#The perils of a black and white combo
yesterdayiwrote · 9 months
PLEASE tell me someone let George know he was sitting front row of a basketball game with his flies down...
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15 notes · View notes
honeybeezgobzzzzz · 5 months
🐺 Old Flames: Chapter Two
Old Flames: Juniper Camden died, but now she is back. After being revived by the supernaturals of Beacon Hills, Juniper is in for a heartbreaking whirlwind of ‘What the Hell Do I Do Now?’. Her boyfriend has twenty five years on her and a family of his own, she was declared dead years prior, and yet June still looks like the twenty year old she was before she disappeared. What is a girl to do? Avoid Christopher Argent at all costs.
Warnings: Peril.
To Note: Chris Argent x NAMED!FemReader.
Word Count: ~6.1k
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The Mendoza’s had told you that waking up from the spell would be like waking up from anesthesia. One moment you were locked in a deep sleepy state, and the next you were finally recalling things and able to function normally. Blinking your eyes as the sleepiness rapidly faded, you stared up at a white ceiling.
The Mendoza vault didn’t have white ceilings, had you been moved? You sat up and winced slightly at your stiff body. How long had you been laying in the vault waiting for the Mendoza’s to come to a treaty with the Argent’s? Looking down at your body, you noted that you were still wearing your black corduroys and blue blouse, the combo you usually wore when running errands for Gerard. At least that was something familiar.
Still getting used to moving your limbs once more, you slowly shifted yourself so you were sitting on the edge of the bed. While you were running a hand through your hair, you thought about everything the Mendoza’s had told you about the supernatural world, and about the family of my boyfriend.
Werewolves. Hunters.
It was all so strange, but at the same time, it made sense. The Argents ran a private security business and dealt with firearms. They could easily incorporate a hunting lifestyle into that, and by teaching you how to handle a gun, you were being taught the basics of hunting for when you would eventually marry into the family and learn about who they truly were.
All that time you had spent at the range with Chris, he had been honing your skills to shoot, and potentially, kill, a supernatural. But at the same time you could only remember pure enjoyment of sending time with Chris, being at the range hadn’t felt like training. You just got to spend time together, though sometimes things got a little too handsy when he was correcting your posture. In your defense, you were both still quite young.
You were finally feeling better that you were willing to risk getting to your feet, so carefully, you shifted your weight back to your feet. Standing up, you further looked around at what had to be a bedroom, and one you didn’t recognize. Had the Argents picked you up before you had woken up? Things also looked different and new. Maybe they had a weird style no one had seen before?
Rubbing your neck, you ventured for the door and opened it, not a hallway you recognized either. Just exactly where were you? Your ears picked up voices, so you did the natural thing and followed the sounds to a more open room. Upon emerging from the hallway, you blinked in confusion at the small group of teens that were lounging around talking to each other. Heads snapped your way and eyes went wide, and giving each person a careful look, you raised your eyebrows in confusion.
“Where am I?”
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You were handed a glass full of amber liquid as you stared blankly at the far wall of the Hale loft. Your entire body was filled with small shakes as your brain very slowly comprehended the words you had just been told. It had been shocking when you had learned about the supernatural and the Argents… but this? This was devastating.
“You’re supposed to drink that…” Your eyes flickered up to the teen that had spoken and you briefly gave him a scowl before raising the glass your nose was wrinkling.
“I just woke up from being asleep for twenty-five years and you are giving me alcohol?” You questioned as your eyes darted over to the dark haired man who looked like he scowled a lot. You think he told you that his name was Derek. “I’m not even twenty-one yet…”
“It will help with your nerves, trust me, drink,” He told you, his green eyes boring into your own. You felt like muttering underneath your breath about the absurdity of it all but in all honesty, you really needed to calm down and collect yourself. You took a sip, ignoring the slight burning sensation it caused your throat.
“So the Mendoza’s are dead…” You quietly murmured out as you lowered the glass back to your lap. “I really thought that— it really doesn’t matter does it, I never really knew them…”
“My uncle Peter found you in the Mendoza Vault, how’d you end up there and under that spell?” Your fingers tapped the glass in your hands. Peter was his uncle? You didn’t know Peter very well, but the Hales had always been a prominent family in Beacon Hills.
“The Mendoza’s took me as a bargaining chip against the Argents, or a means of protection so to speak. They wanted to talk to the Argents without the risk of being straight up killed.” You explained with a soft sigh. “They only wanted to live peacefully and had no intentions of ever hurting me. That how I found out about who the Argents really are, and about the Supernatural. Clarissa, the Alpha’s mate, told me they didn’t know how long it would take to talk things out with Gerard so they were going to have their emissary put me under that spell so I wouldn’t be just sitting around twiddling my thumbs. It would be like blinking. I guess Gerard never had any intention of negotiating with them.”
“The Mendoza’s were wiped out by the Argents. It’s presumed that Gerard lied to Chris and the others about what had happened to you.” Derek replied as his brows furrowed. “The Argents live by a code, they don’t hurt supernaturals that don’t hurt others. Except for Gerard, he just wants all the supernatural dead.”
“So you’re saying that he used me as a reason to kill them all?” You questioned, that terrifying thought echoing in your mind. “I’m why the Mendoza’s are dead?”
“No, Gerard is the reason, he just used you as a means to an end.” Derek told you. “This is all on Gerard, not you, not Chris, not anyone else, Gerard.”
“Chris,” You breathed out, your eyes briefly closing. “I don’t even want to know what he had to go through because of that lie. Have— have you told him? Does he know about me?”
“You could say that,” One of the teens, Isaac, answered. “Peter called Chris after you were brought here, he knows you’re alive… or at least not dead.”
Your grip on the glass tightened until your knuckles were straining against your skin. Chris… he had to be what… in his forties now? You could not go back to the way you were and you didn’t even know if he wanted to be near you, or try to at least be friends again.
“Right now I think it would be best if you learned to live in this century.” Derek spoke up. “Identity mess aside, things have changed since 1990, it’ll take you time to acclimate.”
“I don’t have anywhere to stay, I don’t have an identity, money, a legal education, a place to live… what am I supposed to do?” You questioned Derek. “I’m— I’m no one.”
“That’s where we come in, we can get you everything you need to start your life again. But for the time being, you can stay with Lydia, she has room and her mom is never around.”
“Am I supposed to know who Lydia is?”
“She’s the local Banshee,”
The local Banshee… of course…
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“This is the guest bedroom, which will be yours until the packs get everything settled. You don’t need to worry about my mom coming around and finding out about you, she’s never around, and even if she does… well, she won’t care.” You stared at the red head wondering just how out of touch her mother was to literally not care who her daughter brought home.
“Does your mother not care what you do?” You questioned her in confusion. Lydia shrugged before shaking her head.
“No, not really, it has its pros and cons, but I’ve gotten used to it.” You were a little put off at how nonchalant she was being with her absent parent, but decided it was best not to push her any further about the subject. Lydia looked you up and down before taking your wrist and pulling you to her own room. “Since you don’t have anything to wear, you can borrow some of my clothes, we’re pretty close in size I think.”
While you looked around her room and took in the twenty first century, Lydia started digging in her closet. You were half listening to her mumbles as you ran your fingers over the keyboard of a super sleek laptop that seemed to be a quarter of the thickness of the rare laptops you had occasionally seen. The world really had sped ahead in technology, you wondered how long it would take you to catch up…
“Do people still wear jeans?” You questioned while looking at the textbooks stacked on Lydia’s desk. “Because I am not exactly the fanciest of people, my parents raised me on goodwill and church donations.”
“We still wear jeans, but I have just the thing for you to wear to make you sure cute.” Lydia said as she pulled out a black dress with a pink flowers printed all over it. It had a sweetheart neckline with soft flutter sleeves and a loose skirt that would would fall mid thigh. “Now combine that with my beige booties and a sun hat? You’ll be perfect, except I need to do something about your hair and makeup.”
“I’m not a doll you know,” You reminded her, Lydia just gave you a half hearted shrug before throwing the dress onto her plush bed and diving back into her closet.
“You might as well be, I don’t get very many chances to play with Allison…” Lydia trailed off at the mention of Allison.
“It’s okay, you know, to talk about her,” You spoke up, turning away from Lydia’s desk to take a seat on the bed next to the tossed dressed. “I’m not so ignorant to not believe that he moved on and had a kid. But I would like to know about her, we’re bound to come across each other at some point.”
“True, but I think you are wrong about the whole moving on thing,” Lydia replied as she emerged from her closet. “I might not know what your guys relationship was like, but Allison’s dad is definitely not over you.” 
“It’s been twenty-five years.”
“And I know a man still in love when I see one. His reaction was more than enough evidence…” She quipped back before setting the beige bootie she had mentioned on her desk and planting a hand on her hip. “So tell me, how good are you in heels?”
“I’m decent,” You told her before eyeing the booties once more. “And those look like they have a thick heel so I should be fine. Can you tell me what Allison is like?”
“Smart, clever, has beautiful dark hair, needs to get a long term boyfriend…” Lydia trailed off while tossing her strawberry blonde hair to the other shoulder. “I think you two will get along.”
“Are you saying that because I was in a relationship with her father… or because it is the truth?” 
“You seem pretty chill, Allison is also chill, you’ll get along fine. Now change, there’s a Lacrosse game this afternoon and you are going.” Lydia Martin had spoken, and you figured that it was probably best to just go along with her.
Peeling your outdated clothing off your body while Lydia went and did something in her bathroom, you pulled the dress on over your head and pulled your hair from the neckline. It felt nice on your skin, flattered your body, and was surprisingly comfortable. Glancing at yourself in the mirror, you couldn’t help but notice how ashen you looked.
You guess spending twenty-five years sleeping in a vault did that to one’s complexion. Lydia poked her head out of her bathroom with a flat iron in hand.
“Good you’re dressed, that means I can work on your hair.” It was at this point you figured out Lydia was using you as an excuse to play dress up. “So the boys are playing Devonford Prep, total hotties, but we are still cheering for Beacon Hills.”
“Then why mention the other team and their aesthetically pleasing looks?” You asked in confusion as you adjusted the wide brim sunhat you were wearing. Until you got your identity sorted, everyone wanted you to remain incognito. Wearing a hat helped to obscure your face.
“Why not? They’re hot and fun to look at, especially when our boys know we’re watching.” Your eyebrow popped up in understanding.
“Do you normally make them jealous on purpose?” Lydia gave you a pink smile before pulling you from your seat in her car.
“Keeps them on their toes, come on, we have seats to find before the bleachers fill up.” With one hand on your sun hat and the other in Lydia’s grasp, your feet worked overtime in the beige booties you were wearing to keep up with her.
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Considering that Lydia was a mere five foot three inches, you were surprised that you still had a hard time keeping up with her at your own height. She had a lengthy walk.
You felt out of place in the swarm of people heading for the lacrosse field, but no one gave you a second glance save for the younger boys and a few girls. They were probably curious as to who was with the Queen Bee of Beacon Hills.
“Did you mention that we were meeting up with someone?” You questioned as Lydia took a sharp left to head for a less packed area of the stands.
“It’s time you and Allison meet, besides, she just started dating Isaac.”
“And Isaac is?” Lydia stopped short before turning to face you, she grabbed your other hand with a frank look.
“Quick run down of the McCall pack, Scott is the Alpha, Isaac is a Beta… but technically not currently in the pack, Malia is a werecyote, Kira is a kitsune, I’m an banshee, Mason is a genetic Chimera human… I’ll tell you about that later, and Stiles, human, spastic, but our detective.” Lydia summarized quickly as you nodded. “And Allison of course, she’s a hunter, but doesn’t do much of that since her mother died.”
Touchy subject you were not willing to bring up without prompt by her.
“So you’re are all a hodge podge of random supernaturals plus one human who sounds like he needs to be on a high dose of Adderal.” You replied as your mind worked quick to memorize and categorize names with species. Lydia rolled her eyes.
“Stiles has a habit of forgetting to take his medication… but he is good at figuring things out.” Lydia admitted before looking at something over your shoulder. “Looks like Allison is here, believe me, you two will get along.”
You gave Lydia a look before the hairs on the back of your neck rose. You could feel a gaze on you, your upper half twisted around to look back at the parking lot where people were parking and dropping off. Eyes scanning the cars, you searched for the source of the burning gaze. It was so startling familiar you were nearly unnerved and uncomfortable by it.
But you couldn’t see anything that tipped you off.
“Juniper?” Blinking, you turned back around to Lydia. “You okay?”
“Sorry, just thought I felt…” You trailed off when you realized whose gaze it had felt like. You didn’t want to think about him right now. “Never mind me, I think I’m still jumpy from the whole twenty-five years asleep.”
“Well, don’t jump now, but Allison is coming over.” That made you freeze for a second, panic flashing through your veins before you quelled it enough to not start hyperventilating. It wasn’t like you were about to meet your boyfriend’s daughter, or well, you suppose he was your ex-boyfriend now.
That was going to take some getting used to, you hadn’t been single in years.
“Hi, Lydia,” A sweet voice said, a dark haired teen emerging from the crowd to stop next to where Lydia had you standing. You glanced at Allison and took in her appearance. She was definitely Chris’s daughter, but you could pick out the features she had gotten from her mother.
“Allison, this is Juniper, it’s our job to acclimate her to the twenty-first century.” You shot Lydia a slightly scathing look.
“You say that like I’ve been living underneath a rock for a few centuries.” You huffed at her.
“No, you’ve just been asleep for twenty-five years, say hello,” Rolling your eyes, you gave Allison a small smile.
“Pleasure to meet you, Allison.”
“I know it must be weird or even uncomfortable, but it’s nice to finally meet you after hearing what little stories I could squeeze out of dad.” Allison responded. “He didn’t talk about you much, definitely didn’t like talking about you either.”
You winced. Yeah, as the story went, most people had thought you had been mauled almost unrecognizable.
“Understandable, I’ve heard the stories about my apparent death, it was not pretty.” You muttered before looking up at the bleachers. “Can someone please educate me on lacrosse so I actually know what is going on?”
While Lydia gave you the basic run down on how Lacrosse was played, she and Allison led you up the short bleachers to find a seat. You found your seats and you looked to examine the Beacon Hills Lacrosse team. You recognized a few of team members from when you had woken up and connected names with faces.
“So if Lacrosse wasn’t popular in your time, what was?” You blinked before glancing at Allison and giving her a smile.
“Basketball. I get that… but Lacrosse? Not in the slightest.” You explained as your eyes skimmed over players until you were looking at the opposing team. Did all boys this age look more mature and hotter than they did in your time? Don’t forget the jacked part too. Many a boy you saw looked far too muscled for their age. “Just how many supernatural’s are there in this town these days?”
“More than anyone thinks,” Allison responded as the coach for Beacon Hills started yelling at someone called ‘Greenburg’. “I can get you up to speed on all of the types that are currently residing here. Beacon Hills seems to be a hot spot.”
“I’m surprised I didn’t find out sooner,” You softly murmured as you leaned your forearms on your knees and rested your chin in your palm. “Especially with Gerard hanging around so much and asking me to do stuff for him.”
“What exactly did he have you doing?” You rolled your head so you were looking at Allison once more.
“Errands mostly, met with a few of his clients to drop papers off or collect signatures. I was running a parcel to one of his contacts the day the Mendoza’s took me.”
“Sounds like he was grooming you to join the family.” Lydia commented. You couldn’t disagree with that statement.
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Over two weeks since you had acclimated into your new life, you were holding the iPod Allison had given you after learning about your love for music, tears running down your cheeks.
 You had been a little suspicious of the contents of the iPod, as all of the music contained most of your favorite songs. You hadn’t talked about your music preferences with anyone since waking up. Allison had given you a quick tour of how to use the small device, and after finding a playlist already made, you had chosen to play those songs first.
The first song that played had your eyes burning, the second you were sniffling, and the third you were openly crying, biting hard on your lower lip so that Lydia didn’t hear you sobbing inside your borrowed room. It hurt so much to listen to this song, so so much, but you couldn’t stop hitting the back button to play it again.
Highway run
Into the midnight sun
Wheels go 'round and 'round
You're on my mind
Restless hearts
Sleep alone tonight
Sendin' all my love
Along the wire
Over and over and over, you played it. You played it until you had to press a pillow into your face to muffle the god awful sobs coming from your mouth. It was the only thing you had left to connect yourself to what you had those twenty-five years prior. Going to classes, coming home to relax and enjoy cooking a meal, sharing a meal with the one person who mattered most in your life.
You eyes closed and your fingers tightened around the iPod you had clutched to your chest. No one ever said loving someone would be easy, but there wasn’t exactly a handbook or counselor you could go to for this. Scott’s mom had tried to get you to talk about it, hell, even Allison and Lydia periodically told you that you needed to talk to someone about what you were feeling, rather than let it fester. Talking was hard, staying silent was easy.
Circus life
Under the big top world
We all need the clowns
To make us smile
Through space and time
Always another show
Wondering where I am
Lost without you
You weren’t sure if you were going to smile like you used to, every day that ticked by it was harder and harder to move your mouth into a natural smile. You weren’t sure if you would be able to keep up that façade of being ‘okay’. Most days you were grasping at straws trying to find an ounce of happiness in your life. The Hale pack had pulled through with their promise of getting your life back. Your degree, your identity, money, you had everything you could want, except the one thing you needed.
Falling back on your bed, you dragged the pillow down your face and stared at the ceiling, your hot tears now running down the side of your face. Overwhelming was the statement of this new century, and you weren’t quite sure if you could manage to stay strong enough to keep going. Deep in your heart, you knew that you didn’t have enough love in you to ever fall in love with someone else.
I'm still yours
I'm forever yours
Forever yours
You sniffed once more before releasing your iPod and rubbing your watery eyes. You needed to stop crying over what you had. It was pathetic. Your head rolled and you looked out the window, seeing that it was a surprisingly clear night out, the moon shining overhead brightly. You needed to clear your head, and you think a midnight walk would do just that. How many people would be up right now to see you upset? Some of the pack on patrol most likely, so it was probably safe to walk around the preserve.
Pulling the headphones from your ears, you tossed the pillow aside and rolled off the bed. Stripping yourself out of your nightgown, you changed into jeans and sweater, grabbing your silver necklace and hooking it around your neck. You scribbled a quick note to leave on your desk in case Lydia came looking for you for some odd reason, and with your iPod in hand, left the room.
You quickly moved through the Martin household, grabbing your sneakers and hopping along as you pulled the already tied shoes on. Stuffing your iPod into your jean pocket, your fingers grabbed the dark blue long coat insisted you get and you stepped outside. It was chilly, your skin prickled as you buttoned the coat and got your iPod and headphones situated once more. But the chill in the air made you feel more alive, and you could be thankful for that. You went to the main list of songs and hit ‘shuffle’, before stuffing your hands into the pockets of the coat and walking down the sidewalk.
The slightly misty night was calming as you walked, heading for the nature preserve. Your head tilted back and looked up at the bright moon illuminating your face. The stars overhead twinkled just like had twenty five years ago. Letting out a nostalgic sigh and then a sniff, you turned down the little dirt path that was a short cut to the nature preserve.
Your iPod clicked to the next song and ‘Edge of Seventeen’ started playing, bringing a small smile to your down turned lips. It brought back memories of your seventeenth birthday party. A bunch of your high school friends had arranged a surprise birthday party that involved some not so legal drinks and a night of Stevie Nicks.
That night had been crazy fun, you all had let loose since Amelia had convinced you to make it a boys free night. Let’s just say you had one hell of a hangover that Monday morning and school had been a bitch to suffer through. But you wouldn’t take back one second.
You found yourself humming along to the lyrics while stepping over branches that had fallen onto the narrow trail. It wasn’t until you were halfway down your usual walking trail that you noticed that something felt… off. Your finger paused the music blaring in your ears, and stuffing the headphone into your jacket pocket and zipping it closed, you looked around.
Your eyes couldn’t pick up anything in the dark shadows of the forest, but Chris had always told you to trust your instincts, and your instincts told you that you weren’t alone. Breathing out, your exhale turned into a cloud of white in the cold air as you twisted your body and further looked around. Still nothing. You frowned and started walking again, but this time at a slower and more methodical pace, trying to remain aware of your surroundings. Five minutes later you still hadn’t come across anyone, but that hair raising feeling still hadn’t left. Just as you were about to split left to head down another trail, your ears finally picked up on the sounds of someone else crunching their way through the misty late night.
A few seconds later Allison came into view, a crossbow in hand. Your eyebrow rose as you stared at the weapon.
“I thought you liked short bows?” You asked her, shifting your gaze to meet hers. Allison let out a snort before shrugging and looking at you inquisitively.
“Felt like the crossbow tonight… what are you doing out? It’s literally the middle of the night…” You returned the shrug and looked up at the dark sky.
“Couldn’t sleep so I decided to go for a walk, my head’s too muddled with thoughts. Walking always helped me clear my mind so I figured I’d get out while I had peace and quiet.”
“Yeah, I get that… but it’s also kind of dangerous, the pack we’re dealing with isn’t playing fair.” Allison explained, hefting her crossbow up. “Scott is worried that they’ll go after a human this time.”
Your eyebrows pinched together as you tilted your head to the side in thought.
“That sounds… serious…what exactly is going on? No one has told me anything.” You questioned as the two of you started meandering down the trail. Allison sighed and adjusted her grip on her crossbow.
“The rival pack wants the Hale packs land, and are rivaling Scott’s land as well,” She said as you simultaneously stepped over a fallen tree branch. “They’ve already made it apparent that they don’t have a problem attacking pack members to get their point across.”
You hummed in response and rubbed your chin before stuffing your hands into your coat pockets. Your fingers brushed against the iPod.
“I hope you teens aren’t burning yourselves out with all this patrolling.” You spoke, chewing on your lip. “High school can be brutal when you’re bogged down with homework, and add all of these supernatural issues… I’m surprised that you all seem to be not insane by now.”
“Yeah, I’ve gotten used to it,” Allison chuckled, then she frowned slightly. “So… I know by now you don’t want to really talk about it… but how exactly did you live in Beacon Hills your whole life and not find out about the Supernatural? I mean, you were dating my dad, he’s a hunter… surely you would have come across something?”
“Well, that… I couldn’t tell you. I mean now that I think about it, I wonder how I could have been so blind?” You let out a snort of disgust. “I guess I was just one of those girls so in love I failed to see what was right in front of me.”
Allison didn’t comment, so you continued talking.
“When you date someone that long and you think you know them, you are blind to what is hidden in the shadows.” You chuckled and shook your head. “I can’t believe we used joke about parenting goals… it— it only seems like yesterday.”
“You guys joked about parenting goals?” Allison questioned with a small laugh, you couldn’t help the small smile that bit at the corners of your mouth.
“I have an issue with public displays of affection, Chris never let me forget that. Your father likes— liked, to tease me mercilessly in the privacy of our apartment.”
“Yeah, he liked to tease my mom on occasion, but not nearly as much as it sounds like he teased you.” You made a sound in echoed agreement.
“I think at this point I’m just gla—“ Your words were broken off by a not so distant growl which had the both of you spinning around and Allison bringing up her crossbow.
“Shit,” Allison breathed out. “I think that’s—“ Another growl, only this time is was much closer. You grabbed the sleeve of Allison’s jacket and tugged on it, hard.
“Time to go, neither of us are equipped to handle anything by ourselves.” You told her, pulling her in the opposite direction. Luckily Allison wasn’t too resistant to your idea to flee, and the both of you were soon booking it down the path. “So what do you think that is?”
Allison, huffing and puffing next to you, glanced over her shoulder.
“Kanima, we’re dealt with one before. They’re controlled by someone and sent after people, so far we can guess that the rival pack is trying to force our hand with the land. I think it knows my scent from a few nights ago.”
“Kanima, great… I have no idea what that is… what do I need to know about them?”
“It looks like a giant lizard and don’t get hit by their venom in their claws or tail, it will leave you paralyzed for hours.” A giant lizard? How the hell does a giant lizard go around Beacon Hills without getting caught? This wasn’t the time to think about that so your brain went in a different direction.
“You said it has your scent? That means it is hunting you?” You questioned. Allison nodded.
“We should break up, it doesn’t know your scent yet. We should keep it that way.” Allison said as a tree branch slapped you in the face. You spit out a few leaves and yanked Allison to a stop.
“No way in hell,” You stated before looking at her coat, it was long and looked well used… which meant that it was probably soaked in her scent. You started stripping your coat off. “Take your coat off.”
Allison looked at you in confusion.
“What? Why?” Shoving your coat underneath your arm, you started pulling at the zipper of her coat while she protested.
“It knows your scent, so let’s confuse it,” You explained, forcing her jacket off her free hand. “It can only follow one trail, so if I take your coat and you take mine, maybe it will get confused enough to throw off its hunt.”
“You know a lot about hunting…” Allison commented beneath her breath as she shed her jacket with a very unhappy expression on her face.
“Byproduct of spending years at the range and going hunting,” You explained shortly as you handed your jacket over and swung Allison’s coat around your shoulders. You zipped it up and looked at the way you had come. “I’ll distract it while you go and find one of the boys who’ll be better equipped at handling a Kanima.”
“I know this place like the back of my hand, I’ll be fine,” You told her before giving her a little shove in the opposite direction. “Now go!”
Allison was still hesitating.
“More distracting! Less indecision!” You hissed at her, moving back the way you had come. Allison let a noise of frustration and ran off, your coat hopefully smothering her scent slightly. Your adrenaline was now pumping through your veins and causing a jitter to run through your limbs. Eyes searching for any sign of movement, you found nothing and had to rely on the sounds the Kanima was making.
The first glimpse you got was yellow eyes and mottled scaled skin. Your stomach rolled and you turned tail instantly, crashing your way through the woods perpendicular to where Allison had ran. The Kanima behind you let out a roar, and you heard it give chase… but that only made your adrenaline pump faster and a new thought popped into your head.
Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all… because you didn’t know what to do when it caught up to you.
Weaving through the trees at a less than desired speed, you tried your best not to slip on the damp forest floor or trip over any unassuming roots. You had just made it to a stretch of forest that was slightly more even underfoot when a blur shot in front of you and you were confronted with a very scaly… lizard man?
You slid as your forward momentum carried your feet forwards while trying to veer off to the right to avoid crashing right into the thing hunting Allison. You nearly face planted, but managed to save yourself from completely sprawling out onto your stomach with your hands flat on the ground. Pushing yourself back up from a semi crouched position, you stumbled forwards. But you didn’t get very far.
Something snaked around your ankle and yanked you back, partially sending you flying into the air until you hit the cold ground and tumbled. You felt your chin smash into a rock as you rolled, and when you stopped moving, you were sure a stick was digging into your stomach. Groaning out, you just barely shifted when you were pulled by your ankle once more.
You let out a gasp and scrambled to grab onto something, but your searching fingers came up with nothing, and soon a scaled hand was forcing you onto your back. Your wide eyes stared up into a face full of scales and teeth, and despite being petrified, you still managed to continue your search for a weapon with your fingers.
Something seemed to click in the Kanima’s mind that you weren’t the one it was hunting, and it let out a bone rattling roar in your face. Pressing back into the cold mossy forest floor, you whimpered slightly, afraid it was going to lash out at you. But then your fingers found a rock, a single, precious rock you could use. When it stopped its roar, your arm came swinging up as hard as you could manage, and you hit it in the side of the face.
It reared back with a screech, giving you a chance to try and crawl away. Hands digging into the cold ground, you scrambled to get out from under the lizard man. Stumbling to your feet, you probably made it three steps from the screeching creature before something lashed across your left thigh, drawing a line of fire across your skin.
A cry of pain left your lips and a second later your entire body went numb, then you were crashing back to the forest floor in a heap of none responsive limbs. Lying on the ground, you breathed hard against the frosty moss pressing against your cheek and tried not to panic. Allison had said not to get hit by the Kanima because its venom caused paralysis. You were shit out of luck, because you were fairly sure your thigh had just been scratched open by its claws.
This was not good. 
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Date Published: 6/17/22
Last Edit: 9/14/23
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years
Is it too early to ask for thoughs or headcanons on the 4 perils? I just really like those guys.
Before we get too far, can I just mention what a great concept the Treasures are? They're probably some of my all-time favorite legendaries. The way they're based off the four perils is a nice mythology reference, but this is greatly enhanced with the way they're vessels with fake bodies. This is very cool and unique, and that combined with the way they're sealed away to prevent natural disasters gives them an appropriately epic, legendary feeling to the quartet. Just the vibes alone are immaculate.
For the record, my personal favs from most to least are Wo-Chien, Ting-Lu, Chien-Pao, and Chi-Yu, but honestly all of them are great in some compacity or another.
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I know Ting-Lu was somewhat contentious when it first leaked, with many feeling like the body is too vague-looking compared to the other Treasures of Ruin. However, I honestly really like the abstract look—I feel like it makes it look all the more eerie, almost somewhat eldritch. It also really helps convey that the object is the actual Pokemon and the body is just made out of materials, more so than any of the other Treasures.
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If I have one problem with the design, it's that the ritual bowl/ding feels like it's barely attached to the head; it looks like it's going to fall off any moment. I also feel like the neck's a bit long. Otherwise, the colors are nice and the concept and typing are clear.
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Chien-Pao is an interesting combo between a saber-toothed cat, a snow leopard, and something akin to a ferret. It reminds me a lot of a spotted genet, though that probably wasn't intentional:
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Regardless, this is a neat design, with the body being made of snow and the markings actually being ice crystals. The simple white and light blue palette conveys snow and cold, while the black coloring on the sword draws attention to it. I also like that the sword is snapped in half, with each half composing a fang. It's a nice touch.
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My only complaint is that the sword going through the top of the muzzle looks a bit odd. It was probably done like that to show that the snow is built around the sword, but it just creates a weird tension point there. I also feel like the random crystals on the cheeks weren't needed, and I wish the model looked less smooth and more like actual snow. Still, it's nice looking overall.
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Chi-Yu is the least ominous of the trio, but then again it is still the most ominous goldfish I've ever seen, so that's something. Once again, the objects are obviously the beads, though this one gets points for incorporating the emotion, envy, into the design by using jade magatama beads specifically.
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I think my only problem with it—which is unfortunately a big problem—is that the body works well in 2D, but really does not translate well at all. I don't know why GameFreak is allergic to particle textures, but Chi-Yu looks more like paper with fire drawn on it than actual fire, especially compared to other 'mons with much more realistic fire on their bodies. This makes the beads feel jarringly three dimensional in a way that doesn't jive with the body. The actual design of the flames, with them forming some beautiful swirls and scales, is fine; I just wish it looked better when you were actually using it and not just looking at the artwork.
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And finally, Wo-Chien, my personal favorite. I had high-hopes for a legendary dark-type snail, and thankfully, Wo-Chien did not disappoint. The muted color palette feels appropriately dark but earthy at the same time, and I love how the upper body is clearly just piles of leaves, with branches forming the iconic snail eyes. The way the colors alternate in said leaves also help break up the head while still making it clear what you're looking at. It's hard to make a snail look powerful and creepy, but they pulled it off beautifully.
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I guess the only drawback is that the tablets that make up the shell are much less emphasized than on the other Treasure's designs; there's nothing to specially draw your eye to them from either a color or a size perspective. At the same time however, they do fit beautifully with the palette, and it could be argued that the body shape draws your eyes from the head to the "shell" naturally anyway.
So as a whole: all of these guys are honestly really solid, and some of the best legendaries we've had in a long time; cool inspiration, interesting concept, good designs, and a mythological feel make these four throughly enjoyable.
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colouring chalanges
theres one colouring group on facebook that does monthly chalanges where you only can use certain combos or colours. I was a member since february and the first chalange was in april
here are all the spring chalanges in order.
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I could only use certain blues and pinks and browns and greens
I used these combos during month. this page was a free page
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this was also a free page from the game pearls peril. same palet from the chalange. I used orange to create a light green grass since I didn got light green.
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in May the combis got easier. I got another free page. And since it was moms birthday I decided to create a nice piece for her.
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you could only use a combo of light and dark and only that combo.
june was easy, we got another free page. this time I decided what colour pencil I could use. Since june was pride month I decided for a rain bow theme
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for the backround I used my new ohuhu brush markers
july wasnt easy, you could only use 1 colour and black and white
I used blue for this free page
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I used oil pastel for the backround
I skipped august because I didnt had much pieces that were half done plus I wanted to work on new pieces
and now this month. Saphire blue.no black and white were aloud just blue
so far I coloured in 6 pieces using only blue
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P I C K (S)  O F  T H E  M O N T H: M A R C H
Shades of Magic series by V. E. Schwab
Make Me Bad by R. S. Grey
Mistborn Trilogy by Brandon Sanderson
Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas
The Winner’s Trilogy by Marie Rutkoski
Text series by Teagan Hunter
Shades of Magic series by V.E. Schwab
Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult, Magic
Kell is one of the last Antari—magicians with a rare, coveted ability to travel between parallel Londons; Red, Grey, White, and, once upon a time, Black. Kell was raised in Arnes—Red London—and officially serves the Maresh Empire as an ambassador, traveling between the frequent bloody regime changes in White London and the court of George III in the dullest of Londons, the one without any magic left to see. Unofficially, Kell is a smuggler, servicing people willing to pay for even the smallest glimpses of a world they'll never see. It's a defiant hobby with dangerous consequences, which Kell is now seeing firsthand. After an exchange goes awry, Kell escapes to Grey London and runs into Delilah Bard, a cut-purse with lofty aspirations. She first robs him, then saves him from a deadly enemy, and finally forces Kell to spirit her to another world for a proper adventure. Now perilous magic is afoot, and treachery lurks at every turn. To save all of the worlds, they'll first need to stay alive.
Why we love it:
thief turned pirate badass heroine
great premise with a storyline that felt very different
fabulous world-building with an interesting magic system
if you love London like us, there are four of them instead of one xD
full of morally gray characters!!!!!
don’t get attached to anyone
Trigger warnings: mind control, (mentions of) homophobia, character death
Make Me Bad by R.S. Grey
Genres: Romance, Contemporary, New Adult
I was issued a warning: stay away from Ben Rosenberg. As Clifton Cove’s resident “king”, he thinks he’s entitled to anyone and anything. The trouble is, I’ve spent my whole life following the rules and playing it safe. I know what it feels like to be the good girl. I’m the police chief’s daughter and a librarian—for adorable children, no less. An all-nighter with a fictional hunk is about as exciting as my life gets until one day, fate decides to take pity on me and shove me straight into the path of Mr. Off-Limits himself. Just as I suspected, every inch of him promises to be my demise. Up close, he’s tall, menacing—a lawyer who looks like he’ll bite. A well-behaved girl would do as she’s told and avoid him at all costs, but I’m overdue for a little rebellion. So, I ignore the warning and throw caution to the wind. But Ben doesn’t just nudge me out of my comfort zone—he thrusts me into a dark corner and presses his hard body against mine, covering my mouth with his hand to ensure we don’t get caught sneaking around. In that moment, I finally understand why everyone thinks he’s going to ruin me. To him, this is all a game. He wants to tempt me with his dares and taunt me with his words. I should play along. After all, I asked him to make me bad. I just never thought he’d take his job quite so seriously...
Why we love it:
honestly the cutest thing ever
entertaining characters
friends to lovers done well
pretty angst-free (in a good way)
reading this book just makes you feel good
Trigger warnings: assault (one scene)
Mistborn Trilogy by Brandon Sanderson
Genres: Fantasy, High Fantasy, Adult
In a world where ash falls from the sky, and mist dominates the night, an evil cloaks the land and stifles all life. The future of the empire rests on the shoulders of a troublemaker and his young apprentice. Together, can they fill the world with color once more? In Brandon Sanderson's intriguing tale of love, loss, despair and hope, a new kind of magic enters the stage — Allomancy, a magic of the metals.
Why we love it:
amazing world-building
unique and interesting magic system
lots of unexpected twists
the story follows different characters and their POVs
amazing, quality writing
Trigger warnings: violence, sexual assault (mentioned/suggested)
Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas
Genres: Romance, Historical Romance, Regency
A Devil's Bargain Easily the shyest Wallflower, Evangeline Jenner stands to become the wealthiest, once her inheritance comes due. Because she must first escape the clutches of her unscrupulous relatives, Evie has approached the rake Viscount St. Vincent with a most outrageous proposition: marriage! Sebastian's reputation is so dangerous that thirty seconds alone with him will ruin any maiden's good name. Still, this bewitching chit appeared, unchaperoned, on his doorstep to offer her hand. Certainly an aristocrat with a fine eye for beauty could do far worse. But Evie's proposal comes with a condition: no lovemaking after their wedding night. She will never become just another of the dashing libertine's callously discarded broken hearts—which means Sebastian will simply have to work harder at his seductions... or perhaps surrender his own heart for the very first time in the name of true love.
Why we love it:
our favourite book from the Wallflower series
Sebastian with his fallen angel looks has amazing growth in this book and he isn’t quite the villain he led us to believe
Evie, our shy timid Wallflower really comes into her own in this book when she decides to take her future into her own hands with an offer that Sebastian can’t refuse
wickedly sexy dialogues
their chemistry is off the charts !!!
LK is the reigning Queen of historical romance
Trigger warnings: (mentions of) domestic violence
The Winner’s Trilogy by Marie Rutkoski
Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult, Romance
Winning what you want may cost you everything you love... As a general’s daughter in a vast empire that revels in war and enslaves those it conquers, seventeen-year-old Kestrel has two choices: she can join the military or get married. But Kestrel has other intentions. One day, she is startled to find a kindred spirit in a young slave up for auction. Arin’s eyes seem to defy everything and everyone. Following her instinct, Kestrel buys him—with unexpected consequences. It’s not long before she has to hide her growing love for Arin. But he, too, has a secret, and Kestrel quickly learns that the price she paid for a fellow human is much higher than she ever could have imagined. Set in a richly imagined new world, The Winner’s Curse by Marie Rutkoski is a story of deadly games where everything is at stake, and the gamble is whether you will keep your head or lose your heart.
Why we love it:
angsty AF
awesome world-building
best character development
enemies to lovers trope YASSS
one of the best but underrated YA series
heroine who is written as both badass and feminine
Trigger warnings: slavery, violence, racism, attempted sexual assault
Text series by Teagan Hunter
Genres: Romance, Contemporary, New Adult
A wrong number is supposed to be just that—a wrong number. Delete. Done. Do not continue to text. Do not flirt. A wrong number shouldn’t be the first person on your mind in the morning, or the last at night…and you’re definitely not supposed to talk them into buying a baby goat. Because that would be weird. When Zach Hastings and I get into a wrong-number mix-up, we don’t follow the rules. We keep texting and flirting, because he’s wicked funny and perfectly nerdy and a wonderful distraction. I’m not looking for love, and Zach definitely had the wrong number. But maybe… Maybe he’s the right guy.
Why we love it:
a series of four books but can be read as standalones
cute, funny and sexy aka the best romance combo
original formatting - lots of dialogue in text messages (which can be annoying to some but we found it refreshing)
roommates, second chance romance, forbidden romance - a mix of our fave tropes all in one series
Trigger warnings: n/a
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ultimateoptimus · 5 years
Rescue Frogman Fubblegum
"Breathe, Finn and Bubblegum. Breathe in. Breathe out. There are lives in danger down there. Lives to rescue. Don't let the horrors of the ocean block your path."
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> Rescue Frogman Finn "PG87" Mertens // >> Bio // Finn "PG87" Mertens, Class 3-D in the Helper Corps Rescue Frogmen, son of Martin Mertens and Minerva Campbell and Hub Island native (and secretly the superhero Finnian Prime, a Primal Code child, a Gross Baby, one of Dr. Gross' earliest gengineering experiments (like Kevin "Prime" Green of Ultraforce was) and what happpens when you play around with a kid's DNA before they're born), is a young Rescue Frogman of the Founders Island Helper Corps, a new breed of heroic Rescue SCUBA Diver who dedicate - and if need be sacrifice - their lives to save those of friends, family, loved ones and everyone they hold near and dear. One of the youngest and most eager-to-help star Rescue Frogmen and a bright shining candle of salvation in an ocean of darkness for the helpless, be they Islander or Hider, SCUBA diver or swimmer, human or mutant, starting with pool training, Finn joined the Helper Corps Rescue Frogmen and trained to become one to face his childhood fear of the ocean head on, full steam ahead.
>> Rescue // Finn's fated first SCUBA diver rescue as Helper Corps Rescue Frogman was a young candy mutant girl called Princess Bonnibel Bubblegum. Finn, a victim of the waters himself, kitted in his Rescue Frogman gear, was on a routine solo SCUBA dive out of his personal White Shark Marauder-class Rescue Frogman Sub in one bright Summer day under the waters between the Islands and Ooo as a test of bravery in the face of the horrors of the ocean, clear his head and just enjoy the wonders of the underwater world (after getting permission to dive alone from his tad overprotective mother Minerva of course - he's an extreme adventurer, but not THAT extreme) when along swam the boy SCUBA diver-in-training in the drowned ruins of a sunken Pre-Mushroom War city down on the ocean floor across a young pink candy mutant SCUBA diver girl clad in a pink one-piece sports swimsuit and swim cap and wearing yellowy SCUBA gear with a combo mask-snorkelator who was sucking on her regulator with both hands clutched on it, praying for another breath from her now empty bottletank, which only meant one thing: the girl ran out of air. Finn, heroic schoolboy frogman he is, wasted no time in proving his courage in the bony face of Death under the ocean and swam to Princess Bubblegum's rescue, sharing life-saving air with the candy mutant girl as she took her last breath out of her snorkelator and taking her up to where Finn's Marauder was waiting with a rescue jacket ascent. Back aboard Finn's Marauder, Princess Bubblegum thanked Finn Mertens with all her heart for saving her life and with her the Candy Kingdom and named him her Champion, marking the first step to peaceful coexistence between human and mutant. Funny thing about the air sharing part: this was the first time Finn kissed Princess Bubblegum in the lips, sharing the air mouth-to-mouth style... his first Kiss of Loyalty and Love as it turned out. >> Gear // Finn "PG87" Mertens' Helper-Issue Rescue Frogman gear is his light blue-blue with blue-white checkers Helper's boys school swimsuit and Helper's fingerholed long sleeve school rash guard, his white Finn-style Helper's school swimcap and light blue-blue swim socks, a strapless Helper's 360 degree mask, green Helper's teksnorkel and a pair of green-clear Helper's Twinblade Glide Fins, a green Helper's OxyBio Backpack SCUBA Jacket with a hi-teched up classic green Helper's twinhose regulator and an inbuilt rescue jacket inflator, a green Helper's OxyBio Rescue Oxypak with double twinhose octopus reserve regulators and two Helper's OxyBio Spare Air tanks for out-of-air emergencies (he's gonna need 'em all), his gengineered bion arm in novaskin coating (shown covered in a genebubble for gengineering, as Finn is deep in biosleep in a butterfly chrysalis genetank), two green waterproof sidekick pouches and an orange Water Park locker key.
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> Rescue Frogwoman Princess Bonnibel Bubblegum // >> Bio // Princess Bonnibel Bubblegum of the Candy Kingdom of Ooo, Class 3-D in the Helper Corps Rescue Frogmen, a child of the Gum Mother Hive, is a young (well, as young as a centuries-old humanoid piece of mutated bubblegum can look anyway) bubblegum candy mutant girl of many firsts: Finn "PG87" Mertens's first rescued SCUBA diver, first Mutant Rescue Frogwoman in the Founders Island Helper Corps (despite pitchfork-and-torch anti-mutie mania), first mutant to fall in love with and kiss a human (again, despite anti-mutie mania), first step to peaceful coexistence between human and mutant, Islands of Man and Candy Kingdom (imagine how tuckered out those anti-mutant naysayers must be right now). One of the more experienced Frogmen, as thanks to Finn for saving her life from her Black Widow-style out-of-air SCUBA peril, Bubblegum has volunteered herself to become a Helper Corps Rescue Frogwoman and Finn's dive buddy, flying right in the face of the expected anti-mutie outrage from the other Helper Corps Frogmen and generally every Island human. Her series of successful rescue missions soon proved the naysayers wrong. >> Rescue // Princess Bubblegum, normally the more experienced SCUBA diver of the two, was living proof even veteran frogmen and frogwomen make rookie mistakes and ended up becoming Rescue Frogman Finn "PG87" Mertens' first rescuee. Bubblegum, kitted in her personal OxyCola SCUBA gear, one bright Summer day in the drowned Pre-Mushroom War city ruins under the waters between Ooo and the Islands of Man, was on what began and should have been a routine solo Pre-War history research SCUBA dive training herself as a SCUBA diver, learning about the life and times of the sunken city and just having fun and enjoying the underwater urban sights, choosing to rest a little on the bottom and take in the sights of this sunken ol' town... when the unthinkable reared its ugly head. Princess Bubblegum, running rapidly out of air, found herself taking a crash course in SCUBA safety (one of the lessons being "ALWAYS keep your eyes on your air!" - a mistake which could've been fatal) when she felt her breathing through the mouthpiece of her snorkelator tightening - the first sign her OxyCola bottletank was slowly going empty. She should've known her routine history lesson dive would turn into a hazardous adventure when the snorkelator tightened more and breathing became very difficult. These were her last breaths. And calm and collected as she was in this situation, a drowned mausoleum of a Pre-War city at the bottom of the ocean is no place to get lost and run out of air in. Just when all hope seemed lost for the pink SCUBA-clad candy mutant princess, when Bubblegum prayed for more breaths from her empty bottletank, along swam a guardian angel in light blue, blue and green SCUBA gear to Princess Bubblegum's rescue, sharing her the life-saving air her lungs ached for on the way up to his rescue submarine, rescue jackets inflated. A Founders Island Helper Corps Rescue Frogman named Finn "PG87" Mertens. It was the first Kiss of Loyalty and Love between Finn and Bubblegum as the boy Frogman kissed the air into the Princess' lips. With any hope, it won't be the last. >> Gear // Princess Bonnibel Bubblegum's Candy Kingdom Rescue Frogwoman gear is her hot pink with bright pink lines, white-bright pink-purple diagonal lines girls school swimsuit, hot pink-bright pink crown all-in-one silicon swimcap, hot pink webbed swim gloves and hot pink-bright pink white-bright pink-purple diagonal lines swim leggging-Morphfins, a strapless all-in-one 360 Degree Mask and peppermint-hot pink OxyCola Bottlecap Snorkelator, a yellow-peppermint-white-bright pink-purple diagonal lines Metal Fighter Miku/Banana-style OxyCola Backpack SCUBA Jacket with inbuilt rescue jacket inflator, two modular Banana OxyCola Rescue Bottletanks with peppermint-hot pink OxyCola Bottlecap Regulators and two OxyCola Spare Air Bottletanks for out-of-air emergencies, two peppermint waterproof sidekick pouches and an orange Water Park locker key.
@fubblegummers @kimonobun @ppgxrrblove @fubbles
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edh-spice · 6 years
Card #5 : Perilous Forays
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What the card does :
Not expensive sac outlet that lets you search in your library for a land with a basic land type (Plains, Island, Swamp, Mountain, Forest), it enters the battlefield tapped.
Why you want to play that card :
First of all, it’s a repetitive sac outlet on an enchantment. Yes, it’s 5 cmc, but it’s harder to remove than a creature. That card works great in a deck with a lot of death trigger or that need creature to die for any reason.  
Great if someone wants to clean the board, so you can get a lot of lands out of your deck. This way, you’ll be able to rebuild faster (if you have enough cards in hand).
This card makes you ramp for higher cmc spells. Usually, green have good options in this category, as well as Eldrazi. It’s also useful to fix your mana, getting you the duals you need.
In a deck that you may take control of opponent’s creatures, this is a great tool for your second main phase, make you sacrifice their creatures instead of yours.
What colors bring to the card :
White : This color is great to provide you tokens, usually need ramps, so paired well with green. There’s also a lot of combo options that may need sac outlet.
Blue : Not the best colors. Usually, you gain the control of creatures permanently or copy them. It may be interesting to get big blue creatures out (Kraken and sea monsters). Not the best color pair.
Black : Provides you a lot of options. Creatures dying usually will provide value and that may trigger other permanents you control (Grave Pact and stuff like that). Also, you have a lot of reanimation / graveyard recursion. So you never really lose your creatures.
Red : Provides you Threaten effects, so you can sac opponent’s creatures. Undying creatures work well with it as well.
Green : As said, you get big creatures, you also have a lot of graveyard recursion.
Final thought :
I would see that card in an abzan reanimation, token or aristocrat deck, pretty much any golgary deck or decks that gain control of opponent’s creatures for a limited duration.
What do you think about it? Already using it? Post your comments, I'll love to read them. If you have any card suggestion, I'm always up to discuss about it.
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the8x8theory · 6 years
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Izzet Board Wipe Package - $18.35
request by anon
With these two colors, we won’t get all the added bonus options that White or Black have, but Blue and Red can still get the job done. The good thing is these two colors help compensate for the other’s weakness. Red can’t interact with Enchantments, but Blue can bounce any nonland permanent. Blue can rarely permanently remove permanents while Red can destroy them. Let’s take a look.
Perilous Vault - $1.64 Nine mana is intense, but it will straight up remove everything other than lands. The great thing about this is it’s a permanent so you can leave it on the field and just have that threat available to hold people off.
Curse of the Swine - $0.35 Granted, this isn’t an all-out boardwipe, but it still works great. Early game and/or when you need it, it can act as single removal. Late game, it can easily be a mana sink to actually wipe the board. To make it even better, cast a Crafty Cutpurse the same turn to get all the tokens.
Hour of Devastation - $1.26 This will kill all Planeswalkers that haven’t been upped and will ¾ of the way kill Avacyn, Angel of Hope. At the very least, this will make everything vulnerable and do a decent amount of damage already to all creatures.
Furnace Dragon - $0.46 A 5/5 dragon that should only cost you RRR. Also, Artifacts. Gone. Permanently. Forever.
Magmaquake - $0.32 This won’t hit the flyers on the board, but this scales so well. You can choose the amount of damage so you can end up possibly saving some of yours while getting rid of the rest.
Subterranean Tremors - $1.99 Five mana gets you half an Earthquake and an Overloaded Vandalblast. 8 mana gains you a massive Lizard to be used for anything.
Cyclonic Rift - $9.99 There’s a few reasons this is a Blue staple. First, it can be targeted removal for threats. Second, it can be a boardwipe which rarely happens in Blue. Third, it’s Instant speed boardwipe. Fourth, it’s completely asymmetrical, so no worries about losing your own stuff.
Vandalblast - $2.34 Asymmetrical artifact destruction. This will usually set you ahead on mana because you’ll be destroying all their mana rocks.
There you go, folks. This just shows you that you can find boardwipes in every color. There are a variety of options, so you can target what permanent type(s) you need to get rid of. You just need the right color combo as the only color to handle every permanent is White. Make sure the board is clear for your wincon and…
Victory shall be yours
— Jake, @apok-the-combomancer
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sciencespies · 3 years
5 Better Candidates Than Betelgeuse For Our Galaxy’s Next Supernova
5 Better Candidates Than Betelgeuse For Our Galaxy’s Next Supernova
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Betelgeuse, a nearby red supergiant, will someday explode.
The black hole at the center of the Milky Way should be comparable in size to the physical extent of … [+] the red giant star Betelgeuse: larger than the extent of Jupiter’s orbit around the Sun. Betelgeuse was the first star of all beyond our Sun to be resolved as more than a point of light, but other red supergiants, such as Antares and VY Canis Majoris, are known to be larger.
A. Dupree (CfA), R. Gilliland (STScI), NASA
One of our brightest stars, its recent dimming portends an eventual supernova.
The constellation Orion as it would appear if Betelgeuse went supernova in the very near future. The … [+] star would shine approximately as brightly as the full Moon, but all the light would be concentrated to a point, rather than extended over approximately half a degree.
Wikimedia Commons user HeNRyKus / Celestia
A “stellar burp” ejected matter, causing Betelgeuse’s temporary, routine faintening.
These four images show Betelgeuse in the infrared, all taken with the SPHERE instrument at the ESO’s … [+] Very Large Telescope. Based on the faintening observed in detail, we can reconstruct that a “burp” of dust caused the dimming. Although variability remains larger than it was previously, Betelgeuse has returned to its original, early-2019-and-before brightness.
Meanwhile, these 5 Milky Way candidates could easily go supernova first.
The atmosphere of Antares, by temperature and size, as inferred from ALMA and VLA data. Whereas … [+] Betelgeuse is large, larger than Jupiter’s orbit around the Sun, the extent of Antares goes almost to Saturn as measured by the end of the upper chromosphere, but the luminous Wind Acceleration Zone goes all the way out almost to the extent of Uranus’s orbit.
NRAO/AUI/NSF, S. Dagnello
1.) Antares. Closer and larger than Betelgeuse, massive Antares is ~11-15 million years old.
This simulation of a red supergiant’s surface, sped up to display an entire year of evolution in … [+] just a few seconds, shows how a “normal” red supergiant evolves during a relatively quiet period with no perceptible changes to its interior processes. There are multiple “dredge-up” periods where material from the core gets transferred to the surface, and this results in the creation of at least a fraction of the Universe’s lithium.
Bernd Freytag with Susanne Höfner & Sofie Liljegren
This red supergiant should explode within ~10,000 years.
The Carina Nebula, with Eta Carina, the brightest star inside it, on the left. What appears to be a … [+] single star was identified as a binary back in 2005, and it’s led some to theorize that a third companion was responsible for triggering the supernova impostor event.
ESO/IDA/Danish 1.5 m/R.Gendler, J-E. Ovaldsen, C. Thöne, and C. Feron
2.) Eta Carinae. This famous “supernova impostor” has brightened, historically, numerous times.
The ‘supernova impostor’ of the 19th century precipitated a gigantic eruption, spewing many Suns’ … [+] worth of material into the interstellar medium from Eta Carinae. High mass stars like this within metal-rich galaxies, like our own, eject large fractions of mass in a way that stars within smaller, lower-metallicity galaxies do not. Eta Carinae might be over 100 times the mass of our Sun and is found in the Carina Nebula, but other known stars are more than twice as massive. Some supernova impostors remain stable for centuries; others have been caught exploding after only a few years.
NASA, ESA, N. Smith (University of Arizona, Tucson), and J. Morse (BoldlyGo Institute, New York)
Its remaining lifetime could span centuries, or merely years.
The Wolf-Rayet star WR 102 is the hottest star known, at 210,000 K. In this infrared composite from … [+] WISE and Spitzer, it’s barely visible, as almost all of its energy is in shorter-wavelength light. The blown-off, ionized hydrogen, however, stands out spectacularly.
Judy Schmidt, based on data from WISE and Spitzer/MIPS1 and IRAC4
3.) WR 102. Wolf-Rayet stars represent the final evolutionary phases for massive stars expelling their outer layers.
The extremely high-excitation nebula shown here is powered by an extremely rare binary star system: … [+] a Wolf-Rayet star orbiting an O-star. The stellar winds coming off of the central Wolf-Rayet member are between 10,000,000 and 1,000,000,000 times as powerful as our solar wind, and illuminated at a temperature of 120,000 degrees. (The green supernova remnant off-center is unrelated.) Systems like this are estimated, at most, to represent 0.00003% of the stars in the Universe.
WR 102 is the hottest: 210,000 K, foreshadowing a stellar cataclysm.
The red arrow points to WR 142: a single, X-ray emitting star at temperatures of 200,000 K. WR 142 … [+] shows an overabundance of oxygen in its spectrum, indicating that the star has cooked up elements up to oxygen in its core, and is well on its way to the iron catastrophe which will trigger the violent death of the star.
L. M. Oskinova, W.-R. Hamann, A. Feldmeier, R. Ignace, Y-H. Chu and ESA
4.) WR 142. The second-hottest Wolf-Rayet star, WR 142’s demise is inevitable.
The Crescent Nebula in Cygnus is powered by the central massive star, WR 136, where the hydrogen … [+] expelled during the red giant phase is shocked into a visible bubble by the hot star at the center. As the star’s hydrogen and then helium layers are blown off, it heats up, and as it fuses through heavier successive elements, it gets hotter still. Unless mass loss is severe enough, a supernova will result.
Wikimedia Commons user Hewholooks
Similarly hot, depleted, and oxygen-rich Wolf-Rayet candidates include WR 30a and WR 93b.
Two different ways to make a Type Ia supernova: the accretion scenario (L) and the merger scenario … [+] (R). The merger scenario is responsible for the majority of many of the heavy elements in the Universe, but the accretion mechanism is also responsible for Type Ia events. The system T Coronae Borealis is a red giant-white dwarf combo, where the white dwarf has a mass of 1.37 solar masses: perilously close to the Chandrasekhar limit.
NASA / CXC / M. Weiss
5.) T Coronae Borealis. White dwarfs siphoning mass from red giants can trigger type Ia supernovae.
When a denser, more compact star or stellar remnant comes into contact with a less dense, more … [+] tenuous object, like a giant or supergiant star, the denser object can siphon mass off of the larger one, accreting it onto itself. If the mass exceeds a critical threshold governed by the Pauli Exclusion Principle, a cataclysmic explosion will occur.
David A. Aguilar (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics)
T Coronae Borealis’s white dwarf now approaches this critical mass threshold.
When a white dwarf close to the Chandrasekhar mass limit accretes enough matter off of a binary … [+] companion, a runaway nuclear fusion reaction will get triggered. This will not only create a Type Ia supernova, but will destroy the white dwarf in the process.
NASA/ESA, A. Feild (STScI)
Similarly, 5 common “next supernova” candidates are relatively unlikely.
The Wolf-Rayet star WR 124 and the nebula M1-67 which surrounds it both owe their origin to the same … [+] originally massive star that blew off its outer layers. The central star is now far hotter than what came before, but WR 124 is not the hottest class of Wolf-Rayet star: those are the ones that are depleted of hydrogen and helium but heavily enhanced with oxygen.
ESA/Hubble & NASA; Acknowledgement: Judy Schmidt (geckzilla.com)
V Sagittae, IK Pegasi B, γ Velorum, WR 124, and ρ Cassiopeiae all require additional steps.
When two stars or stellar remnants merge, they can trigger a cataclysmic reaction, including … [+] supernovae, gamma-ray bursts, or they can lead to the creation of a hotter, bluer more massive star. In the case of V Sagittae, however, it is not well-accepted that the stars will inspiral and merge later this century, despite recent assertions.
MELVYN B. DAVIES, NATURE 462, 991-992 (2009)
Our next supernova might deliver a multi-messenger trifecta:
gravitational waves,
and light,
all together.
A supernova explosion enriches the surrounding interstellar medium with heavy elements. This … [+] illustration, of the remnant of SN 1987a, showcases how the material from a dead star gets recycled into the interstellar medium. In addition to light, we also detected neutrinos from SN 1987a. With the LIGO and Virgo detectors now functional, it’s possible that the next supernova within the Milky Way will yield a triple multi-messenger event, delivering particles (neutrinos), light, and gravitational waves all together.
ESO / L. Calçada
Mostly Mute Monday tells an astronomical story in images, visuals, and no more than 200 words. Talk less; smile more.
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csx452 · 3 years
What is a Poem?
When some students ask about what is a poem, it usually described likes this. Either a painting in colorful words, a song that describes a certain beauty that can’t be described and rhymes. Depending on the individual, that answer won’t satisfy them. That is why some teachers ask to their students to bring something that has a value to them, and explain to the object in a first person view, which is can be another to describe a poem. One kid describes the gas mask he brought as a weird device that helps people breath in dangerous circumstances for a short amount of time, but can also have future use when everyone needs me. What this explains is that the poem in general is a strange idea that does not operate like the world does and operates on its own rules. While it is strange many people got use it with prayers such “Our father who art in heaven; but when you think back on it, you question what is really a poem.
In another example the author explains he did not understand a poem when he was younger such as Matthew Arnold’s “Dover Beach” but could not understand the concept of it, and begun to dislike it as to him every poem was annoying, a scribble of words, that he though got away of real understanding and as well as true feelings. Yet to those who are writers and poets, it might make more sense to them as they understand the concept of poetry more clearly than others. Through looking at magazines or being online, the poem is best described as by what it is not, a prose that runs constant from the left to the right margins of the page with line breaks unpredictable line breaks. For the poem want to you read it not just look at it: I am different. I am special. I am other. Ignore me at your peril.
And when you read the poem you become disappointed  due to how bland it can be or how it can be summed up with a simple moral that can easily found , or how the poem puzzles the opening understanding. Some might be thinking that poetry is useless, for it cannot compare to the  sublime combo of lyrics, instruments, and melody of music or the novel that can help us escape or explore real or imaginary worlds. Even though Poetry can be a home for deep feelings, stunning images, beautiful lyricism, tender reflections, and/or biting wit, it just that other arts and technologies can do all of that better or more so. Yet, a poem can help the mind play with its much travelled markings of thought, and can even help reroute those patterns by making us see the familiar anew. But although poems embodied ambiguity it is not what you want. If you can’t tells what a poem is. As a poem can’t be a machine or an animal in comparison for it won’t make sense in slightest .
Furthermore, a book of poems presents itself as a thing for its own sake.  For the poem is something that can be reach like a mental object, as it can still be in your head, like the lyrics in a song for a long time. Not only that the poem that is staring in your face, such as the one in the page of New Yorker, something that you might wonder if it reads you as you read it, and if the poem you reading captures your interest or was it was a waste of time. Nevertheless, it can be said some read the poem for the sake of it, not to be seen as a product to be constantly published, since the poem is a text—a product of writing and rewriting. So, poems for its own sake or sake-ness are poems that put their made-ness in your face, and also called visual poems, concrete poems, shape poems, or calligrammes. This also includes George Herbert’s “Easter Wings” from the 17th century, as the poem is created in the wings of a bird, making us notice it as a blotch with a meaning.
The next poem from the 19th century  French poet Stéphane Mallarmé was called Un Coup de Dés (“A Throw of the Dice”). The book-length poem uses the boundaries of the page to its advantages, such as the gutter or the seam in the middle of the book, which is the alley where the dice or words are thrown but also uses black type, font styles, and white space. This poem allows readers to make numerous connections between the lines and phrases from reading up, down, across to in combination, or according to specific fonts, with some scholars viewing Un Coup de Dés as a herald to hypertext.
As readers, we have a certain freedom in how we navigate the poem, yet in space, it will need more work, self-motivation, willpower, and even a certain degree of disorientation. This leads to poems having a particular predicament, as the poems are so strange and so other that other people would likely ignore them. The poem from the 1960s by Aram Saroyan is called lightght. And yes, that is the whole poem, which might seem mindless, as some students tried to understand the idea of the poem, where light is implied, but the typo ght is suggested, which is the point. The idea is that the gh in light is silent, so we don’t pronounce it, leading to the double gh making us realize it more. As the poem calls the interest of language itself, the parts you can combine letters with, and the relationship between sound and sense, with the word light being made new, if only for a single moment. 
For in Saroyan’s own words: The crux of the poem is to try and make the ineffable, which is light—which we only know about because it illuminates something else — into a thing.” For when you come across any poem, it should not be thought of as a thing of grace, but as simply something, as language is all metaphor thought of by linguists and theorists in the first place. Yet a poem still has the power to surprise others for a single moment outside all the real and virtual, the audio and digital chatter that envelopes it. And since the poem might be argued, it is just a metaphor for all that can’t be on it or just a replacement for a live event or feeling. Not only that a Jewish tradition pointed out, but parents should also teach their kids to love Talmud by having them lick honey from the pages instead of reading it first; that would seem an ideal way to experience both bee spit and poetry.
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(OOC: This is collab piece with the handler of Silvio Leon. The writer(Ampersand) is extremely talented and I absolutely recommend that you expand your horizons and check their site out. 
“Hey, you made it!” Silvio beamed as his client and co-worker walked through the front doors of the coffee shop. He’d already settled in at a table, a cold brew, a pink cake pop and his deck of cards set out before him. The shop was relatively sparse, though a few people milled about, sipped their drinks, or tapped away at their laptops. The air was redolent of coffee, brewing tea, rich pastries, and the walls were hung with art from local creators. “You want a coffee or a tea or anything? My treat.” Adrienne Levi, phone in hand, was just finished firing off a text when she acknowledged Silvio with a smile. Sitting across from him, she finally answered. “Oh, um, mint tea if they have it.” “Sure!” He got to his feet, nodding toward the counter. “Back in a flash. Anything you want to nibble on?” “Surprise me.” Silvio gave Adrienne a little salute before heading back to the counter, returning a few minutes later with a steaming cup of fragrant tea and a croissant dusted with sugar and slivers of almonds. “Figured this would be a good combo,” he said, setting the food down for her and taking his seat again. “Don’t want to do a reading on an empty stomach, y’know?” He leaned back and sipped at his coffee. “So, have you ever done this before? With the tarot cards, I mean.” Taking a sip as well, Adrienne shook her head. “I’ll be honest. I’m kinda intimidated by this. Not by you personally.” Her voice was quiet, just loud enough for the table. “I think perhaps by the idea of the unknown. Skeptics would say that you’re just good at reading people.” Almost down to a whisper, as if those people could be listening. “But it feels like something not easily explained.” She paused, perhaps feeling ridiculous. Her normal conversational tone resumed. “Sorry, sometimes I talk too much. No, I haven’t is what I mean.” “Aw, I don’t think that at all. I like hearing people tell their stories.” He picked up the deck and started shuffling it. “I’m asking because I just want to let you know things might get kinda personal. The cards might tell me things you would rather I not know, and that’s fine. If things start getting a little too intense, let me know and we’ll stop. I don’t want to be poking my nose where it doesn’t belong. Is that cool?” Adrienne bit into the croissant, taking care not to dump sugar all over her t-shirt. Between chews, she acknowledged Silvio’s conditions. “Very.” “Okay, then, let’s get started.” Spreading the cards across the table between them, he sat back and gestured with an open hand. “I need you to choose six of the cards here. Think about what you want answers to; it’ll help guide the reading.” Adrienne’s hands hovered over the cards, feeling trepidation over a choice that could be considered rather mundane. Silently, she separated six of them in no particular pattern. This was after much thought, she had no real idea of what these cards were except that maybe one of them meant that she would die any moment. Or one saying that she’d become a princess and have her own castle. That lack of knowledge released her to allow someone who clearly knew what he was doing to take over. “There. Six cards.” Lacing her hands on her lap, she sat up, watching Silvio intently now. “Alright. We’re going to do the universal six-card spread reading. If I need to stop at any time, just let me know. First, we’re going to see how you’re feeling right now.” Turning over the first card revealed an illustration of an angel blowing on a trumpet. Below it, grey-skinned men, women, and children rose joyously from their crypts, arms raised. “Judgment. You’re feeling like you’re putting a chapter of your life behind you or moving on to a new phase. But that’s not a bad thing. You’re sort of taking stock and figuring out where to go next.” Glancing up at her, he said, “I think that fight you had with Lab Rat King was a turning point. There was something different about that match, wasn’t there?” The nightmares could attest to that. And while some of the lesser wounds had started to fade away, the boot shaped bruise on Adrienne’s neck had started to color up like the prettiest sunset. “Didn’t feel like it was a fight, Silvio. I don’t know what that was. Like it was the worst night in a long time but afterwards, people started talking. No one’s ever paid much attention to me. Kinda weird.” He nodded and turned over the next card. “Let’s look at what you want.” The second card showed a crowned man seated on a throne, holding a scepter and looking out with a stern expression. “The Emperor. You want the support of a male figure in your life. I’m guessing that’s probably Knox for your upcoming match.” Looking up to meet her eyes, his brow knit. “You still okay, or do you want to stop? We’re about to get into what your fears might be.” Adrienne thought about Knox briefly. He had been polite at every turn. But he had also dictated her involvement in that match. But she didn’t fear what he may do. She felt empowered to voice any discontent with him. This certainly was not the norm for any woman much less Adrienne. But Silvio’s insistence of continuing consent was refreshing. Instinctively, she looked around, just in case someone was eavesdropping. “I’m okay.” He nodded and turned over the next card to reveal a figure of an old, white-bearded man shrouded in grey. In one hand the old man held a staff and in the other a lantern he held aloft. “The Hermit.” Silvio looked thoughtful, lips pursed as he tapped the card lightly with one fingertip. “You’re kind of the odd person out here. In a group of four, you’re the only woman. There might be some fear there that you’re not going to get the kind of support you need. Those douche canoes you’re facing off against said and did some pretty shitty stuff to you. It was inappropriate floor to ceiling, but I get the feeling they’re not used to having somebody point out their asshattery as specifically and incisively as you have. Knox stepped in, but let’s be real - no guy is ever going to understand being targeted like that. You are unique in this particular scenario, and maybe there’s some trepidation about what that means.” He took another sip of his coffee to give them both a moment. “You still cool about going on? The next card is going to deal with what you’ve got going for you.” She put a finger on the Hermit card. All of the other women in this company seemed so complete. Completely actualized. She knew that wasn’t the case but the card struck a chord alright. Sharing a few words here and there was one thing, but she felt out of place. Adrienne just wished she had someone to talk to other than her mother. Looking up, she nodded back. “Yeah. I’m good with this.” The next card he turned over showed a woman robed in white and wreathed in flowers with a serene expression on her face. Bent at the waist, she calmly holds the jaws of a fierce-looking red lion. “Strength.” He smiled and looked up at her with dark eyes that spark with delight. “Not that surprising. You’ve been showing everyone time and time again how much heart you have; how courageous you are. That’s what you’ve got going for you. That’s what’s going to see you through this. It will not fail you.” “Is that one real?” She twirled a strand of her dark hair nervously. “I mean, they all sound pretty right. I feel pretty pathetic sometimes. This summer’s been the first time I’ve ever been out of Clearwater by myself.” “There’s a Japanese saying I like. ‘Fall down seven times, get up eight.’” The fortune teller looked at her with a gentle smile. “Everybody has rough times. Everybody fails. That isn’t always your fault - you can do everything right and still not win. That’s not you being pathetic - that’s just life. What matters is that afterward, you still get up and you try again. You aren’t weak for losing. You’re strong because you don’t let it stop you. I’ve seen you fight. I see you changing and adapting with each match you have. And y’know what? Whoever thinks of you as weak does so at their own peril. You have the right heart for all of this. Everything else - your physical conditioning, your mic work, your move set - those are all things you can learn. You can’t teach heart. You either got it or you don’t. Believe me - if and when we ever get into the ring together, I’m not going to be stupid enough not to take you seriously.” “Thank you, that could actually be fun. And not terrifying.” Silvio grinned and turned over the next card to show a robed woman sitting between black and white pillars, a crescent moon at her feet and a diadem on her head. He clucked his tongue and raised a brow. “Ah hah. See, I kinda feel like this is cheating since you already told me, but what you’ve got working against you is insecurity. Those feelings might be coming from within or they might be imposed from without. But whatever the case, there’s some Doubting Thomas in your life. Ignore them. They don't know what they’re talking about. You’re on the right track.” There was that first urge to stop. She barrelled through, fingers clutching the gold band on her finger. “I guess. You’re ...you’re talking about Danny, right?” Adrienne still wasn’t clear on how this worked so maybe she was just confirming what was obvious. “Danny’s complicated. But th-there’s one more, I’m okay with that.” Silvio’s brow knit and he gave her an apologetic look. “Hey, I’m sorry if that struck too close to home. And, maybe that is who the card’s addressing, but you would know better than me. This last card is how things are all gonna turn out. You’re sure you want me to read it for you? If you want a minute, that’s fine.” Settling her nerves, Adrienne smiled. “I’m ready. I’ve worked so hard and sometimes I’m not sure what for. Stopping now would be unfair to … me.” He nodded and flipped the last card to reveal a woman suspended in the sky, swathed in blue silk and surrounded by a wreath of greenery. In each hand, she held a baton. “The World. This is good. Success and fulfillment. This is going to be the culmination of your endeavors and hard work. I’m pretty sure you’re going to break out into a win here for Chaos 95, and it could not be more deserved. I, for one, cannot wait to see you pummel that skin melting penis-faced manifestation of toxic masculinity with below average hair and his mopey, complicit little crony who clearly missed the entire point of Watchmen and is likely salivating over the prospect of jerking one out to the, fabled ‘Snyder Cut.’” He gave a little shrug. “Pardon my language there.” Adrienne shrugged. “You’re cool. They’re jerks for sure. But they’re also the real deal.” She looked at the card. Everything felt right, but this one resonated with her. The words he said, and the art. Adrienne had come a long way. She’d been Danny’s girl for so long. And in the darkness, she was less. Face down, with a forearm against the back of her neck, she’d been told her place explicitly by a monstrosity she didn’t want to name right now. But this image here defied that. “But I’m prepared for them, Silvio. And I realized that they aren’t an exception here. They’re caricatures, but I know better. I’m going to drag them all out into the light.” “Hell yeah, you are!” he laughed. “I mean, dang, we’ve each gotten our shit rocked by Knox at this point, so we both know he’s a strong partner to have. Those jack wagons have shown everyone their true colors, and now they’re upset at people calling them out for what they really are. Disinfect them with sunlight, Adrienne. They might be a real deal, but there’s a reason to forgo Great Values for name brand, y’know?” Sweeping up the cards, he took out a box for them from a backpack he had hanging off the chair behind him. “I gotta head out soon, but I have a gift for you. I do my readings for my promos with just the Major Arcana cards, but there are also four suits that you can use along with them. Wands, cups, pentacles, and swords. There’s one that made me think of you.” Pausing to stick his cake pop in his mouth, he shuffled through the deck before coming to the card he wanted, then drew it out between his index and middle finger. “Here you go. The Queen of Swords.” He laid a card between them. It showed a woman seated on a throne wearing a crown of butterflies upon her head. She was dressed in regal fashion, and held a sword in one hand while the other was extended forward. Behind her, grey clouds gathered on the horizon. “The sword suit’s element is air. She holds a sword in one hand and holds the other out in greeting; she’s open, but doesn’t lack self protection. Her open hand can also be interpreted as putting thought into action. The butterflies she’s crowned with indicate free thinking and an active intellect.” Silvio tapped the clouds gently with one finger tip. “The dark clouds here signify that she has known sorrow in the past, but she is not letting that prevent her from seeking the horizon. She is determined, independent, and isn’t afraid to tell it like it is.” The card is pushed across the table to Adrienne. “It’s yours.” If it were anyone else, the little gasp would have looked facetious. Like any person, Adrienne had received a number of gifts over her life. Rarely, if ever, had she been given something that was given to her - with her in mind. The recently departed bike was a gift with the implication that Adrienne didn’t fit into that blue dress like before. Quickly, she wiped away the wetness in her eyes because she could go do that later and maybe not be weird in public. Holding the card gently with both hands, Adrienne focused on the image. Queen’s something used too often these days. But this was better than anything else she’d been. Finally, she looked to Silvio, astonishment in her eyes. “Thank you.” Silvio face contorted with concern over the reaction for a moment, fearful he’d said or done the wrong thing. As she looked at him, though, that expression on her face, he gave her a sheepish smile with teeth slightly pink from the candy coating of the half-eaten cake pop. “Aw, heck, I’m just glad you like it. You’re doing a great job, Adrienne. I can’t wait to see what you have to show us next.” Washing down his dessert with a last swig of coffee, he got to his feet and hefted his backpack over one shoulder. “I got a client to meet at the parlor, but if you ever need anything, drop me a line, okay? I got your back.” “Same here.” Adrienne waved goodbye with her free hand, clutching about the coolest thing she’d seen in a long time to her chest. “Bye, Silvio.”
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waynekelton · 5 years
100 + Best Android Games 2020 | Category Wise
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Choose The Genre To Populate Games PuzzleBoardSportsActionCasualArcadeRacingSimulationRole PlayingAdventureEducationalCardBrain GamesEducationTriviaMusicAction & AdventureStrategyWordCreativity
These are the following games you can play
The games on this list are from various categories, each of which should satisfy your hunger for games.
Sand Balls
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Sand balls is a beautiful puzzle game that requires you to go on solving some really cool levels. It is a very colorful game and is very addictive.
You have to make a path for your balls by moving your finger. It is a must to avoid crashing obstacles. Try to get as many balls to finish as you can.
If you love puzzle games this one is for you.
Rescue Cut – Rope Puzzle
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If you like games that bring a lot of suspense and the rescue sort of component to a game, Rescue Cut – Rope Puzzle is going to be your favorite.
In this game, you have to help the man that is tied up and confined in a room. You have to cut the rope by swiping across it.
The man’s life depends on you. It’s probably one of the easiest and most time-pass games out there.
Ludo King
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Ludo King is the modern version of the royal game of Pachisi. A Ludo game which was played between Indian kings and queens in ancient times. Roll the Ludo dice and move your tokens to reach the center of the Ludo board. Beat other players to become the Ludo King.
Ludo King follows the traditional rules and the old school look of the Ludo game. Just like the kings and queens of India’s golden age, your fate depends on the roll of the Ludo’s dice and your strategy of moving the tokens effectively.
Carrom Pool
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Carrom is an easy-to-play multiplayer board game. You have to pot all your pieces before your opponent. Can you become the best at this Carrom Board game?
With simple gameplay, smooth controls and great physics, travel around the world and play against worthy opponents.
You can customize your pieces with a vast variety of unlockable items and show off your style to players from all over the world.
If you love carrom then this game is going to impress you, it involves all the techniques required for the physical board game and can prove to be a fun time.
Garena Free Fire: Spooky Night
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Free Fire is the ultimate survival shooter game available on mobile. Each 10-minute game places you on a remote island where you are pitted against 49 other players, all seeking survival.
Players freely choose their starting point with their parachute and aim to stay in the safe zone for as long as possible. Drive vehicles to explore the vast map, hide in trenches, or become invisible by hiding under grass.
You can ambush, snipe, survive, there is only one goal: to survive and answer the call of duty.
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60 players parachute onto a graphically rich 2km x 2km island for a winner-takes-all showdown. Players have to scavenge for their own weapons, vehicles, and supplies while battling it out in an ever-shrinking play zone to be the last player standing. You must get ready to land, and do whatever it takes to survive.
You can invite and team up with your friends to coordinate your battle plan through voice chat and set up the perfect ambush for your enemies. Answer the call when your friends need help, or do your part when Clan duty calls!
Bubble Shooter
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Match 3 balls to blast and clear the board, complete the missions and win coins & awesome rewards. Tap on the screen to drag the laser aim and lift it to take a shot. It’s important to form a strategy according to the different bubbles layout at each level. Shoot and pop all the colored balls in this fun free game, aim carefully and hit the target! Work your way through all the different challenges and puzzles, solve the brain teasers and win levels.
Drop Stack Ball – Fall Helix Blast Crash 3D
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Helix Stack Ball is super fun and addictive one-touch casual game. You have to press and hold on the screen and let the ball go down without touching the obstacles! Hold as long as possible to make a combo and break the black blocks.
Let the ball fall down from the helix stacks. Stack Ball is a 3d arcade game where players smash, bump and bounce through revolving helix platforms to reach the end.
Stack Blast Ball is a Brand New Stack Ball Game, a 3D Ball Arcade game with more than 300 plus Levels, Stack Ball 3D Game where players smash, bump and bounce through revolving helix platforms to reach the end.
Subway Surfers
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One of the most famous, fun and casual games out there. Once you play this game you might not stop playing it for a while.
You have to dodge trains coming towards you while running away from the police officer chasing you with his dog.
You can perform various jumps and use different powerups to achieve a better score.
This arcade game will surely keep you going and suppress your hunger for games.
Temple Run 2
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With over a zillion downloads, Temple Run redefined mobile gaming. Now you can get more of the exhilarating running, jumping, turning and sliding you love in Temple Run 2!
There are options to navigate perilous cliffs, zip lines, mines and forests as you try to escape with the cursed idol. How far can you run?
Temple run has been the most played and famous game for a while and it truly deserves the same.
It is so addictive and competing with your friends to see who can get a higher score adds to the experience.
Candy Crush Saga
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With over a trillion levels played, this sweet match 3 puzzle game is one of the most popular mobile games of all time!
Switch and match Candies in this tasty puzzle adventure to progress to the next level for that sweet winning feeling! Solve puzzles with quick thinking and smart moves, and be rewarded with delicious rainbow-colored cascades and tasty candy combos!
Plan your moves by matching 3 or more candies in a row, using boosters wisely in order to overcome those extra sticky puzzles! Blast the chocolate and collect sweet candy across thousands of levels, guaranteed to have you craving more!
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You have to build your dream town! Harvest crops at the farms, process them at your facilities and sell goods to develop your town. Trade with exotic countries. Open restaurants, cinemas, and other community buildings to give life in your town a special flavor.
You can explore the mine to get resources and find ancient artifacts. Run your own zoo and collect animals from around the world. Are you ready to become a farmer and city-manager to build your dream?
Temple Run
The addictive mega-hit Temple Run is now out for Android! All your friends are playing it – can you beat their high scores?!
You’ve stolen the cursed idol from the temple, and now you have to run for your life to escape the Evil Demon Monkeys nipping at your heels. Test your reflexes as you race down ancient temple walls and along sheer cliffs. Swipe to turn, jump and slide to avoid obstacles, collect coins and buy power-ups, unlock new characters, and see how far you can run!
Draw Car 3D
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Innovative games are always welcome to the gaming world and Draw Car 3D is one such game. This game is so different as it requires you to draw your own car. Anything that you draw becomes a car.
It is based on this unique idea and is also one of the reasons for the attention it has gained.
If you love drawing and cars, there is no better game for you.
Bubble Shooter
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You have to shoot bubble bullets at other bubbles and make them pop. Bullets will pop color-matched Bubbles only and really helps add to the fun. Victory is achieved once you make them all explode!
It might sound extremely easy and well it is not the hardest. If you love these types of casual games then you must download it.
You will not regret waiting for the game to download as it will be occupying quite a lot of your time later.
Turbo Stars
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This is a game that falls under the racing genre, it is a unique game where players use different vehicles and race to see who will win.
You can play with your friends and enjoy the game a lot.
It is an addictive racing game and can keep you on your smartphone for a while.
You have to dodge various obstacles and reach the end.
Hill Climb Racing
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One of the most addictive and entertaining physics based driving games ever made! And it’s free!
Meet Newton Bill, the young aspiring uphill racer. He is about to embark on a journey that takes him to where no ride has ever been before. From Ragnarok to a Nuclear Plant, all places are a racing track to Bill. With little respect for the laws of physics, Bill will not rest until he has conquered the highest hills up on the moon!
Face the challenges of unique hill climbing environments with many different cars. Gain bonuses from daring tricks and collect coins to upgrade your car and reach even higher distances. Watch out though – Bill’s stout neck is not what it used to be when he was a kid! And his good old gasoline crematorium will easily run out of fuel.
Fun Race 3D
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You will be able to experience the full parkour experience at hundreds of unique levels. Race with others, achieve levels, unlock new characters. Every level brings a new unique fun experience. The game is very easy to play. All you have to do is hold to run and release to stop. Do you have what it takes to reach the end?
If you really have what it takes to reach the end you won’t stop playing this game either.
Bottle Shooting Game
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A fun and addictive bottle shot slingshot game that will provide you with hours of fun! Knockdown to Earth colorful bottles in order to break them, challenge your skills and progress on multiple levels!
With this easy to play and fun bottle breaker catapult game, you will have endless fun testing your slingshot skills! Have fun playing and breaking all the bottles using an angry ball in front of you!
You will surely have fun playing it.
Perfect Slices
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I can bet you must have watched at least one video on the internet where people cut into certain objects which looks extremely satisfying.
This game takes advice from those videos. You have to cut into certain vegetables which looks very smooth to the eye and feels quite soothing.
The game is very simple and fun, the controls as well are very easy and intuitive.
You will love the game as a time-pass.
My Talking Tom 2
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Talking Tom is funnier and more lively than ever before! He reacts to everything players do and there are new surprises every day!
Players can feed Tom when he’s hungry, wash him when he’s dirty, put him to bed when he’s tired, and take him to the toilet when he’s really got to go! They can watch him grow into a big happy cat!
There are brand new mini-games to play, including puzzle games, action games, and Tom’s first-ever multiplayer mini-game!
Truck Driver City Crush
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It has different hard tasks to complete. Criminal genius simulator. A large city with multiple hidden secrets. In the city of sin every crime maters. Every 3rd unsolved criminal case is your work. You are a mystery to police officers. An elusive suspect. You commit a crime and leave uncaught.
Don’t let the cops and secret agents get near. Evade chases and gunfights. Complete different missions and become a legend in the art of crime! All gangsters will know you like a subtle criminal.
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PUBG MOBILE delivers the most intense free-to-play multiplayer action on mobile. Drop-in, gear up, and compete. Survive epic 100-player classic battles, payload mode, fast-paced 4v4 team deathmatch, and zombie modes. Survival is key and the last one standing wins. When duty calls, fire at will!
From Erangel to Miramar, Vikendi to Sanhok, compete on these enormous and detailed battlegrounds varying in size, terrain, day/night cycles, and dynamic weather – from urban city spaces to frozen tundra, to dense jungles, master each battleground’s secrets to create your own strategic approach to win.
Rope Hero: Vice Town
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Start ascension to the top! • Fly on the rope through the big interesting city • Fight with gangsters, mafia corrupted cops and army • Complete missions, unlock achievements and spend money in the shop
Take control of your amazing superhero. Your super rope does real magic. You can swing on heights above citizens and cars. And climb walls like a frog or a spider! Choose the best costume, take guns and other weapons and declare war on street crime. Upgrade your skills as in RPG games and shoot with sniper accuracy.
Bike Stunt Tricks Master game 3D – T.kn Free Games
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Bike stunt trick master is a free mobile game available for Android smartphones. Join millions of game players who love to simulate bike games and want to become pro bike riders. The real bike stunt champion on your smartphone is just about to start; you are just a single tap away. The bike stunt game is now available with upgraded tricky bikes and crazy riders.
Tracks are arranged according to real race scenarios which carry multiple levels from easy trials to technical approach. Are you a motorcycle racer?? Let’s find out what you have, use your motorcycle driving tricks and finish all the challenging tasks. The real fun of bike stunt and water games in this moto simulator game.
Perfect Slices
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I can bet you must have watched at least one video on the internet where people cut into certain objects which looks extremely satisfying.
This game takes advice from those videos. You have to cut into certain vegetables which looks very smooth to the eye and feels quite soothing.
The game is very simple and fun, the controls as well are very easy and intuitive.
You will love the game as a time-pass.
Gun Strike: Counter Terrorist 3D Shooting Games
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You are a well trained special forces commando and you are equipped with modern weapons. In this game, your mission is to destroy enemy camps to save your country from terrorism. Are you ready? Be the best shooter in every environment! The combat is real and you can be the hero.
You are an elite shooter of special forces. Use your gun to shoot down all enemies in various fighting areas and try to survive. enjoy this battle game.
Bike Stunt Tricks Master game 3D – T.kn Free Games
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Bike stunt trick master is a free mobile game available for Android smartphones. Join millions of game players who love to simulate bike games and want to become pro bike riders. The real bike stunt champion on your smartphone is just about to start; you are just a single tap away. The bike stunt game is now available with upgraded tricky bikes and crazy riders.
Don’t hit the hurdle placed in your track; be smart enough, drive professionally by applying crazy moto stunts and become a perfect stuntman. Here you are! Apply your motorcycle driving tricks and complete the dangerous tasks on time.
Real Gangster Crime
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This game brings you to the streets of New Vegas full of gangsters, cops and special forces soldiers. Show no mercy to everyone who stands on your way! Unlock all the weapons and find secrets hidden on the map. Dominate the city with the devastating firepower of advanced military vehicles or upgrade your hero to knock down enemies in a few kicks!
New quests with light notes of humor will help you to orientate on the streets and get some starting cash! Can you complete all the tasks? Killing, rubbing, stealing, destroying things. Drive theft cars reckless, shoot your enemies down and tear them apart with heavy artillery. All the best things and much more in this grand game. 
Subway Princess Runner
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Subway princess runner, bus run, forest rush with an addictive endless running game! Rush as fast as you can, dodge the oncoming trains and buses. Careful of the rolling wood in the forest! Intuitive controls to run left or right, jump in the sky to obtain more coins, excited slide to safety!
Help your beloved beautiful princess to escape the police! Using a skateboard after double tapping, experience a unique board in the subway. Challenge the highest score of the rank with the world players or share scores in the friend list.
Unlock level to score multiple. Gain experience unlocking your level by completing missions or boxes. the more score multiplier you are, the higher score you get.
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Rake your way through a storyline full of unexpected twists and turns to restore a wonderful garden to its former glory.
Embark on an adventurous journey: beat match-3 levels, restore and decorate different areas in the garden, get to the bottom of the secrets it holds, and enjoy the company of amusing in-game characters, including Austin, your butler, and a funny dog! What are you waiting for? Indulge yourself in some gardening and become the hero of a brand new story. Build your dream garden for free!
New Sniper Shooting 2019 –Free Shooting Games
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Hold back and achieve a perfect shot on target. Download and play this amazing shooting game and enjoy its smooth and simple controls. Welcome to the world of action games, where you are going to play unlimited missions.
If you love to play FPS shooting games in the action games category, we have got what you need. you’ll find your favorite action games here. We bet this action game will provide you with the best gaming experience with its unique gameplay stages
Modern Car Drive Parking 3d Game – TKN Car Games
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Modern Car Drive Parking is a free game for parking game players. Here you will find physics-based vehicles of all types: classic cars with vintage style, modern cars luxurious features, racing cars with speed and thrill and streetcars you find in your real life.
Fulfill the challenges at each level. Join millions of game players who love driving games and want to become a car parking master.
In Modern Car Drive Parking 3d, you will experience the real adventure of Free games. Car Parking Game With New Features and Best Game Taste. Modern Car Drive: Parking games with thrilling parking levels. Welcome to the definitive game experience. From the producers of The Knights Comes a brand-new car parking experience. Car Parking Game With New Features and Best Game Taste.
Racing in Car 2
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If you are sick of endless racing games with a third-person perspective? “Racing in Car 2” might be the game you are looking for. You drive your car in a cockpit view through the endless traffic and realistic environment. Go as fast as possible, overtake traffic cars, earn coins and buy new cars. Eventually, he became the king of the global leaderboards.
Try Racing in Car now to see how far the mobile racing experience has come nowadays.
Drive for Speed: Simulator
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Get your car ready and start playing Drive for Speed Simulator. Drive your car through a city full of obstacles. Complete different missions around town before time runs out and try to earn as much money as you can. Use your money to buy brand new, faster cars and complete missions in less time.
In Drive for Speed Simulator, you can choose among 20 different cars to buy and play. Customize your cars with different items: spoilers, tires, rims, paint and motor upgrades!
Stack Crush Ball
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Helix Stack Ball is super fun and addictive one-touch casual game. Press and hold on the screen and let the ball go down without touching the obstacles! Hold as long as possible to make a combo and break the black blocks. Let the ball fall down from the helix stacks.
Stack Ball is a 3d arcade game where players smash, bump and bounce through revolving helix platforms to reach the end.
Stack Blast Ball is a Brand New Stack Ball Game, a 3D Ball Arcade game with more than 300 plus Levels, Stack Ball 3D Game where players smash, bump and bounce through revolving helix platforms to reach the end.
Line Color 3D
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Line Color 3D is one of the simplest and most fun-to-play games out there. You have to tap and hold on the screen and paint the pathway to victory!
The concept is very simple and doesn’t require much skill, but at the same time, it offers a beautiful and soothing experience.
Each level is crafted to perfection with wonderful colors.
Shooting World – Gun Fire
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The logic of the game is very simple, just use your gun to aim and shoot a variety of targets to get higher scores. The game is completely free to play, come and challenge your friends, to witness the birth of the legendary shooter.
Game features: 1) Simple and unique gun handling experience, one hand can easily complete the target and shoot. 2) Kar98k, M24, AWM, Barrett and a lot more. These amazing weapons are all free, and you can get them by pass through levels.
Tank Stars
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Tanks at your fingertips. Choose a weapon – a simple missile to an atomic bomb – and find the right shooting angle and destroy your opponents. Make the right shot quickly or you’ll die!
A few features:
Loads of deadly weapons: everything for perfect annihilation
Online multiplayer game. Playing with friends
Cool weapon upgrades to make you really powerful and break-back
Epic graphics effects
Ninja warrior: legend of shadow fighting games
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Ninja warriors: shadow fighter – a legendary figure in the ancient world (legend of fighting games) Superhuman skills are concluded through many lifetimes, and these skills are trained by legendary ninja warriors for many years to help them become scary warriors legends.
In ninja fighting games you will transform into these ninja warriors legend. Your mission is to rescue the hostages, break into enemy areas to assassinate and destroy them.
With superhuman skills such as excellent acrobatics, deadly slashes, hidden paddles, lightning-fast darts, these great skills will help the ninja to face, overcome all dangers and challenges to complete the mission.
Bus Racing
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Bus Racing games offer a real-time multiplayer, race against your friend or against a random opponent. It’s time to get in the driving chair and prove your driving skills. Driving a Bus is difficult but Racing a Bus is much more challenging.
Race through hills, dangerous obstacles and reach your destination. Very smooth gameplay brings you the real experience of driving and racing a bus.
The wonderful 3D environment brings more life to the game, 3 different themes to play, and lots of buses to upgrade.
Start the extreme racing experience and perform insane driving controls on some of the most difficult hill tracks.
Pooking – Billiards City
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With Billiards City, the gameplay is king! Billiards City uses the latest technology to create the most exciting and realistic billiards simulator. Experience pool like never before, thanks to stunning HD graphics, fantastic playability, and ultra-realistic ball physics.
Challenge a variety of stylish new levels of different abilities from beginner right up to pro level. Hone your skills, improve your game and defeat the opposition to gain access to new city bars, win trophies and become the acclaimed Billiards City Champion!
Bike Racing 2018 – Extreme Bike Race
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Bike Racing 2018 the latest in the world of bike race simulations. Get ready for the fantastic and extremely adventurous bike games. Race, jump and crash your way and other mad rivals through the amazing frontier tracks. You never dare drive so fast in the real world! Control your motorbike with incredible fast speed!
Ride in the most spectacular environment built just to perform the craziest tricks. The Physics are realistic and you get to choose your bikes/motorbike too, just avoid the obstacles and finish the ride’s in time. Bike Racing 2018 has fast-paced control over its speed and advanced power brakes.
Dr. Driving
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This is one of the most addictive driving simulation games on the play store. There are many modes to choose from and the game feels very comfortable.
Burn up the street with the fastest and most visually stunning driving game. Sign in with your Google account to play online multiplayer. You can get free gold when you finish the mission before opponent in multiplayer (Max 1,000 Gold).
You have the option to upgrade your vehicle with the in-game currency which adds to the experience.
Sky Roller
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Drag your finger left to right to avoid the obstacles and race down the path!
Are you skilled enough to have zero hits, well you can try!
Unique controls – control your legs and stretch them to choose the right way. Be reactive and get to the bonus level!
The levels are designed in a great way and offer the best experience possible.
Traffic Rider
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Traffic Rider takes the endless racing genre to a whole new level by adding a full career mode, first-person view perspective, better graphics, and real-life recorded bike sounds.
The essence of smooth arcade racing is still there but in the shell of the next generation. Ride your bike on endless highway roads overtaking the traffic, upgrade and buy new bikes to beat the missions in career mode.
SOME FEATURES – First-person camera view – 29 motorbikes to choose from – Real motor sounds recorded from real bikes – Detailed environments with day and night variations – Career mode with 70+ missions – Online leaderboards and 30+ achievements – Support for 19 languages
Mountain Climb 4×4: Offroad Car Drive
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Mountain Climb 4×4: Offroad Car Drive is a realistic simulation and racing game that you need to climb hills by overcoming the obstacles by an off-road vehicle.
You should reach the hill as soon as possible by collecting all the coins on your way in the stage and complete the stage successfully. You have to do your best to avoid falling from a cliff and facing an obstacle while trying to reach the hill.
You will be addicted to this game with its stages having difficulties and features different from each other, which receive continual updates.
Talking Tom Cat
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One of the most popular free games for the whole family. Talking Tom Cat lets you play with Tom, talk with Tom, and laugh with Tom. The amazing fun never stops!
You can even feed him – he’ll eat everything from chili peppers to watermelons. Just watch out for what happens when he eats too much and starts farting. It’s hilarious!
Don’t miss out on all the fun you can have with Talking Tom. Download the app and play with the original Talking Tom Cat.
Cannon Shot!
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Fill all the buckets with balls to complete a level.
Use your finger to move various objects to change the direction of the balls you shoot. Aim smart!
Complete levels to unlock new cannons. Do you have what it takes to find the rare one?
Well if you love puzzle games Cannon Shot! is worth a try.
The game is quite simple and easy to understand, while also keeping you playing the entire time.
Color Bump 3D
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If you are a perfectionist, this game may drive you crazy.
The concept is pretty simple. All you have to do is not touch any color other than your color.
It may just sound too easy but mastering this game is as tough as it gets. As you advance through the game, it will get tougher.
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You have to help Austin the butler bring warmth and comfort back to his wonderful family’s mansion. Come on in, adventures await you from the moment you walk in the door!
Beat colorful match-3 levels to renovate and decorate rooms in the mansion, unlocking ever more chapters in the exciting family story along the way! What are you waiting for? Make yourself at home!
Few Features:
● Unique gameplay: help Austin renovate the house by swapping and matching pieces! ● Interior design: you decide what the house will look like. ● Exciting match-3 levels: tons of fun, featuring unique boosters and explosive combinations! ● A huge, beautiful mansion: discover all the secrets it holds!
Mountain Climb: Stunt
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A brand new game from the producer of Mountain Climb 4×4 game! Hill climb, jump from the hills. You have the complete control of the vehicle while climbing up the mountains and hills.
Stunts, becoming increasingly difficult and more fun, have duration times specially determined. Before the time is up, you must race with yourself first and then try to finish the stunt as soon as possible. If you want to play again the parts that you could not complete with 3 stars, you can race with the ghost driver, meaning your own score, and get ahead of it.
Remember! In the races that you complete with 3 stars, you win 2 times more prizes that the ones you win normally. With the prize money you win, you can buy new cars, customize your cars.
Street Chaser
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Your companion was robbed by a gang. You can help by running behind the robber to catch them.
Run as fast as you can, dodge the obstacles coming your way. Chase thief without loosing, Catch them by throwing bottles and kicking balls hitting them!
Avoid obstacles by jumping and sliding while running through the streets, Hit and kick them with objects you pick on your way, Catch all of them to retrieve the handbag.
Brain Out – Can you pass it?
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“Brain Out” is an addictive free tricky puzzle game with a series of tricky brain teasers and different riddles testing to challenge your mind. It evaluates your logical thinking ability, reflexes, accuracy, memory and creativity. Do not answer the quests in the ordinary way if you don’t want to be tricked. The solution subverts normal thinking is the most interesting thing in this trivia game. A different game experience with creative thinking and absurd solution.
GAME FEATURES 1) Absolutely unimagined gameplay 2) Easy and simple but humorous game process 3) Funny sound and witty game effects 4) Unexpected game answers
Extreme Car Driving Simulator
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Extreme Car Driving Simulator is the best car simulator of 2014, thanks to its advanced real physics engine Ever wanted to try a sports car simulator? Now you can drive, drift and feel a racing sports car for free! Be a furious racer in a whole city for you. No need to brake because of traffic or racing other rival vehicles, so you can perform illegal stunt actions and run full speed without the police chasing you!
Drifting fast and doing burnouts had never been so fun! Burn the asphalt of this open-world city!
Crowd City
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It is a fun and absurd game. The game is really different and has a unique concept.
You basically have to gather people from all around the town and form the biggest crowd.
After gathering all the people you have to crush your enemy in order to achieve victory.
It is a fun arcade game and can be enjoyed by all people.
Mini Militia – Doodle Army 2
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Mini Militia – Doodle Army 2 is all about intense multiplayer combat! Battle with up to 6 players online in this 2D fun cartoon themed cross between Soldat and Halo, inspired by the original Stickman shooter Doodle Army.
Key features: 1) Online multiplayer with up to 6 players 2) Intuitive dual stick shooting controls with jetpack flight 3) Over 20 maps to explore 4) Wide range of modern and futuristic weapon types 5) Offline Survival mode
It is a well-known game and it is a lot of fun when played with friends.
Hunter Assassin
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You have to control the assassin and hunt down your targets one by one. Use your surroundings and shadows to stay hidden from flashlights.
Targets with automatic machine guns can be lurking around each corner. Attack them swiftly and escape without being spotted.
Each eliminated target drops valuable gems. Use gems to unlock faster assassins.
Can you unlock the fastest assassin? I hope you can because it gets quite fun.
Candy Makeup Beauty Game – Sweet Salon Makeover
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It’s CANDY MAKEUP time! Give your clients the sweetest makeovers ever! Style your models with cotton candy hairstyles, cherry-glazed lips, and candy cane hats! Give the most delicious mani-pedis ever and top them off with rainbow sprinkles!
Make your pretty clients all over the world even more beautiful with your amazing candy tools! Glam them up with yummy facials and sweet hairstyles! Paint their strawberries red and add delicious gummy bear stickers! Use professional makeup tools to create the sweetest looks!
Bottle Jump 3D
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Bottle Jump 3D is the game where you need to flip your bottle just right so it lands upright.
Just tap your screen and the bottle starts flipping. Make it to the finish to unlock the next room.
The very famous “bottle flip challenge” gives this game that extra spice.
The game is also very satisfying if you land the bottle correctly.
Unblock Ball – Block Puzzle
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Unblock Ball has simple gameplay, yet is an addictive puzzle game. You have to guide the ball to the green goal block by moving the block. But keep in mind that the metallic blocks can’t be moved. The ball will roll to the hole when there is a path! Try your best to collect all the stars on the path.
Some Features: 1) Over 300 awesome levels and updates will be continued! 2) Every level has three stars to collect! 3) No time limit, No Wi-fi needed, totally free to play!
Carrom King
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Carrom King
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 is a classic board game played between friends and family. Pot coins in the pockets.
Carrom or Karrom, an Indian version of pool or billiards, play the cross-platform multiplayer and pot all the coins before your opponent to win! Carrom King
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 features two challenging gameplay modes freestyle & black & white.
Carrom King
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gives priority to the originality of the game with user-friendly controls and amazing realistic 3D graphics giving you all the feels and thrills which you get when you play carrom with your family and friends!
The Catapult 2
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Stickman will fight artillery, siege towers and huge combat mechanisms in 180 levels of this game)
Defend your castle from archers and catapults of different constructions. They throw stones and arrows!. They want to destroy your castle! Upgrade your weapon, catapult, crossbow, arrows and destroy enemy stickmen, archers in this game.
Upgrade and grow your castle, you can upgrade the towers by adding slots with archers or cannons that will hit more damage to the enemy.
Help the stickman defend the castle from the enemy stickman and crush enemy guns.
Simple intuitive controls. Click on the screen and pull to charge the catapult and select the pull force. Release to launch a shell at an enemy stickman and destroy it!
Sniper 3D Gun Shooter: Free Elite Shooting Games
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AIM and SHOOT! Download now for free in one of the best FPS shooting games. Clash with the criminals on different scenarios full of action.
Great gameplay, awesome visuals and entertaining missions. And best of all? It’s a free fps game to pass the time! Defending the victims from kidnappings to bomb attacks on a Vegas hitman: hostage survival is critical!
Some Features: – Ultra-realistic 3D graphics and cool animations – Hundreds of thrilling missions – Play in multiple battlegrounds, from huge cities to beautiful beaches – Tons of lethal guns and mortal weapons – Addicting FPS gameplay – Easy and intuitive controls
City Car Driver 2017
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City Car Driver 2017 game allows you to drive freely around the grand city. This is an open-world environment where you can decide what to do: walk, drive cars or ride motorcycles around the big city streets.
When the game begins you control a third person character and you need to go to a car or a motorbike in order to have a vehicle to drive.
On the town streets, you will see different traffic vehicles driving around, like school buses, vans, streetcars, police cars, taxis, and motorbikes. You can drive any car in the town, just go to the left door of the vehicle and get in.
Motorcycle riding can be a lot of fun but you must be very careful especially while using NOS because the bike will get on one wheel.
Callbreak Multiplayer
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Callbreak Multiplayer brings classic and popular card games with online multiplayer features to the Google Play Store.
Game Rules:
Callbreak is a trick-taking card game played with a standard 52-card deck between four players. There are 5 rounds in a game. Players’ sitting direction and the first dealer are selected before the first round begins.
To randomize player’s sitting direction and the first dealer, each player draws a card from the deck and based on the order of the cards, their directions and first dealer are fixed. Dealers are changed successively in an anti-clockwise direction in the following rounds.
Truck games for kids – build a house, car wash
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It is a very colorful game educational game for kids kindergarten games. These games are not only games for boys but also games for girls. If your kids are fond of cars and trucks or anything connected with building games thematic they will be crazy about these cool game tractor games for kids, trucks for toddlers!
Go through all-engrossing levels of the game and get your house, swimming pool, and arbor did at the finish of one of the best building games for toddlers! You will find here many types of construction game machinery like trucks, tractor simulator, excavator games, bulldozer, and many others.
Stupid Zombies
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Those stupid zombies are back, and you are humanity’s last hope to keep them brainless. But beware, ammo is limited so you will have to get crafty and use the straight bullets, grenades, split- and buckshots in the most effective way possible to survive the 840 levels.
There is only one man, one shotgun and many stupid zombies. Let’s see if you have what it takes.
My Talking Tom
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Players can adopt Tom and take care of him every day, making sure he gets enough food and sleep, taking him to the toilet, and keeping him happy, smiling and laughing.
The game features a collection of mini-games designed to test skill, reflexes, and puzzle-solving ability – puzzle games, action games, adventure games, and even a sports game. There’s something for everyone!
Players can compete head-to-head in Goal! Or a slingshot to survive in Go Up – the challenge never ends!
Tom likes to be petted and even spoken to – he repeats everything he hears in his funny voice!
Users can collect new clothes for him and new furniture items for his house are unlocked.
Happy Glass
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The glass is sad because it’s empty. Your job is to draw a line to fill the glass up with liquid and help it smile again!
Try to find the best way to complete each level. You can come up with your own solution so be creative and don’t be afraid to think out of the box! Some levels might look easy but let’s see if you can get the 3 stars.
Some Features : 1) dynamic mechanism. Draw lines freely to complete levels! 2) Simple, smart and fun puzzles but can be challenging too 3) Lots of levels with more coming soon! 4) Fun and relaxing theme that will make you stay for quite some time
My Talking Angela
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Players can bathe her, decorate her home and feed her delicious food.
Angela has a variety of mini-games designed to test skill, reflexes, and puzzle-solving ability.
Players can collect stylish stickers to collect and swap with other players.
Angela can select unique outfits from a huge selection of fashion items, including dresses, shoes, and makeup. A new makeover whenever she wants!
She can even learn cool dance moves to her favorite songs. Whether it’s ballet, K-pop or disco – Angela takes to the stage and makes some magic!
Farming Simulator 14
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Take control of your farm and its fields to fulfill your harvesting dreams.
As well as a refined look and feel, Farming Simulator 14 gives you double the number of farm machines to control, all authentically modeled on equipment from real agricultural manufacturers, including Case IH, Deutz-Fahr, Lamborghini, Kuhn, Amazone, and Krone.
Some Features:
New highly detailed 3D graphics and a slick user interface take your gameplay experience to the next level
Playing with a friend in a free-roaming open world in a brand new local multiplayer mode for WiFi and Bluetooth
Plant wheat, canola or corn and sell it in a dynamic market
Mow grass, tedder and windrow it to create hay bales to feed to your cows, then sell their milk to the highest bidder
Make money by selling grass or chaff at the Biogas Plant
Candy Crush Soda Saga
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From the makers of the legendary Candy Crush Saga comes Candy Crush Soda Saga! Unique candy, more divine matching combinations and challenging game modes brimming with purple soda and fun!
This mouth-watering puzzle adventure will instantly quench your thirst for fun. Join Kimmy on her juicy journey to find Tiffi, by switching and matching your way through new dimensions of magical gameplay. Take on this Sodalicious Saga alone or play with friends to see who can get the highest score!
Train Racing Games 3D 2 Player
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Once you are in, the train express is all yours to control. Let go off the brakes and speed up in full blaze.
Since players will now rely entirely on signaling and track changing switches, the paths they take will be one among an exponential set of possibilities.
Change the camera view as per your comfort; and race against your friends in this exciting train simulator. The games boast a self-sufficient railroad environment and operate just like in the real world. Stop the train before you enter the danger zone and safely park in the railway station.
1. Realistic simulator experience with multiplayer 2. Use cameras and simple controls to improve your driving. 4. Stunning rail sound effects. 5. Perfect 3D graphics and well-detailed environment 5. Challenging railway tracks 6. Challenge & Share with your friends!
Color Hole 3D
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A very simple game but one which is hard to master.
It has a very easy rule, all you have to do is clear the board and try not to pull other colors in.
This might sound extremely easy but I bet it is tougher than it sounds.
If you love colors this game is going to feel amazing to play and is definitely recommended.
Block Puzzle Jewel
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The goal of Block Puzzle Jewel is to drop blocks in order to create and destroy full lines on the screen both vertically and horizontally.
Don’t forget to keep the blocks from filling the screen in this addictive puzzle game.
If puzzle games are your thing then this game is as good as it gets.
It brings nostalgia from the old puzzle games that existed back in the day. For those that loved games where we had to place blocks correctly, this will be a fun time.
Archery bird hunter
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Archery bird hunter is now for mobile owner, however, its name contains the word of bird but this game also contains duck and deer hunting! Archery bird hunter is the best and most realistic archery 2D simulation game for you.
Archery bird hunter delivers realistic archery experience between all archetype games, amazing and different color birds ducks and deer of Archery bird hunter make it more interesting. Shoot arrows at birds, ducks and deer to kill them and get coins, and the coins are usable to buy hunting equipment from the Archery bird hunter game shop.
For more enjoyment of the Archery bird hunting game, a burning arrow is added when a player uses this option: the arrow will burn hunted birds and ducks.
Special Ops: FPS PvP War-Online gun shooting games
If you like Online Shooter, Multiplayer PVP, Single Player FPS and to be a sniper, so This Multiplayer Shooting game is for you
Annihilate the completion in real-time PVP, face off against your opponents in blast mode or check out our terrifying single player mode!
Special Ops: FPS PvP War-Online shooting games are coming at you with a brand new version and lots of new additions to keep the action going at a blazing pace! With new maps, awesome weapons and a new elite competition system; Special Ops: FPS PvP War-Online gun shooting games – Multiplayer will blow you away!
Bubble Shooter 2
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Bubble Shooter 2 is an addictive bubble popping game with hundreds of puzzle levels and fun challenges. Play for free today and join the balloon crushing fun!
Shoot and pop colorful bubble drops in this relaxing board game and work your way through all the bubble-packed puzzles and brain teasers. Complete levels and win coins!
This fun bubble shooter game is easy just to pick up and play, perfect for the whole family to play and enjoy. Start the adventure now, hit and blast the balls and discover the most classic and amazing puzzle game!
Gunship Strike 3D
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Gunship Strike puts you in the gunner seat of the most powerful combat helicopters. Strategically fire your powerful machine guns and devastating missiles to slay hordes of enemies across the world.
Guide your combat helicopter and demolish the enemy military bases in the world’s greatest combat experience! Gunship Strike combines tactics, flying skills and the right amount of ruthlessness in this military helicopter action game!
Virtual Gym Fighting: Real BodyBuilders Fight
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Survive on the ring leaving your opponent no chance to stay alive! beat all your opponents and become the free man.
You are a gym trainer/fighter, a fighter, and desperately want to leave your gang, but your gang has other ideas. You need to fight for your life, which could end very soon if you make the wrong move.
Enter the world of GYM martial arts once! Face and beat new opponents and prove your mastery over gym Fighter Style
Stunt Car 3D
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If you like stunting this game is probably going to be your next addiction.
It is a fairly simple and fun game, all you have to do is tap on the screen to perform certain stunts and jumps. You can land some pretty cool stunts in the game and the clean look adds to the fun experience.
You can get many different cars and challenge yourself.
Once you download this game you won’t regret it.
Aura Bubbles
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Aim and match bubbles where you want to shoot the bubble. 1) Group 3 or more bubbles to make them burst. 2) Clear all the bubbles on the screen to get to a new level. 3) Fewer moves you pass a level, the higher score you’ll get. 4) At the end of the game, you will be awarded coins according to the score. the higher the score you get, the more coins will be awarded. 5) At the end of the game, you can click the falling bubbles to get a higher score
1) easy operation but lots of fun. 2) Gorgeous special effects and beautiful images. 3) Different roles dress 4) Many interesting props to help you pass the game quickly 5) A combination of multiple bubbles
Truck Simulator 2018: Europe
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The game delivers an unparalleled driving experience which has put it in the spot of the most popular Euro Truck Simulator.
Completely realistic missions and Truck Simulator experience are waiting for you.
Run your own business which continues to grow even as you complete your freight deliveries. Become the King of the road by playing Truck Simulator 2018: Europe.
Start your Truck using the Start / Stop button
Fasten your seat belts.
On the right side of your screen, bring the shift to “D” position.
Control your Truck using a break and acceleration buttons.
Color Fill 3D
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Once you start, you will never stop playing.
There is only one objective: Fill the board.
The game has very easy gameplay mechanics with hundreds of unique levels.
You can play by swiping your finger, avoid obstacles and, cover all of the board to win.
Icing On The Cake
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Put your cake decorating skills to the test! Relax and channel your inner baker in icing on the cake. So many fun pastries for you to rotate, pipe, decorate and smooth out? Can you make the perfect cake? Fun and easy to pick up but don’t miss a spot. Will you be the first one to finish them all?
Color and decorate the perfect wedding cake or birthday cake. The tasty end results will leave you feeling hungry for more! Any time is cake time.
1. Zen Out
Ice ice baby! Take your time and relax and create the perfect cake
2. Smooth Smooth Icing
The most realistic food simulation game there is. The realistic cakes will leave you hungry.
3. Bake ALL the cakes
Endless amount of cakes for you to ice and smooth. Can you put the icing on all of the cakes?
4. Feel the smooth
Play, relax and feel satisfied with every cake you ice. Feel the realistic sensation of icing and spreading.
Whether you like icing, like smoothing or just want to spin and color, the icing on the cake will take you there. This is the best and most zen cake simulation game there is. Good luck putting Icing on the Cake down!
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Reach to the end of the water slide, try to be the first. Bump other players during the race and have fun playing this colorful and sunny water slide game.
This game will really give you the fun you need when you are sitting bored at home. It provides a fun experience and is also quite funny.
The game has been designed wonderfully and all the different colors really bring out the game’s point of view.
Turbo Driving Racing 3D
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Conquer street and sky in Turbo Driving Racing is a mix of high-octane driving and endless racing. Turbo Driving Racing is one of the best arcade endless racing games with stunning 3D graphics.
The ultimate endless race in the city streets, countryside roads and seashores, featuring amazing vehicles, addictive gameplay, and intense traffic competition. Barrel through packed streets, avoid crashes, take down traffic cars, pick up coins and perform dynamic, high-speed aerial stunts! The game will challenge even the most skilled racing fans.
Ludo SuperStar
Ludo board games are fun and hilarious games to play with friends and family. It is the best of all board games, it lets you share some wonderful time with your loved ones. Don’t wait any further, get the dice rolling and play Ludo SuperStar!
Some Features : 1) Added rules/options which are played and popular in the world. 2) Option to show safe cells(square) which is represented by the star icon. 3) Option to get another turn on both dice numbers 1 and 6. 4) All the rules are optional so you can play both the international versions. 5) New modern design with a wooden board.
8 Ball Pool
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Refine your skills in the practice arena, take on the world in 1-vs-1 matches, or enter tournaments to win trophies and exclusive cues!
Customize your cue and table! In every competitive 1-vs-1 match you play, there’ll be Pool Coins at stake – win the match and the Coins are yours. You can use these to enter higher ranked matches with bigger stakes or to buy new items in the Pool Shop.
Playing friends is easy: sign in with your Miniclip or Facebook account and you’ll be able to challenge your friends straight from the game. Challenge friends anytime, anywhere and show off your skills.
Shooting Archery
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Shooting Archery is a free 3D mobile game that has amazing 3D shooting graphics and animations. It makes you feel like you are in the sports games. Come and try your best to be the archery master!
Some Features: 1) Easily touch control and enjoy the amazing archery gaming experience. 2) With bow and arrows to aim at various targets, including circular targets, square targets, fruits, dummy targets and lots of moving targets, you will experience a realistic hitting feeling. 3) A variety of weather systems fill you with interest. 4) Lots of very exciting and competitive levels
Run Race 3D
Compete with others and get the real parkour experience.
Jump from wall to wall, climb ropes, slide to get faster, flip to jump higher, grab to swing, use monkey bars to not fall.
Never stop running!
There are dozens of maps and all require a different set of skills.
Increase your ranking by beating your opponents. You can also customize your character; Skin, Clothing, Dance, and many more!
It is a fun game to play with friends!
Stack Ball – Blast through platforms
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Your ball smashes like a brick through colorful platforms that block its descent, but if you hit a black one, it’s all over! Your ball shatters to pieces and you have to start your fall all over again.
But even black platforms are no match for a fireball falling at full speed! Choose your strategy: speed up like a madman or stop and wait for your next chance to roll and jump. Other ball games wish they were this fun!
My Bakery Empire – Bake, Decorate & Serve Cakes
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Enjoy this mouth-watering cake bakery story and help Lizzie fulfill her dream of someday opening up a sweet bakery of her own. Now that day has finally arrived! She’s graduating from college, and she’s more than ready to bake some tasty cupcakes.
But she needs your help! Have fun opening up lots of yummy bakeries, baking with Lizzie and becoming a true baking professional who’s famous for beautiful, tasty delights!
Help Lizzie open up world-famous bakeries and take specific orders from her demanding customers! Learn how to bake delicious, mouth-watering desserts like cupcakes, smoothies, donuts, and cakes! With your assistance, Lizzie will become the most talented pastry chef ever! You’ll just LOVE this tasty bakery story game!
Real Bike Racing
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Start the engine, hit the gas and experience the thrill of handling a 200 HP beast. Go bumper to bumper with elite riders to win the world championship. Now get ready for adrenaline-fueled racing action and ride your way to victory in the fastest lane of all!
Some Features: 1) Take the wheel of 10+ types of unique superbikes 2) Fully functioning rearview mirrors 3) Realistic 3D graphics with dynamic lighting effects
Rope Slash
Use your finger to cut the rope and release the ball. Smash all cans to complete a level!
Enjoy hundreds of handmade levels of this simple and fun arcade puzzle, wherever you are!
Basically this puzzle game is going to give you a fun experience and you won’t be disappointed with it.
Pick Me Up
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Pick up and drop off customers to earn money and level up. Explore the world and discover new monuments.
The Controls
Tap and hold to drive
Release to break
Avoid crashing
Collect cash and unlock cool cars
The controls as stated above are very easy and make the game even more addictive.
Bubble Shooter 2
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Bubble Shooter 2 is an addictive bubble popping game with hundreds of puzzle levels and fun challenges.
Shoot and pop colorful bubble drops in this relaxing board game and work your way through all the bubble-packed puzzles and brain teasers. Complete levels and win coins.
This fun bubble shooter game is easy just to pick up and play, perfect for the whole family to play and enjoy. Start the adventure now, hit and blast the balls and discover the most classic and amazing puzzle game!
The struggle to pop all the bubbles continues. Conquer challenging levels with powerful boosts in this thrilling bubble pop adventure and experience hours of bubble matching, popping and blasting fun! Bubble Shooter 2 puzzle game is definitely on the list of things you would take with you to a deserted island.
Gunship Strike 3D
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Gunship Strike puts you in the gunner seat of the most powerful combat helicopters. Strategically fire your powerful machine guns and devastating missiles to slay hordes of enemies across the world.
Guide your combat helicopter and demolish the enemy military bases in the world’s greatest combat experience! Gunship Strike combines tactics, flying skills and the right amount of ruthlessness in this #1 military helicopter action game!
Game Features: 1) Multiple helicopters with a variety of weapons and equipment 2) 40+ levels in Battle mode & ultimate challenging Boss mode 3) Realistic 3D graphics and stunning visual effects
If you have a knack for helicopter shooting games, this is the one for you.
The post 100 + Best Android Games 2020 | Category Wise appeared first on GAMES INDIAN.
100 + Best Android Games 2020 | Category Wise published first on https://touchgen.tumblr.com/
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jowalnab-blog · 5 years
dev.log Green
      This week I finally got to play some of Dark Souls 2. Despite my love for the first and third games in this series, I had never gotten the chance to actually start playing the game, it just kind of sat in my library. Interestingly this game functions a little differently than the other two souls games, most of your healing is going to be done using life gems. Unlike the usual estus which heals chunks of health instantly, life gems heal small amounts over time, it is still very possible to get hit and lose out on some of that healing and due to the limited amount of estus you’ll likely have to depend on that health.       Admittedly I didn’t play much of the actual game, I spent most of my time in Heide’s Tower of Flame, a location just outside of the main hub. I came across this location after playing a small chunk of the early game, I just got fixated on that weird puzzle area right out of the hub, who wouldn’t. When I finally got there I pretty much immediately realized it would be no joke, it was full of enemies. Thankfully, two of the Heide Knights are just resting on the ground passively (a warning of things to come).
      The only challenge ends up being timing dodges past the Old Knights (typical big slow enemies) attacks and dealing damage in the small windows between attack loops. If you’re patient, you can learn their patterns quickly, even the different variations, great-sword, mace, sword and shield, no matter who they all highly telegraph their moves. However, if you’re greedy they will punish you and for a lot of damage if you’re early game like me. There is one thing though, Heide Knights are pretty bad. The couple you see at the entrance are docile, the next you see is absolutely bloodthirsty. At least for me, maybe I’m just bad but these guys are crazy, just when I thought I had their attack patterns down they retaliate with some crazy counter attack I never see coming. Also, they love stringing combos on you, which when paired with a Old Knight from before makes for a surefire way to get one shot by a two v.s. one combo.         That being said, I love the area of Heide’s Tower, the massive cathedral and what seems to be a lighthouse are connected by perilously thin stone pathways above a black churning ocean. The white stone of the structures is accented with blue tiling on the roofs, most notably the large blue domes on some of the buildings. Typical of large castles in the souls series there are tiny little bridges connecting some of the towers here, which you can use to traverse the area. The skybox here also does a great job making this area stand out it’s this wonderful mix of somber blue hues with a pale sunset off in the distance over an endless black sea, this comes as a stark contrast yo Majula’s warm red sunset skybox and even crazier contrast to the dark tower puzzle you traverse to get there.          There’s just something about the look of the Flame Tower area I love, it’s got this calm atmosphere to it, but it also commands this kind of air of respect to it. Apparently it’s the path to join one of the game’s factions, whether it’s worth it I’m not sure, but I’ll enjoy exploring the area regardless. It almost makes me want to do something similar in my game, make some kind of homage to this cool area. I imagine it would be hard to do it justice without appearing like a cheap rip off.
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Hold Up! Who Called the Mixed Identity Police?
Hold Up! Who called the Mixed Identity Police?
As if People of Color (POC) in the U.S. don’t have enough to worry about trying to avoid and survive rampant police brutality, we Multiracial folks often face another type of policing: that of our identities. And it can come from all directions—from strangers on the street to people with whom we share DNA.
While Identity Policing is far less threatening and terrifying than the risk of physical harm, arrest or death at the hands of actual cops, it is still deeply problematic and it needs to stop.
What Does it Mean to Identity Police?
WHAT: Identity Policing is the act of questioning, challenging, assuming, presuming, denying, decrying, debating and/or berating any other human’s racial/ethnic/national or related identity. It commonly takes the form of people saying:
You can’t be…
You must be…
You have to be…
You don’t look like…
But you look more like you’re…
Are you sure you’re not…
I don’t believe you…
No, let me TELL you what you are…
(Feel free to add your own…)_________________________________________________________
Who Identity Polices us?
Other Relatives
Those who are Ethnically Ambiguous Looking tend to be Identity Policed more often (particularly by strangers or new acquaintances) and more rigorously than others. For some of us, it is a constant in life. Speaking for myself, I understand why some people stare and wonder and assume, and I don’t usually mind when they ask. I prefer that to when they prejudge and create a whole story about who they think I am that has nothing to do with reality.
Who Calls the Identify Police and Why Does Identity Policing Happen?
Humans are an inherently tribal species. Unfortunately, that too often involves various forms of domination, oppression, exploitation, etc. But generally, categorizing other people is something that some of us do naturally and others learn to do, usually at an early age. We do it with gender, with race/ethnicity/nationality/religion and other identity markers relevant to our tribe(s) and environments. I have been guilty of Identity Policing people in the past, though now that I’m aware of it, I try harder to avoid it. But it’s easy to see why it’s so commonplace.
Think about gender. A few years ago, before we were introduced to the concept of gender non-conforming identity options beyond the traditional Male/Female binary. When we saw an androgynous person, we sometimes stared at them in an attempt to shove them into our mental binary where only two options existed, wondering “are they this or are they that?” Our society is gradually expanding those options and now we have new language and the beginnings of wider and more diverse categories with which to consider people, including “gender non-conforming” to replace androgynous.
When it comes to race and ethnicity, people tend to do the same thing. And while it’s not fair to other groups of people, the dominant racial binary in the USA remains Black and White at the core, with Native American on the side, and other groups such as Asian/Pacific Islander and Latinx rounding out the most common categories.
Those are the designations that most folks have in their minds when considering someone whose appearance (and perhaps mannerisms) doesn’t give immediate clues as to how they should be considered or labeled.
The identity policing starts when they ask some variation of “What are you?” They might volunteer their guess or assumption even before we answer; sometimes even in the initial question. “Are you _____?” “You’re________, right?”
When we tell them what we are, they often jump into being the Identity Police, claiming expertise over our truths and our lives. We’re not the only ones who experience this, but it’s common to many of us, especially those whose looks automatically prompt the questions. We can be Identity Policed by many different groups—those with whom we share ancestry as well as others.
Multiracial people recognize that our mere presence causes some people to feel uncomfortable. It’s not always personal and it doesn’t necessarily mean that the uncomfortable person is racist. Our existence often challenges the Black vs. White foundation upon which this nation was built. Even with the rapid rise in interracial coupling and the fact that Mixed kids are the second largest group being born in the U.S. today, swirling (particularly Black/White) is still considered juicy forbidden fruit—edgy, taboo and vaguely dangerous. Add other groups and racial/ethnic combos to the mix, and Multi folks function as natural disrupters of the status quo simply because we are here.
There’s also a power dynamic to Identity Policing. When someone questions or challenges your truth, they have appointed themselves your superior, and assumed that they are qualified to judge you. You can feel the dynamic when it’s happening to you—that push-pull of someone vying for the alpha position in your interaction.
That’s what bothers me most about people who Identity Police—those presuming superiority over who we are and how we choose to move through the world. History shows us why they feel this way: as if we are a problem to be solved; a looming disaster needing to be contained and constrained in those narrow categories that have no room for the glorious variations that we represent. In a society built and run upon the premise of closely-controlled racial and ethnic identity, we threaten the status quo. And this isn’t limited to any particular group—all kinds of folks want to control us rather than understand us and the gorgeously complex and messy truths that we represent.
Now, for the first time in U.S. history, we Multiracial people are staking our claim as a stand-alone category. This is a natural result of the presidency of the very Biracial President Barack Obama, finally getting a semblance of a Census category, and news that Mixed babies are the second-largest group born today. Add to this the ability that social media has given us to congregate and speak up against the popular stereotypes and Identity Policing, and you can see the complex dynamics at play.
But even as Multiracial folks are beginning to come together, some of us still Identity Police each other. I’ve seen it on social media, including some Mixed Facebook groups. At times, it takes the form of criticizing folks whose cultural affiliations might not be the same as ours. Some folks whose mixes include Black are very vocal against those who are (or aren’t) Black-identified. I’ve seen groups of Mixed folks drawing lines and referring to the more Black-identified people as “One Droppers.”
This kind of divisiveness disturbs me even more than when we’re Identity Policed by others. If being Multiracial means nothing else, it is an expression of human diversity worthy of our support and celebration. How can expect others to respect us if we don’t respect ourselves? The last thing we need to do is appoint ourselves judges of how other Mixed people choose to self-identify and culturally affiliate. We can show the world what embracing diversity looks like—and give them a glimpse of the beauty of life beyond the blinders of the common binary. We represent the spectrum of possibility. Let’s not limit ourselves or each other in our quest to be recognized for our entire realities.
What can we do about Identity Policing?
Call it out. Challenge people (taking into account the appropriateness of the situation) and ask that they respect the truth of your identity as you choose to describe and define it.
Reject it. Let folks know that you and you alone are in charge of your identity, your category and your descriptors. They don’t have to like them, agree with them or approve of them. They just need to stop trying to dominate you with their opinion.
Make it a teachable moment. If you have the time and stamina, and determine that this person is worth the investment, you might want to do the deep dive and discuss the various aspects of why you are in charge of your identity and they’re not. Warning: No matter how great a job you do at this and despite your best intentions—and sometimes theirs—don’t expect them to suddenly “get it” and magically agree with you. As they say in Disney movies, “it could happen.” But don’t bank on it. If you choose this option, manage your own expectations so you don’t drown in frustration.
Ignore it. Yes, you read that correctly. I’ve had to learn to pick my battles. We are living in perilous political times on top of the everyday racism and other isms that we navigate every day. You do NOT need to explain or defend who you are, your ancestry, your life choices, or any aspects of your identity. Even. To. Those. Closest. To. You. And if they push, feel free to disengage.
We can’t fight all forms of isms and inequality at one time. But this is one area where we can and must push for change. We can benefit by coming together to challenge and fight Identity Policing in all its forms. We can claim agency over who we are and how we demand to be considered—as fully human and deserving of respect at all times.
Then and only then can those who Identity Police be arrested and put on lockdown, where it deserves to be.
Hold Up! Who Called the Mixed Identity Police? if you want to check out other voices of the Multiracial Community click here Multiracial Media
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