#There are also just regular Diluc arranged marriage thoughts
hanawrites404 · 3 years
Whoop whoop!! Genshin OC time UwU
She has been living in my mind for MONTHS, time to bring her to Teyvat for some action ÒwÓ
Name : Bernadette Schutz (AKA Berna)
Age : 24
Sex : female (she/her)
Sexuality : heterosexual
Zodiac sign : Sagittarius (28 November)
Occupation : Heiress of the Schutz family, Member of the Fatui
Height : 5'8
Weight : 48 kg
Relatives : Darren Schutz (father) (deceased)
Alida Schutz (mother) (alive)
Albedo (best friend, one-sided lover)
Sucrose (best friend)
Alice (mother's friend, mentor)
Klee (best friend, little sister-figure)
Diluc Ragnvindr (closest friend, sweetheart)
Kaeya Alberich (best friend, brother-figure)
Childe Tartaglia Ajax (superior, good friend)
Scaramouche Balladeer (acquaintance, superior)
Il Dottore (main boss, confidant, love interest)
La Signora (good friend, superior)
Origin : Fontaine, currently living in Mondstadt
Backstory : Bernadette is the only successor of the Schutz family. She is the child of a well-reputed aristocratic lady and a staunch Fatui diplomatic man. Both the parents were polar opposites to each other in terms of morals and personality, and their marriage was arranged by their guardians for the sole purpose of procreating their next descendant.
Bernadette's childhood was strict and reticent, but she was never forced to learn or do anything which was against her will and interest. Her parents too cooperated with each other and were loving and nurturing their daughter, and Berna was never deprived of any necessary resources. Along with regular etiquette classes and honing her skills and hobbies, Bernadette was raised as a proper and independent woman who would be capable enough to inherit and succeed the bloodline of the Schutz family once she reaches a mature age. However, this isn't her whole story.
It instead starts from Mondstadt, when the owner of the famous Dawn Winery, Master Crepus Ragnvindr, hosted a celebration for his son's coming of age. Darren Schutz was one of the patrons invited to the party, and he decided to bring his daughter with him so she could meet new people and form allies with them as it would help develop her social skills as a young adult.
As they attended the party, Bernadette meets Diluc and they get acquainted to each other, neverless of her shy nature. Talking to him was like a breath of fresh air and she felt comfortable with him in no time. She was really happy that she had made a new friend.
But the happiness didn't last long when the news came of Crepus's death, and Berna was anxious for the whole day worrying about Diluc's well-being. Much to her relief, Diluc was safe, but there wasn't enough to rejoice about as she learnt he gave up his vision and position in The Knights of Favonius because of the affiliation concealing the truth about the incident because they had a 'reputation' to maintain, and also that he was left heavy-hearted due to his father's demise. Berna thought of helping him in any way she could, but Diluc denied her offer and left Mondstadt to uncover the mystery of the magic involved with his father's death.
Meanwhile, Bernadette stayed in the city for a few months more after Diluc left. She met the chief alchemist of the knights, Albedo along with his assistant Sucrose, and the new cavalry captain, Sir Kaeya. She became close to both of them, but she was personally closer to Albedo because she liked his straightforward nature and friendliness to children. Albedo too slowly developed a love interest on her in the meantime. And just like that, Berna met Klee and also discovered how Alice was acquainted to her mother, Alida, as well.
After spending time getting to know the new friends she made at Mondstadt, Bernadette returned to Fontaine with her father. Her worry about Diluc was still there in her heart, even if they had known each other for a couple of hours. She even missed him, and prayed that he finds the truth behind what he was seeking for and also that nothing bad happens to him.
For the rest of the three years that passed, nothing in the House of Schutz changed much. Except for Darren's health, which kept deteriorating from day to day because of pneumonia. And it wasn't long that he succumbed to his end on his deathbed and bid goodbye to his wife and beloved daughter. But before he could die, he told Bernadette his last wish, and it was that she joins the Fatui and serve the Tsaritsa with loyalty and devotion, just like he did.
Alida was strongly opposing of Darren's wish since she believed this would turn Bernadette aggressive and selfish which was against her rules as a Schutz member, but Berna loved her father very much and didn't have the courage to refuse him, especially when this was the last thing he is ever going to ask her to do.
Bernadette promised her mother that she would still ascend the ancestry and will never ever break the ways of the Schutz even if she is going to join the organization. That is, maintain the grace and pride the lady of the family carries and also be the beacon of kindness to everyone as that's what the Schutz were known for. To be as humble and nimble as a water lily, yet stern and apt as a tigress.
And so, without wasting any more time, Bernadette registered herself into the Fatui recruitment program, and much to her 'bad luck', her recruiter was no one other than the cynical mad scientist Fatui harbinger who was rumoured to have conducted experiments on humans and even young children, Il Dottore.
But luckily with the skills, courage and knowledge she had gained throughout her life, she passed the test by defeating and dismantling a specialised ruin hunter created by none other than the doctor himself. It wasn't easy, of course. But Berna was really determined to gain her position as the assistant to the harbinger who was recruiting her, and it was safe to say that Dottore was not disappointed by her performance, and believed that she can be a good use to him.
Berna was very soon accepted as one of the members of the Fatui, and with her new status as Dottore's 'cute little' assistant, she met Childe, who was impressed of her fighting skills he witnessed during the trial. Childe helped her get familiar to how everything worked inside the Fatui and introduced her to his coworkers such as Signora and Scaramouche, and they weren't as bad as she thought they would be to her as a newbie.
To be honest, the whole Fatui had become like her family in just a few months. And that's how she realised why her father loved to work and why he was so dedicated to it. And that's the whole story how such a timid woman like her got winded up into the deceitful business of the Fatui diplomats. Not that she regrets it.......for now.
Powers : Bernadette received her vision during her father's last minutes. As soon as she accepted her father's request with tears of misery dripping from her eyes, there came a prithiva topaz gem embedded with a pattern that resembled the rigid element of Geo, surrounded with a familiar design representing her nation, in her palms. And that was the last thing Darren saw before he smiled and closed his eyes, greeting death at his door.
From her teenhood, she had been trained by her tutors to skillfully maneuver blades in any type of fight, whether in a duel or a mass battle. Hence, she fights with a sword, but her preference is fighting with dual blades as it guaranteed more damage and defense. Her fighting style closely mirrors the dance of a swan, and the fire she bears in her eyes is like the torch of victory.
With her elemental skill, she can cast an elemental shield shaped as ring of spikes around herself or her teammates by a flick around of her sword, also damaging the opponents and shoving them away during the process.
With her elemental burst, she summons her second identical sword and charges her weapons with immense elemental energy and attacks vigorously, also sending shakes to the ground as sturdy structures erupt and bloom to rain down stalactites over the enemies.
Her constellation is Armatis Ursus, which as suggested by the name is shaped as the profile of a bear with a regal crown.
Personality : Bernadette is a soft-natured, curious and shy person. She usually has a bit of difficulty socialising with people but would open up gladly once she feels comfortable around them. She is caring, helpful and extremely polite. She is also a motherly type of a person when it comes to being a friend of hers. She is very optimistic at times and she has her moments when she is really irritated. But trust me, you really wouldn't want to see that.......
Interesting Facts : She loves warm colours in general. And her favourite season is winter.
Her favourite flowers are anemones.
Her speciality dish is Soupe à l’oignon. Her favourite food to eat is Croque monsieur and her favourite drink is apple cider. She likes apples a lot too.
Her hobbies consists of piano playing, singing, ballet, practicing swords, baking and writing poetry.
She is left handed.
She can speak English, French and German.
She has studied mechanical science and law, so she is familiar with the functions of almost any gadget and can repair them with the right tools.
She smells like strawberries and faintly of white chocolate.
Voice Claim : 💛
Appearance : She has short auburn hair which she ties in a high messy updo. Her skin is snow white with her cheeks always in a light blush and there are faint dark freckles over her nose. Her eyes are brown and her lips are reddish pink. She is a rather skinny woman with B-cup breasts. But even with her stature, she is pretty strong and can easily lift up heavy objects and carry them around. Her nails are painted dark red.
This is how she looks.
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And this is her outfit ✨❤️ (her vision would be on her back, where the dark strip of her dress is)
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And that's all about her! Thank you for reading 💕💕
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toasteaa · 2 years
hhhhhnghm...hear me out...childhood friends with the ragbros...growing up with these two boys with hearts set on adventure, wanting to go and explore the world with them. The both of them. While the three of you play, your parents meet with Diluc's father - the content of their conversations doesn't affect you now. Not immediately at least.
Seashells and pinecones the three of you collected together as children start turning into calla lilies from Kaeya and windwheel asters from Diluc; you cherish both equally and try not to show favoritism...but one bouquet gets the nicer vase. One makes your heart race a little faster. Your parents tell you of their discussions once they believe you'll be able to understand it - a marriage between the two families. You've been promised to Diluc, and when you settle with your thoughts that evening, you find yourself flustered and afraid at the same time. A decision had been made for you before you could even understand what (or more precisely, who) it was you wanted.
A confession goes unspoken the night of Crepus's death; it remains unspoken for years. You spend days with Kaeya, tending to his wounds, trying to get him to say something, anything, about what happened. You spend your nights crying over another undeliverable letter to Diluc, thoughts wandering back to the Dawn Winery standing vacant and cold beyond Mondstadt. How the three of you used to play together there, how you used to plan your journey into the neighboring Liyue, and how those plans will never come to fruition.
You don't expect Kaeya's first words after weeks of silence to be an apology, but you've come to always be surprised by his actions. Whether it's him accompanying you on an evening stroll or working alongside you silently. It stirs something in you; a cocktail of emotions, both infatuation and perhaps something deeper, that you wish you could keep bottled up and hide. But it only pushes back harder each time Kaeya's hand brushes yours, each time he manages to pull a laugh out of you, or returns from another mission unscathed.
You feel light. You feel guilty. You were promised to Diluc, not Kaeya.
And yet that guilt fades for a moment when you hear of the rumors of Diluc's return to Mondstadt. You're not allowed further than the foyer and Adelinde explains it's for the young master's privacy, but you can see the apology in her eyes. You know that she's aware of what you are - what you're supposed to be - to Diluc, but she cannot ignore what she's told. Or what she believes is best. But the rumors are confirmed and your heart hammers against your ribcage: Diluc was back. He was home.
But he's changed. When you do see him, there's no light in his eyes and his smiles (if you could call them that) are cold and closed off. But the more you return to the winery, the more you see there is something there. Something warm and familiar just beneath the icy exterior that brings heat flooding back into your cheeks. It's there in the way he says your name before changing his mind and the way he moves to reach out for you before stopping himself.
But the guilt returns. The weight of your parent's and maid's whispering of your arrangement settling heavily on your shoulders. You were promised to Diluc; raised, primmed, and prepped for a marriage to link yours with the Ragnvindr's and yet you wish Barbatos would strike you where you stood.
How could you love them both so dearly and be forced to choose one?
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