you wrote the names of your relatives and friends down, and added bucky to the list too. you bought candles, clothes, gift cards and such, but still couldn’t find something for bucky. you went to almost every store in the mall and started stressing out, you only had monday, which was tomorrow, and on christmas eve everywhere will be sold out probably. you asked your friends what to get him, your cousins and even the worker at bath and body works. but you ended up with nothing.
❆ ❅ ❆
tuesday rolled around and you still stressed out about what you were going to get bucky. he was a unique man and you didn’t want to insult him in any way at all. you decided to get bucky your own copies of your favourite books, and even took the courtesy to put in a little note with a bookmark. surely it wasn’t the best gift you’ve gotten for someone, but it’s the thought that truly counts, right? you put it under the large tree in the middle of the tower and passed bucky on the way out. you had too much work to even bother to say something to him. you rushed back to your desk and got comfortable, knowing you’d be working for hours on end.
before you could start, tony’s voice echoed through the office. “there isn’t enough time for us all to gather so on your way out just pick up your gift!” he yelled over the loud coworkers of yours and walked off with pepper, off to enjoy his christmas with his family. you mentally noted to not forget to go to the tree before you leave. you began furiously typing away at your keyboard until your fingers ached.
❆ ❅ ❆
bucky opened the box and made sure everything was in there. he closed the box and wrapped it with reindeer wrapping paper to seal the deal. he smoothed it out and brought the box to the tree, passing you on the way there. you brushed shoulders but never stopped to say hi. he quickly placed it next to a larger box and started to make his way out of there, before tony’s voice halted him. “there isn’t enough time for us all to gather so on your way out just pick up your gift!” he yelled before leaving with pepper. bucky turned back around and started looking for his gift, even though he wouldn’t be leaving yet.
❆ ❅ ❆
you waved goodbye to your coworkers as you put your jacket on. you then remember that you needed to head to the tree for your gift. you quickly zipped up and grabbed your purse before making your way to it. basically almost every gift was gone, only a few were left. you read the papers on each one, searching for your name. you found you name on a box that wasn’t too heavy. you picked it up and shook it carefully, trying to find out what it was. you decided to open it up since it was basically christmas day.
you carefully tore the wrapping paper and opened up the box. the contents in the box shocked and worried you at the same time. there were pictures of yourself naked. some of you in the shower, or getting absolutely wasted. one was of you riding your boyfriend, ex-boyfriend. there were a few of you sleeping naked, and masturbating too. there were more things, though. a pair of your panties that you didn’t know were missing were in the box. you picked them up and they were dried with cum. you immediately dropped the panties and picked up the other thing. it was your vibrator. you though you just simply misplaced it and forgot where you did, but it was actually stolen from you. you looked all over the box and on the wrapping paper for a name as to who it was from, but you resulted with nothing.
“enjoy your gift? i didn’t have to work too hard but it’s the thought that counts right?” bucky spoke up from behind you, nearly giving you a heart attack. you looked back at him with fear and disgust written all over your face. how long had he been there? you were confused, a million questions flooding you mind, but only one left you mouth. “how?” you squeaked out, looking away. “you’re not a very private person doll” he sighed, walking to you. he pulled out his phone and started playing a video. it was a sex tape of you with your ex-boyfriend. “y’know stark was plannin’ on keeping you, but if he saw this video i think he’d change his mind pretty fast” he pressed pause as he spoke.
no no no, you couldn’t lose this job! especially since now that tony was planning on giving you a permanent spot. “but i’ll give you a chance, and i won’t show this video to anyone” he smirked at you, and you slowly stood up. you sure as hell weren’t about to whore yourself out! you opened your mouth to give him a good earful before he stopped you. “i wouldn’t do that, you could lose your job doing that as well” he warned you, picking up the box and handing it to you. you didn’t take it at first, but then he shoved it against you making you look back up at him before speaking. “and is this chance just me being a whore, cause i’m sure as hell not up to that” you spat, yet was careful with your tone.
he sighed heavily before he roughly grabbed your hand and pulled you to the elevators. you tried to ease his grip but there was no stopping the super soldier. you still had the box in your hand and refused to let it go. he pushed you into the elevator and you painfully crashed into the wall. he pressed the floor button ‘24’ and used his metal hand to restrain your two hands. you didn’t look at him the whole ride up, you simply just stared at the floor numbers. the ding of the elevator snapped you out of your various scenarios of what would happen. you were scared if he was going to do something horride to you.
“told stark i wanted some privacy, so he didn’t put any cameras and didn’t add that robot, wednesday or whatever the fuck her name is” he explained as he took you to a room. you knew that each avenger had their own floor, but you really underestimated how big the floors were. he once again pushed you into the room and left you in there, locking the door behind him. the room was dark but was illuminated from the city lights that shone through the window. you tried to think of a plan, but thought of the consequences. he could easily say one word against you and you’d be fired.
your head snapped up at the sound of the door creaking open. bucky emerged from behind it and flashed his pearly whites that shined through the darkness. he turned the light on and it took you a second to adjust to the brightness. “a-are you gonna hurt me?” you asked, fearful of him. “maybe, well, probably” he admitted before striding towards you.
he grabbed your throat and used his grip as leverage and pulled you up. he squeezed his hand around your throat tighter until you started clawing at his arms to let go. your vision started darkening but then he let go abruptly. he pulled your jacket off and you tried to stop him, trying to put it back on. he growled lowly and aggressively ripped it, doing the same to the rest of your clothes. you tried to cover your naked frame with your arms but he pulled them away from your body and grabbed rope. you shook your head ‘no’ and tried to pull away from him but his tight grip stopped you. he roughly tied the rope around your arms and expertly did so.
you were scared, scared as to what he could possibly do to you. he finished his knot and started speaking. “you know, your book gift was adorable, but i think i like this one better” he stroked your cheek before pulling his hand away and slapping you. your skin stung and prickled at the contact, and you didn’t like the feeling at all. he threw you onto the bed and pulled your pants down despite your kicking. one harsh, metal arm smack to your ass made you seize your fighting. “you can either be the slut you are and get some pleasure or be a bitch and get only pain” he left you no room for argument as pulled you up onto your knees.
he pulled off his pants and boxers, where his cock stood up right in front of you. the length and girth intimidated you, he was so much bigger than anyone you’ve ever been with. he grasped the base of his cock and tangled his metal arm in your hair. he tapped the tip on your bottom lip and you couldn’t move your head. “open up” he ordered in a sing-song voice, making you grimace. you reluctantly opened your mouth when his grip in your hair grew tighter. he shoved his cock down your throat until your nose met his patch of pubic hair. you tried to control your breathing but his cock was making it pretty difficult. “c’mon at least put some effort in” he practically taunted, and you complied, hollowing your cheeks. bucky pulled his hips back before snapping his hips forward.
he moved your head back and forth and moved his hips at the same time, desperately chasing his orgasm. you figured you might as well get this over with, and that giving him head was all you had to do. he pushed your head further down and thrusted his hips, a groan ripping through him as he came. he pulled away and forced your mouth shut, leaving you no choice but to swallow. he pulled you up and forced you onto you knees and pushed your head into the mattress. he pulled his shirt over his head and pulled your ass to the edge of the bed. he rubbed his hand against your slightly wet cunt, rubbing your clit furiously. your body started self lubricating, your cunt getting more and more wet. with no warning he shoved three fingers in your hole, thrusting them in and out like his life depended on it.
“y’know if you weren’t such a fuckin’ slut none of this would’ve happened” he spat at you as his fingers abused your poor hole. your walls clenched around his fingers and just as you were about to cum he pulled them out. you let out a loud whine and kicked your legs in frustration. his hands came down harshly on your ass, spanking you until you were begging him to stop. he spread your ass cheeks and was met with your puckered hole. his fingers pushed into your tighter hole and you screamed in pain.
“p-please, not there at least” you begged him, but you stopped your pleas since it seemed they weren’t changing his mind. “as much as i love hearing you beg, i really don’t care” he snickered, pulling his fingers out and lining his cock up with your hole. he spat on your hole and shoved his cock in, making you scream again. he slapped your ass once again and started thrusting like there was no tomorrow. he reached down and rubbed your clit as his pace fastened by the second, or by the thrust. you soon came, and again, and again. your body couldn’t fight it as much as your mind wanted it to. “fuck, merry christmas to me” he growled, the grip on your hip tightening. he shouted out as he came and pulled out not so softly. you didn’t know where we went, but you knew he didn’t leave the room. the sound of a camera clicking caught you off guard.
“say cheese, you slut.”
bucky barnes:
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notyourscribe · 3 years
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[I watched him after he was gone. How could I not? Hell, there were probably a million other things that I should be keeping an eye on right now but none of it mattered. He was the only one that mattered. I watched Rhys stare in surprise at V’s sudden arrival and I couldn’t help but smirk at the raging hard on that he was sporting. At least it wasn’t one sided. The most common fears all revolved around love for a very good reason. Now that I knew who he was I was completely invested. He had no idea the level of stocker he picked up. I turned that game into a profession.]
[My own thoughts came to a halt when he told Rhys to throw the couch out in the backyard. Why? I mean… I guess it was destroyed now… I waited for Vishous to leave the room before I snatched the couch back. Rhys would probably be super confused but I wasn’t about to explain my reasons. I put it back together as best I could and sat down on it. Right where he’d sat. Put one hand down and you see the scorch marks. Intense heat. I could smell him. That scent that he was throwing off was intoxicating. I dropped my head back and drank it in.]
[This could still go so wrong… Doubt crept in like an ugly monster threatening to drag me under the waves of an angry ocean.]
[Then I heard him. Crystal clear, louder than a blow horn. Yet somehow it was only a whisper in the back of his mind. I heard him like a prayer cutting through all frequencies calling out my name. I sat straight up with a gasping breath.] Vishous… [I might as well have been sitting right next to him, he drew me all the way in, he wanted me to see. I groaned loudly and shifted my own hand to exactly where he had his. He had a beautiful collar laying across his leg. Look, he could be romantic. Already giving me gifts. Well… technically I didn’t have it yet. We would have to fix that. After…]
Oh FUCK!! [I could see everything he was imagining. The wicked imagery of my mouth closed around his thick cock. Exactly what I wanted to do when he was still here. I could almost feel his hand in my hair, forcing me to choke a little before having his way. Did he know that I was right here with him? He had to, he invited me to the show. My hand matched his stroke for stroke, letting go at the same moment he did. I shouted his name out and slumped back against the couch.]
[This was serious. Shit. What do I do now? I should let him have a moment to himself. Right? He needed to process? I didn’t know how to do this. I’d watched so many others but I forgot what it was really like. I should go down there and talk to him. I caught myself pacing from one end of the room to the other, just like he had. I was stuck between giving him space and invading his space.] 
[I chose somewhere in between. I would give him his space right now but my ass was showing up at last meal. Afterall, he had a gift for me. Right? Whatever I just wanted to see him. I showed up long before the meal was ready. I stood invisibly at the back of the room and watched the doggen busy with their work. It was interesting to me how they moved in and out of the room with purpose. I only came out of the shadows after the King and a few Brothers had arrived. It wasn’t so odd to see me around the mansion but then again I worked pretty hard at being ignored. Funny thing is, I always had a seat at the table next to Wrath. I just usually didn’t take it. I threw out random banter that they would expect from me and waited for him. He would show up, right? Shit. I wasn’t even sure now.]
[Fritz must have known something was up. Bless his heart that man pays attention to everything. He made me a fruity drink with lots of umbrellas, just how I liked it. I could have hugged him. I nibbled on his delicious food but it was the drinks that I was downing. Not like alcohol really affected me but it did calm me out for the moment when he would show up and I would make a total fool of myself. Later…]
The water coming from the shower head wasn’t scalding enough. I scrubbed every single inch of my body yet the feeling didn’t leave with the suds that gathered at my feet. There was very little I could do to stop what was happening all around me. Throughout the many years of my life I’ve tried to course correct things I’ve seen and the universe never yielded. Not once. 
Pure frustration rolled off my skin along with steam as I stepped from the shower. Fuck clothes. The bed was calling. Sleep was calling. Anything that would snatch me from the thoughts that kept clawing at the wall I had built to keep them out. 
I opened my mind for a split second to listen for Rhys, his mind or his heart beat. He was long gone. As he should be. I thought about my best friend down in the infirmary and settled myself to the fact that he had company. And that it wasn’t mine. It was just one of many things that needed my attention besides the angel.  
The image of him crept right in over that wall. All long, lean muscle and bright white eyes that nearly matched his hair. 
I hated how much I wanted him. Or I hated myself for allowing him the upper hand. More like both. 
A half a second before I called Fritz to deliver my meal I felt it. A ripple of energy that came from the dining hall in the main house. 
I came up from the tunnel to the kitchen and found Fritz there with his mouth hanging open, I hadn’t bothered with clothing before making my grand entrance. I shrugged it off as purposeful. 
“Care to help a brother out?” I asked when I cupped myself. 
Dutiful as ever he brought me a pair of dark grey sweats and a black tee, which was once size too small, without a fuss. As I dressed myself in the pantry I laughed at myself and the obedience my dick seemed to have when it came to the one who was now enjoying a fruity cocktail next to the King. 
I could hear the entire conversation. The ones spoken aloud and the silent questions. 
Rhage ribbed Lassiter. Lassiter enjoyed it, his comebacks viciously witty. 
The Brothers pondering why the angel graced us with his presence. Zsadist worried about Butch as much as the diety that sat at the table.  Me too, brother. Me too. 
There was a pause when I entered the dining room. A collective silence. I sat at the spot directly across from Lassiter which meant the King was on one side while the seat beside me sat empty. I glanced at Wrath but he was in his own world behind pitch black glasses. Dinner had already begun and a plate was set in front of me. 
The chatter resumed with pauses for a bite here and there yet I hadn’t touched mine. I stared at the savory dish before me but the one across from had my attention. The scent of sunshine smothered anything else and I felt the same ripple of electricity but this time it came as a surge and went right to my cock. Shit. I needed to address the elephant in the room except this was the wrong room. 
I laughed. Outloud. To the amusement of Wrath as he turned his head in my direction and a brow shot up from behind his dark glasses. 
“If you’ll excuse me.” I said to him. To everyone. I had to get out of that room. I felt the heat in my hand and by the wide eyes that followed me out of the room, the others felt it as well. 
‘Meet me in the library. Now.’ I thought before turning to peg Lassiter with a look that made sure to get my point across. 
[With every step that brought him closer to the room my heart seemed to pick up a beat. I felt as if I would have a heart attack altogether by the time he stepped into the room. Everything stopped and I stared across the room at a chiseled work of art. So stunned that I couldn't breathe. Surely I had noticed him before. How could I not? But I hadn't. Not really. Nothing felt like this. Maybe the timing wasn't right...]
[The world seemed to continue about it's business and he sat down across the table from me. I wanted to reach out with my foot and run a toe up the inside of his thigh. I wanted to crawl across the table with a hungry look that was only meant for him, land in his lap and steal a kiss from his delicious lips. So many things I wanted to do. It took everything in me to remain seated, watching him from under long lashes. I was almost giddy and it wasn't from the alcohol. Everyone else must be seeing this. I hazarded a look around the room, almost willing them all to ignore us. This didn't need to concern any of them.]
[And then he laughed. My eyes shot to him and my entire face flushed red. I bit my bottom lip harshly to keep from saying anything. He stood up and his sweatpants did not hide anything that was going on down south. With Wrath blind I was probably the only one that actually saw it however. My male was so damn virile. Fuck!]
[I heard him in my mind like a growl that climbed up my spine and sent chills all the way through me. I was in danger of burning out the retinas of every vampire here. I felt the fire rush down every nerve. His eyes landed on me and I was fading out before he even turned back around. I vanished from the sight of vampires and they didn't have time to notice because Vishous made such a scene on the way out. They might put two and two together later but I didn't really care right now. I had a meeting with a hot vampire.] 
[It would be rude of me to ghost directly into the room. I reappeared in front of the library and paused for a second to bring my pulse back down. I closed my eyes and let out a long, steadying breath before opening the door.]
The problem with this entire situation had presented itself. And it happened in front of a third of the Brotherhood. If it wasn’t the scent I was throwing off the entire time then the tented cotton fabric definitely gave away the sitch. Did it matter what the others thought? No. Not in the slightest. They also knew better than to ask. The problem was that I didn’t think. I rushed into the King’s home without clothes on. I sat next to the family with a raging hard on. All of that was moot compared to the fact that my hand was nuclear. The glove kept it from burning everything in the room but I couldn't control it. Not next to the angel. 
I took a lap in the tunnels. To the Pit and back. Fritz ignored me when I ran through his kitchen and ended up watching Lassiter hesitate in opening the doors to the library. My hands tucked away in the pockets of my sweats I came up from behind the male. Not in surprise. He knew the moment I arrived. Fuck, he knew my every move come to think of it. I blew out a harsh breath and watched as bright blonde hair moved with the gust. I swallowed hard and then tilted my head. My nose touched the back of Lassiter’s head and I buried it into the soft strands that hung past his tight ass.
“Hello, Lassiter.” I whispered. 
[I smelled that intoxicating scent and knew. Did he know that he was currently filling the hall with his bonding scent? I was a goner. I swayed on my feet in an almost cartoon fashion, leaning toward the source. I wanted to be coated in it, wrapped in layers upon layers so that the whole world would know.]
[A breath hit the back of my neck and all of my skin pebbled in response. I shivered and groaned at the same time. My cock had its own response, stiffening to the point of being almost painful. My eyes closed. I could picture him behind me in the shirt that was plastered to every ripple of muscle and the pants that allowed plenty of room for his erection. I grinned a little in the knowledge that I had caused that.]
Hello, My Love. [The title was given on purpose. I knew myself enough to know where I stood on the matter. I leaned back against him and rested my head on his shoulder. A content hum rumbled through me before I rolled my head against him, as if to cover myself in his scent.]
I hid my smile behind the angel’s head. ‘My Love’. He had a flair for the dramatic and always had. I could replay the moments I’d caught sight of him in ridiculous leopard leggings, tunics that could pass for a dress, his hair braided to the point that Vikings would be envious. I never gave much thought to it. He’s Lassiter. And now that name came with an entirely new connotation. 
The smile faded when I moved from around Lassiter and became interested in the hand carved desk that sat on one side of the vast room. My back was to the angel while my hands came out from my pockets and I laid the diamond choker out on the wood surface. My jaw flexed and I took another breath. 
“Do you want it?” I asked. It was a simple question. Yet, the answer would complicate it. Either he wanted it and all that came with it. Or he didn’t and we would have to reroute this entire journey. Like it or not, the destination stayed the same. 
[I felt the loss of him behind me like a physical pain. I stumbled a little bit and recovered by placing my hands on the back of a chair. He wasn't watching me right now so I took the moment to try to recover. I'd overstepped. Again. It was a habit of mine. I was only driving him further away by insisting that he address this between us.]
[I was staring at the floor, trying to think of what I was going to do next. How would I move forward? Everyone saw me as this happy-go-lucky guy who did stupid shit and was generally annoying as hell. The serious side was buried deep and more fragile than I liked to admit.]
[At the end of it all I stood there and waited. I owed him that. I heard the small tinkling sound before his hand came out to reveal the collar. Beautiful diamonds sparkling in the light as he set them on the desk. I looked up at him but nothing was revealed by the back of his head. It was good he couldn’t see my face work through the decision.]
[My answer was quick and snapped to the forefront immediately.] I'm not a pet, Vishous. [I closed my eyes and let out a heavy sigh. I came around the front of the chair and threw myself down in it as if I couldn't possibly be asked to hold myself up longer. My legs dangled over the armrest and I massaged my thumbs into my temples.]
I'm older than you can imagine. I've loved and lost and died for the effort. Never once did anything come at me like this. Like a lightning bolt from the sky that I can't ignore. I was a fool to think that what I had before could measure up to the real thing. [I was getting too deep again. I needed to stop or I might lose it all.] If anyone could collar me, it would be you Vishous. [The thought was appealing on many levels. I stared off at the bookshelves on the other side of the room. I suppose I hadn't answered his question. I'd been alone for so long, I didn't know how to be any other way.]
“A stale-mate then.” Lassiter couldn’t see it but there was a smile edging over the thin line my lips had been set in. I took the easy way with this. If he had said yes then the roles would be defined. There would be little doubt how things would play out, at least on my end, but then where did that leave him. 
I took in a deep breath and gathered the diamonds in my hand, running the pad of my thumb along the surface of each of the cut stones. And here I thought a bit of sparkle was all he’d need. 
“I know how old you are.” I turned and slid the collar back into my pant pocket. “I know the stories. Who you are. And now what you are.” My brow kicked up and I reached up to rub at the tattoo above it. “Loved and lost and yeah, I get it.” I nodded but I was lying. He probably knew that already. He knew everything. My every move. Thought. Emotion. He had total control in this situation. Which meant he should be aware how uncomfortable it made me. 
My ass met with the edge of the desk and my arms came up to cross over my chest. I wasn’t sure where to go with this. The moment I saw him in the hall for Last Meal, I felt the instinct kick in to make him mine. To cut his clothes from his body and have him right there on the table in front of the King and all, not that Wrath could see anything but blind doesn’t mean dumb. Each time I was in Lassiter’s presence or even the thought of it, sent me reeling into this lust filled craze. I pushed too hard. 
Come now, I might be old but I'm certainly not stale. [I dropped my head back so that I could watch him across the room. I tried to smile but it didn't quite ring true. Watching him put away the shiny choker hurt in a way that I didn't want to analyse too hard. Everything in me wanted to hide from that feeling. I buried it deep, swallowing the large lump in my throat.]
[I straightened up in the chair and found a stray thread that was in dire need of plucking. I couldn't grab it fully, no matter how hard I tried it kept slipping through my fingers. My brows furrowed. This was wrong. All wrong. The entire feel of the room was nothing but awkward uncertainty. We weren't meant to be like this.]
[It never occurred to me that he wouldn't want me if he didn't have complete control over me. I wasn't wired like that. I was always too rebellious.]
[I watched as small drops of rain hit the windows. It had my face pinching further. I should go...]
Do you want me to leave?
My jaw ticked. 
The word boomed inside my head so loud I wasn’t sure if it was silent or not. Fuck this sticky, unyeilding tension. I didn’t give a fuck who we were. What made up titles someone else gave to us. Not right now. The hurt in Lassiter’s eyes was a dagger to my gut and I regretted playing this coy piece of shit that currently stood before him. An angel. Created by something bigger than I. Greater than the Brotherhood. Our race. 
I made the distance between us shrink in the blink of an eye. Lassiter wasn’t a small male but with him sitting and me between his long legs he seemed so. All it took was a finger under his chin to lift it. I found it hard to breathe without sunshine blinding my senses. While he watched I ripped off the glove of the opposite hand and then ran the blinding white of my index finger across his high cut cheekbone. 
“The trick is to pretend you’re the smartest person in the room, although I always am.” I smiled. It might have been a cruel one with all the thoughts that flipped through my mind. Figuring out exactly where in the room I would take him. I willed the large doors to slam shut and lock, sealing us in the library. 
“Until now.” I murmured. “I don’t like it. Fucking pisses me off.” I nudged further between those legs that I would love to have wrapped over my hips. There was an abundance of caution when it came to the hand that could and would burn anything it touches … “You seem to be the exception, angel.” My mouth was on his in the next second and a growl shook the floor beneath my feet. It was as if Mother Nature came right into my mouth the second I tasted his tongue again. “You need leave now if you’re going but I want you to stay.” I bit out the words between licks against his plump bottom lip. 
[I don't know what I expected but Vishous always had a way of surprising the hell out of me. I felt his reply like a shockwave even though he said nothing. My eyes widened and I was too frightened to move. Suddenly he was there and all thought left me. He had that effect on me. I forgot to breathe until he touched me, a small sigh escaping.]
Vishous... [It was uttered like a prayer, small and personal. I rolled my head into his warm touch. Like the sun itself, fueling me.] I am completely weak against you. [Maybe I shouldn't have said it, but it was the truth and I wasn't about to take it back.]
[I moaned into his mouth, eyes closed, lost to the moment. My hands found their way behind his neck without my knowledge. I felt his strength roll through me like a bolt of lightning. This was how we were meant to be.] So long as you want me here, I'm not going anywhere. 
[Some small part inside of me didn't believe that any of this could be real. It was the ugly insecurity that had me doubting everything. This was too new, too fragile. Like a snowflake that would melt as soon as it touched down. I couldn't allow my fears to ruin us before we even started.]
[I grabbed on that much tighter, pulling myself up off of the chair using his body. My tongue rolled and twisted over his. Not a true battle, he could take whatever he wanted from me, it was freely given. My arms draped further down his back as I came up higher. I didn't bother to stand, I clung to him as if my life depended on it. Legs wrapping up and around his muscular frame.]
[I left his lips only long enough to lean in towards his ear, as if I had a deep secret.] I don't know if you are fully aware of it but you are filling this entire room with your bonding scent. [I didn't say it to scare him away from me again and I held fast to make damn sure he didn't.] I want it... [I couldn't help but groan, the need was deep.] Please...
[There were so many reasons behind the desire, things that I wasn't prepared to articulate. Still... I needed him to understand why my emotions swung so drastically. I buried my face in the crook of his neck and took a deep breath before dropping the barriers between him and me. I let him freely see inside the whirlwind that frantically tore at me. My insecurities, my certainty that no one would ever want me. All rooted in a betrayal eons ago. Nothing of his making but further reaching than I desired. Boiling down into a need to belong to someone, to not always be on the outside looking in. At the center of the maelstrom was Vishous, bright and shiny. My love was inexplicable. We barely knew each other and I was all in. He held the ability to either anchor me or destroy me.]
The laugh that rolled through me sounded demented. I knew what I was throwing off. The scent of smoke and fresh oiled leather was at odds with the rolling waves of sunshine and soil. It was like holding mother Earth right in the palms of my hands. Lassiter thought he was telling me something that I didn’t know. He was sweet like that. 
“Fully aware.” I whispered back. My words were lost in long strands of silk and one arm snaked around a trim waist so that he and I were locked together. The moment the veil between our minds fell I was vaulted into a sense of longing and sadness. Fear. The scent of it licked at my spine and spilled down to my feet. I used that fear as fuel to get me to what I wanted more than anything in this moment. A fleeting moment in a very long life. 
It would be all over him by the time we left this room. The entire house would know what went down in here. I pinned Lassiter up against the closest book shelf, a rare collection, and I took great care not to incinerate the delicate spines that were too close to us both. The sound of fabric ripping filled the room and by the time it was quiet again there was nothing left of his or mine. Both hands cradled his chiseled features and I kissed those lips that had been begging to be kissed again and again. “I need inside of you. Feel me?” I growled the question. One hand dropped to grab a hold of your bare ass, tugging you up my body until I felt hot flesh slide between your cheeks, teasing the puckered skin there. “There’s no going back. Lassiter.” I bit out the name but I wanted to see his eyes. The brilliant white that punctured my soul and sent us into another reality. One all our own. 
[For a second there I wasn't sure if I had broken him or not. The laugh was nothing like I'd ever heard from him. But then his arm came around me and I felt myself relax on many levels. I smiled against his neck and bit softly. He smelled so damn good. It was amazing to know that I was the cause.]
[My back hit a bookshelf and a gasp of air left me.] Fuuucckkk... [I could think of nothing more than the image of him slamming me against every surface in this room. Then I caught the hint of concern that he had for the priceless books. Darius had a huge collection. He would be pissed at me if I burned them all fucking his brother. A smile spread over my lips at the thought of that conversation. 'Hey, by the way, I accidently burned your beautiful mansion down when Vishous stuck his dick in me.' I stopped for a moment, wide eyed, because that might actually happen. Air hit my skin and I looked down to see that V had made short work of our clothes.] Shhiiiitttt...
[I barely got the word out before his mouth was on me again and all thought left. I was lost to the feel of his soft lips, contrasted by the scratch of stubbly facial hair. A different kind of burn that I welcomed. I stole his bottom lip, sucking on it until I was satisfied that he would know that I'd been there for awhile after the fact.]
[Whispered dirty words brought me back to reality, if only for a moment. Vishous was going to...] Oh God!... [I could feel him there, thick and hard. A terrible time to remember silly things like I might actually light this place on fire.] Vishous... [I was having a hard time articulating much, my entire body was poised on the edge ready to dive in to the deep end. This was Vishous though, and I didn't have to use my mouth to speak to him.] 
[It was an easy thing to go to the other side where things like fire could be controlled but the idea of us always having to resort to that didn't appeal to me. Especially in the moment, like right now. I wasn’t going anywhere. We might break everything in here, but I thought that we should be able to keep it all from setting on fire at least. I formed an image in my head of something that I thought might work for us. He had control of the mhis, I had my own version of it, together would probably do the trick (with a side benefit of only God himself being able to find us).]
Vishous... [Moaning his name once more. I swiveled my hips, feeling exactly where he was positioned. I wasn't daring enough to take him dry but I did push down enough to feel the sting of it.] Going back was never an option.
I was too busy relishing in the way my name sounded on his lips too see the image in his mind. Lassiter had let down the barrier, given me the ability to see as he did, yet the need to fuck him was muddying that up at the moment. 
We went from the bookshelf to the desk I had visited just a few minutes prior and I laid the angel out on it’s large surface so I could admire what was mine either or in the future was yet to be determined. 
“There is a small bottle of oil, top drawer of the dresser in my room. Get it.” I worked my hands from the prominent collarbones of Lassiter’s chest to the sharp cut of his hips. There between my palms laid his thick cock, swollen and needy, as I had always imagined it would be. In the moment between waiting for him to procure that bottle and being deep inside him, the thought hit me like he’d thrown a baseball at my head. The Mhis. Yes, of course. The veil dropped around him and I so that if anyone had ventured into the library, even though the scent coming from me would be warning enough, nothing would seem out of place besides a missing piece of furniture. 
[One minute my hand was bracing against the bookshelf and the next I was flat on the desk. The rush of it warmed my entire body. I could see the heat start to show on my skin, no matter how hard I tried to control it. At some point I wasn't going to give a shit, I only hoped that I didn't blind my mate in the process. I was splayed out on the desk like full course dinner and that was exactly how I felt with his hungry eyes running over me. It made me blush and preen at the same time. I couldn't remember the last time someone had looked at me like that, if ever. My back arched into his touch, rolling with the need to feel him.]
[I could hear his need echoing mine and there was nothing more intoxicating.] As you wish. [I grinned like a fool and propped myself up on one elbow. My other hand blindly reached out to get what was asked for. I came back with a pair of handcuffs. I arched a brow and tossed them aside going back for another try. I retrieved something that felt promising but turned out to be a flogger. I huffed out a laugh and went again. Socks, boxers, nipple clamps, and a dildo later... Finally found what I was looking for. I presented it triumphantly holding in the laughter that threatened to boil out. I couldn't even say anything for fear of breaking the dam open.]
“Cute.” I snatched the lube from Lassiter’s hand while I gave into a laugh. Leave it to the mischievous angel to empty the contents of my drawer before getting what I asked for. I pondered if he was stalling. Nervous, perhaps? 
I punctured the tube with my fangs since my other hand was currently at nuclear stage, the heat it created would simply melt the plastic along with the contents inside. A few drops spilled messily over my cock while I let two fingers trace beneath Lassiter’s heavy sac. A few more drops to those very fingers before I attempted to open him up, the glow from my icey gaze adding a shadow over the chiseled features of Lassiters unique features. The high cheekbones and sharp cut jaw mixed with lips so plump I swear they’d produce a sweet nectar if bit hard enough. 
“We’ll leave those for next time, true?” I nodded toward the fake cock and various toys he piled up on the desk. 
I bit back a growl when my index and middle finger found their destination while I curled my upper body over his, dropping the small bottle so I could trace more slick fingers just under his chin, tilting it up. There beneath his jaw a jugular that beckoned to me. I could feel his pulse in the tight heat of his hole that I fucked two fingers into. 
I couldn’t wait. Nothing was keeping from him. He would still feel it but then again, I wanted him to. I lined myself up while urging his legs around my waist with an image of just that which I pushed into his open mind, giving into the instinctual needs to be inside him. Now. 
The sound I made would have shattered glass and crumbled brick had it not been for the protective shield my mind created around us. My skin grew hot. Hotter than that. It was a reaction that his own body would mimic and I ached for it. 
[His laugh infected me for exactly two seconds. That was all it took for things to get very serious and suddenly I was right back in the moment. Oh shit, this was really going to happen! This wasn't a dream or some far away vision. I was spread wide for Vishous to do as he pleased. Both hands flung out to grip either side of the desk. It felt like the world was tilting and I was about to fall off the damn thing. My body shuddered with the feel of his fingers working into me. When was the last time I'd even been intimate with someone? Stupid to try to remember. Nothing before this mattered.]
[I could hear the wind howling outside. Those small drops of water had turned into a full blown storm. Lightning shot down from the sky to split a tree in the backyard. I was distantly aware of a conversation somewhere in the mansion, 'The forecast was for clear skies tonight...' The laugh that spilled forth was almost maniacal. I wondered what might happen. This was only the start. I made damn sure that my own version of mhis was wrapped good and tight because things were about to get nuclear.]
[All thought abandoned me and I allowed myself to be carried away in the moment. Nothing else mattered except for the gorgeous male that my legs wrapped around. He didn't need to show me the beautiful image in his mind to get me there but it sure as hell was hot seeing him picture me like that. Once again it hit me and this time it sunk in, we were here together. This was real. I felt him inside me and my entire world ignited. I hooked my ankles behind his back and urged him forward. The full, stretched feeling was something that I never wanted to go away.]
Please... [I bucked toward Vishous only partially aware of how bright the room had gotten.]
There was a moment between thrusts when I reached a clarity that I’d never been afforded. A vision unlike any other. Lassiter and I were the opposite of each other, like magnets, the divine and the truly wicked. The south pulling the north in with enough power to shatter any and all other attractions. 
Time stood still while I rutted against the angle with a primal need that came from generations and generations before me. Something rooted that I hadn’t wanted to see come to fruition. Ever. I enjoyed my exploits yet something had been tugging my attention from such cumbersome meetings with strangers over and over again. It was him. His existence here on Earth. In Caldwell. This son-of-a-bitch who made my blood boil was the salvation that I thought wasn’t ever meant for me. 
In an instant the universe flipped upside down and nothing mattered but the male that was spread out with me inside him. And I pushed in again and again until my entire body turned molten and the desk shook beneath him. It would be nothing but ash in mere seconds but I didn’t care. I needed him. 
One hand shot up to close around Lassiter’s throat as if that would hold him in place while my hips pistoned, slapping against the perfect skin that was brighter than the sun at the moment. I wish I could recall the storm that was brewing outside. The sound of a freight train. The yelling that was going on outside the door. The booming thunder that shook the mansion walls. But to me it was the soundtrack to the climax that I reached as my thumb hooked inside Lassiter’s pretty mouth, bright white eyes fixed on his, the fingers that had opened him now wrapped around his long cock.
“Come with me, Angel.” 
[It was like we were inside of our own little bubble. Nothing else outside mattered, even though I knew that all hell was breaking loose. We were locked together as we were meant to be. It was fated. So strange that I would still believe in something like that. Yet here he was, beautiful and glowing with me. Of course it was him. I really should have seen that one coming before someone hit me over the head with visions. It couldn't have been anyone else, this was exactly how it was supposed to be.] 
[Just when I thought that I couldn't possibly let down more guards, he found a way deeper inside my defenses. Deeper and deeper... Oh God!!... My body was singing for it. My bones felt like they would rattle loose with every drive of his hips. I swear I could taste him in the back of my throat. He was a vampire and I thought I knew all that it meant to be one until I felt his claim on me. A mark buried inside where no one could erase it. I shined that much brighter.]
[His hand closed around my neck and the ground seemed to give out beneath me. In reality, the table didn't stand a chance against the both of us. Very few things would. Perhaps sometime when we had more control. Not now. Not during this first melding of bodies. Instinctively my hands flew to his shoulders, holding myself in place. Not a beat was skipped, my wings appeared instantly and held me aloft. Each thrust of his was met with force powered by my wings. This was me, completely unfiltered. Alien eyes that had no pupils, shining bright skin that would blind most, hair a mixture of blonde and black, and wings that shimmered with the color of oil on water constantly changing.]
[A key had opened a lock that I never knew was there. He wanted me to come, but it felt like I exploded. Everything inside me ripped apart in one brilliant moment. I knew for a fact that if we weren't holding up our shields, the mansion would have been leveled. Even still the force rumbled through everything, threatening to shatter all of the glass. I held so tightly to him that I knew there would be marks on his shoulders. I had to. I was coming apart at the seams and he was the only thing that could save me. I screamed out his name, calling to the heavens to bear witness.]
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dontshootmespence · 8 years
Reid’s Tirade
A/N: Anon request where the reader is working on a case which involves a really sexist cop, who happens to be working with the Bureau (not an unsub). He makes some very sexist comments toward the reader, and Reid steps in and stands up for her. @coveofmemories
Warnings: Sexist bullshit?
Dammit, this case needed to be over already. You were going to have to take about a million showers to wash the metaphorical grime off your body. “I need out of here,” you said to JJ and Emily as Hotch and Morgan dealt with the lead officers. Apparently, you still worked in the dark ages when women were supposed to do nothing but walk around in big fluffy dresses, impossibly high heels and corsets that didn’t allow you to breathe, instead of modern-day America where women and men were suppose to work together equally. That would be the day. The officers couldn’t seem to control their mouths around yourself, Emily and JJ, so Hotch decided to run interference. 
“You too?” Emily said. “I feel like I need 18 showers.” She hugged her arms around her body and JJ wiped the grime off her shoulder.
“Do we still work in the 50s?” she asked. “And I feel like even 20 won’t wipe the grime off me.”
“Yea apparently,” you said. “I’m gonna go outside for a few minutes. I need some air. If you need me, send someone out to get me.”
As you walked outside, you felt like you could finally breathe. During the course of this case, the team had come across quite a few women that needed to be interviewed. Mothers and wives of victims. A couple of possible suspects. Some eyewitnesses. And these men had absolutely no finesse. They had no idea how to talk to or interrogate men, no less women, who more than likely wouldn’t respond the same way as men would. Plus, there were a few older ones that seemed to think that women didn’t belong in the work force - no less the police force. Ah, Middle America. Lovely. You couldn’t wait to get back home to DC. 
Taking a deep breath, you leaned your head back into the wall, grounding yourself and your roller-coaster of emotions. Blocking out the world tended to do that for you. Instead, you focused on your breathing, the up and down movements of your chest, the feel of the concrete at the back of your head, the sweet smell of fresh air...which was now contaminated by cigarette smoke. Goddammit. 
One of the officers, late-40s to mid-50s, had walked outside for a cigarette. The smoke wafted closer to you and you coughed, remembering your years as a child, when your grandparents would smoke pack after pack with you in the house. You’d praised the gods when they finally quit. “Sorry, little lady,” the officer said as he leaned against the wall next to you. Though he said sorry, his next puff of smoke was let out in your direction yet again. You were about to show him what a ‘little lady’ you were.
You figured being outside with one of them, or even a few of them, was better than being inside with all of them, so when another couple of officers came back from their lunch break early to smoke against the wall of the station, you stayed there, browsing your phone. But it was really hard to breathe with three cigarettes going simultaneously, so you moved a couple steps to the side the hopefully evade their next puffs. “Why don’t you go inside if the smoke is bothering you?” one of the younger ones said.
“Because we’ve been stuck inside all day and I needed some fresh air,” you replied not looking up from your phone and trying your best not to smack the arrogance out of them. It was truly difficult. Under your breath, you heard the younger one say to the older one that first came out, “This is why women don’t belong on the force, too delicate.”
Okay, now. What?
“Excuse me,” you asked disbelievingly. “What did you just say?”
He tried to backpedal, but you were so far beyond that. Four days of working with these motherfuckers and you were about to blow. “I meant nothing by it, sweetheart.” 
“First of all, I ain’t your sweetheart,” you said, realizing you were about to go off. You took note of their faces so when you went inside you could tell Hotch you wouldn’t be interacting with them anymore. “Second of all, I was out here first and if you can see that the smoke is bothering me, why the fuck do you keep blowing it in my direction? There’s a perfectly good direction, that way, that you could aim your smoke, but you continue doing it toward me.”
“Now I see why they hired you,” the third one chimed in with a laugh. This was going to be good. 
“Why is that?” I dare you. I dare you to speak. You were about to burst. You needed out of this hellhole.
“That face,” the older one said, apparently knowing what the third officer was thinking. “You’re very cute when you’re mad, still wouldn’t have made it here though, gotta have big tits to work for us, don’t you boys?”
It took you a minute to speak because you were so stunned, but by the time you were about to lose your mind, you heard someone speak from behind you. It sounded foreign to you. “Excuse me?” Spencer asked, having come outside to tell you they were about to go over the profile to hone it again. “What did you just say to her?”
“Nothing, man. Nothing,” the first officer said. “You don’t wanna get in our faces either? I really don’t understand what the Bureau is doing hiring women and boys with no muscle.” You were about to just grab Spencer’s arm, tell him to just go inside and forget about it, that they weren’t worth it, but he went off, and it was one of the most glorious things you’d ever seen. 
“Well, to start, Y/N here was hired because she as an IQ of 183, has two Ph.D.’s, one in microbiology and the other in criminology and psychology, and in addition, she’s also a double black belt in Aikido, Karate, Taekwondo, and Jujutsu. As for me, I’m also certifiably a genius with an IQ of 187, and eidetic memory and the ability to read 20,000 words a minute, while you, let’s start with you, I’ve been doing a little research, I hope you don’t mind. You,” Spencer said, pointing to the oldest one, and the one that had come out near you first, “You have two failed marriages under your belt and from what I’ve heard you had to bribe your chief to pass you for your last marksmanship test, because you failed miserably. Even I, the ‘boy with no muscle,’ passed my marksmanship test. And you,” he kept going, calling out the third one for his criminal background that was swept under the rug because the area was so desperate for officers. You were living for this. Sassy Spencer was everything. “And finally, you,” he said, landing on the middle one, the smile from tearing these men to the ground wider than the highways in DC, “you’re truly pathetic. The fact that you even made it onto the force is incredible. Failed marksmanship test, barely passed on the psychological, minor criminal background, but the one thing you did have? A father who was willing to donate to the precinct in order to get you a job. Couldn’t even make it in on your own merit. We had no issue with that,” he said, pointing between the two of you. When he caught your eye, you just smiled. “Now, we’re going to go inside because we have a profile to go over to give to the competent members of your precinct, but not before you apologize to Agent Y/N for what I just heard.” 
Spencer grabbed your hand and brought you up to him as the three officers muttered half-assed ‘sorry’ in your direction. “Good, you ready?” he asked, nodding his head at the officers.
You headed back inside, leaving the stunned officers behind. You could’ve taken care of that yourself, and he knew that, but the fact that he had been so offended on your behalf felt great. “Hey, Spence,” you said, standing up on your tiptoes and giving him a kiss on the cheek. “Thanks.”
“It’s no problem, Y/N,” he said enveloping you in a hug. “Plus, it was cathartic for me. It was like I was standing up to the bullies that used to torment me, so thank you for letting me go off.”
As you walked into the conference room that the lead officer had given the team for the case, Hotch, along with everyone else, noticed the smiles on your faces, and the lipstick you’d left on Spencer’s cheek. “Care to tell us what happened or...?” Morgan laughed.
“Nothing, you guys,” you said. “I was just the target of some sexist bullshit from a few of our reluctantly-cooperating officers. Spencer overheard them and told them off. The lipstick was from a kiss on the cheek as a thank you.”
“Who was talking what about you, babygirl?” Morgan asked, and as they walked back in, you pointed them out. “Don’t worry, they say anything else, I’ll rough them up a little bit for you.”
“No need,” you said, looking at Spencer. “I think Reid embarrassed them to death. It was awesome.”
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scoutess-blog · 7 years
Summer Project
Once I was accepted into graphics course, the class was set a task to introduce us to our first new topic. Which was poetry. To help us get stuck into the tasks we were first asked to look at some poets: Sylvia, Walt Whitman, Eminem and many others. 
Sylvia - Lady Lazarus
I have done it again.   One year in every ten   I manage it—— A sort of walking miracle, my skin   Bright as a Nazi lampshade,   My right foot A paperweight, My face a featureless, fine   Jew linen. Peel off the napkin   O my enemy.   Do I terrify?—— The nose, the eye pits, the full set of teeth?   The sour breath Will vanish in a day. Soon, soon the flesh The grave cave ate will be   At home on me And I a smiling woman.   I am only thirty. And like the cat I have nine times to die. This is Number Three.   What a trash To annihilate each decade. What a million filaments.   The peanut-crunching crowd   Shoves in to see Them unwrap me hand and foot—— The big strip tease.   Gentlemen, ladies These are my hands   My knees. I may be skin and bone, Nevertheless, I am the same, identical woman.   The first time it happened I was ten.   It was an accident. The second time I meant To last it out and not come back at all.   I rocked shut As a seashell. They had to call and call And pick the worms off me like sticky pearls. Dying Is an art, like everything else.   I do it exceptionally well. I do it so it feels like hell.   I do it so it feels real. I guess you could say I’ve a call. It’s easy enough to do it in a cell. It’s easy enough to do it and stay put.   It’s the theatrical Comeback in broad day To the same place, the same face, the same brute   Amused shout: ‘A miracle!’ That knocks me out.   There is a charge For the eyeing of my scars, there is a charge   For the hearing of my heart—— It really goes. And there is a charge, a very large charge   For a word or a touch   Or a bit of blood Or a piece of my hair or my clothes.   So, so, Herr Doktor.   So, Herr Enemy. I am your opus, I am your valuable,   The pure gold baby That melts to a shriek.   I turn and burn. Do not think I underestimate your great concern. Ash, ash— You poke and stir. Flesh, bone, there is nothing there—— A cake of soap,   A wedding ring,   A gold filling. Herr God, Herr Lucifer   Beware Beware. Out of the ash I rise with my red hair   And I eat men like air.
I particularly enjoy this poem as I feel it has a lot of history and emotion to the point that I feel like I know the person well enough, like I can see her life through her own eyes in just one poem. It uses many illustrative words and phrases to create a very clear picture, almost like a movie. Personally, the poem is a extraordinary piece of work as even though the topic is extremely morbid it almost gives way to a hopeful ending. It uses no rhymes, long phrases or even heavy descriptions. Yet, it can communicate powerful, emotional feelings through single words or small phrases. Especially, once I read it out loud. 
Walt Whitman - One’s-Self I sing
One’s-Self I sing, a simple separate person, Yet utter the word Democratic, the word En-Masse. Of physiology from top to toe I sing, Not physiognomy alone nor brain alone is worthy for the Muse, I say the Form complete is worthier far, The Female equally with the Male I sing. Of Life immense in passion, pulse, and power, Cheerful, for freest action form’d under the laws divine, The Modern Man I sing.
This poem is much shorter than the previous one but uses longer and more complex words and phrases. I believe the poem is communicating the fact that even if society dictates whom is stronger, worthier he will not bend to them as all are equal in life with their own choices. He has freedom of speech as is the modern way. The changes that were currently happening during the time the poem was written. 
Eminem - Lose Yourself
Look, if you had, one shot, or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted. In one moment Would you capture it, or just let it slip? Yo His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy There's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti He's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready to drop bombs, But he keeps on forgetting what he wrote down, The whole crowd goes so loud He opens his mouth, but the words won't come out He's choking how, everybody's joking now The clock's run out, time's up, over, blaow! Snap back to reality. Oh, there goes gravity Oh, there goes Rabbit, he choked He's so mad, but he won't give up that Easy, no He won't have it, he knows his whole back's to these ropes It don't matter, he's dope He knows that but he's broke He's so stagnant, he knows When he goes back to his mobile home, that's when it's Back to the lab again, yo This whole rhapsody He better go capture this moment and hope it don't pass him [Hook:] You better lose yourself in the music, the moment You own it, you better never let it go (go) You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow This opportunity comes once in a lifetime (yo) You better lose yourself in the music, the moment You own it, you better never let it go (go) You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow This opportunity comes once in a lifetime (yo) (You better) The soul's escaping, through this hole that is gaping This world is mine for the taking Make me king, as we move toward a new world order A normal life is boring, but superstardom's close to postmortem It only grows harder, homie grows hotter He blows. It's all over. These hoes is all on him Coast to coast shows, he's known as the globetrotter Lonely roads, God only knows He's grown farther from home, he's no father He goes home and barely knows his own daughter But hold your nose 'cause here goes the cold water His hoes don't want him no more, he's cold product They moved on to the next schmoe who flows He nose dove and sold nada So the soap opera is told and unfolds I suppose it's old partner, but the beat goes on Da da dum da dum da da da da [Hook] No more games, I'mma change what you call rage Tear this motherfucking roof off like two dogs caged I was playing in the beginning, the mood all changed I've been chewed up and spit out and booed off stage But I kept rhyming and stepped right into the next cypher Best believe somebody's paying the Pied Piper All the pain inside amplified by the Fact that I can't get by with my 9 to 5 And I can't provide the right type of life for my family 'Cause man, these goddamn food stamps don't buy diapers And it's no movie, there's no Mekhi Phifer, this is my life And these times are so hard, and it's getting even harder Trying to feed and water my seed, plus Teeter totter caught up between being a father and a primadonna Baby, mama drama's screaming on her Too much for me to wanna Stay in one spot, another day of monotony's gotten me To the point, I'm like a snail I've got to formulate a plot or I end up in jail or shot Success is my only motherfucking option, failure's not Mom, I love you, but this trailer's got to go I cannot grow old in Salem's lot So here I go it's my shot. Feet, fail me not This may be the only opportunity that I got [Hook] You can do anything you set your mind to, man
Eminem is one of my favourite rap artists because he makes all of his songs realistic since it is usually what is going in his life at the time. however, they still seem to relate to everyone like this song as it speaks to people about not missing your chance at life. The language is mainly modern slang but is easily understood and much easier to rhyme with. When I tried to speak it out loud it didn't really sound as good as the original as I found it difficult to just speak it when it should be rapped. 
Step Right Up
For the second task our main objective was create some poetry verses based on advertising, signs and pictures that are around shops and roads. The task is based off from the song “STEP RIGHT UP” from 1977. Honestly, it is not to my taste but is certainly catchy and made it much easier to create verses by using the song as a reference. 
Leave it to dame
Touch you must pay
Only £1
To make a house a home
Spend it all to get it all
Because you’re worth it
I’m lovin’ it
Every little helps
Maybe she’s born with it
Just do it
Karaoke Poetry
Task 3 was slightly more difficult as we had many more choices of content since we had to use our top 10 favourite songs. I chose my favourite songs first then i cost songs that a similar theme like genre or just the topic.
Once  I chose my favourite songs I listened and picked out my favourite lyrics so I could have a variety of choices for the poem as the lyrics could be mixed to create differently themed poems. 
1. Take It Out On Me
-Thought i had it under control
-You wanted it to be picture perfect 
-You don’t have to throw it away
-Just let it go
-Take it out on me
2.Stressed Out
-Nw I’m insecure and i care what people think
-My name’s blurry face and I care what you think
-Wish we could turn back time 
-Hands up if you’re ready for the fight
-I don’t need you to believe in me
-I know how to change my destiny
-We can change the whole world 
-Tell me that you’re in it
-Don’t you wanna be a superhero
-You’re worse than nicotine
-I’ve lost control and I don’t want it back
-Just one more hit then we’re through
-You have to cross the line
-I’m passing over you like a satellite
-So shine your light on me
-It’s not too late, we have the rest of our lives
-This is the life you can't deny us now
-They say we are what we are
-I’m bad behaviour but I do it in the best way
-I’ll be the guard dog of your fevered dreams
-Cause we could be immortals
-I am the sand at the bottom of the hour glass
-Pull the black out curtains now
7.I miss the Misery
-I miss the misery
-I’ve been a mess since you stayed
-i’ve been a wreck since you changed
-I’ve tried but i just can’t take this
-I’d rather fight than just fake it
-Don’t let me get in your way
8.The Resistance
Am a soldier, I won’t surrender
-Who’s gonna stand up, who's gonna fight
Heavy as a hurricane, louder than a freight train
-Heart beating faster, feels like thunder
-And rid myself of all my sin
-I swear I have sense
-We will gain nothing from this
-If you come closer I will lose control
-Cause you’ve been asking for it
10.X Gon’ Give To It Ya
-It’s what hearing, listen
-X gon’ give it to ya
-Fuck waiting for you to get it on your own
-I’ll do it again cos I’m right
-Ain’t never gave anything to me
By inserting the key phrases I found it easier to complete a poem and I experiment with different orders.
Thought I had it under control
I don’t need you to believe in me
Now I’m insecure and I acre what people think
I’ve lost control and I don’t want it back
I’m passing over you like a satellite
I’m bad behaviour but I do it in the best way
I’d rather fight than just fake it
Heavy as a hurricane, louder than a freight train
If you come closer I will lose control
There is a beast inside, breaking free
[Insert photo sketches]
They say we are what we are
You wanted it to be picture perfect
You can change the whole world
We will gain nothing from this
It’s not too late, we’ve have the rest of our lives
Don’t let me get in your way
You’re worse than nicotine
Ain’t never gave nothin’ to me
Heart beating faster, feels like thunder
Wish we could turn back time
I’ve tried but I just can’t take it
Take it out on me
I swear I have sense
Am a soldier, I won’t surrender
I am the sand at the bottom of the hour glass
Its what your hearing, listen
Tell me that you’re in it
Wish we could turn back time
Just one more hit, then we’re through
This is the life you can’t deny us now
You don’t have to throw it away
Now I’m secure and I care what people think
I know how to change my destiny
I’ve lost control and I don’t want it back
You have to cross the line
Pull the black out curtains now
I miss the misery
Who’s gonna stand up, who’s gonna fight
Cause you’ve been asking for it
X gon’ give it to ya
Evaluation/ Reflection 
When I first looked at the starting brief I was surprised about the topic since it was not something I previously associated with graphics. however, once I started completing the tasks it became more obvious that the point of the brief was to introduce us to the relationship between text and image. A graphic artist is not only someone who creates art pieces on the computer but instead communicates through their artwork with a message. Whether that is from product design, advertising or simply creating a comic. 
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