#The new Hopper
starlightshadowsworld · 9 months
The new Hopper
I have yet to talk about Finney which is wild because despite the name, this is more than a Vance Hopper fic.
So here we go.
So in this fic Finney Blake and Steve Harrington are the same person.
Finney still kills the Grabber in this.
He was healing with the other basement boys, yes all lived in this fic, and Gwenny.
And was starting to truly feel like things would be okay.
... When his dad lost custody over him and Gwen.
Suzie's parents were able to take Gwen but try as they might they were unable to take Finney too.
His aunt and uncle, John and Diane Harrington got custody over him.
They didn't want Gwen because two children was too much work.
And after hearing the stuff about her dreams deemed her a freak.
Finney was taken from Denver, from his sister and his best friends kicking and screaming.
His aunt and uncle made it clear that Finney Elias Blake would need to cease to exist.
Renaming him Steve John Harrington.
And having little contact with his real family and still dealing with everything alone.... Finney, now Steve did change.
Steve Harrington was everything Finney Blake wasn't.
He was strong.
He was brave.
He could talk to and get the girl.
He was perfect.
Finney was a victim.
Finney was a broken kid from an even more broken home.
Finney flinched when the phone rang and hid letters under his bed he'd send out and receive in secret.
He talked about his friends, the little he saw of his aunt and uncle... He never talked about himself.
Because who was he even anymore.
But Finney's life got a lot more complicated when a demogorgon burst through the Byers living room.
And than he met Dustin and the kids.
Steve Harrington stopped being perfection.
He realised just how much of a bully he'd become.
How lost he'd become in this new life.
Of all the hurt and pain he'd taken in and taken out on others who didn't deserve it.
And he knew he had to change.
Because whether Finney had wanted it or not, Finney was Steve.
And at the end of the day Steve Harrington was just as broken as Finney Blake.
So who cared how he acted.
He grew to care for these kids, these dumbass, nerdy, always trying to get themselves killed kids.
Who reminded him so much of the others... Of himself that it hurt.
He killed monsters.
He became the babysitter of the apocalypse.
He used himself as a sheild to save others.
And thought with a bittersweet smile maybe Finney and Steve weren't that different at all.
Not that he would tell anyone.... Not until Robin.
Who heard him cry out during Russian torture his other name, heard him cry out the names of boys and a girl she'd never heard of.
And simply hugged him in her arms on the floor of that bathroom.
And asked him which name he preferred she used.
To his suprise it was Steve.
He was her Stevie Bee, her friend and fellow munchkin. Her platonic with a capital P soul mate.
And not just for her.
He was Dustin's big brother, he was Jonathan's fellow gossiper.
He was the resident loveable asshole with a nail bat.
Finney had been Steve Harrington a lot longer than he'd been Finney Blake.
And it didn't scare him as much as he thought it would.
Part of him was scared Finney was gone forever.
And than Robin told him that was ridiculous.
And be believed her.
So one day he did something he never did.
He called Denver, he called back home.
The phone rang in Robin Arellano's living room where the rest of the boys were hanging out.
And as easy as that, Finney Blake returned.
Like he never left, and maybe he never did.
He cried hearing their voices again.
Sobbed when they got Gwen over and he heard her voice again.
He sobbed and apologised for leaving.
Like he had any choice in the matter, and while he always sent letters they had lost their life.
Until now.
He also handed Robin the phone to get to know his old friends and sister.
He wasn't suprised when Robin fit in with their group like she'd always been a part of it.
She was as much of his soul mate as they were.
He started messing with bottle rockets.
He watched the sequel to Texas Chainsaw Massacre and listened to both Robin's argue over it.
He kept the hair routine but let his hair stay fluffy and soft.
He never intended to tell the others, because... How do you even go about doing that.
He was afraid they'd hate him.
Question how he'd become the same person as the bullies that used to haunt him.
That would spit on Robin and call him a freak.
Think of him as a liar.
A fake.
Maybe they'd look past all the monster he'd slayed and see the original blood stains on his hands.
And look in disgust.
Robin was here to sooth his fears, she disagreed but supported him either way.
Things might've stayed that way.
Until Gale Hopper sent him a letter.
She was leaving for a family emergency, and didn't want to leave Vance alone.
The fact they had a restraining order against Vance shouldn't have been as funny as it was.
And much as Gale knew the others boys family would take him in, she knew they didn't have the room.
And had asked her brother to let him stay.
Her brother being Cheif Hopper didn't even phase Finney as much as knowing Vance was coming over.
Somehow any fear he had about his two identities coming to life vanished.
Because Vance was coming.
He had run into Family Video, picked Robin up and spun her in the air.
"Vance is coming!"
And she smiled just as bright.
Vance was coming, and nothing else mattered. One of his boys was coming to see him.
It was bizarre how the only true fear Finney had was that Vance wouldn't recognise him.
He seriously considered stealing Jonathan's camera to snap a photo and send it over.
All of that melted away when Vance looked at him.
Same curly blonde hair, a different denim jacket but one that fit him all the same.
And after a second of confusion recognised him.
And smiled.
And sure he would have to explain himself but he was safe.
Because Vance was here. Because Robin was here.
Because even if he was terrified he knew deep down his friends.
All of them would accept him.
Saw Robin and Vance call him his respective names and both fit.
Dustin muddling it together and El calling them secret name buddies.
Saw the smile on Vance's face didn't waver hearing his other name.
And so much would need to be said but for now he was safe.
Finney was safe.
Steve was safe.
And that's all that mattered.
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hothammies · 3 months
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concept designs for the zombie apocalypse au i'm working on - pt. 1 (small au details under the cut regarding their designs)
--- mike's design
always wears his bomber jacket (normally decorated with pins) - was given to him by nancy when he was ten and he grew into it
signature weapon is a machete - likes its versatility + has terrible aim with guns: the only one he can kind of use is a shotgun, but he rarely uses it because the kickback fucks with his shoulder
will's design
always wears a long sleeve around his waist "just in case" (normally his military jacket or a flannel)
watch was given to him by jonathan when he was ten
signature weapon is a hunting rifle - is the second best with guns after lucas + follows the st canon of him using a rifle in s1e1
el's design
wardrobe always consists of one thing from a different party member (ex. gray hoodie is actually mike's, next day she wears a lucas jacket or a will flannel, etc.) it makes her feel safe :'D
doesn't have a signature weapon + is very versatile - just tends to use whatever's on hand at times or the environment around her
other notes: i fucking love apocalypse shit :P i'm still working on the whole outline of course, but if you're wondering, the infection i'm imagining would be a mix between days gone + l4d + a smidgen of tlou while the world is similar to tlou and a little of twd. i'll include some upside down stuff with the infection to make it feel like st :D i'm currently planning where i want this universe to go, with backstories and relationship dynamics between the entire party - byler will be the main romantic relationship, but i'll also dedicate some time to lumax too. however, the biggest theme surrounding this au is found family for me, so while romance will still be important, i want to put a lot of focus on the entire group's dynamic as a whole!
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woundgallery · 2 months
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Edward Hopper, Night Windows, 1928
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taiturner · 2 years
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This whole Viktor thing. Well, it's a pretty big deal, right? Should we say something? I mean, make a formal gesture? Welcome him as brothers?
LUTHER & VIKTOR ━ in season 3 of The Umbrella Academy
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newyorkthegoldenage · 27 days
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Edward Hopper, House at Dusk, 1935. Oil on canvas.
Photo: Archive.org
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lionofchaeronea · 9 months
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Room in New York, Edward Hopper, 1932
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taeiris · 3 months
do you guys ever think abt how in st4 they introduced the concept of nina and blocked out memories to protect someone from trauma… and now we know they’re filming unseen scenes from will in the UD… wouldn’t it be RLLY cool if el brought nina up, and idk?? like?? meditated with will to access his memories in search of the key to defeat vecna? maybe from something that happened in the UD that he blocked out? would high-key be a bomb ass scene and so cool for some willel bonding🤞
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"Gruff, jaded man accidentally adopts feisty child" has got to be one of my favorite genres
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lucassinclaer · 10 months
dustin "if you die, i die" henderson and mike [jumps off a cliff to save dustin] wheeler and el "they cannot save you, jane." "no. but i can save them" and max "we'd be putting a total stranger at risk. a stranger who has no idea what they're up against. i do" mayfield and will "we have bigger things to worry about now" byers and lucas "she's gonna need some back-up" sinclair
they're 11 and they're 12 and they're 13 and they're 14
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mroddmod · 6 months
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i wait at your door like a dog
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upsidedog · 10 months
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senior prom, 89'
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starlightshadowsworld · 9 months
The new Hopper
Finney: talking about his time as King Steve I did some stuff that I'm not proud off. Some I think I'll never forgive myself for.
Vance: Pinball Vance Hopper who once broke a guys jaw just for looking at him funny Eh you'll be fine.
Like none of his friends hold his King Steve days against him.
They all recognise he's changed and become a better person. He's made amends and they all love him dearly.
Finney still feels bad about it at times.
And Vance is just like I'm here for you but I physically cannot relate.
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cavinginhisfvce · 2 years
Hopper, casually ruffling Billy's hair: You did good kid! I'm proud of you.
Billy, bewildered: The hell did you just do to me?
Hopper, lowering his hand: I just tousled your hair. Ain't nobody ever done that to you before?
Billy, grabbing Hopper's wrist: Keep. Going.
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pinkeoni · 10 days
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willel x steps in the hero's journey
based on x tutorial used x
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kennahjune · 6 months
Fuck the Trauma Bond
A Lucas and the Party version of this
Lucas was bouncing the ball on the pavement of the basketball court at the playground. It was surrounded by high chain-link fences and the hoops on either end were worn and rusted and the pavement itself was cracked worse than the Upside Down ground.
He had never looked happier.
Dustin and Will looked on from where they sat at the top of the slide on the playground. Lucas was tossing the ball around with a couple of other kids from school that neither of them knew.
But Lucas knew them, and that was all that mattered, apparently.
Max, El and Mike were a little farther back from Lucas, past the lame excuse of a basketball court and in the street, where Max was showing Mike how to skateboard while El loitered and watched.
It was absolutely sweltering. Ranging from 92 degrees to the Devils fucking asscrack, in Dustin totally correct opinion.
He was bored out of his mind but didn’t mind watching Lucas bounce the ball. He looked happier bouncing an orange sphere than he did playing DnD, which unsettled Dustin in a way that made him lightheaded.
“Hey, Will.”
Will hummed in acknowledgment but didn’t look up from his sketchpad.
“Does Lucas look happier?”
Will looked at Dustin with a raised eyebrow before focusing in on Lucas.
“Huh. I mean sure.” He shrugged. “But it’s cause it’s basketball. Lucas really likes basketball. And if he really likes it then why not be happy while doing it?”
Dustin flipped the thought a few times in his head.
It wasn’t that he was mad about Lucas playing basketball. He got over that a while ago after Lucas and Mike had a full-blown argument/mental breakdown that included Mike’s abandonment issues and Lucas’ FOMO (fear of missing out).
But Dustin also wasn’t outright vocally supportive. He didn’t go to the games, he didn’t hang around for Lucas’ practices. He would (probably), but even after Eddie’s name was cleared and he was painted a hero but the government goons, Mike and himself were still targeted heavily in school alongside the rest of Hellfire.
“I don’t really see the appeal, I guess.” He told Will, instead of voicing his inner thoughts.
Will shrugged. “You don’t have to. It’s Lucas’ interest. But simply showing you’re willing to listen to him about said interest can go a lot farther than you’d think.”
“Are you saying I don’t listen to him?”
“I’m saying you guys dismiss him.”
“Dismiss him?” Dustin watched Lucas more intently.
Will hummed. “Literally yesterday. He was talking about his encounter with Steve and how they’d made a really cool new play and you guys all so obviously tuned him out that when he stopped you guys just kept nodding because you hadn’t noticed.”
That was really shitty.
“Did we really?”
“Damn indeed, Dusty-buns.”
Mike, Max and El joined them a couple minutes later.
“What’re you nerds talking about?” Max asked, sitting at the bottom of the slide with El while Mike climbed up to sit behind the boys and lean on Will’s back.
“How we’re apparently really shitty friends,” answered Dustin with his chin in his hand. He was still watching Lucas. One of the guys playing— a curly blond kid a head shorter than Lucas— pulled him into a weird hug thing where they slapped each other’s backs and immediately went back to playing.
“What?” asked Mike, muffled from where his head was shoved into Will’s shoulder.
“Lucas likes basketball.” Dustin confirmed.
Mike and Max looked at him.
“Yeah? We know that, Henderson.” Max snarked.
“And we know nothing about anything including him and basketball.”
They both seemed to pause.
“What do you mean?”
“Will says we’ve been dismissing him every time he brings it up.”
They both looked at Will, Mike peeling himself off of his back to do so.
Will shrugged and harshly erased something on his paper. “You do.”
“Which is why it’s stopping now.” Declared Dustin.
Mike blinked at him owlishly. “Um, dude? We can’t really go to him games or practices. You know we’ll both get mauled,” he muttered quietly.
The other three looked between Mike and Dustin.
“You’re both having problems still?” Will asked, looking stricken.
“I thought Jason dying would mean they’d fuck off.” Muttered Max.
Mike scoffed. “Just cause Carver’s dead doesn’t mean shit. They still think Eddie’s the Devil and that we’re his fucking worshipers or whatever. They chased me all the way to the back of the school on Wednesday.”
Will winced and Max glowered. Dustin felt the slide shake a little.
“El, relax. It’s not that bad.” Dustin watched El’s gaze soften slightly and the slide stopped rumbling. She looked at him sadly. They’d all heard about the bullying in Cali at some point. Dustin smiled back but it didn’t reach his eyes.
He turned back to address the whole group.
“Sure we can’t go to every game, but maybe we can get Steve to go with us to some. You guys know he wouldn’t let anything happen. And besides— Steve likes sports to.”
That struck a thought in his mind: how many times had he dismissed Steve?
He pushed it back for now.
“And even without going to games—“ he pressed on, “—we can still try and listen to him more.”
Mike and Max nodded slowly. Dustin takes it they hadn’t realized they hadn’t been listening before.
“And speaking of,” Will said, placing his sketch pad and pencils into his bag. “Here comes the man of the hour.”
Sure enough, Lucas was walking backward to them while waving to the guys who were leaving the park altogether. They were all waving back and laughing.
“Hey, guys!” Lucas jogged up to the slide.
“Hey, stalker,” Max greeted cheekily when Lucas bent to give her a kiss.
“Hi, Lucas!” El cheerily added. “Did you have fun?”
Lucas smiled. “Yeah! Daniel— the dude who was wearing the red hoodie like a damn maniac— was stupid fast and really cool! He showed me how he pushes off his feet for speed and when I—… never mind.” He tried for a smile but it didn’t reach his eyes.
Dustin frowned.
“Why’d you stop? Keep going, dimwit. When you what?” Mike prompted.
Dustin snickered when Will slapped his arm lightly.
Lucas looked stricken for a split second before his face broke out in a grin.
And the rest is history.
When the first game came up, only 3 months later, Steve took the whole Party— older teens included.
They took Eddie’s van, the kids piled in the back while the teens took the actual seats.
When they got to school it was hectic chaos of Steve taking a headcount and leading everyone in. They struggled to find seats where their whole group would fit and in the end they sat on the bottom line of the bleachers with half of the them on the floor.
It was actually fun, much to Dustin’s and Mike’s surprise. Even if the looks shot at them and Eddie from some of the players were downright hostile.
Steve went with them every time they got up to do anything. No one left without someone else there— so Mike wasn’t alone when Adrian Gonzales tried to corner him by the concessions. And Dustin wasn’t in as much trouble when Treyton Klink pulled him by the shirt into the bathrooms.
So yeah— it wasn’t the best. But that was ok, because the hug Lucas gave them afterwards was worth it. Dustin would go through hell (again) to get another hug like that.
Mike looked about ready to agree with the flush that now littered his face and shoulders.
Will laughed at him and poked fun at him about the blush the entire ride home. Max and Lucas himself eventually played in with it as well, only worsening the blush and making the teasing better.
Lucas was over the moon for the rest of the night.
They slept over at Casa Harrington (as the Party so lovingly called it), piling blankets and pillows and dragged mattresses and discarded cushions on the living room floor while Lucas went on and on and on with Steve for what felt like forever.
Dustin wouldn’t have it any other way.
Especially with the matching smiles on their faces.
Dustin’s never seen them so happy, and he caught Eddie staring at Steve the same way Max was staring at Lucas, so Dustin figured he agreed.
He’d endured literal hell for his friends; what’s so wrong about one interest?
Dustin’s dreams were filled with buzzers and cheering and scoreboards. But that was a problem to complain about tomorrow.
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newyorkthegoldenage · 2 years
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Edward Hopper, a native New Yorker, was an avid theater-goer. These are some ticket stubs he saved between 1925 and 1936, with the names of the plays written on the back: Hamlet with Gielgud, Strange Interlude, Green Pastures, The Doctor's Dilemma, and six others. And the priciest was for Gielgud—$3.30 to sit in the orchestra.
Photo: Whitney Museum of American Art
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