#Their time together was brief but they had a lot of fun combining acrobatics and clownery to entertain their diamond
shibafro · 2 years
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‘Long time no see, Pearly P!’ (God how long has it been since Ive posted doodles!??!) I recently binged SU future and the movie,and I was briefly OBSESSED with the thought of these two becoming best friends (again). They both worked so hard to keep Pink Diamond happy and entertained, only to end up broken and thrown away. Idk I just think they’d have a great time together. 
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do you have more robin dick headcanons? :)
i do in fact have many many robin!dick headcanons. hope you enjoy babe!
dick oftentimes recreated fight scenes from movies he watched with bruce. then he got disappointed at how easy they were and took it as a personal challenge to make them have more pizzazz. this tradition continued with the titans.
dick made it a personal goal to make it through patrol as much as possible without using his grappling hook once. if there was a situation that absolutely required it, then he wouldn’t hesitate, but usually he flipped from buildings and swung from ladders and even tightrope-walked on power lines. 
dick jumped from hobby to hobby to hobby when he was in middle school to at least the first two years of high school. he kinda settled into his likes and interests after that, always willing to try new things but still less all-consuming about learning everything he could. but when he was robin, he had a new super niche interest every other month. he’d go from collecting and pressing flowers to detail blacksmithing to finding out every culinary use for liquid nitrogen. bruce tried so hard to keep track of them, but unfortunately, didn’t come close to succeeding.
pretty early on, dick figured out he really didn’t want anything to do with the kids at the private school bruce sent him to. (he’d been the only child in a circus growing up, then came to live with solely bruce and alfred. while he was good at socializing with “normal people”, he didn’t really enjoy it.) so he gained this reputation in school of an enigma who’ll be surface level friendly with everyone but never actually be good friends with anyone. combined with all the random weird shit he could do, he basically became the school cryptid.
for the first few years of robin, dick refused to go to any circus. it took a while for him to understand that going to a circus and enjoying himself wasn’t an insult to his parents’ deaths, it was a celebration of their lives (a lesson some people haven’t learned yet brucei’mlookingatyou.) but he missed the circ, he missed it like an ache. so the compromise? bruce took dick to the zoo a lot. dick was consistently a visitor so often that the zookeepers and staff grew to recognize him. years and years later, when he started taking damian to the zoo, the staff members laughed to themselves about how dick’s keeping the tradition going.
one cannot become best friends with one wallace rudolph west without becoming a little bit of a foodie. combined with the team eager to introduce donna and garth to the best food earth had to offer, dick kind of became a mini food critic. 
the amount of satisfaction dick got from showing up competitive gymnasts who were older and “more experienced” than him was incredible. (and i mean absolutely no offense, just basing this off my personal experience: the brief time i was a competitive gymnast, everyone was hypercompetitive and combative.) anyway, dick reached olypmic-level gymanst around the early middle of his robin years, so he made it a little game to go gymnastics tutors and coaches and then just astound them with what he could do. sometimes, they had something genuine to teach him, and dick loved those people. but to the ones who blustered and tried to prove they were still better than an 11 year old after seeing dick do “just a simple, super easy, off the top of my head!!” beam routine were dick’s favourite, because he shut them up quick.
the athletic-based performers back in the circus all did morning stretches together. for dick, that was an routine built into him. so, once he felt comfortable enough around bruce, he asked to do it with him. so mornings in wayne manor found dick and bruce side-by-side doing stretches as bruce revaluated his opinion of how flexible he was and dick reveled in bossing around batman.
contrary to popular belief, dick didn’t have many posters. dick actually had no posters, save for the flying graysons one he tacked above his bed in every house or apartment he ever lived in. but aside from that, his personal affects came from little mementos and keepsakes. little elephant figurines from the asian mart bruce took him to, a box filled with entrance tickets from every time he and wally went to an amusement park (surrounded by the prizes they won at said amusement park), cool rocks displayed randomly around his room that he found gardening with alfred.
when dick was younger, he loved dancing. nowadays, he finds very little time to just dance for fun, usually doing it undercover at a club or ballroom dancing at a gala. but as robin? dick danced all the time. he’d put on music in the morning, jumping up and down in front of the bathroom mirror while brushing. he’d climb on top of the formal dining table, barefoot as always, and shake his hips to a song he had playing on a portable speaker. he spun in circles around the cave, he did flips with so much flair to them that you just couldn’t call it simple acrobatics during patrol. he had dance parties with the titans and linked arms with bruce as he dragged him up to twirl to a disney song.
this isn’t really a writing thing? but i’ll tag my tag list people anyway: @woahjaybird @birdy-bat-writes @anothertimdrakestan @subtleappreciation @screennamealreadyused @catxsnow @pricetagofficial @bonkybearjpeg @bikoncon @maplumebleue-blog-blob @sundownridge @thatsthewhump
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