#The only thing I love more than pubs are sea puns
nonbinaryeye · 3 years
Peter from time to time actually bothers to answer Elias' letters but just so he can make lots of horrible see puns:
It's been a whale since I've written to you...
Water you scheming right now? Any new sofishticated plans?
I'm shore it this will catch your interest...
And of course!
I shell sea you soon!
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callmethehunter · 3 years
I've read a few fics by different authors about Robert, and I'm kinda confused. They portray him in different ways, so what's his personality like in different aspects? I know that he's extroverted (I saw him getting typed as an ENFJ) and extra, and has a warm heart, but what about his flirtiness and apparent hedonism? How does his rural ideals contrast with touring? I know people are multifaceted and no one's flawless, but I still wanna know some things for certain.
Oh dear Anon, you have made my day! These are great questions about my favorite subject in the world: Robert Plant.:D And as far as that goes, I could (and will) go on and on about this forever, I’ve got so much to say!!
I’ve been obsessed with Robert’s music as well as with his personal life for years. I find him to be a multifaceted, highly talented and intelligent person who embodies traits that one would think were mutually exclusive, yet are somehow at home in him. He is without a doubt, totally outrageous and extroverted, he wants to be the center of attention, yet he is also reclusive, a deep thinker who is keenly aware of the world around him while also being introspective and self-aware. In his own words he has said
“It's part of me to get off on those moments where... well, what people would call attention. Obviously, that isn't the be-all and end-all of life, but at the states of creativity that I've reached, well, it helps the lyrics along a little bit.”
“ I’m pleased with how ridiculous I am. I like me. Though I’m not a huge fan. I know when to switch me off.”
I do think he has a very warm heart. He is genuinely interested in other people, in experiencing the most out of any given situation.
In my opinion, he loves the idea and the feeling of falling in love. He gets off more on that than on the longevity of it. It’s like he’s got ADHD in the aspect of love lol!! I say this because of the number of serious relationships (and not so serious relationships) that he has had in his life. I’m sure he was saddened when they ended, but then he’s moved on to the next great infatuation and adventure. He’s quite capable of starting again, as he has shown multiple times both in his personal and professional life. But I also think it’s a testimony to his heart that he’s been able to continue to be friends with his past loves. “There have been people I've warmed to over the years but, as the situation I'm in is so fleeting and transient, I've always known it's going to be over kind of real quick.”
I mean think about this: after having children with two sisters, Maureen (his exwife) and Shirley, they have been able to raise their children in what looks like a loving extended family. His sons, Logan (with Maureen) and Jesse (with Shirley), are half-brothers as well as first cousins. Just think on that for a moment. In a recent picture, there’s the entire family on vacation: Maureen, Shirley and their children with Robert, as well as Robert and a previous girlfriend, Jessica something or other (don’t remember her name). He’s not confined to societal conventions. He could give a flying fuck. I love that free spirit and he himself has said (and I paraphrase) that he may come across as being a good mate, but in reality he’s out to do whatever the fuck he wants. (And it shows!! )
He says, “...if you do what you think is right for the benefit of everybody and everything and you make decisions, then to go back and regret them afterwards - it's a futile experience and it's not worth thinking about. Because life just unfolds. Provided you do your best and you think you're on the right track, you can only be right or wrong. But to regret it - I don't think there are any huge errors or misdemeanors.”
In the area of friendship, however, he is fiercely loyal. He and Bonzo were like brothers till the end, and even still, Robert honors his dear friend. He’s also been able to maintain friendships with so many people from his hometown- people he knew before he was famous. He puts away the trappings of fame and fortune to be the good old Black Country boy, riding horses and playing with goats, walking around in the forests and enjoying nature.
“I think I could sing and shear a few sheep at the same time.” he says. He is the picture of the word “earthiness”. Able to be the rock god on stage as well as the humble farmer on the farm or at the local pub. He’s loyal to his soccer team and to the sport itself which has been a lifelong passion. I love that in him.
Is he a hedonist? Absolutely!! he has tasted every pleasure there is to taste. His every material wish could be a reality in an instant...He has done drugs, had hundreds of one night stands. He is a highly sensual man. IMO the sexiest man that’s ever walked the planet. His sizeable bulge perpetually stands as a symbol (no pun intended) of his virility and lust (and I like it!!) He exudes charisma and raw sexual energy. He’s done it all to the highest level, partied and cavorted around the globe. What a life he’s lived!!
But he is also soulful- in his lyrics there is also a deep spiritual side of him: I think he is a modern day troubadour and philosopher. His lyrics touch on that, “it is the springtime of my loving” ….“In the light you will find the road” “when all is one and one is all” “Then as it was, then again it will be, though the course may change sometimes, rivers always reach the sea” and I could go on and on with other examples. These are just what popped in my head. “I am a reflection of what I sing. Sometimes I have to get serious because the things Ive been through are serious” He’s experienced moments where he is the “golden god” as well as tragic moments such as the loss of his 5 year old son and the loss of his dear friend Bonzo. These are definitely reflected in his music.
And finally, in his own words:
“I'm like one of those firecrackers that goes off in your pocket occasionally. I'm not really struggling with it as much as the people around me. But at least I'm not doing too much damage to anybody or to myself. It's just the condition I'm aware of."
And he’s still got a twinkle in him and always will.
Thank you for letting me go and on about this man, he holds such a special place in my heart. He is a beautiful and joyous old hippie full of wisdom and talent. He has created a lasting legacy and I hold the deepest admiration for him, despite his human frailties or shortcomings.
If you have read this far, you deserve a kiss and a medal! Thanks so much for this ask!!
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knovesstorytelling · 4 years
Murray Mysteries S1E1 Transcript
Episode 1. Mina Murray’s Particularly Powerful Podcast Preface 
Written by May Toudic
Mina: Welcome to Murray Mysteries.
[Theme music plays.]
Mina: Hi! Hello. 
Mina (chuckling nervously): Howdy, nope. 
[She groans.]
Mina: Welcome to this podcast. I’m Mina Murray. Blessed with an alliterative name since 1996. By day, I’m an unemployed twenty-something with a teaching degree. But by night, I, uh. I read books, watch true crime shows, and do jigsaw puzzles with my boyfriend.
[She laughs.]
Mina (pretending to be a sports announcer): And the crowd goes wild!
[She laughs more.]
Mina: Yeah, I know, I know. I sound uh, I sound boring. Honestly, I might be? You’re probably thinking “Everyone and their mother has a podcast nowadays. Why should I listen to this early-onset grandma talk about her life as an unemployed jigsaw puzzler?” If I were you, I probably wouldn’t want to listen to me either. BUT, but. I can be interesting, I promise. I love learning about psychology, and history, and criminology, and a lot of other things ending in -y and—
Mina (laughingly): I like sharing that knowledge too.
Mina: Trust me, I did not get a teaching degree because I love spending all my time with kids and teenagers. I did it because I want to make them better adults. And for every twenty brats there are, there is one who’s actually interested in learning stuff and listening to me rambling on about who came closest to catching Jack the Ripper. Weirdly, that primary school I did my placement in didn’t ask me back full time. Something about topics appropriate to discuss with six-year-olds? Their loss. Honestly, the kids loved it.
Mina: If that didn’t convince you, you should know I also hang out with way more interesting people than myself. My boyfriend, Jonathan, is a solicitor! Yeah, that doesn’t sound any better, but I swear he’s fun. He’s currently on a work trip to Transylvania, so clearly the job has benefits. He’s been sending me a lot of pictures of his food on the way to his client’s place and he said he was going to record his trip for my podcast’s travel segment. Didn’t have the heart to tell him that, uh, this trip’s the first one he’s been sent on in two years and we’re way too broke to fund our own travel segment.
Mina (thoughtfully): I guess we could do some very illegal camping in the nearest park and pretend the ducks are exotic wildlife.
Mina: Doesn’t that sound exciting. Well, beside budget Bear Grylls, I spend most of my time with my best friend and my flatmate, Lucy. Who’s probably the coolest person alive. She’s really hard to keep up with, in, like, the best way. Always has some kind of dodgy plan that will either turn out the best time of your life or a total disaster. No in-between. One time, she took me to this rave in an old, covered market where everyone was wearing vegetable costumes and they all played remixes of Play That Funky Music. I almost lost an eye to an asparagus, but man that was a fun night. Lucy met someone at the party and even ended up dating him for a bit. It didn’t last very long.
[Mina chuckles and clears her throat.]
Mina: The tomato costume should’ve been a … red flag?
[Mina starts giggling]
Mina: In my opinion.
[She giggles more.]
Mina: Sorry. I should be ashamed. Lucy made a pun jar for the flat and I have to put a quid in it every time I make a really bad one.
Mina (quietly): I won’t tell her about this one if you don’t,
Mina (normally): Oh! Oh, oh. I might’ve given her my login details, so there is a strong possibility she will hijack this podcast. Lucy, if you’re listening to this, don’t hijack the podcast?
[A door opens and shuts.]
Lucy (in the distance): Did I hear my name?
[Footsteps come closer.]
Lucy: You didn’t tell me you were recording.
Mina: You were out?
Lucy: Only for a bit! Did you wait until I was gone, you sneak!
Mina: I needed silence! And you were getting ready to the entire discography of Abba.
[Lucy chuckles.]
Mina: Didn’t you have a date?
Lucy: What? Um, no. Just drinks.
Mina: With someone who thought it was a date? Hmm?
Lucy: Maybe? So, what are you talking about?
Mina: You, actually.
Lucy: Oh, great choice of topic! Are you telling them about the—
Mina: —the veg party, yeah.
Lucy: That was a, that was a night.
[Lucy laughs.]
Lucy: I wonder how that tomato’s doing now.
Mina: No, no, don’t call the tomato.
Lucy: It’s just a call, it couldn’t hurt.
Mina: Lucy, what would Karamo say?
Lucy (in a nasally voice): You deserve better than a toxic relationship with some who doesn’t even know a fruit from a vegetable.
Mina: So, what are you going to do?
Lucy: Not call the tomato.
Mina: Good. Now, you’re either going to help me record this, or you’re going to get out of my room because you’re very distracting.
Lucy: I get that a lot. I’ll help you of course. What’s the next item on those little notes of yours?
Mina: Um, I was just about to tell them how we met.
Lucy: Oh, good! Now they can hear it from both points of view. A dual perspective, if you will.
Mina: You’re really milking that theatre degree there, aren’t you?
Lucy: Well, what else am I going to do with it?
Mina: Fair point.
[Lucy laughs.]
Mina: There’s really not much to the story.
[Lucy gasps.]
Lucy: Not much to it? It was a day for the ages. The origin story of our friendship. A platonic meeting of souls!
Mina: It was an eighties-themed pub quiz.
Lucy: Hey, pub quizzes are a magical thing. Anything can happen in a pub quiz. Case in point: meeting of souls.
Mina: So, it was the last day of freshers week. And I made myself go to this thing because I felt like I had missed out on all the university-mandated binge drinking.
Lucy: Mmhmm.
Mina: I went on a couple campus tours, a couple coffee crawls, but I couldn’t bring myself to talk to anyone there. Lucy, on the other hand, was there with a gaggle of glamorous people she’d managed to gather around her like moths to a very sparkly flame.
Lucy: I was wearing that holographic dress, wasn’t I? That was a good dress, I wonder what happened to it.
Mina: Um, you tore out the bit in the back in third year while trying to prove you could do the splits to that um, Brazilian exchange student.
Lucy: Oh. Yeah, I remember that. I think.
Mina: Anyway, I’m sitting there alone in a sticky booth, hoping for a miracle. And this glittering ball of charisma comes up and says “You look like you know stuff.”
Lucy: I’m very observant. You look smart and interesting and very sad and lonely. How could I resist?
Mina: You just wanted someone who was sad enough to have seen every John Hughes movie three times.
Lucy: Well joke’s on me because now I’ve seen them all too. And Molly Ringwald is an eternal icon.
Mina: Yeah, it turns out Lucy’s love of eighties music and my knowledge of history and cheesy movies made us pretty much unbeatable.
Lucy: Mmhmm.
Mina: We won a hundred-pound voucher and Lucy convinced everyone to get a mountain of pub food instead of drinks because she could tell I didn’t want any alcohol.
Lucy: I’m a very good friend. And the chilli chips at that place were amazing!
Mina: Oh, I miss those chilli chips. They piled so much cheese on those, you couldn’t see the chilli or the chips!
Lucy: Nothing will ever beat Jackie’s chips. But we could still order some from that new place tonight and eat while we pack.
Mina: Pack for what?
Lucy: Going on a trip?
Mina: No we’re not, I have stuff to do.
Lucy: Yes we are. My mum wants me to come home and visit and I am not leaving you here alone to brood over your long-lost love, far away across the sea. Come on, it’ll be fun! I promise to do one jigsaw puzzle for every party I drag you to.
Mina: I have to hunt for jobs, Lucy.
Lucy: You can do that online.
Mina: And be around in case they like, need an interview or something.
Lucy: It’s only a couple of hours on the train, you can commute.
Mina (consideringly): Did you say, one puzzle per party?
Lucy: Of less than three hundred pieces. I’m willing to comprise, but I haven’t completely given up on life yet.
Mina: There’s no talking you out of this, is there?
Lucy: Nope.
Mina: I’ll get my suitcase.
Lucy: Yes!
Mina: Goodbye listeners, if you don’t hear from me again, I’m probably being held hostage by one of Lucy’s quaint exes.
[Lucy laughs as the credits music begins to play.]
Credits: Murray Mysteries is a Knoves Storytelling production. This episode was written and produced by May Toudic and featured Drew Victorie as Mina Murray and Megan John as Lucy Westerna. Original music by Sophie Kay. Thank you for listening.
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Series One - Episode Four
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The fair has arrived at Downton and with it another 47 minutes and 58 sections of madness. This was always going to be a tough episode, given that it follows the finest hour that British broadcasting has ever produced, but it does give us a real idea of what Downton Abbey viewing is going to be like from hereon in. Every plot point gets four lines or five minutes of total screen time (whichever comes first); the hint that Mrs Patmore is going blind gets a single line and there is a fleeting glimpse of Carson counting some wine. But there are some lovey arty shots of Downton and it’s grounds and it all goes a bit Ang Lee’s ‘figures in the landscape’. 
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The poster for the Downton Village Fair advertises such delights as “Find the lady” and a “helter skelter” but it’s the “and other various other amusements” in fine print at the bottom that intrigues me: what’s the betting it’s a Laser Quest? Thomas takes this as an opportunity to further string Daisy along and take shots at William along the way whilst the latter rolls out his mediocre piano playing again. Mrs Patmore tries and fails to drop the hint to Daisy that Thomas is on another bus but this falls on deaf ears. Daisy later goes on to proclaim that Thomas has “lovely teeth” and I’d never noticed it before Daisy, but he does. Throughout the episode Thomas descends to bullying William and in doing so introduces Dark!Daisy (a tag I’m heartbroken to see has not yet made it’s way onto AO3) and solidifies Mr Bates’ role as emotional supporter/defender as he rams Thomas up against a wall, bringing the ‘Body Slam’ count to two in five episodes which seems like an awfully high ratio for a show based on a very much glossed over view of the past. 
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Matthew, presumably taking a break from being Downton’s answer to Sarah Beeny, has also come to the fair and delights us all with a rather ineffectual tossing of balls at coconuts. Mary joins him and it turns out that they both have appalling aim. It’s a metaphor for everything and they are clearly made for each other. Later in the episode they will enjoy the world’s longest and most deliberately framed handshake but Mary’s mind is elsewhere. Kamal has remained very firmly with me for nine years having only seen a 2D rendering of his 3D form, so I can only imagine the sorts of things running around Mary’s head. But the guilt trip continues and I’m already at the stage of willing everybody just to chill. out. Given that all involved actually held it together on the night in question, the meltdowns now seem a bit late. Mary’s cry of “I’m a lost soul to you!” is a tad dramatic and I think we (Cora, the viewers, my dog that ran into the room thinking someone was being attacked) could live without it to be honest. There are plenty of fish in the sea Mary, and you’ve just go to choose one that doesn’t mind your dabbling with the vestiges of the Ottoman Empire and can adequately drive a car, in what can only be described as perfect motoring conditions, without crashing it.  
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Also at the fair is Mrs Hughes and her alter ego Elsie. When asked if he was going to the fair, Carson’s eyebrows shot up in horror at the thought but maybe if he knew that smooth talking man of the people Joe Burns was around, he might have had a slightly different reaction. As it is, Carson doesn’t go and Elise goes to a pub to learn just how very 100% totally available Joe Burns is. Elsie receives a rather roundabout proposal before Joe demonstrates that he is yet another Downton character with appalling hand/eye co-ordination. However he perseveres and his victory at the ring toss is declared in a truly weird voice by an out of shot character (Seriously, watch it back: it’s haunting). Upon her return to life as Mrs Hughes, Thomas remarks that she was looking “sparkly eyed” and within seconds, Bates is there to admonish him. That man can move fast when he needs to. Later in the butler’s pantry, Mrs Hughes and Carson have a heart-to-heart with Carson looking steadily more uncomfortable whilst Mrs Hughes fondles a scarecrow. As the only montage that I can remember in Downton’s history shows, Mrs Hughes turned down Joe and Chelsie fans everywhere breath a sigh of relief. 
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Whilst Matthew may be making his mark in the Abbey, his mother is not one to be outdone. Molseley’s hands have done something bizarre and in the twentieth century version of googling an innocuous cough to find that you have cancer, Cousin Isobel almost immediately hands him the diagnosis of erysipelas that requires some convoluted treatment that Molseley neither wants, or as it turns out, needs. Violet quickly brings the medical scores to a draw with Isobel as she makes up for the early dropsy debacle by correctly diagnosing Molseley with a Rue allergy. Clarkson, you can tell, is holding back the urge to do a little dance. 
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The arrival of Branson and the entire geopolitical and cultural struggles of the Irish people creates a stir both upstairs and down. On day one he’s got his eye on the Earl’s library (although I can’t imagine that Robert has all three volumes of Das Kapital) and by day two, he’s eating in the wrong place and taking digs at the charitable efforts of the Abbey. But little does anyone know that King Julian has big plans for Branson and the smile that he gives as Sybil talks about women’s rights is very much the thin end of the wedge. Branson says that he is “quite political” before handing Sybil some pamphlets that he has collected about the vote. I do love Branson but he is the sort of person that I can totally see mansplaining things on Twitter. By the end of the episode it’s already escalated to Branson looking slightly creepily through a window as Sybil cosplays as Jasmine whilst the upper echelons of society look on mystified. 
Romantic declaration of the moment 
I’m giving this section over to Anna and her cold. Mr Bates appearing with a tray was rather lovely but does pose some questions: 
How did he go up all those stairs balancing both the tray, his presumably still quite mangled leg, the cane and the rest of his person? 
Did he go out in the dark with a pair of secateurs and cut those flowers? 
My only answer to those two questions is that fellow romantic Branson must have helped him: headcannon accepted. 
Expressive eyebrow of the week 
This award goes to the Earl this week for his reaction to Carson declaring that he would rather be put to death than work in a tea shop. The typically repressed English upper class “quite so” that escapes Robert’s lips is followed by a look of bemused alarm. If he were Fleabag, this is when he would have broken the fourth wall. 
Runners up prize goes to everyone’s face at The Trousers™  and Violet v. The Swivel Chair. 
Wait, what? 
“One can’t go to pieces at the death of every foreigner, we’d all be in a state of collapse whenever we opened a newspaper” Yet more evidence that Violet is the love child of Nigel Farage and Ann Widdecombe. 
“I have to go cap in hand to Mary Queen of Scots!” Lesley Nicol is having far too much fun playing Beryl. 
“It seems unlikely, a revolutionary chauffeur” Is Sybil aware of what period drama she is in?
“If you don’t change, you die” Or you do change, Matthew, and you die anyway.
“I won’t always be a chauffeur” is stated with some confidence which seems odd given the fact that when Branson stops being a chauffeur, he hates it and will indicate at any given moment this to the nearest available character.
”I took a lover with no thought of marriage. A Turk! Think of that!” I do Mary. Quite regularly.
I’m doing this rewatch on quite a fancy TV and as such I’m being afforded all sorts of visual delights that the resolution on my 2010 screen failed to yield. Perhaps the most troubling of these is that Thomas is going slightly grey at the sideburns. I would insert some pun about using ‘Just for Men’ here but I’ll leave you all to make up one yourselves. 
“If she’s got a boyfriend, I’m a giraffe” This seems like an analogy lost somewhere in translation. It has smacks of Gino D'Acampo’s grandmother. 
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cptcrooktail-blog · 6 years
#2: Silenced
Josie fretted. Josie always fretted, generally, about everything from the overhead profit the pub had to make for the moon before she could bear to relax, to which of her children were tempting fate with each other at the top of the stairs when she turned her back for one moment, she swore- to her favourite hens ceasing to lay eggs.  The solution for most of her worries was simple. Host an ill advised but undeniably lucrative darts tournament. Install a gate at the top of the stairs and hope the periods of attempted sororicide would pass once they grew a little older and couldn’t sneak quite so well around her ankles, the little-... darlings. And egg-barren chickens, while occassionally surviving old age as a beloved pet had they the temperament, still made a delicious set of sandwiches. 
This particular worry, however, had no solution, and as she sat on the floor of the privy and wiped at her horribly smudged eyeliner, clutching her sore stomach, she couldn’t quite foresee what to do about it.
Josie had been hoping that she was just going to be a little late and she’d be expecting to bleed any sun yet, but having been clutching the bog for half an hour she was certain by now that she’d really, really cocked it up this time.
She had promised her wandering whaler sweetheart that the first time would be the last time- and as much as she could probably try to blame this on someone else’s attentions in Storm’s absence, if kitten four was anything like one, two, and three, the resemblance would be clear and uncanny.
Besides all that, in her heart of hearts- she didn’t particularly want anyone else’s kittens right now. The very thought of that- and the pang of longing that came with it- for so many reasons was enough to make her sob all over again, and curl up tighter about herself on the hardwood floor. Guilt, fear, and that old gnawing, nagging feeling of failure ate away at her stomach, whatever she hadn’t already coughed up with the bile. 
If Storm found out- she would never come back. She was sure of it; but there was no possible plan she could even conceive of- and she cursed herself for the pun, of all things- to make things right, without doing something which to her felt unthinkable. 
Mahk called from downstairs, clear as a bell, up and about far too early for even her liking- and she croaked back, hoarsely, that she’d be down in a tick.
It was a moon later before she saw the Sea Wolf again- and enough of her locals knew her far too well for her to keep the secret for long. The long awaited arrival of Storm back from sea was delayed by a sennight and she fretted and cursed until the very last morning that it was because some fool had sent the happy news along. She was snapping more than ever and her fur spent more time stood up than laid flat- and she said not word about the whole affair to anyone, regardless of the starry-eyed sneers from nosey regulars. She acknowledged nothing, and hated every single bell of it all.
Mahk, faithful and hopelessly in love as always, was just as worried, but just as quiet, for her sake- he went out in the morning to fish, and brought the catch to market, and the rest home, and stayed well out of her way.
More than the morning sickness had Josie’s stomach turning. There was not a night that she didn’t cry herself into exhaustion, before sleep would take her- and all of her instincts knew that this was wrong, that she couldn’t go on like this, for the sake of her kittens alone.  Even if her sweetheart, just as ashamed and afraid as she felt, left her the moment she found out and never came back- at least that, that was a solution she could work with. But the not knowing if this otherwise happy accident would undo all the hard work she’d put into their relationship- that drove her screaming round the twist like nothing on this gods forsaken star.
Such as it was, when Storm finally pushed open the door of the Jackal’s Bark, as small as she could make herself as ever, the rest of the room threw up a cheer and raised their tankards to the Landlady’s lucky consort- and Josie went as pale as a mainsail under too-tight rigging. Someone clapped Storm on the back with a congratulating cry- “Well done, you old dog!” - and the whaler’s face contorted in a grimace of confusion.  Josie’s knees threatened to buckle beneath her, but she rounded the bar almost reluctantly, her hands shaking- but her chin was tilted up. Never let them see it, said her mother’s voice in the back of her head, and she looked the dark maned Sea Wolf in her deep, indigo eyes. Her gaze flicked from one to the other, watching her too closely; more or less ready to bolt if the white-knuckle grip on the bar was clue enough.  Storm, as ever, was a woman of few and quiet words, and she crossed the bar without looking at anyone else- her features soft, and too subtle to read. When she did pipe up, it was with a concerned, hesitant croak. “...What’s the matter, Jo.” “I didnae-” Josie starts, stops, and starts again, her jaw clenching again until her back teeth felt like they might crack. Her heart threatened to burst. “Its- ...Four moons, Storm, thereabouts, s-so it was before-” “Before the job on the Graebsyng?” Storm asked. Josie barely managed to nod, and the tremble in her hands reached her shoulders as she breathed through her nose. Storm’s face had dawned with understanding, her shoulders gone slack, but her brows still furrowed again. “...But- what’s the matter?” Storm pressed again, a little more quietly, slowly letting the bag slung over her shoulder sink to the floor. 
All at once, Josie buckled, her tight lips wobbling as both fear and the beginnings of relief flooded her carefully tended walls with a choked sob. For a heartbreaking moment, she squeezed her eyes shut and heard the shuffle of boots, and expected the worst of her fears- until, strong arms and rain-soaked coat sleeves curled around her back and brought her in close, where it was warmer and dryer.
For the first time in a long, long time, Josie didn’t care that the tavern took on a bit of an awkward silence, after the first odd coos of the die hard romantics had been deliberately hushed by the rest. She didn’t care that there was absolutely going to be snot on poor Storm’s nice shore-leave shirt, and that the whole room could hear her sobbing behind the shelter of the wool coat, or that no one- possibly not even Storm understood. She cared only, that after another hesitant pause, her roving whaler had bent down at the knee and scooped her up, clear off the floor, where she could better hide in her shoulder, shaking like a lamb.  She felt the faint shrug of continued confusion and nearly laughed, were her heart not still fully expecting to crack in two, and buried her face a little deeper when she felt, as much as heard, the definitive and clear order directed at poor old Mahk behind the bar. “She’s having the night off,” Storm declared, and brooked no argument, and Josie imagined the look of relief on her dear friend’s face, even as she was carried off upstairs like a bride. 
They didn’t talk, at first. Josie couldn’t, for a start, as the flood gates once opened were as ever impossible to shut. But Storm, dutiful if unsure, had simply carried her to her room, nudged the door behind her shut, and sat on the bed with her for a long time, stroking her hair and muttering something soft and sweet that might have been words, or nonsense, and she couldn’t have cared less. 
Whatever they were, they sounded like a thousand, thousand apologies, encouragements and assurances- but whatever Storm was saying mattered little in the face of her touch- in how she shrugged off her coat so carefully to avoid jostling her, and draped it about her shoulders until Josie felt safe enough to extract her ironwrought grip from the back of Storm’s shirt.  She hadn’t run, or raised her voice, or even looked upset. The person she’d imagined she would see glaring in the doorway wasn’t... here. It wasn’t real. 
“Y’r not cross?” Josie croaked hoarsely, looking up at last, her eyes red and blurred from tears yet unshed. She had to know. She had to ask, even if it would spoil the wonderful illusion. “...No?” Storm lifted her hand up to brush at Josie’s cheeks with the pad of her thumb. “Yer not-” Josie sniffs wetly, groans, and curses. Storm produced from her coat pocket a rag that served as a cheap handkerchief. “T-than-kyou- yer not... I mean ye said b’fore-” Storm’s expression fell at once, and Josie made a noise like she’d been struck. “See, see, tha-” “Jo.” Storm’s voice was soft, but firm, and halted her in her tracks, as ever it had. There was no trace of anger, though. Never anger. Always... regret. “I know what I said. I never thought you would think-” “’ow could I not?” Josie whimpered. “I don’t wannae hurt ye- I don’t, want ye t’ t’ink I don’-” “I don’t think that.” Storm stopped her again, planting the palm of her hand on Josie’s back and rubbing it with an almost insistent tenderness. “Not about you. You didn’t- ... allow it to happen, just to spite me or something like that, did you?” Storm knew the answer, but she had to make the point. “O’ course not!” Josie whined. “Then it’s no harm, is it? It’s just- one of those things. It’s not a problem, it’s-... Unless... Do you not-?” There’s a pause in the air, and at last their eyes meet properly through the dim light of the room provided only by Menphina’s light through the window panes. It didn’t need to be said. “D’you?” Josie pressed. At last, Storm glanced away, and instinctively the worst came to her mind. “Ye don’t, do ye, yer not-” “I want whatever you want,” Storm cuts in quietly, before Josie could tell her exactly what she imagined she thought and felt about it all. “Whatever makes you happy.” For this, finally, Josie had an answer. A solution. She sat bolt upright in Storm’s lap, and grabbed her by the shoulders. “T’be ‘appy, love, I - ... I need you here, Storm. More’n anythin’.” The Sea Wolf hangs her head, and closes her eyes. Her hands settle on Josie’s hips, just to keep her steady where she’s perched, and now and again her thumbs stroked through the fabric of Josie’s dress. The quiet is deafening, and Josie could feel her chest threatening to collapse in on itself again as it had for the last month. When Storm finally looked up, fresh tears had started to crawl down Josie’s cheeks. That look of pained regret flashed across her face again, and she brought her hands back up to cup Josie’s head, and brought her close for a kiss- one that was slow, and soothing, and took its sweet time. When they parted again, Storm rested her brow against Josie’s, and wrapped her arms about her tightly. “Then, ah... I suppose I’d better cancel that next job, tomorrow, hadn’t I?” Josie understood almost at once why Storm held her so tightly, because she nearly fell apart, and wound up burying her head into her shirt collar again, sobbing breathlessly in disbelief.  “You’re four moons in, you said?” Storm carried on. “So- you’ll be due in the spring- summer, mayhaps. I’d be gone over Starlight, you could use the help then, and... that boy toy of yours hasn’t been keeping up, evidently, so- Ow.” Josie had swatted her back, and it was more like a fly landing against muscles used to hauling ropes and anchors, but she made the noise of complaint, just to know Josie would always smile smugly to herself when she did.  “He’s b-brilliant, you sow,” She choked back, “P-puttin’ up wit’ eh-everyt’in-”  Storm chuckled good naturedly, and said no more about it- and Josie’s breath began to slow, and the ache in her chest began to ease. Before long, she crawled out of Storm’s lap, and all but dragged her properly onto her bed with her boots nearly unshucked, just to hold her and be held a little closer than before. Josie asked her, now and again as they lay in the dark, just to know that her Storm was sure. That things would be okay. That she wasn’t going to leave her for good, never to return, and that she hadn’t hurt her terribly. Each time, Storm nodded or hummed or squeezed her as she had before- but now she spoke aloud her answer, too.  Each time Storm spoke, the insidious whispered worries in the back of her mind grew quieter and quieter, until at last, just before dawn, they were silenced.
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eirist · 6 years
Little Bits and Pieces of Heaven
One-shot #: 7
Disclaimer:  One Piece (and its characters) belongs to Eiichiro Oda-sensei.
Reminder: I have no beta-reader. Any grammatical and spelling errors are solely mine.
Warning:  OOC possible. One shot. Song fic.
Rating: T
Note: Scenes are not necessarily happening while the lyrics are playing. My suggestion is to keep the song on a loop until you finish reading or you can just totally ignore it and just read the fic. TDs stands for tone dials. Italicized words are song lyrics.
Summary: The swordsman and the navigator share a moment with no pretenses.
I found a love for me Darling just dive right in And follow my lead…
It was Brook who brought the blasted tone dials on the Thousand Sunny after attending a music festival in a jovial island, where the Straw Hats momentarily docked to replenish their supply and stretch their legs.
Almost everyone was excited with their musician’s newest acquisition. Brook may have been a rock star during the crew’s separation but had overlooked (or deliberately overlooked) to bring any of his tone dials on board for the others to enjoy.
After a boisterous debate between the loud members of the crew, it was eventually decided to place the TDs inside the aquarium bar. And when said dials started playing, a hush fell over the rambunctious crew and even their high-spirited captain paused momentarily to listen to the melody.
 Brook was thrilled with his friends’ reactions right down to the bones (since he IS only bones after all). He had personally picked the songs recorded on the dials from the artists and musicians who were at the festival and thought his nakama might like it.
And like they did.
For the next days the door of the aquarium bar stayed open as the tone dials played all day long, filling every corner of the Thousand Sunny with different melodies.
Well I found a girl Beautiful and sweet I never knew you were the someone waiting for me…
Zoro’s ears grew accustomed to the sounds that were playing. He did not participate in the crew’s current fascination with the music. Each Mugiwara had his or her own favorite and depending on what is playing, the swordsman can distinguish who’s got their hands on the TDs.
That one particularly bouncy song playing all morning ‘til noon would be Luffy’s. Said captain got hooked on it so much that he played it over and over again, subjecting the crew to a humming marathon of that particular ditty as they go about their daily tasks.
Except him, of course.
Not more than once his ever attentive ears caught Usopp or Chopper humming theirs. Twice he heard Franky singing under his breath during dinner. Even that pathetic excuse of a cook was not excluded from the madness; crooning as he prepared their meals, his feet tapping in time with the music.
Though it seemed like Robin did not get caught up in the music craze, he stand to be corrected when he heard the dark-haired woman humming while tending to her flower bed as he secretly tried to nap under Nami’s mikan trees.
And the navigator was just as bad as the rest of them. When the Sunny was anchored for the night and everyone is asleep, he would hear the tone dials playing Nami’s favorite song.
'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love Not knowing what it was
For three consecutive nights, he kept seeing the navigator stealthily crossing the lawn deck to head to the aquarium bar. Her long, orange hair glinting under the moonlight that it easily caught his eye.
And for three consecutive nights, he would silently follow her to check what in the world she’s up to.
A brief glance at the porthole and he would find the same scene as the previous nights: the navigator sitting on the floor with an open bottle of wine, a glass on her hand, eyes closed, singing softly.
She was totally immersed with the melody that he decided not to bother her and simply chose to walk away, letting her be alone with her wine and her song.
I will not give you up this time
Before the week ended, Zoro—who thought he was resistant to any influences—succumbed unconsciously and found himself humming that certain song, much to his horror.
And it didn’t help that he can actually hear it as he made his way up the ladder of the crow’s nest to relieve Nami of her watch duty.
He wisely shut his mouth to refrain himself from humming again. If she finds out about it, he’ll never hear the end of it.
He approached the open trap door and peered inside. It was the same scene as with the aquarium bar. He noted the tone dials turntable lying on the crow’s nest’s floor along with a bottle of wine and one, unperturbed navigator.
But darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own And in your eyes you're holding mine
Nami acknowledged his presence with a soft ‘hmmm’ and a slight tip of her head as she sipped her wine.
“That thing had been used too much,” he drawled as he made his way inside. Nami angled her head towards him, a smile pulling at the corners of her lips.
“It’s a wonder it hasn’t snapped in two,” Zoro continued. “Luffy’s already abused it a lot these past few days.”
“Debts and threats did the trick.” The orange-haired girl replied flippantly.
“And scheduled uses?”
Nami’s lips quirked a little at that. “Yep. Or Luffy will hog it all day.” He raised an eyebrow at her. Lately he noticed that her mood seemed to improve whenever she hears that song or whenever she hums it.
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms
“Well time to hit the sack, witch. It’s my shift now.”
“Just a few more minutes.”
“It’s already an hour past midnight. Don’t you need your beauty sleep or something?”
Nami laughed at that. “Gee, thanks for your concern. But I think I want to listen to this a little more.”
“You know me, always keeping an eye out after your well-being.”
That made the navigator laugh more. “Pun unintended?” She winked at him, half-teasingly and half acknowledging his scarred eye. “Of course I know Zoro,” she stated, tilting her head so she can stare at his face and see his reaction. “You always look out for me. It’s a nasty habit of yours.”
He smirked at her in agreement.
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
“Now run along swordsman,” she inclined her head towards the trap door; her soft, orange curls swaying with the movement. “I’m still good here, give me a few more minutes.” She switched the TDs on and her song started playing again.
Sighing, he decided to settle himself on the floor just inches away from where she was sitting. It would actually be nice to fall asleep near her surrounded with scents and sounds he can only associate with the navigator.
Placing his hands behind his head, “Just wake me up when you’re going down.” He muttered before closing his eye.
“Sure you don’t want some first?” Nami slid the wine bottle towards him. Zoro muttered a ‘no’ and mumbled something about ‘sake’ that she didn’t quite catch, before drifting off.
When you said you looked a mess,
Nami stole a glance at him, her pretty face lighting up in amusement when she saw what he was doing. It wasn’t really that surprising to her. Zoro must have heard the song a dozen times already, mostly from sticking his nose in her nightly business (of course she’s aware that he’s following and peeking), that it’s bound to affect him sooner or later.
He may not admit it. But apparently the usually stoic man got ensnared too by the crew’s current obsession, rather unconsciously. Because there he was, lips moving on his own accord in what one can classify as singing, albeit silently, hoping she wouldn’t notice.
But she did. She always does. Especially when it comes to him.
I whispered underneath my breath
She brought her knees to her chest and closed her eyes, breathing the salty sea air deeply. Resting her head on her knees, she basked in this rare moment where she has her music, her wine and her swordsman in one place as the Thousand Sunny bobbed lightly on the ocean.
But you heard it, Darling, you look perfect tonight
Well I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home
A light breeze blew softly playing with the docked ships’ flags as they swayed back and forth in a steady rhythm. The night was still and the port silent as Zoro finally made his way towards where the Sunny was anchored.
The other Mugiwaras were still at the town’s pub drinking and eating to their hearts’ content. It was the perfect opportunity for the swordsman to catch some sleep without his rowdy crew mates to disturb him.
He left amidst Luffy, Usopp and Chopper dancing on the top of the table, chopsticks jammed in their nostrils as the whole bar drunkenly cheered them on.
With a bottle of sake in one hand Zoro ambled towards the ship, looking forward to some time alone with his drink and nap.
I found a love, to carry more than just my secrets To carry love, to carry children of our own
There was that song again, randomly playing inside his head. He winced a little knowing that he will not be able to stop himself from humming that blasted ditty.
He blames Nami for this. He thought, taking a swig from his bottle before nonchalantly making his way up the ladder leading to the deck.
We are still kids, but we're so in love Fighting against all odds
He stilled for a moment before hoisting himself up on the deck. So that wasn’t all in his head. Halfway up the ship he realized the reason why he suddenly had the urge to hum it.
The song was playing from the Sunny.
Come to think of it, he hadn’t seen Nami in the bar earlier after dinner.
When he finally reached the railing, he stopped short to take in the scene before him.
Moonlight bathed the lawn deck of the Thousand Sunny, making the grass glimmer every now and then. The aquarium bar door was open and from inside, the tone dials were playing the one song that’s been plaguing him day and night. Everything was kind of surreal. Like inside a dream. In the midst of the deck, there was their orange-haired navigator. Her eyes were closed and a serene smile was on her face as she languidly twirled in circles in some sort of dance, her bare feet grazing the grass.
I know we'll be alright this time Darling, just hold my hand
Zoro leaned back against the railing and watched her with concealed amazement, sake momentarily forgotten and absently placed atop the railing.
It might be that to others the scene he was witnessing was kind of crazy…
But not to him.
This was Nami in her unimpeded; no walls up, no hindrances, free from the restrictions she imposed upon herself.
Nami just being the real Nami and not just the money loving cat thief.
This is her most open, her most vulnerable.
Be my girl, I'll be your man I see my future in your eyes
This is what she would’ve been if the pirate’s life did not manage to grasp her at such an early age. If she had grew up to led a normal life and enjoyed living it.
Maybe that’s the reason why she was so attached to the song. It brings back the lost childhood desires of the girl who grew up too quickly to survive the world.
Without a second thought, he pushed himself away from the railing to join her in one moment of openness.
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
She didn’t flinched when he suddenly enclosed her in his arms and he realized that she had been aware that he was watching her for some time.
Instead, she tilted her head to look at him and let out girlish laugh. She wrapped her arms around his neck, tiptoeing slightly. And his hold tightened around her waist.
When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful
It wasn’t like he was intruding with her privacy by being there.
More so, if anyone should see this openness she rarely show, it should be him. The one who had understood who she really is right from the start.
I don't deserve this, darling, you look perfect tonight
The skirt of her yellow dress brushed against his legs as they moved. He had forfeited his yukata in favor of a white t-shirt and was distinctly aware of Nami’s hands leisurely sliding up and down his shoulders and arms in a soothing gesture before entwining themselves around his neck again.
His eye studied her face carefully. She was always beautiful.
Even more so under the silvery moonlight that seemed to make her glow.
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms
He rested his forehead against hers and her eyes closed to bask in this rare moment with him.
They swayed languorously in a sort of dance but not quite so. The soft ocean breeze blew, playing with the long orange strands of her hair, unfurling the intoxicating citrusy smell in them…
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
Zoro lifted a hand to tuck an errant lock behind her ear, letting it linger beside her cheek in the softest of caresses, the arm around her waist pulling her closer to him. A contented smile spread across the navigator’s lips as their eyes met.
No words where needed to confirm what they both know right from the start.
I have faith in what I see Now I know I have met an angel in person
She tilted her face so that her cheek was resting against his. He breathed deeply, taking in her scent as he turned his head to let his lips touch her face in lightest of kisses.
And she looks perfect
The world around them cease to exist. There was only them, the song and this extraordinary moment of tranquility where they both wore their hearts out in their sleeves.
I don't deserve this You look perfect tonight
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artdjgblog · 4 years
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Innerview: David Hudnall / The Pitch
August 2011​
Photo:​ NA / Posters: DJG Design
Note: Featured news article.
Danny Gibson’s Quiet Contributions
Forty hours of Danny Gibson’s week are occupied by a data-entry job, but when he’s not at work, he’s often putting together an art project of some kind in the basement of his house, which sits south of 39th Street in the shadow of the old Loretto Academy building. Gibson is a collector of things — gloves, old toys, obsolete technology, office paper, corn husks, helicopter leaves — and he stores his prized finds in this colorful subterranean lair. That he is an artist who uses much of what he collects in his work cushions him from the label of the collector’s less endearing alter ego: the hoarder. But a case could be made. Gibson is best known for DJG Design, the name under which he has been designing poster art for local and national bands for the past decade. Starting September 2, he’s displaying somewhere in the neighborhood of 400 original pieces of work in an exhibition, Quietly Contributing, at 1819 Central Gallery. None of them are for sale. After the show concludes at the end of the month, he’ll haul them all back to his cave. “I’ve only sold a few originals,” Gibson says, sorting through a dusty stack of notes, sketches and old prints. “A lot of this stuff I don’t think I’ll ever get rid of. They mean too much to me.” Nosing around Gibson’s basement is like flipping through an old yearbook of the Kansas City and Lawrence music scenes. Anvil Chorus, In the Pines, the Stella Link, Namelessnumberheadman, Doris Henson, the Afterparty, and about a hundred other local bands’ names — many defunct and mostly forgotten — are inventively fashioned onto show posters. In this way, the 1819 Central show isn’t just a celebration of Gibson’s work. It also serves as a kind of retrospective of the past 10 years in our local music scene. “There’s a sort of timeline or history involved with these posters,” he says. “Lots of stories, lots of other people’s bands. Promoters, venues. Posters have such a short life span, and then they’re kind of forgotten. So it’ll be neat to line it all up.” This winter, Gibson made the decision to retire DJG Design in order to focus more fully on visual art, which also makes the show a bit of a memorial. “I had been wrestling with the design thing for several years. I’ve always been more into visual art than design,” Gibson says. “And I’ve been kind of moving out of the music scene in some ways. A lot of my friends in bands have grown up and moved away. I don’t get out as much as I used to. I woke up one morning in February and was like, ‘I’m done.’ It felt good.” Gibson grew up on a farm in north-central Missouri — barnyard imagery is a recurring theme in his work — then studied art and design at Missouri State University in Springfield. After four years, he dropped out and relocated to Kansas City, where he moved into a house (“a rathole by where Costco is now”) with some Elevator Division band members, whom he knew from Springfield. The house became a sort of revolving door for local musicians, and Gibson converted the basement, used by a previous tenant as a photography studio, into his own art studio. He started making posters for Elevator Division shows, which led to work with other bands. “A lot of people knew Elevator Division, so people would see my stuff and come to me and be like, ‘Hey, will you make us a poster?’ ” he says. “I got paid a lot of times in cheeseburgers. There’s no real money in making poster art for your friends’ bands. But it was exactly what I wanted to do. Make art, mix it with music. I had a really great time with it.” Working for design and advertising firms was never appealing to Gibson, partially because of his aversion to computers. (He has a very old-looking desktop in his basement that contains a version of Photoshop’s 1999 5.5 version, which he uses sparingly.) For many of his DJG years, Gibson was employed as a janitor at the Kansas City Board of Trade, an occupation that allowed both his collector’s instincts and his artist’s instincts to run wild. He once intercepted 15,000 sheets of office paper headed for the Dumpster and took them home. Plant clippings he discovered in a trash can were repurposed as the font for a Billions poster. “I’m big on process, and being a janitor allowed me to work out a lot of my daily thoughts and ideas,” Gibson says. “I’d end up writing and sketching things on paper towels. Sometimes I’d put the paper towels, or whatever I was writing on, into the final posters. I love midcentury Polish poster art and folk art. The hands-on, cut-and-paste approach. I like including my notes or even my e-mails on posters. It gives it a more human element that I think is missing in a lot of computer design stuff these days.” Gibson’s imaginative worldview makes it easy for him to artfully convert cat hair into lettering, but self-promotion comes less naturally. I spoke to a number of people who consider Gibson one of the most talented artists in the city. But Gibson largely lacks ties to the local art establishment. “I like to sort of exist in my own little world, I guess,” he says. “In some ways I don’t think I really understand the adult world. I can survive in it. But I prefer to be down here in the basement, working on my stuff.” Lately, though, some friends who believe strongly in Gibson’s work have emerged to assist him in getting his name and work further out into the public sphere. Some of them, not surprisingly, are musicians. Coinciding with Quietly Contributing is DJG Was Here, a 35-song compilation album (downloadable for free at noisetrade.com/djgwashere) featuring music from many of the musicians for whom Gibson has designed posters over the years: Darling at Sea, Max Justus, Sam Billen, the ACBs, Thom Hoskins, David Seume. “Danny puts sweat into everything he makes,” says Bryan Lamanno, whose band, the Tambourine Club, appears on the compilation. “He’s not just sitting at a computer. I always just let him do whatever he wants when he designs stuff because he always comes up with something fun and interesting and intricate.” Though Gibson is a collector, he also likes to share and is eager for others to see what he’s put together for Quietly Contributing. “There’s some great moments that I’m excited for people to see,” Gibson says. “Sometimes I look at these posters and I’m like, ‘What was I doing? How did that happen?’ There’s something much bigger to it all that I can’t really explain.”
We asked Gibson to pick a few of his favorite posters and talk about the process and ideas behind them.
001) Darling at Sea, Anvil Chorus (New Year’s Eve at the Brick) New Year’s Eve being such a big night, I wanted to shoot for an epic poster. I had an idea of the post-party: the contents of an insane partygoer’s stomach or the contents on the floor the morning of January 1. So, I set a rule for myself and just grabbed whatever I could at arm’s length around me at my studio desk. I threw it all on the scanner and created a sea of strange things swimming. The posters were printed in black on Wall Street Journals I saved from my day job, and I hit them up with a red heart rubber stamp. I’m pleased with the typography on these, especially for a computer font, which I’ve used very sparingly over the years. 002) Violet Burning, the Billions, Gabriel Yard I was working as a janitor, wondering to myself about a unique, springlike concept for a poster for this show. I had been away from my cart cleaning something and came back to it and found plant clippings and prunings anonymously placed in it. I instantly saw this poster. I pushed my cart down to my little dungeon desk, decided to go on break, and started making the typography. 003) Onward Crispin Glover, the People, Elevator Division At the time I made this image (2002), I was more aggressive about incorporating political-social messages into my work. It was my early 20s, and I guess it was the post-art-school political-poster-making in me talking? I think the news at the time had some major headlines about American importing and exporting. So, I have a backwards American monster eating a ship. The image was made in ink, and the boat was cut from a very old book. I ran this through an old fax machine to get the dirty look and then printed it on old green-and-white-striped computer paper. Notice this show was at the Pub, which is now the Brick. I always forget that. It’s interesting to see a bit of history in something as short-lived as a concert poster. 004) Flattery Leads to Ruins, James Dean Trio, Roosevelt I had a ton of fun with this one in a pop-art kind of way, I guess. I also enjoy a chance to throw celebrities or notable people into art. I was literal with playing off the band names James Dean Trio and Roosevelt. But the other, Flattery Leads to Ruins, came out of the headlines at the time. Martha Stewart was on trial, and I would watch CNN every day while cleaning a lunch area at my day job. This is a great example of taking visual liberty with a batch of bands on a concert bill. With the printing I made black-and-white photocopies and then ran them back through an oversized printer to get the color. 005) Atom and His Package, Brazil, Pixel Panda, Mail Order Midgets This is one of my personal favorites. I love a good visual pun, and I like to spin ideas off of band names. Here we have a guy named Atom carrying a package of Mail Order Midgets and a Pixel Panda (the panda is based from my childhood drawings of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles). The original art will be on display at my poster exhibition, and it’s fairly big compared to the small print the final poster ended up as. I’d love to revisit these characters; there’s a good road-trip story there. I’ve always had visions of being cursed or challenged to journey cross-country carrying specific heavy things in my arms along the way. I think about that with this poster. Poor Atom.  
0 notes
chemicalperfume · 8 years
Your top 5 dream/impossible fancasts :3
/the highest of fives yessssssssIt only took this long because I had to untangle all the wishful thinking in my head and decide which 5 to mention.
So, other than the already established "do want" Grease and Anastasia, and ofc, the unattainable Holy Grail Soragumi Moulin Rouge (We could've had it aaaaaaaaaaa~ll) I'd LOVE:
5. Tsukigumi Hercules
Disney Hercules. Tamakichi got the guns and the shoulder width and the "huge puppy" vibe anyway.
Would make an excellent one-act daigekijou show, paired with a sparkly, sophisticated revue for balance.
Hercules: TamakichiMegara: ChapiHades: MiyaruriPain & Panic: Yasu & KaranPhiloctetes: Reiko (YOU HEARD ME)Pegasus: AriZeus: MayuponHera: SuzunaThat Centaur who "kidnaps" Megara: ToshiMuses: Wakaba, Umi, Haachan, Misono Sakura, Kagetsu Miyako
4.Hoshigumi Zettai KAIreshi
Like I've said, we need at least ONE Kai Bow Hall that's an adaptation of a sappy shoujo manga. Yuu Watase's "Absolute Boyfriend" is one I think would be perfect, setting-wise and puns with her name-wise.
So, the obvious Kai as Night aside, I'd like to see:
Arisa Hitomi as Riiko (give her another heroine lead Hankyu, do ittttttttttttttt)Seo Yuria as SoushiIchijou Azusa as Gaku NamikiriOoki Makoto as Shirasaki YukiToa Reiya as Shirasaki ToshikiYumeki Anru as Miyabe SatoriAmaji Sora as Soushi's little brother
...and that's as far as my memories of this thing go. But do not try to lie that Perfect Android Boyfriend Kai is not a thing you need in your life too
3. Daimongumi Karei naru Ichizoku
I realise that only I want this, but it would make the most epic daigekijou show, so hear me out. Karei naru Ichizoku is orignally a novel by Yamazaki Toyoko about this grand, powerful japanese family and strife between the head of the family, Manpyou Daisuke, and his eldest son, Teppei. It is epic and has a ton of characters to properly accommodate a whole troupe. Angst, suits, rotten politics, and a noble main character that has to fight adversity; it would fit Daimon like a glove if they go the 2007 jdrama way instead of the book, and make Teppei the focus (originally it's the father, Daisuke).  If it's 2-acts it should be Koike, if it's one act either Uekumi or Keiko, pretty please
Manpyou Teppei: Nozomi FuutoManpyou Daisuke: Itsuki Chihiro [senka guest] (I realise that role importance and project scale-wise this realistically would have to be double lead with Tom, but #1 That would also revert the show back to Daisuke being main, and Daisuke is horrible and zuka would prob romanticise him and NO #2 this is my bloody dreamcast, i do what i want)Manpyou Sanae (Teppei's wife): Maaya Kiho (in my universe she's Daimon's top musume)Manpyou Ginpei (Manpyou family's second son): Ayakaze SakinaYasuda Makiko (Ginpei's fiance): Hoshino AnriManypou Tsugiko (Manpyou family's second daughter): Asami Jun [onnayaku]Mima Ichiko (nee Manpyou, the family's first daughter, Ataru's wife): Satsuki AinaMima Ataru (financial advisor, Ichiko's husband): Ayanagi ShouManpyou Yasuko (Daisuke's wife): Rika MasumiTakasu Aiko (Daisuke's mistress): Itsumine Aki [senka guest]Ogawa Ichirou (Teppei's father-in-law): Houshou DaiIchinose Yoshihiko (Factory worker Tsugiko is in love with): Towaki SeaChief Ichinose (The steel factory chief and Yoshihiko's father): Karyou ShizuruTsuruta Fusako (Teppei's first love): Momohana HinaTsuruta Shino (Fusako's foster mother): Maisaki RinManpyou Taro (Teppei and Sanae's son): Irodori Michiru
And then you cast everyone else as the bank executives and politicians and it's PERFECT. We'd be crying our eyes out of their sockets by the end, but PERFECT, trust me here (and watch the jdrama if you’re intrested it’s really good)
2. Chigimiyu Tangled
MIYU RAPUNZEL and CHIGI EUGENE, they don't even have to act.
And with them (casting this as a small venue show):
MAISAKI RIN AS MOTHER GOETHELKaryou Shizuru as speaking Stabbington BrotherAgata Sen as the other Stabbington BrotherHoushou Dai as Maximus the HorseRika Masumi and Souno Haruto as Rapunzel's parentsKiraha Reo as Captain of the GuardsMana Haruto, Kujou Asu and Touma Kazuki as the Pub ThugsKanou Yuuri as VladSahana Mako as Pascal the Lizard (because she has experience with animal roles and because she is the smolest Yuki musumeyaku, kids these days are all so tall!!)
Negl, I want this purely for how perfect the main 3 roles would fit Chigi, Miyu and Hime but fsdkfjslfjd please.
1. The Hanagumi Harry Potter adaptation of Kiki's dreams
Big-scale daigekijou 2-act for when she's top. I'm not THAT much into current hanagumi so I just cast the most important parts, feedback is most welcome
Harry Potter: Serika Toa ofcRon Weasly: Minami MaitoHermione Granger: Shiroki MireiMinerva McGonagall: Mebuki YukinaDraco Malfoy: Yuzuka ReiLucius Malfoy: Houzuki AnGinny Weasly: Hoshikaze Madoka [transfer from Soragumi, top musumeyaku]Luna Lovegood: Oto KurisuFred and George: Saezuki Runa and Yabuki SenaAlbus Dumbledore: Takashou MizukiSeverus Snape: Seto KazuyaHagrid: Haryuu MitsukiRita Skeeter: Ousaki AyakaBellatrix Lestrange: Hanano JuriaLord Voldemort: Todoroki Yuu [senka guest]Peter Pettigrew: Tenma Michiru
(No Soragumi scenario because honestly, there is nothing I want more than the Maamiri Moulin Rouge and I will keep saying forever until everyone is sick of me and it’s ALL YOUR FAULT
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bal-sa-mo-blog · 6 years
Call Girls in Nairobi
Prostitution has been called"the world's oldest profession". That truth relies on a power imbalance that derives from the physical character of human bodies. In other words, girls have an opening in their bodies which men want permission to get into and whenever consent is necessary for something important, the person who gets to give consent has power over the individual who needs to request permission. While men really have one characteristic that women truly need, women have other physical features that men ardently desire. The consequence of that power imbalance is that girls can get some sort of sex whenever they need it and guys cannot do exactly the exact same thing. If a lady walks into a pub or club and beckons"come here" with her first finger, then every guy who can stand up will leap at the opportunity. If a guy were to do the same thing, the feminine yawn will be deafening. In ancient Greece, a timeless drama was written called"The Trojan Women". It happened in the Town of Troy, and at that moment, all of the men were warriors that were constantly leaving their wives to go off to fight in various battles in foreign lands. The monks in those days did not even consider cheating on their husbands and like all girls, they'd strong sexual needs but their needs could not be met because their husbands were not there to perform it for them. As their sexual frustration grew into an intolerable degree, they became more and more unhappy about the situation. 1 day that the wives called a city meeting to talk about their problem and they agreed on a very simple solution. They made a decision to withhold all sexual favors from their husbands before every single one of those men agreed to stop going off to war once and for all. When the husbands came home to their wives and wanted to have sex with them, they couldn't think the situation they were confronted with. Obviously they have really angry and even violent about it. But each one of those wives stuck to the agreement they had made with one another and not one of them surrendered for their abusive husbands. The result was that the husbands caved in to the will of their wives and all of them agreed to stop the wars. Too bad girls aren't well prepared to do the same thing. Many men and women feel that men possess the power in this world simply because they are larger than girl and physically stronger than girls. Of course, men have been willing to use their overwhelming power to control and dominate women. But although it's usually true that men are physically stronger than women, there's an even more effective truth behind that truth that was dramatized by"The Trojan Women". Have you ever heard the old expression,"Behind every powerful man, there's a girl"? Hitler had Eva Braun, and even Mickey Mouse had Minnie. Exceptions to this rule are male homosexuals who reach positions of power and a very few powerful men who never marry or have long term relationships. Ever since the beginning of recorded human history, men have discovered two easy answers to their difficulty of excruciating sexual frustration. I do not include happily married guys that are able to keep their marriages without ever cheating, but I am including the married guys who don't cheat. The huge majority of divorces are related to infidelity, and the majority of it is committed by men. One remedy guys found before recorded history began is rape, which they do not need permission for, and man anger over the energy imbalance is absolutely one of the reasons behind rape. Please do not confuse me I think rape is an inexcusable violation of women's natural human rights. Another solution for guys is prostitution and it is very common for men to use prostitutes so they can live out dreams which they cannot or will not love with their wives. Women discovered that they could utilize the energy imbalance to address a problem for themselves, and it's not a sexual problem. Throughout history, women were simply not allowed by guys to earn money by working in a job but they could make money covertly by being prostitutes. An unspoken agreement was shaped which worked for both sides and that is the reason prostitution has flourished in all societies even though it's nearly always against the law. Girls are able to earn money by using their non-sexual talents and abilities, but many women choose to do it by leasing their bodies and that is self evident due to the number of prostitutes that are intelligent. Historically it was the only money making job available to girls, although I'm not saying that prostitution is an easy job. Pornography is a comparatively new development in human history because it really started to flourish following the maturation of this Kodak camera. Before the creation of photos, all that existed were drawings created by guys who weren't very good artists. A lot of women believe that pornography is about degradation of women by men who are exploiting them. Betty Page, the very first photographed"pin-up girl", would have contested that concept out of her own personal experience. Betty found she was turned on by being photographed in hot poses. Men discovered an almost universal desire to check at photographs of nude women. Nearly immediately after the photos of Betty were published, a number of other girls started to fantasize about having the ability to do the identical thing that Betty did and discovered the exact same desire. Hugh Hefner was at the perfect place at the right time with the right concept, and he accumulated an enormous fortune by publishing the very first mass magazine which featured beautiful nude women. Do you remember who the centerfold was? It was Marilyn Monroe. Marilyn was turning into a film star and she did not have to put herself out to the public that way. In a brief quantity of time, other magazines attempted to do the same thing and sprung into existence because men were covetous of Hefner. There wasn't a shortage of models and it is ridiculous to believe that they all allowed themselves to be degraded. From the late 1970's, video production exploded since it is much more expressive than photos can be and pornography moved into the new medium. The medium created many superstars that were feminine. Ask Ushi Digart, Candy Samples, or Annie Sprinkes why they participated in so lots of the ancient porno videos. Their answers are exactly the same, and Annie is really a philosopher on the topic. Annie believes that it's about feminine self expression that results from male domination in freedom and liberty. One serious problem for prostitutes has traditionally been how to get paying customers without the risk of physical danger. The most recent solution to that issue is the internet. The number of women who've posted pornographic photographs to the web is beyond calculation and there certainly are a number of prostitutes who have discovered its marketing power that is secure. By using the world wide web, many prostitutes can earn over $100,000 per year and they do have to accept a customer who does not physically draw them. Talk about power! There are an infinite number of personal web sites where girls are amassing clients like Japanese sailors who drag mile long nets throughout the sea picking up every single fish that are caught by the net (net pun intended). I rest my case. (in case I get some nap about all this)
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theladyjstyle · 6 years
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Why you should be excited about Royal Caribbean's Symphony of the Seas arrival in the United States
In just about three months, Royal Caribbean's Symphony of the Seas will be arriving at her new home port of PortMiami, Florida, and it will mark her debut in the United States.
Symphony of the Seas is not only the largest cruise ship in the world, but also marks a significant moment for many Royal Caribbean fans because this brand new cruise ship offers so many enticing options.
In anticipation of Symphony of the Seas' arrival, we are counting down the top reasons you ought to be excited to welcome Symphony of the Seas "home".
New terminal
Coinciding with Symphony of the Seas' arrival will be the opening of a brand new cruise terminal at PortMiami, colloquially known as, "The Crown of Miami".
The new state-of-the-art terminal at PortMiami will be home to Allure of the Seas and Symphony of the Seas. Terminal A will house an angular glass center and a parking garage with about 1,000 parking spaces at the northeastern side of the port, designed by England-based global architecture firm Broadway Malyan. 
The 170,000-square-foot terminal is nicknamed the ‘Crown of Miami’ because of its distinct shape. The design evokes the points of the symbolic headgear when viewed from the water; the ‘M’ of Miami when viewed from the east or western approaches; and a sense of waves rising or ships passing when viewed from the terminal side. 
New dining venues
I really love the specialty restaurants Royal Caribbean offers, especially on its newer ships.  When a new restaurant concept is added, it definitely gets our attention and Symphony of the Seas has a couple of new additions.
Hooked is Royal Caribbean's new seafood restaurant that features fresh seafood and a robust raw bar complete with oysters shucked to order. While other restaurants have had seafood items on their menus, having a dedicated restaurant to offer these type of dishes is a welcome addition.
Hooked is described as, "This is the ultimate catch if you’re angling for the freshest seafood. It’s a real taste of New England in a casual atmosphere — and it’s a brand-new addition on our newest ship, Symphony of the Seas. Introducing Hooked Seafood — taste bud-tempting fare to satisfy every seafood craving, including raw bar favorites, a variety of crab claws and a selection of just-shucked East Coast oysters. Plus enjoy classic apps, clam chowder, lobster and fresh caught local fish. It’s reel fresh, real good."
While Hooked brings a new sit down experience to Symphony of the Seas, there is also a brand new venue for hanging out and enjoying sports, drinks and games at Playmakers Sports Bar & Arcade.
As a fan of the various incarnations of pubs on Royal Caribbean ships, Playmakers follows in that tradition of offering great drinks combined with plenty to see, watch and play. Located in the iconic Boardwalk neighborhood, this massive new venue is all about beer, chicken wings, skeeball, sports and hanging out.
Return of Hairspray
Symphony of the Seas will see the first Broadway revival at sea, with the Tony Award-winning show, Hairspray, headlining the main theater .
Hairspray was first offered on Oasis of the Seas and was the first Broadway show to be offered on a cruise ship.  Not only is Hairspray a favorite Broadway show, it features classic Broadway songs and a heartwarming story. 
Hairspray is set in Baltimore in 1962 where Tracy Turnblad, a big girl with big hair, only has one passion – to dance. After winning a spot on the local TV dance program “The Corny Collins Show”, she is transformed from outsider to irrepressible teen celebrity. As a trendsetter in dance and fashion she goes up against the program’s reigning princess, wins the heart of heartthrob Link Larkin and plays a major role in the integration of the television show. Welcome to the 60’s!
Lots of WOWs
Building the largest cruise ship in the world is more than just about how large the ship is, because Royal Caribbean has packed Symphony of the Seas with so many exciting activities for the entire family to enjoy.
Symphony of the Seas will offer guests a wide variety of activities, dining options and places to relax.
There is no way to list all of the fun things to do on Symphony of the Seas in just one post, but here are the ones not tmiss:
Glow-in-the-dark laser tag
Ultimate Abyss slide (10 stories high!)
Two FlowRider surf simulators
Escape room game
AquaTheatre shows
Solarium Big Wonder art installation
Biggest ship in the world
At the end of the day, Symphony of the Seas' arrival is going to be an exciting moment because she is the largest cruise ship in the world and that alone signifies a big change (no pun intended).
In addition to the key features highlighted in this post, there is lots more to see and do to the point you will have to return a few more times to be able to "do it all."
Royal Caribbean designed its Oasis-class ships to be a floating hub of dining, entertainment and activities, and Symphony of the Seas is included in that mold of amazing cruise ships.
What are you most excited about to experience on Symphony of the Seas? Share your thoughts in the comments!
Symphony of the Seas
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lilysletters · 7 years
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Lily crept up to the cliff's edge, her heart pounding away in her chest. The fjords stretched out before her, looming hundreds of feet above the murky ocean waters below them.  
"Are you sure this is safe?" 
Her voice wavered and she internally cursed at herself for not being able to keep her cool in front of her best friend.
Gidean smirked back at her impishly.
"Getting cold feet now? Sounds pretty..." he paused for dramatic effect, "fowl to me."
She groaned loudly at the pun.
"Giddy, you sot, don't you dare start-"
"Bach baaaaach bach bach bakkaw!" He taunted her, waving his arms around like a chicken. She laughed and punched his shoulder, feigning indignation. 
"I am NO chicken, mister." She raised her chin to him and tried her best at a straight face. "I just don't want to end up as today's chum bucket, thank you very much."
"Uh huh. Sure."  He played along to her act, stifling his laughter at best he could. "Well," he drolled coyly, turning around and shrugging his shoulders with all the sass of a fat house cat. "I guess if you're too scared we can just go back to the pub and tell the lads how we almost jumped off Dead Man's Cliff. Hell of a story, if I might say so. They'll eat that riiight up"
"Ohhhh no you don't." She said, grabbing his hand and twirling him back towards her. It was stronger than she intended though, and he staggered into her. They came within inches of each other's faces, enough that she couldn't help but notice just how darn blue his eyes were... her heart fluttered when she felt his warm breath on her lips.
She felt her cheeks burning up, and knew she must be blushing like a tomato. Lily pulled away awkwardly and cleared her throat. They both looked away from one another and hid their embarrassment with anxious chuckles.  
"Well, I suppose there's only one way to prove it to you, huh?" She straightened up, trying to reclaim some of her dignity.
"Oh yeah?" His smug smile returned.
"Yeah." She grinned back. 
Lily wove her fingers between his, drew in a deep breath and took a step closer to the ledge. Her bare toes gripped the stone platform as little pebbles tumbled off with her movements. She peered over once more, gazing down at the expanse of steely blue water that went on for as far as she could see. There was something beautiful about it that she couldn't quite find the words for. 
"You ready?" This time Gidean’s mocking tone was gone. She looked back at his crinkled brow and wide eyes, realizing that her friend was probably about as nervous and excited as she was. She nodded, squeezing his hand.
"On three..."
They vaulted off, gripping each other's hands as tightly as they could.
The fear of the jump vanished as soon as it had come. The wind whipping through their hair and the absolute freedom of the moment was exhilarating! They crowed with unbridled euphoria as they plummeted down to the fast approaching waters, until with an echoing SPLASH it swallowed them whole.
The shock of the hit wasn't so bad, but the bitter cold nearly knocked the breath out of her. Foamy white bubbles filled her vision, and as they cleared she could just barely see Gidean through the dark water that engulfed the pair. She kicked for the surface and gasped for air, her head swimming with a rush of adrenaline and an overwhelming surge of emotions. 
Gidean beamed at her, his thick black curls plastered to his forehead and his smile reaching from ear to ear.
"That was AMAZING!" He shouted.
"Heck YEAH it was!" She threw back her head and let out a triumphant cry that rang out across the cove.
Before she could register what was happening, Gidean pulled in her close to his chest, placing a hand on either side of her face, and kissed her. Passionately. Her eyes widened and her breath hitched in her chest, but it didn’t take long before she melted into the bliss of it and threw her arms over his neck.
Her blood felt like lava in her veins, surging up with warmth wherever he brushed against her. She twined her fingers through the back of his hair, loving the way his curls felt like wet silk in her hands. His lips were soft and he tasted of brine and radishes, but she didn't mind. To her it was the best thing in her little sphere of a world right then. 
It had only been a few seconds, but it felt like the moment had stretched on for an eternity. They separated slightly, both breathing raggedly as they came back down from the high. For a few minutes they simply treaded water, holding on to one another and placing lighthearted pecks on the other's lips and nose amid a stream of elated giggles.
"I've been wanting to do that for awhile, ya know." He said seriously, staring into her big blue-green eyes with a look of complete contentment.
Lily blushed crimson but didn't turn away this time. "I... I have, too."
He yanked her in again, this time hugging her with all the might he had. Laughter bubbled up from her chest and she embraced him back, before unceremoniously peddling backwards and splashing him with her feet.
The look of mock betrayal on his face was totally worth it.
"Alright Romulo," she goaded, "catch me if you can!" and took off towards the shoreline.
He shook his head before diving after her.  "Challenge accepted, sea witch!"
Gidean and Lylana's first kiss was a lot like the rest of their relationship: messy, unexpected, and waaaaay overdue. You could probably cut the sexual tension between them with a bloody butter knife.
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