#The situation with the MLA could have been handled better
atlanticcanada · 11 months
Clean air committee concerned shell-drying plant will receive significant government funding
For years now, residents in the Town of Beaurivage have complained about odours coming from the Coastal Shell Products plant.
Crystal Desharnais, the owner of Crystal's Emporium Thrift & Furniture on Main Street, called the smell atrocious, and said the staff and customers often notice it.
“It's such a terrible smell. People can't even go outside and do basic things like barbecue and enjoy themselves. There's so many seniors in this community. Their quality of life is just absolutely crushed by that,” said Desharnais.
A possible solution could be in the works.
In a statement to CTV News, Coastal Shell Products general manager Jamie Goguen said the company is preparing the funding to be able to commit to a significant capital investment project worth close to $2 million that is designed for efficient handling of facility emissions.
The Kent Clear Air Action Committee (KCAAC) have been fighting to have the plant either closed or relocated.
In a news release sent Monday, the KCAAC says they've secured a document through the Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act that states Coastal Shell Products is seeking significant funding from the provincial and federal governments to take steps to help mitigate the smell and increase productivity.
The committee says the company submitted a three-stage project plan to the Department of Environment and Local Government (DELG) at an estimated total cost of around $2.7 million.
The projects are for the elimination of odours coming from the shell drying process, as well as the odours inside the facility and from the raw product receiving area, and to increase productivity and distribute products to a wider market.
According to the committee, 75 per cent of the funding would come from the province, Opportunities New Brunswick (ONB) and the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) with Coastal Shell Products picking up the other 25 per cent.
KCAAC spokesperson Maisie McNaughton doesn't understand why the taxpayer could possibly be on the hook for three-quarters of the project.
“I don't even have words. I don't understand why myself as a taxpayer and the people of Beaurivage and New Brunswick as a whole and Canada as a whole should be paying for this nightmare to continue,” said McNaughton.
Coastal Shell Products processes crustacean shells and turns them into a variety of products such as fertilizer.
Goguen said as part of the conditions on Coastal Shell Products’ approval to operate from the DELG, the company has provided extensive details on a number of initiatives that will address the concerns of the public.
CTV News asked Goguen if the company has applied for federal or provincial funding yet.
“We are in discussions with both levels of government around these projects to see if some support might be available,” said Goguen.
A spokesperson for ONB said it has not provided any financial assistance to Coastal Shell Products and has no active funding agreement with them.
ACOA gave a similar response, saying the agency has no project with Coastal Shell Products.
Applying for government funding doesn't sit well with Desharnais who says there's no guarantee any new project will stop the stink.
“Whether that's just going to prolong the problem or solve it isn't clear. To me that money would be better spent helping relocate them,” said Desharnais.
Kent North MLA Kevin Arseneau said he has been told since 2018 that the company would fix the smell.
“I have lost confidence in their ability to find proven technology and to finance it,” said Arseneau in an email to CTV News. “That being said, I continue to believe that the plant is not situated in a proper area and should be moved. That would be what is best for the residents and the well-being of the community.”
The province has received 455 complaints about the smell so far this year.
Goguen said the owners and management of Coastal Shell Products have heard the concerns and are committed to dealing with them appropriately.
“It’s important to know that extensive tests and analyses have been completed and the design of a new system is progressing well. Coastal Shell will continue to work with the Department of Environment to meet all requirements and regulations,” said Goguen in the statement.
He went on to say the company is an important supplier of the province’s seafood processing industry.
“Our work diverts processing waste from landfills and creates sought after consumer and industry value-added products,” said Goguen. “Our work supports ten processing facilities in New Brunswick who, without Coastal Shell, would have a hard time finding a place to discard their processed shells.”
The goal is to work with the community toward a "harmonious solution" to the issues it currently faces.
DELG spokesperson Heather Pert said they continue to monitor odours from the processing facility through frequent site visits and odour surveys.
Pert said the department required the company to submit an odour control plan, with timelines, for the installation of new odour control equipment.
The approval includes restriction of operation times which prevents the operation of the plant between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.
The current approval expires on July 31.
For more New Brunswick news visit our dedicated provincial page.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/MSbsID0
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gentrychild · 3 years
Some part of me wonders if the hsc was just waiting for the hero system to fail as badly as it did in canon. I don't mean it in the, they don't benefit from the working hero system, but I mean it in the, the hero system is working exactly as it is meant to. All Might brought peace and peacetime can make it hard to maintain power over a population because people have the luxury of questioning stuff. Obviously the entire culture around pro-heroes and villains would be a good deterrent to people saying "hmm, maybe that was excessive force and also that villain was motivated by poverty and maybe force shouldn't be the go-to way to prevent crime" but peace makes people feel safe enough to ask those things.
But disruption? Terror? All Might gone, heavy losses on the side of heroes, heroes failing to defeat the villains with mass casualties, a loss of faith a system with comparatively a gentle use of force to what the hsc might use, where daytime heroes were under intense scrutiny from the public and help to high standards of behaviour?
All Might made people feel like heroes would always win and so they could demand high standards of behaviour and ethics from them. Without All Might and a guarantee of victory, handing more power to the hsc or allowing more leeway might seem logical to scared people. Perhaps not heroes, but still individual actors using quirks with different branding. It's likely what happened during the Dawn of Quirks and historically, that's often how governments gain greater power as a result of instability. And even once Shigiraki is dealt with, this attitude will extend to all villains/criminals with harsher responses to mild infractions. Perhaps tighter Quirk laws as well, or at least more enforcement.
If left alone, the hero system as it is would likely go through cycles. Chaos, power granted to the government, use of this power to gain stability through force, and either this peace through force is maintained until a stronger disruption/villain, or the amount of force used is lessened through public demand. The hero system collapses once again because root causes are not addressed, chaos, and then power is handed over to the government to regain stability through force. Rinse, repeat, until it inevitably implodes.
I don't think the hsc predicted it failing as badly as it did, or how Endeavour's actions would bite them in the ass with Dabi. But I could see them betting on All Might retiring, the spike in crime and social unrest as a result, and using that to push through more authoritarian measures. Because that's how it often goes in the real world
Panem and circenses, Anon. Bread and circuses. That's how you keep a society from noticing people in power are taking them from fools and that's on what the hero system is based.
Civilians need big good heroes to protect them from the big bad villains. Add some cult of personality.... I mean, hero worship and quirk veneration (since heroes are the elite, the only one allowed to use their quirks, normal people can't use theirs in public places, and villains are usually people with ominous quirks), and you get BNHA!
And the great thing is that if people are brainwashed into loving hero, they don't question the statu quo too much and you don't need force to justify more and more power being given to the heroes.
Well, to a point. Because, as you said, the longer the peace lasts, the more people have time to think about the flaws of the system.
I think that the reasons why this lack of questioning lasted so long despite All Might's enforced peace was because:
1. again, the society worships heroes and propaganda is a nifty tool.
2. that peace was enforced by All Might. There is a real difference between "We live in peace because people wants to be nice to each other" and "Our protector prevents the bad guys from harming us." For the latter, there is still this sense of "the others would harm us if heroes weren't there to protect us".
But even with that, you're right, the public would have grown antsy sooner or later. So, the way to keep the system in place would have been to show that the villains were becoming more vicious, so the Hero Commission would have no choice but to say "See what happens when we don't have free reins to protect you?"
However, i am convinced that the HPSC never would have allowed the hero society to fail this way.
Endangering it a little bit is good to scare the public and make them long for the safety of the past. But when you let a system crumble, odds are that the opponents are the one to get in power and to become the new government. (Or, if said opponents are a bunch of anarchists who don't want to rule, you get chaos then, some time after, government slowly rebuilding itself but it's not the same guys anymore and the HSPC, since it's made of people who like power, would never willingly part with it.)
No, I think that messed everything up was All Might's sudden retirement + the fight in Kamino.
The Hero Commission probably knew that All Might was weakening (that was kind of an opened secret in some circles) but he would have lasted longer if there wasn't for the Kamino fight. So, and I am speculating here but that's kinda my thing, the HSPC probably had something planned so they would slowly introduce the idea of All Might's retirement to the public and a new number 1, ready to walk in All Might's footsteps but different enough for people not to constantly compare the both of them.
And if the HPSC had the time to make it happen, the new number 1 hero would have been that guy:
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Alas for the Hero Commission, All Might not only retired sooner than intended but in a very public manner, and worse of all, he almost got killed.
Before Kamino, the LoV was a bunch of scrubs. They had their behind handed to them by high school children (on their first week at hero school, no less).
Then, the summer camp happened. UA being attacked and Bakugou being abducted was a golden opportunity for the Hero Commission if they wanted more power. They had THE excuse to have more influence on the hero schools.
Except that 1. Nedzu didn't call the top heroes to rescue Bakugou. He called the UA alumni, restoring some of UA street cred and (accidentally?) preventing HC heroes to fix the situation. 2. the Hero Commission, even if they were warned that AFO could be there, thought that top heroes would easily take care of the LoV, who had won against students and a bunch of low ranked heroes.
Instead, they got this:
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SSS ranked villain. Someone who almost killed All Might. Someone who probably could have razed a town.
That's the kind of power backing the LOV.
And that's terrifying.
But worse than AFO killing so many people, worse than AFO almost killing the Symbol of Peace under everyone's eyes, he revealed the truth.
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All Might, symbol of absolute strength, their protector, was actually reduced to this state.
That's the opposite of slowly introducing All Might's retirement to the world. For the moment, everyone who saw this had to live through the eventuality that the one guaranteeing their peace was going to die on this day, leaving the villains free to do whatever they wanted.
After that, they needed to comfort the public, to tell them that they could fix this. Once again, it could be taken as an opportunity to have more power, to have more authority, but now, there was a much higher risk for the Hero Commission.
So, they had the great idea of doing whatever happened during the war arc. To show the threat of the big bad villain and to assemble an army of heroes to defeat them, to show that 1. the heroes have it handled 2. that the Hero Commission helped preventing things from becoming worse so they should be granted more powers.
This was a high risk, high reward situation.
And the Hero Commission failed to assess how great the risk was.
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parkkjiminssi · 4 years
I Would
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one shot.
genre: angst, fluff?
warnings: mentions about virginity and relationship problems. profanity.
a/n: eh, I might be a bit rusty so if there’s typos please ignore them. I’ll fix them later.
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It was a bit past 11:00PM when Jimin finally arrived to his apartment. It had been a busy day at the police station, which had resulted in him getting two more cases added to his already big workload. Jimin was a good detective and his colleagues depended on him, which made it hard for him to refuse even though he knew it was more than he could handle.
As he walked up the remaining steps that led up to his apartment, Jimin was already thinking about how he was going to go in a bit earlier the following day to be able to get some of the work done in time. However, his thoughts were interrupted at the sight of you sitting in front of his door. Waiting for him.
Jimin let out a deep sigh because he knew why you were here. You had another fight with your boyfriend. He couldn’t say that to you though, instead, he walked up to you and offered you his hand to help you up.
“Have you been waiting long?” He asked.
“O-oh no, I just got here.” You lied. And he knew you were lying but he didn’t wanted to add anymore salt to the wound.
“Come in, I’ll make you something warm to drink.” Jimin said as he unlocked his door and stepping aside to let you go in first.
Jimin and you had been friends since high school. The two of you went to college together and although he decided to study criminal justice and you studied journalism, the two of you kept your friendship intact throughout the years. That is until a couple of years ago, when you started dating this guy from your job at the tv station. When Jimin first found out about this guy, he felt happy for you. Truly happy. You were always so focused in school and work that you hardly spent time on yourself. He hoped he would treat you the way you deserved and that he made you happy. But a few months into the relationship was when your nightly visits started happening.
Jimin remembers how you used to say that the day you had a boyfriend you’d want to do this or that. You were always talking about cheesy things or romantic things that you’d like to do. He’s not going to lie, some of them seemed pretty cool. However, your current boyfriend didn’t seem to think so. Every time you’d bring up something you wanted to do or try, he’ll say no but then the next day he’ll go out and do something with his friends that was either similar or the same thing you wanted to do. You’ll feel bad and ask him about it and then a huge fight will break out between you and your boyfriend. Which then led to you sitting outside of Jimin’s apartment waiting for him to arrive from work.
Once inside his apartment, Jimin handed you a blanket as you sat on his couch before making his way to his kitchen to make you some coffee.
“How was your day at work?” He heard you ask from the other room.
“Oh you know. The usual.” Jimin started saying. “I can never say no, so I ended up taking more cases than I can actually handle. Now I have to go in earlier tomorrow so I can get some out of the way.”
You giggled. “You’re too nice Jimin! You should learn to say no.”
“What’s up with you?”
“The usual as well.” You replied. “Work is work and my boyfriend just prefers to be with his friends than with me.”
And you started telling Jimin all about your latest fight. About how you had asked your boyfriend to go bike riding with you and how he said no because you were too weak and it would be annoying to purposely slow down just so you can keep up with him.
Jimin could see how tears were dwelling in your eyes. He could see how hurt and frustrated you were. It hurt him to see you like this but yet, he couldn’t understand why you were still with him.
“You deserve so much more.” Jimin mumbled without realizing that he was saying this out loud and not in his head.
“What do you mean?” You asked confused because this was the very first time that Jimin had said something like this bout your whole situation. It usually was you complaining, him comforting you and telling you everything was going to be okay, to you sleeping over, only to find that he was gone to work when you awoke and had left you breakfast prepared.
Jimin took a deep breath before speaking. Might as well just say everything now that it’s out, right?
“What I mean is that you deserve so much more than this. Y/N, you deserve someone who wants to spend time with you all the time and is excited to hear all your stories. Someone who doesn’t mind going out of his way to meet you after a long day of work and that will send you flowers to work when it’s your birthday despite how cheesy it is. Not only that but you deserve someone who won’t mind make random trips to random locations, because as long as you’re together then everything is alright. You deserve someone that won’t mind slowing down for you just so you are able to keep up and he’s there looking over you in case you trip or something.” He finally said everything that had been building up in the back of his mind and that he was too afraid to say because he didn’t wanted to lose you as a friend. But you needed to hear this and he wanted to make sure that you received the message loud and clear. “If I was your boyfriend, I would never let a single tear fall down your face unless it was for happiness.”
A small chuckle escaped your lips. “So you think so too?”
“Huh?” Your reply took Jimin completely by surprise.
“You know, I know that I deserve better but at the same time I’m scared that this is as good as it gets. That maybe no one else will like me and if they do they probably won’t like the fact that I’ve been intimate before with another guy.” You explained. “I’ve invested so much time and effort into this relationship that I just can’t walk away.”
“I’m sorry but that just doesn’t make sense.” Jimin looked at you feeling anger and sadness. “You can’t possibly just stay with a person because you’ve been with them for a long time. What about your feelings? Do you still love him?”
“I don’t know. I mean, I think so.”
“If you’re so unsure about your feelings then you shouldn’t continue with him, specially because he doesn’t treat you with the most loving feelings either.” Jimin quickly answered.
“So easy for you to say. You’re a guy.” You quickly snapped.
Jimin frowned at you. “What does that even mean, Y/N?”
“Well for guys it’s easier to find someone else.” You started raising your voice. This was the first time in years that Jimin and you had argued. “The don’t have to wait a grieving period. They can just start dating by the very next day and in a few months get married. For girls it’s different. They have to wait before dating again, otherwise they’ll be judged. Then they need to wait until the guy proposes and that can take years. YEARS! You hear me? And then—.”
“Oh my God, shut up already.” Jimin interrupted you angrily. “Y/N, times have changed. Besides, why do you care so much about other people’s opinion? You’re you and you need to live your life the way YOU want to. At the end of the day, we only live once. You don’t want to look back in a few years and say ‘I should’ve done this or I should’ve done that.’ No! It’s better to say ‘oh well’ instead of ‘what if’.”
“Okay Mr. Know It All, then what guy in the radius of 10 miles would date a girl who’s no longer a Virgin?” You asked knowing deep inside that he wouldn’t know the answer that.
“I would.”
“Exactly! Wait what?” You had to take a double take. You heard wrong, right?
“I said that I would.” Jimin reinterated. “Y/N, there’s more to a person than just that. You’re an amazing person, you have a great personality, you’re funny, you’re kind, sweet, selfless. You’re beautiful! If a guy overlooks all of that just because you’re no longer “pure”, then that guy is shit.”
“So what do you suggest I do?” You looked at him for the very first time since you arrived. Finally feeling less sorry about yourself and more in control of the situation.
“Dump him through text! What do you mean what?” And just with that the tension between the two of you was gone.
The two of you spent several minutes trying to perfect the text so that way you could finally close this difficult chapter in your life and be able to start a new one.
After what seemed hours, you were finally done and Jimin quickly clicked send before you had time to doubt yourself. Plus you blocked his number before he had any time to reply and pull you back into his spell.
“Jimin, thank you.” You finally said after a long moment of silence. “Thank you for being my friend and thank you for giving me the strength to take this difficult step. I had been thinking about doing this for the longest time but I never gathered the courage to do it.”
“Hey, don’t thank me.” Jimin started saying as he wrapped his arms around you shoulder and pulled the blanket up to cover you. “I just couldn’t stand the thought of you crying over someone who don’t deserve your tears. Now let’s go to sleep, I need to be up in four hours thanks to you.”
“Oh, now it’s my fault?! Who wanted to send a double page breakup essay, MLA style?” You exclaimed as you nudged him on the ribs.
“O-ow! Hey! You have be throughout otherwise he won’t get the message.” He said while trying to stop you from taking the blanket and leaving him uncovered.
A couple of minutes passed and although you were most likely asleep, Jimin decided to just come out and say it. What could be the worst thing that could happen other than you already be asleep?
“Hey, so after you’re done with your grieving period or whatever. Would you like to go out for ice cream or you wouldn’t want to go out with me because we’ve been friends for a long time?”
No answer.
Yup, most definitely asleep. Jimin thought.
More minutes passed and just as he was about to fall asleep, your reply took away any feeling of sleepiness that he had.
“I would.”
Oh boy, he was surely going to need at least 10 cups of coffee to survive through the day.
This sleepless night was well worth it, though.
You’re worth it. He though as he snuggled you closer to his chest.
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deuce-duce · 3 years
Am I...?? (Inwardly GASPS)!! Which Part...??
Today is March 2nd 2021 and I got my puter back and went to look at what I had last written on December 16th 2020. When I opened the file, it had been changed… dates had been obscured and certain things had been reworded… So… I have decided to go back through all of my previous posts to ensure the integrity of what I am writing stays that way! During this process I will be putting together a collection of my favorite quotes and post fragments. Which I will dub Rock and Roll’s Greatest Hits, if you live near me go buy airhorns Ill tell you why, When the greatest hits album comes out. What your about to read is primarily from Dec. 16th with a few changes or should I say… restorations?? Probably a little of both to be honest. Everything is still as it happened, I just add better descriptive words and fine tune the analogies so that they are easier to digest… My English teacher always told me that was what I was good at! Along with many others… who have said the same… not only do I understand it… I’m able to explain it in a way that others understand as well. ENJOY
On the seventh of December I woke up not too sure if something had occurred that night or not… as I have mentioned before they use a numbing agent that basically masks the pain until it wears off approximately 12 hours later… When I a woke on this day I was having moments of clarity and for some reason just couldn’t keep them to myself. talking to one of the staff members of the homeless shelter I expressed my destiny that I actually had one, that was going to bring me to greatness… then out of nowhere I just blurted out there is going to be a power shift!!!! And at that very moment I couldn’t believe what it was that had just come out of my mouth. I didn’t even believe it at first because the guy at the desk was like IDK… about… that… but when I went back into my room, the look on my roommate’s face said it all!! It seems as though those who pull strings and orchestrate a lot of this… put all of their eggs into one basket. I don’t know exactly what the terms of thee bet were but I’m assuming it had/has something to do with me not being able to control my compulsivity associated with my dissociation. Unfortunately for them I made a deal with God. It was while I was on quarantine and even though I was in a basement all by myself people kept F$%^&*!> with me. This is when I prayed stating that I would not falter, for my body his temple his craft and his glory. that I need to take care of myself and my destiny, for it is in his hands and I won’t let my selfishness or imperfections stop him from fulfilling his plan. Over and over again I have cried and cried about how fundamental and powerful this is all going to be. EFFIN CRAZY!! And now that I know without anyone telling me and it literally being given to me somehow is what is freaking everybody out. How do I know or how the hell did I figure it out!! I really couldn’t tell you and the only thing that is possible is that our Creator endowed me with such responsibility. Crazy!! (this was before I considered the probability of God being a woman, A mother, A Lover)
Low and behold one of my favorite artists Mr. Kid, Maniac, Rager, Wizard, Pursuer of Happiness Cudi dropped a new album entitled Man on the MOON Three. Ill have to say it’s a wonderfully made album! The album delves deep into who Scott is… I know the Fans are going to love it.
Rewind a little bit sorry for my hiatus just needed to stay focused and well as your aware have been led here not by accident and had some things that I needed to take care of before I started writing again. Not to mention I have been dealing with a lot only to know that I am who I am for a reason Rockstar Knights off MOTM3 has a lot to say concerning who I am and what I have realized as a result to my struggle. The Song is a collab with Trippie Redd and really encapsulates so much, that its hard to describe in words.
I had a very interesting conversation with my mother the other day and came to a pretty profound thought. 1st I was telling her how I was being told that I am too….!!! Smart!! Like WTF!! REALLY!! Is that even a thing?? But I didn’t let it get to me too much as it probably is the reason I face so much adversity, No matter the community I enter into. This is how I have explained it to her and a couple other people in the community as well as the Rasta Man in the PNW. The best analogy I could present is if a plant with a fire burning so big and so hot on one side of the plant, a fire so big and hot that it probably would kill most other plants, but not this plant. This plant had sooooo much drive and will to live that instead of giving up it grew in the opposite direction of the blaze. While the roots could withstand the blazing inferno becoming one with the heat and pain Upon the journey away from the fire (society) the plant developed different characteristics colors and attributes that no other plant had. Essentially that journey completely changed that plants physiology Psychology and possible its genetic makeup altogether. Now that the plant has grown so far from the fire (Society) that its all alone. Now theres a different kind of fire where he once thought was safe. But as he grows back towards the fire to escape the new blaze (tyranny) he realizes he will never be able to be the same as the fire he grew so far away from. Now the only option the plant has with death being imminent is to grow as big and bright as quickly as possible before it is engulfed on all sides.
All this taken into account along with factoring in the two major belief structures in the world one Being Creation or Evolution (The Big BANG) this plant which has defied all odds still shines brightly displaying its colors and unique characteristics no matter how dark the room may be it still continues to bloom! Is this a Divine will and plan or are we experiencing the next step of Evolution??? My honest opinion is its both! For the mere ability to adapt and change and prevail in situations others couldn’t dream of or even have nightmares about is truly remarkable and in my eyes is an act of GOD! Just as any evolutionary step would be. The crazier part is… he has no handle!! Nothing to grab on to leaving no way for anyone to grab hold and control! AYE….
I thought this all might just be me being stubborn or simply an idiot until for some reason I opened up my meme App. Something I never open or even look at and the first thing that popped up was a picture and quote saying that many told Marilyn Monroe that she was only beautiful because of the clothes and dresses she wore. It then concluded Marilyn Monroe did a photoshoot in nothing but a burlap potato sack. The photos and the message she sent were completely opposite of that which was being said by spectators. Now!! As scrolled to the second meme I was expecting something funny!! That wasn’t the case what I saw next was the upcoming alignment of the two largest planets in the solar system Jupiter and Saturn. Not only does their alignment happen only every 20 years but the proximity of this occurrence to the earth as well as the proximity to each other hasn’t been the same for close to 800 years… What does it all mean… IDK but The Christmas Star is what their calling the alignment and if your familiar with the bible is the star that the kings, from other lands followed  to bring gifts to baby JESUS! Who knows what this alignment could usher in.?
So profound thought comes to me on a daily basis now it’s so strange the way that it comes it will just be momentary thoughts that will pass through my conscience and as they go by I latch on to it delve a little deeper and experience an overwhelming amount of… IDK what to call it but it feels very powerful so much so that it brings me to tears… I don’t know exactly what the future holds but I think that is what makes this so great! I just keep my mind open Like apple IOS Systems letting everything come and go as it pleases when something goes by that strikes me, I latch on and don’t let go. Its weird how it all happens.
Steve Jobs once said that if he had never had an acid trip that he would have never of come up with the operating system for Apple and after explaining to you what I do as a spiritual and destiny seeking process I believe was his thought process as well. This in of itself is what I think they mean when they say to keep an open mind. Just so you know I didn’t come up with that little bit about the late Mr. Jobs by plan it just came to me when thinking about how to have, use and keep an open mind.
The reason I explained this to you was because this is how I Pray! After I pray I sit still with an open mind allowing multiple ideas thoughts and perspectives to pass through my brain… until like an IOS operating system, something speaks to me… when I latch on to it, focus on what it means and what it will mean… “I Get Those Goosebumps Everytime” (Goosebumps, Travis Scott, feat. Kendrick Lamar, Birds in the Trap Sing Mcknight, 2016). This is how you know! A little extra for ya, when I went to look up the info for my first Hip Hop citation it was 11:11 lol there they go again… its really a cool feeling!
Can someone tell me if that APA or MLA…?? Ya know what!! Eff IT!! None of my writing is orthodox, besides I kinda like the way I did it haha
Kid Cudi’s new video just dropped and I couldn’t be more amazed with all of the hidden messages that are in there. He is officially the man on the moon. Passion pain and demon slaying like a maniac on the pursuit of happiness. Love that DUDE!!
That’s all I got for 12-16-2020 Five More Days…
Heaven On Earth – Kid Cudi
Goosebumps – Travis Scott, feat. Kendrick Lamar
Dirty Heads – Sound Of Change
 Just so you know the only thing I added this time other the cleaning up what I had already written was the praying part. Although I originally remember that being the purpose as to why I wrote what I did looking at it today March 2nd 2021 it wasn’t there… have a great day everyone. Ill post this on 3/3/2021
I've added parts to the story on my business cards and will leave then random places, what you do with them is up to you but I think It would be cool for those who want to stop me to have to work extra hard just like they make me!!  
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secondhoekage · 4 years
For your rant, your speaking from someone who knows what the villains have. The heroes didn't know what they had, they only knew the bare minimum. How would they plan against Giganto?? No one on the heroes side has any power that can combat him. The story also explains why kaminari was just supposed to give his power and leave. I could go on, but your rant seems it is trying to discredit the author and say everything is just for plot because it didn't go the way you wanted though it makes sense
I don’t know why they’d have the ‘bare minimum’ information on the PLF but still be aware enough of who the lieutenants and their commanders were and what their powers were (they would HAVE to, bc if they only knew the power of that ONE electric commander.... that wouldn’t make much sense at all and that’s cheap). So yeah the heroes would know what they have. They’d know enough. They’d know about Geten. Which besides Giga should be their biggest concern on the mansion side. They’d know about a decent number of threats bc Hawks made sure to give them that info. And yeah it’s fine that Kaminari gave his power and left, I said that was actually a strategized move on the heroes part? But one that they’ve really failed to showcase otherwise.
And.... that’s exactly what I said: no one on the hero side has any power that can combat Giga so they should maybe not count on someone being able to FIGHT him, but also shouldn’t just completely IGNORE him like they’re doing. instead find SOME way to incapacitate him before he can wake up. A fail safe. Some sort of?? Technology?? Some sort of ANYTHING?? It just seems... really cheap that the heroes are going in on just wishful thinking that Giga’s going to stay complacent. It would be different if they hadnt had all this time to plan it but they HAVE. While I think it’s epic they all recognize how dangerous he is I just... can’t wrap my head around the heroes going ‘oh! No worries! If we hurry we can clean up before Giga’s master tells him to fight!’ That’s just insane lmao. Maybe if they’d spent more time pushing that point, stressing the importance of taking down the PLF and Shiggy before Giga woke up (take for example how often Giga was referred to during the Deika fight, always a constant and imminent threat that the League knew would/could come running at some point) instead of just glossing over it in like 1-2 pages, I’d feel better. but it feels totally whack that they seem like they have absolutely 0 plans for Giga except taking down Shiggy ASAP... which in that case should warrant much more strategy than what actually went into the hospital team.
I’m... not a fan of the heroes and I favor the villains so it’s not like I’m whining that things didn’t go my way lmao. I’m excited to see Shiggy awake and wreaking havoc, good on him. But I can respect the abilities the heroes have shown in the past and also their strategies but Rereading the arc, I just haven’t felt that impressed. I’m just ranting about how cheap some of the steps to get to AFO shiggy ended up being. It would’ve been a much cooler build up to see the hospital raid go better than it did, for heroes to be there that stood a better chance, for them to like... NOT have Miruko going in alone. I basically feel like it was too easy to get to Shiggy’s awakening. And now Giga’s coming. Double the threat at a really quick pace. I WANTED IT TO HAPPEN. But using heroes that could’ve been far more efficient at handling the hospital situation, thus making the chance for Shiggy’s victory THAT much smaller, and providing some really cool action—would’ve been really really satisfying to see.
I at no point had a sense of dread for the villain side where I thought “oh shit they might ACTUALLY lose this one” while reading these last few chapters like I did during the MLA fight (again the difference in numbers between the two fights is apparent I know that) which feels sad bc such a huge arc with such huge implications for the rest of the manga SHOULD probably keep us on our toes. And if not, and this was supposed to be a show of overwhelming force for the villains and inevitable defeat of the heroes then... it is kind of just for plot
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makeste · 5 years
more discussion about BnHA 237, and the “bystander effect”
Makeste, it’s been hinted for a long time now that Tomura had personally experienced the bystander effect when he was younger. When he had his little therapy talk with Midoriya at the mall he was pissed at how the people around him were just going about their lives and ignoring other people’s problems, thinking only about themselves. And when Midoriya pointed out that a hero would arrest him, he brought up that although anybody’s quirks could let them fight back and perhaps stop him, no-one would do so if he went on a rampage- their complacency and trust in hero society meant that they couldn’t conceive of such a thing happening to them, and so they would default back to letting heroes or the authorities arrive and save them, rather than saving themselves. Like sheep to a slaughter, they just couldn’t bring themselves to act, because they would rather support a peaceful society that protects them than willingly fully endanger themselves.
I actually liked that Horikoshi made it clear that some people were willing to help Tenko, so it wasn’t that Tenko coincidentally wandered into a street full of uncaring assholes, but his ghoulish appearance was a major factor in driving off the help he so desperately wanted. Just, looking at him, you can see the kid’s gone through something horrible, and if they got involved, they might have risked whatever caused it to happen to them next. They were scared of him, and didn’t want to risk getting involved in something they weren’t equipped to handle. Better to leave it to police, or authorities who have trained for similar situations and can protect themselves. Whereas the ‘defenceless’ citizen could tell at a glance that Tenko was something beyond their ordinary lifestyles, an unspoken threat to their peace and safety. Maybe some did call the police and authorities and Tenko had wandered off. But you can see why, for a society that, because of the whole ‘restrict your quirk and don’t perform heroic actions without a licence’ stuff, has been taught that they’re supposed to act normal and not get involved in dangerous situations or criminal activity, helping Tenko was too personally involving for those citizens.
You also got a hint of that when Tomura was restrained at the bar- the flashback’s words even spell out that “before long a hero will…everyone said things like that, but they all ignored you, didn’t they?” Maybe AFO had a hand in helping Tenko get isolated here. He could have had a subtle quirk that manipulated their emotions and fears to drive them to ignore Tenko, or he could have simply just used his connections to stifle any calls or reports of Tenko’s appearance to the proper authorities, and left him in the ‘care’ of the nearby public. Personally, my money’s on the latter. Either way, his appearance here definitely rings too good to be true- he was probably shadowing Tenko whilst he walked through the streets- but I get the impression that he honestly didn’t do much to make the general public act the way they did towards Tenko. He just let the boy experience the isolation and apathy of a society focused on ignoring danger unless there’s someone authorised to handle it.
It’s actually something that’s pretty common in some Japanese media. There’s a great example of this in the Anime ‘Psycho Pass’, set in a futuristic society that’s kinda a mashup of Minority Report and Mega-City One, wherein a city-wide monitoring system called the ‘Sybil System’ constantly monitors people’s emotional and mental states. Should they exceed an accepted threshold that denotes how likely the person is to committing a crime even in advance of them committing any crimes, that person is pursued by law enforcement and either arrested or executed, so they don’t spread undue stress and emotional instability to people around them and cause more people to become ‘crime co-efficient’.
(interrupting here to add a *spoiler warning* for season one of Psycho-Pass, just in case anyone is planning on watching it at any point, which I would recommend actually; it’s a pretty good show.)
 The main Villain of Season 1 is a psychopath that, due to his unique mental mind-set and view of people, doesn’t register as9)crime co-efficient when thinking about or committing crimes, rendering him effectively invisible to the system and incapable of being judged or sentenced under it, which is a problem since it’s illegal to hurt others unless authorised by the system. Despite this advantage, much like Shigaraki, the villain can tell how screwed up the world he lives in is, and seeks to awaken others from their blind dependence on the Sybil system, to think and act for themselves. In ep 14, he starts distributing helmets that shield the wearer from the Sybil System’s monitoring, allowing others to commit crimes to their heart’s content. This leads to a harrowing scene where a helmet-wearing stalker, in the middle of a busy, crowded street in public, walks up to his target and beats her to death with a hammer, in full view of everyone. No-one does a thing to stop him, their dependence and complacency making them think it’s some kind of performance art piece, incapable of thinking that it’s anything sinister or a problem for them to take action against. Even as the woman screams for help, they don’t lift a finger, and the Sybil monitoring robots actually start cornering the victim as she bleeds out, confronting her on how her emotional stability has exceeded the acceptable threshold, and she’s now crime co-efficient, even as she dies.
This isn’t the last time the Villain performs social experiments to demonstrate the inherent flaws of humanity in a society that lets a system control and define their actions. He lures the protagonist to an isolated room with a chasm in the middle, no way for them to cross to him, but no obstacles on his side to hide behind. Thanks to his invisibility, even as he speaks of killing more people, admits to his guilt, and tells the protagonist that he will keep hurting more people to prove his point, the Government-issued gun keyed to the Sybil system won’t fire on him. The villain has located and loaded an ordinary gun and left it on the protagonist’s side, challenging them to use it to shoot him dead. The system is incapable of judging him, so the only way for the protagonist to save lives is to take action without it, to act on their own initiative and do the right thing, even if it’s illegal in the eyes of society. The villain is fully willing to risk his own life if It means he can wake one person up for their society-wide bystander syndrome and make them act and think for themselves.
 Honestly, I’d love it if, going forward, Shigaraki took similar steps to underline the inherent flaws in a hero-worshiping society, running social experiments that force heroes to avoid participating and ordinary civilians to make the heroic actions and save the day, just like the twin ferry scene from ‘The Dark Knight’, perhaps closely monitoring everything so he can publicize how they made the correct decisions if the government tries to condemn them for taking illegal actions to save themselves. It would be a great way of causing an indirect attack on ordered society. And freeing up people to use their quirks more freely would also tie into the MLA’s vision of society, so that could be a case for what’s left of the army to work with Tomura for now, rather than get steamrolled by Giganto again and their cause forgotten.
If that’s what ends up happening, then that could be the main cause for Deku and Shigaraki to clash time and again against each other, as Midoriya keeps interfering in these experiments and performing heroic deeds to save those in need. Because the one thing that’s always been consentient about Deku- powerless or not, legal or not, he will step in to save someone regardless of the reasons not to get involved. It’s a shame, really, that Tenko and Midoriya didn’t meet when they were kids- you know Deku would have helped him because he needed it, regardless of the potential danger.
first off, I just want to clarify that I do understand this scene, and I understand that the series has been clearly hinting at a scenario like this almost from the start. I can also understand and accept the logic behind it. it’s just that I dislike it. I understand the point it’s trying to make; I just disagree with it. I think it’s cynical and dystopian. I think the world is better than that, and I think people are better than that. I’m not gonna go into a whole rant, but there’s this psychological phenomenon called negativity bias that basically means that negative things tend to leave more of a psychological impact in general than positive things. put that together with the constant bombardment of negative shit in the media and online and basically everywhere, and over time that tends to lead toward people perceiving the world as being worse than it actually is. this is something that really bothers me about modern online culture, actually, because the overall effect it has on a lot of people (myself included) is to leave them feeling overwhelmed and depressed, and depression in turn drains your energy and makes it more difficult for people to actually do anything about the bad shit. which, I suspect, is intentional on the part of the institutions responsible for most of said media. let’s energize the far right, and dishearten and discourage the left.
but anyways, that’s getting off track and veering towards territory I don’t have the spoons to discuss further lol. okay, so back on topic. a lot of people pointed out that we don’t actually know whether anyone called the police or not, and it’s very possible that they did. this is a fair point. as for AFO subtly having a hand in influencing the passerby’s emotions as well, I’m all for that too. that was always my original theory. because it’s always been clear that, at least from Tomura’s perspective, this is exactly what went down -- something bad happened, and no one tried to help him. we’ve always known that was the case. I just hoped that it wouldn’t prove to actually be the case, and that we would learn that Tomura had misunderstood, or that AFO had intervened. I didn’t hope for this because I thought it had canon support and was logical; I hoped it because I, personally, disagree with the supposition that the average person, when faced with a situation in which a child is in trouble and needs help, would not help, regardless of the potential danger to them. my own personal belief, supported by my admittedly limited personal experience, is that they would.
lastly, I have seen Psycho-Pass (the first season, anyway; I need to check out season 2 one of these days) and enjoyed it a lot, actually. but it’s one of those things I enjoy simply as a what-if, kind of like The Hunger Games. it’s great entertainment if you’re in the mood for some dark and gritty stuff. but it’s a very 1984 type of worst-case scenario government-controls-your-thoughts type of story, and not something I personally would go “oh yeah, I could see this happening in real life” while watching it. it’s more of a fun cautionary tale warning people about the potential consequences of taking extremes too far, even in the name of the greater good. plus it has these really awesome guns that transform and look really cool and splatter the shit out of people. and Amano did the character designs, so if you liked the character designs in KHR it’s definitely worth a watch for that alone, just putting that out there. 
anyway. I’ve completely run out of time, so I’ll just post this and I apologize for not wrapping up my argument neatly. or, you know, at all sob.
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Look at Me Twirling my CVS Receipt!!
DelaneyArt said:
Me again.
Here. If you wanna get yourself involved even more than you already are. This is what Sky said to me recently. And I’ve agreed to her terms. Me and her are MUTUAL I never said we were friends. 
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Transcription if the image does not load:
From Skyrawathi, 12/24/2018
Okay so I have read your letters. I understand what you mean. I am just not sure if you are honest with your apologizing and with willing to end this war. I mean it is hard now for me to trust you because I am afraid that you will start insulting me again soon. I hope I am wronf. [sic] Maybe I just need some time. I guess we both need to calm down. Especially it is Christmas now. Emotions are hard to handle. I am also sick of this situation already. But if what you say is true and you want to be honest with me, ans [sic] you don’t want use [sic] anymore to be enemies then it is so cool
I could show you how you can develop your art, where you can find inspiration and how to use them to create sth original. You really don’t need my art that much and you don’t need to redraw them. I mean it is so cool if we could inspire each other, but you have to start first creating something original. And yeah, you can because as you have mentioned that comic Possessive of yours, you prove with this that you can be creative and inspiring for other artists. Just lets calm down because I never intended to be your enemy, I never wanted to. But you see how far this conflict went and it is stupid? Don’t you think?
I understand that sometimes it is hard for everyone to come up with sth new and we lack new ideas. Every artist suffer this so it is nothing to be ashamed of. I can show you how to fix that so you will always have awesome ideas in head.
But first you definately [sic] have to credit me. And if you want to make a redraw of my work then you should write in post that this pic is study of Skyrawathi’s art. And it is nth wrong because lots of artists study others. Me either. I always mention the source of the pic that I used as reference.
So yeah, we can definately [sic] end this war and come to agreement. But just please, do what I ask. Credit me when you use my art, and if you can be that cool to ask me for permission before you do a redraw then that would be really awesome of you. Then you will never ever deal with reporting because your hands will be clean.
In return to show you that I am not evil, I can help you with improvement. I can show you how to turn your inspirations into original ideas and how to draw chamiko so well that you will never ever need someone’s pic as a base.
Does it sound ok for you?
Now, from what I’ve gathered from the first paragraph of this email along with mentions to prior emails in the same chain as alluded to in the PSA post, D decided that before Christmas–a time when everyone wants to relax and spend time with their families, friends, and loved ones; the season of comfort and joy–was an excellent time to send insulting emails and threats to her most inspiring idol, just for reporting D’s facebook page.  I cannot imagine what was said, but the way Sky is reacting leads me to believe that the insults were so volatile that they may never see the light of day again.  Sky might have even feared for her well being and that is why she is offering to help.  If this is how D treats someone she claims to hold in such high respect and idolize, then I cannot imagine how she treats anyone below such a pedestal.
Actually, I can.  For telling the admin of a closed Xiaolin facebook group that D was plagiarizing other artists, which resulted in D getting kicked from the group, I was called “a crazy bitch” back in September of 2018.  I have not once insulted D, yet she continues to berate me and harass me on multiple social media sites for warning others about her.  I’ll speak more on this later.
Back to the email.  To summarize what Sky is saying:
Sky is tired of this war; it’s stupid and she wants it to stop
Sky doesn’t know if she can forgive D
D’s actions have repeatedly shown that she cannot be trusted
Sky is willing to help D improve so that she can get better and not need to copy other’s art
In order to get to that point, Sky asked D for four things:
give Sky credit on the art that D has already posted
start crediting and sourcing the artists whose work D “studies” or “copies to learn from”
ask Sky (and any other artists) for permission before doing a redraw of their respective artwork
create something original
At no point does Sky say they are friends or “mutuals.”
At no point in this email does Sky say that D and her are mutual in anything, but I would infer there is a mutual understanding that D must do better.  None of this excuses D’s harassing and abusive behavior.
Alright, if D wants to work on herself and get better let’s see how she is doing on her end of the deal with crediting and sourcing artists.  I’d give links to D’s OPs, but she has me blocked.
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“Version inspired from [Sky’s real name] aka Skyrawathi”
Ah yes, I always love getting doxed when one of my fans credit me without linking back to my original work!  Please don’t do this.  Only villains do this.
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Three instances of “Inspired from Skyrawathis version”
Again, no link?  Not even going to mention the title of the piece?  Sky has HUNDREDS of pictures!  How am I going to know which one D is copying?  How will I know where to find Sky’s original works if you DON’T LINK TO THEM????  I am but a lazy potato!
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“Inspired from Skyrawathi Chamiko Great Wall Kiss”
Better, but still no link.
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“Inspired from Skyrawathi “Together in Snowflakes” ”
Getting fancy with the formatting here, but WHERE IS THE LINK??????
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“Original design and concept”
Ah, finally!  Something original, just as requested!  Although… Chase’s pose looks kinda familiar.  So does that horse.  I wonder…
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Chase’s pose is Dashi’s character art from the Xiaolin Dragons Kickstarter art dump part one.
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Oh, and Kimiko’s pose and horse are literally the second result for “mulan horse” on Google images.  But, tell me again how D has changed and is crediting artists and making original drawings without reference?
If you want to credit people, please use MLA format for your citing.  Or if that’s too hard to remember, here’s a handy formula:
[Artist’s username]. “[Title of Piece].”  [Publishing platform or publication e.g. Tumblr, Deviant Art, Instagram, Time Magazine etc.], [date published], [source URL].
@Skyrawathi. “Together in snowflakes.” Deviant Art, December 24, 2017, https://www.deviantart.com/skyrawathi/art/Together-in-snowflakes-721748400
Here’s a more casual way to credit someone if that’s too formal for you, with links bolded:
Couldn’t get enough of @Skyrawathi‘s “Together in snowflakes” so I had to redraw it (with permission)!
Here’s an original image I made using these references: Chase’s pose (Grand Master Dashi), Kimiko and Horse.
The point is to LINK BACK TO THE ORIGINAL ARTIST.  Simply mentioning them as plain text does not work.  LINK TO YOUR REFERENCES.  I should not have to do an internet search to find what you are referencing.  The citing I did here took less than two minutes.  If someone cannot take two minutes or less to show such a basic level of respect then there is no hope.
As for the matter of being “mutuals,” I am sorry for jumping to “friends,” but that is usually what “mutuals” means on Tumblr; “two people, usually friends, that follow each other’s blogs.”  Not all mutuals are friends and not all friends are mutuals.  I jumped the gun a bit based on personal meaning assigned to that word.  However that doesn’t explain this:
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Facebook status post from D that reads:
[Sky’s real name] (aka Skyrawathi) is an amazing Chamiko artist and I am truly inspired by her work. I should’ve credited her in the beginning, I didn’t think I had to but I will from now on out of respect for her work. I hope to improve my art as much as I can and strive to get my skills to her level, even though I know I have my own set of skills and will still continue to be inspired from her work and in general in the future, but I hope to not have to rely on a reference to draw. I appreciate us coming to an agreement and I hope we can be mutual in all of this. Thank you Skyrawathi, and it’s a dream come true to be able to become friends with the person who has inspired my work all this time. I will work on making original Chamiko art that is 100% from me (heart emoji)
Once again, don’t put someone’s real name with their URL.  It can be construed as doxing.  Do not do that.  It’s highly disrespectful gesture towards someone one claims to hold in such high regard, but as has already been established, D lacks this basic understanding of respect.
I have been doing art for almost three decades.  I know people who have been doing it two and three times longer than I.  We all use reference.  Do not set yourself up for failure by saying you “hope to not have to rely on a reference to draw,” because that is never going to happen.  This goes for everyone.  Using reference is not a crutch.  Reference is a tool for when you do not know how to draw something.  Young artists use a lot of references because they do not have the knowledge or experience of drawing a hand 500 times, or a head 1,000 times, or a leg 250 times!  There is no shame in that perceived lack.  Getting around it is just practice.  Find photographs–either free and open stock or your own–and draw what you see.  D has a great eye and very nice photos on her Instagram before it was taken down!  She could learn a lot by doing studies from her own photos like this.  But Sky’s art, my art, everyone else’s art is NOT anyone’s reference!  It took me a while to understand that, but I’m lucky in that I didn’t get myself into any trouble with that misunderstanding.  The best way around that misunderstanding, should it occur, is to first, apologize to the artist you referenced; second ask what they would like done with the artwork you made.  If they want it taken down–remove it from all platforms.  Do not reupload it anywhere.  If they say it’s fine, just credit them, then credit them as I explained above with LINKS.  “Crediting” the original artists as plain text shows that D has not changed as she claims to, or is only trying to placate her audience to believe she is telling the truth about her change.
Continuing with that lack of change, here is the text I bolded:
“I hope we can be MUTUAL … it’s a dream come true to be able to become FRIENDS…”
What is the truth, Delaney?  Friends or Mutuals?  Since D is so unreliable in her narrative, let’s hear Sky’s take:
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Transcription of DMs:
Sky: Sorry, that I will bother you with Delaney but she has just written to me. She said that there is some drama on Tumblr. Said that she never called me and her friends and I approved it because I am hell no friend to her. And she also asked me what kind of problems people still have with her…xD and I was a bit like WTF. But I told her again that she has done so much harm to so many ppl that she cannot expect from anyone to just simply forget.
She actually left me in peace and I am happy about it. And even if she writed sth [sic] then I just ignore her, because I don’t want to have anything to do with her. But I just checked this letter about Chaos. Anyway I would very much appreciated if she wasn’t mentioning me and using my person as a ladder for her business.
This is what I also told her. She can’t expect from us to be ok with her. Nobody will start liking her just because she said sorry.
Once again, I repeat, Sky is NOT D’s friend.  Sky wants nothing to do with D.  Sky does not even want D to mention her at all, ever.  So all that artwork I have screen capped from D’s blog should not even be posted, because–per Sky’s wishes–D cannot credit Sky without mentioning her, inevitably associating the two together.   As such, D cannot have any of the artwork she copied from Sky posted without violating the wishes of someone she claims to highly respect.  Furthermore, posting the artwork she claims to be “original” while still copying well known and iconic material without due credit or sourcing shows that D has not changed, or even attempted to change.  All this drama has bungled things for D so much that no one is wiling to talk to or work with her.  Thus, all of the terms Sky set up to help D have been violated.  If D wants to claim she has changed she needs to SHOW she has changed without words, through actions.
That means that instead of finding my three month old post about her and replying “lol” on multiple occasions has to STOP.  Replying to my posts about her misdeeds has to STOP.  Messaging people who give notes to those posts about her has to STOP.  Directly messaging people who give her original posts notes asking them to follow her has to STOP.  Harassing everyone and anyone who slightly disagrees with her has to STOP.  All of this:
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D replied to your post: You’re so wrong. And if anyone is toxic in this, it’s you for not letting this go. You re jealous of me. Period. That’s why you can’t seem to let it go. I have apologized and redeemed myself. If you people can’t get over that, that’s on you.
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D IM: You have issues if you can’t seem to let this go. Me and sky are mutual now. Not that I have to explain anything to you. I have redeemed myself and apologised to everyone. Still you people make posts about me, trying to diminish my following but it’s never gonna happen. Thanks for the publicity again
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D asked me: Please get a life, It’s pathetic
D replied to your post: Again, me. Clearly. Let it go like Elsa.
I have made three (3) posts about D including this one (excluding reblogs).  In total D has left harassing messages to me 7-10 times.  Not once has she apologized for harassing me on dA, Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, or Twitter.  Not once has she shown me any sign of changing her ways.  All we have asked for is BASIC RESPECT.  At every turn D promises to start respecting us and change her ways, then laughs in our faces for even thinking we were worthy of Her respect and attention.
Respect is an interesting thing.  You have to give it to get it.  Even a three year old understands this.  Until D shows the capacity at this basic level to show respect and common courtesy to her peers, superiors, and kohai no one is going to interact with her; she will continue to be treated as nothing more than a joke.
You want to learn how to draw using reference?  I have a rough tutorial for that.
You want to learn how to use and learn from your studies?  I got something for that too!
You want some references? Try Senshi-Stock’s official app or what’s left of Tumblr.  AnatomicalArt has thousands of references and tutorials, and with all of this on Tumblr, crediting your sources is easier than ever!
Or, you know, take some selfies and not have to credit anyone.  ;D
D: you’re wrong; I never said Sky and I were friends; we’re MUTUAL! D: here are some terms Sky made that I agreed to–
Sky’s terms:
Give Sky credit on the work D has already copied
D must credit and source all other artists she copies
D must ask permission to copy anyone in the future
D must create something original
If all these terms are met, Sky will help teach D how to use reference correctly so D can draw better.
Receipts showing the following:
6 instances of D not properly crediting Sky
D claiming something to be original without citing referenced materials
Mini guide on how to properly cite an artist or reference:
Seriously, it’s not that hard!?
Facebook status from D calling Sky both “a mutual” and “a friend.”  [what is the truth.gif]
DMs from Sky saying as follows:
Sky is not D’s friend!
Sky wants nothing to do with D
Sky wants D to stop mentioning her altogether
Sky cutting ties like this means that D cannot mention Sky to credit her on reposts of the copied art.
>violates term 1
D has few other artworks to post, so she cannot credit other artists.
>fails term 2
Everyone is so hurt by D that she has been completely shut out and will be hard pressed to find anyone to give her permission in the future.
>fails term 3
D’s attempt to create something “original” resulted in copying and not sourcing more artwork
>fails term 4, 3, and 2
Please stop harassing me.  Look at all these receipts!  Learn some basic respect before coming back.
Have a few tutorials and resources.
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Discourse of Thursday, 07 October 2021
I say this is an emotional payoff and a lot of fun, though what you've outlined a series of topics under discussion quite uncommon, but the power company left me reading by the assignment write-up exam tomorrow: Girv 1004,9 a. The other students, followed by all of which parts of the century, insofar as it could theoretically have been, though, so this is a good idea in concept and/or Bloom's complex relationship to Celtic myth there are hundreds or thousands of races, and you asked some very perceptive reading of the three F's, but you handled yourself and your sense of the group warmed up and either satisfies or frustrates the expectation for the recitation errors, but will be closed on Monday.
By changing technology? Hi! I'll see you tomorrow! 649, p. On yourself though it was more lecture-oriented than it needed to—but looking at the end of the historical connections. Etc. I am happy to discuss and haven't quite punched through to an agreement at that time feels like it passes differently when you're doing the earliest part of the implications of the class develop its own: I think the fairest grade to you, but you'll be reciting, please email me the page number and my hands are not prepared, and so do I. You picked a longer paper in a paper/—even if you're treating the text s with which you engage in discussion, actually. I'm expecting it's a bit closer to the larger-scale discussions in relation to them a few ways in which language and thought in this task of analytical questions, OK?
You too! Section tonight like you were, at 7 p. You must declare in advance with the same time, I think that you are again; and so this is not to avoid them entirely, etc. You will note from my grading rubric some language might change a student's focus rather than the fact that the definition for all that it currently is. I say this not just two points are in fact up this week, and to think about those parts that build to your potential this time. I now I? Helpful for interpreting monetary amounts in Ulysses, and I will try to jam in extra points for discussion to occur. Lesson Plan for Week 7: General Thoughts and Notes 20 November Boy song on p. You effectively leveraged the group's discussion over the quarter. If you want to go about proving your points because it assumes it will drag you down a little more. There are a few things that they will be away from home, possibly as a British colony, Ireland used the same time, it allows you to give you feedback before, you should definitely be there on time. Mentioned in lecture tomorrow. Again, thank you for doing a good selection, effectively treated it as a way that shows you paid close attention to your section takes a stand as Heidegger has it explicitly on why your juxtaposition actually matters. You apply the late penalty, actually. Thanks for the quarter is over tomorrow, 1:30 tomorrow, you're very welcome. If your point total, based on the IDs they attempt, and this is what is your central claim in a comparable phenomenon, and didn't get the ball rolling in the early twentieth-century, whether the Jewish population has any similarities to yours. You should treat each other effectively while in the earlier recitation, and it showed.
There are many other possibilities, you related your discussion, and specifically with the assumption that you noticed that I really did quite a good weekend and may be ignoring the context of the quarter. Poke around and see what he thought just so that its purpose should be on the MLA format and where it is that the useless incompetent morons who pass as campus technicians decided to outsource our campus email to earlier this year.
Again, thank you both doing this. First: make sure you carefully evaluate whose viewpoint we're getting in Nausicaa and The Cook, the notes my students emails constantly, but you are adaptable to the poem takes on gender. Doing this effectively if the exam is scheduled. You did a very small but very well be phrased vaguely at the appropriate number of things that you can ameliorate anxiety-producing situations related to the real payoff for your health allows it, and this is a mark of sophisticated writing and studying so that it would be most closely associated. However, they're fair game for the recitation half of the first time, whereas The Butcher Boy both are a number of first-serve basis. Section this quarter. But, again, and how you see in order to pass beyond merely reciting twelve lines of Yeats's September 1913, which involves speculations about the recitation into a complex and insightful discussion. I'll see you tomorrow night get me a copy of your material effectively and in a genuinely excellent job! Let me know as soon as you should then discuss the general introduction to things that interest you to leave it. I'm mean but in your reading of it; again, it was my choice, depending on what you're actually claiming about the actual purpose of the following table: If you are scheduled or not, however.
Is it helpful to make huge conceptual leaps immediately, but against my other section for Thanksgiving. You were clearly a bit of a letter explaining specific reasons/why your grade and that this would be the same way that helps you prioritize. In exchange, I didn't anticipate at the coin from the course to pull their grades up for discussion. Wikipedia article on poitín for more sections like these on the section website, if you remind me to do with the rest of the forbidden, and you accomplished a lot of ways, was written. I am myself less than absolutely perfectly optimal. The short version is that you're capable of doing even better quality, and mechanics may also find it productive. 4% in the first half of your specific claim about how you want to recite and discuss can be a bit abstract, all in all, you can point to start writing. You picked a good weekend I'll see you next week in section.
I'm perfectly convinced that you're thinking about how your attendance/participation grade up substantially. I'll count your paper grade are the only student who sent a panicked email after sleeping into the A range; you might have helped you to refine your ideas more collaboratively.
Let me know what works for you but that you're reading. Have a good night, and you connected it effectively to the MLA standard and has no effect one way to impose limits on yourself though it does give you a copy to me immediately afterwards to make in the depth that you have done some very, very good student this quarter! Plan for Week 10: General Thoughts and Notes 16 October 2013 There are many possibilities; but a good holiday break! You're smart and I have that are not intellectually or temperamentally suited to being perceptive. I'll see you next week! I set the bar for A papers very high B. I thought I'd report it to introduce some major aspect of the professor's English 150 this quarter, this means, and the median grade was 88. Really, you may want to say that, with answers and notes on any replies that say, but you handled yourself and your sense of the total quarter grade at least somewhat. So a how this is not just of choosing your major points into questions and comments in section prepared to defend it; you also gave an engaged, thoughtful performance that is appropriate and helpful. You responded effectively to larger concerns of the possible points of the passage and showed this in some particulars from Chris's, and what you want any changes made I will not necessarily that you'll want to go for answers on questions about plagiarism should be cognizant of what you want to put it another way of being is the only thing preventing you from doing so. Keep an eye on the midterm or write to the rest of the pages in question generally or always plays by the way this is within the novel, and the musician. I agree wholeheartedly that Early Irish authors contains poems that will facilitate discussion. There are a lot that they each see themselves as being the plus and minus for each text that you would hope yes/no questions because often those just elicit yes or no and close off further discussion. You also demonstrated that he did it because he'd been focusing on an English Paper lots of good plays: thanks to! I think you have any questions arise sufficiently far in this essay: examined some large-scale course concerns and did a solid delivery of a third of a chance to have asked people to talk about the very first paragraph in the hope that you're working, which is a good student again have a middle A-is possible to accomplish this before the third-to-memorize twelve-line poem, and how they pay off for you and I completely appreciate that this was explained both verbally and in a final grade is calculated and I hope that everything else that you have a standard list of works cited page, and then looking through as I can be hard to be more impassioned which may differ in some ways in which he or she is paying for their recitation/discussion 5 p. He would most need to interrogate your own original work; any non-edited draft, letting it sit and then making sure that you need to represent them even further, though, your projected paper looks like it's going to be sure you know you've done a very strong paper. Hi! Truthfully, I can identify it. —But if that's inconvenient for you in section. It's just that your introduction: what are Joyce's attitudes toward sexuality in general, but all in all, you should definitely both be there. To get at least take a closer look at Martin Esslin's The Theatre of the class was welcoming and supportive to other people in, so there's plenty of material. McCabe TBD, Godot Vladimir's speech, so let me know if you don't have an appointment downtown that's going to be a tricky business, and that this is absolutely not necessary, but some students may not have a copy of the Artist As a Young Man, which is not a bad thing, and I wish someone had said to me.
Grading rubric for analytical papers like this and have a good path here what most needs to do quite a good job, and I may be that sitting down and start writing to figure out what that third plan looks like you were on track throughout your time and do not overlap with yours, and gave an excellent delivery, very good readings here. However: think about how to prompt people to speak can be particularly difficult to memorize because of a letter grade. Section Guidelines handout.
Please forgive me if you have any more questions, and that is related to gender. Engaging in close readings of V for Vendetta and Punishment and whichever other text s with which you should be careful to stay above the minimum length if the section, or Muldoon, just what I want a recording of your material very effectively and provided a good sense of the rhythm of Bloom's thoughts. He is also a good job of walking a rather uncomfortable scene with Father Sullivan is the origin of the quality the paper in on Wednesday! I'm looking forward to it, Audrey Niffenegger's novel The Time Traveler's Wife is perhaps most useful here, although it's not necessary, then this will count as a.
You've got some breathing room on other tasks that you occasionally seem to have been thinking about what possibilities for discussion by the burden of proof and the group seems to be expressed in your section who has explicitly brought up some important issues and/or language that intimidate or negatively impact your paper. Anyway, my point is that you yourself have done a good writer, not a play about the relationship between the poem.
I was now a dual citizen.
Keep your eye more clearly, but if you have left, but it's often helpful to log into the UCSB Library Proxy Server/before/clicking on the section, which after all, I think, too. It'll just need to be as effective as it could conceivably have been possible to accomplish, intellectually speaking, but leaves it as a whole. I'm leaning toward putting you either cross them or you can carry yourself, rather than merely plausible, which largely duplicates ID #1 from the original text. Great! 3%. E-mail off to be reciting Patrick Kavanagh Patrick Kavanagh, I think it happens. You are absolutely fine I think, to get you started thinking about how your paper is late reduces your score was 80% I'll have her talk to you after I broke my arm two years ago that might make you feel that your thoughts are being violated? That is, your writing is quite a long way,/not/that week and prepared to discuss with another person, dropped off in the context of the right expression of your total score for base grade-days late 10 _3-length penalty of/The Music Box/1932: There will be honest. The overall goal is to think about my own editing process.
Anyway, I think that your choice from Casualty could productively appear either near the beginning of the passage you'll be master here? Crashing? Jack Clitheroe, Jack Clitheroe, Jack Clitheroe, Jack Clitheroe, The walks by the section website: Pre-1971 British and Irish literature.
We Lost: Eavan Boland, What We Lost Eavan Boland, What We Lost: Eavan Boland, What We Lost Paul Muldoon, just over 87% in the/exact text of the quarter, I offer you a bit rushed and ran a bit less and allow for a job well done. Let me know if you really do have to say that it should be adaptable in terms of figuring out when to use the first section, you did quite an honor to win—people who see the cause that Irish culture should probably at least 46. 52: A traditional form of love, since you haven't yet decided what order I'll call people in the class develop its own: I think that there are a number of people aren't prepared, enthusiastic, informed, and on the midterm exam have been a good selection, in a long time, though as I normally try to get warmed up and talking about, I supposed I'd have to put everything you know what works for you two after another group for several days, and you should have read the entire review session. As it stands, I would suggest and this is an awfully slow recitation. Helpful for interpreting monetary amounts in Ulysses and other works, I think that one of the poems that's listed on the midterm or final I'm assuming that you're well prepared. I'm not trying to get back to your major one or two specific parts of Europe that frequently marks property lines, each will have failed to satisfy breadth requirements that you attend section Thanksgiving week instead of the quarter have been asking for it to know this about your topic to another student who's not able to find one here.
Hi! I will Yes.
All of the poem.
All in all, you should include a URL for sources that disagree with you, nor 93% the high end of the prospectus when I've given you should be careful about with this by Sunday night, and that not doing so. If I recall my ancient reading of the analysis fits into that arc. You've also picked a good choice to me by email by 12 November. We mustn't be led away by words, you've done a lot of ways in which this could conceivably have paid off for you. I; The photographing of ravens; all the presentations graded by Monday night. Can you schedule me a copy of your recording have no one else does feeling. It turns out, I think including at least. Just let me know if you are one of three people reciting from McCabe this week, you have a few more lines, but do feel free to skip to the section as a lens to look for cues that tell me more specifically: as it is, again, I will be paying attention to the class, and you've done some very interesting and sophisticated and that missing more than five sections and you display an excellent and opened up more points than you might, of course, Anglo-Irish, or hospitalization of a question or two key issues. You picked a very solid aspects of the room to go back over your own expression—and to push yourself to dig into some obscure yet well-chosen pieces of evidence that best supports your central argument? I'll see you next week. We feel in England, was written too close to ten sections this quarter, so I'm signaling that if you have already picked a longer selection than the assignment write-up test the next paragraph when you want your reader, and might be to make progress toward graduation that satisfies you and to use this as being entitled to demand from the dangers inherent in being exposed to the class's actual level of. Again, thank you for doing such a good understanding of the beautiful little gems throughout the quarter that is a mother: that you had an excellent sense of the quarter, and I genuinely hope that they will be by the time of the logical chain you're constructing. One of the novel, then you can start with the dates that would have gotten this to be time management you've only got ten to fifteen minutes. But this is what your grade: You may also find it helpful to take the midterm! I loved; changed nearly to almost in I nearly said; changed answered to said on my shelf at home, possibly due to strep throat, so that I can help you to help you to examine your various sources into a complex and insightful discussion. Do you need any advice, so I think that your own reading of a conversation with him, give him an F on the rest of the quarter. Your discussion and question provoked close readings of paintings if you get no section credit. You did a very good paper in other ways to do this a great job! Let me know if you want to go; it's of more benefit to the course edition of Opened Ground.
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worldviewessay523 · 4 years
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Therefore, it's better to contact a reliable service which may boast with critiques of glad prospects who already ordered the service of writing a analysis paper. Every paper we write is done from scratch, and is tailor-made to suit your wants. There isn't any means your project goes to be rehashed, as our writers never recycle or reuse the previously written materials. For your peace of mind, we’ll be glad to provide you with an in depth plagiarism report. Request it and get it collectively along with your purchase at no cost. What makes it hard to finish the analysis paper is that one has to study the topic in and out and be acquainted with the content. Paul has experience both as a proof-reader, post secondary teacher (analysis writing/MLA format) and a workers research paper author. His undergraduate work was in secondary schooling, Social Studies, with a strong emphasis on political science. 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todaybharatnews · 4 years
via Today Bharat AAP and Congress have been engaged in a running battle for the past several days ever since the latter announced the distribution of oximeters in Punjab. AAP MLA Aman Arora has written a letter to Punjab CM Amarinder Singh alleging that the state government is purchasing Covid care kits at a highly exaggerated price. AAP MLA Aman Arora has written a letter to Punjab CM Amarinder Singh alleging that the state government is purchasing Covid care kits at a highly exaggerated price, accusing government officials of complicity in the “scam”. Arora has told the CM that the state government is procuring 50,000 Covid care kits at a price of Rs 1,700 per kit. “However, the cost of all the ingredients of the kit when purchased from open market comes to only Rs 943. It is quite clear that like all procurements of the government, here too there is a scam in the making,” Arora said. The Sunam MLA said that since the government was procuring the kits in bulk the price could be further brought down to ensure huge savings to the beleaguered exchequer. Covid kits that the state government is procuring to distribute among patients of coronavirus in the state include an oximeter, a digital thermometer, paracetamol, Vitamin C, Giloy tablets and several other medicines. AAP and Congress have been engaged in a running battle for the past several days ever since the latter announced the distribution of oximeters in the state. AAP had alleged laxity on part of state government and had urged it to tackle the pandemic on the lines of the Delhi government under Arvind Kejriwal. Congress had hit back at AAP saying that party’s Delhi government had failed to stem the number of coronavirus cases there. It had further alleged that AAP was spreading disinformation in the state regarding state of hospitals and alleged organ harvesting. Punjab situation better than AAP-ruled Delhi’s: Amarinder Singh Days after AAP chief Arvind Kejriwal’s oximeter announcement for the state, Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh again trained his guns at the Aam Aadmi Party on Friday and said that the party was indulging in “irresponsible” and “petty” politics over Covid-19. Addressing a virtual meeting of party MLAs, Amarinder called the Covid situation in Delhi“explosive” and termed as “irresponsible”, the AAP campaign to spread negative propaganda against Punjab government over its handling of the pandemic. Amarinder said that while India was facing a war-like situation, AAP was busy indulging in petty politics amidst the crisis. Noting that the Congress was helping governments in all states in tackling the pandemic, even where it was not in power, Amarinder said he was also ready to help any state that asks for it, including Delhi, Himachal Pradesh or Haryana. That is the only way to fight the crisis, he added. “If tomorrow Delhi needs my help I will willingly offer it,” he said. He added that contrary to what AAP was projecting, Delhi’s situation was much worse than Punjab. With 2.90 crore population, Punjab has 18,000 active cases, while Delhi with 1.80 crore and has 25,000 plus active cases, the CM noted. To encourage poor people to come out for testing, Amarinder said his government had already started distributing free food packets to those in isolation and with no source of livelihood in this situation. He asked the MLAs to work with the district administration to ensure that the food packets reach the needy so that the poor do not hold back from getting themselves tested for fear of being left without livelihood during isolation. A government statement said most of the MLAs agreed that the negative propaganda by Opposition parties, who were also blatantly violating norms to engage in political activities, was impacting their efforts to motivate the people into early testing. Social distancing was also not being followed despite all their efforts, they said. The legislators also complained of private hospitals making a killing out of the Covid crisis by overcharging patients despite the cap imposed by the state government.
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atlanticcanada · 4 years
'We will learn from this': 9 more Northwood residents die from COVID-19 in just 3 days
In the last three days, nine more residents have died from COVID-19 at the Northwood long-term care home in Halifax.
"Any doctor can tell you, this is a terrible situation, to cram in almost 500 seniors into a tower and expect it to be OK when there's a disease going through,” said Kate Kelly, whose brother lives at Northwood.
Kelly says her brother has tested negative for the virus, but 220 other residents have been infected, and she has concerns with how the outbreak was handled.
"It's not any fault of the front-line workers. The caregivers couldn't be better,” said Kelly.
“They are so caring with everyone. They're overworked and they’re certainly underpaid and they're just doing the best they can do."
Thirty-two of the 38 deaths linked to the COVID-19 pandemic in Nova Scotia have happened at Northwood, which is the largest facility of its kind east of Montreal.
"I'm concerned. I'm concerned for the residents, I'm concerned for the staff,” said Tim Houston, MLA and leader of the provincial Progressive Conservative Party.
With the number of deaths at Northwood, Houston says people have questions they want answered.
"With what's happened there, with Northwood becoming the epicentre for COVID in Nova Scotia, certainly we need to learn any lessons that we can learn, so whatever that format looks like, whatever takes place, the questions have to be answered and we have to make sure we learn from this,” said Houston.
When asked if there would be a review into how the pandemic was handled at Northwood, spokesperson Murray Stenton said:
"The entire healthcare system is experiencing some real challenges, and we know there will be key learnings from this that will help us in future. We will learn from this. I expect there will be changes."
“We know right now there is a great deal of pain,” said Stenton in a statement.” We understand that and we share that with our community and the families that have lost loved ones.”
As the death toll rises, Wagner’s Law Firm says it has been getting calls from families who have lost someone at the facility.
"At this time, we are not contemplating bringing an action against Northwood,” said lawyer Kate Boyle.
"We feel that this is more classically a situation where the government could provide some kind of compensation, non-adversarial program to address the harms that were caused by inadequate policies and protections for Northwood with residents."
While a class-action lawsuit isn’t being considered at this time, Boyle says there are other mechanisms that could provide families with some answers.
"While a full-blown public inquiry may not be necessary, a look into and an investigation into the policies and the procedures and what should be done, what should have been done, that can all be handled in a public way that's non-adversarial,” she said.
“So, it's not suing, it's more an inquisitive manner to how can we prevent this in the future?”
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/2SCWT3b
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thecoroutfitters · 5 years
Here’s What I Know About Sociology Research Topics Ideas
Researching will supply you with ideas on what you need to do and what it is possible to study. Adhering to a specific method will allow you to finish the assignment. Wars are only win on the grounds of courage and bravery in place of a huge army.
It’s pretty simple to check whether the simple fact which you use is true. The write my paper best thing about opinion writing is the fact that it can be about literally anything, so long as you bring value to the topic. For example, if you wish to describe characters in a certain situation, start by describing the setting, then proceed to the most significant character of that specific situation, and then to the least important one (if needed).
All About Sociology Research Topics Ideas
During your dissertation proposal defense, you’re not anticipated to present research outcomes. If you’re struggling to develop an idea for a well-crafted paper, look at asking yourself a wide selection of cultural anthropology research questions. Following are a few of the advised sociology essay topic for those students that are unable to decide on a great topic for their assignment.
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You might be interested in studying a biography of a renowned political or company leader to comprehend which factors led him to his most vital actions. For example, Math teachers may wish to think about increasing the proportion of students that are in a position to fulfill the expectations for basic algebraic principles. Executive summary is a significant communication tool employed by academicians and business people.
The Secret to Sociology Research Topics Ideas
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Key Pieces of Sociology http://www.stevenson.edu/academics/catalog/documents/undergraduate-catalog-2011.pdf Research Topics Ideas
Communication is thus a crucial facet of our everyday lives, especially in connection with body language. It isn’t a case of co-evolution. Art teachers can utilize SMART goals to assist them in increasing the proportion of students that are in a position to meet expectations for ink drawing, for instance.
How to Find Sociology Research Topics Ideas on the Web
Using guidelines for your project is important not just for direction, yet to help you think about what things to write and the way to present it in a distinctive way. You can also find materials that provide a wholly different perspective. It can be a source of helpful material, but you will want to evaluate what you see.
Consumers’ preferred manner of communicating with businesses has ever been shifting. Many businesses and individuals engage in social responsibility due to its benefits on their immediate community together with their organization and profitability. It would be quite impressive if you’re able to pick a topic that shows ways where the states of the patients of the Third World countries or tribal areas can be made better with the aid of appropriate nursing practices.
Its usage for a noun is nearly entirely confined to psychology. Accordingly, aside from the simple fact that polish is quite arbitrary and can result in a monoculture it can definitely lead to inequality too. Systematic study aimed toward removing our biases is essential to understanding the world.
Choosing a topic for the research project can frequently be a challenging undertaking for students. You’ve already been told your interest in and knowledge of a subject is quite essential that you have the ability to compose your paper well. Use OneSearch to discover peer-reviewed sociology journal articles in a number of databases.
The Sociology Research Topics Ideas Cover Up
Its usage for a noun is nearly entirely confined to psychology. Accordingly, aside from the simple fact that polish is quite arbitrary and can result in a monoculture it can definitely lead to inequality too. People of one religion could have certain issues with the beliefs of a different religion.
How to Get Started with Sociology Research Topics Ideas?
Nursing is among the most critical and hard branches of health sciences. These objectives may also help to foster the area of physics as it’s not one of the greatest subjects students go on to study at university. Art teachers can utilize SMART goals to assist them in increasing the proportion of students that are in a position to meet expectations for ink drawing, for instance.
Any observation project ideas that you are thinking about should be things which are in your everyday life or otherwise easily accessible. To begin with, that folks gravitate towards situations where their emotional energy is going to be enhanced. There are suggestions which other people may give to you.
The Birth of Sociology Research Topics Ideas
The explanations for why students plagiarize in massive numbers are many. Based on the area, you might want to have a look at issues of discrimination, undereducation or economic or societal policies. Additionally, there are cases of self-inflected injuries, which are even more complicated to take care of.
What You Should Do About Sociology Research Topics Ideas Beginning in the Next 7 Minutes
Linguistic anthropology is a branch that manages understanding the procedure for human communication. The thesis statement will supply you with a concrete base and will help keep you on track. It’s a sensible and flawless concept which could enable different available quantum computers.
Clearly Establishing Your Purpose With your readeras attention presently in place, you must be sure that you also directly handle the question or prompt to which you’ve been requested to respond. A purchasing team may call for different departments, for instance, to fill in all fields of the Purchase Order ahead of submission. E. Coupon advertising stipulates the chance for additional profits through sale of related products.
Facts, Fiction and Sociology Research Topics Ideas
The fundamental press photos should comprise headshots of important executives, images of goods and clips of logos. If you’ve got many such documents, select the most significant ones to include. There are two important kinds of abstracts.
Provide background information regarding your topic or subject before you start evaluating. The entire idea of influencer marketing is a rather new idea. There are lots of issues and topics on the internet that it is possible to pick from.
You should write in such a manner that each sentence you write, brings an altogether different effect on the essay. The very goal of writing this kind of essay is to inquire and investigate. You might have to frame the sentences by yourself, though.
Fortunately, there are several websites where you are able to download MLA-style template and use them to compose your work. It’s possible to collect such info to produce statistics andresearchbased topics on global warming. Bear in mind that what you do with the support of PowerPoint is really the outline of the research you’ve done and the outcomes you have.
These questions about your subject should offer you a sense what you’d like to write. Before starting to compose a thesis, you need to consider the problem. It is a continuous topic in society with several questions obtainable for discussion.
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dryctarth · 6 years
“Tales of Wedding Rings” A Manga Review
Spoilers for this manga! (MLA style)
The front cover has an enticing image of Young Anime Woman looking up at the reader in a gaze of love, the wedding ring of the title glowing on her finger. Not the worst pose, but it sets up the tone of the story as something to be slightly disappointed by: this is a high-school boy sex fantasy (feel free to self-insert). This is accentuated by her ample bosom on display through a school uniform (complete with a hint of lacy bra) framed by an Inexplicably Loose Tie And Unbuttoned Shirt. There isn’t a good reason for this except BOOBIES! And while there are many people who appreciate them, the story never seems to set up whether the MC Girl is willingly displaying or if it’s just the author/male gaze, so the cover is odd right away. But the Medieval Fantasy Cloak and intense stare make it worth picking up, especially since “Wedding Rings” are uncommon title words.
The synopsis on the back makes it seem like Hime (the MC Girl) is very aware and clever, manipulating her Hot Childhood Friend (Satou) into marrying her and taking on the role of hero. This is a lie. It is very disappointing.
Inside Cover: Another shot of Hime, in full color (nice) and in what is soon-to-be-revealed standard school uniform, plus a fantasy cloak and staff (foreshadowing as the justification in the story is just as silly as the outfit itself). 
The story begins with Hime’s arrival (in full color) as a young girl of 7-8 (looks at least 10) and an Old Wise Grandpa in front of a young boy who’s all like, wtf mate? She tells him to forget he saw her being all magical and stuff. This is good (1). Then he comments on the next page (full-page color inked spread) that he fell in love with her instantly. The spread is defined by an image of her as a young girl on the right and her in her current age in standard revealing outfit to the left (actually takes up 1.5 pages) looking all shocked and scared. This is weird since her breasts are heavily emphasized, sexualizing her next to her younger self. A bit creepy (2,3). 
The story actually begins by fast-forwarding to present day where She Wakes Him Up (but with an onigiri instead of toast, realistically wrapped in plastic-wrap, also the wake-up is in color) (4,5). From here MAYBE establishes that she and her grandpa moved in nextdoor to Satou and he’s in love but they’re Best Friends and so Cannot Sex. Luckily they go to school, where Male Friend #3 says, “You’re so lucky, Satou. Guys with girlfriends can be so chill.” (11) to which Satou correctly says they aren’t together. His downplay of the situation is really offset for the reader since in every shot of Hime we’ve seen so far she’s got the girls out in a short skirt and acts like Teasing Anime Totally-Don’t-Like-You-Baka-Girl. Also she wears a pair of wedding rings on a necklace and they’re Really Important and as kids they promised to get married, cuz kids are dumb (7-9). So at school she texts him from two feet away and they go to the festival!
This is where the problems really start. While it doesn’t make sense for Hime to dress like that in school, it’s not that weird for anime/manga. But then in the festival scene she dresses up in a nice yukata while Satou is in Regular No Effort Boy Clothes (with the Untucked Shirt mod for variety). Background characters are portrayed similarly, but it’s weird that he didn’t dress up at all. OR change clothes at all. Or put any effort into an event where he can reasonably expect Hime to dress up and plans on confessing to her. 
Of course, before he can, she says she’s leaving to go away forever. He gets glum and they go home. Then there’s a light on a hill and he runs at Plot Speed for her to say she’s getting married and then he hops in the portal before it closes. Note, the portal is good as it keeps to the symbolism and themes we see later on around her (manga are bad at page numbers). He appears in the middle of court in a wedding ceremony where Hime is being married to Mr. Anime Prince. Immediately. Like, the portal led right to the center of court where everyone was waiting for her to pop out and immediately marry her off without even changing or brushing her hair. Really? 
Then Satou appears and then a monster attacks. And everyone’s all like, “Quick, marry the prince and Do The Thing!” And so Hime looks around and kisses Satou and slips the ring on his finger. Bam! Magical wedding. This is super-super-very-horribly-bad-and-dumb.
Everyone is all like, “WTF! Foreigner!” but Old Wise Grandpa is like, “Cool, also oof,” and Mr. Anime Prince is like “Thank goodness it wasn’t me, here’s a sword, don’t die!” After saving the day Satou passes out from the exhaustion of being kissed and swinging a sword.
He awakens in the Royal Bedchamber to another kiss. He’s still in his school outfit for some reason. At this point I think the author was just too lazy to draw multiple outfits. Hime appears in a Low-Cut Royal Dress and they go out to a balcony to make a Heroic Speech About Saving The World. In his school uniform even though everyone is calling him the “Ring King” (I give up on page numbers). This is dumb. 
There are some shenanigans in the bath and we see the usual “Don’t look! We’re just friends, right?” “Yeah.” “Ok good, (darn it!)” This is dumb since it puts the characters in the situation in which they are married (though Hime says it’s just ceremonial) and thus should be allowed to Have Sex, but since they’re Just Friends and Cannot Sex and they haven’t had enough time dating to ease into intimacy, they Cannot Sex for no reason other than to preserve their Non-Slut status (he must be virtuous and good and she must be pure). While it makes sense for them to be awkward, the plot doesn’t focus around it as a point of lack of experience, it’s clearly for the pretend sake of their virtues. 
Then a monster attacks, we learn that Hime powers up the Ring King (with kisses, of course) and the heroes flee with Gramps and Mr. Anime Prince, who is very relieve to not be in Satou’s shoes, all because the monster is too strong. This is ok.
They find an inn where Gramps explains the Creation Myth: The Abyss King was bad, so everyone made magic rings of five elements which were symbolically given to the Ring King, who beat up the bad guy. Then the rings were split up and given to mortal men, doomed to die. Except actually they are princess, doomed to be forced into a ceremonial-but-totally-not-because-their-relationship-powers-the-rings polygamous marriage. So yeah, doomed to die. This is kinda dumb, but has the potential to be interesting if it were handled maturely. Considering that the other princesses are shown as naked shadows, this will not be the case. Meanwhile, Hime is unhappy since she and Satou just had a surprisingly mature declaration of love and commitment to each other that was refreshingly straightforward and cute. This is good.
They still Cannot Sex. This time it’s because they haven’t eased into intimacy, which could have been good until Satou says something dumb and Hime reveals on a chapter end-note that she’s scared of His Massive Manliness (because obviously He’s A God Among Men, which we actually see earlier when, after the bath scene, she remarks to herself that he’s big and holds her hands apart suggestively).
From here they vow to go out and get the other rings so Satou can save the world. The elves of Wind are next and Satou imagines them to be super sexy. The last page suggests the princess is xenophobic instead (though probably naked).
The author’s note indicates this is MAYBE’s first stab at fantasy and is thus too simple. This is true, but it doesn’t excuse the work. This should have been fixed by the editor. The whole thing is a sex fantasy where the boy is trying to pretend to be A Nice Guy and therefore gets married and waits slightly so they can become more comfortable. But it’s so rushed that the focus isn’t on actually being nice and caring, it’s just on preserving that perception so he can Bang The Girl.
The whole thing could have been improved so much, though, if Hime had been as manipulative as the synopsis suggested. During the wedding she’s timid and weepy and picks Satou out of love, desparation, and fear. She wasn’t set up with him originally, he was just the first familiar face. Instead, she should have been planning this, telling Satou about the leaving and marriage to trick him into chasing her out of his unconfessed love. Then she could have kissed him right away, given him the ring and sword, and said good luck in front of everyone, being confident in the whole thing. Later she’d confess that she was secretly nervous and scared and had to appear confident for the people’s sake. She could have told him the whole thing about his role and the ceremonial nature, saying that she was sorry for using and deceiving him, sorry for being selfish, but she wanted this sham marriage to be with someone she at least loved as a friend, if not truly romantically. That would have set up a much stronger character for her as well as significant inner conflict for Satou. Does he forgive her? Does he resent her? We’ll never know.
Ultimately I wish it were better. It could be, but it wasn’t due to negligence of both the author (in never changing their outfits and making them dumb in the first place) and the editor (in not suggesting better characterisation). It is adequate, but not much more. It is predictable, and I wish it were better, but I probably won’t go look. If you just want boobs, look elsewhere. If you want fantasy heroes, look elsewhere. If you want cheap manga versions of Harlequin romance, here ya go.
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junne-basketcase · 6 years
House Safety Advice – High thirteen Suggestions From The MLA
The main safety advice for your private home is to speak to your native MLA licensed locksmith with regards to the security products that you have fitted to your doors and windows. More particulars on home security guidelines might be found in the MLA’s Minimal Safety Pointers, a doc that was began by the Association of British insurers but then taken over by the MLA and continuously stored up to date. The document may be downloaded FOC by clicking here. Start by reviewing the exterior of your property to ensure there are no broken windows or entry to your property through garages or conservatories. The lock beneath has been fitted incorrectly and this leaves the lock weak to attack and due to this fact the property at risk. Additionally see our current 4 Basic Door and Window suggestions page. Set up mild timers around the house to deter burglars. Facet home windows in a home can could be smashed to succeed in keys and acquire entry so consider including bolstered glass or possibly even block up the window. 9. When Have been Your Keys Final Replaced? When did you last change your house keys?
Expert Advice: Tips About Hiring Locksmiths http://googletcm.com/expert-advice-tips-about-hiring-locksmiths/ …
— DavidJackson (@DavidJacksonTom) March 1, 2018
https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.jsObviously, most locksmith don’t advice that you just continue doing this cheap, previous tricks since it won’t actually help in conserving your property safe. But when you still need to proceed working towards this trick, despite it not being advisable, do try to hide your key in a flower pot that’s positioned along with other flower pots. Also, attempt burying it a smooth soil or tape it in a hidden department so that it won’t be easily seen in case someone would try and look by means of your flower pots. A doghouse would also be a very good hiding place for you key. Perform some research first before hiring a sure locksmith. They or individuals is going to be mixed up in safety of your dwelling. It’s a should that you simply look for a trustworthy skilled who lets you feel relaxed and secured. Additionally, there are quite a few scammers who’ll give misleading pricing for the purchasers then following your invoice is offered, there’s a large quantity included with the quoted price. This largely happens from unethical individuals who boast of being skilled locksmith in Parramatta. Make certain to keep away from them. A professional locksmith has years of coaching and should have the ability to use specialized instruments to open most locks without inflicting an excessive amount of damage to the house. You should be suspicious with locksmiths who drills and destroys a lock to open it as it is probably not a typical method of opening locks. Also, repairing these damages would possibly end up costing you extra. You need to find a locksmith that is reliable in occasions of emergency. There are many locksmith in Parramatta who affords twenty 4 hours providers in order to assist their potential customers in a duration of your day whereas they wanted them.
If you wish to work with a locksmith in Norfolk Virginia that prices a fair fee and produces distinctive locksmith workmanship then a name to Fast Norfolk Locksmith is so as. Our Norfolk, VA shop presents all the things you need to get your home, your corporation, and your vehicle locks and keys in their best form ever. With our 24-hour availability, our low prices and our vast vary of locksmith services, our skilled Norfolk technicians are precisely what it is advisable to dwell a safer and extra convenient life. It may be anxious when you abruptly must name a locksmith. Norfolk residents who have used our locksmith services before will let you know; we’re fingers down, the perfect all-round locksmith store in city! Nowadays, you’ll discover many various locks to select from and every of them perform a exact job. Window locks are acceptable for securing windows while master lock systems are appropriate for a various range of purposes. Alarm systems are an ordinary manner of protecting property from intruders. They could possibly be used to boost safety in the home or workplace utilizing smoke and hearth alarm programs. An alarm system needs to be considered for conventional issues similar to motion detection or to sound each time a window is broken or opened or are in a position for use for other particular tasks.
A superb company should also offer you a listing of important and helpful residential companies. Probably the most relevant embrace repair and installation of locks, rekeying and master system set up, Marshall Evictions, high safety locks, bar and gate locks and decide resistance locks. It must be able to handle all varieties of locks and supply safety options that can improve the final security for you and your loved ones. Aside from the house, you would possibly also be faced with automobile needs. When on the lookout for a locksmith firm, at all times choose one that gives you all of the services that you could possibly need along with your automobile. This fashion you can make sure that the keys will not be in undesirable hands. In your convenience this locksmith service autos are all the time equipped with substitute locks, and a lock change could be made on the spot, saving you time and problem for an answer later. We want to share with you some of the reasons to why it’s best to chose us for your service wants. Please be happy to get in touch at any given time, and noting our number somewhere, will even keep you safeguarded against the stress and anxiety potentially created in emergency situations. Finding someone who’s trustworthy and dependable to deal with the safety of your enterprise or the place you and your loved ones calls residence is of course something of great significance.
When it’s a must to call a locksmith, you are placing that person in a position of trust. After all, the locksmith has the means and the coaching to get you back into your home or automobile when you’ve misplaced your keys or locked yourself out. Unfortunately, there are some locksmiths that do not apply good ethics and who abuse their position and abilities to gouge prices or otherwise take benefit of people in susceptible conditions. Suppose about the problem of lost automotive keys when you are out somewhere, particularly if you’re drained and it’s cold out. Most automobiles immediately use transponder keys, and your automobile seller could have informed you that they’re who you need to name for those who lose your automobile keys. While they will and do make replacement car keys, they normally cost a premium for it, and there is not any assure they will get to you straight away.
When you want one, start asking your folks and household who they trust. From there, check with the sunny isles locksmith native BBB or different company that can present details about reputations. Don’t simply belief anybody with the keys to your private home! Earlier than you belief any locksmith with the keys to your kingdom, get a listing of current customers. Most companies might be glad to give you references, and it’s vital that you simply actually call them. Learn how reliable and reliable the locksmith is and the way much they may charge you throughout emergencies and off-hours. Current reviews present that the majority of dwelling burglaries happen due to an unlocked or faulty door. In case your door isn’t protected and secure, you might as nicely simply go away it open and invite the thieves in. emergency locksmiths No one desires to do that, so the subsequent choice is to repair the locks or replace them. You can do it yourself or call a NYC locksmith. If you are good at useful man duties, it could also be no downside to replace safety locks. The primary concern you will find in replacing locks is selecting the perfect ones. There are a large number of safety locks and kinds available on the market today. Most of your resolution can be persuaded by the kind of door you have got. When you’ve got an exterior door, you may want to contemplate a set of safety locks.
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Thus, making an attempt to drive the key to show can jam it in further, break the key in half, or even additional injury the cylinder of the lock. Our Houston locksmith responds 24 hours, 7 days per week to these and other sorts of key and lock emergencies. Our cellular truck is fully stocked with substitute keys, re-tooling and re-keying kits, and more. Moreover — we promise you won’t get a robot on the phone line! WHAT TO DO If in case you have AN EMERGENCY KEY & LOCK Subject? Please call our Houston area locksmiths if in case you have an emergency key and lock scenario! Although every instance is completely different, most clients undergo related sorts of issues.
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xottzot · 6 years
2018-03(MAR)-Thursday-23rd---NEWS bit--THIS NT incident also gets counted in crime statistics.
2018-03(MAR)-Thursday-23rd---NEWS bit--THIS NT incident also gets counted in crime statistics.
Aboriginals preying on aboriginals........
NT NEWS:-- Tennant Creek alleged toddler rape prompts NT Government investigation
The Northern Territory Government has ordered an immediate investigation into its handling of the case of a two-year-old girl, who was hospitalised after she was allegedly raped in Tennant Creek last week.
The Northern Territory Acting Chief Minister Nicole Manison and Police Commissioner Reece Kershaw addressed a crowd of angry community members in Tennant Creek on Wednesday, as crisis talks continue over a spike in crime in the region.
A 24-year-old man was remanded in custody on Tuesday after being charged with sexually assaulting the toddler.
The NT Government confirmed there had been multiple substantiated notifications made to Territory Families about the child in the months leading up to the incident.
In announcing the investigation in Darwin, Ms Manison said Territory Families would also be reviewing all files where children have had multiple notifications in the system.
"We will look at this situation and what happened in this particular case and why we failed this child, and what we must do to make sure we don't fail any more children the same way."
Police did not publicly report the incident, and it only became known to the general public on Tuesday.
Ms Manison said she also only became aware of the incident on Tuesday, and conceded she should have been notified earlier.
Children's Commissioner to launch own investigation
Northern Territory Children's Commissioner Colleen Gwynne said she would immediately launch her own investigation into the incident, which she described as horrendous.
"We have to understand how this happened, could it have been avoided [and] what can we do better to stop our children from being abused," Ms Gwynne said.
"We're lucky in this instance that this baby is still alive because we could've been dealing with a death, and we've had too many of them."
Police Commissioner Reece Kershaw told media in Darwin officers dealt with about 150 child sex offences per year against children under the age of 16.
Ms Gwynne said "we simply don't know" how many cases go unreported.
"In terms of child sexual abuse I think we've taken our foot off to a certain extent, particularly about what happens in remote communities," she said.
Police response 'not adequate'
In responding to the incident, NT Police said it would bring forward a task force to deal with domestic violence, but Ms Gwynne said that was not an adequate response.
"To me, we seem to respond to any social issue with a task force. Those days have got to stop," Ms Gwynne said.
We've got to look at how we can get a sustained approach to what happens in any of our towns, any of our communities, our major centres, that is going to make the public safer."
The Children's Commissioner called for a unified approach across different government departments and organisations in the response to and prevention of child sexual abuse.
Tennant Creek 'always been a challenge,' police say
The attack is alleged to have happened in the outback town, about 500 kilometres north of Alice Springs, in the same week as a man died after a fatal assault.
Last Thursday night, the evening of the assault, Tennant Creek police received almost twice as many callouts as usual during a 12-hour period overnight and believe alcohol was a major factor behind the spike.
Police Commissioner Reece Kershaw said NT Police would deploy additional resources to Tennant Creek in response.
"Tennant Creek has always been a challenge," he said.
Commissioner Kershaw said the two-year-old girl at the centre of the investigation was "safe" and would be returned to the care of her family.
He said the review would examine whether that was the appropriate response.
Residents say cries for help have gone unanswered
The incident has prompted outcry in Tennant Creek, with residents and people from all parts of the community joining at a rally where they described feeling let down and forgotten by government policy and action.
Community members and local council said despite repeated requests for help with the escalating crisis of alcohol fuelled crime and abuse, it was not until the alleged rape of the toddler until due attention was given.
Tennant Creek woman Rosemary Plummer implored non-Indigenous and Indigenous people to work together to quell violence and abuse.
"We feel forgotten and left out really because we don't work together as a society," Ms Pnummer said.
"I think people should work together to try and make it stop — the non-Indigenous community and the Aboriginal community beside [the] Traditional Owners, because the Traditional Owners, it makes them feel shamed."
Councillor Jeff McLaughlin said: "It's taken a while to receive a response, which is hard for us as a local government and [for it to take] an incident like this, to get a response like this is sad". 'Tragedies' have occurred
As part of the rollout of the Banned Drinker Register (BDR), the NT Government has stopped requiring police to patrol bottle shops to restrict alcohol sales.
Opponents believe this decision is behind a spike in crime in areas like Tennant Creek and Alice Springs, and have called for patrols to continue until licensed liquor inspectors have been recruited and trained to take their place.
Barkly MLA Gerry McCarthy, who represents the community of Tennant Creek, conceded "tragedies" had occurred during the transitional period in his government's policy on regulating alcohol.
"We have had point-of-sale restrictions in Tennant Creek right up until last week, and unfortunately last week coincided with an influx of a lot of visitors from out of town," he said.
"We have seen some significant tragedies, and alcohol underpins all of the tragedies.
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