#They don’t exist to please others ig and they accept the consequences of that because they have to
applespider · 1 year
Strong independent woman? More like pathetic dependent woman who’s flaws counter out any good qualities she has twice over. I’m still talking about Aqua. I love her so much. That’s something I really like about the Konosuba cast in general. Found family without the wholesome. They never leave the first town, they’re constantly in debt, everyone knows them as those weirdos who cause problems, but they kind of love each other anyway. They’re found family because they all suck so much they can’t survive without each other. They aren’tin a position to reject each other because of their weird or unlikeable qualities. They’re the same. You just kind of accept it. And isn’t that what family is?
I’m not wording this right, but they’re just such normal people. They like cool stuff even if it’s seen as cringe, they can’t help but blow their earnings on nice alcohol, they work a regular job because adventuring doesn’t really pay. They adjust to each other. Kazuma taking Megumin out to do her explosions, Aqua and Kazuma being the same fucking person, both irritating each other and understanding each other because of it. Kazuma not wanting to fight the demon king because it sounds like a lot of work. They accept each others weirdness out of necessity. That’smy type of found family.
#idk how to word it#it’s just that they don’t have anywhere else to go because they’re too selfish or cringe or lazy or annoying so they stick together#It’sa really funny version of my love for the intimacy out of necessity trope#They come to except the weird parts of each other not because they’re angels but because they just get used to it#It’s like that concept of all the fun people being in hell#It’s all the horribly flawed people that stick together and in that way it’s sweet#Aaaaaaa I can’t word this right#But Aqua the light of my life#It feels very human#It embraces the parts were meant to shun yk?#They’re fully themselves and push a lot of people away because of it but they find each other anyway#They’re themselves fully even when it’s detrimental and there’s something very enticing to me about that#They don’t exist to please others ig and they accept the consequences of that because they have to#They contribute nothing to the world around them but they continue to exist in day to day life!#I feel like for me it strips the concept of living from the obligation to be any one thing#It’s not free of consequence to be themselves but they can’t really do much else so they keep on trucking along#I’m probably reading too deep but it questions the idea that existing and being valuable is tied to being useful or succe#contributor to society#It doesn’t idealize living like this but it shows it’s possible#I can live ineffectively and inefficiently and be imperfect and embarrassing and mess up all the time in ways that are my fault and still b#alive#at this point I’m just psychoanalyzing myself to figure out why these characters appeal to me so much#But they really do#They’re not role models or beacons of morality or anything to look up to they’re just people#Idk I just love them#they’re cool to me
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amindofstone · 4 years
Love Killa Theory - Monsta X
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!!! Please do not steal my idea or work. Credit me please if this is shared or published in any other platform. !!!
Since I couldn´t sleep I thought why not try to be smart and watch the mv a few times and try to focus on everything that is going on in the mv but not the boys. While doing so something was kinda off in my opinion. This something made me remember a post on IG I recently found. In this post a Mbb said that the car in which Changkyun was sitting was the same one Shownu drove in the FANTASIA Film. So I focused on the scene with the car and played it in slow motion a few times. And while doing so something caught my eye a few times. Remember that one scene where Changkyun drives away with the car? Well to show him driving away they showed the back of the car. They could have done that from the front, from the side of the car or from above the car. But they choose to film them from the back of the car. This might have a reason and can be explained by some filming techniques but this still caught my eye because of something that ended up being really, really interesting. I actually thought that it was nothing special or important but HELL NO! It ended up being so freaking INTERESTING AND EVEN IMPORTANT in my eyes.The thing I am talking about is the license tag. Exactly THE LICENSE TAG!
The tag says “577 MNW”. Now listen up, because the thing that comes next is gonna surprise you a lot. Like I was literally staring at my screen for Lord knows how long. I was really SHOOK. But let’s get to the point.
I started to search up “MNW” but I couldn´t find anything that´s why I dropped it after a while and went straight for “577” and found some good stuff. The number 577 stands for a sign (guardian) angels use to communicate with those they are protecting.( It´s also called angels numbers. There are a bunch of them. If you’re interested just google “angels numbers”). But before we go deeper into the numbers I want to talk about angels quickly. Angels are creatures mostly religious people believe in. I only know about Christianity and Islam because of my theology studies and can tell you that in both religions angels are seen as good and holy creatures (I will keep it short, because there is way way too much to say about them). Angels are seen as good and loyal creatures. They want the best for you always and forever. While they are there to take care of you no matter in what situation you are, they are there in your good and bad days. They lead you to the good path and make sure you´re happy. Some people describe them as a shimmer or a spark of light. While some others thing they look like humans with huge wings.
There is this belief that the angels want to communicate with the humans. So to do so, they use numbers as a way to communicate. Therefore they always use a compilation of numbers. In their way of communicating the numbers aren’t just numbers. They have a meaning and tell you something. And the number compilation of “577” we have on the license tag of the car has in conclusion also a meaning. To understand the compilation better I divide the numbers.
Number 5.:
Five stands for important decisions you make in life and major life changes of any type in your life. No matter if those changes were made by you or your surroundings. Other attributes that come along are personal freedom and independence. Another aspect that I thing is really interesting is that it also stands for the lesions and experiences life teaches you.
Number 7.:
Seven, portraits spirituality. It also means inner peace and knowing/wisdom and empathy. Empathy means being able to understand others and to be able to put yourself in other situations. What I thing is also really important to mention is that it also means adaptability and acceptance.
The numbers together:
With the angel number 577, the Universe and the angels are congratulating you on the choices and decisions you are making in your life, as well as the changes you are doing.
They are all making your life better and aligning you with the right path.
The angels are encouraging you to continue following that path, which will eventually lead you to fulfill your soul’s mission in this life.
The angels remind you to focus on developing your spirituality further, knowing you have your angels to turn to for support and additional guidance.
This angel number is a reminder to begin learning from your life experiences as well as the experiences of other people.
Don’t let yourself make the same mistakes again. Don’t repeat unnecessary life circles again and again. The angels encourage you to go on that path without worries and fear. That is the path, which will help you align with your true soul’s purpose and bring you to its fulfillment.
This is just the start. From now on it gets kinda confusing since I couldn’t figure out the rest fully. To make it easier I will copy the definition of the numbers above and put my thoughts in the definitions in a bracket […].
Number 5.:
Five stands for important decisions you make in life and major life changes of any type in your life. No matter if those changes were made by you or your surroundings [If I thing about changes there are a bunch of occurrences I can think of. I personally think that in every official mv there is something happening that counts as an incident that is worth to be named. Starting from their debut mv “Trespass”. The fact that the first mv of them was about them being in jail and actually trying to break out makes me thing that their lives are constantly in major changes that always leave them with a lot of consequences. Changes that take part in their lives are made by them on their own but also were manipulated or lead by their surroundings. Here we can mention “Dramarama” or “All In”. Every act of them was strongly influenced by occurrences that took place in the past or present. But the future also plays a huge role in it because Hyungwon seems to have access to past, present and future. So do the boys due to the watch but just to some extend because they seem to be figuring it out just recently while Hyungwon seems to know it very well and since a long time. “All In” is a great example of manipulation of their surroundings that can be the society and country they lived in but also their families.]. Other attributes that come along are personal freedom and independence. Another aspect that I thing is really interesting is that it also stands for the lesions and experiences life teaches you.
Number 7.:
Seven, portraits spirituality. It also means inner peace and knowing/wisdom and empathy. Empathy means being able to understand others and to be able to put yourself in other situations. What I thing is also really important to mention is that it also means adaptability and acceptance. [From here on the only thing I could think about was the mv to “Alligator” and the VCR “The seven deadly Sins”. Both are really important to the point I think that “Love Killa” plays just after that or is supposed to be seen as the part two of the phase they had during that time. In the VCR you could see that they were lost and didn´t knew what to do with themselves to the point they went crazy. They were trapped in their pain while they were chasing after a life filled with peace, love and happiness. They are running after that dream blindly what made them actually take wrong paths and even lose themselves even more. Even to a extent they were forgetting that they could have all of what they dream of if they would simply stop running and looking around. To look around and to see that they had each others love and support. Mental but also physical support. (I would like to write more about this theory of them portraying the seven deadly sins but sadly I never had the time to do a proper analysis about it. But I try to work it out and try to get as detailed as I can in my upcoming theories.)]
The numbers together:
With the angel number 577, the angels are congratulating you on the choices and decisions you are making in your life, as well as the changes you are doing. They are all making your life better and aligning you with the right path. They are encouraging you to continue following that path, which will eventually lead you to fulfill your soul’s mission in this life. (!!!) [After I read that I thought that what the boys became in the “Love Killa” mv is a better version of what they were in the past mvs. That could mean that they actually found peace and fulfillment in something that happened or what is gonna be happening. Something that will occur in the future what made them find meaning in their existence and life. It seems like they got out of the prison they made by their own and started to life their lives in harmony together and with the determination to reach something. This could be for example getting Hyungwon back or Wonho. Wonho who could still have a role in the mv as the one member that still seems to be stuck in the past and the pain that life brought him. A thought that literally occupied my brain for two days now is that Wonho might also be death. And it´s his death that made the boys actually wake up and realize that they should stop letting pain, anger and sadness take the lead in their life. And in the mv they are trying to figure out who killed him with Minhyuk and Shownu taking the lead in the mission. What made me think so are the characters they are portraying. But something is still odd in here and that’s the point of the right path. Either way none of what I said seems like the right path what makes me confused. What kind of path did they choose to go that made their guardian angels think that they are doing good? In that case I´m actually wondering how bad and how of a horrible path they went before that?! Because the characters they are portraying is everything bad one can thing of. Each of them are portraying a brutal and aggressive character what also made me think that they actually could be still stuck in their prison. So them as the seven deadly sins but even worse if that’s possible. I mean if we go back to their roles as the seven deadly sins the characters they have in “Love Killa” are perfectly choosen for each member/charavter. They really go well together what only supports my idea of “Love Killa” being phase two of them as the seven deadly sins.]
The angels remind you to focus on developing your spirituality further, knowing you have your angels to turn to for support and additional guidance. [The additional support can be seen as the guys themselves who are watching over each other now. ]
This angel number is a reminder to begin learning from your life experiences as well as the experiences of other people. Don’t let yourself make the same mistakes again. Don’t repeat unnecessary life circles again and again. The angels encourage you to go on that path without worries and fear. That is the path, which will help you align with your true soul’s purpose and bring you to its fulfillment. [Rereading these last sentences I realized that in the FANTASIA Film everything seemed to go smoothly. From the beginning to the end everything seemed to be as they wanted. I go with that assumption because at the end of the short film the boys found each other and left through a door together. That´s why I think that they actually tried to do this a lot of times to the point they knew what to do at what time to get at the place they were at the end.]
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The part were I mentioned Wonho is in my eyes now more accurate because of the pictures you can see above. It might be just fan service but I personally think it is more than that. "The holy number 7" makes me feel some type a way and that feeling won't leave me. This only says that my theory of wonho could be real or something similar to this one is represented there. And the fact the the licence tag has two 7's makes it even more important but also suspicious. Furthermore I think that this only supports my idea of "Love Killa" being the second phase of the boys as the seven deadly sins.
(Left pic is by @kyunspopcorn and those at the right are pictures by @mxyookihyun (both can be found on IG))
 Authors note:
If there is anyone who wants to know the site I used for the explanation of the angels numbers just ask me and I´ll be sending you the link.
Feel free to talk to me about theories you have from any mv. I love making them up.
I apologize for grammatical or spelling mistakes. English is not my mother tongue and I´m trying to improve. Have mercy.
Please stay home. Stay safe. Stay healthy and take care of yourself. If you need anyone to talk to feel free to message me. I´ll be listening to you and I´ll be trying my best to make you feel appreciated.
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hangsangwithbts · 5 years
Let’s Get Married (pt. 26 BONUS)
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sm text au in which you agree to be jin’s fake fiance. links can be found in my bio!
a/n: this is my first attempt in a long time at writing angst, so I hope it came out decent? if it didn’t, let’s blame my poor choice in music while writing this lol anyway, this takes place right after the texts from pt.26 but before the IG posts. if you have any questions or need any clarifications, please don’t hesitate to ask!
In the years that he has known you, Seokjin had only seen the stubborn and feisty y/n, but now thanks to your arrangement, he’s gotten to see more sides of you. Sides that he didn’t even know could exist (at least not towards him) such as the selfless and caring y/n that would wake up early on his busy clinic days to pack him lunch so he wouldn’t starve or the cuddly y/n that had the bad habit of destroying the makeshift pillow wall and using him as a pillow instead just about every night.
Seokjin wasn’t sure what to expect when he opened the door to your shared room, but out of all possible scenarios, he sure wasn’t expecting to be so torn by your crestfallen state.
You greeted him with a small “hey” and attempted a smile, but it didn’t reach your eyes. You stepped back to let him further in, gaze falling as a feeble attempt to hide how red and puffy your eyes really were.
All he wanted to do in that moment was pull you into his arms and hold you close and as soon as he noticed the slight wobble of your chin, that’s exactly what he did.
“Am I just a joke to people?” You cried, balling your fists against his chest. “Are my feelings not valid?”
Seokjin pulled away, just enough to be able to hold your face in his hands. His lips curved into a frown as he wiped away at your tears with his thumbs. “You’re feelings are always valid.”
“Not to him.” You choked out, struggling to keep more tears from falling.
Seokjin led you to the bed, rushing to the bathroom to grab you some tissues. When he returned, he sat beside you and wiped your tears away for you. “Well, your feelings are valid to me so talk to me. I’m here.”
“Two years. I gave him everything for two years.” You took a deep breath. “I thought what we had was the love you read in books, but while I was his Gatsby, he was my Daisy. While I fantasized about marrying him, he was finding ways to leave me…because apparently, me not coming from an established family was not acceptable to his family. I was nothing but a toy to him. Still, I stayed.”
“I foolishly believed he would choose me but as soon as I brought up marriage, he left. No warning, no goodbye. Nothing.” You felt your eyes burn with new tears as your mind forced you to relive those memories. “I tried reaching out to him but all I got was blocked and humiliated by his family. I was told that I was and never would be enough for him.”
“I was left devastated. For nights, I cried myself to sleep, wondering what was wrong with me because surely, Hoseok leaving me was all my fault, right? If I wasn’t enough for him, would I ever be enough for anyone? Would anyone ever truly love me for me?” 
You crossed your arms, feeling so small and vulnerable and in an instant, Seokjin pulled you into his embrace once more, resting your head onto his shoulder. A sullen look clouded his features. He couldn’t fathom why anyone would hurt someone as sweet and loving as you like this. He now understood why Namjoon and your other friends were so apprehensive when it came to Hoseok. If comforting you wasn’t his priority, he’d be on his way to teach a certain someone a lesson...
“And now three months later, he decides to waltz back into my life, acting as if nothing happened and claiming he’s in love with me.”
Seokjin fixed his gaze to stare straight ahead instead of down at you and gulped.“Are you--are you still in love with him?”
It scared you how different your answer would’ve been, if he had asked you three months ago. But now, things have changed. You were no longer the same naive y/n or that’s what you liked to believe, even though you knew there was another possibility...
Seokjin didn’t realize how tense his shoulders were until you exhaled a loud breath that almost sounded like a small laugh, breaking the silence with your long awaited answer.
“No.” You shook your head, hastily wiping at the last of your tears. “And I don’t think he truly loves me, either. I’m still just a toy to him, someone he thinks he can play with and dispose of whenever he wants…”
“Sometimes, it seems like I’ll never be worthy of love since I’m not good enough for anyone.” You finished with a shrug of your shoulders as you stared off into space, your lips curved into a deep frown and eyes lacking their usual spark. “I mean, look at us. Our relationship is fake and yet I’m not good enough for you.”
Seokjin’s frown deepened. “Hey, don’t say-”
“Don’t get me wrong.” You interrupted. “I know you chose me for this exact reason and in no way do I blame you. It just hurts to know that even when it’s pretend, I’m not enough.”
“Please, stop saying that. You are enough.” Seokjin corrected and without thinking of the consequences it could pose, he placed a kiss onto your forehead. You didn’t seem to mind it, resting your head against his chest and finding comfort in the sound of his heartbeat. 
Seokjin knew where you were coming from and it hurt him to know that he was hurting you, even if it was unintentional. That was the last thing he wanted to do. God, if only you knew…He pressed his face against your hair, murmuring words that were drowned out by the stuttering of your breath as you slowly came to a calm. 
“You’re enough for me.”
I apologize for any typos that I might’ve missed. I’ll edit this again tomorrow, just in case!
tag list: @asoftslytherin @tan-dulset @youthandtears @politically-accurate @entitledtolove @gittydakitty @uwuteamleader @missbowkimjinju 
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ua-monoma · 5 years
... ... ...
So where are ya?
Dragon guy is cool too, but he's on THIn ICE
And Shark boy is completely cool!
He has a name...
Haha, thanks!!
Don't care
They both have names...
You shut up.
Oh... um... apologies.... I did not mean to overstep my place.
You're welcome, Namiko.
Ya weren't there.
Don’t tell me what to do.
Yes. Of course. I’m... I’m sorry. I was only trying to help.
Don't fucking talk to him like that.
Oh, enough! We were all, or pretty much all, there, we went through some shit- sorry
Shouldn't we be sticking together and being supportive, instead of arguing?
Too late for that
This doesn't change what happened.
Need a spotter still. Yer not helping >:(
Monoma-kun... thank you. But I should accept his anger if I am part of the cause, regardless of intent. 😔
You don't have to accept anything.
Emotions aren't validated just by existing. He's being ridiculous.
Don’t accept anger from him.
But you're not, it's that stupid simulation, it's that stupid game, and all the bs we had to go through.
Ah... thank you very much.
If you want to lash out, if you want to take your anger out on someone, take it out on someone who deserves it.
Take it out on me, I was the one who killed you in the first place.
Leave him alone.
Now now, children...
So you did?????
Of course I did.
And I'd do it again, you annoying little twit.
Don’t you fucking dare take it out on Monoma either.
Please... Monoma-kun....
Take it out on a punching bag or something.
Guess I will...
Frigging PRINTER is here...
Of all the disrespect... You're embarrassing yourself and you're embarrassing your class.
I mean, we all died in flames, but sure, class rivalry.
We're really zeroing in on the important things now
Be quiet, it wasn't even real.
I'm not talking about the damned simulation, I'm talking about him disrespecting the people he's going to be working for in a few years.
Felt real at the time but plus ultra ig
This entire conversation is futile and dumb.
Shichirou-san, I apologize on his behalf. The likes of him doesn't represent our school, I promise.
😃 Quite alright, quite alright.
I'm not hurt. You don't have to worry!
So, what do you think is representing our school, then... because I'd hope it wouldn't be anyone at the orientation
Not the kind of thing that brings out the best in people
Nothing that happened at the orientation was real.
This is real. So, it counts.
((kami vc: So that's what you're telling yourself))
With that in mind
Maybe don't call my classmates names.
If this counts, then maybe be nice.
Tell your classmates to do the same and I'll consider it.
Very mature response.
Wait are we pretending the orientation didn’t happen. Cause like. We thought it was real. And it still happened so I mean. Fake consequences doesn’t mean it wasn’t real.
Then again, is this real? Hell if I know, hahaha!
He got it.
"Just because it's happening inside your head doesn't mean it's not real"
Namiko got it.
I digress
Let Monoma just chilll.
For fucking once
It's fine.
You're all just upset that you lost.
Kama, I wish he would chill..
I'd be upset if I lost, too.
we all lost
every one of us
Oh, ,we're gloating now?
we all lost something
Well duh haha who isn’t upset by being murdered. But yeah wasn’t really a real winner. All our asses got kicked and packs killed.
Yeah, UA is looking real good now.
What the fuck.
We’re all being petty whores.
All is a stretch, and you know that
I proved I could handle whatever was thrown at me.
That's all I did.
And whores coudl reaally do with a rest
Okay. Everyone is being a petty asshole.
this is fucking ridiculous
You all proved that you can do a fantastic job at laying down to die while I did what was demanded of me.
It is not my fault I did what you couldn't.
Gasp. We didn’t try to kill you. How horrible.
I mean I respect your decision but man, not cool.
It was survival of the fittest.
Kill or be killed.
You of all people should understand that.
And respect that.
Oh, yes. The medic will
Guys what the fuck
[Bondo is online].
Stop. All of you.
I don't care about your choices or whatever.
I do! I mean, I try to be a good medic - thank you, Kaminari! - but u get it. Mad respect for trying to save your pack - team - whatever you want to call it. I just didn’t think it was part of the whole “heroic ideal” thing. Guess I know better now.
what even-
What did you think it was a part of, then.
Your feelings on the matter are valid
Enlighten me.
being a hero isn't KILLING YOUR FRIENDS
But really.
Self sacrifice?
Shut up.
All of you.
Which of you are my friends? I don't even KNOW you. And you, Utsushimi. I don't even like you.
Whatever. I’m sorry. Point is: not happy being fried, but I get it. You’re cool. Congratulations on winning. Murder is bad, but you were strong and made tough decisions and I respect that. Sorry for making you upset. 😔
Thank you.
monoma , quite honestly, i don't give a shit if you like me or not
i'm not a fan of yours either
Shut up.
Stop this.
we all went through hell and back and i'm not going to argue about this anymore but we need to stop talking about this
This is senseless.
Please... we don’t have to fight. The whole thing is the fault of a villain, not each other. I understand that it’s not my place to speak, but... please....
I wasn't the one to start this.
You can speak, Hiryuu
It's not like you have to ask for permission
The second I start defending myself, I'm the bad guy again.
I'm the villain.
How is that fair?
Stop that.
You’re not a villain, Monoma-kun.
This is getting senseless quickly.
Then I'm senseless.
No you're not.
stop talking
all of you
we need to stop talking about what happened and focus on what needs to be done now
we can't change what happened
Monoma, you insulted my classmates,, gloated about winning a real morbid game, and straight-up told Camie that you don't like her
And your surprised peopel didn't like that?
So... What are we doing?
You’re not... Monoma-kun, please come over. We can talk together. Let this die down.
My classmates were insulted FIRST. You will not put the blame on me for this when the damn caveman you associate with doesn't even know how to behave in public.
I'll come over now, Hiryuu-kun.
Thank you... I’ve missed you.
I've missed you, too.
I'll let this die. Obviously I'm the one causing all this strife. I won't bother anymore.
[Monoma is idle]
For now anyway...
Fine, then. Blame yourself.
You’re not! Such things are not the fault of one... ah.... I’m sorry, Monoma-kun....
i'm so sick of this
I apologize for any part I played in this. Have a good day.
[Hiryuu Rin is idle]
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