#The organization knew the difference between men and women when they named in Young Men’s Christian Association
coochiequeens · 2 years
An elderly woman was banned from a community pool during the summer when the elderly are at increased risk of suffering from heat related medical issues to appease an intact male.
A senior woman who expressed discomfort regarding a trans-identified male in the women’s changing room at her local pool has been banned from using the facilities she frequented for over three decades.
Julie Jaman, 80, had been a guest at the YMCA-run Mountain View community pool in her small town of Port Townsend, Washington for over 35 years. Speaking to Reduxx, Jaman revealed that on July 26, she witnessed a trans-identified male using the female locker rooms at the pool, and became concerned due to the fact he appeared to be watching the little girls as they changed out of their bathing suits.
“I was showering [after a swim] and I heard a man’s voice … it was quite deep,” Jaman told Reduxx, “So I looked through the shower curtain. There was a man in a women’s bathing suit, and he was near four or five little girls who were taking off their bathing suits. He was standing there watching them.” 
Jaman observed the male through the opening in the shower curtain for a moment. Shocked by his presence and becoming increasingly distressed about his proximity to the children, she quietly asked: “Do you have a penis?” The male refused to answer, prompting Jaman to demand he leave the locker room.
Rowen DeLuna, the pool’s aquatics manager, was in the area at the time, and when Jaman appealed to her to remove the male from the restroom, DeLuna told her she was being “discriminatory” and threatened to call the police.
“She said, ‘you are being discriminatory, you are banned from the pool, and I am calling the police.’ I was totally stunned,” Jaman says, adding that she felt particularly vulnerable, being berated while nude. She quickly got dressed and left the changing room, immediately moving to leave the building. As she did, DeLuna continued yelling towards her.
“She said, ‘You are not following the [YMCA] values and principles,'” Jaman explained, noting that YMCA staff allegedly attempted to block her from leaving as she tried to go, telling her the police were on their way.
“I said ‘bullshit I can’t leave!'” Jaman scoffs, noting she immediately went to the Port Townsend Police Department, which shares a community complex with the pool. She explained what had happened to an Officer, noting it was extremely emotional for her.
“I kept thinking of those little girls, and it was really affecting me…” Jaman said, beginning to choke back tears, “It is affecting me right now. It was really unreal that would happen.”
The Officer gave her a card with the name of a Detective who was meant to call her later on, but she was ultimately contacted by Officer Mark Titterness, who took a formal report from Jamal on the incident.
The male in the locker room was identified by a local citizen journalist as Clementine Adams, a transgender employee of the YMCA, though Jaman says he wasn’t displaying any indication he was staff. According to a GoFundMe managed by Adams, he began identifying as a woman in December of 2021, but only announced his transition in April of 2022.
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In response to her ban, on August 1, Jaman, who has been an active citizen of Port Townsend for 40 years, chose to stand outside of the pool with a sign intended to inform other women that males were using the women’s facilities inside. A small number of majority elderly women turned up to support Jaman.
On Facebook, trans activists encouraged each other to rally in counter-demonstration, with several showing up with LGBTQ Pride Flags and berating Jaman and her friends.
“They said: You can’t say those things. You’re being a bigot,” Jaman said, “They told men males can be women. I said I don’t agree with [your] ideology. I told them that in all my 80 years I had never run into this.”
While most pool patrons remained politely curious about Jaman’s sign, she says that at one point, a mother had her 9-year-old child come up to her and tell her she was being “hurtful” to the LGBTQ community.
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Jaman also contacted Wendy Bart, the CEO of the Olympic Peninsula YMCA which oversees Mountain View pool. While she initially had to leave a message, Bart contacted Jaman later that day in what she described as akin to an interrogation.
“Even after I explained what happened, she kept asking ‘what did you say?'” Implying Jaman was not being forthcoming, “She said ‘that’s not what I have been told,’ and I asked her what she meant.”
Jaman says Bart informed her the Mountain View staff had claimed she had been vulgarly abusive towards the trans-identified male.
“She told me she’d heard I said something to the effect of ‘you’re going to use your penis to f*ck those little girls.’ I am an 80 year old woman! I do not speak that way! I told [Bart] that.”
When Jaman asked Bart why no signs had been posted informing women that males could potentially be in the locker rooms, she says she was told: “‘We post pride signs, and we assume that lets women know what to expect.'”
That same day, Jaman went to the Port Townsend City Council meeting to share her experience and issue a complaint on the community pool’s policy. In a three-minute speech she gave to the Council, she explained what had happened at the pool on July 26, and requested separate facilities be made available for females.
“The YMCA policies on gender identity use ‘pride’ as a euphemism to prevent discrimination against one group of people but at the expense of another group – women who don’t want to use all-gender bathing or dressing areas,” Jaman said in her address to the Council, continuing: “Just as the City has installed special doors and spaces for handicapped people, the YMCA should provide an all-gender changing area as well as binary facilities to accommodate all patrons.”
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Following her speech, Jaman was met with boisterous applause and cheers by other local community members who had attended the council meeting. But another woman took the stand to oppose Jaman, stating she had driven from a distance to oppose Jaman’s perspective.
“I would just like to state that this individual is not a man identifying as a woman, this individual is a woman.” Rebecca Horasct of Sequim, Washington said, “It is inappropriate in this day and age for people to not recognize what transgender means.”
Following Horasct, a man took the stand to similarly call the gender binary “ridiculous,” and “unscientific,” adding that he found Jaman’s “bigotry deplorable.”
Multiple other citizens took the stand, most in support of Jaman and her concept of an exclusive alternative space for women and girls. One mother who was an active swimmer took the stand to state she felt that “little girls were just going to quit swimming” if they didn’t have an exclusive, safe space.
Mountain View pool has issued a press release in response to the protest, in which it states: “We will not tolerate bias, hatred, or discrimination that leads to the oppression of individuals or communities. We will ensure sustained and meaningful progress toward equity and human dignity for all.” The release also references Washington State Law 162-32-060.
The law states that public facilities must allow individuals access to spaces “that are consistent with that individual’s gender expression or gender identity,” continuing that if an individual expresses discomfort they should be “directed to a separate or gender-neutral facility.” 
Reduxx reached out to Erin Hawkins, the Marketing and Communications Manager for the Mountain View Pool, for comment, and was told Jaman was permanently banned because she had violated the pool’s policies “repeatedly.” But when Hawkins was asked what other incidents Jaman had been involved in, and on what dates those incidents occurred, she was unable to give any specific details. 
While Hawkins asserted Jaman had been extremely rude towards the trans-identified male staff member, she confirmed there was no evidence of what the pool staff had claimed she had said beyond their own self-reported incident writeup. Hawkins stated that the pool staff had not filed a police reported against Jaman, but were planning to in the future as a form of protection from her claims.
Hawkins added that her solution to females who felt uncomfortable changing around males were to use bathroom stalls, which are located in the same gender-neutral area. She also suggested closing the shower curtain was an appropriate solution for privacy and safety.
But Jaman doesn’t find this to be an acceptable guidance.
“The law says that if someone does not want to use the gender neutral dressing or toilet room, they can use an alternative. But it is up to the [pool] to provide that alternative. That’s the law. Last year, they said there was an additional space, but they have misconstrued that.”
On the issue of self-identification, Jaman says she was never active in the gender identity debate, having no form of social media, no smart phone, and limited knowledge of how to use a computer. She calls it a “radical cultural change” that she feels is eroding women’s right to dignity across the board.
Four decades ago, Jaman helped establish the first crisis shelter for women and children in the Port Townsend community after often offering up her own home as a safe space for women fleeing violence.
“We subsequently built Dove House, which was a shelter for women victims. I’ve now been told it’s for everyone. I don’t know if now they let men who identify as women in the women’s sleeping area … they don’t ask for sex anymore, they just ask for gender identity.” Jaman adds that she knows of many areas in the community that have become gender free-for-alls, and expresses concern for how it is being handled.
“I think there is something very wrong with cancelling out what’s a male and what’s a female. There is absolutely no way that a person who is any form of XY can possibly be an XX. There’s just no way.”
Jaman says she has been a Democrat voter, and was active in voter registration drives and anti-war protests in her younger years, but expresses weariness as to how this new push for ‘tolerance’ is manifesting.
“It’s darn-right confusing,” Jaman says. “I am from the old-school. I know what being discriminated is about. I know about human dignity. I marched against the Vietnam war. I know all about racial discrimination against people of color. I know about the need for tolerance … But I don’t get this.”
On her incident in the locker room, Jaman expressed some surprise when she learned Clementine Adams had only begun identifying as a woman within the last few months.
“I have been a woman for all of my 80 years. I don’t intend on changing. But it erases me. Because if that’s a woman… what am I?”
By Anna Slatz Anna is the Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief at Reduxx, with a journalistic focus on covering crime, child predators, and women's rights. She lives in Canada, enjoys Opera, and kvetches in her spare time.
Just going to add
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rockislandadultreads · 11 months
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Read-Alike Friday: The First Ladies
The First Ladies by Marie Benedict & Victoria Christopher Murray
The daughter of formerly enslaved parents, Mary McLeod Bethune refuses to back down as white supremacists attempt to thwart her work. She marches on as an activist and an educator, and as her reputation grows she becomes a celebrity, revered by titans of business and recognized by U.S. Presidents. Eleanor Roosevelt herself is awestruck and eager to make her acquaintance. Initially drawn together because of their shared belief in women’s rights and the power of education, Mary and Eleanor become fast friends confiding their secrets, hopes and dreams—and holding each other’s hands through tragedy and triumph.
When Franklin Delano Roosevelt is elected president, the two women begin to collaborate more closely, particularly as Eleanor moves toward her own agenda separate from FDR, a consequence of the devastating discovery of her husband’s secret love affair. Eleanor becomes a controversial First Lady for her outspokenness, particularly on civil rights. And when she receives threats because of her strong ties to Mary, it only fuels the women’s desire to fight together for justice and equality.
This is the story of two different, yet equally formidable, passionate, and committed women, and the way in which their singular friendship helped form the foundation for the modern civil rights movement.
The Thread Collectors by Shaunna J. Edwards & Alyson Richman
1863: In a small Creole cottage in New Orleans, an ingenious young Black woman named Stella embroiders intricate maps on repurposed cloth to help enslaved men flee and join the Union Army. Bound to a man who would kill her if he knew of her clandestine activities, Stella has to hide not only her efforts but her love for William, a Black soldier and a brilliant musician.
Meanwhile, in New York City, a Jewish woman stitches a quilt for her husband, who is stationed in Louisiana with the Union Army. Between abolitionist meetings, Lily rolls bandages and crafts quilts with her sewing circle for other soldiers, too, hoping for their safe return home. But when months go by without word from her husband, Lily resolves to make the perilous journey South to search for him.
As these two women risk everything for love and freedom during the brutal Civil War, their paths converge in New Orleans, where an unexpected encounter leads them to discover that even the most delicate threads have the capacity to save us. Loosely inspired by the authors' family histories, this stunning novel will stay with readers for a long time.
The Women's March by Jennifer Chiaverini
Twenty-five-year-old Alice Paul returns to her native New Jersey after several years on the front lines of the suffrage movement in Great Britain. Weakened from imprisonment and hunger strikes, she is nevertheless determined to invigorate the stagnant suffrage movement in her homeland. Nine states have already granted women voting rights, but only a constitutional amendment will secure the vote for all. To inspire support for the campaign, Alice organizes a magnificent procession down Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC, the day before the inauguration of President-elect Woodrow Wilson, a firm antisuffragist.
Joining the march is thirty-nine-year-old New Yorker Maud Malone, librarian and advocate for women’s and workers’ rights. The daughter of Irish immigrants, Maud has acquired a reputation—and a criminal record—for interrupting politicians’ speeches with pointed questions they’d rather ignore.
Civil rights activist and journalist Ida B. Wells-Barnett resolves that women of color must also be included in the march—and the proposed amendment. Born into slavery in Mississippi, Ida worries that white suffragists may exclude Black women if it serves their own interests. On March 3, 1913, the glorious march commences, but negligent police allow vast crowds of belligerent men to block the parade route—jeering, shouting threats, assaulting the marchers—endangering not only the success of the demonstration but the women’s very lives.
Inspired by actual events, The Women’s March offers a fascinating account of a crucial but little-remembered moment in American history, a turning point in the struggle for women’s rights. 
Undiscovered Country by Kelly O'Connor McNees
In 1932, New York City, top reporter Lorena “Hick” Hickok starts each day with a front page byline―and finishes it swigging bourbon and planning her next big scoop.
But an assignment to cover FDR’s campaign―and write a feature on his wife, Eleanor―turns Hick’s hard-won independent life on its ear. Soon her work, and the secret entanglement with the new first lady, will take her from New York and Washington to Scotts Run, West Virginia, where impoverished coal miners’ families wait in fear that the New Deal’s promised hope will pass them by. Together, Eleanor and Hick imagine how the new town of Arthurdale could change the fate of hundreds of lives. But doing what is right does not come cheap, and Hick will pay in ways she never could have imagined.
Undiscovered Country artfully mixes fact and fiction to portray the intense relationship between this unlikely pair. Inspired by the historical record, including the more than three thousand letters Hick and Eleanor exchanged over a span of thirty years, McNees tells this story through Hick’s tough, tender, and unforgettable voice. A remarkable portrait of Depression-era America, this novel tells the poignant story of how a love that was forced to remain hidden nevertheless changed history.
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magicalgirlfumiko · 10 months
Dwindling Flowers
The Dwindling Flowers chronicles the lives of several young women that work for the Organization. They are magical girls and soldiers called the Flowers to trained to fight evil born from curses of mankind. These girls no longer exist to the world. Their memories are wiped clean and their family never knew they ever existed. These girls live solely to protect the balance of the worlds. Why they were chosen to become Flowers, is for the Organization's ears only.
The difference between our world and the world of Dwindling Flowers' Organization primarily comes from magic. As such, the 'timeline,' as it were, has diverged in several places. For starters, Nicola Tesla was a celebrated scientist until his death in 1945 of natural causes. His wireless telegraphy system expanded into cordless and cellular phones by 1960, though it was deadened by 1969 after consumers lost confidence in American industry.
This brings us to the present day. The cold war instead ended in 1998 with the dissolution of the Soviet Union, after which they lost a special lab made magical girl to the Organization. The cellphone industry boomed back as well. And Provere, France? Well, things are getting a little strange.
Provere City, France 04:50 A.M. 21 Nov. 2013
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Judith pushed her hat down over her eyes. The men and women of the Provere police force all knew her, but she was still trying to at least be a little inconspicuous. She walked over the Jeanne d'Arc bridge with purpose, though, as the latest victim of the 'Morpheus' murders still hung below. Her report was that he was hung by a rope of braided human hair.
The victim himself, one Ansolom Broussard, was a simple taxi driver from the eastern district. The slums. He was a heavy-set man, with a family to feed. Someone was going to have to tell them. It wasn't Judith though. She just wanted the details, like the answer why to the fact that his cab was found three miles away abandoned, the ticket still marked.
It was warm but dark and humid. A light rain coming down, as typically happened on the nights of these murders. She watched the cops pull the body up, and watched as the coroner and the CSI closed up the scene and sampled the follicles from the noose. The only reason they could tell it was hair in the first place was that whoever did this left some at the top of the bridge.
As the CSI worked on the hair samples, she was busy taking pictures of the body. The first picture was the face and neck, showing lacerations and bruising from the noose, as well as an obvious change of angle in the windpipe. Next was the torso, which showed almost no damage except perhaps where it hit the abutment below. A close-up of each hand seemed to show no resistance. Curious. Hardly any scuffing on his shoes either.
She went about her business and took pictures of the noose after the CSI had finished sampling. “Thanks, Dion,” she said, smiling wanly. The rain picked up a little bit, a constant drizzle now.
She turned to her phone, compiling the messages into a mass text.
Constant; Camille; Piper CC: Crime Scene #6
Attached are seven pictures of the victim and the apparent murder weapon. It's definitely connected. Meet me on the Jeanne d'Arc in twenty minutes. That should give us enough time. -J
Also, Constant – Leave Natasha out of this.
She didn't have time for petty politics, so she just nipped that in the bud.
"Oo ye yi!" Screamed a young woman with raven hair.
This was the Flower named Camille. She was a girl of Creole ancestry that had been selected by the Organization due to her efficiency with ancient tomes and spells upon joining. Normally, she would be kept within the North American side of affairs but due to recent lack of manpower in Europe, off to France she was sent.
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Camille had been drinking some warm coffee that just been brewed on the small stove top in her shared apartment with Constant. She nearly jumped out of her clothing when her phone's buzzer went off, causing her fumble around the cramped kitchen to reach for the device. Upon pulling the phone out, it appeared to be rather large and clunky.
"Oh god…." She muttered. Her eyes looked drained as she began to study the photographs closely. She always had to deal with the pictures of corpses first since Constantina conventionally seemed to always misplace her phone.
"CONTAST!" Camille yelled as she walked out of the kitchen sideways just to get out of that room and into the shared main common area where both of their beds were.
"The boss w-wants to be get ready for something…." She then tossed the phone at her partner. "Just look at those p-photos. They are some of the worst in recent memory…"
"S-She also said not to get your girlfriend involved." Camille said this to annoy Constant for not having her phone again.
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Constantina, the Greek operative of the Organization, blinked sleepily. She heard her American sidekick distantly yell her name. “conSTANT!” I told you to stop calling me that… She thought in her haze.
"The boss w-wants to be get ready for something….” Huh? Yeah, she usually did… “Just look at those p-photos. They are some of the worst in recent memory…" Consti felt the phone hit her smack in the stomach, and she opened her eyes. Seriously. What now? Their cramped barrack room was stuffy with the odd heat.
Yawning, she sat up, phone still on her stomach. "S-She also said not to get your girlfriend involved." Damn it! Stop calling her that!
“Shut up about Natasha! She's not my girlfriend!” Of course, that got Constantina fired up. It always did. The absolute loathing she had for that woman… But in the end, didn't she want to be just like her?
Eyes still half glazed with sleep, she picked up the phone and scrolled through the pictures. “Huh. This is bad. Not the worst I've ever seen, but pretty terrible.” She rolled out of bed, grabbing yesterday's gear to slip it back on. It wasn't dirty, she had only worn it for a meeting with Judith. Of course, she mimicked Natasha's deadpan. It really wasn't THAT bad, and even though you never really get used to seeing a corpse, she had to seem strong for her partner. And that girl across the hall, Piper.
After she got dressed, she stole a cup of Camille's coffee. She didn't even like the stuff, but she needed caffeine desperately. “Hey, Cami, can you help me find my phone?” She tripped over it the next moment. “Never mind…”
Natasha will not be involved. Ever. Thanks.
She shot Judith a text; then stumbled across the hallway, banging on Piper's door. “HEY, YOU UP? We got a case!”
Piper was knocked out, mouth open, and drool oozing out. One leg hung off the bed with her blanket hanging off with it. She was vaguely aware of the sound of her phone going off, in the sense that her dream incorporated the mechanical sounding music into the scene playing through her mind. The next sound she heard was the banging along with the shouting of one of the girls across the hall.
"5 more minutes, Mom!" Piper shouted at the door, opening one eye while wiping the drool with the back of her hand. "Kidding!" She shouted again. "I'm getting up."
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That's what her words said, but her body said otherwise. Then her eyes get heavy again, and she felt her consciousness waning. Maybe, 5 more minutes wouldn't be so bad? No! She couldn't. Reluctantly, she pushed herself up from the mattress, caressing her pillow in a mournful way. Her gaze moved from the pillow to her room. Luckily, she didn't have a roommate, but the apartment she was given was still rather small. It made her feel safe, though.
Piper quickly got dressed in a light wash skinny jeans, dancing around the room trying to squeeze them over her thighs. She beamed with success when she buttoned her jeans, patting her thighs almost proudly. The next thing she picked up was a black hoodie that said "Got Music?" across the chest. It made her giggle that it said "music" instead of "milk" even though milk was incredibly delicious. Finally, she picked up her head phones of her small night stand, letting them rest around her neck while connecting it to her phone and shoving the phone in her back pocket.
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"Waaaaaiiittt." She pulled her phone back out, reading the text then scrolling through the pictures. With each picture, her nose scrunched up even further until nearly her whole face looked like a raisin. "Creepy." Piper purposely shivered, replacing her phone in her pocket before sliding on black vans that were sitting by the door and heading out into the hall.
Camille cocked an eyebrow at the half awake Constantina.
"R-Really? With how much you complain about that redhead, I would think you secretly harbor a deep caring for her." Once again she continued to egg Constant on. Camille understood why Constantina wished to be well respect like that Soviet magical girl. Natasha was a force to be reckoned with. Whenever Camille came across her, she kept her distance.
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"O-Okay, maybe they aren't the worst photographs ever." Camille sighed. "I just don't like always having to be the first ones that see them. You're the scout, I'm the back up...What happens if I am not there to do the research for you?"
"Hey!!! My coffee..." Camille sighed. Once again, her small pot was swiped. It seemed that after this meeting, she would have to go to the cafe for tea.
She then crossed both of her arms as Constant went across the hall. Piper was still a newer figure around the base, so Camille hadn't had a lot of interaction with her just yet. Having another American agent around was a major change of pace. Normally, she had been the odd one out amongst the Europeans. Thus, Camille kept her distant behind Constant. She'd let the more proactive persona interact with Piper first. Though, not to be rude she gave the other Flower a simple wave. That should be sufficient enough, she thought.
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Ten minutes later, Constantina, Piper and Camille stepped out into the street. The weather was unnaturally warm for November. It was 21 degrees Celsius, rainy and humid as hell. This is going to do wonders to my hair, Consti thought almost absentmindedly. She pushed her hood over her head, both to protect her hair and to attempt to hide her sword. Her favorite camera was tucked safely in its waterproof bag, so she didn't have to worry about that.
But... this case. Why were the Flowers being put on it? She had to admit that the bit about the hair was weird - and awful. But, really? Most of their cases were much more... odd. Much more bloody, too, like the case of the bull spirit. It gored seventeen people in one night before it was put down. That was a Natasha case though. She helped, what little she could, but... damn it. She really had to stop thinking about that Russian reject!
“Hey, you think we should hail a cab? Or just take the truck?” That was always the difficult part. Sometimes a cab was helpful because they never, ever listened to traffic laws, but at the same time, hiding a sword on her back was way harder. Stupid time of year for her to be taking lead on a case. Was she ready?
The girls were late, again. Judith realized they were just waking up, most of them anyway. This scene was getting colder, however, and Constantina knew better. The coroner was packing the body away, taking it to the morgue for the autopsy. If this was anything like the last murder, they'd find his stomach filled with hair as well.
She fired off another text to the girls.
You're late. Again.
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She didn't really think she needed to expound on that, Constantina knew it was for her. You're supposed to be leading these girls, Constant, not teaching them how to be lazy. Oh, well, she would give her a new ass later.
Piper gave an awkward little wave back to the other Flower, a half smirk on her face. This would have been so exciting if she didn’t feel like a zombie. Her eyes felt like they’d shrivel up and tumble like little raisins from their sockets. To remedy this, she walked down the hall with her head tilted back and eyes closed. It wasn’t the most efficient way to follow the other girls, but she found it kind of fun, almost like a challenge! Though, she decided she wouldn’t be able to survive if she were to become blind because of the never ending worry of bumping into something. So, she gave up on her ‘blind game’ and settled herself with the fact her eyes would turn to raisins.
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“Whhaaatttt,” she mumbled more to herself the moment she stepped outside. “Brilliant idea to wear a hoodie. I mean, good gracious.” Piper was never one for heat and sweating was absolutely disgusting! With a sour expression, she pushed her sweatshirt sleeves up. “I should have worn a shirt under this,” she griped to herself again, tugging at the front of her sweatshirt to create some kind of airflow. “How are you guys not withering away already?” Her mouth was dropped slightly open in unneeded surprise, wide eyes adding to the shock. “I mean, come on! I’m gonna have to peel my clothes off like it’s plastic wrap.”
Now, she truly was mourning the absence of her bed. Her room was so cool and comfortable. Her bed was so welcoming. Her bed loved her. It was a pure and unconditional love.
“Anything with AC, please,” she grinned at Constant. “Or, anything we can put the windows down in and drive insanely fast to create some sort of draft.”
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Just as she was about to open her mouth to make some other comment about the heat, her phone went off again. Pulling it from her back pocket, she glanced over the text. Late? Her lips puckered while she gave Constant and Camille a sidelong glance. She felt briefly guilty since she'd taken so long to get ready. I'll get ready in a flash next time, she told herself with a determined nod.
"Do you have enough money to take a cab?" Camille asked Constant.
If there was a constant theme for Constantina and Camille was that money between them was always short. Camille was constantly buying random old objects and texts to add to her collection. The older an item was, the more likely that it could have hidden potential magic. She rarely went for things younger than one hundred, since the more modern an object was the less useful it was to her tomes.
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"Then again…I am not sure if I trust Constant with driving the unit's truck…Ever since the Cheval Mallet incident, I-I still have flashbacks to when she used it to ram that otherworldly horse into the depths of the sea." Camille spoke.
She then hugged her book bag that contained her spell book. Sometimes it was hard to tell if she was actually friends with Constantina or one of her biggest critics.
Camille adjusted her hat when Piper asked about the humidity of this time of year. "I'm from the bayous. This is mild to me. Ah…Right mission…I suppose we should just take the truck. But I'm driving this time! D-Don't you dare say I drive like a turtle, though! I'm just cautious for our own good."
“That horse was kidnapping people, so I hit it with the truck. Sue me,” was Consti's retort. “Anyway, I suppose you can drive - if you get the lead out.” Cheval Mallet was supposedly folklore, but with the history of the Flowers, and even what each girl could do... Not everything is as fake as people think.
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They hit the road a few minutes later, air conditioning blaring to accommodate Piper's sweater usage. Constantina was extremely tempted to kick Camille out of the driver's seat. People were passing them as though they were standing still. Cautious was understandable, especially after the Cheval Mallet incident—the horse didn't even die, apparently—but this was ridiculous. “Hey, Camille, I thought we agreed for you to step on it!” she repeated often.
An orange horizon greeted them by the time they actually reached the Jeanne d'Arc. Twenty minutes their collective asses, it was now 6:10, and Judith was clearly heated. Consti swallowed the lump in her throat. Damn...
“Constantina,” boss lady really didn't waste time on ripping her a new one. “Do you have ANY idea what twenty minutes mean?”
Again, she swallowed. One of the few things she truly hated—other than Natasha —was getting in trouble with Judith. It always started with the dress-down, but her disapproval lasted so much longer. “Yes, Judith, I know what twenty minutes meant.”
“I suppose you have an excuse?”
How about I don't know how you're going to make a forty minute drive in twenty, including dress time? “No. I don't.” Even with her Mediterranean heritage, she suddenly felt like it was 130 degrees with enough humidity you couldn't towel dry. Judith at least seemed satisfied with her answer because she immediately wheeled on Piper.
“You do realize we have a dress code?”
Piper was admittedly in her own world. Her hands were shoved down into her pockets, music playing in her own head as she rocked back and forth on her heels. They were late, and there wasn’t much else to be done about. So, she didn’t waste any more energy than needed being upset. Maybe it was her newness that caused this aloofness. She could admit that she might not quite understand the weight of the situation at hand, but she would probably soon learn.
During Constant’s questioning, Piper’s attention was still elsewhere. First her focus was on the beauty of the sunrise before it flitted to the ground, looking at her vans. Her thoughts were then consumed with how warm she began to feel again; it was miserable. The ride in the truck was lovely with the AC blasting. Though, she didn’t quite listen to the conversation the two girls were having. It didn’t have anything to do with her so she spent the whole ride watching the scenery creep by. They probably wouldn’t have made it there so late if Camille hadn’t been driving. A fact she’d keep to herself.
About this time was when she realized she was being talked to. Judith’s voice had just been a wah wah wah. It was her face as Piper’s eyes glanced around that made her realize she was being addressed. Piper wore a stupidly stunned face, eyes blinking quickly while she tried to recall what she was being talked to about. Dress code!
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“I- uh.” She looked over herself, noting her sweatshirts and jeans while wiggling her toes slightly in her shoes. “I forgot?” Her answer definitely sounded more like a question than a true statement. “I forgot,” Piper said more sternly with a serious face and a quick nod. “It will not happen again!” Another nod followed that statement. “Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eyes.” With each word she did a motion, starting with crossing her heart, squeezing her eyes tightly shut to mimic death, then opening just one and pointing at it fiercely. “But, f’real. I won’t forget again.” This was when bashfulness set in, her head hanging just slightly, and an embarrassed flush coloring her cheeks.
Camille was a cautious driver, as both Piper and Constant both got annoyed with. "I am doing the speed limit. If we go over it, we'll get noticed." She stated.
As the girls finally reached their boss, it was day break. As she parked the car, finally Camille slowly got herself ready. Judith seemed to know that this bookworm took her time, it was just a part of her duty as the magus of the group. Camille then adjusted her cap, so that it was squared more on her head. She then got out of the truck and slung her heavy side bag over her body.
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"I apologize, Commissar." Camille said. "I'll make sure to go a bit faster with the truck. I don't trust it that much. A-Anyways, outside of lax uniform wear…What would like to discuss with us?"
Judith paused her tirade for a moment, studying the girls. Camille was attentive, always listening and taking criticism with the astute purpose of bettering herself, other than when it came to her driving. She was like that to a fault, often backing down when she should be getting angry and stepping up to the plate.
Constantina wanted so badly to be like Natasha, going so far as to hate her. But in reality, she might be strong – and decent with her sword – but it was her words that made her useful. A real crowd pleaser, easily placating the masses in a situation like this.
Piper, on the other hand… she was a wildcard. Judith wasn't even sure why she was in France, other than they were short-handed. In reality she should have gone to the American branch, but if they saw something of value to give to Provere, which was the main office of both the Organization and the Flowers, she would take the risk.
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“Constantina. Lead these girls like you're supposed to. If you can drive faster than Camille, do so. Get here when you're supposed to. Learn to sleep lightly, as you should have been the first one awake.
“Piper… Learn proper attire. Your street clothes will come in handy, but this is not that mission. Unless a message says otherwise I expect you to dress identical to your peers. And Camille, step up. I expect you to be respectful, but sometimes you're too passive. Learn when to attempt stealth and when not to. This morning was not a silent mission.”
Pacing across from them, she considered what was actually important. The body, the man hung up by ropes made of human hair. And hair that defied science.
“Anyways, here's the situation. This is the sixth such murder in the last three months, spaced exactly two weeks apart. Positive ID on all of the victims. The first four were Jack the Ripper style murders, all of them prostitutes out of the red light district. The last two, a business man and this cab driver, while a-typical, mimic murders that happened over a hundred years ago, and a hundred more than that. Pattern also stands that there are four more victims. One an officer of justice, so keep an eye out for that. Do you three have any real questions about this?”
Now that Piper was no longer under Judith’s scrutiny; her mind began to wander once more. It was foggy. Straight out of a horror movie. She sort of nodded to herself while continuing the heel rocking that Judith had interrupted. Which, yet again, was put to a stop when her name slapped her ears.
“Yes!” She snapped out, eyes focusing on Judith. “Proper attire. Got it!”
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Oooohh, Jack the Ripper. A crooked smirk appeared on Piper’s face. There was a since of uncertainty in her eyes. #2spooky4me, she thought. Her mind quickly jumped from the eeriness of it all to trying to think up ‘real’ questions. What is a fake question? Piper bit her bottom lip to stop from chuckling. Aren’t all questions real? Isn’t asking if potatoes can fall from the sky still a real question? The struggle to not giggle got harder.
Finally, she calmed herself down, changing ‘real questions’ to ‘serious questions’.
“No questions,” Piper said seriously, as straight faced as she could be.
Camille nodded. "I apologize ma'am. Being late was my fault." Once again, she was already starting to be passive and willing to get on the good side of the commander.
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"Is it possible for me to get a piece of the hair?" Camille asked quickly. "I-I mean, before the Category researchers get their hands on it. My tomes might be able to sense something about what we're dealing with. If what you are saying is fact…That there have been historical accounts going back several hundred years…We can pinpoint a common thread. Maybe…Constantina and the new girl can work together on some scouting out clues once I connect the dots?"
She knew it was going to be a long shot. The Category always got its hands on the supernatural before the local cops or civilians could make answers out of it. The simple answer was that it never happened or it was mass hysteria.
For once, Judith lacked the forethought to utilize a Flower's magic. It wasn't that it never happened, but it wasn't often, for sure. Quickly, she scanned the bridge, looking to see if anything had been untouched. She sighed. “I'm sure we'll find something for you to use.” Clearly, Judith was having an off day.
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Jack the Ripper… Still alive after a century and a half. Why was the Category so sure it was him? It could be any number of monstrous people. This wasn't even his modus operandi.
The braid! She'd kept the braid the killer had used as a noose. She'd hid that from the Category Forensic Team to show the girls just what kind of monster they were up against. “We do have the noose that was used.
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missmcspooks · 2 years
Sex trafficking is a major issue worldwide, where young women and children are kidnapped and put on the market in exchange for money and drugs. I always knew what the basics of sex trafficking was, but I didn’t truly understand everything that a person goes through when it comes to it until I watched these two movies, which are both based on true events. 
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Trafficked: Made in 2017 and directed by Will Wallace, is about three young teenagers who were kidnapped and brought to texas to be forced into working for a brothel. Each girl is from a different country, the United States, Nigeria, and India. They quickly become close friends and work together to get through their struggles and form an escape plan. 
Available to watch on: Amazon Prime
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Trafficked: A Parent's Worst Nightmare: Made in 2021 and directed by Joel Paul Reisig,This movie is inspired by multiple real life events that happened to women during their life while being sex trafficked. It’s a very powerful story that gives viewers a better understanding on just how horrible sex trafficking really is.  
Available to rent: Amazon Prime for $2.99
Trafficking doesn’t always mean someone is being exploited for sex. Trafficking can also be done for forced labor, marriage, and organ removal. The names for trafficking like this are normally called “human trafficking,” “trafficking of persons,” and “modern slavery.” It’s estimated that there’s 20 million to 40 million people being trafficked right now worldwide, making at least 100,000 just in the United States alone, most cases of human trafficking goes undetected. It’s also estimated that 71% of human traffickers are women and girls, while 29% are men and boys.
Children who are forced into the sex trade are normally between the ages of 12 and 14, and are normally girls who have been sexually abused as children and have ran away, and many victims have been in foster care at least once in their lives. It’s also estimated about 50,000 people are trafficked into the United States each year, and most often come from Mexico and the Philippines. Human trafficking also brings in a very, very, large amount of money. Worldwide profits are around $150 billion per year, $99 billion coming solely from sex trafficked victims. That’s more than Intel, Nike, Microsoft, Google, and Starbucks COMBINED.
 These are the statistics for trafficking in 2020
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My Little Physician Empress ~ Yin Zhen x Reader
Just a story in which reader, a regular girl, was allowed since very young to aid her father in being a Royal Physician, and helped the princes through the years without asking for anything in return.
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Since ancient times, views on physician women have been distorted times and times again - Sometimes they are shamans, other times they are witches, and oftentimes, they simply don't deserve to live, no matter how many lives they save, or how capable they are.
Even now, in Qing dynasty, there is stigma, and all the physicians in the palace are men.
But that will soon change when, one day, a Physician from outside the palace is able to come up with a proper cure for the plague that was rampaging the people and somehow, found its way inside the palace too, and he was rewarded handsomely - He was awarded a wish granted - Any wish he wanted.
And that was to have his daughter allowed to aid him in his work inside the palace. He explained how his daughter played around with concoctions one day, and somehow gave him the brilliant idea for a revolutionary cure, and with this story, the Emperor indulged the old man and got them both in the palace.
They didn't earn a lot of money, but it was enough for them to dress appropriately with living in the palace. The girl never got any kind of accessory, so she mainly held her hand in a simply braid, occasionally put some flowers in it, and was ready to go on with the day in aiding her father.
But she was always a curious little girl, and very often, she went outside to play and discover every nook and cranny around the palace - Which is when she met the fourth prince - Not that she knew, though.
She held some struggling and splashing in the water one night, and saw a eunuch running away. Upon investigating, she saw a child who wasn't trashing around anymore, and he was about her age. She jumped in the lotus pond, getting him to the surface and, after opening his jacket, she pressed on his chest between his lungs and leaned in to give him the kiss of life.
As expected, the boy then jolted in a sitting position and started coughing, before falling into her arms once again, exhausted.
"How are you feeling?" she asked in a gentle voice, her hand on his cheek to get his attention. "Fine...I'm better now...Whoever pushed me is going to get killed, I'll make sure of that." the boy was angry, and rightfully so. He tried to get up, but was still wobbly, so the girl helped him go back to his room, letting him lean on her side. "It was an Eunuch. I saw him running away from the pond after you got underneath the water." she told him what she saw. "Now that I think about it...Who are you? I've never seen you around the palace, have I?" he asked suspiciously. "Don't be suspicious of the person who saved your life. I am Y/N, daughter of the Royal Physician who came up with the cure for the plague." she explained in a gentle manner. "Figures. Then, that means you know who I am, don't you?" he scoffed lightly. "Uh...No, not really. Should I?" she tilted her head a little to the side. "You don't? They why did you save me?" he asked, even more confused now. "...Because you were dying?! Did you notice that? Was I supposed to let you die there? Tell me, I can quite literally drag you back to the pond and throw you back if you want? I will ask for you name first and only then rescue you." she scolded him in disbelief at his ungratefulness. "No. No, you're right. Anyway, thanks for saving me. How did you save me? I know I blacked out as some point, right?" he said, and with all the nonchalance in the world, she answered. "I gave you the kiss of life." this answer made the boy stop in his tracks, yelling at her. "YOU DID WHAT?! That’s... That’s improper! I will have you flogged and caned for that! You’re a woman, and I’m a man, and we are both unmarried, it’s... It’s...!" he gaped at her in horror. "You do realise you stopped breathing, don't you? And if I didn't get you breathing again, your heart would have stopped. If your heart stopped pumping, blood wouldn't have gone everywhere in your body, to all your organs, therefor you would have gotten a total system failure in less than 10 to 15 minutes. That means, for idiots like you who don't value life, that you would have died if I didn't do that." she rolled her eyes at him, dragging him inside the pavilion, where lots of eunuchs and maids fussed over him. "Su Peisheng! Reward this maid handsomely, she saved my life." the little boy said - He must be one of the princes, the girl thought, amused. "No thanks. I saved your life, that's all. You yelled enough at me, I don't want anything from you anymore. Next time I try to save your life, remind me to ask you your name first and only then ask consent to save your life." the girl rolled her eyes at him, thinking him hypocritical, and turned around to go home, only to have the boy catch her wrist immediately. "Then, ask for anything, and I'll give it to you." he said, very seriously. "Fine. I'm not a maid, I'm a Female Physician, therefor you must address me properly from now on. Physician Y/N. Got it?" her voice was authoritarian, but she didn't inspire malice or evil, and it quite amused the young prince. "Very well. Until we meet again, Physician Y/N." and thus, making her smile softly, she left the place with a nod of Goodnight. "Su Peisheng." the boy called out his eunuch one again. "What do Physician girls like?" he asked, almost innocently. "Forgive me, Your Highness, this one does not know, for there have not been female physicians in the palace before. However, girls usually like feminine things like clothes and accessories. Miss Y/N wasn't wearing any, as far as I saw." the eunuch provided the young prince with the information. "I see...Very well. Tomorrow, you will send some red agate earrings to her. Make sure you give them to her directly." the boy ordered his slave, who nodded in agreement.
However, the next day, the eunuch returned as he left - With the gift box in his hands and endless apologies. "Miss Y/N wanted me to inform you never to gift her...To quote her...Useless things. Pardon my rudeness, Your Highness, I am merely telling you her words. She said that expensive earrings won't help her save lives. I tried to convince her, but she threatened to throw them in the pigstry." the eunuch kowtowed to the ground in front of the young prince, only for him to raise him up and chuckle in amusement. "Don't worry, it's fine. I'll just bring them to mother and ask her for advice. This is no ordinary girl I'm dealing with."
And this way, his mother advised him to find rare healing-related books, even more so, from the West, and gift them to her. She immediately accepted them, and Yin Zhen often found the mysterious girl reading by the wisteria tree, unbothered by anything and anyone.
The 4th prince often looked at her and got reminded of his annoying 3rd prince brother, but at least she wasn't so obsolete and dissolute like him.
He would find her occasionally swinging in the Apricot garden, where it was mostly quiet and very few people visited, and even so, he would often hear her practicing flute-playing.
The next Prince she met was, to Yin Zhen’s entertainment and slight jealousy, was the 3rd Prince, Yin Zhi, as she was delivering medicine to one of the Imperial Concubines, the foreign melodious tune of an instrument she has never heard of before, and as expected, her curiosity led her directly to this Prince who seemed just a bit older than her, standing under a tree and practicing said instrument.
The girl could only stay there in awe, the wonderful melody taking over her senses and imagination, only for a sudden screech to destroy everything, making her yelp in shock. The jerk of a Prince made the bow unceremoniously scratch the violin’s strings, making a God Forsaken ear-bleeding noise.
“Hope you enjoyed that as well, stalker.” the prince sneered at her, but to his surprise, she merely chuckled. “Wonderful how such an elegant instrument can create hellish sounds in the wrong hands. Only someone hardworking, dedicated and with grace can play this instrument. You are a Prince, aren’t you?” she leaned on the tree, a knowing smirk on her face. “If you figured that out, then why aren’t you bowing to the ground right now?” the aggressiveness displayed in his voice and words seemed to contradict his actions as he sat down at the table, where neatly drawn blueprints and parts to be engineered with. “I can accept the consequences of my mistake and I even won’t protest, should you want to take my head off, should you be so kind as to explain to me the process of building this wonderful instrument. It is a Western one, is it not?” she sat down next to him, analysing the papers carefully. “What would some lowly maid like you know of Western technology? Why should I waste my time on you?” he scoffed, looking down at her. “Do you not find sharing such groundbreaking information with someone genuinely interested to be rather... Enlightening? From my short stay here, in the Palace, I have found out that the 2nd Prince is rather dissolute and promiscuous, but at the same time, a very intelligent and lonely person who cannot interact with others. From the looks of it, you simply have completely different aspirations and interests, while your brothers are solely interested in this Game of Thrones, and you cannot possibly have a proper, intellectual conversation with them. Correct me if I’m wrong, however, and I will leave you alone.” that vixen-like smile on her face made the Prince want to strangle her and wipe that stupid smirk off her face for daring to figure him out so well. At the same time, however, he hasn’t felt so challenged in his life and frankly, this little maid could prove to be more interesting than expected. “I’ll have you thrown to the Office of Punishments should you dare bore me at any time after the cheeky, daring stunt you pulled. Now, you better be paying attention to every word I am about to tell you, I hate repeating myself for dumb airheads, understood?” his voice was serious and mature, especially for someone his age, but that only meant that Y/N had what to learn from him, and for that, she was grateful. “I swear to do my best and keep up with your intellectual explanations, so please, do be patient with me for I am very grateful for the time you are taking out of your schedule to teach me.” she bowed her head to him, and thus, with a soft huff, the Prince began explaining the to the girl about the peculiar instrument in his hands. “This is called a Violin, and this is called a Bow. As you guessed, this instrument was created in the West, from a country called “Italy”, in an unknown date from the 16th century. Although paintings from back then show the Violin had 3 strings, now, as you can see, it has four...” and so, he continued by showing her the component parts of the violin both on the instrument, and on the blueprints, only for him to, in the end, gift her the ink drawing he made of the original blueprint, as a way for her to promise to continue studying on her own too.
There were many other Royal Princes and Princesses, but many weren’t as interesting as the 3rd and 4th Prince who, quite frankly, were a force to be reckoned with. While Yin Zhi would teach her how to build a clock, or show her interesting literature, Yin Zhen would be adamant in taking her horse-riding and, surprisingly, he was rather interested in her healing knowledge, thus why, he would always acquire the rarest books from all over the world and, instead of giving them for the Physicians to learn, he would gift them to this lovely maid whose company he loved so much.
Time passed quickly, they got older, both Y/N and her father rapidly advanced in their ranks thanks to their revolutionary treatments that cured every illness, and the princes all grew into fine men - Which meant that the true Game of Thrones began for everyone in the palace, not just them.
The first to go down was the Crown Prince who, as Y/N discovered, had ricing powder put in his food. “It is quite simple, and unfortunately, incredibly deadly, even in small doses. All you need is the beans from a castor oil plant, you make them into powder and... You’ve got one of the deadliest poisons there are. My only guess is, it would have to have been someone from the Imperial Kitchens who could do such a feat because, if the powder was put on the dishes after being prepared, it would still be mildly visible, whereas if it was put in a big pot, it would get homogenized and thus, leave no visible or taste trace.” Y/N explained in front of the Emperor, standing poised and ignoring all the other many eyes staring at her. “I have heard many times of ricin, but none was ever brave enough to dare bring it into the Palace, especially after I have forbidden any dish to be made with Castor oil! For the poison to act, one administration was enough?” Emperor Kangxi asked, rage and sorrow evident on his face. “No, Your Majesty. I imagine that the culprit played it smart and only added small doses of ricin powder in His Highness’s food, but regularly. I have read the Medical Files from the Bureau of Imperial Physicians and I have noticed that His Highness was complaining of an upset stomach, difficulty in breathing, occasional coughs that turned bloody over time and spiking fevers - Again, all over a rather long period of time. If the culprit were to use a large dose of powder, the Princes wouldn’t have been able to finish all the food from the plate and, therefor, the Ricin would have been tenfold easier to detect. In this situation, however, small doses meant nobody would believe His Highness got sick because of the food, because of his healthy appetite, hence why he was treated symptomatically for unrelated, yet very possible diseases.” the Female Physician went on further with the deduction, which angered the Emperor even further. “These jackals won’t even allow my sons to eat anymore! From now on, every meal will have to be tested before any person from the Royal Family eats it. Find the culprit immediately!” the Emperor thundered, his voice echoing throughout the Hall of Mental Cultivation. “Your Majesty, if I may... Ricin cannot be detected with silver, and if it is put in hot meals, it wouldn’t be traceable anymore. There is no way to detect it. While ingesting the poison is admittedly the least toxic pathway into the human body... Even with a small dose, it starts to cause internal damage in as little as 6 hours after ingesting. In regular doses, death can occur in a maximum of 3 days, which means, to my understanding, that His Highness may have started being poisoned a week ago at most.” the girl spoke confidently, but also with a tint of reticence. “Are you trying to tell me there is no way of detecting the culprit?!” the man rose up from his throne, pointing his finger at her. “On the contrary. With the grace and cooperation of His Highness, the 4th Prince, a small pouch of herbs mixed with ricin powder was found in the pockets of one of the eunuchs helping at the Imperial Kitchens. That is to say... If the truth comes out that this eunuch was the one who put the powder in the food... We need a testimony and evidence that would point towards the mastermind behind this operation of regicide. His Highness was the Crown Prince and a mere eunuch wouldn’t be affected in any way by the future Emperor, however that may be, but someone who could benefit in having another candidate on the throne would get actively involved in working from the shadows...” she didn’t dare move her sight from the furious Eye of Heaven, no matter how much she wanted to avert her eyes and look at the Prince, begging to be taken away from there because the tension was crushing. “Yin Zhen!” calling out his son’s name, he stepped next to Y/N, bowed and knelt next to her. “The two of you did good in solving this crime. From now on, the two of you shall continue unmasking the truth of this mystery and bring justice to my son, the Crown Prince, got it? No matter who it is, I will have them punished!” the Emperor’s last command was abided by the two of them bowing to the ground and calling out their responses - “Yes, Your Majesty!”
And thus, the Hall of Mental Cultivation was cleared and the two people in cause walked away, looking at each other and letting out sighs of relief.
“Let’s not do that again.” the girl managed to mutter, putting the back of her hand to her forehead, exhausted from the trial. “You’re tired just from this? I was expecting a lot worse.” the Prince smirked at her, seeing her roll her eyes. “Yes, well, the Royal Family business isn’t for me. I’m fine just healing people and studying. It’s actually relaxing, you should try that once in a while.” she nudged him softly, only for him to stop in his tracks. “What if I tell you I want you to join the Royal Family.” he crossed his arms, looking at her with a playful expression. “I’d tell you... You’ve lost your mind... And that nobody would agree to something like this. I suppose I should remind you that... I am a commoner and you are, and I hope it doesn’t come as a shock to you, not only the Prince but... A very strong candidate at being the next Crown Prince.” she shook her head in amusement. “Father wants to promote you to Noble Lady Shuyu.” he refuted immediately. “Having ‘Noble’ in a title does not make you of noble birth. Don’t make it difficult for either of us, Yin Zhen. Not to mention, you would be doing me a great disservice by marrying me.” she explained, cautiously looking around for any prying eyes. “How is giving you a life of unlimited luxuries means I’m doing you a disservice?” he stepped closer to her, holding her hands to his chest. “I am jealous, first of all. Even if I am to be your main wife, which, by the way, is impossible, you would still need to have a huge amount of concubines because that is the life of a Duke and/or the Emperor, should you actually get the title. That doesn’t exactly sit amazingly well with me to begin with... And that also means I’m not exactly the most Virtuous, Selfless and King Empress that everyone would want the woman holding this title to be. That and... If I marry into the Royal Family, I won’t be able to continue my Physician work, and I will only have to stay inside a stupid, but nicely furnished palace, with tons of servants to do whatever the hell I want and many more other women who will be jealous of me and will plot to kill me. Ah, yes and the unfortunate case of you getting bored of me for a younger girl, when we get older, but that’s just that.” she got her hands back, and smiled at him sarcastically. “You’re an impossible woman, you know that, right? If you do, you should also know that, for you, I would give up the title of Crown Prince. If I am a duke, then it shouldn’t matter if I marry one woman alone, and whether or not she continues her hobby of healing people in a palace far away from the Forbidden City, where there would be no envious eye that would wish you harm. How does that sound.” his words were soft and gentle, and with every sweet word, he could see the girl’s defenses lowering down, bit by bit. “You would be an idiot to turn down the title you worked so hard for, especially after this perfect opportunity has just knocked on our doors. Don’t be stupid, Yin Zhen. I can still love you even if we are not legally married. Listen, we both know the 2nd Prince is the culprit, right? Him and his lousy mother of his, who wants to become the next Empress. I have a plan to take both of them down, and if we succeed, your place on the throne is automatically... But we have to be very smart about it. Very, very smart. Are you in?” she turned to look at him, as he stepped very close to her, cupping her face and kissing her forehead. “Since when have you become so scheming?” he asked, proud and amused. “Since I have a reason to win.” she winked at him, putting her hand on his face so he could lean down and hear the plot.
Months passed, and Y/N has been as busy as ever taking care of the women of the Harem since Imperial Concubine Yu was pregnant and the Empress, the late 1st Prince’s mother, protectively took her under her wing, while the sole Female Physician was to take care of her.
Thankfully, every plan was set in motion and time flew so fast, it was unexpected that 9 months already passed and the Concubine was ready to give birth already. Unfortunately for her, the Empress, along with the Empress Dowager, were away to pray for Buddha, and thus, the Noble Consort was now the most powerful woman in the Harem, and able to take decisions in place of the Empress.
As Y/N helped the Concubine give birth, to her shock, she realised the baby was very much yellow - But not only the little prince’s body, but his eyes as well. It caused a lot of shock and stir ups... But the unfortunate timing of arrival of the Noble Consort was enough to grab the baby from the midwife’s hands and toss is carelessly to the eunuchs who was digging a hole in the backyard of the Empress’s palace, to bury the infant alive, while the poor Concubine mother was frantically trying to escape the grasp of the eunuch keeping her away so she could rescue her baby.
But it was in vain, and no matter how much the mother begged, the Consort was absolutely ruthless. She was digging into the dirt, trying to rescue her child, but all of the Empress’s maids were uselessly staring, frightened and very much afraid for their lives.
Smartly, Y/N went inside the Empress’s palace and took her seal - As she ran back to the scene of the crime and yelled at the Consort to end this mess.
“The golden seal of the Empress is here! Enough of this mess! Yes, the infant has golden eyes, but the truth is, this might just be a medical problem, and we cannot know for sure if it is not investigated! Under such context, we must wait for Her Highness the Empress to make the decision! Noble Consort, I have begged you again and again to cease your actions, but I have no other way of stopping you. Seeing this golden seal is like seeing Her Highness the Empress herself, whether the 17th Prince is indeed sick, and how Noble Lady Yu should be dealt with, we must all wait for the decree of Her Highness the Empress. Any other person isn’t allowed to take any arbitrary action!” as Y/N glared angrily at the Noble Consort, showing off the Imperial Box that was hiding the Empress’s seal, the well known voice of the Eunuch announcing his Majesty’s arrival resounded through the place. “What happened?” the Emperor asked, followed by the 2nd, 3rd and 4th  Princes. “Greeting His Majesty. Your Majesty, the little prince was born with golden pupils. His whole body is yellow. The Empress isn’t in the palace. I’m enforcing the palace law on her behalf. I was just about to punish the mother and child, but who knew that the servants of Changchun Palace would publicly stop me.” the Consort threw a shady look at the Physician. “Your Majesty, I dare not hinder Noble Consort in implementing the law. It’s just that Her Highness the Empress repeatedly instructed that we all must protect Noble Lady Yu. Before the Empress returns, no one is allowed to make punishments without permission. Moreover, whether the little prince is indeed sick or not, as a Physician, I must advise everyone not to make conclusions based solely on what we see. There was no time for me, or any of my colleagues to check the health of the little prince, therefor, this may all just be an unfortunate misunderstanding, not a bad omen. The action of Her Highness the Noble Consort is too hasty.” Y/N confidently explained the problem for the Emperor. “You wench, how dare you speak ill of my mother?!” the new Crown Prince, the 2nd Prince, rushed forward to slap the girl’s face angrily. “Father, there is nothing impossible in this vast world. I, who has been studying various Western practices would know that what we may consider impossible or strange, other would deem normal, and vice versa. It may just be as the Female Physician says - That the 17th Prince’s golden pupils are just because of some strange illness that, if treated, will disappear.” the 3rd Prince stuck up to the girl. “Your Majesty, my child surely has some weird illness! I beg you, Your Majesty, I beg you to immediately have him treated.” the mother’s pleas melted the Emperor’s heart. “Li Yu.” the Emperor called out his head eunuch. “Call the Imperial Medical College for a consult. And find out if Physician Y/N’s father returned from his trip abroad.” and thus, the Emperor called everyone in cause once again to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to hear the testimonies and make a decision.
Two elder doctors came inside the Palace and reported their explanations to the Emperor, while the poor, desperate mother was thrown out of the room so she could calm down and stop shrieking.
“I’ve seen a lot of babies with yellowish faces, but I’ve never seen a case where the pupils are also golden yellow.” one of them explained. “Is there no way to cure him?” Yin Zhen asked the Physicians. “This is not an illness, so there is no way to cure it. There is no such thing as a child with golden pupils in this world.” Physician Zhang answered adamant. “I know Your Majesty is unwilling to do it, but if we don’t resolve it today, if the sun rises tomorrow, the news that a Noble Lady of the Forbidden Palace has given birth to a child with golden pupils will spread to the empire as if it has wings. I fear that people will be in panic and it will be hard to handle the consequences. Hence, I hardened my heart, all for Your Majesty’s sake, for the Qing Empire. Even if everyone will blame me for it, I won’t mind. Your Majesty, why are you still  hesitating?” the dead silence that followed was, as if on cue, disturbed by the baby’s cries. With a hurried smile, Y/N hurried to take the baby in her arms and kneel in front of the Emperor. “Your Majesty, look! Although the little prince is yellowish all over, his cry is very strong! Your Majesty, he is a live person and he is connected with Your Majesty by blood! How could you kill him so easily?!” Y/N spoke quickly, hoping to appeal to the Emperor’s soft heart strings. “Isn’t the Empress to kind? Indulging a mere physician to act like this? When your masters are talking, how could you interfere?!” the Noble Consort harshly reprimanded the girl. “I recognize my mistakes, however, as a Physician myself, while it is true that I do not know everything in this world, I can also say that I had my fair share of travelling, albeit, not as much as my father. The yellowing of the body may as well be jaundice, especially if we take into account the severity of the colour. In some texts that I have read, it is said that, on rare occasions, if the jaundice is severe, it may even affect the colour of the eyes. Your Majesty, I have no reason to work against anyone. My work is to heal people, which is why I am fighting so hard to save this child - Not only because he is Your Majesty’s child, but because all lives must be treasured and treated with great importance. If this child is sick and I can cure him, than I have done my purpose in life.” the girl gritted her teeth, trying to control herself. “Father, can’t you see you’ve been indulging this wench for far too long? You give a common wench a helping hand, and now look how unruly and disruptive she is! Speaking back to her superiors! Shameless!” the Crown Prince growled at the girl who was incriminating his mother. “Father, if I may - As Physician Y/N said, all of our Imperial Physicians have been working only inside the palace for so long. If a strange illness occurs, they may have no knowledge of that, perhaps even outside of the usual textbooks. If I understood correctly, Y/N father has returned to the palace just yesterday, perhaps his opinion will be of use, should this simply be a case of misdiagnosis.” the 4th Prince quickly defended her. “Nonesense! Could a distinguished Imperial Physician of the Imperial Medical College have less knowledge and experience than a common maid like you with no proper training or education?” Physician Zhang scoffed at her. “Your Majesty, although I’m well-versed in children’s illnesses, there is nothing truly impossible in this vast world. Maybe there are still a lot of strange illnesses that I’ve never had a chance to be in contact with. Many Physicians tried to get rid of the plague, but only Physician Liyue was able to do it, a common man from outside the Palace with no former education. Just because we haven’t seen it, doesn’t mean it can’t exist.” Physician Yang spoke modestly. “Physician Yang, are you old and muddled?! A matter that you yourself isn’t sure of, you dare report it to His Majesty?! If a problem indeed occurs, a natural calamity or a human-made disaster, can you bare the crime? No. Your Majesty, this concerns the fortune of the Qing Empire. You mustn’t be soft-hearted.” the Noble Consort quickly responded as harsh as ever.
However, just as she said that, Y/N’s father clumsily stepped inside the room and knelt next to his daughter, greeting the Emperor who, in haste, told him to check the child.
In doing so, he merely smiled and said the same diagnosis as his daughter did.
“Can’t be. Not like I haven’t seen jaundice in children before.” Physician Zhang refuted immediately. “That’s because you are lacking in knowledge. Your Majesty, this jaundice, even if it’s not treated, the little prince would recover within 7 days. This illness is pathological and related to the bile of the expectant mother. It is usually connected with the pregnant mother having too much accumulation of bile.” the father explained. “Your daughter gave the same diagnosis.” the Emperor muttered. “Can it be cured?” “Your Majesty, don’t worry. If I prescribe a formula to reduce the jaundice, in less than 2 weeks, the 17th prince’s jaundice will subside.” and thus, the Emperor ordered to have the child be treated with care...And the Consort changed sides as much as her face changed instantly.
And thus, the Emperor forgave the Consort and had this matter be banned from being talked of...Until the 4th Prince spoke up.
“Father, before we leave, I had urgent news to speak to you about, and they concern the Noble Consort.” the Prince left his father’s side and stepped in front of him, next to Y/N. “Is this about your brother’s death?” the Emperor’s face became grim as soon as he saw the nod of the prince’s head. “Very well, speak.” “Su Peisheng, have the body brought in.” the Prince ordered. “Noble Consort, you are not afraid when you kill a man, so why are you afraid when you see a corpse?” the Prince asked, simply, as he took off the sheet to show off the man’s face. “Do you not recognise him? Or perhaps, your son does?” the Prince interrogated the indignant woman. “What are your implications, Yin Zhen?!” the Crown Prince stomped in front of his brother. “Your Mayesty, this is the Mongolian chef from the Imperial Kitchen. While he is also the one who cooked food for Noble Lady Yu, he is also the one who prepared the daily Mongolian treat that the 1st Prince enjoyed so much.” Yin Zhen spoke up confidently. “That’s right... Your Majesty, I have taken care of Noble Lady Yu since the beginning of her pregnancy, and pretty early on, Noble Lady Yu was gifted Mongolian scones from her hometown. She loved them so much, I imagine she ate quite a lot. She said she had no idea there was a Mongolian chef in the Palace and she was incredibly happy to see that she could eat her home food after so long. She would eat three pieces every day - At least that’s what I saw, if she ate more when I wasn’t supervising her, I cannot know.” the Physician girl explained as she stood up, tall and ready for action. “Your Majesty, I had these scones be brought here as well.” the 4th Prince spoke and a scone was given to Y/N’s father. “Do you know what they are made of?” her father asked as he took a bite. “I believe milk was added to the dough, or ghee to the skin. She also ate assorted confectionary to replace staple food.” Y/N told her father. “Yes, I understand. Your Majesty, the child contracted jaundice mostly because the mother’s body is moist and hot, so the bile gets accumulated. I usually advise pregnant women to watch their food intake and not to eat too much sweet, hot and unpleasant smelling food, to prevent damage to the spleen and stomach.” Physician Liyue explained. “Ah, I understand. I didn’t give it much thought because Mongolian women are used to eating these things, but since she’s been away from home for so long, her body adjusted to our food, so naturally, getting a large intake of food from home again made her body react as ours would.” Y/N nodded in understanding. “Very well, so we have found out the truth behind the Prince’s illness. Now, Yin Zhen, tell me about the body. Who killed him.” the Emperor urged his son to speak. “We just have to look at who wanted the 17th Prince buried alive the most and we will know. And on who benefits the most in having our 1st Prince brother killed.” Yin Zhen explained. “That man is dead, brother. On what bases are you accusing me and my mother?” the Crown Prince sneered at his younger brother. “Your Majesty, the 17th Prince was just born, he is just an innocent child. Why would anyone want him dead? Unless... Someone didn’t want him to be born safely to begin with. Carefully thinking about it, since Noble Lady Yu got pregnant, Her Highness the Noble Consort has repeatedly made things difficult for her. First, using her dog to cause her trauma at the Imperial Gardens, and then repeating the same feat at the Lychee banquet organized by Her Highness the Empress. When Noble Lady Yu gave birth, the first person to charge in Changchun Palace was also Her Highness the Noble Consort. She insisted on having the 17th Prince buried alive. To say that this matter has nothing to do with her, it’s really hard for anyone to believe that.” Y/N accused the Consort, only to be, once again, slapped by her son. “Father, this is a conspiracy, don’t listen to the lies of this servant! It is a plot made to frame me and my Royal Mother!” the Crown Prince desperately tried to defend himself. “Father, if this is a conspiracy, why then everyone else asked for a Physician to be brought and inspect the 17th Prince’s condition, while only the Noble Consort alone was so adamant in killing the child?” Yin Zhen struck again. “Not to mention, even when Noble Lady Yu went up to her to stop her, she didn’t spare her. Instead, she ordered her to be killed along with the child. If she truly had no intention to kill, why was she so hasty and resolute?” Y/N chimed in quickly. “Your Majesty, you cannot sentence myself or the Crown Prince merely just based on a corpse and some speculations! This person is dead, who knew if someone else forced him to kill himself as to frame me and my son?” the Noble Consort shrieked desperately. “Father, when I sent my men to the Imperial Kitchen, they discovered one letter written in blood and 20 taels of gold. It shows that this person had sensed that something bad would happen to him. Father, look for yourself at the evidence left behind.” and thus, the eunuch brought forth a messy letter and the Prince showed it to the Emperor -” 'The person who will silence me will surely be the Crown Prince’ - And with this, father, we found a small pouch of Ricin laying on top of it. It means that the culprits behind these two crimes that we thought unrelated are, in fact, mother and son.” the 4th prince explained, picking up the pouch as well. “Wh-What?! What is this madness? I would ever use such a stupid servant to kill my brother!” the Crown Prince yelled out, but it was in vain. “Not only that, testimonies from the Office of Punishments came out. The men from the Imperial Kitchens that were involved in either of these crimes, all ratted out their mastermind and all point out towards either Noble Consort or the 2nd Prince.” the Prince continued, and the atmosphere in the place was harder and harder to bear. “Your Majesty! Your Majesty, it really wasn’t like this! I really didn’t know! I’m being framed! Framed! Me... My son...! We’re being framed!” the Consort tried to beg, plea and weep, but nothing worked. “ENOUGH! I don’t want to hear any more explanations from you. You killed my beloved son out of greed, just for you to become the next Crown Prince. I have overlooked so many of your mistakes and evidence of a possible coup... You were already the Crown Prince, what more did you want?! Shameless, both of you! Men, take them away! Both of them shall be thrown into the Cold Palace until further notice!” the Emperor’s rage seethed fear into everyone, as they bid his order, uncaring of the two’s desperate pleas. “Yin Zhen, you did well. Although a tragic truth, I was expecting this. As the matter of a new Crown Prince has to be instilled, I will make the final Imperial Edict tomorrow... However, you must know that you are the chosen one. I only wish that you do not act as carelessly and shamelessly as your brother did.” the Emperor sighed, feeling older than ever. “Father...I...! Your Majesty, you are magnanimous, I do not know how to thank you.” the Prince kowotowed to the ground, only to hear a weak chuckle from his father. “Rise, no need for that. Physician Y/N, you and your father once again saved us with your vast knowledge and expertise. I shall grant you both the title of Noble Officials of the Third Rank and shall enjoy all the benefits and luxuries that come with it. You have served me well and I am sure you will continue to do so in the future as well. You are all dismissed.” the Emperor said as everyone bowed to greet him off. “That worked better than expected.” the Prince smirked, looking down at the stunned girl. “Am I a genius or what?” she spoke breathlessly before starting to laugh in glee. “Dear, I have no idea what silly thing you plotted while I was away, but... I have to say, you pulled quite the stunt.” her father patted her hair lovingly. “I suppose once in a while I do like to have some dangerous fun, huh? Good thing I have two Royal Helping Hands to take me out of the water should I suddenly forget to swim.” she grinned carelessly, only for her father to shake her head, smiling. “Just be careful. Although... I am sure you will be protected. I will take my leave now.” and with a small bow, the left the three alone. “Was any of that true?” the 3rd Prince eyed the two carefully. “Well... She really did want to kill the baby by burying it alive. The rest was... Induced or fabricated. But nobody has to know, right? It’s all our dirty little secret.” the girl winked at him and, taking the 4th Prince’s hand, pulled him outside. “How does it feel being a Noble Lady?” the Prince chuckled, pulling her close to his chest and smiling warmly. “None the wiser.” she snorted in amusement. “Honestly, Yin Zhen, it’s just a title. It’s not like anyone is going to care in any way. I am still going to be just a common girl with no right to stay anywhere close to you. Besides, you know as well as I do that, in the very small chance that the Emperor does accidentally impregnate a common maid and he wives her, she is still going to be treated poorly and will be bound to the Back Palace alone. You know as well as I do that nobody is allowed to enter the Back Palace so freely. I don’t want any of that.” she spoke, cautiously. “If I am going to be the Emperor, that mean the whole China is going to be mine. It doesn’t matter which woman is my Empress, as long as all the other concubines are there for political reasons. All they care about is wealth, fame and luxuries for their families, but none care for me the way you do. You saved me from drowning when you had no idea who I was, and you rejected any gift I gave you that wasn’t useful for your education. I know you don’t want to be pretentious or have me think that you love me solely for luxuries but that does not mean I should be forbidden from pampering you whenever I feel like it. Just accept it. I do not want any other woman to stay in the Empress’s throne besides me other than you. Don’t deny me that, Y/N.” he cupped her face, making her look up at him, his eyes tender and filled with love. “I can’t do it, Yin Zhen. I can’t. I can’t let you damage your image. You will be the best Emperor China’s ever had, you cannot have a common peasant woman be the Mother of the Nation. You will found a woman to genuinely love you and care for you as much as I do, and she will be worthy of you, and of noble blood... And you will forget about me, and I will no longer inconvenience you. You will be just fine without me, Yin Zhen.” her eyes gleaming, close to tears, as she spoke those painful words, but the prince had none of that. “I will have none of that modesty and selflessness of yours. Keep that to yourself. I am going to be the Emperor. The Eye of Heaven. If I cannot even choose the woman I love to be my Empress, than what’s the point in being diligent in everything else? No matter how hard working you are, at the end of the day, you need to have clarify and peace from your confidante, and for me, that is you. I will hear no more of your excuses, I will solve all of them. In fact, I know just how you can get the ultimate approval from my father, as if everything you’ve done so far over the years hasn’t been enough. In a month, the palace will hold a banquet for the Princess of Western Liang and her Diplomatic Corp. I trust you and you alone to accompany me to this. I know it’s not something you are used to, but I will prepare people to teach you the basic according skills needed. This is all you’re going to need to do, and it will impress Father without a doubt. Please, Y/N. Do it for me. Do it for us. I want to marry you and love you. I want to see you dressed in the most gorgeous Empress dress, to have you by my side at the coronation, to see you smile as I put accessories in your hair. I want to see you happy, and I want to see you by my side every day and every night. Screw the rules, the Emperor can do as he pleases in his private time.” the fire inside Yin Zhen’s heart seemed to reach the girl for she merely smiled and, with an unexpected turn of events, she threw her hands around his neck and pulled him down into a deep kiss. “You better abide your own words, otherwise this Empress is going to drive her new hair pin into your jugular vein and have you assassinated in your sleep.” she muttered with a teasing smirk. “That’s the Y/N I love.” and with that, he pulled her into another, and yet another kiss, with as much fire, love and passion as the previous ones.
For the whole month, the girl, getting used to servants and new luxuries in her home, trained in all the skills Yin Zhen’s servants thought necessary, as to become a proper Noble Lady and, as he would always say, His Empress.
As she was practicing her walking on heels through the palace, her maid, Shi Lian, seemed to be in quite the mood for chatting, telling her that the Western Liang delegation came by just earlier that day and that they are carrying this beautiful, exotic precious unique hairpin. However, unexpectedly, a huge crowd started gathering all around the two and the people started pulling and pushing around aimlessly, creating a huge commotion, making her fall on the street. Thankfully, just as she was about to get crashed by an incoming carriage horse, she felt lifted up.
“Are you injured?” the sweet voice of the man who so heroically rescued her called out, brushing a strand of hair from her face as he protectively held her waist. “Thanks to you, I am. Are you my guardian angel or what? I can’t believe how perfectly you arrived to save me.” she put her hand to her chest, trying to calm down. “I had orders to greet the corp. You silly... It’s great fate that I’m here. I’ll bring you back and send for an Imperial Physician to look after you.” he spoke strictly, only for the curtains of the carriage to be harshly drawn away and a glaring woman to stick her head out of the window. “4th Prince, are you going to leave me and the envoys of Western Liang behind?” she scolded in an evil way. “...Yin Zhen, I am alright, I promise. Shi Lian is with me. You said it yourself, this banquet is important, you cannot leave. Go attend your business. I insist.” the girl looked him deep into his eyes, knowing that they always understood each other from their looks. “Fine. But I will leave a guard behind to escort you home. Take care, Y/N.” and thus, with one last look, he left, as Y/N could only smile at how caring and attentive her hero is.
The silly man, however, as expected, dotted so much on her that he called her own father to care for her.
“Miss, looks like 4th Prince really cares about you! Ah, before I forget, the Matron has a massage for you. This afternoon, the Princess of Western Liang will be visiting the Imperial Palace and you are designated as her retinue.” Shi Lian’s sweet and innocent smile quickly disappeared. “Oh... Great. I have to take care of a bitch. May the Heaven watch over me.” Y/N muttered as she leaned her head on her father’s shoulder. “I heard she is pretty aggressive. She’d bully maidens without excuses. She’s fearsome... Miss, you have to be more careful.” the maid held her master’s hands, looking worried at her. “Don’t worry, I can do it. If this is the last step towards success, not even all the torture Wu Zetian went through can stop me.” Y/N’s voice was low, dark and dangerous. She was like a fearsome lioness ready to strike and maul anyone approaching her cub.
The next afternoon, after dressing is soft and demure looking clothes, Y/N went to show the Princess around the Imperial Palace. The load of exotic jewelry would blow away anyone’s mind, but she wasn’t interested in anything except for the fine craftmanship and the great detail put into everything.
“Ah, it’s you who was saved by 4th Prince yesterday morning outside the palace! To think 4th Prince would ignore me because of a slave girl!” the Princess stared at her condescendingly. “I am but a humble Palace maid. Surely 4th Prince would pay his undivided attention to you, Princess.” the girl bowed respectfully in front of the Princess. “I’d love to see what you’ve got! I heard the Tea ceremony of the Great Qing is extraordinary. Blow away my mind!” the Princess ordered immediately.
Thanking Yin Zhen for having all his servants meticulously teach her every art needed, Y/N proceeded in preparing the Tea Ceremony in such an elegant and graceful manner that the Princess was greatly jealous.
“She’s just a slave girl! In what position is she compared with me? Somebody drive her away, I don’t like her!” however, just as she was throwing her tantrum, Yin Zhen’s eunuch came by to invite Y/N to the banquet.
With a smile on her face, she went back to her home to change in the outfit prepared by the 4th Prince himself, and at dusk, when the glowing sunset brought out Yin Zhen’s most handsome features, she saw him. Tiredness was painted on his face.
“Yin Zhen... You look exhausted. Will you be alright?” she asked softly, cautiously raising her hand to caress his face. “I will be, yes. I am merely worried about you... But seeing you like this lifted all my worries. You are the most beautiful woman in the world.” saying so, he caressed her hand, kissing it.  “I have to look my best when standing besides the most handsome man in the world, correct?” she winked cheekily at him, and thus, they went together inside the palace where the banquet was taking place.
There were songs, and dances, and just about anything you could expect - And there, on display, the precious hairpin of Western Liang, the jewel inlaid to it glistening mesmerisingly.
Seeing her confused look, he explained that the envoys are willing to part with the hairpin as a tribute only if they pass several tests. As it was a matter o Great Qing’s reputation, His Majesty couldn’t possibly refuse.
“Three tests and the hairpin is ours? How arrogant. No matter, I’m sure we can beat them.” the girl scoffed, standing besides Yin Zhen’s seat.
The first test, as expected, was Music. Western Liang sends out an envoy adept in music. The test is rather prompt to the palace and no one is prepared for that, so no one responds. Truly, perhaps she was a master at playing Pipa, and she was beautiful too, but that was not to say some intimidation wouldn’t work on the arrogant and prideful Western Liang.
“How do you like this song, Your Highness?” the girl asked, a proud smile on her face. “Very well. Your pipa is superbly crafted.” the Emperor spoke, making the girl frown, indignant. “You only complimented the pipa. Does that mean you don’t like the song?” the girl asked, offended. “That is an understatement. Though I am not an expert, I can tell the song you played was ingenious. However, and pardon me for being blunt, your skill is quite ordinary.” the 4th Prince commented, making Y/N bite her lip to stop herself from chuckling. “This is the Number 1 ancient tune from Western Liang. Few people in Qara-Hoja can play it. The way I play it is considered sound from Heaven.” the girl was angrily gripping her pipa. “Sound from Heaven? That’s an overstatement! I might as well tell you, a song like that, any Palace maid in the Qing Empire can play.” and thus, Y/N walked forward, holding the beautiful wine pot, as if to serve the pipa player. “Any? Any maid at all? Fine, can YOU play it?” the girl asked, volcanic-like. “No really... But the song you played... I’ve been practicing it since childhood.” and thus, Y/N sat down in place of the Western Liang pipa player and played her own tune with perfect dexterity. “If a Palace Maid can play it, why am I here?” and thus, the first win was awared to the Qing Empire.
With a modest bow, Y/N went back by Yin Zhen’s side, and to the trained eye, it was obvious the both of them were radiating with pride for one another.
The second test is about Poetry. Western Liang’s envoy is rather accomplished in literature, however, no one can defeat Yin Zhen’s outstanding talent.
“Y/N, you write for me. You have beautiful calligraphy and can write fast enough. I trust you.” and thus, the two of you sit down at a table in the middle of the banquet - Yin Zhen pours out elegant line after line, as Y/N carefully writes down the love poem that, no doubt was dedicated to her. An hour elapses and neither admits defeat. No one dares to even breathe heavily, fearing they might disturb the two poets.
Despite everyone’s concentration, the ink maid’s hand trembles just enough to pour ink all over Y/N’s paper and clothes.  “What’s your problem?!” Y/N gasped from shock at being covered by the black liquid. “Pardon me, I didn’t mean it!” the maid nonchalantly says as she bows to the groud. “I saw it perfectly. That maid didn’t mean it... But the maid that writes has got such a temper!” unable to say anything, Y/N looked at the Prince who allowed her to quickly go change into another outfit, just as beautiful and chosen by him, and return. That Princess was going to be roasted pork very soon. “Careless as that maid is, this one is only too stupid. They both should be punished, or that’s unfair for 4th Prince.” the evil Princess sneered. “Western Liang is nowhere near the sea, but I have a feeling the Princess of Western Liang lives by the sea.” Yin Zhen retorted immediately. “What does that mean?” the Princess asked, confused, only for Y/N to smirk at her beloved’s silver, witty tongue. To think that this Bitchy Princess would trouble herself with a sea of trivials, despite her affections for him. “Your Highness, I am willing to make up for my mistake and write down what 4th Prince just composed, not missing a single word.” and so she did, shocking the Princess with her fantastic memory and even more, her elegant calligraphy. And thus, Yin Zhen gets easily the 2nd win.
The two then needed a break and went outside, to look at the beautiful moon and feel the chilly breeze of Spring. Y/N, without a care, leaned on Yin Zhen’s, sighing content.
“I know I’m amazing, but to think some bitchy Princess would get jealous of me... That’s something else.” Y/N muttered, clinging lazily on his sleeve. “I know she has ill-intentions towards you. That maid, my men have been tracing her. She is working for the Princess to frame you.” the Prince spoke, aggravated. “Well, good for her. She couldn’t beat us. We are the true perfect match of Heaven and Earth. Nothing can keep us apart.” Y/N scoffed at the lame princess’s intentions, making the Prince chuckle.  “Fearless as always. You are incredible.” he commented, simple, but effective. “Oh, you should see yourself, my darling. Do you know what the 3rd test is about?” she asked, only to see him shake his head. “Not sure yet, no. But whatever it is, I fear the Princess would want to be the one to compete against you. She’s just that petty.” the Prince explained, only for a servant to call the two inside.
Apparently, the Princess decided that the last test would be, lo’ and behold, Dancing. It was perfect. She knew just what to do.
“I am just a maid. Never have I thought I’d have the privilege to compete against Her Highness, the Princess of Western Liang.” Y/N bowed in front of the Princess gracefully, only for the Princess to sneer arrogantly. “You don’t deserve it! However... You played a part in the two previous tests. I’d like to see if you really have what it takes, or you are just borrowing help from the 4th Prince. So? You dare not?!” the Princess raised her voice aggressively. “I do have nothing that’s worth mentioning... However, I do believe that dancing should be one of my strengths. Allow me to change into the appropriate outfit for dancing and I shall show you, Your Highness.” and thus, Y/N quickly left the banquet to change into a beautiful Tang dynasty pink outfit the flowed like water around her, highlighting her featured delicately. Her hair, she had the top part in a bun, with beautiful golden hair pins decorated with agate and pearls, and wore agate earrings as well. On her face, despite the gorgeous make up, she had a half mask, outstandingly embellished with different precious gems that would sparkle brighter than the whole Western Liang.
Y/N watched the Princess dancing first - A rather basic dance, beautiful, yet, but of no fantastic feat. Despite all this, all envoys seem to think very little the little Physician girl, and even His Majesty and his Ministers seem to show little faith in her. Understandable, she thought, considering that all her life she strayed away from luxuries and feminine arts and studies. 
“Do you see? Looks like you are just a slave girl to everyone! You don’t deserve the competition against me!” the Princess laughed, taunting the girl, who merely smiled. “Then, Your Highness might want to be careful... Because losing to me... It’s really mortifying.” and thus, hearing the Prince reassuring his father that she will win without a doubt, Y/N proceeded in dancing the most beautiful dance.
Lanling Prince in Battle.
Throughout the month, she has been perfecting this dance in front of Yin Zhen, and it was his favourite. Such a tragic love story, of two lovers, their hearts and souls united in life and in death, no matter what. A love story of a woman loving a man so much that she would even march to war to bring him back. A love story of a man so tormented by his wife’s death that he goes insane and destroys everything in his path.
The half mask, symbolizing the beautiful features of the man, and the beautiful face of the woman, a dance that symbolizes their feelings, their love, themselves, the fate, their life - A single dance, a single person, symbolizing two soulmates.
It was the perfect dance, and it was to no wonder that this was their favourite dance... To dance together. Although it was a dance for one person alone, Yin Zhen could never resist embracing her and dancing with her. He couldn’t resist touching her and holding her up in his graces as if she was a Goddess.
It took every ounce of strength the Prince had not to join her in the dance, but as she finished, everyone was so in awe that they forgot to breathe, only to then burst into cheerful and loud applause.
“I... Lost? No... No way... How...?” the Princess was shocked as if by lightning. Absolutely horrified that a slave girl was infinitely better than her. “Do tell me how the Prince helped me here.” Y/N smirked condescendingly at the Princess who started growling. “Y-You...! How dare you?! A stupid slave girl, speaking back to me?! You deserve to be punished!” the Princess started wagging her finger accusatory at her. “Like you wanted to punish the maid who deliberately threw ink on the poem paper, realizing that Western Liang cannot, in this world, beat the Prince’s genius? Is this what Western Liang has to do to win? Cheat and frame? How ridiculous and disappointing.” Y/N shrugged simply, walking by the 4th Prince’s side. “Your Majesty! She wants me to call white black and even sow discord between the two nations! Justice be served, Your Majesty!” the maid shrieked, pointing at Y/N, as the girl sighed, taking off the mask. “I’m the bad guy now, huh?” she muttered, rolling her eyes. “I got my people, and you don’t have the right to an opinion here. You are from Western Liang.” the Prince, having made a secret investigation earlier, seemed to have enough evidence to get those two into trouble, but now enough to actually create a war. “As virtue rises one foot, vice rises ten. Prince, you are incredible. The maid was going to make you trip. If you had, no matter how beautiful you danced, there was no way you would have won. Still, you were as beautiful as ever. Congratulations, you are the reason behind Qing’s wins. I told you I know why I have faith in you completely.” he praised as he poured her a cup of wine, making her seat next to him and celebrate their win, as the Princess is taken out of the palace to receive punishment when she returns home.
And thus, Western Liang not only lose all 3 tests, but they are also completely humiliated by their Princess’s cheating, and present the hairpin, shamefully.
“Son, you earned this hairpin, I will confer it upon you!” the Emperor handed the hairpin to his son, who bowed his head as a thanks. “I thank you, Royal Father. However, may I ask for another grace? To give it to someone else?” he asked, as the Emperor laughed. “Now that I’ve given it to you, it’s totally up to you.” and thus, as Yin Zhen opens the delicately embellished box, he takes out the hair pin, walking in front of Y/N. “Come here. I promised I will be the one to put accessories in your hair. You earned this, my love.” he said as he put his hand on her waist, kissing her forehead. “U-Uh... Yin Zhen... Everyone is looking at us.” Y/N muttered bashfully, unable to look at him. “Good. I want them to know that you are my wife, and my future Empress, and that if anyone even dares to think of laying a finger on you, they are going to be brutally disposed of.” he smiled sweetly, lifting her chin up with his finger. “Very bold, doing that in front of even your Father. Very good. What a wonderful husband I have.” she chuckled lightly as she was guided outside, to watch the fireworks show. “I already told him I want to marry you. Wasn’t much he could say after today’s wonderful wins. I have to say, you are really good at making people do what you want.” Yin Zhen chuckled lightly, bringing the girl to his chest. “You know what I think? That you talk too much and that you should kiss your wife more often. How’s that sound, My Darling Emperor?” Y/N smirked like a vixen. “I love the sound of that... My Little Physician Empress.”
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kimthwariru · 3 years
Another Day
Jungkook x Reader
Mafia au
📍This chapter includes mature content
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Page 16. A quick talk
“Just so you know, I think this is a terrible idea” Jungkook took a big sip out of his beer.
It was now around 3am and most people had already left the party. After the secret meeting between you Jin and Namjoon the members reached the decision of taking you up for the job. It was not such a big deal, they just needed you to translate some voice recordings. They said the less you knew the better it was for you.
You still can’t bare the thought that these guys were in the underworld. but the scariest thing was… you still liked them. The fact that they were literally criminals did not phase you anymore. The last thing you remember was you and May dancing before Jungkook pulled you to the side, telling you he wanted to explain more about this whole thing, and now here you are, on the small balcony in front of jungkook’s room, with a man who you learned was in an organized mafia clan just a few hours ago.
“Jungkook, if you brought me all the way up here in hopes to get me to back down from this, you’re wasting your time” It was true, no matter what Jungkook was willing to tell you, you had no intentions of not getting May that 10k.
Jungkook shook his head “We’re way passed that. There in no backing down from this now anyway…” he looked at you “Y/n, you do realize what we are, right?How big this whole thing is?”
“I’m still… processing it” you sight “ gotta admit, a bit cooler than ordinary delivery men” you chuckle
Jungkook laughed “I can’t believe you’re making jokes right now”
“Better than freaking out and calling the police, right?”
“God, much much better!” he paused “You know, I was so afraid that if you ever found out what we do you’d…” Jungkook suddenly had a bleak expression on his face
“You were afraid I’d leave?”
“Yeah…” he simply said
“Don’t worry Jeon, you ain’t getting rid of me that easy” you both chuckled. It was after a minute that you realized Jungkook was literally starting at you, like it was the first time he had seen you in a while. “Everything alright?” You question his sudden silence. You don’t want to misunderstand anything, especially when it came to Jungkook. But the way he was looking at you right now made you feel something in the pit of your stomach.
“I’m sorry-I just-“ he shook his head “You’re… stunning.”
You freeze. You don’t know if you can trust your ears or not. Where was Jungkook going with all of this? “I don’t get it” you shake your head “One minute you’re making fun of me and question everything I like, and the other you’re saying things like this…”
You thought he was like this to every girl he’d met. You’ve heard how flirty he is when it comes to women he wants to get. You always thought that whenever he was getting too flirty with you, he didn’t think much of it himself. But now, this whole thing felt a bit too personal.
“Both situations is me being honest” he suddenly grabbed your waist “And the truth is, I wanna kiss you so bad right now” he leaned in, his face centimeters away from yours. You could smell the alcohol in his breath. You hated the fact that you felt your knees go week.
Was all this because he was drunk? Was he playing a game like he has done with others a million times before?
“Jungkook, you reek of alcohol…” you turn your head to the side to break eye contact.
“No no no don’t give me that” his voice low, he turned your face towards him again and you thought you’d faint if you had to look at his Greek god-like features so up close for another minute.
Especially his fucking lips.
You wanted to taste them so badly. God, you finally admit it to yourself, as much as it terrifies you, you have something for him. You’re not sure what it is yet, but there is something… and the way he was looking down at your lips made you want to bite them down so hard.
“You have no idea how hard it was sometimes”he said suddenly, his gaze shifting from your lips to your eyes again.“Doing things-things that made me feel like a fucking monster. I used to look in the mirror and not be able to recognize my reflection.” He sighted and closed his eyes for a second.
You genuinely felt bad, It’s the first time you’re seeing him so venerable. You couldn’t possibly imagine the things he had to go through at such a young age.
“I thought I could just put a mask on and be ok, but I wasn’t. Even though the mask was damn heavy, I put it on anyways. I didn’t have a choice” He opened his eyes again and looked at you. “I threw away the mask when I met you…When I was with you I felt like I was myself again. Seeing you heals me.”
You swear your heart wasn’t even beating right now. You never imagined that the simple things mattered so much to him. Sure, sometimes he was an annoying know-it-all asshole but in reality, Jungkook was the most interesting person you had ever met and you were never going to tell him, but you sort of admired him. “You deserve good things Jungkook, and I want to be one of them”
Jungkook’s lips curled up into a smile before moving one hand from your waist to the back of your head, pulling you in for a soft kiss. He didn’t use tongue at first, but he was being passionate. You felt his palm caressing your back. God, this felt right. For a moment you forget even your name, the only thing you knew were his lips and his scent.
Judging from his skills, it’s clear to you that Jungkook had a ton of experience in this field. As the kiss started becoming more heated Jungkook suddenly stopped and jerked his head back. His prominent Adam’s apple and his neck muscles were your view. “I don’t think I’ll be able to control myself.”
He leaned back down and rested his forehead on yours. You knew Jungkook was more than turned on, you had be feeling the growing bulge in his pants for a while now. “Control is overrated” you smile
He quickly grabs the back of your neck and pulls you in for a completely different kiss. This time, you felt his tongue caressing yours. It was when he squeezed your inner thigh that you realized you wanted more, a lot more. “Should we go inside?” You hint and by the way he smirked at you it was clear that he understood immediately what you meant by that.
Jungkook closed the curtains behind him and threw you on the bed carefully. When he leaned on top of you, you see him grin “God, you look like you were made to be on top of my bed…”
Hearing those words made your head spin like no amount of alcohol could. He started kissing you, his erect member rubbing against your slit. Each stroke making you more light headed “Fuck” you moan in between rough kisses “I wanna suck you so bad” you surprise even yourself by saying that, but it was true, you were too aroused, and you wanted to taste him.
“On your knees then” he panted
You did as he said and watched him as his pale, long fingers worked at his jeans. You scooted down until you were face to face with his thick erection. You wrap one hand around him and started stroking him slowly “Fuck, it’s so big” you moan before licking it from ball to tip.
Jungkook couldn’t articulate anything other than loud groans. You sucked him enthusiastically, matching him noise for noise. You paid special attention not only to his arousal, but to all that lay below as well.
“You like sucking my dick?” He basically growled the words. You could feel your panties getting wetter by the minute.
“I love it.” You try to suck it all in but it was so big it made you gag. “See? I take it all like a little slut” Dirty talking wasn’t really something you did normally, but Jungkook made your insides stir up. All you could think was his dick and how good it would feel inside of you.
“You dirty little thing” he moaned and grabbed your hair into a ponytail, making you go deeper each time. You were surprised at his self control; most guys would have already come and you would have had to start all over again to get what you really wanted. “Show me how wet you are”
You put to fingers inside of you and softly pull them out again, bringing them up to show Jungkook your juices.
He shook his head “Naughty girl, what am I going to do with you?” He leaned down “I can’t have you dripping all over my new carpet” he bit your bottom lip while you were still giving his member subtle strokes. “How about you sit on my face instead?”
His words caught you by surprise. To be honest, no one has ever offered to pleasure you this way before. You were trembling even at the idea of Jungkook’s tongue touching you down there…
“Yes..” you tried your best to keep your voice steady, but you did a poor job. Jungkook noticed
“What’s up y/n? Am I making you too excited?” A cocky expression painted all over his face. Jungkook liked having you like this. He liked having control over you. You knew it.
“Maybe…” You get up as he lays down. “I’ve never tried this before…” you admit. To be honest, your experience with sex was limited. You could count the times you had sex with one hand. Sure, you had a little more experience with foreplay, but that’s it. You were sure Jungkook was much more experienced than you, but he was making you feel comfortable. That’s what mattered.
“Just sit on my face, let me do the rest”
You do as he says, and the moment his tongue touched your clit you knew you’d have to try not to come. “Fuck” you moan unintentionally. This felt too good. As he was massaging your slit with his tongue, he started squeezing your ass cheeks hard.
At this point, you felt yourself dripping on top of him. You’ve never felt so turned on in your life before. It almost scared you how needy you were for him.
You slowly get up and lay down next to him. Jungkook stretched himself over so he could climb back on top of you. His hips hovered above yours now as he held himself out. You could feel his balls slightly touching your tummy "Damn y/n, you’re driving me crazy” He whispered, the room suddenly feeling cold as his voice sent shivers down your back.
He leaned in, giving you a soft kiss as he played with your hair. His tone quickly becoming more aggressive by the minute, when he had you pinned down completely, he took a deep breath and slowly guided himself into you…pausing for a moment, and then he pushed in, groaning against your chest.
Your breath caught in your throat as you felt his thick member fill you up entirely. His dick was so hard and it felt so freaking good. You respond by digging your fingers into his back, shrieking in enjoyment. For a moment you wandered if your nails would leave marks. You pondered if those marks would be seen by other girls as well…
“Fuck y/n, you’re so tight” he exhaled. His strokes long and steady as you were still adjusting to his size.
“Can you feel how wet I am for you?” You sputtered, wincing as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders.
Jungkook met your lips with another kiss. "I could have you like this all day” He moaned loudly as he shallowly rocked his hips against your own. You gripped one-another with every fiber willingness, panting as Jungkook pushed in deeper, skin scraping on skin. He began to move, at first only in short, shallow thrusts, gasping against your lips as he did so. Jungkook was enjoying this as much as you did, you could tell because he could not contain his loud and impassionate moans that surfaced each time he met your hips with his in a steady rhythm.
He broke away from your lips again, this time hitching one leg up over his shoulders to push himself deeper into you and the ensuing pleasure that followed was almost enough for you to completely loose all of your other senses. You swear that if somebody had asked for your name, you wouldn’t remember it. You kept moaning as Jungkook continued to drive into you. You could feel every inch of his cock inside of you and it felt great.
You forcefully bit down on the inside of your cheek to keep from crying out when Jungkook entered you all the way...”I think I’m going to come”
Jungkook leaned down again, a smirk painted all over his face “of course you are..”
God, you hate the fact that you couldn’t even argue with him. This dude was good, if he deserved to be cocky about one thing, that was definitely sex.
As he shoved his dick deeper and deeper every time, you felt the tension inside your tummy build up. You couldn’t help it anymore. You can feel your toes curl as your walls started clenching around his dick. Fuck, that felt a hundred times better than you had excepted.
You could see it on his face that he felt you coming all over for him. “What a good girl…” he gradually stopped moving and gave you another quick kiss. “My turn… where do you want me to cum?”
Fuck this dude was hot. “My mouth, please?” you quickly place your face in front of his hard dick.
Jungkook took a good look at you before stroking his cock proudly. “Are you going to swallow it like a good little slut?” He tried to say without moaning but he failed miserably.
“Every single drop of it…” you tease, still not braking eye contact. You couldn’t possibly describe how hot Jungkook looked right now. His handsome face looking down at you as he stroked his dick with his tattooed veiny hand.
“Open your mouth then” he orders and you quickly follow, sticking your tongue out. “God you look so fucking hot like this” he barely manages to say as he jerked his head back and made a loud moan, followed by his cum flying to your mouth.
You give yourself a minute before you lay back down on his bed and he does the same, laying down next to you. A silence in the room. It felt…weird. Both you and Jungkook were just laying there, naked and sweaty after having felt each other like that.
You remembered what he had told you. ‘I don’t do relationships, I just fuck’. You kind of resented yourself for allowing you to be just another one of his ‘fucks’.
Jungkook seemed to notice your enigmatic expression “What are you thinking about?” He scooted even closer to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders
“Nothing…” you simply say without looking at him.
“Y/n” he suddenly says “I know I’m a different person to different people. Annoying to one. Talented to another. Interesting to a few. Unknown to a lot…” he paused and you took a second to look at him, his hair messy and his lips slightly stained by your lipstick. “But who am I, to you?”
His question caught you by surprise. “To me?” You repeat. “I don’t think you’re just one thing. I don’t think anyone is just one thing.”
You see him smile “Adjectives are a joke anyways…”
“Adjectives are not so bad. Without them you wouldn’t be able to describe anything.”
“You do have a point…” his chuckle slowly fading “Hey y/n, I have a question” he said all of a sudden
“What is it?”
“Have you and Tae ever… you know?”
You shake your head as a response to how ridiculous that question seemed to you “God. No. Not even close. We’re just… friends”
Jungkook closed his eyes “Thank god.” he exhaled
“I don’t like people touching what’s mine” he simply said leaving you speechless.
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comrade-meow · 3 years
Why a hand gesture has South Korean companies on edge 👌
It took three years for players to notice the "offensive" hand gesture lurking in one of South Korea's most popular multiplayer games.
When players made their avatars laugh, talk or give the "OK" sign in "Lost Ark," they clicked an icon featuring a gesture that might have appeared benign to many: an index finger nearly touching a thumb.
But some of "Lost Ark's" users began claiming in August that the gesture was a sexist insult against men, and they demanded its removal.
What happened next underscores a trend in South Korea among anti-feminists, who have been increasingly pushing companies to repent for what they see as a conspiracy within the government and private companies to promote a feminist agenda.
Smilegate — the creator of "Lost Ark" and one of South Korea's biggest video game developers — quickly complied with the requests for removal. The company removed the icon from the game, and vowed to be more vigilant about policing "game-unrelated controversies" in their products.
A gender war has been unfolding in South Korea for years, pitting feminists against angry young men who feel they're being left behind as the country seeks to address gender inequality. 
Now, though, the latest development in this war is reaching a fever pitch. Since May, more than 20 brands and government organizations have removed what some see as feminist symbols from their products, after mounting pressure. At least 12 of those brands or organizations have issued an apology to placate male customers.
Anti-feminism has a years-long history in South Korea, and research suggests that such sentiments are taking hold among the country's young men. In May, the Korean marketing and research firm Hankook Research said it found that more than 77% of men in their twenties and more than 73% of men in their 30s were "repulsed by feminists or feminism," according to a survey. (The firm surveyed 3,000 adults, half of whom were men.)
The fact that corporations are responding to pressure to modify their products suggests that these anti-feminists are gaining influence in a country that is already struggling with gender issues. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development says that South Korea has by far the largest gender wage gap among OECD countries. And roughly 5% of board members at publicly listed companies in the country are women compared to the OECD average of nearly 27%.
A suspicious sausage
The online firestorm that has spread across South Korea's corporate landscape kicked off in May with a simple camping advertisement.
GS25, one of the country's biggest convenience store chains, released an ad that month enticing customers to order camping food on their app, promising free items as a reward. The ad showed an index finger and a thumb appearing to pinch a sausage. The finger-pinching motif is frequently used in advertising as a way to hold an item without obscuring the product.
Critics, though, saw something different in that hand signal. They accused it of being a code for feminist sympathies, tracing the use of the finger-pinching motif to 2015, when the symbol was co-opted by Megalia, a now-defunct feminist online community, to ridicule the size of Korean men's genitals.
Megalia has since shut down, but its logo has outlived the group. Now anti-feminists are trying to purge South Korea of its existence.
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Source: Megalia, @starbucksrtd/Instagram, @gs25_official/Instagram
GS25 removed the hand symbol from the poster. But critics still weren't satisfied, and began trawling the advertisement for other feminist clues. One person pointed out that the last letter of each word featured on the poster — "Emotional Camping Must-have Item" — spelled "Megal," a shorthand for "Megalia," when read backward.
GS25 removed the text from the poster, but that still wasn't enough. People theorized that even the moon in the background of the poster was a feminist symbol, because a moon is used as the logo of a feminist scholar organization in South Korea.
After revising the poster multiple times, GS eventually pulled it entirely, just a day after the campaign launched. The company apologized and promised a better editorial process. It also said it reprimanded the staff responsible for the ad, and removed the marketing team leader.
The online mob had tasted success, and it wanted more.
Other companies and government organizations soon became targets. The online fashion retailer Musinsa was criticized for offering women-only discounts, as well as using the finger-pinching motif in an ad for a credit card. The company defended the use of that motif as a neutral element regularly used in advertising, and said its discount program was meant to help expand its small female customer base. Still, founder and CEO Cho Man-ho stepped down after the backlash.
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South Korean demonstrators hold banners during a rally to mark International Women's Day as part of the country's #MeToo movement in Seoul on March 8, 2018. Dongsuh, the Korean company that licenses a Starbucks ready-to-drink line in the country, was attacked in July after one of its Korean Instagram accounts published an image of fingers pinching a can of coffee. The company pulled the ad and apologized, saying that it "considers these matters seriously." The firm also said the image had no hidden intent.
Even local governments have been caught up in the pressure campaign. The Pyeongtaek city government was criticized in August after uploading an image to its Instagram account that warned residents of a heatwave. It used an illustration of a farmer wiping his forehead — and critics noticed that the farmer's hand was shaped similarly to the finger pinch.
"How deeply did [feminists] infiltrate?" one person wrote on MLB Park, an internet forum used primarily by men. Another person shared contact information for the city government, encouraging people to flood their channels with complaints. The image was later removed from the Instagram account.
Gender wars
At the core of the anti-feminist campaign is a widespread fear among young men that they are falling behind their female peers, according to Professor Park Ju-yeon, professor of sociology at Yonsei University.
The sentiment has grown because of a hyper competitive job market and skyrocketing housing prices. The government has also rolled out programs in recent years to bring more women into the workforce. Proponents of those programs have said they're necessary for closing gender gaps, but some men have worried they give women an unfair advantage.
Another compounding factor: Unlike women, men in South Korea have to complete up to 21 months of military service before they're 28 years old — a sore point for some men who feel unfairly burdened.
Anti-feminists have also taken umbrage with President Moon Jae-in, who, when elected in 2017, promised to be a "feminist president." Moon pledged to fix the systemic and cultural barriers that prevented women from participating more in the workforce. He also vowed to address sexual crimes in the wake of the global #MeToo movement.
This year's corporate pressure campaign adds another complication, as brands weigh the possible fallout.
Young men are "big spenders," said Professor Choi Jae-seob, a marketing professor at Namseoul University in Seoul. He added that many young people today are driven by personal political values when they buy things.
Ha, a 23-year-old university student, said he pays attention to what companies say about gender issues before making a purchase.
"Between two stores, I would use the one that doesn't support [feminism]," said Ha, who declined to give his full name because he said that gender is a thorny topic among his peers.
Ha said he's far from alone. When his friends were discussing the GS25 camping poster, for example, he was surprised to find that many of them felt the way he did: "I realized that many men were silently seething."
"I realized that many men were silently seething."Ha, a 23-year-old university student
The gender war leaves companies in a tough spot, according to Noh Yeong-woo, a consultant at the public relations agency PR One.
By not responding to allegations that they are taking a stance on gender issues, that could lead to what Noh called a "constant barrage of accusation" and the creation of a stigma. It also means that companies are actively monitoring online groups and studying what their users have designated as hidden codes or associations, to avoid being called out.
"They are continuously checking for the next problematic symbols," Noh said of brands in South Korea.
Stigmas and fighting back
Some women, though, say that the corporate apologies are also creating a climate where some people are afraid to identify as feminist.
"It's the new Red Scare. Like McCarthyism," said Yonsei University's Park, referring to the mass hysteria to root out communists in the United States in the 1950s.
Lee Ye-rin, a college student, said she has been a feminist since middle school. But in recent years she has found it impossible to be open about her stance.
"It's the new Red Scare. Like McCarthyism."Professor Park Ju-yeon, professor of sociology at Yonsei University
She recalled an incident in high school, when some boys openly heckled a feminist friend of hers while that friend was giving a class presentation on the depiction of women in the media. Lee and her classmates were too scared to defend the friend.
"We all knew that a person who would step up and say that feminism is not some weird thing would be stigmatized, too," Lee said.
In response to this year's anti-feminist pressure campaigns, though, some feminists have been fighting back. The apology over the camping poster from GS25, for example, prompted feminists to call for boycotts against the company. Some people shared images online of themselves shopping at rival stores, using hashtags that called on people to avoid shopping at GS25.
Balancing act
As there doesn't seem to be much hope of finding middle ground for those waging South Korea's gender war, experts say companies have to figure out ways to avoid being dragged into a brand-damaging fight.
Noh, from PR One, encouraged companies and organizations to educate their employees on gender sensitivity — and even reconsider the use of symbols that have become heavily politicized.
Finger-pinching motifs "are images with complex metaphors and symbols and they already carry a social stigma," he said. "So, once you get involved in it, it's hard to explain them away ... the issue keeps spreading until they are removed as demanded."
Park, the Yonsei University professor, said that part of the problem is that many South Korean companies are led by older men who don't have a firm grasp of present-day gender issues. The average age of an executive-level employee at the country's top 30 publicly traded companies is 53, according to a 2020 analysis by JobKorea, a Korean version of LinkedIn.
That suggests a level of irony. Maybe it's not that some of these companies have a specific agenda, as online critics are accusing them. Perhaps for some of them, high levels of leadership are just not in tune with the debate.
To Park, the vitriol directed at companies has also buried some of the underlying, systemic issues that contribute to gender inequality, along with debates about how best to crack the glass ceiling or address the division of labor at home, among other concerns.
"Some very important debates are being buried," Park said, adding that today's gender war is being fought on the tip of the "iceberg." "It's not a fight about the fingers."
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soullessmocha · 3 years
men after midnight || part one.
{ poly!the lost boys x fem!reader }
|| part two ||
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rating: explicit
word count: 3287
chapter summary: y/n organizes a beach bachelorette party for her best friend. just as the party was getting started it is crashed by a group of punks dressed in leather with big attitudes. y/n is hesitant at first but as the night goes on they are enchanted by their charm.
warning: fem!reader, use of alcohol, use of tobacco, mentions of jealousy, heavy petting, dirty talk, sexual tension, and slow burn.
a/n: i re-listened to the mamma mia sound track and this is what came to my brain. this has not been proof read and i am posting his five hours before i have to go into work, so no sleep for me. but enjoy!
An airy laugh left your lip escaping into the wine glass. The wine swished as your body shook from the brief moment of entertainment. Digging your toes in the cold sand of the night you are kept warm by the bonfire that sat parallel to you. The echoes off laughs surround you as the other members of the bridal party are laughing about themselves as well to the story that the bride, your best friend, was telling,
“No I swear, it was the funniest thing I have ever seen, that poor waiter must’ve been so embarrassed. I tipped him like 25% because I felt so bad!” The bride's words are broken by the laughter that she cannot contain. Her own body leaning back trembling with laughter as she clutched her beer bottle in her left hand. Your eyes admire the glimmer of the rock that sits on her ring finger. Every time your eyes even glanced towards it you felt a pang in your chest. This was your best friend. There is no way you should be hurt, or jealous by it. But why were you? You’re still young, full of life, in need for an adventure. You don’t need to be tied down by a ring and a piece of paper. Titling your head down you glance down at your wine glass and take a deep breath, suddenly no longer laughing like the rest of the group. The voices around you go muffled as you start to think about the wedding that is only weeks away. The duties of being the maid of honor was starting to sit on your shoulders. You were the one to set up a bachelorette party. The bride didn’t want anything special, just a night of hanging out and drinking. Something you two haven’t done since the two of you were in high school. You were cut out of your trance when the girls started to squeal and get up. One of the bridesmaids started to turn up the radio. A chuckle left your nose as the ABBA - Gimmie! Gimmie! Gimmie! starts to blast through the speakers of the large stereo. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes as you sipped your merlot not paying attention to the women dancing around the fire. It wasn’t until a figure covered your light and warmth from the fire did you look up. The bride, your best friend, Jennifer was standing in front of you. Her white crop top and skirt accompanied with a flower crown was in your presence as she held out an extended hand. “Come on! We used to dance to this song all in the clubs!” She whined, shaking her hand for you to take and presumably dance along with her and the four other girls. You shake your head, “Fine, but you get to pour me another glass after this,” you respond tilting your head back to chug the rest of your wine. As you did so you grasped her hand setting down your empty glass next to the drift wood you sat along.
Standing you could feel the instant rush of the alcohol invade your system making your stomach feel warm and fuzzy. Then your head started to feel light and relieved. You danced along with the other girls as everyone danced along the fire. You stopped dancing around the fire as everyone, including yourself started to sing along to the excitement of the song. 
“There's not a soul out there! No one to hear my prayer!” You belt at the tops of your lungs pausing at different poses to the beat before letting the song drop. You start jumping and laughing, your subconscious being grateful that the beach was practically abandoned for it was nearing midnight. Though the group was a distance away from the boardwalk to not be interrupted by any juvenile attitudes.
“Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight! Won't somebody help me chase the shadows away!” You laugh and grove your hips along with the melody enjoying yourself and getting lost in the music, “Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight! Take me through the darkness to the break of the day!” You start dancing around the fire once more enjoying your time grooving along, not noticing the four figures emerging from the darkness. 
“Well it looks like your prayers have been answered ladies!” A booming voice cracks through your musical hypnotic state. This causes you to jump and a couple of the girls to shriek but laugh it off. You however weren’t laughing. You were quite pissed at the interruption, “Sorry fellas this is a private function!” You holler from afar, the look on your features clearly unamused. Yet you couldn’t help but be amused by the get up of the loud one. His hair tufted into a long blonde straight mullet, donning a fishnet shirt and a blazer with a chain of coins trailing down his chest and safety pins scattered through the fabric. There was only a ripple of giggles and chuckles, but the grip on your arm from the bride was what made you look at her. “Y/N! I think it’ll be fine if these boys join us. I mean look at how cute they are,” she whispers into your ear before biting her lip and clearly eye-fucking the boys. You open your mouth to protest but Jennifer started to pout at you giving you big puppy dog eyes. 
“We’ll be good, Y/N. Won’t we boys?” The one in the front of the semi v formation calls towards you, the sound of your name coming from him causes shivers to go down your spine. You huff and roll your eyes. “Fine, but one funny move and I am kicking all of your asses.” You spat returning towards your piece of the driftwood as the girls started to whisper amongst themselves and started to offer the men drinks. Are they even allowed to drink? You question to yourself before grappling your empty glass from the sand to go fill it up at the drinking station. The girls continue to sing and enjoy their time but your mood has switched a complete 180. As you reach out for the Merlot bottle fingerless gloves grasp it before you can. “Merlot, aren’t you fancy. This isn’t even the cheap shit.” You look up trying to connect the voice to the face. Your eyes met a small face framed by curly long hair and a Cheshire like grin. “Yeah, I should’ve gotten the cheap shit. Sometimes it has a high alcohol content.” You reply with a smirk trying not to be hostile and ruin the mood of the party. 
One of his hands grasped your wrist softly pulling your hand towards his body. The man carefully poured you a decent glass. “The name’s Marko,” he starts before looking you up and down. The action causes you to blush. Marko took a red cup himself and filled it a little bit, “I am guessing your the manager of the function. I hope we can keep you ladies entertained tonight. We did hear your call,” his sly grin grew on his lips. A chuckle left your lips, “I’m pretty sure we were fine on our own. But thank you Marko, if it was up to me you guys wouldn’t be drinking our alcohol and partying.” You reply bluntly sipping your wine, but then the sudden chill causes the hairs on the back of your neck to rise. “Man, this babe is feisty,” the one who interrupted the party in the first place calls from behind you. He places his hand on the small of your back as he reaches over you to grab a red solo cup. Marko poured him some wine as well and smirked towards his friend, “Y’know Paul, it’s not nice to invade the ladies space.” 
The one named Paul snickered from behind her, “I think she’s just fine with it, aren’t you babe?” He asks you with his breath caressing your ear, causing a tingle to form in your brain. You clear your tightening throat to slip from his grip. “Not really,” you admit honestly and he feigned an expression of hurt. “Ouch,” Marko however on the other hand could only laugh at this interaction. You parted yourself from the boys cheering yourself from the two men and sigh to yourself as you trudge back to your bench of driftwood. Once you sit yourself down you watch as the two blondes start to mingle themselves with the girls. They clearly were flirting with all of them, including the bride, she was playing with Marko’s ornate jacket. Twirling the fringes between her fingers and grazing the patches. In reaction you chug the wine out of pure petty anger and lean back to stare into the fire. 
“So who’s the lucky one?” You whip your head behind you to see the platinum blonde standing behind you admiring the crowd along with you. “I don’t see a ring on your finger,” he bluntly states as he pops a cigarette between his pink lips. The first thing you notice is his bright blue eyes that seemingly glowed in the dark. You could only roll your eyes and give a dull chuckle. You lift your left hand, “Clearly. She’s the one in the flower crown. Well the one with the biggest flower crown.” You inform crossing your bare legs over one another. The sudden smell of burning tobacco and nicotine hit your nose, but you try to ignore it. Before you knew it he was sitting beside you. He held the cigarette out towards you between his leather glove clad fingers, your eyes flickering to it before flickering to his. He raises his brows and nudges it towards you, “Thanks,” you mumble plucking it from his fingers and taking a couple of puffs before handing it back to him, “I’m David. I see you have already met Paul and Marko. The brunette is Dwayne. Thank you for letting us join your function.” David snickers, leaning back and letting the smoke come out of his nose. “Well it wasn’t my choice,” you start and David tilts his head towards you in pure curiosity, “Clearly, it’s not your party,” You blink at him as you try to figure out whether his tone was condescending or not. “Yeah, you’re right. Not my party.” You reply by taking another gulp of your wine hoping the farther you got down the glass the quicker time would go by. 
“But that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun, and you don’t look like you're having fun at all. At least not like the way you did before,” He notes before inhaling a deep draw from his cigarette. An airy chuckle leaves your lips, “Not really, the party got crashed- Wait, you were watching us?” this time it was David’s turn to chuckle, “We heard the amount of fun and Paul couldn’t resist himself to a party.” You furrow your brows at the reply, “So why did you follow?”
“I can’t say no to a night of fun.” He responds giving you a smirk leaning closer towards you, starting to close the proximity. Heat rises to the tips of your ears and the base of your neck. You try to fool yourself, it's the alcohol. However, you can smell the man’s cologne and musk directly off of him. It was so hypnotizing. Just like his eyes, you tilt your head slightly as he continues to speak, “Have some fun, Y/N.” he states, quipping his index finger under your chin. Suddenly you felt your whole body go numb and your mind go blank.
As the night grew you found yourself getting more comfortable with the punks. You were not in the arms of Dwayne, the two of you swaying back and forth to the music as the other two were dancing with the other girls. David sat chatting with the bride clearly enchanting you with his charisma you picked up on so quickly. You glance over your shoulder to look at David who was talking to the bride, yet as you looked over his piercing blue eyes flicked your way. A sudden sly smirk on his lips left you mouth agape with wonder at what was happening in his eyes. Hungry Eyes by Eric Carmen echoes through the night sky. Dwayne however gripped your chin between his thumb and index and pulled your attention to him. His hands rested back on your lower back barely grazing the bare skin under your clipped shirt. “It’s rude to not focus on your dancing partner,” he muses with a charming smirk as he pulls you closer flush to his bare chest. A slight gasp left your lips as the contact surprised you. You swallow and look up into his piercing brown eyes, “I-I’m sorry,” you whisper clearly blushing under the moonlight but was thankful it was dark and farther from the fire. “I was only joking,” he claims before spinning you out and pulling you close once more. Your hands rested awkwardly on his shoulders. Keeping eye contact with you, his fingers grazed your sides, ghosting over your sides as he pulled them up your arms. He formed your hands behind his neck. You couldn’t help but smile at the small gesture as your eyes trail along the painted leopard on his arm. “You’re more relaxed,” he notes and you nod at him, “Yeah, thank you for pulling me away from those two. I thought my brain was going to hemorrhage if I kept talking to them,” You tease about Marko and Paul, to which Dwayne could only chuckle. As the second chorus started to pick up Dwayne settled his leg between yours, “Believe it or not they bring the fun with them,” Dwayne replies, starting to smile as he twists you to where his chest was flush with yours. You freeze for a moment as the chorus builds up, “Yet maybe, we can offer a different kind of fun?” Dwayne whispers in your eyes, his lips grazing the shell of your ear. You instantly felt your cheeks get hot as his large hands travel down your sides to your hips guiding you to sway along with him. You could feel your backside grazing his groin as he pulled you closer with guidance. Your breath started to pick up as your heart raced with anticipation as one of his hands traveled to your navel splaying across only his pinky dipping in your waistband of your denim shorts. Looking up from the sand your eyes connect with David’s who held an intense eye contact with you as you started to feel yourself unravelling. “I asked you a question,” Dwayne whispers once again in your ear trialing his lips down to your neck, long brown hair cascading down your chest. His seemingly chilled lips contrasted against your hot skin. “I- I- don’t-” you choke out as you feel another finger enter your waist band, causing heat to grow at your core. You hand held onto his with a deathly clutch.
You feel his bare chest rumble from a chuckle as he ground himself into you, nipping at the base of your ear. You gasp from the action, a surge of adrenaline rush didn’t make you correlate as Dwayne pulled you back around to only grasp your belt loop and spin you away from him. You land in another person’s arms, you look up to see Paul looking down at you. His handsome smile beaming down at you as he pulls you close. “Finally, I was starting to feel Dwayne was going to keep you all to himself.” He smirks as pulls your waist down, guiding you to dance alone with him, his hips moving seemingly against yours. Your lips parted as your heat grazed for a moment against his thigh, “Why were you starting to get jealous?” You couldn’t help but tease. The tease caused Paul to quirk his brows in surprise but also amusement, “It’s not fair for him to hold someone as fit as you to himself,” he quips pulling your hips down so your core continues to grind on his thigh. A gasp leaves your lips involuntary, “Especially when you gasp like that,” Paul rasped against your parted lips. You head spun with how all of this was happening and how quickly. Heavy pants coming from both parties started to ignite a fire deep within. On instinct you close the gap between his and your lips, engaging in a fiery kiss that took your breath away. As your hands crawled up Paul’s chest to wrap your arms around your neck you feel fingerless gloves graze under your shirt. Then a pressure from behind the culprit you assumed to be Marko pressed amongst you dancing along as well. You part your lips from Paul, hypnotized by ministrations from both of the men.
Marko had both his hands up your cropped shirt gently clawing and pawing at the plush bare skin underneath. “Starting without me?” Marko asks against your shoulder before pressing his lips to your skin. You tense a moment before relaxing into his touch, wrapping an arm behind you to Marko’s neck, drowning in the intoxicating smell of both men’s scents. The grinding and the pressure from both of the men caused you to pant along with the beat. “The fun’s just starting.” Paul purrs as Marko connects his lips to the crook of your neck. The sensation causes a sigh to leave your lips and you loll your head to the side giving him more access to your neck. Marko’s hands trailed down, over Paul’s hands on your hips to your thighs. He even gently grazes his index finger over your zipper before gripping the hem of your denim shorts, digging his nails into your skin as he bites down on your neck with his blunt teeth. You gasp distracted by the excitement to notice Paul leaving your grip. Your hands grip his as your nails dig into his gloves. You close your eyes for a moment letting a sigh float from your lips as he pulls you by your belt loop like Dwayne and spinning you away from him. 
You snap your eyes open to see your hands land on a layer of leather. Your toes touched the tips of boots. You graze your hands to the black t-shirt. Gloved fingers pinch your chin and pull it upwards. You are met by stark blue eyes and a honeyed voice, “Having fun?” David asks, tilting his head down as he waits for your breathless answer. You could only nod as your legs felt like jelly and your head spun at a million miles per house. “Good,” he whispers against your lips, ghosting his breath that had reminisce of cigarette on it. You were in trouble. You thought to yourself. His other hand pulled you close by the small of your back to press against him as he entrapped you in a powerful kiss. You could feel the tip of his nose pressed against your cheekbone. His gloved hand moved from pinching your chin to grasping your neck just below your jaw. His kiss swallows your quiet moment that you tried your hardest to suppress. David pulls away after a moment, his hand still placed under your jaw as he admired your flushed face. You could only admire his face amongst the bonfire that lit his dilated pierced ocean eyes that looked at you as if you were his next meal. A chuckle rumbled through his chest as he looked at your haphazard state. “Are you ready to get your prayers answered?” He questions with a knowing smirk. The only response you can give him was keeping your lips parted as his eyes sunk you deeper in a hypnotic state. You slowly nod as his gloved hand caresses your cheek.
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radactivism · 3 years
Most Britons cannot name all parts of the vulva, survey reveals
By Linda Geddes
Do you know your urethra from your clitoris? And could you locate either of them on a diagram? According to a survey of patients in hospital waiting rooms, half of Britons could not identify the urethra, while 37% mislabelled the clitoris – regardless of their gender. Meanwhile, just 46% correctly identified that women have three “holes” down below.
Dina El-Hamamsy, a senior obstetrics and gynaecology registrar, now at Addenbrookes hospital in Cambridge, and her colleagues, conducted the survey out of concern that many of their female patients were confused by the nature of their medical problems.
“A lot of women don’t understand the difference between urinary incontinence and a prolapse. Also, when they put complaints in, there’s a lot of confusion about what their condition was, and how it should be addressed,” El-Hamamsy said.
The team distributed anonymous questionnaires to 171 women and 20 men attending general outpatient or urogynaecology clinics at a Manchester teaching hospital. They were asked how many holes women have down below (in their private parts), and to name them. Fewer than half identified the correct number.
Co-author Fiona Reid, a consultant urogynaecologist at St Mary’s hospital, Manchester, said: “We do see women who don’t understand that there is the urethra, the vagina and the anus. They seem to think that the urethra and the vagina are the same thing.”
Participants were also given a diagram of the area, and asked to label as many structures as they could, using their own words.
Of those who attempted the labelling – and almost half left this section blank – just 9% labelled all seven structures correctly. Most people correctly identified the vagina and anus, while only 49% labelled the labia, and 18% correctly identified the perineum – the area between the vagina and anus. There was also confusion between the clitoris and the urethra.
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Women were more likely to label the vagina and anus correctly than men, but there was no difference for the other structures. White ethnicity and higher levels of education were also associated with greater anatomical knowledge. The study was published in International Urogynecology Journal.
“It’s horrifying that people know so little about the vulva and female anatomy,” said Lynn Enright, the author of Vagina: A Re-education. “It’s not that surprising though. I think we are much more familiar with diagrams depicting the female reproductive system – the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries – than images of the external genitalia, correctly labelled.”
The team also assessed people’s contrasting knowledge about general and female-specific medical conditions. Whereas most people understood what stroke and diabetes were, 53% had an understanding of what a pelvic organ prolapse, while only 23% knew what fibroids were – even though both conditions affect a third of women at some point in their lives. A prolapse is when one or more of the organs in the pelvis slip down from their usual position and bulge into the vagina. Fibroids are non-cancerous growths that develop in or around the uterus, and can cause heavy, painful periods and general discomfort.
Reid said: “I think we need far more women’s health education from a young age. In schools we need to be talking about issues to do with female genital anatomy, and people need to know about their health. They need to know about the importance of pelvic floor exercises and things like that because otherwise the first time they hear anything about it is probably when they’re pregnant with their first child, and at that point there are far more things on their mind.”
The study also raises questions about women’s ability to consent to medical procedures. Stephanie Shoop-Worrall, an epidemiologist at the University of Manchester, who was also involved in the research, said: “If a doctor is going to examine you, or suggest any kind of treatment plan, you need to fully understand what’s going to happen, and the risks and benefits, to be able to give permission. If people are coming in for their hospital appointment and not understanding basic anatomy, or what’s even wrong with them, how can they properly consent to treatment?”
Enright said: “You have to wonder: what are the long-term implications of people being so ignorant of their own bodies? What does that mean for people’s sex lives? What about the conversations they have with their GP when they encounter an issue? We know that too often pain is just accepted as a normal part of being a girl or woman or having periods – it’s worth thinking about how not having the words to describe pain or where pain is occurring could affect that.”
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whereisten · 4 years
Mr. Hyde
A Hendery fic that’s part of our Halloween Series!
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Summary: Hendery is sweet, charming, and kind, but he possesses a dark secret. Unfortunately, Mr. Hyde won’t stay quiet for much longer.
Pairing: Chemical Engineer!Hendery x female reader (college student)
Genre: angst, smut, fluff, violence, murder, horror
Word Count: 10.5k
Warnings: mental illness mention, blood mention, knife mention, murder described, death of side character, possessiveness, cursing, smut: semi-public sex, protected sex, thigh riding, nipple sucking, slapping, choking, rough sex, car sex mention, daddy kink, size kink, slight degradation, dirty talk.
(A/N: WELLL Halloween is here you guys!! Thank you for the support we have gotten for this series, I hope you enjoy this fic inspired by the iconic Jekyll&Hyde story!❤️🥺)
“Oh, hello Hendery..”
“Hello, Mr. Hyde..”
“And how did it go today..with the Mayor?”
“That’s none of your concern, Hyde. Leave it to me.”
The dark voice lets out a haunting chuckle. “Hendery..what would you like me to do?”
“Nothing! I said, it’s none of your concern!” Hendery slams his hand down onto the counter.
“But it’s our lab, isn’t it?” 
Hendery cups his face as he breaks down to tears. “Why?! Why won’t you leave me alone?!”
“Oh..Hendery, you can’t get rid of me, no matter what crazy toxins you concoct. I’ll be here, I’ll always be here.”
“I don’t see what my difference my presence here makes..” You roll your eyes and step out of your father’s black SUV.
The driver closes the door behind you while your father takes your hand in his and waves to the crowd with the other.
Today, you’ve joined him for a fundraising event in City Hall. The program is designed to bring awareness to a Missing Persons Search Team Fund. Lately, people have been going missing at an alarming rate and your father, the Mayor, is unsure of what to do about it. The police and volunteering citizens had done the best they could to conduct thorough search parties but no one was ever found. These people varied in age and description so there was no way to formulate a possible killer’s profile.
Your father initiated a curfew for everyone to abide by until they found the missing people and the kidnapper..dead or alive.
You were a college student and your institution was about two hours away, but your father didn’t feel safe and insisted on you staying at home while taking classes online. You did as he said, for you knew that this must’ve been difficult for him, considering your own dealings with the death of your mother. She was found murdered in an alleyway a few years ago, prompting a change in your father’s life. He was determined to become a leading figure in society that would bring down the city’s crime rate. And it worked...until now.
“The more people we have on board, the faster we find these people and the better I look, the better OUR family looks.” He whispered into your ear while displaying a wide smile to his “fans.”
You smiled as well and nodded.
And so, you found yourself seated at a round table by yourself as your father spoke with other leaders, sergeants, politicians, and the fund creators.
And what difference did your presence make? Nothing.
You scrolled through your phone and huffed. You saw pictures of your friends back at college. There had been a Halloween party the night before and they all posted pictures of themselves in their costumes looking drunk and happy. 
You were jealous to say the least. You just wanted a normal life, but now even Halloween was canceled because of the curfew your father put in place.
You didn’t notice that a slender man with brown hair sat down beside you as you pouted.
“You must be so bored..” His low voice spoke.
You looked up at him and smiled. “Hi..yeah, I am very bored.”
The man in a nice dress shirt and tie laughed and then you realized you may have insulted one of the organizers.
“Oh!” You sat up straight in your chair and put your phone down. “I’m so sorry..I didn’t mean to offend—“
“Oh..of course not, sweetheart. I’m quite bored myself.”
Sweetheart. The way that word left his lips made your heart tremble.
You nodded and stared at his heart-shaped lips, maybe a little too long. “I see..” You looked away. “My name is y/n..the mayor is..”
“Your father..yes, is that the only reason for you being here?” He tilted his head while smirking.
You looked to the side and hesitated. You looked up to him with wide eyes.
“Y-yes, I’m sorry but—“
“Don’t be sorry, my name is Dr. Wong, but you can call me Hendery.”
Your mouth fell open. He looked like he was your age, but he already had a doctoral degree? You were stunned.
“I know..I’m kinda young, but I skipped a few grades.”
Your eyes widened. “Wow! That’s so cool, what do you do?”
Hendery smiled when you looked shocked by his title and complimented him. “I’m the leading chemical engineer at the WCT Lab..”
You gasped, WCT lab was responsible for breakthrough advancements in technology as well as medical advancements. That was what your city was primarily known for. And for this young man to be the leading engineer was amazing. Why was he sitting with you, a college student? Surely, you were only insulting his intelligence.
Hendery was pleased by your surprised look once again, he felt a sense of pride.
“Dr. Wong, I mean, Hendery..that’s amazing! You guys have done some wonderful things at that lab. Well..of course, you already know that.”
You closed your eyes. Oh how dumb you must’ve sounded to him.
But Hendery only adored you even more when you got flustered.
“It’s okay, y/n..It happens all the time. People don’t expect that from me, someone that’s just 21 years old, to be the head of all projects.”
You nodded, then looked to your father who was still speaking with several men and women of importance surrounding him.
“Why aren’t you up there with him?” You turned back to Hendery. “You’re just as important as them.”
Hendery glanced up at your father then back at you. Something about his gaze felt..good. His eyes were intense but made you feel like it was just the two of you in the room. You felt warm as you saw his shirt hug his biceps as he leaned forward.
“My presence doesn’t make a difference either, but it does make me look good.” He gave a wink as his smile widened.
Your face became warm.
“I’ll tell you what..come with me for a moment, I’m going to show you a cool trick.”
He stood up and held his hand out for you to take. You held it and smoothed your dress down as you stood up.
Hendery thought you were beautiful, unlike anyone else. You were like a butterfly with a unique pattern of vibrant colors on its wings. Your touch was delicate like one too.
He took you to the kitchen in the hall. No one was there but the two of you.
You stood by the island in the center.
“What are we doing here?”
“Are you nervous?” Hendery shuffled through the freezer.
“No..” You lied as you looked around for the closest knife to pick up just in case he tried anything.
“The knives are to your right.” He called out, as if hearing your thoughts.
You chuckled and leaned against the counter while feeling embarrassed.
“Okay, so I’ve got some ice..” He placed a few ice cubes onto the countertop and then reached over for the salt dispenser.
“And some salt..”
You nodded, unsure of where he was going with this. “Okay.”
“Now, hold your hand out.” He smiled at you again.
Your brows furrowed but you did as he said.
He placed his hand over yours. Your skin was smooth and warm, his touch was gentle as he slowly traced his fingertips over your knuckles.
He stood so close to you, you could feel his breath on your forehead.
Your eyes grew as a silent moment rested between the two of you, you looked up at him as if no one had ever held your hand before.
He cleared his throat and looked away from your eyes and to your hand. “I’m going to put some salt in your palm, then I’m going to place ice on it, simple right?”
You nodded.
Hendery smiled again and glanced down at your lips.
He poured the salt out then put about three ice cubes into your hand.
“Now, close your hand.”
You do as he says and after a few seconds you wince in pain.
A burning feeling shoots through your hand, you open your palm out and shake the ice to the floor.
“Oh my God, Hendery! What the hell was that?” You look up in pain. 
Hendery laughs. 
“You see, salt lowers the melting point of ice..hence why you briefly experienced the burning sensation.”
“I could’ve gotten frostbite!” 
Hendery only laughed harder. “Y/n...you wouldn’t be so stupid as to let it stay long enough for that...but I am.”
You looked up at him questioningly.
He poured salt out into his own hand and placed ice onto it.
He shut his hand and smiled. You watched him intensely. How could he endure this type of pain for so long?
“Hendery..that’s enough, you should stop now.” 
You go to grab his hand, but he turns.
“No, no, I’m fine, I promise.”
“Surely, that must be painful, Hendery!”
“Does it impress you?” He turns when you try to open his hand again. He smirks while he watches you freak out.
“No..no! It doesn’t, it’s freaking me out actually!”
Hendery pouts with his hand still closed. “Oh no..I wanted to impress the pretty girl.”
You shook your head. “Let me see your hand.”
He turns again.
“I’ll let you see it, if you let me take you out some time.”
You tilted your head. “Oh my God, that’s why you did this? Hendery..why didn’t you just ask?” You peel his hand open and see red, burnt skin. Several lesions have been created.
Your eyes widened but Hendery only adores your face while you hold his hand.
“So is that a yes?” He pays no attention to the burns on his palm, knowing that they’d go away soon enough if he just drank the right thing for it.
“You’re crazy, but yes, you can take me out.”
[Two Days Later] 
You and Hendery swapped phone numbers later that night. You agreed to go to the street art fair where you would walk around and learn more about each other.
Hendery waved to you as he walked over to the entrance.
He looked cooler now, in a flannel and jeans while aviator sunglasses covered his eyes. 
His hair had a slight wave to it and hung more loosely than it did the first time you met.
“Hey Doc, how’s your hand?” 
Hendery held his palm out to you and to your surprise, you saw nothing that would indicate he had burned himself just two days prior. His palm looked normal.
“All healed up, I told you I’d be fine.”
He smirked then took your hand and led you through the gate.
The fair was calm, you got to talk about your major in college and why you were home this year.
Hendery told you that he got his degree overseas and came back here to help your town. He said that he always felt drawn to it for it needed so much assistance, he felt he was the one to help.
You liked his dedication to his craft, but even more, you liked watching him talk about it. His eyes were shielded from you, but even then you could tell that he was passionate and in love with his work.
“Well..I guess it’s time to go home..gotta get back before curfew.” 
You stared up at him. “You’re right. I had a—“
“Y/n! What are you doing here? I thought you were home.”
It was none other than your father. He hustled towards you. Hendery’s smile fell as he watched him walk over. 
“I’ll go mad if I spend any more time in the house, dad.” You sighed and crossed your arms.
His focus shifts from you and to Hendery. “And young man, it’s nice to see you again, but what has my daughter done to warrant your presence?”
You rolled your eyes, your finger rubbed your temple.
Hendery chuckled softly. “Your daughter and I had a wonderful time today, we were just saying goodbye.”
Your father frowned and looked back at you.
“Well...goodbye then.” He stepped towards you.
You turned to leave with your father before you could be embarrassed any more. Your father was always like this since your mother died, overprotective and on guard.
“Y/n…” Hendery’s soft voice called out.
You turned back to look at him. Your face looked gorgeous in the sunset, the sun made your eyes glitter and your lips were shaped perfectly. Of all the art he had seen today, you, in this moment, were the prettiest sight he’d ever seen.
“I’ll..see you later.”
You smiled and nodded. “Of course.”
When you got to your father’s car, he scolded you on how you shouldn't be interested in speaking with anyone right now, for everyone was a suspect.
“You have to be careful, no one is safe!”
You leaned your head against the window.
“I understand, father, but all of my friends are at college right now, would it really hurt if I go out every now and then?”
“Yes! Yeah it would hurt, why? Because you could go missing or lose your life!”
“Why are you so strict? He’s a nerd, what harm could he possibly do to me. I thought you’d like him, I know mom would’ve--”
You stopped when you realized what you had said. Your mom's death was something that you were both still grappling with. You tried not to speak of her, for it only made both of you more upset.
Your dad sighed, he held back tears. “Y/n..I’m sorry..I’m sorry I’m this way..Sometimes I can’t help it, but..I’m just worried, I-“
“I know, dad..let’s just go home.”
When you got inside he spoke to you again before you headed to your room. “That boy..If you want to see him again..He’ll be at the soup kitchen on Thursday, he’s always helping out there.”
You turned and smiled. “Thanks, dad.”
You had volunteered at the soup kitchen a few times during high school, it was a rewarding experience, for you got to help out while hearing from members of the community that you wouldn’t usually meet or speak to. They varied in age and overall life experiences, each one had a story to tell. 
You stood in the utilities closet of the kitchen alone and put your apron on, but struggled to tie it in the back.
“Damn it..” You whispered, you just couldn’t find the other strap.
Then you felt a presence behind you. 
“Do you need help?” You heard a familiar voice say.
But before you could spin around to face him, his fingers tapped along your waist on both sides and grabbed the straps. He stepped closer, leaning down to breathe against the back of your neck.
A chill ran through your body as the apron tightened around your body perfectly.
You finally spun around to face him.
He watches his name fall from your lips.
He smirks and licks his lips. “How’d you know?”
You laughed, but his intense and low gaze on your face made you weak.
“Your voice..I’d recognize it anywhere.”
Hendery blushed and laughed.
“Do you like my voice, sweetheart?”
Another chill vibrates through your body and you find yourself pressing your legs together.
You breathe heavily and nod. “I do..and I’d like it if you’d call me at night...when you leave work of course.”
“Understood.” He licks his lips again and turns to leave. You follow behind him and out to the main dining area where you both serve food together.
During your break, you watched him go to each table to talk to all of the families eating. He grinned as they asked him how he’d been doing since the last time they saw him the week before.
He even sat down next to any elderly attendees that needed assistance with eating their food.
Your heart fluttered. He was so kind, caring and handsome on top of it all.
“How long have you two been seeing each other?” A man said. His voice broke you out of the trance Hendery had you in.
“Oh..” You turned to him as you leaned against a wall.
“We aren’t dating.”
The man that spoke to you was none other than Yuta, the head chef and owner of Osaka Moon, the best restaurant in the city. He was in charge of providing food for the soup kitchen every Thursday and did a wonderful job each time from what you had heard. Everyone loved his five star meals.
He smiled softly. “Well..if you continue to look at him like that..it won’t be long til you do.”
“Like what?” Your brows knitted.
Yuta only chuckled and shrugged his shoulders before walking away.
But he was right, you started dating. You found yourself FaceTiming Hendery every night until you fell asleep. You spoke about everything, never running out of topics to talk about and never getting bored. His personality, like Cinderella’s slipper, fit yours incredibly well.
Fortunately, that wasn’t the only thing that fit perfectly. 
[1 Month Later]
One day at the soup kitchen, the two of you found yourselves knocking over cans of fruit in the kitchen closet.
Your legs wrapped around his waist as he slid in and out of you for the first time. You just couldn’t hold back anymore. You wanted him badly and a kiss just wasn’t enough.
He covered your mouth with his hand, for your moans were beautiful but grew increasingly louder as he rubbed your clit. 
He breathed heavily into your neck. “Sweetheart, I’m going to ruin you later for being so loud.”
You let out a mewl while the wetness between your legs increased at his words.
Your nails scratched his back as he pinned you against a cabinet.
And later that day, he did ruin you in his car before he let you out to go home. He parked just a few blocks away, luckily his windows were tinted so no one could see him bringing you to paradise in the back seat with your hands tied behind your back with his belt.
You laid down together when you finished.
His fingers played in your scalp as your back rested against his chest. He kissed your neck and listened to you breathe.
“How’s school?” He said in between kisses.
You took his other hand in yours and intertwined your fingers. “It’s okay, finals are stressful.”
“Well, you know I’m here to help.” He kisses you again.
You smiled. “Of course, but I know you have your own issues to deal with. How are things at the lab?”
You knew he had been frustrated lately because some of his appeals for certain projects had been denied by the national organizations. You failed to remember the very specific details he told you the night before, but he was overjoyed that you remembered him even mentioning it.
He smiled to himself, tucking your hair behind your ear as you yawned.
“Things are okay, it'll all work out, I’m sure.”
“How can you be so sure?”
Hendery chuckled. “Because they all give in to me sooner or later.” His voice sounded a bit different then, it was deeper, rougher.
Deep into the night after Hendery drops you off home, he drives down an empty street.
“When will you tell her?”
“Tell her what?”
“About me! About us..”
“She will never know about you because you don’t matter!” Hendery says sternly.
“Fuck you! I’m the reason why you got this far, you fool!”
He grips the steering wheel and winces. “I like her..a lot. I can’t hurt her. I won’t hurt her.’
“And how many times have you said that before? Hmm?”
Hendery blinks slowly and looks to his rear view mirror.
“The clock strikes 8 and the world goes empty, which poor, wandering soul will be our next victim?”
“‘Our?’ You’re on your own..”
“And when the blood is on my hands, don’t forget to look down at yours too..now shut up, and stop here..this girl looks lonely.”
“No..I won’t do that.”
“I wasn’t asking! Pull over!”
“No!” Hendery struggles, but pulls over and stops right beside a girl waiting at a bus stop.
“Hello..need a lift?”
[1 Week Later]
You hadn’t seen Hendery since that night, you knew that he was busy with work, but you didn’t think he’d be this busy.
“Hey.” You say once he answers the FaceTime call.
“Hey, sweetheart.”
He looks disheveled and has bags under his eyes. His eyes look intense as he props the phone up beside his computer screen and continues to type.
“Are you still at the lab?” 
Hendery feels soft when he hears your sweet voice, it calms him down. He stops typing and looks at you, all cuddled up in your blanket on the bed.
“Yeah..” he pouts, “I wish I could be there with you right now..”
“Oh? And what would you do if you were here?”
You raise an eyebrow.
“Ahhh you naughty girl, well..just for that, I’d only cuddle you..”
“Henderyyyy don’t be so cruel, what if I need you?” 
“Then I’d hug you tightly and make you wait until the morning.” He winked and started typing again.
“What if I call you “daddy?” You whisper into the phone, knowing that it would drive him crazy.
His typing fingers stuttered for a moment but he exhaled and furrowed his brows as he continued his work.
“Baby? I haven’t seen you in so long, play with me..please.” You begged.
“No..not tonight, sweetheart.” He wasn’t even looking at the screen anymore.
“But baby..”
“I said no!” He said angrily. You never heard him like this before. His voice was rough again and different, like it had doubled.
He looked at you then back at his computer screen.
He fidgeted and had trouble breathing for a moment, but you stayed silent.
“I’m—I’m sorry, I should go now, goodnight.”
He hung up before you could say goodnight.
That was the first of many moments that were strange to you. Hendery wasn’t as sweet sometimes. He’d be short with you even at the soup kitchen. When you tugged his shirt to pull him to the back he ignored you and fixed his hair.
He looked tired and you tried to pin it on him acting on the stress he was recently experiencing, but the truth was that it was much more complicated.
Late at night, Hendery would find himself fighting someone else. Someone that had been more intent on doing their own thing.
“Let’s take a walk in the park tonight.”
“No, Mr. Hyde..”
“Really? I think it would help you to relieve some stress.”
“I need to sleep..I feel terrible, I don’t even know what you’re doing anymore..why don’t you stop this? Why don’t you leave me alone so I can function like a normal person?” Hendery holds his head as he lays down on his couch.
“You can rest while I take care of the imbeciles out there, the more we kill, the happier we’ll be.”
“No!!” Hendery shouts. “How many more?! How many more must die at your hand? I will control you! You will not overrule me!”
He grabs a glass of green liquid from the coffee table and brings to his lips. He chugs it down as tears stream down his face, but soon he is thrown to the floor on his knees. He feels fingers in his throat, his eyes roll in the back of his head as veins protrude from his forehead. Then, out comes the liquid that he just struggled to swallow.
He balls his fists up and cries. “NOOOO!! That was the last of it!”
“It’s okay, Hendery, it’s time to go to sleep anyway. You’ll make more tomorrow, but you’ll be just as defenseless against me.”
“No, no, please don’t! Please don’t kill anyone else!”
“And what would you rather me do to gain satisfaction? Torture them until they BEG to be killed?” Mr. Hyde laughs sinisterly as Hendery drifts into unconsciousness.
The next morning, Hendery wakes to find himself covered in blood, he can’t remember how he got to his bed or whose blood is on him, but he sees the knife at the end of the bed covered in blood as well. He breaks down in tears and yells out for mercy as he realizes that he can no longer control Mr. Hyde.
[Two Days Later]
You meet up with Hendery for a Starbucks date.
“I’m sorry about the other night..the stress got to me.” Hendery smiles softly when he watches you burn your mouth with hot coffee.
The truth was that you like iced caramel macchiato but you wanted to be more “serious” around Hendery so you only drank black coffee like a “regular” adult.
You hissed as the hot liquid burned your tongue.
“How many times do I have to tell you?..just order what you want.” He giggled and sipped his own coffee.
“Eh, I know, but..isn't it a bit childish?” You asked with wide eyes.
Hendery chuckled and ran his hand down the side of your face. He adored you. 
“No..nothing is childish if you enjoy it.”
You smiled. “Okay.”
You sat in silence most of the time as you both worked on your projects separately. Hendery still looked handsome, but strange. You’d glance up at him every now and then and see that his brows were always knitted and his lips moved like he was talking to himself.
He spoke quickly, so you could never make out what he actually said.
The bags around his eyes were red and his cheeks looked more sunken in like he hadn’t been eating well. His shirt was crushed, but when you first met him his shirts were always pressed and tucked in neatly. And his hair had grown out, like he hadn’t bothered to visit a stylist recently.
“Hendery..is everything alright?” You put your hand on his.
He quickly withdrew his hand and held it while glaring at you.
“I’m fine!” He said loudly, the few customers sitting nearby turned to the two of you when they heard his roar.
He realized he was loud and relaxed into his seat. “I’m sorry, again. I-I was just frightened.”
You nod slowly and put your hand back under the table.
Before the two of you departed each other, you gave him a hug and a kiss. 
You walked towards your house as Hendery watched.
He felt pain in his heart when he watched you walk away with a defeated look. You were sad because of him, and he hated that. He just wanted to make you happy, he just wanted everything to be under control.
“Y/n..There’s a new art museum opening up on Friday, your father extended curfew just for it..would you like to go with me?”
You turned to him and smiled widely. “Is that a date?”
“Of course..we can spend some time in my car afterwards..if you want. Would that make you happy?” He gave you a wink.
You nodded. “As long as I’m with you, Hendery. I’m happy.”
[Two Days Later]
Hendery decides to have dinner with your father at his penthouse. He pretends to prepare a meal for him that was actually provided by Osaka Moon’s Catering company.
He had a maid make everything spotless and made sure to spend a little more time on his hair and outfit. He had to ensure that your father took him seriously, for he would plan to ask him once more for a donation from the city for his lab. They would be able to do more research this way. 
He had posited the question once before, but gained a disappointing ‘no,’ as your father focused more on the missing people’s fund, however, Hendery believed it imperative for the lab to gain new resources and make new developments that would positively affect the city’s environment.
So tonight, he hoped that with some food and humor, he could convince the mayor. 
“What are your intentions with my daughter? I see you have been seeing each other quite frequently lately..” your father took a bite of his steak and chewed while looking down at his plate.
Hendery smiled. “Your daughter and I have a wonderful relationship, I would say. She is very supportive and kind, the world could be better with more people like her.”
“Well, I certainly agree. Do you feel that you can protect her from this cruel world?” He looks up from his plate and looks sternly on Hendery.
Hendery swallows hard, but nods quickly. “Of course, I’d do anything to protect her.”
Cut the bullshit, get to the question.
A few more minutes pass. The two speak about wonderful changes that have occurred in the past year. Hendery even cracks a few jokes to get a chuckle from your father.
As things whine down and your father prepares to leave, Hendery leans forward and intertwines his fingers on the dining table.
“Mr. Y/l/n, I believe that you are a man of great intelligence, therefore, I believe that you will make the right call by supporting my lab.”
Your father raises his eyebrows and crosses his arms as Hendery continues.
“I believe that you will see the importance of funding our research at the lab. We will be able to make even more groundbreaking developments like we have in the past year. We need the resources should we continue.”
Your father thinks for a moment then shakes his head. “I am so sorry, son, but I cannot issue the funds to your lab at this time.”
Hendery sighs but the mayor continues.
“We are dealing with a huge crisis in our city right now, I have to help our citizens find their loved ones. Furthermore, with the holidays approaching, we must provide food and assistance to families in need. The budget for your lab is not there.”
“Yes, sir, I understand the importance of these things, but I have been asking for your assistance for these past few months now, we simply cannot go any further without it..” Hendery taps his finger against the table while trying to hold back. He swallows the grumbling in his chest.
His eyes stare intensely at the mayor, but the mayor is unfazed.
“I will not provide tax payers money to some boy that wants to do his little experiments..at the end of the day, your work being done is not a matter of life or death.”
Hendery twitches when he hears the mayor’s insult.
“Please..don’t make me do something I’ll regret.” He whispers lowly.
Your father leans forward in his chair.
“Is that a threat, boy?”
Hendery smirks and loosens his tie.
“I don’t know who the hell you think you are, but just because you gave me some food, doesn’t mean I will bend over and let you do what you will.”
Hendery laughs under his breath. “Your daughter did.”
Your father shoots up from the table.
“What did you say?!”
Hendery’s eyes narrow, his mouth grows into a creepy smile as he laughs. “You heard me!”
Your father walks around the table and grabs Hendery up by the collar, but Hendery grabs the steak knife and presses the sharp tip into his neck just deep enough to draw blood.
Your father freezes, his eyes widen in fear.
“Hendery, what in God’s name are you doing?!”
“Hendery isn’t here anymore, you fucking fool. You should’ve just listened to him the first time, now I have to take over because he was too weak!” Hendery’s voice comes out in a deep tone your father had never heard before. Venom practically leaves his tone as he speaks.
Your father stares in confusion as the knife presses in deeper.
“Listen, you worthless piece of shit. We thought you were smart but it turns out you’re just as dumb as any other bimbo in this shitty city. So let’s spell it out for you, give us the money or we will kill your daughter…”
His head snaps to the right. “We won’t kill her!” Hendery’s usual voice cries out.
“Shut up!” He snaps his head back to the left.
“You’re-you’re insane.” Your father stares into his red eyes and pale skin.
He looks strange and scary, like someone that was already dead.
This couldn’t possibly have been the same person he spoke to just a few minutes ago.
“Aren’t we all, mayor?” He chuckles and twists the knife, your father cries out in pain.
“Okay! Okay! I’ll give you the money!” Your father couldn’t lose you like he lost his wife. He wouldn’t mess up this time, he had to give Hendery whatever he wanted if he wanted you to stay alive and well.
Hendery nods. “Good.” 
He lets the mayor go and laughs loudly while still wielding the knife in his hand and watching the Mayor run out.
[Friday Night]
Hendery wakes up at 9 P.M. He looks down at his hands and sees bruises across his knuckles.
He sits up straight on the bed and rubs his head.
“Shit..what did you do?”
But there’s no answer.
He missed the entire day because of Mr. Hyde. He was taking his life over, it seemed the potion was no longer having an affect on him, for he couldn’t remember where he was on most nights. But even worse, more recently it seemed he’d blackout during the days as well.
He looks at his phone and sees that he has 13 missed calls and several text messages from you.
“Damn it!” He curses and jumps up from the bed. He runs to the shower to see if he can go to the art museum before you left.
He called you several times as he drove to the museum but you didn’t answer, you ignored his calls because you were pissed he didn’t show.
You were busy speaking with Ten, a writer for the city’s newspaper. He was observing an artwork when he came across you staring at your phone with tears in your eyes.
“Are you okay?” He asked.
You looked up at him with a somber expression then broke down even more. He took you outside where you talked about what happened. He then told you a joke to make you laugh and about his job.
“I focus on stories that deal with art and culture, so of course I had to be here.”
“Oh, that’s very nice. The pieces in there are really interesting..well, at least from what I saw before I started crying like an idiot.” You shrugged your shoulders.
“Don’t say that..you’re not an idiot. I’m sure he has a reason..you just need to talk about it.”
You nod. “But Ten, it’s not just that. He’s been...different lately. I can’t speak with him very often because he gets upset..this was supposed to be our first date together in a long time. It was supposed to be a “first” for us.”
Ten nodded as he watched you sniffle. “Have you thought about leaving him?”
You shook your head. “I really like him...I just think we need more time, maybe we just have to work on communication.”
Ten gave you a smile. “I agree, if you think he’s worth it, then you’ll both find a way to work it out. Now, it’s 9:30..would you like me to drop you home before you lose a slipper, Princess?”
You felt your face become warm as you smiled.
Ten walked you home as the two of you continued to talk about painters and the artistic styles you enjoyed.
You never noticed Hendery watching the two of you from across the street.
He felt his heart race, an animalistic side was creeping out as he watched you laugh and smile with another man. Sure, he didn’t show up for your date, but did that mean that you should move on so quickly?
Hendery grows angry, he sticks his hands into the pocket of his hoodie and watches Ten give you a hug at your doorstep.
“I should just text her back and apologize.”
“And what will that do? She’ll just ignore you then go on a date with this guy tomorrow.”
“Thats nonsense, she wouldn’t do that to me.”
“Oh, Hendery, he wants her, she wants him, it’s clear to see. But you won’t believe it until she trips and conveniently falls on his dick, will you?”
Hendery shakes his head. “Shut up!”
“Why don’t we just get rid of him so you don’t have to worry about that happening?”
“No! No more murders.”
“But Hendery, what about the elderly man from this morning? Or the middle aged homeless person from the afternoon? Or how about the young girl from the bus stop?” 
“Stop it, Hyde!”
“Hendery...it’s time for you to go to sleep.”
“No! No!! Don’t do this again!”
But Hyde takes over once more, following Ten as he walks back to the museum.
[The Next Day]
You wake up late in the afternoon and turn the TV on for the news. Your dad already left for work so it’s just you in the house.
“Breaking News, it was discovered this morning, a writer from The Chronicles has gone missing. He goes by the name Ten and his vehicle was found with the key in its ignition and the front door open. Ten was last seen at the opening for the new art museum on 45th street.. If you have any information on Ten’s whereabouts, please contact the police at 555-5127.”
Your mouth fell open. The friendly gentleman that you met the night before had gone missing. You instantly felt guilty as you realized that he dropped you home and put his life in danger for it.
Then, your doorbell rang.
You looked through the peephole and saw Hendery.
You bit your bottom lip and sighed. You had been avoiding him since he ditched you, but you should’ve known he would visit you sooner or later when he knew your dad wasn’t home.
You opened the door.
“Hi.” You said with tight lips.
Hendery looked at you with pleading eyes that almost broke your hard exterior. His hair was wavy and hung in his forehead. His eyes looked tired and his face looked drained, but he still looked handsome to you.
“Baby..I’m so sorry, can I come in?”
You widened the door. “Yeah..I guess..”
Hendery brought in a large bouquet of flowers in one hand and a large gift bag in the other hand.
You sat down on the couch and turned off the TV.
“Okay, baby, listen, I’ve been at the lab a lot lately, I haven’t had enough sleep and I..I decided to take a nap like an idiot. I overslept and missed our date, I’m so so sorry, please baby, I didn’t do it on purpose.” He says in one breath as he drops the bag down and gets on his knees in front of you.
Your eyes widen. “Okay! Okay, you don’t have to do that..”
“Do you forgive me?” Hendery’s eyes are round and watery.
You caress the side of his face with your hand while he looks up at you like you’re the messiah. “Hendery..we should talk, maybe you should take a break from the lab..you look tired.”
Hendery melts in your hand as he closes his eyes. “Sweetheart..I love your touch..”
“You’re stressing yourself out, maybe it’s time for a vacation.” You continue.
He places his hand over yours and brings it to his lips. He kisses it softly.
“I’m fine, baby. I promise.” His voice is gravelly and makes you weak.
You sigh. “Sit beside me…”
Hendery smirks, he’s able to change the topic so effortlessly once he hypnotizes you with his eyes and touch. “Why?”
You lick your lips. “Are you really teasing me right now? After what you did last night?”
Hendery chuckles and gets up onto the couch beside you. You take his face in between your hands and kiss him deeply. You both grow hot and kiss each other with more passion as you struggle to breathe steadily, your tongue brushing over his and his teeth nipping onto your bottom lip.
He pulls away abruptly. “Wait..there’s something I have to show you.”
You watch him reach into the gift bag and pull out a large box. He hands it to you and grins. “Open it, sweetheart.”
“What’s this?” You lift the sides carefully and open the top. You then see that it’s a beautiful dress, but not just any dress. As you hold it above your head to let it fall loose from the box, you see that it’s the black Gucci dress that you told him you loved. It was long sleeve but slit down the center with a plunging neckline. 
You gasped. “For me?”
Hendery nodded when he saw your face light up.
“Oh my god! Hendery!” You turned to him with your mouth still agape.
He nodded. “You’re gonna look great in it, baby, but there’s something else..” he reaches into the bag and pulls out a small ring box.
He opens the box and shows you a dazzling emerald cut sapphire colored ring.
Your eyes widen even more. “Oh—oh my god!”
You fling your arms around him and hug him tightly.
He laughs as you freak out over your gifts and holds you to his chest. The two of you fall onto the couch and continue to make out.
“I love it, baby, thank you.” You say before kissing his neck.
He feels a chill run through his body as you lay on top of him. “It’s a promise ring, I promise to protect you and love you for as long as I live.”
You felt your legs weaken by his words.
“Hendery..I love you..” you kiss his collarbone.
Neither of you felt that it was early, for there was an undeniable connection that you had to each other. You couldn’t imagine yourselves with anyone else.
You sucked his skin in between your teeth and listened to him moan, the purplish marks you gave him standing bright and clear as the sunny day outside. 
You then pulled the band of his sweatpants down to reveal his hard member and licked the tip leaking with pre cum already.
You forgot about everything as the two of you made love. You only felt him, his love, his embrace, his caring nature. You loved it all and yearned for him to be with you forever.
[New Year’s Eve]
Things had calmed down a bit since that day. Hendery started looking and feeling better as his lab received more than enough money to continue research and development projects.
You also noticed that the rate of people going missing each week had gone down significantly, as if the culprit was taking a break for the holidays.
You felt happier now that Hendery and your father were both happier. Things felt right when you had Hendery by your side for Thanksgiving dinner and for the entire day of Christmas. And now, you could ring in the new year together. You hoped that your future would remain as bright as these past few days had been.
Hendery bought you so many gifts for Christmas, you had to leave some of them in his place. But you didn’t mind it, as it gave you an excuse to stay over some nights. Surprisingly, your dad was okay with that.
Your dad lifted curfew for the holidays, meaning you and Hendery could go to the movies or ice skating whenever you had the chance. You also got to make out by the giant Christmas tree by city hall and snap a few pictures together.
And when the nights were cold, Hendery wrapped you in his arms and kept you warm. He’d whisper sweet words into your ear and wait for you to drift into sleep.
He was taking double the amount of his “medication” to hold Mr. Hyde back. He was able to create more of it with your father’s generous donation that allowed him to buy the chemicals necessary. But he couldn’t ignore the fact that a part of him missed Mr. Hyde, for he felt more..confident with him around.
Nonetheless, Hendery spun you around on the ballroom floor as you danced.
The city was having a countdown special at a mansion owned by Johnny, the owner of the popular greenhouse conservatory on the outskirts.
His place was beautiful and you found yourself in awe at all of the art on the walls.
“I didn’t know you could dance.” You looked impressed by his dancing skills.
Hendery blushed. “I didn’t know I could either, but I may have watched a YouTube video or two to prepare for this..” he gave you a wink.
“Ohh..I see.” You laughed out as Hendery watched your beautiful smile. You looked stunning in the dress he bought you. Your neck and cleavage looked wonderful and oh so tempting. Your makeup was also done well, even though he thought you were gorgeous without it.
Hendery looked dapper in his suit and smoothed back hair. His hand on your waist and the way he looked into your eyes as you danced close made you tremble.
Hendery couldn’t keep his eyes from drifting down to your chest. He breathed heavily and the beast inside him dared to crawl out at any moment.
He was struggling to hold him back, but your silky, revealing dress has their thoughts running wild. He’s growing impatient. Sooner or later, Mr. Hyde will take over if Hendery doesn’t hold him back.
Hendery clears his throat and lets go of your hand. “Excuse me, I have to go to the restroom..”
A look of concern crosses your face but you nod and watch him scurry to the bathroom.
In the meantime, you watch your father speak to the elites a few feet away. You take a sip of your drink and look to the other direction.
A lady walks over to you suddenly.
“Hello! You must be the mayor’s beautiful daughter! How are you?” The woman asked enthusiastically.
You gave a smile that your dad would’ve been proud of and shook her hand.
“Yes! I am his daughter and thank you so much, I’m flattered.” You chuckled.
She nods. “You look amazing, but I couldn’t help but notice the ring on your finger.”
She points to the ring on your hand that is holding the glass.
“Oh.. what about it?”
“It’s just...I could’ve sworn I saw it on TV or something..” she puts a finger to her chin.
You shrugged your shoulders. 
“Ahh! Yes! That’s where I saw it, on the news I think, it was missing from a jewelry store! I think it’s worth about 50 grand!”
“What are you talking about?” Hendery pops up behind her.
He walks beside you and takes your hand in his. “Are you really trying to harass the Mayor’s daughter by accusing her of stealing a ring?”
The woman shook her head. “I am so sorry, you guys have a good night.” She walks away.
You turn to Hendery. “What was that?”
Hendery’s face relaxes when he looks back at you.
“I don’t know, but let’s dance.”
You dance for a few more minutes. Hendery starts to sweat and pull your body closer to his, he licks his lips as he watches your eyes fall low.
“Baby, I’m so sorry but I can’t take it anymore.” He takes your hand and leads you to the bathroom upstairs where things are a little quieter.
You stumble into the bathroom while kissing. Hendery fidgets his hand behind him and eventually finds the lock. He also flips the light switch.
He wraps an arm around you, picking you up and placing you to sit on the counter.
You continue to kiss him but Hendery is impatient.
He lifts his mouth from yours and yanks down the fabric of your dress to reveal your hard nipples.
“Fuck..this is what I’ve been dying to see all night.” He latches his mouth onto your nipple, sucking hard as you hold your body up with your hands behind your back.
Your head falls back as his tongue lays flat against the hard nub then circles around it.
“Ahh..Hendery, that feels so good.”
He looks up at you through dark eyes then bites you.
You yelp and look down. 
“It’s ‘daddy’ to you.” His voice is grumbly and deep.
You nod. “Daddy, give me more please.” You look up, dewy-eyed.
Hendery sucks and pumps harder. His touch is aggressive, but you don’t want him to stop. Just as long as he was touching you.
“You’re so fucking beautiful, I could just watch you all night.” He whispers into your chest then flicks his tongue over your breast again.
He pulls the other side down now, your breast popping out like it was begging to be released from its restrictive cloth covering.
You sat there on the counter, choking back moans and tightening your legs together as he continued to suck your breasts dry.
“Daddy..please..I need you..need you in me.”
Hendery squeezes your breast harder as you squeal.
“Stand up.” He demands while walking back to a stool in the bathroom and taking his jacket off.
He sits down onto it and pats his thigh. “Show me how you’ll ride my cock.”
You walk over to him and part your legs before sitting down and facing him.
He glared at you sternly, no trace of love rests in his gaze as he watches you like a hungry animal.
“No underwear.” He clicks his tongue when he feels your bare pussy resting on his clothed thigh.
You shake your head.
“What a whore you are, I can’t wait to do whatever I want with you.”
You bite your lip and start to move back and forth, you feel your clit begin to gain satisfaction.
You press down harder and hold onto his shoulder while grinding onto his thigh.
Your chest feels weak. You feel so good as friction comforts that one spot.
“Does it feel good?” He whispers with a straight face.
“Y-yes, daddy, so good.”
“Then stand up.”
Your face contorts in confusion.
“Be a good girl and stand up.”
You reluctantly leave his thigh and stand up.
He grabs your hip with one hand and looks up at you through his lashes. He reaches under your dress with his other hand and delivers a short, sharp slap to your dripping folds.
“Ah!” You cry out, but you don’t dare move.
He runs his hand over it now, caressing it to soothe the pain.
Your breath hitches in your throat.
“Mmmm so wet, sweetheart.” He licks his lips and delivers another blow.
You would’ve fallen forward had he not been holding you with his other hand.
“You’ve been tempting me all night with this slutty dress, did you think you would escape punishment?” He growls.
And slap after slap you felt your skin getting warm, but your wetness never failing to coat his fingers.
“Please..fuck me.” You exhale after he slaps you.
“Get on your knees.” 
You get on your knees and move to a position where you can suck his cock, but he shakes his head. 
“No no no..on all fours.”
The cold tile aggravates your knees but you ignore it and focus more on the aching in between your legs.
Hendery gets on the floor behind you and flips up the bottom half of your dress so it bunches up by your waist.
He places his hands onto your breasts while grinding his bulge against your ass.
“Fuck..daddy, please.”
He watches you fidget below him, your essence coating his dress pants as you lay there and take him just like that.
Your pussy quivers each time his bulge just barely presses onto it.
You breathe heavily and moan.
“Do you think you can take me, sweetheart?” You hear him zip his pants down. A sense of relief floods your body.
“Without taking my fingers first?”
“Yes, daddy.”
You can feel his tip hit your thigh. You move backwards and closer to him, just to feel him closer to you, anything to feel him.
“No, no stay still.”
He slides a condom on and watches your ass perk up in the air in anticipation. Your beautiful folds drip before him.
You gasp as he runs his tip in between them to coat it with your slick.
He smirks and grabs your waist while burying into hard and deep.
Your body falls onto the tile, you cry out loudly from the pain of him suddenly stretching you out but he wraps an arm under you and picks you up.
“I said, stay still!” He grumbles out again but his tone is harsher, darker.
Your arms shake as you hold your body up and attempt to adjust to his length.
He was both wide and long, tears escaped your eyes as he slid into your tight opening.
“So..fucking tight..especially for a whore like you.”
You bite your lips to hold back an embarrassingly loud moan.
He slides in and out quicker and pulls your head back by grabbing your hair. “Why are you crying? Is it too big for you?”
He thrusts hard, making your ass cheeks shake against his hips and your mouth fall open. He was never this rough with you, you wondered why he sounded different.
He was also bigger than usual, you thought.
He thrusts hard again, nestling himself deep within your walls and pushing against your insides.
He then pulls out completely before giving your ass a harsh slap. You fall onto the floor and cry out.
“No, what?!”
“No, daddy!”
He flips you over onto your back just so he can see your teary face and lips swollen from you biting them.
He licks his lips and goes back to sucking your breasts like he did before, only this time, his cock is passing against your silky walls.
You feel every ridge, every vein, every twitch. 
Curse words leave your mouth as you are brought closer and closer to the edge.
He placed his hands on either side of your head and fucks into you from above while watching your breasts move with each thrust. His nails dig into your knees as he pushes them further apart, watching his long cock glide into your small opening like magic. The way you open up for him drives him crazy.
You’re so wet, he slips in and out with ease. 
“Should I let you cum?”
“Yes, daddy, please.” You licked your lips and watched the handsome man above you. He had loosened a few buttons but his hair, now free and wavy, dangled over your face.
He takes your hard nipples in between his fingers and pinches them. You arch your back and moan.
This all felt so wrong but so right. Him fucking you hard and into the new year on the bathroom floor while your father was just down stairs a few feet away. 
You came instantly, your body trembling as it clenched around him. Your eyes shut tightly, Hendery watched your jaw clenched and grabbed your chin.
“I didn’t tell you to cum, now I’ll have to go harder.” He growled out.
He fucked you hard, your back rubbing against the tile as he didn’t let up on his unforgiving thrusts.
“Too-too much, daddy.” You cried out as tears escaped your eyes again.
“That’s too fucking bad, you came without permission, so now you’re gonna take it,” he thrusted particularly hard with an emphasis on “take it.”
You moaned loudly and squirmed under him, but he held you still, his fingertips digging into your waist. You panted and cried as a burning feeling shot through your skin..
Hendery fucked you like some kind of animal with a crazy sex drive, placing your legs onto his shoulders and ripping some fabric from your expensive dress.
“Hendery! What the-“
“Shhh!! I want to see my cock fill you up, sweetheart. Want to see my little whore take all of me in.”
A smile creeped across his face.
You got up on your elbows and saw that his girthy penis really was poking through your stomach slightly.
“Fuck..so fucking good, daddy.”
Your hips started to hurt from your legs being open and spread out for so long, but Hendery didn’t care, you were all his tonight, and he was going to make sure you remembered that.
“Who were you walking home with after you left the art museum?”
Your brows furrowed. “What are you talking about?”
Why would he bring up something from a few months ago?
“The guy..I saw him take you home..what’s his name?”
He rubs your clit, making you disoriented.
“I don't know Hendery, I went home by myself that night.”
“Oh, don’t fucking lie to me, whore.” He places his hand around your throat and squeezes it.
You clench uncontrollably as your clit feels amazing with his thumb on it.
Hendery cums as you tighten around him unexpectedly. You release as well, his hand tightens even more around your throat. You see stars and shake. Your body feels weak, but Hendery doesn’t pull out or let your throat go.
He leans downward and kisses your lips.
He looks wild and different, his eyes are more intense with a red glow around them that you hadn’t seen before. He has purple and green veins bursting out from his forehead and neck also.
He chokes you while staring into your eyes and as you come down from your high, you notice that something is wrong.
He pulls his limp member out but lets it lay on your stomach.
“Tell me his fucking name!”
Your eyes grow. “Who are you talking about?!” You manage to utter out while slowly losing breath.
He lays a sloppy kiss onto your lips again then pulls away. “Do you want to know what Ten’s last words were?”
You grasped his shoulders. “Hendery, this isn’t funny.”
“Oh, but it is, sweetheart..you should’ve seen the look of terror on his face when I held the knife above his head.”
Your mouth fell open, greeting Hendery’s as he laid another kiss. You struggled to push him off of you, so you bit his lip and crawled away from him.
Hendery kneeled on the ground and held his lip. A low chuckle escapes and it’s one that is horrifying.
“But baby, we were having so much fun, why did you do that?”
“Because you’re not funny! I’m leaving!” You stumble to your feet and fix your dress over your breasts.
You rush to the door but Hendery blocks it. You cower in fear. He doesn’t look like himself at all, he looks like some kind of monster with a wild look.
“Hendery? What’s wrong with you?”
“Hendery’s not here anymore.” The deep voice laughs out.
“Let me go.” You begin to tremble.
“Hendery had his fun, I think I deserve to have fun too.”
You were so confused as this monster takes Hendery over, but you quickly devise a plan.
You grab the soap dispenser behind you and quickly hit him in the head. He snarls out in pain but you have just enough time to push past him and out of the door.
You rush down the stairs and call out for help, but then you notice that the fireworks are going off. People are laughing and sharing drinks on the rooftop together.
You turn to head back up the stairs and to the rooftop to get help, but Hendery is already making his way down with an angry look on his face.
No one is in the mansion but you..and him.
You run out of the mansion as fast as you can, hoping that you can find anyone that could help you.
You felt pain in your hips from being stretched out but you ignored it. You were terrified as you heard him bolting after you with superhuman speed.
“Help!! Help me!!” You cried out but the streets were empty, everyone was celebrating the new year as beautiful and loud fireworks lit up the sky.
You continue to run and breathe heavily, you finally create a safe distance between yourself and him so you lean against the back of a wall and wait for him to pass.
He slows down when he no longer sees you..
“Sweetheart..it’s just me and you, now. Don’t worry about him!” Hendery’s normal voice calls out.
You tremble and cry in fear, but cover your mouth as he gets closer.
“What are you talking about? I’m still here, where is the little whore?” A darker voice says.
“She’s smart, we won’t find her.” The first voice says.
You’re confused, it’s as if two people are talking to each other, but it’s just Hendery.
“I can smell her..” the darker voice says.
“No!! No!! Leave her alone!” Hendery fights himself in the street alone, he goes crazy  while yelling and throwing himself around.
“But she’s mine!”
“Mr. Hyde..please just leave me alone..” Hendery falls to his knees and sobs in the middle of the street.
“I live inside you forever, Hendery, with Satan himself by my side.”
And then you only hear silence.
You peak out to see if he has left but to your surprise. He’s right there beside you, his crazy eyes glaring as he smiles.
“Found ya!”
You scream and run away and into the yard of a random house, you stumble into the shed and look around for anything you can use to protect yourself.
A bat.
You take the bat and walk around the yard. 
You see Hendery walking around the house. You take in a sharp breath then run up to him fast and swing as hard as you can.
His body falls to floor limply.
You drop the bat and cover your mouth, screaming once more as you look on the body of your strange lover.
[1 Month Later]
You’re starting the spring semester at college, physically. You and your father both agreed that after what happened, it would be best for you to spend some time away.
You told your father about what had happened that night the next day. He told you that Hendery had threatened him and you both came to the conclusion that Hendery was suffering from some sort of psychological disorder. One that would allow him to kidnap and murder people.
Some missing people were found in the lab’s crematory room, but evidence showed that most victims were cremated. This amount of cremation filled the air with harmful toxins, the very same toxins that Hendery’s lab was responsible for getting rid of.
It was ironic, but now your father was happy that the killer was identified.
People no longer went missing.
All cases were closed.
Except for one, however.
Hendery’s body was never found.
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drosera-nepenthes · 3 years
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A Royal Recluse: Princess Clotilde
Just at the time when, in consequence of the weakness and folly of the republican government, certain French Monarchists are looking to Prince Victor Napoleon Bonaparte as the possible savior of their country, the Prince, whose marriage to Princess Clementina of Belgium recently brought him before the public, was watching by the deathbed of his mother, Princess Clotilde of Savoy, who breathed her last on June 25. The story of this royal lady is a pathetic one and, apart from the interest that is attached to her as the mother of the imperial candidate to the French throne, her personal character was one of rare beauty.
She was the daughter of Victor Emmanuel II, first King of Italy, and of Adelaide, Archduchess of Austria, and was born at Turin on March 2, 1843. Her mother died in 1855, leaving five young children, of whom Clotilde was the eldest, the others being Humbert, the future King of Italy ; Amadeo, Duke of Aosta ; Maria Pia, the queen dowager of Portugal, and a son who died in childhood. The Queen of Sardinia (Victor Emmanuel had not at that time laid violent hands on the independent states of Italy) was an exemplary wife and mother, and her orphan daughters were carefully educated by the attendants whom she had placed about them.
Never was a princess more ruthlessly sacrificed to political interests than the eldest princess of Savoy. When a mere child of sixteen, Clotilde was chosen to cement the alliance between France and Sardinia, and was promised in marriage to Prince Napoleon Jerome, nephew of Napoleon I and first cousin Napoleon III, the reigning sovereign. Princess Clotilde was connected with the Bourbons, her very name was French and was given to her in memory of the French Princess Marie Clotilde, sister of Louis XVI, who married a King of Sardinia ; but allied as she was by close ties of blood to the Bourbons, she had nothing in common with the Bonapartes who occupied their place, and a more ill-assorted couple never existed than the middle-aged, violent, cynical and free-thinking Prince Napoleon and the daughter of the most ancient royal house in Europe, who traditions and surroundings were strictly conservative and religious. Their marriage took place at Turin on January 30, 1859. The bride was sixteen and the bridegroom thirty-seven. He had a handsome presence and was intelligent and well informed and well informed, but neither his private life nor his freely expressed opinions on public matters made him estimable or lovable. His attitude with regard to his cousin, the Emperor, was one of constant opposition, and it was reported that his anti-religious views led him to take part in the banquets organized by a group of free thinkers on Good Friday. Under the Second Empire the French Government was officially Catholic, and Prince Napoleon's hostile and aggressive attitude was pronounced ill-bred, if not worse. Throughout France he was distinctly unpopular.
The young bride, married to this unsympathetic nephew of the great Napoleon, probably had few illusions as to the sum of happiness that awaited her in her new home. There are still some old men living who remember her when she took possession of the Palais Royal, Prince Napoleon's Paris house.: a slight, pale girl, with fluffy, fair hair and bright eyes, not pretty but singularly attractive. Her high breeding stood her in good stead in the somewhat parvenu atmosphere of the Court of the Tuileries, she had a royal dignity all her own, and her simplicity of heart was combined with much quiet firmness. From the first she ordered her life according to the principles in which she had been educated. An early riser, even at the Palais Royal, she gave much time to prayer and to works of mercy, but her piety, says M. Emile Ollivier, a former minister of Napoleon II, “never made her tiresome or intolerant. She believed that the most useful sermon was the practice of the virtues that are taught by faith.” Her husband, although so widely apart from her, acknowledged her goodness. “Clotilde is a saint,” he sometimes said ; “if there were many like her, I believe I myself should end by becoming devout.”
When the disastrous war of 1870 brought terror and shame upon France, the Princess was in Paris. During that fatal month of August every day came news of a fresh defeat, and the revolution that was to break out on the 4th of September was already distinctly perceptible; the infuriated and terrified people made the imperial government responsible for the reverses that so keenly wounded their patriotic pride.
Princess Clotilde was alone at the Palais Royal ; her husband was with the army, her three children she sent to Switzerland, where Prince Napoleon had an estate; but she steadily refused to leave Paris while the Empress Eugénie remained at the Tuileries. There was not much personal sympathy between the two; it was Princess Clotilde's feeling of loyalty that chained her to the post danger as long as there was a semblance of imperial government in Paris.
In vain her husband wrote imperious messages bidding her join her children at Prangins; in vain her father sent the Marquis Spinela to Paris to escort her ; the Princess so yielding in everyday life, was unbending in her decision to remain at the palace as long as the lonely woman at the Tuileries was the nominal ruler of France ; she had shared the splendors of the Empire, and it went against her noble spirit to desert the Empress.
The letter this young woman, a stranger in a strange land, wrote to her father on August 25, 1870, has been quoted by the French papers. It is a right royal letter worthy of the daughter of kings:
“I am a French woman,” she says. “I cannot desert my country. When I married although so young, I knew what I was doing and if I did it, it was because I wished to do so. The interest of my husband, of my children and of my country require that I should remain here. The honor of my name, your honor, my dear father, and that of my country also demand it. Nothing will make me fail in what I believe to be my duty to the end... You know that the house of Savoy and fear have never gone together, and you would not wish that they should meet in my person.”
At last, when the Empress was driven from her palace by the mob, the Princess considered that she was free to follow, but how different was the departure of the two women!
The brilliant and beautiful sovereign, closely disguised, was only able to leave Paris owing to the assistance of her American dentist, Dr. Evans; her young cousin made her exit as a princess. In an open carriage, accompanied by her lady in waiting, she drove to the railway station in broad daylight. The excited people, awed by her courage and dignity, saluted her as she passed out of their sight, a truly royal and saintly figure.
Princess Clotilde lived for some years at Prangins, near Geneva, where she devoted herself to the education of her three children; then, when her husband was allowed to return to France, the difficulties of her married life were such that by mutual consent she retired to the Castle of Moncalieri, near Turin, with her young daughter. Here, in the home of her childhood, she spent nearly forty years. They were years of peace, largely marked by sorrow. Four times only did she emerge from her retreat, once in January 1878, when she heard that her father lay dangerously ill in Rome. She had suffered cruelly from the spoliation of the Holy See by the house of Savoy, and the remembrance of her father's part in the matter prompted her to fly to his bedside. On the way she heard that he was dead, and she sadly returned to Moncalieri. In 1891, she again started for Rome, this time to visit her husband, who lay dying at the Hotel de Russie. Those who saw the Princess during those solemn days can never forget her sweetness, earnestness and gentle patience. What passed between her and Prince Napoleon none can tell, but Cardinal Mermillod a frequent visitor to the sick room, professed himself satisfied, after two private interviews, that the dying man was fully conscious. The Princess, whose married life, it is well known, had been a via crucis, remained near him to the end, praying incessantly for the soul that probably owes its salvation to her intercession. Again in 1903 and in 1904, she left Moncalieri to visit her sister-in-law, Princess Mathilde Bonaparte, whose deathbed she attended.
Her life, as it neared the end became more and more that of a recluse. Her sons lived their own lives in Brussels and in Russia; her daughter, having married a Prince of Savoy, was near to her, and their visits, occasionally brought an element of joy into the silent castle. Last autumn, Prince Victor Napoleon's marriage to the Princess Clémentine of Belgium gladdened his mother's heart. It was celebrated at Moncalieri, and to those who attended the ceremony the most striking figure present was the slight, gray-haired lady, plainly dressed in black, whose eyes had the far-away look of those who are nearing the eternal shore. Even in the days of her youth Princess Clotilde's spirituality struck M. Emile Ollivier. It gave her, he says a singular insight into all questions that touch on right and wrong; she possessed the gifts of the true mystics, “who judge human affairs with a clearness and rectitude born of detachment.” Her chief link with the outer world during the long, silent years of old age was her love for the poor, to whom she gave royally, with a loving kindness that made her gifts more precious. Their grief was great when they heard of her death, and their prayers will follow her remains to the royal mausoleum of La Superga, near Turin, where the daughter of the Sardinian Kings sleeps with her ancestors.
America. United States, America Press, 1911.
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fuckthesworld · 4 years
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Warnings: SMUT and unprotected sex!
Rapp Corporation was the leading marketing firm in the world. Companies like Disney, Sony and Southwest paid millions of dollars to be associated with it. It represented actors, athletes, business moguls and small businesses. While it was in high demand it was also reasonable - sponsoring schools and nonprofit organizations around the world.
The single person driving the reigns to the crazy international kingdom that resided in London was Mitch Rapp . That’s right. He was part of a decade of strong, successful businessmen.
And he was your boss.
You had literally stumbled into the job of personal assistant. Literally. You were walking out of a coffee shop, resumes in hand when you ran into his large, hard frame. You landed on your ass and when you were able to recover, you were looking into the deepest chocolate eyes you had ever seen. His bright white teeth clashed against his tan skin, his dark locks perfectly framing his face.
Then you remembered that you had spilled coffee on one of the most powerful, young bachelors in the world.
You had also spilled coffee all over your resume and you groaned in realization, the expensive fresh pages coated in thick lakes of coffee. He had helped you pick up the lost keys to your future, taking a second to read over your resume and offered you a job. He was on the way to meet someone about being his personal assistant and you did just get your masters in public relations. You could intern while still making money and if you showed promise he promised to promote you.
Sometimes life really does work out in your favor. Sit in that for five seconds then remember that your boss is one of the sexiest, most successful young CEO’s in the world.
Not only is he attractive but he has the work ethic of an ox. And it made working for him damn hard. Probably harder than managing the clients he had. He was constantly in meetings, constantly leaving early in the morning and late in the evening. Going to galas and charity events, charming new people. He opened up smaller chains in areas in the world stricken by poverty to try to help increase job opportunities. He volunteered at schools and hospitals. He spent his Thanksgiving and Christmas and any other holiday of giving providing food for those in need. Always. He’s always been like this.
Mitch wasn’t just a CEO. Wasn’t even human.
He was a goddamn saint sent from heaven to wreak havoc on earth.
It was on such an occasion that he had asked you to attend one of his events - a large gala celebrating 50 years of business with his father and grandfather.  The whole legacy under one roof. You didn’t understand why you were asked to attend. As his assistant sure you had to manage the media and who visited him. But that had been hours ago. The night was now thriving off the rich and famous drunkenly dancing and teasing each other. Mitch never drank more than two glasses of anything at events like these so you didn’t have to babysit him. But you also wanted to go home if he didn’t need you and that he refused.
You watched him as he laughed along with two of his most trusted partners, Scott Mccall and Derek Hale as they sipped expensive champagne and spoke lowly among each other. Mitch was wearing a tailored blue suit, his white  button up popping against a black tie. His slight beard had grown since he shaved it these past two days and was now a short beard and all you could think about was how it would feel between your legs.
You shook your head, returning your eyes to your blackberry. You had to get it together. Everyone teased you that he had a thing for you. He never had women assistants. Preferred men to ensure that things stayed professional. Never offered people jobs on the spot either.
There was just something about you they would tease.
Well he sure as hell wasn’t making a move so until he did it would have to stay a mystery.
“You’re still working for him.”
The soft voice takes you off guard and you jump a bit, breaking from your thoughts as  your eyes fall on your assailant. Standing in a dark red gown, her pale skin contrasting with her perfectly coiffed dark hair is Katrina Mendes. 
Ex-girlfriend of Mitch Rapp.
She takes a seat beside you, the soft smell of Chanel wafting off her skin as she continues.
“Didn’t think a fragile little thing like you would survive a man like him.”
You knew what she was doing. Her younger sister, Annika , had warned you about this months ago. When you had accidentally ran into her at a golf tournament with Mitch. She loved him still. Despite the fact that she married someone new, moved across the world, she still loved and wanted him. Didn’t want anyone else to claim him.
You were a threat. You were beautiful,  intelligent. charming and apparently upon Scott’s teasing, he spoke about you a lot. Katrina hated you. And reminded you every time she saw you.
“Surprised you’re here. Thought you’d be back in America with your husband. Oh wait, he’s in Japan with his mistress of the month.”
It was no secret her husband cheated on her. She even laughed about it but deep down you knew it killed her inside. Killed her that she chose a man like that over a man like Mitch. It made you even empathize for her…until she opened her mouth and you were reminded that karma was real.
She narrows her eyes at you before deliberately taking the large flute of champagne in her hand and slowly tilting it on your dress. On your $3,000 dress you had charged on your credit card that you had planned on returning tomorrow. You had only bought the navy blue gown to try to impress Mitch, hoping he would be charmed by the way it looked on your body.
It hadn’t and now, on top of rejection, she had ruined it and put you $3,000 in the hole.
“Have fun returning your De la Rented dress.” she smirks at you as you stand, the champagne trailing down the front of the long gown. You try to bite back tears, try not to bring too much attention to yourself as you pat at he gown down with a napkin before looking at her.
“I really hope you’re happy making other people’s life miserable Katrina. Because from what I hear, you used to be an awesome person and now, now you’re just a lonely bitch.”
You don’t notice the crowd of people who have been crowding around, watching the small scene unfold. Don’t see Mitch head toward you as you make your way down to the hallway to the family restroom. You don’t realize the tears that have been falling down your cheeks until you feel him grab your arm, turning you gently toward him.
“Y/N…” your name sounds different on his tongue and the way he’s looking at you has you sobbing harder. You try to push him away as he draws you to him, his large sculpted arms surrounding you as he whispers,
“Just let it all out.”
You don’t know why you’re crying. Maybe it’s the fact that you’ve wasted $3,000 on a dress that had made little impact in your life. Maybe its because you’ve been up since 4:30 because of him, trying to make his night perfect. You missed having a social life. Missed your mom and dad and siblings. Missed your small loft in London.
Missed all of this because of him and he didn’t even give a damn.
The thought drives your sobs deeper and his grip tightens around you as you cry harder, his large hands rubbing your back. His mouth hushes you and he rocks you before you start to calm down, your sobs tampering off and you pull away, shaking your head. You want to apologize for your unprofessionalism and you also wanted to tell him he could take his assistant job and fuck off but then his left hand is hooking under your chin as he tilts your head up to you.
“I can pay for your dress. I’m sorry she ruined it. But holy hell Y/N what did you expect when you wore something like this?”
His right hand that has never left your body tampers down your back as he pulls you closer to him.
“You’ve been driving everybody mad wearing this,” he eyes are shifting now, darkening around the pupils as he licks his lips. “It should be a condemned sin.”
His voice has dropped an octave and the deep bass draws a shiver up your spine. You give your lip a light bite and he gives a short groan, the pad of his thumb brushing over the exposed skin. His hand tightens around your waist as he whispers,
“You should be a condemned sin.”
You’re looking up at him confused, trying to register what he was saying. He watches you back, trying to get a read on you before he straightens, pulling from you.
“I hope you’re feeling better.” he croaks, backing away as he takes you in one last time before he turns on his heel. You stop him, your hand shooting for his arm. You walk around him, his hair covering his pinched eyes as you whisper,
“What do you mean by that Mitch?”
He doesn’t look at you as he manages out,
“I’ve drank too much. I shouldn’t…” he looks at you and groans. “You just, I should have asked you out and not have offered you a job.”
The words takes you off guard as he takes a deep sigh.
“You’re so goddamn sexy and smart and I felt terrible ruining your resumes,” he was referencing your encounter months ago. “That offering you a job was the best I could do. I thought you’d get burnt out and quit and then I could ask you out but you’re so damn good. So damn good at everything you do so I’ve been stuck pretending I don’t care when all I want is you.”
Your dumbstruck as he looks at you and groans, shrugging out of your embrace.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. We can leave, if you want.”
He’s looking past you and you’re trying to process it all.
He really did like you.
You grab his neck, drawing him down to you, your lips pressing against his. It catches him off guard for only a second before he’s registering your actions, his hands grabbing your hips as he pushes you flush against a wall. His kisses are needy and desperate as his tongue teases your mouth open and you are consumed by him. Your hands move to his hair, his beautiful dark tresses getting tangled in your delicate fingers as he moans in your mouth, pushing his hips into your naval.
You moan feeling his erection brush against you and he pulls away, his eyes frenzied with lust.
“Not here.” his voice is hoarse and deep as he grabs you and basically drags you into the family restroom you were seeking out earlier. He shuts the door, locking it before grabbing you and slamming you against the door. He lifts you, your long gown getting lost around him as your legs hooks around his waist and his mouth is on your collarbone, sucking on the skin.
“You are so damn gorgeous,” he mumbles along your skin, his mouth nipping at your neck. “Do you know that? Do you know that you’ve been driving me fucking insane in this dress” his hands trail up your gown, his hot fingers clashing with your cool thighs and his mouth has found yours. “Drove me insane the moment I picked you up and you were wearing this.” His hands ghost over your center and you give a small yelp, as he pulls back to look you in the eye.
“You’re not wearing any underwear.” he bites his lips as he glides his fingers up your wet folds and you shiver as you stumble out,
“I always run out of clean underwear and you came so early to pick me up I couldn’t go and buy a pair.”
His hands slowly traces up and down your pussy and he watches your face twist in pleasure.
“How many times have you worked with me without any panties on?”
“Honestly?” you bite down on your lip as his thumb slowly starts to tease against your clit and your hips rock against his finger. “Like most of the time. You don’t give me enough time to do my laundry.”
Your words are soft, barely coming in a whisper and he growls, sticking a finger into you as he begins his slow assault into your tight walls.
“You are so fucking wet,” he whispers as he looks at you, a wicked grin on his face. “Are you always this wet for me princess?”
You give a weak nod as he inserts another finger and you buck against him, your hands digging into his shoulders.
“I thought I smelled you the other week when we were at dinner.” You knew what he was referencing. He had taken you out for dinner after a long day at the office at a trendy sushi spot. He had been talking to you as his nimble fingers gracefully picked up one sushi after the other, the raw fish placed carefully in his mouth. You don’t know why it turned you on but it did. You wanted to know what those fingers would feel like in you, his mouth over yours.
Now you knew.
“Did I smell you princess?” he whispers a grin gracing his face and you give another weak nod and he growls, inserting a third finger in you. You arch your back against him, hands stuck in his hair as his mouth attacks your neck again.
“Tell me what had you so turned on so much?”
You give a weak mewl in silence and he pulls his fingers out, causing you to whine. He looks up at you with hooded eyes shaking his head.
“You have to use your words princess.”
“I was thinking about you finger fucking me.” you manage out, biting your lip as your cheeks flush over. He smiles as he sticks his fingers back in you, watching your face contort in pleasure again. His fingers curls up and hits you in that sweet spot and you feel your body tensing, clawing for release.
“Were you?”
You give a quick nod and he chuckles, his mouth getting close to your ear. His fingers are merciless know, pumping into you faster as his thumb brushes against your clit and you can feel that tension in your stomach build up.
“Wanna hear a secret princess?” he whispers against the shell of your ear and you hum, your body starting to give in to the pleasure he was delighting you to. “I’ve jacked off to you every night since I’ve met you, cumming all over my body from the thought of my dick being filled to the rim in you.”
That was all you needed. Between his fingers and the image of him jacking off to you your screaming his name, your fingers tangled in his hair as your walls flutter around his fingers. He groans, coaxing you through your climax as he watches you before he pulls from you, inserting all three of his fingers in his mouth. He gives a low moan as he sucks your essence off and pulls his fingers out with a pop before your leaning into him for a kiss.
He shifts, carrying you to the bathroom counter and slamming placing you down. He yanks at his suit, pulling down his pants and boxers as his cock springs free.
“Tonight I’ll make love to you the way you deserve,” he promises as he lines himself up at your entrance. “I’ll have you begging my name by the time I’m done with you but right now I just need you.”
His cock is teasing your folds as you look up at him, your eyes darkening as you thrust your hips forward. He stops you, something dark flickering in his eyes.
“What do you want princess?” he whispers and you moan as your hands pull at his shoulders.
“I want you.”
“You want me to what?” a satisfied smirk sits on his face and you rub your folds against his twitching cock.
“Want you to fuck me with your big fucking cock.”
He groans as he slowly thrusts into you, grabbing your hands and intertwining them with yours as he raises them above your head. His head falls in the crook of your neck as he bottoms out in you, his hair tickling your shoulders and you both give a satisfied moan. You rock your hips against him, enjoying the way he fills you to the brim and he moans as he pulls from you, his hips rocking out of you before slamming back in.
“Goddamn you are tight..” he whispers as he lifts himself enough to look at you, then his mouth is hot on yours as his body claims you.
His hips snap into you, desperately chasing after your orgasm before he lifts your leg and you’re getting hit in that special spot that has you screaming out his name.
“That’s right princess. Want you to cum all over my big cock.” he whispers, his hips in a frenzy as he watches you unwind underneath him. His finger finds your clit and flicks the sensitive area and you’re screaming his name again, your body shaking as you find sweet release. His hips are sloppily slapping against your as your walls tighten around before there milking him  his body shaking uncontrollably as your arms find your way around his body.
You wait a beat before saying,
“Soooo…I’m guessing I have to quit. This is the highest level of conflicted interest if I’ve ever known one.”
He chuckles, his face tucked in your shoulder before pulling away and kissing you.
“I don’t want you to quit.”
“Wouldn’t that be -”
“Unless you want to. You’re free to work in any of our departments. You’re way too good to be an assistant.” he’s rambling, something he does when he’s nervous and you chuckle, leaning up and kissing him. He relaxes as you pull away, his lips tugged between your teeth before you whisper.
“Let’s worry about it tomorrow. I should at least get a year under your belt before we talk about commitment.”
He chuckles, wiggling against you and there’s a soft knock on the door and you both freeze before you hear Scott’s voice.
“…….so uhhh, I don’t mean to interrupt you two but ummmm,” he clears his throat though you can hear the humour in his voice. “Your dad is looking for you Mitch. For a photo.”
Mitch groans and you laugh, giving a lock of his hair a tug.
“Give us a minute Scott. We need to….make ourselves decent.”
“Uh huh.” You know he’s smiling as he walks away and Mitch’s eyes are glinting at you mischievously.
“How long do you think he’s been standing out there hearing you scream out my name?”
“Mitch! That’s your best friend!” you say in mock surprise and he laughs, shaking his head.
“Scott’s always had a thing for you.” he nuzzles his face in your neck before muttering. “Besides I have another round in me.”
His shimmies his hips against yours and you gasp at his dick hardening in you.
You both make it out of the bathroom thirty minutes later.
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cafeinthemoon · 3 years
Madara with s/o who works as a maid and is very shy 😳
When anon requested this, I just couldn’t say no because I never get tired of this trope! I absolutely love it! Besides it reminds me of part of the dynamics between Madara and reader in my own fic, The Leaves of Her Garden, so it makes things easier XD
So the idea is that reader is very shy and works as a maid on the Uchiha compound, precisely at the head’s house, and Madara takes a liking to her. How would he act in such situation? Let’s find out!
Fandom: Naruto | Madara Uchiha
Symbols: 💗 | ◻ | ▶▶
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(I’m sorry but it HAD to be this gif okay)
Before you were sent to work at the head’s house, you’ve already heard people’s comments about Madara Uchiha
Besides the fact that he was an incomparably skilled shinobi, there was this idea that he was an unusual man
You never paid much attention to this; your opinion was that as the head of an important clan he had the right to maintain his quirks
Things only changed after your first days working as a maid in his house
He was both scary and interesting as a person, just like you were told
And since you were so shy that you always had a hard time talking to strangers, it was incredible that you managed to communicate with such man when necessary
What you didn’t expect was to catch his attentions without doing nothing to deserve them
On his side, it started as mere curiosity
Madara always observed carefully what (and who) he had around him, so he didn’t take long to distinguish you from other servants
You were never seen wandering around, neglecting your tasks, and didn’t have the bad habit of gossiping
To be honest, you were barely seen around any people
You were always occupied with something, and never left your place until your work was done
But sometimes you would stop for a moment to appreciate things around you like the sunlight, the morning breeze touching your face or a bird singing, to which you would smile
Those were the moments when your beauty reached its apex
Everything about you just reinforced this idea of a young and pretty girl who was gentle and had good manners but seemed to have no friends
How was that even possible? He needed to find out
So he started to approach you, and realized you were just shy
The way you reacted to his sudden appearances in the rooms you were working at, or when he crossed your way on the house’s porch was a diversion to him
The way you suppressed your scream when you recognized him, your cheeks as red as his Sharingan,while you did your best to greet him with the appropriate words… all of this was just adorable
“Good morning… Madara-sama”, “Goodnight, Madara-sama”, “Excuse me, Madara-sama, but I have to go back to work”
There was that time when you were carrying a bucket full of water and you almost dropped it when he appeared and greeted you, but he caught it from your hand in time
You tried to grab the bucket back and follow your way, but he wouldn’t let you until you give him a good reason on why you were on a rush early in the morning
“The rooms will not leave their places if you slow down just a little bit, y/n-san”, he advised you with a smirk
The look you gave him after hearing this was something he wouldn’t forget. Didn’t you know he was capable of joking as any other person?
When he started to try and turn these brief greetings into actual conversations, he has already noticed that you were fleeing from him
Which wasn’t exactly a surprise: he was used to terrify people with his mere presence
However, were you in fact afraid of him? Or were you trying to dismiss him without being rude? Or did you think those meetings were inappropriate since you were just a maid, not even a ninja to be considered worthy of his attention?
Whatever the reason, it didn’t matter: he was determined to have you
There was something indescribable in all of this, something irresistible, to think that you were so different, so apart from him and yet you were there, oblivious to the fact that you’ve been occupying his thoughts whenever he let his mind wander… That situation was both funny and ridiculous
He was more skilled, more experienced, stronger than you in all senses
He could use both his privilege and his abilities to do anything he wanted: to isolate you, to make you fall for him, to convince you to let him take you, to kill you or to get rid of you
Still, he couldn’t dream of doing any of these things
You were so pure, so sweet and innocent that the slightest idea of harming you was disgusting to him
Sometimes he would laugh at himself because of this: who would imagine that the person capable of stopping Madara Uchiha wasn’t but a young maid whose mission was to clean the floor of his house?
He even started to reshape your routine in order to get closer to you
One day, when you came to do your daily tasks, part of the work was already done. You found that strange, but didn’t question anything; you just finished the rest and left earlier
This started to happen everyday. Besides it, Madara started to make small favors to you, such as carrying heavy buckets, leaving things organized to make your work easier, etc.
It was also common that you would meet Madara during your “free” time
He seemed to always know where to find you even before you get to the place, and if you were the one who met him first, he would never let you leave without exchanging at least one word with him
During these conversations, he would make questions about your life, the places you would go on your days off, your hobbies, your family and friends
You would do your best to be discreet, but you always found yourself talking more than you wanted or would do with anyone else
It was something in the way he made the questions: Madara had a talent to take all the information he wanted from people
On the other hand, he rarely talked about himself, and whenever you asked something to him, his answers were always brief and never gave room to second questions
Despite your shyness, you started to feel strangely at will to speak your mind to him. It was like he could understand anything you wanted to express, even when you used just a few words
It was hard to explain what was happening between you
As the days passed, Madara no longer talked to you using the -san. Instead, he would call you directly by your name, and sometimes he would just start speaking without calling you first, because you would simply know that he was talking to you
Not only he was working hard to establish a connection with you, but he also started to pay close attention to the other people’s behavior towards you
One day, he casually heard two women talking and one of them mentioned your name, making a slightly spicy comment, something about you being too pretty for your own good
The next day she didn’t show up to work, and when people questioned about this, it was said that she was sent to other part of the compound
There was also an occasion when Madara saw you talking to a young man during lunch time. The man was a friend of your family, which explained your cheerful tone while talking to him
Something in this bothered him in an unexplainable way. You were so different from yourself around that man, so loud! Was he just your friend, or was he something more?
Next time you met this man, you sensed he wasn’t at will in your presence
When you asked if everything was okay, he said that he was just a bit sad because he was leaving that part of the compound to work on another one, far from there
You never found out the entire story, which was: this friend of yours really liked you and was planning to ask you out, but this somehow came to Madara’s knowledge and he ~discretely~ told him that he had other plans for you. The man couldn’t compete with the head of the clan, so he thought it was better for him to leave
Exaggerated? Yes. Dishonest? More or less. Questionable? Totally
But you never knew about this, and Madara intended to leave things like this
Now that his way was free again, he could concentrate in bringing you even closer
Sometimes he used to take walks at the gardens alone
He started to bring you with him, where you would maintain the same type of conversations you already had
During these walks, he would make you impressive yet gentle gestures like throwing a kunai to cut a flower from a high branch and give it to you or using his Katon to create a bonfire if you start to shiver in the cold evening breeze
You would both sit at the grass and talk or just stare at the sunset in silence
These moments felt like a loop in time, and going back to the house was like waking up from a dream
After some time, you couldn’t say you didn’t know the reason behind all of this: Madara has taken a liking to you and was using all he got to win your affection
The truth is that you started to have feelings for him as well
But unlike him, who was allowed to do as he pleased, you were a servant in his house; you two belonged to different worlds, despite being part of the same clan
So you never dared open up about your feelings, no matter how close he got
S you thought that maybe if you didn’t give him any encouragement, he would give up on you soon
Well, that’s not what happened. If you knew him better, you wouldn’t be surprised with this
One night, during a walk, he stopped and openly spoke about his feelings and intentions
You did your best to remain composed while you listened to him, and when your time to speak came, you used all the expected arguments to dissuade him of such madness
Maybe you were too gentle and thus not convincing, or maybe there was no reason to resist, but Madara dismissed all your objections with no difficulties
You were just a maid? You were an Uchiha, that’s what you were. You were not a shinobi? Many women weren’t and they married shinobi men anyway. You weren’t worthy of his love? He was the one who decides what he would love or hate, not you. The elders and his brother would never accept you? Well, they didn’t have to accept anything, since you would be on his bed, not theirs
By now it was clear that nothing you could say was going to change his mind, but you still tried one last time
“I am too shy, too simple, Madara-sama… Someone like me would never look good beside you!”
He smiled as to dismiss this frail attempt of yours, and for the first time tried a physical approaching: he held your hand and made you come closer, passing his arms around you
“I know you’re shy, y/n-san. You don’t need to tell me. But let me tell you that I love your quietness, your shyness, your simplicity. Do you know what I’ve heard people saying about you? That you are too pretty for your own good. And I totally agree” and approaching your ear, “I can’t imagine a place where you would look better than by my side”
You felt a tear rolling through your face after hearing that
So, if nothing would make him give up on you, it wasn’t fair for you to give up on him as well
You accepted his embrace and revealed your thoughts and feelings to him, who listened to every word with all the attention he could
When he spoke again, it was to inform you that you were no longer a maid, but his quiet and beloved fiancee 💞
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writerpeach · 4 years
Roommates: Part One
IZ*ONE Hyewon X Male Reader
7813 words
Categories: smut, oral sex,  detective! hyewon
Read on AFF
Read on AO3
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"Please come in."
The second meeting with Detective Kwon was eight days after the first. Thankfully, you were there under much more pleasant terms, trading being led in handcuffs to roaming freely, greeted with smiles, and offered coffee.
Instead of being tossed inside a windowless cold room, you were meeting Detective Kwon in her personal office, quite the inverse of scenery. Greeting you with a welcoming smile instead of threats, she offered a seat and you sat down, scanning the awards on her walls, the various cabinets, and files as you spotted a small piglet plush resting on one, not bothering to mention it. 
You felt comfortable. You weren’t being yelled at or questioned, and you certainly weren’t fearing for your life or freedom. The detective engaged in polite conversation, her friendly tone putting you at ease as she inquired how you were handling the change of being on the opposite side of crime.
Detective Kwon had been promoted due to your cooperation, earning the rank of Chief Superintendent. Changing into a more supervisor role allowed her to command her team more efficiently but still allowed herself to do what she was best at, getting information out of uncooperative suspects in any way she knew how.
Eunbi had a different look since you last saw her, chopping her hair short which gave her a more youthful and vibrant look. 
“You look good, detective,” you complimented, earning a blush from the sharply-dressed woman across the desk. 
“Thank you. You know, we really owe a lot to you,” she said in earnest. 
“I didn’t do much, detective. It turns out you can be a very convincing woman.”
“You gave us valuable information that would have taken us weeks to find.”
Shuffling around papers and organizing a dossier Eunbi looked up and her expression softened.
“But we still have a lot of work to do to take down your former boss. The Goda clan is in shambles. We’ve made several arrests lately, we have them on the run.” 
“That’s wonderful to hear. To tell the truth, I was never comfortable with some of the things I saw during my time as a clan member. It still keeps me up at night.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. What you’re doing has been very helpful, we couldn’t have done this without you.”
“If that asshole gets locked up then it’ll be more than worth it.” 
“Now, there are still a few high ranking members we don’t know the location of,” Eunbi said and slid three pictures across the desk, two men you recognized and one you didn’t. 
“Is there anything about them you can tell us?”
You studied their pictures before speaking. ”Never met this guy. These two were the boss’s right- hand men. When he needed someone taken out, a business shaken down for protection money or anything else that he didn’t want to dirty his hands for he used them as his errand boys.”
“Do you have their names?”
“Afraid not. I was too low down the totem pole to really know them.”
“That’s fine, we’ll work with what we have and I’ll make sure our investigation team makes this their priority. It might take longer but we’ll find these thugs.” 
Eunbi smiled. It was different talking to her like this, cooperating with her, and not being threatened to spend the rest of your life behind bars. 
“How are you holding up? This can’t be easy.”
“Like I said, some sleepless nights. A lot of looking behind my shoulder, thinking someone I swore loyalty to is coming after me. This is all I’ve known for most of my life, so being on the other side of things is hard to get used to.” 
“That’s understandable. The monitoring app we installed on your phone tracks your location with pinpoint accuracy as long as you allow us to. If you ever end up in trouble you know how to activate it right?”
“I do, thanks, Detective. Let’s hope I never have to.” 
“Yes, let’s hope. The sooner we can get these scumbags off the streets, the better we’ll all be.” 
There was a sudden knock on the door that broke the tension.
“Come in!” Eunbi said. 
The door gently swung open and in walked a petite girl, blue mixed into her dark bobbed hairstyle. “Sorry to barge in, boss.” 
“It’s quite alright, Detective Miyawaki. You wouldn’t interrupt without a good reason.” 
“We’ve got new leads on potential suspects. A stolen vehicle was spotted downtown in an abandoned warehouse, it appears it was used in last month’s weapon smuggling ring that was shut down.” 
“And you’re sure they’re still there?” 
“According to our surveillance, no cars have been in or out of the warehouse all day. There could be underground tunnels but that’s highly unlikely given the layout of the building .” 
“Excellent work, Detective. Put out an APB immediately.” 
“Right away, boss.” 
The young girl bowed politely and left the room.
“We’re getting closer with each day thanks to you,” she said with a mild sense of relief in her voice.
“You have a good team here it seems.” 
“It gets pretty stressful but they’re wonderful and I couldn’t do my job without them. Between forensics, our investigation team, and our computer analysts, there's about twelve of us working non-stop.”
“Now, I do need to talk to you about the security detail we promised you.” 
“What about it?” 
“As you can tell, we’re swamped. We need all the men and women we have working around the clock. At this moment we don’t have the resources to monitor who may be looking to harm you. We’re looking into a third-party security service to protect you but getting approval at a time like this is no easy task.”
“That’s really quite alright. I don’t leave my house much these days, and I have cameras all over my house.”
“No, it’s not, it was part of our terms and I won’t fall back on it. I can offer you an alternative, your safety is a necessity not just as part of our case against the Goda clan.” 
“An alternative?”
“Yes,” she responded, pushing a button on the black phone on her desk. “Detective Kang, can you come to my office, please?” 
Seconds after the door opened, and in walked an incredibly attractive woman with purple-dyed hair tied in a loose ponytail, dressed formally in a white shirt and gray jacket and almost as busty as Detective Kwon. She took a seat in the wooden chair next to you.
“This is the guy, Detective Kang.”
“Ah, so you’re the reason why we’re putting all these jackoffs in prison? It’s very nice to meet you,” she said, extending her hand and shaking yours gently. 
“Nice to meet you too, Detective.”
“Oh, you can just call me Hyewon,” she said with a shy smile.
“You see Detective Hyewon is the second-best detective here. She works really hard, she’ll be sure to surpass me soon.”
“That’s not likely boss. Nobody can interrogate like you can.”
Eunbi proudly smiled and quickly changed the subject. “Now, while we’re unable to offer you the protection we promised, we have an offer that’s a bit unorthodox.” 
“How so?” you said with a puzzled look. 
Hyewon spoke up. “We can’t monitor you 24/7 at this time but in lieu, I can offer you a safe place to stay.”
You furrowed an eyebrow in confusion.
“As I said, it’s a bit unorthodox but given the situation, we believe it’s a good compromise,” Eunbi said. 
“You see, I have a spare bedroom that’s just collecting dust. Equipped with the latest home automation, reinforced windows, and a 24/7 monitoring system. My house is very secure and located away from all major parts of the city.“
“That’s a generous offer but I don’t need a babysitter.” 
Eunbi laughed. “We’re not saying you do. These men are out for blood and we don’t know who might show up to confront you. Like you said you don’t get out much and Hyewon can do most of her investigative work from home. It’s a temporary solution, you shouldn’t be there for more than a month.”
“Along with my elite detective skills I spent two years in culinary school, I can cook as well as I can catch criminals,” Hyewon added nonchalantly.
“We won’t force you to live there of course, but you would be safer than at your own home.”
The two detectives looked at you, anticipating your answer. You gave it a moment to ponder over. 
“I’ll give it a shot.” 
“Thank you. Your safety is our number one priority.” 
Moving to a new place even temporarily with someone who was a complete stranger was a bit awkward, to say the least. You only brought essential items over to Hyewon’s place, surprised by how large it was and grateful for two separate bathrooms. 
It was an understatement to say it was strange living with a beautiful woman you had just met. It took an entire week to adjust to the complicated situation, but each day that passed you both opened up little by little. It turns out Hyewon wasn’t lying, she was a fantastic cook and you had a multitude of things you shared in common. 
The first week went by quicker than expected. Awkward exchanges of quiet good mornings gradually turned into full conversations, sharing stories of being on opposing sides. 
Hyewon had plenty of tales to share of her short two year career - ranging from month-long investigations to chasing after suspects, to seeing a dead body for the first time. Hyewon shared the unexpected frustrations of being considered the prettiest woman in the station and having to prove that she wasn’t hired for just a pretty face.
After helping her clean up the intricate feast that was a most delicious breakfast, she took a seat on one of the kitchen island stools, refilling her coffee.
“I have to head into the office today to help out our team with some investigations. I’ll be working late most likely. You have both of our numbers if you need anything though, okay?”
“I’m not a puppy, I can survive one night,” you teased.
“I know, I wasn’t insinuating you were...” Hyewon replied as her awkwardness returned, her embarrassment strangely cute.
“The fridge is full of groceries but I didn’t have time to cook anything, sorry.” 
“Don’t be. I’m not that bad a cook myself, It’ll be fine. I’ll hold down the fort.”
“Okay. Call if you need anything.” 
Hyewon’s spacious two-bedroom house felt rather lonely without her in it. You caught yourself talking a little too much to her living room virtual assistant, the eerily human voice being the only human contact you had that night meant it was time for something else. 
Heading to the fridge to grab a soda you conducted your own investigation of your own, having free rein of the house you gave every room except her bedroom a look, well decorated with light red and pinks everywhere.
After watching a couple hours of tv and making a quick meal you decided to sleep early. In the morning Eunbi wanted you to come in and sign a few affidavits and you wanted to be fully prepared for that process. 
When you woke up that morning something felt different. You didn’t quite know what time it was, but judging through the light shining through the sheer black curtains of your room it had to be at least 6 a.m. 
As you struggled to adjust to consciousness, you couldn’t help realize the obvious weight and pressure on your body. Your vision cleared, and the unmistakable purple hair snuggled against your chest belonged to a feminine figure that could only belong to one woman. Hyewon. 
While you enjoyed the comforting warmth of her body, you weren't sure what she was doing on top of you. She felt your movements and stirred awake and you were about to get your answer. 
Hyewon lifted her head off of your chest, realizing where she was but not looking any less confused. 
"Good morning?" you said, just as confused as her. 
"H-hi…” she sleepily said. “I can explain…I think..."
"Take your time," you said.
Hyewon gathered herself and laid down beside you flat on her stomach. 
"We had a late night and we didn't get much done yesterday. Our leads ended up as dead ends, so I didn't get home until around 2 am."
"Sounds rough."
"I washed up and going to my own bed seemed so lonely, and your door was open and well...your bed looked so welcoming and inviting. I only laid down for a few minutes but I guess I fell asleep and ended up on top of you and so here we are."
“Sure was an interesting way to wake up.” 
"I'm so sorry,” she said as she buried her face in her hands.
“It’s not that big of a deal, Hyewon. It’s all cleared up now so I understand. I’m just sorry I woke you.” 
"You didn't wake me. Well, part of you did but.."
She hesitated. "I felt something poking me when I was on top of you," Hyewon blushed. 
"Oh god. Now I'm the one who should be sorry."
Hyewon giggled. "Is this the famous morning wood I've heard about? There's nothing to be sorry for..."
"Have you not-" 
"Had sex before? I'm not a virgin, I've just never slept with a man before.”
“I see. Do you not like men?”
“I”m not against sleeping with men, I just haven’t had good experiences. Women are gentle and their skin is so soft and they smell amazing.”
“All of that is definitely true.” 
“I’m just picky I guess. Meanwhile, Eunbi will sleep with anyone who will put their head between her thighs.”
“I bet that’s a very long line of people.”
“It is. I was at the top of it.”
“You were?”
“She...she was my first. I’ve only slept with a few women after her, and we still fool around from time to time when work doesn’t keep us busy.” 
“And here I thought my morning wood was over.”
Hyewon blushed and covered her mouth, hiding against the mattress.
"I'm really sorry, I-" 
"There's nothing to be sorry for. It happens…” you said embarrassed. 
“I just like having someone to talk to in the morning,” Hyewon said. 
“I do too.”
“Would you be okay…” she hesitated. 
“With sharing the bed? I don’t mind.” you interrupted. “It’s plenty big for two people.”
“No I-I mean if y-you don’t want-” 
“I don’t mind at all, Hyewon.” 
Hyewon paused. “I probably snore though. And some days I’d have to get up before you do, I’d hate to wake you. “
“I’m a really heavy sleeper,” you said, trying to deflect her excuses. 
“If you really don’t mind, then I’ll sleep here too. My room does get rather lonely…”
Sharing a smile, the thought of sharing a bed with Hyewon made your sudden arrangement more enjoyable. 
“I can sleep away from you or put the pillow on the other side of the bed.”
“No, that’s not necessary. Just sleep how you always do.” 
“Okay,” you agreed, settling your agreement.  
If Hyewon snored in her sleep, you never once heard her. Keeping things casual, you told each other good night and good morning, sometimes both and sometimes neither depending on if your schedules met up. 
Hyewon’s sleep attire went from long sleeve pajamas and pants, and as she became more comfortable with the situation she herself became more comfortable and more casual. 
Ditching pajama pants for shorts, long sleeves to tank-tops, and eventually settling on oversized shirts enough to cover her up. Except for the time it didn't and you got a glimpse of her cute butt and the black pair of boyshorts underwear she didn’t know she was showing off. 
You had reached the third week of living with Hyewon, and you were as comfortable with her as being in your own skin. Sharing a bed wasn’t as complicated as you thought, although there certainly were moments where a leg brushed up against your own and vice versa. Avoiding physical contact completely was impossible though and you didn’t think much about it.
“Good morning,” Hyewon sat as she sat up, yawning widely and stretching her arms high up. You turned your head to the side to greet her. 
“Morning. Heading into work today?” you asked sleepily. 
Hyewon shook her head and messy violet hair went everywhere. “Eunbi has a bunch of interrogations scheduled, so unless she needs me for something I’m staying here.” 
“A nice relaxing morning then.” 
“Mhmm. Want breakfast?” she asked, throwing her side of the covers off and standing up, doing a quick stretching routine.
“Breakfast sounds great.” 
Lifting your head up you realized you weren’t the only thing that had woken up, gritting your teeth and laying your head back down. 
“I’ll...meet you at the table.” 
“Morning wood again?” she teased.
“Yeah...You know too much about me now.” 
 You were more than thankful the blankets weren’t thin. You waited for Hyewon to leave the room so you could make a beeline for the bathroom, but instead, you saw the wheels turning in her head. 
“Do you want me to help?” she asked as innocently as she had just asked about breakfast. You nearly choked. 
“Help…? You repeated, making sure you weren’t hearing things. 
“You’re always hard in the morning. I’ve felt it poking me in the back, and I know how annoying it must be to wake up throbbing like that.” 
“H-hyewon I-”
“It’s not a big deal,” she smiled as she threw herself at the covers. 
You still couldn’t believe it.
“I’ve jerked off a guy before. He finished in like twenty seconds so I never got to enjoy it.” 
“You’re that good, huh?”
“I’m definitely not,” she laughed. 
She tossed the covers off, leaving the sight of you pitching a tent through your boxers in plain sight. 
“You poor thing,” she said as she stared at the huge bulge poking through your underwear.      She took a breath as she grabbed the top of your boxers and slowly pulled them down, revealing your needy cock that throbbed as it was released. 
Her eyes went wide. “You’re really big,” she said, not wasting time as she wrapped her slim fingers around your length, forming a tight fist and began slowly stroking. 
You moaned at her touch. Her hand was cold which brought a different yet pleasurable type of sensation. “Hard like a rock,” she smiled as she continued pumping and you quickly began leaking all over her fingers. For someone inexperienced, it felt good, but you’d have to try really hard to screw up a handjob.
Hyewon looked at the clear liquid coating her fingers with a curious look.
“So much precum,” she said innocently as she licked one of her fingers clean, waiting a second to form an opinion. 
“It tastes good.” 
“The real thing tastes better.”
She blushed. Tightening her grip, she quickened her strokes as she settled on a rhythm and looked up.
“Does this feel good?” 
“It feels great.” 
Hyewon’s innocent eyes as she jerked you off was such a bold contrast. The last woman who had touched you was Eunbi, a master of teasing and anticipation. Hyewon’s straight to the point was a nice change.
“How long does it usually take?” she asked, genuinely curious. 
“To cum?” 
“It depends on a lot of things. Who’s doing it, what they’re doing, how they’re doing it…”
“Am I not doing a good job? You didn’t cum yet,” she said, feeling concerned.
“No, you’re doing great. There’s not a lot of stimulation with a handjob, so unless you really know what you’re doing it’s gonna take a while.”
“Anything I can do to make it feel better?” 
“Do you have any lube?” Hyewon shook her head disappointed.
“That’s fine. You can spit on it.” 
Hyewon listened and did as told, letting saliva drip out of her mouth she spat multiple times on your cock. The friction felt better instantly. 
“Anything else?” 
You were already at this point, might as well up the ante.
“You could uh. Take your shirt off?” You said, testing her reaction. You waited nervously. 
Hyewon thankfully didn’t seem to mind. She grabbed the hem of her large black overshirt and lifted it over her head. There wasn’t a bra on underneath to cover up her pale chest. She had the same pair of underwear you had seen that one time. Her breasts were big, not as big as Eunbi, but still sizable and the perfect shape with perfect pink nipples. Her stomach was toned and tight, Hyewon’s body was downright delicious. 
“Holy shit.” 
Hyewon smiled. “You like my body?” 
“I do, you're pretty hot, Hyewon."
She smiled and kept stroking and you couldn’t peel your eyes off her delicious tits. So large and round, you wanted to dive in immediately but didn't want to get greedy. 
After just a few minutes you felt your abdomen tightening, subconsciously fucking into Hyewon’s fist, drooling at her newly exposed tits. 
“Fuck, I’m close,” you moaned, leaking even more.
“You’re going to cum?” 
“Y-yes,” you replied. 
Hyewon gripped harder and stroked fasted, encouraging your release with her eyes focused on your cock, anticipating your release. You were almost there, staring at her beautiful tits bouncing in time with her strokes, waiting for your climax to arrive. With a forceful grunt, you exploded in her hand, hips jerking and groaning loudly as you released and coated her fingers with your hot seed. She kept pumping until you were drained, keeping notice of your sensitivity as she winded down her movements to a halt. 
She looked on in surprise as her fingers were covered in your stickiness. She grabbed a tissue to clean herself off, but not without giving one of her messy fingers a sample. 
“You’re right, the real thing does taste better.” she smiled. “Now let’s get some food in us.” 
There was a surprising lack of awkwardness around the table as Hyewon served breakfast. Scrambled eggs, both sausage, and bacon cooked to perfection as per your request. She knew you needed a little extra energy after draining your stamina. 
“How is the case proceeding? Any closer?” you asked, not wanting the conversation to steer towards what had just happened. 
“Things are complicated. We’re finding it harder to apprehend the suspects we need, they’re on the move constantly. They know we’re onto them but we don’t have the resources to send more teams.” 
“They own so many businesses they could practically hide anywhere in the city, sadly,” you said.
“This is so frustrating,” she said. “But we have to move forward, taking any steps we can. I’m going to be spending a lot of time at the office next week.” 
“I’ll take care of the house, it’ll be in tiptop shape.” 
Hyewon nodded. “You’ll also have to take care of morning wood on your own, mister,” she teased.
“Back to the old ways then,” you sadly said.
Hyewon paused as she finished her eggs, chewing carefully as she formed a thought. 
“I feel bad. Although, you know I kind of liked it.”
“Liked what?”
“I... liked jerking you off. Feeling how hard you were, hearing you moan when I touched you. I felt something...seeing you throbbing when I made you cum.” 
Hyewon’s typical blank expression morphed into a deadly smirk. 
“I can see why Eunbi likes her job so much. That feeling of control is just...intoxicating.” 
“Do you like taking control, Hyewon?” you asked. 
“In my job absolutely not. But in the bedroom...I don’t know yet. Maybe.” 
“We’ll have to do some investigating then.” 
“Guess we will.” 
 You didn't see much of Hyewon that week as expected. Your sleep schedules never synced and you ended up fast asleep alone before her, usually waking up to an empty bed. 
"Long day?" 
"Long week."
Hyewon didn't follow up on the conversation that night, drifting away to sleep. Over the weeks of becoming familiar with each other, you had gotten closer with Hyewon, both figuratively and literally. There was something that was never spoken about but you often woke up with an arm or leg draped over your body, or her chest pinned to your back. You certainly didn't mind the welcome intimacy. 
During a rather peaceful sleep, you felt something jolt you up. 
"Were you asleep?" she asked. 
"No, I wasn't," you lied. 
"I can't sleep," she frowned. 
"Too much on your mind?
"I guess. What do you do when you can't sleep?"
"I lay there for a few minutes and try to relax. If it doesn't work warm milk usually does the trick," you said. 
"We're out of milk," she pouted. "Any other ideas?" 
"Honestly when I really can't sleep I just jerk off. Puts me out like a light."
Hyewon felt her cheeks flushed as she hid her head in her hands. 
"I can leave the room if you want..." you said. 
"What for?" 
"So you can…you know."
"Touch myself?” She said innocently. “I've never given myself an orgasm. I just let Eunbi do everything for me."
"I see," you said as you formed an idea. 
"Can't you just do what Eunbi does to yourself?" 
"I don't think it would be the same."
"Well, I'm out of ideas then. Unless you want to call her in the middle of the night."
"She'd kill me."
Hyewon huffed in frustration. You were fresh out of ideas and sympathized with her. Looking over her it was kind of cute how frustrated she was, bundled up neck-deep under the covers as she watched the ceiling fan, trying to do anything to fall back asleep.
She turned onto her side, her doe eyes facing you. “Can you help me?” 
“Help you what?” 
“Help me fall asleep…”
“How do you want me to do that?”
“Ah, don’t make me say it.” 
You smiled. “Do you want me to give you an orgasm, Hyewon?”
“Y-yes... If you don’t mind...” 
“Not at all.” 
You threw the covers and sat up, making your way to her position. Hyewon had on a black cotton t-shirt which you lifted up enough to see her hips. Her underwear was pink and lacy, covering up just enough of her skin to still be sexy enough. 
“Can I take these off?” you asked. She nodded and lifted her butt. You grabbed the top of her cute underwear and began to slowly pull it off her hips, peeling it off her body and down her smooth long legs.
Hyewon nervously kept her legs locked together, but after seeking her approval you spread her thighs and revealed her beautiful pink pussy. Kissing up her inner thighs you heard her gasp as your lips made contact with her soft warm skin. 
“Your body is so amazing,” you said as you planted more wet kisses on her pale thighs. 
“T-thank you. It’s not as nice as Eunbi, I wish I had her figure,” she said sadly.”
“It’s not a competition. I’m sure you have things Eunbi is jealous of.” 
“I-I guess so.” 
Not wanting her to be down on herself anymore you interrupted her and licked up and down her thighs, painting them with long swipes of your tongue. She whimpered. 
“O-oh, fuck…” 
Making your way in between them, you kissed her center before running a finger through her folds, watching the way she looked.
“You’re wet.” 
“I-I can’t help it...” 
You started warming her up by licking up her pink slit, giving yourself the first taste of her pussy, and inhaling her aroma. You explored her folds with your tongue, cleaning off her juices until you reached her clit. You blew a puff of hot air against it and she whined. 
“You have such a pretty pussy,” you said, and before she could respond you swirled around her hardened clit, running circular patterns along it before taking it into your mouth and sucking.
“Ahh!” she moaned. You continued to eat her out, tasting her juices and licking everything up as her warm thighs wrapped around your head. 
Buried against her crotch you went wild, tasting all of Hyewon’s delicious sensitive pussy, suckling on her clit wildly as she squirmed and moaned. 
“Fuck, you’re so good at that. No wonder Eunbi likes you.”
You kept the pressure on her clit, suckling hard and you brought a finger inside her cunt, and then another, curling them and finding her spot immediately. Hyewon’s hips bucked as she moaned loud, as you licked and sucked everything that leaked out between her luscious legs, feeling her body trembling and reacting to everything you did. 
“Oh god, oh god! I’m going to cum!”
Looking up straight at her buried in between her heavenly thighs, you licked and sucked up her clit, and Hyewon came almost right away, making a mess on your face. 
Slowly removing yourself from her pussy and licking your lips, helping her ride out her orgasm, caressing her thighs as she came down from her high, panting, and still seeing stars. 
“Hol- wow. You’re really good with your mouth.”
“Do you think you’ll be able to sleep now?”
“I will...but I don’t want you to go without returning the favor.”
“I’ll be fine,” you said. 
“You made me feel so good though, I just want to do the same,” Hyewon protested
“I don’t want to keep you up.” 
“You won’t.” 
“I can just go jerk off in the bathroom, it’s no big deal.”
“You don’t need to do that. After what you just did for me I want to help you too,” she said.
“Besides, I’m already half-naked,” she said as she pulled her shirt off, letting you see her wonderful full breasts for the second time. 
“Now I’m fully naked.” 
You felt the throbbing in your crotch as your eyes focused on every inch of her body. 
“You don’t have to get naked to give me a handjob.” 
“A handjob? You deserve much more than a handjob.” 
“What do you have in mind?” 
“I want us to both be tired at the end of this,” she smirked. 
You had established Hyewon as the innocent and naive type, and while you were mostly spot-on seeing this side of her changed that. 
Hyewon gestured for you to lay down and you took her former position, adjusting the pillows to your liking. Taking a kneeling position, you spread your legs for her, the anticipation high already.
She lingered there for a moment. Her face stayed blank, the same way it had the first time you met her. It gave you the chance to admire her face, her pretty brown eyes, her cute nose, and cherry red lips, lips that you didn’t realize were so plump and kissable. 
“Are you going to keep your shirt on? It’s only fair I see you naked too isn’t it?” she asked. 
She had a point. Grabbing the collar of your shirt, you lifted it over your head and tossed it off the bed, 
“Now we’re talking,” she said, biting her lip. “You have a really nice body as well.” 
Staring just a little longer than you expected, Hyewon’s view went to your crotch. 
“What do you want me to do?” she asked. 
“You’ve never given a blowjob before?” 
She shook her head disappointingly. “Jerking off that one guy is the only experience I’ve had with men. And now, you.” 
“Just do what you did that one morning, but add your tongue and lips. Be careful with your teeth though.” 
She nodded in acknowledgment. “I've seen porn. Just suck it right? Like a popsicle?”
You couldn’t help but laugh. “There’s more to it than that, but yeah.”
“What do I do to get you hard?” she asked. 
“Well, I’m halfway there, just rub it through my boxers.” 
She followed your instructions, using her hands to create friction through your crotch awkwardly. It was cute how clueless she was about this. 
Hyewon’s eyes opened wider and within a matter of seconds before a bulge had formed.
“That didn’t take long,” she smiled and knew how to do the rest. Tugging your boxers down, she left you in the same state of undress as her, your cock twitching as it was freed to meet her. 
She did the same thing she did before, albeit with more confidence this time, wrapping her cold hand around your shaft and keeping a tight grip. Using smooth movements she stroked slowly, the now-familiar pumping motions becoming more natural. 
Using the earlier example a bit too literal, licking up and down one side of your shaft like it was an actual popsicle. It looked awkward but didn’t stop from feeling good. She did this on all sides, and you directed her to move her tongue lower, helping her figure it out one step at a time. 
“You’re getting it,” you praised her, as she continued lathering up your shaft. 
“Go lower,” you told her and she got the message, licking your balls with shallow swipes of her tongue, causing you to groan. 
“They’re sensitive right?” she asked. 
“Very, so you have to be careful,” you replied. Hyewon nodded cutely.
“Put your lips around the tip, start out gently. That’s the part that feels the best.” 
Licking a little more she traveled up until her mouth found the tip of your cock, eyeing your length. When she was ready she licked her lips and wrapped them around your swollen tip, hollowing her cheeks as she started sucking gently. You let out a deep breath and a moan immediately, the softness of her plump lips indescribable as they surrounded your cock. 
“Like this?” She asked as she carefully sucked, trying to keep her teeth out of the way as she drew out your pleasure. 
“Yes, that’s perfect. Feels so good already.” 
Feeling proud, Hyewon took more inside her mouth, almost reaching the middle of your shaft as she activated her gag reflex. 
“Don’t take it all at once,” you warned. She looked so damn pretty giving you head. Innocent Hyewon with her lips all over your dick, it was a wonderful sight, even the first few inches inside her mouth felt absolute heaven. She got used to it little by little, knowing where her limits were as she bobbed her head up and down, keeping her eyes dead centered on you. 
“Your lips feel amazing. You’re a natural at this,” you praised, the warmth of her wet mouth driving you insane. Maybe it was the porn videos, or maybe she just had a gifted talent, but what she was doing to you felt so fucking good. Her lips were perfect for giving head, their plumpness sucking the life out of your cock as her throat made loud slurping sounds, infinity pleasing to your ears. 
“You can use your tongue too,” you suggested, and after a moment you felt her wet tongue splashing against your underside, causing even more pleasure.
You leaned back against the pillows, closing your eyes and listening to Hyewon’s mouth slurping your dick, her warm lips doing their work. You’d have to train her to deepthroat at some point, but if she was already this good at sucking you off you were in for a treat. 
Hyewon took you rather deep, gagging herself a few times before pulling her mouth off and stopped, stroking your length. 
“You okay?” you asked.
“Mhm. I don’t want you to cum yet.”
She had a determined look in her eyes and you could tell she wasn’t ready for things to end. 
“I want us to feel good. At the same time,” she said.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. I’ve never felt a dick inside me. That changes tonight,” she said, growing more confident. 
“Not even a toy?” 
“No. Eunbi doesn’t want to use them, she thinks I’m not ready yet. But I am.” 
“If you say you’re ready then you’re ready.” 
“I am.” 
With her expression determined she and straddled your lap, giving you even more time to stare at her naked body. 
With her warm thighs on each side of your waist, Hyewon grabbed hold of your cock and lined it up with her entrance. Her pussy was so pink, just as pretty as she was and plenty wet. She carefully lifted herself up, and with very delicate movements she lowered herself onto your cock, both of you gasping as she was penetrated for the very first time. 
“Shit,” she moaned, the new sensations so overwhelming to her. 
“Take your time,” you said, watching carefully and caressing her thighs. She sank down a little deeper, gritting her teeth as a mixture of pain and pleasure hit her all at once. Her pussy squeezed your shaft tight, almost painfully so even guided by her intense wetness. 
“How’s it feel?” you asked. She looked unsure.
“I-I don’t know yet.” 
Hyewon moved her hips back up until she was almost empty, moving back down and you watched as the tip of your cock disappeared inside.
Giving her time to adjust, you let her do everything, only taking you as deep as she felt comfortable with. 
“You’re so fucking big. I feel so stretched already,” 
“So tight, Hyewon. You feel amazing.” 
“That’s good right?” she asked. 
“Yes. You’re even tighter than Eunbi,” you admitted, not that you would tell anyone else that. 
Hyewon braced herself by holding on to your chest, carefully trying to position herself. Once she slowly adjusted, her hips began moving, and she began riding you. 
“So damn big,” she repeated. “Eunbi must love this.” 
She moved slowly at first, hips gently moving up and down, letting herself feel that intoxicating stretch. The pain had subsided and she only felt pleasure, moaning softly already. Her walls tightened more and more as she took you deeper inside her, leaving a trail of slick covering your cock to aid in penetration. 
“You feel really good inside me,” she said, at first not letting more than half of your shaft inside her pussy, trying to control her breathing. 
Hyewon carefully found a rhythm, riding with a slow but constant pace, her tits gently bouncing with every movement. You couldn’t stop staring, mesmerized by the way they jiggled, adding to your arousal. 
“You really like my tits don’t you?” she asked.
“Of course. They’re perfect.” 
“You can touch them if you want,” she said. 
“Oh I’ll do more than just touch,” you replied, and she beamed, giving the go-ahead. Running your hands up her tight body and feeling her soft pale skin you grabbed a handful of them, groping them as you felt her tight pussy lips squeezing your cock. You didn’t need to compare them to anyone else, they were perfect as is - soft, heavy, and delicious. 
She rode a little faster, moaning louder as you buried yourself in her scrumptious tits, sucking on her tits and feasting on them, being careful to not overstimulate Hyewon. 
“You’re so wet, Hyewon,” you said, watching her slowly fall apart. She replied in groans and moans, taking as much inside as she could, relaxing herself.  
“I’m going to feel this in the morning,” she said, lips curling as she pushed herself all the way down, impaling her pussy to the hilt. 
“Oh god!” she moaned as she bounced up and down, riding faster with all of you inside her tight cunt. You wanted to feel all of her body, wandering your hands around her delicate soft skin as you settled on her ass. Plump and tight, you squeezed it, still letting her do the work. 
“Fuck, oh fuck! I think I’m going to cum!” 
“Then cum for me, Hyewon.’
“I-I will!” she said, louder than expected. Bouncing her ass on your cock she leaned backward, supporting herself on your thighs as she exerted more energy in her hips. 
“Oh fuck yes, I’m gon-” 
Not even able to finish her sentence, her body lost control as she came violently, rolling her hips as her tight pussy pulsated around your cock and you felt a wave of juices drowning your cock. Her pace slows down significantly, trying to ride out the first orgasm she’s had that wasn’t a woman's fingers or tongue and the pleasure is so intoxicating to her that she might pass out. 
“H-holy shit,” she said, as she looked up for the first time in several seconds, almost embarrassed by how loud she was. Her eyes were fully glazed over after her orgasm and her pussy felt even tighter and wet around you, but she had just enough strength to keep her hips moving. 
“You need to cum too,” she said, regaining her senses as her whole body leaned forward, pressing herself against your body and you unexpectedly felt her soft lips against yours. 
“That’s for making me feel so good,” she smiled, running a hand through her hands, returning to her past pace.
“Now I want this pussy to return the favor.” 
With a tired gaze on her face, she bounced again on your cock as you kept your hands around her waist, feeling the sweat misting across her perfect skin. You wanted to freeze the moment in time. The way she moaned with every thrust with that pretty voice, how wet and tight she was, the way her supple breasts bounced deliciously, it was all incredibly arousing and yet too much at the same time. 
“I’m gonna cum too,” you blurted out, words becoming difficult to use. Her eyes lit up. 
“Good. I wanna see how much you can fill me up.” 
Her lewd words and the way her wet pink flesh squeezed your cock made it impossible to hold on, giving a few more thrusts as you buried yourself in Hyewon’s tight pussy. Lustfully staring into each other's eyes, you throbbed inside her and groaned her name loudly as you began filling her hole up, shaking as you emptied wave after wave of plentiful thick seed deep into her cunt. 
Once her tight pussy milked you of everything, giving Hyewon every last drop she collapsed on top of you, the warmth of her hot sweaty body and her weight comforting yours. 
“It’s so warm,” she said, gasping and panting in your ears. She rested there for what felt like hours as you both tried to breathe normally again. Heaving panting filling the room as Hyewon used your chest for leverage and gingerly lifted herself off of your cock, decoupling your tangled bodies. 
You watched together as the mess you left inside her slowly leaked out of her pussy, a steady thick stream of hot cum the was the evidence of the intense pleasure she had given you, dripping down her thighs and splashing against the bedsheets. 
Hyewon’s chest is still heaving, her purple hair out of place as she tried to catch a deep breath. She looked at your depleted cock and the combined juices still left on it and instinctively grabbed and took it back into her mouth, sliding it down her mouth as much as she could to clean it off, before using her tongue to do the rest.
“I’m going to need to taste a lot more of this.” 
With her stamina used up, she crashed, her skin kissing yours as her wonderful breasts pressed against your chest as if she were using your body as a pillow. 
“That was amazing.” 
“Are you okay? You rode my dick so well.” 
“I...I’m good. I could use a shower, but I can barely move.”
 “Probably be worse in the morning.” 
“Then I’ll deal with it in the morning,” she said. Her final words before she drifted off, tired, her naked body still rested on yours. It wouldn’t take before you followed, sharing one of the most peaceful nights in some time. 
You woke up restful and full of energy for once, Hyewon was surprised to see you wake up a few minutes after she did. 
“You’re up! Good morning,” she sweetly said.
“Good morning, “ you replied. 
“Sorry if I snored.”
“I didn’t hear you if you did.”
“Are you heading into the office?” 
“Yes. There’s been a big break and we have the advantage for once. Eunbi needs the whole team to be there.” 
“Want breakfast?” she asked, not bothering to put on pants yet.
“I do, but I have everything I need to eat right in front of me,” you boldly said.
Hyewon blushed. “You’re feisty this morning.” 
“When do you have to be there?” 
“In about an hour.”
“An hour is a lot of time,” you said.
“I know that look…”
"I don't know what you mean by that." 
"I'm sure you don’t…" she said as she plopped on the bed on her stomach, bare feet up in the air. 
“I wouldn’t mind one for the road. It’d keep me in a good mood all day.”
“Don’t want you to be late though.” 
“I do have to still shower and get ready, but I’m sure Eunbi won’t mind if I'm a few minutes late...”
“We’d save some time if we just went straight for the shower.” 
Hyewon looked flustered.
“And water,” you added. 
Hyewon pondered, sitting up. “My shower is rather big, so you’ve sold me,” she said, removing what little clothes she had left on and gestured to you to follow her, not that you needed any instructions to. 
She liked the water as hot as it would go. Her body was beautiful naked, but as water flowed down her chest and onto her flushed skin, matting her dyed hair to her gorgeous features. it enhanced her naked body even more. Hyewon came on your cock as you fucked her from behind and pressed her against the cold shower tile and she finished you off on her tits, carefully away from the water to make sure you got a chance to savor your handiwork. 
Drying her hair off and deciding on what to wear, Hyewon’s phone rang. 
“Detective Kang speaking.” 
“Yes, boss. He’s right here.” 
“Understood. We’ll both be there.”
Tossing her phone onto the bed she took a seat and finished dressing as you waited for her explanation. 
“We’ve made an arrest on one of the Goda clan’s lieutenants and we have a potential lead on the patriarch. Eunbi wants you to be there to give any assistance and make sure he doesn’t escape.” 
“Why me?” 
“You know the way they operated and any potential backdoors they might exploit. We’re looking for any and every advantage we can use. Your knowledge of their operations will be a powerful ally at this point.” 
“I’ll do what I can, I can’t promise I’ll be useful.” 
“That’s all we’re asking. Now let’s get going, I’ll let Eunbi know we’re on the way.” 
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speechlessxx · 4 years
Bring Him Light - iv (King!Steve Rogers x Reader)
Chapter Summary: The wedding and the consummation.
Warnings: poorly written SMUT (18+. Minors DNI), loss of virginity, mentions of character death, I forget to put this but there is an AGE GAP between Steve and the reader (the ages aren’t explicitly noted, Oral sex (fem receiving), fingering, breeding (but it’s not a kink?), Steve’s not an asshole (omg wow)
Word Count: 4k (got carried away)
Bring Him Light Masterlist
I hope you guys enjoy!
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<- Last Part -=+=- Next Part ->
Two days went by quickly. It was a blur. In a blink of an eye, you weren’t standing in front of Steven in the halls of the castle, but was dawning on your wedding gown for the final time as your ladies and your mother fawned around you, trying to get you ready.
Wanda fluffed out the skirt and then fiddled with your hair, opting for a regal updo. Your mother smiled at you through the mirror as she smoothed out your shoulder. Natasha added the vail as soon as Wanda was finished.
“Don’t cry, mother,” you muttered when you noticed her teary eyes. She gave you a tight lipped smile as she laughed a bit and dabbed her eyes.
“Two weeks ago, you tried to run away because you didn’t want this day to come. Now, you’re standing before me in a wedding dress as the beautiful, blushing bride. I wonder what’s changed.” Your mother said. You detected a hint of sorrow in her voice. You deducted that it was her coming to realize that you were no longer her baby girl. You were to become a woman that night and crowned a queen soon enough.
“I’m still a virgin mother,” you lightly joked in an attempt to brighten her mood. It worked. She rolled her eyes and laughed. Natasha and Wanda giggled as they did the finishing touches.
You were trembling as you stood at the top of the staircase. You heard murmurs of excitement in the floor beneath you. Everyone eager to see the merge of House York and House Rogers. You stared at the bouquet in your shaking hands. White roses accented with tiny forget-me-nots. Wanda told you that King Steven handpicked them in the gardens.
You glanced back at Natasha who gave you an encouraging nod as the organ began to play. The crowd quickly fell into silence as you slowly descended from the top of the staircase. Each step was a weight being lifted from you. It became easier and easier – almost to the point where you felt as if you were floating as light as air.
Your father met you at the bottom of the staircase. He smiled at you as you revealed yourself to him for the very first time. He wasn’t teary-eyed like your mother. Perhaps it was because as a king – as a man – he refused to show any weakness.
“You look beautiful,” he muttered to you as he presented you his arm and you took it.
You weren’t sure where to look as you rounded the corner and made it to the open throne room doors. You felt all the stares on you at once. It made you want to shrink into yourself – disappear if you could. So, instead, you kept your own stare straight and you were glad you did.
At the end of the aisle stood King Steven. His hair had been cut and his beard was gone. He looked like his portraits. But there was something different. Perhaps it was the faint smile on his lips that quivered at the sight of you. Wait… No… it was the eyes. Portraits made his blue eyes, dark, cold, unnerving.
But in this light, the man standing, waiting for you to be at his side, had different eyes. Tearful yet joyful. Excited. He stared at you with adoration. The sunset that poured in through the massive windows made him a sight to behold.
Your father gave you a kiss on the forehead and a small nod as he pulled his arm away from you. He handed you over to the other king. The two exchanged a look. A father giving warning to his daughter’s future husband. Treat her right, your father’s look said.
You turned and handed your bouquet to Natasha before you and Steven kneeled before the bishop. The wedding contracts were brought out. Steven signed first. Your hands trembled as you took a grip on the quill. You glanced over at your parents, who smiled and nodded. There was no going back now – and perhaps, you didn’t want to. With a deep breath, you signed your name and the ceremony continued.
»————- ⚜ ————-««
You fiddled with the tassels of the cloak that was wrapped around your shoulders. It was a Brooken tradition that the husband wraps his bride in a cloak, or a tapestry of some kind, to bring her under his protection. The music blared on as excited chatter flooded the hall.
You were exhausted and had just finished dancing with your husband. The entire kingdom – or at least the ones who were in the castle – saw a change in the king. They remembered his last wedding to Queen Sharon many years before and how he danced with his bride once before retiring to his seat for the entire evening.
That king was gone. They knew it from the moment he refused to let you leave the dancefloor, making you dance with him for what felt like ages. The king who rarely smiled or laughed was like a child on Christmas when he stared down at you, when he held you to him, when he kissed you gently on the lips.
The change was welcomed though whispers about your demise was still being spread. Sure, the king seemed happy now. They hoped you would make him happy for the rest of his life, but the idea that King Steven’s queens were cursed or the idea that the king kills his wives still hung in the air. But no one dared bring it up on this day. This day was to be a joyous day. Brooken has a new queen. Their king has a new wife.
As the night dwindled down, you’ve lost count of how many lords and ladies bowed before you and your husband, all wishing you blessings and fruitful lives. Many meant it. King Steven was the last of his line and without an heir, the throne would go to Brock Rumlow who others despised. They wished that you would bring the king a son. Many envious ladies bowed before you, all who wished they were the one at the king’s side. Even Lord Rumlow and Lord Pierce toasted to your health and happy marriage.
A woman came up to the royal table. She was the date of one of Steven’s distant cousins – far too distant that he had no chance of gaining support to take the throne in the event the king dies without an heir. You heard the whispers and snickers from the ladies of the court the moment the woman arrived. “Witch,” they said. Neither you nor Steven believed in magic but decided to entertain the woman out of respect for his cousin. As distant as he may have been, he was still family.
She began muttering foreign words. Gasps erupting around you. The foreign words, from a witch of all people, was perceived as a threat – was she cursing you? Was she wishing death upon you or the king? Your father stood up in outrage as did your husband. His cousin put up his hands when guards started to surround them.
“It’s a fertility spell, your majesties!” He defended. “A fertility spell for the new bride’s womb!” Steven visibly relaxed, settling back into his seat. His hand found yours underneath the table. You tried to soothe him and rubbed small circles with your thumb although you were also rattled, thinking this woman might been the cause of the “cursed wives” rumor. You clenched your jaw and thanked his cousin and the woman as soon as she finished.
“I find that mildly offensive,” your father said as soon as he left. You laughed although you subtly felt the same.
“He’s a distant cousin.” Steven reminded, slightly embarrassed that someone from his family had the audacity to bring in “magical” assistance – and here everyone in Brooken thought the Starks were a strange family.
“Of course,” you chuckled. He glanced over at you, entranced by your smile. The dress, the flowers, everything made you look angelic. Steven couldn’t help himself but lean in and capture your lips with his.
“Well, I guess it’s time, then.” Your father said with a chuckle. You pulled away from your husband’s lips and felt heat rise to your cheeks. It felt strange showing affection in front of your parents, especially since a fortnight ago you were refusing to marry the king you now called your husband.
It was announced that you and the king would retire for the consummation. The music played on as your guests continued to dance and socialize among themselves. As you both excited the hall, there were whoops and cheers from the crowd. Some whispered and hoped that you would conceive Brooken’s heir this night. Your husband gave your hand a last kiss before you were swept away by your ladies to prepare for your wedding night.
Wanda had undone your hair as soon as Natasha managed to undo all laces of the corset. You bit at your fingernails nervously as you stared at yourself in the mirror. You were pale. A fear stricken young lady stood before you. Shivering and frightened, unsure of how tonight’s events would play out.
“Will it hurt?” You asked the two though you didn’t quite know why. They were both unwed. They were still maidens. Surely, they wouldn’t have any advice.
Wanda and Natasha glanced at one another, unsure of what to say. Should they lie to their queen? Say whatever they can to ease your nerves and lure you into a false sense of security when you lay with your husband for the first time? Or should they be truthful to their friend? Tell you the stories they hear from the whispers of other married women and the courtesans that entertained the unwed lords?
They chose to prepare you for what’s to come. There was no use in lying.
“It may, but just relax and breathe through it,” Natasha offered with a nervous smile. “The ladies say the men like to do the work, so let him work.”
Wanda put the cloak back on your shoulders, covering your night slip and your body underneath the heavy fabric. “Breathing is good.” She nodded. She wasn’t quite sure what else to tell you either. Your friend wanted to tell you that if it hurt too much to tell the king to stop, but she knew the advice would be pointless. As queen – as the king’s wife – it was your duty to bear him children at whatever cost and the marriage had to be consummated.
“We should go…” Natasha muttered. She put her hands on your shoulders and gave them a gentle squeeze of encouragement.
You were in the king’s bedchambers first. You were surprised to see that it was empty. You expected Steven to be inside already waiting for you. Your ladies bid you their farewells as they left, leaving you to sit on the giant bed and contemplate. You were shaking. Your leg started to bounce against the floor.
As you got lost in your thoughts, the chamber doors opened to reveal Steven. He wore a white night shirt with matching trousers. You gulped as you stood up, straightening out your nightgown and interlocking your fingers in front of your stomach. This was happening.
“How should you have me?” You asked. Your voice was barely above a whisper and shook as you spoke. Steven didn’t respond. The silence was deafening and you couldn’t bare sit in it for any longer.
He smiled. “Pardon?” He heard you, but he just wanted to hear you say it again. So, you repeated the words. Steven bit his lip that curled into a grin and shook his head, a laugh escaping him. Your face fell… was he not interested in you? Did you not … did you not arouse him? As if reading your mind, he rushed in front of you and took your hands in his. “I do not laugh to make fun of you, (Y/N). I simply found it amusing.”
“You find me amusing… and not arousing?” You questioned, feeling doubt and insecure.
He shook his head and pressed a kiss to your forehead. “I simply mean that I have not heard a woman ask me that before I bedded her.” He pressed another kiss to your temple, inhaling that intoxicating scent. “I want you to enjoy this… This is your first after all.” He began to kiss his way down from your temple to your cheek, to your jaw, to your neck. You relished in the feeling, a tingling sensation taking over your body as he left open-mouthed kisses on the delicate skin of your neck. “If you’re uncomfortable, if it hurts – if I hurt you, please let me know.”
You nodded. You couldn’t find the words. Maybe it was because of your nerves, or perhaps you were drowning in the feeling of his lips on your skin. You weren’t quite sure.
He removed the cloak from your shoulders and began to kiss down to your collarbones as his fingers slowly began to unravel the loose ties of your nightgown. You were shaking, still. Before he considered pulling the gown off, he leaned in, ghosting over your lips with his before planting one gentle kiss.
“Are you okay?” He asked, cupping your jaw with one hand. You nodded. “Truthfully?”
“I’m frightened.” You admitted.
“Don’t be. I’ll be careful and if you tell me to stop, I will. God willing, we will have a lifetime of conceiving heirs ahead of us. It needn’t be done this night.”
“We must consummate the marriage.”
“Not at the expense of your comfort.”
“Please…” You murmured. “Please just touch me.”
Without another word, his lips found yours again. His hands scrunched at the skirt of the slip and slowly brought it up and over your body. He took a moment to admire you as the chilly night air met your skin. Goosebumps rose on your skin although you weren’t sure if it was from the air or from Steven’s stare. You felt your face flush as your hands instinctively tried to cover yourself.
“You’re beautiful,” Steven said. Gently unwrapping your arms from your body as if you were a present. He led you to the massive bed. His eyes never left yours as he removed his nightshirt, baring himself to you.
Your eyes widened. Of course, you were aware of the king’s massive build. His fancy clothes and coats did not hide his shoulders very well. He was like one of his sculptures – absolutely breathtaking. He slowly started to pull his trousers down, so you bashfully looked away, feeling your face heat up even more.
Steven crawled over you, placing a tender kiss to your lips. His hands brushed your hair away from your face, cupping you with his massive palms. You felt something hard rub against your thigh. You weren’t naïve enough to be unsure of what it was… You knew.
He licked at your bottom lip. You weren’t sure what that meant so you paid it no mind. One of his hands abandoned your face and slowly slithered down to your slickening folds. You moaned when he stroked against a bud within the folds. He took the opportunity to push his tongue into your mouth and you didn’t hate the feeling.
You remembered Natasha’s advice – “let him work” – and decided to let him dominate the kiss and the pace. Your skin tingled as your lower region increasingly became heated underneath Steven’s ministrations.
He kissed your lips once more before slowly descending down your body, leaving open-mouthed kisses on your skin. Your eyes widened in realization and embarrassment as you tried to pull yourself from underneath him, but his hands grabbed at your thighs and held you in place.
“Steven – “
“Trust me.” He muttered, staring up at you from between your thighs. When you relaxed into his touch, he gave one broad-tongued lick to your folds. The sensation made you threw your head back into the pillows with your eyes closed.
Steven pulled apart your lower lips and focused his tongue on the same bud. You couldn’t hold in the moans that escaped you. Your hands blindly lost themselves in his golden locks. You couldn’t help imagine how this would feel if Steven hadn’t shaved his beard.
He had you gasping. Your walls were clenching around nothing until he slowly inserted a finger. You flinched, but his tongue working its way through you dulled the ache. With the single finger, he stroked against your walls, exploring your tight channel. A coil started to tighten in your stomach. He groaned against your cunt and your thighs clenched his head, holding him in place – not that he minded.
Another finger was pushed into you which caused you to squeak. A spark was sent through your body. “Steven…” you murmured, but he didn’t respond, too caught up in you. He thrusted and curled his fingers as you clenched. His tongue was relentless as if you were a fine wine that he couldn’t get enough of. “St – Steven…” You moaned your husband’s name as you felt the coil snap and you felt yourself gush around the king’s fingers. He returned your moan with his own as he lapped up your juices.
Your chest was rising and falling heavily as your thighs released their hold on the king’s head. Your eyes fluttered open to meet his smirk. His lips and chin shined in the candlelight. His tongue darted out of his mouth, lapping up what was left of you on his lips and fingers, using the back of his hand to wipe away his chin.
“You alright?” He asked you.
“Wh – What happened?”
Steven smiled at you. You were so innocent. You were a sight to behold beneath him. Naked with your exposed skin covered in a sheen of sweat and lips swollen from his kiss. “You orgasmed,” he told you. You flushed at his words. “Are you ready, my love?” You nodded.
It was only then you saw his member for the first time. Your eyes widened at the sight. You remembered your comment to one of your father’s councilmen – “men who are well endowed give their wives sons.”
If you did fall pregnant this night, you were certain that the king would breed a son within you.
Steven was kneeling between your knees. He bent your legs and widened them, giving him a better look at your dripping cunt. He pumped his member a few times and teased you with the tip.
You took a deep breath and winced as the head penetrated you. Slowly, he started to push into you, watching his cock enter you. You felt your entire body clench as you struggled to accommodate to his sizeable girth.
The pressure, the stretch it felt unbearable. You winced and groaned out in pain. Steven stopped moving.
“Are you alright?” He asked.
“It… It’s fine.” You answered with a strained voice. The king shook his head and began to retreat from within you, but you shook your head as your legs unraveled to wrap around his torso, keeping him in place. His movements halted as he stared at you with concern. “Keep going…” You begged. “Please…”
Hesitantly, the king began to push into you again. After long beats of intense pressure and the feeling of being torn open, the king had finally sheathed his length into your maidenhood. He leaned over your body so that he completely entrapped you underneath him. He peppered your face – cheeks, forehead, nose, lips, anything his lips could touch – with light kisses as he whispered sweet nothings and praises into your ear.
“Can I move?” He whispered. You nodded.
Slowly, the king pulled out little by little only to gently push right in, acquainting your walls with him. On one particular thrust, you jolted as he grazed a sweet spot you didn’t even know existed. You felt a rush of pleasure despite still being in a bit of pain. Steven reveled in your reaction as your winces soon became moans.
His thrusts were gentle although he had begun a steady speed. He groaned into your ear – the sound going straight into your hot core. “You feel so good,” his voice was like a growl.
The sound of skin slapping was faint, muddled by the pleasure-riddled sounds that left yours and Steven’s lips. Sensitive from your previous orgasm, you already felt that familiar coil begin to tighten. You involuntarily clenched around the king’s cock. He groaned at the sensation, burying his head into the crook of your neck. He gently bit at the skin and kissed the bruises that formed.
“Steve – Steven!” You moaned, your back caving as the coil snapped for a second time that night. Your walls were like a vice on the king, milking him and tempting him.
He moaned out your name in kind, slamming his hips into yours which made you gasp. A warm feeling spread throughout your sex. The king stayed inside of you. His head still buried into your neck. Both of you were breathing heavily, attempting to catch your breath.
“Are you hurt?” He asked, kissing the delicate skin of your décolletage. Still breathless, you shook your head. Steven pulled away from your neck and grabbed one of the many pillows behind you. Carefully, he pulled out of you – you winced at the sudden emptiness – and placed the pillow underneath your waist, elevating your pelvis. You thought if this was another Brooken tradition, but then realized it was to keep his seed inside of you.
Steven settled to your side. An arm wrapping around your stomach as he nuzzled into your body. He pressed a kiss to your cheek, and you turned your head to stare at him.
“I … “you said but stopped yourself. You clenched your jaw, unsure of how to recover. You felt butterflies in your stomach – though, it could’ve just been the king’s seed.
Steven leaned in to kiss you gently. You smiled against his lips. Perhaps, this life could be great after all.
»————- ⚜ ————-««
Your parents were quiet on their journey home. It’s been three days since your wedding. Your mother teased your father about your sudden radiance as you walked through the castles. They would miss your coronation, but they did have their own kingdom to handle.
The joys of the wedding were left at Brooken as they embarked on their journey back to York. Your mother’s teasing nature and happy smiles were gone as she stared out the carriage window. Your father had a gloomy expression to match.
“I hope she gets pregnant soon…” Your mother muttered.
“I’d rather not talk about my daughter’s sexual escapades.” Your father half-joked. His mood didn’t brighten.
“We should’ve told her.”
“If we told her, she wouldn’t have gotten married and she would’ve pushed to be brought home.” Your father sighed. He raised a fighter. An arguer. A bright young woman that was now a queen.
“She has a right to know.” Your mother reasoned.
“You were alone with her more than I was. You had the chance to tell her. Why didn’t you?” Your father snapped. His wife stayed silent. The tension in the carriage was so thick that a blade wouldn’t even cut through it.
Queen Virginia sniffled. Your father’s hard expression softened as he wrapped his arm around his queen, pulling her to his side. She curled into his chest as she began to cry.
“It’s not fair. It’s not fair that I will outlive my own son.” Your mother cried. Her voice cracked as a sob escaped her. The words broke Tony’s heart. “I brought him into this world. He was meant to be a king…”
“No one could’ve foreseen his illness,” your father soothed. He kissed the top of her head and rubbed her arms to comfort her.
“He will leave us in a few months’ time… Will she even have the opportunity to say goodbye?”
“It’s better she doesn’t know. She will leave Steven’s side and he will be crushed when his queen refuses to stay by him.”
“She deserves to say goodbye to her brother, Tony.”
“I agree, my love,” your father sighed. “But when the time comes, when Harvey dies and I, god willing, long after, she will truly unite the north. The North will be one under her rule as the rightful queen of York and Brooken. Long may (Y/N) Rogers reign.”
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notwiselybuttoowell · 3 years
We're Stewards of Our Land: The Rise of Female Farmers
'I was always fascinated by getting things out of the ground’
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Sinead Fenton
Grows vegetables and edible flowers at Aweside Farm, East Sussex
Sinead Fenton is on an early lunch break, hiding from the sun. “It’s ridiculously intense, so I think we’re going to call it a day and crack back on in the evening,” she says. Fenton and her partner, Adam Smith, have been putting in beds and getting ahead on groundwork for next year. This year, there will be no commercial crops on the couple’s 4.5-acre plot.
They signed the papers on their farm last November and moved onto the land in March. Around the time they needed to make decisions about how they’d manage their first harvest, lockdown happened. With restaurants and florists – their main clients – out of action for the foreseeable future, they made the decision not to sow seeds but concentrate on opening up the land. “We were going to do it over three or four years, so we’re squeezing three years of work into this year, so we can focus on growing next year,” Fenton says.
She and Smith cut their scythes at Audacious Veg, a 0.1-acre plot in Hainault, at the end of the Central Line between Essex and London. Shortly after volunteering at the allotment in 2017, they heard the project was about to finish: “Naively, with about three weeks’ worth of growing experience, we decided that we’d take it on and get the produce to chefs.”
Smith worked in insurance accounting and while Fenton most recently worked in software and food policy, her background was in geology. “I came at farming from an activist point of view,” she says. “I was always fascinated by getting things out of the ground, but that is a destructive industry. Farming is nicer because I can do something for the system instead of taking everything from it.”
There was a lot of insecurity around the project. Land is contentious, especially in London, and land law is difficult and expensive to negotiate for those with no farming background. “Adam and I are both from cities – I’m from London, he’s from Essex. We’re from low-income families, and we had no access to farms growing up,” Fenton explains. “It’s basically impossible to get on the land, because it’s so expensive, or passed down through generations.”
They got the land for Aweside through the Ecological Land Co-op, which buys fields designated by Defra as only being good for arable crops, then splits them up to create smallholdings. Aweside is neighbours with a veg-box scheme, and waiting for others who’ll transform what once was a 20-acre maize field into a cluster of small farms rich with biodiversity. Now Fenton and Smith have a 150-year lease, and no worries that what they create will be taken away.
It’s not yet a permanent home. Fenton says they’ll be living in a caravan for a few years: “Another part of land law in the UK that makes land inaccessible is that if you want to live on your land you have to go through five years of proving your business is profitable, viable and that there is a functional need for you to live there.” Having livestock is an easy way to pass the test, but because Aweside is a vegan farm, Fenton and Smith need to cultivate and show they use every bit of plot.
It’s daunting but Fenton is excited about having a blank slate to work with. “There’s so much more to food than what supermarkets tell us to eat,” she says, explaining that they’ll grow varieties at risk of extinction, or that aren’t commonly grown in a mass market food system. “Seed diversity and plant genetics are serious issues.”
The three principles the couple work to are: more flowers, more trees, thriving soil. They’re working no-dig, putting compost directly on the ground and letting the soil life mix everything over time. They’re pesticide-free and are counting on the fact that the more diversity they have in the system, especially with a high proportion of flowers to pollinators and insects, the fewer problems they’ll face.
“Socially, economically and environmentally, something needs to change. Things have been done the same way by the same people for a long time,” says Fenton of the farming industry’s need for greater diversity. “I learned to grow on an allotment site where there are lots of different things growing at once. Bringing that approach into sites like this is needed – the industry needs it to keep itself relevant.”
'I'm hoping this will be seen as quite a cool career… even if it’s not’
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Abi Aspen Glencross
Head of grains at Duchess Farms, Hertfordshire
It was, Abi Aspen Glencross was well aware, an odd, even inopportune time to launch a crowdfunding campaign. In June, with the country still locked down, Duchess Farms asked for support to buy dehulling, cleaning and milling equipment. The Hertfordshire farm needed about £16,000, and the money would go towards boosting the production of ancient and heritage grains for making flour.
“A lot of crowdfunders have been for charity or ‘please keep our restaurant open’,” says the 28-year-old Glencross, head of grains – or “senior flour nerd” – at Duchess Farms since 2019. “We felt a bit bad, but we lost a lot of our business overnight when all the restaurants closed and we were like: ‘God, we hope we don’t go under.’ It was quite a scary time for everyone.”
Still, if we have learned one thing from Covid-19, when times are hard, British people get baking. Perhaps inspired by countrywide shortages of flour, maybe invigorated by a new interest in left-field, older wheats such as einkorn and emmer, Duchess Farms sprinted to its target. “We’ve just done some ordering of equipment this morning,” says Aspen, when we speak in July. “It’s been a tough time for everyone but it has cascaded into some beautiful things and we’re just so thankful.”
Glencross’s path to farming was circuitous. She studied chemical engineering, but while her classmates were heading off for jobs at ExxonMobil and Procter & Gamble, she was more of “a hippy at heart”. She decided she wanted to learn more about soil and its role in food production. This led her to Blue Hill Stone Barns, Dan Barber’s pioneering farm-to-table restaurant in the Hudson Valley, north of New York. She spent four months working on the farm and in the bakery, receiving a crash course in ancient grains – an obsession of Barber’s. But the moment Glencross knew she herself wanted to farm came in 2016 in a field in Hertfordshire. She was with John Cherry, who was showing her around Weston Park Farms, 2,500 acres of land he maintains with minimal fertiliser use and zero tillage.
“We were walking around the fields of wheat and I just said: ‘Where does all this go? There’s so much of it,’” Glencross says. “And John goes: ‘Oh probably for animal feed. It’s a consistent market, they’ll take it, it’s easy, even if we don’t earn that much money from it.’ And I was like: ‘This is crazy.’ And that was the beginning of me getting on this grain bender because I was like: ‘Why can’t we grow these grains organically and not feed them to animals?’ So I realised I’d have to start a business, because there were not very many people doing that.”
Heritage grains can be harder to produce in vast quantities – einkorn, especially, is “a bitch to harvest” – but they do have advantages over conventional wheats. They typically have deep roots and grow tall, which means they shade out weeds and do not require chemical sprays. The end product is more nutritious and then there’s the taste. Since 2017, Glencross has run a roving supper club called the Sustainable Food Story with Sadhbh Moore, and Duchess Farms has worked closely with bakeries such as E5 Bakehouse in east London and Gail’s, and restaurants including Doug McMaster’s Silo. “Heritage grains are delicious: when you stop growing for yield and you start growing for quality the flavour is insane,” says Glencross.
Learning to farm from scratch has not been straightforward, but you sense that’s a big part of the appeal for Glencross. “There’s all these decisions the farmer makes throughout the year and why he sprays and why he doesn’t,” she says. “You realise that most people get up, sit at a computer all day and if they press the wrong button, they just delete it. When you’re a farmer, you plant at the wrong time of year and tomorrow it washes away your whole crop.”
Glencross acknowledges that it is almost unprecedented for women to run arable farms. She struggles to name a single other example in the UK. She also notes wryly that men dominate all the farming conferences, saying: “They have a wife but it’s always the men who have written the book and given the presentation.”
With more role models, Glencross hopes things will change. “I’m not cool in any way, but I’m a reasonably young lady,” she says, laughing. “And so when people say: ‘What do you do? Oh, you’re a farmer. Maybe I could do that …’ So I’m hoping that it might become seen as quite a desirable, almost cool career.” A pause: “Even if it’s very much not cool.” 
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