#They come to except the weird parts of each other not because they’re angels but because they just get used to it
applespider · 1 year
Strong independent woman? More like pathetic dependent woman who’s flaws counter out any good qualities she has twice over. I’m still talking about Aqua. I love her so much. That’s something I really like about the Konosuba cast in general. Found family without the wholesome. They never leave the first town, they’re constantly in debt, everyone knows them as those weirdos who cause problems, but they kind of love each other anyway. They’re found family because they all suck so much they can’t survive without each other. They aren’tin a position to reject each other because of their weird or unlikeable qualities. They’re the same. You just kind of accept it. And isn’t that what family is?
I’m not wording this right, but they’re just such normal people. They like cool stuff even if it’s seen as cringe, they can’t help but blow their earnings on nice alcohol, they work a regular job because adventuring doesn’t really pay. They adjust to each other. Kazuma taking Megumin out to do her explosions, Aqua and Kazuma being the same fucking person, both irritating each other and understanding each other because of it. Kazuma not wanting to fight the demon king because it sounds like a lot of work. They accept each others weirdness out of necessity. That’smy type of found family.
#idk how to word it#it’s just that they don’t have anywhere else to go because they’re too selfish or cringe or lazy or annoying so they stick together#It’sa really funny version of my love for the intimacy out of necessity trope#They come to except the weird parts of each other not because they’re angels but because they just get used to it#It’s like that concept of all the fun people being in hell#It’s all the horribly flawed people that stick together and in that way it’s sweet#Aaaaaaa I can’t word this right#But Aqua the light of my life#It feels very human#It embraces the parts were meant to shun yk?#They’re fully themselves and push a lot of people away because of it but they find each other anyway#They’re themselves fully even when it’s detrimental and there’s something very enticing to me about that#They don’t exist to please others ig and they accept the consequences of that because they have to#They contribute nothing to the world around them but they continue to exist in day to day life!#I feel like for me it strips the concept of living from the obligation to be any one thing#It’s not free of consequence to be themselves but they can’t really do much else so they keep on trucking along#I’m probably reading too deep but it questions the idea that existing and being valuable is tied to being useful or succe#contributor to society#It doesn’t idealize living like this but it shows it’s possible#I can live ineffectively and inefficiently and be imperfect and embarrassing and mess up all the time in ways that are my fault and still b#alive#at this point I’m just psychoanalyzing myself to figure out why these characters appeal to me so much#But they really do#They’re not role models or beacons of morality or anything to look up to they’re just people#Idk I just love them#they’re cool to me
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lulu2992 · 3 months
Something I'm still struggling to grasp about the Project at Eden's Gate is their initiation and training process. I guess it's because of how isolated the regions are from each other story-wise.
To keep it short, I can't understand how does "cleanse, confess, atone" mesh with "train, hunt, kill, sacrifice", what is mandatory and what isn't, how does "walk the Path" fit into all of it and how in the world can anybody survive the Leap of Faith without a haystack.
It’s hard because the game doesn’t clearly explain everything and even contradicts itself at times. The story went through several changes too, and it seems that, in early versions of the script, all members of the Project, including those who chose to follow the Father, were abused when, in the game, I believe violence and coercion are only used against those who were captured and have to be converted. Also, the final, current story suggests this only started happening when the Reaping began, but there are still characters who talk about the cult abducting and even killing (even though their goal is to save people, but anyway) Hope County residents long before that, so the lore is confusing…
Story-wise, the three regions are indeed supposed to be way more isolated from one another than they are on the in-game map. People who live in the Holland Valley admit they weren’t aware of what was going on in the Whitetail Mountains, for example. I don’t think the Heralds necessarily like or approve of each others’ methods, but NPCs explain John sends whoever he doesn’t keep to his siblings, that Faith deals with those who said “no” to him, or that Jacob “recruits” soldiers in the Henbane River, so while they each have their own territory and personal (trauma-inspired) ideology, they still work together.
My understanding is that anyone who joins Eden’s Gate must meet John first so they can be purified and rid of their sin. In his letter to Nick, he mentions there are many mothers and children in John’s Gate, so I think families composed of “regular” cultists who joined the cult willingly (or were born into it) and can’t fight just go live there when the Reaping begins to wait for the Collapse. I guess these people don’t do much except be part of the Family and among the 3,000 souls the Voice asked Joseph to save.
Then, I’d say those who want or have the potential to become soldiers can (try to) join Jacob’s army or become Chosen. It seems every candidate has to go through the trials and make a sacrifice. If they do all of that and manage not to die, they’ve proven their strength and devotion and are worthy of being part of the Project’s army; Jacob is confident they will be able to survive in extreme conditions and effectively protect the Family. According to a note, he has a youth training program as well, but there’s only one mention of that so we don’t know much about it or if it’s still a thing.
I think Faith makes Angels of people her brothers can’t convert and who resist them, or members of the Project who are too scared or doubtful and need to be… pacified. If you’re exposed to too much Bliss, because it apparently passes the blood-brain barrier and can never be purged out, it just keeps accumulating and, the more Bliss you come into contact with, the closer you get to ending up “zombified” because of it. Now, that’s if it happens accidentally, but it appears Angels are forcibly made too. A deleted note suggests the first ones were volunteers, but I don’t know if that’s still true. In any case, they’re literally brainwashed and very docile (on top of being able to “resuscitate” because Bliss, especially the liquid form, apparently has the power to do that), so the cult makes them fight and carry out arduous tasks. They’re reportedly fed dog food too, but as weird as it sounds, it seems Faith genuinely “loves” them because of how pure she believes they are.
I don’t know if the Pilgrimage is mandatory for people who join the Project willingly, but like Jacob’s trials, it’s definitely used to attempt to convert those who resist. They’re forced to walk it (sometimes on their knees, say civilians) and either accept the Father’s message, become Angels, or die, whether on the path or after jumping off the statue of Joseph at the end of it. As you pointed out, the leap of faith is not always lethal, but how do people survive it? Well, like Bliss, I suppose it’s just “magic” and only those who are considered worthy and pure will live. It’s also possible they don’t actually jump and just believe they do because it all happens in the Bliss; I’m really not sure because, again, that drug is basically magical and can “explain” a lot of things that seemingly don’t make sense in Far Cry 5.
So yeah, that’s just my evidence-based headcanon of how Eden’s Gate works, but I agree that it’s not always clear, logical, or consistent in the game…
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ferallair · 1 year
Can we talk about Aziraphale dancing?
The word that keeps coming to my mind for Aziraphale is Embodied because I can’t think of anything better. There’s something very physical about Aziraphale despite himself. Even though he seems so buttoned up he he still wants to do things with his flesh body… thingy. I think the dancing means more than I realized and I wanted to puzzle it out.
Part of Aziraphale’s embodiment is eating food. Aziraphale likes to eat in a very sensual sense way, it’s shown multiple times in season 1. Which is why the scene of his first time eating is down right carnal (pun intended), and I was personally shocked by it. He wasn’t just eating and enjoying it in a sensuous way like we usually see, he was RAVENOUS. He just kept eating and eating like he couldn’t get enough. (Those three ribs used to “resurrect” the children? I think he ATE those and MORE and licked em clean!)
It’s interesting that this part of the story is also were Aziraphale really lies for the first time. And it’s a very specific and “embodied” kind of lying as well. It’s not lying to cause chaos or get out of trouble, it’s lying to create a performance. There is a whole SHOW to this lie, a performance to fool the senses using just “the body” if you will, the stuff of gross matter and not real magic or miracles (except that one tiny one to turn them back to human). ****It’s interesting because he’s SO terrified by this lie that he thinks he’s going to become a demon. But it’s also the seed that becomes his love of stage magic, and theater, and opera, and even the spy games he plays during WWII. Through the fear he fell a little bit in love with lying. (But only for a good cause.)
I’m sure there’s a million little things I’ve missed. One of the "embodiments" I like is “learning” French and wanting to use that knowledge stored in his meat brain and muscle memory instead of using the angelic knowledge of French. It's so goofy, but so Aziraphale. But I digress.
And then there is the music. I don’t think we’ve seen where he gets his love of music. I mean it could be an angel thing, Crowley also likes music. But I suspect there’s a story there, tied to Crowley of course, and I hope we learn it in Season 3. I think it’s also tied to his interest in dancing. Dancing is also very physical. It’s "embodying" music if you will, and expressing emotion in a very visceral, sensual, embodied way. It’s why angels don’t dance and demons do, but badly. Except Aziraphale. Just one dance, the gavotte, and it's a group dance with a lot of kicking. So I was kind of a shocked when he pulled Crowley to the dance floor and they start dancing at the ball. I think it’s telling that the second dance we see Aziraphale do is also a group dance (I don’t know what it’s called though).
When Crowley talks about falling in love it’s a rush of emotion under the rain, all vibes no words. And when Aziraphale talks about falling in love it’s very physical, dancing in a formal way, with other people, at a ball. And they don’t actually fall in love, the love is already there, instead they “realize they had misunderstood each other” and for some reason dancing, connecting physically, is the only way they can connect emotionally and really understand each other. (They are both projecting so hard here and it's fabulous.)
And the thing is the “embodying” Aziraphale does feels really weird this season. Other’s have noted that he’s not really eating (except that one overwhelming scene), but he’s touching Crowley all the time, he’s dancing, he’s running off in Crowley’s car alone, and plotting secret spy things without Crowley. They feel connected when they’re inside the bookshop, but disconnected outside, but it all feels very tenuous if that makes sense. Personally everything felt manic and weird between them.
I personally think Aziraphale’s been having an identity crisis since the Job incident and it’s finally become too much for him. When he asks Crowley “what am I?” at the end of episode 2 he has come to the realization that he is something strange and new. He is the ONLY angel of his kind and that realization makes him feel very lonely. I think that loneliness is part of the chemistry that draws the two together and also what keeps them apart. Crowely is similar, but not enough to make Aziraphale feel less lonely. And I don’t think he’s ever gotten over that feeling. And I personally think that when he helped save the world in season 1 he chose “us” with Crowley, and it didn’t help at all.
To Crowley “us” is running away to Alpha Centauri and being independent, but to Aziraphale “us” is staying and making a difference together so they won’t be so alone. It’s dancing together in a formal group dance, not an isolated couple, but a part of a larger pattern. He wants to be with Crowley not just as an “us” but also as an “US” a larger piece of a community because he’s be feeling cut off from that for a few thousand years. (Haven’t they both been alone on Earth for all of time?)* But he didn’t get that when they saved the world. He didn’t get the little “us” or the big “US” of being a part of Earth and humanity. Like Crowley warns, there no use getting too attached to humans. (Or is there?)
I think Aziraphale wants Crowley to be an angel so he will stop feeling so alone, so he won’t be the ONLY Angel that is… what ever he is. I don’t think Crowley know what he wants, except for Aziraphale, and they why he kissed him. It was desperate. But I think from Aziraphale’s POV it’s also a manipulation. An appeal to that embodied aspect of Aziraphale that Crowley knows about and is always using to sway the angel back to his side.** I think that’s what Aziriphale really means when he said “I forgive you”, it’s him forgiving Crowley for using this part of Aziraphale against him, this part that makes him different from the other Angels and keeps him feeling lonely and isolated.
*And haven't they spent so much time trying to get back to the Garden? Back they were "innocent" and didn't know just how different they were. Back to when they weren't lonely. Crowley with his plants like he's back sashaying around the garden without a care in the world and Aziraphale with this books back on "apple tree duty" guarding all the knowledge of good and evil? **Even the Metatron uses it against him. I’m not saying he’s NOT an idiot, I’m just saying I feel some feelings for him right now.
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 148
The Reichenbach Fall
“The Reichenbach Fall”
Plot Description: Moriarty hatches a mad scheme to turn the whole city against Sherlock.
Oh, Jawnnnnnnnn. Glad you went back to therapy over it though
Ok yes. He’s been ungrateful with his other tokens of gratitude, but to humiliate the man by making him wear the deer stalker cap after he’s just brought you interpol’s most wanted? Come on…
It’s an EAR hat, Jawn
The “confirmed bachelor” lines were no accident and just blatant queer baiting.
Jimmmmm!! Jim my love
I…made this scene a VERY large part of my personality for TOO LONG. Now I’m just gonna sit back and enjoy watching this man bring a country to its knees (this part of The Thieving Magpie was my alarm for years, and I maintain that I was correct to have it. It’s way better than what I have now)
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Who’s doing it like him, I ask you
Wiggling, squirming. Oh man. I had THIS on playlists too (the song right before Jim’s trial…when I say my WHOLE PERSONALITY…stayin alive was also my ringtone. Would you believe I’m divulging this lore SOBER?? Because I am)
Do not be yourself in this trial, Sherls, omg…
There’s a weird nostalgic pang of “god I wish that was me” when he asks the one courtroom worker (truly, I don’t know her job title) to slip her hand into his pocket. Maybe it’s just the Irish accent. It’s just for gum but he’s so slutty about it
I can’t look at this actress without thinking of her as Jen from the IT Crowd. She can’t be anything else in my mind. She’s forever Jen doing a bit in a costume in different places (this is going to take forever to watch if i keep pausing like this)
The Sheriarty is jumping out right now. You don’t describe someone you know is definitely listening and watching you as “a spider, a spider at the center of a web. A criminal web with a thousand threads, and he knows precisely how each and every single one of them dances.” YOU ARE LOOKING INTO HIS EYES AT HIS TRIAL AS YOU SAY THAT ABOUT HIM. Were I a consulting criminal, I would be so flattered by that description
Oh god…don’t make the jury hate you. Yeah. Of course he finds it impossible to not show off
This tea scene omgggg when he…is it really breaking into 221b if Sherlock is expecting him??
Every once in a while, I do get the glimpses of how these three shows got lumped together. Jim telling Sherlock he’s boring because he’s on the side of the angels is definitely one of those things
He’s got the best little speeches “no such thing as a private bank account now, they’re all mine. No such thing as secrecy, I OWN secrecy. Nuclear codes? I could blow up nato in alphabetical order. In a world of locked rooms, the man with the key is king, and honey, you should seeee meeee in a crown” (did I do an embarrassing amount of that from memory? maybe so)
Oh shit…i forgot the fairy tale stuff Moriarty puts them through…I mean, you gotta fill 90 minutes somehow (I want to sleep so badly…but I’m not even half way done)
I fucking hate how he treats Molly. She deserves better than him and this show. God…she thinks she doesn’t count…fuck. I hate it
Riiiight. He made it seem like the kidnapping was Sherlock’s doing so he could then solve it and he the hero. Just planting the seeds of doubt
Oh the Tale of Sir Boast-a-lot
When villains hijack the airwaves>>>>>> (my taste has not changed a bit in 10 years lmaooooo) I know in this case, he’s actually the cab driver, but he’ll do it later in the series. For now, we’ll just enjoy this nice little story Jim’s telling
You can’t outrun………oh, that was one of the assassins that moved onto baker street
It’s so weird that he’s doing exactly what Jim wants him to do…..
He’s unbelievably precious as Richard Brook. Insisting he’s a children’s storyteller, he’s on tv. It’s on dvd. You do almost forget that he’s a criminal mastermind for a second, except for that one moment when Kitty can’t see him and he has that look on his face as he glances at Sherlock
John and Mycroft have such a good dynamic. No matter if they’re on the same side, on opposing sides…it’s always a good scene when it’s just them
Uuuuggggghhhhhhhh, we’re starting with the roof of St Bart’s scene…will it be as good and heartbreaking as I remember?
Reader, it is. Jim’s lament about how easy it was to beat Sherlock, his best distraction for the monotony of staying alive. Oh, bby. Andrew Scott is such a good actor.
The fact that there was no code, that it was always a few of those threads that Jim made dance to send the world crashing down around them.
(I’m currently living in a world where his character didn’t get absolutely fucked over by the last episode of the series…………….so far(?))
I do like that Jim underestimates the importance of Molly. She still deserves better from everyone around her, but it’s nice that she’ll get SOME recognition in season 3
Pausing because I know what comes next and I don’t want it to…
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Can we not just stay like this??? (Not if I want to make it a true full rewatch…)
I STAY a “here’s how [villain] can still live/be alive” girlie. I DO NOT CHANGE LMAO
Oh the phone call… “nobody could be that clever” “you could” I hate everything
Mycroffffffffft. Jawwwwwwwwn.
John at Sherlock’s grave is just…heart wrenching. Always and forever.
This is the best and highest rated episode of this show for GOOD REASON
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Beautiful Spouse’s Rewatch Thoughts SPN 15x12 Galaxy Brain
“Radio shed” “this is a weird…it’s all radios except for the tvs on the wall” “I suppose those are other things. Wires and stuff” “I’d love to know if that was green screened or not. I think it was, but it would have looked better if they had…idk” “goddammit” “literally. Our World. Now, huh?” “that’s a lot of flashing lights” “I guess I’ve never paid attention to the strobing effects” “I think this is the 3rd or 4th time we’ve used this barn. I’m convinced” “ew. Talk about bright lights, man” laughter “yet you let him get away with it” “it’s almost like the safest place on earth is also a prison” “that was a lot of nodding” “god might find you? Isn’t he god? Isn’t that the point?” “didn’t Chuck just state omniscience but now we’re flying under the radar?” “yeah, you go swallow somewhere else” “well, I mean, you’re not going to go? Even if it is a trap, you gotta go” “oh wow we just figured this out now?” “how many times have we run into this chick and just hearing about this now?” “when do this to the storyline, it feels forced. Almost fake” “I don’t hate it; I obviously want to see more of it, but come on” “they never met in person before?” “for real????” “my memory must be total shit.” “didn’t they completely dick over Sergei last time?” “don’t break the bindings” “that’s convenient “ “I suppose daddy let you down one last time. Didn’t even know it” “cas you fucked him over super hard” “with that tone of voice, he’s totally ignoring your ass” “he can’t use his fkn magic though” “you’re fucked now” “ok Karen” “where did he learn that trick from?” “we’ve covered that twice now” “we’re not going to ask Cas about this?” “Oh did he piss in a cup? Oh never mind” laughter “he came around the corner with a cup” “has anyone tried to translate the shit they say? Some of it sound latin, but some of it sounds made up or parts of other languages I don’t understand” “the dumb Winchester thing” “unless he’s trying to relay that they’re always right” “she really put the flare on the 2nd and 3rd syllables of his name” “this is how the only believable part of her would be running right through the door. She’s so eager to get back but she waited” “that’s not creepy” “where’s the dinosaurs? That’s what I want to know? That one time with the giant paw print or claw print or whatever you call it. Dino DNA” “what is this weird sacrificial shit again? They already know the world is getting ripped apart of whatever the fuck” “just like that huh?” “great” “is Claire going to die in the mean time?” “huh?” “I don’t know that one I guess. Do you?” laughter
“What happens to you when you get hit by Death’s Scythe?” “So Billie is a cosmic being? But angels aren’t? Does each world have its own heaven and hell? Because the archangels were cloned, too?” “she’s got good delivery” “ok”
“If there’s enough destruction, how is the infrastructure there to broadcast the destruction?” “what a fkn dick” “Seriously”
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About Beelzebub
So you want to know about ol’ Beelzebub, do you? Well, forget everything you think you know about the Lord of the Flies, and listen well, because it’s a long story and condensing it is hard.
So a long, long time ago, God decides to make the universe, and creates all the angels to do it. Poof! Then he sends them forth to go do his will and all that. Beelzebub is put in charge of making all the food, all the animals and plants and stuff. For this, he’s seen by a lot of the angels as being lower on the rung, because he’s not been given the job of making light or physics or something like that. Even Heaven has its hierarchy.
Anyway, you know the important bits by now. Light, six days, humans, rest. The part that gets messy is how time works, because he and the other angels made that too. It wasn’t really days so much as periods. Days just sounds and looks better and is easier to understand. But it’s more like six periods where different groups went out to do their thing, the thing they were put in charge of.
Day six comes around, humans exist, and God calls all his angels up to have a chat with them. See, humans are the most perfect things in all existence; Adam and Eve are perfect in ways words cannot possibly describe; and as you can imagine, all the angels love them. They’ve spent the entire time they’ve existed preparing for this moment, the moment where Adam and Eve get to enjoy all the things that the angels made for them. I mean, they literally hung the stars in the universe and grew the grass beneath their feet for them.
Except then God throws a cold bucket of water on the lot of them, saying that they’re not allowed to reveal themselves or anything. Non-interference. They’re the most important beings in all of creation, and they’re not allowed to know that. Okay, say the angels, not entirely understanding.
But then God goes and tells them that they’re supposed to love them the same way they love God, like they are God. Now, this confuses them, because how do you love your creator, or anything, without them knowing you exist? How exactly do you love something that knows you exist the same way that you love something that doesn’t? It made no sense to the Angels. But God simply said those were the rules. Don’t interfere, love them like they loved God.
And then he decided that was a great time to stop taking questions. As you can imagine, this went over poorly. Angels started asking questions, started making debates, started arguing with each other about what to do. And this created two camps. On one side, you had the ones who said that the first rule was more important: don’t interfere. It came first, it’s more important. On the other side were the ones who said the second one was. If you can’t follow the second rule without breaking the first, it has to be the more important one, since following the first broke the second too, and loving your creator was more important that not being seen.
If this is giving you a headache, think of the Angels like parents. Adam and Eve were basically their kids; and as a parent, is there anything you don’t want to give your kids? Could a parent stand for their kids to never know their parents? Never know that everything was provided for them, and never know why? Everything was created for you, and you were just supposed to think you were alone in the universe. That it didn’t care about you, and you were just some accident.
Lines were drawn, arguments made. Finally, it came time to make good on those arguments. And the three that fell first? Lucifer, Leviathan, and Beelzebub. Yeah, bet you were wondering where he came back into the story, huh?
Lucifer you probably already know all about. Thinks he knows better, thinks he’s got the plan, thinks he can keep everything under control. Leviathan fought God before creation. Leviathan was everything God wasn’t, and wanted what God was, and so fought God and lost. Hated him ever since. Should have probably thought it was weird when he went along with this, but everyone was whipped up in a fervor.
Beelzebub… No one actually knows what the Hell he was thinking. He gives so many different answers it’s hard to know which ones are true and which ones he says to fuck with you. Maybe he was insane. Maybe he wanted to take the risk. Maybe he was so filled with love and dogma he couldn’t do anything else. Point is, he was there next to Lucifer and Leviathan, the first created and the one who fought God, this guy who was put in charge of making dandelions and worms and stuff. First indication he was hitting way above his weight class.
So you know the rest of the story to some degree. Adam and Eve, forbidden fruit, awareness. Suddenly, mankind is capable of complex thinking, of reasoning. No longer do they just see things and accept them, they start asking why. No more ‘apple taste good’ and move on. Now they wonder what makes an apple taste good, what makes it different from other apples, what makes the best ones. All kinds of questions.
Beelzebub takes to this with vigor. See, he made all the plants and animals like I said. And he made them to be eaten. What is the point of an apple if it doesn’t get eaten? He literally crafted everything to be enjoyed. To keep humans alive. Humans need food, so they should get things they like. Things they enjoy. Things they want more of. And why shouldn’t they? They’re the most important thing in all creation.
You can probably grasp how he got tagged with being the demon lord of gluttony. You see, it never occurred to Beelzebub that humans could do something like become ravenous monsters that would literally destroy each other just to consume things. And there’s a lot of things you can consume. Food, drink, sex, entertainment, arrogance, hate… If you can indulge in something, it’s Beelzebub who made that possible, though he didn’t know it.
Now obviously, God finds out about this, gets really pissed off, and throws the lot of the offending angels into Hell. Throws some humans in there too, not to punish them but to punish the offending angels. After all, they loved humans so much, what could be worse than seeing their own handiwork?
Some of them, like Satan and Belphegor, turn to resenting and hating humans. If it wasn’t for them, if they were fallible, God wouldn’t have been angry. Not Beelzebub. He loves them all the more. Perhaps it’s part of his curse… Oh, did I not mention that?
So, all the ringleaders got cursed by God. Remember how Cain got cursed for inventing murder? Same sorta deal. Lucifer for example gets cursed to have a realm in Hell, a twisted mirror of what he could have had. There he remains, trying to build a utopia, and forever failing, forever injuring his pride. He can’t give it up, he’s too proud.
Beelzebub gets cursed to never be satisfied. He’s an addict, the king of them, someone who craves and hungers and consumes endlessly without end, who cannot be satisfied no matter what. He’s a pathetic being, really. Some people think gluttony looks like massive fat blobs, and it does, but it’s just as familiar to the burned out addict in an alleyway. He’s got plenty of forms. Just depends on what he needs right then.
Anyway, guy loves humanity. And humanity loves him, even if they don’t know it. Beer, cake, coffee, the fucking KFC Double-Down… The human desire for more comes from him, and he is rewarded by being given new and wonderful things to crave. Angels, and demons for that matter, are not nearly as creative as humans are. It’s not their nature. It used to be that the only humans who could be gluttonous were the rich. Now? Everyone can. You can binge watch television shows and drink wines from across the globe and eat all kinds of foods most people in the past would never have imagined. It used to be that eating five thousands calories a day was limited to royalty. Now? It’s easy.
And it’s not just food. Gambling? Entertainment? He loves it. It’s his domain. Art? Same deal. His entire realm, the third circle of hell, probably looks to the outsider like the best part of the whole realm. I mean, it’s got everything you could possibly want. Only… it’s a good place to visit, you know? Because guess what, after a while, even the greatest pleasures become unappealing, and it never stops. Imagine being made to eat cake every single day for every single meal, forever. Imagine never being able to lose at gambling. Imagine women or men, whatever you prefer, never turning you down, or always wanting more of you. How long before it became maddening? That’s his realm.
It’s why he’s called ‘Lord of the Flies.’ Because he’s like a fly on shit. The fly doesn’t care that it’s shit. It cares that it’s hungry. He’s basically the king of the bums. He’s the world’s first junkie.
Of course, because of his domain, he’s also sometimes called 'the kindest demon.’ Because he’s like a doting parent or grandparent, always wanting to give more and more and more to their kids. Ever heard a grandparent complain a kid is too thin? Imagine that, times a million.
He can be loving. He can be indulgent. He can be full of love and kindness. But he can also be cruel, inhuman, violent, and impossibly sadistic. He is everything to extremes. He cares for nothing except getting his next fix. He is someone who can feast on the finest foods one moment and be eating literal dirt the next.
Oh, and he once stole Lucifer’s throne from him and gave it back to him on a whim, because he wanted to see if he could. That’s the kind of being he is. Basically no one in the underworld crosses him for it, because none of them can accurately predict what he might do. Lucifer and Leviathan rule by force and power, but Beelzebub rules through guile and intrigue and indulgence. He even intentionally supports challenges to his rule, just to see what’ll happen.
All of this is to say, you’re as likely to find him covered in garbage in an alley smelling of urine and booze as you are to find him at a high society party drinking the finest wines. Never assume that something is beyond him, or beneath him. Because it isn’t, if he gets the hunger.
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hangezoeenthusiast · 3 years
c!multiple x god!reader
notes: the reader will be the god of death to make it a little bit more spicy :). c!punz’s pronouns are he/they, i’m not sure about the others, but i know theirs. also why does ranboo take away my gender? /j
word count: 1,672
warnings: arson, violence, cursing, yelling, mention of death, voices in technos part, spoilers for wilbur if you haven’t watch tommy’s lore stream, revival for wilbur, making a religion, time travel, egg, prison, stealing, anarchy, playful name calling
so obviously y’all would be a great match :)
you have creative mode, so when sap would ask you to give him a lighter and tnt, you would GLADLY give it
also, can we talk about him being a nether hybrid
fire squared
like fires left and right, hide your mom and your children in your house lol /j
but besides the whole arson thing, you favor him above anyone else on the server
like if he asks for diamond blocks, well here’s a whole inventory of it, also, here’s some ancient debris and some netherite
if someone asked, you would probably grant them with poison and curses, just because you can’t be “unloyal” to snapchat 
wouldn’t be lonely anymore
this duo is less chaotic, but chaotic enough where people avoid you
he still asks you for stuff, but most of the time, you don’t give him it because he annoys you too much about giving stuff
“hey y/n/n, can i pretty please get some emerald blocks.”
“nope bitch, get it yourself.”
but sometimes, you grant him some op shit, when it’s your good day
“because i’m being nice, here’s some diamond, now, don’t ask me again you little piss baby.”
“shut your trap y/n.”
“or what homeless teletubby, what are you going to do to a god like me?”
“you hang out with technoblade to much.”
maybe the least chaotic duo
you guys keep on relaxing and relaxing until the point where you don’t do anything
he barely asks you for anything, but only when it’s really really important, like a house or build
especially when he was building his little cottagecore house, he needed your godly presence to help
“y/n, what should the roof be made of?”
“i suggest brick, it makes it more aestheticy if that makes any sense.”
also barely any drama or tea with you guys
never arguing and never betraying each other is a must
also another least chaotic duo
literally help him with his bee farm, he will (platonically) love you forever
gotta be close to ranboo, that’s the rule
gives him SO much stuff, he’s a precious boi 🙄
also gotta be close to tommy, but not as much unfortunately
you help him pick out things for builds, like what material clashes with another, etc
“do you think that the wool and the netherite blocks look good together y/n?”
“nah, what i suggest is the wool with the gold, it looks perfect.”
sometiems, gotta put him in check because he gets a little ego built up
you definitely yank his horn a little too hard because of your IMMENSE STRENGTH
“calm down sunny, you were just getting a bit over your head a little.”
chaotic duo like sapnap
snaps at anyone who annoys you and vice versa
you give him EVERYTHING, obviously except op and creative
he tries to persuade you to do something, but dreamxd wouldn’t allow it, since he is the main boss
“come on y/n, give me op.”
“no tommy, xd will kick my ass.”
you would DEFINITELY help him with the Big Innit Hotel, making the whole layout and color palette.
both of you have an intense hatred for ranboo, since he “stole” tubbo away from tommy
least involved in everything
just stay in the tundra and drink some tea, and you’re good for all of your life
helps him get netherite all the time so your boii can get the good stuff 😬
when he mines to get diamonds, he literally prays to you
“y/n, if you’re listening, please give me a 6 vein, i desperately need it for my collection of diamond blocks.”
more than a 6 vein actually, a 12 vein
guess he needs to pray to you more
daily tea sessions, to talk about the good stuff, and NO, and i repeat NO skipping
threatening to flick water on him check ✅
Wilbur Soot
literally you spoil him
not to be angsty, but when he died and lost his last canon life, you revived him instead of Dream
now he’s practically at your knees
like he’s thinks that he owes you, but actually that’s the opposite
he was revived because you were lonely, and wanted your best friend back :(
prays to you when he goes to bed
“hey y/n, hope you’re having a great day, (platonically) love you.”
“love you too mortal.”
sometimes, to be at the peak of godness, you shower upon wilbur as gold to symbolize blessings, like zeus did before
“omg y/n, what are you doing?”
“i’m trying to bless you, shut up bitch.”
just saying, he would make a religion about you :/
Karl Jacobs
omg don’t get me started on this
first, you wouldn’t codone him going back in time
he would definitely forget your name a lot, so that’s why you hated it
“hey karl, how are you doing?”
“i’m sorry, but do i know you?”
you were definitely the one to push him towards sapnap and quackity
this is also another spoiled boi
give him the entire world while you’re at it pwease
he wants a few diamonds, nope, give him a chest full of them
why are there so much chaotic duos in here?
literally chaos times infinity
energy to the max
literally, did you take an energy drink
grants him every wish he can randomly think off
“can i get a bucket with lava and a fish in it?”
“weird choice, but ok man.”
gotta be close to sap and karl or he isn’t your friend anymore /j
helps with las nevadas a lot, and definitely tries to rig the machines so you get money
“hey big q, i got 10,000 dollars.”
“that’s impossible... y/n, did you cheat?”
“nooo 😊”
help him preen his wings, and he goes “I LOVE YOU, MWAH MWAH.” obviously in his mind 🙄
definitely helps him maintain the prison
you both love setting up red stone contraptions and pistons and all that giz
“hey sam, do you know where the redstone torches are?”
“yeah, there behind the pistons in the back.”
also you helped build the prison, since he could do that by himself
“are you sure that lava wall will work y/n, your calculations seem inaccurate.”
“i’m sure sam, this will add some more security to this goddamn server.”
nerd squared lol
wouldn’t condone the egg
you warned him multiple times to get away from its grasp, but most of the times he’ll decline
“i won’t y/n, the egg is the future.”
he still, even after all the advancements, even after everything, he tries to ask you to join the eggpire
“come on y/n, you’ll like being with us.”
“i don’t wanna be on a stupid egg side, like let me crack the egg, i wanna eat it and turn it into a omelette.”
he doesn’t like that joke :(
but before he discovered the egg, both of you were joint at the hip
sight seeing was a must
languages being thrown around everywhere, since you were the little language muffin
steals stuff from everyone
hide your stuff, because the punzo-y/n team is unstoppable
definitely they can be really stubborn and indecisive
like one day, he will be like, “i need gold blocks.” and the next, “nevermind, i need netherite actually.”
like hon, stop switching
also anarchy buddies
burning down forests and buildings are your guys’s specialty
when you give him gold when they doesn’t ask, his heart goes brrr and his brain goes, “pog pog, they’re so cool, lets hug them.”
now this is the most deadly duo in the entire Dream Smp
better not piss you guys off 😐
he’s the Blood God, and you’re the God/Goddess/God being of Death
so if some occasion where you need to battle someone, like Techno’s enemies, *clears throat and murmurs Quackity*, you will obviously back your boy up :)
help him with enchanting and potions and he’s set for life
also you got have to be close to the great Philza Minecraft since him and Techno are buddy buddy
anarchy squared
helps with the voices since you have some of your own
“so what you’re saying is that i need to pay attention to them?”
“yeah, when i first learned that the voices were in my head, i tried to ignore them, but that sucked. so what i did was try to distract myself with various tasks, and that sucked.”
“so what do i do, you’re saying that i should listen to them, but how do i do that when they literally shout at me.”
“just embrace it, obviously when they do their little chant of blood for the blood god, you have to ignore them.”
“you suck at advice.”
Philza Minecraft
so since both of you resemble death, him being the Angel of Death and you being the God/Goddess/God being of Death, y’all are fucking best friends, platonic soulmates if you will
death squared
watch out, because if you piss them off, prepare to d-
gotta be close to Ranboo and Techno, and obviously others who he platonically likes
he doesn’t need to ask you for stuff, he’s the fricking Angel of Death, but he will ask you to preen his wings :D
“ow, not there y/n.”
“oh shut up grandpa, let me do it.”
Dream XD
two gods at once, damn there is so much chaos
left and right, you guys are noticed by everyone, like purrrr
y’all would be in some fancy shit, to show your power
you would get jealous of him hanging out with george
“why are you jealous y/n?”
“you’re hanging out with george to much, hang out with me please :(.”
gifts are a must, even though both of you have access to creative
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MC is Half Demon and Blah Blah Blah-
Time for the Group Retreat!
Part 1 Part 2 Lessons 1-5 Lessons 5-6 Lessons 10-12 Lessons 13-15 Part 3 Part 4
I’m quite hyped for this one, ladies, gents, and esteemed readers! For simplicity’s sake, since this is before M!MC and A!MC arrive, L!MC will go back to being referred to as just MC. Enjoy the Headcanons!
Since the previous Underground Tomb incident ended much less violently, Lucifer is now more worried than angry about MC’s rampant shennaniganery.
Like... his kid was poking holes in his totally foolproof “Your cow-uncle went to live on a farm in the human world” story. What if MC somehow got into the attic and got hurt?!
It didn’t help that they were still in this weird phase of their father/child relationship. On one hand, Lucifer obviously cares for his kid, and his kid likes him... but it’s also only been less than three months and we all know how emotionally constipated Lucifer is.
MC’s also getting REAL sus of all the secrets their dear old dad is keeping... doesn’t help that they STILL haven’t went up into the attic.
Anyhoo~ the announcement for the retreat was a barrel of laughs.
“I’m proposing, a group retreat!”
Everyone met Diavolo’s announcement with the exact same confused reaction. It’s like the entire assembly hall was doing the ‘Guy Blinking’ meme.
“A... group retreat?” Lucifer repeated slowly. “For what reason exactly, Lord Diavolo?”
The Crown Prince was giddy with excitement as he explained. “MC told me about their middle school overnight trip and it sounded like it would be quite fun!”
Simeon, Luke, MC, and Solomon were all seated next to each other in the ‘exchange student seats of less importance’. Luke leaned over and whispered a question to MC.
“Why are you so friendly with the crown prince?”
MC smirked and shrugged. “Lucifer had the Demon-Flu and couldn’t go meet with Lord Diavolo last week so I went for him. Lord Diavolo’s surprisingly bad at Connect Four but has really good luck in Snakes and Ladders.”
Luke’s jaw dropped in complete and utter shock and horror.
“We’re playing CandyLand and the Game of Life next time, want to come?” MC added.
“Play CandyLand... with him..?” Luke looked at Diavolo, who was still explaining his plan for the retreat, then looked back at MC. “I’ll only go to shield you from his corrupting influence.”
“Yeah... Corrupting...” MC had to hold back a laugh at the thought of Diavolo, who during MC’s visit lit up like a Christmas tree upon being called ‘Dia’ and believed that Mood Rings were the greatest human invention ever, being a corrupting influence.
“MC! Torture dungeon or no!?” MC was snapped out of their conversation by Mammon shouting at them from his seat.
“Do ya think there’s a torture dungeon under the castle, or not?”
“I’m not sure,” MC turned to Diavolo. “Lord Diavolo, is there a torture dungeon under the Demon Lord’s Castle?”
There is in fact, no torture dungeon. Presumably...
Everyone packed up and headed out to the Demon Lord’s Castle!
The fabulous seven all broke several speed limits and traffic laws in order to be there early. Listen, they had to get there before Purgatory Hall, it was a matter of pride.
Besides, what’s the Royal guard going to do? Arrest six of the seven rulers of hell and a kid? Ha. No. Not when Diavolo controls their paychecks.
The rooming situation remained the same, Asmo, Simeon, and MC were roomed together, and MC got to watch Asmo get psychologically profiled by Simeon. It was truly a sight to behold.
MC was nice enough to assure Asmo that they really liked him and thought he was very sweet.
Asmo, not used to being complimented on his personality, almost started openly weeping.
So, the tour of the Demon Lord’s Castle began! Asmo got yelled at by his ex in the painting and the usual batch of idiots got sucked into the catacombs under the castle.
Lucifer wasn’t terribly sure how or if he should express his concern for MC being stuck in the labyrinth.
All these new fatherly feelings of worry are very very odd. He didn’t worry this much for Satan, mainly because Satan was usually the threat.
Even as a baby...
Lucifer found himself checking his DDD every few minutes to see if MC had texted or called from wherever the painting dragged them to, never mind that if they did text he’d hear the phone ding.
“Lucifer, don’t worry too much,” Diavolo patted Lucifer on the shoulder, a bright smile on his face. “Your brothers and MC will be perfectly fine! There’s nothing too dangerous in the catacombs that they wouldn’t be able to take care of.”
Resigning himself to the fact that MC was under the care of his last choices for babysitting, Lucifer put away his DDD. “I know they’ll be fine, but I’m not overly pleased with the situation.” He shot a glare at Helene in the portrait, who rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.
“Lucifer worrying about someone, I’m truly, genuinely shocked.” Hearing Satan’s attempt at goading him, Lucifer, flawless demon that he is, resisted the urge to throw his DDD at his brother.
“Quiet, Satan.”
“ITS HENRY 1.0!”
MC and Levi continued their screaming match as the group ran for dear life from a giant snake.
Yeah... nothing the brothers couldn’t handle... sure, Lord Diavolo...
They made it out of the scary catacombs... don’t worry.
Lucifer did that parent-thing where he cleaned the catacomb dust off MC’s face with a napkin.
Yay! Parenting!
Failed pillow fight attempt #1 happened that evening. Because Mammon was obsessed with being the fun-uncle and saw his brothers encroaching on his place as favourite uncle.
MC doesn’t know how to break it to him that he’ll probably always be the favourite uncle and he doesn’t have to be such a dumbass to keep his spot.
Scavenger hunt went on as canon dictates.
Asmo had his diva tantrum and stormed off, but MC also wanted to win so they didn’t go after him.
Clearly expecting someone to go beg him to come back, Asmo was very annoyed when no one went after him.
“Um, helloooo? Anyone going to comfort me~?”
“Well I don’t want your comfort anyway, SOLOMON.”
It was very close, L!MC insisted their loss came from sabotage. No evidence was found but just LOOK at Satan’s face.
Time for the Formal Dance~
If you’re wondering why Luke didn’t say anything when MC was suddenly poofed into their demon form, you’re assuming that Mammon wasn’t in on the “let’s prank the chihuahua” plan.
“Mammon..? Is MC behind you?”
“Nope! Why?”
MC was able to get to the other side of the ballroom with Luke none the wiser! Hell yeah, nothing like screwing with your friend!
So it’s canon that Lucifer is like, a solid 20/10, therefore MC is ADORABLE. What I’m saying is, some of the younger demons asked them to dance.
Asmo was also being MC’s hype man, which was very nice of him. Mammon also tried to give advice on how to be cool and suave. Beel was there for moral support.
“Alright kiddo, you need to be aloof and mysterious! People love aloof and mysterious, that’s why I’m so popular.”
“Don’t listen to him, MC. He flew into a wall as a kid and it killed all his brain cells. Just be proper but not snooty, sweet but not saccharine, friendly but not annoying,”
“Ask them if they want to share some of the hors d’oeuvres.” 
“Okay, first, aloof and mysterious are the last words I would ever use to describe you, Mammon. Second, Asmo I have no clue what you’re asking me to do. Third... Beel that’s the best advice I’ve received in recent memory.”
None of that mattered anyway because MC got swarmed with dance offers.
“Well,” MC smirked and held out their hand at the demon that was bold enough to ask them to dance first. “I admire the confidence.”
The demon’s smile brightened, then dropped completely when their gaze drifted behind MC. “I uh... on second thought... I’m gonna...”
MC’s potential dance partners all quickly scattered to the snack table. The half demon growled and turned around to see their father acting like he didn’t just scare away MC’s groupies.
“Father! What was that for?!” MC huffed, Lucifer rolled his eyes and grabbed MC’s wrist and began to pull them away from the dance floor.
“You’re too young to dance.”
“That’s crazy! They looked like they were my age.” MC protested, their wings fluttering in annoyance.
“Even if they looked to be your age, MC, they’re hundreds of years older.” Lucifer said calmly.
“What about that equivalent age stuff you told me about? Like how Luke is hundreds of years old but by angel/human standards he’s technically younger than me?”
“That doesn’t matter right now.” Lucifer lightly pushed MC towards the hallway that led back to their room.
“But I want to dance with someone!” MC felt their wings involuntarily fluff up.
Lucifer turned and smiled at his dear little brat, crouching slightly to get to their level. “Not on my watch.”
MC’s face was literally this: >:0
Lucifer is out here being the dad in every comedy that involves someone bringing home their partner to meet their parents.
MC was banished to their room, they spent their time angrily reading the manga they had packed.
When Levi escaped the party slightly later MC grilled him for details of what went on after they left.
“Nothing too interesting... except... um...”
“Spit it out, Levi!”
“I can’t understand you, stop mumbling.”
“Lord Diavolo and Lucifer danced together...”
So yes, MC’s desire to get a picture of Lucifer sleeping stems from VENGEANCE!
How DARE their father send MC up to their room and make them miss their OTP dancing together!?
So they call up their troupe of idiots and get ready to go be menaces to society.
MC also invites along Asmo because he seemed like he could use the adventure.
And because MC couldn’t plan the prank without Asmo noticing so it was better to just implicate him as well...
MC brightened and clapped their hands. “I know that growl!”
“It’s not my stomach, I packed snacks.” MC couldn’t see this, considering the room was pitch black (it must’ve been some kind of magic because demons have excellent night vision), but Beel waved a bag of chips in the air and got to eating.
“No, I’m not talking about your stomach, Beel.” MC skipped towards the source of the growling despite Mammon and Levi’s pleas for them to stop.
Ah! There he was!
“Cerberus!” MC cooed, the three headed dog stopped growling and barked happily. “Whose a good boy? Is it you?”
Cerberus let lose a bark that would probably make anyone crap their pants, but MC giggled and kept petting him. “Yeah! You’re the good boy! You like cuddles! Yes you do! Yes you do!”
A flash of light from a camera caused MC to drop their baby talk voice and stare angrily in the direction where the light came from.
“Whoever took that picture better delete it or I’m going to feed you to the dog.”
Cerberus growled in agreement. What a good boy.
“Well, as nice as this is...” Asmo huffed. “We’ve clearly been duped because this is not Lucifer and Diavolo’s room.”
“Oh well!” MC chirped and continued to pet the three headed dog. “Look at the doggy!”
“MC, you’re crazy. Dontcha ever forget that.” Mammon whimpered as Cerberus growled at him.
So yeah, they couldn’t get out of the room, so they ended up opening up the other door and falling into the catacombs like a bunch of lemmings.
Asmo charmed Henry, and they got out of the labyrinth no problem.
Yay! No consequences! Oh no- hi Lucifer.
Lucifer gave them all the mother of all lectures. Satan showed up with the rest of the gang and brought popcorn.
Belphie wasn’t there, okay? Satan needed to be a little shit for him.
Ah yes, the pillow fight... Mammon’s crusade to be the best uncle culminated in a massive pillow fight that ended with MC, Lucifer, and Diavolo standing over everyone’s unconscious bodies.
So they uh... won the pillow fight.
MC couldn’t sleep. They legitimately couldn’t. As exhausting as the pillow fight victory had been, everyone was snoring, and MC was bleary eyed and awake at one in the morning.
They eventually sat up and looked around, Asmo was passed out in a very unflattering position, Solomon was chanting god knows what in his sleep, Levi was half hanging off Simeon’s bed, Simeon and Luke were sleeping like angels (hehehehe-), Beel was in the middle of eating his pillow in his sleep, Mammon appeared to be dreaming about winning the lottery, and Satan was... suspiciously absent.
He was there a minute ago... weird.
Deciding that this wasn’t worth it and they should just go sleep somewhere else, MC got out of bed and avoided stepping on anyone as they vacated the room.
The Demon Lord’s Castle at night could rival the House of Lamentation in terms of overall creepiness. MC had gotten used to the spirits and curses that littered their home, but they had only been to the Demon Lord’s Castle once before, so they were extra careful not to accidentally touch anything. Their stomach rumbled and they frowned.
Damn, they had the midnight munchies... they needed a snack.
MC made their way to the kitchen and on there way, noticed a peculiar room through a half open door. Taking a few steps back to peek into it, they noticed... doors. A lot of doors. And ivy covered steps. There seemed to be no rhyme or reason to any of the placements, and the room was... weirdly chilly.
“You can come in if you’d like, MC.”
Barbatos’ voice nearly caused MC to hit a high note that they hadn’t been able to hit since their voice began to change. They straightened out their wrinkled pyjamas and stepped inside.
The butler himself was walking down one of the flights of stairs.
“Um...” Quickly remembering their manners, MC straightened their posture and cleared their throat. “Good evening Barbatos.”
Barbatos smiled and inclined his head in turn. “Good evening to you as well, MC.”
“How did you know it was me outside? You were up there a second ago.” MC asked.
“It’s a part of my powers. I can see possible futures, and I foresaw you passing by my room and getting curious.” Barbatos explained.
“Oh,” MC said, half nodding and continuing to look around. A the sound of a door closing out of MC’s vision made them squeak and look around for the source of the noise. “What was that?!”
“It’s nothing to be worried about.” Barbatos raised his hands in a placating gesture. “These doors in my room are gateways to different timelines and some are gateways into the past of this particular timeline. That was another version of me passing by.”
“Does this... happen often?” MC knitted their eyebrows.
Barbatos hesitated before answering. “Not really. It’s quite rare. Lord Diavolo has expressly forbidden me from using my full powers freely.”
“Ah... makes sense...”
“Now, I believe you came down for snacks?”
MC blinked in surprise. “How did you- oh... the time magic...”
“Yes, the time magic. Now, would you prefer yogurt and fruit, or apples and peanut butter?”
“Yogurt and fruit please!”
I’m sure MC’s knowledge of how Barbie’s room works will totally not come into play later. I’m sure.
Solomon and MC graced the brunch table with their cooking. I think you can guess how it would have turned out if Barbatos hadn’t intervened.
Rest In Peace to Beel’s tastebuds.
Anyway, the rest of the retreat was all fun and good.
MC may or may not have slipped up and called Diavolo ‘Dia’ in front of Lucifer. It would’ve sparked a lecture if Dia’s puppy-like excitement wasn’t so damn adorable.
Lucifer’s got a heart... somewhere... it’s probably all shrivelled up and tiny, but I’m sure it’s there.
Everyone went back home, brought closer together through... pillow fights and surviving Solomon’s cooking I guess..?
Anyway, MC got home, unpacked their stuff, watched Kakegurui with Levi and Mammon, let Asmo paint their nails, made and ate dinner with Beel, continued their piano lessons with Lucifer, and received a 100% fake smile from Satan.
It was a nice day with their new family, MC curled up in their bed and prepared to go to sleep.
“Help me!”
MC lurched upwards in their bed, whipping their head from side to side, trying to find the source of the voice. Their room was completely empty, the perks of being half demon extended to being able to see in the dark. No new smells either, they were alone in the room.
Auditory hallucinations were common before falling asleep after being sleep deprived, creepy, but not too unusual.
Okay- that one couldn’t be ignored. It was common knowledge that the House of Lamentation was definitely haunted in some capacity, but the ghosts never really bothered the demons living inside, MC was partly convinced that some of the ghosts didn’t even notice that the demons were there. So it couldn’t have been a ghost calling their name.
“MC! I need help!”
The voice reverberated through their head, like it was trying to hit every part of their skull to make sure it was at least felt if MC couldn’t hear it. MC massaged their scalp and got out of bed.
The House of Lamentation at night truly lived up to its haunted reputation. Cold, clammy, dark, even by demon standards. No spooky old house was going to scare MC though, they walked down the hall with their head held high.
They walked closer to walls and furniture, knowing that the floor was less likely to creak in those areas. How did they know that? Mammon had told them it worked like a charm. Well, it’d work better for him if he stopped tripping over the furniture and alerting Lucifer.
MC was much more nimble and careful, stepping slowly and lightly around the hallways until they reached the door to the attic. They reached out to clasp their hand around the doorknob, then froze. It smelled like…
Oh no.
MC leapt away from the door like it was rigged to explode if they touched it and practically dove for cover into an alcove. The all too-recent smell of Lucifer’s fancy cologne and the increasing sound of someone coming down the stairs made them clamp their hand over their mouth and crouch down.
What was their father doing up there?
He had said the attic was full of old junk and there was no reason to go up there, so why exactly did he-
The door slammed open and Lucifer stomped down the hallway back towards his room, MC presumed. They were about to let out a sigh of relief when the footsteps paused. MC felt their heart drop right into their gut when they heard the footsteps coming back in their direction.
What were they going to say to him when he found them? ‘Sorry! This isn’t where the bathrooms are!’ The last thing MC wanted was to add to their father’s ever growing list of stresses. MC was totally responsible and grown-up, their father didn’t need to worry.
MC clamped their eyes shut and tried to slow their heart rate. Demons were beings of darkness and shadow, they could blend in quite easily. They took a deep breath, cleared their head, and felt the shadows of the hallway shift and cover them like a blanket.
Lucifer’s footsteps stopped, MC heard a tired sigh, then the footsteps started up again, this time in the direction of his room.
They allowed themselves a sigh of relief before relieving themselves of their hiding space and opening the door leading to the attic staircase.
If the rest of the House of Lamentation was considered clammy, cold, and foreboding, the attic staircase was that multiplied by a factor of twelve. MC felt themselves shudder involuntarily when they stepped closer to the staircase. Every primal part of their brain was telling them to turn around and walk away, but one tiny part was holding them back. They placed their foot on the first step, waiting for any kind of resistance, nothing other than the feeling of passing through invisible cobwebs.
Upon hearing their name, MC craned their neck to try and get a look at what could be waiting for them at the top of the stairs.
“Are you coming, or not?”
The cascade of warning sirens that began to blare in MC’s head went ignored as they continued to scale the staircase.
When they reached the final step, they were met with a long hallway, with a single door on the right side of the wall.
“H-hello?” MC tried to instill some force into their voice, but it still ended up quavering a little.
“Down here.” Someone knocked on the wall next to the door, almost causing MC to jump.
Oh. Oh no. MC stood straight in front of the door, and when they saw who was looking back at them they nearly passed out.
Belphegor’s eyes flashed as he gave MC a once over. His eyes narrowed when his gaze snapped to MC’s. The analytical expression melted into a lazy grin.
“That’s me,” he said softly. “Nice to finally meet you, MC.”
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junicai · 3 years
Relationship with Stray Kids
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➣ CHAN ☾ dachan
daeun is chan’s baby and the fact that she’s only two years younger than him changes nothing 
really really dependent on his approval. especially on mixing during the first few songs for skz 
skz has a completely different sound to what daeun was used to, and changing her production style to mirror that was a challenge
there are a lot of clips in the first few episodes of the survival show of daeun sidling up to chan with a notebook in her hand
and them sitting beside each other on the sofa while they worked
you can find dozens of ‘Bang Chan doing the Proud Dad smile because Daeun existed’ videos on youtube
its a very common occurrence 
hence why daeun hates hates hates being told off by him 
its never anything serious 
but she always feels so guilty afterwards, and then she’ll cry and then chan feels guilty
and it’s a whole guilt-fest 
so daeun usually tries to avoid having to be told off
now that doesn’t stop her from telling him off
can and will drag him out by the ear if he stays in his studio for too long
that’s a lie
she’ll just stand in the doorway and pout until he saves his work down and leaves 
works every time
sorry but this man loves to pick her up? 
its a problem 
girl isn’t even hurt or tired just piggybacks 
he said he likes to carry her because he knows that she dances in heels for so long so her feet must hurt more than theirs does
chan walks at the end of the group, we all know this. but the one time he wasn’t, was when daeun was the second last getting out of the van, and had to dip back in to snag the bag she had left behind. already three strides into the building, 
chan - upon realizing that he had seven heads in  front of him, and not eight - spun around in a circle, eyes wide and shoulders pushed back as he tried to peer over the crowds. when he spotted daeun, he took her bag from her hand, snagging her hand in his other one, and refused to let go of her until they made it safely into the venue.  
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➣ MINHO ☾ mieun
actually attached at the hip?
like, no one was going to peg the very intimidating and sullen looking-fellow with the bubbly bitch with pink in her hair and yet: 
it’s comical 
minho’s dry humor perfectly balances with daeun’s unique blend of absolute buffoonery
 they have a lil tradition before they go onstage of exchanging bracelets
yes, they have matching bracelets
it was minho’s idea and yes, stays freaked out
it’s like a little, ‘see you on the other side’ thing
because lord knows daeun spent hours upon hours running herself ragged in practices until all hours of the night 
and minho Wasn’t Having It
so the bracelets are a little. U Got This. from him
really doesn’t like it when she cries 
to the point where he’ll do absolutely anything to get her to stop crying
it was then, that daeun discovered that minho gives god tier hugs 
God. Tier. 
minho and daeun cuddling when they’re drunk? more likely than you’d think 
they’re hilarious together, and probably one of stays most preferred ships with daeun and any of the boys 
the twt threadfics here are Legendary
the most popular one is a coffee shop au - where daeun is a struggling literature grad, and minho is a long-suffering night shift worker
absolutely does not tolerate any kind of hate towards daeun - verbal or otherwise. he blew a fuse the first time she trended for sexy pictures someone had taken of her at a fansign 
daeun had to tell him it was fine twelve times before he calmed down
daeun pulled down her skirt again for the nth time, shifting uncomfortably in her seat. she had her ankles tucked behind the leg of the chair and her hands folded over her lap to try and prevent anyone getting a glimpse up further into her skirt than was strictly necessary, but was - ultimately - doing a poor job of protecting her modesty. 
leaning over, minho took a glance at daeun shifting uncomfortably in her seat again, and shucked off his jacket - leaving him in a thin t-shirt in the cold breeze. before daeun could protest, he had laid the jacket over her legs, tucking it in and then sliding his hand in between hers and holding it tightly over his own lap. 
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➣ CHANGBIN ☾ dabin
same age siblings !
both being in the ‘99 line, and with daeun originally training to be a main rapper than a vocalist
they were pretty comfortable around each other having spent so long training in each other’s presence
in fact
they even performed a duet together for one of the monthly evaluations
that was when they really became friends so to speak 
daeun fell asleep during one of their rehearsals on the floor of the studio
and changbin couldn’t just, leave her
so he ended up staying with her the whole night
was she embarrassed in the morning? yeah. and then changbin told her off for not prioritizing sleep more, and then she was more embarrassed.
now in the group, their dynamic settled into something extremely comfortable
when daeun was first introduced to the boys as a team, changbin was the only one she was completely comfortable rooming with 
his studio? nah, their studio 
did daeun sit in on a lot of the 3RACHA work prior to debut? yes, solely because she wanted the experience, and changbin said she could stay
it is actually his studio, but there’s a small collection (read: four) of soft pillows in the corner of the room for daeun to sit on as they work
according to her, she works better on the floor
changbin can’t find it in him to refute the argument, so he always ends up down there with her, with sheets sprawled over the carpet
when he started working out, he started taking daeun to the gym
swole buddies 
except daeun wasn’t allowed to build muscle and just had to run on the treadmill the whole time and changbin wasn’t made about that. he wasn’t.
changbin and daeun being the mafia when playing with skz and neither of them being able to look at each other without laughing. every time they’d make eye contact, daeun’s lips would twitch up, and changbin would have to turn away to cough into his arm lest he give himself away. 
ultimately, they lost - much to the chagrin of the pair, who wailed at their loss and proceeded to drink their sorrows away with the coca cola that they were sponsored for. 
product placement at it’s finest, even if it was a metaphor for alcoholism. 
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➣ HYUNJIN ☾ dajin
lil beans
not at the start but now, yes.
he was wary around her, at first because hyunjin knows he’s attractive and the Last Thing He Wants is a groupmate that has a crush on him
so he was a bit, cold and aloof with daeun at the beginning of the survival show
he didn’t want to give her the wrong impression !
but then 
daeun apologized to him in her video message after her elimination for ‘upsetting him, and making him feel like he couldn’t be comfortable around her’ and dear god
hyunjin’s heart = broken. destroyed. shattered into pieces. 
he still feels Very Guilty about this sometimes because he knows that his attitude towards her played a huge part in her feeling alienated and not like she belonged in the group
daeun tells him it doesn’t bother her but he knows
they talked through it though
good communication besties 
he doesn’t call her noona though
he did, once upon a time, but then daeun felt weird because realistically, there’s only four months between them and that’s not enough to make her any more of a noona to him than he is a hyung to jisung and felix? 
they have a little rountine now, when either of them are upset
they pack up all the emotions for a little bit
into a little box
get out a laptop (doesn’t matter whos)
and just cuddle, with some blankets, and a terrible show or movie that they’re not really watching until the person is ok to talk 
arguably the most healthy friendship you will ever find
therapists around the country are giving standing ovations 
felix padded into hyunjin’s room to shake the boy awake, before catching sight of an already-awake daeun wrapped in his arms.
“help-” she gasped out, patting frantically at hyunjin’s arm that was firmly wrapped around her middle. “he won’t let go. it’s been an hour.” 
felix bit his lip, trying to stifle the laugh that was threatening to burst out. “i don’t know, you look pretty comfortable.” he began backing out the door.
“felix. lee felix. lee felix you come back here!” the harsh whisper-shouts echoed down the hallway after the giggling boy. 
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➣ JISUNG ☾ jidae
partners in crime
probably have committed some crime together at some point but there’s no proof so chan can’t yell at them for it
they met when daeun first sat in on the 3RACHA meetings 
did someone say: soulmates 
changbin is convinced that the angel choir played when they first locked eyes
like this
jisung kicked the angel off of daeun’s shoulder and now it’s just him and the devil racking up reverse-brownie points in daeun’s conscience 
he’s been a wonderful influence, truly
to be fair though, daeun did attempt to convince him to stop eating ramen every day (to a varying degree of success)
to no degree of success actually. she just takes him out of the dorm to eat it now, but chan doesn’t need to know that bit
daeun? did you mean: jisung’s pillow?
anywhere, any place - he just flops down onto her
many head pats
they are both givers and receivers 
no words spoken only HEAD PATS 
the comfort is exchanged through osmosis
jisung is wholeheartedly against her ever getting a boyfriend 
Absolutely Not. she is theirs, and he will glare at anyone else who dares to Look At Her
nap buddies 
they get a combined total of negative six hours of sleep per week so they always end up napping together 
it’s very cute
less of a ‘moment’ and more of a series of events that STAY found hilarious?
we all know han jisung’s iconic converse. they’re legendary. unofficial skz merch. 
right well, daeun was seen wearing them out and around a few times by fansites, and one of them asked had she bought her own pair after seeing jisung’s at a fansign.
daeun laughed and said no, they were almost the same size in shoe so she just borrowed his. 
daeun stole jisung’s shoes. 
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➣ FELIX ☾ daelix
stop they love each other so much 
felix said once in a vlive that he finds daeun really comforting to be around because she’s so calm 
he had a lot of anxiety about debuting because of what jyp said to him upon his elimination *angry noises*
so daeun tried her best to alleviate as much of his worries as possible
even if that meant sacrificing her own sleep to sit with him in the kitchen and talk things out
sorry i’d like to revisit the point that They Love Each Other Very Much 
felix says that he was worried about leaving his sisters behind, so having another noona was really comforting to him 
daeun absolutely has an australian accent when she speaks english now and it is completely felix’s fault 
he’d actively correct her pronunciation to make her sound more australian because he thinks the accent is so cute on her  
aggressively cute together 
you will get a toothache if you watch them for too long 
someone stop them they’re so adorable 
he likes to give out random compliments to see how red he can make her face go before she whacks him to get him to stop 
the results conclude: a pretty nice cherry-cheeked colour
felix really lives up to his koala nickname when he’s around daeun
will latch on and will not let go until he has to 
you thought chan loved felix? now see: chan watching daeun and felix 
its so painful he just smiles like everything is right with the world and it IS because felix and daeun are there and aaaaaAAAA-
a sad moment, but one that features in every compilation of daelix’s interactions anyway. when daeun’s name was called for her elimination, she closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath and schooling her face into something impassive. the boys were all staring at her with devastated looks on their faces, but nothing was matching the look that felix was giving her from his position right by her side. 
he choked out her name, stumbling forwards into her arms as she caught him and wrapped him in a hug. felix apologized profusely for being the one in need of comfort, while daeun just ran a hand over his hair and told him it was alright, she was alright. 
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➣ SEUNGMIN ☾ daseung
protector of daeun’s sanity
she has One (1) well behaved dongsaeng and its kim seungmin
it’s not that he’s less likely to act out than the others, really. it’s that he’s the least likely to die while doing it, so that = most well behaved, in daeun’s books 
daeun likes to squish his cheeks
no reason
other than, soft cheeks go squish and seungmin lets her so why would she forsake this golden opportunity
now if he wants to sit on the couch beside her he has to resign himself to cheek-smooshing 
also cheek kisses, rarely. usually when daeun’s intoxicated.
the boys had figured that both of their personalities together would just merge and create an even more chill environment
but NO
it cancelled out
they’re not Chaotic but they’re certainly not Calm 
it’s a unique vibe that can only be described by this -> link
scholars but minus the education 
profound visionaries but they’re blind, type beat 
have the combined brainpower of the librarian gary from that one spongebob episode but they choose not to utilize it for the memes 
in all seriousness though, they’re very comfortable around each other 
seungmin struggled a lot with confidence during their debut months, and daeun was the only person who really knew the full extent of it all 
there was a Hefty Amount of nighttime talks on daeun’s bed under blankets stolen from the living room 
seungmin can sing, we all know that. but stray kids’ style rarely allows for full ballad songs on an album, so seungmin being given the opportunity to perform ‘Love Poem’ on Kingdom was truly a blessing in disguise. (the disguise being daeun’s re-occuring vocal nodules that left her unable to perform). 
after the performance, seungmin had barely taken a foot off the stage before he was being tackled by a teary-eyed daeun, who immediately buried her face into his shoulder to stop the cameras getting a good look at her crying. 
“you can sing.” 
“you sing so beautifully, minnie, oh my god.” 
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➣ JEONGIN ☾ jeondae
the first thing you have to realize about daeun and jeongin’s relationship is that both of them can be the Biggest Babies in the world 
now with that out of the way
jeongin ADORES daeun 
im sorry did someone say ‘noona who wholeheartedly finds it impossible to say no to him’?
i think they did
he doesn’t take advantage of it, persay
but he Does and Will use it to others detriment - especially during games
“jeongin! you told me you weren’t the mafia! i believed you! this is a betrayal!”
she’s so so smitten with him and everything he does 
it is virtually impossible for her to be mad at him 
he just gets a little scowl and then a soft flick on his ear at the PEAK of scolding 
is the world’s worst enabler for All His Bad Ideas 
often complains that he’s growing up too fast and it isn’t fair that he’s taller than her now 
which he’ll then respond to by resting his elbow on her head and leaning on her, so. it never goes down very well 
daeun checks his micpack for him before every stage
every. stage. 
daeun is the only person who is allowed to coddle him as much as she does 
hyunjin is Bitter and daeun is Smug 
jeongin needs help with schoolwork? daeun would do it for him if she had been any good at school either, but alas 
chan stepped into the kitchen, camera in hand. 
“what are you doing?” 
daeun and jeongin shove his backpack off the table, the coloured permanent markers rolling off immediately after, two black ones uncapped in their hands. 
chan looked pointedly at them, and then to the backpack that had slid underneath the table. there, written all over the straps and the front pocket were small drawings, ranging from dinosours to the words (written in very terrible handwriting, so he couldn’t be sure which one of them wrote it): “skool suks!”
chan looked over to the pair. they scrambled off the chairs, abandoning the evidence in their break for safety. 
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superhero--imagines · 4 years
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Part 1 Here! / Part 2 Here! / Part 3 Here! / Part 4 Here! / Part 5 Here! / Part 6 Here!
A/N: If I had to give this part a title, I would title it “(Y/N) and their human friends” Also I lied. This part was too long so it might be another part (or two) before we get to the Bella Arc.
* “You know you would be pretty good looking without the glasses.” Lauren says twirling a strand of hair and ignoring the algebra worksheet in front of her.
* Yeah that’s kind of the whole point
* “Contacts kind of freak me out.”
* You’re expecting a snarky response but instead she nods.
* “It’s the whole sticking your finger in your eye thing right, I totally get that.” She’s watching you with such inquisitive eyes, it almost you uncomfortable.
* It’s been a few months since you started school, you’re almost at thanksgiving break. So far you feel like you’ve assimilated well, and you have a good balance between school and caring for your animals, but it’s situations like this that totally throw you off.
* “Hey (Y/N/N), what did you get for number 5?” Jessica asks, you’re thankful for the distraction.
* “I got X = 8” Jessica confirms she got that too, and moves onto the next one
* You three are in the worlds most unlikely group. You didn’t even know Lauren was in this class you usually just pair up with Jessica.
* “Hey, me and a some people from the volleyball team are going to Port Angeles, you should come with, we could give you a makeover.”
*You wonder what the other angle here is
* It didn’t take long for you to realise that somehow, even with the ugly-duckling routine, the Cullen’s were at the top of the social hierarchy.
* Part of their popularity was probably because they didn’t really seem to interact with anyone outside of their own social circle. Which just made them all the more desirable.
* “I don’t know Lauren, I would have to ask Esme if it’s okay.” Though you can already bet Rosalie isn’t going to like this.
* “Oh cool, just let me know!” Lauren smiles, it turns out the act of considering her invitation was enough to placate her.
* For once you’re actually glad Edward’s waiting for you outside of your class when the bell rings.
* “Edward read that girls mind.”
* “It’s always straight to business isn’t it. No, ‘hi Edward how’s it going?’ Or ‘How was your class, how has your morning been treating you?’ It wouldn’t hurt you to make some small talk” You give him a look, and he returns it with an expectant expression. You sigh.
* “Hi, Edward how was your class?” You plaster on a smile, and he returns with a smile of his own.
* “It was fine. A little repetitive, we’re reading “to kill a mocking bird” in English.” You nod, offering a consoling pat on the shoulder
* “That sounds super boring,” the books great and all, but you’re guessing he’s already read it like 30 times by now. “Hey Edward,”
* “Yes (Y/N),” He nods, hiding his grin behind his hand.
* “Would you mind doing me a favor?”
* “Of course, anything for you.” He grins openly now.
* “Would you mind telling me what that girl Lauren Mallory is thinking so I can know why she invited me,” and not Jessica her good friend. “to hang out?”
* Edward loses his smile.
* “The varsity members on the volleyball team suggested it, they think it’s a shame they couldn’t have got you on the team since you just moved here.”
* Unexpected but not the worst. You’ve really been half assing it in PE so you’re surprised they even want you.
* “Lauren-she thinks you could be-“ a lopsided smirk twitches onto his face. “in her words- ‘two super good looking best friends’ “
*oh. So she just wants a pretty b*tch squad?
* “Maybe I’ll go with them then” you were scared they were going to force you to show them the Cullen’s house and introduce you to everyone, or leave you stranded in port A as some kind of prank or something.
* Edward stops you
*“you can’t be serious” he has his eyebrows scrunched together
* “Why not?” Nothing more natural to fitting in then hanging out with your classmates. Unless- “if you’re worried about any accidents don’t, I know they all look healthy but they eat a lot of carbs. Way too starchy for my palette.”
* “It’s not that-“ he gets that brooding-existence is suffering look. “You shouldn’t trust humans too much, they’ll let you down.”
* Well what’s that supposed to mean, but before you can ask he’s already walking to his class.
* Well whatever, at least Emmett will tell you a good joke to take your mind off of Mr. Eternal Damnations ominous words.
* Too bad when you get inside he’s not here, instead Mike Newton perks up when you walk into the room.
* “Hey Eleazar, how’s it going?” You still have a hard time adjusting to use Eleazar’s name as your own. Apparently they came from a time when last names were only for nobles, so he offered you his first name instead.
* “Hey Newton, any plans for this weekend?” You take Edward’s advice and start with small talk. Mike Newton smiles, you guess he’s kinda cute, all soft cheeks and baby blue eyes
* “No I’m completely free!” Weird how he’s so enthusiastic about being alone, he must be one of those “relish time alone” types. Good for him.
* “Everyone needs some time alone sometimes.” He deflates, oh man you guess that’s the wrong thing to say.
* He looks like he wants to say something to you, but then Emmett sits beside you.
* “Can I have a swig from your water bottle?” You hand it over
* “Making out with Rosalie make you thirsty?” Emmett cracks a grin
* “It’s that whole bookworm-soccer mom get up, it gets to me yknow?” That’s actually pretty funny
* “So what she’s the Velma to your Freddy?” When the reference doesn’t sink in you rephrase “the nerd to your jock.” He grins again.
* “I think I might join the swim team just so I can see her wear my letterman” that’s actually pretty cute
* “You should do that, I’ll cheer you on at your swim meets” Emmett grins.
*”I’ll hold you to that”
* School life goes on like it always has.
* Weeks pass, marked by tests, homework assignments and projects.
* You actually kind of become friends with Angela, Lauren, Jessica, Connor and Mike.
* “So like, are you and Cullen close?” Mike asks. You and the group are over at Tyler’s house using his fire pit to roast marshmallows. The others are invested in another conversation but you can tell by Lauren’s subtle head tilt that she’s eavesdropping.
* “Which one?” Mike gets flustered at that
* “The one in our grade.”
* “Hmm, well I’d say Alice and I are kinda close, but-“
* “N-no not her,” he clears his throat. “The other one-Edward”
* “Oh, Edward’s my best friend.” The answer slips out automatically.
* “I-Is that why you’re staying with the Cullen’s?” Jessica asks. Everyone’s blatantly listening now, the only one who seems uncomfortable is Angela.
* You sigh. You know everyone at school is probably wondering about the weird relationship. Jessica’s just the only one brave enough to ask you.
* “I mean, it might be.” You’re sure, Edward’s friendship with you is the reason everyone was so quick to accept the living arrangement. “But I actually met Car-I mean Dr. Cullen before I met the others.”
* “How does that work?” It’s Connor who pipes in this time.
* “Well-“ you sigh you really don’t want to do this but at least your sob story will make you seem less suspicious. “So Eleazer and Carmen, they’re my parents, but they’re not my birth parents.”
* You tell them how your parents passed away in an accident many years ago, and how Carlisle had been your Doctor at the time while you recovered. He worked with you for a long time, and you’re pretty sure he wanted to adopt you, but the agency liked Carmen and Eleazer better, probably because Carlisle already had so many adopted kids.
* “Still, Carlisle stayed in my life as my doctor and a family friend. Then I met Edward and the rest of the Cullen’s and... the rest is history...I guess.” You’ve found it’s best to mix a little bit of truth into the lie, though really all of that was mostly what happened.
* Everyone looks testy eyed, Angela is holding back tears, and Lauren hastily wipes her away so no one can see. You wonder if maybe your powers leaked out a bit while you were telling your story.
* “Dude... you’re so strong.” Tyler claps a hand on your shoulder and pulls you into a hug.
* “Ah, it all happened a long time ago, I’m mostly over it now” You tell them all about your Coven in Denali, and how you have two families now, how you don’t regret anything. Well, the only thing you regret, is not staying human, but you can’t mention that so you fake a smile instead.
* Connor breaks out a bottle of vodka he stole from his mom, and pours a shot for everyone
* “To (Y/N)” everyone raises their glass, and not for the first time you feel the urge to cry but no tears escape you.
* You’re a lot closer to everyone after that. You even start sitting at their lunch table every so often.
* In fact the others follow your lead and assimilate with their classmates with ease. Rosalie joins the school book club, and very loudly debates Jane Austen’s to whoever will listen.
* Emmett follows through and joins the swim team. Jasper starts hanging out with some wood shop kids, you’ve caught him arguing about the superior wood in between classes with his new friends. Even Alice joins the art club.
* You try out for the dance/cheer team, it’s the only thing you don’t have to hold back in. Also you’re a great base, you could hold everyone on the team up single handedly during stunts. But you won’t know if you made it until summer vacation
* Everyone seems to be assimilating well, everyone except for Edward
* “You can’t expect me to trust these people (Y/N), not when I know everything they’re really thinking.” You roll your eyes
* “I’m not saying you have to be their best friend Eddie, I’m just saying it looks super suspicious that all the Cullen’s only hang out with each other and refuse to get to know anyone else.” You shove a text book into his chest, and he scoffs
* “It wouldn’t hurt to make some small talk.”
* And so Edward joins your group of human friends, much to the joy of your female companions and dismay of your male ones.
* Life is still strange. But it’s good.
* When you’re surrounded by your new friends, it makes you feel - almost like you’re human again
* And then everything falls apart.
* It’s almost summer vacation. You’re excited, maybe you can go to the beach again soon, and you wonder if it will be alright to take a trip to Denali to see your Coven. You’re pretty confident you made the spirit squad so you’ll have to pencil in camp somewhere. You held back, but just enough by your own parameters to make the bottom end of Varsity.
* You’re at your locker, when Rosalie, and Edward show up. Quickly followed by Emmett, Jasper and Alice.
* “Oh hey guys, you wanna go on a hike tomorrow it’s supposed-“
* “You have to leave.” You’re surprised when it’s Emmett that says this. Kind, jovial Emmett holds a grave expression.
* “What, why-“ for a second you wonder if the Volturi has finally come to get you. It’s been at least seven years since your transformation, it’s about time they started thinking about you.
* But then you notice everyone staring, the quiet buzz of phones vibrating only detected by your super hearing. People are always staring, especially when you’re all together. but this time you notice they’re not staring at the six super models gathered in front of the lockers.
* They’re staring at you.
* “There’s a video of you going around,” Jasper says, and Rosalie placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. “I think it’s better if you see for yourself.”
* He hands you his blackberry, and the grainy image of you come into focus.
* It’s a YouTube video
* You’re in the locker room, your (Your Color Skin) in full view under the fluorescent lights. You’re wearing your underwear, and your abs are on full display. You’re Grey PE uniform shirt is limp in your hands, you remember this, you got extra laps as a penalty and as a result, you were running late for class, you were alone in the locker room
*well you thought you were alone.
* Your body is literally perfect, the way you’ve always dreamed, but you feel white hot shame rise in your throat like acid.
* Your hands shake as you scroll down to see the comments
* ‘Damn who knew they had a body like that under those dorky sweaters’
* ‘(Y/N) Eleazar: Best body Forks HS 10/10 would f*ck’
* ‘Hot body, if only they ditched the glasses, and started wearing some tighter shirts’
* And the comments go on, there’s at least a hundred. You hold your cardigan a little closer to your body. You don’t have the courage to turn around. You can already imagine them staring at you, picturing what they saw in the video transposed onto your body
* “I’m sorry, I didn’t see this coming until it was already happening-“ Alice touches your shoulder and continues her apology but you don’t hear anything.
* You want to cry, you want to be angry. But all you feel is shame. And the worst part is, you didn’t even do anything wrong. So why do you feel so ashamed?
* “Hey, look at me.” Edward grabs your face in his hands, your amber eyes meet his.
*”Snap out of it.”
* Oh, your powers are leaking through.
*Your gaze turns to your foster family, all of whom sport equally uncomfortable expressions.
* You take a deep breath, and imagine reeling in your emotions, imagining them receding back into a locked box, just like Eleazer taught you.
* You need a calm mind right now.
* “Are you fine now?” Edward asks, his hands still on your face. You nod, resting your hand on top of his
* “I’m good.”
* “Good, because we have to get you out of here.” He’s moved his hand to your arm, about to tug you back home when you pull back and shake your head.
* “We can’t do that.”
* “What do you mean?” Rosalie hisses, her hand curls around your wrist “we have to leave NOW.”
* “No think about it, they’re right.” Jasper says, his eyes meeting yours. At least someone’s on the same oage
* “Think about it Rose, if I leave now with all of you it’s going to look weird.” Normal 15-17 year olds wouldn’t think to handle the situation on their own, especially not entitled rich kids like the Cullen’s.
*She seems to have gotten it because her hand retreats to her side.
* “Well what should we do then, I’m not letting you walk around here with everyone-“ she cuts herself off, a deep frown creasing onto her face as her teeth dig into her bottoms lip.
* “We need to call Carlisle or Esme, they’ll pretend they saw the video from someone else and file a complaint with the school.” You take a deep breath, and imagine the locked box in your mind. Your emotions held carefully within.
* “Until then we all need to pretend like it’s not a big deal.”
* “No way in hell am I doing that!” Emmett growls. “I’m going to rip that fucking peeping Tom piece by piece.”
* “Not all of us need to pretend,” Alice says, her gaze somewhere far away, flicking between futures. “Only Edward, Rosalie and I do.” Her gaze lands on you.
* “You need to go to your class like normal,” a hint of a smile curls onto her mouth. “Everything’s going to work out fine.” Edward’s focusing on Alice, reliving her vision.
* “Do you think you can manage being alone?” Edward asks, you don’t have the next class with any of the Cullen’s. You’ll be on your own.
* You catch Jasper and Alice whispering to each other, but pay it no mind. Flirting even in the middle of your entire world crumbling down.
* You take a deep breath, picturing the locked box over and over, making it a visual mantra.
* “I can get through a period.” Everyone disperses, and Jasper walks you to your next class. Edward wanted to, but Jasper insisted.
*”You’re always hogging them, give someone else a few minutes Edward.”
* You’re almost near your class when Jasper talks to you.
* “Hey, I don’t know if I should tell you this”
*You wonder if he’s going to offer to beat up the person who took the video, or if he’s going to offer you a comforting word.
* “Alice told me you’re going to raise some hell on a misogynist in there” he gives you a wicked grin, his incisors sparkling.
* How is it that every vampire seems to say what you least expect to hear and yet, it’s exactly what you need in the moment.
* He holds out his fist, and you bump it with your own. A grin curling onto your face.
* “Hell yeah I am.”
* You take your usual seat in Spanish like normal. You sit in the front row in this class, diagonally from Jessica. Mike and Angela sit somewhere in the back.
* You just need to focus and keep your emotions in check for 45 minutes. You visualize the box, calming yourself separating the mind and body.
* How did the saying go... a calm soul resides in a calm body?
* “-Zar, Miss. Eleazar!” Your eyes pop up to the teacher, the locked box falling out of grasp.
* “Yes, sorry?” The teacher sighs, you look to the white board to see you’re going over the answers to the worksheet. You’re about to provide the answer for the number you’re on when the teacher cuts you off.
* “I know you might be focused on body building, but in my class you need to focus on the material.” There’s a scattered laugh that fills the room, but your blood runs cold
* “Excuse me?”
* And that’s when your teacher knew he fucked up. He stutters over himself, the sentences overlapping
* “-really you should take it as a compliment-“
* “Oh you think I should take it as a compliment that someone recorded me without my consent while I was changing?”
* The rooms pin drop silent. Your teacher is sweating.
* “Hold on now- I think you’re being a little dramatic don’t you think” A smirk curls onto his lips. “You were in your underwear, it was really no different than wearing a swimsuit” he’s got this smug smile, like he’s right.
*Honestly you were ready to put everything behind you and move on if he just apologized. It’s gross that a teacher is watching videos of a student changing, but what would you have done in his situation if a co-worker showed you.
* “It’s all about perspective, a positive per-“
* But not anymore, you’re not in a forgiving mood, especially not for an idiot like this.
* “No it’s all about consent.” All the anger and despair you’ve been holding back comes flooding out. “When someone wears a swimsuit they’re consenting to show skin and be seen, but I wasn’t contesting to being seen when I was changing in the privacy of the locker room.” You don’t stop for air, your voice trembling
* “And another thing, I wonder how the school administration will feel knowing the same faculty that’s supposed to make students feel safe and enrich their lives is watching creepy videos-“ you stop when you meet your teachers eyes, tears streaming down his face.
* Oh f*ck
* You look to your right, finding your classmates in a similar state, holding back tears.
*So this is what happens to humans when they come in contact with your power.
* You try to visualize the box, but it’s too far now. And all the crying people around you don’t help.
*You need to get out of here.
* “Pathetic, not even an apology for your gas lighting.” She shake your head as confidently as you can, grabbing your bag with trembling hands.
* You walk quickly, maybe there’s a mountain you can climb and wait it out on. You’ll text Carlisle and let him now what happened. It shouldn’t be too-
*” Hey wait!”
* You’re already in the hallway when someone call out to you. You turn, expecting it to be Angela or Mike. Never in a million years would you expect her to be standing there in the middle of the hall, her hand hastily wiping away a stray tear.
* “Mr. Peterson’s a f*cking jerk.” Jessica sniffles, walking quickly to catch up with you. You don’t miss the fact that her bags not slung across her back.
* She must have left a minute after you did. You haven’t thought about her as a friend. Not a real one at least. She’s kind of like hot sauce, it’s fun when it’s around, but if it’s not then that’s not a big deal.
* So to see her here, the first to follow you out, rambling about wether you want to get frozen yogurt or pizza, it warms your unbeating heart.
* “Hey Jessica?” She stops mid-sentence, her eyes swinging up to you.
* You haven’t been fair to her. But you’re going to change that.
* “Thanks for being my friend.” And she smiles at you, her arms wrapped around her tight. It’s not the fake ones you see often the ones she throws to Lauren when she’s asking for Jessica’s opinion on an outfit, or when Connor tries to copy her homework’s. it’s a genuine smile.
* Before she can open her mouth, you hear two more shouts from the hallway.
*Angela and Mike are jogging down the hallway to catch up with you. The latter carrying a bright pink backpack in his hand.
* “Geez Jess, the least you could do is take your bag before you go bolting out of there” Mike’s panting as he holds out her bag. You don’t miss the blush ghosting her face.
*Looks like she still has a crush on him.
* “Hey, are you okay?” Angela asks, and you wish you could cry as you nod.
* “Is it weird that I’m kind of happy right now?” And the three of them smile, before wrapping you into a group hug.
*They all smell terrible. Jessica smells like boiled broccoli, Mike is like the overwhelming stench of fat mixed with sugar, and Angela.. Angela’s probably the worst. She’s sickeningly sweet mixed with a healthy dose of starch.
*it’s disgusting. You have a hard time believing any of the Cullen’s would lose their minds when they’re this close to any of them.
*still, even with the repulsive stench, it’s nice. You haven’t felt the body gets of another human in a long time, or heard the quiet thump of their beating heart. Even the odor is nice, it reminds you that they’re human.
*And for a second it’s easier to pretend you’re human too, just like them.
* “Dude why are you so cold?” Jessica groans, breaking the moment. She taps your arm but doesn’t pull away.
* “While we’re asking questions, Mike how much axe do you use?” Angela’s eyes are watering as you both laugh.
* “Like you’re one to talk, I can smell your strawberry shampoo two hallways over!”
* You watch the three of them untangle and start walking to the back exit from the gym.
* “So where do we go now? We can’t stay here.” Angela says
* “I was thinking maybe a coffee shop, if we take out books we might pass for having a free period” Jessica pipes in
* “Oh, how about the Arcade? A buddy of mine works there since he’s already on break from college, I don’t think he’ll minds us hanging out there.”
* So this is what Alice meant when she said everything was going to be okay.
*Your Human Friends were going to save you
*You haven’t forgotten Edward’s warning, someone did break your trust and let you down.
* But that’s what it means to build friendships, you open yourself to being hurt, and so do they.
* “Hey (Y/N/N), what do you think?” Mike asks, and they all turn around to notice you’re not walking with them.
*You try not to smile to wide. You don’t want to scare them off now.
* “I think there’s something fun about an arcade during the day, no lines.” You say, walking a little bit faster to catch up with your friends.
Tag list: @moonlights27 @thebluetint @the100thtwilight @awesomebooklover17 @oneofthepotterheads @smileygirl08 @imdoingathingmom @iconicgguk @yrawn @alyciaswhore @little-horror-show
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Timekeeper's assistants AU
Alright y'all! This is gonna be my info dump post for the Timekeepers assistant Au- buckle up cause it's gonna be a long one!
Inspired by @queendibz post here
The entire purpose of the assistant squad is to keep all the time lines running smoothly- this can range from stopping a world ending event to making sure things misplaced by natural ghost portals get put back into the right time and place.
So First up on the crew list,
-Dan definitely isn't a homicidal maniac anymore but he's not 100 percent "redeemed" either.
-I mean he's probably still a bit of sadist but he tries not to be?
-The best description I can give is that he's in recovery, basically.
-So, Clockwork knew that Dan would eventually bust out of the thermos just because it wasn't built to hold a ghost of his power level for a prolonged period of time. But beyond that?? He has no idea about anything in regards to Dan. Since Dan's creation was averted, his timeline doesn't exist anymore. He's a paradox that exists outside of time, and unfortunately, that means he's the one entity in the multiverse that exists in Clockwork's blindspot. There's no way for him to know what Dan's going to do next.
-Anyway, Dan eventually breaks out of the thermos fully intending to Fuck Shit Up, And Clockwork makes a point of informing him that if he leaves the clock tower he will cease to exist. (Like Dan, the tower exists outside of time, so he's safe there.)
-Dan is the first member of the assistant squad. Granted, it took a while for him to come around to the idea of helping Clockwork but he got there eventually.
-Dan is an entity that was born out of the rage and grief of two very broken people and he has so much shit he's working through as a result
-One of the first things he had to do was recognize and accept that he's an entity that's completely separate from Vlad and Danny. He might have all their memories and the weight of their mistakes on his shoulders, and on top of that, the atrocities he himself committed because of them. The first step is realizing that he doesn't have to be defined by the people that made him.
-It's a really fucking difficult thing to do tho and he's got a lot of weird emotions in regards to Vlad, Danny and the Fentons as a result. A near constant identity crisis, self loathing, daddy issues, something that could arguably be called an Oedipus complex, (FUCKING THANKS, VLAD)
-Cannot stand the smell of fast food, it makes him nauseous and the sight of Nasty Burger sauce alone is enough to make him vomit Ectoplasm.
-He's just a hot mess all around y'all
-He tries to keep his interactions with the Danny's as minimal as possible at first bc of this. The first time he meets them in person he shape shifts into Danny like he did in TUE and just pretends to be one of them. Some of them have had interactions with their respective Dan's already and would be super wary of him and probably pretty freaked out otherwise.
-Dan is eventually allowed to leave the clocktower for supervised "Field missions" with the aid of a time medallion to keep him from poofing out of existence, but it takes a while for clockwork to build up that level of trust.
-Dan's shapeshifting ability Actually comes into play a bit on a lot of those missions, since he can Mimic Danny it also makes sense that he'd be able to impersonate Vlad in the same way. Granted he's not incredibly comfortable taking on either of their appearances but it does help him hone his shapeshifting ability to the point where he's able to pick and choose features from both Vlad and Danny and sorta make his own human disguise.
-Most of the time he acts as the eye in the sky from the tower, monitoring for timeline anomalies and then notifying the appropriate member of the assistant squad.
-He has a room under the clock tower that he operates from. I kinda like the idea of there being like, catacombs down there? Anyway he's got all kinds of monitors and view screens and he very rarely leaves. It also doubles as his "living space." He doesn't need to sleep but he's got a big mess of a pillow fort that he crashes in regardless bc sometimes you just NEED to be unconscious for a while. The catacombs are also absolutely full of those little blob ghosts that wander around the zone bc They're attracted to the ecto energy the tower gives off. He's really annoyed by them at first but they grow on him after a while and now he just dotes on them.
-There's a specific throw pillow sized one that likes to hang out in Dan's room a lot and he ended up getting a little over attached to the stupid thing. His name is Dorian. Bc he's a gift.
-Dan's appearance has changed slightly. He wears his hair loose now and it's kinda just this big fiery mane when it's not contained. His cape is more of a cloak now, it has a hood and he wears it sorta pinned together at the shoulder so the DP logo is covered.
-Dan's relationship with the rest of the Danny's is kinda weird, and a little strained. He has a hard time being around them for very long because, well, he used to sort of be them? Except not really? He does care about them tho, and the last thing he'd want is for one of them to end up like him.
-His relationship with clockwork definitely starts out pretty familial, after he becomes his assistant, anyway. There's room for that to develop into meddling minutes but I'm not entirely sure if I'm gonna go that route yet.
-The Danny's only ever hear his voice for a while before he finally let's them meet him for real, so they end up calling him Charlie for a while as a joke. Cause Ya know. Charlie's angels. Even after Charlie still ends up being his designated name on missions.
Mer! Danny:
-Was recruited bc a lot of the shit that gets sucked through natural portals ends up in a body of water somewhere and when that happens he's on call to retrieve it.
-Is Actually not at all ghostly! Mer Danny's situation is basically the plot of H2O (just add water), or if you haven't seen that, Aquamarine. And by that I mean he's only a merfolk in water.
-He's an electric eel
-His Jack and Maddie are marine biologists, with a particular interest in marine cryptids
-We're taking sea monsters baby!!!
-Not entirely sure how this Danny ended up half mer yet but I'll figure it out, lmao.
-14 years old
-His nickname/ designation is "Moray"
Crown Prince! Danny:
-Nickname/designation is Prince / Princey
-16 years old
-Not allowed to go anywhere in the zone without the Fright knight bc of some ancient ghost law bullshit, so he has a constant babysitter.
-He's next in line bc he sealed away Pariah, but can't take the throne until he is both, A) at least 18 years and B) Completely deceased
-Vlad is his Regent bc he did have a part in the whole sealing the previous king thing, but he's also not completely dead so his power is super limited there.
-As Prince Danny has the crown of fire in his ghost form, although now the name is kinda ironic seeing as it's completely frozen over. It's blue now and it smokes like dry ice.
-As Regent, Vlad has the ring of rage for "safe keeping"
-Vlad and Danny are pretty much constantly at each other's throats, fright knights probably had to shut down more than a few of Vlad's attempts to usurp the crown from Danny through combat.
-Princey deals with the timeline issues that involve the ghost zones' internal / political affairs, and he's gotten very well versed with dealing with the Observants.
Winged! Danny :
-15 years old
-Mallard duck wings
-His Vlad is a swan
-Comes from a family of waterfowl, Jack is a goose, and Maddie is a white swan. Both he and jazz are ducks bc of their grandparents.
-As Fenton his wings are white, like jazz, and as phantom they turn black with a green iridescent sheen.
-He's trans
-Nickname/ designation is inviso Bill. Bc ducks have bills haha get it-
-Ghostly wail?? Nah son he's gotta killer QUACK
-Absolute besties with Mer!Danny/ Moray, sometimes they go swimming together after a mission.
Clone! Danny:
-Physically he's a 12-year-old, but he's only been alive for a few months.
-Alt universe where Vlad manages to stabilize the perfect clone with his own DNA.
-Dani still exists, and the original danny from his time line also rescued the other problematic clones.
-Doesnt like the fact that he's a clone, and very much wants them all DEAD. Bc them running around is a reminder that he's not the real danny.
-Human half looks the same aside from the widows peak and the mallen streak. His ghost half takes after plasmius. Blue skin, and the Hazmat kept it's original white colors.
-Probably has fangs and a forked tounge.
-Not so much a member of the squad as he is someone that they need to be keeping an eye on.
-Does NOT get along with them.
-Dan enjoys making him uncomfortable.
-Designation is Masters / the brat (not to his face tho)
Family Breakfast AU! Danny:
-The boy is a fucking overpowered todler okay. He's an 8 year old.
-The biological son of his Vlad, was born a Halfa. Jack, Vlad and Maddie got their shit together and are in a healthy poly relationship.
-Got separated from Vlad one time in the zone and inadvertently adopted by the assistant squad and clockwork.
-His Vlad is aware of the squad and just. Dad's the crap out of the Danny's as a result. It makes for some..... interesting interactions.
-I can't think of a nickname so I'm just gonna be lazy and say he gets to be the one Tru Danny bc cute little kind privileges lmao.
Full ghost! Danny:
-15 years old, will always look 14.
-Nickname/designation is Toast
-Died in the portal accident and got fucking FRIED.
-He always smells like somethings burning.
-He's really bright and sorta sparks a bit, you can see his bones glowing through the hazmat.
-He still leave the zone to protect his version of amity, but lives with clockwork full time.
-Basically show Danny, except phantom planet never happened fuck you
-Joined the crew after the events of de stabilized
-Also he's trans fuck butch
-Franken! Danny
-Yall remember that Headless Danny Au? This is my take.
-Is Actually 20 years old, but physically stuck at age 14. Bc he's a walking corpse :)
-Came from a timeline that was directly parallel to Full ghost! Danny. He dies in the portal accident, but jack and Maddie are in the lab when it happens and manage to sort of bring him back using a combination of science and freaky ghost junk.
-So he's basically possessing/ stuck inside of his own dead body. Which, is thankfully not rotting or going into rigor mortis bc Ectoplasm is rather similar to formaldehyde, but he's not the most durable thing and bits and pieces fall off from time to time.
-Like his head. For example.
-He's pretty desensitized to it at this point and if he loses a leg after a ghost fight he doesn't see anything wrong with sitting down on the curb of a main street to stich it back on. His being dead isn't exactly a secret.
-Don't ever ask him to "give you a hand" bc he can and will not hesitate to pop one off and Chuck it at you.
-Said hand and any other body part will continue to function just fine even if it isn't attached to anything, btw.
-Nickname/ designation is Adam. Bc. Ya know. that's the name Frankenstein's monster gave itself.
Post Phantom Planet! Danny:
-A very jaded 22 year old who is driven only by spite and enough caffeine to kill a horse
-Very, very tired of the hero thing.
-Being a global celebrity isn't all it's cracked up to be.
-Decided to follow Vlads lead and fuck off to space for a while. Partially to get away from everyone and also partially bc he kinda feels responsible for the fact that the only other person like him and probably floating DEAD in the void somewhere? And yeah Vlad fucked up all on his own but what if he'd tried harder to get through to him things could have been different-
-Joins the crew after a natural portal opens up in space and decides to help out and use clockworks resources to try and track down his Vlad.
-Nickname/ Designation is Polaris, aka the north star.
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fictional-lvr · 3 years
Goodnight, Angel-G.W
A/N; y’all plz okay this is kinda bad but plz reblog
warning; smut, no actual sex
You found yourself sitting in a circle in the Burrow, surrounded by your best friends, Ron, George, Fred, and Hermione. Your best friend in the entire world was Hermione, with George being a close second. The only thing that Hermione knew that George didn’t, was how in love you were with the fiery-headed boy, something that Hermione relentlessly teased you about. It was quite late, everyone else had gone to sleep except for your little group, and so the five of you had the `great idea` of playing some dumb game where you either had to truthfully answer a question, or take a shot. So far, all of you were at least buzzed, which probably meant that things would get a lil stupid from now on.
“okay. Y/N,” Ron started, giggling along with Hermione, “who’s the hottest person in the room?” Ron could barely get out the question between his and Hermione's’ snickering. You looked around at everyone in the room, pretending to consider for a moment before you spoke 
“George.” You stated confidently, smirking at George and earning laughs and giggles from everyone in the room, including him. “Okay go go it’s your turn now!” Hermione encouraged, you chuckled at the sight of tipsy Hermione before turning to Fred and George, who were sitting right beside each other. “Alright, so, this question goes to both of you, cause’ you’re like the same person basically, or whatever, anyways you both have to answer” You rambled, the amount of shots you’ve had catching up with you. George took a swig of firewhiskey before smirking at you. “Ask away, darling.” He replied, his voice covered in a mocking tone for your previous answer. “Right. Biggest kink?” You asked casually, watching as Fred choked on his drink, laughing even harder than Ron and Hermione, and as George burst out laughing along with him, throwing you a wink before telling Fred to go first. “Erm- I dunno, I don’t think ‘m really all that kinky, although I’m quite fond of the idea of a girl wearing a collar for me,” Fred admitted, awkwardly clearing his throat by the end of his sentence. “No shame in that, Freddie, it is kinda hot if I’m being honest” You casually stated, comforting Freds’ nerves. “Your turn, Georgie~” You sing-songed, looking at George expectantly. George quickly took a shot and inhaled deeply, earning a chorus of ‘boos’ from everyone else. “Calm down you maniacs, I’m still gonna answer” He said in fake annoyance, waving everyone off. He took another deep breath before speaking, “Well, darling, where would you like me to start?” His eyes were locked with yours as he grinned, leaving you damn-near speechless, you had always had quite the flirty relationship with him, but never to this extent. He chuckled at your flustered appearance, continuing on with his answer. “Dunno really, m’ into a lot of things, believe it or not. But, I guess I’ll just be basic and say dom/sub dynamic.” He stated casually, shrugging his shoulders as if he hadn’t just left you with a million more fantasies.
The game continued a while, until you all decided that it was late, and you definitely shouldn’t get actually drunk in the middle of the night, at the Burrow. You walked up to George and lightly punched his shoulder to get his attention, “What’s up, darling?” He asked, stopping his path to his room and leaning onto the wall to talk to you. You cringed at yourself a little before asking a favor, “I don’t have any clean pajamas, could I borrow a shirt or something?” George raised an eyebrow and flicked his eyes up and down your body before nodding and waving you into his room. You sat down on his bed as you watched him rummage around in his clothes. Finally, he tossed you an old Nirvana shirt, one that definitely looked good on him, and a pair of boxers. “There ya’ go, let me know if that’s uncomfortable or somethin’, and I’ll grab you something else, yeah?” You nodded and smiled at him before slipping into the bathroom to change, you could smell George on his shirt, he smelled of campfire wood and caramel, a scent you had quickly become fond of when you met him. You shook the thoughts of the hopeless-romantic out of your head, before padding back into Georges’ room. “How do I look?” You asked in a sweet tone, twirling around with a giggle. George chuckled before closing his book and looking at you, “small. you look small.” He stated, snickering as you pouted at him. “M’ not small, you’re just weird. Now, hush and let me read with you” You responded, quickly walking over to Georges’ bed before throwing yourself onto it next to him. He laughed as the bounce of his bed caused the book to fall off, you noticed him shifting uncomfortably as he leaned to retrieve it, the sight of you in nothing but his shirt and boxers- well it was enough to create some discomfort, although you sat next to him, entirely oblivious to how you effected the poor boy. 
You rested your head on Georges’ shoulder as he softly read aloud to you, something that he often did to help you sleep, as you always had some trouble falling asleep the first night of a stay at the Burrow. As his smooth voice read the pages to life, you couldn’t help but let your mind wonder, thinking about anything and everything you wished George Weasley would do to you. You were pulled out of your thoughts when you felt a pool of wetness start to form- while you were wearing Georges’ boxers, nonetheless. You shifted a little, trying to subtly rub your thighs together in attempts to relieve the tension. George noticed this exact movement, interrupting himself from his book, “You alright, Bug?” He asked, smiling sweetly at you. Bug, it was a nickname he gave you when you met, because, as he said, ‘you couldn’t even hurt a bug, could you?’. You nodded at him and hummed out a “Mhm”, although, what was supposed to be a hum, came out much more like a squeak than you had intended. “Are you uncomfortable? I could grab a different pair of boxers and throw those in the wash if you’d like-” He could barely get his sentence out before you blurted out a panicked “Uh- no, no, erm, they’re fine, thank you” George raised his eyebrow at you with an amused look on his face, “Alright, m’ gonna keep reading then” He stated, shrugging and continuing on with the story. A couple minutes had gone by and you’d managed to calm down enough to act like your normal self, after having mentally cursed yourself for acting so weird when he asked you if you were alright. “Georgieeee, you’re taking up too much space on the bed” You whined, staring at him with a pout and puppy dog eyes, he playfully rolled his eyes at you before pulling you onto his lap without a word, your back to his chest so you could both still see the book. “Better?” He asked in a teasing voice, you only nodded, not trusting your voice not to betray you again. “Good. now, either go back to your regular room, or quit being a brat and let me continue reading, hm?” His voice was still in that teasing tone, and you wondered if he had any clue at all what his words were doing to you. You felt the wetness caused by his words building between your thighs and into Georges’ boxers, leaving you flushed and flustered. Your lips parted slightly when he casually shifted a bit under you, putting pressure directly onto your clothed heat, and you let out a shaky breath, one that you were convinced George didn’t hear, but, of course, he did, simply writing it off as nothing.
Another few minutes passed by of George reading to you as you were on his lap, moving around seemingly every 30 seconds, but you honestly couldn’t help it, it was impossible to find a comfy position in the state you were in. Eventually, you heard George take in a sharp breath when you shifted in his lap. “Darling, I’m gonna have to ask you to stop moving so much, you’re distracting me from the book, love” His voice came out slightly strained towards the end of his sentence, and you didn’t even think before blurting out, “How come?” George let out a breathy laugh before responding, “Love, I- well, I’m sure you can tell, now please let me help you sleep so that we can forget that this ever happened.” His voice still confident as ever, but with some hint of embarrassment behind it. You mumbled out a shy “sorry”, trying your best to stay still. “No worries, darling. m’ gonna change into something for sleep, okay?” He waited for you to nod before lifting you off his lap, placing you down onto his bed, and walking over to his clothes. You expected him to grab something and go to change in the bathroom, but, much to your surprise, and, lets admit it, pleasure, you watched as George tugged off his shirt and pants before sliding on some plaid pajama pants, something you always had a soft spot for when he would wear them. Damn, this was certainly not helping your predicament. George placed you back onto his lap and continued reading until you were laying back onto his chest, with your head on his shoulder. “I know you’re still not tired yet, love, but it’s late. You can sleep in here with me but I think I’m gonna have to put the book up for tonight.” He told you, putting the book on the floor next to his bed, earning a whine from you. He chuckled, “C’mon, darling, you gotta try to sleep.” He said, rubbing his hand up and down your waist before shifting under you to get into the best position to lift you off of his lap. The way he moved both caused his thigh to run up your inner thigh, and for the fabric of his boxers to graze across your clit. A quiet, almost inaudible, whine, escaped your lips at the feeling. George froze all movement when he heard it, trying his best to keep control over the tent in his pants that you hadn’t yet noticed. Your hands flew to cover your face in utter embarrassment, you felt tears sting your eyes as you slid off of Georges’ lap, too ashamed to even look at him. You felt him move to sit in front of you on the plush bed, gently placing his hands on your shoulders, although you didn’t dare uncover your face. “Bug? Hey, look at me, what’s wrong?” You could hear the sincerity in his voice, but you were just to embarrassed to look at him. “Buggy, it’s alright I- hell I got a semi from you moving around on me” He admitted, the last part coming out as more of a whisper than a statement. You let out a muffled groan of embarrassment, still covering your face and you let your head fall forward in your oblivious soulmates chest. He moved his hands around to your back, holding you in a sweet hug. He giggled quietly, “Aw, darling,” He started, chuckling a bit before continuing, “I know it was just the friction of it, love, it’s alright, I know it doesn’t mean anything” He soothed, gliding his hands up and down your back, trying to ignore the pang in his heart that he felt when he said it meant nothing. You sniffled, shaking your head, feeling more tears rolling down your cheeks. You took a deep breath before pulling away from George, and finally looking him in the eye. Your next words came out so quietly that George almost didn’t hear them, “it wasn’t nothing,” You hung your head in shame, not daring to see Georges’ reaction. He sat there, in front of you, feeling his entire body buzz with joy at your words. Without saying anything, he tilted your chin up and kissed you. Hard. You, of course, kissed back, you swore you could feel every cell in your body on fire in that moment. After only mere seconds, George pulled back, searching your eyes for a reaction before you could speak. 
“I think I’m in love with you. have been since we were kids.”
You stared into his eyes as you spoke, pupils blown, similar to his. You watched as Georges’ lips turned up into a goofy smile, “I’m in love with you” He whispered back, pulling you into a heated kiss. He trailed his hand down, letting it rest on your upper thigh, reveling in the way your breath picked up at his touch. You felt him smirk against your lips before he softly bit down, taking your bottom lip into his teeth, coaxing a whimper from you. He smiled as he released your lip from his teeth, leaning down to whisper in your ear. “You sound so pretty, darling.” Your breath quickened once again at his words, and you rubbed your thighs together, not-so-subtly this time. George gave a deep chuckle, moving his hand between your thighs, centimeters away from where you needed him most. “Georgie please-” You softly whined at him, trying to move your hips to meet his hand, only to have them pinned down by his other hand.  “Be patient, angel” He cooed into your ear, earning a loud whine from you at the petname he chose. He breathed out a laugh, “Don’t you make such pretty sounds when you’re this needy?” He cooed, feeling your hips absent-mindedly trying to roll into his hand. “Now, can you be good and stay quiet for me?” He asked, moving both his hands to cup your cheeks, making you look at him. You nodded, looking at him with pleading eyes. He cocked his head to the side a bit, “Aw, baby, we both know you aren’t stupid. You know I’m gonna need words, doll.” The way he cooed his wishes at you only made you more and more desperate, and you spoke without thinking. “yes sir” You whimpered, not even having time to regret your words before George let out a shaky breath. “Fuck, keep calling me that, right angel?” You grinned at the effect your simple words had on him, you whispered out another “yes sir” before he crashed his lips onto yours, his hands exploring your body as yours snaked around his neck, tugging lightly at his pretty hair, getting a quiet groan from the freckled boy in front of you. You grinned against his lips, him mirroring your actions. His hand slid down to the waistband of his boxers that you were wearing, he started fiddling with the elastic before you pulled away, breathing heavy. “Wait” You spoke, trying to catch your breath. He immediately pulled his hands off of you, placing one on your cheek instead. “What’s the matter, Bug?” He questioned, also trying to catch his breath. “I- uh- I don’t think we should have sex” You nervously blurted out, Georges’ eyes immediately softened and you nodded, “Okay.” He said, nodding at you. You could see in his face how genuine he was- how in love with you he was, you wondered why you never saw that before, perhaps you simply weren’t looking for it. “I’m gonna go grab us some water, alright? You stay here, cool off, I’ll be right back” He told you, giving you a kiss on the forehead once you nodded, padding across the floor into the kitchen. A billion thoughts raced through your head all at once, but you could only fully make out one; “That man is my soulmate” You allowed yourself to fall back onto the bed, smiling widely to yourself. “Here ya’ go, darling, drink.” George whispered, placing a water glass down on the bedside table next to you. You smiled at him, feeling nothing but euphoric love, and took small sips of your water. A few moments of comfortable silence went by as you leaned against George, the both of you cooling down and rehydrating. “I fell in love with you when we were 16″ George softly stated, looking at you with a goofy little smile on his face. You giggled before responding, “rookie numbers. try 14.” Causing you both to laugh, trying not to wake anyone else up. George put down his water glass, before taking yours from your hand and placing it next to his. He pulled you into a hug, of course you had hugged before, but this hug felt different, it felt like home. George sighed contently, pulling you under the covers for the night.
“goodnight, George”
“goodnight, angel, sweet dreams”
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louisdotmp3 · 4 years
well folks, this fic rec has everything - it’s sorted into: trueform cas, human cas, trans dean, dean character studies, endverse, weednatural, and the extremely exclusive list of au’s that i actually like.  (there’s a lot of human cas in here.)  i tried to make this consist mostly of stuff that at least i haven’t seen rec’d often, so hopefully u’ll find something new!  but ofc there’s some classics in here.
some descriptions i’ve kept from the ao3 description (those are in quotes) and for other’s i’ve written my own (not in quotes).
trueform cas
the reach of human sense by perilously (E, 4.5k)
cas is feeling weird about dean never having seen his true form and then they work it out so can and dean enacts praise kink on cas
Then I am, yes, the Bible that teaches you of freedom by orphan (E, 17k)
“Well. The Apocalypse was one thing. Thousand-foot-tall multi-limbed horror-angels smashing up the planet was something totally different...” or, cas is in an earthly approximation of his true form and they’re well and truly into the apocalypse, but also there’s some trueform grace sex
Yield by Gemmiel (E, 2.5k) (and it’s first part Merge)
dean and cas explore angel sex and merging cas’ grace and dean’s soul
human cas
Stories Are Made of Mistakes by wildhoneypie (T, 4.9k)
“In which Cas is human and doesn't understand basic concepts like: clothing, Mythbusters, moisturizer, and Greek food. Dean is...Dean and doesn't understand basic concepts like: boyfriends, language, how to tell your friend that he's a walking miracle, and when not to quip.”
Snippets by saltyfeathers (Not Rated, 6.4k)
season 8, cas is human, cas is depressed.
More Than Ever by Sass_Master (E, 20k) from the Dream of Now series
cas decides to become human and dean is an unbearable asshole about it because he’s a man with abandonment and self-worth issues and never learned how to process an emotion.  (it has a happy ending.)  and also the rest of the works in the series are very worth it - but especially these:
Learning to Live by Sass_Master (E, 15k) from the Dream of Now series
explores dean’s internalized homophobia (and cas’ lack of it)
A Given Thing by Sass_Master (E, 20k) from the Dream of Now series
explores dean and cas navigating their way through d/s dynamics with purpose for the first time
Après by imogenbyknight (E, 24k)
set after the end of s8, cas falls to earth in france, and dean comes to paris to get him.  (cas gets to wear a sweater.)
the taste of gravel in the mouth by deathbanjo (E, 22k)
“This is what Cas gave up Heaven for: greasy diner food, shitty motel rooms with even shittier cable, long car rides spent in complete silence except for the same six tapes playing over and over again, and a burnt-out husk of a man who can barely hold a conversation anymore.”
trans dean
No one ever wants to say by marshmallowfluff (M, 58k, incomplete)
canon reimagining with trans dean up until 2.01 written by a trans author.  first chapter is john’s pov, second chapter is sam’s pov.  i cannot recommend this one enough !!  when i imagine what sam and dean’s childhood was like, this is the first fic that comes to mind.
on vessels by flightsofangels (Not Rated, 1.9k)
head in my hands this fic has everything - trans dean, cas loving dean like worship, like dean is god, cas wanting to possess dean as the only way he can process his feelings,,,
dean character studies
Formal and Shining and Complete by pollutedstar (T, 3.2k)
dean and his intelligence, and how he and his intelligence is perceived and treated by other people
Blessed Are Those Who Hunger by pollutedstar (T, 3.6k)
dean and his complicated relationship with food
we’ll find a new home by sleepyvan (G, 7.8k)
“After Cas comes home, Dean starts cooking like crazy. He thinks he might be compensating for something.”
Epilogue by Jayne L (E, 27k)
endverse cas gets sent back in time to 2009
to think that we could stay the same by cipherwriter (T, 6.5k)
“cas has all he needs; himself, his creation, and enough power to continue this cycle for a long time. he's fine. dean wants to take care of him anyway.“ or, the bedlund cockroach fic
you and me in the war of the end times by stickthelanding (E, 4.8k)
dean and cas and weed over the years (yes cas does start growing weed in the bunker)
untitled by tumblr user perlukafarinn (nsfw, 433)
AU where dean and cas are both hunters who occasionally work together and also hook up
ex-angel of grass and group sex by @goodbi-bitch (M, 3.3k)
thee endverse shotgunning fic
Departure Strategy by  choranaptyxic and emmbrancsxx0 (E, 39k)
“Castiel works for the Departure Network, a semi-legal organization dealing in assisted suicides for the terminally ill. When he’s put on Mary Winchester’s case, he meets Dean and Sam. Dean hates Mary’s decision to follow through with the plan and, by extension, hates Castiel. But, as the two get to know each other, something begins to grow between them, and Castiel finds himself breaking the first rule of his job: Don’t get attached.“
Four Letter Word For Intercourse by bendingsignpost
i probably wouldn’t have read this if everyone hadn’t gone through a phase of being obsessed with it but it is actually that good.  i mean it’s both dean getting therapized via phone sex and also a uni au, what’s not to like?
if u have any recs that might fit in these categories......send them over pls & thank u
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dreaminpetals · 4 years
Can you do Idv Andrew relationships Hcs, maybe add nsfw if it's not too hard. thank you so much also I love your writing style :))
⏳ Andrew Relationship HCs . . .
Tumblr media
SFW ;;
♡ when andrew first arrived at the manor, everyone welcomed him pretty well but nobody ever went out of their way to make him feel welcome
♡ except for you
♡ you'd always make sure he had something to eat, an umbrella for the sun, and would help him walk if he felt dizzy or couldn't see very well
♡ he couldn't understand why a stranger was being so kind to a monster like him
♡ he was so enamoured with you, it was like you had put a spell on him
♡ thank goodness his shaggy hair covers so much of his face because every time your hands touched when you handed him a snack he'd blush furiously
♡ when you shared an umbrella with him, he was squirming so hard from how happy you made him and how new this feeling was.. you noticed he was walking weird and thought it was due to his condition, not that he was trying to stop himself from bouncing like a puppy every time he walked with you
♡ before the sound of footsteps shook him to his core, now he associates them with you approaching him to tell him about your latest match and he gets 🦋🦋🦋
♡ andrew is a religious man, so he figured you were an angel sent to watch over him
♡ you laughed when he referred to you as an angel but secretly... you didn't mind the name
♡ whatever you were, he felt blessed by your presence and unworthy of your kindness
♡ when he asked why you never degraded him for his condition, you explained that the timeline you were from before reaching the manor is about a hundred years ahead of his so you knew all about albinism, you even had classmates with it
♡ he stared at you in awe and sniffed back tears, thinking about how people like him were able to attend school and make friends
♡ you held his hand when you noticed him battling the urge to cry
♡ he'd never felt such warmth before
♡ andrew was the kindest, most gentle man you've ever met and it felt like daggers to your heart when he told you about how he was tormented his whole life
♡ that was when you kissed him and whispered, cupping his cheek and staring lovingly into his eyes, "it's okay andrew, they're all gone now, we all love you here... i love you,"
♡ he nearly fell off the bench the two of you were sitting on
♡ hearing those words, feeling your warm lips on his icy chapped ones;;;; he pinched his wrist under the assumption he was dreaming
♡ "this can't be real, if it is... she has to be deceiving me... nobody could ever..." poor andrew didn't know he was speaking out loud
♡ you hushed him and pulled him close to you, so close he could feel the heat radiating off your body, and planted a kiss on the crown of his head. "andrew... please don't say that. it's okay if you don't feel the same, but... i want to be yours,"
♡ he stiffened up in your arms and nodded profusely
♡ he was tongue tied, especially when it came to the word love. he's never loved or been loved before this
♡ love was a scary word for him but his nodding told you that he felt the same way, he was happy, he was warm, he wanted more kisses, he wanted you, he loved you
♡ the two of you laid there while you rubbed his back and whispered words of endearment into his ear, he was completely relaxed for the first time in his life
♡ luca and victor passed by you two and victor promptly slipped a coin into luca's pocket
♡ "told ya they were gonna get together eventually," luca snickered before whistling at you two, mortifying you in the process
♡ your relationship is the softest thing ever
♡ andrew loves to hear about the future
♡ even if he's completely lost when you describe video games to him, he cherishes being able to hear you speak about what you're passionate about
♡ plenty of nights he falls asleep to you reading aloud to him, andrew loves to snuggle up to you and nod off to a bedtime story told by his love
♡ he's a very attentive lover, always picking up on what you like and what you don't
♡ dating is a brand new concept to him so there's lots of explanations you have to give, it's all worth it though. andrew is like a puppy around you, he's sooo so so happy and in love
♡ he sometimes feels insecure about holding your hand, especially in the winter, due to how cold he is but you told him he made you feel so warm inside that it cancelled out
♡ that's how you make andrew so flustered he has to hide his face in his hands 101
♡ he's ripped from digging graves all day long and can give you piggyback rides
♡ you beg him to run around with you in his arms but he always refuses, he doesn't wanna drop you
♡ doesn't matter, getting picked up by him and hearing both of you laugh in sync while your legs wiggle in the air is the best part anyways
♡ speaking of his laugh
♡ he'll laugh at whatever joke you tell him, whether he understands it or not
♡ he loves you call you angel, sweetheart, honey, dear... especially like, my dear sweet wonderful y/n the light of my life my angel from above - he thinks the more petnames he stacks, the more love he conveys for you. it gets ridiculous at times
♡ you two never fight and can agree on pretty much everything
♡ the second somebody in the manor makes a joke about you two getting married, he seriously considers it and goes searching for rings
♡ he wants to be with you for the rest of his life 🥺
♡ if you thought andrew was inexperienced in relationships, just wait till you want to take things to the next level with him
♡ i feel like he'd know what sex is but only because he was told not to do it before marriage and he knows that it makes babies, he has no idea people do it out of love
♡ he's so affection starved that he gets horny when you do the smallest things
♡ he'd never dare to speak on it though
♡ your clothes dip to reveal your chest or ass and he feels something down there, but he doesn't know what to do about it and feels humiliated
♡ he thinks he's being cursed, he's been too lucky and too happy for far too long
♡ the final straw is when he accidentally opens the door while you're getting changed and he catches a glimpse of your naked body
♡ he's reduced to a trembling mess who can't do anything but palm himself through his cassock
♡ that's when you have to explain to him that he's just horny and there's nothing wrong with sex, even if you aren't married
♡ you emphasize that you'd love to do it with him and you've wanted to for a long time
♡ he trusts you but he's so embarrassed he doesn't know where to start
♡ you start off by slowly undressing him and running your hands all over his body, kissing every scar and praising him endlessly
♡ he's shaking and dripping so much precum with every word of endearment, he's waited so long for this to happen
♡ you sit in his lap and stare into his eyes and he cums before you even get to his lower half
♡ he can't sit up straight and clings to you for support, he's never had any sort of sexual action before and this poor guy is way too sensitive
♡ showing his body to you was scary but with the way you tenderly kissed him and drew circles on his skin with nothing but pure adoration, he realized maybe he wasn't so ugly after all
♡ your first time with him lasts hours and he proposes to you seconds after pulling out because he wants to do that with you everyday from now on without feeling guilty
♡ nobody thought he would have such a high sex drive but he's like a rabbit, he always wants to touch you and make you feel good
♡ he can't initiate things but you can tell by the way he squirms and eyes you when you walk in the room that he's about to explode
♡ those years of isolation did something to him
♡ his favourite activity is when you give him handjobs because he's scared of hurting you somehow, paradise for him is sitting in bed together while you pump his cock and kiss him gently
♡ his hands and fingers are HUGE and super calloused so the friction feels like heaven when he gets the guts to touch you
♡ not to mention his dick is like the eiffel tower, he needs to learn how to use it bcos it is biiig
♡ he's so addicted to the noises and faces you make when you cum, you truly are an angel to him
♡ he loves to go slow and savour every moment, but right before he cums his carnal side comes out and he's like an animal
♡ he goes from soft cries to straight up growling
♡ something unexpected he loves is bath sex
♡ the two of you covered in bubbles in a warm bath getting each other off makes him so happy, especially when you're back from a particularly gruesome match
♡ he'll be extra soft if you have any injuries
♡ andrew is willing to try anything that you want, even if he thinks he won't like it, he wants to make his darling happy
♡ he doesn't like when you bury your face in a pillow or try to hide from him, he wants to see your body in all its glory and worship it like you do his
♡ his moans can get so loud that your neighbours victor and luca have to smack the wall to tell you to quiet down in there
♡ which is pretty unfair since they aren't any quieter either :/
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nagirambles · 2 years
Yes! I adore the relationship between the Oracion Seis! And I really wish it got more focus. On the one hand, whilst I appreciate Mashima keeping the Seis as sort of consistent characters through the series, it also makes me really mad they barely ever get their own scenes, especially once they join Crime Sorciere- Cobra gets scenes, barely, because of being a dragon slayer, and Angel got some stuff with Yukino, but what about Hoteye and his brother? Or Racer, and the fact he apparently had his own guild he cared about personally? Even anything deeper regarding Midnight and his relationship with Brain after Brain's death. I know there’s already so much going on in the series, but man, couldn’t we afford a filler arc or even one of those side mangas like Gajeel's road warriors or Laxus' thunder god for the Oracion seis, to discuss their relationship and traumas more closely? I'm obviously biased, but, IMO, they’re definitely the Original Balam Alliance antagonists who had the most potential/Interesting character set ups.
(I am also choosing to ignore the Key of starry skies arc, because it’s been ages since I've seen it, and from memory, I Did Not Enjoy it for the most part anyways. Why is Kinana a pretty girl now, why couldn’t she stay a snake, that’s weird as hell, Mashima)
Ahh, sorry this took so long to reply to! And yesss, the O6 were so unfortunately wasted as familial bond potential! They’re never relevant except for Cobra, honestly. We don’t get scenes of just any of the others, except for Angel for the Yukino plot, and even that is really small. I found the Angel-Yukino scene underwhelming too, because she had this touching declaration of wanting to be better, yet the next time we see them they don’t show any genuine growth except ‘oh, we’re perfect sisters now!’ Mashima, that is not development, that is forgetfulness. 
I am incredibly sad that we never see a Richard-Wally reunion that does these dramatic dummies any justice. 
Honestly, about Racer, I wonder if we could have had a subplot about that guild. That guild (Harpyja, spelling confusing) clearly said they were loyal to Racer specifically, not just the O6. I wish we could have seen Racer have a plot about trying to clear their names, too, and that’s why he’s in Crime Sorciere. 
Honestly Midnight is the biggest waste of potential in that group! He is so hyped up in Nirvana arc only to just be the defacto O6 leader (that doesn’t lead!!!) because he was never the leader, Cobra was. 
I wish we saw more of them. I suppose I’m also biased, but perhaps the opinion of them being more well-developed than the Tartaros gang comes from our connection to them in TOH (though it’s brief), the fact that Mashima handled a very manageable six instead of the overwhelming dozen in Tartaros and Alvarez. We saw each of the O6, explored how they fought, their motivations, and we genuinely felt sad when Cobra lost. And then we followed them up on little things, like Angel meeting Yukino again. We were led to care about them even as antagonists, while the other group antagonists didn’t have the opportunity due to lack of narrative space. 
I am also ignoring Key of Starry Heavens. 
Though, I do love the idea of Cobra getting more depth with Kinana, and I loved how he pretended not to know her after realizing who she was. I feel Kinana turning into a human could have been much better handled if they stayed what they were-- best friends that surpass species, an amnesiac and a man that just wants the best for his friend by keeping her from his crimes. Also Kinana should have kept her ability to transform into a poison snake and then fought alongside him when the time came.
As cute as Cobra/Kinana is, it’s so weird that he’s dating his pet snake. Mashima made them get to that point in offscreen interactions, too, which doesn’t sell the relationship at all. What did Cobra even feel about realizing his friend was human this whole time? Someone else (Natsu) should have stepped in to address this, because he, too, has a non-human partner that he trusts with everything.
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dreamties · 4 years
Slashers x S/O W/ Red Angel Wings
A/n- Y’know, when I first got this request I thought it was awfully specific, but after watching Carrie it’s making a lot more sense lol 
Decided to add a few other characters just for the heck of it! :)
Let’s just ignore the fact that wings probably don’t work like this,, at all. 
Characters: Carrie White, Billy/Stu, Norman Bates, Michael Myers, and The Lost Boys.
T/W: None that I know of- just let me know if you’d like me to add any! :)
Carrie White
You know Carrie from around school. About her overtly Christian mother, and how shy and secluded she was. And how strange and weird other people saw her. You never bought into that schoolwide belief- you just thought no one took the time to get to know her. 
(part of you related to that- though most people would have thought you were cool to start out with...and then have less than kind reactions when they saw what you were hiding)
You’d interacted with Carrie only a handful of times throughout your high school career- mostly in group projects, or letting her know she had dropped something, or simply trying to spark conversation. She had always been very nervous around you though- almost more so than others. (You’d later come to find out it was because she liked you)
It’s the first time you see each other alone- outside of class. It’s after class and Carrie’s been held behind- by one of her teachers asking her about this and that. While you’re hanging out at the back of the school, there’s no sports that day, so you don’t have to worry about any onlookers. Except Carrie, who decides to head out the back way. Thinking there would be less people she’d run into- less of a hassle.
And she doesn’t know what to do. 
The way you're framed in the light, you look like you're glowing. You look unreal, and so holy and beautiful. You’re so beautiful. but then she spots your wings. They're fitted tightly on your back, flitting open, and spreading out so beautifully- you're standing centered as they flare out. And she's shocked and unsure.
 Oh, she'd be mighty frightened.
 She's shaking and crying, and she's got her mama's voice running through her head. This is what happens when you don't follow the rules exactly. When you come into this world so impure.
And oh, your wings! She let's out a gasp, eyes widening. They're colored crimson- the Devil's color. And she's sure you've come down from the Heavens or- or come from down below...come to mock her. To punish her
She knows you know what she's done. What unknowing sins she's committed. [ my poor girl hasn’t actually done anything though :( ]
 And you look at her, confused. Then your eyes soften, and your wings slowly close behind you. You gently smile, “I’m not here to harm you, Carrie.”  
She begins to calm at the soft sound of your voice, and your pleasant aura. She’s still shaky all over, and part her says to run and hide- but you have your arms out wide, offering her to join you. And she gulps down nervously- maybe this was her accepting her fate. She slowly walks over to you, allowing you to wrap her into a hug. It’s feels so good to have your arms wrapped around her- she feels overwhelmed by the amount of positive emotions sprouting from your actions. You let her stay there, crying in your arms. “It’s okay, Carrie.”
After she gets passed the initial meeting, and the two of you start dating- which takes a lot of time for her to get used to you. Not because she doesn’t think you seem like a good person, but she’s skeptical, given how people have treated her in the past- plus she’s still dealing with the after effects from all the religious abuse with her mother :( 
She starts associating you (and your wings) as almost...protection!
Her favorite thing is to have your wings wrapped around her as she sleeps. She feels safe in them.
Billy Loomis + Stu Macher
Y’all meet at a Halloween party.
It’s Billy & Stu’s favorite holiday, and they always go all out for it! With the costumes, the decorations, etc- maybe even a bit of hidden bloody fun for just the two of them.
You’ve always kept your wings well hidden- folded against your back, underneath big coats. But tonight? Ohh, tonight! You’re able to have them out, allowing them a good stretch. When people ask, you can pass it off as just crazy good mechanisms.
And well, the boys see your “costume”, and they get wicked excited about it! They’ve never seen someone with a costume like this before- it’s so realistic! And the fact you chose blood red, over the standard angelic white? Very impressed by your talent and ideas.
They start asking all these questions about it, cause it’s like, legitimately one of the coolest costume they’ve ever seen. How can you not think giant wings- that move- aren’t cool?? 
But then like Stu excitedly asks if it would be okay to touch it- and you get oddly quiet after that one. “Well, they’re fragile, y’know?”
Stu pouts, “I can be careful.”
You give him a skeptical look, “I mean- just be careful, like you said.”
“Woah, they feel so real!” Oh, if he only knew. “Billy, ya gotta check this out!” He says, nearly shouting, as he nudges his shorter friend.
Billy rolls his eyes, but gives you a look to see if it’s alright. You simply nod, smiling at him- feeling more at ease. As Billy’s admiring them, and finally leans in to touch them- another guest at the party harshly bumps into you. The force of it accidentally knocking their drink out of their hands, drenching your shirt. 
“Aw shit,” you mumble to yourself. “I’m sorry, I’ll have to leave for the night.”
Stu frowns, not liking the idea of you leaving quite yet. He’d been enjoying your company quite a lot, and he’s certain that Billy did too (even if it didn’t seem like it). “You can borrow one of my shirts,” he all but blurts out.
You can’t help but laugh at his offer, “Are you sure?” Stu eagerly nods.
 You’re in Stu’s bedroom changing, and you’re about to slip on his sweater, when the door is knocked open (not on purpose, of course). “Dude!”
They quickly apologize, but then take notice of your wings- exposed as what they truly were. They stare in awe and bewilderment. You’re still freaked out, and yet still try joking your way out of the situation. “Just, really good prosthetics?” 
It takes a bit of explanation on your part, but the boys accept you for what you are pretty quickly. As strange as this all might be. Stu will have a lot of questions for you, and Billy’s somewhat unsure of it for a while. 
Established Relationship Fun:
Okay, okay!! Soft idea!! When cuddling, sometimes you’ll wrap your giant wings around the three of you. so warm and cuddly.
when watching horror movies together, Billy’s always intensely focused on the screen(almost scarily so- but then again this is one of the faces behind Ghostface we’re talking about so...not too surprising), to the blood and carnage. But he always finds his hand idly playing with your feathers, even if you have them closed behind you. He’d never admit it, but he finds them comforting and extremely calming. He can just forget about all his little problems, and just stroke your feathers (plus, you enjoy it when he does that!! And he likes that it makes you feel good!!)
Norman Bates 
You’d be really nervous at first to tell him, because early on in your friendship/relationship, he introduced you to his hobby- taxidermy. And it kind of scared you seeing your feathered friends in such a state. But...Norman would never harm you. 
(Now...his mother on the other hand? Would be more than willing to discard this freak of nature)
(Norman won’t let that happen to you though- he promises) 
Norman is such an absolute darling. He couldn’t judge a single soul for who or what they are- and yes, that does go for your winged-body, too.
He’d be extremely surprised and intrigued though- he’d be all blushy and happy though that you felt safe enough to tell him!
He finds your wings just absolutely gorgeous though.
He’ll often get sorta shy about handling your wings at all. But he’s very careful with them.
And if you get hurt, he’ll be more than glad to help you patch up (while also being upset you got hurt :( ) - since you can’t really,, go to hospitals at all. Who knows what the general public would do if they found out something like you existed.
On that note- Norman will always be there to help cheer you up when you feel bad about having them. Like, it’s gotta be strange being the only being with wings surrounded by humans- and only humans. Norman’s very good at cheering you up though! He’s very soft and sweet about it. One of the few times he’ll touch your wings. He treats them delicately, as if they’ll break upon his touch if he’s not careful enough. Presses gentle kisses to them, and reminding you how much he loves you.
Michael Myers
You meet Michael during one of his hunts.
You never bring out your wings, unless you absolutely have to.
He’s surprised and a bit confused when he sees you, standing in the streets, giant red wings splayed out. The street lights reflecting your wings into pools of red on the ground. He watches intently, as you push yourself into the air with a loud whoosh. He nearly startles.
But besides this initial reaction, he’s fairly indifferent.
Michael knows no human should have wings like that, or even wings at all. And part of him is curious to know more, so the next time he sees you, he doesn’t try to attack you.
The Fun Stuff??
Michael would definitely be a little rougher with your wings than some of the other slashers. 
Mostly because a part of him recognizes you’re not entirely human, so he equates that to you’ll be able to handle more.
He’s still pretty careful though- because he would never want to hurt his S/O.
Michael enjoys killing alone, and he sure doesn’t need protection- but sometimes, when you convince Michael to bring you along, he finds he doesn’t actually mind your presence there. He kind of enjoys it. And, again, he doesn’t need your protection- but you can’t help to be worried about him, okay? You’ll use your wings as a shield when his victims try fighting back. If you get hurt a bit? Then I guess Michael will just have to help you patch up afterwards.
The Lost Boys
Aww, they are so hyped about it!
Most of the other creatures they interact with are human, so it’s so cool to them when they find out you’re a fellow supernatural being! They’re not,,, entirely sure what you are (neither are you, tbh), but that’s okay.
They get to fly around with you, which they wouldn’t be able to do with you if their S/O was a human or some flightless supernatural being.
Paul would love playing with your wings!
I mean, they all do to some extent. But Paul will play with them whenever. Even if you’re out in public. Like,, if anyone sees your wings they have ways of dealing with that, y’know?
Y’all sleep in the same bed together- kind of just like,, a constant cuddle pile lol. And you don’t always do this, but when the boys are feeling especially in the mood for it (like,, maybe they’ve had a long night, or they just really need to be as close to you as they can)  and you’ll just outstretch your wings, covering the four of them. The soft, familiarity of your feathers calming even the rowdiest of the bunch
They accidentally stay out too late, and you’ll use your wings to help shade them from the sun, as you make your way back to the cave.
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