youressentialsblog · 3 years
Texas Theocrats Put a $10,000 Bounty on Abortion Providers
Texas Theocrats Put a $10,000 Bounty on Abortion Providers
Even though their numbers are declining, religious right theocrats are going to extremes to take control of women’s reproductive health and the motive is clearly to keep them subservient to religious Republicans. Now Texas Republicans are two months away from putting a bounty on abortion service providers and anyone who assists a woman exercising her human right to reproductive…
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I pull in behind my neighbor’s truck to park today and a certain David Bowie/Trent Raznor song gets stuck in my head...
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smashing-yng-man · 2 years
"But the Bible says!" Well, that's great. You know what else is great? It shouldn't matter what the Bible says about abortion, or literally anything else, on a political spectrum. The United States is not a theocracy. If you don't believe me, read all 4,440 words of the Constitution. Take your time.
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theshoesofatiredman · 2 years
Abortion is fundamentally about bodily autonomy. Even if you believe, as I used to, that life begins at conception, it is a life still wholly dependent on the mother's body to stay alive. I don't think the state should have the right to demand the human body is used to keep another human body alive. It is too morally complex to be handled on anything other than an individual level, a case-by-case basis.
Additionally, if you believe in freedom of and from religion, then you need to make room for the people whose religious beliefs (or sincerely held non-religious beliefs) encompass the idea that human life does not begin until birth. We are trying to legislate based on the answer to a philosophical question (when does life begin?) and different people, while striving to be upright and moral, have arrived at different answers based off a wide variety of data points -- theological, scientific, sociological, etc. If you are a Christian trying to legislate based off a worldview where life begins at conception, you are imposing your religious worldview on other people. Please, I beg of you, resist the theocratic tendency to build power structures based off your religious views. A society free from theocracy is the society we should be striving for.
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theglasscat · 2 years
if eda and raine get married like some of you nerds keep saying then it's gotta end with a big musical number where eda utters the exact words, "wow wow fellas, look at the old girl now fellas"
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mudstoneabyss · 2 years
Kevin has a Twitter and not a tumblr because he tried to make one once but immediately got kungpowpenised and deleted
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kentucky-fried-thea · 2 years
petition to get matt walsh kicked off of twitter
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lightdancer1 · 2 years
With the low standards of today's socialist movements I wonder how long until there's a Neo-Confederate wing
After all, in terms of its ideology the Confederacy was both dedicated to the destruction of the United States and the largest, most successful anti-capitalist movement in US history. Modern day socialists rationalize defending Ayatollah Khameini and Vladimir Putin and Bashir Al-Assad and North Korea. Why wouldn't they find a way to turn the Confederacy into a socialist ideal, too? Especially factoring in that from 1862 onwards it was the implementor of the most socialist de facto programs in US history because if it didn't do this it would have fallen in a year.
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lost-carcosa · 2 years
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ladychlo · 2 years
I also worry about the people who live in Russia. Millions of people are suffering because of the dictatorial government. I hope they will be all right
yes! Im aware of how locally is shite from going through the situation of lgbtq+ people there. be safe!!! its just so heartbreaking to wake up to Ukrainians homes being wrecked by boombing, living on a state of war and fear
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neriumdelusion · 2 years
Charles IS fucked up and unhinged and I WONT stand for people making him normal
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bytchysylvy · 2 years
it started out with a joke 
how did it end up like this?
it was only a joke 
it was only a joke
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i don't have any unironic strong feelings on the idea of shipping dimitri with rhea however i do think that if it ever actually happened, loog the king of lions himself would rise from the grave on the power of pure spite and bitch slap rhea with the full might of the crest of blaiddyd, killing her instantly
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mudstoneabyss · 3 years
kevin an charles are t4t (theocrat for theocrat). they are also both trans
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leguin · 3 years
there’s already enough going on in the world without elizabeth bruenig bruenigposting
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lightdancer1 · 3 years
Especially in the Fire Lord Ursa AU I make the point that she is a woman with kids and that her arc is not defined by her parenting or lack thereof
In this AU she literally transforms the Fire Nation in a 'from bad to worse' fashion by reviving its theocratic elements to make herself and Azula and Zuko literal God-Emperors in the Shinto and Roman style. Her motivation for killing Ozai is less 'abuse victim bites back' and more 'abuse victim develops god-complex to compensate and absolute power takes this ever bit as disastrously as it could go' in an AU where Roku's lineage revered their ancestor as a literal capital G God and themselves accordingly.
Her double-standard to her children is also very different from all the other AUs, she essentially treats Azula much like Ozai did Zuko, as the scapegoat and dehumanizes her in a fine case of classical autocratic and dictatorial double-standards (and one that creates its own longer-term problems in her new golden age) and ends up creating a self-inflicted pair of symbols of dissent......but she does so in a twisted sense of 'fixing' her daughter from an image in her head that has little to do with Azula the actual person (who does have more than a few traits of canon Azula in this AU but also incorporates some aspects of canon (not fanon) ZUKO). Where Ozai openly scorns Zuko as a weakling and a failure, Ursa treats Azula as a barely human monster who needs a forcible dose of Ursa's 'kindness' and even Iroh, who initially starts off with no good thoughts of his niece insofar as he cared about her at all starts to have deep qualms, as do others.
Hence why Ursa 'solves' the problem by expelling some of her problem children on the Wani and aiming for 'out of sight out of mind' approaches.
This is merely a personal element of a much greater evil and where the Fire Nation and the world at first was curious if the change from the House of Sozin to the House of Roku would make things better, the reality of an Avatar-cult for a dead Avatar making the war infinitely *worse* in the open willingness to indulge in barbarism gives Aang a whole new and completely unintentional set of headaches. There is no longer an automatic view that the Avatar or his legacy is a force for good, and the reincarnation of Roku is looked at with suspicion because he *is* the successor to the same Roku whose heirs in six years have done as much horrors as Azulon did in fifty.
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