#old idea
fat-hedonistic-hogs · 3 months
Ladies from various series randomly showing up on a farm nude and hardly remembering anything about themselves...
All there is for miles is a seemingly endless cornfield surrounding the farm and crops...
Trapped with nothing to do but eat and eat... not carrying that they're suddenly sprouting pig noses and ears
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abuddyforeveryseason · 11 months
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This is the Buddy for October 15th. It's a proper sequel to the October 14th one. Don't worry, I won't keep posting ones where he's standing on each of those little islands.
I just wanted to play around a bit with Inkscape is all. The fun about manipulating vectors is that you can assemble a picture with several pieces, a bit like playing with legos. I originally used inkscape a lot because I enjoyed setting up figures like that. One of my old comic ideas was a fantasy story (to some extent) that'd start with some floating islands like that, and the first thing I ever made on inkscape was a bunch of islands like that.
Of course, back then I wasn't too good at drawing anything else, so that was a bit of an issue for drawing the rest of the comic. Not that it matters much, I'm not interested in fantasy nowadays.
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thunderbone · 1 year
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A drawing of an idea I discarded...
This idea had been inspired by the comic We3 and Lilo & Stitch. My idea was about a cat that was taken from its owners by the government, who had kidnapped other animals to raise them as military weapons. This kitten ended up becoming anthropomorphic and suffered various atrocities, from cruel tests and experiments, in addition to training hard to become the perfect weapon.
As the kitten was the one that demonstrated the greatest progress, the other animals were discarded as if they were mere objects. And so the cat became the military weapon that the government wanted, where he started to carry out several secret assassinations on behalf of the government, eliminating targets that in theory were very dangerous people who are considered a threat.
However, when the cat discovers that one of his targets is innocent, he begins to have an existential crisis about the goodness and value of life. Following this epiphany, he thinks he can no longer kill. Because of this, he abandons his mission and runs away, but is pursued by the government who wants to eliminate him, as he is living proof of the crimes the government committed.
At one point, the cat ended up losing his memory and was found by an 8-year-old girl. The little girl lives with her parents who are divorcing, where she does not accept their divorce, blaming her father for it. The focus of the idea was the friendship between the little girl and the cat, where in addition to being persecuted by the government, he tries to gradually recover his memory.
This idea was intended to make a strong criticism against tests and experiments on animals, which are forced to be subjected to these barbaric acts, whether to create perfumes, shampoos or something like that. This drawing I made is kind of a ref sheet of the protagonist of this idea that I discarded a while ago, dunno. This drawing took a lot of work to make the sketches, but it was worth trying.
To draw the cat's outfit, I was inspired by Leon S. Kennedy's clothes from Resident Evil 2. However, to draw the sheath (a "pocket" to store his knife), I was inspired by Claire Redfield's sheath from Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles.
Detail: The cat's claws are made of razors, that is, the government guys simply ripped out his claws to replace them with fake claws (implying that he also killed his targets with these claws and teeth).
Português (Brasil)
Um desenho de uma ideia que descartei.
Essa ideia havia sido inspirada na HQ We3 e no filme Lilo & Stitch. A minha ideia era sobre um gato que foi tirado de seus donos pelo governo, que havia sequestrado outros animais para criá-los como armas militares. Esse gatinho acabou se tornando antropomórfico e sofreu várias barbaridades, desde a testes e experimentos cruéis, além de treinar arduamente para se tornar a arma perfeita.
Como o gatinho foi o que demonstrou maior avanço, os outros animais foram descartados como se fossem meros objetos. E assim o gato se tornou a arma militar que o governo queria, onde ele passou a realizar vários assassinatos secretos em nome do governo, eliminando alvos que na teoria eram pessoas muito perigosas que são considerados ameaça.
Porém, quando o gato descobre que um de seus alvos é inocente, ele começa a ter uma crise existencial sobre a bondade e o valor da vida. Seguindo essa epifania, ele acha que não pode mais matar. Por causa disso, ele abandona sua missão e foge, mas é perseguido pelo governo que quer eliminá-lo, já que ele é a prova viva dos crimes que o governo cometeu.
Em um dado momento, o gato acabou perdendo a memória e é encontrado por uma garotinha de 8 anos. A garotinha vive com seus pais que estão se divorciando, onde ela não aceita o divórcio deles, no qual culpa o pai dela por isso. O foco da ideia era a amizade entre a garotinha e o gato, onde além de ser perseguido pelo governo, ele tenta recuperar sua memória aos poucos.
Essa ideia tinha como proposta fazer uma crítica foda contra testes e experimentos aos animais, que são forçados a serem submetidos a essas barbaridades, seja pra criar perfumes, shampoos ou algo do tipo. Esse desenho que fiz é meio que uma ref sheet do protagonista dessa ideia que descartei um tempo atrás, sei lá. Esse desenho deu muito trabalho pra fazer os esboços, mas valeu a pena tentar.
Pra desenhar a roupa do gato, eu havia me inspirado nas roupas do Leon S. Kennedy do Resident Evil 2. Porém, pra desenhar a bainha (um "bolso" pra guardar sua faca), eu havia me inspirado na bainha de Claire Redfield de Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles.
Detalhe: As garras do gato são feitas de navalha, ou seja, os caras do governo simplesmente arrancaram as garras dele para substituí-las por garras falsas (dando a entender que ele também matava seus alvos com essas garras e seus dentes).
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royal-frogg · 1 year
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I finally got Mikey done for my TMNT iteration! (also ignore my bad handwriting and weird art style lol)
Because I didn't have room I'll put it here
Full name: Michelangelo dotto hamato
Nicknames: Mikey,Mickey,Mike,Mimi,Hanten
Gender: Genderqueer
Sexuality: Pansexual
Age: 14
Turtle type: Clemmys guttata spotted turtle (references one and two)
Extra: Raph is their twin & they have low blood sugar
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flamingredanon · 2 years
Did u have a continuation or idea of ur other TTT ficlet before the reveal w/ robot terrence happened?
I did have an old WIP where Robot Henry would've reunited with Charles and the two talking it out before they would decide to fix what they can and just be Stickvin but Henry is just slightly more metal.
But then the reveal happened and tossed a tank into the idea.
I did have another idea that brewed before Comply with your Heart that involved Robot Henry and Charles meeting up and something accidental would've happened and Charles dying in Robot Henry's arms and a horrible rampage happening, but I couldn't figure out the flow, so I put the idea for a different fic and went with what I wrote.
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comput3rage · 2 months
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I spent an ungodly amount of time making this. Hello lgbt community
[Image ID: A gif made on PicMix consisting of a screenshot from Gravity Falls of Ford Pines yelling at Bill Cipher with pink glittery text reading "DIVORCE", animated flames, glittery tears coming from both of their eyes, several animated broken heart gifs, and a glitter overlay edited on. End ID.]
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gerardpilled · 7 months
I hate when an artist gets exposed for being a bad person and people start the narrative “why would you even want to listen to their shitty music” when are we going to be freed from the idea that only good people create good art and bad people create bad art. It just makes it harder for these types of people to be exposed because now you got people thinking “how is this possible, his music is so good!”
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cubedmango · 28 days
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desi miku !! 💃
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soimse · 22 days
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“He wants me so bad he just doesn’t know it yet” -Bill Cipher probably
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cracklewink · 6 months
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My Mane 6 Redesigns all together! I was going to post them separately but ended up finishing them all before I got around to it lol
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13thpythagoras · 2 months
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cakepopalice · 6 months
Freedoms Price
I was going to make a book out of this but I couldn't get inspiration. @ me if it gave you inspiration!!! Enjoy!!!!
It was February 3016 every kid with powers had to obedient and only follow commands. The place was called ‘The Hatchlings’ and was said to help parents with their kids. A few teens found out they were going to be used in war against an ally and not for parents to have their kids follow whatever they were told. They found out why days after and the reason is that they didn’t follow the same things they were doing with kids. One night they decide to run only thirty out of forty escaped the other ten couldn’t climb the fence so they decided to distract the guards and died. As they were searching they found a base that was long forgotten and started to clean it up the place and make it their own they named their base ‘Freedom’s price’ and they wanted to free every kid and tell everyone the truth about ‘The Hatchlings’. As the years past a few kids in ‘The Hatchlings’ started to have emotion but only showed it at dark. But what they didn’t know was that there was a someone that watching them and observing them and that person got permission from the ‘Freedom’s price’ to lead them to the base or tell them what will happen if ‘The Hatchlings’ have enough teens. Now that person has to get closer to the group and earn their trust and they know just how to do that.
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hivepixels · 7 months
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cozylittleartblog · 1 year
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not that we didn't already Know belos was full of shit, but it's even funnier knowing the titan was still alive the whole time and probably judging him
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tonia-aaaaa · 3 months
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You've heard of the Bad Boys as the Heathers... now get ready for: Mean Gills as the Mean Girls!!
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loveaankilaq · 5 months
Fantasy books stop having arctic kingdoms of all blond hair blue eyed white people.
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