#The way he kept worrying abt that when they were in a dire situation was so dam funny
Okay but Jason constantly worrying that king Midas would uncross his legs on his throne (since he was in a bathrobe) and was hoping that Midas was wearing golden underwear inside will never not be funny to me. Jason, you have amnesia bud, get your mind out of the gutter.
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traumxrei-archive · 1 year
【 book 6 thoughts ! (2) 】
hello, back at it again w/ more thoughts on book 6 ^^ (this one's a lot longer than the first one so oops)
part : one, two, three, four / ??
[ warning !! spoilers from 6-16 till 6-35 under the cut ]
[ about : ...acting director idia.... ]
i'm sorry. i laughed when he said "i'm the BOSS". like he was doing so good on the intimidating with the "don't you guys know where you are? don't you know who i am?" and then he just HAD to say the cringiest line in all of humankind.
but tbh, it's interesting to see idia's more cynical side pop out. usually he's very self-serving, but that's bc his goals don't involve other people, his goals are usually stuff he does for himself, but after being named acting director, you can see how callous he's acting toward the other dormleaders. usually he would mind his own business in the corner, but now he's holding his ground bc he was given the authority.
DESPITE THAT. the one thing i appreciate is that he keeps on emphasizing not using unnecessary violence. one of the charons was about to blast riddle again, and he was the one who stopped that. idk it was just a gesture that stuck out to me.
[ about : the history lesson ]
it's interesting to hear that idia's family came from such...rich history. i mean, being one of the pillars of enforcement basically ? punishing those who abandoned principals ? that's a heavy cross to bear. especially with the fact that society basically abandoned/forgot them after magic became more well introduced into the world.
also malleus added that they used to lock up overbloters in the island of woe and that it was idia's ancestor who watched over the island. it begs the question, how many overbloters are kept in captivity ? like i'm sure that the old old ones died, but are there those that are alive ? or even the blot monsters of those who have died ? (since, iirc, crowley mentioned that the blot monster can outlast the overbloter if they run out of magic n die)
also. floyd brings up a good point. for an organization that works in secrecy, they sure made a really big ruckus coming in to take the overbloters. he brings up the fact that they probably have a good way of covering up all of this, which begs the question, what kind of cover up will they do ? since this is a magic world, could it be they'll wipe everyone's memories ? of styx and of the people that were taken, so people don't try searching for them ?
[ about : crewel's concern ]
crewel scanned jack n yuu for injuries before leading them to where epel + adeuce were. and how he offered to patch up yuu's minor injuries sniffs,,,, he talks tough, about how he's going to teach them a lesson n stuff, but i think it's bc he as an educator feels like he failed. he feels partly responsible for not teaching them how to fight safely ++ that they didn't try to call him for help. and the way he's so protective of them.....dad crewel agenda is actually happening everyoneeee
[ about : rook's escape ]
tbh i think he's using it as a cover up. ofc he cares about vil deeply. as a person. not just his skin. but like,,,,i do wonder why he's emphasizing the skincare so much. i think he's trying to deflect from the fact that vil could actually be in a dire situation by using the shoot and skincare as a distraction. but. rook honey.....just say you're worried about vil man.....
i do think that rook's plan is. stupid. bc why would he go alone ? he clearly has the means to find the isle of woe, but how is he going to bust through styx security without any back up ? i'm 90% sure he's acting mostly based on emotion, and that's why he's in such a rush to head over there w/o any real plan,,,,,, (sob, i was right,,,in 2-23 he talks abt how he's worried about vil and angry at the styx dudes)
[ about : yuu's plight ]
i feel. really bad for yuu bc of all they went through. first, they lose grim to the blot crystals,,,,they haven't seen him in weeks bc crowley was doing who knows what with him. and then when they do see him, he's in a cage and being taken away w/ the rest of the ob gang.
then, their home gets completely destroyed. that's only the tip of the iceberg, because they watch as their friends fight against this mysterious organization that slowly takes them away, and they can't do anything because...they don't have magic.
they arrive at the infirmary with minimal wounds while their friends are bedridden, and they can't do anything to help them. they're torn between staying and going with rook bc they're afraid they'll just be dead weight,,,,,but going anyway bc of their determination to find grim and get him back. like if you didn't think yuu was resilient before, think again.
[ about : map of the world ]
when you hit 6-23, you can see a map of a portion of twisted wonderland and :000 it's really cool to see ^^ so the closest country to sage island is the "land of dawning". there are names that i recognize n names i don't. obv we know about shaftlands, queendom of roses, and the briar valley. but we don't know anything about the kingdom of heroes, sunshine lands, or the land of dawning. i do wonder if we'll ever get to go there in future events, or if they'll forever remain unexplored.
[ about : rook's UM !!! ]
!! i think his UM is really cool !!! rook calls it weak, but i see it as a very persistent spell, and it fits well with his skillset + personality. and as epel says, it's pretty intimidating. if he has it cast on you, you wouldn't be able to lose him. like ever. and the line he says ?? "come, see if you can flee from me. arrow afar!" that's so rook ? see if you can flee from me, i mean c'mon. the arrow leaving its quiver sound as he casts it, and his confidence is so damn cool >:DD (also we are welcoming rook hunt into the rich boys club. immediately.)
[ about : STYX welcome movie ]
first off. "safe use" of technomantic technology my ASS, y'all walked into a MF SCHOOL and started zapping everyone who retaliated with stunning spells all while wearing anti-magic suits that were wwwayy too much defense for going against teens.
n the phantom database. does that mean they have a database on all the phantoms that they've been able to capture alive ? or do they...keep phantoms from before too ? magical disaster prediction, does that mean predicting overblots ? a lot of questions indeed
[ about : phantoms ]
all the talk about phantoms has me thinking back to the mines. bc that CLEARLY was a phantom that adeugrimyuu encountered at the beginning of their NRC careers. the question is, who's phantom was it, and why didn't STYX take that phantom in for research if they have eyes and ears everywhere ?
and the fact that even creating phantoms is a rare thing ? on top of overblotting being a rare thing ? i can see why STYX just had to get their hands on our ob gang, given that each of them weren't consumed + manifested phantoms + recovered fine, there might be a link between their obs that even they didn't see.
[ about : utilizing blot safely ]
ok it makes a ton of sense. now hear me out. blot is seen as this unnecessary byproduct to doing magic, and it's also harmful to the mage + those around them. the fact that STYX wants to turn this around and try to figure out a way to use blot is a natural thing. it's the same thing w/ humans in our world turning plastic bottles into ecobricks or animal manure into biofuels, attempting to turn something harmful into something useful is like. mankind's thing.
[ about : SSR Troublemakers ]
yk that's a pretty catchy name for the overblot gang. maybe i should start calling them that instead of overblot gang jskfjsdf
[ about : trials w/ riddle, vil, azul ]
okay so the first trial was in a vr space that looked like a virtual space + they were fighting ortho n the charons. they said everything was pretty normal.
they mention a lachesis system,,,,lachesis is the second of the three fates, the one who measures the length of the thread n decides how much time a human has left.
second trial, they're in the cafeteria ? oH GOD they're gonna have them fight the vice housewardens ??? isn't that playing dirty ?? ofc they wouldn't wanna fight against the people they care about. and framing it as them wanting to wrest the dormleader seat from them by dueling just adds to the betrayal !! it's natural that there's an increase in blot production, probably bc of the negative emotions they were feeling in combination w/ having to fight their friends
[ about : trials w/ jamil n leona]
trial one, vr space once more. since the results are likely the same, i won't go into details about it, but like...how are they measuring blot when they aren't using magic irl ? technically, they're only using magic in the VR world, so how come their blot levels are rising in the real world too ?
trial two, oughhh not ruggie n kalim,,,, ofc leona kingscholar and his sexy brain can see through the illusion that they wove. he starts attacking ruggie right away instead of waiting. (also i'm. his laugh. guys his laugh. ok bye) like whew the amount of levelheadedness and quick thinking this guy has in unknown situations is so ?? cool ??? and then ofc, jamil being very quick on the uptake as well, we are looking at two big brained ppl rn. (not idia getting annoyed at jamileo figuring out the system in one go—)
[ about : analysis time ! ]
imma summarize the results down below, just bc it'd be interesting to see everyone's results side by side
pros; very quick casting, magic pool larger than avg (might be due to receiving special training when younger; magic pool built up from hard work)
cons; when he's indecisive he uses brute-force to overwhelm the enemy (an inefficient use of power), blot accumulation spikes dangerously with output, mental state is heavily impacted by surroundings (more stressed in trial two, therefore more blot accumulated)
result; high offense, very low defense -> glass canon ranged DPS (ok not idia saying riddle's a glass canon *insert moyai emoji*)
pros; good grasp over precision and control, takes in surroundings to play support, calm and efficient (could also be using others as shields), utilizes a wide range of spells
cons; slow caster, magic pool insufficient to sustain his range of spells (makes him careful with his spells)
result; cautious fighting style with precision and control -> healer that observes the field from the back
pros; the icon of stability, high manifestation speed, potency aND his magic pool is substantial, solid in both offense and defense (w/o specialized training), physically and mentally resilient (stress doesn't affect his blot much), unique magic lasts a long time
cons; nothing ??? (they legit did not have anything to say abt vil.)
result; being the icon of stability and consistency -> a tank that calls that shots for the rest of the party
pros; superior casting speeds, superior magic pool (received extensive magic instruction as a kid), efficient in using magic (tailors spells to enemy output; reduces accumulation of blot), stress didn't have much affect on blot, great mental fortitude
cons; when he does experience intense emotions, it could cause a drastic spike in blot accumulation
result; would be suited for tank but isn't a leader
pros; efficiency over speed (similar to azul), quick and precise with defensive magic (due to guarding kalim ?)
cons; constantly worried about his reserves
result; could probably handle being in any position -> melee DPS that supports tank OR healer class
[ about : river lethe ]
HELLO. what do you mean. by "everyone who's had a run in with STYX goes down the River Lethe" ????? "that system can erase us from anyone's memory and from any data" ??? SO THIS WAS THE. so this was the countermeasure that STYX had built up. which is why they were so ballsy with their invasion of NRC.... (it's sad to think that idia doesn't even want to try making friends, bc in the end, when he becomes a researcher at STYX, all traces of him will get erased in the river lethe, so he sees no point)
[ about : grim TT^TT ]
omg GRIM beloved omg grim— oh god it's so cruel that he remembered hurting yuu and the first years all fighting for him,,,,the fact that he thinks that he got captured just bc he hurt yuu SNIFFS i swear i am not crying. i swear. i swear i am nOt sad bc he started crying and his voice sounded teary
"am i never goin' back home to ramshackle ?" HHHHHHHH im not built for this please stop my heart is literally going to break huhuhuuuuu
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okAY i think this is a good enough stopping point for now, bc the next chapter is back to the rescue gang ! even though i just received the most hEARTBREAKING CLIFFHANGER IN THE HISTORY OF EVER !! stay tuned for uh. more heartbreak tomorrow *finger guns* (o yea, feel free to send stuff about book 6 to my inbox if you wanna chat ^^ i'd love to share theories n opinionsss)
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inprecvr · 7 years
ok so i’m gonna write a tiny lil’ really frickin’ long intro for lennon just so her backstory is out there for u guys to look at ! she’s exactly the same as cristina personality wise, though without the mild sentimental connection to the santos family, so ig she’s .. ..  a lil worse , oops. if u had a connection w cris & want to keep it, just lmk ! & ofc if u’d like to plot something new with lennon like this & i’ll mssg u !
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ok so ! a lil personality first for a reminder: lennon is a super sweet gal who seems, at first glance, entirely selfless. whilst working as a waitress she goes out of her way to cover shifts, give people extra coffee, and generally provide the best service with a smile you’ll find in the states. she seems as if she’s just stepped out of a disney film, with sparkling eyes and a laugh that seems warm and reassuring. lennon is, generally, the kind of friend you want to have, always willing to lend a shoulder to cry on and always willing to lend u that cute top she wore to that party last week . . . hA H AH SIKE ! bc we all know she’s cristina 2.0 and cristina would’ve sold half her family for a corn chip. lennon only cares about number one, herself, and is something of a sadist when it comes to emotional manipulation. she has carefully cultivated the perfect girl next door image and would kill to protect it, mainly bc without it ? she’s not having any fun. she takes nothing seriously, not even the most dire of situations, and is genuinely ? here 2 have a good time , so don’t kill her vibe ig .
trigger warnings for the bio: addiction, suicide, murder, violence, faking eating disorders, nd generally being a frickin awful, disgusting human being.
lennon knows nothing about her birth parents except the fact they were, or at least her mother was, addicted to heroin. she was born with neonatal abstinence syndrome, meaning she was practically addicted to heroin as soon as she left the womb, leaving her to be weaned off of it in the hospital, her parents taking that chance to abandon her.
her addiction was so severe she was kept in the hospital for months, unable to be given up for adoption or placed into the foster system due to her constant need for care and observation. eventually, at about five months, she was released into the care of a local home that specifically looked after NAS babies. her recovery was long, the first two years of her life being wracked with constant screaming, whining, and general clinginess, but eventually she stopped. her carers believed she’d simply grown out of it, but even as a child lennon began to form a detachment from the world around her.
she, like many other kids who were failed by the american care system, was repeatedly bounced around from home to home, despite being an incredibly well-behaved kid. it just seemed as if no one wanted her, seemed as if the world had chosen to turn its back on her before her life had even begun. again, the girl’s hatred for the world grew, hands itching with a violence she didn’t quite understand.
when she was thirteen, she was finally adopted, though by then it was far too late to save lennon from the path she’d chosen for herself. despite being all smiles and sugar cookies when she first arrived, her only thoughts were of death. not always experiencing it, but sometimes causing it, and 99% of the time those scenarios involved her adoptive parents.
she lived with them for five years, but spent those five years sowing seeds of distrust and self-hatred in, not only their minds, but everyone else’s who came across her. she manipulated her parents into believing they were doing a terrible job, though always reassured them that they were wonderful. she threw herself against walls and pulled out her own hair and then told her parents she was being severely bullied. at school, she sat in the toilet playing games on phone, making retching noises to act as if she were purposely purging. she convinced everyone around her that she was miserable without ever saying a word, and their guilt began to eat away at them. ( like literally whenever ppl asked she’d be like i’m fine nd like .. .  cry to make them stop asking her , manipulative binch )
anYWAYS , eventually she got a boyfriend and that was really when the idea started to become real. this guy was the type who believed he could save her, so in response, she began to mess with him. she left him notes around his room in his handwriting, sent his friends terrible messages, and dropped an anonymous note to his incredibly religious parents one day saying he’d been smoking pot. when he rang her on the verge of tears, believing lennon was the only one he had left, she made her suggestion. it was risky, but the adrenaline rush, the only thing lennon ever seemed to feel, was too much to deny. she thought she’d messed it up when he didn’t reply, she went to sleep that night thinking she’d been found out and that her ruse was over... but it wasn’t. when she woke the next morning her ‘mom’ sat her down and told her the terrible news. he’d killed himself.
whilst lennon continued doing this to two of her other friends, she managed to push her parents into divorcing, despite the fact they’d been so desperately in love before. they both decided soon afterward they couldn’t live without each other and, with one last kick from lennon who knew the only thing keeping them alive was her, she convinced them to also commit suicide by saying she was moving away after graduation and never coming back.
now eighteen, she left her town without so much as a goodbye to the people in it. people simply thought she was a poor girl in mourning, not being able to bear living in the town that took all her beloveds from her, when in reality she knew it was easier to remain hidden if you stayed on the move.
for three years lennon travelled from place to place, manipulating people into loving her and worshipping her, then watching as they lost everything. to this day, none of the deaths lennon has caused have been by her own hand, though that’s not to say she isn’t capable of murder. mistaking the girl for anything but a mindless sociopath would be a dangerous decision, one many admittedly make. she’s joined the a team for no reason besides being able to inflict misery on others. she has no one to protect, no one for a to use against her, and no one to worry about. all she cares abt is upholding her image, and she’ll do whatever it takes to do it.
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