#They sound like my octet. :)
ofoceansandtombsanew · 2 months
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cw. f!reader (afab), canon divergent, manga spoilers, established relationship, dissociation, canon-typical violence, non-linear storytelling
pairing. makima x reader
notes. part of the man is a blazing star universe so i would give the two previous fics a read before diving into this one as it is key to understanding everything here. in a way, orihime 「織姫」 is a love letter to what was originally a duology so i hope old readers enjoy spotting the references! i had a lot of fun experimenting with detailing, when not to use it and even when only relying on only dialogue to carry a scene and i hope the payoff works in my favor.
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Dawn is a time of day you appreciate more when you don’t have work.
While you ordinarily complained how the hours in those days vanished before you could enjoy them, dawn has always been the exception. Your early mornings have always moved slower compared to the rest. It’s a slow, quiet whisper you value fully, especially now as you enjoy the sound of the waves as you walk your assorted mix of pets on the beach. You’re sure the two of you look like quite the pair with your seven dogs on their leashes and one of your two cats in a leashed harness.
Makima is a woman bathed in the light of dawn. 
You release a sigh of satisfaction, watching your girlfriend go ahead of you as your dogs stretch their legs.
It’s in how the morning rays dapple her form in near perfect circles. In the hues of her pale carmine hair that cascades across her bare skin. It’s even in the gold of her eyes, much like the yellow sun that peeks through the horizon.
It’s strange to think that this time two years ago, Makima had been a colleague you couldn’t stand to be around. Now you’ve willingly allowed a string of fate the exact shade as her hair to bind you both in the most irrevocable of ways.
“I won’t use my power on you, in exchange, we have to stay together forever. We’ll eat a lot together, sleep together, and live a happy life together.”
The contract of a lifetime ー marriage in its own right.
Gone are the days of patrols, weapons and putting your life on the line to ensure the safety of the general populace.
How peculiar this entire journey has been.
You will never pretend your reasons for joining the Bureau were pure of heart; you’d never dreamed of glory or protecting others.
For Makima, you’d gladly put your entire being on the line.
It goes against the nature of the Control Devil to have equal relationships.
Makima has one with you.
Moral ambiguities be damned. I believe in you. It’s a vow you know you will take to your grave as you watch your lover pause, wondering what has caught her excitable dogs’ eyes. Bagheera’s crooked tail tip twitches in interest, bounding forward with clumsy footsteps and you chuckle as you increase your pace so the cat can see it too. Tora, on the other hand, is comfortable in her backpack carrier. This is how mornings are done in your family. “What’s got the troublesome octet so excited?”
“They’ve found a crab,” her voice is amused and mellifluous. Crab sounds like a wonderful idea for dinner and you’re sure she has the same idea when you hear dulcet giggles slip from her person. Like a child, Makima turns to face you with her lips stretched into a delighted smile.
It’s then that carmine suddenly becomes jet and there’s a mole underneath her left eye that wasn’t there before.
“[First], I want crab for dinner!” Nayuta beams brightly.
“Damn you have expensive taste,” you tease in spite of your stupor. Right. Those memories aren’t mine.
The dogs you walk remain but all but two of five of them are different from the seven you could have sworn were with you just a moment ago. Bagheera isn’t with you either, succumbing to his health issues years ago when you were still a child. All that remains of the cats you adopted is Tora, an old lady you left at home to snore on the couch with the Power's new kitten.
“Have ‘em,” Himeno told you shortly after you moved in with her in the quiet town of Shonai. “They were yours anyway. Oh, but Meowy’s always been Power’s.”
The ringed eyes are the only part of Nayuta that is the same as the woman from your memories. The eyes and the braid you know she'll twist her hair into later.
You wish the image of that woman would disappear.
Thankfully Nayuta is seemingly unaware of your dilemma. “I’ll get some in a few checks,” you promise and you receive an impish grin in return. You smile instinctively, your earlier troubles assuaged.
It’s a magic only Nayuta possesses.
The magic is disturbed when one of the dogs yelps in pain and Nayuta guffaws at the display of a small crab latched onto its nose.
You wonder if you had grown up surrounded by humans if you would find her reaction unsettling. As one raised among devils and fiends, however, Nayuta’s reaction is only standard even as she yanks the crab away with ease and tosses it into a returning wave. “That’ll teach you not to play with crabs,” Nayuta laughter subsides into chuckles as she pets the pup’s head.
You love the dawn.
How the wind runs its invisible fingers through Nayuta's hair much like a musician strumming the strings of a harp.
How the light of the sun crests Nayuta's head much like a halo although you're sure the god of such beings will likely you spurn you for the comparison. How ironic that a devil is the closest comparison you have to the opposing pole.
When it’s like this, it’s easy to pretend you and Nayuta are the last ones on earth on this beach.
There are no devil hunters, no other humans and there are no other devils either.
You digress that the truth of your reality is fine, however.
You work 6 out of 7 days in a week at a local convenience store all the while Nayuta pursues a degree through online courses at Tohoku University. Himeno goes to the pub once or twice every other week to indulge in the non-alcoholic beverages her sister allows her to drink. Even Power somehow manages a steady job helping Ichika sell the vegetables she grows in the garden. A well-placed hat and even a Fiend can blend in to some extent.
Work is limited for a Fiend in hiding from the government.
Everything is limited when it’s the Control Devil remaining out of the government’s sight.
“Do you ever wish you could actually go on campus?”
“Not particularly.”
Nayuta’s never really been a people person though, so you suppose it truly doesn’t matter to her whether she can physically attend Tohoku or not. So you subsequently deduce that she likely won’t care that she’ll be limited to working remotely for the rest of her life either.
Nayuta fingers dug into the back of your shirt, body tense. Her abilities required she believe one was lesser than her for her to order them, that was impossible when you were both scared out of your wits cornered with nowhere to go.
The woman kept an eye on you both, weapon drawn in one hand, phone in the other. “I found the C-”
Unwittingly, your mind drifts back to the red-haired woman as you watch the loose strands of Nayuta’s hair dance in the wind. Makima.
You don’t know much about the previous incarnation of the Control Devil save for what tidbits you allowed Himeno and Kishibe to tell you. Himeno did her best to sugarcoat it but blunt as Kishibe was, you know for certain that Makima wasn’t the kindest individual.
“ー kept her on a tight leash when she was alive,” the drunkard raised his flask to his lips for the tenth time in the three minutes. Every fiber of your being burns with a hatred for a man that isn’t wholly your own at the comment. “But even with that leash, she was a ticking time bomb. So keep this one on a leash that’s even tighter. Otherwise, she’ll turn out like Makima again.”
Makima is Makima, Nayuta is Nayuta.
ー is ー, you’re you.
“Hey, Nayuta, pick a country,” you call for the one you love. The one you love. The proof is when she turns and Nayuta is all that remains. You don't hate Makima. You don’t think it’s possible to hate any incarnation of the Control Devil. But Makima is who ー loved and their sun had long since fallen. “One that doesn’t have a devil hunting association in it.”
“Seychelles,” Nayuta doesn’t miss a beat, grinning the devilish grin you adore all the while. “We still need to have our honeymoon.”
A dirty sheet turned into a veil rests on jet black hair while you recited your on-the-fly vows.
“Yeah,” you chuff as you rest your hands in your pocket. “I owe you one, huh?”
A honeymoon and the whole wedding too.
“What’s this new job of yours again?”
“I got a gig cashiering the next town over,” you pinch the green collar of your uniform as a physical display of your employment. 
Himeno’s one eye closes as she hums thoughtfully into her mug, “what about your job at the konbini?” Her smile is as plastered as wet cement.
“It doesn’t pay as much,” you shrug. It isn’t the first time Himeno has made some sort of stir about your sudden change in employment, it likely won’t be the last. “If I’m gonna get paid to kiss ass all day, I at least wanna get paid more than chump change.”
“You make chump change as a cashier no matter where you work,” you choose to ignore Himeno’s comment. When her sister’s sharp stare of disapproval lands on the former devil hunter, you know the conversation will be dropped for now. Thanks, Ichika.
Ichika smiles kindly, always a touch too gentle and understanding. It’s easy to appreciate the woman’s soft-hearted nature. “Well, I for one, am glad you have a pay raise even if it’s somewhere else,” the dark-haired woman tells you. “We both are,” her soft blue eyes dare her sister to disagree with her sentiments. Himeno is smart enough not to voice against them. Gentle as Ichika is, Himeno will always crumble at the threat of her anger. “What time will you be home? We should eat something special to celebrate!”
“Crab sound good this weekend?” At your suggestion, Nayuta perks with interest for the first time since breakfast began. You bump your knees together lightly. With what you’ll be making now, you can afford to buy her crab every night. “I can pick some up before I head back after my last shift of the week.”
On the other side of the table, Power is just as interested in the suggestion. “Crab,” the horned woman inquires with a fiendish grin. “Finally something worthy of my taste buds! Servant,” the Blood Fiend’s strawberry-colored locks whip around in her excitement. It’s only barely doused by the unamused look Himeno shoots in her direction. Barely. “Human,” an improvement. “Make a crab dish for us!”
Ichika takes Power’s demands in stride, “I think crab would be a nice treat. Don’t you?”
Matching blue gazes share a quiet conversation before Himeno relents with a tired smile, “I guess crab isn’t that bad an idea.”
Power guffaws with prideful glee as Nayuta’s expression twists into impish satisfaction. Her few-weeks-old dream of crab will finally be fulfilled. A peaceful glow washes over you as you take in the sight of her drinking miso soup from a finely polished bowl.
Himeno’s house is a far cry from the abandoned building you both once called home.
The wooden floor is clean, not dirtied from even filthier shoes and haphazardly drawn images made with sharp rocks used as chalk. In this house, you have three meals a day. The limit to what you can take is no longer reduced to only what you’re able to carry.
It’s a life you always dreamed you’d one day share.
Although admittedly you never accounted for the additional humanoid bodies living in it. 
“Well, I gotta get goin’,” you slurp the last of your black tea before wiping your lips with the back of your hand. “See you guys later,” you stack your dishes neatly atop one another, waving off Ichika’s attempt to take them from you. “See you later,” you tell Nayuta warmly, pressing your lips against hers for only a  moment to spare yourself from feeling one of Power’s dirty napkins hitting your shoulder. “Have a good day at school.”
“Call me for lunch,” to the untrained ear, it’s a demand. To one as experienced as yourself in the language of Nayuta, it’s a request.
It’s an uncannily peaceful morning for a household of humans, fiends and devils. One that religious zealots would lose their minds over. 
On an ordinary morning you yearn for the comfort of your and Nayuta’s bed and letting the hours roll by as you embark on your quest for work. This time, your stomach twists with discomfort as you hit the freeway.
It’s nearly an ordinary morning.
As you promptly pass the exit that actually would have led to the town next door, you know the last chance for ‘ordinary’ has sailed. The nearly three hours long drive it takes to get to Sendai is long enough for you to stew in your guilt. You park inconspicuously near the woodsy outskirts of the city, thumbs resting on the steering wheel.
It’s too late to turn back now, you remind yourself. I’m doing this for us.
Two adult passports.
Permanent Residency.
You’d never be able to save for it all with the chump change you’d been making at the local konbini. Nor would Nayuta ever be able to live a free life under the restrictions placed on you by those who took you in. There is no major country in the world Nayuta can be free in.
Nayuta had been a stranger, once upon a time. A stranger who never existed in your conscience and whose life you never perceived.
Then your eyes met and you experienced the birth of a universe.
You’ll gladly put your entire being on the line.
“Do you want to protect Nayuta?” Your grip tightens for a moment longer before finally reaching for the duffle bag you hid underneath the passenger seat.
“Well yeah, obviously.”
“Then follow two rules. Stay away from major cities and don’t join the Public Safety Devil Hunters.”
You've technically broken only one of Kishibe’s rules.
Your parents used to take the first day of school very seriously.
It was always a momentous time when you went up a grade level. Photos were snapped constantly and after the first day ended successfully, there’d always be some sort of celebratory dinner. When you saw Ichika tearfully take in yours and Nayuta’s uniforms, you can tell things in this household were going to go the same way.
“The two of you are starting to become young women,” she smiled sappily, polaroid camera already in hand. “It feels like it was only yesterday you two came here and now you’re already going to school! You’re both so beautiful!”
Nayuta certainly was, you wanted to say. Her chin-length black hair now stretched to the upper middle of her back, framing her gold-colored eyes perfectly. But that would only make Ichika gush further about how you both were equally gorgeous like a proud mother.
You’d have thought you and Nayuta were infants when you were brought to this house with how Ichika coo’d and aww’d. Except the two of you were already thirteen when you’d come to the Nagano household and a year later, the school term had been going on for a few months. It had been unclear if you’d be starting high school or being held back. Donned in the dark brown uniform of Higashi Middle School, you knew the answer.
Even Power had on a uniform, refusing to be left out of the celebrations.
“That’s right, our little women,” Himeno laughed, holding an energy drink like it was a beer can. “Smile for the camera!”
You were able to turn the corners of your lips into a smile but, if anything, Nayuta’s scowl only deepened.
“Nayuta,” Himeno sighed in frustration. “I know you’re upset that you and [First] are in different classes but we’ve been through this. It’ll be good for you. Ichika,” she looked to her sister for support, blue eyes pleading. “back me up on this.”
Nagano Younger placed the camera down with an empathetic smile, “don’t you want to make friends?”
Ringed yellow eyes practically glowed as Nayuta sharply looked at the woman, “what do we need friends for? All [First] needs is me.”
The Nagano sisters shared a look that was a mixture of concern and exasperation. The primary debate of the weekend had finally reared its ugly head just before you were due to leave. Before either of them could say anything to placate their youngest ward, however, Power's manic laughter filled the air. When she had her fill of amusement, she rubbed the bottom of her nose as her laughs faded into chuckles. “The Great Power was once this immature,” Once? “Nayuta!” She points a sharp nail in the direction of the only other non-human in the house. “Stop behaving like a child! You’re reflecting poorly on my teachings!”
“Bark like a dog.”
Power dropped on all fours and barked the moment the demand left Nayuta’s mouth. The actual dogs in the house went into an excited frenzy, barking alongside with her.
“What did I tell you about taking your powers out on people because you’re upset,” all hints of playfulness left Himeno’s body in favor of displeasure. “Nayuta,” she placed her energy drink on the table at the young devil’s silence. Ichika sighed quietly, placing her camera down before she quietly turned to the kitchen.
“The two of you need to learn how to interact with people. Outside of the house,” the former devil hunter took a glance at the barking fiend. When she sighed, you knew Himeno likely thought that even the interactions within the house needed some work. “Now hurry up and turn Power back.” Nayuta directed her gaze to the nearest window instead. “Nayuta, I’m not asking.”
“Just wait a moment,” Ichika’s lark-like voice rang from where she went about her business. Hurriedly, she arrived with two bowls of ice cream in hand. With her sharp sense of smell, it captured Nayuta’s attention immediately and she held out her hands expectantly. “Don’t you have something you need to do first, young lady?”
Nayuta blinked, seemingly confused as she followed her gaze to where Power crawled on the floor. In the blink of an eye, the barking stopped. “Thank you,” Ichika nodded in satisfaction before she finally handed you both a bowl each, winking at you knowingly.
Power returned to her feet, cheeks hot with anger but whatever she was going to say, she stopped in her tracks the moment you held the bowl of ice cream Ichika gave you directly under her nose. It only took a beat before the Blood Fiend grinned, lifting the bowl as if it's her newest kill. “Gahahaha! I suppose I can accept your humble offerings,” you snorted quietly at the display. If anyone was the child in this house, it was her.
Himeno threaded her fingers through gray and navy blue hair with a whiny sigh, “everyone in this house wants me to age, Ichika. And we can’t just use ice cream to bribe her into behaving! Why does she get ice cream if I don’t get to keep beer!”
“Because your doctor said to either quit or be placed on a liver transplant list so you’d have a head start,” Himeno withered under her sister’s less-than-amused glare. “And I hope you savor that energy drink. Remember what we agreed on - one can per month.”
“And it’s always the smallest size possible,” Himeno grumbled, looking much like a child herself. If you hadn’t known who the older sister was, you would have assumed otherwise. “And low in sugar so it tastes absolutely disgusting.”
Ichika ignored the jab, knowing her sister would drink the disgusting low-sugar drink regardless. “Nayuta,” she began thoughtfully. “I know how important it was for you that you and [First] be in the same class. But there are going to be times when you have to interact with other people and we want you to be able to navigate those times with ease. There are going to be more opportunities for you both to be in the same class, we just want you to be okay with times where you aren’t.” When Ichika looked to you for assistance, Nayuta’s golden gaze turned to you as well.
We can socialize and be in the same class at the same time, can’t we? Truthfully, you hadn’t been thrilled with the class assignments either. It had been you against the world before you met Nayuta when you were left alone on the streets of Beijing. Not knowing what would happen to you with your parents gone, school didn’t seem all too important. You think you might have liked school, you truthfully can’t remember. You even had friends, good friends. You couldn’t seem to remember their faces either. Too much had happened to hold onto those memories.
The last time you’d been in school, you were seven.
It took a fair bit of home study for you and Nayuta to be ready for even middle school. If you had to go to school again, you wanted it to be by each other’s side. The school administration had different thoughts, it seemed. But underneath Ichika’s hopeful eyes, you couldn’t bring yourself to spurn her goodwill. You liked Ichika, she was kind. “If we’re in different classes, we can go on dates for lunch. And I can walk you to class each day, like in the movies.”
It’s only when she heard those words that Nayuta looked even remotely enthused about your separation.
“See?” Ichika’s smile widened in her appreciation.
“Alright,” Nayuta leaned against you, not entirely pleased but no longer entirely upset.
It was a solid victory as far as Ichika was concerned.
The rest of the morning went smoothly. Nayuta and Power indulged in their ice cream and when they were finished, Ichika indulged in getting her celebratory photo. Power held her peace sign while yours and Nayuta’s arms were linked tightly. Lunches packed and promises of an extravagant dinner made, the two of you finally left home hand in hand.
“I know damn well that a Fish Devil costs more than that,” you scowl at your employer. “I didn’t drive over two hours to Sendai for you to stiff me on the price. I’ll take this to Yamaguchi if I have to.” That’s the problem with these underground devil hunting jobs. If someone wants to short change you, they will short change you. It’s been five months since you’ve begun your dealings with Nishida and the oaf never ceases trying to pull the wool over your eyes.
“Come on now, [Last],” the slimy businessman raises his hands as if placating a child. He looks more like a Pimp Named Slickback with his crinkled purple suit than someone who works in devil hunting. You suppose one working under the table can’t complain. “We’re old friends, aren’t we?”
“Tell me that when we’ve known each other for a decade,” you point your gloved finger against the desk two, three, four times. Each thudding strongly against the tabletop rattling the bloody axe you’ve placed on it. “550,000 yen. I don’t want even a decimal less.”
Nishida’s lips curl in dismay, “have I ever told you that you’re a real bitch to work with?”
You’ll continue to be one until you’ve gathered all you could, “acknowledgement from the queen of bitches is a real honor. I want my check.”
He rolls his eyes and calls you a few more choice swears under his breath, but he finally complies in writing a check with the correct amount. If you had been anyone else, perhaps Nishida could have paid you the 230,000 yen without issue. Perhaps you’d have even considered that a steal. Your training under Kishibe and Himeno taught you more about pricing devils than you were prepared to admit.
What are the ethics to killing devils when you are dating one?
You decide to follow the devil code of ethics. Kill or be killed, it’s that simple.
It’s never been a question if Nayuta would spurn you for such acts if she were to ever learn of them. It’s the fact you know Nayuta would follow you to Sendai in a heartbeat.
“I found the C-”
You will never bring those unfinished words to reality.
Carefully you remove the gloves on your hands to even more carefully extract your wallet from the ziplock bag you keep it in, placing your check within its pockets. Then you tuck it all away once more before donning a clean pair of gloves instead.
“Ugh, I’m getting hot just looking at you,” Nishida groans, eying you as if you were equal parts insane and excessive. You wonder if he’ll ever get used to the lengths you go to make sure no trace of blood and the smells of other devils touch your person. You don’t even put your axe in the car, it hasn’t been there since it had been a new purchase. No, you keep the rusting thing right here in Nishida’s crappy building in Sendai’s slums.
Trying to hide something from Nayuta’s nose is like trying to rob a bank blindfolded. “I told you already, I don’t want the blood getting on me. Killing devils is gross,” you wave the man off. Five months you’ve been doing this and you haven’t slipped up yet. Your ritual is the same each time ー before you start hunting, you dress in what is practically a glorified hazmat suit. Once work is done, you take it all off with gloves covering your hands and dump it in the trash.”
“It just seems like a lot of hassle,” Nishida scratches the back of his head, nonplussed. “If this ever gets in the way of your job, don’t come crying to me.”
“This coming from the man who doesn’t do the hunting himself is crazy,” you click your tongue in unsurprised annoyance. If it means keeping your proclivities a secret from the house, you’ll wear the hazmats again and again. “I’m not coming in tomorrow, I have a date with my girlfriend. Something you know nothing about. Well, you did. Until about a month ago, right?”
The look on Nishida’s face almost makes you feel better about his attempt to scam you. Almost. “Just go home before I decide to take my offers of employment elsewhere!”
You chortle with pleasure as you finally exit his dusty office.
When you arrive home, the wind must have blown your scent through the door or a cracked window because you walk into Makima’s arms the moment you pass through the door. “Welcome home, [First],” Makima greets you adoringly, red tresses brushing against your jaw. Her arms are as warm as her voice, wrapped around you as loose as one called the Control Devil will allow.
It’s instinctive, how quickly you return the embrace. “That professor finally off your ass?” Strange. Since when has Makima been a student?
Nayuta pulls away from you slightly, just enough to look you in the eye as you converse. Nayuta is the student, you remember. Business management is what she studies. “I don’t know why he-” Nayuta blinks as she takes all of your visuals in. “[First], what’s wrong?”
Your smile falters, “it’s nothing, I’m just tired.” Tired of the memories that don’t belong to you. “Management just really loves working their best employee.” You’re happy tonight is Himeno and Ichika’s pub night where they never drink alcohol but do engage in the card games with the locals. Himeno’s been trying to catch in the midst of a lie you’re sure no one can detect. 
“Want me to talk to them then?” Nayuta is too quick to offer her services. I’m earning more than enough now. “I’ll get you a manager’s salary too.”
“Nah,” you shake your head. “I just want it to be tomorrow for our date already.” You’ll be dying silk scarves in town and then you’ll head to a restaurant. If it weren’t for the restrictive life forced upon you by the world you live in, maybe the two of you would live somewhere more exciting. Somewhere with more than enough novelties for you to gawk at in awe.
Nayuta snorts at your dramatic lament, “you’re so cheesy.”
“You’re the cheesy one,” you blow a raspberry against the juncture between her jaw and neck and Nayuta squeals immediately.
“Gahahaha!” Nayuta ducks away and you giggle in return. She’s always been a bit ticklish, you’re simply the one lucky enough to do so without repercussions.
“I know ways to make tomorrow come much faster,” Power’s snark cuts through your flirting like a dull knife. The Blood Fiend rarely ever sits still unless it is mealtime or she is watching something thrilling enough. The evening news normally is usually not something that makes Power lay down in the middle of the living room floor on a throw pillow yet here she is. "Being stricken with blunt force guarantees many hours to pass you unknowingly.'
You raise an eyebrow at Power’s unwarranted attitude, “what’s got you in such a shitty mood?” 
“They mentioned the Chainsaw Devil on the news earlier,” Nayuta recounts as if telling you the weather report. She looks over her shoulder at where Power lays coolly. “It’s the anniversary of when the Bomb and Chainsaw Devils showed up in Tokyo.” Right, I forgot. They only showed up once however many years ago and still the news would cover it like it could happen again at any moment. You secretly believe Hayakawa Power hopes for the same. You never met Hayakawa Denji, you only heard the stories. He sounded like an even bigger handful than Power.
Power is all that remains from everyone who once claimed the Hayakawa name as their own.
“Don’t mention that name in front of me!” Power snarls without looking in your direction. She doesn’t move to change the channel regardless.
“Pitiful,” Nayuta comments but her grip around you tightens in spite of it as she rests her ear against your chest.
You open one too many bags of popcorn while Nayuta puts on one of the Inazuma Eleven DVDs Power got on her birthday last year. The five dogs excitedly run around the house to the sound of Power obnoxiously singing "Stand up! Stand up! We love football!" Tora is content to rest on your lap and Meowy the Second takes off with her second popcorn kernel.
To wait this long for someone who ran away and never looked back is pitiful.
A Power who isn’t living up to her proudly chosen name is even more so.
You breathe in the scent of Nayuta’s shampoo as she rests her head on your shoulder. It really is too damn pitiful.
“You ever wonder why there are devils but no angels?”
One of Nayuta’s classmates’ words piqued your interest from the other side of the room. Nayuta’s eyes followed yours in vague interest at the students piled in the corner. The only one you personally recognized was Yamada Moe, your class’ president. True to your word, you were on a date for lunch.
As much of a date it could be at school, anyway.
Everyday the lunch hour reared its delicious head, you’d make your way to Nayuta’s class to eat with her. “I mean, think about it. If devils are physical manifestations of the things we fear, why are there no physical manifestations of the things we love? Like, there are plenty of people who love snakes. So why’s there no Snake Angel?”
“A Chicken Angel would be pretty damn powerful then,” a different girl, likely the class clown, chirped. “But would angels be biblically accurate?” Her eyebrows move mischievously at her suggestions.
“Don’t say that,” Moe covered her mouth with her hand as she giggled. Her deep dark brown hair, the color of charred wood, is pulled back into a ponytail and her green eyes sparkled at the thought. “I’d love to see a Hamster Angel then.”
“Or even a Mermaid Angel! That would be so pretty!”
“Mermaids aren’t real, Rika.”
“Neither are zombies but there’s still a Zombie Devil,” ‘Rika’ sputtered in her defense, cheeks pink. “Everyone’s afraid of zombies and everyone loves mermaids, so both would exist by that logic!”
You considered their words with a silent hum. Himeno said she met an Angel Devil once, I think. I wonder how strong he is.
“ー and Makima had promised me to protect him if anything ever came out about him but, well,” Himeno trailed off before vaguely gesturing towards you. You remembered the discomfort of it even as the woman brushed it off with a warm palm placed on your head. “It’s fine though. Kishibe’s given me no updates concerning him and in our business, that’s a good thing. That twerp is doing just fine.”
If an Angel Devil is the manifestation of humanity’s fear of angels, you wondered what a Devil Angel would be like.
“Rika, Tomoko,” Nayuta placed her chopsticks atop her empty lunch box before resting her cheek on her hand. “Give me your desserts,” she yawned. Beneath the table, her legs twined with yours.
“Sure thing, Nayuta,” Rika beamed, holding up a pudding cup enthusiastically.
Tomoko nodded, looking relieved, “my mom packed me too many things anyway.”
Moe glowered in your direction.
It was almost reminiscent of the times you were both street urchins and Nayuta used her powers to ensure you’d be able to eat that day. The only difference is, as Tomoko and Rika walk the moderate distance to your half of the room, that you no longer are that desperate to eat. Nayuta smiled when she saw, among their treats, was an anpan roll with roasted black sesame seeds. Sweets were the secret to this young girl’s heart, all hints of disinterest washed away. Cute. “It’s one of your favorites, [First],” enthusiastically she opened the packaging before raising it to your lips. “Does it taste good?”
You relished the mixture of bread, sesame and adzuki beans on your tongue, “yeah, this is pretty nice.” You looked over at the unsuspecting girls who are too happy to help. Too happy and unaware of the reality of the situation. “Thanks.”
“It’s no problem,” Rika brushed off your gratitude with a dispassionate wave of her hand. “What kind of angels would you guys be excited to see? Mermaid Angels would be pretty cool, right?”
You shrugged, not wanting to reveal your inherent bias, “I can’t really imagine what an angel would be like. We’ve never seen one.” 
“I just think if we had angels, they would be the ones fighting devils,” Tomoko sighed wistfully, light years away from where you were gathered in class 3-C. “Love is the strongest thing in the world, right?”
“The power of love is cheesy,” Nayuta scoffed.
The three of you ー Tomoko, Rika and yourself ー shared a look of varying degrees of disbelief.
“Since you find it so cheesy, maybe you can finally stop blocking the halls when you makeout and cuddle in the hallway,” Moe rolled her eyes from where she still sat, nose scrunched in equal measures of disgust. Her eyes held your own with a look of annoyance and you couldn’t hold back a snort.
“We are pretty annoying, huh,” you snickered, winking at how Nayuta was still holding the pastry near your lips. Laughter of agreement followed your admission from those sprinkled across the room save for two individuals. If Nayuta had been someone else, perhaps she would have withered under the scathing eyes of class 3-A’s president. Because she wasn't someone else, though, she met the glare with her own. “Even the Love Devil would hate us,” you bit into the roll once again, stealing Nayuta’s attention.
“The Love Devil is probably ugly anyway,” Nayuta replied with a petulant smirk.
Lunch continued without further hiccups, much to your relief. The desserts were eaten and the desks were back in place and it was time for you to head back to class. Nayuta still wasn’t entirely pleased at your class assignments, but she got better about it the following months. The ‘dates’ and walks had kept her placated.
“Thanks for that, [First],” Himeno sighed gratefully when Nayuta was in the bath after your celebratory dinner. “When are kids supposed to stop having temper tantrums? We really don’t need her having one at school. You have to be her anchor.”
You’d have done that even if Himeno didn’t want it. “I’ll pick you up after class,” you told Nayuta unnecessarily but you knew she liked the reassurance. You’d always come back for her even if there was distance standing in the way of that.
“You can make out with Nagano later,” Moe scoffed as she walked past you to room 3-A.
Nayuta glared over your shoulder at the brunette, “she’s ugly.”
“I do gotta get to class though,” you sighed heavily, throwing an arm over Nayuta's shoulder. She returned the gesture with both arms thrown around you. “My adoring fans in 3-A await me.”
“You don’t need your adoring fans when you have me,” Nayuta hugged you tighter and you don’t find yourself disagreeing.
You tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear, “that’s pretty true. Those guys mean nothing. You’re my number one.” Gold eyes looked at you like you were a dream before you had to turn around.
“Why do you even like her?” Moe scoffed as you caught up lazily. “She’s awful.”
“She’s cute,” your lips curled at the waves of irritation directed at you further. 
Moe’s expression contorted into one of disgust at your answer, storming ahead of you. “People like you disgust me. You’re bullies.” We still sit next to each other so you’re not really doing anything, you know. Knowing it would be pointless telling the girl that, you looked over your shoulder to wave at Nayuta one last time before ducking into class. 
“At least pretend to pay attention,” a quiet whisper from your right caught your attention. You shrugged, unbothered. You’ve withstood more terrifying things. Whatever you failed to do, that only seemed to upset the class president even further. “Follow along with the text before the teacher calls on you.”
“I forgot my textbook,” you whispered back, directing your eyes forward.
“You didn’t think to ask someone to look at theirs?” Moe asked incredulously.
You thumbed in the direction of the empty desk to your left. Kinomiya wasn’t there to mooch off of that day. “And it isn’t like you like me, or anything. I’ll just get the notes from someone else.”
“Unlike you, I’m a good person,” Moe muttered, raising her desk just enough that it wouldn’t make a sound as she pressed it against yours. “I’d have shared if you asked.”
“There are no good or bad people, just good or bad actions,” you countered her belief with one of your own. There aren’t even any devils that are purely bad. They only become bad to you because they killed someone you care about. Or because they destroyed something you considered precious. But if there was a devil that killed other devils and rescued people, you’d say they were good.
This philosophy could be applied even to angels.
Angels would only be considered good if they did help humanity fight against devils. If there were angels in an unseen place known as Heaven, they definitely didn’t feel called to fight against the apparent wicked. They didn’t feel called to defend the apparent helpless humans of Earth. And by that definition, that would make them bad creatures. Angels would be bad to you. “And if you have to say you’re a good person, you’re probably not as good as you think you are.” Moe gasped, brow furrowed in her offense as you leaned closer to read the page. “Thanks.”
She couldn’t have made it more apparent how much she hated you with how quickly she separated her desk from yours at the end of the day. You shrugged, not particularly bothered by the reaction.
Some people never meshed with each other and that was that.
Moe hated you and you were indifferent to her existence.
You initially believed Nayuta’s thoughts were the same as yours until she started wiping your arm as if it were filthy after school.
“You stink,” Nayuta’s nose scrunched in obvious displeasure, rubbing your arm as if she could scrub the smell of Yamada Moe away. Even now you were in awe of how strong her sense of smell was; Moe hadn’t even been wearing perfume. “Why do you smell like her?” If she meant to be intimidating in her glare, she failed before she could even try. Her furrowed brow was more cute than nerve racking. 
“I forgot my textbook so we had to share,” you recalled the glares and looks of dismay. “She was not happy about it. I think Bags was lying on it so I didn’t see it when we were leaving.” You’d simply remember to check your book bag more thoroughly tomorrow morning. When you were a sizable distance from campus, you recalled the earlier discussion from lunch. “What did you think about all that angel talk at lunch today?”
“That humans are dumb,” as if realizing how that sounded, Nayuta pressed against you as you walked down the path apologetically. “99% of them.”
“You can say it, a lot of humans are dumb,” hands still woven together, you side step away just long enough to playfully tug Nayuta against. Power’s characteristic ‘gahahaha’s slip from Nayuta’s lips again, you aren’t sure when she started unconsciously mimicking her. It’s cute though. “Angels are just angels, even if they did exist. And it wouldn’t be like there’s a guarantee they’d want to just help humans either.”
“That’s because humans are arrogant,” Nayuta didn’t hold back her criticism with her concerns of offending you assuaged. “And they want to control the nature of everything. Fish swim, plants photosynthesize. Hurting is fine for devils.” 
You chuckled at her choice of words, “I’d be the Pride Devil.” You took ownership of the inherent arrogance you possessed as a human of this good year. 
“You’d be the [First] Devil,” Nayuta argued head tossed back joyously at the thought, giggling all the while.
“I don’t think enough people hate me for that to happen,” you chortled as you swung your hands back and forth. “Class Prez might, though. Maybe I should watch out. What if a [First] Devil does show up, am I gonna be replaced?”
Nayuta snorted affectionately, gold eyes bright like the sun, “you’re so dumb.”
A peaceful silence fell over you both and you released a satisfied breath. You wanted moments like this to last forever. “One day,” you looked at the orange-red sky above. “I’m gonna get old. At least, if I don’t die before then. But whatever ends up happening, we’re gonna be different,” you promised before Nayuta could protest what you’d begun to announce. “We’re not like them.”
ー and Makima’s time was too short; you’d heard that enough times since living with the Naganos.
That wasn’t going to be you and Nayuta.
“We’re not gonna be like them,” you promised, squeezing her hand tightly. “We’re gonna live forever.”
When was it when the image of Makima began to haunt you like a ghost?
You remember now, it had been in October of your first and last year of middle school when Nayuta finally started braiding her hair. You’d been fine that morning up until she came to the kitchen and you dropped the jar of pickled radishes, quietly sobbing until you caught a fever.
“Do you hate my hair being like this?” Nayuta asked in the quiet of the room you shared. It’s large and spacious, fit for three people. You never understood why the third bed in the room was kept when Nayuta never slept in any bed that wasn’t your own. The dogs and cats got a kick out of it, at the very least. So did Power who was shuffling about in the kitchen, banging pots and pans.
“I think it’s pretty. You’re pretty no matter how you do your hair.”
“I found a picture of the old me in Himeno’s room. The old us. She had her hair like this in all of Himeno’s memories too.”
“You used your powers on Himeno?”
“When she took a nap the other day. I wanted,” Nayuta trailed off, arms wrapped around her knees and eyes downcast. You were too hot to cuddle but she sat on the floor by your side anyway. “I wanted to know what the old me was like. Himeno didn’t like her very much. She liked the old you better. She liked that Aki person more though.”
Power’s Aki, you recalled from the photos  in a photo album Ichika made for Power’s birthday. “Himeno likes you though. I told you before, we’re not ー and Makima. It doesn’t matter if she didn’t like her.” Maybe Himeno had a thing against redheads.
“She thinks it sometimes. I can tell.”
I know.
“The old man said I was selfish when he met us.”
“I like that you’re selfish. We both get to be selfish at this point. Do you know how long we were in that dump?” You shared a laugh at the memory of the dump in question. The mattress was old as sin, rock hard and the blankets you owned couldn’t keep crickets out let alone the cold. “I miss robbing that one guy with the dolphin apron. He made the best dumplings. Wish we could have found the secret formula so we could still make them.”
“Humans can be dumb but the food is really good,” Nayuta’s lips turned upright.
You shift a bit so you can lay on your side, facing her more clearly, “do you remember what it was like in Hell?”
Nayuta shook her head, braid dancing to the motion. “Only little bits and pieces, but it’s blurry,” she disclosed, words soft. “I only remember wanting to leave soon.”
“When I was a kid, I always thought I was missing something,” you hold out your hand and Nayuta’s fingers slip into your own. You never knew another hand could be this warm, not even when your parents were alive. You don’t think you’d truly been warm until you met the girl who changed everything. You wanted to hold onto this life; hold it for as long as you could. You disavowed that there’d be a day you’d stop being you and Nayuta stopped being Nayuta and the new versions of you would run into the dawn hand in hand. You and Nayuta would live forever. “I’m really happy that I found you.”
Any sentimentality in the room was immediately blown away by the sound of Power kicking open the door.
“We have a doorknob, Power,” you groaned. Then you caught a whiff of the smell of broth, chicken and vegetables and raised yourself into a sitting position. Taking note of your realization, the strawberry-haired fiend puffed out her chest proudly as she presented the tray to you. The bowl was filled to the brim with soup, sloshing over the lip as she stepped forward and the crackers were worse for wear because of it. “You cooked?”
“Homemade! Straight from the can!” Power placed the tray on your lap, hands resting on her hips. “You humans are fragile creatures, so I decided to grant you my assistance.”
You had to purse your lips together to prevent yourself from laughing. “You know what, thanks, Power,” you let the fiend have her moment. Her homemade straight-from-the-can soup smelled pretty damn good.
“Ichika, are you dating anyone?”
“What brought that on so suddenly?”
You shrug from where you sit at the kitchen table. “Because you never go anywhere unless it’s the farmer’s market,” you point out deftly. Work and home, that’s all either Nagano sister seems to have time for, save for the occasional pub night. No one in this house has much of a social life when you ponder it for more than two seconds. “We were kids before but it’s not like you don’t have a life now.” 
“You’re all still kids to me,” Ichika’s laugh is light and playful, like she’s daring you to protest otherwise.
“Power might be,” you lean back in your chair with a quiet snort. “She’s always been a handful.”
It’s rare for the house to be this quiet between the dogs and Power. The former are on a walk with Nayuta and the latter tagged along with Himeno to the market. Power has a child-like nature you doubt will ever fade. If something happens to Ichika and Himeno, what’s going to happen to Power?
“I recall all three of you being handfuls,” Ichika continues washing away at a plate with a laugh. “I’m not sure how you remember it but you and Nayuta had your moments too.” You remember your last first day of middle school and how Nayuta turned Power into a dog. You can recall many instances of Power falling prey to Nayuta’s power, truthfully. Himeno hated it. “Well, you had the least amount of tantrums, so I suppose I can give you that.”
You snort, lips curling in amusement, “name one tantrum I had.”
“I distinctly recall the time you were upset Himeno ate your leftovers.”
“That was different,” you cross your arms resolutely. “I counted everything I had left and put the numbers on the box!” If Power has a child-like nature, Himeno is a permanent child at heart. “I told her if she wanted something, to let me know. But she didn’t! She just wanted to mooch off my plate!” How many times has she put me through this? She hasn’t changed since I quit working at the Bureau.
“Himeno, I’m getting something to eat. What do you want?”
“It’s okay, I’m not hungry.”
“Himeno,” you eyed the woman with your lips pressed together and eyes narrowed. “I’m getting something to eat. What. Do you want?”
“Nothing, ー, geez! I’m not even hungry!”
“Liar, because I know damn well the moment I get back you’re going to want whatever I’m having! You know what, at this point, get your ass up. We’re leaving.”
“Wow,” Himeno held a hand against her chest, mockingly crushed. “This is how little you trust your best friend? I thought we had something special.”
“I trust you as much as I trust Nanaka not to poison me the first chance she gets,” you’d only been working for Japan’s Public Safety Devil Hunters for a month and the brunette still hated you. Apparently the transgressions of being assigned the partner of her beloved Makima was too heavy a crime. “I think I saw a new Italian place open up by the convenience store ran by that Brazilian couple I told you about.”
“Are you alright, dear?” You rub your forehead as if the motion will chase away ー’s memories with a vengeance.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” I never worked at the Bureau, you remind yourself. And I don’t want to. I’m no hero. That was ー’s desire. You only desire that which is most simple. “But you never answered my question. We’re not kids anymore.”
Ichika sets aside her wet rubber gloves on the drying rack, wiping the remnants of moisture onto her apron. “You don’t have to worry about me, [First]. I’ve never been the social butterfly, my sister’s always been the brave one.” You wonder what memories Ichika recalls as she takes a seat in her usual spot across the table. “That’s why she became a devil hunter. But even when we were in school, she got along with everybody.”
“You said you were in the tea ceremony club, right?”
She perks up in pleasant surprise, “that’s right! I’m surprised you remember!” The summer before you started high school, Ichika pulled out their old yearbooks from when they were students. “It feels like just yesterday both of you were in high school.”
“It basically was just yesterday.” It hadn’t been long at all since graduation and your classmates flocked out of Shonai to various major cities across the country. Everyone but the two of you. “High school was… better than middle school.”
“That it was,” you know from the slight frown on Ichika’s face she is remembering exactly how much of a mess your time at Higashi Middle School had been. So much so you transferred to Kitahoro Middle halfway through attendance. “It was hard for the two of you.”
“[Last]?” A voice that twinkles like a bell calls for you. “[Full name] is that you?”
It’s a little past lunch that Saturday afternoon and the day is sleepy for both humans and devils. You hadn’t seen so much as even a trace of devil activity, deciding to have an early lunch after tossing your weapon of choice underneath a dumpster in a back alley.
You turn around at the sound of your name, fearful it is Himeno who has found you.
Thankfully, this person is Himeno’s opposite in every way.
Their eyes are green instead of blue and their hair is a dark brown instead of navy.
I know this person.
“Oh, Class Prez,” you blink in realization. Yamada Moe, in the flesh. “It’s been a while.”
On a school day like any other it announced that Kiritani Tomoko had been killed by a devil. Rare as that was in a small town like Shonai, everyone had been shaken up. 
“How ironic,” you heard the whispers from the adults around you. “It was the Rooster Devil. How ironic when her family raises chickens. Even here in Shonai, devils are everywhere.”
Adults who in the same breath greet Power and Nayuta with warmth whenever they are seen walking down the street.
Tomoko’s death is unfortunate but you won’t pretend it was something that impacted you personally. To the president of 3-A, Yamada Moe, it was an unforgivable blow. You didn’t see her during lunch in 3-C, nor did she come back from lunch despite leaving her bookbag and pen on her desk.
“Rika’s not here, either,” Nayuta told you when you pointed out the empty desk.
You aren’t saddened by the death of Kiritani Tomoko but you know of a death you couldn’t recover from.
So you don’t fight it when your teacher tells you to find where Moe has slipped away to and you don’t drag her back from the ponytail when you find her crying on the rooftop either. “Hey,” you closed the door behind you.
“Just go away,” Moe shuddered, holding herself tighter. “Why are you even here?”
“Hori-sensei wanted me to come find you.”
Moe raises her head with hot anger, eyes red and weary, “like you suddenly care about being a good student.”
“I told you before, didn’t I?” You plopped on the ground in spite of Moe’s protests, hands resting on your lap. The autumn wind is comforting against your skin and the rolling clouds are fluffy. An unsuspecting day to learn someone from school died. “I don’t believe in good or bad people. People just do good or bad things. But I get it,” you shrugged lackadaisically. “Nayuta does a lot of bad things. It isn’t like I’m a saint either, we’ve done plenty of bad. If that makes us bad people to you, that’s fine. But I get what it’s like to lose people too.
“My parents were good ones. But some asshole hit them with their car when I was seven and I was stuck on my own until I was thirteen,” what would have happened to you next if you had left things to the authorities around you? You’re unsure. At seven years old, running away seemed like the best option at the time. No princes would be coming to save you so you became your own prince. “Devils. Cops. Figuring out what to eat. The other people out on the streets could be the worst too. I got into a lot of fights back then.” All to lie in a building the government had yet to demolish. “I thought the world ended. Or at least my place in it had. If I never met Nayuta, I’m not sure how much longer I could have kept going like that.”
Spotting movement to your left, you looked to Moe and your eyes caught one another.
Red as her eyes were, they were wide at your confession with her mouth slightly ajar. “It’s corny but when she’s here, I feel like I can do anything.” Survive on the streets for months or even fight devil hunters that were planning to kill you before you could blink. “So she gets to do awful things. Nayuta can do the most awful things in the world. She’s perfect.” She’d been perfect the moment you met her. “So I can’t say much about being sad about Tomoko, because I didn’t know her like that. But I know how it feels to lose someone and I know what it’s like to be terrified it’ll happen again. So for what it’s worth, I’m sorry about your friend.”
“Sorry,” Moe murmured. "Thank you."
“You don’t have anything to apologize for, you’re the one upset.”
“Aren’t you supposed to make me go back to class?”
“I’ll just tell Teach I got lost or something,” you yawned. “It’s none of his business.”
“You’re actually a good person, aren’t you?” Moe sniffled, resting her forehead against her knees. “You just pretend to be mean.”
“Good people don’t exist,” you sang, watching the clouds roll by. “Now mean, that I can be.”
“Now you’re being stubborn,” Moe muttered under her breath, sniffing again. “You’re good. It’s just being with Nagano Nayuta makes you act like a jerk.”
“It’s fine, you don’t have to like her,” you close your eyes with a light smile. “The less people realizing all her positive sides, the more Nayuta there is for me.”
“I don’t know how you stomach being around her,” you shrugged. “She’s like poison. The two of you together doesn’t feel right. She doesn’t feel right.
You open one eye, “what do you mean?”
“It’s just a feeling I get,” Moe explained vaguely, twisting her hands together anxiously.
“Nayuta, don’t use your powers at school for a while.”
“Why not?”
“I found the C-” “Yamada thinks there’s something off about you and everyone else is still on edge about that last devil attack. So it’ll be better to lay low until everything calms down.”
“Who’s that?”
“My class’ president. You know her, you think she’s ugly.”
“... Do you like her?”
“She’s alright, I guess. She’s just a classmate.”
“What about me?”
“You’re everything.”
Nayuta leapt onto your back in her satisfaction, legs wrapped tightly around your waist. “I’ll leave the humans at school alone then.”
“Don’t use them no matter what, alright? We can just get extra snacks on the way home from school or something.”
“I won’t.”
“You cut your hair, it looks good!”
“Thanks,” Moe plays with a lock of curly hair, boyishly short. It suits her rather nicely. You look freer. “It’s surprising seeing you here. What are you…?” She glances quickly at the hazmat-style onesie you’ve dressed yourself in, plastic visor raised above your head.
“Got a janitorial job and I’m taking no chances,” you lean against the cold bench lazily. “I never mocked a janitor before but I damn sure am never going to now. Those guys are the unsung heroes of our society.”
“Janitori-” Moe snorts in her shock, looking like you’ve grown two heads. “I always figured you’d become a philosophy teacher considering how you were back in middle school”
“Nayuta’s signed up for classes but I’m taking a couple years off to save,” what you plan on majoring in when the time comes is unknown even to you. Perhaps Moe is onto something with philosophy. “We can’t mooch off our benefactors forever.” What’s going to happen to Power if anything happens to Himeno and Ichika, you find yourself pondering once again. A third passport shouldn’t be that hard to forge. Kishibe got me and Nayuta into the country without any problem, didn’t he?
“Oh, where is she going?”
“She’s at Tohoku too,” you nod at the Tohoku University tote bag resting on Moe's hip. “She’s doing everything virtually. Business Management major.”
There’s little surprise on Moe’s part when she hears that, “Business Management sounds like something that suits her.”
“She is pretty bossy, I can give you that,” you huff with an airy sigh. Management is something Nayuta will definitely thrive in. “She’s a damn good student though. What about you? What have you been up to? Majoring in law?”
“Philosophy, actually!” She laughs at how your eyebrows raise. “Surprising?”
“A little,” you nod and Moe rolls her eyes in playful exasperation. “But with all the arguments we had, philosophy or law honestly made the most sense. So I wasn’t that far off.”
“Those weren’t arguments, those were debates,” Moe corrects you needlessly, arms behind her back. It’s almost like all the tension left her when she cut her hair.
“You’ve mellowed out, Prez,” you whistle, impressed.
A younger Moe would have asked what you meant with a furrowed brow. The Moe of the present day accepts your words with a hearty laugh. “I was a bit high strung back then,” she lets out a nostalgic sigh. “Maybe more than a bit,” she admits sheepishly. “But middle school really feels so long ago. I guess I changed without noticing.”
“Sorry about middle school,” your lips curl into a grimace. “The stuff with Nayuta I mean.”
Moe’s eyebrows knit together with an empathetic curl of her lips, “it’s okay, I get it now. You were under a lot of stress back then.”
“How’s Rika doing?” You vaguely remember that girl who Nayuta would pawn snacks off of. “She going to Tohoku too?”
“Oh,” Moe shuffles nervously.
“What, did she drop out or something?”
“No, um, she never went to university,” Moe fiddles with a bracelet on her left wrist.
You raise an eyebrow at the odd behavior, “is she… dead?”
“No!” Moe answers quickly and you cock your head to the side, shrugging your shoulders. Okay then what is she then? “It’s just that she… became a devil hunter after we graduated.”
“Okay,” Good luck then, Rika. If you’re in Tokyo maybe Kishibe’ll be the one in charge of your training. As much as you hate the man, everything he’s taught you has kept you alive so far. You see green staring at you. “What?”
“I’m just surprised that you took that so well,” Moe breathes in disbelief. “Considering everything with Nayuta, I was afraid to bring devil hunters up in front of you.”
Your blood runs cold. “What do you mean ‘considering everything with Nayuta’?”
“Did-” Moe blinks once before she covers her mouth in horror. “Did you not know? I’m- I’m so sorry-”
“I found the C-”
“How did you know Nayuta wasn’t human? When did you figure it out?”
“When… that time back in middle school. She didn’t look human to me and when you went to her I just thought… in that moment Nayuta being a devil is why you were always so protective of her,” Moe’s head looks around the alley you’ve brought her too cautiously. It’s deep, deep within the darkest crevices of Sendai. “Where are we? Why are we here?”
You look at Moe and then the dumpster beside you, “I have to tell you the truth about something.” Your thumb brushes against your middle and index fingers for a moment. “I’m not really a janitor. I’ve been killing devils for the past seven months now. It’s underground work though.” You tell Moe this news as one might tell their friend they decided to plant tulips in their garden, reaching for where you slid your axe underneath the grimy trash heap.
Moe looks at your rusty blade, caked in the blood from those you’ve killed thus far. “... But Nayuta,” she is unable to bring herself to say the rest.
You laugh, leaning against the wall for half a second before deciding you can’t stand the feel of it against your back. Nor do you wish to feel the eyes of Moe upon you. “Yeah, it’s sick isn’t it? She’s a devil but I’ve been out here for the past seven months killing ‘em. But Nayuta,” black hair and red rings fill your memories. “she means everything to me; I was alone for years until I met her. I have never cared that she was a devil. She was perfect, she’s still perfect. If anything ever happened to her, it would feel like the entire world was ending. I used to be a cashier, you know, but try making enough money to sneak a devil out of the country at your local 7-11,” you laugh humorously. “And I know you’ve never liked Nayuta but for me, Nayuta is everything. So please… please don’t tell anyone.”
“I won’t, [First]!” A foot steps towards you, voice full of emotion. “I didn’t like Nayuta before but I get it now! There are good devils out there and I’m going to prove it. That’s why I’m studying philosophy! If humans and devils can understand each other, we wouldn’t have to kill each other anymore!”
“She means everything to me,” your fingers dig into your palms as you repeat yourself weakly. She’s the best thing you knew you needed in a world that had nearly beaten you down for good. The one you would find repeatedly no matter the time and distance that separated you. “What am I doing? Killing devils for money like this when I know…” your shoulders sag. “But I can’t do anything else for her. I can’t earn money fast enough otherwise and I don’t have time to wait. I’m sure… this makes me a bad person, doesn’t it?”
“You are not a bad person,” Moe’s hand is warm on your back even through the layers you wear to keep yourself from being bloodied. “It’s not you that’s wrong, it’s the world itself. If enough people just realized that, things would be better.” A world where humanity and devils lived together in harmony? It seems like an impossible dream; perhaps it is one not within reach. Not within the lifetime you currently possess. And that’s okay, I’ll make my own happiness even with that fact. “You’re just trying to do what you can for the one you love in a shitty situation. Nayuta would understand that. So… so don’t beat yourself up about this. I never told anyone about Nayuta and I’m never going to.”
There was nothing familiar about her black hair, nor the mole under her left eye. You were sure you couldn’t say you’d ever met anyone with golden eyes with red rings in them either. There was no reason to feel like your senses had been set ablaze and the universe shifted.
You didn’t know this girl.
This girl was a stranger.
You knew this and yet you still fell to your knees as warm tears flooded your eyes without your permission.
You breathe.
“By the way,” you yawned, as it dawned on you that you never once asked for your new companion’s name. “what’s your name?” 
When there was no immediate response, you thought the girl fell asleep. “Nayuta,” you finally heard the feathery light reply. Nayuta pressed herself closely to your chest, listening to your heartbeat.
“I’m [First],” you squeezed.
Nayuta squeezed back.
You breathe.
“I didn’t, [First], please believe me! Don’t leave me!”
You slide down your visor.
“We can get married for real when we grow up,” you vowed once more as you clumsily led each other in your dance.
Nayuta’s smile was saccharin, “promise?”
And you breathe.
“Hey, Nayuta, pick a country. One that doesn’t have a devil hunting association in it.”
“Seychelles,” Nayuta didn’t miss a beat, grinning the devilish grin you loved all the while. “We still need to have our honeymoon.”
The back of your fist strikes Moe’s throat before she has time to react.
“Don’t worry at all, Prez,” you kick the woman to the ground, grip on your axe tightening as you sit atop her. “I know you won’t tell anyone.” You wonder what those forest green eyes see when they look up at you, eyes wide as she gasps for air. You hold her jaw in place, gloved fingers digging into her skin.
“Stop-” her words come quiet, hoarse. “I won’t tell! I really won’t tell!”
She won’t say anything. No. She might. She hasn’t snitched in all these years. She could change her mind. Cut off her tongue. Her fingers too. And the toes. All of it needs to go.
“I could cut off your tongue,” you feel her breath hitch from she freezes under your touch. You feel the beat of a pulse, pounding like a drum. “but you could still use your fingers. I could cut your fingers and you could use your toes. I could cut off everything and you’d still probably find a way to get out a message with the stumps too.” Tears swell in Moe’s eyes and you barely feel her fists beating into your shoulder. I’m glad I hit her in the throat, you finally take note of her barely audible, ragged whispers. “You can say you won’t talk until you’re blue in the face but there is nothing that can stop you from ever changing your mind. I’m sorry. I really did like you.”
See? I became a bad person to you just now, didn’t I?
The weight of your axe is heavy as it follows the push of gravity guiding your hand into soft flesh below. There’s a quick breath, a gurgle, that slips from Moe’s lips and you raise your axe again.
Red droplets strike your visor and you raise your axe again.
Muscle and sinew decorate the dirty earth around you and you raise your axe again.
Again and again even when what you strike is hard rock instead of flesh until you raise your axe a final time, and you hear metal clink that isn’t your own.
Your neck cracks from the force you whip your neck and the devil flinches when your eyes meet, not daring to press its raised hand to the ground. When you look closely, you see a twisted green soda can wobbling underneath it. Your shoulders steadily heave from your fatigue, neither of you moving a centimeter. You can’t hold back a tired laugh from the absurdity, resting a hand on a knee as you push yourself up. “Sorry,” you titter, neither of you blinking as you step to the side. “You’re hungry, aren’t you,” you gesture to the body, still warm. “It’s okay. Eat it.”
The devil’s mouth trembles, eyes flittering between you and the still lumps on the ground. It takes a step back.
You blink, letting your hand hang loosely against your leg. “What are you waiting for? I said eat it.”
As if coming back to life, the devil on all fours takes one step forward - then another - until it rushes past you to begin its feast. You raise your visor when the devil turns its head, jowls soaked in blood, eyes narrow. It eats stiffly, eying you and the axe in your hand. You smile reassuringly, eyes soft.
The Rat Devil should be about ¥600,000 right?
Nayuta squeals when you lift her feet off the ground as you laugh maniacally, arms safely tucked underneath her back and legs.
An evening walk on the beach is just what you need after a trying day at work. The moon is full and the evening Shonai air is sweet unlike the stink of the city, heavy with exhaust and blood. Thanks for not being a bitch this time, Nishida. The Rat Devil cost as much as you estimated it would, if not a bit higher.
The life you lead isn’t perfect but it has its moments.
“We’re going to fall!” Nayuta shrieks but her grin is wide and shining under the moonlight. She’s almost like a siren, you think, as the waves accompany her voice. The sand squishes underneath your toes, kicking up the waves as you spin and spin. One day when you carry her like this, she’ll be in a beautiful dress and veil just like you talked about when you were kids. 
“Relax,” you tilt your head back, tasting the ocean spray on your lips. “I’m never gonna drop you!”
“[First],” Himeno calls in a sing-song voice as you walk out the door. “Wait for me, kiddo! I need you to give me a ride!”
Your hand grips the car handle as you tilt your head back with a loud groan, “Himeno, I’m going to work.” The sun hasn’t risen yet nor have the morning birds begun singing their songs. Eight months you have been able to successfully stave off this conversation.
Eight months.
You hope to make it nine.
“Wow,” Himeno jeers, undeterred and you know your stomach will be heavy with dread if you’re unable to shake her off your tail. Eight months you’ve been able to successfully avoid this conversation with Himeno and you don’t plan to break your record. “Someone gets a job and the moment she starts moving up in the world she forgets about all the people she met along the way.”
“Yep,” you click your tongue. “I'm one of those people. So it looks like you’ll have to wait until someone else decides to be your chauffeur. I’ll call Sebastian to retrieve you later.”
“So they’re paying enough at 7-11’s for you to afford Sebastian’s rates?” Himeno whistles, impressed and awed as she rests a large stack of ¥10,000 on top of the car. “Can you recommend me a position? If I’d known that, I’d have left Himeji’s ages ago.”
Blue stares into [color].
Wordlessly, you sit in the car and Himeno follows suit, quiet as you pull out of the driveway and far from the coziness of home. She waits nearly ten minutes to the hour before she opens her lips, a smile in her voice that is frigid. “You have the look of a killer now,” your eyes flit to your reflection in the rearview mirror. “I wonder how many things you had to kill to get eyes like that.”
“What’s the issue with killing,” you mutter, eyes on the empty road. How she found the money is of little consequence. She has it and that’s all that matters. “Why did you make me learn how to kill them if you didn’t want me to do it?”
“Those skills were for protecting yourself,” you scoff at her answer. What’s self-defense to her will never accommodate your ambitions. “Not going out of your way to get yourself killed. As long as you’re living under my roof-”
“Oh don’t worry, we won’t be living there for much longer,” you cut off your benefactor.
“We!” The car comes to an abrupt halt as your glares turn on one another. “You and Ichika aren’t going to be here protecting us forever! You think Power actually has the ability to live on her own in a world of humans? You’re not going to live forever!”
“And you think you are?!” Himeno laughs at the ludicrous presumption.
“I’m going to figure things out by then!”
Three adult passports.
(I’ll need the forgeries too.)
Permanent Residency.
(Can’t believe I forgot about ticket costs. Where do I go for illegally flying devils out of the country, huh? And the pets. What do I do to bring-)
“And I don’t need your help to do that! And I don’t need to be under your roof either, I’ll move out! I have enough!”
“ー stop!”
“I’M NOT ー!” Himeno balks as you scream, slamming your hand against the driver’s window. The glass cracks but it does not shatter. “ ー isn’t coming back and the one you’re stuck with now is me! And I know you hate that and you have to be reminded that your best friend died every time you look at me but I am not her! I’m never going to be her!” Those memories would never be yours. Makima was never going to be yours. Makima is Makima, Nayuta is Nayuta. The difference is night and day. “I’m not like her! I hate her! I hate,” your voice cracks and you rest your head on the steering wheel, squeezing the handle tightly. “I hate it. I hate that you only want to see her. You never want to see me.”
“When Kishibe brought you both to me, I wanted to take you in immediately. And I have to be honest, a good portion of it was because of who you used to be. But I know you, [First],” a hand rests on your back, warm, but you’re too tired to brush it away. “You’re brave and kind and you look out for the people you care about even if it means you have to take the brunt force of everything. Nayuta has no idea about this and it’s because you want to keep her safe.”
“I don’t want her to come to the city and be discovered again,” “I’ve found the Control Devil.” The five words you fear hearing the most. “A life where Nayuta can be free. That’s all I want.”
“I see you, [First]. I see you and I see Nayuta and I’m very proud of who you’ve become and the people you’ll grow into for as long as I get to see it. I just haven’t been doing a good job showing that and for that, I’m so sorry,” her voice is cloyingly thick and in spite of yourself, your eyes feel hot. “Even if I could go back and stop ー from dying, I wouldn’t. I would never give up having you in my life, not even for her. You, Power, Nayuta. All three of you are precious to me, younger sisters I’ve always wanted.”
“You already had a younger sister, idiot,” you wipe your nose against your sleeve, disregarding your disgust for the trail of snot it leaves on the fabric. “Does Ichika mean nothing to you?”
“More younger sisters,” Himeno laughs wetly. “The four of you give me a life that’s worth living. I love it when Power plays her anime at the loudest volume possible. I can even look back on Nayuta and Power’s fights with a smile, isn’t that funny? At the time those situations weren’t funny but that’s how sisters are, I guess. And you always thought you could be slick hiding that you could be as much of a brat as the rest of us. Well, except for maybe Ichika. You should have seen her when she was four.”
You laugh despite yourself, “Ichika was probably the most well-behaved four year old on the planet. You probably made your parents want to send you back to the hospital.”
Himeno chortles, “only half the time.”
A pleasant silence falls over the vehicle.
“I think it’s time to call Grandpa Kishibe and finally move from this place. The house is getting too small,” Himeno leans back in her seat and stares at the leather ceiling. “The geezer should foot the bill for everything, he never even sent me child support.”
“Nayuta wants to go to Seychelles,” you follow Himeno's example, resting against your seat. It's dawn now, you note the fingers of the sun peeking behind the clouds and painting the sky hues of rose, indigo and vermillion.
You love the dawn.
“I know a place even better than that,” it’s supposed to be a wink but with the eyepatch, who can tell. “Remember that Angel Devil I told you about? The place he lives is pretty damn snazzy and warm all-year round. A place where even devils can live freely.”
You barely had time to dry your hands on your skirt when Rika burst through the bathroom door, chest heaving. “[First], come quick,” the girl’s eyes were wide with fear. “Moe and Nayuta got into a fight!”
You bolted through the door, shoving Rika to the side.
Class 3-C was a mess by the time you arrived and calling what likely happened was a disservice to what you were welcomed to. Desks were skewed to the side as if a tornado had blown through it, food strewn across the floor. No one noticed your presence, not when Moe sat on the floor holding her jaw, battered and nose dripping with blood and Nayuta’s short form towered over her with silent menace.
“Nayuta, stop,” you stand between the devil and the human foolish enough to invoke her wrath.
“Why?” Gold eyes glowed harshly.
“You’ll kill her.”
“Why do you care if she dies? You said she didn’t mean anything to you. So I don’t understand,” Nayuta appeared to stand perfectly still but you could hear the tremor in her voice. From rage or from wanting to cry, you didn’t know. “Why are you protecting this girl? I’m all you need. Aren’t I?” Taking a half-step forward, Nayuta gripped your arms as if they were her lifeline. “Aren’t I?”
One year ago, not long after you turned thirteen, a blazing star sought refuge in your chest.
The birth of the universe.
Within that birth, you willingly took a devil’s hand and ran across the playground of the divine welcoming all damnation.
You’d do it for as long as she wanted you.
“From now and forever, we are going to stay together. We’ll eat a lot together, sleep together and live a happy life together,” you hold Nayuta to your chest, closer than what is possible between devils and man. “More than anyone in the world, you’re the only person I need. And I’ll never want anyone else either,” you whispered, brushing your fingers against her silky hair. “I told you before, didn’t I? We’re not like them. You and me are gonna live forever.”
“You want to be with me?”
“I want to be with you.”
“You’ll stay with only me?”
“I’m always gonna stay with only you.”
“You promise?”
“I promise.”
“Let’s go home, okay?” When you felt the weak nod of your beloved, you wrapped Nayuta’s legs around your waist. Your initial steps were shaky, pacing backwards for a few seconds before you caught your balance. 
“I love you, [First],” Nayuta’s arms trembled around your shoulders and you hear the telltale signs of hiccuping.
“I love you too,” you held her closer if it was possible.
Warm droplets fall against your neck.
Nayuta looks beautiful in her white dress, veil trailing delicately along the white sand.
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translation notes.
織姫 「orihime」 - weaver princess
“If I became the monster to everyone but us and made sure we got home again, who would care if we’re unjust?”
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Hi! I finished up the list of songs that made it in, I still need to make the brackets, and will post those once they’re done! Complete list under the cut
A Little Fall of Rain - Les Misérables
A Little Priest - Sweeney Todd
A Musical - Something Rotten
Agony - Into the Woods
All you wanna do - Six
Another National Anthem - Assassins
Another Suitcase in Another Hall - Evita
Anthem - Chess
Any Kind of Dead Person - Ghost Quartet
Anything you can do (I can do better) - Annie Get Your Gun
Balaga - Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812
Being Alive - Company
Belle - Notre-Dame de Paris
Brain Dead - A New Brain
Burn - Hamilton
Cabaret - Cabaret
Carnaval del Barrio - In the Heights
Carrying the Banner - Newsies
Cell Block Tango - Chicago
Chant - Hadestown
Come what may - Moulin Rouge
Confrontation - Jekyll & Hyde
Costume Party - Come from Away
Dead Girl Walking - Heathers
Dead Mom - Beetlejuice
Defying Gravity - Wicked
Dentist! - Little Shop of Horrors
Die Schatten werden länger - Elisabeth
Don’t Rain On My Parade - Funny Girl
Drink with me - Les Misérables
Dust and Ashes - Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812
El tango de Roxanne - Moulin Rouge
Epic III - Hadestown
Epiphany - Sweeney Todd
Esmeralda - the Hunchback of Notre-Dame
Everybody’s got the right - Assassins
Feast or famine - Black Friday
Feed Me (Git It!) - Little Shop of Horrors
For Good - Wicked
Get Down - Six
Gethsemane (I only want to say) - Jesus Christ Superstar
Giants in the sky - Into the Woods
Glory - Pippin
Go Tonight - The Mad One’s
Good Kid - the lightning thief
Heaven on their Minds - Jesus Christ Superstar
Holding to the Ground - Falsettos
How Can Love Survive - The Sound of Music
I’m Alive - Next to Normal
I’m Breaking Down - Falsettos
Ich gehör nur mir - Elisabeth
If I had my time again - Groundhog Day
If I were a rich man - Fiddler on the Roof
Inevitable - The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals
Independently Owned - Shucked
Joseon Swag (조선수액) - Swag Age: Shout Out, Joseon! (스웨그에이지: 외쳐, 조선!)
Judas - Clown Bible
Juntton - Gambämark
King of New York - Newsies
Land of Yesterday - Anastasia
Le Monde est Stone - Starmania
Les Rois du Monde - Roméo et Juliette, de la haine à l’amour
Let it out - The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals
Letters - Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812
Lilacs - Preludes
Loser Geek Whatever - Be More Chill
Losing My Mind - Follies
Love will come and find me again - Bandstand
Madame Guillotine - The Scarlet Pimpernel
Michael in the Bathroom - Be More Chill
My Grand Plan - the lightning thief
No One Else - Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812
No One Remembers Achmed - Twisted
Noel’s Lament - Ride the Cyclone
Nonstop - Hamilton
On My Own - Les Misérables
On the Verge - Women on the Edge of a Nervous Breakdown
Once and for all - Newsies
One Day More - Les Misérables
Place, je passe - Mozart l’opéra rock
Popular - Wicked
Prologue - Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812
Prologue: Tradition - Fiddler on the Roof
Quartet at the Ballet - Anastasia
Quiet - Matilda
Rebecca Reprise - Rebecca
Requiem - Dear Evan Hansen
Revolting Children - Matilda
Ring of Keys - Fun Home
Santa Fe - Newsies
Seize the Day - Newsies
Sick to Death of Alice-ness - Alice by Heart
Skid Row (Downtown) - Little Shop of Horrors
Solo - Octet
Starchild - Ghost Quartet
Sweet Transvestite - Rocky Horror Show
Talia - Ride the Cyclone
Telephone Wire - Fun Home
The Ballad of Jane Doe - Ride the Cyclone
The I Love You Song - The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
The New World - Songs for a New World
The Opera - Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812
The Pitiful Children - Be More Chill
The Point of No Return - The Phantom of the Opera
The Song of Purple Summer - Spring Awakening
The Starry Night - Starry
The Thrill of First Love - Falsettos
The Torture Tango - Spies are Forever
The Turning of the Key - The Clockmaker’s Daughter
There! Right There! - Legally Blonde
This World Will Remember Us - Bonnie & Clyde
Time Warp - Rocky Horror Show
Tonight (Quintet) - West Side Story
Touch Me - Spring Awakening
Twisted - Twisted
Unlikely Lovers - Falsettos
Usher Pt. 3 - Ghost Quartet
Wait For Me - Hadestown
Wait For Me (Reprise) - Hadestown
Waving Through A Window - Dear Evan Hansen
Wenn ich tanzen will - Elisabeth
What would I do - Falsettos
When the going gets tough - Spongebob Squarepants
Wilkommen - Cabaret
You Gotta Die Sometime - Falsettos
Your Daddy’s Son - Ragtime
Your Fault/Last Midnight - Into the Woods
30/90 - Tick, Tick… Boom
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#19 - 'Satan's Saxophones' (A Sun Came bonus track, 2004)
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There is an album I quite enjoy by a German group named the Peter Brötzmann Octet. It’s called Machine Gun, and it is utter unhinged chaos. Most sources label it as a jazz album, and I suppose that’s true in a broad, methodological sense, but listening to it reminds one less of the works of Coltrane or Shorter and more of the works of Merzbow or Haino. Never has a title matched with its music so well – the album begins with a battalion of saxophones firing out notes at an astonishing pace, freed of all concerns for melody or consonant harmony. Everything is distorted, everything is blown-out, everything is furious. It is a very, very strong album and one that has been widely emulated since its 1968 release.
There is a song I don’t particularly enjoy by an American artist named Sufjan Stevens. It’s called ‘Satan’s Saxophones’, it clearly attempts to emulate Machine Gun with its free jazz trappings, and unlike Machine Gun, it does little more than hurt my ears. But just like Machine Gun, it certainly does suit its title!
‘Satan’s Saxophones’, strangely released as the closing track of the core album (???) on 2004’s A Sun Came re-release (but not on the original release), starts with one of the more disgusting Sufjan moments: a little interlude in the vein of ‘Siamese Twins’ and ‘Belly Button’ that uses vomit imagery to devastating effect. The dreaded high-pitch Sufjan who pops up (much to my, and everybody else’s, chagrin) in many places on A Sun Came is back here in fine form. No maggots in belly buttons here, though, or dated terms for conjoined twins. Baby Sufjan instead shares a delightful story about his mother vomiting all over the house – including, somehow, in the refrigerator –  and the family dog slipping on the vomit. I imagine that he intended this as some sort of provocative, Dada-esque inversion of Proverbs 26:11 (‘As a dog returns to his vomit...), but really I can’t give it too much credit beyond just being a horrible story weaponised here for shock value. That, and the dubious distinction of being the first Sufjan song to directly mention his mother. Your move, ‘Romulus’ fans.
The song then pushes boldly forward into a section that represents the feeling the spoken word portion invokes in me, which was no doubt intentional. Hilariously preceded by a four-count, a splutter of saxes dribbles aimlessly, tunelessly, onto the track, accompanied by what sounds like a drum kit getting pushed down forty flights of stairs. It is Sufjan’s sole foray into free jazz, and this is Free Jazz with a capital ‘F’. Even Machine Gun has a ghost of a rhythm; ‘Satan’s Saxophones’ has moments of silence interspersed with bursts of noise, but the playing is otherwise totally aimless, entirely random. Midway through this section, the drums cut out, along with most of the saxophones, leaving just two in their wake. This is probably the most musically painful moment on a Sufjan song. Sufjan makes those two saxophones absolutely beg for his mercy, and oh boy do they beg. It is a sound I can only describe as the dying groans of a factory as it slides down a cliff made of metal into a sea made of polystyrene. Satan’s saxophones, indeed. This one is quite the test of endurance.
The issue, of course, with ‘Satan’s Saxophones’ is that it lacks the deceptive level of care needed to make the best free jazz such an enjoyable listening experience. Machine Gun sounds heavier than some sludge metal songs. It has the low-end kick, high-end bite and mid-spectrum punch necessary to make the listening experience feel like a beatdown from a grizzly bear. And humans like that feeling. We’re weird like that. ‘Satan’s Saxophones’ unfortunately has a weedy sound typical of four-track recording that strips it of much of its brute force impact. There is no assault on the body here, only assault on the ears. It’s a production style that suits an album like Illinois just fine, but Sufjan is playing with an entirely different fire here, and all it can do is burn him.
But we’re missing the point here entirely, aren’t we? I may never – ever – under any circumstances – want to listen to ‘Satan’s Saxophones’, but I am very glad that it exists. It’s a song that comes from the height of Sufjan’s cross-eyed, scattershot songwriting nascency. He clearly did not know what style best suited his inclinations at the time, so he tried a bit of everything. He could very well have been good at free jazz; I mean, why not? He evidently wasn’t, but he could have been. I remain eternally grateful that Sufjan spent his early years ruling out the ‘could have beens’ en route to his true calling, and if ‘Satan’s Saxophones’ makes a casualty of our ears on the way, then so be it. It’s directly because of songs like this one that Sufjan would eventually write ‘Chicago’. Cut him a break.
Songs like this make me feel – momentarily – that a project like Extraordinary Histories is ridiculous. You can hear someone hysterically laughing in the background during the little breaks at various points in this song. He’s obviously laughing at the absurdity of the performance, because this is just some bullshit that Sufjan made for fun. And yet, as I sit here and write nearly a thousand words about ‘Satan’s Saxophones’, I find it hard to shake the unmistakeable impression that he’s instead laughing at me.
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lonelyroommp3 · 1 month
☕️ Musical from the last 5 years (lol) that i should listen to
my god *i* don't even really listen to many musicals from the last five years because i sort of stopped paying attention after like 2019 when the MT fandom on here died down considerably. yes i work in musical theatre. don't look at me
okay here are some of my suggestions in no particular order based on shows i've actually managed to listen to and enjoy
sing street - one of the great theatrical casualties of covid - the cast literally moved into the theatre on the day the broadway shutdown started and the subsequently postponed bway transfer has just never materialised. they did have an out of town production in 2022 though :)) anyway, love this album, one of the few MT cast recordings that makes it onto my general listening playlists because several of the songs also work really well as standalone pop tunes
& juliet - if you just want to have a silly fun time listening to a jukebox musical this is thee one. bonkers little plot but it's packed with bangers throughout and repurposes its pop soundtrack into a musical theatre context in ways that range from unexpectedly genius (turning britney's "i'm not a girl, not yet a woman" into a nonbinary anthem) to really stupid in the funniest way possible (an entire character is named just to set up a *NSYNC joke)
kimberley akimbo - 2023 best musical winner, a solid example of the typical contemporary musical theatre sound which handily fulfills both the niche of "i enjoy shows like dear evan hansen and want another emotional teen story" and "i want more good meaty lead roles for older actresses"
a strange loop - 2022 best musical winner, a meta show about a fat black queer man who works as a theatre usher and is writing a musical about a fat black queer man writing a musical. filled with commentary about race and sexuality, definitely one for if you want your musicals to be thought & discussion provoking
shows i've not personally listened to for whatever reason but i've heard good things
operation mincemeat - i've heard nothing but hype about this show to the point where it's actually put me off seeing it. so of course i am perpetuating the cycle by recommending it to you without ever having listened to it
standing at the sky's edge - another west end show that i have heard so many good things about and not got around to seeing. so here you go. blind rec. fuck it
octet - i kind of went off dave malloy entirely around 2018 through zero fault of his own, god bless him, just because many of his fans were still being so annoying about the 2017 tonys. but i've heard good things about this show and maybe i need to actually get over myself and give it a listen
message for the masses if i didn't include your fave show or included something i hate it's because it's 10pm and i wanted to answer this quickly so i just skimmed wikipedia for musicals from 2019-2024 and thought oh yeah i know enough about that one to talk about it. i will have forgotten things. don't @ me please i beg you
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if anyone wants I have a musicals playlist that's over 200 hours that has I think around 205 musicals here's an alphabetized list let me know if I'm missing any I should add (I don't like Andrew lloyd Webber musicals and I'm also not a huge fan of jukebox musicals more specifically mamma Mia) and if anyone wants a link please ask me
21 Chump Street
25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
36 Questions
42nd Street
The Addams Family
Alice by Heart
Annie Get Your Gun
Anything Goes
Avenue Q
Back to the Future
Bat Boy
Beauty and the Beast
Be More Chill
The Big One-Oh
Billy Elliot
Black Friday
Bonnie and Clyde
Book of Mormon
Bring it On
Once More With Feeling (Buffy musical)
Bugsy Malone
Bye Bye Birdie
Catch Me if You Can
A Catered Affair
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
A Chorus Line
Cinderella (Rodgers and Hammerstein)
The Colour Purple
Come From Away
Damn Yankees
Days of Wine and Roses
Dear Evan Hansen
Desperate Measures
Dog Man
Dr Horrible's Sing Along Blog
Drowsy Chaperone
Duolingo on Ice
Epic (all released sagas)
Everybody's Talking About Jamie
Falsettos Revival
Flora the Red Menace
Fun Home
Funny Girl
A Funny Thing Happened
A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder
Grand Hotel
The Great American Trailer Park
Grey Gardens
Guys and Dolls
The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals
Hadestown (broadway)
Hadestown (off broadway)
Hedwig and the Angry Inch
Hello Dolly
How the Grinch Stole Christmas (this one is just for Patrick page)
How to Dance in Ohio
How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying
Hunchback of Notre Dame
In the Green
In the Heights
Into the Woods
In Trousers
It Shoulda Been You
Jekyll and Hyde
Kimberly Akimo
The King and I
Kinky Boots
Kiss of the Spider Woman
Legally Blonde
Les Miserables (english and french)
The Lightning Thief
The Lion King
Little Do They Know
The Little Mermaid
A Little Night Music
Little Shop of Horrors (english and german)
Little Women
Lizard Boy
Love in Hate Nation
Love's Labours Lost
Mad Ones
Make Me a Song
A Man of No Importance
March of the Falsettos
Martin Guerre
Mary Poppins
Mean Girls
Merrily We Roll Along
Miss Saigon
Monty Python's Spamalot
The Music Man
My Fair Lady
My Heart Says Go
My Son's a Queer (But What Can You Do)
The Mystery of Edwin Drood
Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812
Nerdy Prudes Must Die (I only have one song because I'm waiting to watch it with my friend before adding more)
A New Brain
New York, New York
Next to Normal
Nightmare Time
Once On This Island
Once Upon a Mattress
Only Murders in the Building (Death Rattle Dazzle)
The Pyjama Game
The Prince of Egypt
The Producers
The Prom
Ride the Cyclone
The Rink
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Scottsburo Boys
She Loves Me
Some Like it Hot
Something Rotten
The Sound of Music
South Pacific
Spiderman Turn off the Dark
The Spitfire Grill
Spring Awakening
State Fair
Sunday in the Park with George
Sweeney Todd
Sweet Charity
The Theory of Relativity
Thoroughly Modern Millie
Tick Tick Boom
The Time Traveller's Wife
The Trail to Oregon
A VHS Christmas Carol
The Visit
Wait Wait Don't Kill Me
West Side Story
Water for Elephants
Wizard of Oz
The Wiz
Zombie Prom
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2023 League of Musicals Alphabetized List of Musicals
Below is the full list of musicals in the League of Musicals sorted by Division.
Division A
Alice By Heart Annie Assassins Avenue Q The Band's Visit The Book of Mormon Cabaret Cats Chess Chicago A Chorus Line Come From Away Company Falsettos Fiddler on the Roof Firebringer Fun Home A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder Ghost Quartet Guys and Dolls Hadestown Hair Hairspray Hamilton Hello, Dolly! The Hunchback of Notre Dame In The Heights Into the Woods Jekyll and Hyde The King and I Kinky Boots Legally Blonde Les Misérables The Lion King Little Shop of Horrors Matilda Moulin Rouge Mozart, l'opéra rock The Music Man My Fair Lady Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812 Newsies Next to Normal Octet Once Once on this Island The Phantom of the Opera Pippin The Producers Ragtime Rent Ride the Cyclone The Rocky Horror Show Something Rotten The Sound of Music Spies Are Forever SpongeBob SquarePants: The Broadway Musical Spring Awakening Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street Twisted: The Untold Story of A Royal Vizier Waitress West Side Story Wicked The Wiz
Division B
25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee 42nd Street 1776 Adamandi American Idiot American Psycho Anastasia Applause Bare: A Pop Opera Beetlejuice Be More Chill Billy Elliot the Musical Bonnie and Clyde Bye Bye Birdie Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Cinderella (Rodgers and Hammerstein) City of Angels Damn Yankees Dear Evan Hansen Death Note: The Musical Evita Fosse A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum Grease The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals Hallelujah, Baby! Heathers Holy Musical B@man! How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying Jersey Boys Jesus Christ Superstar Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Kiss Me, Kate Kiss of the Spider Woman La Cage aux Folles The Lightning Thief A Little Night Music Man of La Mancha Memphis Monty Python's Spamalot The Mystery of Edwin Drood A New Brain Nine The Pajama Game Passion The Prom The Scarlet Pimpernel Singin' in the Rain Six South Pacific Starship A Strange Loop Sunday in the Park with George Sunset Boulevard Tanz der Vampire / Dance of the Vampires Thoroughly Modern Millie Tick Tick Boom Titanic The Trail to Oregon! Tuck Everlasting Two Gentlemen of Verona Urinetown The Will Rogers Follies The Wizard of Oz (1987)
Division C
& Juliet 21 Chump Street 35MM: A Musical Exhibition 1789: Les Amants de la Bastille Aida Allegiance Amélie Annie Get Your Gun Anything Goes The Art of Pleasing Princes Bandstand Beauty and the Beast Big Fish Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson Carousel Carrie The Color Purple Contact The Count of Monte Cristo Dogfight Dracula, the Musical Dreamgirls Elisabeth Evil Dead: The Musical Finding Neverland Frankenstein: A New Musical The Frogs Funny Girl Godspell Groundhog Day Gypsy Hedwig and the Angry Inch Jane Eyre The Last Five Years Lizzie The Lord of the Rings Love in Hate Nation Love Never Dies The Mad Ones The Magic Show Mary Poppins Mean Girls Merrily We Roll Along Miss Saigon Mozart! Oklahoma! Oliver On the Town Ordinary Days Parade The Pirate Queen Preludes Pretty Woman The Prince of Egypt Priscilla, Queen of the Desert Rebecca Roméo et Juliette: de la Haine à l'Amour The Secret Garden Seussical She Loves Me Shrek the Musical Starry Wonderland You're A Good Man Charlie Brown
Division D
13: The Musical Ablaze The Act Ain't Misbehavin An American in Paris Anne & Gilbert Anyone Can Whistle Av. Larco Back to the Future the Musical The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas Big River Bran Nue Dae Bright Star Bring It On Calvin Berger Caroline, or Change Clown Bible Crazy for You De 3 Biggetjes The Dolls of New Albion Dorian Gray The Drowsy Chaperone The Fantasticks Fiorello! Fly by Night Follies Frankenstein (Wang Yeon Beom + Brandon Lee) Hans Christian Andersen Hoy no me puedo levantar In Transit Jagged Little Pill Jerome Robbins' Broadway Kimberly Akimbo King's Table Kismet Lady Bess La Légende du roi Arthur Le Passe-Muraille / Amour Le Roi Soleil Les Parapluies de Cherbourg The Light in the Piazza Made in Dagenham Magic Tree House: The Musical Mentiras el musical Notre-Dame de Paris Once Upon A Mattress On Your Feet! The Story of Emilio & Gloria Estefan Phantom (Yeston & Kopit) Raisin Redhead Sarafina! School of Rock The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (1964) Seven Brides for Seven Brothers Show Boat Sidd Siete veces adios Soldaat van Oranje The Spitfire Grill Starlight Express Starmania / Tycoon Tarrytown The Threepenny Opera / Die Dreigroschenoper Timéo Wiedzmin The Wild Party (Lippa) The Woman in White Wonderful Town [title of show] Émilie Jolie
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iibislintu · 10 months
the post with examples of how much hand sewn / tailored / crafted pieces of clothing really cost, reminded me of when i played bass for a living
our standard fee for a four-piece playing 2x45min was 1500€, five-piece 2000€, octet 3000€. after taxes and expenses, this meant everyone got a semi reasonable ~150€ in cash for an 8-12 h workday.
eight to twelve hours of work, the client would say. but you only play for 90 minutes?
yes so
loading the car(s)
driving to the venue (anything from 1km to 300)
setting up, often hours before playtime
waiting backstage basically on call
the actual playing, often closer to midnight
drive back
unload car
drive home at 4 in the morning
and this didn't include band rehearsals or your own practicing of the music. or, if the client wanted specific songs on the setlist, the transcription, arranging, etc.
sometimes, a prospective client would say, "well i can get a friend's band to play for 200€"
and we would say, "that's of course up to you, but do you want a band that plays for 200€? you know, that's exactly what they are going to sound like."
and of course one high-end wedding gig a week wasn't enough to earn a living - in addition, i taught individual students and groups by day, said yes to every "three songs at grandma's bday at the nursing home" paid gig, recording stuff for artists,
and then every now and then, i would find 15 minutes to make music of my own. you know, the artist part? the stuff i wanted to do?
huh. no wonder i burned out and had to leave the business.
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shinygoku · 3 months
Revolver (1966)
So, you know from my previous write-up that I think Rubber Soul is a little bit underrated. I think there may be a similar thing occurring here, as while it's more likely to be picked as The Greatest Beatles Album, it's still in the shadow of what comes right after and a couple of the later ones. Still, this is home to a couple of absolutely iconic staples as well as a few hidden gems. Deciding to scrap live concerts entirely, they could now dabble with The Studio itself to bring out new and exciting sounds. Load up yer bullets and ready the needle arm, we're on something Revolutionary.
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The famous line art and collage made by Friend of the Band since Hamburg days, Klaus Voormann! Ya can't deny he gets their likeness, though George's direct look at the viewer with those lips is a bit unsettling for me personally. Still, it's what they call Art and the first cover that isn't a single photograph, we have iconic illustration and an eclectic montage here! Very cool ...if not something I'd want on my wall lol
Taxman: Remember how in the previous write-up for Run For Your Life, I complained about how dope instrumentals were bogged down by lyrics that sucked? Well it's a similar situation here! I'm Pro-Public Sector being funded by the Ultra Rich being shaken down for change!! I know the Marginal Rate was huge, but it was for those who could, like, actually afford it. Unfortunately that may include Daft Rock Stars, innit? .....Anyway yeah, the guitar shredding is really good but the cleverness of the lyrics is wasted by picking the wrong stance, so this ain't one I listen to that often. The music video on the official youtube is pretty visually interesting though.
Eleanor Rigby: A sad tale of an older lady dying alone, ya wouldn't expect it to be one of the most iconic songs by a band that's already made countless bangers about love and sex and rocking out, wouldja? And maybe it's because of that stark difference, and the song itself being so beautiful, that it stands out and even wins over Beatle Haters! The sound is best in the 2022 remix, obviously, but I like to watch the music video that was in Yellow Submarine for this song, where a multitude of different Lonely People are shown. But the fairly detailed story described without visuals really does tug at the heartstrings (apt that this tune has such a prominent String Octet, haha).
I think part of what makes this work so well is, not just the Tragic Narrative, but also the mundane nature. The allusion to wearing a mask of a false self in public, the bluntness of the apathy shown to strangers. Dreams that go unfulfilled, words that go unheard, your entire life being known only as you have a headstone, if that. It applies to countless people we walk by every day. And the irony of how Eleanor and the Father McKenzie might have been able to connect, but only actually have contact when he's performing her lonely funeral. Owch.... a great song but Not a fun one!
I'm Only Sleeping: First of all, I MUST endorse the painting music video that's also on the Official Youtube. Even if ya've heard this song countless times, you have gotta See it too!!
Anyway, gorgeous strumming and a steady drum balance the slower pace of this number. John's vocals are serene and drowsy, matching the feeling of having a lazy morning in a comfy, comfy bed. The way the music pauses and starts back up with increased tempo, the backward guitar (!!) and how the song starts to repeat itself from the beginning again all give it such a beautiful, distinct vibe, and again it's pretty faithful to that feeling when you doze off and lose track of time.
Love You To: After George's previous song being blazing electrical guitar set to complaining, this one is quite different! Very sitar heavy and introspective, with a very slow start for a while before kicking off with the vocals. It's not really my bag, but I can appreciate the artistry in it, at least. After such a long intro the outro feels pretty abrupt, too.
Here, There and Everywhere: This also has an animated video on the Youtube! It's nice but oddly rotoscopes Help! (Movie) footage among other things, it doesn't feel as Bespoke so it's optional as far as I'm concerned lol. Anyway! Paul does a Beach Boys! It's a pleasant, serene ode to a nebulous woman but, while I like it, it doesn't have quite the memorable staying power other than that it sounds like another band did it. Sorry for being so mild, Paul! I just like others ya did more!
A real Marmite of a song, innit? I adore it, myself~ It's deceptively complex, hidden behind what could be seen as a monotonous, repetitive lyrics sheet, but for those who listen not only with yer ears but your heart and soul as well, you'll enjoy it :3
Even without reading Pro-Community or Escapism subtext within, the base level of a children's song with pretty described visuals and creative, clever sound effects over a catchy base tune with Ringo's vocals really make a song that's more than the sum of its parts. No wonder it did so well as the Title Track and Main Vehicle of the animated movie! XD (Also, as a Supermarionation Fan, I sure suspect Thunderbird 4 was inspired by this number as well as the practical truth that yellow is the most visible colour under water~)
She Said She Said: The LSD in this one is very apparent lol. A bit of mystery lurks in no one knowing if Paul actually played on the final version due to some undisclosed drama. The ......metre? changes partway in and (as always) the instruments are groovy, but again I'm not wild about it and wouldn't notice if it were cut lmao
Good Day Sunshine: This hits a little different when hot days are very annoying... but I can't fault this song for the massive shift in climate! I do like how upbeat and jolly this is, the piano offers an interesting flourish and some good harmonies and cymbal crashing.
And Your Bird Can Sing: This is the song I always think of when mulling over Hidden Gems by the Beatles. It's 2 minutes of Rock Perfection and yet it's chronically overshadowed by so many others! While there's much debate over who or what "your Bird" may be, the actual thesis of the song is about deflating materialism and pride, which is cool. The guitar shredding, rhythmic percussion and that triple harmony with "you tell me that you've heard every sound there is" make this such a delight! I think that particular vocal sync may even be the best I've ever heard, it's sooooo great~
For No One: Paul's at it again with 'Maaaan dating Jane Asher isn't doing it for me' songs! However I think this is the best of them lol. Very engaging piano and clever lyrics about two former lovers who now feel mere indifference for the other. Somehow they've drifted apart and it's only a matter of time until they admit defeat and make it formal, but we're not there just yet.
Doctor Robert: This is weird cause it's based on the real dentist the lads used, who spiked John and George with acid and in general seems like the most cartoonishly suspicious kind of nightmare who you really don't want to be left in charge of your numbed body, what the fuck?! I mean the song itself is pretty rockin' but dear GOD do I hope they cut that dude out once the drugging came to light. I'd be hiring some fucking Goons to scare him rather than writing a ditty about the situation, but I guess their ways of coping differ to modern times... oh right, the music? It's good, duh! I'll highlight Paul's Bass as being a very Groovy fixture~
I Want To Tell You: This one I tend to forget about entirely lmao. George at it again, good piano and drum work... I think the Bridge is good but the main song doesn't do much for me. Another "well it's not Bad, but..." number. Huh, sorry George, I know songs ya made that I adore but they ain't here...!
Got To Get You Into My Life: Ska?! In The Beatles? It's more likely than you think! But I actually prefer the "Second Version" that one may find on the YT or Super Deluxe edition. This main one sounds a little overpowering with really loud brass and Paul's voice seems to be filtered. I loooooove that it's a declaration of devotion to Weed instead of a person this time though, while cunningly woven to fly under the Morality Police radar.
Tomorrow Never Knows: This is more Art than a song, and I mean that in a good way! The completely unique Sounds and the experimental Techniques, Ringo's beating on them drums..... it's just really fun to listen to~ Mere words don't work so well for this one XD;;;
Best 3: Eleanor Rigby, I'm Only Sleeping, Yellow Submarine
Blurst 3: Love You To, She Said She Said, I Want To Tell You
Hmm, picking the Blurst was really hard this time and now it looks like I have Anti-George sentiments, which I don't! But it's less the choices there are Bad and more Not For Me. That's part'a why I've been saying Blurst this whole time instead of Worst, the subjective aspect can't be ignored...! And maybe I'm showing a little Bias in the Best category, but again it's painful to hafta discard bangers like And Your Bird Can Sing for anything, but I love me some Yellow Submarine just that much more ^^;;
I already used the line, but fuck it; Revolver is indeed Revolutionary. (Read that in the Devious Diesel voice Ringo does, please~). The studio tweaks done to increasingly Sophisticated music really marks a change in the landscape, not just for these Bugs, but the medium as a whole. That kinda sentiment persists with a lot of Beatle Moments, of course, but I think Revolver represents a real point of no return.
Next month, we'll be (checks notes) ah, instead of The Beatles, there'll be a new group 『サージェント・ペパーズ・ロンリー・ハーツ・クラブ・バンド』. I hope you tune in anyway, as they're very well regarded! A splendid time is guaranteed for all~
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caughtupindrama · 1 year
*The List* (1 of 2)
Current list of musicals I've listened to and/or seen!!
* = seen live (includes high school productions, amateur theatre, etc.) ^ = seen a recording/movie musical version & = listened to multiple recordings or demos !! = performed in (partially or fully)!! ! = was otherwise involved in a production favourites are in colour <3
Hamilton * Death Note Falsettos ^& (March of the Falsettos + Falsettoland) Be More Chill & SpongeBob Squarepants: The Musical *&!! Little Shop of Horrors *& Book of Mormon *^ Mean Girls ^ In Trousers ^& Avenue Q ^& Everybody's Talking About Jamie Heathers *^&!! Nine ^ The Lightning Thief & Dear Evan Hansen ^ Matilda ^& Spring Awakening *^&!! Junie B. Jones Frozen *^ The Little Mermaid *! Six *& Hairspray ! Adrian Mole Legally Blonde ^& Chess Starlight Express & Emojiland Hadestown Bright Star * Wicked Sophia, Our Beloved 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee * Frankenstein Cats * Charlie and the Chocolate Factory La Cage Aux Folles & Addams Family Mary Poppins ^!! Beetlejuice &!! Aladdin ^ Bare: A Pop Opera The Theory of Relativity Little Miss Perfect Curtains !! Lizard Boy Hedwig and the Angry Inch Treasure Island Co-Op Jagged Little Pill A Year With Frog and Toad * The Prom ^& Newsies *^ Carousel & Camelot & Oklahoma 21 Chump Street ^ Ordinary Days Shrek the Musical !! Bat Boy *! The Sound of Music * A Strange Loop *& Crazy for You Chicago * Goosebumps The Musical: Phantom of the Auditorium Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812 Fancy Nancy: The Musical Come From Away Amélie & The Mad Ones 3hree Island Song Snoopy!!! / The World According to Snoopy & Drag: The Musical Flat Stanley Dear Edwina Guys and Dolls * A New Brain Beauty and the Beast *^ Wuthering Heights Meet Me in St. Louis * The Fantasticks [title of show] Cabaret *& John & Jen Les Misérables * The Great British Bake Off Musical Into the Woods *& KPOP Shucked Kimberly Akimbo The Lion King Bend it Like Beckham Footballers' Wives Dog Man: The Musical Hats! The In-Between In Transit A Chorus Line The Golden Apple The Love Note She Loves Me Octet Preludes Candide The Music Man Linie 1 Mamma Mia! ^ In the Heights The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Oh Captain! 13 Waitress & Ushers Rats! Spamilton Weird Romance & Juliet You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown * A Very Potter Musical ^ Ride the Cyclone The Three Billy Goats Gruff The Wedding Singer Babes in Toyland Urinetown Dear Pen Pal Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown Finding Nemo Blues in the Night Unfortunate Sole Mates Operation Mincemeat * The Three Little Pigs Anastasia The Phantom of the Opera *^& Arf! Back to the Future: The Musical * Pellets, Cherries, and Lies Rocky Horror Picture Show ^ A Little Night Music * Sunday in the Park with George Pretty Woman: The Musical Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street & Carrie Fun Home Hello Again Kinky Boots The Full Monty A Man of No Importance The Producers Jesus Christ Superstar 36 Questions ^ The Little Big Things * Jersey Boys * My Son's A Queer (But What Can You Do?) The Dolls of New Albion Band Geeks The Band's Visit Wait Wait Don't Kill Me Diary of a Wimpy Kid Groundhog Day Anything Goes* Technically: A Musical * Footloose * The Trail to Oregon ^ tick... tick... BOOM! * Epic: The Troy Saga Leap Day Grease * Duolingo On Ice Nunsense Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! Pinkalicious Parade * How to Dance in Ohio Tootsie Something Rotten! !! Two Strangers (Carry a Cake Across New York) * The Last 5 Years Next to Normal Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story Wuthering Heights Supernatural: The Musical The Pajama Game Kiss Me Kate * Babies * Knuffle Bunny: A Cautionary Musical Mad Libs Live! Lyme Disease: The Musical Your Lie in April * Lempicka [continuation]
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paullorenz · 2 years
I'm very happy to have music in this video! The piece is my String Octet Improvisation fraturing musians from the prestigious Scuola di Musica di Fiesole and the rock band, Adam Kills Eve. Thevoetformsnce iscfrom a live recording from 2015, from the Florence Biennale.
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reckonslepoisson · 2 years
Could We Be More, Kokoroko (2022)
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I look back upon Kokoroko’s 2019 self-titled EP with exceptional fondness. The soundtrack to solitary days spent traipsing through the pastel courtyards, dusty squares and cool cathedrals of Valencia, I developed an affection for Kokoroko which was obviously circumstantial – and, in the years since, my adoration remains clearly rooted in escapism and nostalgia – but also, in terms of the work’s skill and performances, very legitimate. The octet’s jazz-funk straddles well both the easy-listening and technical; this is complex, well-worked music that is far from as tedious and repetitive as some of the genre’s other contemporary names.
Could We Be More, Kokoroko’s debut record, appeals for many of the same reasons as that 2019 EP. Strutting a fine line between being accessible and something a little more layered, a bit more compositionally ambitious, here the group simply continue doing almost exactly the same kind of thing – and that’s certainly a positive. True, Kokoroko hardly produce the most profound or exciting modern jazz (or jazz-adjacent) sound, but Could We Be More is also remarkably listenable, tasteful and pleasant.
On a separate note – but very much linked – is that Could We Be More fits snugly within a phenomenon that I don’t really interrogate with regards to music listening: the idea that the legacy of one piece can improve upon the standing of future works. Like a honeymoon, I suppose, a sweet hangover, or a lengthy mental aftertaste. When I hear this stuff, and when I relate it to the same band that accompanied me those years ago, my brain appears to click into a mode of automatic enjoyment. Nostalgia gets a grip and whizzes my mind off to another time and place entirely.
In recent weeks I haven’t been fortunate enough to attach a particular location to Could We Be More, but, for reasons outlined above, it still transports me, provoking my interest and enjoyment. Perhaps it is a good record, perhaps it isn’t – I’ll have to wait for the honeymoon, the hangover, the aftertaste to wear off before I know for sure.
Pick: ‘Dide O’
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audio-luddite · 21 hours
OK new glass on the way.
I ordered an octet of matched JJ6550 tubes. They should arrive in a week. The Philips tubes now in the ARC are not spent as far as I can tell, but they are old. Like 30 ish years old. They may even be the original factory tubes though that is a stretch. I could probably sell them for double what I just spent, but I want a spare set.
That is done. I have to then do the complex ceremony of installing and biasing them in the amplifier. Hey I have biased my Franken-amp a few times this is not just a vacuum tube thing. It is more involved though. All the covers have to come off and probes inserted and meters settled. Vacuum Tube audio is a geek paradise. Oh with the threat of deadly voltage. Fun.
Once sorted and running they will probably last me years of service. I hope.
My decision included advice from the tube guru PT. His experience with JJ tubes is positive though he does not use 6550s. His experience with Chinese tubes is negative. Underlying all that is the idea that a vacuum tube working within its proper conditions should not make a big difference in sound. Oh did I just say that? Heretic, burn the witch!
So I am glad that step is made.
The weather is cooling rapidly. We actually did not have the hot summer we have had for the previous few years. It was warm for a couple weeks and we ran the air conditioner for those days. The main furnace has not yet fired up but the evenings are getting chilly. Fall is here.
I figure the audio space heater will be in the rack by mid-October.
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therisingnight · 2 months
In early April I took the train from Chicago to South Bend to visit a friend and to get a better view of the eclipse and to take a load of my mind, and on the way down I listened to caroline—the self-titled record by British post-rock octet caroline—for the first time in a while.
The South Shore Line is an interurban, an endangered species of American transit infrastructure. The rails run along the southern edge of Lake Michigan, setting out from downtown Chicago, passing through the Indiana Dunes, and finally alighting at the airport in South Bend. The better half of this course cuts through a heavily industrialized stretch of Chicago's South Side and Northwest Indiana—steel mills, warehouses, railyards, landfills, highways, factory towns of modest single-family homes.
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[image taken from the South Shore Line's website.]
In early April it rained, and the clouds threatened to overpower the eclipse, at least in my corner of the Middle West—but there, on the train, the pale clouds drew out the melancholy of that terrain. It has always intrigued me. I live in a dense, walkable urban neighborhood with a lot of office jobs and bus routes and fusion restaurants and things of that nature. This has been the fabric of my adult life. Thus the American Rust Belt, the industrial small town, the contrast between the vastness of manufacture and the smallness of those houses—it has a certain romance. It feels wrong, almost political, to say that about something so ordinary and ubiquitous, but I mean it as well as I can.
There's something wonderful and terrible about the way these man-made things become the very landscape. There's something uncanny about these artificial topographies.
In the afternoon, there was a pale, dreary light, and raindrops ran down the windows of the train, and I listened to caroline, and I meditated upon the vast and small things, on space and on spaces.
caroline was my favorite record of 2022—the year it came out—in large part because it sounds like so few other records. It's an odd melange of folk, minimalist-classical, and rock music, built on repeating musical phrases and gradual crescendi. Its lyrics are sparse but they gesture towards broad, elusive emotional landscapes. It is a record more suggestive than anything else, full of elisions and unrequited tensions.
The vast spaces of caroline's songs are composed of small gestures. Rituals, almost. There is, I think, a counterindustrial impulse in that record, which manifests as text (i.e. distinct yet vague allusions to leftist political organizing), subtext (the preeminence of acoustic instruments on what is ostensibly a rock record) and, I think, metatext (the artificial megaliths, half-abandoned spaces, and distant, incidental cityscapes that underpin the visual language of their music videos and record covers). More than anything else it is a profoundly communal album. It lives upon the patient interplay of its performers. It defies immediacy, flashy showmanship, and conventional songwriting. It has its own self-contained, self-sufficient logic.
(caroline, it also turns out, know a good train ride when they see one. It was meant to be.)
There's something to be said for letting a sound grow loud while the train rolls fast beside the built-up river basin. caroline is a record of grey clouds and sudden color, like the landscape of the industrial Great Lakes. Chords cycle, ringing again and again and again, and the view changes constantly.
That contrast of change and stasis intrigues me most of all. There is a contrast between the organic structures of the music—slow patterns, gradual swells of volume, odd syncopations—and the hard presence of the built industrial environment; there is a contrast between the forward momentum of the railroad—blurred landscapes, glimpses of other lives, the accidental intimacy of running rails between strangers' backyards—and the circular movements that dominate the album.
There's something to be said, too, for listening to such slow music while moving quickly. Have you noticed the relativity of things, how objects in our foregrounds slip in and out of view faster than things that are farther away? You can hear it in songs like "IWR," when individual chords slip by while the whole piece passes over slowly, or in "Skydiving," where countermelodies creep about the edges of the song's main motif. You can see it from the windows of a train, too: the smokestacks are motionless while the gates of the factory whiz past the window.
That afternoon caroline was as much of a journey as the train ride itself. It transported me in its own way. The record has a fixed form that becomes familiar to us, in the same way a train, bound to its rails, runs the same right-of-way over and over. It, too, has its rituals, and god, I love a ritual. I love to learn a place, a path, an experience over and over and draw meaning out of it.
What I'm saying is the train whistle sang at the perfect peak of the chorus of "Good morning," and it felt right.
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charbear177 · 11 months
7 Shows To Stream This Fall For A Cozy, Fun, Or Spooky Night In
It’s that time of year again when the weather has cooled and a night snuggled up on the couch sounds more appealing than ever. Maybe you want to enjoy a nice glass of wine, or something hot to drink or perhaps you are looking for viewing options on one of your many streaming services.
There are never-ending options of movies and series to watch if you have the time but if you want some help narrowing down where to start this fall, I have my picks for you. A few are family and others not so much, but all are entertaining and worth a watch. So here’s my list of shows to stream this fall.
7 Shows To Stream This Fall
Four detectives in four different time periods of London find themselves investigating the same murder. - IMDB
You will be intrigued by the mystery and the how and why but you need to pay attention to keep track of timelines and investigations. Categorized as crime, drama, and history, Bodies, a limited series, is now streaming on Netflix.
The Fall of The House of Usher
To secure their fortune (and future) two ruthless siblings build a family dynasty that begins to crumble when their heirs mysteriously die, one by one. - IMDB
This Edgar Allan Poe-inspired series is dark, spooky, and sexy. With a strong supernatural element, each episode is named after and closely aligns with a Poe tale. For Poe fans, like myself, you will be intrigued by how each story is woven and connected to his classic work. Categorized as drama, horror, and mystery, you can watch all ten episodes of The Fall of the House of Usher on Netflix.
The Morning Show
An inside look at the lives of the people who help America wake up in the morning, exploring the unique challenges faced by the team. - IMDB
Season 3 just dropped on Apple TV and it does not disappoint. This show is binge-worthy, fun, and completely over the top in some of the best ways. The Morning Show is streaming now on Apple TV.
A group of five high schoolers unleash supernatural forces upon their town. Now, they must work together in order to save it. - IMDB
Based on R.L. Steins work, this family-friendly spooky viewing. Categorized as adventure, comedy, and fantasy, Goosebumps can be watched on both Hulu and Disney Plus.
The Wheel of Time
Set in a high fantasy world where magic exists, but only some can access it, a woman named Moiraine crosses paths with five young men and women. This sparks a dangerous, world-spanning journey. Based on the book series by Robert Jordan. - IMDB
Season 2 recently premiered after a nearly two-year wait, and it was worth it. It is beautifully shot, and action-packed. We meet new characters, both heroes and villains, and learn more about the world created by Jordan. Seasons one and two are available to watch on Amazon Prime.
The Golden Bachelor
Follow a new kind of love for the golden years, when a hopeless romantic is given a second chance at love in the search for a partner with whom to share the sunset years of life. - IMDB
Yes, I know, this seems like an odd choice to be on this list but I just really enjoyed this show. It’s fun and sweet, and quite surprising. I highly recommend you give it a watch on Hulu.
The Midnight Club
The Midnight Club follows an octet of terminally ill teenage patients at Brightcliffe Hospice as they gather at midnight to share scary stories. - IMDB
Created by Mike Flanagan, the writer behind the Tha Haunting of Hill House and Black Mass. This is a dark show, for several reasons, and full of jump scares. You can watch all 10 episodes on Netflix.
I hope you enjoy my recommendations. Happy Fall watching!
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hasbro-necromancer · 1 year
had a dream i was trying to tell someone about nu jazz. it was like yeah, this is a polish group called Skalpel, they’ve got some really huge grooves and understated jazz instrumentation. lots of interesting breaks and samples. really cool and imo a good and simple intro. and this is Tortoise, they came up as one of the groups pioneering "post-rock" music, with post-rock used here in the most literal sense, before the genre became synonymous (and saturated) with lengthy, cinematic pieces with huge crescendos and emotional climaxes and more ambient interludes—and stagnating under its own weight rather quickly. the "post-" prefix comes from the way that they used traditional rock instruments like drums, bass (tortoise actually had two drummers, two bassists, and a percussionist, which is an insane lineup), guitars to create music that is very much not rock, and in large part a response to it, alongside, in particular, bands like Slint and Don Cab[allero]—although how "political" or "academic" or formal their intentions were in that regard is beside the point, and i'd guess not that contrived either. btw, it's always really annoying to me when people get snooty and try to dunk on genres like post-punk and such, saying stuff like "how can it be post-punk when a lot of it was coming out at the same time as regular punk music," and "post-punk is such a meaningless term because so many of the bands don't even sound anything like each other. like Joy Division and The B-52's and Devo don't sound anything alike, so why are they all post-punk? back in my day we just called it 'new wave' anyways!" "post-" doesn't just signify that it comes after chronologically; that's not it's use in relation to art: it connotes a different approach using the conventions of a genre, to provide as surface level a description as possible. for ex: postmodern literature takes the ideas of modernist art and stretches them to their absolute limit; post-punk keeps the punk energy and ethos and applies that energy in a different, more creative direction; hell, even Borp's combo video Postmodern Smash (which has sadly been privated on youtube) showcases his unique playstyle that emphasizes fundamentals and rejects Melee players' obsession with tech skill—obviously not "chronologically following" modern smash, as he was playing alongside people who honed their tech skill and ultimately greatly surpassed him—it was just his novel approach. anyways yeah, Tortoise grew steadily jazzier over the years and helped shape nu jazz in a huge way. "Glass Museum" off Millions Now Living... is a personal favorite for that, the vibraphone and spacious chords and bass vi solo a clear precursor to the moods and structure that bands would draw from heavily in the future. and especially on TNT, with the addition of Jeff Parker on guitar, they let their jazz chops shine through. Jaga Jazzist is probably my favorite band that falls under this umbrella. they're a norwegian septet or octet or nonet or something wild like that, and they make super proggy and intricate jazz that's an absolute blast to sift through. The Cinematic Orchestra is another really cool one. their album Man with a Movie Camera is meant to be a soundtrack for the 1929 soviet silent film of the same name, and it works remarkably well for that. super cool piece of work. the bass clarinet solo on "Drunken Tune" (along with the bass clarinet part from Jaga Jazzist's "Airborne" off A Living Room Hush and Beefheart's noisy noodlings on Trout Mask) really made me want to pick up the instrument. Portico Quartet are another really cool example, especially with how minimal and textural they are. Mammal Hands are closer to the pure jazz group side of things, but i'd say they still count. maybe you could throw the Esbjörn Svensson Trio in for how minimal and spacey they are, too. honestly, just check out Ninja Tune and sift through some of the bands on their roster. probably the best list of artists representative of the genre.
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jacke-12 · 2 years
Hunter (1998) - Björk
Genre: art pop, electronica, baroque pop
Peak position on US Billboard Hot 100: n/a (but 44 on UK Singles chart)
Björk is one of the most unique and exciting artists of all time. She's also one of my personal favourites; I can't get enough of her idiosyncratic and unimitable vocals. This isn't necessarily what makes "Hunter", the opener from the excellent Homogenic, so fantastic, but still it is maybe my favourite from that album, which is really saying something.
Björk is often effective on an emotional level (see the deliciously angry "5 Years" later in the album) but this is a very different kind of Björk song, with her singing sounding very cold, even threatening. (Having said this, the bridge is an exception, where the song opens out briefly into some gorgeous multi-tracked vocals. Some of the best music moments ever are when Björk belts out her singing like this.) The magic of the song lies more in the eerie soundscape it creates. A lot of credit goes to the producer Mark Bell here, because he manages to make this heavily electronic piece of music feel evocative of being in nature, even of being hunted. Something about the way Björk's voice echoes conjures up the image to me of being in some woods somewhere, her voice nearby but without indication of where it is coming from. It feels like when you're scared and on your own and suddenly you think the threat is surrounding you and present in even the most common sounds - like those haunting backing "oooo"s representing wind in my mind's eye. And it helps that the music itself is strange and slightly unnerving, with the muted, pulsating drum machines, the synths that sound as though they're being played in reverse, and, perhaps most effectively, the very cinematic but menacing backing from the string octet, with those two repeating notes the cellos (?) play reminding me a little of John Williams' Jaws theme. Everything sounds like a warning that you are in danger.
The intriguing lyrics also add an element of mystery to the song, since they are almost impenetrable and it is never quite clear to me what she means by any of it. It seems like they've been analysed by many people, including Björk herself (whose great explanation of the seeming non sequitur "I thought I could organise freedom / How Scandinavian of me" is that it is basically an inside joke amongst Icelandic people that Scandinavian people are too organised). I prefer to leave it unanalysed - I like not knowing what she is hunting, and why. It is like a cold open to a film, where it will all later be explained, and I suppose in a way it is just that, being the first track on the album.
I highly recommend the music video too. It sounds terrible when you describe it (she gradually turns into a bad special effect bear - the one on the single cover), but it is very well done and matches the surrealness of the song perfectly. It is an underrated music video, as is the song as a whole - sure, it is well liked by fans, but this is one of her very very best and it deserves to have that status.
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