#There is more to come
papiliomame · 6 months
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bap the Danno
Original meme here
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aliensubstance-011 · 4 months
Demon!Edwin Au
Me and a pal have been throwing this idea around for a little bit and I'm obsessed so here's a Demon!Edwin AU:
Edwin still crawls out of hell around the same time Charles is dying, but really wasn't expecting to find a very much still living human
So, as to not scare him to bad (the guy's dying, and Edwin certainly isn't a cruel demon), Edwin takes human form
He's... seen those enough to get it right...right?
So Charles, in his dying moments, meets Edwin. It's just that his limbs are a little too long, his joints twist just a bit too far, eyes just a little too lifeless
Oh, and he looks like he's from the early 1900s. So Edwin lies and says his a ghost- which Charles believes, until he's a ghost himself.
In which Charles figures that Edwin definitely isn't a human, but it's not like he's doing any harm, is he?
At first, Edwin doesn't particularly care for this human- he's just another one off to his afterlife, and Edwin is far more concerned with getting used to this new body.
But this human is...kind of charming, actually. and when he decides to stay with Edwin? Well, Edwin has 30 years to fully figure out his human/ghost persona.
Onto more general stuff:
Edwin doesn't particularly care about mortal life- human beings are like little ants to him, they live, they die and go to their afterlife.
But to Charles? Other people, especially helping them, is important to him- and Charles is important to Edwin.
So Edwin tries. They form the Dead Boy Detectives, and the plot of the show moves on!
That 'We didn't matter. Him and I' scene is mainly about Charles, but he slots himself in there to not only because it somewhat reflects how demons treat each other in hell, but because Edwin is extremely distraught about how anyone could treat Charles the way most people in Charles' life did.
Overall, Edwin is very bad at being a demon, but only a little bad about being a human ghost.
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brokenpieces-72 · 1 month
Does it End?
Cod Gangster AU | Navigation
Note: Just wanted to say, holy shit you guys really enjoyed this. I’m surprised. Originally I joined tumblr to read fics and post some of my art, with my own writing just being a shot in the dark. I expected maybe a couple likes, and that’s it. Really appreciate this and don’t worry there will be more. Thank you guys so much for your support.
For a moment, just a moment you’re in bed. You know this bed, and you know the man holding you. It’s your father, holding you close, and telling you stories about heroes and villains. There is a crash of thunder above you and hide under the covers. Your father gives a small laugh, before lifting the covers, to find your trembling form. He hides underneath with you.
“Come here Y/N.” he says wrapping you in his arms. “No matter whatever happens… you’ll always be safe. I promise.”
You wake up… in your room. You’re in warm dry clothes, and your hair is still a little damp. There’s a few blankets layered on top of you. Along with a familiar feline, who has curled up next to your pillow on the bed. The cat lets out a soft inquisitive meow, sniffing you.
“Hi…” you croaked. You feel tired still, and a little sore in the arm. When you move it you wince in pain. Once you get some of the blankets off, you check to see bandages around your shoulder. Well at least it was done properly. You don’t hear much outside your room, and slowly get out of the bed.
Despite the flannel and tank top, you reached for a hoodie that had been left on the hook on the door. You have to ease your arm into the other sleeve, but get it on, shivering a little. Slowly you open the door.
No one in the hall. You’re about to step out when you hesitate. Did you let them down again? They know you gave up so much on Makarov that may actually bring him to justice. It was for them, but it was still important. Had they released them anyways? Alex swore he would only let them out if you didn’t return. But if the rest of the guys had pressured him… maybe they wouldn’t do that. You hadn’t spoken to any of them for days, running around behind them, and their arrest. Surely your actions proved something but it didn’t rid you of the guilt. None of this would have happened if you kept to yourself. If you’d stayed in line.
The cat squeezes through the small opening between your leg and the door, hurrying out to the door way leading to the main living area. She stops and turns back to you as if asking, “you coming?”
You take a deep breath. You know them. They know you. If they wanted, you’d been willing to move out. At the very least you should say sorry. You open the door and step out, closing the door behind you. There are hushed tones as you slowly walk down the small hallway. You poke your head out as you enter the main living area. Kyle was in the kitchen, with the rest of the guys around the table, with Alex and a laptop. You consider running for the door.
“Hey.” Kyle says, coming over to you. He gives you a gentle hug, avoiding your shoulder and hug him back. The relief is euphoric. He pulls away and looks at you.
“Go sit, I’ll bring your tea.”
You nod and go over to the couch, as the guys all turn and look up, as the cat follows close. Johnny gets up and hugs you, and you wince. He forgot about the bullet wound.
“Sorry.” He mutters. You nod, knowing he means well. You sit down on the couch, and look at Alex.
“You’re sure?” Alex asks. You know what he’s asking. The truth is… you didn’t have anything on Makarov. He thought you did and he left the possibility to fill his mind.
“Send them to Graves.” You direct. “He’ll clear everything.”
Alex starts typing, and Price folds his arms, seemingly hiding a grin. “You don’t have anything do you?”
The whole room drops into stunned silence. Many eyes are on you but you only meet Prices, if only for a few brief moments. “Nothing… I don’t know where any of it is.”
“What are you saying?” Rudy asks. Johnny is sitting in the arm rest, looking at you expectantly.
“Never had anything on Makarov, I wasn’t looking for anything on him.” You admit. “The photos are for you guys.”
There is a bit of tension, as they start wondering what you’re talking about.
“To exonerate you. Prove you were there under my direction, undercover. Your records for the raid are clean.” You tell them. The tension is gone now, but it’s still quiet. You had nothing on Makarov.
Simon shakes his head, and then you notice his shoulders bob.
“You cheeky git.” He says. Kyle hands you your tea and you sip it. They’re all pretty impressed. But they know they have plenty of work to do. No one says anything for some time.
“You did a good job.” Alejandro says, breaking the silence.
“We have plenty more to do.” Kyle adds on.
“True but for now, we rest and recover. Make sure everything gets sorted and then we can plan our next move.” Price says. Hearing that, you slouch back, pulling your legs up on to the couch. You certainly need some time for yourself.
John was sitting out on the fire escape, smoking one of his cigars. The brand he used for special occasions, and avoiding death, being cleared of charges, yep it was special enough. You did so much just to get them out. Alex told him about what had happened with Nolan. The one thing he never wanted for you in this job. Still you were walking around, alive. He could argue it was a bloody miracle.
When they brought you home he feared the worst. That you would never open your eyes. His only hope was you’d get to see your father again. You went in after him to save him. Not thinking and just reacting, forgetting to get the keys until he was almost out of breath. Then you nearly got yourself killed. Putting so much on the line for people who never wanted to see you again.
Price looks up over his shoulder to see you halfway on the fire escape.
“Sorry I can go.” You say quickly, back tracking.
“No I don’t mind.” Price assures you, facing forward again. You come out and stand next to him, coughing when you smell the tobacco. Damn it was strong. Price gives a half smile at your reaction. You lean over the railing with him, that red scarf around your neck, a mug held with fingerless gloves and your beanie covering your ears.
Silence again. You think this is how Price communicates, relying on body language to express himself most times.
“I’m sorry.” You say. You didn’t want silence, it just made everything more difficult. “I should’ve left Graves out of it. Just…I don’t know, I screwed up, I know I did. Everything went to shit because of me, you nearly die-everyone nearly died because I opened my fucking mouth. I’m sorry.”
“…I forgive you for opening your fucking mouth.” Price says. “You know how you can make it up to us?”
“My bag is packed already, I’m getting a ride from Alex.” You assure him.
Price looks at you.
“Well I hope it’s to pick up the bag from your apartment.” Price says. You look at him.
“I fucked up,” you argue.
“Yeah, and now you’ll be making up for it. That unit is gonna get bought up my Milena one way or another. You won’t have anywhere to work on your sketches, you’re out of the job.” Price points out. “And I made a promise.”
You sip your tea, letting it warm you a bit. Your favourite blend as well. Your hands tremble a little, as you shift your weight from your bad shoulder.
“You may not be your dad, but I can tell you from experience… you’re exactly what you need to be.” Price says putting a hand on your back. You nod, feeling the tears welling up. “Proud of you.”
You sniffle and he pulls you in closer, giving you a close half hug, resting his head on yours. It’s not a perfect ending, but this wasn’t something neat. You were going to get dirty, but the world would be cleaned. Hearing those words though, from John, you felt something you hadn’t in a very long time.
Makarov is pissed off. Graves came in announcing there was evidence that supported the 141’s innocence. Not only that but he still didn’t have his file, since you never coughed up any location.
Right now they would be recovering, and likely try to hide away. Regroup and think of a new strategy. It gave him time as well. Time to figure out everything he could find on you that Graves hadn’t removed from police records. Graves may be on a long leash, but Makarov would shorten it in due time.
You sat outside again, a blanket around you, and the world moving about as it always did. Without a word Johnny came out to join you, sitting next to you on the steps. The only thing between you two is silence and the busy streets of cars and strangers below.
“Why didn ya ever walk away?” He finally asks. You turn to look at him. “Cracked ribs, two bullet wounds, nearly drowned, got beaten by cops, got beaten by Alejandro, beaten by Nolan… nearly got beaten by me… and you stayed?”
You’ve always known the answer to this question. It’s still one you have to think about though. At first you would have replied asking where you were supposed to walk to. You’d given Johnny your answer before, saying it was to protect the people in the city, to clean it up because you couldn’t expect others to do it.
“For the longest time, I kept thinking I had to be like my father. Become a cop, stand up for the innocent, and protect the city from wrong doing. Everyone expected me to be one, and I eventually did too.” You exclaim.
“But ya not.”
“I’m not.” You say. “Graves was expecting me to be like my dad. Raising me to be like him, training me, even took me under his wing when I became a cop. Graves showed me how to be my dad… but you guys… you taught me how to be myself. How to find my own answers.”
Johnny smiles. “You figured that out on yer own. Just needed a chance to realize it.”
“Thank you.” You say, leaning into him. Johnny puts an arm around you. Neither of you know what’s coming. You have plenty to face, you know you will. You’re not alone. The 141 will stand with you, and you with them. Nothing will truly stop you.
You thought.
Taglist: @yourlovely-moon @kaoyamamegami @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @sans-chara @1mommyrose4ever29 @smitten-haematite-quartz @talia-the-gemini @yuki2129 @whitetiger846 @graystorm444 @chibiduck @reaperxxxxzz @danielle143 @sobbingnshtting @cringeycookies @cryingpages @dcnocap207 @reaper-chan666 @bestbookfriends @thriving-n-jiving
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thymelessink · 12 days
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Isn't that a bit too much, Q?
Q: I don’t understand the question.
(Although, I was asking myself whether the first one is too much, so here you have both versions)
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dib-thing-wannabe · 7 months
Okay, everyone's fucked, I'm making Rayman and Raymesis incorrect quotes.
Rayman: At least I wasn't a goddamn Coco Melon baby!
Raymesis: Wha- Bitch!! You quite literally ate dirt, you can't say shi-
Raymesis: ... Fuck it, I'm gonna go throw up, be right back.
Rayman: Wha- Why??
Raymesis: I think that it'll make me feel better if I do.
Rayman: That is exactly what will make you feel worse!
Rayman: Come on, Raymesis. Spill.
Raymesis, not saying shit:
Rayman: I promise I won't tell a single soul about this, dead or living! Just tell me what.. that was about.
Raymesis, still not saying shit as his face starts progressively getting redder:
Rayman: ... Raymesis, tell me now, or I'm telling Mr Dark that you were just now laughing like a school girl for a good two minutes-
Raymesis: FUCK YOU-
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xxlumos · 1 year
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'Ello, 'ello, 'ello! I'm a human police officer! ☝🏻🐭
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starsshiningabyss · 1 year
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Hello Submas enjoyers
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formulawolff · 2 months
I just binge read and I’m obsessed with gg and toto!!
I’m so excited for the epilogue and all the spin offs!! I can’t get enough!!
ahhhh i’m glad you’re obsessed with them as much as i am!!
they are my babies and i love how much you guys have enjoyed the series! <3
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artfullwishing · 2 months
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artist-block-alley · 2 years
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Early drawing of Yu and Nanek that really solidified this idea into something more when I first came up with it in November 2022. Things really snowballed after this, the simple plot I had grew into something way bigger and more exciting than I could’ve imagined. It’s amazing how much can change in a few months.
(If you haven’t seen it yet- check out the first episode of this series here!)
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sunnyribbons · 2 years
Larry x Fem!Reader
Word count: 2654
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"I made my way into your schedule"
You had been working at the Pokémon League for a few months now. Your job consisted of sitting behind your desk, and come up with ways to attract new trainers to come challenge the Pokémon League.
Although your job was important, you didn’t get to see the Elite Four that often. Which was a shame, because you really had a thing for Larry. You couldn’t pinpoint what it was, but something about him attracted you.
He knew this. You had actually tried seducing him a few times, but without any luck. As he would say, “I have no time for romance” with his stoic, soulless expression, and would continue on with his work. Truth to be told, it made sense. The man looks like he hasn’t had a day off in years. He’s always so busy with work, he doesn’t have any time for himself. Perhaps that’s what got you so interested in him; you wanted something that felt completely out of grasp.
It took you a while to think of how to grab his attention. Larry was always so busy. How could you ever fit inside his schedule? Hmmm..
You were waiting in a meeting room at the Elite Four building, sitting at a desk. It was a very dusty old meeting room down in the basement of the building. It was mostly used for storage, as there were virtually no meetings being held here.
As you playfully sat there with a smile on your face, the door opened. It was Larry, with an emotionless expression as he always had. He looked at you and sighed, standing in the door frame.
“I’ve gotta hand it to you, scheduling a fake meeting in my busy agenda is a smart move”
You grinned at his reaction, while still sitting at the desk.
“However, I’ll be out now, I don’t have time for this” He was about to walk out, when you jumped off the desk.
“Wait!” You walked over to him with a pouty, judgmental face. “That’s not very professional now, is it? I very carefully placed my way into your schedule. I know for a fact you actually have time now! 15 minutes to be exact.”
He sighed, knowing you were right. His hand was still on the door knob, and he closed the door behind him. He focused his attention back to you. “Okay, what is it then?”
He was standing right in front of you, towering above you. Seeing him like this made you realize just how much bigger he was. Had he always been this tall? You began to stutter. “Well, uhm, you see,”
Upon further inspection he noticed you were wearing a very specific outfit. A skirt with a cute blouse. You normally didn’t wear these kinds of clothes during work. He knew where this was going and let out another sigh. “Y/N, you know I’m not interested in dating, I’ve told you this before”
You stopped stuttering and looked at him with yet another pouty face, this time with red cheeks. He always said this, and truth to be told, it annoyed you more each time he said it. Surely this man must have something going on in his life?!
You put your thoughts together and calmed down. You took another glance at him, this time more serious.
“Larry. Listen.”
He looked down at you, about to listen carefully. You felt your chest pounding with what you were going to say.
“I see you work so hard, every day. And I really admire that. But I also think you need time to relax every now and then. Surely you must have a lot of stress with all that work you’re doing. So many things all at once. I don’t even know how you do it!”
He was still looking down at you, listening, with his stoic face. Despite this, you still didn’t feel like your words were coming through to him. How could you get to this man’s core?
“And that’s why I think… It would be really good for your work ethic, and professionalism to have some fun with me, right here, right now. I am in your schedule, after all, and it wouldn’t be professional to cancel an appointment.”
You eagerly looked at his face, waiting for a reaction. Did you really just say that out loud? No way he was going to fall for something so stupid.
“Well,” he sighed, “I suppose I don’t want to get in trouble with the boss” It was at this moment that he placed his briefcase on the ground, and something about his ambiance changed. “Have you signed the professional secrecy contract?” He asked, while adjusting his tie.
Wait, what?
As you were still processing what he had just asked, your eyes focused on his hands. He was putting on his gloves. Didn’t he only wear those during Elite Four challenges? Ah, you really liked it when he was wearing his gloves.
“Well?” He asked again, looking down at you. You snapped out of your thoughts.
“Uhm, yes, yes” You quickly responded. You were honestly not sure what contract he was talking about, but you probably signed it one way or another.
Larry was putting on his second glove, “It means that anything said and done in appointed meetings can and will be kept private if necessary” He finally finished adjusting his clothes and looked back at you again. His emotionless expression never changed since he entered, but you could swear something was off about him. Did you hit a nerve with what you said about his work?
“Y-yeah, I’m pretty sure I signed that” You responded, taken aback by the current situation.
“Good. Where do we begin” He asked with a plain expression, immediately getting to the point. He walked closer to you. You didn’t realize at first, but this made your body automatically walk backwards, and before you knew it you were sitting at the desk you had been sitting at before. This time with Larry towering above you.
Wait, was he serious? I mean, you really liked him and had been wanting him for months, but was he really this easy? Now that you were actually here, you were completely flustered. He can’t be serious, right?
Larry noticed you were having trouble processing the situation. “I guess I can take the lead in this appointment if you’d prefer, Y/N. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable at work. This is what you want out of this meeting, right?”
Oh. Oh. He is serious.
“Yes.. Yes! That… would be nice actually. I’m sorry, I’m just so embarrassed. I asked you to come all the way over here, for me, and now I’m too flustered to say anything” You put your hands in your face from embarrassment and felt your cheeks burning.
Tsk, you were such a bottom.
Larry didn’t respond verbally to this, and instead took away your hands from your face. He looked at your face for a moment, then placed his left arm behind your back, holding you close. He leaned into you as he placed his right hand around your neck. You felt his leather glove in your neck. He glanced at you for a second and then glanced down to your body.
I guess this is really happening.
His right hand went down from your neck to your breasts. He slightly brushed them at first, and then slowly began squeezing them.
Yeah, this was really happening, oh my God.
You let out a small, high pitched moan as he squeezed your breasts. This made him glance up again for a second, only to immediately return focus to your breasts. You were wearing a pretty tight blouse, so it was a bit hard for Larry to properly grab them. Still you really enjoyed his hands brushing over your body. His left hand was still behind your back, keeping you close, making sure you couldn’t escape. Not like you would want to escape.
The whole scene had you blushing so hard, you had a hard time properly thinking of what was going on. Your mind was racing and you felt your panties were starting to get wet. As this was all going on, Larry’s expression still had not budged an inch. What was going on inside this man’s mind? Was he doing this all for you? For this “appointment”? To improve his “work ethic”? What the hell was up with this man! You really did hit a nerve with your whole work speech, huh.
After fumbling your breasts he slowly moved his hand down, closer to your hips. He took another glance at your face, perhaps to make sure you were still feeling okay. He was very easily able to see from your face that you were, in fact, enjoying this.
“Hey, Larry”, you managed to talk, “This is all under that professional secrecy contract right?”
“You know I take my job very seriously”
He shifted his focus to your body again, and moved his right hand down your skirt. This man was all about getting to the point alright, no time to hesitate. Larry placed his fingers on your panties, and felt how wet you were. You got a bit embarrassed knowing he could quite literally feel your attraction to him.
“Bend over” He ordered.
You blinked. W-what?
He simply looked at you with his simple, plain face, waiting for you to do exactly as he said. “I don’t have all day” He said.
This was really happening, huh. Oh.
You turned around, placed your hands on the desk, with your ass up high. Without hesitation Larry raised up your skirt, and pulled off your panties. You couldn’t see him from this position, but you could hear the sound of his pants zipping.
“Ready?” He asked.
You were more than ready. You had been waiting for months trying to seduce this man, to the point of frustration, and here he was simply giving it to you?! All because you mentioned his work ethic?! Fuck yes, you were ready.
“Hm-hm” you simply nodded. You thought it was unfortunate you couldn’t see much of Larry from this position, but getting fucked by Larry from behind didn’t sound so bad either. Somehow he knew exactly where your pussy was, and just like that he put his penis inside of you, as if he had done this a million times before.
“Ah, fuck-“ you blurted out.
As he went inside of you he felt how wet you were. You heard him let out a huge sigh, almost like a sigh of relief. The tension in his shoulders lowered, and his body started to relax, as if it had been desperately craving this. Perhaps his busy schedule really did not do the best for him.
He placed his hands under your skirt, at your hips. You could still definitely feel his leather gloves. He began pounding inside of you slowly at first, but picked up the pace very quickly. You both let out a bunch of moans.
“Fuck, Larry, I-“ you were trying to speak as he picked up the pace, “I didn’t… Expect you to.. be so good at this”
He let out noticeable moans, and they sounded so hot. You really weren’t used to seeing, or hearing him like this.
The whole situation with you bending over this desk, in the storage room, while Larry from the Elite Four was fucking you from behind, got you so incredibly horny. What would his face even look like now? No way he would still be as stoic as before, no way. God you wish you could see it.
You felt you were slowly reaching your climax, and it felt so good. Larry just kept on pounding in you on the same rhythm, touching all your good spots from the inside. You were so ready for that orgasm. He kept on going like this, when suddenly you heard a buzzing noise.
“Fuck” he grunted. It was Larry’s phone, that was laying on the table. While still going inside you at that same pace, without hesitation, he answered his phone. “Yes. This is Larry”
He somehow managed to switch his attitude immediately to the normal Larry you were so used to, all the while multitasking with fucking you from behind. What the hell?
What Larry didn’t notice however is that you were about to orgasm, and he was not stopping the pace. As he spoke on the phone, you reached your climax. It felt so fucking amazing, but it took all you had in you not to scream from pleasure like you would so badly want to. You were going to kill Larry after this for picking up his phone of all things.
“Okay. See you in 10” He hung up the phone and placed it back on the table. “Did you hear that?” He asked, not even giving you a second to process what just happened.
“W-what?” you moaned, still light headed from the huge orgasm you just had, all the whilst Larry was still pounding inside you.
“I have another appointment in 10 minutes, so I have to finish this quickly” He tightened his grip on your hips and started pounding even faster. His thrusts became harder and you could feel his muscles tighten up.
He started moaning even louder than before. Very frequent, low moans. He sounded so hot. You knew what he was going for, he wanted to cum inside you, and as soon as possible preferably. You put up your ass even higher towards him, grinding along with him. He took notice of this.
“Fuck. Fuck” he moaned. At this point Larry simply couldn’t stop himself, he was really into you, literally and figuratively. His hands squeezed your hips, so tight he was almost pinching them. You both moaned even harder than before.
Larry finally felt his load coming into you, and came. “Fuck, fuck” he moaned. He couldn’t even remember the last time he came, let alone in a cute girl like you.
He let out huge sighs. His pounds became slower and eventually stopped. He had his eyes closed and was definitely tired from what had just happened. You were starting to wonder if he was okay.
You were completely tired and overwhelmed, too, but the euphoria you got from just having been fucked by Larry was insane.
He let out one final big sigh, and opened his eyes. He went outside of you, stood up straight and pulled up his pants again. It was as if something in him just switched back to work mode again. With Larry now out of you, you were able to turn around once more and check on him. He looked about the same as before.
“Are you satisfied with this meeting, Y/N?”
You were sitting at the desk, still fully grasping everything, breathing heavily. You simply stared at him for a little bit. He was just… Larry, as you knew him. You could not read this man’s mind, at all.
“Yeah, that was a really good meeting,” You responded “But please don’t ever pick up the phone again when you’re fucking me from behind Larry.”
“Hmm” He put off his gloves, “I see.”
“It was really unprofessional” You added.
“I’m sorry about that. I’ll make sure we never get into a situation like this again”.
You gave him another angry pouty face, crossing your arms.
“I’m sorry. I’m just kidding” He let out a very small but notable chuckle.
Larry just chuckled? Perhaps having sex really is healthy for you. In any case, it was nice to see him express something positive, and it made your heart flutter.
Larry walked over to the door and casually picked up his briefcase that was still standing next to the door, as if nothing had just happened. “Will this be a reoccurring meeting?” he asked.
You grinned. “See you next week”.
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fromhereandtherevlog · 6 months
I made this video, to show that Veteran's and or Elderly People cannot be written off just because they are Old. They are also full of ambitions and they live up to it. Inspire yourself by watching this video, all those who say "I am Old, I cannot do anything now" , this is for them. Don't loose hope, start your journey even if you have to do it on your own. Good Luck.
#yonexsunriseindia #indianmastersnationalbadmintonchampionship #veteransbadminton #yonexbadminton #badmintonindia #badmintonlovers #indianbadmintonplayers #badminton #badminton #badmintonlife #Veterans #vetransnationals #masters #shaileshdaga
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ashenmind · 11 months
Shoulda known that the goose post would do well around here
Geese are birds, after all
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sltclea · 1 year
Just going to keep add pic of cool places
basically a huge dump
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the-uncanny-dag · 1 year
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Finally colored this sketch after 1.5 goddamn year
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initforthecache · 1 year
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I am shitting, crying, and throwing up
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