#There were too many thoughts running round my head yk what I mean?
thejudeduarte · 7 months
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Me to, girl, me too
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let-them-read-fics · 4 years
What Could've Been
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Requested By Anon: "pls do a rosé or jennie imagine where the reader is into them but they just keep rejecting her. then they just cross the line one day and say hurtful things to y/n so the reader just ended up stopped pursuing them. then someone else (could be the other rosé or jennie also of yk what i mean) became interested in y/n and they get all petty and jealous yk djajdua,, COULD BE ANY ENDING HFHSHAU I'M JUST A REAL SUCKER FOR IMAGINES LIKE THIS TYSM"
Pairing: Love Triangle -- Jennie x Fem!Reader and Rosé x Fem!Reader
Word Count: ~ 7,333
Warnings / Misc. -- Angst, Pining, Rejection, Crying, Fluff
Disclaimer: This writing is a work of fiction, and no disrespect is meant for those mentioned herein.
A/N: ⚠️ Important ⚠️ Class, gather round -- we have some things to discuss. I'm not angry, just... disappointed. *dramatic music*
First off, I want to address something with asks: as I've stated before, there's no certain amount of time that any one request will take me. Sometimes I'm more inspired by one than others, and sometimes I legitimately lack the time or brainpower to write a piece that holds true to my standards.
Please, refrain from messaging me multiple times about a request. Once is fine, especially if it's been awhile since you first asked, but I'm doing my best to give you starving fans the content you wish to see, and that takes time.
To those of you who continue to be patient with me: I sincerely appreciate it.
Secondly, I hope you enjoy this. ♡ Happy Reading ♡
PS ~ Anon, I still love you. Now enjoy this fic or you're grounded.
PPS ~ It gets better as it goes on
"Thank you," you politely say to your driver, handing him some money before stepping out of the sleek black car and onto the sidewalk. The bottoms of your shoes crunch lightly as they come in contact with the concrete, steadily announcing your course towards the performance hall. 
You let out a breath as you stand in the elevator, alone with your thoughts in the small space as it ascends. 
Your hands nervously palm the fresh bouquets of flowers you purchased on your way here -- the girls just finished a comeback stage, so you've decided to surprise them and show your love. You spent time picking out a personalized batch for each of them, making sure to mix their favorite colors and types, but you went even further for Rosé: you hand picked a larger, special array, choosing them based on their meaning and how much you think she'll appreciate them. Over the years, you've made sure to note her favorite ones; that came in handy tonight, and the florist assisting you definitely appreciated your attention to detail. 
Too chicken to go to her first, you decide to bring the other girls their gifts now and save Rosie for last. All of them are unwinding independently in their dressing rooms right now, enjoying some much needed alone time before coming back together later to celebrate. 
"Jisoo-yah!" You sing-song, rapping lightly on the door. It's slightly ajar, but you still knock out of respect for her privacy. 
In an instant, the door swings open to reveal a very happy unnie. "Y/N! I've missed you!" She nearly shouts, pulling you in for an eager hug. A surprised noise leaves her lips as her hands come in contact with the bundle behind your back, crinkling the plastic slightly in her excited state. 
"I got you a present," you say, smiling softly. Jisoo can feel the way your cheeks raise up, brushing against the skin of her neck as your head rests there, and her heart melts. After pulling out of the embrace, she wiggles her eyebrows at you.
"Well? Let me see!" You do as she asks with a chuckle, pulling her bunch out of the hold of the rubber band that's keeping them all together. "I got your favorite." You grin, sticking them out for her to see. Her eyes widen at the sight, and she's touched by the kind gesture. Flowers aren't particularly unique in terms of what companies and fans send them, but seeing the effort you put in makes it incredibly special. She couldn't be happier. 
"Y/N, you're the best." She presses a small kiss to your cheek as a thank you, and invites you in right after. Jisoo considers you to be one of the closest friends she has, so being apart hasn't been easy on her. You're the only person she's okay with venting and crying in front of, and she's been needing that lately. Sensing this, you pull a chair up to her vanity and let her fill you in on all the mayhem you missed out on during your time away, holding her hand for reassurance. When she gets a little frustrated, you rub her back gently, telling her to take her time. 
Jisoo is beyond thankful for you, and that becomes more and more apparent the closer you two get. Times like these hold a special place in her heart and remind her of why she loves you so much. You truly are a great friend to have, and there's no one she'd rather have in her corner. 
"Incoming! 3...2...1…" You call out, standing in front of Lisa's door, ready to knock it down and barge in. The greeting is an inside joke between the two of you, though neither of you know where its origins lie. 
"Yah! Hold on!" She shouts, nearly tripping and falling from how quick she rushes to the door. You laugh at the sounds of chaos coming from inside, wincing slightly when a thud rings out. Hair slightly disheveled, she opens the door with a huff. "This had better be good, because I almost died." 
Wordlessly, you reveal her present and smirk as the halfhearted scowl on her face disappears completely, giving way to a dopey grin. "You remembered?" She asks quietly, running her fingers over the petals of her all-time favorite flower. The fact that she sounds so shocked makes you sad -- not many people take enough time to notice the little things. They'd rather focus on profiting off of the girls' talents than actually caring enough to get to know them. 
"Of course I did, Lisa. You're one of my best friends; how could I forget?" The maknae pulls you in for a meaningful hug, allowing the gesture to tell you all the things she doesn't know how to express. She's not always the best with her words, but she makes up for it with her actions. 
"I really love you, dork. You know that?" She asks as she pulls away, ruffling your hair lightly. She cracks that smile that seems to make the world stop, and you just shake your head. 
"You'd better. Your flowers were the most expensive!" You tease, dodging her when she reaches out to grab you for that one. 
"Get back here!" She shouts, chasing you down the hall like a 5 year old, planning to get her revenge. 
"Jendeukie, open up!" You squeal, pounding on her door while throwing a look over your shoulder. Lisa is dangerously close, ready to tackle you as she continues charging down the hall. 
"Y/N?!" She exclaims from the other side of the door, clearly not expecting you to be here. 
"Hurry!" You can hear footsteps eagerly rushing towards the door, and just as she opens it, disaster strikes. 
Lisa's arms wrap around your waist, pushing you forward and right into Jennie. The three of you fall into her dressing room in a messy heap, limbs splayed in various positions as you yell together on the way down. You manage to keep the flowers out of harm's way, thankfully, and your arm remains stuck out just in case Lisa tries anything else. 
"Hello to you, too, Y/N." Jennie groans with a chuckle, the words coming out a little strained from all the weight on her. Lisa stands first, pulling you up right after, and you turn to help your best friend up as well. 
"I sure know how to make an entrance, huh?" Your lopsided grin makes Jennie weak in the knees, much like it has ever since she met you all those years ago, and she has to fight to contain the blush that rises to her cheeks. After bantering with Lisa for a few more moments you eventually push her out of the room, shoo-ing her back to her own in order to give yourself some one-on-one time with Jennie. 
You stick your tongue out at the maknae one final time before shutting the door and turning around, finding a very soft looking Jennie peering back at you. Her cheeks are pulled back in her signature gummy smile, and the fluffy sleeves of her Chanel sweater engulf her small hands as she cradles her face in them. 
Perhaps, if circumstances were different, you'd be hopelessly pining for this 5'4" angel instead of Rosé. Love knows no logic, though, and you're stuck chasing after a certain Australian beauty that never seems capable of giving you the time of day.
"I missed you," she pouts, pursing her lips adorably as she steps forward to wrap her arms around your shoulders. You pull her in and pick her up with a spin, smiling into her neck when she giggles in your ear. 
"Well, I'm here now. And luckily for you…." you start, allowing for some anticipation to build, "I come bearing gifts. Well, a gift. Singular." Jennie chuckles at your rambling -- it's one of the traits she finds most endearing about you, and she always hates it when people cut you down for it. It's adorable in every way. 
"Oh?" She asks, intrigued as she raises an eyebrow -- she's keeping the act up for you, of course, too fond of the cute smile on your face to tell you that she already knows what it is. You hand over the flowers with a little jig, too excited by how happy she looks to contain yourself. 
"They're beautiful, Y/N." She stops herself from adding a, "just like you," to the end of the phrase, wishing she was able to say things like that. You deserve to be reminded of how special you are everyday, and she knows her bandmate fails to do so. 
"So, what've you been up to?" You amble over to the couch that's tucked away in the corner of her dressing room, plopping down onto the cushions with a small bounce. Rosé's flowers lay beside you, and Jennie eyes them. 
"Same old, same old," she says, finally looking back at you with a tiny grin. "Practice for the comeback has kept us really busy lately, and somebody hasn't been there to tell us jokes at 3AM and keep us going." She playfully rolls her eyes, pretending to be annoyed. 
"My most sincere apologies," you hold a hand over your heart in mock regret, bowing your head with closed eyes. "On the bright side, though, I'm back in town for next month or two. I finished the business deals we had to handle abroad, so now I'm all yours." 
She knows you didn't mean hers, but that doesn't stop her from pretending. 
A happy noise of approval slips past her lips, and she claps excitedly. The sight reminds you of some of the childhood videos she's shown you, the two looking eerily similar to one another. No matter what may happen in her life, Jennie will most certainly remain that innocent young girl at heart, getting scared by everything that moves and loving with her all. She's an amazing person to know, and part of you feels sorry for everyone who'll never get the privilege of knowing her personally -- after all, everyone deserves a Jennie Kim in their lives. 
"Are you celebrating with us later?" She asks from in front of her mirror, now brushing her hair to busy herself. She runs the risk of making her feelings too obvious if she doesn't keep herself occupied. 
"I was planning to, yes. But that might depend on Rosé." You inform with a nervous chuckle, an anxious smile playing on your lips. When you look up and find her brows furrowed, you elaborate. 
"I'm gonna try to ask her out today when I bring her these flowers." You lightly chew your bottom lip out of habit, rubbing your hands together. The mere thought of such a task is daunting, especially with your not-so-perfect track record when it comes to her. You still try to cling to what little hope you have squirreled away in your heart, wishing with all your power that your sweet present will convince Rosé to at least give you a chance. 
Distracted by your thoughts, you don't notice the way that Jennie's face falls. Her heart is breaking in silence, splintering into pieces far too small to put back together. She knew this day would come eventually, given that you're a determined person and head over heels for Rosé, but that doesn't mean she was prepared to find out like this. The lovesick glimmer in your eye hurts Jennie even more, knowing that you're probably imagining what it would be like for her to say yes to you. This whole time, Rosé has been stringing you along -- giving you just enough hope to keep coming back to her, using your devoted acts of kindness selfishly -- and Jennie would do anything to make you see that. You don't deserve what she puts you through. 
"...Earth to Jennie!"
The brunette snaps back to reality and clears her throat, attempting to gather her thoughts again. 
"Sorry, just got lost there for a second." She says, looking back into your eyes after a moment. A curious look plays in them, and she can practically see you debating on whether or not to question her further. She lets out a quiet sigh of relief when you accept her answer, choosing instead to smile at her. 
"It's alright. But what's not alright, is that I've been sitting here for 5 minutes and you haven't come over to cuddle me. I mean seriously, a girl's gone for forever and her best friend doesn't bombard her with love?" You shake your head with an amused smile, throwing your hands in the air. 
Oh, the things she would do to change that title. 
Successfully suppressing the pang of longing that runs through her, Jennie quips back, "A month and a half is hardly forever, Y/N." 
"It felt like it, though. I missed seeing you." 
She finds you pouting, your arms folded across your chest like a toddler, and her heart melts. Any amount of time without you is too long for Jennie's liking, and she's happy to know you missed her as well. 
"Fine, I guess I can spare some cuddles." She pretends to be put out as she approaches you, really playing the part by huffing and looking uninterested. Inside, though, she's celebrating. She can't wait to hold you close again, even if it may lead to her hurting herself with the what-ifs and scenarios that play in her mind. 
"Yay!" You shout, pulling her into your lap before laying your head on her shoulder. Her heart beats rapidly at the proximity, and she prays to every higher power in existence that you don't notice it. 
She relaxes after a moment, releasing the tension from her muscles as she sinks into your embrace. It's warm and comforting, and she never wants you to let go. Her head rests on top of yours, and she's content just running her hands through your hair, feeling your calm breaths against her skin. 
She's so in love it hurts. 
This'll convince her, you whisper to yourself, attempting to sound confident -- key word: attempting. If there's one thing you know about Rosé, it's that she loves to be difficult with you. You caught feelings for her years ago when you were first introduced to each other at a company event, and ever since then you've done nice things for her nonstop, hoping that she'd fall for you with time. The longer you wait, though, the more discouraged you get. Regardless, those times that she appreciates your efforts make up for all the rest, and you'd gladly take 100 instances of the "bad" in order to have even just one of the "good". 
After taking a deep breath, you knock on the door a couple times.
A sigh can be heard, sounding like a complete 180 from the reactions of the other girls. The subsequent footsteps are heavy -- like she's dragging her feet, not even wanting to get up in the first place -- and they work to dishearten you a bit. Nevertheless, you imagine how happy she'll be when she sees the surprise, and a small smile makes its ways onto your lips. All you want to do is brighten her day, if only for a moment. 
An indifferent expression rests on her face when she first opens the door, likely expecting someone else to be standing in your place. Not much changes when she realizes it's you, though a sliver of a smile does quirk up at the corner of her lips. 
"Hiya Rosie," you greet sweetly, unable to contain how wide your smile grows at seeing her again. She makes you feel like a giddy school girl, and you can't decide if you love it or hate it. 
"What's up?" She asks, more out of common courtesy than anything else. Her body leans against the doorframe, her left arm resting behind the door. She didn't throw it open or invite you in like the other girls, so that tells you that she probably doesn't want visitors. 
When you take too long to answer, she asks dryly, "Are you just gonna stare at me?" Her voice is laced with a slight undertone of annoyance -- one that makes you shrink down a bit. You can practically hear how exhausted she is, and part of you feels bad for disturbing her with your presence. 
"N-no, sorry." You curse yourself for looking like a fool. "I got you something that I think you'll enjoy." Her eyebrows raise slightly and you can tell she's intrigued, even if she may try to deny it. 
"Here." You declare, nervously fixing the plastic as you hold the bundle in front of you. You want it to look perfect for her. 
"I, uh, hand picked it." 
"Thank you, it's lovely." She says politely, taking them from you and bringing them up to her nose. She admires the gentle, pleasant scent of them, and smiles appreciatively at you.
You blush under her gaze, slightly tripping over your words as you respond, "Of course, I'm glad you like it." 
Now, the part you dread: when the conversation dwindles down, threatening to end entirely unless you step up to keep it going. 
"Well, how've you been?" You cringe at the overused question, but you're willing to employ it in order to hear her sweet voice for a little longer. 
"Look, Y/N, I really appreciate the gift and all, and I'm really happy to see you again, but I don't feel like talking right now. I just want to enjoy myself for a little bit." Her denial makes you scrunch your face up, embarrassed beyond belief as her words sink in. You should've known that flowers wouldn't suffice. Perhaps that last line stung the most -- you try not to read too far into it, but the idea that she doesn't enjoy herself when talking to you nags at your heart. 
"Yeah, yeah. For sure." You scratch the back of your neck, awkwardly taking a step away from her door and back into the hallway. 
"I'll see you at the get together later though, right?" You ask, kicking yourself when you realize how hopeful you sounded. You have to get better at hiding it. 
"Sure," she nods, sending you a smile and little wave before saying goodbye and shutting the door. 
Well, that was a bust. Damn. Back to the drawing board, it is -- though your ego will need a few hours to recover. 
"Lisa, I swear to god, if you come near me with that I'll punt you across this room." 
Your very serious, totally-not-exaggerated warning evidently worked against you, because the maknae soon raises her head to look at you, grinning like a maniac. Frosting from the cake she just messily cut into covers her hands, looking threatening as she wiggles them at you. 
"I mean in!" You shout as a last resort, slowly backing away. You accidently bump into Jennie in the process, but you fail to realize that it was part of the plan all along: she and Lisa are in cahoots. When the maknae lunges, swiftly striding across the room towards you, you attempt to move out of her path and get somewhere safer. Steady hands on your waist keep you anchored in place, though, and you try to fight them. 
"Jennie?! Let me go, she's right there!" You squeal, trying to pry her fingers off of your hips one by one. She merely laughs, whispering a sorry into your ear right before Lisa's hands run across your cheeks and neck. You squirm, leaning further back against Jennie to evade the younger girl as she does her worst. 
Now, practically having a face mask of frosting, you step away from the girls and glare at them. 
"Bullies, I tell you." You say to Jisoo, groaning when she busts out laughing. It doesn't take a genius to know that you look a mess, and you'd probably laugh at yourself if the roles were reversed. The others soon join in, and a chorus of belly laughs fill the air around you. 
"Go ahead, laugh it up," you tell the girls, nodding your head, "Just wait til I get my revenge. I'm coming for you, Manoban." You point a finger at her as you exit the room, grinning when you hear the oooo's that they let out at your threat, and you make your way to the bathroom at the end of the long hallway before you.
On your way back, you hear Rosé's voice filtering in from one of the lounge rooms that branch off of the main corridor. Intrigued, you stop walking and listen in. 
Big mistake. 
Your ears perk up when you hear your name roll off her tongue, though her subsequent sentences crush your spirits. 
"...I know, right? She's honestly so annoying. Like earlier, I was finally getting cozy after our performance and then she just showed up."
Too shocked to leave now, you stay where you are and try not to let her words hurt you too much. She listens to the person on the other end of the line, laughing at something they said. That sound -- one you’ve grown to love more than anything else in the world -- is turning into something you hate. It feels like she's laughing at you; which, in hindsight, she probably is. 
"Exactly! She had flowers for me, as if I don't get those almost everyday already, and I guess she really thought that that would win me over. It was sweet but, c'mon, you know?"
Every insecurity you have is nagging at you, and you can't stop the few tears that roll down your cheeks at her brutal honesty. She's really hurting your feelings, and you can't help but want to call her out for it. So, you do just that: you step into the open room, one that lacks an actual door, and say, "Next time you wanna talk shit about someone, maybe you should make sure they're not around to hear it." 
Her smile falters slightly, and she spins around to face you. A hint of guilt plays on her features, but you're sure it's only because she got caught -- she definitely meant everything she said. 
You don't stick around to listen to what she has to say. Her change of behavior surprised you, and you can't trust that she's even sorry for it. 
Your pace quickens as you hear her voice become clearer -- she's in the doorway now, calling after you, but you don't even turn around. The salt of your tears greets your tongue, and you're once again reminded to wipe your face as you rush down the hall, rounding a couple corners and darting past countless doors on your way. You just want to get out of this place and be alone. 
A new voice slows your strides as it greets your ears, feeling like a security blanket in its gentleness. It's Jennie. "Y/N? Why are you crying?" She came to look for you when you took too long to return from the bathroom. 
You're far too embarrassed to look at her, so you simply sniffle and raise a hand up in her direction. "Don't worry about me, Jen. It's not important." 
"Hey, yes it is. You're upset and that matters." She steps towards you, saying the words that you had no idea you needed to hear so badly. Your heart aches, still shocked by the fact that Rosé would say such things about you. You thought you were friends, if nothing else, and yet that's never felt further from the truth than it does right now. 
When you don't move away, Jennie takes that as a sign to bring you into her arms, cradling your head against her chest. The kind act hurts your heart more for some reason, and you want to pull away. Jennie senses this and decides to rub soothing circles on your back, her warm embrace comforting you as she says, "I don't know what happened, Y/N, but I'm right here. We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, either, but please don't leave like this. I hate to see you upset." 
Something about the way she's holding you, so close and tenderly, is comforting beyond belief and you can't find the desire to leave anymore. 
"Can we at least go to your dressing room? I don't want everyone to see me like this."
"Of course, sweetheart. Come on." 
Sweet phrases of reassurance are whispered to you as she leads you away, keeping you safe from prying eyes the entire time. Jisoo appears in the doorway of the party room, raising a concerned brow when she sees the two of you approaching. Jennie shakes her head at the unnie before she can utter a word, giving her a silent answer as she uses her eyes to communicate what's happening. Jisoo eventually understands, and she offers a sympathetic nod when you pass by.  
7 Months Later
"Hey Jennie, do you think you can go answer the door? I'd do it myself, but…" Jisoo trails off, glancing down at the bowl of partially mixed dough that sits in front of her on the counter. Her hands continue to knead the mixture as she looks up at the younger girl, subtly sighing in relief when she agrees. 
There's more than one reason behind having Jennie be the one to answer it. 
The brunette grabs a pen as she pads her way over to the door, ready to sign for a delivery package -- that's usually the only thing they get at the dorm, considering guests are discouraged for the most part. Screw YG and their rules. 
Being a bit clumsy, Jennie accidently knocks her phone out of her own hand as she opens the door, muttering out a quiet “shit” as she bends down to retrieve it. Her eyes trail over to the stylish boots that set just a few feet away, and her breath hitches. 
"Hi baby." You greet with that healing smile that she's missed so much, peering down at her with a look in your eye that makes her heart trip and stumble over itself. 
"Y/N!" She shrieks, jumping up from the ground and right into your arms. 
"Uumph--" you let out in surprise, making sure to catch her and prevent her from falling. Ever since you two began dating a few months ago, leaving has become harder and harder. Jennie is beyond thrilled to have you back again, and she tries not to think about the next business trip you'll have to take. It's a methodical rhythm -- a month or two abroad and the same amount back home, then you're left to repeat the cycle over and over. Both of you hate it, and you'd much rather spend all your time with her instead. After all, ever since the incident with Rosé all that time ago, Jennie has steadily worked her way into your heart and become someone you can't live without. You were close before, but you've reached a new level now -- and that's about the only thing you can thank Rosé for. By hurting you and showing you how little she cared, she effectively pushed you right into Jennie's waiting arms.
"I'm so happy you're home." She says with a sigh, truly grateful to have you in her arms again. You wrap your arms tighter around her waist and sway a little bit, both of you content with just holding each other for a while longer. The weather outside is dazzlingly perfect; signs of summer apparent in everything around you. Birds chirp their looping songs as they fly through the air, feeling the sun's gentle heat on their wings all the while. 
You move your head enough to be level with hers, bringing her in for a long-overdue kiss. She smiles into it, cupping your cheek with one of her hands as she languidly moves to deepen it. 
Rosé should've stayed in her room. She should've ignored her stomach's incessant grumbling for a snack; but she didn't. 
She gave in, and now she's stuck, rooted in place as she watches Jennie kiss you, the one that got away. It's like watching a train wreck: she can't look away, and part of her psyche knows she deserves this. The apple in her hands is the only thing working to distract her, and she grips it tightly within her clutch to comfort herself. You look good -- so good -- and Rosé doesn't know whether to be happy or not. She knows she didn't treat you right -- then or ever -- but for some selfish reason that she doesn't dare give voice to, she wants you to still be hurting. She wants you to be suffering like she is now, crying into your pillowcase at night when she crosses your mind. She wants you to miss the good times, though there may not have been enough of them, and she wants you to want her again. 
You've turned the tables on her, and she doesn't know how to cope. 
She realized what she had once it was gone -- once you were gone, too busy falling in love with Jennie to pay her any mind anymore. She misses how devoted you were to her and how much care you put into everything you did; she misses the consistency that you offered; she misses every sweet thing you ever did for her. Hell, she even misses hearing you ramble and seeing you blush when all she did was smile at you. 
But you're gone now, destined to be with her member when all she wants is another chance. She'll never get it, certainly not after everything she's put you through, and she resents herself for treating you so badly. All you ever did was care, and she was too self-centered to give a crap. 
She deserves this. She deserves to see you happy with Jennie, happy in a way she could never make you. For you, she deserves to hurt; to silently cry in her room when she hears the two of you on call, laughing about whatever new thing you experienced that day. Because it wasn't just the one instance of pain she inflicted on you; it wasn't just that one night at the performance hall -- it was a steady build up of rejection and half-assed excuses, and even she can't blame you for getting tired of it. She wishes she hadn't been so stupid to deny you. 
What's worse is that she's actually fallen for you now; she imagines what could've been, what would've been, had she given you an honest chance. She's never tried to deny how gorgeous you are -- that's a given -- but now you're bruisingly beautiful, shining with the happiness that Jennie's worked hard to instill in you again. Shining with the love you hold for that 5'4" angel. 
Maybe, if circumstances were different, you'd be in Rosé's arms right now. Perhaps in another life. 
"Do you want to come in? Jisoo's working on some dessert for the lunch we just made. We can heat you up a plate in the meantime…" Jennie trails off, hoping to persuade you. She knows it's risky, considering the tension that feels almost tangible anytime the three of you are together, but she doesn't want to let you go so soon. 
"I don't know…" The uncertainty in your voice is clear, and Jennie watches as a slight grimace crosses your features when you look past her and into the dorm. Luckily Rosé had already found the will power to move to the dining room, so you're spared from seeing her just yet. 
"If things get weird or uncomfy we'll leave, okay? I promise." She says, knowing she's convinced you once you give her a little nod. 
"Okay. But I'm only doing this because I missed Jisoo's cooking." A playful glint shimmers in your eye as you quirk your head to the side, teasing her. 
"Hey!" She groans, pushing your shoulder as the two of you walk down the little concrete path that leads to the front door. "I'm kidding! I missed Lisa's jokes, too." 
You laugh at the gasp she lets out, and you make sure to turn around and press a kiss to her temple to stop her from pouting. 
"So, Y/N, where did you go this time?" Jisoo asks, leaning against the marble island of the kitchen as she pops a piece of tanghulu in her mouth. The crack of the sugary coating pulls your attention away from Rosé, where it had momentarily been -- she looks awful. Bags rest underneath her eyes, her normally vibrant features crestfallen now as her gaze scans across the food on her plate. 
You look at Jisoo as you answer her. "The states. We worked with some local companies and small businesses to get more promotional material out in front of people. It's actually pretty amazing, guys -- you're blowing up over there. They love you." The girls smile at your words, feeling a sense of accomplishment swell within themselves. Back when they were trainees they never imagined that they'd end up this far, and yet here they are, seeing their dreams come true, day after day. 
You're just happy to be along for the ride. It's not easy by any means -- people often crack under the pressure and get discouraged by the hustle and bustle of everything that such a major operation entails -- but you've never been more thankful for a position in your life. 
"As they should," Lisa smirks, looking self-assured with the little cocky motion she does. You almost choke on the piece of food you just stuffed in your mouth, laughing at how ridiculous she looks. 
After successfully not dying, you look at her and shake your head. "Lisa, what is wrong with you?" She puts on her infamous meme face, pretending to be shocked by your question, and you cackle again. The sound makes Rosé jealous; she wishes she were the one making you laugh like that. 
Another hour or so passes with the 5 of you just relaxing and snacking together at the table, taking turns trading stories and jokes in the meantime. After finishing your dessert and complimenting the unnie's cooking skills, you make your way towards the kitchen with a groan of, "I'm so full" thrown over your shoulder. 
You begin washing the dishes, finding it only fitting seeing as they spent all that time preparing such a good meal. It's the least you can do. A smile tugs at your cheeks when you hear the door open, followed by light footfalls against the hardwood. Jennie. 
Warm arms snake around your waist as she hugs you from behind, resting her cheek against your back. Your brows furrow when you notice an unusual thing -- either Jennie grew a few inches in the last 5 minutes, or someone else is holding you. Their cheek reaches a place Jennie isn't tall enough to, and it all hits you.
It's Rosé. 
You go to shut the water off and step away, but the sounds of her quiet sniffles give you pause. "Please don't." She whispers into your shirt, bunching the material up within her fingers against your stomach. A pang of sadness pulls against your heart strings, the long forgotten feeling reignited by the waver in her voice. "Rosé," you start with a sigh, ready to launch into the practiced speech of how happy you are with Jennie now and how you've moved on. She tugs at your shirt, slowly turning you around, and you can't find it in yourself to break her heart even further in this moment. Her eyes are filled with what tears have yet to stream down her face, brimming with the salty liquid you hate to see. 
Even after everything, you can't stand to see her cry. 
So, perhaps stupidly, you allow her to lean forward and rest her head against your chest; you let her fall into your arms, sinking into the embrace she never intended to miss so much. 
It was innocent. Completely, utterly innocent, but Rosé couldn't stop herself -- not when you were there again, right in front of her, looking so good it hurt. She wrapped her arms around your neck, pushing her lips against yours in a kiss you weren't prepared for at all. Her mouth moved quickly against yours, knowing you'd be shoving her away at any moment. But she was okay with being selfish again -- she needed you then, and you allowed her to keep kissing you until you realized what was happening. 
As you go to stumble away and put distance between the two of you, the door once again opens; only this time, it's actually Jennie. Her eyes immediately dart between the two of you as she notices how Rosie's hands are still holding you close, both of your lips swollen from the kiss. All at once you realize how the situation must look, and you begin panicking. You knew this was a bad idea from the start. 
"Jennie, no. I promise this isn't what you think." You shake your head, finally freeing yourself of Rosé's grip as you take a couple steps towards your girlfriend. She takes an equal amount back, scoffing lightly at the memory of the scene she just witnessed. 
"Yeah, okay," she says, sounding anything but convinced as she makes her way towards the door. You go after her, but she holds a hand up -- after knowing her for so long, you've learned that that signal means to give her some time alone. Both of you know you'll go after her again later, but she needs some time right now. As she leaves the dorm, the heavy sound of the door shutting is the only noise that cuts through the palpable tension. 
"How could you do that?" You ask, voice small, not even turning around to look at Rosé. You doubt that she's even sorry. 
She isn't sorry. At least, not for kissing you. It felt good to have you like that, and she doesn't regret it. However, from what angle of your face your side profile offers to her, she can see how upset you are. That's what makes her feel the slightest bit guilty for her timing. 
"I spent so much time trying to get you to notice me, and now you choose to do that? You're unbelievable, Roseanne-- I'm finally happy, and what, you want to ruin that?” She takes the blows as they come, staying quiet. “If you've ever cared about me at all then you'll stay away." You set your jaw, willing the tears to go away. You've wasted too many on her, and you'll be damned to look weak right now. 
"Y/N, I-" 
"No. Don't apologize when we both know you don't mean it. You've always been selfish, Rosé." You bite back, not caring if the words cut her down like her old ones always used to do to you. Earlier, before her little stunt, you were starting to feel sorry for her; clearly though, that was yet another mistake on your part. 
You leave without another word, praying that she doesn't further complicate the situation by following after you. Jennie is the only thing on your mind as you hop in your car, having an idea of where she might be.
"Jennie, no. I promise this isn't what you think." 
Your worried voice replays in her mind for the millionth time, further tormenting her. She's been cheated on before, so that phrase isn't a new thing to her. 
She was always afraid this would happen. She used to lay awake at night, overthinking as usual, wondering when the beautiful thing the two of you created would ultimately come crashing down. It was too good to be true, and she curses herself for foolishly believing any different. 
The better part of an hour passes by as she sits on the park bench, reminiscing on all the memories you've made here. The idea of ending things with you and starting over with someone else sinks in, and she hates the feeling. She only wants you -- she's only ever wanted you -- and the thought that things could really be over now hurts her more than she cares to admit. 
Your eyes scan across the park, ghosting over the playground equipment until they zero in on her, sitting near the fountain that you shared your first kiss. Such a sap, you smile bittersweetly. 
You ruffle through the plastic bag that sits in the passenger's seat, moving the receipt out of the way so that you can pick up what you're really after. Returning your hands to the steering wheel, you grip it while giving yourself a little pep talk before exiting the car. You press a kiss to the present in your hand for good luck, hoping this encounter will go well. 
Water spouts from the top of the fountain, the sound growing louder the closer you get to Jennie. Her back is turned to you, and for that you're thankful -- you're not quite prepared to see how she'll be looking at you. Now just a few feet away, you say, "Marry me."
You’ll do whatever it takes to show her how crazy you are about her.
Her head whips around, completely taken aback by your proposal. She thinks that there's no way you're serious, but when she looks down to find her favorite flavor of ring pop in your hand, her eyes widen. You're sick of wasting time, and seeing that she hasn't yelled at you or turned you away yet, you take advantage of the situation. 
"Marry me, Jennie," you repeat, taking small, careful steps towards her until you're right next to the bench. "She kissed me, but I tried to push her away. I told her that you're the only one for me." 
She blinks, taking in your words as she notices you nervously toy with the plastic wrapper of the candy. She knows you're telling the truth; you're a terrible liar, and you wouldn't be here right now if you didn't want her back. If you wanted to choose Rosé over her, you had the perfect opportunity to do so back at the dorm.
But you don't; you want Jennie, and now you're standing in the middle of your favorite park, proposing with a piece of candy to prove that to her. The things you do for love. 
"It just scared me, Y/N. Seeing her wrapped around you like that--"
"I know, baby. I know. But I promise I didn't want it, and it meant nothing to me. I'm so in love with you, Jennie Kim." 
She smiles at the dopey grin on your face, seeing how smitten you are. 
"Okay," she answers back, yet again looking at your hands. 
"Is that a yes?" You ask, slowly beginning to tear open the wrapper. 
"Yes, dummy. I'll marry you." She declares, nodding her head with a laugh at how slow you are sometimes. 
"Yay!" You shout, stepping forward to pick her up in your arms. You set her back down with a smile, slipping the ring onto her finger as your heart soars. 
Jennie kisses you, letting the action convey all the emotions she's been through in the past few hours. "I love you." She sighs, resting her forehead against yours. 
"I'd surely hope so, jagi," you smirk against her lips, giggling at the squeal she lets out when you playfully pinch her side. Her kisses are replacing all traces of Rosé, and she's comforted by the fact that you'll so adamantly choose her, everyday. 
With a smile, Jennie realizes something: never again will she be forced to dream of having you in another life -- her wishes came true, and now she'll have you in this one, always.
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Adjustment | Group Chat AU
CW// angst, abusive family, CPTSD, trauma survivor reader (it's a weird mix of self indulgence and these four using sex to show their affection and care instead of therapy talks, yk?)
tw// rough sex, orgasm denial, d/s dynamics, anal sex, spanking, recreational drug use, high sex, CGL, sexual age play, group sex, m/m, degradation kink, praise kink, daddy kink, dacryphilia, double penetration, creampie, breeding kink
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It shouldn't have surprised any of them, but the first time you threw a fit you were met with shock before the anger.
You were in a shitty mood after a call from home you couldn't dodge, and it threw off the rest of your day. You locked yourself in your dorm and smoked yourself into oblivion- ignoring your phone and the many texts from your boyfriends, and masturbating until it hurt too much to continue. Your clit was sore and throbbing and walking was uncomfortable when you got up to take a shower.
By the time you finished cleaning up there was a violent pounding at your door. You opened the door and Shoto's concerned faced morphed into anger when he was hit with the smell of weed and your blank face.
"Why the fuck weren't you answering the chat? Or my calls?"
"I turned my phone off early this morning. Didn't want to turn it back on." Was all you could manage, turning to finish getting dressed, a flash of annoyance going through you when Sho grabbed your wrist.
"Do you know how fucking worried I was?"
"I don't fucking care Shoto! I didn't want my fucking phone on. I didn't want you people fucking calling me." You were too angry to realize you fucked up, only scoffing in the face of Shoto's complete shock at your rudeness.
You both knew sometimes the haunting effects of your trauma could make you lash out at each other, Dabi too, but you had also all agreed never to take it out on each other.
So even though Sho could see something had obviously triggered you, he couldn't allow this behavior to go unchecked.
"We're not people, you fucking little brat. And if you want to make your punishment for today's little stunt worse then by all means keep running your mouth." You winced as you shifted your weight from one foot too another once the sharpness of Sho's tone finally cut through your bravado.
"What the fuck did you do." It was all but growled at you while he took out his phone, to call the others for you punishment you realized with a gulp. If all four of them were needed to punish you... you must have really fucked up.
"N-nothing.." It was a strange, insidious form of self harm you'd developed in highschool. Usually only realizing what you'd done when it was too late. But masturbating until your clit hurt too much to walk was self harm just like any other form.
"That's fine, we'll get it out of you one way or another." He clenched his jaw but only spoke a few terse words to someone, Dabi you guessed. "Found her. Come pick us up at her dorm. Call the others."
"Get dressed." You almost flinched at the way he barked at you, Shoto was usually soft spoken to the extreme even when he was high. But now he was properly angry at you and you just felt like shit.
You tried to hide the winces and awkward movements to accommodate the new discomfort, and eventually Sho orders you to get on the bed and spread your legs.
When he sees just how engorged your clit is, how you flinch from the barest touches to it, he glares at you with such anger you're truly worried for what your punishment was going to hold.
"I'll carry you to the car. But you're in no way off the hook."
You end up being piggybacked to Dabi's car, and told to lay down and shut up in the backseat while the two men talked in the front seat. Unfortunately for you, Shoto's anger and the chill of Dabi's leather seats sobered you up quickly. Not to mention the bits and pieces of their conversation you overheard.
"Bakugou's fucking pissed. Even Shinsou raised his voice."
"So did I... stubborn as usual."
"The fuck are we gonna do with her?"
"Considering she rubbed her clit literally raw to the point I'm literally concerned, I thought it'd be a perfect time to remind her orgasms are a reward to be earned or taken away depending on her behavior."
"God damnit, that's my job stupid fucking slut." Dabi cursed at you worriedly over his shoulder, and you couldn't stop the way you whimpered in response because your thighs clenched together automatically and now you were paying the price.
Or so you thought.
But even through all the torture they put you through that evening for not coming to them when you had been triggered, and for shutting them out- resulting in them not being there to stop you from hurting yourself, you weren't truly sorry until you were stretched around Bakugou's shaft while Shinsou, Shoto, and Dabi took turns fucking loads into your ass.
They decided that each of them would give you a load for every missed call they sent to your phone.
Bakugou's job was to spank your ass hard enough to make you clench around whichever two dicks were in you at the moment, making you apologize for every missed call and reminding you "We wouldn't fucking call if we didn't care."
You were trembling in his lap, your face buried in his neck as Shoto fucked you relentlessly- happy to take out all his worry and anger on your ass and adding his final load to the mess in your ass.
When Shinsou pressed into you for one last round in your sloppy hole, Dabi and Sho went to either side of Bakugou, sitting beside him so they could see your face as you were fucked as befitted a punishment- hard, with little pleasure that didn't come with more pain.
"Do you know why you need to answer daddy's calls baby?" Shinsou groaned in your ear as he gripped your hips tightly, and when you took too long to gather your scattered thoughts Bakugou was happy to pop your ass. "You were asked a question, brat."
"B-because I belong to you." You answered, more a sob than anything, like Dabi drilled into taught you. At the end of the day that's what he saw the crux of the problem was, you didn't truly think they wanted you to belong to them. And maybe his moody ass was right.
"Yes, and because you belong to me, to all of us, we need to always be able to reach you. Keep you in line, keep you safe even from yourself if we need to. Cause that's what you need, isn't it kitten." This time it wasn't a question and as you finally broke down and cried. Sho's cold hand and Dabi's hot hand each claimed on of your thighs on either side of Bakugou's waist, and Bakugou wrapped his hand around your throat loosely to make sure you kept your eyes on his even through your tears.
Shinsou felt his orgasm approaching as you started to whimper out apologies to all of them, told them you needed them to keep you safe and that you'd be good from now on, because nothing aroused him more than fucking you with the others back into his sweet baby.
When you woke up next, you were sandwiched between Shinsou and Bakugou while Dabi and Sho made out at the foot of the bed.
"You finally awake sleepy head?" Shinsou's soft voice was heard above you, and as you took stock of the fact that you were freshly washed and dressed, you felt grateful for these guys all over again.
"Hurts, daddy.." You admitted quietly, and Bakugou reached to the table closest to the bed and grabbed a cold wash cloth, both him and your daddy holding you open to press the cool cloth to your aching clit. Sho and Dabi paused to watch worriedly, Dabi's piercing blue eyes glaring at you as he growled, "Don't you ever pull that shit again. We can't touch your clit for days now."
"Days?" You pouted but Bakugou just pressed a little too hard and you were whining from the pain. His crimson eyes met yours angrily as well.
"Days. This is a punishment afterall. You're going to remember who you belong to. Who you obey. If we have to drive you insane by fucking you without giving release, then maybe you'll learn your lesson this time."
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omg i love your blog sm!! i was wondering if you could write an itachi x reader angst?? like it's set during the uchiha massacre and itachi has to yk,, kill his wife aka the reader?? it literally came up to me in a dream! thank you!!
Hi. You have no idea how happy I am I got this request. I’ve been wanting to write this FOREVER. Let me tell you why. So, in one of the Naruto Storm video games, Tobi/Madara is talking to Sasuke, explaining to him about who Itachi had killed and such. Eventually, he mentions he killed his lover and I made a noise between a gasp and a scream. So...I wholeheartedly believe that Itachi having a lover is canon based on the video games and I won’t let anyone take that away from me. That was many many years ago though. But that desire to put it into words has remained and I haven’t seen anything else like this out there, so I’m glad to give it to you!Also, Itachi is aged up to be at least 18. But let’s just say 20 to be safe~ I hope you enjoy the read!
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It’s Ok. (Itachi x Fem!Reader)
Warning(s): angst, death, I cried writing this so you better cry reading this
Word Count: 2,531
“Oh my.” A yawn escaped your lips for the fourth time as you made your way back to the Uchiha compound. “I’m more tired than I thought.” You muttered into your hand as a means to conceal the yawn. A small bit of cold metal touched your lips, making you pull your hand away. The silver ring on your finger brought a smile to your face. “How did I get so lucky.” It was a statement, not a question as you would never question the reason why, just glad that it was.
Itachi had sent you on a spa getaway for a few days and nature seeing. The both of you were supposed to go, but of course, the Anbu came first. You weren’t upset by it, it was something that the both of you knew would happen and what was accepted going into the marriage: the village and its safety come first.
However, that did not mean your marriage was accepted by others.
The rest of the clan found it an ill match as Itachi was the pride and joy of the Uchiha clan, while you…you were some ‘nobody’ who barely made it to Chunin rank. It would be a lie to say if it did not bother you at the beginning of the relationship.
“Shh, (F/N), don’t let it bother you.” Itachi’s deep and soothing voice hummed in your ear, curled up in his arms on the couch in your small apartment.
“How can I not?” You sniffled back, nuzzling your way even closer to him only to have his arms tighten around you even more.
A small kiss was placed at your forehead. “Because, they don’t know you. And, unfortunately, they’re telling you all you need to know about them.” Itachi sighed sadly. “I’m sorry they cannot accept the beautiful soul of the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with.”
That had put a smile to your lips. “Really?” You whispered, looking up at him for confirmation.
He returned that smile and nodded his head. “Really.” His lips met yours, sealing that statement forever in your heart.
Itachi supported you no matter what, regardless of what anyone may say or think of him as a cold-hearted ‘weapon’. Although, the mere thought of how he was treated always made your blood boil. Truly, the Uchiha clan had told you all you needed to know about their practices without being told directly. Whenever Itachi had brought you over to his parent’s home, Fugaku would always be sure to praise his son’s accomplishments a little too hard.
“It’s wonderful, isn’t it? That the next great shinobi of our generation is of the Uchiha clan.” Fugaku would boast, motioning to Itachi with a drink in his hand. “A genius. A perfect weapon.” He mused to which his wife, Mikoto nodded.
“It truly is. He makes the clan proud.” She would say in agreement, never seeming to make a statement of her own.
The pair would always make you tense, your hand balling into fists. But as soon as that would happen, a larger hand would lay over your own and put you at ease. Your hand relaxed and laced together with Itachi’s, allowing you to eat your dinner in peace while he fended off the attention to him as a ‘tool to be used’ into something more mundane.
And unfortunately, another dinner was planned. This one was by his parents inviting them over, not Itachi’s own goodwill to try and have a connection.
You had just lay Sasuke down for bed on the couch, the boy having fallen asleep while you read to him, when Itachi told you his parent’s wishes. “They what? You’re kidding.” You asked in disbelief, keeping your voice quiet as you lay a blanket over Sasuke’s small form. “What do they even want to talk about?”
“Something that is none of their business.” Came the short reply.
Confused, you made your way over to where he was leaning against the kitchen counter, a cup of tea in his hands with another beside it. Itachi handed you the other brewed cup to which you gave small sip before asking, “Which is…?” You pressed, wanting him to explain a bit further.
He ran his hand through his dark hair, the hair tie not in to hold it back. “When we are going to have a child.”
You stared at him blankly for a moment before clenching your jaw. “You’re right, that is none of their business.” You rolled your (E/C) eyes and leaned on the counter next to him. “And here I thought they may be coming around to me,” lifting the cup up to your lips, you added, “guess not,” and took a long sip.
Silence filled the air for a good while, the both of you sipping on your tea with the occasional snore from Sasuke being the only other sound. “Would you like a child?” Itachi asked, his hand reaching out to grasp your left one, gently rubbing the silver band on it with his thumb.
“I,” your eyes glanced down in the near empty cup of tea, “I don’t know. I like the idea of them. But…I’m not sure I would make a good mother.” A small snort came from Itachi and you looked at him with narrowed eyes, “What?” You asked in challenge, wondering exactly what he was going to say.
Setting his own cup down, he stepped in front of you and effortlessly lifted up your (B/T) form to sit on the counter and occupied the space between your legs. “I’m surprised is all.” He hummed, a hand reaching up to gently grasp your cheek, his pale thumb stroking your cheek bone. “I’m surprised you’re doubting the skills you clearly possess.”
Now it was your turn to snort, but a smile found its way to your face regardless—like it always seemed to when you’re with him. “I’m curious. Why don’t you tell me?”
“Well,” he glanced over his shoulder before motioning with his head at it, “the way you were interacting with Sasuke would be my best example.”
“That’s different, we are just watching him for the night.”
“It’s not different.” He immediately said, his hands now finding their way to your hips. “You’ve shown incredible patience. Allowing him to show you whatever he wanted to. An interesting stick he found? You marveled at it. The fireball he was able to summon? You cheered for him like no one else had.” He praised, his forehead now leaning forward to rest against your (S/C) one. “Reading to him and doing voices with it? You are a natural.” His lips came closer to yours. “Not to mention, how you treat the blonde boy. Whenever you see him, you speak with him, give him attention. You have a kind soul.”
By now, a dark flush was beginning to spread on your face. You would never not love the compliments he gave, but it always was embracing to have him say them so openly and as a matter of fact, not opinion. “You…you would make a great father.” You whispered back, now finding your lips just a breath apart; so close, that you could practically feel him smile.
“Thank you, (F/N). That means the world.” Your lips and bodies met that night, hoping that whatever the result would be, it would be a good one.
Playing with a lock of your (H/C) hair, you had been waiting patiently for the doors to the compound to open. But…they wouldn’t budge. Frowning, you glanced around and while it was night time, it was dead silent. “That’s odd.” You muttered, noting the air smelt weird too. Itachi had not been at the home you shared that was thankfully away from the compound, his mission supposed to have been over the day prior, and figured he might be at his family’s home to pick up Sasuke early as you were going to look after him again.
Ignoring the warning in your head to not pursue it and turn around, you leapt up to balance on the top of the gate only to nearly fall back in shock.
Bodies. Bloodied, fallen, bodies littering the ground. Given your relationship with the clan as a whole, the only thing you felt was shock and worry about the two Uchiha that mattered in your life: Itachi and Sasuke.
Quickly leaping down, you ran from door to door, body to body, quickly determining that none of them were Itachi nor Sasuke. And while you should have been relieved, you just weren’t.
Rounding another corner, you stopped midstep, finding the small figure you were hoping but dreading to see. “Sasuke!” You cried out, running and sliding down next to him, quickly checking over his body and determining the blood on him was not his own. He seemed to be merely passed out. Right as you were about to pick him up and take him to the hospital when a pained voice spoke behind you.
“Why are you here, (F/N)?” The voice, while so familiar, sounded to be deeply in pain.
Laying Sasuke’s upper body back down on the ground, you slowly stood up. “I got back early. I wanted to surprise you.” You whispered back, knowing full well who eliminated the Uchiha clan. “Surprise.”
Taking a deep breath, you turned to find your blood-splattered husband with his Sharingan activated and tears flowing from his eyes. The both of you stared at one another for what felt like an eternity. “It’s ok.” You said after a moment, your hand reaching up to brush away some of his tears, effectively spreading the blood away as well. “It’s ok.” You whispered again.
“(F/N)…I…you can’t….” His voice was cracking as his body trembled, struggling to speak.
“I know.” A few tears began to fall from your face now. You had seen too much. You knew what had to happen. Tilting your head, you placed a soft kiss against Itachi’s lips which was quickly met with desperation, a need from him to never let it stop.
One of his hands found its way to your hair and holding it tightly, the other wrapped around your waist to pull you close to him, sword falling to the ground. “Take us back to our home?” You whispered against his lips before he gave a small nod, your body getting picked up and in what seemed like an instant, you were inside your bedroom.
Sitting on the edge of your bed, he loomed over you, hands grasping the bedsheets and his head leaning on your shoulder as it seemed even more tears were falling. “(F/N)….” He said again, this time seeming to choke out your name.
A sad smile graced your features, your head turning to place a kiss against his cheek while your left hand found a kunai in the pouch on his thigh. “It’s ok.” You said again, nudging it into his hand.
Itachi pulled back to look at you, his red eyes seeming to memorize every last inch of you, so he could always remember you—his beautiful wife.
“Oh.” You said suddenly, lifting your left hand up, smiling fondly at the silver ring there. With shaking fingers, you took it off and placed it on his pinky. Once it was securely on, you smiled back up at him. “There. See? I won’t be leaving you.”
Itachi gave a small laugh, “You always find a way, don’t you.” He whispered, letting you take his hand that held the kunai to raise it to your heart.
“Yes, I do.” You smiled back, your eyes staring up at him with nothing but love and acceptance.
His hand seemed to still a little with both of your hands wrapped around his on the kunai’s handle. “I love you, (F/N).” Itachi leaned in, his lips against yours.
Closing your eyes, you whispered against him, “I love you too, Itachi.” And with one last kiss and your hands jerking towards you, your world went entirely dark. All the while the body that sobbed above you mourned what could have been.
Having died for the second time was odd. But now, Itachi could eternally rest. He was able to see Sasuke accept the truth of that fateful night, knowing full well that he may never be forgiven. Or even son, get sent to the darkest parts of the afterlife. So, it was met with some confusion that all he saw was light.
The man’s body froze. A voice he hadn’t heard in person for years, and had only replayed conversations in his mind. Turning in disbelief, his breath got caught in his throat at seeing the most wonderful sight before him. “(F/N)?” The name came out barely audible, it was not a name he had said aloud in a long time.
You smiled brightly, walking over to him while making sure to keep the small bundle to your chest. “Hello, my love. I’m glad you’re finally with us.”
Itachi had been in awe of how serene you were in the white kimono that he had nearly missed the small object in your arms, but he did not miss the ‘us’ comment. “Us?” He whispered, a sense of guilt and dread beginning to fill his heart.
“Itachi Uchiha. I know what you’re thinking, and don’t you dare. I had no idea either.” Your hand opening the bundle a bit more, an infant with black hair and large dark eyes stared up at the man. “It’s ok.” You said again, letting the man embrace the two of you.
“Do…do they have a name?” He whispered into your hair, his heart trying to accept that he had unknowingly killed his own unborn child.
You shook your head, your free hand reaching out to adjust his arms. “No, not yet.” Placing the small bundle into his arms, you smiled up at him proudly. “I wanted to wait for his father.”
“A boy.” He smiled, unable to help the tears from falling in both joy and sorrow.
Nodding, you wrapped your arm around his waist and leaned against his shoulder, looking down at the life you had created and now meeting in the afterlife. “Yes. You’ve done so much, Itachi.” You hummed, laying your hand over his. “You’ve sacrificed so much. Now…it’s time for you.” Leaning up, you placed a kiss against his lips, a feeling he had missed so much. “It’s time for us.” A small sound of happiness came up from the baby in his arms. “He agrees. Now, what should we name him?”
Looking at you, then to his son, Itachi closed his eyes. “How about…(C/N)?”
Smiling, you nodded in agreement. “(C/N) it is.”
Swallowing hard, he raised (C/N) up and gave a light kiss to the boy’s forehead which earned a happy giggle from the boy before placing one on your own. “I love you, (F/N).”
Glad that you could finally be together forever, you beamed back up at him, “I love you too, Itachi. Now, come on. We have eternity together. We’re not going anywhere.” Taking his hand, the three of you walked off into that bright void, your souls at peace.
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