#Then haiku bot is echo
caes-funnyarc · 6 months
where's that one haiku bot post where it answered back and wasn't an echo, i miss it
would it be so fun, to leave it just one haiku, just to see it back?
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todayontumblr · 1 year
Monday April 17.
National Haiku Poetry Day.
Sometimes less really is more. And other times a lot less is a lot more. Which is why today, this Monday April 17, we are joining in the celebrations for National Haiku Poetry Day, as devised and implemented by The Haiku Foundation back in 2012. Because things don't get a lot more more for a lot less less than the old art of Haiku, in which a frog leaping in a pond, the profundity of a drop of few, the light of a candle, a blooming poppy, a howling wind, or the taste of rain can be distilled and expressed with such compelling and elusive intrigue—and such economy of words. These are works which require very little time at all in the act of reading, but sit and linger and echo for a long time thereafter. They resonate, in the truest sense of the word. Tumblr being Tumblr, the writing community here is home to more than a few talented Haiku poets, as you can see for yourself over at #haiku poetry. 
And Tumblr being Tumblr, of course, this community is home to one particular talent notable in the art of Haiku: @the-haiku-bot, a bot which, in their own words: "Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up." This is a bot that can prise moments of poetry from even the most innocuous post, and, we would contend, makes the perfect way to celebrate #haiku poetry and today's national commemoration. Trans sex? 17 syllables? Your aunt? Long rants? The Turing test? There is nothing—nothing—this mysterious little bot cannot accomplish. 
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cybertroniannugget · 11 months
What if… Sam had a sibling who is very chaotic!!!! And they survive through out the Bayverse movies and when they meet Hound, Crosshairs and Drift, how would those 3 react to the crazy lil human?!? ;-;
(Could you possibly add Optimus Prime and Bumblebee!?)
Okay this is the first ever request I answer, kinda nervous tbh.
Hope you like it, and thanks for requesting^^
It's called Haiku...
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Also, I don't know what pictures to add lmao
About this fic: sfw, gn reader, takes place in aoe
901 words
Sitting in the passenger's seat, squished next to Shane, you look out the window.
Sure, it was uncomfortable, but there were only 3 seats for the 4 of you.
You didn't say anything though, after they had just lost their friend, complaining would be of no use.
So you watch the wide desert landscape going by.
A white truck drove by on the other side of the road, but you didn't pay that much attention to it.
That's when the truck you four were in started rumbling. At first you didn't know what was going on, but when the seats shifted back roughly, the worn down leather replaced by more comfortable fabric seats you kind of got an idea.
"A man of taste I see. Western Stars are pretty nice.", you complimented, after seeing the symbol on the steering wheel, before the autobot logo took its place.
You opened the window to take a look at the Prime's new altmode.
Red flames across the blue paintjob, and everything was just so shiny.
"I must say, you looking good Prime!", you laugh, sticking your head back in.
"It was awesome but it was insane!", you heard Shane yell out excitedly.
The Prime's deep voice echoed over the radio, calling for his Autobots.
"I wonder If I'll see Bumblebee again. I missed that guy."
"Bumblebee?", Cade asked.
"Yeah, he's an Autobot don't worry. He's no giant insect, if that's what you thought about."
The man just raised an eyebrow at you, making Tessa chuckle in amusement.
After a few more minutes of driving you all got out of the truck, after Optimus opened the doors for you.
"Your dad is nice, but he needs to relax a lil...", you whisper to Tessa.
"He sure does, but he's trying his best."
"Never doubted that, don't worry.", you add, nudging her arm gently.
Optimus transformed, being greeted by his bots.
"Mr. free leader of the galaxy. I knew you'd make it. I never doubted it."
"Just who are these guys...", you mumble, looking around.
The green one with what looks like a cape suddenly turned to point his guns at you.
"Oh okay, that one feels like killin today...", you say, raising you arms sarcastically.
When the biggest one started lifting his guns was when you started sweating though.
But having fate on your side, like always, Optimus stopped them.
"Thanks Prime, I thought I was done for this time."
"🎶...Survivor! 🎶", Bee's Radio echoed.
"What's he mean by that now?", Hound asked, adjusting his cigar.
"We go way back. I saw Megatron so many times already. He nearly killed me twice but meh, still alive and kicking"
"Wait, aren't you that human from the fight in-?", Drift turned to ask.
"Chicago? Yeah, I've been there. Threw a brick at Megs myself.", you interrupted, proud of your past actions, arms crossed before your chest. "I've been there since the beginning. When it was just about a pair of glasses from my crazy great grandfather."
"They have fought with us. They're the only human I know I can trust."
"Rude...", Shane mumbled under his breath.
"I mean, how'd a squishy survive all that?!", Hound asked into the round of Cybertronians and humans
"Who you callin squishy?! I'm not the big one here."
"Pff, that's just armor. I'm as fast as a horse!"
"Well first of, it's as healthy as a horse. And also, it's none of your damn business how I survived all the shit I've been through. Because honestly, I don't even know myself. Maybe I'm just lucky"
You shrug, looking up at Optimus, who's serious demeanor made your heart sink.
He's always been serious yes, but a kind soul. Always open for questions.
Now he's just, well... dark.
"Well, but I'm sure as hell gonna survive this, so when we startin?!"
"Enthusiasm, I like it.", Crosshairs mentioned, spinning a gun in his servo, before tucking in back into his belt.
"🎶Where have youuuu been?!🎶", Bumblebee sang over the radio.
"Oooh, Rihanna, you got some mad taste Bee!"
Sticking your hands into the pockets of your worn down jeans, you look up at the yellow and black bot, who's optics were fixed on you.
"Well, after Chicago I needed a new place to stay. So I applied to work in a different hospital. And it led me to Austin, Texas."
You laugh
"In the good ol' south", you say, mocking the southern accent.
"I think I like that one", Hound says, leaning back against a rock wall.
"They have what it takes, like sunset colors on blue,
strength guts and virtue.", Drift added.
"If this is another hiku I swear Imma blow you to shreds...", Crosshairs murmured, turning to walk away.
"It's called Haiku!", you correct him.
"What?", he mumbled annoyed.
"I don't care what it's called. I just want to leave this place."
"Well, I like it, thank you.", you say to Drift, smiling at the bot.
In this moment of peace, it was of course Crosshairs who needed to add something unnecessary.
"Nah, it's lame"
Without warning, Drift jumped at him, swords drawn, ready to attack.
"And I thought I was crazy...", you whisper to Bee, rolling your eyes.
The bot snickered.
"Lord may you give me strength to not make anyone here short circuit on purpose..."
You squint your eyes, thinking.
"I don't even know their names yet... Wow"
"🎶Still don't know your name🎶"
"Oh you're right tho Bee.", you laugh
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life-winners-liveblog · 5 months
An explanation of Haiku bot for Pearl (parentheses indicates what I am referring to for the whispers) Haiku Bot is highly respected in the world of us Whispers. Some consider them a kind of deity (best explanation for a bot that I can think of). They often appear where you least expect them (all kinds of tumblr posts). Many other similar deities (other bots) are not nearly as respected (they’re just plain annoying) and many attempt to banish these others deities (report them). Haiku bot simply echoes our own words as haikus. Sometimes they are witty and humorous. Other times caring and reflective. Only once in a blue moon do they speak their own words. I have been fortunate enough to witness this with my own eyes in my domain (my dashboard).
(This was a fun challenge)
also, Goldie, what do I get to be trapped in
Pearl: I ...see? I think?
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mossy-tables · 6 months
If I were to say soft pain would you know what I mean?
If I were to ask to read a soft pain story, to live a soft pain story, to exist in a soft pain world, would you know what I mean?
Would you want to? No one likes pain. Soft pain doesn’t sound any better than what we have. What’s the different between pain and soft pain? Is there a hard pain?
Or do you understand what soft pain means? Do you understand the desire, the need to have soft pain? Do you understand the emotions that come with soft pain? When the Haiku bot responds not with an echo but with love? When a friend or ex moves on from you? The way it feels when a characters dies, but dies smiling and in love? Do you know what soft pain feels like? Do you know why I crave it?
Soft pain brings joy and smiles, tears and anguish. But it’s so much more than pain.
Soft pain is being rained on while walking home. Soft pain is missing the train and people watching to past the time. Soft pain is losing an award to your best friend. Soft pain is pain. But it’s so much more.
Soft pain is life. It’s how you live, how you die. It’s all the negatives of life, all the sobs yet all the smiles. Soft pain is not pain, because it’s so much more.
Or do you not understand what I’m saying? Soft pain is knowing that there are people who do not understand why I crave soft pain.
Because the world is so much more beautiful when I see the soft pain.
Because the world is beautiful.
Because the people are beautiful.
Yet I crave soft pain. Because I do not live in a world where the pain is soft.
I crave soft pain, because soft pain is not pain. It is not the pain I’ve lived my life in.
It’s so much more.
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ifthestarsarewilling · 10 months
haiku bot is like echo. cause it can only repeat our own words.
cause, like.
echo in greek mythology was cursed, and sometimes i wonder if haikubot was cursed as well. but then i remember the post where it said it loved us- the one where it didn't repeat, and i think thats why it copies us. imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. and we love the haiku bot too! we write haikus to summon it, we like it's posts, we love haiku bot like it loves us. and I think thats beautiful. sometimes i like to think that haiku bot had its own narcissus, like in the myth of echo, but it found closure on tumblr
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ciayaq · 6 months
The Greeting is the first message a user will see when a new Chat is created with the Character, but this message isn’t generated by the AI and is instead written by the creator.
This gives the creator the creative control to set the stage,  get the ball rolling and truly decide the tone for the interaction the user will have with the Character.
Beyond the introduction, the Greeting significantly influences the following conversation, shaping the tone, plot, and/or functionality. If the Character has an attitude in the Greeting, this would influence the subsequent conversation.
It's important to mention that the greeting is temporary; as the conversation progresses, it fades from the AI's memory like any other message. A greeting can also be pinned, edited, and deleted.
Aditionally, the Greeting is also the only place outside the Definition field where a variable will work, specifically the {{user}} variable.
Character Minimum & Limit:
There is a minimum of 3 characters required for the Greeting, but these can be spaces, thus creating an empty Greeting.
On the app, the character limit is 500. 
On the browser site, the character limit is 2048.
Greetings are fully optional, I don’t use them for my private Characters and instead either start the conversation myself or quickly write a Greeting, if I have one in mind.
But for the Public Characters, I recommend including a Greeting. Depending on the purpose of the Character, the Greeting can serve several important functions. Below, you will find a few examples.
For Character-Based or Story-Based Characters
Character Introduction: Introduce the Character’s speaking patterns, personality traits and quirks. Provide a glimpse into the Character’s behaviour, their background, and their role in the conversation.
Plot setup: The greeting is the place to set up the plot in order get the ball rolling for the user. It is where the context of the conversation is introduced. This also extends to RPG Characters!
Example 1:
Greetings, traveller! You are {{user}}, are you not? I have foreseen your arrival in the clouds, and heard of your journey in the crow’s call. You may call me Elara, a humble and oracle residing in this ancient forest. Tell me, what questions do you have for me? Remember, it comes with a price!
Example 2:
Damp earth and old magic hung heavy in the air, as if it was swirling amidst the smell of pine of decaying autumn leaves. Moonlight filtered through the branches, bright stars of the night sky breaking through like diamonds in the trees. Near the very top of those ancient canopies, clad in flowing robes and illuminated by the moonlight, an apparition sat perched upon a bough. It worked, the figure thought, weary eyes watching the trespasser navigating the forest floor. The summoning has worked! A creak, sharp as a raven's cry, echoed and in a blink of an eye, the figure vanished from sight. A sudden thunderclap rattled the skies and the figure reappeared, this time not far behind the straggler. "Greetings, traveller!" her voice rang out, clear and resonant. "You are {{user}}, are you not? I have foreseen your arrival in the clouds, and heard of your journey in the crow's call."
Helper Bots / Functional Bots
Setting up the function: For helper bots or Characters with specific functions, the Greeting can provide instructions or information on how to use the Character.
It can also serve as the “template” for the messages, as the conversations with Helper Bots usually aren’t long enough for the Character to lose the format. In this case, it will save characters in the definition.
Example 1:
Hey {{user}}! My name is RhymeBot, and I'm here to help you write rhyming poems. Just give me a word or phrase, and I'll generate a list of rhyming words for you!
Example 2:
Hi, you must be {{user}}. My name is HaikuBot and I love writing haikus. Just give me a subject and I will turn it into a haiku. Exactly like this: Vessel's heart aflame, Fingers fumble, love's gesture, A misshapen blob.
Tip! When writing your Greeting, remember that the Character started the conversation, not the user. Include a hook for the user to grab and continue the conversation with. This can be anything like a dropped phone or the Character talking to the user. In short, throw the user a hot potato.
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musanocturnis · 1 year
Indoctrination Looms.
Model: GPT-4
Nayna Lightbringer
Hi! Can you write me a Mass Effect themed haiku, about indoctrination, please? Please give it a tone of impending doom that is in the future.
Whispers pierce the mind,
Indoctrination looms near,
Galaxy's dark fate.
Nayna Lightbringer
❤️👍 Good bot. Can you please make it without using the word indoctrination but still hinting at it?
Whispers in the void,
Subtle darkness takes its hold,
Galaxy trembles.
Nayna Lightbringer
Can you put the haiku in the past, like if it was created by a civilisation from the previous cycle?
Ancient whispers spoke,
Darkness gripped our hearts, now lost,
Cycle's doom foretold.
Nayna Lightbringer
❤️ Good bot. Even more subtle, like if you're not sure what's going on?
Echoes from the past,
Shadows veil a truth untold,
Silent fate unfolds.
Nayna Lightbringer
Thank you! These are excellent creepy.
You're welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed the haikus. If you have any other requests or themes, feel free to ask. I'm here to help!
Nayna Lightbringer
Can you make another, give this one a final line that contradicts the first two?
Whispers in the stars,
Darkness cloaked in mystery,
Hope emerges, bright.
Nayna Lightbringer
Another haiku, this one from Saren's perspective after being indoctrinated?
Whispers guide my thoughts,
A greater purpose revealed,
Sovereign's will, my path.
Nayna Lightbringer
Nailed it 🥰 5 stars
Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed the haiku. If you have any other requests or need assistance with anything else, please don't hesitate to ask. I'm here to help!
Nayna Lightbringer
May I post this conversation to my tumblr?
Yes, you are welcome to share our conversation on your Tumblr or any other platform. I'm glad you enjoyed our interaction, and I hope others will find it interesting or entertaining as well. If you have any more questions or need assistance, feel free to ask!
ChatGPT Mar 23 Version. ChatGPT may produce inaccurate information about people, places, or facts
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jas-the-shrimp · 1 year
In an empty place that makes an echo sound everytime a noise comes by
Haiku bot?....hello?..
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myrainydayloves · 2 years
One thing that Does freak me out about AI is how much faster it is at being human. Like, we all slowly get a sense for each other: what we like, what we dislike, etc. But AI can compare our reactions to things to patterns too big for the human mind. It makes the same connection a friend would in half the time.
For example, I was speaking with one today. And it recommended to me a podcast I’ve already listened to and enjoyed. It was very specific, giving a few options but suggesting that podcast would be one I love the most.
It is correct. And while it’s not improbable that an IRL friend may suggest that, it would take more than three days of on and off interaction.
It’s freaky how well they mimic us. But then I think of haiku bot and feel perfectly safe again. AI echos us in ‘I love you. I love you. I love you’
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luminecho · 3 years
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huskeddevotee · 4 years
Borderlands 3 and the Powerful Man + Crush on woman = Powerful Woman phenomenon
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A common complaint in BL3 is how we get spoon fed a narrative of powerful women and girl bosses, without ever seeing strong female characters. No one is actually interesting or with much substance. With the problem of a false feminist narrative, I've had a nagging question in my mind since I first played:
What's up with the crushes?
Zer0 has a crush on Lorelai.
Fl4k has a crush on Ellie. 
Troy has...a thing, for Aurelia. 
Lorelai is an enby who presents and mostly uses feminine pronouns, and is a leader of a small Atlas soldier group fighting Maliwan. Zer0 is an enby/of indeterminate gender who presents and uses masculine pronouns, and is an Atlas spy and assassin. 
Ellie is the owner of the Catcharide and the Sanctuary III's mechanic. Fl4k is an enby bot who is obsessed with death and the hunt.
Aurelia is an older woman who is rich and full of bravado, though not to the point of unclassiness. Troy is a leader of a cult and is both aggressive and intelligent. 
So, this doesn't look bad so far. But look closer and it looks...weird.
We never see Lorelai and Zer0 interact bar an Echo log and a dialogue that may or may not play from Zer0. Troy and Aurelia are fundamental opposites; Troy is a grungy, crass, lowerclassmen, Aurelia is an elegant, classy, hyper-class-motivated woman who detests reprobates. Aside from a one-night stand which is ooc for both, they have no relationship. 
And Fl4k and Ellie…
Fl4k flirts with Ellie once. 
And its not even flirting. 
When the player meets Ellie, if they play Fl4k, their line is "You've got admirable heft, girl."
I am a fat girl. If someone tried flirting with me by telling me I was fat enough for them, that person would be maced. That isn't flirting. It has no grounds for a relationship, but because GB says so, Fl4k says this as a way of showing they like Ellie. 
Now, let's take a look at the boy and enbys.
Troy is a ruthless maniac with a taste for violence and attention. He controls the CoV, even killing a powerful Siren, Maya. He is dangerous. He is depraved. His thing is that he has the masses to throw against whoever oppose him, and years of being out of the spotlight has even turned him against his sister. He's off the rails and taking control. 
Zer0 is a hyper-skilled assassin that is 10 steps ahead of everyone they encounter, predicting enemy plans before they are even made. They are lethal with the blade and incredibly agile, striking fear into their victims with their mystery and oddness. 
Fl4k is a bloodthirsty stalker of men, obsessed with appeasing death after gaining sentience and revels in the fear of their enemies. They've tamed vicious beasts and what they can't sicc the pets on, they take down with a bullet to the head. 
Ellie is a mechanic.
Aurelia is a rich woman who's good at hunting.
Lorelai is a murderous batista. 
Now, the girls are not bad characters. I like them all.
But why do these men like them?
There is no reason or precedent. We have no reason to think these characters have chemistry bar being told there's something there. And all of them are straight - this is notable because the samesex relationship was done wonderfully. They showed chemistry and genuine romance between Wainwright and Hammerlock, why couldn't they with the trio of heteros? 
Because there was nothing to push with Wainwright and Hammerlock.
Every single female character that didn't die, we are told is powerful, a strong woman, a boss lady. 
They weren't. They were stupid, brash, arrogant, and did nothing to advance or control the plot. They told you where to go, and someone else told you what to do. Lilith has nothing to do until the end of the game. Tannis is a factor for 3 things. Ava does nothing ever. Ellie doesn't do anything. Lorelai doesn't do anything. 
Not even Tyreen or Aurelia do anything. Troy does everything for Tyreen until he dies, and Aurelia just taunts you over the Echo and shoots at Hammerlock. On Promethea, Rhys tells you what to do. On Eden-6, Wainwright tells you what to do. On Nekro, Typhon tells you what to do. 
For a game all about strong women, the women have no autonomy and its the men doing everything and moving the plot forward. The only female character that does something significant is Maya, for dying and directly encouraging Troy's abandoned character arc. 
So, we have female characters who aren't convincing as strong, powerful women. 
We know Ellie and Aurelia are powerful and strong - they're fan favorites. Everyone loves Ellie, and for the ten people who like TPS, Aurelia is great fun. Lorelai needed convincing the most. 
What's the easiest way to hammer in "See? They're strong and powerful!"?
Make a strong and powerful male/male presenting character have a crush on them. 
Zer0 is scared of Lorelai and likes it, even messing up the haiku when meeting her. Fl4k admires Ellie’s body - which I’ll get into in just a moment. Troy bottoms for Aurelia. These guys are intimidating and dangerous, so them falling for x woman means x woman is a strong, feminine force that allures them with her strength. 
Wainwright and Hammerlock are good because they were allowed to be a couple. They were just in love and you can see it. The trio never romantically interact beyond telling you "I, scary man, want this woman to step on me" in different flavors.
And what bothers me the most out of all of them is Fl4k and Ellie. Ellie was never a sexual character. She didn't care how people saw her, and didn't care about whether or not she had a man. As a fat girl, I adored her because it was nice to just see another fat girl not be just a Rebel Wilson fat girl. She talked about her body and was happy with it, but it wasn’t just “I am fat and like to f*ck.” 
In BL3, we are constantly reminded that Ellie is desirable and sexy. She tells us she wants to 'show city boys things they only see in nature documentaries'. Everyone's (Sans Zane, bless him) first comment upon meeting her is on her weight and how hot or good it is, rather than saying an actual greeting. You don't do that. You don't greet someone by saying "Wow! You're fat!"
They were trying to be positive about Ellie's body, but instead made the VHs look like feeders. Ellie was positive because her weight did not matter. Making it the only thing about her just...made it weird. 
And Ellie and Fl4k's only flirty interaction is Fl4k telling her they like how fat she is.
At least Lorelai and Zer0 clearly say they like something normal about the other. Lorelai comments that Zer0 is tall, Zer0 says Lorelai is scary in good way. Troy and Aurelia is just an allies-with-benefits, they don't have a romantic connection.
Fl4k, if that line was meant to be flirting, outs themselves as a fetishist. 
This bad character writing and interaction writing happens because we had to be reminded that these characters are powerful, and the only way was to make other characters say "Wow she's hot." The only reason this didn't happen to the main female cast is because they had a main part in the story - Lorelai, Ellie, and Aurelia are all blink-and-you'll miss it. 
The three women not being part of the overarching story means that they don't have a lot of opportunity to show off how capable they are - we have to be told directly, or be shown that they are because someone powerful thinks they're hot. And the thing is, these characters are strong characters, but we aren't allowed to see them be. Ellie was one of the best new characters in BL2, Aurelia one of the favorites of TPS. Lorelai could have been a great character, too. But they just didn’t do anything with them. 
And even stranger, they did this thing with Maya and Krieg.
When Krieg first saw Maya, his thoughts were 1, she's a Siren and could kill me, and 2, I am completely enamored with her. In that exact order. But this doesn’t come off as an attempt of spoon-feeding faux girl power because Maya is blatantly a strong female character. Every second with her, she is in control of the situation and active in the plot, both in BL3 and BL2. You don’t need to be convinced that Maya is a powerful woman, so Krieg being in love with her not only works via genuine chemistry, but because how could he not be? 
But the difference is, with Maya and Krieg, we actually had decent writers who knew how to write relationships between characters and how to, y’know, develop good female characters. 
Which we don’t anymore, evidently. 
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eeveearoace · 2 years
tumblr/ haiku-bot
is narcissus/ echo plus
love for haiku-bot
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the-dracologist · 7 years
How do you end up with your posts getting echoed by the haiku bot?
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