#They aren't OCs for anything just random one's i made out of the blue
somehhuuuhh ยท 3 months
Me rambling my oc (Austin, Ice, flame) :D
I feel bad because they just show up one day on my blog without explaining who they are or what they do....my bad ( ..)
I gonna put it under a cut cuz it's going to be long and Idk if anybody cares about ocs which make me sad :(
Doodles of them :D
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Kay, so like they go around and capture some glitches that infect other aus before it gets corrupt. They are all kinda bad at their job, but like they have nothing else to do, so why not?
They are just a silly billy group trying there best
Important facts about them
Austin is blind and mute
Austin is always smiles kinda like og sans
Ice helps Austin to somewhat see by being around Austin, Austin energy, movement, CHECK, LV, HP, and DEF
Flame and Austin are connected where he knows what Austin wants to say, but Austin can't speak so Flame says it for him which makes him the voice
So basically Flame is Austin voice and Ice is Austin eyes
Ice and Flame is with him 24/7 and they aren't forced to be with him but like they share the same soul and for some reason the soul is with Austin. So like if Austin dies they die soooooo yea they kinda forced to stay with him
Austin, Ice, and Flame share the same hp, soul, and lv
Austin likes to wear dresses :D
Facts about them
Name: Austin
Age: ?
Species: skeleton
Pronouns: any pronouns
Sexuality: โœจ๏ธbiโœจ๏ธ and genderqueer
Personality: He is a comfortable and cozy guy. He likes to help people and just a kind guy, but he can get mad. He his an outgoing guy and doesn't really have anxiety. He is just really curious sometimes
Likes: he's boyfriend, pillows, gaming, drawing, spiders
Dislikes: fish, horror movies, wearing jeans
He was gaster blasters
Blue attacks
Bones attack
He can take on of his body part off if he wants to
He can make force field around him or other people
Weapons: he will have a classic bone, but in the bottom, it's sharp and broken
Weaknesses: really strong people he is strong with his powers, but he isn't really strong when it comes to his non-existence muscle
Height: 5โ€™6 might change it later
AU or Place of Residence: he lives I'm my nowhere void
Background: I was bored and wanted a comfort character so I looked at my old art and oc. It was either them or another oc so I picked Austin, Ice, and Flame. I was kinda lazy to make their backstory so I didn't make one because I was making another au and it takes a lot of energy to make it good. So now they exist and like to help me manage the multiverse by fixing glitches.
He his blind and mute
Ice help him to see (kinda)
Flame help him to talk (kinda)
He always smiles
Ice and Flame is with him 24/7
He, Ice, and Flame share the same hp, soul, and lv
He's just a comfort character
Don't say anything mean to him because he will cry in blood
He doesn't know how to flirt that good
Name: Ice
Age: ?
Species: ghost angel?
Sexuality: aromantic
Personality: He is shy and not really outgoing compared to Austin and Flame. They kinda overreact sometimes. He always wants to come up with plans. He just wants to protect his friends and family
Likes: planning stuff, hugs, animals, flying
Dislikes: scary movies, scary people, surprises, when things don't go as planned
Hobbies: planning stuff and protecting the multiverse with Austin and Flame
He can heal other people
His tears can cause damage to other people and to soil objects
His halo can act like a portal (he can just throw his halo and it can be turned into a portal)
Can summon sharp spare, ice crystal
They can summon Ice barrier
He can make snow or ice, people or objects and control It (Let's say he made a Ice giant and control it with his hands)
He can make a mist (he will create a mist so they can escape or something)
Weapons: he doesn't have one he just uses his powers
Strengths: when he feels calm, when he get pats, planning
Weaknesses: when he freaks out, when his plan doesn't work, when he gets panic attacks
Height: 30cm
AU or Place of Residence:in my nowhere void
He helps Austin to somewhat see by being around Austin, Austin energy, movement, CHECK, LV, HP, and DEF
He isn't forced to be around Austin or Flame and it that he feels safe around them and love them as friends so much
He like to hide around Austin hoodie when get scared
Can't go through solid objects
Can't fly without his wings
They stutters
He has anxiety
Name: Flame
Age: ?
Species: ghost demon?
Pronouns: he/they
Sexuality: straight
Personality: He is outgoing and chaotic. He is a bit weird to Ice and Austin but does care about and think about as family. He is very impatient, so he gets annoyed when Ice is trying to say something when he stutters
Likes: spicy food, watermelon, bugs, going to Outertale
Dislikes: everything he doesn't like ๐Ÿ‘
Hobbies: He protects the multiverse with Austin and Ice
He can make his horns and tail even sharper
Can summon fire
Can destroy things by touching but they kinda have to use a lot of energy where there is barely left and it takes awhile for all the energy comes back (when he use it takes his energy, he kinda acts like he is drunk)
He's tail can pick up a lot of heavy things and can stretch
Can go through solid objects
He's flames can show memories or what once there
He can make a fire wall (its wall, but it is made out of fire)
Weapons: none he just use his powers
Weaknesses: cute stuff, dresses, losing
AU or Place of Residence: in my nowhere void
He and Austin are connected where he knows what Austin wants to say, but Austin can't speak, so Flame says it for him, which makes him the voice
He can speak in any language
He can tell if someone is okay or not
He's pretty fast when he fly
He's a bit jealous that there isn't another him in the multiverse
Oh and Austin has BF :3
Like of course he does he have rizzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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So his boyfriend is Iso โœจ๏ธ by @cxffee-undxrtale and if you want to more about him just ask his creator.
But yeah they pretty cute together tbh. So here's some facts about them being the most adorable couple ever
Iso is rude to people, but they are soft with Austin
This isn't really a toxic relationship. This is more a wholesome one, and of course, there are still some problems
Austin will be the one to ask Iso to a date after getting some courage to ask him out
Iso gets easily flustered when Austin flirts with him even though it is super cheesy
Their ship name is Aso
Austin doesn't get a lot of things when it comes to love, we doesn't even know what it dlif means (he is too innocent), and Iso doesn't know to romantic as well.
Austin will give Iso a bunch of gifts and usually gets help by Flame and Ice
It's hard for Austin to date someone because he is blind and mute, and Ice and Flame is with him 24/7 so he is happy that he is dating Iso
They met when Iso was in an au while Austin was there for one of their missions and Iso was probably there because he was beating up people in that au
Iso doesn't mind Flame and Ice being around them while they are together
The restaurant that they go to for a date will be Olive Garden :D
Flame hates being the 3rd wheel, but Ice doesn't mind being the 4th wheel if Austin is happy
Some little comics of them
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For this comic Austin doesn't like when Flame says bad words so yea. It was fine little comic to draw cuz I was board
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:( ... --- -- . - .... .. -. --. ... / .-- .-. --- -. --.
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far-side-skies ยท 9 months
Crystal Headcanons - Fan-Crystals
So over time I've come up with a big collection of fan/headcanon crystals for Storm Hawks. It's such a fascinating concept to me that I feel didn't get explored often enough in the show, despite them making up the entirety of the world's established magic system and being crucial to other parts of life such as travel and combat. I love making up new crystals to fill the world with so here's all the ones I have so far. I may have missed some, but this is most if not all of the crystals I've made up for stuff like plot, macguffins or just because I saw a random game mechanic I liked and thought "can I make up a crystal that does that?"
Some of these were made in collaboration with @ashe-alter. The raystones, hex crystal and channelling stone are the main three, but they've helped me figure out bits and pieces of other ones in this list. Go check out Grimm's stuff, they just made an ask blog for their awesome oc Austry too.
Borealis crystals: The colour of the Aurora. Popular in ski and snow resorts across Atmos, Borealis crystals are capable of changing the weather to snowfall. High-grade ones in the hands of powerful mages can even be used to summon vicious snowstorms. Must be handled with care, as an unstable, leaking Borealis crystal can cause Borealis poisoning, a chronic condition that shortens your lifespan.
Magnesis crystals: Silvery crystals with a metallic sheen. These are crystals that produce their own powerful magnetic field. Frequently used in heavy lifting equipment.
Leechlights: Black-purple in colour. Rare. Adjacent to leech crystals, leechlights are able to absorb light in order to create pockets of darkness. They are a favourite of Cyclonia's Nightcrawlers, awarded to their highest ranking officers.
Orbital stones: White, shard-like crystals. Splintered bones of death itself. Capable of severing the soul from the body. Handle with extreme caution, deadly to undead beings and dangerous for individuals with a silver allergy. Do Not channel into a Crescendo.
Memory stones: Yellow. Used to store memories for safekeeping. Legends tell of an ancient demigod who first created these crystals to record history.
Adreno crystals: Another crystal with origins in myth. On the surface they seem like standard purple energy crystals, until you realise how uneasy they make you feel. Their true power is that they cause an increase in adrenaline and stress-related hormones, triggering one's fight or flight response and heightening anxiety.
Rally stones: Myth origin. Comes in red or green. Red triggers passion, green triggers fury. Has disturbing uses in brainwashing rituals.
Raystones: Gold like the sun. Uncommon. Adjacent to sol crystals, they turn sunlight into concentrated blades and are better suited for weaponry.
Echo crystals: Light blue. Used to record audio and play it back, a common component of record discs and tape players.
Saltpetre crystals: Often colourless. Explosive crystals used for fireworks. A vital component to most firearms.
Glowstone: Can come in many colours. A Minecraft reference. Popular among crystal smiths for weapons development, glowstones aren't particularly bright and absolutely useless in combat. They do, however, leave a trail of light wherever they go that lingers like a long-exposure photograph. This makes them useful for navigating caves without having to scratch marks into the walls, and smiths use them to check the energy-conductive tracks in crystal powered weapons.
Bifrost crystals: Range from purple to blue-green. Incredibly rare but usually found among deposits of borealis crystals. At a glance, they're not anything special, but when struck by a bifrost powered weapon, the target is swathed in a shroud of shimmering light. A second strike causes said light to detonate around the target. If this sounds familiar, it's because I took this from a God of War Ragnarok mechanic.
Avia crystals: Green. A unique legendary set of crystals belonging to the Amazonian royal family. With these crystals, users can take the form of a bird, and if used in tandem with the rest of the set, they can turn other people into birds too.
Thunder opals: Opalescent stones that can create loud cracks of thunder and a wave of force when activated. High grade thunder opals are indicated by their white colouration. Lower grade ones with less force are popular with sound effects artists for use in movies, songs and radio productions. Black ones are silent but still produce a deadly shockwave when used.
Deadwood crystals: Dusty brown in colour. Frequently making up the cores of arid Terras, deadwood crystals create dry winds that can escalate into dust storms and twisters if used in the right environments.
Channelling stones: (aka Godtrapper crystals) There are many debates as to whether or not these crystals actually exist. They can be used to steal the power of divine beings for mortals to use for themselves.
Hex crystals: One of the only crystals with a 'liquid' form, hex crystals produce a purple substance known as Hexane that can be used to store oxygen, carbon dioxide and other chemicals. In the right conditions, creatures submerged in this liquid can be kept alive in a sort of "stasis" indefinitely
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givemethesleep ยท 4 months
Kay, I read the post about your DnD OC's and I am SO INVESTED! That is one HECK of a traumatic backstory! I guess my biggest question is, what's kind of the endgame in your head for these characters? Because they are SO COOL and SO FULL of potential!
Do you want them to reconcile? To physically fight it out? To become an immovable object and unstoppable force, doomed to constantly butt heads?
Is there any sort of plan for either of them to address their trauma and/or get themselves in a healthier environment? Will Boreal ever find someone who loves him just for him and not for what he can do? Will he ever be able to conquer his constant need for validation? Will Australis ever find someone who isn't afraid of her and cares about her, even past her rude and snappy defense mechanisms?
Or are we going for more of a negative character development angle where they go in increasingly darker paths, with Australis eventually succumbing to her patron or Boreal's savior complex becoming much larger scale?
And please tell me anything else about them too, because holy heck, this is juicy!
Answering these questions and more + some random picrews and images I have for them under the cut (when I add the cut tomorrow because idk how to do it from the web browser) <3 And grab some popcorn because this is probably gonna get long AND juicier.
SO as far as their endgames, I'm not entirely sure. I use them in a variety of contexts (D&D with my friends from highschool, Australis is my Tav for BG3, discord rp ect.) So their endings are sort of fluid but.
They don't reconcile. They miss each other terribly. Australis offends Boreal's desperate attempts to be "good" and "pure" in spite of the magic that made him the way that he is. Australis cannot forgive him for driving her into exile and building his reputation by painting her a ghastly villain. Every time they meet, they tear each other apart. More often than not, though, Boreal is the antagonist in these meetings. More on this later!
Australis gets a lot of comfort from her pact, drawing her magic and knowledge from the pool of those that came before her. Even if it's confronting, she grows a better understanding of who she is, and why she is how she is. And that, at least, is a comfort. It doesn't change the fact that a 9 year old child was tortured as she was, it doesn't change the fact that she was forcefully stripped of both her human and elven heritage in exchange for crystal-coated horns and otherworldly blue skin. But she understands it, and understanding is the first step to accepting it. Her patron is careless in how knowledge is accrued, so long as Australis contributes it's happy
I think, be it platonic, familial or romantic, Australis does have the capacity to love and be loved. How this will come about is up for debate - I'm using her in an upcoming campaign with friends, and (when I get the hardware to properly play) she's my Tav in BG3, so she has the companions from that game to play into this idea too. I'm also super keen in mushing my ocs together with friends and mutuals so. if you see this. hit me up if you like fucked up and mildly unnerving undead tieflings that turn into a creature of nightmares and explodes sometimes. She does have a pretty big heart, under that spiky exterior.
But, naturally, her story/ies are unfinished, so whether she finds a proper support system in one of her parties (or even one or more partners) is something that is still to come!
Boreal is the one that has the negative arc, with the help of @waffles5588. And his need for validation and the steps he takes to achieve it aren't specifically combatted. He does chance across an adventurer. An orc, looking for work in the more rural towns to help build his portfolio for bigger jobs. The two hit it off right away, and Boreal tags along on one or two jobs as the local guide and emergency healer should Mal take too much damage. They kind of end up in a sort of fwb bordering on romantic relationship. Mal adores Boreal. He's funny, he's someone who sees Mal as something more than a weapon, and who cares about his safety. He's also illiterate and not particularly bright, so he doesn't really pick up on the fact that most of the incidents in the general vicinity Mal and Boreal are asked to help with were incidents that Boreal himself setup. He's open to the idea of sharing his fame with Mal. It's a sort of intimacy, and he doesn't feel like Mal is a threat to him and his persona.
Though we haven't really gone into specifics, it's probably not going to be a happy ending for a long time, if at all. Boreal has to do some introspection and fix himself, which is going to be an unpleasant experience, but losing Mal due to his conniving nature would probably hurt just as much, if not more. Boreal's kind of dug himself into a lose lose situation that nothing short of a full rehaul of his entire person can fix. Sucks to be him, I guess. (All jokes aside, Boreal has two major forces that would force him to change for the better. One would be Mal threatening to leave or leaving him and ruining his reputation, the other being Helm directly stepping in and stripping Boreal of his divine power. Both of these would destroy him, but it'd be the wakeup call he needs)
That should answer your questions re: arcs, so now for some more fun facts (mostly about Australis she's the girl ever)
- Australis is an undead warlock with the pact of the tome, meaning she has her Book of Shadows to learn spells from, does not need to eat, sleep, or breathe, and can turn herself into her form of dread - with a grotesquely twisted face, distended limbs and cold sharp crystals covering her body. When she hits 0 HP, she explodes into a fine powder littered with small shards of crystal, dealing considerable necrotic damage to those in her vicinity. From the dust, she regenerates with 1 HP and 1 level of exhaustion.
- Australis' pact has had a noticeable impact on her appearance. Her sclera are a very dark blue and her irises a startling pink. Her horns, once barely ridged, are slowly being encased in the same crystals that encase and hold her patron and it's vast knowledge. Her and her brother both had faint purple markings where they had once had normal birthmarks, but Australis' grew and wove elaborate patterns that darkened and pulsated.
- Every time she uses her warlock skill set, it widens her connection to her patron and the souls that make up it. Often, the voices of her patron question her actions and bombard her with alternate actions, sometimes even downright berating her. It's very very overwhelming, and she can't make it stop. Most of the time, after battles or fights where she has to take the lead, she has to shut herself in her tent and just completely shut down and endure it. She'll often emerge exhausted and with bloodied fingers from trying to claw the crystals growing on her horns off. Hence why she may come off a tad cowardly, insisting others try and carry the brunt of a fight.
- To flex his righteousness, Boreal sends Mal and some other mercenaries up the mountain to find Australis, claiming she's a witch spreading misfortune to the communities on the mountainside. Boreal helps as Mal and the crew attack and destroy the crystals in the cavern. Attacking Australis' Archivist and, indirectly, her. It's agonizing for her, her patron screaming at her in its thousands of voices to protect it, her mind and her vision swimming. She can't fight off her brother, the other half of her, and the pain Boreal and his friends are inflicting make focusing a spell nearly impossible. Her patron channels its power through her and drives the mercenaries from the cave injured, and nearly kills Australis a second time. Boreal tells the others that they must have killed the witch, or at least deterred her from attacking the villages again. They are hailed as heroes. Australis is almost fried from the inside out, lying half-dead in her damaged cavern with so many of the souls that made up her patron just... gone.
Besides, Australis had not once attacked the villages.
- Boreal is a bartender at the town he and Australis spent their late teens and early 20s in. People come to him for comfort and support, for healing and advice. That's where his people skills come from, and how his network and influence became what it is. He's a gossip and a busybody, sure, but he uses it to his advantage! The more he knows, the more damage he can cause and then ultimately fix!
Images are from picrew + a photo from BG3
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golden--doodler ยท 1 year
Currently still working on my newest Bob's Burgers comic (because Gene deserves love too! Okay, yes, he had Courtney, but still). Here's everything you need to know about my newest OC, AKA random facts no one asked for but I'm giving anyway:
--First off, he's kind of an amalgamation of several old OCs I made but never ended up using.
--Their full name is Alexis Emiliano Franklin-De La Vega. His super long name comes from the fact he's Guatemalan and his adopted parents have two different last names (he was born in Guatemala but then brought to the US and adopted when he was a baby).
--He's Nonbinary AMAB (Assigned Male At Birth) and uses He/They pronouns. He might change it to They/He once they're older, but I'm not entirely sure yet. They're also Androsexual. However, they always tell people they're Gay, because that label is usually easier for people to understand.
--Loves theater, making outfits (thrifting is so important to them), and all things flamboyant. They even have a small hobby of glassblowing, something they particularly love doing when they're stressed. This is why Gene loves them.
--Their favorite color is yellow (that color remind you of anyone? ๐Ÿ‘€), and their favorite book of all time is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. They were so obsessed with it when they were young, they wanted to be Charlie so bad and meet Willy Wonka.
--He was born without a right foot and has a prosthetic so he can still walk. He was also born with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, meaning their joints are pretty loose, and they can't move and run around as fast or as much as other kids.
--They're actually an excellent baker, something they don't often bring up, because he's afraid of being judged for this hobby. However, when he does bake, he bakes the best chocolate chip cookies. They've also tried their hand at making Beignets in the past. This causes Bob to immediately take a liking to Alexis. They consider baking an art form.
--They have Perfect Pitch, something Gene is pretty jealous of, but also greatly admires.
--They're a Night Owl, and can't go to sleep any earlier than midnight. It's kind of a problem when he has school the next day, but on the weekends, he can just sleep in.
--Loves drawing and character designing, and so far has only shown his drawings to Gene, who loves his art. Sometimes, on the cover of the night, he likes to sneak out and paint gorgeous murals in certain places.
--Not great at picking up other languages, but has a knack for picking up specific accents. He can imitate things like an Irish or Cockney accent so perfectly it's almost scary. This serves him well in theater.
--In secret, he also loves watching Stand-Up Comedians (like John Mulaney or Ali Wong) and thinks they're great. He also loves watching sitcoms, even if the writing is terrible. He just loves anything that can make him laugh.
--Their adopted parents aren't supportive of the LGBTQ+ community, so once he realizes he has a crush on Gene, he has to keep it a secret from them. Their parents also don't know they're Non-Binary.
--Loves collecting vintage vinyl records, especially of things from the Jazz or Blues Age. They just love studying certain things related to vintage times, such as music, but also the fashion people had in the past.
--Has a crippling fear of heights because of an incident when he was young. He was at a state fair with his parents, and they got on the Ferris Wheel. It got stuck, and they had to stay there for hours until it started working again.
--Is a Vegetarian and has a low spice tolerance.
--Has a dry, sarcastic sense of humor which can put most people off, but Gene loves it. He says Alexis' sense of humor/general demeanor reminds him of Louise.
--Carries a stone in his pocket for good luck, especially before a theater performance, a habit he picked up from his adopted grandmother. He swears it's actually helped him in the past.
--Eventually bonds with Bob not only for their shared hobby of cooking/baking but also for loving rock and roll. Their general love for music and theater allows them to eventually bond with Linda.
--Has a job at Jimmy Pesto's (doesn't let Bob know because they know he would freak out), but hates working there. Also, their working there isn't exactly legal because of how young he is (their parents know Jimmy Pesto, so that's why he got hired in the first place). They only work there to earn some money, which his family definitely needs. They burned their hand working there once, and he doesn't even cook or go into the kitchen that often. It left a permanent scar on his hand.
--Wears black, rectangular glasses and is nearsighted and has an astigmatism.
--Enjoys Science Fiction, ET being one of his favorite movies (mainly because of how amazing the design of the puppet for ET is), but thinks the concept of aliens is pretty unnerving.
Finally, here's a little drawing of them, a sneak peek from a panel of the comic:
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slyther-bi ยท 3 years
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Chapter 6
โš ๏ธTrigger warning, mention of abuse and deathโš ๏ธ
Chapter Characters: Severus Snape, Lily Evans, Evan Rosier, & Female oc
"This place sucks!!" Evan shouted out in the middle of the mall.
Lily smacked Evan on the head "Language!"
"Shut up!" Severus shouted out "You guys are causing a scene" He added his breathing becoming a bit uneven and his body slightly shaking. Clair let go of Severus's hand and walked towards Lily and Evan. She took hold of their hands and quickly bit the both of them as hard as she could before making her way back to Severus. Both Lily and Evan let out a scream and quickly pulled their hands away from clair. "What on earth was that for!?" Lily asked in a annoyed tone.
Clair hugged Severus tightly and stuck her tongue out at Lily. "Alright that's enough" Sev said and gently ruffled Clair's hair "Let's just keep shopping" he added softly. "Yeah the quicker the better, I really hate this place" Evan stated as he began to walk off in a random direction. Lily, Severus, and Clair quickly followed suit to insure Evan couldn't be able to ditch them.
"Can we get ice cream?" Clair asked softly while shyly looking up at the three adults. Lily and Severus fawned and almost teared up at the way Clair was. Evan sighed and simply picked up the little girl "Let's go feed you ice cream while they weep" He said and walked off.
Severus shook his head and grabbed hold of Lily's hand before following Evan. Clair wrapped her arms around Evan's neck and hid her face as people made quick glances in her direction. "I wanna go home" Clair said quietly "Great me too" Evan said before making his way to the entrance "Wait a minute we haven't finished shopping" Lily said a bit loudly. "Too late" Evan said before walking into the crowd to hide from Lily and Severus.
"Now hang on!" Severus shouted out and attempted to follow Evan but the attempt failed since he couldn't see Evan or Clair anymore. "Great they're gone" Lily said in annoyed tone. "I'm gonna kill Evan, I'm gonna kill him and people we believe he was a child snatcher" Severus said as his body began to shake slightly.
"Ok now hang on, let's not kill Evan. Chances are he went back to the car" Lily said softly hoping it would calm down her brother. She didn't want him to kill Evan mostly cause Evan buys them things whenever they ask. Plus he helps supplies her with poisons and doesn't ask why even tho he wants to.
"I'll think about it" Severus said through gritted teeth. "If you kill him we won't have someone to buy us food whenever we get drunk" Lily said "Plus he also slashes the tires to cars of the people we don't like when we don't have the time to do it ourselves" She added while smiling
Severus began to chuckle and was soon full on laughing which caused a few heads to turn and face them with questioning looks. "And we're off!!" Severus shouted out as he grabbed hold of Lily's arm and ran off towards the main entrance. Lily giggled as she ran alongside her brother happily.
The pair ran out of the mall and quickly looked around "So uh do you remember where we parked?" Severus asked while clinging to Lily's arm. "Pfft of course I do...." She said "...we parked somewhere" she added while laughing nervously.
Before Severus could say anything a dark blue 67' Chevy Impala pulled up in front of them and the drive window rolled down. "Excuse me ma'am, mister can you point me in the direction of the ice cream shop?" Evan asked in a joking matter. Clair sat in the backseat and began to giggle uncontrollably.
"Give us a ride and we'll show you were to go" Lily said while trying not to giggle herself. Severus on the hand was trying to stifle his laughter. "But of course" Evan said while smiling, both Lily and Severus chuckled and quickly got into the car.
"And we're off!!" Clair shouted out happily as Evan drove off.
~Small Time skip~
Back in the Prince resident the three adults and small child sat in the backyard admiring the garden that Severus spent his time creating. Clair happily ran around in the backyard trying to catch a few butterflies that had taken a liking to the beautiful garden. Lily was following Clair and pointed where the butterflies where whenever Clair lost sight of them. The two girls where giggling as more butterflies began to appear.
Severus was watching his sister and his little girl play in the garden his lips forming into a soft smile. He was so busy at watching both Lily and Clair that he had failed to nothing the concern look that Evan was giving him. Eventually Evan decided to speak what was on his mind, clearly still curious as to where Clair came from.
"How did you get her?" Evan asked with curiosity and kept his voice low to keep Lily or Clair from hearing. Severus turned to face Evan and gave him a confused look but then looked away "It doesn't matter She's here now and she's mine. I won't let you or anyone else take her from me" He spoke in a cold hushed tone that sent a shiver down his own spine.
Evan continued to stare at Severus unsure of what to make of his answer but he wasn't going to let this topic be brushed off so quickly. "She had bruises on her, What happened?" Severus turned to face Evan his eyes showing no type of emotion "If I told you then you'd have to meet the same fate as Clair's parents did" Severus said his voice sounding dark.
Despite the dark aura Evan felt coming off of Severus his curiosity continued to grow "What did you do?" Evan asked as he stared deeply into Severus cold dark eyes. After several seconds Severus's eyes filled up with pure excitement and his next words left Evan shocked and speechless "I made them go away, they hurt Clair so I made them go away" He said happily and grabbed hold of Evan's shoulders "I made sure they won't come looking for her, I made them pay for their sins. I sent them to hell" He added while smiling like a bloody maniac.
It took Evan a moment to realize what Severus was saying to him and he wasn't sure what to say but before he could speak Severus continued "They'll be all over the news soon, people will see what I did to them and maybe then people will learn a lesson from all this. They aren't my first victims and I'm certain they won't be my last~" He spoke that last sentence in a teasing tone right in his ear. Severus moved back and looked into Evan's eyes once more.
"You're my friend and I hate to see you go but I don't need people knowing I'm the one playing god" Severus said his smile fading and the dark aura seemed to only intensify. "I promise I won't tell" Evan said which simply made Severus smile. The dark aura that surrounded Severus seemed to vanish almost completely the minute he had promised to keep quiet.
Evan always wondered what it felt like making a deal with the devil well now he had gotten his answer. He watched his friend stand up from his seat and walk over to the two girl who were still chasing butterflies completely oblivious to the words he and Severus exchanged. Despite hearing the voice in his head telling him to run or call the police, he stayed seated watching both Lily and Severus play with Clair.
He remembered the state Clair was in when he first saw her, she was covered in bruises and her nails where chipped with dried blood on them as well as a few pieces of wood in between them. Lily had managed to bandage Clair up and cover most of the bruises with makeup to avoid people thinking they were the ones to hurt the little girl. 'They hurt Clair, so I made them go away' those words echoed through his mind and he smiled.
Evan's mind pictured Severus killing the girls parents and he couldn't help but laugh. If those people were capable of hurting a little girl who was their own flesh and blood then they didn't deserve to live. Evan wanted to ask Severus about the other people he had confessed to killing but he knew that later on tonight he would get his answers. He slowly stood up and walked over to the trio, he quickly picked up Clair and spun her in circles.
She began to laugh uncontrollably all while Lily and Severus picked a few flowers and tossed them up in air around them. Evan laughed softly still holding Clair in his arms. Just moments ago he had learned that his best friend was a killer but given his friend's life history it wasn't shocking. Now Evan was making plans in his mind to help better protect his friend and his new child. He'd also have to better protect Lily cause if he was right then he was sure that she knew what Severus did.
'I promise I won't tell' echoed in his mind and that was a promise he planned to keep for the sake of his two friends and for the safety of the little girl who was happily putting flowers in his hair that were given to her by Severus.
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